Fancy FrancieChapter 4 free porn video

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“Come. Let’s go to your house and get some clothes and stuff. Enough for a couple days, anyway. We’ll get more later.” We got there, and she threw a bunch of stuff in a bag that had handles. I saw her pull out about two handfuls, maybe four sets, of lingerie. Looked like matching bra and panty sets. Yippee, she was going to try to entice us. Yes! That showed a bit of initiative. Progress. She threw in a couple pairs of short shorts like the burgundy ones she had. LEGS! She also brought the gun out and handed it to Charlie, handle first.

“If I’m not sleeping alone, I won’t need this.” He took it from her, unloaded it, put the bullet that came out of it and the ammo clip in his pocket, and put the gun in his belt in the back of his pants, pulling his shirt over it.

“Thank you, Sis. When we get home, remind me I need to take you and your mistress out and show you both about shooting and guns and all that. I think it would be best.”

“Yes, Sir.” She had the bag and about five hangers with blouses on them. “I think I have enough to last a while.” Then she handed me an envelope. It was stuffed with cash. “From the cars. I won’t need it.”

I was shocked. “Baby girl, that’s your money...” She broke in.

“Please keep it.” I shook my head. “Help me with it later, then. When you take me to my new home. Just, please, take it. At least for now. Please. I don’t want to lose that much money. I don’t want a beating for losing the money.”

“Cheryl, sweetie, what are you talking about? A beating for losing the money.”

“Not too long back, I lost my billfold. It had money for some groceries in it. Forty dollars. I remember. Mother’s boyfriend slapped me and hit me with a belt on my bottom and legs for losing the money. I found it the next day. He slapped me for lying to him. I don’t want the money. Not now.”

I reached up for her neck, put my hand behind it and pulled her face to mine. She was getting a little worried. Scared. Faces close, eye to eye, I looked at her. As serious as I could, I licked her nose. She tried not to giggle. She failed. I held her still. “Cheryl. Listen to me. Listen close. We will NEVER treat you like that. NEVER. Please don’t be afraid of us. You were around bad people. I know now, since she allowed it, your mother was among the worst of them. You were abused. You didn’t deserve any of that. Believe me. Get that through your head, please, baby girl. You were abused, and that stops now.”

She nodded. “I love you two people. I don’t know a lot. I don’t know how to love. I’ll learn. Don’t be upset with me. Please. Your acceptance is more important to me than anything else. I need you. I know that now. I need you and will do anything you say to make you want to keep me. Anything.” I hugged her. I didn’t want to say any more right then. Charlie knew. He went along.

We went back to the hotel and took her things to the room. A couple of the blouses were sheer and would be so pretty with her pretty lingerie under them. We’d try that out tomorrow night when she got off. We’d go out somewhere else, dressed up and sexy for our guy. She got everything hung and put into drawers. “All done. I think I have it put away for now. Work clothes for tomorrow and everything.”

I told her, and him, really, “Come, then. Let’s go sit and have a drink. Let’s talk about the next few days.” Charlie got really bored, really quick. We wound up talking about shopping. I noticed him looking at his sister, though. She was quite beautiful. More and more, he was becoming taken with her. He got back into the conversation, asking if she liked to cook, if she thought she might like the outdoors, and a few other questions. I think he was going to think about having her start golfing this spring, too. I wanted to start, and it was something all three of us could do together. Fun, fun. Once he was in the conversation, time flew. Next thing we knew, we were in Amaya, looking over menus after seven. The hotel is really nice and we found all of the eateries good there. Amaya was no different. Seeing the golf course as the sun went down was a scenic delight, so say the least. They weren’t crowded, so we didn’t feel rushed at all. Staying ‘til a little after nine, we left a nice tip for the girl that was watching out for us, and went upstairs after a slow, romantic walk around the property.

“Charlie, take us upstairs and love on us, honey,” I said to him, grinning wildly.

He tucked us under his arms, hugging us to him. “Gladly. I will gladly take my two beautiful women upstairs and love on them. I wouldn’t mind if they decided to love on me a little, too. Ladies, I love you. Francie, my wife. I love you sooooo much. Cheryl, my dear darling sister, I am falling deeper in love with you every time I look at you or hear your voice. Thank you so much for being my sister and loving us. I second what my wife has already said. You are safe. You are not going to be abused any longer. You’ve received a spanking from me. That’s about as bad as things will get around here. Just love us and let us love you, and I think you’ll be just fine.” He leaned down and kissed her while we waited for the elevator. Then he kissed me. We’re gonna be just fine.

Up in the room, I wanted to be clean for anything that happened so I excused myself and went to the bathroom with my bulb. Cheryl came in and took over. Having warm water squirted into my bottom while she was also playing with my peenie was an elaborately exhilarating experience. I came while she was doing it. She knew the end of the bulb nozzle was soft and she found my prostate with it. She wasn’t playing fair. She bit my ear when I came, too, driving me to almost fuck her hand into the toilet rim.

“Cheryl. What are you doing to me?”

“Everything I can think of to make you love me and keep me. I’m not done. It will take years, but I’m not done.”

“I do love you, baby girl. I do. And, I’m keeping you. I am. Don’t stop trying, though. You are amazing. I love what you are doing to me. Please, though, I want to share with you as well. Let’s trade, then shower, then go drive our man crazy.” We traded places and I used the bulb and lots of warm water in her bowels, too, cleaning her out really well. I got even, though, and on the second to last two bulbs, I fingered her pussy while I did it, then on the very last one, I had two fingers inside and pinched her clit. She was taking the water in, I was done, so pulled out the bulb, and then pinched her making her come and explode the water out of her bottom. She screamed so loud Charlie came to check on us. It was clean water by then, so we told him we were fine, went in the shower, did another one each, and made out for a while as he watched us. That didn’t last long. He came in and basically took his sister. Just took her. She was giving, but he was taking. I felt and rubbed her breasts from underneath, on my knees, licking her pussy while he was driving into her from behind. It wasn’t frantic, but it was firm. Her moans and groans were testimony to her enjoying it and not feeling pressured, or threatened.

I was licking her clit, tickling it, with his cock bumping my tongue and my chin. She was getting close, holding my hands to her breasts, moving them so my fingers had her nipples. So close, I could feel her start to shake. I felt Charlie start to throb on my chin. I went for broke. With one hand, I pinched her nipple, starting her coming, took my other to Charlie’s ass and rubbed his butt crack with my fingers, then bit lightly but firmly down on her clit and part of her labia. She lost it. Thankfully he had her by the hips so she wouldn’t fall on me. He wasn’t quite done, so I kept at it and we got her to climax again. Her screech was a bit piercing in the enclosed shower, but it was one of the prettiest sounds I’ve ever heard. Ecstasy. The sound of ecstasy exploding. He came inside her, lifting her off the ground away from my face. I stood so I wouldn’t get hurt if she fell off his shaft and on to me. She didn’t. He had hold of her so she wasn’t moving anywhere.

“Charlie. Francie. Never. I’ve never been loved like that. So much sex all at once. Still after the cleaning. So much. All of it together. Oh, God. It feels good though. Sex with you feels good. Last month, the same way. Sex with you two feels good. Before I always hurt when they did it...” I broke in.

“Cheryl, we’re not having sex. We’re not fucking. Even when we use those words to be sexy, to be over the top, baby girl, we’re not fucking. We’re making love. THAT is the difference. I care if you enjoy my touch. Charlie cares if you enjoy the feeling of his cock in your little pussy. We care about your pleasure. We care about yours, more than ours. Charlie always makes me come first. I like to make him come first when I attack him. I want you to come first when I attack you. And, I will attack often. Come for me. Make love with me. We may use ‘fuck’ when we make love, but sweetie, this isn’t sex, and this isn’t fucking. This is sharing and making love. See the difference?” She nodded. “We love you. Find me some lube, I want you to make his cock big again and fuck me in the ass with it. You can suck on my little clittie while he is ravishing my bottom. She squealed. I guess her being asked to do what I want her to do will be met with positive squealing. OK!

She led him out of the shower like a lamb to slaughter. She had him by his half hard dick, pulling him along. He asked for a side trip to get a bottle of water. No problem, she led him over to the sink where we had some ice and some water bottles, then after he had one, pulled him to the bed, and centered him in it. She kissed the tip of his cock, making it jump a little. Then she helped me lay on my back on my husband’s chest and remembering how I did it, handed him my ankles. She used some lube and her fingers of one hand on me and her other hand and some more lube on him. Then, when she thought he was adequately firm, slid his cock into my ass and bit my taint, then sucked my clittie into her mouth and started chewing on it. She was getting even in the sexiest of ways. Her teeth on me were perfect. Never once hurt, but never once let me feel unattended. She was there, with him the whole time.

When he was ready, about ten minutes into my butt, he did his ragdoll thing, startling her. She’d seen it, but not while she was sucking on my peenie. She backed up, but instead of just watching, put her hands on my breasts and pinched and rubbed my nipples. I went bonkers. Totally a new feeling. Then she took one hand away and back to my clittie, using Charlie’s movement with me to fuck my clittie into her fingers. That was it. I came. He felt me clenching on him so he came. I squirted all over her fingers, more than I have for a long time. He came like gangbusters and after the first two or three spurts, it slipped out of my butthole and was aimed at her. It spurted on her chest once, then she caught it in her mouth, got the last couple spurts in her mouth, then put it back into my ass. Geez, I hoped it was clean enough for that.

With his dick back in my bottom, she came up and laid on me. I pulled her face to me. She tried to pull away, knowing what she did, but I pulled her to me. She stopped. “Cheryl, you’ll kiss me now. I’m not asking. I’m telling.” She did. I didn’t notice anything bad. She obviously had second thoughts, though. “When I want to kiss you, you kiss me. No question. Understood, young lady?”

“Yes Ma’am, it’s just that...” I stopped her.

“Someone made you suck a dirty dick and it was gross. Right?” She nodded. “Baby girl, that’s one reason we clean up like we do. Just in case, but ... Remember this. I’ll never stick Charlie’s dick in your mouth after being in either one of our asses. You did that on your own, and I think it might have been because you knew we were fairly clean, and plus we use this antibacterial lube but still, I will never make you do that. I will never MAKE you do anything sexual. I may tell you to clean him up, or jack him off, or suck his cock, or maybe sit on his face, but if you don’t, I will. And, I won’t beat you for not doing it. Understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” She looked down away from me. “Can I suck on your clittie again tonight? I like it.”

“Yes. Get up here and sit on his face. I’m going to sit on the headboard in front of you and let you have it.” Charlie smiled. “You are one lucky man, you know it?” He nodded and pulled her pussy down to his face. He licked her bottom, as well, eliciting a little growl, then settled in and made her come with a grunt into my own crotch. I came again, almost peeing. I got her to swallow and let me go then told her to turn around and fix the not so little problem she caused. While I was peeing, I heard her swooning and mumbling around his penis as he licked her bottom. I was back out on the bed, and licked her butt while he sucked on her clit. It was an oral free for all. She won. She came on his face, squirting, and he spurted into her mouth, coming over and over. We were all just a bit tired after that. We put some towels down to absorb some of the mess, then fell asleep.

We sent Cheryl off to work after getting the smell of sex off of us and went shopping. I bought her a matching diamond necklace and earring set. He bought her an iPad and a phone on his phone plan. His were much more practical. That’s a man thing. Girls like jewelry, too. We had them giftwrapped and put them in the safe in the room.

The room had been cleaned and the sheets and towels all replaced, thankfully. I called housekeeping and asked for the name of the maid for our room. I got it. Consuela P. There were still two of them working the other end of the hallway. I went down, and looked at name tags. Consuela P. I had a shit chance of her speaking English very well, but I asked her if she cleaned and took care of 216. She told me yes, she did, and asked if there was a problem. I kissed her cheek and handed her forty dollars. I thanked her and walked back up to the room. I’ll bet she’s still to this day trying to figure out what that was about. I was thinking she might not speak English, but she was as American as I am, so I just gave her the tip, thanked her and left. I didn’t want to get into the state of the room or anything like that, but it was a den of iniquity when we left this morning, and smelled like a ... Hell, I don’t know what it smelt like, but it smelled like pussy and cum and sweat. The girl worked in a combat zone this morning!

I went to find Marcie, and she had a special lunch put together for us. She said she’d try a different one this time, but to expect it to be good. I asked her if she could keep the shrimp cocktail in it. She laughed. Of course, she could. She liked those, too. So, we had that lined up.

We were a little more sedate this evening. We went to Ruth’s Chris for a steak, dressed a little better than normal. I noticed that Cheryl looked better in my dresses than I did. She’s taller. It shows. More leg. Nope. I’m not jealous. Much. Ehhhh. Why be jealous of your own pet? She was wearing a royal blue A-line hankie hem of mine that wasn’t tight on me. It fit her like they made it on her. I wore my green halter sheath. We looked good. Charlie said so. That’s all there was to it.

Back at the room, we actually snuggled and went to sleep early. We had a four o’clock startup for our fishing trip. We were going to try for one after Houston, too. We had both cars sold, so the rest should be easy. Once we had her out of the house, we’d get a realtor and a contractor to clean it up, paint it and get what we could out of it. Even where it was, if it was in good shape, the shack should bring two hundred. This is Carmel Valley and houses here were not cheap, but they’d had it since before the area boomed.

We grabbed our lunch box on the way out to the car, then stopped for the requisite beer, water, coffee and breakfasts. Once we hit the marina, Cheryl and I had to go to the office for permits. Thankfully they opened early for the charter crowd. We were greeted by the kids, the two high school boys that helped us clean up after the Thanksgiving trip. They were off for Christmas break as well. We chatted for a bit while Charlie got his stuff out of the locker, then we all helped him get it down to the boat. I thought for a minute I was going to get hit on, but it didn’t happen. Cheryl told me to help my husband on the helm and that put paid to any thought of that.

“Yes, boys, Mistress Francie is married to Master Charlie. I’m his sister. She’s his wife.” They gave her the ‘Oh, sorry’ look and went back up to the office. Cheryl laughed. ‘I’m sorry, Francie. Charlie. That was funny. I didn’t mean to step on their dreams but one of them almost asked Ma’am out and that would have been disastrous.”

“You did good, pet. I heard the whole thing. Thank you, and feel free to intercept any and all comers, if you like. You know, my pet, I love you,” I told her. Then hugged and kissed her. “Bow lines or stern?” She indicated she’d get the bow this time and I got the stern. Charlie had started the engines and they were idling, warming a bit. He just stood there and held a dock post rope so it wouldn’t walk away. It was quite cute. He tilted his head toward both of us then up to the tower.

“If my Princesses would go to the castle tower, they can run the castle from there. I’ll stay down here and fend off boarders, pirates, and horny high school boys.” Cheryl and I both giggled and I followed that wonderful ass up the ladder, only biting it once. She yipped and her brother almost choked on his coffee. Once we were up and the control cover was off, he brought our cups up to us. “I love you both. Stop biting each other or I’ll have to separate you.” We rolled our eyes at him, then I put the boat in reverse and backed us out then headed for Willie and the bait dock.

“Willie,” I yelled, “I bought the brute a new smoker. Where can I find some barracuda?”

“Plymouth dealer, if you’re fishing with him! If you throw him overboard, and your luck improves, set a course for hill 209. Southwest of the harbor mouth. One and a half to two miles out on that line. Kelp beds. They like to eat the little fish in there. Use these sardines, hooks through the backs. If you can’t get a hit, slow troll some bone lures around it. Half scoop on the way in!” He put some in the big center tank and looked up. “Francie! Use the anchovies on smaller hooks across the bottom around the edges to get some rock fish, then come up into it for the calico kelp bass. I’ll get you some fish in spite of you having your brute on board!” He put just a few anchovies, maybe a quarter scoop or fifty fish, in the little bait tank, knowing we wouldn’t use many. “Anchovies are on the house.”

“Thanks, Willie. Anybody getting any tuna, trolling?”

“Yeah, hon. Remember Thanksgiving? Eight out at 257, I think it was. Go one mile northwest. Eight and a half or so at 263 thereabouts. That’ll get you close. They were boiling this morning. These sardines will be going home if you take ‘em there. Don’t stop fishing if you get on well. We need some fish for the shelter, and we’re having a party for a housewarming. Need all the help we can get. It’s all for a good cause, and I’ll wrap and freeze all yours for free, but the ‘Brute’ knows that.

“I don’t need your charity, ya hairball.”

“Feel the love. Take care, y’all. Charlie, talk to me if you can before you leave town.”

“Dinner tonight? With us? Fairmont?”

“Sure. We’ll talk. I’ll bring Annie if we do that, and make you buy.”

“Sold, American! I’ll catch you when we get back in, Willie. Thanks for helping Captain Ahab, the slave driver, out up there.”

“Any time. You really married up when you got around to it, didn’t you?”

Cheryl said I turned three different shades of red when he said that.

“Thanks, Willie. Now Francie is blushing and flustered. It’s a cute look on her. See you this afternoon,” Charlie said, and I pulled away.

Cheryl told me to move up a bit, and sat behind me on the tower bench seat, then pulled me back to her. She put her arms around me, keeping one there, even when she drank her coffee. It was comfortable. Loving. She just wanted to hold me. It felt good. “I love you, Cheryl. I just want you to know that.” I leaned my head back on her shoulder then leaned my head and kissed her on her ear.

“I love you, too, Francie. I need to talk to you, though, so you understand how I feel. It’s strange, and you have to promise not to laugh.”

“I can’t promise, sweetheart, but I’ll try.”

“As much as I love my brother, and have for a long time, and am even in love with him, you’ll notice I didn’t sit behind him and pull him into my lap. Francie, I love you. I think I’m a lesbian and I’m madly in love with my sister-in-law. Really deep in love.” She laid her head on my back. On my shoulder blade. “You’re not laughing.”

“No, I’m not. Remember, love, I am first and foremost, your brother’s wife, and I will remain so, no matter how I feel about you or you feel about me.”

“I know that. I really do. This is more about me being in love with you, Francie. I love you. But, I need you. Your support, your guidance, your understanding. I need you. You don’t need me. You may love me, but you don’t require me to be whole. I feel that about you. If you love my brother more than me, that’s fine and suits my purpose. I just need to love you and receive your help. Sounds weird, huh?”

“Nope. That will work just fine. I want you. I want you in our lives. Permanently, but it’s as my girlfriend, not his wife. He has one. Me. This will work fine. I’m sure of it. I love you, Cheryl. Just do as you’re told. Be a good girl, and the next fifty years are going to be a blast. How long has it been since you’ve been to a doctor? For the ovary damage thing.”

“Ten years now? It’s just annual, well, annual GYN things now. Nothing abnormal. You wouldn’t see that unless you did an MRI.”

“We’ll do that at home. We have a medical school there. I just want to make sure you’re OK. Things are different now than they were ten years ago, I’m positive of that.”

“That’s fine. I’m not worth the money but...” I slapped her leg.

“Don’t say that. You’re mine. You’re priceless. Never, ever, talk bad about my pet again. Seriously. Priceless. Understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am. Sorry.”

“OK. Now, where were we? You were snuggling me. Much better. We’re leaving the harbor but it’s awfully calm. You warm enough up here with me? If not, we can do down and drive from there.”

“I’m fine wherever you are, Francie.” She squeezed me. I think I felt a tear on the back of my neck. Ooooh, chill.

I set the course in for a mile and a half out toward hill 209. I thought we’d try that first, then troll out to the tuna range Willie told us about. Something came over me, a feeling of some kind. I reached over my head and pulled her head to mine in a hug. I felt her sniffle. “Cheryl, go downstairs and check the course. Hold it until I get down there.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” She took off down the ladder with her coffee cup.

I followed as soon as I felt the resistance on the wheel. Down there, we figured the course out and were almost on top of it.

“Cheryl. We’re fine. Promise. Love me. Obey me. Listen to me when I tell you why you need to obey me. We’ll be fine. Anything I tell you to do is as much for you as for us. Please trust me. I know trust is hard for you, but I’ll earn it. I swear I will.”

“OK, Francie, but it’s hard to believe I went from negative nothing to positive everything since Halloween. You turned my life upside down. No, right side up. I love you.” She kissed me.

“I love you too, baby girl. I really, really do. I hate to break up the love fest, but let’s fish.” I shut one of the engines down, idling and using it to creep against the current. “Brute! We need live bait hooks so we can pull some smoking fish out of these weeds. Can you help us with that?”

“Yes, massah lady. Yes, I can!”

“Dufus. Help us here!” He showed us what we needed to tempt some barracuda into the boat, then showed us how he did it. It worked. He got one in, showed how to measure it, and threw his in the fish box. We split up a bit and wound up with five of them all way over legal length. Three he thought were considered good sized. He asked if we wanted to try for some kelp bass. He told us that Willie brought it up, because they made good sandwiches. We tried. And got a few. Cheryl accidentally caught another barracuda with her little anchovy, but Charlie helped her get it on the boat and into the fish box. Her second one was almost the biggest. We’d been at it about an hour, so I started the other engine and shut that one down. The hours were almost the same on them and I wanted to keep them that way. We pulled up a few more bass then Charlie set up the trolling rigs. We had three out, and while he got a jump on the cleanings, I fired up the fish box cooling system for him. No sooner did he have the last bass filleted and the carcass on the way to the crabs, PSZIIIIINNNGGGGG, that we got a hit on the starboard pole. Yellow. OK.

“Fish On!” Slow the boat. They brought in the other lines and Cheryl brought in a really nice thirty-pound yellowtail. Back out with the lines, Charlie put a yellow out center, too. Same area slowly around, almost the same area. No boils or anything. PSZZIIINNNNGGGGGG, “Fish On!” I loved Cheryl’s voice. I really loved it when she hollered out like that to indicate the party restarting! Charlie fought another thirty-pound yellowtail in. We spent an hour with nothing, so I plotted a course to Willie’s recommended spot and we trolled toward it.

When we were several hundred yards from the approximate point Willie led us to, I told them to keep alert. There were three other boats out there, as well, but I was going to work the area, looking for movement. I found some, twice, having my wonderful and very appreciative lovers bring in four fish, two large bluefin on one side of the other boats and two nice yellowfin on the other side. I’ll bet it drove them nuts, the other boaters, watching us catch the fish around them. One of the boats did bring a nice one on board while we were fishing, though.

Charlie called it a day and wanted to get in and go talk to Willie. He pulled the fish out and got to cleaning them. Cheryl offered to help, again, but he waved her off. Cheryl and I stayed up in the tower getting some sun in some pretty skimpy bikini tops. The weather was pretty nice now, and the sun was keeping us warm. We just eased along toward the harbor, for a while, then Charlie hollered he was done, and to head on in. It was calm as could be, so we just stayed in the tower, feeling the breeze, and headed toward the harbor and the fuel dock. We caused a bit of a commotion, in our short shorts and itsy bitsy teeny weeny tops, but Charlie just laughed as they filled the boat with diesel and fresh water, and pumped the holding tank empty.

“Take the boat home, my lovelies!” he hollered from below. We eased it around the marina and into our slip. The boys came down with the cart and helped with the fish, and the gear. They told Charlie they’d clean the boat up and rinse it off. I don’t know how it worked, but he was able to hand each of them a twenty without them taking their eyes off Cheryl and me. Must be a man thing. Or a boy thing. They were my age.

Willie was there, meeting Charlie, and the two of them were talking for a while. The first decision made was for us to take the four biggest barracuda, both of the yellowtail, and one big bluefin home. The rest would go to the shelter Willie helped support. One of the fish, a bigger one, was going to be roasted in an old fashioned underground thing, like they do with little pigs, for a house warming party for a family that was just moved into a house built by the shelter’s parent charity. He just wanted to make sure that Charlie knew what was happening. Charlie had him text an address, so he could send some money for building supplies and replacement equipment. Willie hugged Cheryl and me both, then whispered in my ear. “Free bait for a couple trips. Don’t even try to pay me. And I’m going to have the van meet you at the plane again. No need to hassle with this stuff if you don’t have to. Car might be full this time, too.”

I nodded, but told him, “Don’t hurt yourself, Willie, the bait and the locker are your business. You can’t give us free stuff and make a living.”

“Trust me sugar, passing some bait to my friend and his pretties is NOT going to hurt my bottom line much, and he does so much for ‘Casa Vida Bonita’, I’d hate to not be able to at least extend what gratitude I can.”

“OK. We’ll be back for an outing after, or maybe on, New Year’s Day. Maybe the second. Hell, maybe both. We have so much fun out there fishing together. Sissy here is really having fun.” Cheryl nodded.

“We’ll be here both days. We don’t take holidays off. Too many people go fishing on the holidays. Big times for us.”

“Sounds good. Look, it’s three-thirty. You and the Missus come down to the Fairmont and we’ll feed you at seven. Cocktails at six!” It was a plan. He agreed to that. Cheryl and I hugged him, Charlie and he shook hands, and off we went.

Back at the room, we all crashed on the bed for a minute, snuggling. Cheryl kissed me, then Charlie, and pulled him into the shower. “Mistress, please help me clean your brute. I want to make him happy, but he smells like dirty fish shoes.” We all laughed at that description, then pulled Charlie into the shower where his big sister sucked him off until he came in her mouth. Her hands grasping at his butt cheeks set him off a little faster than normal. We kissed above that action, then Cheryl and I washed him and sent him on his merry way. “Slacks and a button down, little brother. You never know. Willie and his wife may show up a bit over casual, and we need to be prepared.”

Same as Fancy Francie
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A long long time ago when I had not long turned 18 years old, my local hockey club decided to hold a bit of a fancy dress night to help raise money to pay for a new roof.On the Saturday morning of the party, my friends and I headed into the city centre in the North of England and headed to the fancy dress shop just on the outskirts of the main shopping area. It was a bit of a seedy run down area with a couple of naughty bookshops and a couple of massage parlours. The fancy dress shop was up...

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Fancy Dress

Fancy Dress The July 4th carnival parade had been on the cards for ages, and Mom was already getting in costumes. She'd had a brilliant idea about a Mutant Turtle costume for me, and a Statue of Liberty costume for my non- identical twin sister Ursula, but another bunch of Moms were taking films as their theme and already had Turtles and a Rat. Mom had started to dye things, including a pair of Ursula's white pantyhose, and the colour came out too light for a Turtle. Then Ursula shot...

3 years ago
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fancy dress fuck

hi friends . this is nikunj again with a brand new and unique story of my own imagination. this story is writen just for fun. i know my fans had to wait for my new story since august but what to do. i was busy. ok now with the story.. ye uss din ki batt hai jis din rajul aur uske pati parag ko ek party mai bulaya tha. ye couple fancy dress party thi. asi party kafi kam aur exicting hoti hai aisa rajul ne suna tha, par kabhi bhi wo aisi party mai nahi gayi thi. rajul ne uss party mei jane ke...

3 years ago
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Fancy Dress Party

“Hi, have you got my costume for tonight?” I asked Amanda as soon as I returned home from my Honeymoon. “Well; there’s been a change of plan. We aren’t going as the Spice Girls after all. I’ve had to order you something special instead.” She laughed, before asking about my Honeymoon in Corfu. As she hung up we agreed that my new husband, Paul, would drop me at her house at 6.30. As I talked about my holiday I completely forgot to ask what my new costume was going to be. Later in...

3 years ago
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Fancy dress fun

A well-off friend of mine held a fancy dress party last summer on his parents’ large estate that was themed as ‘Warriors and Amazons’. As I am vainly proud of my body and as it was a hot and humid day I turned up in just a loincloth, fluffy barbarian-like boots and a big silver sword. Many of our girl friends are very attractive and thanks to the scorching weather wore very little, many coming as Xena or her cute sidekick. I must have been half-stock under my loincloth most of the evening,...

2 years ago
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Fancy Dress

It was a night out, or a night in, depending on how you looked at it. Me and my boyfriend, Tom were going to a fancy dress house party at one of his friend’s houses. He was dressed as your quintessential pirate, and I was going as a burlesque dancer. This essentially entailed me wearing next to nothing, simply some black high heels, stockings and suspenders with a corset and some halfway down the leg, frilly shorts style knickers. I was running late upstairs and was putting the finished...

2 years ago
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Fancy a wank right now

Masturbation Is a wonderful gift we all enjoy. Next to sex with a loved partner, which is not always available when we need it, wanking is fantastic. I don’t know if you thought about it like this, perhaps you just take it for granted, but you can do it anytime you feel like it, practically anywhere, take it slow or make it quick, do it somewhere safe or take a risk in public, use your hands use a vibe or dildo , do it hands free, and unless you want to do it together with someone you only have...

2 years ago
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Fancy Dress

It was a night out, or a night in, depending on how you looked at it. Me and my boyfriend, Tom were going to a fancy dress house party at one of his friend’s houses. He was dressed as your quintessential pirate, and I was going as a burlesque dancer. This essentially entailed me wearing next to nothing; simply some black high heels, stockings and suspenders with a corset and some halfway down the leg, frilly shorts style knickers. I was running late upstairs and was putting the finished touches...

3 years ago
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fancy dress

At first I thought it was not going to happen Friday night as it was so cold out, then about 4pm her 55 year old mate Ann called around to get dressed with her as she was also going to fancy dress party, lol she was also going as a school girl, I said with my cock throbbing have to see you both before you go out...John said he would wait up with me till she came home from the night out... I said I'm just going to wear a shirt and no boxers, cause I will start flashing and wanking in front of...

3 years ago
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Fancy dress fun

A well-off friend of mine held a fancy dress party last summer on his parents' large estate that was themed as 'Warriors and Amazons'. As I am vainly proud of my body and as it was a hot and humid day I turned up in just a loincloth, fluffy barbarian-like boots and a big silver sword. Many of our girl friends are very attractive and thanks to the scorching weather wore very little, many coming as Xena or her cute sidekick. I must have been half-stock under my loincloth most of the evening,...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Fancy Farts

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Fancy Farts Fresh out of school, I submitted applications and resumes all over town and became used to the phrase. "I'm sorry, you're not quite what we're looking for."? I had exausted my most promising options and nearly given up when I got a call from 'Avila's Fashions.' I was to meet with Avila herself. I had seen photos of her and could not pass on the opportunity to meet her. Though only thirty something she was already...

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Fancy Dress

Naomi knew that it had been a mistake.? She had received stares from some of her malecolleagues that had made her uncomfortable and it had taken some work to avoidbeing groped by that revolting Duncan from accounts.? There he was now slavering over Penny Marsh ?poor Penny, Naomi could see that she was desperate to get away from him.? While she wasn't quite so desperate herselfshe was thinking about leaving, but that was her own fault. When the work's Christmas party had beenannounced as fancy...

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Fancy dress

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

1 year ago
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Fancy dress party gone right

As she undressed and got into the shower Natalie once again felt the mixed emotions of excitement and worry. For a short while the excitement took over while her hands, lubricated by the shower gel, wandered over her body. She knew that her tits and pussy were no dirtier than the rest of her, but she gave them extra attention anyhow, enjoying the sensations as the stroked and teased herself. She was rudely interrupted by her husband banging on the bathroom door demanding to know when he could...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Fancy Dress Party Taxi Ride

My drunkenness was now making me very sleepy as the taxi sped along the motorway. “Lynn! Lynn!” Clare shouted as she shook my arm, “I’m getting out now, will you be ok?” “Yes, yes…sure,” I mumbled as my eyes blinked with the sudden light. “I’ve got her address. She’ll be fine.” I heard the elderly Asian taxi-driver tell my friend. I looked forward and spotted his dark brown eyes staring back from the rear-view mirror as he adjusted it. Not realising what he was doing I...

3 years ago
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Fancy Free

When Jerry arrived at the Sloan's, Loren was already there, drink in hand, speaking with the host of the soiree, Don Sloan. He was sitting catty corner to her, glancing at her crossed legs every few moments, totally fascinated. Loren pretended not to notice, but from the way her leg moved and from the way of her flip-flop dangled, there could have been no question of her awareness. Jerry approached them as Loren looked up at him, but several moments after she had spotted him. She returned her...

4 years ago
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Fancy Party

So, here's another thing that happened!I was in math class, not really paying attention. It's the last class of the day and I get distracted easy. I can't even remember what I was thinking about, but it wasn't math!My teacher, Ms V noticed that I wasn''t paying attention and walked over to my desk. I actually didn't notice until she was standing over me and glaring down at me! She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tall and SOOOOOOOOOO pretty. She had really long straightened black hair and her figure was...

1 year ago
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Fancy a Stiff One Version 2

We drive to a country pub, pull up in the car park briefly kiss. We walk hand in hand, I can't help noticing the bounce of your breasts, the outline of your bra through the tight low cut top and your glorious cleavage. Your skirt is short just long enough to cover your stocking tops, you smile, we get our drinks and sit in a discreet corner booth, we sip our drinks for a while, you excuse yourself stand and brush past me, I can feel your suspender !!!!!!! (I love stockings, I hope you do too)....

3 years ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 2

“Francie, are you OK?” I shook my head. “Francie? Please, say something! Please!” I shook my head again then threw myself into his arms, reached around his neck and squeezed. Moving my arms must have done it. I was able to inhale and get out a squeak. “Yes. And, no.” “What?” I held my hand up. “Wait. Please.” I whispered. I took a few breaths, holding him to me. Wow. Panic attack. Never did I think Francie Cooper would be at a loss for words. “OK. Sorry. I had a panic attack when you...

1 year ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 3

I laughed. She giggled. “No, nothing like that. Charlie told me some of the story about the past, and since that was many, many, moons ago, I, personally, was hoping the animosity may have moved on as well.” Cheryl became quite somber. “I never had any animosity toward him. That was all my mother, God rest her soul. I didn’t quite know what was going on, as most kids don’t. I was quite young at the time. I know my mother never said a kind word about Charlie’s father, but Charlie, from...

2 years ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 5

Upstairs, we took turns, with Cheryl and me starting together, and as nasty as it normally was, turned it in to our own little love session. We cleaned each other out, very well. One time, for each of us, was laying on the floor on a towel, letting the water and soap stay and do some good. It felt nice. I was really, really starting to enjoy it, as a method of sharing with Cheryl. I think she did, too. On her time on the floor, I ran my thumb over her clit and she came enough to really have...

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Fancy FrancieChapter 6

“Absolutely, sister mine. Have fun. And, at your age, I’m not waiting up for you. Have a ball, Sally. Tell Ricky to take care of you. Him, I’ll wait up for.” They both laughed. “Sally will explain later, folks. Nice to meet you. Better get to Ricky’s before he gives your table away. Some slick woman with a fiver may beat you out!” Again laughter. She herded us out the door and off we went to the car. “Sally, what was this about Ricky?” “Her husband. He works at Perry’s. That’s how I got you...

1 year ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 7

I got us home in time for a snack and a talk before bed. The trip planned for day after tomorrow was a short one. Two nights. An afternoon, then a full day, then a morning after that in meetings with a couple of customers this time. Seems milk jugs were becoming popular, but more so, very much needed. There was a changing, evolving, threat, and these devices were quick defenses and deterrents. This time they wanted to add countermeasures. Cheryl told me Monday night that Charlie smiled when...

2 years ago
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2nd blowjob

So if you've read my first story, you'll know the situation. If not, i suggest reading it before this one.I was chatting a while later with the same friend on MSN, and i constantly brought up if they needed money i'd happily pay them for a blowjob again, or more... but they always said it'd be strictly blowjobs unless i paid them a ridiculous amount. So we agreed to a blowjob again. We had kept agreeing on times and dates but they always fell through until we found a perfect day, near enough....

1 year ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 47 Welcome to the

The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 5:56pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 “And here comes the stars of tonight’s concert,” Dr. Betty Stevenson excitedly said as she saw the five of us along with Mr. Labatt, Devin and CBS Records’ Mr. Murphie walked into the small performance hall where we won the NIS band challenge in November. Mr. Murphie was waiting for us outside this meeting hall. As we engaged in a little general ‘chit-chat’ with these adults, we saw Shania’s band, the members of...

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Miss Midnight

Although he was only a few miles from home, he didn't have a clue where he was, and with the twisting and turning of the road, slowly he lost his bearings. He pulled over to the side of the road, and flicking on the interior light, he grabbed the A-Z from the passenger seat, opening it to page 86 again. As he ran his finger over the page looking for Marley Way his mobile ran, and taking it out he recognized the number from the call 30 minutes earlier.'Hi Miss Midnight,' he said with a smile...

1 year ago
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Once And Forever

Hi readers how are you all my name is Nikhil and writing first time on this website I hope all ISS readers will like my true experience of life I had in my past life. Not making you all boar lets’ start I am from Delhi and now age is 28 this story is of when I first lost my virginity i was 24yrs mein ek ladki ko bhut chahta tha lekin us ke bare nahi pata tha merko lekin us se bhut batien kiya karta tha aur kafi frank tha ek din ki bat hai usne merko kaha ki movie ke liye chale aur mein shock ho...

3 years ago
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The Slut Challenge

It's been 6+ years since I've been to a swingers club. Finally, I set up a date when I want to go. Saturday was a special day for me and I wanted to celebrate this way. My Owner allowed me to go, but for a price of a Slut Challenge. I was to invite home a record number of tinder dicks in one day. During that time my Owner would be hidden in a house, hearing me moan and scream of pleasure. He would fuck me in between the fuckers too. The idea sounded amazing, I was so excited to do this!I...

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Finding HomeChapter 21

Some of us have a lot to do today, while some have a lot less to do. The night security guard wakes me at six o’clock, and I get out of bed while I leave my companions to sleep on. I shower and dress before moving four clothes bags and my sword case to the main room. Makha and Mayu are ready for the day as well. We’ve comfortable travel clothes on, they only require straightening and the matching coats to be dressy for a meeting. I get the Muramasa katana from the safe, and we head out. For...

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Johns Dream Girl chapters 11 through 15

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Author's Note: This novel deals with extremely taboo situations and events in a very graphic, no-holds-barred manner. It covers a myriad of...

3 years ago
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Sex With Vishu 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone, thank you for indulging your precious time in reading my story. This story contains all the romantic experiences I had with my GF which finally lead to sex. I still do get a hard-on whenever I remember those experiences. Let me tell you about a bit about myself. I’m a regular guy height 6ft, normal body and complexion with 6inch tool so I guess just an average person. I work in reputed firm in Hyderabad. It was hot summer afternoon when I came to office and was having a regular...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 6 Scarlet Rage UnleashedChapter 8

"Ariel! Where are you love?!" called out Nathan from the front of the house. "In the bedroom," called out Ariel anxiously. "Wow that was fast! He couldn't have been gone more than an hour tops!" thought Ariel as she paced around fidgeting. But she was very happy that he came back quickly. After asking where she was, she was surprised that Nathan was taking so long to come to bedroom. Since this is where she wanted to be, she didn't want to leave the room. Tomorrow would make it...

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Danni TylerChapter 15

Apparently the middle two years of high school were for exploration. Danielle found that out when her class was told it was time for a field trip. "What is this?" she asked her cousin when she got home. "Oh, that. I'm surprised you haven't had one yet. The school takes you on a field trip and you get to see some of the things you could do after school." "Oh. Like college?" "Not so much that. College means a lot more studying. No, this takes you to places outside of the immediate...

2 years ago
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Majhi khalaloo aai

Namaskar iss vachak ho! Hee gosht ahe jevha mee 17 varshacha hoto and majhi aai sadharan 38. Maaze vadil nokri nimitta pardeshi astat and varshatoon ekdach kahi divasa sathi ghari paratat. Eka varshi jevha baba ghari ale hote tevha ratri mee pani pyayla uthlo hoto. Aai babancha kholivaroon swayampak gharat jatana sahaj aat dokavlo. Daar thodese ughde hote and atoon awaj jet hote. Mee dar thodese dhakalle. Aat bed lamp chaloo hota ani palangavar aai babanchi pranaykreeda chaloo hoti. Aai...

3 years ago
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the Night Whispers Index

We're here, Kira.It was the first time I'd heard Jackie's voice while watching someone else's experiences.Kira was seated on the edge of Dex's bed, my son hunched over with his back against the wall at the top of the mattress, his hands held over his crotch. I couldn't help imagining that the opening in his boxers might have otherwise shown his genitals. My daughter watched him quietly, then said, "okay ... they're watching, Dex. So ... can we talk?"He shrugged."I'm sorry you had to find out...

4 years ago
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Tuesday Night Creampie

It started off with making out, running a hand through her hair as I moved lower towards her earlobe and neck. My breath teasing her skin along the way. My tongue dancing along her neck and moving downward to an exposed breast. My hand still on the back of her head, I rose to continue kissing between flicks of her pert nipple with my tongue. She could feel my rigid excitement, still veiled by clothing. I kept kissing and licking, but moved a rough hand down the front of her panties, a probing...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Whitney Wright Reagan Foxx Trying Out The New Masseuse

Codey Steele is a new assistant to massage parlor owner, Reagan Foxx. He’s eager to learn all about his new position as Reagan shows him around. After the tour, he asks about NURU massages since it seems to be set up differently than the other types of massages offered. Rather than explain it to Codey, though, Reagan insists that it’s time to interview a candidate to potentially become a new masseuse. Codey does his job, retrieving Whitney Wright and bringing her to Reagan for the...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 37

On Thursday after school, we all left and went straight to Jack’s house. Once there we loaded his luggage into the back of the Blue Whale, then drove to get Linda’s stuff. We were listening to a new tape that Jack had got from his dad. “This movie will be out next month, and my dad got me an advance copy to see what I thought of it.” We were all blown away, the songs were all really great. We recognized Irene Cara’s voice right away, as well as Kim Carnes. But even though we did not...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Braylin Bailey Promise This Would Be the Last Time

Alex Legend was trying to wind down after a long day when suddenly he got a visitor who he thought was his wife… but he got a shocking surprise instead! He didn’t even realize it was his stepdaughter Braylin Bailey until she suddenly slid into the bathtub with him and gave him a little taste of those perfect perky tits of hers. But she really wanted to take care of him and they promised it would be the last time he enjoyed Braylin behind his wife’s back! But after that fuck...

2 years ago
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Actress Me Part 6 The Wedding

We settled on 2 movies for the fall and 2 more for the first half of 1986. She worked hard on all the movies, each did well in the box office, making the studio lots of money. The standard fee that we were asking per movie was, $200,000.00, plus 1% of the net profits after expenses. I caught a lot of flack for those asking prices, but I told them take or leave it. Her star power with winning those 2 Academy Awards, was a big draw for any movie. MGM was on my case for another script. So...

1 year ago
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Still Standing Jim

Jim Cheryl Andy Dana Bill miller Judy Miller Lauren Miller Brian Miller Linda Michaels Cheryl looked into the mirror, not bad she thought for a 34 year old mom of 5. She worked hard after the twins were born to get her figure back. For the first time in over 6 months her and Jim have an evening alone. Her sister Dana and brother Andy had agreed to take the kids off their hands for a few hours and CHeryl wasn't going to waste the time. Cheryl checked herself in the mirror one last time....

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Ana at her first swinger party

Anita and her first swinger partyLife was a little boring when Ana and I moved to Oakland. My sweet wife told me she was a little bit scared about so many black men on the streets, acting like thugs. She confessed me sometimes she had the fantasy of being taken by some of these black men on a dark alley and being fucked wildly by all of them, with no mercy at all.So, thinking she could go out in the middle of the night to try a chance of fulfill her fantasies; I suggested her to try the...

1 year ago
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My first sex with my collegue

Hi to ISS readers my name is subhash and im from hyd my age is 21 years and im a regular reader of iss as come to story part every day i used to see porn movies every day and my collegue is prabhavathi whos age is about 30 years and her husband has been expired and she leaves with her sister and child whos name is pravanya she is 21 years old and her child is about 1 year. I regularly see porn movies as my mother and my father will go to the office in the morning im single in the house as u all...

3 years ago
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The Tiger and the Kitten

From the moment she stepped out onto the tarmac he knew he'd have to have her. She was a vision of beauty, long curly blonde hair, and a shape that would make an hour glass jealous. She recognized him immediately, tall, muscular build and tattoos covering both arms. She walked towards him her hips swaying suggestively. "Hello Tiger" she said. "Hello Kitten" he replied. They shared a hug and a brief "hello" kiss. Finally they were meeting after a few years of e-mails and...

2 years ago
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The First Business Deal

{This story has no relation with any dead or live its complete fiction {as i m still doing that job and don’t want to loose it}it would be little big story please enjoy and give your feedback} Hi I am Jaden 27 now so my story starts in Bangalore with my mba and an offer i got through campus to join a company. Soon my training started and in next three month i was standing on the big corridor of my company at age of 25 with no real working exp. Second day of my appointment my d.O called me...

3 years ago
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Hospital Me Chudai

Hello friends mera naam raj hai or mai haryana se belong karta hu mai jo story aap ko batane ja raha hu vo ek real incident hai. Maine is story me diye nam badal diye hai kayonki koi bhi apni sacchai ko duniya ke samne pesh nahi kar sakta jis sacchai ko duniya accept na kare. Ab mai aap ko jayada bor na karte huye apni story par aata hu issi saal january mahine ki hai aap jante hai is mahine me north india me kitni thand hoti hai.Meri age 31 saal hight 5’10” hai or body bhi achhi hai.Meri...

4 years ago
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Impregnating My Best Friend8217s Wife 8211 Part 2

This is sandy and as I asserted in my last narration. I’m a Sikh man of 35 years. Happily married and residing in Gurgaon. If you haven’t,  then please read the previous part of this story. Going forward: As I left from Jot and Sim’s home, I was still in shock. My heart was still stuck in my throat after what just happened in that last 1 hour. Still trying to digest it and I reached home by then. I straightaway went to the loo. I washed my face with cold water to come back to senses. As I...

1 year ago
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Milking my wife Angeliques tits with a real cow milking machine

Milking my wife Angelique’s tits... Using a real milking machine for dairy cows..... *** Angelique tried her best to please me from the day we met no matter what it was and in any way she could to show me just how much she really loved and wanted to stay with me. Hell she would do anything I told her to do, no matter how crazy or illegal it was! I told her the first time we got together how much I liked extremely wild and freaky sex and she was all for it, hell she couldn’t wait to see how far...

1 year ago
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CowboyChapter 12

He headed south for no good reason; and so a day or two later arrived in New Horizon. He saw one of the bills almost immediately and wondered where he had come to. He was tempted; he was also tempted to simply take advantage of the standard fare to finally find out what full-on, face-to-face, sex was like. “It’s time” he said out loud. A man looked at him and said “About noon I reckon” “No, I ... never mind” He found his way to the door that led to the land of carnal delights. Inside,...

2 years ago
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A decent lady and her daughter my best companions

I was in marketing job with a multinational and was having a big area to cover. After one of my colleague left the job, my company added a portion of his area with me until a fresh candidate could be appointed. I visited this place for the first time and was surprised to find out it was one of the most backward place in terms of lodging and food. There was only one hotel, a very dirty one, small rooms and no facilities. The place itself was far away from my native place, a 6 hours journey. A...

3 years ago
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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 4

Then She decided to secretly meet her Ex-lover Rizwan and get pregnant from him. She Learns that Rizwaan traps innocent girls by his good looks and then pushes them in flesh trade. Zeenat thought she is indeed very lucky that she escaped out of his clutches and has a loving husband now. Then they planned to teach Rizwaan a lesson. Zeenat meets Rizwan and He tried to seduce her. Zeenat has recorded all the conversations with Rizwaan on secret camera and Voice recorder. When she...

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 24 Surprise Visitors

Dave thought about not answering his cellphone. He didn’t recognize the number on his caller ID but recognized the exchange as California. “Hello.” He was holding the phone away from his body since he’d just stepped out of a quick dip in the pool to rinse off his gamey body. He’d made one swipe with the towel. “Hi Dave. This is Julia Ann. I just got into Florida this morning from the west coast and I wanted to call and see if we could get together. You made a big impression on me when you...

3 years ago
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Meri Teen Mastani Betia 8211 Part 7

Mai Raghav aage kee kahani lekar. Last part 6 mey aapne padha kee mere kahne par meri wife Manju ne apne yaar Vikram ko ghar bulaya aur maine dono se khaha kee Vikram kee meri beti Mamta ke saath marriage ke proposal par room ke andar jaakar baat kare. Manju ne hamare bed par apne yaar se chudwaya aur maine betio ke room mey badi beti Mamta ko choda. Vikram Mamta se shaadi ke liye raji ho gaya. Chudai ke baad kareeb ek ghante tak Vikram ke saamne maine apni bibi ko godi mey nanga baithaya aur...

3 years ago
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1984Chapter 12

I opened my eyes. They felt very dry. I was in a hospital bed. I had an I.V. in my arm. I tried to sit up but my body was too stiff and it hurt when I attempted the movement. There was motion in my room. I focused on the spot and gradually my eyes became clear. It was a nurse. "Hello?" I said. The nurse jumped. "You're awake!" she said surprised. "I'm not so sure," I croaked. My throat hurt. "Could I have some water?" "How do you feel?" "Is that a rhetorical...

1 year ago
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Customer Service

Customer service By Teri Franken Chapter 1 Okay, so maybe I am a loser, my life was going nowhere and the future was looking pretty bleak. I barely graduated from high school, my parents decided to move to a retirement community in Arizona and that left me to fend for myself here in southern Minnesota. I was working full time at White Castle, the graveyard shift serving food to every derelict that came out at night and believe it or not, Minnesota had a large population of them! I...

3 years ago
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Friends wife Im trying to enpregnate first s

If you like this story please comment and I'll share more if you like it.First story It was a Friday night and I really needed to get out. My girlfriend left about a month ago so I was going to go to a friends bar. I aways felt good there so I jumped in another friends truck I had for the weekend. It was 11 pm so it was just starting to get good and I had a seat at the bar where I could see the whole place. A little about where i live. this is Mexico and I live in a town on the beach in my...

2 years ago
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My First Cock After The Shower

Suzy grabbed the towel and was out the door leaving Paul and I standing in the shower still with the water still cascading over us.Paul turned to me and said, “It’s okay if you want to stop here. I’ll understand and so will Suzy.” With that, he patted me on the shoulder and followed Suzy out.I stood there under the water thinking about all that had just happened. I couldn’t really say how I felt truly but my body said it liked it. In fact, just standing there replaying the last few events, I...


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