E106: Emma’s Discovery On A Monday In January free porn video

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The second Monday in January, Emma and Donald wake, have their regular morning sex, shower and prepping for the day.  Emma is home today working on a grant proposal for one of her organizations.  Donald is teaching his class and then stopping at the Institute for a while.  He tells her he will be home around four o’clock. All is good between them.

Emma sits at her laptop at the dining room table, but as she completes the application, she needs to go to other sites for information to include.  She realizes she really needs a pad of paper to take notes.

While Emma has never really entered Donald’s study as it was his domain, she has seen from the door the multiple computer screens lining the wall and desktop on one side of the room.  Papers, books, and all sorts of things are scattered around the desk and table.  On the one wall is a cabinet with office supplies which she knows of as Donald has gotten her things from it in the past.

Feeling so comfortable between them now, Emma does not hesitate to go into the study and to the closet for paper.  She gets it and is turning to leave when her attention is caught by a container next to the computer which is labeled ‘Subject Z.’

She now knows that is who she is in his studies, and her curiosity gets the better of her.

She opens the container to find many DVDs inside.  She lifts the first and sees it is labeled, “Subject Z first visit: Pearl One:  May 4th.”  What is this?  Emma lifts one after the other and sees each are labeled with notes of which pearl it was or other notations from other events.

Emma is blushing hard, the blood rushing to her face as so many different feelings run through her.  Embarrassment about what must be on these disks, anger that Donald could do such a thing, curiosity about just what is on them.

The grant totally forgotten now, Emma takes the container and goes to the living room.  She puts the first disc in the large screen tv’s player, and she sees herself, largely displayed on the screen. 

Standing in the living room on that spot, still dressed, just after she entered Donald’s house for the initial time.  Emma is mesmerized as she watches and hears that first discussion over again.

Donald leads Emma to that place, and then calmly and quietly tells her to take off all her clothes.

After looking at him questioningly and he nods his head a bit, Emma begins to unbutton her blouse.  As he stands beside her, with almost a look of indifference on his face, he takes each piece of clothing as she removes them, folds them and places them on a stool at the side of the room.

Totally nude now, Emma stepped out of her shoes, which Donald takes and places with the rest, and tells Emma to put her hands behind her head on her neck, as she had been trying to hide herself with them.  Emma does as instructed. 

Emma ponders as she sees this all replayed in front of her, ‘How was I so willing to do what he told me like that?  How did he have such power over me from the start?’  She knows the answer deep inside her, she had longed for what Donald offered her from the start so much that complying with each of his commands seems the right thing to do.

There is something about his voice and how he so matter-of-factly tells her what to do that it is so easy to follow his directions, still even now.  Emma continues to watch and consider things as the tape unfolds.

Emma stands there in the center of the living room, naked and trembling, as Donald, dressed in a business suit and tie, minus the jacket, walks around her looking at her closely.

“Now, before we begin Emma, there is the matter of your being late.  What time did I tell you to arrive? I expect you here at that time.  By my watch, you were five minutes late.” Emma hears Donald question Emma in that forceful manner.

Emma just blushes.

And then Donald comes up next to her, raises his hand and spanks each cheek five times.  She jumps, quivers, and let an “ooh” escape with each swat.

“Well that should take care of that issue for now, but please remember all that you are being told and taught, so we do not have to repeat a lesson,” Donald says.

Emma nods her head and lowers her tear-filled eyes.

Donald takes her by the chin and raises her head.  You can see that just his touch sent shivers through her.

“Don’t lower your head unless I tell you that you must – keep your eyes, and ears open so to learn,” Donald admonishes Emma.

Donald then runs his fingers lightly over her body, shivers continue to run up and down Emma’s spine at his touch, and something else, on camera you can see there is wetness forming between her legs.

Emma remembers much of that first evening here, but seeing it replayed in front of her, and on the large screen makes it so lifelike, brings all those first emotions and feeling flooding over her again.

She watches to the end of this disc, tied on the bed, Donald running the vibrator over her exciting Emma for the first time in her life.  Emma remembers that so well, but seeing it happen in front of her retells the story from the beginning.

Emma listens to the conversation they had as she laid tied, and Donald began caressing her body for the first time.

Donald speaks quietly to her as he sits on the side of the bed next to her, “Emma, there is so much for you to learn, and what you will experience, expanding your perspectives, but as you do, I want you also to learn to accept your master who will make all these possibilities happen.  You must learn to accept and submit yourself to the will of who is over you, and only then will you understand and fully appreciate all of your potentials to feel and crave.  Do you think you understand what I am telling you?”

Emma nods.

Donald shakes his head, and tells her, “When those who control you ask you a question, you must speak up and answer respectfully.”

Emma clears her throat and says clearly, “Yes, Sir, I understand.  And want this.”

Watching, Emma sees Donald smiling at her slightly and caressed her face a little and hears him tell her she was a good girl, and he could tell she would learn quickly. Remembering how he smiled at her that first time does send a wave a pleasure through Emma’s body as she relives that evening.

Donald stands and goes to the dresser and returns with a wand-type thing – maybe eight to ten inches long, a slim shaft, but a shining silver head about an inch by an inch and a half. 

Seeing all this happening from a different angle is making Emma wet, but underneath her anger is growing.

Donald presses a button on the shaft, and the head starts to vibrate, and then he presses it again, and again, and it speeds up.  Emma’s eyes grow wide as she watches tethered to the bed.  

Donald comes and sits down beside her again, and for the first time, moves his hand between her legs, to that sacred place, that no one had ever touched on her before.  His fingers moved to her outer lips, and gently spread them, and then her inner lips, and then taking the vibrating stick, he slowly presses it against her slit, which is rather wet, and runs the pulsing head up and down her slit before settling on her clit.  Emma gasps.  Donald now places his hand on Emma’s stomach and gently rubs it, telling her to relax, just relax.

Seeing her body quiver and hearing her gasps, Emma recalls the feelings which ran through her as this happened. 

Emma squirms beneath Donald administrations and moans and starts to beg him to stop – but again, his finger is on her lips, and the look on his face tells her to be silent.

Instead, she takes the finger into her mouth and sucks away on it.  Donald allows her to, and after a few minutes, presses a second finger into her mouth as he directs the vibrator over her clit and pushes it against her.

The ums and ahs from deep in Emma's throat begin to grow.  Donald presses a third finger into her mouth, and as she sucks hard on them, he begins to push and thrust his fingers farther and farther into her mouth. 

Emma choked a little, but his stern look makes her stop at once and instead starts sucking harder and allowing him to press his fingers in further and further. Suddenly it seems as if his whole hand is in her mouth, up over his knuckle, and the tips of his fingers pressing against the back of her throat.  Emma does not stop, instead keeps sucking and sucking on them. 

Donald moves the stick from between her legs, and as she sucks on his fingers, trying to hold on to them, he slides them from her mouth.

The look of anguish on her face brings back all the feelings Emma had at that moment.  She reminisces how she internally cried out ‘Noo’ - knowing not to make a sound like that, as tears form in the corner of her eyes.

Donald just smiles down at her, then leans and kisses her forehead, and says, “That’s enough for you right now.  Just nap for a bit, and perhaps we can move on in a little while."

He returns the stick to the dresser.  He turns the lights down; the drapes are drawn, so this did darken the room a good bit.  With one last stroke of Emma’s face, he tells her to close her eyes as he places a mask over them, blocking out all light.  He leaves the room, closing the door almost all the way.

Lying in the darkness, feeling the wetness dripping between her legs, and clenching, tears drip down the sides of her face. 

Emma watches herself squirm and wiggle on the bed after Donald leaves her.  Emma sees how her new sexual desires run through her oh so ready body.  She cannot believe how much sticky wetness is flowing from her as she lays there.

Emma smiles a little seeing that Donald had left the door opened some when he left her, realizing from the start he was making sure he cared for her.  Emma recollects that she was not sad, no, just frustrated that she had finally come so close and for Donald to then pull it away from her.

The mixed emotions Emma feels reliving that first night with Donald confuse her.  She takes that disc out and then watches bits and pieces of others.

She watches what Donald had shot from his end as he made her finger masturbate, showing him what she had done after arriving home that first night. Hearing his firm voice again admonishing her for inappropriate behavior.

Donald fucking her for the first time.  Her learning to suck his cock properly, him going down on her, teaching her that pleasure.  Then from her bed with the vibrator, he sent her home with as they talk about her finding her mother’s diary.  Bringing her to a climax with the vibrator and realizing this was the angle Donald saw as she did so.

There was him putting the nipple and clit clamps on her as she lies on the bed, and later the play that happened with them on.  Her on the living room coffee table him bringing her so close to cumming but denying her.   The basement the first time fully replayed over again for her.

Then her with Connie learning to use a strapon. Emma looks for the logical next disc, Donald and Connie together as Emma watched on in agony.  But it is not there.  Emma’s heart softened a little, realizing that Donald must have discarded that pearl earned.

There was a tape showing her how she had looked on camera performing for the online audience, and finally her on display at the club for Donald’s colleagues.  Viewing this, Emma fury grows.  Seeing from all angles now and realizing that even in the club room and dining room there had been cameras filming her.

Emma wonders how many of Donald’s colleagues have seen these videos.  How much has he shared or written about her?  Damn, it does not matter if he hides her behind ‘Subject Z’ – it is her life he is documenting so completely, with never letting her know.

Her wrath is insurmountable at the moment.  Emma checks careful and sees that the recording of her earning her thirty-seventh pearl is the last disc.  Donald did not tape when she helped him through his nightmare, which calms her slightly.

But, she is so angry at Donald for what he did, without letting her know.

It is a little after three o’clock now, and Emma quickly writes a note to Donald on the pad she had retrieved starting all this.  She put the first disc back in and freezes the frame as Donald is bringing the vibrator to her clit for the first time.

The note atop the container of discs on the coffee table, she hurries and grabs her coat and purse and goes out to her Mustang and roars out of the drive.  She is not sure where she is going, but until she can cool the fury, she feels she does not want to be anywhere near Donald right now.




Donald arrives home just before four o’clock.  As he pulls into the garage, he is surprised to see Emma’s car gone.  He figures she ran out to the store for something.

He goes to their room and undresses, to surprise Emma when she gets back.  He has been feeling rather horny all day and has been anticipating a sex-filled evening with her.  It is all natural now between them how often and how well they intertwine.

He walks into the living room and stands shocked, unable to move when he sees what is frozen on the television screen.  All he can think is, “Holy shit!  What happened?  How did she find these?”

He turns his attention to the coffee table and sees the full container sitting there, and his heart sinks.  Especially seeing the note laying on top of it.

He finally wills himself to move to the couch and picks up the letter.  Tears fill his eyes as he reads what Emma has left.


I cannot believe what you have done.  And never told me.  Right now, I am beyond fury.  The rage in me knowing you have done this and wondering who has seen these are insurmountable.  I need to space myself from you until I feel calm enough to listen to your explanation about all this.  I feel like you have broken a trust between us, severing us apart.


Donald is heartbroken, and he suddenly does understand just exactly what that means.  His body shudders as his mind races to the idea that Emma might have left him forever.  Tears are now running down his cheeks, he never cries, why is this affecting him so.  He is a mass of emotions and feeling. 

Guilty about what he did, hurt that Emma could even think he would share these with anyone, contrite and penitent that he had done something to hurt Emma so.  And longing so for her.  So afraid he has ruined everything beyond repair. 

He fixes himself a stiff drink and just stares at the frozen screen.  Did Emma find these videos so repulsive?  Each time he watches them, seeing Emma blossoming more and more, it just increases his desire for her, and makes him care more and more about her.  Did she not see how beautiful she is in these? 

Donald wonders how many she watched and seeing how they are placed back in the container, realizes she has looked at least in part at most of them.

He spends the evening thinking about Emma’s reaction and beginning to see things from her perspective.  He realizes that he had expected this response probably, which is why he never shared them with her.  If he had earlier on, would she have seen them in a different light?

And through all this, not once is Donald angry that Emma entered his study and found them.  No, he could not find any fault in her actions or reaction, this is her home now too, and he should have never barred her from his study as if it is a prohibited space to her.

All the should haves, could haves, shouldn’t haves run over and over in his head.  A few drinks later, he is opening crying over what could be his loss.  Having not eaten since breakfast he stubbles to the bedroom and fall on it weeping.

The pillow is soon soaked.  Donald tosses and turns all night in fitful sleep, wondering where Emma is, who is she with, will she forgive him and return.

He suddenly realizes he is feeling everything that Emma must have that night after her confession about what happened at the spa, and him banishing her to spend the night alone.  All the feelings she must have had come over him tenfold.  He would submit to whatever punishment she feels he deserves, willingly, only to have her back with him again.

He falls into a deep sleep around dawn, having cried himself out and exhausted.




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The Discovery

The sleek star cruiser moved towards the newly discovered solar system, the captain having advised the crew to be on special alert, as it was believed this system had showed life forms living on at least one of the planets in the distant past. One of the crew commented on the large planet with an interesting red spot on it, which seemed to be a storm of some type. Another crew member was intently gathering all the data possible from another planet which had rings circling its equator. Each...

2 years ago
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OtherworldChapter 1 Discovery

If it hadn't been for Mrs. Martin's fourth period science class, I never would have made the discovery. I would have remained an ordinary teenager in an ordinary life. I would have continued going to school, working my ass off to get good grades. I would have kept coming home everyday to play computer games, or read comics or fantasy and science-fiction books. I would probably have graduated near the top of my class and gone off to college. But the discovery I made changed my entire...

3 years ago
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The First Extra Solar GenerationChapter 13 A Fascinating Discovery

When we reached Psi Serpentis we were astounded to find a water-ice bearing superplanet just outside the Goldilocks zone. Even more amazing we found an abandoned starship embedded in solid ice. It was much smaller than our great ships or even our moonlet ships. It was only a about 600 meters long and barely a quarter of that in diameter. We managed to slice it free of its entombing glacier. Once we could examine it, we found what appeared to be an emergency crank to open the hatch in the...

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Cold January

It was a cold January morning. Caitlin could see her breath in the chill room as she poked her ruffled head over the edge of the comforter. She looked around the room. It was still snowing outside, she smiled, she knew her lover would stay with her for a few more days while the blizzard passed. ‘It’s cold.’ She pulled the cover back over her head and snuggled up to him, rather excessively. ‘Mmm, so warm, I don’t want this to end.’ Jason was about half awake. He rubbed her hips beneath the...

3 years ago
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Porterhouse PeteChapter 7 Friday 4 January

The work on Rebecca’s house continued apace the next week, with Pete working inside The Porter House and keeping an eye on Jason Denhope’s efforts outside rotovating, laying the weed suppressant and spreading the topsoil ready for turfing after the frosts had passed. While the schools were closed until the second Monday in January, Annie spent all day with her father, helping inside, going with him as people heard he was getting his act together and asked him to quote on maintenance jobs and...

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Summer of Discovery

Summer vacation in my younger years was a magical time in my life, filled with exciting, erotic discoveries. The thrills of the time actually started during the last week of school when I made a new friend. I’d always admired and envied him. His name was Bobby, and he was so cute; but we had nothing in common. He was the star of all the boy sports that I hated. I preferred to play on the swings and monkey bars; and when I was lucky, jump rope and hop-scotch with the girls. So I was confused...

2 years ago
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Sexy Accounts A Nephews Lust Part 2 Discovery

From the view of the Nephew.It must have been a year since I last got into my auntie’s bedroom. I had only seen her a few times since then and not spoken much. My erection and roaming around her bedroom were never mentioned again. I didn’t see my cousins as much, now we were getting older. I had to make do with my video, which I had saved onto my hard drive to wank off to, and any photos, which lay around.It was my cousin’s seventeenth birthday and my auntie was having a small party 'round...

4 years ago
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My Discovery

Original Story Date: Saturday, September 3, 2005 Heavily Reedited and Revised Mar. 27, 2020 Special thanks to DLAussie for his expertise in editing and proofing June 1, 2020. There was little joy riding my school bus at six in the morning, especially in late fall. Since the school administration changed the bus schedule my life had been upside down. The weather was not the greatest at this time of the year. With fall closing in it was getting colder and colder each morning. My uniform...

2 years ago
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I guess that there have been some notable discoveries in science that have happened accidentally. Maybe penicillin is the most notable. But there has been one other discovery that has happened. It will not be placed in the public domain however. It so happens that I have found a way to become invisible. It began with my desire to create the best listening device for music. I designed and built a specially constructed hut for listening. Its materials allowed for hearing without extraneous...

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Darkroom Monday

Steve came home from a sociology class to a general uproar Friday afternoon. "Have you heard about it?" Justin said as Steve put down his backpack. "What? Did someone run us out of milk again?" Steve joked. "Just read this," Anthony ordered. "Read it off my screen." The email had been sent anonymously, but specifically to the guys that shared the house- Steve, Anthony, Gabe, Justin, and Dieter. Steve read with mounting astonishment. ---- You guys have really gotten our attention. We're a...

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Ryan Matthews walked into his office and was immediately struck with a severe case of Mondayitis. He placed his suitcase on the green couch which was placed against the left wall of his office, pulled a file out of it which he put back in its place in the filling cabinet on the right hand wall, before trudging over to his desk. With a sigh he sat down and pulled the monthly report in front of him and started up his computer.As the local manager for Essam Reality, a nation wide real estate...

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Accidental Discovery

When writing erotica, I live and enjoy the story as much as the sex. What a great way to spend a little free time, but being stimulated mentally AND physically. If you like what follows, please let me know. If you don’t like this piece, I need even more to know why. Thanks for sharing your precious time with me and I sincerely hope you enjoy Accidental Discovery. ============================================ Another drop of the clear yet surprisingly viscous liquid grew and grew, until it’s...

3 years ago
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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 03 Futas First Taboo Pleasure Chapter 1 Rebeccas Taboo Futa Discovery

Chapter One: Rebecca's Taboo Futa Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 October 13th, 2041 – Rebecca Woodward Today, my half-sister turned eighteen. Music thudded through our house while she and her friends giggled downstairs. Brita sounded like she was having a great time. I could hear their feet swishing over the carpet as they danced to the latest single from my other half-sister, Nari. I had a lot of futa-half-sisters out there. I was one of Becky Woodward's daughters. She had...

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Daughters Slut Training 7 Daughters Naughty Discovery

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Daughter's Naughty Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah My nineteen-year-old daughter Leyla slumped to the floor, trembling from the force of her whorish orgasms. Her naked, dusky body was flushed, her round breasts rising and falling as she sucked in deep breaths. Her brothers' cum leaked out of her pussy and asshole. She took their dicks in both her holes at the same time,...

5 years ago
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Discovery 1 Matt and Chris

DiscoveryMy sister April came down the stairs to the lower level of our tri-level home.  She walked across the room, standing at the end of the couch.  I looked up from my video game and said, “What’s up, April?”“Nothing, Matt.  I wanted to let you know I’m headed over to Gwen’s house.  Mom is at Uncle Greg and Aunt Linda’s house and probably won’t be home until tomorrow night.  Uncle Greg is having a party, and you know Mom won’t drive after she’s had a few drinks,” April said.“Have a good...

Gay Male
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Weekend of Lesbian Discovery with my Aunt

"Danni, can you get tomorrow off if I write a note for you to take to the school?" Mum asked. "Aunt Jenny has just rung to say the friend staying with her at her Lake District hotel has had to go home, so she wondered if you would like to take her place for Friday and Saturday nights. I can take you over to the hotel, then she will bring you back on Sunday afternoon. I'll meet you after school if you like, and we can look for some nice clothes for you to wear - it sounds a really...

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Ashleys discovery 1

-------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Ashley, and this is the story of my discovery and exploration. I grew up in a 4 bedroom two story house with an in ground pool. Between watching what I eat and sports I keep a pretty tight body. I always loved gymnastics, but I had to drop out when my chest started to develop. Don't let the movies full you, when you start hitting the upper limits of a c chest, gymnastics really start to become uncomfortable. I did still...

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My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery

By Kim – Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman This is a work of fiction and the story idea came from: Triple Sex Ultimate by blueheatt For more information on this topic I suggest the book Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides . This is part one of Randi's story. The other parts will be more understandable if read in sequence. My name is Randi and I am now 16 years old. I am a tall, slender blond, weigh about 120 pounds, have B cup breasts and an athletic body. I...

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Lucindas New Life Part 3 Discovery

A morning sometime in Early AugustCyndi sat at the dresser putting on her makeup; a lot more makeup than she used to apply but she had watched the other girls carefully and had learned what to do and what to expect.A large flat screen television was playing porn movies above the large, round bed. The screen flickered badly and there was a strange white noise behind the grunts and moans but Cyndi was now so used to the sound that she hardly noticed.She felt happy; happier than she had been for a...

Wife Lovers
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Narutos Discovery Part 1

‘THOUGHT’ KYUUBI Naruto felt the heat as Sasuke slid in and out of his ass moaning his name. He was so close. Sasuke reached around and gripped his erection and pumped it a few times before bringing his hands back to Naruto’s hips and pushed in deeper with each thrust. Sasuke let out a feral grunt and then… he was awake. This had been going on for two weeks and it pissed Naruto off to no end. “Why the fuck do I keep having these dreams!? It’s getting to where I can’t even get a...

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April and Jessica part 1 Aprils discovery

April was about 5feet 9inches tall, big DD breasts, with a firm heart shaped ass and weighed about 130 pounds. She discovered she was attracted to other girls when she was 14. She was looking through her older brother’s bedroom for a pen and she stumbled on his Playboy magazine collection. The magazine fell on the ground open to one of the pictures of a woman naked. She told herself to look away and pretend she never saw it, but some part of her made her pick up the magazine and start...

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Discovery on Neighborhood Watch Patrol

My name is Ed, and my wife Joan and I have lived in the Pittsburgh area for the last 25 years. I have a good job in the medical supplies industry, and we moved to an area on the fringe of the city limits right after we graduated from college. Joan and I are both 47 years old and met in our junior year in college, and our two children are now grown and out on their own. We have seen many changes in our community as the population matured and our urban area grew and became surrounded by adjacent...

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Step Moms Discovery Chapter 4 Repost 5

Introduction: Ok readers, here comes a LONG chapter 4 to Step Moms discovery. I have been working on it for a while. Stacy decides its time to tell her husband about her cheating on him with David. But what happens next shocks even her. Read on and enjoy A couple days later, Steven and James returned from their trip. Stacy was starting to have second thoughts about what she was doing with David behind James back, and knew that she couldnt keep it going without him eventually finding out. While...

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Introduction: A teenage girl discovers the joys of masturbation Discovery Part 1 It was on that Thursday in June last year that Laurens life completely changed. It was coming up to their schools prom and a boy called James had recently asked her out, and on the Wednesday night he had taken her on her first date to the cinema. The film was average but Lauren had hardly noticed because of the close attention that James had been paying to her. It had started off with the yawn-arm round the...

4 years ago
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The English School 3 Alices Discovery

Alice’s Discovery Early one Sunday afternoon, Alice couldn’t resist the good weather during one of the last warm days of fall. She left several uncorrected papers on her desk in her cottage and crossed campus to the high fence that bordered a district park. Her faculty key let her through the gate. Students with permission could obtain keys to enjoy unspoiled nature in the park also. Alice wandered the trails rather aimlessly. She knew the area well and had no concern about getting lost. She...

2 years ago
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Tink Ch 4 a voyage of selfdiscovery

Tinkerbelle Ch 4, a voyage of self discovery Life with her Master, Captain Hook was increasingly thrilling to Tink. He was an imaginative and kindly lover and a strong guiding presence in her life. She simply adored the man and everything about him, his appearance, his commanding voice, even the firm stroke of his hand reddening her bottom when she needed correction. On a day like any other, Tink flew high over Neverland and made her way to town to see if anything was new in the lives of the...

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Amandas Discovery

Amanda’s Discovery Ted sat up in the double bed, sipping an electrolyte drink, surprised at how much better he felt. The last attack, over an hour before, had been much less severe. By now, he was feeling back to normal. The program on TV bored him, so he turned it off. He showered and looked at himself in the mirror, shaved, and combed his black hair. Pulling on a pair of pants, he walked to the kitchen and made some toast. At the kitchen table, he saw mail stacked to one side. Evidently...

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Introduction: Yuri Discovery By Misty Schaeffer (C) 2010 I began this as a Yuri, so I tried to stay withing the realms of young teenage love rather than blatant down and in your face sex. It is dedicated to Juliet, with love. The Juliet in this short work of fiction resembles the Juliet for whom the story is written.(Just a little older) The writer can be contacted at [email protected] It was just after her 13th birthday, when her family moved to England. The move was just the second step of...

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E033 Emmas Discovery and the Surprise of Pearl Sixteen

Donald tells Emma to go clean herself up and he will get their dinner ready.  She hurries to her bedroom, naked, as Donald is too.  They now feel so comfortable this way around his house.At the doorway, to the room, she stops dead as she gasps at what she sees.There is a woman, in her late twenties, with shoulder-length brown hair, and a tight tank top over her ample bosoms, a short jean skirt, and slide on sneakers.  She is tan all over to a golden brown.  Seeing her Emma just stands for a...

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