Fancy FrancieChapter 5 free porn video

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Upstairs, we took turns, with Cheryl and me starting together, and as nasty as it normally was, turned it in to our own little love session. We cleaned each other out, very well. One time, for each of us, was laying on the floor on a towel, letting the water and soap stay and do some good. It felt nice. I was really, really starting to enjoy it, as a method of sharing with Cheryl. I think she did, too. On her time on the floor, I ran my thumb over her clit and she came enough to really have problems. We got her into the shower in time and finished. We need to be careful with that in the future.

Calling Charlie in, we were in each other’s arms, making out, when he walked in. We washed each other, in front of him, then each held him for a second, rubbed his chest, kissed him, and walked out, hand in hand, dried, and went to bed, telling him we’d be waiting for him. As he was finishing, I put on a strap on dildo that she could sit down on, and we waited. She was leaning over me, kissing, when I felt her moan. Then she groaned, and then an “Ungggggg”. Her brother was working his fingers into her bottom. If my penis was real, I would have been able to feel it, I’m sure. About then, he lubed them both up and was inside her. Her eyes glazed over, she drooled on my neck, then kissed me, trying to clean it up. Holding her sides, I could feel her, through her movements, losing her mind. She was seriously enjoying this. A small soft penis in her pussy and a larger, hard, yet soft, cock in her bottom. The sounds coming from that woman almost made me jealous. I’d get over it, of course. She loved sucking on my clittie while Charlie made love to me, too. I wasn’t neglected.

She exploded into an orgasm I thought would take her away. Charlie ground himself into her until he came, too, emptying into her. She passed out, face down on me. He smiled at me, so I nodded, and told him it was time. To go clean up. I rolled my pet over on her back, on a towel, kissing her and telling her that her lover had only started and that she was about to experience the most physical, enjoyable, deep and meaningful physical love possible. I told her I love her and would be with her the whole time.

Charlie came back in and climbed onto the bed. The first thing he did was crawl up to her pussy, face first, and lick her from taint to belly button. I think she orgasmed as his tongue went over her lips and clit. She was on the edge. I licked the tip of his dick from underneath. Fresh as a daisy. Moving him forward, he pulled Cheryl’s legs over her thighs and worked himself into her vagina. Gently, but completely, then leaned down to kiss her. I heard him whisper, as I lay next to her, “I love you, Sissy. I really do. I want this. I want you. Want me ... Please.” She nodded. He put his hands on her waist, and reached, all the way around. I didn’t think it would happen, but it did. He held her tight, powered her down and him up once, then twice. She came, grunting, then her head lolled back. Once she was back in position to take it, he just pushed her up and down on his cock, over and over. She finally got her hands on his shoulders, then his neck, then took a chance. She kissed him while he was literally fucking her senseless. She came again, then he did. Pulling her to him in an intense hug, she reciprocated, wrapping her arms around his neck.

She was kissing his ear, his head, his cheek, and I heard her tell him, “I’ve wanted that for so long. To be ravished by you. Any time my mistress doesn’t need me, I’m yours. Hers and yours. Forever. Love me, Charlie. Don’t ever stop.”

“Hers, mine, ours. No matter. I do love you, Cheryl. I really do. You fit with us. Forever.” I nodded to him, then came up behind her, hugging her into him. I’d seen the pattern before, but we were sealing the future.

“We were meant to be together,” I said to both of them. “And we will be.” Cheryl cried. Charlie held her. I rubbed her back and her shoulders.

“Thank you, so much.” Sob. “Thank you both, so much.” Sob. “I don’t deserve you, but I’m certainly glad you’re here.”

“We’ll talk. You deserve more than you know. You deserve to be happy. You always have.” I kissed her neck. He kissed her lips, then laid her down on a towel. She was asleep in thirty seconds. A smile and a glance at each of us, and she was out.

“You happy, baby?” Charlie asked me.

“Couldn’t be happier, husband of mine. Couldn’t be happier.” We snuggled and slept well.

We got up and had a breakfast in the lobby eatery, then went to get our clubs. They gave him some clubs to use and put us out on the house again, knowing we were leaving. Cheryl rode alone, and I was with Charlie in the cart, me driving, naturally. He really enjoyed seeing me come out in so many different activities. Cheryl and I both paid attention. We talked to each other, reminding ourselves of the things the pro guy told us. Keep your head down, shoulders square, follow through. We tried really hard. It worked. We finished the course under a hundred. Cheryl had a ninety-eight, and I had a ninety-nine. Charlie was right. We’d get better with time. Golf was fun. Too bad it was fifteen degrees with an inch of snow on the ground back home. That would cut into the golf season, for sure.

Charlie had Cheryl run us down to the plane with some of the luggage, so the car wouldn’t be as full tomorrow morning. When she saw the plane, again, she started crying. Charlie didn’t know what was wrong, but I did. She was overwhelmed. Jets, an Audi, two weeks at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar, running off to Houston, the shopping trip, it was getting to her. He stood on the ramp with Cheryl in his arms, holding her.

“She’s fine, babe. She’s fine. Just a little overwhelmed by what she has now. She’ll be OK. We love you, Cheryl. You’ll be fine.”

“What did I do to deserve any of this? God, I wish my mother wasn’t such a nasty person. I could have known my brother when I was seven, or seventeen, and not had to wait until I was thirty-seven. And, oh, Jesus, the things she put me through. I know now that this is real, but it still seems like if I wake up I’ll be in that little house, hiding from one of her monsters.”

“We have you. It’s real. You belong to us now. She can’t hurt you anymore. Neither can they. Dry your eyes. Hit the lavatory if you need to freshen up. You need to drive us back to the hotel. Willie and Annie are meeting us in a bit for dinner.”

“Yes, Ma’am. Sorry for falling apart. I’ll be OK after I get used to being saved by the nicest people in the world!” I swatted her butt as she turned to go back on board.

“No sorries, I told you!” I giggled, she threw her head back and laughed. She came back out, red eyed, but smiling. Charlie and I smiled at each other, and off we went.

Willie and Annie met us in the Grill for dinner. We finalized some plans for the charity charter and set the dates to coincide with my spring break, which was handy. I was the only one that had a schedule to work around. We ate, then we had a cocktail, talking as friends. Cheryl took on the flyer design and would have something to send out within a week of getting home. Annie and I traded info, with me promising to set Cheryl up with her phone, and an email address and such, and get the info to her. We needed to do that, anyway to get her iPad registered with Apple and all. It had mine in it, but we needed to reset it and start with hers. I thought that would make her feel better, too. I had hoped so anyway.

We went to bed early, sleep coming after a couple kisses and snuggles. We had packed that evening and were ready to go in the morning after showers, and a little oral loving in there. Cheryl dropped to her knees and sucked Charlie into her mouth, and down her throat, bringing him off, then worked on me until I did the same. I offered to help her, but she passed, saying she could wait until we were home. She just wanted us to be happy.

“We are, doll. We’re happy with you. Happy you’re with us, that’s for sure. Ready to go to your new home?” She nodded. “Let’s go, then. I’m stopping on the way for some Big Breakfasts. Now that we have a flight attendant, we can have warm food and everything!” I laughed. The new flight attendant smiled. Charlie chuckled, and we were on our way. Six large coffees and three big breakfasts on the way, out to the plane, settle up with Signature, preflight, and off towards Hawaii we went. Damn. Gotta turn north one eighty and go home. Maybe next time. Hahaha.

It was another uneventful trip. The good kind. Charlie went back for a few minutes putting Cheryl up with me, so she could get a feel for what it was like sitting in the cockpit during flight. A few radio calls happened handing us off from one traffic control operation to the next, and before we knew it, Charlie was helping her out of the seat and sitting down himself to help me on final approach to our little home field.

We got home in the early afternoon, noticing a SOLD tab sign on the For Sale sign in the yard next door. Susan came over when she saw us and told us it just happened yesterday, and the contract was in progress. She decided just to wait, instead of calling or having the agent call, since it would be a few weeks anyway.

My phone messages caught up with me, and lo and behold, one looker, picking it up off the new MLS listings, was already inquiring about Cheryl’s house as an investment. He was checking into something, but was thinking about offering one ninety as is, no work, no clean up. He had different ideas. She’d keep us posted. Wow, that would get Cheryl one thirty for her college t-shirt and sweatshirt fund. Cool.

We introduced Susan and Cheryl, then after we talked for a bit, I invited them, Susan and Barbara both, over for a chat. This would be interesting, to say the least. At least they seemed cordial toward each other. Cheryl and Susan, I mean

“Cheryl, Charlie, I think maybe it’s best for now if Susan and Barbara don’t have the full scope of our relationship. The Cheryl part of it. Just for now. What do you think?” I was worried Cheryl would be concerned that I thought it was illicit, or something, which it was, to a point, but still...

“That’s fine, honey,” Charlie said. “But, if anything starts going south, I’ll come clean to protect us from any weird situations. What I think is going to happen is that we’re going to give Susan the Mercedes and the Care Plan, then the hundred thousand for their early wedding present, and we’re not going to see much of them after that. The last thing they’ll be thinking about is why a blonde fox like my big sister doesn’t have a man chasing her. Honestly, I doubt they’ll be thinking in those terms. You two go shower. Together. I’ll take care of getting a snack started.”

We kissed him and walked up stairs, hand in hand. I looked over my shoulder at my husband smiling at us. I smiled back and waggled my fingers. God, how I love that man.

We had enough clothes there to put on some shorts and tops and mules, and with our hair wet, almost ready to walk out, Cheryl mentioned to me, “Susan doesn’t like me, Ma’am. I could see it in her eyes.”

“No problem, sweetie. Let Charlie and I take care of everything. Charlie is going to be giving them some money and a nice car, and hopefully they’ll be thinking about something besides Cheryl. Also, remember, it doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks. You only need to worry about your brother and me. That’s it. You keep Sir and Ma’am happy and your life will shine. OK?”

She nodded. And smiled, then leaned in and kissed me.

“Thank you, Francie. Thank you for everything. I love you. I love your husband.” Another smile.

“I ... We love you, too, beautiful. We love you, too. C’mon. Let’s go downstairs.”

We got down to the smell of fish searing. He had laid out some crackers, cheese, a platter for everything, and a bunch of forks, napkins, and of course, wine glasses. There were a couple bottles of Asti in ice buckets, just waiting for thoughtful consumption.

“I think I see what you’re doing, sweet husband of mine! Get ‘em loaded, give ‘em stuff and kick ‘em down the road!”

“Saw right through me and my plan, my gorgeous intelligent, bride.”

“Susan seems not to like Cheryl, so I’m going to keep that from going anywhere. I told our girl it doesn’t matter and just to worry about us, but you know what it’s like. You know, to feel like someone doesn’t like you. It sucks, and she sure as shit doesn’t deserve it. Tut tut.” I brought their attention to the back door, where my aunt and her girlfriend had knocked and were coming in the house.

“Hello, ladies,” Charlie said, gesturing to each of them and showing them to chairs in the off kitchen eating area. “Thanks for coming over. We have a few things to talk about.”

He set the platter out, and with the little plates, forks and all in front of each seat. Five of them. In a circle. He sat Cheryl in between him and me. Telling. Very telling ... If they were aware enough to pick up on it. I saw a look from Susan that I didn’t understand. Then one from Barbara. Contempt? Why. She was his sister. I did NOT understand that. At all.

“Ladies, I have a plan. The house is selling, evidently, but even if it doesn’t on this round, it will. Susan, I’ve arranged it with the trust to give you the Mercedes, with a Care Plan. They’ll remind you when it needs service and take care of it all for five years. I’m also going to give the two of you a hundred thousand dollars as a wedding gift, providing you are and I’m assuming you are, still planning to wed and move off together.”

They both nodded but were in a bit of shock. I don’t think their contempt of Cheryl was a factor anymore. They were just handed two hundred thousand dollars in cash and prizes.

“Good. Let’s celebrate. To Susan and Barbara.” We, all five, raised our glasses, then sipped. “You two need any help moving? I can help or hire someone for you. Totally up to you. Glad to help, though. The sooner this is all behind us, the better. Then I can take the hinges off the gate and put the cross boards back up. All good.”

We snacked and talked for a bit, and I noticed that it worked. Cheryl was no longer the target of any ire and was included in all the conversations. I still didn’t understand it, but Charlie certainly put the kibosh on any negative feelings toward my pet. He explained it later, and it made even less sense. I’ve never seen a cat mark its territory, so I couldn’t relate. He thought that they felt that either she was gay or bisexual, by the way she presented herself, and if she was gay, they were both afraid she’d taint the waters of their own relationship, therefore had to be headed off. By each of them, separately, trying to protect each of their own possessions. Absolute distrust, jealousy, and fear. He told me, after that little display, that the hundred would be gone in a year and Barbara would be gone soon after that. Their relationship wasn’t based on love, but on intimidation, and fear of being alone. Barbara was obviously the instigator, but Susan was there because she was afraid she wouldn’t find anything better.

Wow. What insight!

No matter, although I cared for my aunt, she wasn’t the type to listen to anyone, and Charlie knew that. She’d been around a while, and he knew her, at least enough to know that. Shame. I hoped it wasn’t true, for her sake.

The snacks were finished, as well as the wine, and everyone feeling fine about the evening, Susan and Barbara thanked him for the wonderful presents and hugged me, then both shook Charlie and Cheryl’s hands. Funny, when Barbara wasn’t around, Susan would hug Charlie, and once even kissed his cheek. His comments were becoming an educational experience for me. This deserved considerable watching.

Cheryl and I took our guy to bed. We didn’t even bother cleaning him up. I told her to undress him and put him in bed, which she did, then we leaned on him and were all asleep in just a couple minutes. It was a tiring day. Having them over shouldn’t have been a strain, but I think it was. At least on my loves. Not so much for me. I didn’t see most of it, ‘til it was explained.

Monday morning, I had to go back to school. I left specific instructions with Cheryl to help Charlie, in any way she could, but not to smother him. They loved each other, and he’d ask, or she could volunteer, but I told her not to hover too closely. She could read, look around, write down questions, go for a walk, whatever she wanted, but to keep an eye out for things she didn’t understand, and ask. She needed to get to work on the flyers for the charity, anyway, so that should keep her a little tied up.

I set her up an appointment with a local gynecologist, discussing with them that there was an injury 10-12 years ago I would like checked out. They told me that there was nothing they could do for me without the patient’s permission, so I asked them for an immediate appointment so that I could bring myself and said patient to them. One got a touch snotty, but her supervisor took control of the situation, listening to my story, then apologizing for the inconvenience and confusion. We had no health plan for Cheryl yet, so when she asked about insurance, I mentioned cash, and could put an amount on deposit, if that is what they needed. Explaining that, and how we came to have Cheryl, touched the supervisor evidently, and got us an appointment for four thirty on Wednesday. I would be out of school, Charlie at work, and all would be well.

The nurse came and called us back and got us for vitals, and such then led us to an exam room. She questioned my presence, in my little school uniform, I’m sure I looked like Cheryl’s daughter. My pet put an end to that by explaining that she needed me there. Not wanted. Needed. “No, Ma’am. I need her here with me. This isn’t easy for me and I want Miss Francie with me. Don’t try to make her leave. Please.” The discussion went on about the rape, the beating and all that, some eleven years ago.

The doctor came in, talked to Cheryl and tried to ask if she wanted me out of the room. She got a touch agitated, but much to the doctor’s dismay, I went to the exam table, pulled her into a hug and asked her to relax. “No, Ma’am. She needs to be with me. Not because she said so. Because I said so. If I wanted her gone, I’d ask you to talk in private. Don’t. Please. There are doctors that will talk to me with my Francie with me. You were recommended. I’m here by choice. Is that good enough?”

“Yes,” she looked at the chart, “Miss Rawlins. And you are?”

“Mrs. Rawlins. Suffice to say she’s my sister-in-law and we’re very close. She’s been abused, raped, beaten, and treated like shit for thirty-seven years. That stopped last October. I’m not saying her brother, my husband, and I are taking credit for ending the cycle, but we’re here now, and she is ours, and I want the best for her. We need to find out if she’s OK, that’s all.”

“Good. Fine. Mrs. Rawlins, you’re not a patient here, correct? I don’t remember you.”

“Correct. Let’s just say I go elsewhere for my healthcare.”

“OK. End of conversation. You obviously have a family doctor that you trust. We’ll leave it at that.”

They poked, prodded, and found my pet to be sound and healthy, but without the benefit of fallopian tubes. They had been damaged and removed during one of the surgeries after the beating. Since they were done under California Medicaid, by Medicaid doctors, records weren’t all that great, and explanations weren’t all that forthcoming. I was sure her mother knew the grim details but didn’t care to share. But, she was a fuck toy for mother’s use and wouldn’t get pregnant. No need to clear that up with Cheryl, though. Shit, life sucks for some people.

She was scheduled for MRIs, CAT Scans, and Pap smears and some blood tests.

Making sure the doctor could speak freely, our follow up visit confirmed that the tubes were gone, the damage was done, and she was for all intents and purposes, sterile. The doctor was amazed that she still had the capability to enjoy sexual contact, but Cheryl made sure to let her know that within certain unmentionable limits, she certainly did. We scheduled a visit for next year. No sense beating a dead horse.

We had a couple bits of excitement and adventure happen in mid-February. I got to take a couple days off and run Charlie out to Washington for a meeting on a new project some people wanted him to think about making. He could have done it himself, but he wanted the time to think about the thing and it was a quick turnaround, so my flight crew, well, my flight attendant slash stewardess, packed him up after school and we ran him off to Reagan National where they were picking him up for a run in to the Pentagon first thing in the morning. We took a town car that Signature set up for us over across the Potomac to the Intercontinental and grabbed a bite to eat and had a little chat.

While we were on the ground, turning the plane over to Signature at DCA, Charlie let us know that the realtor called, and that Cheryl’s little house was closing.

He wanted me to fly Cheryl out in the morning to sign the papers and get the check. We were to spend the night at the resort then come back to him in the morning, well afternoon. He was going to need a couple days, at least, to work on this little machine for the federales, so he’d hole up in the Intercontinental, and run back and forth across the river, as they worked. He had rides as needed, so he’d be fine. We called Signature with the change of plans and let the Del Mar resort know we were on the way. He promised us he’d eat and sleep and take care of himself, so we made soft love to him and fell asleep on his chest.

We woke, showered together without much fanfare, since he had a ride picking him up at eight, and got him ready to go. We threw some jeans and trainers on, grabbed clean undies and shirts, threw them in a little carry on and took off for downstairs. His staff car and our Uber were both waiting, so we kissed, hugged, and went off our separate ways. We weren’t apart often, but he had his work to keep him occupied, and I had my pet, so we should be OK. I looked over at her in the car and saw tears. I smiled at her and held her hand.

“Don’t you dare apologize for missing Charlie. Don’t you dare. I’ll make you sit in the lavatory all the way to California.” She giggled through her tears. She’d be OK. I was hiding mine.

I was a bit concerned about doing the flight alone, but it wouldn’t be my first solo in the Phenom, by any means, and I had been trained well, and often, by very competent pilots. Cheryl was looking forward to seeing some friends, since we’d be there all afternoon and spend the night. I guess I was kinda looking forward to the adventure myself. She played stewardess, versus co-pilot, thinking she could do me more good back there than just sitting in the right seat. We talked a lot on the way, of course, with her just sitting on the floor behind me, but mostly just about Charlie and school, and hoping spring came so we could put our coats up. Most girls talk about boys and dances and things. We only had one boy, and he’d take us dancing again as soon as he could.

The trip was painless and event free. Not even any storms to go around. It was pretty peaceful. We got to San Diego, turned the plane over to Signature, got her Audi they had pulled over from National, and off we went to the Fairmont. Her friends were all very welcoming, asking how she was. Marcie pulled her in for a hug, then caught my eye and nodded me over a bit so we could talk while she chatted with some old coworkers.

“Mrs. Rawlins, thank you for whatever you’re doing for Cheryl. She looks healthy. Bright. Smiling. I can’t believe the change. In only a couple months, that’s a huge change.”

“My pleasure, Marcie, and please, Francie will be fine. We’re pretty laid-back people.”

“Well, thank you for making her life better, that’s all I can say. Will your party need reservations or anything for dinner, Francie?”

“No, Marcie, thanks, but it’s just Cheryl and me. We’ll grab a bite in the Grill. We left Charlie in Washington and flew out really quick to sell and close on Cheryl’s house. We have to go back first thing in the morning to keep him company and make sure the military industrial machine doesn’t swallow him.” I giggled, but she was stymied. “I flew us out, Marcie. We have our own little plane, so we can get around without calling for reservations and showing our tushies to the TSA guys in the big x-ray machine.”

“Oh, OH! My gosh. You fly?”

“Yeah, no big deal. It’s fun. It helps him get around, too. Well, let me grab my pet and go to the room. We need to go sign some papers then I want to freshen up before an early dinner. Talk later, Marcie.” I hugged her and went to get Cheryl. Ooops, I called her my pet. Oh, well. No harm done, I’m sure.

We got all the papers signed, then went back to the room with a hundred-twenty-thousand-dollar check. They took the commission for the agent out of it, as well as some of the closing costs, but we were expecting that. We called our love and let him know that everything was done, and that we were fine. He said he was, too, just back at the room and preparing to go for dinner. I told her what he said and put Cheryl on the phone.

“That’s where we’re headed, too, sir. I’m going to clean your wife up a little, then take her down to the Grill and buy her, well, us a drink. She only gets a sip, but I need to keep my mistress happy. May I suck her clittie in the shower, sir? (Pause.) Of course, I love you, and you know how much I love her. (Pause.) I will. I’ll get you tomorrow night. I love you. Here she is.”

“Yes, love?”

“I told her if she loved me, and if she loved you, to have a good time sucking your clit in the shower. I could hear her voice brighten.”

“She smiled when you said it, Charlie. I love you.”

“I love you, too, doll. Let her please you, Francie. Let her have her fun and feel useful. She loves you so much and wants to please you. Come get me in the morning. We’ll spend tomorrow night here, and I think I have enough to take home to work this out. We’ll see. Have fun, enjoy dinner. See you tomorrow afternoon, baby.”

“Love you, too, honey. Tomorrow.” I smooched into the phone and tapped it off. “Come on, you little slut. I need to pee then...” She interrupted me.

“Francie, wait. Do it in the shower? Please? Let me.” She took my pants and panties off, then my top and my bra, and reaching down for my little peenie, pulled me into the shower stall in the room. Dropping to her knees, she surprised me, but calmly put her hands on my butt, and pulled me into her mouth. She nodded. Then she licked underneath, and I just started going. Peeing in her mouth. She opened and let it run down the front of her, then swallowed some, then backed off and just let it run on her face, down her chin, and her front, on her breasts and farther over her tummy and over her mound and her pussy.

It was so sexy, I couldn’t believe that turned me on, but it did. Oh, so much. I pulled her up and kissed her. I could taste it, but I didn’t care. The kiss was overboard, if I would call it anything. Hot, wet, tongues, saliva, sharing, I could go on, but I was really worked up. “Finish, me, my slut. Finish me. Suck on my clit and make me cum. God, you are so sexy. Please, girl, hurry, suck me.”

Cheryl grinned and put my little clittie back in her mouth. As I held her head, rubbing her cheeks and her ears, I came to a realization that what we were doing was kinky, adult, mature, and that I had entered into all this knowingly, willingly, with Charlie, then had added Cheryl. I was controlling my pet, had called her my slut. I did that. Wow. I giggled to myself when I thought, ‘I’m a big girl now!’ An oxymoron. Singsonging a diaper commercial as a testament to my becoming a kinky adult.

I stopped the parallel trains of thought and centered on one thought and that was providing my lovely pet with a bit of come from yours truly. She has always said she loved doing this, so commanding her to do it should be no problem. It wasn’t. She brushed her fingers underneath and around my perineum, then back by my butthole, and I lost it. It was just too much, and I released into her wonderful, warm, sucking mouth.

“Thank you my sweet, beautiful, baby slut. Thank you. Cheryl, you are a dear. Let me do you now.”

“Ma’am, I’d rather not. You commanded me to suck you. As your pet. Your slut. Keep me here for a while. Keep me as your pet, your toy, your slut. I don’t feel equal right now. I would enjoy nothing more than coming in your mouth, Francie, but right now, I want to be your possession, not your lover. I know that doesn’t make sense to you, but I need that, if you can allow it.”

“It makes absolutely no sense to me, and tonight I will not allow you that freedom. But right now, I will. I’m hungry. Turn around.” She did. I slapped her bottom twice. “I’ll remember your needs, but next time I tell you I want something, I’d rather you didn’t argue with me about it. It may have been one of those times when I wanted to taste your pretty pussy, and not one of the times I wanted to please my pet. Keep that in mind. I think after dinner I’m going to spank you, THEN eat you. Come on. Let’s go. Oh, and I’m telling Charlie you were a bad girl. Not really bad, but a little bad. We’ll see what he says about that tomorrow night. You may get another one.”

Same as Fancy Francie
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Fancy Dress Party

“Hi, have you got my costume for tonight?” I asked Amanda as soon as I returned home from my Honeymoon. “Well; there’s been a change of plan. We aren’t going as the Spice Girls after all. I’ve had to order you something special instead.” She laughed, before asking about my Honeymoon in Corfu. As she hung up we agreed that my new husband, Paul, would drop me at her house at 6.30. As I talked about my holiday I completely forgot to ask what my new costume was going to be. Later in...

3 years ago
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Fancy dress fun

A well-off friend of mine held a fancy dress party last summer on his parents’ large estate that was themed as ‘Warriors and Amazons’. As I am vainly proud of my body and as it was a hot and humid day I turned up in just a loincloth, fluffy barbarian-like boots and a big silver sword. Many of our girl friends are very attractive and thanks to the scorching weather wore very little, many coming as Xena or her cute sidekick. I must have been half-stock under my loincloth most of the evening,...

2 years ago
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Fancy Dress

It was a night out, or a night in, depending on how you looked at it. Me and my boyfriend, Tom were going to a fancy dress house party at one of his friend’s houses. He was dressed as your quintessential pirate, and I was going as a burlesque dancer. This essentially entailed me wearing next to nothing, simply some black high heels, stockings and suspenders with a corset and some halfway down the leg, frilly shorts style knickers. I was running late upstairs and was putting the finished...

2 years ago
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Fancy a wank right now

Masturbation Is a wonderful gift we all enjoy. Next to sex with a loved partner, which is not always available when we need it, wanking is fantastic. I don’t know if you thought about it like this, perhaps you just take it for granted, but you can do it anytime you feel like it, practically anywhere, take it slow or make it quick, do it somewhere safe or take a risk in public, use your hands use a vibe or dildo , do it hands free, and unless you want to do it together with someone you only have...

2 years ago
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Fancy Dress

It was a night out, or a night in, depending on how you looked at it. Me and my boyfriend, Tom were going to a fancy dress house party at one of his friend’s houses. He was dressed as your quintessential pirate, and I was going as a burlesque dancer. This essentially entailed me wearing next to nothing; simply some black high heels, stockings and suspenders with a corset and some halfway down the leg, frilly shorts style knickers. I was running late upstairs and was putting the finished touches...

3 years ago
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fancy dress

At first I thought it was not going to happen Friday night as it was so cold out, then about 4pm her 55 year old mate Ann called around to get dressed with her as she was also going to fancy dress party, lol she was also going as a school girl, I said with my cock throbbing have to see you both before you go out...John said he would wait up with me till she came home from the night out... I said I'm just going to wear a shirt and no boxers, cause I will start flashing and wanking in front of...

3 years ago
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Fancy dress fun

A well-off friend of mine held a fancy dress party last summer on his parents' large estate that was themed as 'Warriors and Amazons'. As I am vainly proud of my body and as it was a hot and humid day I turned up in just a loincloth, fluffy barbarian-like boots and a big silver sword. Many of our girl friends are very attractive and thanks to the scorching weather wore very little, many coming as Xena or her cute sidekick. I must have been half-stock under my loincloth most of the evening,...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Fancy Farts

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Fancy Farts Fresh out of school, I submitted applications and resumes all over town and became used to the phrase. "I'm sorry, you're not quite what we're looking for."? I had exausted my most promising options and nearly given up when I got a call from 'Avila's Fashions.' I was to meet with Avila herself. I had seen photos of her and could not pass on the opportunity to meet her. Though only thirty something she was already...

3 years ago
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Fancy Dress

Naomi knew that it had been a mistake.? She had received stares from some of her malecolleagues that had made her uncomfortable and it had taken some work to avoidbeing groped by that revolting Duncan from accounts.? There he was now slavering over Penny Marsh ?poor Penny, Naomi could see that she was desperate to get away from him.? While she wasn't quite so desperate herselfshe was thinking about leaving, but that was her own fault. When the work's Christmas party had beenannounced as fancy...

3 years ago
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Fancy dress

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

1 year ago
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Fancy dress party gone right

As she undressed and got into the shower Natalie once again felt the mixed emotions of excitement and worry. For a short while the excitement took over while her hands, lubricated by the shower gel, wandered over her body. She knew that her tits and pussy were no dirtier than the rest of her, but she gave them extra attention anyhow, enjoying the sensations as the stroked and teased herself. She was rudely interrupted by her husband banging on the bathroom door demanding to know when he could...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Fancy Dress Party Taxi Ride

My drunkenness was now making me very sleepy as the taxi sped along the motorway. “Lynn! Lynn!” Clare shouted as she shook my arm, “I’m getting out now, will you be ok?” “Yes, yes…sure,” I mumbled as my eyes blinked with the sudden light. “I’ve got her address. She’ll be fine.” I heard the elderly Asian taxi-driver tell my friend. I looked forward and spotted his dark brown eyes staring back from the rear-view mirror as he adjusted it. Not realising what he was doing I...

3 years ago
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Fancy Free

When Jerry arrived at the Sloan's, Loren was already there, drink in hand, speaking with the host of the soiree, Don Sloan. He was sitting catty corner to her, glancing at her crossed legs every few moments, totally fascinated. Loren pretended not to notice, but from the way her leg moved and from the way of her flip-flop dangled, there could have been no question of her awareness. Jerry approached them as Loren looked up at him, but several moments after she had spotted him. She returned her...

4 years ago
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Fancy Party

So, here's another thing that happened!I was in math class, not really paying attention. It's the last class of the day and I get distracted easy. I can't even remember what I was thinking about, but it wasn't math!My teacher, Ms V noticed that I wasn''t paying attention and walked over to my desk. I actually didn't notice until she was standing over me and glaring down at me! She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tall and SOOOOOOOOOO pretty. She had really long straightened black hair and her figure was...

1 year ago
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Fancy a Stiff One Version 2

We drive to a country pub, pull up in the car park briefly kiss. We walk hand in hand, I can't help noticing the bounce of your breasts, the outline of your bra through the tight low cut top and your glorious cleavage. Your skirt is short just long enough to cover your stocking tops, you smile, we get our drinks and sit in a discreet corner booth, we sip our drinks for a while, you excuse yourself stand and brush past me, I can feel your suspender !!!!!!! (I love stockings, I hope you do too)....

3 years ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 2

“Francie, are you OK?” I shook my head. “Francie? Please, say something! Please!” I shook my head again then threw myself into his arms, reached around his neck and squeezed. Moving my arms must have done it. I was able to inhale and get out a squeak. “Yes. And, no.” “What?” I held my hand up. “Wait. Please.” I whispered. I took a few breaths, holding him to me. Wow. Panic attack. Never did I think Francie Cooper would be at a loss for words. “OK. Sorry. I had a panic attack when you...

1 year ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 3

I laughed. She giggled. “No, nothing like that. Charlie told me some of the story about the past, and since that was many, many, moons ago, I, personally, was hoping the animosity may have moved on as well.” Cheryl became quite somber. “I never had any animosity toward him. That was all my mother, God rest her soul. I didn’t quite know what was going on, as most kids don’t. I was quite young at the time. I know my mother never said a kind word about Charlie’s father, but Charlie, from...

3 years ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 4

“Come. Let’s go to your house and get some clothes and stuff. Enough for a couple days, anyway. We’ll get more later.” We got there, and she threw a bunch of stuff in a bag that had handles. I saw her pull out about two handfuls, maybe four sets, of lingerie. Looked like matching bra and panty sets. Yippee, she was going to try to entice us. Yes! That showed a bit of initiative. Progress. She threw in a couple pairs of short shorts like the burgundy ones she had. LEGS! She also brought the...

2 years ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 6

“Absolutely, sister mine. Have fun. And, at your age, I’m not waiting up for you. Have a ball, Sally. Tell Ricky to take care of you. Him, I’ll wait up for.” They both laughed. “Sally will explain later, folks. Nice to meet you. Better get to Ricky’s before he gives your table away. Some slick woman with a fiver may beat you out!” Again laughter. She herded us out the door and off we went to the car. “Sally, what was this about Ricky?” “Her husband. He works at Perry’s. That’s how I got you...

1 year ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 7

I got us home in time for a snack and a talk before bed. The trip planned for day after tomorrow was a short one. Two nights. An afternoon, then a full day, then a morning after that in meetings with a couple of customers this time. Seems milk jugs were becoming popular, but more so, very much needed. There was a changing, evolving, threat, and these devices were quick defenses and deterrents. This time they wanted to add countermeasures. Cheryl told me Monday night that Charlie smiled when...

1 year ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 45

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Derrick hi-tailed it out of there as fast as he could. Ok took care of that according to Tempro almost all of the future or his time was back to where it should be. Feeling the disc in his pack, he cursed he...

3 years ago
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Lady in the HouseChapter 11 The Reprise

My name is Mike and I am standing outside my cell in G Block of the Chelmsford Correction Facility for Men. I am in my late forties and have had a very successful career as a highly paid accountant and money manager. This Facility is not new to me. I have served time here as an inmate previously. I was convicted of aggravated manslaughter for killing a young girl whilst drunk behind the wheel of an expensive car. I served my time and was released on bail after five years. What is unusual is...

4 years ago
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Sudeshna In Me 8211 Part III

By : Pink1gang She might be caught by fever, she was wet all over. Just to pluck some flowers she was under the rain, at such an early morning. My eyes were fixed on her. I was standing beside the rain, beside the window or may be beside the life. May be the woman over there was right. Rains are meant to be getting wet not to stand beside it to watch only. It was 6:30 in the morning, and I woke up just 10 minutes before. It was a heavy rainy morning and everything was silenced by the sounds of...

3 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 62

Time: Sunday, March 3, 2019 12:24 PM Carla estimated they had come almost a kilometer into the deep forest, with perhaps two kilometers to go before reaching their intended rendezvous point at the river. Parni was leading her spear team at the point of the party, followed by Amy and Margaret who were on either side of Sandra and helping her with the breakneck pace of the travel. Behind these three was Thara, who in her former life played softball at the University and was their best team...

2 years ago
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Panty Boy Chapter 6 and 7

Chapter 6 I awoke from my nap, and Megan was lying next to me watching the video we had made a few hours before. She was still wearing the strap on and she was fingering herself as she watched. She glanced over at me, her cock swaying as she moved. My ass was a little sore. "Rise and Shine, Stacy," she said giving her cock a quick stroke and smiling at me. "I must have really worn you out, Stacy. You slept for about two hours. Did you enjoy being fucked by me? You loved feeling...

1 year ago
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That Girl Chapter 1

I was fourteen and just the typical American teenager. I was still a little short at around 5 foot 4 but my growth spurt was just igniting it’s engines to rocket up to 6 feet or taller. I weighed about 125 pounds or something but any excess weight was mostly muscle as I did plenty of soccer in the summer and basketball in the winter. I have deep brown eyes and matching brown hair that I have in kind of a Justin Bieber style. I can’t get it that perfect but I think it still looks “cute” or...

2 years ago
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She needed the money Chapter 6

The house falls into a predictable pattern. Ann takes care of the house while Victor and Rhonda go off to work. At night they have dinner, watch a bit of TV then have fun in the bedroom. Ann enjoys the company of either Victor or Rhonda or both together. She likes the threesomes the best as she likes giving oral sex to them both and getting some in return. What she really enjoys is licking Rhonda’s pussy while being fucked hard by Victor. She is addicted to his big cock. Of course she also...

1 year ago
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The PixieChapter 8

Carter sat on the sofa in the living room. Valerie joined him. “I finished helping your mom clean up. I love your folks, Carter. They’re very warm and accepting.” “I told you — they’re accepting sorts of people.” Eleanor stepped into the room. “I suppose we should get you settled,” she said to Valerie. “This is a very nice home,” Valerie replied. “We had it custom built about four years ago,” Eleanor replied. “It’s four and a half bedrooms and three and a half baths.” “I know what a half...

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Pub Games

PUB GAMES Melody had been a little surprised to get the call from Sue, Bob's wifeof three years, suggesting that she might like to go out for the evening withsome of the girls from her hockey team, but Sue had convinced her that it wasok as Steve and Bob were doing some work on a car and she'd have nothing elseto do. "After all it would be fun to be with just girls for a while." On the day of the get together Sue had phoned again and said that one ofthe girls was getting married and had no...

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The Twins Part 1

Nicholas and Nicole Langston are twins. They are in college. They are unbelievably close, as are most twins. However, this is the first time that they are apart. Nicholas, the younger… Nicholas and Nicole Langston are twins. They are in college. They are unbelievably close, as are most twins. However, this is the first time that they are apart. Nicholas, the younger one, plays football on a scholarship for Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. While Nicole, the older one by minutes,...

1 year ago
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HelplessTeens Evelin Stone E47

Desperate For Domination Things just haven’t been going Evelin Stone’s way today. Her car has broken down, her phone is dead and she’s stuck out in the middle of nowhere. Forrtunately for this sexy young tattooed cutie, Bambino arrives in his white van and agrees to give her a lift. When she reveals that she’s broke, Bambino tells her that he also accepts tight teen pussy. She’s reluctant, but agrees and soon finds herself tied up, gagging on cock and getting...

2 years ago
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Of Literature and Lollipops

Introduction: A lollipop, a library, a librarian and a desk… Sometimes you have to be a little naughty to get something nice. Okay class, the essays are due on Monday. And rememberprinted papers, not handwritten. At least five paragraphs, no double spacing. You know the drill. One student grunted in agreement, whilst the majority had their eyes trained on the slowly ticking clock above the door. They were already practically out of the classroom even before the bell rang. I sighed, setting a...

3 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 19

Amara busied herself making 3 fresh cups of tea while I sat opposite my mom. She seemed a little confused why I asked Laura to leave, not believing in my excuse of Pip asking for her help. There was a slightly awkward few minutes of silence until Amara took her spot next to me after handing out the three steaming mugs. I felt nervous. I hoped I was making the right choice and tried to ignore the fears that distracted me. I needed to focus. Taking a steadying breath, I composed myself and...

2 years ago
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Some Problems Are easier Than Others

George Wells got a job with the Commerce Department and moved down from Philadelphia right out of college. His new apartment in D.C. was rather spare. He had only a bed and two chairs when he first moved in, though it didn't take long to get a lot of other things. Not long after that he was picked as someone worth training on computers, though why he was never sure. He was sent to classes all day, five days a week for nine weeks, and then put into another job. Later he was sent to more...

4 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 5

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . In the last part, I told you about how I and Chloe had a great fuck near the lake. Let me continue from there. I and Chloe wore our clothes and headed towards the campfire party. Everyone was sitting in a circle near the campfire. It looks like Abigail...

1 year ago
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Hi Friends I Am Vijay

Hai nenu indian sex stories ki kotha….Na jivitamlo jarigina nijamaian sangatana… Hai friends, I am vijay, nadi b.Tech complete aindi.. Job searching kosam hyderabad ma mamaiah vala intiki vochanu. Ma atta peru sneha,age 38 super ga untundi….Valaku oka kuturu peru divya, b.Tech 3rd year chaduvutundi..Divya nenu chala close iddariki studies lo competition but oka 3 years tarvata divya nu chusa deva kanya la undi…. Oka roju nenu tcs interview ki vellanu a roju jaragalsina na interview postpone...

2 years ago
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Night Of Horror And Pleasure For Anita

Hello, girls and guys. Shivang here with another story. This is not a real incident just a fantasy, and what’s more!? It is based on a Halloween theme so it won’t just arouse you but even spook you a little! ;) Your feedback is welcome on . The protagonist of the story is Anita, an NRI staying in Toronto, Canada. The sex story is lengthy as most of my stories are but it is worth the wait. Enjoy.. Anita had just returned home from work. It was 9 and she was feeling a chill even after entering...

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Our New Neighbors Ch02 Claras Introduction

At around noon, Clara came into the garage and said she was going to go over to her friend Beth’s house. I said okay, but then a thought entered my mind and before I knew it, I had asked Clara to help me out, just for a few minutes until the wood was cut. I thought my daughter might enjoy some of the sensations I had given young Alyssa the day before. Clara looked unremarkable in t-shirt and shorts, except that her youthful beauty was striking even without her being dressed or made up in any...

1 year ago
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The Grand Strategy Ch 04

I was on a roll. Three for three. As I said, I was not looking at this as an ego thing, but I couldn't help feeling pretty cocky. I had been to visit Carol and Aunt Ellie a couple of times each, and every time was better than the previous. These were women who loved a good loving. Carol was especially fun, and would usually say something during our lovemaking that would crack me up. She was a fun fuck. Aunt Ellie was loving, too, but I have to admit that we had gone about as far as I thought we...

4 years ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 37 Fixing Things

Seamus turned fourteen on May 8. Like every year before then, Kelly and I wondered whether he would live long enough to see another birthday. The eternal question was which one of us would kill him first. On the other hand, he could consistently manage to take my mind off the ongoing crisis in the Matucket Police Department. Over dinner that night he asked, “Dad, a mistress is a girlfriend, right?” I looked across the table at Kelly and she looked as confused as I did. I turned my head...

3 years ago
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New Beginning Chapter 8211 2

Hey, guys, this is shubham back again with 2nd part of the story. Enjoy but don’t forget to drop a mail on for any suggestions or queries. After she regained her composure she started laughing. “I think we are two mud people, we love the mud too much. Looks like we end up doing it on the mud again and again. But wow! It was wonderful, best fuck I ever had.” I was glowing with confidence for her ringing endorsement of my sexual prowess, although the fall might have contributed some. She got...

3 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 20 Grande Finale

By the time Neil arrived to eat, the kitchen staff were clearing the buffet. He'd slept late, barely managed to stay conscious in the shower and wandered to the Cave like a zombie. Dave was still there with a hangdog look on his face. Neil was going to go over and talk, but by the time he'd swiped a plate of food from under the annoyed stares of the staff Dave had left. Neil grabbed the duty roster sheet and scanned it, hoping to avoid parking cars again. He was on dropoff detail, meaning...

4 years ago
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My mom boyfriend and me

I was a little scared after having all those STD tests. What if I’ve contracted something from those guys? Mom was even more afraid for me, though, and she was worried that I might get pregnant. But, I assured her that wasn’t going to happen because I was on birth control. Well, I just had to wait for the results. In the meanwhile, I couldn’t have sex with my boyfriend, I couldn’t risk infecting him with something that I might have. I awoke the next morning with my boyfriend’s arm...

4 years ago
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To Clumsy Feet and Prada KnockOffs

I’m 18 and I’m still a virgin. Yes, I know: it sounds like something from an AA meeting. Hi, my name is Devlin Grey, I’m 18, and I’m a virgin. Please help cure me of my disability. Really, though, it’s embarrassing! Christ, if the guys knew, they would never stop harassing me. What a loser you are, Dev, can’t even bag a chick. It’s not that I can’t bag a chick; I’ve had girlfriends - lots of girlfriends - and I’ve even played around with some of them. I’ve sucked on some titties, and gave...

First Time
2 years ago
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Chuck White 4

Chuck White 4 Jealousy or Elation "48...lick, 49...lick, 50...lick. Sir, I'm a sorry excuse for a man and a lousy lover. My wife deserves to have good sex with a real man. A strong, viril man. She wants that to be you so I want that too because I want her to be happy. Her happiness is what is most important to me. 51..." ...................................................................... As my wife was slowly...

3 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 55

“You’ll have a cleanup crew in the morning,” David said. Mr McGaha suggested I have a ‘look see’ at the pile. Cat came in and went to work. Now ... I have to admit ... there exists a regular highway from the ‘door’ to the stairs ... and I do admit that ‘things’ have been known to spring unassisted from the ceiling tall pile to the middle of said highway. Sorta like the ‘fallen rock’ signs along some southern Appalachian mountain roads ... sometimes ‘fallen rock’ means ‘falling rock’ so...

2 years ago
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Just the Way We Used to

Jim Elders had been away at college for almost two years. The last time he had been home, he had buried his father, Jeff. That had been a year ago. He and his mother, Monica had talked on the phone since then, almost every week, but this was still his first visit back since his father's death. He had felt a little guilty about leaving his mother alone. But she had wanted it that way. She had sounded fine for a while, but recently, the tone of despondency in her voice had grown more and more...

3 years ago
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My sister helped me feel better pt 1

It was a sunday evening and I was getting ready for school the next day, I had so much homework due and my sister who had come home from uni that week was in her room relaxing. How I wished I was in stupid teachers oooh how I would love it. I didnt want to go school the next day because I had so much homework due and knew it would take all night to get done if I started then. So I told my mum and dad I wasn't well and pulled it off..I was such a good actor. Next morning I...

3 years ago
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Flights of ConsciousnessChapter 5

When David checked on his mother, she was sound asleep. He hovered over her face and gave her a soft, goodnight kiss, and then watched her sleep for a while. Like Darla, when she slept she looked so childlike and innocent. She rolled over and the sheet fell away. She was naked. Her voluptuous, naked body, unlike her face, looked neither childlike nor innocent. He caressed the side of her face with feather-like touches and kissed her neck just below her ear and suddenly realized what he'd...

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Step Daughters Desire chapter 4

We ended chapter 3 with Frank and Sandra exhausted. He smiled at her as he said. Do you want more, my little slut. She smiled as she said yes Master I want more but I think I am going to have to beg for Mercy as I don't think my heart and body can take any more for a while. He laughed and said. I don't think I can take any more for a while either. You have completely worn me out. Go clean up and get dressed after you bring me a beer. Yes Master and she went to the kitchen bringing him a...

2 years ago
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Coming HomeChapter 9 Conclusion

My days in London were busy with briefings on different aspects of further operations. I got a very clear picture of the surveying of enemy beaches, and installations that had to be carried out. This also included the landing of small parties of Royal Engineer sappers to defuse mines on French beaches. The whole object of my new flotilla would be secrecy. I was surprised to find that I would also have two captured U Boats in the Flotilla which would be a terrific asset in this kind of work......

3 years ago
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Silken Bond

She stepped onto the path that led into the forest, worn bare by her feet alone. Unlike the townsfolk, she didn’t believe the woods to be dangerous, but also did not deny occasionally feeling a presence there from time to time. The trail she followed was narrow and winding, but she knew it well. She paused for a moment to take a deep breath, taking in the cool scent of the dew-covered moss and damp earth. A light breeze blew through the trees, lifting a strand of brown hair that had...

4 years ago
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third times a charm zachary brett

Zachary loved fucking Brett in front of a mirror, any mirror. He loved how Brett’s body looked, with muscles tight, dick straight up, rock hard when Zachary pounded into him with all the might in his loins. Brett tried looking away but Zachary wouldn’t let him, forcing him to look into his own red, sweaty face. He loved how Brett tried not making any sound, this stubborn bastard; he deserved all of it.Usually, like they agreed, Brett wasn’t jacking off until Zachary was near the end; they knew...

2 years ago
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Happy Eating

This is a true story, which happened sometime ago.I was working at a car dealership and this guy, a sales representative was one of the persons I supervised. Due to stress, I later left the job. One day, out of the blue, he called as he was in the area and wanted to drop I agreed. This guy is black, athletic built, had a good size cock and simply loves to eat pussy.We chatted for a while, and then he asked me how my pussy tasted. Teasingly, I told him that the only way he'd know is...

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