Poppy Weaver free porn video

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I was driving on my way back from visiting my Mom at her rest home. I had thought that I to make it all the way back in one go, but I was still about half an hour from home and I really needed to pee. I pulled my car into a lay-by, stopping for a moment to watch the setting sun over a small lake, I looked about, nobody else was near at all, I quickly moved to a stand of trees and bushes, slipped in behind then.

A final check and I pushed my jeans and panties down to mid-thigh, squatting down as I did so. I relaxed my muscles and just as I let the flow go, I almost missed the faint light touch on my lips. The flow began and then about a second later I felt a harsh, sharp, stabbing pain on my pussy lips.

“Owww,” I squealed, I was getting bitten.

I tried and failed to stem the flow as the pain carried on. All I could do was squirm and wait till I finished, then I could swat the beast. But as luck would have it, as my flow was ebbing, I felt the awkward tickle and pain ease as the bite came to an end. It was too late when I finished, and then in the twilight, I saw an engorged mosquito fly out from below me and off into the bushes.

I stood up and slipped a tissue between my legs to catch any drips, and as I took it away, I saw a small blood spot from where the mosquito had attacked me. I didn’t like mosquitoes at the best of times, but now I had good cause to dislike them further. I had just been bitten on one of the most sensitive parts of my body.

I pulled up my panties and jeans and quickly made my way back to my car. I was well aware of the now growing discomfort that the bite was having on me. As I drove away, I started to squirm as the itching began to grow.

“Oh god, no no, please stop!’ I muttered to myself several times as I made my way back to my home. Not that it was that much of a home, I lived alone in a two-bedroom unit at the block of a block of three, but at least I owned it.

How I made it home I’m not sure, but the itch grew worse and worse. Finally, I dove my car into my garage and closed the door behind me. From there I made an awkward dash inside. I stripped off my jeans and panties and then found a hand mirror. I flung myself onto my bed and pushed my legs well apart.

The site of the bite was very obvious, I had a swollen, deep red welt right on the inner edge of my pussy lips, it was about the same size at the top segment of my finger. By parting my legs, it kind of spread out, which made it itch even more. I knew it would be a bad move to scratch it, but the growing itch was driving me insane.

My hand crept down and I placed my finger on the bite. I gave a small shiver as it was very sensitive, then slowly, I moved my finger forward and back. I closed my eyes and grimaced, I really wanted to scratch that itch. Damn that mosquito! I curled my finger and pulled my nail up over the bite.

“Aahhh!” I gasped as I squirmed.

Scratch scratch scratch. I couldn’t help myself. Scratch scratch scratch! The euphoria quickly filled my body as I reacted to the intense sensations. Wetness spread out between my legs. What the fuck?

Scratch scratch scratch. I squirmed and writhed as the insane itching demanded more and more harsh scratching. Scratch scratch scratch! A sudden overwhelming euphoria spread through my body. FUCK, I was just about to orgasm.

“Ohhhhh,” I moaned as I snapped my legs back together, catching my hand and pressing hard onto the bite. “Ohh God,” I writhed on the bed as I was overpowered by my body going into intense spasms. It must have been ten or more years since I had an orgasm anywhere near this intense, and this one totally blew me away.

I lay on my bed bewildered, I had not expected anything like that to have happened. The insane itching had eased a lot and was now only a dull throb. I just struggled to accept that the mosquito bite had caused me to have such an intense orgasm, it was very surreal.

After a while I swung my legs off the bed and went to the bathroom, I peed and showered, then went back to bed. The bite itched some more again, but this time I resisted the urge to give it another scratch.

The next morning the bite area was a bit tender but it did not seem to want to itch, much to my relief. The day progressed well and I had my glow of sexual satisfaction about me. The itch came and went a few times, but I was not in a position to do anything about it.

That damn mosquito biting me had made me think seriously about what it did to me in the end. Why on earth had I orgasmed so intensely like that? Over the next couple of weeks, I kept on thinking about how much I had reacted to the bite. And then I began thinking about what it would be like getting bitten ‘there’ again.

I knew that sometimes I would get a stray mosquito in my backyard, as I had been bitten when busy there in the evenings. I tried to figure out just how many there were and what time they most likely appeared. The best I could do was think it was a warm evening and after I had some wine. I also did a double check to make sure the local mosquitoes didn’t have any extra nasty surprises if the form of a parasite or virus.

It was time to try for another bite. I dressed carefully to try to minimize the area of exposed flesh, then went into the backyard, carefully easing myself down and the waiting. It took over ten minutes before a mosquito turned up, but all it seemed to want to do was bite my hand. And then it found a bare patch of skin on my thigh. The next few days were equally frustrating, with different parts of my body acquiring annoying and itchy bites, but nothing where I wanted. I gave up for a few days when the weather changed and it rained.

At last, the weather cleared, and I spent another evening in frustration with nothing happening whatsoever. The next few days were much the same and I was getting fed up with trying. I thought one more evening and if nothing happened, that would be that.

I carefully dressed again then went out the back and squatted down, checked to make sure everything was in place and what should be exposed was exposed. Then I waited and waited, nothing, ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes. I shifted position and waited again.

I felt a soft touch against my pussy, then nothing. I waited, expecting the pain to erupt at any moment, then I doubted I had felt anything. I started to doubt that there was anything there after all. I relaxed again, still nothing.

“Owww,” I tried hard not to squeal as the pain seared into my pussy lips. Oh god! It hurt. Why did I want to do this again? I writhed and tried not to move too much as I bit my lip. I squinted my eyes and softly squeaked in agony.

“Ahh ahh Ahh, Owww!”

The second source of pain flared up as another mosquito bit me further toward the front of my pussy. I cringed and squirmed again. One mosquito bite was bad enough but two seemed to be much worse. I hope that there were no more mosquitoes about, but I was wrong.

The third bite started just as the first bite ended, it was quite close to the second bite, but on the opposite lip. The last bite followed about twenty seconds later much further up along my divide, near my mound, I suppressed a squeal, and that bite really hurt, my eyes watered and I squirmed once again. Four bits was more than I had expected or wanted.

A couple of minutes later I slowly went back inside almost doubled over in intense itching and agony induced stagger. I went back to my bedroom and stripped off to expose the bites between my legs. The bites were starting to get swollen and very itchy too.

Half naked I went back to the kitchen to refill my wine glass, then I headed back to my bedroom. The bites were really getting going but I knew I had to wait till they had fully swollen up. Stripped off and layout on my bed in anticipation, I just had to prevent myself from itching before I was ready.

But the bites were already very itchy and swollen, and as I rubbed my legs together, I felt the wetness spread out along my divide. Then as I squirmed on my bed, I could feel the shifting pressure between my legs, it was enough to get me aroused in anticipation.

My hand drifted down between my legs, I felt over each bite and knew they were now quite swollen and as big as my first bite. With four bites getting scratched, I quickly felt the euphoria rise in my belly. My arousal boiled over, I squirmed and writhed in an intense orgasm, groaning loudly and clutching my bedsheets.

Puffing and panting I scratched again, unable to control my feelings, my body responded again, and I threw myself around my bed as I climaxed hard again. Then without any assistance, I felt the third orgasm quickly follow the second. I was getting into a different kind of state that I had never felt before. A final scratch and I went right over the edge, then as I orgasmed again, I rolled over and promptly fell off my bed.

While I was still highly aroused I knew that reality had set back in. I slowly sat up beside my bed, gasping for breath, feeling a bruise on my elbow which was going numb as I struggled to get back up. I was done for the day, I needed to go shower.

For the next few days, the first three bites faded fairly quickly, but the fourth at the front of my divide wanted to stay swollen and awkward for me, giving me frequent moments of intense discomfort. Then it too faded away after a few more days.

I took me almost a month to decide I wanted one more go with the mosquitoes. I knew I was being foolish, but it was a long weekend, and my neighbors were all going to be away. Friday was a perfect weather day and I got giddy thinking about having more bites. Again I would set a time limit to how long I would stay outside and I hoped I would not get too many bites all at once.

Dressing carefully, I made sure what was exposed was what I wanted to get exposed as best as I could. I poured myself a glass of wine and then set myself up ready to go out as soon as the sun began to set. I gave a small tremble and went out to the spot I where I had tried before. I sipped my wine then waited.

Five minutes, ten minutes, nothing, I sipped my wine and then shifted my position slightly. Then I heard the faint high pitched sound of a mosquito, I braced myself and hoped. It took a few more minutes, then I felt the soft touch as the mosquito landed on my lips. I braced and squirmed as I felt the intrusive bite going in. This bite was in about the same area as I had bites previously.

A second bite began as the first bite finished, a bit further back along my divide, and on a bit more sensitive skin. I cringed and held on tight, a grimace on my face. The next bite started quickly after the second, almost on top of the first bite, I didn’t know how that was going to pan out with two bites in the same place.

The fourth bite started just as the second and third bites ended, it was right at the front end of my lips, on my mound, this bite really hurt, making me squirm a lot more. I then recalled the last bite in that area had lingered and had been very uncomfortable. I shifted my position a little, easing my legs slightly further apart, to help ease the discomfort that was ensuing from the bite.

Then a couple of seconds apart I felt two more bites on my lips, one each side and a little further behind the first bite. I began to pant slightly, trying to hold on while the bites took place, I now had more than enough bites, and I was thinking I needed to get back inside and away from any more mosquitoes.

For a moment I shifted my position again, pushing my legs quite wide, I braced myself and was just about to push up when I felt a faint tickle.

“AAAHHH!” I squealed as a sharp stabbing pain seemed to fill my entire pussy, making my eyes water and see stars. I felt a moment of dizziness and a surge of nausea in my belly.

“Ohhh, Ohhh, Ohhh,“ I wailed, I was half frozen in place, I felt my legs and knees go totally weak, unable to move The pain between my legs was very intense. I then toppled over backwards, my legs still wide. I really didn’t understand what was going on. A few seconds later I felt the almost burning itch and discomfort strike me again. I writhed and then I felt the insane rush or euphoria making my pussy very wet.

Then slowly the pain seemed to ease and I began to realize what was going on. As I moved about during my previous bites, My legs slowly parted more and more, and then my lips had also parted as I became more aroused by the bites.

I dared to look down between my legs and my suspicions were confirmed. I could see the offending mosquito sitting between my lips, its proboscis intruding deep into my clitoris. No wonder it hurt like hell, I had no idea what that was going to swell up like once the mosquito finished.

While it seemed like an eternity, I guess it really was less than a minute or so before the mosquito had its full, and then extracted its proboscis from my body. I realized that I was now mosquito-free, and I rolled over onto my side, my pussy way too tender to know what else to do. Slowly I pulled myself up to my door, then with a great deal of effort, I slipped inside and closed the door behind me.

I lay on the floor for a minute or so, the insane sensation between my legs draining all my strength. But I could also feel the wetness as my clit began to throb in an alarming way. Slowly I pulled myself along to my bedroom where I struggled to discard all my clothing. Then with a great heave, I pulled myself up and laid naked on my bed.

I lay panting for a moment, the first set of bites itching badly while the last bite was starting to intensify the burning sensations that were spreading out from my swelling clit. I had never felt anything like the discomfort that was going on between my legs, and I cursed my own stupidity for getting myself into such a predicament. Grimacing I tried to get into a slightly better position, but the shift left me gasping as any movement of my body set an agonizing jolt through my body.

But I could not stay still either, the itching and the spreading fire was getting too much. I rocked my pelvis back and forward, and the jolt of fire flashed through my body, making me quiver. Then with a rush, it did it again, making me gasp loudly as I went into a sharp and intense orgasm.

For a moment I was stunned but then another wave of fire burst out and I orgasmed again, making me writhe. Writhing triggered more sensations on to what was now a very sensitive clit, and that made me orgasm yet again, arching and quivering, adding more sensations all over again.

My clit was becoming hypersensitive, just the slightest movement or touch and it made me orgasm, but as I orgasmed, my body would quiver and I would arch and squirm, the orgasms slowly were getting more and more intense, kind of rolling from one intense burst into the next.

I squirmed, quivered and writhed on my bed, my whole body seemed to be getting caught up in the ongoing cycle of orgasms and writhing. I had never felt anything so bizarre nor intense like this before. I was turning into a quivering mass of orgasmic jelly. My whole body started to cramp and quicker, I began to see stars before my eyes each time my body started a new orgasm.

I was getting quite exhausted, and I wanted to have a break, but I couldn’t control the cycle, and if anything, the orgasms were becoming more pronounced and powerful. I saw more stars and they seemed to flash faster and leave dark afterimages in my eyes. Then as I squirmed and rocked my pelvis, a very intense orgasm hit me, there was a flash in my eyes and then everything went dark for a second or so.

I was struggling to breathe now, and the orgasms kept on arriving. I shut my eyes as the darkness seemed to be growing on me. I had no idea how long I had been there, nor how much longer I was going to be caught up in the insane orgasmic storm. I was beginning to struggle now, feeling totally exhausted and unable to move anymore, but as each orgasm erupted, I would squirm again, kicking off a new cycle.

Another much more powerful orgasm ripped through my body, almost stunning me, but making me arch up hard, and as I did another orgasm burst out as powerful as the first, forcing me into a cramped tight arch up, then a third orgasm seemed to snap all my muscles, and I collapsed back onto the bed. Somehow it knocked me out cold.

I woke quite sometime later, with a more subdued throb and itch between my legs. I was feeling like I had been run over by a bulldozer. My whole body had a dull ache, and I dared not move for a few minutes just to make sure I could feel each part of my body. I tried to sit up and my head span, so I eased back down. Then I slowly edged over to the side of my bed, sliding off and on my hands and knees I crawled to the bathroom.

The cold water made a big difference to how I felt, I slowly pulled myself upright and then had a pee. I cringed and wanted to scratch when I went to wipe, but I forced myself not too. Slowly I made my way back to my bed, I found my nightie and climbed in under the cum stained covers.

The next morning I vowed that I would not let another mosquito anywhere near my pussy again.

Funny isn’t it, that somehow vows sometimes get broken.

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Both Debbie and David waited anxiously for Mr. Wojinski to arrive the next day. The couple kept watching the clock, while they discussed what they would do if the man asked what they expected him to ask. "David," Debbie said to her husband as they watched the clock, "I don't know what to do. What if the things we have heard are true and Mr. Wojinski wants to sleep with me. I don't know what I would do. My love, what do you think we should do?" "We have come this far," replied David,...

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The Visit

Marcus' day couldn't have gotten worse than it had already. He recently broke up with his longtime girlfriend, who gave him no real explanation as to why she wanted it done and over with. He tried calling her back on numerous occasions until one day deciding to change her number once and for all, leaving the poor guy out in the dust. The rest of the day changed hands when he had an unexpected visit from an old friend. A young attractive blonde came knocking on his door. Once he responded he...

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Twisted DreamsChapter 2

... The first of many nights When Janice got home she was asked by Bob how her appointment had gone and try as hard as she could she could not recall anything other than the basic questions; she did however remember that it was going to be a long slow process and for some reason she felt the need to go shower although she could not remember why. In the shower she casually washed her skin with the exfoliating sponge and suddenly she had the strangest experience; she could not recall where...

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Amy and Dave Nude on VacationChapter 6a

SATURDAY At Aunt Lori and Uncle Kevin's house Megan and Amy 'Buzz, buzz, buzz, ' went the alarm clock. Megan woke up easily and turned off the clock. Megan was one of these people who would wake up quickly and easily when an alarm clock went off. The sunlight was starting to enter through the window and Megan could easily see Amy, still asleep, next to her. Megan decided that she would let Amy sleep while she got, so she got out of bed and went to the bathroom. It didn't take long for...

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BrattySis Angelica Cruz My Step Sister Sucked My Dick During Online Class

Ever since lockdown began, Angelica Cruz has been stuck in the same house as her hot stepbrother, Kyle Mason. There’s no other dick to be had. Alas! What is a cock hungry coed to do? The obvious answer is to fuck her brother. Angelica tries to put her plan to action by waiting until Kyle has gotten out of bed. She sneaks into his bed and hides beneath the covers, mostly naked, to wait for him. Kyle finds Angelica when he returns, but instead of giving in to her sexy demands he kicks her...

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Integrated Impregnation

Bob Peterson was shocked when he answered the knock on his door. There in front of him was a sexy black woman! She was looking back toward the street and when he opened the door, she looked over her shoulder at him with her wonderful black ass pointed toward him. She was the hottest black woman he had ever seen. Not that he had ever had much interest in black women but his cock suddenly said he could be.“Can I help you?” Bob asked as she smiled at him.“I think we can help each other. My name is...

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The Upstairs Neighbor

The Upstairs Neighbor I rent a house and live in the bottom half. The top half is a separate apartment. The house is a corner house and the garage is on the side of the house away from the corner. So the upstairs neighbor has to walk from the driveway around the front of the house and then half way down the side to a separate staircase upstairs. The bottom half of the house has a complete windowed alcove off the back door from the kitchen and some steps with screen doors to the front and the...

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A Broken HeartChapter 4

"What do you mean you still haven't told him about Fitz? It's been two weeks!" Fran said vehemently, her head snapping up from to look at Heidi with raised eyebrows. Heidi put a chair up on a table and turned to face her friend. She felt bad enough as it was without Fran lecturing her. "I don't know," Heidi snapped back. "I just haven't found the right moment yet." Fran shook her head, and spoke without even look up from the salt shakers she was refilling. "Moment shmoment,...

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Vi Parr wanting to become a pornstar

Violet Parr has just turned 18 a few weeks ago, it is a very special time for her, maybe some think that coming of age serves to make important decisions ... and in this case they are not wrong. Vi Parr seeks the fame and attention of people, has always felt like an "invisible girl", but now it is time to be recognized and if that makes me have money too, damn it will. He has trained to have an athletic and flexible body, he knows that it will help him in his new stage of life. It all started a...

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Fucking My Dream Aunty

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers! I am a follower and a big fan of this website. After reading so many stories/encounters or experiences of people, I felt like it is my turn to share my encounters with women.I am going to share some real life incidents. This is not a story. I have not added any artificial masala and all. But I have changed the names of the women and my name. This is a real incident with this hot aunty. First, let me tell you about me. I am the only son of my parents. My...

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Rear Window 1

The apartment door closed behind me with an echoing thud. Three whole weeks, I thought excitedly, as I eyed up the expensive looking paintings hanging in the large hallway which stretched out before me. I didn't recognise a single one, which meant the Jacksons had probably paid a fortune for them.I pushed my butt off the door, dropped my suitcase, and happy-danced my way down the hallway towards the huge kitchen. Everything in this apartment was huge, and it was all mine for the next three...

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Eating cum from wifes pussy

Last summer my wife and I were invited to a resort with my boss and his wife. One of those all inclusive adults only numbers that we just couldn't refuse. We hadn't been away on vacation for a while and my wife was so exited. She's 55 but can still wear a bikini well - she keeps herself in top shape. All four of us were on the beach late one afternoon. My boss and I were relaxing as our wives approached from the water. The gentle ocean breeze perked their nipples up. Fuck, my bosses...

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Katie’s best friend’s older sister Brittany had recommended the guy Katie was going to go see. Brittany had gotten knocked up by this guy when she turned sixteen and had a beautiful black baby boy. Brittany had even showed Katie the video they made, watching as Brittany and this older black man—Katie was pretty sure his name was Jamal—writhed together on the pull-out futon moaning in pure bliss. Katie had watched as Jamal’s hard black cock slid in and out of Brittany’s tight cunt. The young...

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Roll in the Hay

I sell alfalfa hay. My family has been farming the land for 100 years. I've sold hay to many interesting people, a few that I'd like to know much better. One is Deborah and this is how we became biblically acquainted. "This is Deborah, do you still have hay?" "Hi Deborah, yes I do, how many bales do you need?”"Let's talk when I arrive, will 6:30 tonight be to late?""Just right for me, cool but still light enough to load, see you then."The farm sits away from town in a super quiet setting. The...

Quickie Sex
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The Tale Of Astra Pt 1 A Bit Of Fun

 The room is a small, run-down bedchamber, the kind rented for a few coins to merchants or tired travelers looking to sleep off the rigors of the road. It contains little more than a bed with a threadbare mattress and blanket and a small shelf with a water pitcher and an unlit oil lamp. Its floor is bare wood, stained by water and worn by the feet of its many tenants.  The room echoes with a sudden, loud thump and the door rattles with a sharp impact. From the other side of the door is a small,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Rashidha My first time

It`s been 6 years now and I remember it clearly: The day that changed it all. I`m Rashidha and this is how my life changed completely. At the time I was shy and of course sexually inactive; living with my parents (only c***d) It happened two days after my 18 year old birthday. I was still excited about becoming an adult by the eyes of the law and what it meant: drinking, driving, and sex. I was in my room doing my homework; because,yeah, I was still in college.I was wearing a cute little red...

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More summer of 65

That night as I lay in bed, I thought about John, his cock, how big it had got and the way he had pulled and pushed mine, also the wonderful feeling I had when the “white pee” had squirted from the end of mine. As I lay thinking about every thing, I realised my cock was big and hard, I started to do the same as John had done, it felt really good, I pulled it, I pushed it and finally the head came out, “WOW” I thought, I can make it do that as well. I kept on pulling and pushing, up and down...

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She was like the cheerleader who gang bangs the entire football team. Only she was never going to be exhausted at the end of her debauchery. This was the one and the only reason she existed. She drew her strength from their semen. Every man who landed his load on her, and grinned, thinking how messy he had made her, had given her additional years to further her sticky existence. Every last ounce of jizz that came anywhere near her was converted into life giving essence.She could change shape...

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Join the Navy and ride the Waves

I was stationed on a base with an airfield and there were plenty of opportunities to jerk off and ease those blue balls, but that all changed when I was shipped overseas. My first liberty, I went alone and somehow, and I don't remember how I got tangled up with this lovely older woman and she took me to her room. She told me that I could do anything I wanted to do with her for a fee. I told her I just wanted to fuck a woman for the first time. She was very friendly and told me to undress her...

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Sams YearChapter 20 Kununurra 4

Sam and Tessa were served bush fruits, mangos and witchety grubs for lunch. They each took a bottle of water and their torches from the Land Rover – which Potoroo had called a ute. Then Tom led them down a path to the east and south. “Before the whitefellas made the lake,” he said as they walked, “The land was full of giants. They lived east into what’s now the Territory. They did something wrong and the spirits turned them to stone. Where we’re going you can see their heads where it looks...

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Chubby Freshman Chapter 7

Chapter 7As Francis was having a wonderful time exploring and meeting older men and classmates a few other chubby freshman students were not so lucky. William and Richard were two students who were experiencing the same needs as all other guys their age. The two gravitated together in a science class as lab partners because it seemed all others in the class seemed to know each other.Richard was shorter and plumper than William a second year student who was had a better built as a result of...

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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 31

London was agog at the news of Fogg's accomplishment. Queen Victoria, on learning that he had risked everything, sent an emissary to Fogg's residence to request that he present himself, Aouda and Passepartout at court. When the emissary learned of the forthcoming marriage, he rushed back to her majesty with the news. Queen Victoria declared that they should wed at Westminster Abby a week hence, with royal flourishes and pageantry. The elated trio of lovers was still digesting this news,...

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My University Male Relationship Part 1

This story is a work of fact and not a figment of my sexual imagination. My second, and longest, time with a guy happened at university when I was twenty-one. And it happened with a guy I’d known for two years! His name was Mike and he was a good looking guy with an athletic build and blond, curly hair. All the girls wanted him but he wasn’t interested in them, which the rest of us guys found strange. We wanted to fuck the girls he didn’t want! One night Mike and I had been out for a good...

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Naked Came the Sniper

"Sergeant Kent is in there, sir," Lieutenant Cole said as Major Reynolds reached for the flap that separated his inner office from the rest of the command tent. He paused, one hand on the flap and looked at his Lieutenant, "Is he dressed?" The Lieutenant grinned a moment before he could regain his composure, "Yes, sir. Someone found him a uniform." "That's something," acknowledged the Major. "Your impression of him, Lieutenant?" "He's..." Lieutenant Cole seemed momentarily at...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 243 Drama

Of course, after that exciting conclusion to Elaine's last show, no one was going home. The crew helped with general cleanup and breakdown of our sets, but they didn't disassemble the command center. Rhonda issued a directive that acceptable dress would be clan gis for the evening as we were likely to have company for quite a while. Sheriff Donaldson showed up first with a fire truck. There'd been a massive pileup on 37 just an hour ago and all EMTs were transporting injured from the...

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Stopped from Getting Home

I was in line waiting for the bus, which was extremely late this day, we had moved some distance away from my high school and I had to take the bus home after school. As I waited and watched the road, Charlie came up behind me, Charlie the brother of Daniel and cousin to Bruce and nephew to horse dick Harry. He leaned close to my ear and whispered '...I want to see you on the football field, don't make me wait to long...' I looked around annoyed as to why he would do such a thing only to see...

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Girls on the Beach

Girls on the Beach “I just hope we don’t see anyone we know!” says Kate as we settle down on the train at Victoria. “Don’t worry,” replies Jess “They’ll all be stuck indoors, wishing they were out here with us!” It’s a Thursday, and by rights we should all be studying like the good girls we aren’t, Kate at her History lectures, Jess at a Geography seminar, Lizzie swotting for a Chemistry practical, and me researching for my essay on the Lake Poets (yawn!). It’s been a beautiful hot sunny...

1 year ago
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Bhavi Mere Lund Ke Diwani

Hi friends thanks to all for appreciate my 2nd story as I promise to share you a new story of khusbu and me but sorry is bar mai apko mere bhavi k sath hone wale ghatna batane ja raha hu agar koi spelling mistake ho to m sorry mujhe tho jante hoge jo nhi jante uske liye bata du mai prem Mumbai ka rehna wala dekne mai smart hu woh app hume dek k bol sakte ho age 22 and now my bhavi her name sweta hai causion hai bhai ke wife hai jo humare neighbourhood hai unke age 29 hai boobs 32 34 36 hai...

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Reunited with Steve

So it's been two years since Steve and I were together sexually and one year since we've even talked. Suddenly, the night before my birthday, I get a FB message popping up on my phone. Reading it, I initially was shocked as it read, "Happy Birthday Sexy!" OMG, it was from Steve. Quickly I excused myself from the group of friends I was with and ran to the bathroom."Thank you, how was your birthday?" I responded. As our birthdays are only days apart.I waited a few minutes, just enough to not make...

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My Girlfriendrsquos Mother

My Girlfriend’s MotherI had just turned thirteen along with my girlfriend, the girl next door. Our mothers were pregnant with us at the same time. I was born first at three o’clock in the afternoon. Then Kaitlin decided to be born two weeks early and arrived in this world just ten minutes after I had.As we were growing up, naturally we were thrown together constantly. We shared birthday parties, baths, and even babysitters.We had sleepovers until we started puberty. Neither Kaitlin nor I could...

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Dakotas First Time

Dakota had still not recovered from the events that morning. She had been frightened when they had all been handcuffed. She had watched when Manual had kicked her father and knocked him over. She had watched him as he tightened his finger on the finger, thinking her life would be over if her dad died. Dakota remembered watching in horror and embarrassment as her prim and proper mother slowly began to undress, desperate to strike some bargain with their kidnappers. Dakota was horrified to see...

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