Fancy Dress
- 3 years ago
- 41
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Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from here…
Attending this fancy dress party had been her half Italian friend Mona’s idea and subsequently Helena had decided to dress as a roman serving wench. With help from the house staff she had fabricated a convincing costume from an old bed sheet they had scrounged up for her. The white makeshift toga was held up by a gold brooch on one shoulder and drawn in around her waist by a thin gold belt; cheap raffia flip-flops adorned her feet. Helena wore her long straight immaculately groomed natural blonde hair gathered up in a high ponytail and secured by a golden hair clasp and she wore gold hoop earrings, a few bangles and several rings. Knowing it would aggravate her parents immensely and cause quite a stir amongst the more stuffy guests that would be attending tonight’s function she daringly wore only a skimpiest white thong beneath the thin makeshift toga that left little to the imagination. At eighteen and the all-important half Helena was old enough to do everything any adult could but she was still considered to be a child by the local set. It really angered her, she could join the army if she wished, vote and even get pregnant but local society which meant so much to her parents would not recognize her as an adult.
The party was for someone in her friend Angie’s family who was hoping to rise in the local rankings. And was held in her fathers hotel function rooms. To her satisfaction Helena really had created quite an impression when she first entered with almost everyone who was there as she had hoped, there were few more daring or outlandish but because of her age and family Helena caused quite a stir. Loving every moment she cavorted quite reservedly around the rooms, she got great pleasure in her parents and their friends’ horror and shock at her behavior, her father glared furiously at her. She felt a wicked sense of satisfaction and classed it as a great victory watching her parents squirm uncomfortably for some time before they finally excused themselves and left. The evening proceeded and the attention she was getting was fantastic, she had been flirting blatantly with several male friends at once when she had first caught sight of the new and unfamiliar guest that arrived awfully late.
She had been outdone completely and stood in shock, in fact rendered speechless the whole gathering fell silent staring in awe as the new guest entered, for quite some time the newcomer was the centre of the whole rooms attention robbing Helena of the limelight and attention she craved so much. Her first reaction was one of spiteful anger as she stared hatefully at the young woman. Spoilt from birth Helena was used to getting things her way, her locally very important parents had seen to it and now as she grew up were beginning to pay the price.
Incredibly attractive the girl that caught everyone’s interest had come dressed very daringly in a costume that consisted of little more than a few strips of carefully placed crimson fabric fastened to a widespread stiff white collar by a large gold ring. Her sparse costume was perfectly complemented by the thigh high black patent leather boots she wore so well. Immediately Helena had seen her she knew the girl was dressed as a teenage comic book heroine of her called vampirella from those old superhero magazines her father had diligently sourced for her. At her age she had grown out of the mags really, they were filed away in a cupboard somewhere, however her old room was covered in posters of her and other comic book characters such as spidey, the silver surfer, wonder woman and many more. Many of them had been covered or replaced with rock and pop posters but v had remained because she still fired Helena’s imagination.
The girl’s poise was perfect as she swept into the awe struck crowd, Helena thought she knew everyone that mattered so who could this bitch be. Before too long though everyone’s interest in the stunning stranger had waned somewhat and she had almost blended into the throng though people nearby couldn’t help but ogle her. Conversations began afresh; soon she was all but forgotten by most of the attending guests. Unfortunately for Helena she was fascinated by her, she for one couldn’t tear her eyes away. Hating herself for thinking it but she thought the girl looked truly magnificent dressed so daringly and a few well-placed trinkets of gold jewelry complimented her skimpy outfit perfectly and it riled Helena. The exceedingly long straight blue-black hair was loose and was so luxuriant Helena decided cattily that it must be a wig. Despite her catty hate and distaste for the girl something strange was disturbed deep inside Helena something that slowly dispelled the ire that at first had began as a seething jealous anger but rapidly transformed into something much more disturbing. Each time she caught sight of the girl the demon stirred restlessly deep within and she found herself increasingly sneaking admiring peeks at the girl.
For some time Helena managed to keep up her flirty conversation with the men and to maintain their interest while covertly watching the stunning creature circulating around the room chatting amiably with the other guests. At college this year Helena had experimented a little, having a few flings with some of the other girls and she had quite enjoyed some of her experiences. There was something very different about this girl though she thought as just watching the girl from afar made Helena feel more than a just a little unsettled, more than a little excited too. Without her realizing that her occasional sly glances had become more frequent, lingering longer, growing more noticeably blatant, Helena soon found herself absolutely intrigued by the girl.
Abruptly though Helena realized she had been caught out, the girl had clearly become aware of the attention that she was receiving and turned her head to look straight at her. A sudden thrill of undeniable fearful excitement shot through Helena as their green eyed stares met, even over such a distance her gaze was held fast across the crowd by the fire that burnt in the girl’s vivid green eyes. Anxiously Helena swore beneath her breath, in terror she watched mesmerized as the girl excused herself from the group she was with and began moving across the room in her direction. Confidently chatting politely but briefly with various guests as she moved through the scattered throng she was to Helena at least gradually closing in on her. There was no escape from meeting her even if she wished as the girl cut off her only exit as if by chance. In no time she stood before her smiling coolly awaiting an introduction. The dice was cast and Helena reddened even more smiling coyly for once overwhelmed by the situation she found herself in. Her mind which was normally quick to answer and sharp-witted let her down as she gawped childlike at the intoxicating beauty that stood before her.
“You must be vampirella?” she blurted out cringing inside as the words left her mouth.
“I must.” the girl’s deep voice oozed out warmly, “very astute of you, if I may say!”
“I’ve never seen you before” Helena tried to start the conversation again, “are you new round here?”
“yes and no, so to speak” the girl chuckled warmly easing Helena’s tension a little “we creatures of the night just don’t get out to socialize that much.”
“Of course,” laughed Helena trying to hold her self in check, “only the hours of darkness for you, eh!”
“So what are you?” enquired the girl casting her eyes appreciatively over Helena sending a thrill through her, “could be a slave or a sacrificial offering?”
“I thought my outfit was, well you know!” she babbled weakly, “I wore it to piss my dad off really.”
“Oh it is, very,” the girl cocked an eyebrow, causing mayhem in Helena’s already confused mind, “very appetizing.”
“You know, you are really stunning in that outfit?” stammered Helena “I think you’re very brave wearing it, it’s so well… Revealing!” her face flushed red at her own blundering, heavy-footed attempt at seduction.
The girl rocked back on her heels laughing heartily, in turn Helena stared like a kid into a toyshop window near Christmas. Even as the girl straightened Helena simply couldn’t tear her eyes from her breasts.
“So who are you?” the girl whispered purposefully grasping her attention leaning close.
“Oh err…. My names Helena, and in reply to your enquiry I’m supposed to be a roman serving girl” she desperately tried to hold her silly mouth in check, “so what’s yours? Your name that is!”
“You may call me vampirella, slave!” laughed the girl confidently putting on a false haughty tone “or mistress or even goddess will suffice!”
“Well I am dressed as a slave girl, I could serve a goddess though perhaps I’m from slightly the wrong era for vampires?” she laughed attempting to make light of the developing drama.
“Oh my slave, we vampiric creatures have existed since the dawn of civilization taking who or what we wish long before roman times even!”
“Oh!” was all that escaped Helena.
The look of passion that glowed in the black haired beauty’s eyes was unmistakable as she spoke. For the second time in moments Helena felt herself blush crimson, it seemed things were moving exceptionally fast. As the girl drew a little closer Helena’s heart thumped in her breast with fevered anticipation. She could hardly contain her excitement as she found herself mentally anticipating the gorgeous girl making love to her. Knowing her interest must be quite obvious to anyone watching Helena was still terrified to make a move on her. One because even she wouldn’t put her parents through that amount of humiliation, well not yet at least but mainly in case of rejection by the girl. A silence fraught with sexual tension followed while a spellbound Helena stared mesmerized into the smiling girl’s emerald green eyes. Long moments of awkward silence passed before Helena spoke hesitantly at last managing to break their delicious eye contact.
“I really enjoy vampire movies and books,” she attempted to make conversation.
“Really?” the girl sounded amused and smiled warmly.
Continuing she tried to sound serious “they’re always portrayed so sensually and highly erotically don’t you think?”
Still smiling the girl averted her eyes purposefully looking down, seemingly thinking deeply she pursed her soft crimson lips thoughtfully. Alarmed but excited Helena realized the girl was staring directly at the rise and fall of her breasts, what she now realized was that in this light the fabric of her toga was almost translucent. Not that even the most opaque fabric could hide the distended flesh that crowned them. Swallowing hard trying to moisten her dry trembling throat she suddenly felt too scared to speak or attempt to divert the girl’s gaze. Finally audibly drawing a deep breath through her nose the girl looked up and caught Helena’s eye in her gaze as she spoke.
“Judging by your attempts at conversation and your obvious excitement Helena I believe that you perhaps enjoy the darker more sensual stories and fables?”
“Perhaps?” she squeaked almost scared to breathe as the tension rose.
“Perhaps tales like the manifold stories where the innocent pretty young blonde girl is seduced by a stunningly gorgeous but wicked female vampire eh?” her tone was both enquiring and mischievous and shook Helena.
“Of course not! It’s all superstitious nonsense after all isn’t it?” Helena’s voice wavered as she desperately strove to control the conversation, too late she was attempting to conceal her growing excitement, “of course there is no such thing as vampires or werewolves are there?”
“Really, is that what you truly think?” the girl laughed then suddenly turned serious she spoke softly but assuredly “I beg to differ my dear!”
“Don’t be silly!” Helena laughed nervously while attempting to compose a retort.
Unable to calm herself Helena squirmed uncomfortably, her mind was scrambled by the lustful thoughts that relentlessly plagued her. Any attempts to lighten or even avoid the developing situation died at once in Helena’s mind as the full meaning of the girl’s brief but direct statement sank in instantly. She trembled with a strange mix of fear and excitement as she desperately attempted to gather an argument in defense. Her mesmerized eyes followed the girl’s as they fell to her breasts once again. Helena had already seen her own rapidly hardening nipples and swollen aureole thrusting through the thin white fabric of her toga and knew the girl had more than noticed. Her heart skipped a beat as the girl casually reached up to brush one of her long nailed fingertips over Helena’s rigid nipple accidentally or so it would seem to anyone who may be watching.
“you can’t convince me” Helena puffed up her defenses attempting to master the case as she tried to ignore the pleasurable sensation the girl’s briefest touch caused her.
“I do not need to convince you dear slave, I’m irresistible to you, right now I can sense the heightening intensity of your excitement” the girl continued seriously “even trapped amongst this raucous overly intrusive throng my powers sensed your eager willingness to be alone with me, once your jealousy subsided of course!”
“Jealousy!” Helena cried defensively.
“Yes jealousy, I stole your thunder and now you are terrified I’ll steal your heart,” glittering green eyes held her fast, “we need to be alone!”
“Yes it is far too noisy to talk here.” Helena shook excitedly as she spoke.
“Of course.”
“Shall I try and find somewhere more private to talk further?” Helena stammered not really caring whether her thickening voice was betraying her.
“To talk…yes if that’s what you want Helena?” the girl replied still smiling.
“Please don’t disappear I’ll be back shortly.”
Slowly turning away unwilling to break their electrifying eye contact Helena then scurried away to find her friend Angie whose father owned this hotel. She had pulled out all the stops and really worked on Angie, minutes later she joyously returned to the room with a key in her trembling hand. At once she was both thrilled and relieved to find the smiling girl was still waiting and quite alone exactly where she had left her. Helena’s mind was in a spin as she covertly beckoned to the girl to follow her. Knowing the hotel like the back of her hand from those laborious summer jobs her folks had forced her into to improve herself Helena lead the girl straight through the foyer. Checking the coast was clear she avoided the lift and main staircase and instead headed through a door marked “staff only”. This led via a short passageway into the administration office; from there Helena could access the fire exit stairwell. Nervously she led her silent follower up four flights of stairs without daring to look back at the girl.
Despite the spike-heeled boots the girl made almost no noise as she followed, Helena was happy to hear the soft pad of the girl’s graceful footfall on the stairs behind her. At last they reached the very top floor of the hotel Helena tried to ignore the fact that she felt excitable and increasingly aroused as she slipped through the fire exit into the plushy carpeted corridor and held the spring-loaded door for her guest.
“Thank you.”
As she had hoped the corridor was completely deserted and she led the girl hurriedly past the lift and staircase to the far end. Helena stopped before a set of wide oak double doors and though she knew it was correct she checked the number above it before inserting the key and unlocking the door. The noise of the party was faint here in the corridor and she knew once inside the doors it would be really quiet and very private too.
“This is the main conference suite, we should be okay to talk in here” she smiled weakly as she opened the heavy door.
Swinging the wide heavy door open on its silent hinges she entered the spacious leather and wood scented room and in the faint light that spilt in from the corridor sought the light switch. After finding it she clicked the dimmer on and adjusted it to a fairly low level of illumination. Her heart was pounding as she beckoned towards her silent guest indicating that she should join her within. Helena watched dry mouthed as the girl swept sensually past her to position herself by the huge dark wooden conference table.
“Lock the door Helena” the delightful creature laughed “after all we don’t want to be disturbed while I convince you that we vampires do exist do we my love?”
Her confused senses were swirling in turmoil and she laughed uneasily trying to relieve the tension that gripped her as she obeyed the girl’s instruction. With trembling hands she turned and inserted the key into the lock totally ignoring the alarm bells ringing in her head as she locked the door and even slipped on the security chain. Taking a brief moment to compose herself she attempted to close her mind focusing intently on the wood-grain of the oak door before turning and confronting the girl. Desperately searching for something impressive to say Helena gathered her composure before daring to turn and face the girl or to even speak. She had to be direct with her she decided, there would be no more pissing about, and formulating her sentence carefully in her head she finally turned to speak. The words died unborn in her throat as their eyes met, shit how much Helena wanted to fuck with this girl was unnatural.
“Come to me Helena and I will convince you” the girl stood open armed smiling irresistibly “I know you ache for me to make love to you, I know I excite you beyond reason.”
“Oh shit” exclaimed Helena excitedly realizing how powerless she was to resist the girl even if she was a vampire or not.
“Stop. Slave!”
Obediently Helena halted about four feet from the girl whose fiery green hungry eyes scanned her body ravenously. Even this show of mastery by the girl added to her acute arousal and she in turn drank in the beauty’s magnificence. She could see the primal gleam of desire in the girl’s glittering eyes and sucking in her stomach she pushed out her breasts in wanton response to her stare.
“Take off your clothes slave!” the girl commanded confidently.
After a moment of confused hesitancy and a flash of delicious eye contact Helena couldn’t help but obey her command, as the girl knew she would. First she slipped out of her sandals then with shaking fingers she was undoing the thin gold belt at her slender waist. It fell noisily to the floor when it slipped from her trembling hands. It was soon to be joined by her brooch. Her toga was discarded next and Helena watched the girl’s tempestuous eyes drinking in the beauty of her slender body as she let the garment slip off her body.
“Completely naked slave let me see all your gorgeous substance.”
Hesitantly Helena’s quivering fingers hooked in the thin elasticized band of her scanty thong and slipped the garment down over her hips and buttocks then wriggled till it dropped down her long smooth tanned legs. The other girl seemed to grow in stature as Helena stepped from the disheveled pile of clothing to stand completely naked before her.
“Slave, now let your beautiful hair down!” the girl’s voice oozed thick with arousal.
Without further thought Helena obeyed unfastening then casting the golden clasp aside hurriedly, she then tossed her head. Her long natural golden hair fanned around her glinting in the dim glow of the wall lights.
“Will you lay down my love?” the girl’s low voice oozed sensually and she gestured to the huge conference table that dominated the room as she continued “far beyond the realms of ecstasy I shall take you.”
Nervous excitement coursed through Helena as she found herself willingly obeying the instruction and climbing nimbly up onto the solidly built dark wood table, she laid herself back on its cool highly polished surface full of electrified edginess. Eager for the girl’s attention she lay there and waited as this incredible girl whose real name was still unknown to her was bringing her most secret vampire fantasy to life.
“Now slave, don’t move, allow me to take you exactly as I wish” the girl ordered “I assure you I’ll bring you to the edge of ecstasy perhaps far beyond!”
The other girl who obviously shared her erotic vampire fixation was clearly as excited as Helena was, who knows what may occur she thought to herself as she lay there. Her naked tanned body ached with acute arousal as the girl carefully fussed with her long blonde hair carefully arranging it around her head in a golden starburst. Helena lay still like a sacrificial offering with her arms outstretched to the sides as the other girl silently moved up to stand at the head of the table. Bending forward so she was upside down over Helena’s face she began kissing her lips lightly at first. Helena responded to the kiss and the girl’s hot mouth ground down against her tingling open lips but the girl declined the open invitation for now at least. Helena could sense the delightful soft caress of the girl’s long black hair on her face neck and shoulders as they kissed. This aroused her further and she cried out in desperate frustration as the girl abruptly moved away.
Moving fluidly around the table the girl stood a while at Helena’s feet and gazed lustily down upon her naked body. Helena flinched with electrifying excitement as the girl’s warm hands reached out to touch her bare shins. Raising her head slightly from the table Helena found herself compelled to stare at the girl’s full blood red lips as the long fingered hands slowly swept up her long legs. Instinctively responding to the caress parting her legs allowing the girl to swiftly clamber onto the table between them Helena realized that she didn’t even know the name of this girl who was totally dominating her. As the long nailed hands moved up over her trembling highly aroused body to delicately cup her breasts she could feel the girl’s thighs urgently driving her own further apart as she leant forward over her. The beauty’s visage hovered above her head with those deep red full pouting lips inches from Helena’s fascinated eyes, she was so close Helena could feel the heat radiating from the other girl on her lightly chilled skin.
“Tell me your true name?” Helena gasped “please!”
“Do you believe yet?”
“yes.” she played along with the girl.
“Are you scared?”
“Yes a little.”
“Of course!”
“Raven” the husky reply was whispered through almost closed pouting lips, “my true name is raven.”
“Oh that’s beautiful,” Helena whispered to her lover.
The still air was electrified with their shared arousal and as she lay submissively beneath this unbelievably gorgeous creature Helena realized she had never been so aroused in her life. Her heart pounded uncontrollably within her rib cage while she anticipated what may or may not be going to happen. Eagerly awaiting the strange and wondrous creature to make her next move Helena was already hovering quite close to orgasm and raven had not even touched her body yet.
“Are you truly ready for me my love?” the girl whispered huskily.
Helena saw her first glimpse of the creature’s fangs, she froze for an instant in blind panic beneath the creature before realizing the girl had a full set of normal teeth when they talked downstairs. Raven must have slyly slipped the false fangs in whilst she hadn’t been looking she decided, but where had she concealed them until now?
“Are they real?” Helena laughed.
“Oh of course!” raven laughed in a serious manner exposing the long twin needle like teeth to her again.
Staring at the gleaming white fangs disbelief turned to doubt, which in turn turned slowly to the final realization that the girl could truly be a vampire. As the truth slowly sank in for a few moments Helena began to feel real fear but it was hungrily consumed by the fire of raven’s power and her own howling lust raging uncontrollably inside her. Strangely Helena felt very little apprehension as the full grim reality of her predicament eventually dawned on her.
“I want you raven but I’m so scared” she gasped, “Oh lord Jesus forgive me my sins.”
Helena sobbed as she felt the delicious caress of one of the creature’s hands on her tender aroused body knowing that despite her fears she could not resist the girl. The trapped part of her mind that was terrified but refused to surrender attempted to grasp her will to alert her to the grim reality of her predicament. Common sense struggled hopelessly in vain to save her from her own fateful excited stupidity as the gorgeous creature caressed her. The immense struggle within her was valiant but nonetheless hopeless as she welcomed and enjoyed the unnatural girl’s exquisite caresses far too readily. Long nailed slender fingers curled around the outsides of her breasts and squeezing pushed her aroused swollen teats upwards sending tingles of exquisite excitement through her as her distended nipples rasped against the other girl’s taut hot body.
“Give you to me Helena” the girl implored as she bent her head to kiss along the line of Helena’s collarbone.
“Oh… Raven!” gasped Helena frantically “I’m scared!”.
“You must surrender completely to me Helena to savor the rapture that only I can bring to you” the creature nuzzled lower, her lips creeping towards Helena’s left breast.
“Yes oh yes!” Helena heard herself whimper without even realizing what she was saying as carefully planted delightfully soft kisses were being planted around her swollen tingling aureole.
“Thank you, my love!” whispered raven between kisses.
“Jesus protect me!” the last sane part of Helena’s mind screamed as she felt a small bite being inflicted upon the swell of her breast.
“Oh shit! Oh god! Ohh, oohhh, fuck!” Helena gasped excitedly as the resulting exquisite ripples of pure pleasure trickled through her.
Writhing with enjoyment beneath the irresistible creature as it fed from the tiny wound Helena’s bottom slid about on the polished table in a cocktail of perspiration and more so the unbelievably copious product of her own sexual excitement that issued from her. As raven pulled away Helena’s eyes snapped to the two perfect puncture marks upon her breast. For a moment she was allowed the perverse exciting luxury of watching the blood well in the wounds until her attention was drawn away. She awaited the second bite with intent; eagerly craving the repetition of the wave of pleasure the first had brought her. It fell between her breasts and the once again the pleasure she encountered was ecstatic. Helena watched enthralled as the girl’s thick mane fell upon her torso. As she bit harder into Helena, the girl’s long fingers bit harder into the flesh of her soft breasts and they rose up on each side of her lover’s black haired head. Then raven’s lips swept to the engorged nipple of her unbitten left breast and kissed around it teasingly. Helena squealed pathetically as raven’s full red lips opened wide encompassing her aureole and sucking much of her breast into her hungry mouth while teasing it with her tongue. Bracing herself for the bite she froze until the girl suddenly attacked her right breast in a similar fashion to her assault on the left to have her gasping and squirming beneath the creature in rapture.
“Bite me, take me!” she groaned insanely, “bite me, make me scream with pleasure!” she panted urgently, “take me bitch!”
Desperately Helena grasped the girls black hair pulling her firmly to her breast feeling once more the perverse pleasure as her nipple was drawn deep in between the creature’s lethal jaws this time. The razor sharp fangs bit cleanly deep into her aroused flesh causing her to arch upwards gasping in pain for a moment. It was just that, a moment, an instant’s pain was swept away once more in a tide of delirious ecstasy enflamed to even greater heights as the creature greedily sucked the blood that bubbled from the wound. Before Helena could recover her tattered composure the creature had swept to her other breast once again and attacked it similarly. She arched upward crying out in exquisite anguish then fell whimpering back onto the dark wood as above her raven fed randomly from the small but pulsing wounds while her roaming hands caressed Helena smearing her eager victim’s writhing body with her own blood.
Helena wailed pathetically, her amazingly aroused body writhing in eager response to the creature’s exquisite touch, she was totally under her lover’s control as both the creature’s will held her and the potent venom coursed through her arteries overcame her. Slowly the girl above Helena began wriggling lower and she felt her demonic lover’s dexterous hands gliding down her thighs to grip her trembling knees firmly. With incredible strength raven effortlessly spread Helena’s legs wide as she moved down lower and lower between them. All the time she sank lower the creature was kissing biting and scoring Helena’s aching body in order to keep her victim’s excitement at fever pitch tormenting her beyond reason. Desperately Helena attempted to guide the creature’s mouth to feast on her mound by pushing insistently against the girl’s head with shaking hands. The deluge of black hair that spilled like ink over her aroused skin stuck to her wounds as the head sank inch by inch lower. At her own speed the creature ignored Helena’s urges to venture lower over her victim’s flat belly and hips nipping and kissing and drinking as she leisurely proceeded.
“Do not move Helena” raven commanded as she paused between kisses “lay still and relish the experience I am giving you.”
“Yes my love” gasped Helena as she laid back and closed her eyes.
Aroused beyond comprehension she avidly waited for the promised ecstasy raven would bring her. Her whole being seemed to focus itself between her thighs concentrated directly on her sex as Helena felt the hot lips soft caress on her inner thigh. Impulsively Helena had spread her legs as wide as she possibly could attempting to give her lover the best access to her more than aroused pussy. Raven’s long nailed fingers raked over Helena’s inner thighs sweeping dangerously close to her agonizingly excited labial lips then gliding away time and time again torturing her delightfully. Raising her head from the table Helena gazed down over her bitten blood smeared body to see the girl’s beautiful face poised inches from her sex. Their eyes locked sending a thrill all through poor Helena’s already screaming nervous system. Entranced she watched as the girl’s full red lips parted wide to expose her viscous twin fangs. Their whiteness glowed in the bloodied excited mouth. Helena’s heart pounded as the creature’s red and unbelievably long pointed tongue slipped out and like a serpent it writhed as it edged towards her swollen wetness. A desperate wail escaped Helena as it slowly slithered over her engorged lips to taste her excitement. Helena’s eyes were locked on the girl’s wicked green stare unable to break the union as the creature’s long tongue went to work on her. Driven far beyond reason she thrust her sex eagerly at the gleaming fangs.
“Yes, yes oh yes” she gasped out “take me, bite me, and bite me now, now , now” she wailed in anguish urging the creature on.
Ignoring her plea the tongue swept into her and seemed to fill her with its squirming length as the girl’s lips opened wide and sank over her mound. Whatever raven was doing with her tongue it felt as if an enormous fat cock had been thrust into her, stretching her, pulsating deep within her cunt. She felt as if her whole body was being drawn deep into the creature’s jaws as it sucked harder and harder on her sex. Raven seemed to shudder and drew a great breath then bit down hard and deep making Helena scream. Her legs gripped around the creature’s upper body and her hands crushed the black haired head to her crotch. Helena arched her back as the most earth-shattering explosion tore her nerves to shreds. It lasted for what seemed an eternity until the feasting creature had taken her fill of her vibrant energy. Gradually the overpowering waves of rapture receded drawing great expanses of Helena’s strength with them leaving her gloriously exhausted.
Eventually she released the creature from her thighs grip and her weak limbs fell to the dark tabletop like a lifeless rag doll. Helena was unable to move at all and lay helpless as she felt the vampire move away. Very slowly some of her lost strength returned and on quivering arms she weakly raised herself and she looked upon the creature. Triumphantly raven stood before Helena her beauty accentuated after her feast and she beckoned the blonde to her. Wearily she obeyed the creature and sliding from the table found she was unable to walk. Precariously she stood on wobbly legs as raven came to her.
“Now my darling Helena do you believe?” her tone was almost sarcastic “kiss me, you are mine.”
Helena fell into the girl’s arms kissing her deeply tasting the coppery flavor of her own blood on the girl’s tongue as their mouths interlocked and raven drew the very breath from her. For a moment Helena believed she would suffocate then the breath was returned her lungs tingled with a strange fire, strength returned to her weary limbs and she felt excitingly alive. Looking down she was amazed to see the wounds raven had inflicted were already showing signs of healing. Blood had stopped flowing and they had begun to seal strangely, not scabbing but seeming more like a burn, each of them throbbed in a kind of painful but pleasurable manner.
“We will return to the function shortly,” ordered raven authoritatively, “separately of course, you will say nothing and will ignore me!”
“But I…”
“Discretion my dear slave is everything, to you especially, it means the difference between life and death!”
A week later Helena was back at college, she confided in her room mate who was her best friend at college about the fantastic time she had experienced having way-out sex with a girl at a party dressed as a vampire. She also confessed about the recurring highly erotic dreams where the girl was a real vampire and came to her made love and drained her every night. Her description had been so effective the pair had ended up in bed re-enacting her dark fantasies with Lindsey playing the vamp.
It was a night out, or a night in, depending on how you looked at it. Me and my boyfriend, Tom were going to a fancy dress house party at one of his friend’s houses. He was dressed as your quintessential pirate, and I was going as a burlesque dancer. This essentially entailed me wearing next to nothing; simply some black high heels, stockings and suspenders with a corset and some halfway down the leg, frilly shorts style knickers. I was running late upstairs and was putting the finished touches...
CheatingIt was a night out, or a night in, depending on how you looked at it. Me and my boyfriend, Tom were going to a fancy dress house party at one of his friend’s houses. He was dressed as your quintessential pirate, and I was going as a burlesque dancer. This essentially entailed me wearing next to nothing, simply some black high heels, stockings and suspenders with a corset and some halfway down the leg, frilly shorts style knickers. I was running late upstairs and was putting the finished...
At first I thought it was not going to happen Friday night as it was so cold out, then about 4pm her 55 year old mate Ann called around to get dressed with her as she was also going to fancy dress party, lol she was also going as a school girl, I said with my cock throbbing have to see you both before you go out...John said he would wait up with me till she came home from the night out... I said I'm just going to wear a shirt and no boxers, cause I will start flashing and wanking in front of...
Naomi knew that it had been a mistake.? She had received stares from some of her malecolleagues that had made her uncomfortable and it had taken some work to avoidbeing groped by that revolting Duncan from accounts.? There he was now slavering over Penny Marsh ?poor Penny, Naomi could see that she was desperate to get away from him.? While she wasn't quite so desperate herselfshe was thinking about leaving, but that was her own fault. When the work's Christmas party had beenannounced as fancy...
Beth and Liz had been an item for several weeks now, and the relationship blossomed even with the age difference as Beth was nineteen-years-old and Liz was forty-three-years-old. However, their relationship was different from what would normally be expected as Beth was the one in charge with Liz enjoying the submissive role to the extent that Beth had spanked her twice a week, at least, since they started going out.However, everyone they knew accepted their relationship was real.Tonight was...
SpankingTHE DRESSMAKER By Lisa Lovelace I had utterly the most horrid crisis in my boudoir on Wednesday morning. Phineas and I had responded s'il vous pla?t to a Thursday night soiree at the Gardners' on Chestnut Street, on the coveted south slope of Beacon Hill. It was the grandest house to which we had yet been invited - and the gorgeous new gown that I planned to wear lay in ruins. It was two-layered floor-length tulle over light gold taffeta, embroidered with purple and plum flowers. The ...
My friend is in to helping people and he set up a charity night for the refugees in our town, his idea was for a fancy dress party to raise some money for them for warm clothing for winter, so he asked all our friends to come and ask others to post some flyers to inform others in the town. he hired the town hall and it was a go now so he went to the local refugee center and talked to the family's there and told them what he was doing and they were so happy he was doing it. they asked if some of...
Nineteen-year-old Beth opened the door to see a flustered looking Liz, their neighbour of two doors away, and saw she was wearing a pretty summery sleeveless floral dress with a hem halfway down her thigh. She was in her forties, Beth knew and was unmarried ad lived by herself “Hi, Liz,” Beth said with a smile. She always called Liz by her first name even though she called other women her age more respectfully, like Mrs L. However, it was never Mrs L, but always just Liz.Beth was always pleased...
Spankinghi friends . this is nikunj again with a brand new and unique story of my own imagination. this story is writen just for fun. i know my fans had to wait for my new story since august but what to do. i was busy. ok now with the story.. ye uss din ki batt hai jis din rajul aur uske pati parag ko ek party mai bulaya tha. ye couple fancy dress party thi. asi party kafi kam aur exicting hoti hai aisa rajul ne suna tha, par kabhi bhi wo aisi party mai nahi gayi thi. rajul ne uss party mei jane ke...
“Hi, have you got my costume for tonight?” I asked Amanda as soon as I returned home from my Honeymoon. “Well; there’s been a change of plan. We aren’t going as the Spice Girls after all. I’ve had to order you something special instead.” She laughed, before asking about my Honeymoon in Corfu. As she hung up we agreed that my new husband, Paul, would drop me at her house at 6.30. As I talked about my holiday I completely forgot to ask what my new costume was going to be. Later in...
A well-off friend of mine held a fancy dress party last summer on his parents’ large estate that was themed as ‘Warriors and Amazons’. As I am vainly proud of my body and as it was a hot and humid day I turned up in just a loincloth, fluffy barbarian-like boots and a big silver sword. Many of our girl friends are very attractive and thanks to the scorching weather wore very little, many coming as Xena or her cute sidekick. I must have been half-stock under my loincloth most of the evening,...
Masturbation Is a wonderful gift we all enjoy. Next to sex with a loved partner, which is not always available when we need it, wanking is fantastic. I don’t know if you thought about it like this, perhaps you just take it for granted, but you can do it anytime you feel like it, practically anywhere, take it slow or make it quick, do it somewhere safe or take a risk in public, use your hands use a vibe or dildo , do it hands free, and unless you want to do it together with someone you only have...
A well-off friend of mine held a fancy dress party last summer on his parents' large estate that was themed as 'Warriors and Amazons'. As I am vainly proud of my body and as it was a hot and humid day I turned up in just a loincloth, fluffy barbarian-like boots and a big silver sword. Many of our girl friends are very attractive and thanks to the scorching weather wore very little, many coming as Xena or her cute sidekick. I must have been half-stock under my loincloth most of the evening,...
Quickie Sex????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Fancy Farts Fresh out of school, I submitted applications and resumes all over town and became used to the phrase. "I'm sorry, you're not quite what we're looking for."? I had exausted my most promising options and nearly given up when I got a call from 'Avila's Fashions.' I was to meet with Avila herself. I had seen photos of her and could not pass on the opportunity to meet her. Though only thirty something she was already...
As she undressed and got into the shower Natalie once again felt the mixed emotions of excitement and worry. For a short while the excitement took over while her hands, lubricated by the shower gel, wandered over her body. She knew that her tits and pussy were no dirtier than the rest of her, but she gave them extra attention anyhow, enjoying the sensations as the stroked and teased herself. She was rudely interrupted by her husband banging on the bathroom door demanding to know when he could...
Group SexChapter 1. Recap and Introduction In her first encounter with the infamous follicle felon, the Hairdresser, the mutant heroine known as the Scarlet Witch, and commonly simply referred to as Scarlet though Wanda was her Christian name, had been lured into his diabolical styling salon under the premise of a beauty make over and hair coiffure. However, instead of a relaxing hair appointment to enhance her already natural beauty and provide a boost to her self-esteem, the Scarlet Witch had only...
While my friend Jim was pretty much my best buddy, I never tried to involve him in my panty play. I didn’t believe he would go for it, and I was afraid to suggest it to him for fear I would lose his friendship and become the object of his ridicule.I did meet another boy my age, and I discovered he shared my passion for nylon. His name was Dale. He also had a mature woman fan the flames of his passion. It was his mother, but, as he told me, she merely facilitated his enjoyment of her...
For once, I actually decided to look at some of the other categories on the streaming sites I'd visit. So many things came up under fetish. Some of it I don't get but to each their own. A BBW was mixed in with the fetish and as I had expected before hand, it wasn't my cup of tea. Several videos had girls dominating guys in leather or latex outfits. I liked how tight they were, showing off every curve of their body, leaving little to the imagination. Upon thought, I had never been...
My email id is Do not forget to let me know how this sex story was. Who knows, we might get even lucky if everything goes well ;) Clean shaved men inside female clothes (or people who are known by the name crossdressers) are my new found favorites. Believe me, I always make it a point to taste every bit of them with passion and fire. My hands and tongue never leave an inch of their body. Hairless, like women and the ‘EXTRA’ jackpot called ‘COCK’, is simply divine. This is a story of how a...
Gay MaleMy parents have a library. I was a very lucky girl growing up, not because of the collection of classics that they had in leather bound editions, or even the enormous number of new books that they seemed to add constantly from visits to the book store or from various book clubs that they belonged to. I liked a lot of those, but my favorite books in their collection weren’t actually on the shelves in the spare room that we used as a library, they were in dusty boxes stacked in the garage and...
With a make-up wipe I took the orange glaze, the white glitter and the sweat of my face. It was always such a satisfying moment. After the show was done, my muscles sore, I would take off the sweaty costume of the Sugarplum fairy, but before I jumped into the shower of my private dressing room I first took the make-up off my face. Seeing the Sugarplum fairy disappear and my own face reappear. A moment of self care. A moment off calm, no sounds, no music, just the soft rumbling of the...
The Jamaican culture is rife with cuckold stories, white women bored with their husbands taking advantage of numerous available lovers to satisfy their needs. I went to school with the product of many such unions. Later as I matured sexually, I listened as the old bulls told of interesting liaisons, with the tourist women, who frequented our idyllic island looking for the same. So it was one night a bunch of us young ‘Turks’ were hanging out scoping the women hoping to get lucky before the...
My father used to look after and maintain the garden of a local business man who had a large mansion, and at times I would go with him to cut some flowers for the lady of the house to decorate the lounge and other rooms . She would show me how to do flower arranging using the flowers and ferns, she was always very nice and pleasant with me because they had no c***dren of their own, and would at times she would ask me to tea after school. I always agreed because my parents were always arguing,...
Filipa had been annoyed by her boyfriend Mark for sometime now about getting into cuckolding . She had resisted the idea of dating and sleeping with other men because of her religious upbringing but recently she had become more comfortable with the idea.She had been chatting with several guys online and was starting to feel a connection with one in particular "Derek" .He had been trying to persuade her to meet him for a drink. he was tall 6,2 to be exact with a muscular ripped body and a great...
I meant Janine on live links. Actually I was drunk when I called the line. Just hoping to talk a woman while I jacked my little pink dicklet. In my introduction I mentioned that I was into cuckolding, and SPH, and that I had preference for BBW's. This was in the Detroit area so most of the ladies on the line were African-American. Her ad stated that she liked to have her asshole licked, and was looking for a long term relationship where she could really control the person she was with. At the...
"I finally got a date with her!", I shout loudly as I walk home. Of course the people around me have no idea who or what I am talking about, nor do they care. Her name is Claire and is an absolute Goddess. is 6 feet tall, blonde, big titts, long legs, and a body that a porn star only has. She is beyond beautiful and pretty. I have tried for months to get a date with this amazing wonder like woman but have always been rejected due to...
So it's my wedding day, i look at my future husband as i walk down the aisle and see his smile, then i look at his best man and wonder if i'm rally doing the right thing getting married. It wasn't that Alex wasn't a nice guy, he totally was and he was the sweetest guy i'd ever met, but i was just used to being with dickheads, a lot of dickheads , and didn't know if someone like Alex could handle a woman like me. I knew he was very inexperienced, although we hadn't actually done anything much...
Today my very lucky & equally pathetic cuck bitch hand delivered me a £500.00 cash tribute along with a bottle of champagne, some vodka, flowers & cocktail shaker..he thought he was just dropping them off & meeting my bf in preparation for our big joint session in a couple of weeks..nothing could of prepared slut for what I had in store for him....Here in his words is part one..After a near sleepless night thinking about the day to come it was with eagerness and trepidation I set...
I met Shanice at work three years ago. We worked for a manufacturing company, I worked in the plant and she worked in the lab. It was at the company Christmas party that we really had a chance to talk. I had such a great time with her at the party that I decided to ask her out. Things progressed from there and soon we were dating on a regular basis. I can still remember the first time we had sex. Shanice is a beautiful, athletic black woman. I had never seen a naked black woman up close before...
My father used to look after and maintain the garden of a local business man who had a large mansion, and at times I would go with him to cut some flowers for the lady of the house to decorate the lounge and other rooms . She would show me how to do flower arranging using the flowers and ferns, she was always very nice and pleasant with me because they had no c***dren of their own, and would at times she would ask me to tea after school. I always agreed because my parents were always arguing,...
MILITARY SCHOOL CROSSDRESSER By Kresha Matay PART 1 Tim was a sensitive young boy, bright and intelligent, but lacking many of the physical characteristics of Joe, his father. The father had wanted a son who was interested in sports, hunting and fishing just like himself. Unfortunately, through no fault of his own, young Tim couldn't measure up to the desired image. Joe had expected his son to grow up to "be a chip off the old block" and when he didn't, his father felt...
Mommy's Darling 2: Playing Dress Up - By Billie Lovelace At twelve, I was deeply conflicted. On the one hand, I was a normal boy. At school I liked sports, roughhousing, and teasing girls. On the other hand, mother hated masculine aggressiveness. So at home I was more girlish. I played the piano, did housework, and spent hours with mother -- brushing her hair, polishing her nails, and helping her in and out of her high heels. It was so confusing. I wanted to be like other boys....
1-900-DRESSUP By Ricky I'm sure that you have seen an ad or two (or twenty) for one of those 900 phone services. They usually have neat names like 1-900-HOT-HOTT, which is a real number that a teenage neighbor called twice on my garage phone before I caught him. If I ever could understand why someone would pay $25 for the first four minutes of talk when for a smaller monetary investment you could go to a bar somewhere and buy some floozy a few drinks and get the talk live, or...
Sidedressing By Tyrone Slothrop Older sisters can be a boy's good friend and most effective torturer. Bernadette, charged with watching her little brother, was getting bored and decided to see how far she could manipulate him. Nothing nasty just keeping her hand in. Practice makes perfect. "Ralphie, come here, I want to try a new game." Ralph heard his sister and put down his videogame. He wandered into her room. At thirteen he was fairly average in height, about five feet...
My father used to look after and maintain the garden of a local business man who had a large mansion, and at times I would go with him to cut some flowers for the lady of the house to decorate the lounge and other rooms . She would show me how to do flower arranging using the flowers and ferns, she was always very nice and pleasant with me because they had no c***dren of their own, and would at times she would ask me to tea after school. I always agreed because my parents were always arguing,...
My parents have a library. I was a very lucky girl growing up, not because of the collection of classics that they had in leather bound editions, or even the enormous number of new books that they seemed to add constantly from visits to the book store or from various book clubs that they belonged to. I liked a lot of those, but my favorite books in their collection weren't actually on the shelves in the spare room that we used as a library, they were in dusty boxes stacked in the garage and...
Straight SexConfessions of a CuckoldressHi! I’m Melissa. I’m just a regular gal that has a very active sex drive. I found a great solution to the age old problem white women have had since the beginning of time and this is my story about how I found this solution.We white gals love our white boys. They are great for cuddling, doing housework, showering us with affection and of course worshipping us. The problem with white boys is their little dicks! What is a girl to do when she is in love with a white boy...
The Jamaican culture is rife with cuckold stories; white women bored with their husbands taking advantage of numerous available lovers to satisfy their needs. I went to school with the product of many such unions.Later as I matured sexually, I listened as the old bulls told of interesting liaisons, with the tourist women, who frequented our idyllic island looking for the same.So it was one night a bunch of us young "Turks" were hanging out scoping the women hoping to get lucky before the night...
CuckoldTonight's the night. My boyfriend has been insistent that I try to fuck another man. I've been hesitant because it seems so bizarre, but, ultimately if we do it safely, I guess once can't hurt, right? We've had a few group dates with an African American man named Markus, and decided he'll be the one. I'm fairly anxious, I've never been with anyone other than my boyfriend. I've been trying to keep my head on my shoulders. We arrive to the hotel. Underneath my clothes I'm wearing some dangerous...
InterracialItaly, september 2011. Sorry for bad english, I try to write correctly but don't know if I did. From tonight, I was a crossdresser. I'm been crossdresser from 12 to one day before my 27th birthday. Irony. I begin to have an answer to the question: "What feel girl?" Yes, a simple question. What feel girl when wear panty, tights, dress, skirt? What feel a woman in heels, purse, with her hair falling down the shoulder? What feel a teenage when begin to make up herself? When wear lipstick,...
My Qualifications to Write About Crossdressing By Ricky How ironic! While looking for something in my files the other day I found I have been writing about crossdressing more than 10 years now. The problem is, I now realize I am completely unqualified to be a crossdresser, let alone a writer on the subject. Think about it, just what are the qualifications for a crossdresser? Surely you've read a multitude of "true life stories" in the crossdressing magazines. Perhaps if we...
My wife had gone to the hairdressers, I was sat round the corner in the car waiting for her, it was opposite the employment office, where all the screbs go to get money off the state, it was a run down area but I never felt unsafe, as I was sat there I reached for a cigarette, as I opened the packet a girl was next to the car, she said "Do you have a spare cigaretts", I said "Maybe".She was around 20, long brown hair, slightly chubby, wearing a trakkie bottom and a white top. She said "I really...
My drunkenness was now making me very sleepy as the taxi sped along the motorway. “Lynn! Lynn!” Clare shouted as she shook my arm, “I’m getting out now, will you be ok?” “Yes, yes…sure,” I mumbled as my eyes blinked with the sudden light. “I’ve got her address. She’ll be fine.” I heard the elderly Asian taxi-driver tell my friend. I looked forward and spotted his dark brown eyes staring back from the rear-view mirror as he adjusted it. Not realising what he was doing I...
When Jerry arrived at the Sloan's, Loren was already there, drink in hand, speaking with the host of the soiree, Don Sloan. He was sitting catty corner to her, glancing at her crossed legs every few moments, totally fascinated. Loren pretended not to notice, but from the way her leg moved and from the way of her flip-flop dangled, there could have been no question of her awareness. Jerry approached them as Loren looked up at him, but several moments after she had spotted him. She returned her...
FetishSo, here's another thing that happened!I was in math class, not really paying attention. It's the last class of the day and I get distracted easy. I can't even remember what I was thinking about, but it wasn't math!My teacher, Ms V noticed that I wasn''t paying attention and walked over to my desk. I actually didn't notice until she was standing over me and glaring down at me! She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tall and SOOOOOOOOOO pretty. She had really long straightened black hair and her figure was...
We drive to a country pub, pull up in the car park briefly kiss. We walk hand in hand, I can't help noticing the bounce of your breasts, the outline of your bra through the tight low cut top and your glorious cleavage. Your skirt is short just long enough to cover your stocking tops, you smile, we get our drinks and sit in a discreet corner booth, we sip our drinks for a while, you excuse yourself stand and brush past me, I can feel your suspender !!!!!!! (I love stockings, I hope you do too)....
“Francie, are you OK?” I shook my head. “Francie? Please, say something! Please!” I shook my head again then threw myself into his arms, reached around his neck and squeezed. Moving my arms must have done it. I was able to inhale and get out a squeak. “Yes. And, no.” “What?” I held my hand up. “Wait. Please.” I whispered. I took a few breaths, holding him to me. Wow. Panic attack. Never did I think Francie Cooper would be at a loss for words. “OK. Sorry. I had a panic attack when you...
I laughed. She giggled. “No, nothing like that. Charlie told me some of the story about the past, and since that was many, many, moons ago, I, personally, was hoping the animosity may have moved on as well.” Cheryl became quite somber. “I never had any animosity toward him. That was all my mother, God rest her soul. I didn’t quite know what was going on, as most kids don’t. I was quite young at the time. I know my mother never said a kind word about Charlie’s father, but Charlie, from...
“Come. Let’s go to your house and get some clothes and stuff. Enough for a couple days, anyway. We’ll get more later.” We got there, and she threw a bunch of stuff in a bag that had handles. I saw her pull out about two handfuls, maybe four sets, of lingerie. Looked like matching bra and panty sets. Yippee, she was going to try to entice us. Yes! That showed a bit of initiative. Progress. She threw in a couple pairs of short shorts like the burgundy ones she had. LEGS! She also brought the...
Upstairs, we took turns, with Cheryl and me starting together, and as nasty as it normally was, turned it in to our own little love session. We cleaned each other out, very well. One time, for each of us, was laying on the floor on a towel, letting the water and soap stay and do some good. It felt nice. I was really, really starting to enjoy it, as a method of sharing with Cheryl. I think she did, too. On her time on the floor, I ran my thumb over her clit and she came enough to really have...
“Absolutely, sister mine. Have fun. And, at your age, I’m not waiting up for you. Have a ball, Sally. Tell Ricky to take care of you. Him, I’ll wait up for.” They both laughed. “Sally will explain later, folks. Nice to meet you. Better get to Ricky’s before he gives your table away. Some slick woman with a fiver may beat you out!” Again laughter. She herded us out the door and off we went to the car. “Sally, what was this about Ricky?” “Her husband. He works at Perry’s. That’s how I got you...
I got us home in time for a snack and a talk before bed. The trip planned for day after tomorrow was a short one. Two nights. An afternoon, then a full day, then a morning after that in meetings with a couple of customers this time. Seems milk jugs were becoming popular, but more so, very much needed. There was a changing, evolving, threat, and these devices were quick defenses and deterrents. This time they wanted to add countermeasures. Cheryl told me Monday night that Charlie smiled when...
My name is Gary and I’m married and I’ve had this thing about a hair dresser I use to visit. Her name is Deena and she’s twenty years younger than me. I haven’t had Deena cut my hair in a couple of years and missed her. So I called her for an appointment as I was thinking about her recently. “Hi Gary, it’s been a while,” she said answering the call. “I know. I’ve been extremely busy with work.” “What can I do for you?” All...
The place I used to work at last yr had a hairdresser that came in on a regular basis to do the older ladies hair , I noticed her from the word go as she was such a sexy little thing, about 5” 1 and blonde with a sweet little figure and a lovely set off boobs, a little older than I was but at the time I didn’t know by how much, over a few weeks and a little small talk I asked her if she would like to have dinner, and with a little persuasion from a colleague she agreed, I made dinner and we had...
Like most self-employed people Becky was struggling as a hairdresser during lockdown. No clients meant no money, but the bills didn’t seem to stop. She’d already resorted to cancelling every subscription she had and had even sold her TV on eBay. But she was still short of cash. At twenty-six years old and living the single life she had no one to help with the bills.Out of desperation she’d texted one of her clients to see if he needed a haircut and didn’t mind breaking the lockdown rules to...
SpankingJudy used several sites over the years to find her friends with benefits. She never tells me until afterwards what she has done. It’s rare she tells me anything in advance. One day she advised me the k**s were at my parents and she was entertaining that night and I would have to stay in the family room. My curiosity was getting the better of me.She went and took a shower and asked me to come in and shave her pussy. She had me paint her fingernails and toenails. Once she was ready she put on her...
Here are the usual disclaimers this story is for adults only if you are viewing this andare not 18 years of age or older please close this page immediatly.There is no cross dressing in the story but this is how I began my transformation fromregular boy into cock suckking teenage crossdresser.We were having a really hot heat wave. i meat with my older brother (wear red shorts, and a black T-shirt) wanted me to get out of the house and off the computer so she suggested a movie. I felt wierd going...
Any ways, it had been awhile, and I wasn’t in any sort of relationship at the time, and the thought of being with a tranny again had started to be on my mind. Luckily, this was before Craigslist dropped its casual encounters section, so it was relatively easy to look for hook ups, and being there was a TS/Crossdresser section, I could easily contact one. I remember looking through postings, hoping to find one that was attractive enough, because as I’m sure you know, many cross dressers and...