Hot Wife Hotel Olivia Gets Opened Up Part Five
- 3 years ago
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On her sixth-month anniversary working at Hot Wife Hotel, Olivia was called in for a review with Marilyn.
“Your performance has exceeded our expectations, Olivia. Your average score is 9.99 which is the highest rating of any hot wife we have on staff. You’ve increased our customer base, which has made the owners very happy. And, you have more repeat clients than anyone else,” Marilyn said, nearly gushing with praise.
“The cleaning staff has also named you the most courteous hot wife. While we work hard to accept only the best wives here, some do, over time, become rather full of themselves and see the custodial staff as beneath them. You are, according to comments on the surveys given, the most genuine and kind hot wife here at Hot Wife Hotel,” she continued. “And your customers leave comments indicating that your willingness to accommodate their needs and desires goes above and beyond. You also have top scores for communicating with your clients in a timely manner. Plus, you’ve never called off a shift, and you’ve yet to use any vacation time.”
Olivia blushed, “Wow, thank you for sharing all this! I’m so flattered by the comments and the ratings. I just try to do my best to make customers feel good when they book a session with me. As for the housekeeping staff, I couldn’t do my job as well if it weren’t for them! I sometimes feel bad at the mess they have to clean up!”
Marilyn smiled, “You know, I didn’t care for you the first time I met you, and I apologize for that. I was annoyed because your red hair helped you leapfrog to the front of the hiring line. But you’ve increased business so much that we’ve had to hire an additional five hot wives, including one of my dear friends who has been interested in being a part of Hot Wife Hotel for some time now. So, I really need to thank you for that!”
Olivia laughed softly, “Yes, I was well aware that your feathers were ruffled when you begrudgingly hired me. But I can honestly say that you’ve been nothing but professional and kind to me ever since my first shift.”
“Thank you for being so gracious, Olivia. You are truly as genuine and charming as your reviews indicate. Which is why the owner would like to increase your pay and offer you one of the penthouse suites for your client entertainment,” Marilyn said.
“A penthouse suite? Seriously?” Olivia asked astonishedly. “Oh, my goodness! That’s amazing! Thank you!”
“Just so you know, this has never been offered to any other Hot Wife before they’ve been here at least a year. But you are not just any other Hot Wife, are you? There are some additional perks that are spelled out in this information packet. Read it over and plan on moving to your new suite this weekend, if you are available,” Marilyn said cheerfully. “Many of the opportunities are simply that, chances to explore more of what we offer here at Hot Wife Hotel. You don’t need to participate in any additional activities unless you want to do so. But knowing how adventuresome you are, I imagine there are a few that will be enticing.”
Olivia raised an eyebrow. Marilyn chuckled softly, “Let’s go take a peek at your new digs, shall we?”
The penthouse suite was huge and gorgeously appointed. There was a well-stocked wet bar, an oversized jacuzzi tub, a walk-in shower that could accommodate three or four people quite comfortably, and a huge King-sized bed with built-in restraints. It was extravagance at its finest!
“Well, what do you think?” Marilyn asked.
“It’s fabulous!” Olivia exclaimed. “Thank you so much, Marilyn!”
“You earned it. You’ll find that Steve’s observation area is much nicer as well. He will have the option of watching through the glass or via large screen monitor. There’s also a bed in addition to the chair and table for him. Plus, he will have a smaller wet bar for himself,” Marilyn explained.
“This is amazing!” Liv said. “I’m so grateful.”
“As I said, you deserve it. The only thing we ask is that you continue working a minimum of two days a week. You’re welcome to work more, of course, but not less.”
“Of course, that makes perfect sense,” Liv agreed.
“Well, I’ll leave you to explore. Let me know if you have any questions,” Marilyn said as she left Olivia alone in her new suite.
Olivia looked around and grinned. She was going to love hosting clients here!
Steve was equally impressed when he helped her move into the suite on Saturday. “This is incredible, Liv,” he praised her. “I’m so proud of you!”
“Did you see your new area?” Liv asked.
“I did. It’s amazing. I can tilt the giant monitor so that if I wanted to lie on my back and stroke in that bed, I can still watch everything you’re doing!” he said, wiggling his eyebrows seductively.
“Look at this drawer full of dildos!” she squealed. “And the next drawer has all kinds of clamps and plugs, too!”
“I opened the cupboard to hang up your robes and found a variety of spanking implements as well. Ian won’t have to bring his own toy bag next time he wants to spank my little Hot Wife!” Steve grinned.
“They’ve thought of everything, it seems,” Liv agreed.
Steve saw the packet of information that Marilyn had given Olivia laying on the counter in the kitchen area. “What’s this?”
“Oh,” she answered, “That’s information about some the other perks of being a PHW.”
“PHW?” he asked.
“Premium Hot Wife,” she giggled. “Apparently, I’m a big deal now.”
Steve grabbed Olivia into his arms, “You’ve always been a big deal, baby.”
He kissed her passionately and held her body pressed up against his. She felt his hardness poking into her belly, “Hm, feels like someone’s getting horny. But I have a few more things to put away. Why don’t you read over the info packet and let me know if there are any opportunities you think I should take advantage of.”
As Steve read the packet, his dick got even harder. “Olivia,” he said, “this says you can sign up for a yacht party where you service all the men. That sounds exciting!”
“Yes, but you wouldn’t be allowed to come along, and I don’t think I’d be comfortable with that,” she admitted.
“You could go and then tell me afterward what you did, that would still be hot for me,” he winked.
“We agreed that you’d be part of this Hot Wife stuff, at least whenever feasible. I don’t want to go service other men without you watching,” she explained.
Steve pouted a bit, but knew she was right. They had agreed that, unless he had work obligations or wasn’t feeling well, he would always be present for her sessions. “You’re right, sorry.”
Olivia chuckled, “You’re hilarious. You get to watch me fuck anywhere from eight to ten guys a week and you’re pouting because I won’t go fuck a yacht full of rich, old, drunk guys!”
He grinned sheepishly, “I’m greedy and horny, what can I say?”
She laughed, “Okay, horny man, what else is in that packet?”
“Information about swinger’s parties, dominatrix training classes, submissive training classes, kink/taboo parties, and other sign-up opportunities where you entertain a group of rich, old, drunk guys in various settings,” he said laughing. “Oh, wait, here’s one that is one that is young, rich, drunk guys!”
Olivia giggled, “I will read through all of that next Tuesday while you’re working at the office. How about we head home and have pizza, fuck like animals, and then cuddle up on the couch watching old movies?”
“You’re on,” Steve agreed.
When Sunday night arrived, Olivia opened her Hot Wife email and saw she had five messages. The first was from Darko Angeles, the owner of Hot Wife Hotel.
Hello Olivia,
Welcome to the Premium Hot Wife group. I’ve taken the liberty of booking an appointment with you on Monday so that I can experience firsthand what your clients are enjoying and raving about. It’s standard policy that I fuck any new PHW, but with your husband watching, of course, just like any other customer. Normally, I would have done this prior to your promotion, but I have no doubt that you are quite qualified and will be an excellent addition to the Penthouse Level. I hope you will consider some of the wonderful opportunities afforded to you in your new position. I also want to assure you that any customer you’ve seen at least twice will be locked in at the rate they’ve been paying. Any new clients will pay the premium rate. Your pay raise is not affected by the repeat customer rate, so no worries there!
My wife would like to observe as well. I assume you have no issue with this since your husband will be watching. She will watch via monitor from my office unless I hear otherwise from you.
I look forward to meeting with you. I believe you will find me a generous lover and will enjoy our session as well.
Olivia wasn’t sure whether to be nervous or flattered or a bit of both. She moved on to the next message.
Hey Olivia,
I’m sorry I haven’t been able to come by your way lately. Just wanted you to know that I’ve been thinking about you and that I look forward to booking again when I can. Can’t wait to get my hands on your sexy ass again. Hope you’re doing well.
Olivia smiled. She wondered if she’d see Jay again. It was nice to know that he was out there thinking about her.
Her next message was from Christine.
Congratulations on your promotion! I am going to miss changing your sheets! I’d book with you again, but the premium rate is a bit steep for my pocketbook. I wish you well, though!
Olivia typed up a quick reply.
Hi Christine,
Thanks for your email! According to Darko, if I have seen a client at least twice, they are locked in at the regular rate. So, feel free to book again if you wish!
The fourth message was from a man named Archie.
Dear Olivia,
I am writing before I make an appointment because I have some questions about what you will or won’t do. I am wondering if you are into watersports, both being on the giving and the receiving end. I love the feeling and enjoy reciprocating.
Also, I enjoy being pegged by women. Especially redheads.
Please let me know your thoughts on these activities so I can plan accordingly.
All the best,
Olivia was glad he’d written first. She replied quickly.
Dear Archie,
I appreciate you contacting me first. I do not engage in either of those activities. However, I can recommend Hot Wives who do.
Mona Lisa is very into pegging and will wear any color wig you wish. She is not, however, into watersports.
Georgina would be your go-to Hot Wife for piss play. She enjoys pretty much anything related to pee and, while she isn’t a redhead, she does have some strawberry blonde highlights.
I’m sure either one of them will be able to help address your needs.
Her final message was from Ray.
Hey Liv,
I just wanted to apologize. I know I’ve been pressuring Steve to get you to be involved in a gang bang with a bunch of guys at my place. While I think you’d have a great time, and be perfect for such fun, I know Steve said it has caused the two of you to have words over it.
So, I promised Steve I’d back off. But he did tell me that you are a Premium Hot Wife now, and that your Penthouse room is quite well stocked with toys and such. So, if you would be interested, we could bring the gang bang to you. I talked to the guys and at least a handful of them would be willing to pay to come fuck your brains out at Hot Wife Hotel. That would mean we’d have to obey any hotel rules, Steve would be there, and there would be no conflict of interest.
Let me know what you think. No pressure here, just a way to get what we both want.
Olivia took a deep breath and let it out. She’d have to think about it, but at least Ray was trying to be respectful about things.
She clicked on her schedule next:
12:00 Darko
2:00 Dean
4:00 Ron
6:00 Misty
8:00 Adam
So, she would start the day with the owner of Hot Wife Hotel and have three new clients. Thank goodness her day ended with Adam. That gave her something to look forward to. Not that she wouldn’t enjoy the other clients, but she always enjoyed a repeat customer, especially one that had been a lot of fun.
She mentioned Ray’s email to Steve as they climbed into bed. “I’m glad he’s agreed to back off on a gang bang at his house. As erotic as that sounds, I do prefer knowing that you have safety protocol at the hotel,” Steve admitted. “What are your thoughts on a Hot Wife Hotel gang bang?”
“It’s a much better idea than his home, but I need to think about it, if that’s okay with you,” she sighed.
“Sweetie, of course it’s okay. I want whatever you want. No pressure to do more than what you’re comfortable with. I love you,” he said kissing her sweetly.
She kissed him back and then decided she should really tell him about Darko’s appointment. “Hey, just so you know, apparently a session with the owner is one of the requirements of my promotion,” she mentioned.
Steve took a moment to process what she’d said. “So, you have to fuck your boss?” he asked.
“Technically, Marilyn is my boss. I have to fuck the owner of the hotel,” she explained.
“Is that legal?” he asked.
“Yes, it’s in my contract. I read it over again before getting ready for bed. To Darko’s credit, he’s fucking me after my promotion, so it’s more of a confirmation shag,” she laughed. “He just wants to make sure that I’m as good as the ratings say I am and that I’m top-notch quality for the Penthouse level.”
“Well, I guess it’s his hotel. It just seems odd. But I get to watch, right?” he clarified.
“Yes, of course. His wife wants to watch too, but via a monitor in his office. This would seem like a weird contract stipulation for any other type of job. But my job is to fuck men for money. Gotta make sure I’m a gold star whore!” she teased.
“You’re not a whore, Liv, you’re a Hot Wife. There’s a big difference. I mean, sure, you get paid, but it’s a service you are providing,” Steve said, realizing that there would be those who would classify his wife as a prostitute. But he didn’t see her that way. He wanted her to fuck other people for him, it turned him on, but he also wanted her to be safe. Hot Wife Hotel had been the answer to that. The fact that she was getting paid was just icing on the cake.
“Relax, I enjoy what I’m doing, I am very good at it, and I seem to be helping others, so who cares what it’s called,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.
She woke up early the next day to check messages. There was one from Adam.
Hey Olivia,
I am going to have to cancel my appointment. My wife is sick, and I would feel like a horrible husband if I were too busy fucking an amazing redhead to help watch our kids so she can rest. I canceled with Marilyn, but I wanted to send you a personal message to make sure you knew it wasn’t because I didn’t want to see you. You’re so fucking sexy and I will reschedule as soon as I can.
Well, that was disappointing, but it also meant she could be done sooner if she blocked out Adam’s appointment time. Then she and Steve could use the 8:00 timeslot to enjoy the Penthouse jacuzzi. She was excited to think about spending time with her husband in her new suite. But, in the meantime, she needed to get ready to impress her boss.
Darko was, as Olivia expected he would be, quite prompt. He was also ridiculously handsome. His dark hair was curly and shoulder-length, not at all what she was expecting from a businessman. He had dark brown eyes that seemed to look deep into her soul. It was disconcerting.
“Hello, Olivia, it’s lovely to finally meet you,” he said in a deep, rich voice. “I must ask before we go further, does sexy talk and innuendo offend you? If so, just say the word and we can fuck in silence.”
Olivia giggled, “I’m not easily offended, and I can’t imagine ever being able to fuck in silence.”
“You delight me! Now drop the robe. I want to see what everyone’s been raving about,” he said, his tone a lovely mix of seduction and demand.
She did as he asked and watched, with mild embarrassment, as his erection grew almost instantly. He looked like he wanted to devour her. For a moment, she almost thought he intended to do just that. He walked up to her, reached between her legs, and slipped two fingers in her. He bent down to whisper in her ear, “You’re so fucking wet, your cunt is practically dripping.”
He stepped back, licked his fingers, and said, “You taste sweeter than honey.”
Olivia nearly rolled her eyes, but she didn’t want to seem disrespectful. She hoped he wasn’t one of those guys that laid it on too thick. She really did want to enjoy this session.
He undressed quickly and said, “Get on the kitchen counter and open your legs for me. I need to take a closer look.”
As she followed his command, Darko turned his head to the camera in the bedroom area, and said, “Steve, Debbie, switch the monitor setting to HDMI2 so you can enjoy this part via big screen.”
Then he grabbed her ankles and bent down to lick her from the bottom of her slit to the top of her clit, and she moaned loudly.
“I promised you would enjoy, and so you shall, several times in fact before I enter you,” he said, his voice deep and breathy.
He continued his gentle assault on her, and her hips began to rock. His tongue probed, flicked, and drove her mad. He added a finger and pushed her over the edge into the deep end as she screamed, “Fuck, yeah!”
Her juices squirted into his mouth and he shared them with her in an exceptionally passionate kiss. It was incredibly erotic, and she hoped Steve was getting aroused by this site.
Steve was, indeed, turned on watching as Darko repeated the act, making his wife cum hard again and again. He wanted desperately to stroke his cock, but felt odd about it, knowing the client was her boss, though he couldn’t say why.
Darko’s wife, Debbie, was also watching, but she had no qualms about using a vibrator on her own clit and made herself cum so hard she was still trembling moments later.
“Did you enjoy cumming hard for me, darling Liv?” Darko cooed. “I am certain that my wife came while watching, you were quite vocal when you climaxed and that turns her on. I hope your husband will enjoy watching my cock open you up.”
Darko unzipped his pants and let his very impressive penis spring out. It was long and thick, and Olivia couldn’t help but gasp a bit.
Darko grinned, “Spit on my cock, Olivia. Your pussy is plenty wet, but I want my shaft wet too so I can slide into you. I won’t say easily. I’m a little big for easy. Now at least you can see why my wife likes to watch me have sex with the Hot Wives. She’s a bit too tight to accommodate me, so she’s getting herself off imagining that my dick is opening up her cunt while I’m fucking yours.”
Darko pressed the head of his engorged member against her wet slit. He pushed into her slowly until he filled her completely. Fuck! His cock was bigger than Darryl’s!
Steve couldn’t hold back any longer. He took his own raging hard-on out of his pants and lubed it up. He stroked as he watched Olivia take Darko’s big, thick meat inside her tight pussy. Her pink folds stretched open farther than they’ve ever been, while her face showed a mix of pleasure and pain.
Darko moved slowly, in and out, letting Liv get used to his massive girth. “How does that feel inside you, Olivia? Look at the camera and tell Debbie how my cock feels.”
Olivia looked at the camera and said, “I’ve never had a cock this big inside my cunt and it feels fucking amazing!”
That was all Darko needed to hear to start pumping into her like a rutting bull, all Debbie needed to hear to fuck her own needy pussy with her dildo, and all Steve needed to hear to start stroking his cock like a man possessed.
“Take my cock, slut! Take it deep in your cunt. You’re such a dirty girl, aren’t you? Such a dirty little whore!” Darko was shouting obscenely as he rammed into her.
“Beg me to fuck you harder and deeper, Olivia. Plead with me to push into you, balls deep, you filthy cunt!” Darko demanded.
“God, yes! Fuck my cunt hard, Darko! Open me up all the way! Fill me with your seed!” Olivia cried. She’d never experienced anything like this, and she was so fucking aroused she could barely think. She was on the brink of orgasm, but release seemed to escape her. She needed to cum so badly!
Darko jackhammered Olivia’s pussy and looked into the camera, “You’re next, Debbie! Somehow, I’m gonna get into your tiny little cunt next, you fucking whore!”
Then he shot his load deep inside Olivia, while Debbie’s juices sprayed everywhere as she spanked her own cunt while she came violently. Steve shot his own spunk all over his stomach and chest, as Darko shouted, “Cum for me, whore, or I’ll stick this giant cock in your ass while your husband and my wife hold you down for me!”
This pushed her right over the edge, and she came in convulsions, shaking and quivering like never before.
Darko pulled out of Olivia carefully, his cock still semi-hard. He helped her down from the counter and turned her toward the camera so both Debbie and Steve could see his cum running out of her and down her inner thigh.
“Look at our sexy little Hot Wife dripping with my cum,” he said seductively to the camera. “I hope you both enjoyed her as much as I did. I’m going to go shower with her privately and give her my feedback.”
He led Olivia to the shower and stepped in with her. He washed her back while he stood behind her and said, “I’m going to give you a bonus. You’re quite possibly the best pussy I’ve ever had. When I said you were sweeter than honey, I meant sweeter than any I have ever tasted. And no one has ever let me hammer into them the way you did. I hope I didn’t hurt you overly much. Although, I hope you are a little sore.”
He reached around and washed her tits, adding, “I do the reviews in the shower, so my wife’s feelings don’t get hurt. I love her so damn much, but there’s no way she could ever take my prick inside her tiny little hole. I usually have to fuck her with a dildo and then she gives me a handjob afterward. I’m not used to cumming first. I apologize if your orgasm wasn’t as intense as it should have been.”
Olivia was more than a little stunned when he rinsed her off and turned off the water. She’s somehow figured he would have more sex with her in the shower. Not that she minded. He was right, she was sore. But she was more than satisfied.
“Apologies are unnecessary. My orgasms were plenty intense. Thank you, really, Darko. That was incredible,” she said as he toweled her dry.”
“Good, I’m glad you enjoyed. I’d like to book an appointment with you again, but perhaps I can get my wife to watch from inside the room next time. She’s bisexual, but she is very picky about who she plays with. I do think she’d enjoy touching you. But first, I need to get her to agree to watch me fuck you while she sits on the couch or a nearby chair,” Darko said as he ran a hand through his wet hair.
He reached out and touched her face, “You have no idea how much I enjoyed being inside of you. I will share a secret with you. I have favorites, and you’ve become my favorite pussy to fuck. You’ll be one of my go-to PHWs. I see Heidi when I’m in the mood for fucking a tight ass, I see Maria when I need a blow job, and now you’re my pussy to fuck.”
Olivia wasn’t sure how to react. So, she just smiled and said, “You’re fortunate that your wife is so accommodating.”
“And you’re lucky that your husband is too!” He winked at her. “My wife is a kinky little slut and I do enjoy some rather taboo fun with her. I started Hot Wife Hotel because she wanted me to have women I could fuck, but she wanted the women to be clean and well-vetted. This entire enterprise was her idea.”
Olivia smiled, “Well, she’s a very clever woman. This has been a remarkable way for my husband and I to embrace the Hot Wife life and feel safe and comfortable about it.”
He looked at her with such lust, as if he wanted to rip off her robe and start all over again. As he turned to go, he looked back and said, “Thanks for helping make my fun little hotel more successful. I’m glad you are enjoying being a Hot Wife.”
Steve came out of his viewing area and put his arms around his wife. “That was incredible! Holy shit, Liv, his cock was huge! You took him like a champ, though,” he grinned.
“I don’t think I could handle that on a regular basis, but it was very erotic to be fucked by something that size,” she laughed.
“Did you have shower sex?” he asked curiously.
“No, oddly, he just washed me while he talked about how much he appreciates what I’ve done for his hotel’s popularity, said that I was his favorite pussy to fuck, and that he was going to give me a bonus for being able to take him inside me,” she shared.
“You going to be able to handle the rest of your clients with a sore pussy?” he chuckled.
“I’m fine. Although, if any of them want oral or anal instead, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings.
As it turned out, her 2:00 client, Dean, just wanted a blow job and was in and out of there in less than a half-hour. He didn’t make Olivia cum, but she didn’t mind that, having had multiple mind-blowing orgasms with Darko.
Her 4:00, Ron, had a rather small, but sturdy cock. When he took his pants off, his shaft stood straight out like a steel rod. “Most women say my cock is small for pussy fucking, but perfect for ass fucking,” he said.
“Do you want to fuck my ass, Ron?” Olivia asked seductively.
He blushed, “Yes, and I wanna fuck it hard, okay?”
“I like it hard, Ron,” she purred.
“I like to talk dirty when I fuck,” he mentioned.
“I like it dirty, Ron,” she said as she raised her eyebrows.
“You’re fucking perfect, Olivia,” Ron said as he lubed up his stiff shaft.
“Fuck my ass, Ron. Fuck me like I’m your little bitch,” she moaned.
Ron fucked her ass like a ramrod while he called her every filthy name he could think of. He pulled out and came all over her back and her ass. He apologized for his language and left in a hurry.
Steve came out of his area with a large glass of wine and some fruit and cheese for them to share. “Well, you got your wish for oral and anal. Now you have a female and then we get some jacuzzi time!”
Just as Olivia sat down to nibble, the phone rang. When she hung up the phone she said, “Looks like Jacuzzi time just got moved up! Misty didn’t want to pay the premium price, so she rescheduled with Barbara. So, I am all yours!”
Steve wasted no time getting naked and getting the jacuzzi ready for his own private session with his hot wife!
The session was not as private as he thought, however, as Debbie was still watching the monitor. Darko found her there in his chair rubbing her clit furiously while Steve was doing the same thing to Olivia. They came almost simultaneously, and Darko grinned. “Well, does my naughty little wife have a thing for my best Hot Wife?” he moaned as he got between her legs to lick up her sweet nectar.
“She’s really fucking hot! I want you to invite them to our suite next week for a foursome,” Debbie said as she rocked her hips. Darko was sucking on her clit and fingering her tight little hole. “I might not be able to fit his cock in my tiny cunt, but I can suck it while you fuck his wife.”
Darko was beaming. This was the first time she’d ever requested something like this, and he was going to do everything in his power to make it happen for her.
“Maybe Olivia and I can have some girl on girl time while you boys play with each other,” she suggested, about to cum.
Darko knew that Steve was straight, but he suggested a scenario that would stimulate her brain and would make for an intense climax. “Perhaps Liv can lick your sweet little hole while I fuck her cunt and Steve fucks her ass. Or better yet, maybe Steve and I should try to get both our cocks into her pussy.”
“Oh, sweet Jesus!” Debbie cried out and she came hard, spraying Darko’s face and hand with her sweet cum.
When she could finally catch her breath, Debbie said, “Make it happen, Darko.”
He grinned, “Yes ma’am!”
Olivia felt butterflies in her stomach. She was about to embark on a new adventure, and it was scary and exciting all at once. She’d had sex with women before. But she knew this was really not about sex. It was about being dominated by a woman and being used for sexual gratification.Debbie Angeles was a switch. With her husband, Darko, she was completely submissive. But when she played with women, she enjoyed being in charge. And she couldn’t wait to dominate Olivia, the sassy redheaded Hot...
FemdomTuesday evening, Olivia checked her Hot Wife Hotel email account. She was getting to be quite in-demand and was glad she had added a second day to her schedule, so she now took appointments on Mondays and Wednesdays. A peek at the schedule showed she was booking up fast. Tomorrow was completely full! She grinned as she realized she’d be completely full tomorrow too!12:00 Drew2:00 Emir4:00 Carl6:00 Ray8:00 DarylDaryl? Olivia clicked open her email and saw a message from him.Olivia,Guess whose...
Wife LoversOlivia opened her Hot Wife Hotel account to check for emails and see how many appointments she had scheduled for this coming Wednesday. There was a message from Marilyn asking her to please reconsider and add another day to her schedule as she was quickly becoming one of the most sought-after Hot Wives.She was still leaning toward saying no when Marilyn told her she would allow her to be choosier about who filled up her schedule. She decided to at least give it some consideration. She wouldn’t...
Wife LoversSteve shrugged, “What do you think, Olivia? Jay wants to take you for the weekend. Is that something you want to do?”Olivia tried hard not to seem too excited, “Yes, I could do that. He’s a fun guy, and he’s respectful. I trust him.”Secretly, she was thrilled. An entire weekend as Jay’s slut? Oh, yes, she could definitely do that!~~~~~Olivia’s last client on Wednesday night was a no-show. Normally, that would annoy her. But tonight, she appreciated being able to go home early. Other than her...
Wife LoversWhen Steve came home from work, Olivia was sound asleep. He picked up a note that said, “Wake me when you get home, please.”He smiled. But instead of waking her up, he undressed and crawled in next to her. She looked so innocent, lying there with no makeup on and her hair pulled back in a ponytail. He knew she was exhausted. How could she not be? She’d spent last night serving three men as a sex slave, living out one of her greatest fantasies, and had taken cocks in all her holes for hours and...
Wife LoversSteve was waiting, rather impatiently, at Hot Wife Hotel. One of Olivia’s clients, Jay, took her for the weekend and was due back an hour ago. He was just about to call her when he saw Jay’s truck pull into the parking lot. He resisted the temptation to rush out to meet them. They had agreed she would remain naked and collared until Jay walked Olivia back into the lobby.Darko, the hotel’s owner, arrived to watch his favorite Hot Wife be returned to her husband for reclaiming. His cock got hard...
HardcoreOlivia sprawled out on the bed and pretended she didn’t hear the knock on the door. Steve went to answer it, he knew it was Ray. Ray was a regular at Hot Wife Hotel and this was his second time with Liv. While Steve was typically content to watch his wife have sex with the men, he’d been unintentionally part of a threesome last week with Liv and Ray and it had been really hot. Ray had actually requested that Steve join in again, albeit with a bit of a twist. Ray wanted to role-play Olivia being...
Wife LoversIt was in the middle of the afternoon when Olivia decided to play with herself. She knew she would be in big trouble when Jack came home from work, but she wanted to give herself a much-needed orgasm. She had been two months without an orgasm and she was about to bust. So she went to grab her favorite 9inch dildo and her most trusted glass ribbed dildo as well. She laid down on the couch with her legs spread open, and without much fanfare plunged her glass dildo into wet milky pussy. As she was...
SpankingFor the past few months I've been going to see a chiropractor named Dr. Evans. Dr. Evans is a 57-year-old rich white doctor that lives in Anaheim Hills with his wife Olivia. The therapy I get is for a groin injury I suffered playing in my sunday baseball league so I have to expose myself to him twice a week, every week. I've gotten to know the doc pretty well and he's shared a lot of things with me about his life. He has three daughters from his first marriage who are all grown with k**s of...
The Next morning when Olivia woke up she could not see anything, all she could see was darkness and when she went to move her hands she found that they were tied down and it was the same with her legs so she called out to her Mistress and then she herd a soft gentle voice in her left ear telling her to relax.So Olivia relaxed and laid there waiting to find out what was going to happen next but she did not have to wait long as she felt something penetrating her pussy and once inside she felt it...
"I'm sorry, Olivia! It's just that you look so cute when you get all angry about something! You get all pouty! So, tell me why you picked my class?" Mr. Matthews asked Olivia. Olivia was an eighteen-year-old student in his law class, a class that nowhere near matched her high-spirited, fiery temper. Over the last few weeks, she'd been spending every break and after-school hours in his office, catching up on work, and they'd grown increasingly closer as the days passed.She now sat inches away...
College SexOlivia was sore for a few days after her session with the Hot Wife Hotel's owner, Darko Angeles. But she didn't mind. The man had promised she would find him to be a generous lover and he hadn't lied. She came multiple times and had never felt so filled up. She wondered how her fellow Premium Hot Wife, Heidi, was able to take Darko's massive cock in her ass! A shiver ran down her spine as she imagined how it would feel going into her ass. It had barely fit in her pussy.She opened her email and...
Wife LoversChapter One: Prelude I was getting ready to move overseas for my job and since I had a month before leaving I asked my sister if I could stay with them for a month. While it was not ideal it allowed me to ship my things which needed the month for transit to South Korea so when I arrived I would be able to move straight into the company apartment I was assigned. I did not need furniture but there was my personal property that I would want with me. I work for a multinational IT firm and my...
So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing d**gs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...
Olivia found Saturday to be a repeat performance of Friday with the exception of Reed calling the moment he saw her mother pull out of the driveway. "Hey Liv, where's your mom going and how long is she going to be gone for?" "I don't know, she said something about going over to a friend's house and that she'd be back around lunchtime." "What friend?" "I don't know, I didn't ask," replied Olivia as she sat on her bed relaxing in her pj's. It was the longest she'd gone...
Jenny and Olivia lived next door to each other and, even with the age difference, got on well.It was unusual given that Jenny was fifty-eight-years-old and Olivia was seventeen-years-old. However, Jenny enjoyed the friendship of the teenager, and Olivia loved being around a grandma figure. So, as time went on, Olivia would often knock on Jenny’s door with a cake or biscuits she had cooked herself and they sat in the kitchen and chatted about what they had been doing, just like friends...
SpankingOlivia and Jenny were continuing to enjoy their respective role reversals. Jenny was fifty-eight-years-old and was enjoying herself as a teenager of seventeen-years-old, whilst Olivia was relishing her position of authority even though actually the seventeen-year-old but taking the maternal role in the household.Jenny happily played the stroppy or sulking teenager, and even accepted the spanking Olivia gave her three times during the first week. Mind you, each time Olivia and Jenny ended up in...
Spanking"Do you really need to go home? I wouldn't mind splitting outta here with you and seeing what you're really capable of," Joey suggested as he watched the gorgeous blond nymph toying with his manhood. He'd been fucking for nearly two hours between the brunette Katy and now this girl, and she was doing an amazing job at getting his cock back to rock-hardness. "Well, I can call and see if it's ok. I can say I'm hanging out at my friend Stacy's house," Olivia said after pulling the...
After a short while Olivia found she was pregnant so one morning while they were all having breakfast together she told her Master that she was having his baby and she asked what was going to happen while she was pregnant ?He smiled at her and he told her that while she was pregnant in the later stages she would not take his or anyone else's cock's in her pussy, so she would be taking anal all the time but she would still have the Vibrators used on her daily.Olivia was happy with this as she...
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three c***dren. Olivia has dark brunette hair...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a bestial story. This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three children. Olivia has dark...
One night the dispatcher received a call from a person saying there was a woman, probably dead, on a bench. The man told the location of the bench, it was very close to a hospital.The first responders took the woman to the hospital just in time.That was my first day out of nursing school.When she was taken to the ER, the woman was so beaten up she could barely breathe. She couldn’t speak for almost three days for how swollen her face was. She went immediately to surgery to remove her spleen....
Straight SexOlivia looked at me and smiling she told me that she was waiting for a friend to pick her up. Olivia was very attractive and being she was part Native American, she had great features. Yea, she was very young and of course I found myself constantly thinking about her whenever I happened to see her and always found myself checking her out. She had a firm little ass that looked great in jeans, and her perky little tits had me constantly looking at them whenever she wore a top that accentuated...
Lauren was up early, she wanted to check her messages from the Cougar Hunters website before her daughter woke up. She found that her two guys had each given her a very high rating, which resulted in a boat-load of new messages. It seemed every guy wanted to get a piece of her now that the word was out that Lauren Hastings would put out on the spot and was eager to please. The question now was, did she want to keep up with her recent behavior? She wasn't a slut, she was just trying to make...
"What a crappy sleep," Olivia thought as she became aware of light streaming through her window. Her body still ached, her tummy felt crampy, and it felt like her sheets were wrapped around her body all night. To top it off, her underwear felt like they were glued to her skin. Kicking the covers off, Olivia understood why she felt like she'd been wrapped up in her sheets all night, her night gown was stretched tight across her chest. "Oh no, please God no," she whispered as she sat up...
Life went back to normal with work and home. I had more time to visit Robin and Olivia. Babysitting duties had ended when Olivia turned eighteen. Olivia proved she could be trusted and so she stayed home by herself or told her mom when she went out with friends. And Robin said Olivia always was home by a reasonable hour. We had not had time or the opportunity for another payment. But, the next step started to form. Olivia opened the door when I arrived. She was working on dinner since...
I was lying in the bed looking into the bathroom mirror and I saw Andres standing with a black thong. My eyes were fixed on his tight cheeks. The front of the thong was bulging from his manhood. My thoughts were dirty about what I wanted to do to him. He dropped the brush on the floor and when he bent over, I had a magnificent view of his tight hole. For a split second, I wanted to rush in and bury my face between his cheeks. His skin looked so smooth and he was hairless. I felt my manhood...
ThreesomesAn extremely tired and sore Olivia Hastings slowly climbed the steps to her house, thankful that her mother's car was gone. "Thank God for small blessings," she thought as she pulled her house key from her bag and unlocked the door. Shedding her shoes, Olivia made a beeline for the bathroom and ran the hottest bath she thought her battered body could take. Leaving her pile of cum-encrusted clothes in a heap on the floor, Olivia climbed into the bathtub and settled into the steaming water....
Hesitantly, I smiled and then nonchalantly went over to where she was standing. Seeing me coming her way, she looked down but I could see she was smiling and after saying, “Hi,” I simply asked, “How’s it going?” It was merely to stimulate a conversation, and being I had been thinking about her a lot, I wanted her to know it, in a casual way. It had been several months since I last saw her and it looked as though she was a little taller, a little more mature. She had on a pair of those...
She was sitting at her workstation, looking oh, so sexy and nice. Her name was Olivia and she was the picture of loveliness, with her long jet-black hair that hung almost to the middle of her lower back, and that was pinned up. She had a dark skin tone, but not too dark, just a lighter shade than most, which indicated she was of a mixed race.She sported a short mini skirt with a side slit that allowed her to show off her long and slender legs and upper thigh. Her shirt was a button-down type...
Office SexThe classroom was turning into a peep show. Olivia was pushing all the right buttons. None of the classmates recognized the change of clothing that Olivia was wearing. The skirts were getting shorter and her tops were more revealing when she decided to wear a bra. My willpower was being tested. I did not want to lose my teaching position.I tried to shift my eyes around the classroom but that was not a good move. It appeared all the girls were showing more of their legs. I admit that I have a...
Threesomes"Hiya Ms. Hastings," Olivia heard someone call out as she headed for her bedroom. "Hi Stacy, your timing is perfect, we just walkeded in the door," she heard her mother call out. "Olivia, Stacy is here!" her mother yelled out. "Got it mom," she replied as she found her friend waiting at the front door. "That was fast, how'd you know we'd be home now?" she asked. "It was easy, I was next door waiting for you, and having a little fun," she said with a sly smile. "Next door,...
"What an asshole, my pussy's worth more than thirty or forty bucks, isn't it?" Stacy asked. "Hey, cab driver, how much would you pay to fuck my pussy?" "Miss, are you asking a serious question?" the man behind the wheel asked. Eyeing the two girls, they looked like they were barely in their teens, but they also looked and smelled like they just mopped up a whore house. "In your current condition, maybe fifty bucks. Cleaned up, we'd have to see, likely more," he replied. "Why,...
The walk back to the mall offices was made uncomfortable by the constantly buzzing egg. Olivia was still pissed about the events in the hallway — "amateurs," she thought. Their inexperienced fondling in the food court had only fired up her horniness due to the public nature of it. The fact that anyone walking by would have seen her exposed sex and two boys hand's jamming away into her privates, was what had turned her on. She so badly wanted to have everyone watch her public display of...
This is Olivia Taylor Dudley. She is an actress on the TV show The Magicians. She plays Alice. Why is Olivia so famous? Some may say because of her acting ability... maybe. There is another reason I think she is famous. What reason is that?That's right. Olivia really has no talent at all. She is just a blonde slut with big tits. I'm sure everyone wants to suck them. The actors she works with, the directors.... how can you not wana suck those massive tits? And the way that white bra is just...
Later that evening after they had returned home and eaten dinner, Jack was in the living room sitting on the sofa. Olivia finished loading the dishes into the dishwasher, wiped the table and then walked into the living room. Surprised that he was sitting on the sofa rather than his usual chair, she walked over to him, looking forward to sitting on the sofa with him. "Come here, Olivia," he said, pointing to the floor in front of him. She went over and knelt in front of him. "I'm glad you had a...
Straight SexI was getting ready to move overseas for my job and since I had a month before leaving I asked my sister if I could stay with them for a month. While it was not ideal it allowed me to ship my things which needed the month for transit to South Korea so when I arrived I would be able to move straight into the company apartment I was assigned. I did not need furniture but there was my personal property that I would want with me. I work for a multinational IT firm and my four-year assignment...
Getting even with the mother in lawThe only thing nicer than her warm, wet pussy is the feeling I get when she hands me the money. The look on her face is worth a lot to me too. The disgust that plays over her face, the absolute loathing in her eyes as she kneels in front of me to suck my cock. The hatred displayed for me when she opens her legs for me makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The contempt in her voice when she says, "Okay damn you, go ahead and fuck me" sends a tingle through...
This is a true story and was my first ever foot fetish experience. This very experience at the age of eight was what gave me my fetish for female feet, especially white socks.It was late afternoon on a summer day, and I was outside playing in my neighbourhood. I was sitting on the kerb alone, directly opposite my friend Ken’s house waiting for him to finish his dinner. Ken had a few older sisters and one of them was a girl called Olivia. Olivia at the time was about 18 and she was very pretty....
I was sitting in our small break room at work. I’d been working a week straight without a day off. I can’t even remember what I did on my last day off. It had even been over 3 months since I went out on a date. I was working too much. But I needed money to pay the bills. It was close to the end of my lunch. I had a bad slice of pizza and a coke. I work at a big box store. One were you pay a membership to shop at. I’m the under cover guy. My co-workers only see me when there trouble....
Olivia couldn't tell if she was still dreaming or if she was partially awake, but she thought someone was sawing in and out of her pussy. It felt big, she could feel pressure on her insides that could only come from a big cock. She could feel tenderness, a slight pain coming from her crotch from whatever it was she was feeling. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't, she was just too tired. It felt raw inside from all the fucking she had done the previous night, hell the previous four days...
Good or bad, let me know what you think. Just don't be an ass about it. Be well ____________________________ I got up the next morning and went straight to work from my hotel. I figured keeping busy with work was probably the best thing I could do to keep my mind off the situation for a while. The bombshell I had discovered coming home early the day before had left me stunned, to say the least. As much as I tried, I did not get much sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, visions of my...
I walked down the hallway after ditching my last class, and called out Olivia from hers. We laughed and went to her house early, and hung around. I had a crush on her for a very long time, but we were both Christian teens and so I quickly squashed the emotions every time possible. It was hard to tell, because I would bring up my two friends who were together, and she would flip. But we would be lying on the floor together and she would start to rub my arm and I’d think ‘This is it!’ only to...
*** Olivia was pulled out of the chamber by the Bishops; she stood their shocked from what she had seen and the sudden freezing cold temperature of the room. This time, none of the three had any alternate thoughts or motives other than making sure Olivia was okay. They wrapped her in a towel as the computers beeped and reported errors. *** Peter sat in an office within the main lab, he was looking through old CCTV tapes, finding the log from a few days ago, he re-played the video,...
The week went by fast. Telework can be very busy especially when you are answering questions for the new guy in South Korea. Bob was the new lucky guy selected to replace me. I remember the calls I made when I was the new replacement. We were also developing a new wireless security system that needed a lot of document and technical reviews. I did not get a lot of time to spend with Robin or Olivia. To make matters worse, I had not had time to find my own female companionship. Five...
Olivia had beat her mother home, but just barely. She had just finished closing the front door as she saw her mother's headlights coming down the street. With no time to change, Olivia turned off her bedroom light, jumped into bed in her cum splattered dress, pulled up the covers and pretended to be asleep. She heard her mother come in and go to the bathroom. As she laid there, the cum sticking to her skin, the scent of the cum strong in her nostrils, she began to feel aroused again. Just...
Lauren was still feeling awful as she turned into her driveway. Her head hurt, her body hurt everywhere, especially her pussy. Her mouth tasted like she had drank industrial bleach cleaner. It was a rough drive back from the beach, she thought she might have to pull over and throw up more than once. All she could think of was having a hot bath and going to bed. "What a way to spend your day off," she thought. Olivia was worried about her mother. She knew that she had passed out after the...
After they had both finished eating and Olivia had cleaned the dishes and had gone into the bath room to clean herself up her Master went about setting up one of the rooms ready for tonights fun.While Olivia showered herself making sure she was all clean and shaven she could not help but think about what she had been through so far and could not wait to see what her Master had planned for her tonight. She steeped out of the shower and slowly dried herself off before walking out of the bathroom...
It was Thursday and I took the day off. I knew that Robin had to work late and she had mentioned that Olivia would be home. Now that Olivia was eighteen years old Robin thought Olivia needed more freedom and let her stay by herself for longer periods of time. This was the perfect day for the payment. I arrived at 2:00 pm and was welcomed by Olivia. She was a little quiet but not too much so. “Hi, Uncle Mark. Mom told me you wanted to swim.” “Yeah. I thought it would be nice to go...
Martin is a tall, handsome American with blue eyes, brown wavy hair, and an infectious smile. In his late 20s, he began his career as a construction engineer with the KFC Corporation after receiving his degree. Martin then has traveled the world overseeing the building of restaurants on several continents. His most recent project has taken him to Tamale, Ghana. Olivia is a beautiful, slender, young woman with dark eyes, long dark hair, and kindness in her heart, also in her late 20s. She lives...
As time went on, we started spending more time getting to know each other. As a “family” we would go out to the movies and then afterwards for ice-cream. I started realizing that she was a pretty cool kid. I would stay over a few nights a week and she would come out in her pajamas to kiss Cindy goodnight, then she would sit on my lap and kiss me on the cheek. I was not sure how to react, so I would go with the flow and kiss her back on her forehead. Cindy seemed to enjoy that as she would...
“So, what’s over there?” Cassie asked. The three of us had fallen asleep on the huge bed after the girls finished what was left of the bottle of wine. Waking up with a sister on either arm was the best experience of my life thus far. “Over where?” Candace asked, slowly waking up. “That door. In the corner.” Cassie replied. “Maybe THAT is the bat cave.” I commented, sitting up. “Let’s go find out.” Cassie said, sitting up. “Go for it, I’m staying here. Let me know if the Bat Mobile is...
"Hungry?" I asked. They both nodded. I untied Gemma and then both followed me into the lounge after first gathering up their clothes and getting dressed. I'd prepared and laid out a mound of sandwiches. A Victoria sponge cake offered the prospect a tasty treat for later. "So you've been with him the whole time?" Gemma asked, as we ate our fill. Olivia just nodded. "I don't suppose I need to ask what you've been up to." Olivia responded by opening up the Toshiba and treating her...
Lauren Hastings woke with a pounding headache. She wasn't much of a drinker, but she knew what a hangover felt like, and this was much worse. Her body ached all over as well. Not just her muscles, but especially her tits and crotch. She had memories of having sex, but they were fuzzy. She remembered Ryan's face and knew she had sex with him, but she saw other faces as well. She didn't know if she had sex with anyone else but her body hurt enough to make her think she might have. What about...
I had been chatting with olivia for awhile and she loved telling me about her best friend amanda and how she really want to fuck her, they had kissed now and again when they had been drinking but nothing more.Having seen pictures of amanda I was willing to help to see if olivia could have her way so we decided to all meet up at my place the following weekend and see if we could have some fun together.Olivia told me that amanda was all set and she told me about all the naughty things we had been...
Olivia and her mother were nearing the beach when her mother announced they were stopping for gas. She pulled in and stopped by the nearest pump. Olivia was a little worried about her mother possibly finding her baggy of meth in her beach bag so while her mother was pumping the gas, she dumped the baggy into her trusty jar of pussy cream, figuring a little more wouldn't hurt. She used her finger to mix in the powder and tried her best to wipe the excess off her finger on the rim. The...
I want to thank everyone for the feedback and the suggestions. I’m truly glad that you’re enjoying this story. With that said, here is part Last. Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it! 4/13/2013. Niki and Olivia “I've missed you Daddy!” I hugged her back as tightly as I dared, I didn't want to crush the little thing, and I said, “I've missed you too, little one! But do you want to know a secret?” She looked at me and nodded her head, a slight look of conspiratorial...
Making her way through the early morning mist to deliver her newspapers, Olivia peers sadly at the lonely house at the end of Willow Lane. Each time she’s near this neglected house, she feels an unexplained sorrow and deep fear that somehow makes her feel connected to its mysterious past. No one, including her family, seems to know the true history of the house. She’s never heard of one soul brave enough to step a foot inside the jagged doors. The people in this small town believe and continue...