Claire's Mistake - From CFO To Piggy (Part 2) free porn video

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Looking down at Claire, kneeling naked in front of me, a throng of men and women joking and laughing at her predicament, I wondered just exactly what she was feeling. Shame and humiliation - most definitely. Regret that she had ever tried to steal from the company - certainly. But I sensed that, even though she would probably never admit it to herself, there was a frisson of sexual excitement at being treated like this bubbling away inside her. Deep down, I just knew that underneath all that self-assured business woman crap was a submissive little whore just waiting to get out.

It's always been my view that you can't make someone do anything that deep down inside them somewhere, they don't want to do. Advertising, for example, can't make you buy a car you don't want but if some part of you wants it, a good ad can make you realise that. It was the same with Claire: all I was doing was awakening the hidden slut. It wasn't just my imagination, I was sure, that Claire was beginning to move her hips and rubbing her thighs together in a way that suggested she was just a little sexually excited.

Maybe one day, she would thank me for it. Maybe that day was closer than either Claire or I realised. Even so, that day was not now. Today Claire was feeling degraded, defiled and violated (and no doubt just a little bit excited) - or so I hoped.

However, now was not the time for introspection. I didn't care if she was getting off on this treatment or not. She was a thieving bitch who needed to be taught a long hard lesson and there was an audience waiting for the next act of humiliation on my pretty little slave. I had promised them a show when I had called them all earlier that day - and a show was what they were going to get.

I motioned to one of the waiters who had been serving drinks and canapés. Seeing me signal, he approached, carrying a silver tray with an item covered with a white cloth lying upon it. Claire was still kneeling at my feet, head bowed, trembling at the thought of what might be in store for her. Poor little slut: she had no idea.

Taking the tray, I crouched down in front of her. With one finger under her chin, I raised her head up so she was looking at me, the tray at my chest level and her eye level. Her pretty brown eyes burned with humiliation. Her eye makeup was smudged from her tears of shame. Her face was wet with sweat and, of course, the wine that had been tipped over her. I noticed with pleasure that her nipples were hard and erect, standing proud on her magnificent tits.
I stroked her hair gently. "Claire," I said slowly and quietly, "I have a little present for you. Would you like to see it?" She lowered her eyes, afraid to meet my stare. She knew that she was unlikely to like the present whatever it was.
"Head up, bitch," I snapped, "Look at me. I want to see the humiliation in your eyes, you little cunt." Claire looked up, her cheeks blushing. As she lifted her eyes up to mine, I spat into her face. A thick gobbet of saliva hit her between the eyes and trickled down over her nose. "Don't ever ignore me again when I'm speaking to you, understand?" I said. Claire nodded her head in acquiescence.

Slowly I removed the white cloth from the tray revealing the object lying on it. It was a leather 'tail'. One end of the tail consisted of a thick leather butt plug whilst the other comprised a number of long thin leather straps hanging loose. In total, it must have been about eighteen inches to two feet long, the butt plug taking up at least a quarter of the length. I saw Claire's eyes widen with horror as she saw the tail and realised what it was - and where it was going.

"I thought a naughty puppy like you needed a tail," I said, "Don't you agree?" Claire nodded. Her face was bright red with embarrassment and her body was trembling with apprehension. The audience around her was sniggering, eagerly anticipating the fitting of the tail to the helpless whore kneeling before them.

Quickly, I slapped Claire across the face, "Answer me, slut. Don't just nod your head."

"Y…yes, s….sir," Claire stuttered.

"That's better," I said soothingly, "Now tell me what you want me to do with this tail."

There was a moment's hesitation and I had to slap the stupid whore across the face again, "Come on, Claire. I thought you were a clever little bitch. Obviously I was wrong. Now don't make me have to remind you again. Tell me what you want doing with the tail - and don't be nice about it. Tell me your filthy little slut fantasies. I want to hear that gutter mouth of yours."

The thought of having to say nasty words was, I knew, humiliating to a stuck up bitch like Claire. She began to tremble anew, lowering her head once more slightly and looking up at me, the whites of her eyes wide. She looked so submissive.

"P…..please sir, " she whimpered, "Please make this dirty little slut wear her tail."

I slapped her across the face again, "Not dirty enough, Claire. You can do better than that." The audience laughed at her discomfort.

"Please sir," whined my pretty slave, the red mark of my hand clearly visible on her cheek, "Please give this dirty filthy little slave bitch a tail in her fat fucking whore ass." The audience clapped and cheered.

I smiled, "Well done, pup. Much better. Now get your face on the floor and that ass in the air."

Trembling, Claire obeyed, crouching on her knees and forearms, her face on the floor, her round peachy arse raised up in the air. With one hand, I pushed her face against the carpet and with the other, slapped her ass, ordering her to raise it higher. How I love the sound of the smack of a hand on a fresh ass. Claire shuffled her knees forward, her ass now fully exposed.

I motioned to a girl wearing a short mini skirt and boots standing nearby to sit on Claire to make sure that she didn't raise her face up off the floor. The girl smiled and lowered herself onto the back of Claire's head, sandwiching it between her firm bare thighs. I could hear Claire's muffled protest as her head was covered by the girl's skirt and enveloped between her thighs.

Once her head was secure, I took the tail and began to rub the tip of the butt plug against Claire's asshole. She began to wriggle and muffled whimpers came from underneath the girl's skirt. Slowly, I began to ease the unlubricated plug into her arsehole. More squeals from under the skirt and more wriggling and writhing. The thick length of the leather plug distended and stretched Claire's arse ring, opening it wide. I continued to push it in and soon the butt plug was buried deep in Claire's virgin asshole.

The girl holding Claire's head down stood up and I ordered Claire onto her hands and knees. Claire obeyed, her breasts hanging down seductively, wriggling her arse with discomfort from the butt plug now distending her little arsehole.

I raised my right hand and slapped Claire hard across her left buttock cheek, "Come on puppy. Wag that little tail of yours." Claire yelped with pain as I spanked her and wiggled her pert little bottom as ordered, causing the leather strips of the tail to sweep back and forth. The group of men and women gathered around her laughed and clapped as they watched, drinking in her degradation.

Another waiter approached, carrying a collar and leash. I took them from him and clipped the collar round my puppy's neck. Giving the leash a tug, I then began to walk slowly through the party guests, Claire crawling on her hands and knees behind me. Every so often, I would give the leash another tug, the signal, as she soon learned, to wag her tail even more vigorously.

Claire looked so humiliated and degraded, crawling naked on all fours behind me, her head hanging down in abject submission, waggling her bottom to make her tail wag. Her predicament was made even more demeaning by the comments and laughter of the guests around her, looking down at her as she crawled past, leaning over to pat her head or stroke her fine ass.

I approached the buffet table, laden with meats, salad, cheese, bread and other food items. I ordered my dog to sit whilst I filled a plate up with food. Taking a bite of quiche, I looked down at my sexy little puppy crouched at my feet.
"You must be a hungry doggie," I said, "Here, have a treat." And saying that, I took a small piece of quiche and placed it on my palm. I then leant over and offered it on my palm to Claire. She knew what to do. Claire bent her head over and began to eat the quiche off my palm. I could feel her hair brushing against my skin, the softness and wetness of her lips against my palm.

"Good dog," I said, "But its time you had a proper meal." I made a sign to another waiter and he approached, carrying a tray, again with something covered by a white cloth. The waiter placed the tray on the floor next to the kneeling naked girl and moved away.

Making sure I was looking at Claire's face - I wanted to see her reaction - I slowly removed the cloth from the tray. It slid off revealing a bowl of dog food, the gristly meat glistening with juice and jelly. I smiled as I saw the look of horror on Claire's face. The crowd standing around began to snicker at Claire's obvious discomfort, looking forward to seeing Claire humiliated further, making more lewd comments at the helpless slave's expense.

"Get your face in that bowl, girl," I ordered, "And eat your food up like the good dog you are."

Not surprisingly, Claire hesitated. Quickly, I slapped Claire across the tits a number of times with my hand, causing her to yelp in surprise and pain at the stinging blows. "Didn't you hear me, you little cunt," I snapped, grabbing her cheeks in my hand and shaking her head. Her wide brown eyes pleaded for mercy, a mercy of course that she would never get. "Now get your face in that bowl and START EATING."

Saying this, I pushed Claire's face down into the bowl, grinding her slutty features into the sticky dog food. She struggled briefly as I forced her face into the bowl, her wiggling ass causing her tail to wag furiously. I loosened my grip and Claire lifted her head up, gasping for air, her pretty face smeared with brown streaks and spots of meat from the dog food. Laughter rang in her ears.

Looking around briefly, she saw the audience, crowding around her, drinking in her humiliation. A camera flash went off, capturing the image of her naked, crouching on all fours, a tail sticking out of her ass, tits dangling, hair falling over her sticky face, shame burning in her eyes. Reluctantly, she lowered her face to the dog food and gingerly stuck out her tongue to lick the rubbery surface of the meat. She began to lick at the marrowbone jelly coating the meat and then to bite off small chunks and swallow them, gagging slightly as she did so.

"Come on, slut," I snapped, kicking Claire on the ass, "Faster. We haven't got all day." The audience began to slow handclap, urging her on. How humiliated she must have felt, naked and degraded, being forced to eat dog food in front of all these people dressed in their party outfits and nice suits. Once she had been like them - but now she was an a****l, a pet, a sexual plaything.

As she ate, coughing and spluttering, I ran my hand over her ass and down between her legs, my fingers probing her slit. I smiled: the little slut was getting wet down there. Like the fucking slut she was, the humiliation and degradation was making her wet. I removed my fingers from her cunt, wiping them on her ass and leaned back to watch Claire finish her meal.

It took Claire two minutes to finish the food. I ordered her to lick the bowl clean and then kneel, hands on her head. She obeyed and knelt before us, her face still smeared with the remains of her meal, drool running down her chin.
"God, girl," I said with disgust looking down at her, "You look a fucking mess. Time to get you cleaned up."

I grabbed Claire's hair and threw her down onto her hands and knees. Ordering her to follow me, I headed across the room. Obediently, Claire followed, her tail swinging, through the throng of people. I noticed again how good her boobs looked as they dangled and swayed as she crawled. I led her out of the room and down a corridor, followed by a throng of partygoers all chatting excitedly at what might lie in store for Claire.

I headed into the bathroom with Claire right behind me. I lifted the seat of the toilet and pointed to it.
"I know how much you dogs love to drink out of the toilet bowl," I said, "Well, there it is, pup. Get your head in there and drink."

A whimper of utter humiliation came from Claire's lips. "Pleeeeeease, sir," she wailed, "Not that. Pleeeeeeease. Anything but that."

"Do as I say, you fucking thieving whore," I snapped, grabbing her hair and pulling her to the toilet bowl on her hands and knees. Claire whimpered in pain and despair at what was going to happen to her. I lifted the lid and the seat and pulled her head over the bowl. Involuntarily, she lifted her hands to grip the edge of the bowl, partly to try to stop her head being forced into the bowl and partly to support her body. Firmly, I pushed her head into the bowl. I could see her hair floating in the water and from the spluttering coming from Claire, it was clear her face was at least partly in the water. Her boobs were pressed against the cold china of the toilet bowl.

I lowered the seat down on Claire's neck, pushing down on it to keep her face deep in the bowl and flushed the toilet. Cold water rushed into the bowl and Claire squealed as the toilet flushed over her head. I could hear coughing and spluttering and more whining of "Pleeeeeeease". Slapping her peachy little ass, I snapped, "Quiet bitch."
A crowd of people was filling the bathroom, enjoying Claire's humiliation. A pretty redheaded girl in a short black party dress stepped forward, an evil smile on her face.

"Gee," she said, looking first at me and then at my dog, still spluttering in the toilet bowl, "I could sure use a piss."
"Be my guest," I said, motioning her towards the toilet bowl. "Dog," I said to Claire, "Don't you fucking move."
The girl turned to face the people crowding into the room and straddled the bowl. Lifting up her skirt, the girl showed that she wasn't wearing any panties. She lowered herself slowly, squatting so that her pussy was right above Claire's head. A stream of golden pee squirted from between her pussy lips and showered down over the back of the helpless slave's head. Rivulets of piss streamed down over Claire's hair, running down her cheeks into the toilet bowl. As the girl continued to pee, I leant over and began to spank Claire's ass, slapping each buttock in turn, smiling at the red glow suffusing across her cheeks. A camera flash went off, then another, and then another capturing Claire's degradation for posterity.

After ten or fifteen seconds, the girl had finished, adjusted her skirt, and stood up. She began to walk away but stopped, turned and said, "Oops, forgot to flush." She pressed down on the handle and the toilet flushed once more over the helpless Claire's head.

Once the water had stopped flowing, I grabbed Claire's hair in my fist and pulled her head out of the toilet bowl. She emerged, coughing and spluttering for air, her hair soaking wet, hanging in heavy strands over her bare shoulders and face, water pouring down her face, her features contorted. Laughter and mocking insults greeted her as she crouched there, water and pee dripping down her bare back and over her boobs onto the floor, her naked body trembling with cold and humiliation.

"Pleeeeeeease," she whimpered, "Pleeeeeeease. No more. Pleeeeeeeease." Her whining and pleading for mercy only made the people squeezing into the bathroom laugh and mock her more.

Pulling her onto her knees by her hair, I looked down on the helpless humiliated slut with mock concern. "So, my little slave," I sneered, "You don't like being a dog. Perhaps you'd prefer to be some other pet." Turning to the other party goers, I asked, "What sort of pet do you think Claire would like to be next?"

"How about a cat?" called a middle-aged brunette, elegantly sipping her wine. The crowd cheered and started chanting "Pussy. Pussy. Pussy."

"Mmmmmm," I said, "A nice pussycat. Would you like that, Claire?" I paused but there was no reply from the shivering slut kneeling at my feet, dripping water onto the floor. "Well," I continued after a short pause, "It doesn't really matter what you want. A cat you shall be."

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Inspired the anonymous commenter, you know who you are, this one's for you! Piggy By Apple We'd first met a few months ago now, and why we were together still didn't really make much sense. We weren't a couple that anyone would have expected, and I was as shocked as anyone when the shy young man had come over to me in the club and made his nervous advances. I admit, at first I thought someone had put him up to it, but he seemed genuine, and things just carried on from there. Let me...

3 years ago
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Little Piggy Series Crackle in the Cold Barn

Warning: This story has breast feeding, sexual, d**g, and Dom/Sub training practices. If your trying to quit drinking breast milk, STOP HERE.Once Upon a time in a Southern backwoods farming and mining community lived poor uneducated folk, I was one of those folks. My name is Tammy Sue, and I was a little 5'3 120 pound chubby girl with 38C udders that swelled to D's when I was impregnated. My hubby was from the North, and enjoyed by dutiful southern charm. He loved to give me assignments that...

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Little Piggy 4 Double Detention Monday

Monday after school she arrived at Mr. Newnen's office. He led her into his private office and sat her down in an old school desk he had. He told her they would get started in a moment. He was waiting for something. She suspected it was Coach Gray. Coach said he would meet her here to work out the lessons. The room was quiet as Mr. Newnen corrected class papers all the while looking up at her every so often. She was starting to squirm in the stiff little desk. Mashing her little pea into...

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I want to join the Sissy Piggy Army

A couple of months ago one of our members said he was starting the Sissy Piggy Army for all those who wanted to become Sissy Pigs. I thought I was already one. So I contacted the member and said I wanted to join. He said I had to have a photo or video of me in my sissy clothes licking a toilet bowl in a bathroom. I was more than happy to do that. Except my non-sexual wife lives with me 24/7 and I have not been able to seriously dress up or make vids for six long months. I was very unhappy about...

2 years ago
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Wendy Makes Her Piggy Jizz

Wendy Makes Her Piggy Jizz [wife verbally fat shames her older hubby to ejaculate hands-free]Bobby Flanders tossed and turned in his bed but could not go to sleep. His wife Wendy was uncharacteristically late from her job at the local bar. Most days she came home before his bed-time and they both enjoyed a nightcap before calling it a day. Bobby had always been the happy go lucky type since his c***dhood, he had a successful business that he operated from home and had never wanted his trophy...

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Claires Piss Piggy Party Adventure

Master had said we were going to a party and I wondered what sort of a party I, as a piggy slave, would go too. We were in the car with me dressed normally (my large cleavage always on show) but in light bondage gear, my piggy collar and lead, handcuffs and a tight rope “pantie” rubbing painfully against my pussy). We had been going for about an hour and were out in the country. Master turned into a driveway where there were several other cars. We got out and he led me on my lead to the front...

4 years ago
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Little Piggy 5 Double Detention Tuesday

Tuesday Little Piggy found it hard to concentrate in class as every time she moved the fingers of the training belt would send new sensations through her. Finally the school day was over and she hurried to Mr. Newnen's office for her detention. The brisk walk jarring her pucker and folds with each long stride. She knocked on the office door and heard Mr. Newnen invite her in. She stood inside the door of his office waiting for instructions. Mr. Newnen was correcting papers as usual....

1 year ago
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Little Piggy has been thinking

Those women up in the mail room were probably envied little piggy adventures. What they fail to realize is that spreading your legs for pleasure isn't as hard as society makes it out to be. Instead of just enjoying yourself and having fun they turn it into a chore full of emotions. I'm not against emotions, but there's a time and place for it. I can say without no doubt that sometimes a man just wants to fuck, cum and be done. You have to enjoy it for just that. In fact, it's super hot when...

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Lil Piggy part of life story collection

(Not a story per say, but a collection of my past kinky history) Per Lil Piggy In the past it was easy because the world I know now I didn't know then.The "top" aspect was simple for lack of a better word. There just wasn't much to it. All you needed was a bottom and they either went down or opened up for you. That mentally came from the women I was fucking out there. Which was funny because as I was doing it, I got off thinking about those guys I played with when I was a teenager. I did...

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The revenge of Piggy Jamez

After weeks apon weeks of torment harasshing an mistreatment of micke james by mcsheel mccool an layla it was time for mickie james to finally get a messure of revenge as she would get her shot at mickie james tite at the 2010 royal rumble Upon coming to SmackDown in late 2009 by way of the tri-brand Divas trade, Women’s Champion Michelle McCool has made Mickie James’ life miserable • Michelle and Layla viciously cut Mickie’s ring attire with a pair of scissors. • In Michelle’s personalized...

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Little Piggy Series the VO Segrams RV

Once Upon a time in a southern backwoods farming and mining community lived poor uneducated folk. My name is Tammy Sue, and I was a little 5'3 120 pound chubby girl with 38C udders that swelled to D's when I was impregnated. My hubby was from the North, and enjoyed by dutiful southern charm. He loved to give me assignments that would show my loyalty, and at the same time keep me entertained on the farm.One night while I was stroking my husband’s penis in bed, he mentioned to me that one of his...

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Little Piggy Series The Plaza Motel

Once Upon a time in a southern backwoods farming and mining community lived poor uneducated folk. My name is Tammy Sue, and I was a little 5'3 120 pound chubby girl with 38C udders that swelled to D's when I was impregnated. My hubby was from the North, and enjoyed by dutiful southern charm. He loved to take me on trips away from the farm. To see the big city!This Friday, my hubby told me to dress up. Boofy Hair, Heavy makeup, Nails done. Then I put on my Thigh High stockings, lace...

2 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 8 Miss Piggy

Lee sat up, alert to the banging outside her door. ‘What the hell?’ She had only been asleep for about four hours. After rolling off the bottom bunk, she struggled back into her jumpsuit. She headed to the door to find out what was happening in the hallway. As she pulled the door back, a pink blur shot past her. It then proceeded to wiggle under the bottom bunk squealing the whole time. Lee looked out to see Dave’s lanky form sprawled on the hall floor. He had a distinct smear of pig shit...

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Piggy TalesChapter 4

After the others left, Kit and Kat took their own turns, right there on the floor of the piggery. There was a very specific flavor to those last sex acts of the evening. There was, of course, the setting. The floor was covered in litter. Straw. Beer cans and plastic cups. Pig droppings. Discarded clothing. Shannon was caked in spit and lube and cum. Sex with these two sorority organizers was not frenzied, as was rest of the evening. They took their time, now that they were no longer hosting...

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Piggy TalesChapter 3

"Admirable." False flattery? No. Something else. Manipulation. Shannon knew she was being played with, but it was still her choice to play. Elizabeth Fisher's games made her feel not simply naked, but exposed. "Admirable? All I did was attend a barbeque." "How did you enjoy it?" With all that she had done recently, Shannon hesitated to use the word. But it was the closest to explaining her feeling. "It was obscene. Frat boys from Columbus. Sorority girls from Exeter. A bunch of...

1 year ago
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This Little Piggy in a Pen

I quickly made myself ready, putting on a little steel blue dress with a deep and wide v neck and dark rose panties. As usual I couldn’t make my nipples behave and I knew when I started walking they would be stimulated by the soft rubbing material and so I put on a bra…of course, this made the flesh of my smallish tits push up into a pretty cleavage in the little dress. I wasn’t sure if it was too much, but there was no time to change, so I braided my hair into two braids and slipped into a...

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This Little Piggy

A plethora of emotions ripped through her, anger, shock, fear and undeniable abject desire. Her heart pounded up into her neck and shoulders and her face surpassed the color of the pretty box by at least three shades. With shaking hands she reached in and pulled up the papier mache half mask with the pink forehead and cheeks, tiny black eyes and darker pink snout of a pig. Her eyes filled with tears and she let out an involuntary gasp at what lay under it. The coiled tail attached to a plug...

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Little Miss Piggy

Little Miss PiggyThis story is completely fictional and does not intentionally bare any resemblance to any persons living or dead.  Any resemblance is purely coincidental.  Do not read this if you are easily offended.This is my first story so I could do with some feed back ([email protected])Claire shut the door and got in the car.  She had finally been convinced by her two best friends Megan and Mary to go to a sleep over they had organised for her at Mary’s house as her parents were...

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Portrait of the Valkyrie as a Young WomanChapter 5 Miss Piggy

It was Saturday in mid-October. Andy had just gotten out of the hospital, and Sherry was taking him to see his cousins in the neighboring county. The change of scenery might do him some good. I could use a change of scenery myself, so I went out to the garage to work on replacing some fence posts out back. There in my man-cave with my tools, my weights, and my Corvette things made sense, and I could take my mind off of the homicidal, muscle-bound lesbian seductress up the street. For about a...

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Piggy Buddies

When Hans’ parents got divorced his mom and he moved to Basel, a city in the north of Switzerland. It was a very modest one-bedroom apartment and not only did they have to share a bathroom, but Hans had to sleep on a sleeper couch in the living room. It was all they could afford at that time and Hans uncomplaining as ever, did not mind the inconvenience. Hans had always been easy going due to his social awkwardness and contented to go with the flow.Hans was diminutive and rather unattractive....

Gay Male
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This Little Piggy Goes to Town

I felt Him first, my breath suddenly short. Slowly I perused the room again from my stool at the end of the bar, as good as off in the corner as I could find. Across the room at a little table He sat with His wife and another couple. He held my eyes and grinned almost imperceptibly before casually moving on. I could see the warning in his eyes, the one he knows I don’t need, the one he can’t resist….could almost hear that damn honeyed heroin voice, “don’t make me kill you.” Our very own...

4 years ago
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This Little Piggy takes 2

I rolled my head and arched, opened my eyes….and screamed. Master stood there in my bedroom doorway watching me, arms crossed, sexy arrogant smirk on his face. I stared, frozen, as he said to the man standing next to him. “Filthy whore always has her hands in it.” He walked over and grabbed one ankle pulling me to the edge of the bed, running his hand up my leg. I opened my mouth and gasped, lifting and spreading my legs prettily. He shook his head and grunted a short laugh as he...

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MIss Piggy goes to the Adult Bookstore

I took my first trip to an adult bookstore with a married couple from my swinger group. At first it was kind of strange, but looking at all of the porn kind of turned me on, so I relaxed a bit. I kind of wondered away from Lance and Lisa over to the DVD section. I was wearing a short yellow sundress and flip flops, I never wear panties and wasn't wearing a bra. Anyway, I kind of got absorbed in looking at all the DVDs, When I realized that I was by myself with four men who were definitely aware...

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Piggy after a rest up

I have been resting up since my last sporting event with those two big bears. They were a big surprise in more ways than one. I was laying down to rest when I was remembering my first “bear” so to speak. It was at a Juvenile facility just outside of Bakersfield. Joshua from a near by town, he was my first jail house thing. He use to finger me and give me head till he swallowed my load. One thing we use to do, would be while I was getting ready to use to toilet, I would lower my ass on his...

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Piggy TalesChapter 2

Contradictions do not exist. Shannon had seen this premise forcefully argued in some book she had read, but couldn't quite remember the author. Ronell, or Rand, or something. She was just some forgotten twentieth century philosopher who had fallen out of favor and whose ideas would no longer be discussed in academic circles. If the philosopher had a name, Shannon would have searched out those essays for insight. The author had seemed so sure that there was an objectivist truth in every...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e15 Ellen Rankin 60 Piggy fun

Series 9, Episode 15: Ellen Rankin (60), from Stirling We fade in on a business park – a collection of small, modern, one and two story buildings, small well-kept shrubberies and flower-beds around them all, then narrow roads (double yellow lines on both sides to stop blockages) ... It’s a grey day and the roads and buildings look like they’ve been rained on very recently. We move along the road between two of these units, toward a particularly unimpressive and anonymous looking building –...

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Sanjnas Mistake

Sanjnas MistakeBy: exbiidelhi2012(c)Sanjna brushed back the straight blonde hair that framed her beautiful face and continued composing the brief on her computer. Sanjna was a fourth year associate at Halstrom and Gray, one of the most prestigious law firms in the country. She had gotten the job by hard work and high intellect. As an associate the hours were so long and the demands of the job so high that the only thing she looked forward to was her seventh year when she would be up for...

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Piggys Birthday Party

She ***********ed her sexy little maids' uniform with all the ruffles, large diamond fishnet thigh highs, long black satin gloves and, instead of high heels, a pair of black Converse All Star’s. She bathed and carefully shaved the hair around her little clitty so it was soft and smooth as a baby's bottom. She powdered her body with Este Lauder’s Beautiful with a big, pink powder puff and applied her makeup. After applying her makeup, she put on her black “SLUT” collar and piggy ears and...

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I Will Not Be a Mistake

If you like the story all credit goes to ErikThread for his insightful editing and if you don’t like some bits – trust me it was all me!! That night I walked into the club to see my fiancée playing tongue hockey with her ex-boyfriend, Chad. I watched as they sat down at a table together … actually she sat in his lap. His hands were roaming her flat abdomen and brushed her breasts openly and gently stroked her shapely legs as they continued kissing and having a good time. They were dancing (or...

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