Nineteen Fifty free porn video

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NINETEEN FIFTY Tim really loved to read all about what it was like for men long ago when they were the strong ones, the ones in charge. Not like today. He was particularly fascinated by those now banned books that told of men seducing women, making passionate love to them and women doing everything to please their men. Knowing their place, it was called. The classics which were available today had been completely re-written; there were no more heroes, only heroines. His friend Peter explained that books such as Pride and Prejudice originally had a Mr Darcy and a Miss Bennet but had been changed to a Miss Darcy and a Master Bennet, Oliver Twist was now Olivia Twist. It did not really make a lot of sense to Tim but Peter said it was like that with all books published years earlier. In little more than 150 years women had managed to subjugate men, reducing them to where they had become the weaker sex. It used to be a man's world, but with the help of a microchip inserted into the back of their necks at birth everything altered. Most men today had never heard of the expression "a man's world". The first early edition of the chip was used by pet owners who wished to control their animals but when seen how effective they were and of course with updates they were inserted in the back of the neck as a compulsory part of sentencing of violent criminals to stop re-offending which proved very successful. Soon a push to insert the chip into the male population began with a women's movement which was predominately made up of those involved in the medical profession. These women saw the damage some men were inflicting on not just women, but on children and even on themselves and decided to do something about it. The movement began to gain traction with some men who if they had known where it would eventually lead may not have given their support. Advances in science played a huge role in the development of the microchip and with further updates that showed when inserted was proving it could change behaviour completely. Some men actually volunteered to have the chip attached unwittingly. When it was seen what was possible a programme was begun where a chip was to be inserted in new born male children. Men did not just lie down and give into the idea of being chipped and some fought very hard to try and stop the process but as their generation died out and with new born males being chipped the resistance died with them. Just how quickly it became the norm was amazing and over a generation roles had changed completely. These chips with even more modifications curbed the amount of testosterone males could produce and men became a mere shadow of what they once were. They could alter moods, feelings and influence thoughts; in fact whatever a woman wanted her man to do was becoming possible. Today it was unusual to see a husband, even when wearing heels, who was taller than his wife. In fact Tim's wife, Hilda, was a good six inches taller than he was. Men were weaker both physically and emotionally. It took a while but eventually women found it unnecessary to use the chip to take advantage of males, they soon became very compliant. In fact most were content to allow women to just take over what had once been the male role in society and wives seldom had to discipline their husbands. The chip also enabled women to track the male members of their family with a simple app on their wrist watch; this ensured that they always knew where they were at any time, day or night. Women now had the upper hand and their men seemed happy to stay in what was now considered was "their place". Tim, like most men, was a stay at home husband and homemaker but this did not stop him dreaming and yearning and wishing to have been born years earlier. He was particularly fascinated by what he read of what it was like in the 1950's, only 250 years earlier. What a life it must have been. If what he read was true, and it must be said that other than the illegal books that he got from his friend, Peter, there was no proof available that men were fully in charge then. When they got together for coffee mornings while their wives were at work and the kids at school their discussions always ended up at that somehow magical time when men could do as they liked, just like women could do now, when women were the homemaker just as men are now. What a time it must have been. Peter was sometimes accompanied by their other friend, Michael. Peter and Michael worked as night cleaners at the public library. This time Michael brought with him old newspapers that he got from the abandoned and long forgotten basement in the library. Michael explained that this part of the library had been closed up a long time ago and in there is where he had discovered the many old unaltered books and also the ones that Peter often handed on to him. The books Tim got from Peter, under the banner of Mills and Boon, were always romances with the man as the hero. Even though he knew they were fiction he loved reading them in secret. Tim was sure if his wife, Hilda, ever found out about them he would be in a lot of trouble. Being the breadwinner and boss, Hilda could be a stickler for doing the right thing and would not appreciate him breaking rules. But this time the newspapers that Michael and Peter brought around to the coffee morning made interesting reading. They came from Tim's favourite period in history, the mid twentieth century. In them he read about a world recovering from a world war, how it was going to be a better and fairer society, how soon rationing would end, how they would all be driving bigger and faster automobiles, air travel would be cheaper and everyone would be able to afford it. There did not appear to be much mention of women other than one or two pages that was solely aimed at them, and even had a heading saying "The Women's Page", which only seemed to feature cooking recipes and fashion. There were no stories about women doing well in the world of politics or business which seemed to fill every news screen these days. Back then there were pages and pages all about men's sport which once again was unlike today's sports news. No one watched men playing sport, it just did not compete with women's sport for skill, speed or aggression. There newspapers also contained some darker news with the fear of communism and the spread of socialism which appeared to worry those in power. But it was the advertising in the woman's page which grabbed Tim's attention. For some reason the advertisements of women's fashions, especially underwear, really got his interest. The corsets reminded him that Hilda, who liked him to appear trim, insisting he wear a panty girdle when they went out together, but they were nothing like the corsets in the advertisements. The corsets in the newspapers looked like something worn as a punishment. He expressed a desire to both men that he would love to go back to that period and was really surprised when Michael told him that there maybe could be a way, well sort of. The abandoned basement at the library had a machine that could demonstrate what things were like long ago. The machine had a programme where through a form of virtual reality a person could set a period in time and a scenario with which to work in and visit that time. He had read the instruction manual and although it probably had not been used by anyone in a long time he had turned it on and as far as he could tell was still OK. I'm not sure if I would be game to try it, Michael said of himself, but then again what could happen? If it worked, great and if it didn't, well no harm done. He said it could be arranged. It would be difficult to organise. Somehow he would have to sneak him into the library after hours, but he thought perhaps the best way would be for Tim to get a part-time cleaners job and that way there would be no problems with security, which with surveillance cameras it would be impossible to get in unnoticed. That same evening he put dinner on the table in front of Hilda and the kids, and then he got them off to bed, after allowing them some screen time. Returning he went and got Hilda a glass of wine. He then sat down on a rug at her feet and began to give them a rub. He then slyly brought up the subject of a part-time job at the library. He explained the hours, 7pm to 12pm, two nights a week. Hilda, he could tell, was not happy with the idea of her husband working. For a start she said how much she would miss evenings like this and that they did not need the money. But if she was being honest she did not like the thought that she would have to get the kids ready for bed, for as far as she was concerned that was his job and was she now going to be expected to do the dishes and prepare lunches for the whole family. Tim persisted saying he could do dishes and make lunches before going to bed and still be up early enough to get everyone's breakfast. Later that night after making sure Hilda was well and truly satisfied sexually she reluctantly agreed to give it a trial. Tim was more than happy with that and fell asleep making plans for his journey back to the 1950's. After securing the job at the library he made sure that he just did the cleaning for the first month. This was just in case Hilda checked up on him. He knew she would check firstly to see what his job entailed and maybe a couple more times just to make sure all was well. He also knew she would get bored of listening to the sound of a vacuum and would not bother anymore. Finally one evening Michael took him down to the area where the machine was, he showed him the helmet he would wear which was wired to a small machine about the size of a briefcase. There was a screen on one side with a few dials and a keyboard just below. This Michael explained was where you set the year, age, sex and then you typed in a destination and a storyline of the journey you wanted to take. He also explained that according to the manual every hour under the helmet would equate to one month of the journey. So the three hour trip would seem like three months to him. He then told Tim the bit he had been keeping back and pointed to the straight backed chair with straps and broke it to him that the process required him to be strapped so that no movement was possible and that included his head. The chair resembled something from an old horror movie that was used years ago to electrocute convicts. Not being the bravest, Tim now began to have doubts about the whole plan. That night in bed snuggled up to Hilda, Tim, who was worried about being strapped to the chair, decided he had to be brave and convinced himself to try it out on his next shift. The thought of being a 1950's male was too enticing. He was sure if he changed his mind either Michael or Peter could unstrap him. The next evening Tim once again put dinner on the table for his family. Being a bit preoccupied about what he was about to do later that night he did not notice that he hurried everyone so he could get the dishes finished before heading off to work. Hilda did notice that he was acting oddly and asked him if everything was all right. He just made an excuse about making sure he was in work on time. Finishing the dishes he rushed upstairs to do his face and change into his work uniform. Unlike a lot of men Tim did not wear much makeup other than a bit of lipstick, eye shadow and mascara. He then got the kids off to bed ignoring their usual protests about being too old to go to bed this early and then got Hilda a glass of wine. Hilda, putting on a worried look asked if he was on a diet again as he did not eat very much at dinner time. He said he was as he had put on a few pounds lately. He grabbed his hand bag, kissed Hilda on the cheek and said he had to hurry or he would miss his lift and then headed for the door. She watched him as he walked away with a smile on her face, looking at his skinny little bottom she wondered where he was putting on weight. What were men coming to, she thought. As she watched him leave she remembered that tomorrow he would turn 40 and she had already decided she would take him shopping and get him that red dress he was so keen on. She intended to make his day special. She loved Tim dearly, enjoyed his sense of humour, he was never moody like some men were when they did not get their own way and was always up for any adventure. He was probably a bit cheeky at times. But he also was a good housekeeper and kept the kids in line. Although she knew he was not happy about how their two younger daughters teased their older but smaller brother and forced him to do their chores. She did not like the short skirt that was a part of his uniform, she much preferred him in skirts that came to his knees. He was a very good looking man and she did not trust other women when they were around him. He was a pushover and she knew it. He was not averse to a bit of flirting and there had been a few times Hilda had to save him when panic set in because some woman or other came on to him a bit strong. She was proud of her husband, especially for the fact that he had managed to get her pregnant three times without any medical help which most men seemed to require these days. Their equipment in that area had shrunk quite considerably, but somehow her husband had achieved almost the impossible. She also knew he was more than full of himself with his achievements. But after three children she insisted it was time to get him fixed, three children were more than enough. She had asked him when she first seen him in uniform if there were any women there at night. He assured her there were none, and just as Tim had predicted she did call him regularly for the first couple of weeks. But seeing he was only with Peter or Michael reassured her that he would be safe and as he predicted she did get bored and soon gave up checking on him. Hilda had known both Peter and Michael for some time and knew that they were both reliable; Peter was married to June, who was an associate at the law firm where they both worked. They had no children as of yet so it was fine for him to have his cleaning job. Michael lived with his mother and his three sons, she knew his wife had left him and gone to live with another woman, something that was not unusual as there were many women who felt a relationship with a man was not very fulfilling. When Michael's wife left, he and the boys moved in with his widowed mother who spoiled her grandsons terribly, forever buying them pretty clothes and generally allowed them to do as they wished. Michael, being a fuss pot, disapproved as he believed it could spoil their chances of attracting a wife if they grew up too independent. But Hilda approved of them being friends of her husband. Tim finally arrived at the library just as Michael was opening the rear entrance door. Peter was just behind him and they both looked expectantly at him. He grinned and nodded a yes to them and then hurried off to the cleaner's room where their equipment was kept. They discussed how they would handle the operation as they began to call Tim's upcoming journey. Sort of like a secret mission. Tim, as he normally did, would clean the toilets first, which would take him approximately 45 minutes, then he, Michael and Peter would get into the abandoned basement, strap Tim in the chair, set the machine to the proper co-ordinance and then he would be on his way. Michael made it all sound so simple. The entrance to the basement was behind a thick heavy curtain and the door to the basement was set further back in an arch. Michael who had always wondered what was behind the door found a set of keys one day while cleaning behind the curtain in a small hole beneath a loose tile just in front of the door and low and behold the key fit the lock. Since then he had made regular trips into the basement, discovering a wealth of information from the books that were still there of how things were in the old days. All three of them made their way behind the curtain and got the door open and proceeded down the steep stairs. Switching on the lamps which Michael and Peter carried they made their way past piles of old books and what could only have been old films on plastic discs. They would have liked to see those films but there was no possible way to access them. Michael put a lamp as close as possible to the machine so they could see what they were doing and began to proceed with the operation. Encouraged by both Peter and Michael they got Tim into the chair but could sense his reluctance as they began to strap him in. Then Michael moved to the machine and they heard a soft purr as he switched it on. He then began setting the dials; first the time limit was set for 3 hours, secondly the year - 1950, then Male on the male/female dial, Age 40 years. His fingers began typing and on the screen could be seen "New York - Happily Married Man". Walking back he picked up the helmet and placed it over Tim's head. He was very glad not having to see Tim anymore as the look of fright on his face was making Michael nervous and unsure if they should continue. Finally he walked back to the machine and pressed the green button to set it in motion. The soft purr suddenly turned into a loud racket and the machine began to rock on the table. Michael and Peter did not know what was happening but they saw before their eyes the dials begin to move of their own accord. The time limit of 3 hours did not alter and the year stayed at 1950, but male switched to female and the age was now pointing to 16 years. On the screen "New York - Happily Married Man" had disappeared and in its place they could read "Ireland - Pregnant". Peter almost crying said we have to get him out, but Michael held him back as he was about to lift the helmet telling him that they could cause Tim permanent brain damage if they do not let the machine run the full three hours. He picked up the manual and showed Peter a whole page with a warning notice printed in red. It clearly said never in any circumstances should the machine be turned off while a subject was attached to it. All this printed in large red type convinced Peter. There is nothing they could do; they prayed he would be himself when the time is up. They had to get back upstairs to the cleaning; there were only two of them to do three men's work. They decided they would come down every half hour to check up on him. Tim knew immediately something was wrong. He had heard the roar of the machine and then all went dark. He was lying in a single bed; in the dim light sneaking in from the windows he could see other beds along beside him and opposite him. He was in some kind of dormitory. The bed was uncomfortable or maybe he could not get comfortable. He stomach felt full and he put his hand down to rub it. His first taught was what is going on, his belly was bulging and as he brought his other hand down they touched what felt like breasts. He froze; both hands then came up and rested on what was definitely breasts. He could not help himself as he sneaked his hand down to his groin. Nothing. He had to pull up a night shirt and slid his hand into his underwear, the elastic at the waist told him he was wearing women's underwear similar to what he had seen in the newspaper advertisements, and he was certain now, he had a woman's body. He had a vagina. He wanted to scream, but told himself to stay calm. Somehow he knew bringing attention to him here was not the thing to do. It was coming to him, where he was, who he was and why he was here. His name was not Tim here, it was Mary. Once again he placed his hand on his belly, he was now Mary and Mary was pregnant. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew he was Tim and he knew where he was. He was in the basement of the library. But he was feeling everything Mary was feeling, the cold dampness of the dormitory, he could also hear the quite snoring and the tossing and turning sounds coming from some of the other beds and suddenly felt the need to pee. He felt all of these things. Mary's thoughts were now his. He climbed out of bed and pulled a basin from underneath, realising he would have to squat he lowered his knickers and peed into the basin. As he was about to climb back in he could hear Alice in the bed to his left sobbing. He took Alice's hand and led her out of her bed and took her into his own. He held Alice close until she stopped crying and finally fell asleep. They lay together until dawn and then in Mary's soft voice whispered to Alice to get into her own bed before the Sister came to wake up the dormitory or else they would get in trouble. Alice was 14 years old and like Mary was pregnant. She was due around the same time as Mary and despite her own predicament her heart went out to her. She did not know the circumstances and did not ask. Every girl in the dormitory had a story and every girl in the dormitory was pregnant. Tim now stopped thinking of himself as Tim, he was Mary, even though he knew he was Tim, it was all so strange and getting more and more confusing. Mary was well used to taking her younger sisters into her bed at weekends back home, especially evenings after their father had been out drinking. He had climbed in beside her a few times when he was drunk so this was her way of trying to make sure that nothing would to happen to her younger sisters. Safety in numbers. She was not sure how her younger brothers faired in the room next to theirs, but occasionally she heard her father falling about in there. When she brought her fears about her father up in conversation to her mother for her trouble she got a slap across her ear and was told never to talk about her father like that. Tim realised he was not only living in the moment with Mary, but he could also feel her thoughts as if her thoughts were now his. Through Mary he knew he was in the year 1950, he knew this was not New York, it was Ireland, and he was in a convent run by nuns and in a place called a "Mother and Child Home". Mary began to look at the reasons she ended up here, firstly, she should never have had anything to do with John Mortgage, secondly, she should never have given in and told his name to her father, and lastly, never believe a priest again. She let Johnny Boy, as he was called, have intercourse with her, not once but a few times. He was 18, tall, handsome and every girl in the village chased after him. His family were wealthy and lived in what was known locally as "The Big House". Mary remembered how he had promised everything would be fine. All lies. When her mother told her father that she was with child he beat her until she told him who was responsible. That very evening he was around at the Mortgage house demanding that John do the honourable thing or else his next stop was the police station. Mary at the time was 15 years old, which meant John, could be prosecuted. Later leaving the Mortgage house with a wad of cash and a belly full of good whiskey her father's next stop was the presbytery. There her future was all arranged. The next day John Mortgage was on a boat headed for Liverpool. Almost before she had time to pack a case she was on a bus with my mother heading for the monastery. When she arrived she saw before her young eyes a massive building easily the length of her village main street and three stories high in parts. Her mother said it was best that she stay here until the baby was born. That way there would be no prying eyes or busybodies to see the shame that she had brought upon her and her father. Tim desperately tried to understand all of this. He was finding it impossible to believe parents could do this to their own child. Mary knew she had committed a sin in the eyes of God but did not believe her mother could be so cruel. Who was going to look after her younger brothers and sisters if she was not at home with them? As she was led by her mother through the gates, past the gatehouse and walked down the long gravel driveway she began to shake and tears welled up in her eyes. Tim felt tears rolling down his cheeks. Her mother left her at the main door and never looked back as Mary was taken inside by a nun. Her name was Sister Clair and she told Mary that she was her Dorm Sister. She was then taken to the office of the Mother Superior, Sister Bernadette. When asked her name she told the Sister it was Mary, the nun almost had a stroke, you will not be called Mary here you little harlot, she yelled, how dear you call yourself after Christ's mother. Take her out of my sight, she told Sister Clair who had brought her to the office, and get her into a proper uniform. Mary was then taken to another nun who told her to strip. She was too frightened not to do as was told. As she stood there naked the nun produced a grey smock, a dark blue blouse, a pair of large knickers, one size fits all, smirked the nun. She then found a pair of well darned socks and a pair of workmen's boots several of sizes too big. All of the clothing was well worn and Mary could not believe that she was going to be told to put on clothing that she thought looked as if they had just been collected from the town dump. As she began to pull up the knickers the nun insisted on helping her dress. Mary felt rough hands on her swelling belly that slowly moved down to her vagina. She jumped back a little but was once again too afraid to make a sound. The nun just smiled and told her to hurry up and to let her get her dressed. There was more fondling of her breasts as her blouse was being buttoned up. Mary was being introduced to Sister Imelda who was known by the other girls as "Hairy Spider". Sister Imelda then filled an old sack with two nightdresses and extra clothing. Mary took them thinking she had given better to the rag an' bone man when he was passing their door back home. Completely confused, frightened and unable to focus on what was happening Mary was taken to the dormitory and shown where she would be sleeping. Sister Clair continued to give instructions but Mary was not able to take anything in as she was too upset. Finally alone she looked around for her suitcase and realised that she did not know what had happened to it. Her few possessions were gone. She then lay curled up on the bed and cried for what seemed hours until the dorm began to fill up with others. None of the girls who walked in took the slightest notice of Mary; they just walked in and made for their beds. A few clustered together in small groups whispering. Sister Clair soon arrived ordering them to get cleaned up and then head down to the dining room now or else they would get nothing to eat. Someone down the end was heard to say - it will be next to nothing anyway so what is the point in hurrying. Sister Clair marched to the end of the room and out of nowhere came a cane with which she used to whack one of the girls across the back of the legs. Sheela O'Neill you can stay behind while everyone else get a move on, the Sister yelled. Unfortunately for Sheela it was not her who spoke. As the rest moved out the only two left in the dorm were Sheela and Mary. Sheela walked down and sat on the bed opposite Mary. Feckin bitches, she said, rubbing her legs, and then she introduced herself. She told Mary what she could expect here, and that would be nothing but abuse and hard labour. And watch out for that bitch, Sister Clair, as she enjoys beating us, Sheela told her, and I'm sure she wets her knickers doing it. Sheela told her that as well as taking in pregnant girls the convent was also an orphanage. There were about 20 girls, who like us, are expecting and something like 40 girls who were orphans. If the truth be told, she said, we are all unpaid skivvies. The whole place is a huge laundry; we wash sheets, towels, priest's clothes and vestments, the nun's clothes and whatever other business the clergy can drum up. Then there's the housework. Avoid scrubbing floors if you can, somehow, she said, she was sure that was going to be her job tomorrow, they are vindictive bitches. The best jobs are in the kitchen, but you have to get on your back for the priest when he visits for that job. One half of the building was run by the nuns and the other half by the Christian Brothers. Their half was supposed to be a school for orphan boys and boys sent here by the State for God knew what reason. But there is no schooling; the boys spend their days out in the fields planting vegetables, picking potatoes, and whatever, as long they are making more money for the church. Just watch out for them Brothers, Sheela warned, some will try to have their way with you and do not care if you are pregnant or not. Mary told Sheela about Sister Bernadette not being very happy when she told her what her name was. Feck her, she told Mary, I'll tell everyone to call you Mary and with that she went back to her own bed. Tim just thought this was all wrong. His stomach felt weak. How were they getting away with it, how come it was not stopped. He did not know if Mary would survive and then he remembered he was now Mary and Mary was tough, tougher than him, he knew that she would be making plans about getting out of there. Mary did get a job in the kitchen. She found out that the Mortgage family had their own plans for her unborn child. With John being their only child and no prospect of another sibling they wanted to be sure that their son's child was cared for even if he or she was to be a bastard. This news she heard accidentally while overhearing a conversation between Sister Clair and the cook, Mrs Smart. It seemed Mary was to get special treatment, at least until her baby was born. After hearing this Mary was adamant that she was going to be the one to look after her own baby. She would later discover that the special treatment did not apply when it came to Father O'Brien. Mary and Sheela became friendly, they shared a lot in common, both from small rural areas and their getting pregnant stories were almost identical. Sheela supplied Mary with extra socks from the laundry telling her to always wear two pairs and it would make the boots fit better. Mary pinched food whenever she could from the kitchen and passed it on to Sheela, who would then share it if there was enough with some of the other girls. Mary had never been in such a dismal place in her short life. The work was never ending, scrubbing pots and pans, washing dishes, peeling spuds, cleaning vegetables, and then it would all begin over again. The only bit she took any pleasure was making bread. She had learned how to make soda bread from her own mother so Mrs Smart always called upon her to help. She was the only girl from her dormitory working in the kitchen; the others came from the orphanage. The orphanage girls fared no better and it was obvious they were not a very happy group. Most worked in the laundry, which could be anything up to 12 hours a day and the really unfortunate ones got the job of cleaners. That was a back breaking job, sweeping up, cleaning furniture, and worst of all scrubbing floors. The only day the girls did not work was Sunday. Mary considered herself lucky to be in the kitchen despite having to work that day. There was one big bathroom where all the girls washed themselves daily with cold water and once a week they got to have a bath. The room had five baths and hot water was carried in large pots from the kitchen. The lucky girls were the ones who had their bath first as the water was not changed, only topped up occasionally. This meant that whoever was last to have their bath was most likely the tenth to be shearing the same water, which by that time was almost cold. Bath time was supervised by Sister Imelda, who was not averse to using a scrubbing brush on some of the girls and took too much satisfaction drying off some. The girls did not see much of the boys other than looking out at them working in the fields or grounds through a window, but Patrick, once an orphan here himself, but now working for the orphanage lived in the gatehouse and also supervised the younger boys. He was a regular visitor to the kitchen. He was a bit of a joker and Mrs Smart had a soft spot for him. Mary thought with all the bits and pieces he received from the kitchen courtesy of the cook he should not have been so skinny. He always had a funny story to tell and he was one of the only people who seemed to be always in a good humour. He teased Mary about the size of her boots and called her the kitchen penguin after the way she wobbled about. It was Patrick who warned her about Father O'Brien. He came to the home every Friday and Sunday to hear confessions and say mass and stayed the rest of Sunday. He had a room of his own and received his meals there. Patrick had warned her that he liked to meet the new intakes and he liked to fondle them. He told her girls who did not do what he wanted them to do would usually get a visit from Sister Bernadette or Sister Clair. Mary understood what he meant and her first Sunday delivering dinner to Father O'Brien she was not completely sure what would be expected of her. He accepted his dinner and she was told to wait as he finished it, he then told her to take his plate back to the kitchen and ask Mrs Smart for a bottle of stout and return. Mary got the shock of her life when she came back to find the priest sitting in an armchair by the fireside with his cassock up exposing himself. He ordered Mary to leave the bottle on the table and to get over to him. Mary who moved too slowly for his liking received a slap when she was close enough for him to administer one. Mary who had seen a penis before was not surprised when he told her to take it in her hands. She knew what she was required to do and set to it in the hope that playing with it was all he would want. He came quickly and Mary was very happy when he told her she was a very good girl and dismissed her. She rushed out and made her way to the toilet block to wash her hands. Tim who had never considered touching another man felt himself aroused by the whole episode. He had seen other men naked in the showers after playing for his netball team but for the life of him he had never seen a penis that big. He could not get over at how small it made his hands seem, or did he mean Mary's hands. He knew he should not be feeling the way he did but could not help himself. He felt a pang of guilt knowing that Mary after her initial surprise did not enjoy the experience. Later she confided to Sheela about what had happened in Father O'Brien's private room and Sheela let her know that she would be a regular visitor to that room every Sunday from now on. Father O'Brien's demands would become even more demanding. One night she was woken by someone climbing into her bed. Believing it was Alice she put her arm about the intruders shoulder. She knew immediately it was someone else and before she could complain a hand was clamped to her mouth. Nobody had warned her about the possibility of Sister Imelda climbing into her bed. Mary was forced into of an hour of pawing and when Sister Imelda planted her lips on hers the touch of stubble from her upper lip made the revulsion complete. Mary knew where the hairy part of her nickname came and now knew the spider part was about feeling like she had eight hands. Some of the other girls knew what was happening but knew well enough to say nothing. Why she told Patrick about her meetings with Father O'Brian and the night with Sister Imelda she was not sure. He did not criticise her as he knew from his own experiences with the brothers that not doing as told usually led to a beating. He just gave her one of his grins and said that he wished he had someone do it for him. That grin of his was infectious and smiling back she said if he played his cards right he just might get lucky. And lucky he did get. Patrick and Mary regularly snuck out to the fields together where Mary was a willing participant in putting a smile on Patrick's face. Tim was also smiling despite feeling embarrassed. He felt that it was him playing with Patrick's massive penis. So the weeks went by and Mary got bigger and bigger. Some of the girls had already left and new girls arrived. Not all the girls who left were leaving with their child. With three weeks left to her due date she was no longer required to bring Father O'Brien his dinner but her and Patrick had grown closer and were now putting together plans. Now when Mary kissed Patrick, Tim felt that it was him doing the kissing, and when she held his penis, Tim felt he was getting used to playing with it. And every time he knew what he was feeling was wrong but could not help be aroused by it. Sometimes when they talked Patrick could not hold back his anger when telling her that he had been abused by the brothers while in the orphanage and told her that it still happened to the boys now. He told her that on Friday nights a group of men visited the home and in a room all prepared for them with food and drink some of the boys would be introduced. These men were supposed to be pillars of the neighbourhood, land owners, bankers, lawyers and businessmen. He said he did not know what they called their club, probably the Buggers Club. The head brother, he said, was a leading member and Patrick believed he got donations for his trouble which never got back to the church. He said it did not pay to be a good looking boy in the orphanage. One day as they walked in the grounds together they passed two brothers who they caught holding hands. Patrick in his usual jaunty manner said hello sisters to them but she noticed that despite his cheek he was the one who blushed. Mary protested that they were two of the nicer brothers and were always helpful to the girls in the laundry. Patrick informed her that was because they were not interested in girls but instead liked only each other. He told her that he had been in the orphanage since he was six years old and that those two had had been carrying on like an old married couple since then. He then told her that Brother Thomas was not as young as he looked and that most likely he was wearing a bra and frilly knickers under his habit. He said he knew he liked to wear women's clothing as he had seen him in women's underwear when he had been forced by Brother Jack, into giving him a blow job. What he did not tell her was that the same time he was giving Brother Jack his blow job, Brother Thomas had his penis up Patrick's rear. Patrick had been a regular visitor to the brother's rooms over the years. The thought caused him to shake his head and for once he lost his smile and got serious and told her that this place was pure evil. It is probably time, he said, to leave this hell hole. Mary said, together, we will leave together as soon as her baby is born just as they had talked about. Mary witnessed Sheela being taken away one night after her water broke, two days later she was back working in the laundry. Three days later she was informed that her daughter had died and she would be leaving the home in the morning. They spend that night in Sheela's bed together crying. Alice, who Mary had looked out for since arriving was also taken away to what they called "the screaming room" where the babies were delivered. She and her baby never survived the ordeal. What was happening was horrible and Mary began to feel very afraid as her time drew near. Then it was Mary's turn, while in the kitchen her waters broke and it was now her who was being led to the "screaming room". She had never gone through such pain as she did that day and when her son was finally born she had never been so exhausted in all her life. But after the cord was cut and the child cleaned and then placed in her arms and was suckling her breast she also never felt such happiness in all her life. Tim also felt everything that Mary went through in the five hours it took until the birth, he felt every contraction as they came closer together, and the agony of the push and just like Mary when it was all over being covered in sweat as if it was him who had produced the child. He knew that just like Mary, he had not known he knew so many swear words. Mary was allowed to look after her baby in what was termed the nursery for the first two days but then was told that it was time to get back to the kitchen and Mrs Smart. The following three days she was called upon by Sister Clair when it was necessary for her child to be fed. But as soon as she had fed and settled the baby she was ushered back to the kitchen. This was making Mary angry and she knew she needed to get to Patrick in the hope that he had thought of a way of getting them out of there. They agreed to meet at the back of the kitchen where the slops were left for the boys to pick up for the pigs. After a hurried conversation and instructions for Mary to find Brother Thomas's room and be there during dinner time at 6.30. There she would be able to get clothing and they would have more time to finalise their plan to leave. He told her that Brother Thomas had been away for a few days so the room would be vacant. Mary did not go down for dinner as she had just looked after her baby, instead she made her way into the boy's side of the mansion and as they were also in their dining room having dinner she was able to make her way to where Patrick had told her to be unseen. He was waiting by the door and they quickly got in and closed the door behind them. The room was far fancier then Mary had thought it would be. Patrick had a suitcase laid out on the double bed and told her that was where the brothers slept together. He told her that Brother Thomas was in Dublin attending Brother Jack's court case. He was arrested and charged with sodomy after being caught fucking the police sergeant in the toilets out the back of the O'Leary's pub in the village. Mary was not really concerned for him but asked what would happen. Patrick told her that he was already thrown out of the brotherhood and was most likely to spend the next two years in prison. Mary said that will be hard on him and he said that it was going to be a lot harder on the sergeant as he no doubt had put some of the inmates inside. Homosexual men were not treated well, but a homosexual policeman was not going to have a lot of fun in prison. Getting back to the clothes available to Mary, Patrick brought her into a walk-in wardrobe and Mary could not believe what she was looking at. There were more women's things there than in the main store in her village. Some of the dresses were just too outrageous to be seen in as far as she was concerned so she settled on a couple of plain grey skirts, she also found some blouses for herself and a maroon cardigan. She carried them out and put them into the suitcase on the bed. There was a complete rack of shoes which once again Mary felt were not suitable for her, she had never worn high heels and this was not the time to start. She found a pair of flat lace up boots, although too big, that would do her. Patrick then led her to a set of drawers and inside these was some of the fanciest lingerie she had ever seen and could not believe that such items existed. Patrick was able to point out several pair of plain cotton knickers which also went into the suitcase. As you can see Brother Thomas has a thing about ladies clothing, Patrick informed her with a grin. He then led her to the makeup table and grabbing a handbag out of the wardrobe began to fill it with lipstick, nail varnish, a compact, a small bottle of perfume and anything else he thought she would need and put that in the case. He said next all you need is a coat and carrying the suitcase into the wardrobe found a warm black coat and as he shoved that into the case told her that she was now all set. Just then the door open and they heard someone cough. Patrick knew immediately it was Brother Thomas. He put his finger to his lips indicating for Mary to be quite. He walked out of the wardrobe and said hello to Thomas just as he was turning from closing the door. Oh, Holy Mary, he exclaimed, Patrick you nearly gave me a heart attack. Patrick apologised. So, Brother Thomas continued, you have come back to me. I can tell by your face that I have also given you a surprise being back early. You probably know that Brother Jack has left us and will not return; alas my true love has gone. He will spend the next two and a half years behind bars, but with a few goodwill blow jobs to the prison guards I'm sure he will be out in sixteen months and most likely have a pleasant stay. As for his accomplice, the police sergeant, he got five years and judging from the wolf whistles and blown kisses he received while been taken down, I do not believe his stay behind bars will be as pleasant. I feel strangely betrayed to think that after all these years of Jack being my almost my wife, he had been having his way with another man, Thomas sighed. But I cannot but feel sorry for his poor sergeant's wife and children, they have lost their home which came with the job and I would not be surprised if the orphanage were to get a few more unwilling slaves if she cannot find a fitting place for the children, he said. I can tell you have been rummaging about Patrick, but come and sit with me here on the bed and let's talk, Brother Thomas said. Mary could not hear what was said from her hiding place but was sure between the whispering she could distinguish kissing sounds. Eventually she moved closer to the open door of the wardrobe and from the large mirror that was hung on the back of the door she could see them. Patrick was in Brother Thomas's embrace, despite the tears Mary could see in his eyes, he was giving every sign of returning the embrace. Then Brother Thomas broke away and jumping up clapped his hands and said that it was time to turn his boy into a princess. He stood Patrick up and began undoing his clothes. Mary looked on amazed as Patrick let him undress him. Mary saw that Patrick's huge penis stuck straight out and heard Brother Thomas laugh and say that he was glad that he still could have such an effect on him. Now, let's get you dressed, he said. Mary's eyes had found Patrick's and they stared at each other through the mirror. Brother Thomas went to the set of drawers and after careful consideration came back with what looked to be a bra, knickers, suspender belt and a what looked like a slip to Mary. They were all matching colours, mainly black with a red lace trim. Brother Thomas took great delight in what he was doing as he almost danced around Patrick, first getting him to but his arms forward as he but slipped bra on and then was quickly around the back to fasten the bra. Next were the knickers which he made a huge joke pretending to pull them up too high on Patrick? The suspender belt brought a lot of laughter as he continually brushed against the tent in Patrick's knickers. If we don't do something about that Patrick, I can see I am going to have to relieve you, he laughed. Finally he got Patrick to hold up his arms and put the slip over his head. Now, it will be best if you sit on the edge of the bed for the nylons and it would help if you pull up your slip, he instructed Patrick. One by one the nylons were rolled up Patrick's legs and clipped onto the suspenders. Now stand, he ordered. Kneeling behind, Brother Thomas fixed the back of the nylons to the suspender belt and then made a great fuss about making sure the seams were straight running the palms of his hands along the full length of Patrick's legs. Mary's and Patrick's eyes were still locked through the mirror. He went to the shoe rack and selected a pair of white high heels and told Patrick to go and sit at the makeup table. Mary had to shift again to enable her to see what was happening. Brother Thomas proved to be an expert makeup artist and in a matter of minutes had Patrick looking like, if not a beautiful young woman then at least a passable one. Mary now knew what was to come next and pushed herself behind the row of coats as Brother Thomas came into the walk-in wardrobe to find Patrick a suitable dress. Mary felt relieved that he had known exactly what he was looking for and was in and out so quickly. She got back to where she could continue to watch as Brother Thomas had Patrick twirl for him then have him walk up and down in what looked like a ball gown. Mary could tell that it was not the first time that he had walked in heels; she knew she would have broken an ankle. Brother Thomas then really surprised her when he produced a ring and slipped on Patrick's finger. You now belong to me he informed him, that ring had been Brother Jack's. He then kissed him on the lips. Mary got the fright of her life as the next thing she heard was Brother Thomas saying that she could come out now, he knew she was there. She froze and the brother had to go into the wardrobe and lead her out. It is time you went back and fed your baby before getting back to your dorm, he told her, also Patrick will not be leaving with you tomorrow, you will be leaving alone. I care not what you are stealing from me in that suitcase but you can collect it tomorrow at the gatehouse. Now, the show is over, so goodnight, he finished. Patrick looked away from the pleading expression on Mary's face. He could no longer look her in the eye. He knew he was weak and had betrayed her. As she left she heard Brother Thomas tell Patrick that it was now time for a stroll around the grounds. After Mary fed her baby she went to the dorm and had a disturbed night. She was still determined to take her child from this place the next day and no one was going to stop her. At six in the morning as the other girls were going down for breakfast Mary had already been up an hour assisting Mrs Smart preparing the food. After serving she grabbed a slice of bread for herself and once again went off to feed and comfort her child. She had finally picked a name for him; he would be called Sean, which was the Irish for John, the father's name. She returned to the kitchen and began washing the breakfast things. Normally she left the kitchen at eleven to go back to feed the child but today Mrs Smart seemed to want to keep her busy. Feeling something was not right and making an excuse to go to the toilet she headed for the nursery. There was no Sean; her baby was missing from his cot. When she started yelling and throwing things about the Mother Superior was called for. She was told that her baby had been adopted and it was a good thing too. The child would be better off by not being brought by prostitute such as herself, Sister Bernadette told her. Mary screamed and ran towards the main door and down the steps onto the gravel driveway as a black Rover pulled away. She recognised the car and she knew who was taking her child. She dropped to her knees and screamed until she lost her voice. Sister Claire came out and dragged her back inside. She left the home later that day and passing the gatehouse Patrick was waiting. He handed her the suitcase they had packed the previous night. They were both crying and Patrick was trying hard to explain to her that after twelve years never having been outside that gate he would not cope in the world beyond them because he was damaged. Mary replied that she was too and before she picked up the suitcase and walked through the gates she told him that it would be a good idea if he was to wear a coat before he came out of the house as she could make out the outline of his bra through the blouse he was wearing. Despite the tears he blushed and then his smile came back. Mary smiled back through her own tears and asked him if he had on the frilly knickers too. He nodded a yes as he handed her an envelope with some money. That's all I have, he told her. They hugged one last time and then she was out the gate walking down the road for the bus to Dublin. It's finished, Peter shouted to Michael, we have 30 minutes to get him cleaned up and changed before the supervisor, Mrs Turner, gets here to take us home. They had been in a state of panic for the last three hours that Tim had been under the helmet. They could not come to a decision about whether to get Mrs Turner to come in and help them or not and were now very scared. They had watched as he went from crying to screaming; wetting himself, not once but twice, then back to swearing, screaming and crying again. They had done very little cleaning as they had taken turns for one of them to stay in the basement with Tim the whole night. Now as they turned off the machine and lifted the helmet they saw that he was silently crying. He was completely soaked, covered in a sweat and seemed to be in a daze. He was not answering any of their questions but they had already decided that they would get him up to the changing rooms, into the shower and into a clean uniform. They worked fast and soon had him out of the shower and dressed in one of Michael's spare uniforms. As they were dry blowing his hair a look at the clock told them they had five minutes before the supervisor got there to drop them home. She normally arrived about five minutes early. Their plan was to tell her that Tim had taken ill, most likely something he had eaten and that they had to look after him after he had been sick. They felt that would explain why there had not been much work done and also the reason for Tim's wet uniform, now in the laundry basket. If Tim had not looked so pale Mrs Turner would not have believed a word of their story. They were both fidgety and not their usual happy selves. She still was not sure she believed them but she was certain getting Tim home was a priority. Tim who had finally found his voice thanked Mrs Turner, but said that he had let everyone down and felt that he should resign. Mrs Turner told him to sleep on it and let her know before his next shift as good cleaners were hard to find. With that compliment he went quietly into his home and straight away was about to begin making lunches when he remembered that the next day was Saturday, in fact it was already Saturday, his 40th, and there was no school so no need to make lunches. He climbed the stairs and after looking in at the children slipped into bed next to Hilda without putting on his nightdress. He lay restlessly for a while, his head spinning from all that he had experienced. He had a new respect for the woman beside him who had delivered not one but three children. He then turned sideways and spooned into Hilda and despite what he had been through felt himself becoming aroused. Hilda, who he had already woken, could feel his little penis scratching between her bum cheeks. She reached behind her and gave him a resounding smack on his bottom telling him to behave. Tim really wanted to tell her about his night, but he was afraid to. Maybe another time, he thought. But not put off he began to talk but Hilda told him to go to sleep, still not shutting up he continued to talk and it finally registered with her that he was telling her that that was his last night at the library. She turned onto her back and listened as he told her he had informed Mrs Turner that he was finishing up and that as she had said they did not need the money and of course there was also two evenings that he was missing her company. She turned her head and kissed him and then pulled him on top of her, practically clamping him to her as she wrapped her legs around him. Then she could feel his little thingy enter her as he wiggled about. She was about to ask him to fit on his attachment but decided against it, instead she reached down and gently pushed his small testicles inside her virgina. She then put her finger into his bottom and began imitating the movement of his penis. Happy birthday, little man, she whispered in his ear, give it all you've got, and he did. Later lying with her arm around him and his head on her shoulder she asked if he had earned enough in the six weeks working to be able to buy that red dress and jacket he wanted so much. He told her that not only could he afford the outfit but he also saw a pair of heels that would go so well with it. She knew that he was fishing for her to buy them also. Well it looks like we will be going shopping in the morning, she said; also try finding us a babysitter as I'm taking the birthday boy out tonight. After fixing breakfast the next day Tim called up Michael to firstly to let him know he was OK and for him to let Peter know he was now fine, and then to ask if his mother would be willing to look after the children that evening as he was hoping he could have a night out with Hilda. Michael's mother was a regular babysitter for Hilda and Tim and was particularly fond of their son. So with a sitter organised the family went shopping. The girls were not too happy when they discovered that they were shopping for an outfit for their father. After they had had more than enough at the outfitters and the shoe shop, when Hilda brought them all into the lingerie shop to get Tim some sexy underwear they were completely grossed out. Their day was about to get even worse when Tim told them that Mrs Barns was coming to babysit and was bringing her three grandsons over to play. After lunch Hilda went off to play a round of golf with a few work colleagues and Tim went to the saloon to get his hair done and Mrs Barns was now in charge of the children. She had brought some clothes that no longer fit her grandsons and the boys were busy playing dress up. Not forgetting the girls she had bought the latest Combat screen game so they were now in their room fighting as usual. Dinner would be a delivery. Later that evening as Mrs Barns and the children were sitting down to eat and Hilda was helping herself to a shot of whiskey they heard a slight cough and all conversation stopped as they all turned to watch Tim descend the staircase. Mrs Barns was first to recover her voice and went into raptures about how stunning he looked, soon all four boys were oohing and awing while Hilda but down her glass and walked over to her husband and taking his hand twirled him around not once but twice before whispering in his ear how magnificent he looked. She then produced a pearl necklace and clasped it on his throat before once again wishing him a happy birthday planted a kiss on his lips which made the two girls make pretend vomiting sounds. Their evening out was a great success with a candlelit dinner and later to a small club where they danced the night away. The wine that he had consumed went to Tim's head when they finally left the club and stepped into the night air as they walked to their transport and he was glad he had Hilda's arm to lean on. Hilda just said "home" when they were inside and seated and in no time they were in their parking space outside their home. All was dark and quite as they made their way up to their rooms and it was obvious what was on Hilda's mind as soon as she had the door closed. In a way Tim felt a bit sad as she began undressing him as he had felt really attractive in his new red dress and felt that taking it off would somehow end that wonderful feeling. Stripped down to just his knickers with his little penis making a tiny tent he could not help but remember how big Patrick had looked in his knickers in Brother Thomas's room. Hilda brought him back when she gave his thingy a little flick and told him to go and fit the attachment little man as it was after twelve and it was no longer his birthday. When he came out of the bathroom still wearing his knickers over his attachment he noted that the tenting was a bit more respectable. He soon found himself being lifted and carried to the bed by Hilda. She pulled off his underwear and proceeded to sit on top of him. The sex was good and Tim always loved watching her breasts giggle as she fucked him. When she was satisfied she then worked herself up until she had her pussy on his mouth where he got busy with his tongue. She was never sure if Tim enjoyed this part of their love making but he in fact loved that he was helpless with her knees pressing down on his arms making it impossible for him to get out from under. It was a wonderful turn on for him being under Hilda's complete control. He liked to think it was part of "knowing his place" in their marriage. Back in the bathroom removing the attachment, cleaning himself up and taking off what remained of his makeup off he began to remember his journey back to 1950 and came to the conclusion that he was more than happy to be a man in this day and age. He thought of the men in his journey, the father, the priests and brothers and poor Patrick and was convinced he did not like 1950's men. He was perfectly happy with his life, his marvellous loving wife and his wonderful children. Although he could not wait for the next coffee morning so he could tell Peter and Michael all about his time on the machine. He would wait for a while before he told his tale to Hilda, that was if he ever got the courage to tell her. After brushing out his hair he came out of the bathroom and went to his drawer and got a clean pair of knickers and put them on and then pulled a nightie over his head. He then slipped between the sheets and snuggled up to Hilda who was already asleep and gently snoring.

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The Big Switch

When we were married, my wife and I used to swap with other couples, not so much parties where disclosure almost certainly follows but with smaller numbers, where you could make friends with those you were meeting. We became friendly with one such couple. a little older than us, which wasn't a difficulty (actually nothing was a difficulty, as long as the sex was good) and they were nice people. Bob, the husband, like me, as bi and his wife Angela was straight, so we were a good match. They both...

3 years ago
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Blessings and Fufillment

Blessings and Fulfillment CD, Gay, anal, oral, cuckold, forced, magic, MF, MMF It had been over a year since the last time I had been home. This time, I was not the hotshot computer programmer with the sexy girlfriend any more. You see, I had been "down-sized" at work six months ago and because I had not found a high paying job fast enough, Carla, my girlfriend of three years, had left me. After she left me, I realized that she had only been with me for my money. All of the good...

4 years ago
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Busy WeekChapter 4 Ted And Joan

I spent the early part of Friday cleaning my desk, returning phone calls and all that other shit, getting ready for my two o'clock appointment with Ted and Joan. Company policy prohibits me from mentioning their last name, but you'd recognize it. They are my very best clients, and yet I only handle a fraction of their wealth. Sandy stuck his head into my office once, with a 'when do you want to do it again?' leer, but I threw him out. Ted had been a widower for two years before he met...

4 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 13

Megan and I lay there for a while, just cuddling, kissing, and stroking each other. We were both just so overwhelmed by the turn of events that we just enjoyed the closeness for a while, enjoying each other. Megan had loved me since we first met, had me for a while, and then lost me again. She had wanted me for so long. I was amazed when I learned that. I wasn't sure I deserved such a wonderful woman; I was not complaining, mind you, but I was amazed, stunned, shocked at my good fortune. On...

2 years ago
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Very Lucky Siblings

Jared ghar aaya toh ouska mood buht khrab tha. Darasal baat yeh thi keh voh as routine apni girlfriend ko mounh mein chod kar abhi faarigh bhi nahi huwa tha keh bitch ne ousay kaha keh ab voh ous se kabhi nahi milay gi. Debbi ko phuddi marwanay ka jitna shoq tha jary ko ous se kaheen zayada geelay mounh mein lorha daal kar chuswaane ka lutf aata tha aur yahi wajah thi keh ounkay darmyaan kayee dafa light debate bhi huie thie. Jary ne toh muzaaq mein ya truthfully deb ko yeh bhi kah daya tha keh...

4 years ago
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My cousins friend

As the night progressed, and drinks were consumed, I noticed my cousin nearing the pass out stage of drinking. We returned him to the tent, which we were all going to share. We layed him down and he was out cold. I started to get hot, knowing it was just me and Cameron. We talked about 15 minutes before he put his hand on my thigh, slowly moving it towards my pussy. After kissing and him feeling my boobs for awhile we moved in the tent, where my cousin was sleeping. With My passed out cousin...

3 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 52 Meanwhile

No one rushed out to meet Andi when she stepped from the cab. The efficient driver came around and removed her bag from the trunk and she made her way up the walkway. Bump, bump, bump – her bag, loaded down with presents for her family, had become too heavy to do more than bump it up the three steps and across the porch. The door was unlocked. “Hey! Mommy’s home!” she called out. Nothing. She sighed; nothing had changed, except that she’d subtly been made 15 years younger and given as...

2 years ago
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Lake House Virgin

I had just finished jerking off and I was lying here on my bed trying to piece together "What went wrong; why am I still a virgin at eighteen?" I am a pretty good looking dude if I do say so myself; 6'2" tall, dark wavy hair, blue eyes, handsome face, athletic build. I work on my body; lifting at the gym, running and biking. Why couldn't I have scored at least once during high school? High school is over now, I just graduated last week. My chance to score during those four influential years is...

4 years ago
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Just One HourChapter 4

Twenty minutes had gone. The brunette chick lay hands above her, tied to the metal bed board. She was shaking her head, begging over and over. The masked man now completely naked had yet another device in his hands. The thing was like a black sausage one end having a long rubber tube dangling from it. Attached to that far end was a hand pump. She already knew what was going to happen and she shouted and cried out for help. The man climbed onto the bed gripping her under her knees pushing...

3 years ago
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First Meet

RE: First meet.Finally the evening had come around, dragging on for two long weeks, I had been chatting to a couple online, for the last few months, for the story, lets name them Lesley and Darren.We were chatting about Fantasies and likes, when Darren told me of their favorite pastime of playing cuckold games.Not too sure about the full extent of the roles, but Darren quickly explained the terminology and what it entailed, with the order of how things happen, and why, which was interesting,...

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Pimping Emily Part Two

When Phil woke up, Emily was asleep beside him. She looked beautiful and peaceful in her flower print nightie. He looked at her for a moment before everything flooded back from the day before. He realized he was naked and lying in a dried patch of his own cum. How could he have masturbated and had an orgasm thinking about her and that guy Bob? Imagining a scene he hadn’t witnessed? As he lay there thinking this, and looking at her, he felt his cock stiffen once again. Why was he so excited?...

2 years ago
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Private Veronica Leal Katrina Moreno Gonzo Anal Threesome

Today in Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private 3 we bring you the sexy Latinas Verónica Leal and Katrina Moreno, a spicy duo with big tits and asses who have come to to take on stud Nick Moreno in a scene of true private class, gonzo style! Watch these babes show off their incredible bodies as they get down and dirty with some quality deepthroat ass to mouth action before enjoying a spectacular anal threesome that has them taking turns fucking and screaming all the way to...

4 years ago
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Discipline Pain Control Ch 01

Alexis was happy… truly, utterly happy for the first time in her life. It was her wedding day, and unlike any other day, nothing could spoil her day. Just as she started to walk down the aisle, noise could be heard outside the cathedral of trees towering over the path she was to take to her soon-to-be husband. She heard swords being drawn, guns fired, people dying all over the place, and she dove to the ground, tearing her wedding gown. Almost as soon as she heard the noises, they died off,...

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Christiane und Christa

Any comments should be sent to [email protected]. Thank you. Christiane und Christa: Eine ganz normale Woche 1. Der Samstag Als Johanna am Samstag bei ihrer Mutter zu Besuch war, wollte sie anfangs nicht glauben, was sie h?rte und sah: Eine Frau mittleren Alters, bekleidet mit Rock, Sch?rze, R?schenbluse, Nylons und Schuhen mit hohen Abs?tzen begr??te sie mit einem Knicks, um sich gleich darauf weiter mit dem Staublappen zu befassen. Hatte man so etwas schon ge...

4 years ago
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The Layover Chapter 2

She walked across the hotel room floor using her most seductive strut, teasing him more with her body. She was still fully dressed, figuring he would like to unwrap the present she was giving him. She couldn't have been more right. As she came up to him and got within his reach, he quickly pulled her to him, crushing his lips to hers and tasting her for the first time. His strong, powerful arms surrounded her and enveloped her, pressing her to him. He felt her hardened nipples poking him in the...

2 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 71

April 13th, 2022 Hello Everyone, I guess I’m adapting to my situation. At least, I’m not driving myself crazy over it. It is what it is. I’ve gotten down to 241.2 in weight. Yay me! As far as I know, my BP and such is doing fine. I also have a very tiny exercise program with free weights. I’m also walking some. It’s just around the block. I can go by myself as long as I tell someone and take my phone. A few years ago I wasn’t allowed to leave my yard by myself. So I think around the block...

2 years ago
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KennyChapter 3

A very bemused Kenny decided to do an evaluation of the area and the equipment that he would be responsible for. He had Marta make him a map of the boundaries of the property and went to check it out. The lodge was located on a well wooded and hilly area. Bulldozers had leveled areas skillfully to keep most of the trees intact and to allow the outlying cabins to have privacy amid the vegetation. There were several outbuildings that saw little use now. Most of what they had stored had been...

3 years ago
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Jerry Gets His Wish IRC Relationships

After Jerry and I had a chance to meet and then go to his house for a massage I was feeling better about him, more safe. I was on the Internet in an IRC chat room channel I founded called #bi-married-men. I was moderating early that morning when he popped in to say hello and checking to see if I had a fun time. I told him that was one of the hottest experiences I think I have ever had. You give great massages I told Jerry. He expressed how much fun he had and suggested it would be fun to get...

Gay Male
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Awaking Chapter 3

Awaking Chapter 3 This story is about Adult Babies. That is adults who dress and act like babies. All reference to babies or minors or similar In this story, refer to adults acting like babies And NOT adults substituting for minors. This story has nothing to do with child pornography. Chapter 3: Information Overload Barb and Carrie left the house. "This is crazy, I'm not sure I can do this to Colin," Barb said with some concern in her voice. Carrie giggled, "Oh lighten...

3 years ago
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Stranger At The Holiday Resort

We were on holiday as a family staying at a resort on the beach, I hadn’t wanted to join my family on the holiday, I had turned eighteen a week before the start of the holiday and wanted to be with my friends, drinking, partying and having a good time now that I legally could but no, instead I’d been forced into this holiday where the best fun I’d had so far was sitting by the pool reading and checking out all the beach body ready people. I had to remind myself not to check out the men as...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 22 Slave Patrols

Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 After the press conference I had a chance to call home and say hello to the kids. They already had heard I was a supercriminal and in prison for the rest of my life, so I had to tell them I had broken out and would be home later that night. They both promised to stay up to see me, which seemed unlikely to me. We didn’t leave Conover until almost eight. Both Delahoye and Ruskin had run out of things to ask me and agreed that they knew how to find me if they had any...

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The Summer of 1985

It was the summer of 1985 and I was still living at home. All the other siblings had moved out years ago. I come from a big family and I am about seven years younger than the next youngest sibling. One evening my parents got a call from one of my older sisters. She had been recently divorced and her hours at work hours were being cut to part time. She asked if she could move in for a while. My parents said yes but told her she would have to sleep on the sofa and the little bit of furniture she...

1 year ago
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The Mouths say YES

Then… it happened. Mike’s body convulsed as he let out a groan… his orgasm overwhelming his body. He could feel her sucking… swallowing as stream after stream of his hot cum exploded into her mouth. Not wasting a single drop… Molly continued sucking and stroking until Mike was completely spent. As he was finishing getting ready to head off to the gym, Mike heard a buzzing coming from the bedroom. Glancing into the dark room, he saw his phone laying on the table next his side of the bed lit up....

4 years ago
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Fathers Day

Me and my husband have been separated since I let my sister move in with us. They have always got on but after a few weeks the arguments started and he moved out. So on Father’s Day I thought I’d try and persuade him to move back in, I made sure the house was empty, my sister took everyone to the park for a bit with some friends so I could be alone with him. He rang the bell and I went running to the door in just my knickers and a vest top. I’d made sure I wasn’t wearing much for him. He...

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Dungeon Delving

The cave before Kasha the Elven adventurer seemed far too unremarkable to be worth her time, but rumor said there was a difficult new dungeon inside. Stepping out of the sunlight and into the cave, Kasha was now illuminated by the torches set up by previous adventurers. Even in that dim light, Kasha still looked impressive. She wore a loose green cloak over her leather armor, which covered up her impressive figure. With blonde hair and features as sharp as her ears, Kasha would have gotten...

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Time to Explore

The following is true......After the door closed and she left for the weekend, I wanted to make sure she was on her way (this was before "find my iphone" was a thing) so I cleaned up around the house, did the dishes, started laundry, etc. all the while with a 7+ inch cock so hard, I thought it was going to break.Something had happened in the prior couple of months.  I had gone from watching mostly porn of large-breasted women, shemales, and reading gay erotic stories to watching just gay porn. ...

Gay Male
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Surprise Sex

Hello dosto, after a long time main hazir hu apne kuch new experiences k sath is gap k doran maine 3 ladkio se sex kiya kai baar so main aap sb ko apne sex n enjoy k bare mein btane ja raha hu meri pehle ki stories aap ne Padhi hongi so ab new experiences btata hu meri jada tar stories theater se he start hoti hia kiu k waha pr milne se badhiya jagha aur nai hai kiu k almost kahli he hota hai theater. Mere bare mein aap jante he hain name jashan dekhne mein itna smart to hu k koi ladki patt he...

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Hated A Love Story Ch 00

Draco looked at the beautiful woman who was his mother with beseeching eyes. ‘Mother, I did not break that vase. Please believe me. Why do you never believe me? Why do you always believe Damian?’ The two little boys, only about one year apart in age, stared up at their mother as she got dressed for Lord Falkirk’s dinner party. Damian, the older between the two, put a hand on Draco’s shoulder and mouthed, ‘I swear I did not tell her.’ Draco shoved the hand off his shoulder angrily. ‘You...

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Sexy Laurie is HELPLESS

The air inside the coffee shop was rich with the scent of dark Colombian coffee and sweet donuts. Amber glanced from table to table picking up snippets of conversation from the chatter that melded into a constant, nonsensical din. Joy was late, 15 minutes late and Amber was caught between succumbing to disappointment and maintaining her hopeful anticipation. She continued to wait anxiously for her friend to arrive.This was to be their first meeting in the real world after months of building an...

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pink boy ass lovers

its something they have been doing together after a night of cursing about them ex wife and Mike admitted loving to fuck young white twinkboth older guy looking at me playing billard ass up bend on the table , with my friends ''you had a white boy before?''''yes no one knows about this, but i have done it''''was he tight? i love how they sound when i get all in hitting that boy pussy spot''''yes he was , i had to let him sit on it, was so cute geting himself fuck on me i let him use my cock...

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Dont be a Hero Part 5

Don't be a hero Part 5 After a teary reunion the trio decided they had to make a game plan. Kenny was upset at the fact that Larry checked into a hotel using his real name. He was afraid that Mato still had contacts all over the city and he was Sure Larry was possibly a target. The sun was starting to set and the strip was becoming busier by the second. Kenny wanted to get out of Vegas as fast as possible. After discussing it further they agreed to drive to Pahrump about an hour...

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My Maaster

  It was news year’s eve and the snow was coming down. I had been sat in my car watching your house for the last 10 minutes wondering if I should make a move or not. I finally decided to walk up the stairs and ring the doorbell. The hall light turned on, and I heard the rustling of the keys. Soon a familiar voice met my ears. “Why hello? Are you lost” the friendly yet seductive voice said. I knew you couldn’t fully see me yet as I had hidden my face, as I raised my head so you could look...

2 years ago
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Mikes First Time

Mike was a good looking young man, s*******n and almost done with high school. The girls fawned over him, he could have any girl he wanted. After all he was a football star and made good grades and his parents had money. Mike's grand parents owned this fancy high class rv park, one of those exclusive parks where all the rvs cost big money and Mike helped out there every summer. But Mike had a secret. Mike had a problem with premature ejaculation. He could beat his meat and all was well but get...

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Tara 3 DogsChapter 21

Next stop, X-Lakes. This part of the trip was only about a hundred and twenty klicks but took nearly four hours since they had to fix the road going over the range. It was in slightly better repair but not by much. Recent rains had made several sections of the road damn near impassable. However, they made it into X-Lakes early in the afternoon. Someone must have warned the locals they were coming. Speeder laughed but Darcy scowled at the big banner over the road saying, ‘Welcome Lord...

4 years ago
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My Girlfriend and Her Daughters p1

After years of sexual fantasies, his wishes finally cum true. I’ve been dating a gorgeous brunette for about six years now. Her name is Robin and she is very sexy, has a great figure and a super personality. We get along great and we really accent each others personalities. I am deeply in love with this woman as we both near the age of forty. Robin is about five feet six inches tall, long jet black hair wavy hair down to the middle of her back, gorgeous steel blue eyes and she has a body to...

3 years ago
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Horny Teacher

I watch her leave my room, my eyes drawn the edge of her short uniform, skirt brushing her delicious thighs, showing off that full ass. I shake my head to clear the dirty thoughts, but I still feel my cock press painfully against the zipper of my slacks. She’s got such a delicious body, she’s petite, and only 18, but doesn’t have the boyish figure that usually comes with that age. While she’s not a stick, she’s not fat either, slender arms, small but perky pert tits, great hips and you know...

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Mistaken For A Gentleman Part two

His hand brings both of hers behind her back and reaches for a piece of her ruined dress, binding her hands quickly behind her. Turning her over the almost see through white fabric pulled tight over her chest as her back archs to acomodate her hands, her head pushes against the ground and her red hair splays out around her. His hand that clasps the knife between long talented fingers slide the knife up to the exposed silky flesh of her neck. He looks at her grey eyes the fear that dances...

4 years ago
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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Two

Feeling Real 1 Burt forked up the dirty hay from the floor of the stable, thinking to himself that this was exactly what he had been doing when Lady Ann approached him to-- when he, as Lady Ann had approached the real-- the old Burt to ask him to swap. The exact same activity, and here he was doing it as though he'd been born to it and there was still no sign of her ladyship coming back to change forms. He'd lost count of how many days it was now since she was meant to return -...

3 years ago
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Expect The Unexpected Twists

Hello Everyone I’m Krish from Hyderabad, 22-year-old guy with 6ft height and well built body and a 6 in cock to satisfy the needs of a women. I do have a good smile well that’s what many have told me, I have been a big fan of ISS as it allows people to share their experiences with the world which may help a few in spicing up their sexual encounters. Now coming to this incident it happened a couple of months back with one of my friends’ friend, her name is Indu, she is 25 years old dusky in her...

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My First Session With A Neighbour

Let’s start with the story yet before let’s get introduced to me… I’m Aaxer(that’s my pen name) from Pune… A horny yet sensible teenager, respectful too, trying to get fucked every single occasion drives in… To the sex story I’m in Pune as a hostelite living in a modest yet good neighborhood. I reside with my 3 friends all are junks and studious whereas I’m not and this is what made me the lucky one to have an incident I’m writing about. I never do attend college regularly as I live in an...

2 years ago
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Fuzzy Faced Allia Snake in the Mud

As a result, the poor girl was a freak by the age of 18. The strange potions made her very chubby and grow dull brown fur all over. She grew oversized breasts and long cow-like tail, which constantly got in her way. Her cute fuzzy face mostly kept human properties: large dark green eyes, small pouty lips and puffy cheeks. Soft tan fur covered her freckled face, but people never saw it because she hid behind her long brown hair. She strongly resembled a cow, and that wasn’t too bad....

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dressing fun watching the football part 2

after we sat for a while and talked about what had been going on and drunk a few more beers paul said he was starting to get horny again and asked me what else we could do . it didn't take me long to suggest I would love to see what dresses and heels mel had in her wardrobe and watch trying them on for me . paul straight away said lets go and told me to follow him into the bedroom . I started to get hard again just thinking of what I was going to see and was hoping paul would try some of the...

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