- 4 years ago
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odalisque's Graduation
Master brought me to San Francisco on a one-week test. This is to be slave'sfinal exam and, hopefully, graduation celebration. i have been in trainingwith Master for more than six months. The training has included grooming, posture,conduct, attitude, obedience and lots of nakedness. i am almost always collaredand cuffed. slave is naked in Master's home, usually in His car and sometimesin other places. When i disappoint Master i am punished, sometimes severely.i have learned not to disappoint Master. i am disciplined for training purposes,and sometimes just for Master's enjoyment.
During these past months, i have learned to accept slave's submissive natureand to cherish slave's relationship with Master. i love being His slave andi want very much to perform well and please Him this week. It has been manydays since i have been punished for disappointing Master, but i have a feelingthat Master is preparing some very difficult tests for His slave during thecoming week. It's easy to be submissive and obedient (and naked) in the comfortand privacy of Master's home, it may be quite another thing, entirely, to bea slave on display in public, in the light of day.
W/we arrived in the late afternoon, Friday, and checked into a h otel rightdowntown, near Union Square . It is a very fancy hotel where television & moviestars and politicians & foreign leaders stay. Master said He chose it becausea place like that knows how to mind their own business.
When i ride with Master, i am expected to be naked or, at least, with slave'sbare ass on the seat. Since i was not naked today, this meant that the hemof slave's mini-dress was pulled up to somewhere close to slave's waist.
Master hates to see women tugging at their dresses (?If you have to keep tuggingat your short dress, wear a longer one.?) so i am not allowed to adjust slave'sclothing without Master's permission. Master turned into the garage of thehotel and stopped in front of a wall of windows dividing the valet parkinggarage/reception area from the massive lobby. As soon as He stopped, a doormanwas at the car to open the passenger-side door. i swiveled and stood and heardMaster say ?Adjust your dress, odalisque?. The doorman had, of course, seenthe dress up around slave's waist, but none of the dozens of people in thelobby had, as i was still hidden by the door of Master's car.
i guess it didn't really matter much since the mini-dress Master chose forme to wear is very sheer. The floral pattern confuses the eye a little, butit was not too difficult to see slave's bald pubic mound and erect nipplesand rouged areola through the thin material. i was immediately reminded ofthis when W/we entered the lobby and a woman nudged her companion and literallypointed at me. i guess it might have been the collar and cuffs thatcaught her attention.
At the check-in desk, an attractive young woman took Master's informationand credit card, but her attention was divided between slave's collar and cuffs,slave's covered, but not hidden, breasts and her job. When she completed herduties, she looked at me and said, ?You look quite beautiful through that dressMiss.?
i think she picked her words carefully, just to let me know that she couldvery clearly see through slave's dress. i stood at the check-in desk with aface that was, i am sure, fire-engine red.
?Thank the lady for the compliment, odalisque?. Master said, after a momentof slave's silence. i'm sure slave's blush increased a number of degrees; ifelt like a little girl being told to thank the lady for a sucker she had givenme.
?Thank you Mistress. You are very kind.? It seemed odd calling this 20-somethingyoung woman ?Mistress?. She was probably a year or so one side or the otherof slave's age, but that is what Master expects of His slave.
In the elevator the bellman made no attempt to look anywhere but at slave'sexposed body and ?leather jewelry?. Master's room was on the tenth floor, soi rode ten floors with this, not-so-young, man blatantly staring at slave'sbody from top to bottom and back.
The elevator did not stop until the 10 th floor, but, when it did, there weretwo men waiting to take the car back down. When the doors opened, the bellmanand Master waited for me to exit first. When i stepped out of the elevator,i saw slave's reflection in the large mirror on the opposite wall. i couldhardly have been more on display if i had been, truly, naked. The bellman movedaround me so that he could lead us to Master's room. i heard one of the mensay, ?Shit, Rick is going to be really sorry he wasn't ready in time to joinus and see that.? i could feel the flush again, but i loved the obvious admiration(or was it lust?) in his voice as W/we walked away. It occurred to me thati might spend this entire week blushing in one degree or another.
The bellman opened the door to the room and held it open for Master and slaveto enter. He put the two suitcases on the stands and began to describe theamenities of the room. It was a wonderful room, and did have lots of nice features,but i think he was milking the situation a bit. He was telling us about theconvenience bar, VCR, computer connection, big screen TV, whirlpool bath etc.Even when he opened the curtains to a breathtaking view of San Francisco Bay, and much more, the bellman's eyes hardly left slave's body. i think slave'sleather jewelry gave the bellman permission, in his mind, to stare at slave'sbody without reproach. i looked at Master and He smiled. Master tipped him,and instructed me to show him to the door.
When the bellman left, Master told me I could keep slave's dress on. Mastersaid he was going to take a shower, and then W/we would have dinner in theroom tonight. When Master returned He was wearing His robe. He removed freshslacks and a shirt from the suitcase and put them on.
He sat in one of the easy chairs and i brought Him the room-service menu.Master directed me to order the steak for Him and a Caesar salad for me, witha bottle of California sparkling wine. i did, and upon hanging up, i kneltat Master's feet as i have been trained to do. slave has been trained to kneelat Master's left, facing Him, with slave's butt resting on slave's heels, kneesspread at least shoulder width apart and hands clasped behind slave's neck,elbows out in line with slave's shoulders.
Master instructed me to put His gorgeous cock in slave's mouth. i love suckingMaster's wonderful cock, so i quickly knelt between His knees, unzipped Hisslacks and drew His semi-hard organ into slave's mouth. The time passed swiftlyand then there was a knock on the door, ?Room service.?
Master instructed me to open the door. i replaced His wonderful cock in Histrousers, zipped His fly, and walked across the room. i opened the door andinvited the young Hispanic man into Master's room. He smiled and thanked me.He didn't seem that surprised to be able to see slave's body quite clearlythrough slave's dress, but neither did he look away. i wondered if the bellmanhad spread the word.
The young man made the square cart into a round table, removed the lids fromthe food and placed the sparkling-wine bucket in the stand beside the table.He asked if Master wished him to open the wine. Of course, Master did. Whenhe poured the wine, Master signed the bill, tipped him and instructed me toshow him to the door.
When the waiter had gone, Master instructed me to get naked.
Master finished dinner and instructed slave to empty the suitcases. As i wasdoing so, He picked the tube dress from slave's hands before i could put itaway. When i finished, Master instructed me to put the tube dress on, with3-inch high mules.
This dress is knit in something like a tube and stretches to slave's shapelike a second skin. Unlike most of slave's clothes, it is not see-through.The catch is that it is just long enough to cover between slave's nipples andsex, but scarcely an inch longer. Master had it specially altered. If the dresscomfortably covers all of slave's sex, than the top of slave's areola are justvisible above the dress. If slave's areola are well covered, slave's sex lipstry to peek out below the hem. Needless to say, due to Master's tenet regardingadjusting clothing, i walk very carefully wearing the tube dress. Sitting isanother matter. Master requires that i always sit bare-assed, so i simply pullthe hem up a few inches and slave's ass is bare on the chair.
When slave had slipped on the tube dress, Master adjusted it so that the topwas barely above slave's nipples with a hint of red crescent of areola justvisible above, and the hem was safely below the lips of slave's sex.
Master led slave to the elevator and to the lobby below. You would have thoughtthat no one in the hotel had seen a micro-mini dress before. i am sure everyhead in the lobby turned and stared. The lobby is quite large and there arechairs and tables and a small bar. There must have been twenty or thirty peoplesitting at tables, standing at the check-in, or on their way to or from theirrooms. i am sure not one person missed an opportunity to stare at me in themicro-mini dress. i suspect that i will need to get used to that kind of attention.Master often refers to me as His display slave. i think this week a lot ofme will be on display, a lot of the time.
At the other end of the hotel lobby area is a lovely bar with live music anda tiny dance floor. The hostess smiled as Master and slave approached. Therewere a dozen or so steps up to the lounge and, of course, the dress rode upa bit as i walked up the carpeted stairs. ?Wow, you do have to be careful wearing that dress,don't you?? the hostess said with a big smile.
?A little bit, yes, Mistress.? i said and returned her smile. Again it feltstrange to call a woman slave's own age ?Mistress?.
The lounge is rather dark so i know people could see that the dress is veryshort, but i don't think they could really see what may have been showing.The hostess led us to a cocktail table directly in front of the three musicians.Master held the chair for me. As i sat, i pulled the hem of the dress up sothat slave's bare ass was sitting on the chair.
Master does not allow slave to cross her legs or even close them, so slave'sbare sex was exposed, under the table, to the band,. The band was on the floor,not a stage, so, i assumed they could see slave's bare sex under the table.How well they could see, i didn't know.
The piano player was the first to notice me and lost no time in hipping thedrummer and bass player. All three smiled and nodded to me. i smiled back andflushed, i am sure, from head to toe.
The waitress came to the table and didn't seem to be aware that slave's legswere bare all the way to slave's sex and bare butt. She was very consciousof the 3-inch wide leather collar around slave's neck and the 2-inch cuffsaround slave's wrists.
Master ordered two glasses of Merlot and a cheese plate.
The trio was quite good, playing swing jazz like Goodman, Gershwin and Dorsey;just the sort of music Master and slave love. When the waitress returned, sheplaced the wine and cheese on the small table and then dropped a napkin onthe floor next to me. When she bent to pick it up, it was obvious that shewas looking at slave's legs and slave's plucked-smooth sex. i tried not tomake eye contact as she stood up.
When the band took a break, the piano player/leader came over to the tablewith a big smile and said, ?You are a very beautiful, and sexy, distraction,Ma'am.?
i responded before being told to this time, ?Thank you very much, Sir.? ashe walked away.
We lingered over our wine through another set by the band, and then Mastersaid it was time to go. i hoped Master would tell me it was okay to adjustslave's dress as i stood, but He did not. Instead, he pulled slave's chairout and, after a slight hesitation, i rose to slave's feet. The hem of slave'sdress was inches above the lips of slave's sex.
The woman at the table next to O/ours nudged her companion and, in a voicenothing like a whisper, said, ?Oh my God, look at that slut.? Her companionlooked, and a very large smile came across his face. i am sure even slave'spubic area was blushing now.
i have never, in twenty-six years, been called a slut but, i thought, whatkind of woman would walk through a cocktail lounge with her pussy exposed toanyone who was looking? A slut; or a sex slave, maybe they are one and thesame. Maybe i should get used to being called a slut.
After what seemed like hours, but was, in fact, just seconds, Master saidi could adjust slave's dress. i did so as quickly, discreetly, yet as carefully,as i could. Even though some people had clearly seen slave's sex, i didn'twant to pull too hard and expose slave's nipples to a bunch more people.
?You two have a wonderful evening.? The hostess said as W/we passed.
Master took slave out to the street and W/we walked through the city for thirtyminutes or so. It was just a little bit cool, so slave's nipples were a littlemore erect than usual. i received many stares along the way. i didn't hearthe word slut again, but it was obvious that some people disapproved of slave'sdress (or maybe it was the collar and cuffs). Of course, i also saw some verybig smiles, on men's, and some women's, faces.
i did hear a comment about slave's collar. A woman said to her male companionwhen they were a few steps in front of us, ?Look at that collar.? and as theypassed, ?No man could ever do that to me!? i loved that , becauseit suggested how singular i am; how few women would do for Master, what slavedoes. i just hope that i am strong enough to do all that Master mayask of me during this week.
When W/we returned to the hotel lobby, i saw one of the desk clerks sort of ?pssssst? anotherand nod her head in O/our direction. They both watched U/us all the way tothe elevator. Master pushed the ?up? button and the doors immediately opened.
When the doors closed, Master took me in His arms, kissed me very long andhard, and told me that i had done quite well this evening. i was very pleasedand proud, but more than a little apprehensive as to what tomorrow would bring.Whatever it might bring, i knew that i would do slave's best to make Masterhappy, and proud of His slave.
Before the elevator doors opened on the tenth floor, Master pushed the topof slave's dress down over slave's breasts and hips to the floor. i steppedout of it, picked it up and handed it to Master, as i have been taught. i walked,naked, at Master's side, back to His room. Fortunately, no one else was inthe hall.
Back in Master's room, i oiled Master's cock for the required 30 minutes,and then wrote in slave's journal. i tried to remember all the things thatwere said to, and about me, but slave's emotions were so high, many would notcome back to me. i will try to work on that. Master wants me to keep a thorough,detailed journal. Sometimes it is a bit difficult to concentrate when one isall-but naked before dozens of strangers.
After finishing writing in slave's journal, i was allowed to suck Master'slong, hard cock and cum as much as i could. i fell asleep, emotionally exhausted,with His wonderful cock in slave's mouth.
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Wife LoversSo there I was, sitting on a bed holding a drink which by now was about half way. It felt like ages. Then a door opened and I saw u walking in. you had a lantern. For a moment I smiled to myself thinking it was 1876. as u got closer I could see u were tall, I could see those beautiful eyes staring at me, like u wanted to shred me apart. As u were walking towards me part of the room illuminated. It was a white room. So far no pictures and no furniture other than the bed, It wasn’t a huge place...
“Do you go to a local church?” JR finished his fifth taco before replying, “I don’t attend anyplace regularly. If I hear of a sermon or program that sounds interesting, I will check it out. For example, Christ Church by the Sea will have a nationally renowned Pastor named Bernie Calaway speaking at their service Sunday morning, so I’ll probably try to go hear him. What about you?” She shook her head and said, “No. I didn’t have any religious education while growing up. My faith and...
New Call, Part one By Jill Bird. "You know, that new rep from the feed-firm is coming again tomorrow." Theman spoke in a high, silly sounding voice with an impediment which made himsay "wep" instead of "rep". "Yes Milord. Have we any particular requirements or just the usual standingorder?" "You know, the last two visits, she rebuffed me?" "Really, Milord? How unnecessary of her." "Yes, rather. Just sort of giggled and gave me a direct no-no! It's a jollybad show, you know?" "So shall...
The lunch was nice. I have had better but for a small town, it was passable. Throughout lunch, the girls chatted continuously. Jatz tried a number of times to bring me into the conversation but I didn’t conform to her desire.After our meal was over and we were having our coffees, Linda excused herself and headed towards the bathroom. Jatz turned towards me and asked, “What is wrong with you, Goyse?”“I’ve just been cuckolded and you’re asking me what’s wrong?”“If I knew you would act like this I...
CuckoldI regained consciousness on the floor in an unfamiliar hallway ... entryway. Front door maybe. Stairs, I can see other rooms. Looks like a big house. The last thing I remember was Kurt had found some kind of genie lamp. We were all sure it was a joke or a trick of some kind, so no one objected when Logan grabbed it and wished for a box of Cuban cigars ... Which suddenly appeared in front of him on the ground. Now understand, I don't trust magic ... but if this was real... I took the lamp...
Hi, y’all! I’m Rosie. Welcome to my beauty bath, pussy pond, titties tub, or whatever you want to call it. I would invite you in, but this is “me time.” Now, excuse me for a minute while I prepare. Rubber Duckie, you're the one. I like to sing a little while getting ready for my bath - puts me in a relaxed state of mind. You make bath time lots of fun. I turn on the faucet so the tub can be filling while I gather my goodies. Everything needs to be just right.Candles. Check! Lavender mixed with...
MasturbationAt dinner, my mom’s eyes were fixated on my sister’s neck. My dad was going on and on about something that happened at his work, but I have no idea what it was because of the tense electricity in the dining room as my mom, sister, and I sat quietly, trying to act normal. Ava was brushing her foot against mine discreetly under the table, and I got bold and found my mom’s bare foot and did the same to her a couple times as she just kept staring at Ava’s hickey, not even acknowledging the...
IncestMy name is Eric Shims, I’m a nineteen years old and I am originally from a small town called Maryville in Tennessee. All my life I have always thought that I was a little different then the other boys that I grew up around. I mean we like the same stuff football, horses and hunting; but something always seemed different for me. I was always trying to see the other guys naked out of pure curiosity. Like when I was eight I tried to get my friend Daren to let me see his penis, but when I tried to...
GayI left Jenny lazing in bed whilst I showered and dressed. "What time is it?" she moaned as I returned to the bedroom. "Seven thirty." "Too early," she complained. "I've got to be going," I informed her. "I'll see you after the weekend." "Give me a kiss before you go," she demanded. I stooped to place a quick peck on her cheek but she dragged me into a more passionate embrace, making the most of our last few moments together. I slipped free and made my way downstairs to...
Vivianne DeSilva is horny and wants to fuck! You don’t have to ask us twice to grant that desire. Grab Robby Echo and fuck that hard cock he has. Robby loves those big beautiful tits and just wants to bury his face in Vivannes cleavage while his cock is buried in her cunt! Oh Vivianne loves the attention and how you beg her to shout out your name while her pussy is close up in your face as Robby pounds her hard. What does that pussy taste like you ask? Well according to Vivanne; as she...
xmoviesforyouI went to a wedding last weekend in Central London. It was at a hall near London Bridge. I went alone as I am single, and the new couple put me at a table that had a couple of single women. Neither of them really caught my eye, but I chatted politely, as you do.You know how sometimes, you see a person, and then keep crossing paths with them over the nest few hours? For me, it often happens in airports. Show up at the check in desk, notice someone, then an hour or so later, they're just in front...
A beautiful middle aged woman comes walking through the double doors of the court room. She’s won her divorce court case. She’s walking out with thirty thousand dollars from selling their house, and half of his retirement. She’s very happy. She got what she wanted. She’s busy looking down while reading the divorce decree. She inadvertently bumps into a young man and tumbles over. Her papers go flying as she hits the floor. And her dress flies up as she lands with her long legs spread apart. Her...
Quickie SexI crawl down between your legs in search for those sensitive spots you mentioned I had to find. Kissing down your sides and leaving a slightly wet tongue trail behind where my lips just were, inching my way lower. My hands are following shortly behind, yet stopping to caress your ample chest, tweaking your very sensitive and erect nipples. Moving my hands down to catch up, none of your body left untouched by my hands, lips or tongue. I find your hip crests to be slightly sensitive, more...
Description: I looked at the letter and my world ended in flames, I thought. Edited by Barney R. Messed with afterward by me. All mistakes are mine. I looked at the letter and my world ended in flames, I thought. ‘The Day’ was normal in every way until I got home from my trip to Chicago. I was home without my wife, an event that had become all too frequent lately. I walked up to the front porch, retrieved the paper, and grabbed the mail. As per usual, it was mostly junk. I had one...
I was 19 and on vacation abroad with my friends. One night we went to the party. we all had fun, danced and drank. After a while I noticed a sexy black boy looking at me. he saw me stare at him and draw me closer. I was encouraged by the drinks I had, so we started talking and dancing. We decided to go to the beach. We bought more alcohol, and finally we talked and kissed the shore.His hand moved up and down my body and eventually found my way to my bikini. I was already wet when he touched my...
Chapter 15Across the street from the pre-founder’s day party behind the huge white pillars of the Winthrop-Miles estate, young Scarlett’s tongue and jaw ached after hours spent discovering the pleasures of another woman with Cass Tucker. She started off the day in a carload of friends bound for a day of shopping downtown, but after she wandered into Cass’s dress shop the outside world faded away. Cass knew she had a keeper the moment she saw the well endowed redhead crossing the street in...
As I am packing for my weekend getaway I realize I need a new bra to go with this new dress, and knowing me, if I am getting a new bra I need a pair of matching panties. I get to my favorite store, grab a cute low cut lace bra and a pair of black lace cheek panties. After trying the items on I decide to try a different bra, so I throw on my little dress and head out of the dressing room. After picking a few different bras I head back into the dressing room, close the door and lock it. As I am...
Well let me tell u about my sex experience with my pet dog Tommy. Tommy is a huge white German Shepherd. i've never seen such a beautiful dog in my life. He's white with long hair. I've read many dog sex stories and also downloaded lots of pics and clips but i was a bit reluctant until the proper day came. I was on school holiday and it was on the 28th of July 2005. Just recently. My parents had an important tast and had to go to Scotland for 2 days to visit some parents. They wanted to...
Recently, I wrote of our introduction to animal love. Thank you all for the kind words. The following is a true account of a weekend that will forever stay in our memories. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did living it. My Sister has a farm in East Sussex in England. Only one hundred and eighty acres but situated just outside of Hastings on undulating pastureland. It is mostly laid to agriculture, growing wheat and barley. They have a wooded area of twenty acres, which has been...
It was still a little dark outside when I opened my eyes. I could see the sun trying to find its way through the cracks of the curtain. As I rubbed my eyes to gather my senses where I was. I felt it. Actually, I felt both of them. Two legs are strewn over me as well as two hands grazing morning wood. Or is it? Maybe I hadn’t slept yet and was still hard from fucking to of the most beautiful I know last night to the point of exhaustion. No, I thought to myself, I will go with the first. ...
ThreesomesThis was something I desired for a long time but it just seemed like there would never be a time when the dream would manifest itself into reality again. We had a nice evening talking about our lives and both knew that whatever happened between us would only be memories in the future. We were given this chance to have an evening together and knew we had to take it because it could be the last. Our regular lives were too important to both of us to think that anything besides these shared...
FetishEarlier today I was at the BDF base and fucking a bunch of the soldiers one at a time. It would have been so much hotter if my husband my husband would have been able to be there to watch me sucking and fucking these military cocks. They took me to the bathroom and proceeded to fuck my mouth and pussy one at a time and one after another, the line seemed endless as cock after cock was thrust into my mouth and I worked it hard with my tongue and lips. It would have been so much hotter if my...
I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing She walked into the room where we were waiting for the meeting to start, her high heels clicking on the stone floor intending to be noticed. Dutifully most male eyes turned and stared. Female eyes showed no reaction, but Mrs Guthrie, an elderly parishioner sitting on my left said, “Jezebel, Whore of Babylon.” I responded, “Corset (much needed), makeup too thick, shoes wrong colour.” Jean on my right and wife of a cosmetic...