Tom's Parallel World free porn video

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What The Fuck happened ?, he tried to remember events, the wind blew up quick, the howling driving rain, the tent flapping in the wind.

Yesterday he had walked along the cliff top, like many other nights he found a great spot, just off the coastal path, away from the cliff’s edge. He had Pitched his small tent, one of the few things he actually got out of his failed relationship with that bitch.. she had screwed him over BIG time... he had nothing to his name except what was in his rucksack... thank goodness he had avoided a shared bank account, although she had begged him to share his money, after all “he worked for her father.” She had argued many times.

So when she got bored and preferred his best mate, he had no idea of how long he had been deceived, but once he caught them, it had deteriorated fast, he lost their apartment (no need for it to be in both our names, she had also said...), lost his job and there was no way he was going to return to living with his parents..


He had only meant to walk for a few days, to clear his head. That was weeks ago, he found the peace and tranquility rewarding, no pressure, no nagging. Once he had reached the coast, he decided to follow it, Wild camping, with the odd night in a camp site, to shower and shave.

He had met a few other walkers along the way, the one pair of gorgeous female students, was promising, but they preferred each other.

He opened one eye, seeing the tent had collapsed around him. Bright sunlight was promising, so he opened the other, y’up tent down. He lifted his arms, to raise the tent enough to find the zip, then tried to crawl over.

“Whaaaat...?” he definitely wasn’t on hard ground, the floor of the tent wasn;t supporting his weight on either arm or elbow. He reached the zip, opened up and sort of more fell out, than crawled out. Into a bush.. A small fight with thorns and branches had him stood in a thicket of bushes, tent perched on the top.. “Whaaaaat ?” he thought again... Where was the clearing from last night ?... that wind must have blown the tent clear off the ground...

With his head banging, he must have hit something hard when the tent was flung around in the air, he gathered his tent and belongings into a ball and climbed out of the bush thicket onto what should be a cliff path, but it wasn’t, there was the cliff edge, but not the path that was there last night.

He unraveled his ball of tent on a wide flat spot, emptied his belongings out. Ate what was left of the scraps he had, crisps and cheese and some of the water. Slowly packed everything into his rucksack and gathered his thoughts. The day looked promising, just like yesterday, the sunset was a beauty, early spring, so one to enjoy with the promise of more to come over summer.

The sea looked calm, no wind and some clouds in the sky but nothing to hint at the storm overnight last night. Whilst definitely the same view, things didn’t look or feel quite the same, Tom put that down to his headache. Oh well, there is a cove a mile or two up ahead, with a village and pub, he’ll feel better after some pub grub.

Tom walked on, rucksack on, hoping the fresh air would clear his head a little, came to a spur of land and a breeze brought a sweet aroma to his nose, just a hint, what could smell that nice, not overpowering but encouraged him round the bend in the path. Feeling a little light headed, he saw cottages close by, edging the cliff, with the cove extending out beyond, tucking inshore to a few houses and a beach. Then the land curved around and turned back out to sea. Creating a picture perfect view, very twee, so rural, almost biscuit tin lid perfect.

As he walked, now downhill slightly, he smelt the sweet aroma again, stronger now almost intoxicating, he could see a body stretched out in front of one of the cottages, maybe that was the source of the nectar, he thought. As he got closer, the body stretched out over the lawn sunbathing, became more defined, even though it was laying facing away downhill, the body curved like no other, legs tucked up underneath, arms outstretched in front, head resting on arms... lovely curves down the spine, arching to a beautifully rounded arse, smooth and blending, Tom felt his blood rising, his head throbbed, as now did his penis... he was transfixed as he walked closer.

His vision was blurring slightly, feeling somewhere between tipsy and drunk, but as he walked on, feeling as if a magnet were pulling him forwards, blinking, the blurring eased and he realised the beauty sun bathing was naked, why not, with no one else around, well except for him, his blood rose and he had to scratch his balls and adjust his crotch to allow his penis to extend, rather than being trapped, double up in his grubby under wear.

The shape was gorgeous, the closer he got, the more he appreciated the beauty, the stronger the magnetic field felt and the more he wanted to dive in and celebrate this beauty. It looked to be his height, curves showing a slim torso, which gave away it’s breathing, swelled and relaxed, then a tail flicked from hiding behind it’s one side to the other – A TAIL !!

” What ?” Tom stopped short and gasped . The body’s head immediately turned upon hearing him, sitting up, getting up onto arms, the top half of the torso rotated round, showing it to be a beautiful female form, with a pair of wonderfully rounded breasts curved in front of her.

She was shaped like a cat, must be some form of brilliant cat costume he thought, to try to convince himself of some explanation but that didn’t explain the tail. Then a breeze brushed by, ruffling her fur, causing her to shiver slightly, rippling her fur. Tom was transfixed. How could she be a cat, from her size she isn’t much shorter than himself. She was naked except for her fur, Tom blinked, rubbed his eyes, not believing what he was seeing, this beauty was a cat, those ears flicked and rotated with her tail, her luminescent green eyes were deep and inviting.

“Hi, sorry I didn’t see you “ she said breaking the spell,

“I, I.. I ‘m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you” stammered Tom, not believing what his eyes were showing him and his balls ached for, his penis was now a ram rod, trying to burst out of his shorts.

“Hi, I’m Sarah “ she said, as she extended a paw,

Tom stepped forward, extended his hand , replying “Hi, I’m Tom, very pleased to meet you “ and as they softly clasped hands, an electric like shock ran through Tom, his balls almost exploded and he gasped. Embarrassed at his excitement, he looked down at their hands. Shocked, recoiling at what he saw, he exclaimed brutally “thumbs - cats don’t have opposable thumbs, you just spoke - you aren’t suppose to talk, nor just have one pair of tits ”..

She immediately changed, looked furtively around, surprised, almost terrified, “come inside, quickly, has anyone seen you ?, who else have you spoken to ?...” she asked in quick succession. She pulled him to the cottage behind, through the low door, so low Tom had to duck, before she closed the door behind him, she looked back outside, looking all around, checking to be sure no one had seen them.

“Good grief, in all the years I have lived here, I just assumed these were fisherdog stories, fairytales they made up to scare puppies and kittens..” she exclaimed, “ you have to be careful, such talk could get you into a lot of trouble, the dogs in the village would tear you apart if they even thought you had said that, there are stories of them feeding blaspheming humans to the mermaids...” Sarah said, pausing to let it sink in.

CATS, DOGS, puppies, kittens and now mermaids, thought Tom, shocked and now starting to panic, I knew Cornwall could be isolated but this ??...

Sarah went on, but talking almost in a whisper, slowly “Tom, where you come from, are.....Dogs and cats......pets ? “. Stunned, Tom slowly, carefully, deliberately nodded yes.

“Never, ever, but never say such a thing, there are stories of humans repeating this and they are never seen again. These are dangerous words, even said in private.” instructed Sarah sternly.

“B , b, b, but, you have seen humans before ?” asked Tom, stammering in shock.

“Yes, we all live together, happily, in harmony in this world and I say this world, because if these stories are true, you are not from this world...” replied Sarah, in a serious tone “you walked following the cliff path, did you stop overnight between here and Church Cove?”

“Yes, I camped in-between, on the cliff top coastal path, last night a storm whipped up, I woke with a thumping headache and still inside my collapsed tent , but now perched on top a bush” replied Tom.

“So the stories are true, every 7 years, we have a storm, like no other, just local, between here and Church Cove village, west of here, the fisherdogs warn people not to stay out after dark on the coastal path. There are tales that once in a generation, a human appears during these storms. The ones that appear go mad, not understanding their new situation, one jumped off a cliff into a raging sea and rocks beneath with madness. Some rage about pets, neutering and castrating, the fisher dogs take them away, take them out to sea and they are never heard of again, they are never talked about, I thought it was all hearsay, fable, fantasy, but we are on dangerous ground. “ said Sarah, still in low tones, as she moved around the room, checking the windows for unseen prying eyes, pulling curtains closed.

Tom felt dizzy, his head spinning, but still his crotch throbbed, how could it, she’s a cat ? he kept admiring this beautiful creature in front of him, as she spoke, he could see every change of expression, fur moving, flowing around her body movements and he found it intoxicating, exciting, horny and that tail, the sexiest thing ever, as it swished and curled.

He had never felt such wanton lust, he strained to see her breasts and between her rear legs at every opportunity, smelling that sweet aroma, wanting to bathe in her, in that smell...His knees felt weak, with all the blood pulsing round his crotch, balls aching, penis throbbing, it was all he could do to remain standing up.

Sarah saw this, she hastened over to him, “are you ok, sit down, you look dizzy”, she pointed at one of the woven basket seats, one in each corner with back rests, with thick cushions, very retro. Tom dropped into one, very comfy, larger than a normal seat, more for curling up in, he thought.

“In answer to your question, yes, some padded animals developed opposable thumbs in our evolution, cats, dogs, some rabbit species, with a few exceptions, like rodents and hoofed animals, cows, horses etc. we evolved together and after a few problems back in the dark ages, we now live in harmony with humans. Yes I can speak, like you we enjoy sex for pleasure, only have a few siblings, I am unusual being single, with 3 kittens as triplets, hence just one pair of breasts.”

Sarah accentuated this by raising up on her rear legs, opened her front legs, puffing her chest out, to proudly show her white underbelly, with her two lovely rounded breasts, not just pink teats, like domesticated cats back on Tom’s home world, but lovely, not too small not too large...

Tom’s eyes nearly burst out of his head on stalks, if his dick could have, it would have unzipped itself from his shorts, it was bursting pushing hard at the seams..

Being this close, his eyes were focusing better now. Sarah was definitely a cat, mainly white, but with a light beige coloured , faint tiger like pattern all over, which explained why he thought she was a naked human early on, her underbelly, tail and ears remained plain white. Her eyes were hypnotic, definitely cats eyes, luminescent green.

“You look hot, flushed, can get you a drink ?, I would say milk , but I would expect you want something we don’t have, like tea or coffee, I’m sorry...” sarah apologised.

“It’s ok, water would be ok, thanks...” said, as he watched her, turn, dropping back onto all fours, almost doubling back on herself in the small room, slinked out through another low doorway, showing her lovely round rump, tail raising, giving Tom a glimpse of her anus and vagina (well not being a cat lover, he was in uncharted territory, normally allergic to cats but this was different, more powerful in a completely unexpected way). He felt an emptiness once she was out of sight.

She returned just as smoothly, with a glass of water in paw, slinking through the doorway on 3 legs as well as 4 Tom admired. With her re-appearance Tom felt that wave of desire again, the emptiness now gone, replaced with lust.

Once she was through the low doorway, from what must be the kitchen, she rose to walk on her rear 2 legs, just like a human, but smoother, ballet like, the higher room ceiling allowing for this.

He was close to just pulling his dick out and masturbating openly, he was swooning.

Sarah looked down, admired his bulging shorts and seeing his anxious discomfort, concerned she stammered “er... are you ok ? you’re not allergic to me in any way are you, as you seem to be.... Oh ! “

Now, it was Sarah’s turn to be startled, as she realised what she was seeing,

“ You.... you,.... you’re attracted to me, sexually ?.” Tom nodded in reply, trying to beg, but unable to speak “.. I’m in heat, this isn’t suppose to happen to humans, you aren’t suppose to sense my sweet heat hormones - it’s why I am up here at home, being on heat, in the pub, where I work , would just send the dogs into frenzy. I’ve even sent my 3 kittens to stay with friends, it doesn’t happen often but when it does, being single, you have to almost isolate....”

As Sarah spoke and reality dawned on her, here she was, in full heat, with a male, who no one knew about, who was new everything.

Subconsciously she curled her tail around, over her back, stroking his neck and cheek with the tip, he shivered with excitement. She came in close, thankfully he had a tidy beard and a little hair, naked human skin is a little too much nakedness, thankfully humans wear clothes, but they would be so much nicer with fur...She was now starting to run on automatic, her heat taking over.... Tom was now almost prey.

Tom looked, almost in horror, as she dropped down onto her front legs her then lowered, head bent down to his crotch, “ you can stroke my ears” Sarah said, tilting her head down to offer Tom her ears, Tom reached his arms forward, his hands touched at the base of her triangulated ears, one each, she purred quietly, he brushed his hands round, following up to the tips, her purring increased. He repeated, keeping his stokes slow and soft, her fur was soft and silky. “Perfect Tom, just like that” Sarah confirmed. He felt his penis almost burst, he looked down, at the top of her head, he could feel her hot breath on his crotch, her front paws smoothly came up his thighs, found his zip, pulled it down and loosened his belt.

She brought her rear around the side of the chair, almost bending herself double, tail in the air, the sweet smell was stronger than ever, not a sickly sweet smell but something light but powerful. “now my tail, in the same way Tom” Sarah whisperingly asked... Tom moved his right hand, from her ear, to her tail alongside him, starting at the base, wrapping his hand around it, softly, like the first stroke of a wank, slowly, softly pulling upwards to the tip, Sarah purred louder, deep inside... Tom’s left hand continued to twirl and stroke her ear.

Sarah’s paws pulled at Tom’s shorts, he raised his bum for a second, Sarah pulled them quickly down to below his knees and now he was in his boxers, he felt her exhale on his crotch, her warm damp breath was like velvet, his dick was stretching his boxers out, with a damp patch of pre-cum... Tom’s hand returned to the base of Sarah’s tail, as he was about to start another stroke upwards Sarah falteringly whispered “time to go lower, under my tail, I need you to....” Tom drew his hand down the base of her tail, stroked her anus, she shivered , her tail quivering now, “ lower, maybe another time, I hear you humans like that, but lower...” Sarah purred, she was now almost panting. Her mouth opened, Sarah looked up smiling open mouthed, showing razor sharp teeth... She lowered onto his bulging boxers, Tom whilst at the height of excitement was now terrified, what passes for sex here ?...

Toms right hand was now, just slowly lowering below her anus, a little patch of fur and then a wet patch, his middle finger found the slit, as the first finger slipped in, Sarah’s teeth snatched at Toms boxers and with a twist of her head, his boxers split and tore open, his sprung loaded dick flicked onto her nose.

Faster than he could see, she engulfed his throbbing member with her mouth, no teeth thankfully, just lips and tongue wrapped around... His body quaked, her tail was now quivering continuously and her purring was deep, vibrating his dick and his fingers... Her tongue was like no humans, part rough , part soft, as she flicked it up and around, alternating, then the rough lapping down to his balls and back up to the tip, her lips now deep onto his pubic hair, fully immersing his penis.

Well that was it, Tom’s load exploded into Sarah’s mouth, The pressure that had built up just couldn’t be contained any longer,

Tom felt as if rivers of cum came out, he thrust his hips up and she pushed her head down , her lips pushing down on his crotch, Tom’s finger pushed hard quivering into her pussy (do they call it that ? or is it a “human” Tom pondered for some ridiculous moment). One finger quickly became 2, inside a well lubricated tunnel that vibrated with her purring, that echoed onto his dick and balls. The Sarah sucked, jeez Tom thought he would be sucked inside out... she was incredible.

Tom kept vibrating and pumping his fingers, Sarah stopped sucking and released his now limp dick, resting her head on his lap “keep going, please don’t stop” she pleaded “use your thumb, find the hard spot “, Tom, using his right thumb searched the damp lips of Sarah’s vulva, hard whilst pumping from the wrist, then he found it, as soon as he tweaked it, Sarah convulsed,

“meaow” she screeched, purring rapidly, “in time, faster, harder, please , please...” pleaded Sarah again, Tom adjusted his hand hold, matching her rhythm, keeping his thumb flicking what must be her G spot, as Sarah’s head came off his lap, bringing round her rear, tail and bum onto his lap, stretching her head and body out in front, front paws out stretched on the floor, thrusting her hips, using her rear legs, her tail vertical in the air, showing her anus to him, the sweet aroma was now so intoxicating his vision was blurred, he could feel his penis re-building. Sarah started to slowly rhythmically walk her rear legs, on the spot, adding to the movement in her vagina

Tom stared at her anus and couldn’t resist, it was calling to him, all he had to do was lean forwards, his nose hit the base of her tail, she quivered again, he pushed his tongue out and immediately tasted the sweet aroma he had been smelling since he had walked around that spit of land this morning. His brain nearly exploded, he had to have more, he pushed his tongue deeper, licking around the outer ring then back inside.

Sarah body convulsed, “meaow” she screeched again, her rear was thrusting backwards, as Tom’s tongue and fingers pushed forwards, her purring was now augmented by panting and heaving breathing, then she doubled up, in convulsions like electric shocks, vibrating and screaming, juices flowed down her vagina, spraying over his hand, arm and T shirt. Coming to a final spasm and Sarah held mid thrust.

The strength of the wave of sweet aroma coming with Sarah’s cum juices hit Tom like a base ball bat, he could just sit there stunned momentarily ecstatic, feeling himself cum too, just with the pleasure of pleasuring her and receiving the chemical rewarding high, better than any alcohol or drug. He had never felt similar or had ever had anyone react like that ! He withdrew his fingers, now realizing he was soaked with cat cum.

She slowly came down, relaxing, exhaling, sliding her rear down his lap, slowly caressing it over his now rejuvenating dick, teasing it by brushing her wet vulva lips and anus along it’s flaccid length.

Then turning around to face him, with a smile, she brought her head back to face his, bringing her lips up to his, kissing him, not a peck, an open mouth, a lovers kiss, holding it, whilst wrapping her front legs around , her paws to the rear of his head, Tom did likewise, bringing his hands up behind her ears, her tongue went in deep, again rough but in a nice way, her lips were exotic , Tom felt his penis starting to fill again and Sarah purred in response....

“well, if I knew that humans were like that, I would have tried one sooner “ Sarah whispered , as she pulled back and winked at him, with those deep luminescent green eyes.


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Parallelalities Take Three

Parallelalities - Take Three (Part 1 of Take Three) by Bill Hart In total disgust, Randy stared at the blank screen of the television he'd just turned off. How was this possible? He couldn't believe all the crap he'd read in the listing. And that crap wasn't confined to the six over-the-air networks either. All two hundred channels on his newly expanded digital cable system were airing nothing but garbage tonight. What good was having this six-foot diagonal...

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Parallelalities Take Two

Parallelalities - Take Two (Part 1 of Take 2) by Bill Hart With total disgust, Randy stared at his television. This was unbelievable. There was absolutely nothing worth watching on his new six-foot screen. Everything listed for the rest of the night was total crap or worse. And it wasn't just the six over-the-air networks airing such contemptible garbage. All two hundred channels on his newly expanded digital cable system were showing nothing he'd ever wanted to...

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Toms Awakening

I’d had a problem with some college work and taken it to David, my tutor, when I left his study, my balls were drained, my butt was still tingling from the stretching his cock had given me and I had a crib sheet that explained the problem with the work. So when he introduced me to Tom and suggested we become ‘study buddies’, I had high hopes. Tom had a slightly feminine look to him, rounded hips, softly spoken, soft eyes and a soft smile. I suggested that we have a coffee in the refectory and...

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Parallelalities II The More Things Change

Parallelalities II: The More Things Change By Bill Hart It was just last week that I'd watched that arrogant asshole Ron Westerly walk past me without even a hint that he'd noticed me. From what had happened, one might have thought, especially given Ron's reprehensible character, that the slimy bastard would have at least take a few minutes to gloat as he walked past. He'd stolen my girl Jamie Winters. He'd told her all kinds of lies and had others repeat those same lies to her...

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Parallelalities II The More Things Stay the Same

Parallelalities II: The More Things Stay the Same By Bill Hart It was just last week that I'd watched that arrogant asshole Ron Westerly walk past me without even noticing me. From what he'd done, one might have thought, especially given Ron's reprehensible character, that the slimy bastard would have at least take a few minutes to gloat as he walked past. He'd stolen my girl Jamie Winters. He'd told her all sorts of lies and had others repeat those same lies to her until she...

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Toms instructions for the posted video

When you've finished Marge, I want you to chose a pair of panties. They're both the same size and will fit you very comfortably. I want Paul to film you examining them. I used them as cock wipes when I was generating my cum and watching you fully clothed, and either stripping to underwear, panties and tights. I could have made them messier with precum but we can't have them too perfumed as they might go off. When you've made your selection I want you to inhale them. Where they nestled against...

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Toms Instructions from our December session

When you've finished Marge, I want you to chose a pair of panties. They're both the same size and will fit you very comfortably. I want Paul to film you examining them. I used them as cock wipes when I was generating my cum and watching you fully clothed, and either stripping to underwear, panties and tights. I could have made them messier with precum but we can't have them too perfumed as they might go off. When you've made your selection I want you to inhale them. Where they nestled against...

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Parallel Dimensions

You don't know how you found this place, or what it is, but you're scared. You think hard, and remember... running. Opening a door and dashing into the room beyond. Then, nothing. You've just regained conciousness, and have found yourself in a circular room with many doors lining the walls. Most of the doors have engravings off pictures and text on them, which you haven't looked at too closely yet. Unfortunately, you cannot remember which door you came in through. You approach one of the...

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Parallel Boys Cant Play Basketball Either

To the best of us, the brightest, and to the Wyrdest. MAKING OUT IN THE BLEACHERS 'Wyrd' doesn't just sound like weird. I'm a buff for mythology and fantasy, so I know that Wyrd is an old idea for inescapable fate, destiny, and the power to shape it entirely. The three witches in Macbeth's weren't just unusual siblings; they were wyrd sisters, with the power to change the world. This fact is important. I looked down from the second floor. Of all the days to have...

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Parallel Quests 1 Introductions

Chapter One - The Dragon I'd been flying for hours, longer than I should have been. I needed to find a place to sleep, or else I'd land somewhere on accident and somebody would find me. Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere... There! A large field, with a small lake. It was at least seven miles away from a town, and didn't look too important. Hopefully, I could get some sleep there. My eyelids were already trying to forcibly close themselves on me, so I really needed to sleep. That lake...

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Parallel Quests 2 The Beginning

Chapter Three - The Human Riley? Kenny's voice asked me from somewhere. Great, was I having some weird out of body experience? What happened last? Oh, yeah, I should be waking up as a human now. I felt light-headed, so either I was ridiculously drunk or my head really did weigh less. Considering how blurry my vision was, I was leaning toward the former. I reached for something to help me up, and found a hand reaching out to me. It felt weird, so I was willing to accept that something...

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Parallel Quests 3 New Experiences

Chapter Five - The Next Day I swept up some glass and dumped it into the waste basket that Sharena had brought over to me. The glass replacement workers were busy putting in the new window. I sighed. Me a couple days ago, those guys yesterday, what would happen next? The only good thing about this whole thing was that nobody seemed to care about 'that dragon that Kineas was hiding' anymore. Nobody was really paying any attention to me, anyway, but at least some people might not connect...

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Parallel Quests 4 New Faces

Chapter Seven - The Many Firsts "Don't worry about the reading thing," Sharena said, handing me a brown paper bag. "There are more than a few people your age that can't read, and they had years of practice." I sighed. "That's not exactly comforting. That just tells me I might go years before I actually have a good grip on reading." "Oh, you're doing fine." "I don't feel like I'm doing fine. Three days of trying to get a handle on this, and all I've got is a few words." I grabbed...

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Toms parallel world 3

Then with a questioning look at Tom, with a nod & glance up the stairs, “if you’re up to it?” she purred... Tom didn’t need asking twice, he was now full and during dinner they had chatted, getting to know each other more, although once more that sweet aroma had worked it’s magic and had crept back and was tugging at his penis, like a cartoon character being pulled along by the smell of a pie. Whilst eating he had found himself watching her intently, loving the curves, the grace with which...

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Toms parallel world 5

Please read this chapter after reading the previous chapters. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. -------------------- It excited Tom at long last to be out and about exploring this new world at long last. Although he had promised Kitty to help at the pub with her human guests tonight. He was right about the pub’s location, as they arrived at the large thatched roof house overlooking the beach and low wall running around a small front lawn. A small...

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Toms parallel world 7

Once again, leave a comment if you have any constructive criticism or just want to know more? Chapter 7: Tom meets the kittens. Captain Brown fired the boat’s engine up and they headed out along the cliffs to return to the cove. Tom was feeling braver now he had saved the day rescuing Pisces. Had he impressed the captain enough to push his luck? “Captain, how thin is the ice I am walking on now?” “Don’t push your luck, but okay, certainly not thin ice, well pretty thick in fact.” Captain...

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Toms Parallel World 9

Nothing beats a comment or a PM, if you have a constructive criticism, or just leave a +ve vote. This is a work of erotic adventure fiction, containing furry, anthropomorphic animals with human intelligence having sex with our human hero. If this isn’t for you, please read my other stories. All characters, furry or otherwise, are over eighteen. Nellymcboatface. ~~~ *** ~~~ After leaving Clair, dumfounded in bed at midnight, Tom ran along the cliff path towards Mermaid’s Cove. With it...

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The MissionChapter 6 Parallel beings

Charles was hard at work trying to formulate a plan to change the mind of Allie's father the emperor. The only problem was that damn law, there had to be a way to get around it. Sighing Charles thought there was also the problem of what else he'd found out about, he was about to tell Alatem when his body out of sync with time had tried to kill him. He looked over at the red haired beauty he thought that she would be more immune to the effect by now but then again she was pregnant no telling...

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Parallel UniversePart 2

Wednesday dawned and the two girls woke up to find that the South Westerly winds were continuing to bring rainy, but reasonably mild weather. The first class was handicraft, an optional subject which Stephanie was already regretting opting for. This class was held in a building on the other side of the quadrangle and a walk in the rain was necessary in order to reach it. Angela had an umbrella, but Stephanie was obliged to walk across nude and unprotected, the heavy pelting rain beating...

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ParallelsChapter 2

Although the monitor had gone dark on Supergirl’s end, Dr. Richard Trask II (he hated Junior) still had a very clear view of the naked and restrained Kryptonian, and freed of the need to look detached now had what could best be described as an evil grin. He hadn’t been lying, after all the best control is based on truth. In fact everything he had told her was strictly true. He just hadn’t told her everything. Her sister (yes, he knew, he just preferred she not know that) had been released...

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The house almost appears empty. The only sounds you can hear are deep moans. An expression of lust and desire. The whole house with the typical layout of a suburban home is clean and functional. For the woman of the house that was part of being a good housewife. Just two months ago, making a good home for her family was, next to being a good mother and a faithful wife, a big part of her life. That was before that fateful afternoon. Since then everything else has become unimportant. Once she...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 2 Parallels

September 5, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Interesting,” I said aloud as I was reading the Chicago Tribune while cuddling Birgit. “What, Daddy?” “My friend Bill Elliott is going to start his own racing team with McDonald’s as the sponsor.” “Sponsor?” “They pay money to paint the car red and yellow, and have the McDonalds sign on the hood.” “I like pink cars!” I chuckled, “I know you do, Pumpkin. Are your school friends coming today?” “Yes. Tiffany, Rachel, and Joey.” “Good. Shall we make...

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ParallelsChapter 1

Earth 38 - National City - Specific Location Unknown Kara Danvers, also known as Supergirl moaned. And not in a happy way. Her head was spinning and she found it hard to stand. Waiting for things to settle she looked around. The last memory she had was accosting two bank robbers, one of them had sprayed something pungent in her face and then ... nothing. She was seated on a standard wooden chair in a large nondescript room, about 30 feet across. Her chair was positioned within a blue box...

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ParallelsChapter 3

Dr. Trask looked up from the test results he was perusing as the door opened to his office. When he saw who it was he stood up and stepped around his desk to meet her. Kara Danvers positioned herself in front of the scientist and assumed her proper pose, kneeling before him and resting back on her heels, hands clasped behind her back. The white dress she was wearing slid up above her knees as she stretched out, letting the peach sweater fall open. He had been expecting her arrival and...

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Night Skies Hotel IV The Lost Worlds

Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds By Solari Author's note: "The Lost Worlds" is the first story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun," and "Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that...

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Queen of the Underworld

Queen of the Underworld By Red_Elise "So what is it?" Sano asked, watching the necklace dangle before his eyes. "It's a ring, in case that fact escaped you." He inclined his head to Lina, looking at her curiously. "What is a ring doing on a necklace?" Lina's cheeks became flushed, but her embarrassment faded as she let her frustration get the better of her. "If you don't like it then give it back!" Sano looked at her with surprise before slipping the necklace over...

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Night Skies Hotel VI Destroyers of Worlds

Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds By Solari Author's note: "Destroyers of Worlds" is the third story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds," and "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that unfold. "What you consider...

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Mass Effect Underworld

Located at the edge of the Terminus Systems is the planet Koralia. Its snow-covered surface is often wracked by severe storms that makes travel inadvisable. Beneath the surface of Koralia is a city built from the remains of a massive mining facility that was abandoned centuries ago. The city has no official name but is often referred to as 'The Underworld'. The Underworld is a hub of drugs, weapons, and various forms of trafficking. It is ruled by an albino Asari crimelord known as Queen Miris...

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Final Fantasy Worlds

Cosmos looked across the worlds, across the timelines. Each was so full of life. Children played and laughed. Flocks of Chocobo ran across fields. She could also see the battles. Heroes of all kinds, fighting to save their worlds from threats both great and small. But they were in balance. She couldn't interfere. It was against the rules that both she and Chaos were bound by. Only when the balance was broken, could they dare to let their powers shine upon the worlds. That was just how things...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 44 War of the Worlds

The next two months, until the War of the Worlds, passed rather quickly for James. He spent most of his time training his combat and practising forging and alchemy. The incident with the mercenary army spread far and wide, and the tickets that had been bought up for the war of the world started to find their way onto the black market or disappeared from the hands of the smaller factions that had managed to nab one at auction. The two nations of Soel and Hastoel were starting to flare up even...

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Corruption of Worlds

There are many worlds out there. Some are shining examples of science, allowing us to travel between the stars and meet new sentient species. Some worlds are pure magic, and the swords and sorcery of mankind constantly battle monsters that have long gone extinct in the worlds of science. Finally we have worlds almost exactly like yours, except they may hold hidden worlds of magic, are home to aliens from other planets, or be the battleground of superheroes and supervillains. I turn your...

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Der iBod Paralleluniversen

Walter war am Verzweifeln! Diesen Morgen hatte er erfahen, dass für sein Forschungsprojekt am Institut für Quantenforschung an der Uni bald die Fördermittel ablaufen würden. Bisher hatte er noch keine vorzeigbaren Ergebnisse erbringen können, außer aus einem Schnitzel eine Bratwurst zu machen! Vor allem Tests am Menschen standen offiziell noch aus...

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Jochen drückte den Kopf der 18-jährigen Zoe noch einmal fest gegen seinen Schwanz und kam dann im Mund der geilen Blondine. Nachdem sich die beiden voneinander verabschiedet hatten, stieg Zoe aus dem Auto aus und ging Richtung Schulgebäude. Jochen fuhr zur Arbeit. „Sie sind zu spät!“ Frau Meinert schaute Zoe mit strengem Blick an. „Tut mit Leid.“ antwortete die Schülerin locker. „Aber ich hab meinem Vater eben im Auto noch einen geblasen.“ Zoe wischte sich etwas Sperma aus dem Mindwinkel und...

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Welcome to PornWorld

Warning! This will be an extremely depraved story centered on gooning and porn addiction. This story will focus on endless mind numbing pleasure, and probably won’t have much plot or conflict. Only pleasure and the pursuit of more of it. “Nnggg!” You moan out as you come down from another edge. Your brain is absolute mush as you pump your cock with your Angela White fleshlight and fill your retinas with copious amounts of porn through multiple screens in your vr headset. You’ve been going at...

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South of Bikini Homeworld

South of Bikini Episode 7 "Homeworld" 0800 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 8th, 1944 "Good morning, Empress." "Good morning, Corrine." "'Morning, Empress." "Good morning, Jamie." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, Tish." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, already! Oh, et too, Alex?" Allie seemed a little upset this morning as I approached on an intercept. We were both on course for breakfast. As usual, the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 47 They arrive on the Maliri homeworld

John sat on one of the sofas in the Officers’ Lounge, with his feet up on the coffee table, and Alyssa and Calara cuddled up beside him. The other girls were spread out on the adjacent sofas, and they watched the colourful expanse of Maliri Space drift by, through the long windows that flanked the room. “John...” Dana said tentatively, looking over at him from the other sofa, her beautiful face burning with curiosity. “It’s nearly time for bed, have you got something planned for...

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Different Worlds

Although they came from the same planet, lived in the same town, and were both Seniors in the same high school, they were from different worlds. Clarissa was a brain. Smart as a whip, turned on by anything scientific or informational. Her favorite activity was learning, and her mind was constantly analyzing her world and how she was living in it. Her grades were good, but not perfect, because she operated above the concept that she needed to prove her intellect to other people, especially a...

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