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For current reasons. Hope it remains fiction.
And DON'T PANIC and stay healthy.
No sequels are planned so far. But who knows how long I can't get out.

Covid 21

Elisa hadn't slept much that night again. Damn gas mask. But safety first. The damn virus had almost destroyed civilization, but they were still alive. In the beginning it had been like a light flu, then like a heavy flu, killing millions of the old, but after countless mutations, it now hit young healthy people.

But it had taken months and in an unprecedented effort, the industry had switched to protective clothing. She worked in a former tire factory and was busy on the assembly line making protective rubber clothing. Allegedly the government had forced all manufacturers of fetish clothing to disclose their production methods and help the industry to ramp up mass production.

Their morning routine had become much easier. She couldn't take off her clothes and washing failed. Normal food was also not possible with the gas mask. She just changed the bag of nutrient pad and went back to work.

On the street all people like her wore a heavy rubber suit with gas mask. They differed only by the colour and of course by the number printed on the back and on the chest. She was a worker and wore black accordingly. The medical staff wore their traditional white and the security staff blue.

There was not much going on in the city. Cars stopped driving, they didn't want to make climate change worse, the two months of hot summer last year had already caused enough deaths. And you needed the rubber from the old tires to recycle them into protective clothing. And now that the population was only thirty million, the railways were more than enough for everyone. More than ninety percent of the old people had died. So the over forty year olds. Only the very young, those under twenty, had lost only fifty percent. They had held out long enough until there were enough protective suits to escape the increasingly severe mutations.


At work it was monotonous as always. She worked on the line for 12 hours without interruption. She glued one suit after another. She always put glue on the pre-cut latex parts and then glued them together. She was at the left shoulder station.

After work she went to her weekly cleaning. The converted car wash was no longer used for cars, but now people were disinfected here. The queue was not very long today and she only had to queue for an hour.

As always, the first thing she did was a rough pre-cleaning with high-pressure jets. The three people who served this always had fun aiming at the sensitive areas like breasts and shame with women like her. But she did not mind. In fact, it turned her on. Nothing else was as intense as a high-pressure water jet. The rubber was too thick to satisfy herself.

At the next station, she was disinfected from the outside and given her paralytic shot. Safety regulation, so that she could not be attacked by any of the cleaning staff while unclothed. She would be awake, but could not move. She felt helpless and exposed.

Masked women took off her necklace which served as a seal for the suit and stripped her. Also the hated mask with the stomach tube was removed. It was put on an assembly line and was passed on to the next station. Cold water jets from a high-pressure cleaner cleaned them from head to toe. First the front and then, after it was turned on its stomach, the back as well. She smelled the acrid smell of the disinfectant, but she could not defend herself.

"Your order says that you wish to upgrade your mask. The new Huawei mask Q42 Pro with screen and integrated headphones. If you really want it, please blink twice." said the woman at the cleaning station.

Elisa blinked twice. She had wanted such a mask for months and finally it was available in Germany. The worker looked briefly at the sales brochure. "The mask will cost you 12.000 Euro. Are you sure you can afford it?" asked the worker.

Elisa blinked twice again. She was employed in a factory that only paid the minimum wage, but only because she wanted to get out and was bored at home. Her parents had left her not only a house, but also a well-filled bank account. The shares were worth almost nothing, but she had no money worries. Just boredom. So she was busy doing meaningful things.

"Fine, it is your money. I just see your supplies cost the same. Are you really so horny that you need a built-in vibrator?" she asked again.

Elisa blinked twice again.

The supervisor scrolled through the brochure for a moment. "Your employer allows this mask and the accessories only if you agree that your employer may use it to give you instructions during working hours. You must also agree that the reward unit can only be controlled by your employer and that he has access to the punishment functions. This is not a requirement of your employer, but of the manufacturer. So masturbation is not allowed. Not even in your spare time. Only if you are a hard worker, you will be rewarded. If I were you, I'd spend my money on one of those Samsung models. They're less restrictive and have no punishing features. By the way, you can't talk. Once for abort and twice for you really want the Huawei model."

Elisa would not admit this, but the reason why she wanted the Chinese model was not only the better reward function, but above all the punishment function. She had a growing sex fantasy with her as a remote-controlled drone. And with the mask and accessories she would be closer than ever before. She blinked twice as commanded.

At the next station, the first thing she did was put on the accessories. In the end a kind of metallic underpants. The metal panties had a vibrator integrated and lots of electrodes that could steer her and torture her with higher currents if she didn't obey. But more important was that the panties had a catheter and her urine was flowing into her ass. A pipe with an integrated valve was also integrated there.

If she wanted to empty herself, she had to connect to one of the discharge stations and would be cleaned from the inside with disinfectant solution. Now that toilet paper could no longer be purchased and the black market trade in toilet paper was punished with one year in prison per sheet, the only way to stay clean. Luckily, her workplace was built so that her chair contained a suitable counterpart. With the piece of pipe sticking out a few inches from her, she could no longer sit on normal chairs, but could be coupled to the public toilets.

When her panties were put on, she felt a gentle tingling sensation for a moment and then a short violent electric shock. Served to test the metal panties. At the next station she was put into a new black protective suit. They stuck her on her back and on her chest her number plate. The security forces could not allow anonymous masked people to walk around.

At the last station she was given her expensive new mask. Her head, except for her face, was covered with thick black rubber. The lower half of the face including mouth and nose were covered by the mask, which filtered the air for them. The rest of the face was covered with a layer of plexiglass, protecting her from direct contact with the environment. Elisa found the stomach tube uncomfortable only when inserted, but she had gotten used to wearing it long ago. Normal food was almost always contaminated and only the sterile standard food was still safe.

Finally she got her choker, which prevented the mask from being removed accidentally. Or on purpose. The lock was robust and could only be opened at one of the cleaning stations. She was securely locked again and allowed to leave. The administered antidote for the paralysis worked and she had control over her body again.


Elisa was finished and allowed to leave. She activated the mask and activated all the old apps of her old mobile phone on the mask. The screen was great. Integrated directly into the glass pane of the mask and transformed her environment into an augmented reality. She started the autopilot app and allowed the app to control it.

The app knew where she lived and would steer her. She felt a slight electric shock in her left hip and moved her left leg forward accordingly. The app now slowly sent a light shock alternately left and right and Elisa moved. Long before the first intersection, the stop signal was practiced several times, which consisted of an electric shock into her labia.

Elisa had to practice for a few more minutes until the app thought that she would subconsciously obey. It certainly looked strange to outsiders that she always walked a few meters on the square in front of the cleaning plant and then suddenly stopped or took a curve. But nobody bothered because she never came too close to anyone. The app finally took control and steered her home.

Meanwhile Elisa was allowed to play computer, listen to music and watch some cat videos. Only u*********sly she noticed that she waited for a train and rode on one in between. She was like in a trance and only rarely her control had to guide her with strong currents. It became more and more u*********s, how she let herself be steered. Much more elegant than the old voice commands.

Once home, she plugged in a bag of nutrient fluid. Today, to celebrate the day, not a grey mass as usual, but a bright red one. Ten times as expensive, but contained no other ingredients except a few dyes. Luckily you couldn't taste it. It contained mainly corn porridge and a few vegetables as well as shredded chicken and fruit. It did not matter in terms of taste, as everything went through the stomach tube. Much healthier than natural food, as it did not contain more calories than it needed and also contained exactly the right amount of vitamins.

Her apartment was untidy as always, as she didn't feel like tidying up after work, but preferred to watch TV or play on the computer. But that would change now. She found an app for cleaning in the store and activated it. This time she had to train longer before her body would follow the commands the mask commanded. Her legs were further controlled by her metal panties, her arms by the choker and her head was controlled by a point on the screen that she had to watch all the time.

Finally she was allowed to recover and her clothes ordered her body to bring the apartment into shape. Like in a trance or even more like a zombie she cleaned and tidied up now. The cleaning up was like a game and she got one point for each cleaned surface and for each cleaned thing. In the beginning it was fun but after half an hour she didn't feel like it anymore.

Elisa activated the autopilot and watched videos for relaxation. u*********sly she was still steered for hours and had to keep her apartment in shape. But her mind was not bothered and she relaxed. At some point the mask sent her to bed and when she woke up she found her apartment much more tidy. She smiled and activated the navigation app that took her to work.

It was easier at work today than in the past. She had installed an app that showed her what to do and she just obeyed. In return she was allowed to watch videos and play some games. After a few hours she received an e-mail from the company. They congratulated her on the new mask and thanked her for trusting the company enough to give her control over her body.

And she was offered to adapt her work to her new possibilities. The core of the offer was that she should work longer and not have to leave the factory premises and spend her free time here. And they would change the payment, instead of money she would now be paid in kind.

For food she would have to work one hour per day. For maintenance of the suit, control unit and her body (cleaning and health insurance) she would have to work six hours. She would have to work three hours for her accommodation in a staff apartment. And another two hours for electricity and other utilities. These first twelve hours she would have to work on the assembly line as before.

In addition, she was offered the opportunity to use the W-Lan for another hour of work. She got the chat function for working hour number 14, but she would only be on the line for 12 hours, after that she was used as a mobile drone. For every additional hour after hour 14 as a drone she was allowed to have an orgasm.

She liked the weekend regulations and the holiday rules. She was entitled to one day off every month. Always the 17th day of the month. Just like her birthday. On the days off, she would stay in her employee apartment and get an orgasm for every hour she worked in the month in addition to her assembly line job.

Elisa had heard about the proposals on the company's intranet and had bought her mask for exactly this reason. She was thrilled. She asked back if they would close her apartment for her if she would start immediately. And she asked if she would get upgrades if any were available. She wanted to be a good will-less drone, but she didn't want to be replaced just because her control software was outdated.

This time the answer took a little longer. She was offered either three more hours of work a day to be scheduled for upgrades every two years. Or she had to give the company all her property. They had checked her financial situation and would be satisfied with that.

Elisa thought for a moment. She would stick to the f******n hours and certainly work a little longer to earn orgasms. But she couldn't go on for three more hours. She wanted to enjoy her free time. Together with the house she gave away it was damn expensive and would be enough for a hundred identical masks and accessories. But she didn't need the money as a drone anymore.

She wrote back that she would agree if her position was permanent and offered that instead of dismissal she could be disciplined with the full punitive functions of the attachment.

It took a few minutes and she was sent an adapted contract that met her wishes. The personnel department had apparently read her porn preferences and chose "slave contract" as the headline. She read it through and sent it back signed. She had continued to work while she was writing with the HR department. Handy if the mask could control her remotely.


Two hours later she felt someone change her choker. It was a little heavier than before, but otherwise it felt unchanged. Only when she had to bend her body forward during one of the work steps did she hear the jingling. Her choker was attached with a chain so she couldn't run away.

Cuffs were also attached to her feet, but she couldn't see that because she had to concentrate on her work. The cuffs on her wrists had given her a minute's rest and she liked them. Solid steel cuffs with company logo and 4 welded D-rings. Probably analogous to her choker and ankle cuffs. So you could fix them at any time, if it should be necessary. She liked them.

When her shift was over, a supervisor came and loosened her chain and she was allowed to do her extra job. She could see her new necklace in a reflecting metal surface and could also read the engraving. It had a company logo on it and was marked as property of her company. She liked it. Just like the integrated breakpoints all around. And the status display.

The manual said green means loaded and docile. Red for active punishment. And blue for active reward function. Flashing red meant it had to be charged and would be punished until it was connected for charging. Felt good and Elisa introduced herself like a Borg drone to obey all commands.

The mask now directed her to the beginning of the belt and she was ordered to plug in all workers of the second shift in the first pass. The women had a pipe stuck in their buttocks just like themselves and were connected to a hose that disposed of their waste.

In a second round she had the task to attach fresh food bags to the masks of all workers. Most of them had simple masks like she had yesterday, but some of the women had different models of masks with control functions. You could see that they were all marked as property of the company and were secured not only by the tube in the buttocks but also by a chain on the necklace.

Elisa could also see that the masks with control functions controlled their human hosts so that the corresponding drones worked better. Faster and with better error tolerances. She hoped that she had also become better.

Elisa had never noticed before, because she was always focused on her work and did not even notice the women around her. After all the women had been provided with food, she was assigned as a cleaner for two hours. She scrubbed the floors around the tape and was back in the trance that developed when her mask took control and her mind was immobilized with cat videos.

She was allowed to change the food bags of all women and was then guided to their sleeping places. She was dead tired and would sleep like a rock.


The sleeping place of Elisa was not much more than a box in a storage room. Here crates were stacked in several rows next to each other and on top of each other. Ten rows with narrow corridors in between and fifty crates in a row. She had a crate in level five of eight and had to climb in.

Her empire consisted of a box eighty centimeters wide, eighty centimeters high and two meters long. Of course, the box was a little smaller on the inside because it was padded. Friendly white rubber. She climbed in and lay with her head all the way back and her feet towards the door. Sitting was not possible, but the soft rubber was comfortable.

The mask told her to join in. Hose in the butt and a charging cable each for her butt and her mask. She had to correct her position a little bit until she was in the right position and then the clamps were held by the safety hooks. Wrists and ankles were secured and her collar was also secured. She couldn't move anymore and only heard the door lock and she was alone in the darkness.

For a moment she was claustrophobic but the mask calmed her down and the vibrator activated. She was informed that she was entitled to two orgasms and she was allowed to choose whether she wanted both or to pick one up to be awakened. She was sensible and only wanted one. She liked the idea of being gently awakened.

When the vibrator also sent tingle streams through her she had a pretty violent orgasm and fell asleep exhausted.


When Elisa woke up she was completely sweaty. Last night's dream had been really cool. She went to the bathroom and just brushed her teeth. She liked the feel of the catsuit on her skin. She decided to do the showering thing maybe tomorrow. She wasn't ready to part with it yet. She just went to the bathroom and released the pressure on the bladder.

She was really overdoing it with toilet paper. There were ten packets of toilet paper piled next to the toilet. 12-packs. She probably had enough toilet paper for the next five years. She was clearly a hoarder. In the kitchen, all the food she had hoarded was all around her. She had plenty of pasta, but she liked to eat that too. But what was she thinking of with all those mushrooms? She didn't even eat mushrooms. She had panicked and first bought all the shops empty and then bought more online to hoard them.

She went to the computer and dialed her home office at work. She briefly unzipped her zipper and changed the batteries of the vibrator. She had a pretty slovenly lifestyle since she started working from home two weeks ago. She worked with the vibrator on and masturbated ten times a day.

Out of curiosity she searched Amazon for a gas mask like in her dream. But still she found it too expensive. She was also sure that a real mask would not reach her wet dreams. She took a quick look around the apartment. She'd really like the clean-up function. Well, at least she had less laundry if she wore her catsuit the whole time.

She took a quick look at her schedule and decided to give her parents a call. She didn't do that often, but now she missed the human contact so much that she even found this a change. She walked around the apartment again and packed some of the things into boxes. She put on a bathrobe and put a box in front of every door in her house.

For each of the ten tenants in the house two rolls of toilet paper and a colourful selection of her hoarded supplies. She wrote "Sorry" on the boxes. She had a guilty conscience and was glad not to be seen when she handed out the boxes. At least now she was rid of the mushrooms. So that it didn't notice that she had hoarded, she even put a box in front of her door. But she would give it to the cleaning lady, who cleaned here every week.

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He lay there in the middle of the night watching her sleep. Her large and soft breast heaving up and down while she breathed in and out. “God she’s beautiful,” he thought. And with that notion he could not help himself any longer. He retched out his hand and gently caressed the very top of her breast. Immediately her nipple hardened and she stirred. “MMM,” she then brushed the baby hairs from her face that managed to escape from her ponytail. Worried that he had woken her he left here alone...

3 years ago
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Morrigans conquest of the Marvel Universe

Morrigan Aensland, succubus and Demon Queen of the Makai, slammed her hips against Dmitri's one last time as an eruption of sperm spilt into her vagina. The sensation, far from merely arousing and deeply satisfying, fueled her demon spirit as it drained energy from her partner. Dmitri, demon and long-time adversary of Morrigan, shuddered in exhaustion and pleasure as more life flowed from him into his bitch-queen, Morrigan. Dmitri had fought nobly against Morrigan, holding the Succubus at bay...

4 years ago
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“EEEEEEEE!!!!  It is beautiful,”  She squealed with delight when the door swung open.  He stepped back, placed his hand on the small of her back as she clapped and hopped through the doorway.Her hands fell to her side as she looked up, turned slowly and let out a low “ohhh”.  Her eyes were twinkling and her smile lit up the already bright room.  The cabin impressed her and she was literally speechless.She walked over to the large bay window that offered a view of a valley.  Snow topped mountain...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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The Clothes Make the Man

Clothes Make The Man By Christianne Part 1 "...I've arranged to have twenty prospective employers stop by during next week's class. All of them have told me that they are willing to offer internships if the standard of excellence is high enough." Professor Jamison paused for effect. "I hope you all don't disappoint them. Class dismissed." Tim had been half dozing through most of the class, but he came alert at Professor Jamison's last comments. He was looking at two to...

2 years ago
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My First Time

Ughh... Thats all you could force out of your mouth when you hear your alarm clock start to yell at you. "Do I really have to go to school today," you think as you press snooze for the third time. "No way I want to spend my entire day at a school where everyone hates me." Ever sense your _adult _tumblr was shared around the school and everyone saw your *cough*pictures*cough* online... well nothing is left to the imagination, yet people have quite imaginative ways of how to fuck your life...

2 years ago
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Kaise Maine Apni Badi Behen Ko Choda

Mera naam Rahul hai aur meri age 21 saal hai. Main Delhi mein rehta hu apne family ke saath. Meri family mein mummy papa aur meri badi behen rehte hai. Mujhe fitness ka shauk hai isliye meri body achi hai aur lund bhi lamba hai. Lekin fir bhi maine abhi tak kisi ladki ko nahi choda tha. Meri badi behen Pooja mujhse 5 saal badi hai. Uski current age 24 saal ki thi jab mere mann mein uske liye feelings aayi. Meri age uss time 19 saal thi. Meri behen bohut hi sexy hai. Uske boob ka size 34D hai...

3 years ago
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Family Girl Part 4

Family Girl Copyright (c) 2011 by Cody Although many elements of this story are fiction, the majority of it is based on my real-life experiences coming of age. Disclaimer: this story contains subjects that may not be suitable for all audiences. If such things are illegal in your area, stop reading now. If such things offend you, please seek professional counseling. Immediately. Author's warning: This story contains inferences to incest. In no way do I condone the actions of...

3 years ago
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Johnny PulaskiChapter 20

I had another date with Elaine Thursday night after my last day of school before Spring Break. It was a warmish spring night so I drove us down to the beach after we ate. I parked my truck off to the side of the closed beach approach and we walked hand in hand down along the edge of the surf. "Ellen and I had a long talk last night," Elaine said. "About what?" I asked. "About us growing up and growing apart." "How did that go? How does Ellen feel about it? Most importantly to me,...

3 years ago
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Kiss Me Bianca 4

TIME FOR EXPLANATIONS -or- IF SO, BE PATIENT, SISTER John put his carryon bag in the back of Nancy's CR-V. He glanced at her before he closed the back door. She was obviously angry with him and he couldn't understand why. He was an adult. If he wanted to wear a dress, what difference did it make to her? This was going to be a long ride home. He closed the back door, opened the front and climbed into the vehicle. "Well," she put the car in gear and pulled out into the flow...

3 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 3

Simon looked up from the couch to see a black pair of fishnet stockings and matching suspenders. He passed over a small bundle of notes and the almost naked prostitute counted them before smiling at him. She left the room briefly and then held out her hand to him sat on the leather couch in her room. "I'll make all your dreams come true," the 27-year-old whore promised. He had already instructed Holly exactly what he wanted, and paid for the services he desired. When he rang the agency...

2 years ago
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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 15

BILL and MINA, DD and CARL: Wound too Tight. Chapter 15 "Hey Mike, you got your 'Ace' mechanic's license on File?" "Yeah?" Mike was curious too, "wanna see it?" Right off the bat, Bill said, "this isn't Government issued. They don't use perforated roller printer paper. Look at the edges ... see them little tears? Tear off strips. This was run through a copier but they used printer paper. "Call and see who this number was issued to." "FAA?" "Who does licensing for...

1 year ago
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Mustis Adventures Part 110

The next morning everything was soaked, and the rain was threatening to resume. The dogs had assembled the cattle in their usual place, to await Pete to milk them. Pate came down wrapped in a poncho and wearing knee-high rubber boots. In a couple of places the water had gathered until it threatened to overwhelm the boots. It had been like this before, even if it had been awhile. He just had to deal with it. The cows HAD to be milked. No ifs, ands, or buts. He got a squeegee out and started...

2 years ago
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Deep South Growing UpChapter 5

Have you ever fucked so much that you strained yourself, well that is what happened to me? When JL and I left the Grinsted place I was whooped, JL wasn’t much better, but I had started my day with Josh waking me up jacking me off then not more than an hour later he’s down on his knees sucking me off. Then working up a sweat cleaning the horse stalls. Loading a trailer with bales of hay and off to the Grinsted place unloading the hay, then after several more cums. The trip back we were both...

3 years ago
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Quick sex with Sali

My wife and my sister in law (Sali) have little difference in age of 16 months but my Sali has a calling beauty for sex, good athletic and beautifully curved body. My Sali married after three months of my marriage while my wedding life was eight moths and we are in family way since last 5 months, My Sali & her husband visited to us on a courtesy call. We four are very open in talks and friendly. My attraction towards her was more sex than relationship. Since I am also a gim goer we also fancied...

1 year ago
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Life Altering Events

Hello everyone my name is Pallavi…! I am form Pune and I have written this story to share the life altering incident that happened to me 8 months ago, it’s a bit long I guess but interesting also I guess…. I was working with one of the top automobile company in this country and earned too much, that is when I got married but I always gave the priority to work than my hubby which led to fights between us and the end result of it was divorce. Due to which I was really depressed I mean I had just...

2 years ago
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He'd been on the streets for two weeks, keeping to back alleys to minimize the chance that he'd run into another person, but there was no getting away from the scent of blood. He smelled it everywhere. The closer he was to that scent, the colder he felt, and the hungrier he became. Two weeks now since it all started. Two weeks of fighting the urge. A third week wasn't in the cards. In a few more nights, it would all be over, one way or another. He crouched in an alley, staring at his...

3 years ago
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Arthur Dominates Mature Women

Sonia was nearing the end of her current facefuck , her son had hypnotized her 6mths ago so it wasn't her first go around the block. So as Arthur emptied his load in her throat & all over her face , Sonia thanked & smiled at her master/ son . Nina knew what she had to do as she french kissed & licked Sonia's face. Arthur had hypnotized her 3mths ago & now she & her daughter obeyed Arthur's every sexual perversion.' Chapter 1 - Bev is Alone with Arthur Sonia & Nina left Arthur's place...

3 years ago
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International Cowgirl

If your intention was to escape the roar of the crowd packed into the giant stadium, the best place to be probably wasn't the changing rooms. But this was the only place Lulu knew where she could find any degree of privacy. Of course, she wasn't the only one collapsed head-down on a wooden bench, her arms draped over her knees and hands dangling loosely down. Women from events other than hers were slumped in a similar state of post-performance blues. Unsurprisingly it was those not...

4 years ago
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Surprise HoneyChapter 2

When I woke up the strange surroundings had me befuddled for a bit. Then I remembered the events of the days and laid back. May was up running the boat. I had slept quite some time. The sun was out and I could hear stirrings around me. "Hey sleepy head... how are you this morning?" May had stepped into the room to check on me. She was wearing her uniform and looked very sharp. I could feel a stirring down below as she walked around the bed heading towards her dresser. "What time is it?...

1 year ago
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Dee joins Me and JohnA triangle

John stayed the night and we shared a bed for the second time,we didn’t sleep a lot I blew him, he blew Me ,once again before we dozed I found myself balls deep in that tight ,dark tunnel of Johns arse filling it with spunk that dribbled out down his downy haired crack to soak the dark hairs round his balls. It was around 10am when we awoke,the bedside phone forming our alarm,I dozily rolled over and picked up the handset. “ Hello,its Dee Im on my way home .I should be there in about Twenty...

1 year ago
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Got XX! Do you want to see a fuck ton of sexy Indian content that will make your Bolly-loving cock do backflips while you stroke yourself? Well, you may find that kind of content on GotXX. You are going to find all kinds of goddamn videos and more that are ready to make you feel like a fucking man again. Want to see what kind of hot content awaits you on GotXX?Then head over and take a look at all of the content that you can find on this unique tube site. It works great on both mobile and...

Indian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Pleasure Cruise Part 3

The last couple of days aboard the ship had been amazing and filled with experiences I could never in my wildest dreams have imagined, but I was excited to be having a day on land. We had docked at first light and I had spent much of the morning wandering around the small shops and market stalls that stood along the beach front. The heat was intense and I was grateful I had chosen to dress in very little. My skimpy green bikini and a pair of denim shorts made up my outfit of choice - the green...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Chat Room Rendevous

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. This story involves the Batman family as seen on the early to mid-90s Batman, the Animated Series. Batman is Bruce Wayne, Robin is...

1 year ago
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The Summer Before College Part 1

We swam for about an hour and then decided that it was getting too boring so we headed back to my house. My parents were going to be at work until around 6pm and then they were going out for dinner and then staying in a hotel for their anniversary. I told Carter that he could stay the night if he wanted. He agreed. This would probably be the last night Carter will be sleeping at my house. After tonight we both will be going off to separate colleges in different states. I’ll be going to UCLA and...

2 years ago
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I Said Aunty I Want To Fuck Ur Daughter

My name is Sandeep singh. I live in Delhi. I have lots of experiences in my life. Among that i have a story to tell u ppl. Its all abt my neighbour aunti. I shldnt say but she was really sexy. She alwaz used to do some act to make me feel her interest on me. We were gud neighbours together but after my mom came to know that she seduces me, i stoped going to her house. The story starts like we shifted to our new home as her neighbour. When we shifted they had gone out on some vacation. After one...

2 years ago
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Daffy Daddys little demon unleashed

I'm Daphne, or Daffy. I'm a slut and I'm a writer. I also half believe that I behave like a sex-demon (succubus). Read my previous stories (rate/comment please!) to know the journey I'm on. ----------------------------------------------I'm currently the live-in sex toy of a black master, Sir Kullen. Prior to this I lived at home with my parents. In the weeks since I left home to become a slave to black cock I've contacted my parents to let them know I am completely fine and happy. They're...

4 years ago
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Life Death and LifeChapter 6

After taking her into my room, I closed and locked the door. I turned to see her laying on her back, looking oh, so pretty. “Are you going to fuck me, Rick?” “No, I am planning on making love to you for the rest of our lives ... if you’ll let me?” “Oh, gosh. I can’t believe this is about to happen,” she said breaking into tears. “We are going to have to take off our clothes to do anything ... may I undress you, Diana?” All she did was give out a massive sigh, then pulled off her top...

4 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 20 Sharon Visits Armand at Home

Jorge rang the bell at eleven-thirty on the dot. Sharon let him hand her into the limo and settled back to shake as the car moved smoothly through the traffic. What was Armand up to? Nora seemed to think he had some master plan -- no doubt with some reason, although she apparently wasn't at liberty to share... Sharon had NO idea, but things had been escalating steadily since the previous weekend, so there was no telling... Nora's introduction to sex had somehow upset the equilibrium they...

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Dad and Judy

I had just finished my last night shift, its in the morning as I drive into the garage. I locked up the car and walked inside. There was Mandy the sleep-over babysitter. As usual she was dressed ready to go to college for her studies. She looked nice in her runners, cut-off shorts and short button up shirt. Her red hair was tied back in a pony-tail and her green eyes sparkled with the anticipation of a new day. I handed her twenty five bucks and walked her to the door. Her tight ass was...

2 years ago
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Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife Part 4

Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife (Part 4) Don Abdul (c)2010 It had been a couple of weeks since Lynda returned from her Caribbean vacation, and although the memories of her ‘Caribbean Double Chocolate Dip’ kept her usually voracious sexual appetite in check for a while, libido was on the rise again. The dull ache in her loins was once again becoming unbearably distracting. She was rather surprised that it had taken so long for the sexual monster inside of her to stir again, but then she had...

1 year ago
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The Story Of My Life

Hi, this is Unnati Shah, from Mumbai, i am 36yr old, housewife of an bussinessman. Here i am submitting the story of my life, which has not been revealed yet. My husband is into clothes bussiness, he is mainly into his bussiness 12-14hrs a day, or visits different places to explore bussiness oppurtunities. This story is about 10-8 years back. Our marriage was an arranged one. Though we loved each other, but there was something missing between us. First couple of years went smooth, thought it...

4 years ago
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Sheik Omar Ch 04

The kitchen was filled with the mouthwatering smell of a spicy lambdish that the women of the house had been preparing. The rich meat flavoured with Rash al Hanout the local mix of different spices and mixed with dried apricots that were now swollen to little orange pillow-shaped juicy balls. A platter with freshly baked flatbread waiting on a table. Omar’s mother filled a large bowl with the stew and placed the platter with bread on top of it and then motioned to Mary to follow her. The two...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 13 You Make Loving Fun

Medway High School Gymnasium 3:42pm, Friday, February 16, 1979 ‘My God, she’s absolutely stunning!‘ I thought as I stood at the gym doorway for a moment and took in the scene across the gym. Lynette had somehow changed outfits since I last saw her at the start of geography class. Gone were the black baggie sweatpants and a red Medway fleece sweatshirt. Lynette now was whooping and hollering in a mid-thigh length, red and black hounds-tooth patterned skirt with black fishnet stockings....

1 year ago
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Missy Day One

“Daddy?” “Yes baby girl?” “Are you going to fuck me?” Daddy’s fork stopped halfway to his mouth at the kitchen table, surprised etched across his face. Let me start at the beginning... My name is Missy and I grew up in a loving home in a big city. My mother was fit and active, going to the gym regularly each week and enjoyed being a housewife. My Daddy worked hard for a living as a lawyer and also kept himself in great shape. His body ripped with muscle and a clear six pack. Everyone...

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