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By the age of seventeen I had mastered dozens of spells, I had kept my power a secret from everyone; except my older brother. He caught me using an arcane attack spell. He didn’t ask too much mostly about when I started and what I could do, then he gave me a warning to be more careful where I practiced. If anyone else found out about my magic I would be sent away from home to train with the master mages at their remote fortress. I promised him I’d be more careful in the future. Word of advice: Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

It was mid spring the day that my life changed.

It was a regular day same as any other before, I helped my mother with her bakery then hurried off to help my father and fellow woodsmen cut down some old trees. When we stopped for lunch, I wandered off deeper into the woods. I came to an area where dozens of fallen trees that made this area more open. So, there I was minding my own business when out of the corner of my eye I notice something moving. I stopped and turned to look at whatever was there. Not more than three yards away stood a beautiful wolf with reddish-brown fur and blue eyes. As my eyes fell upon her, her gaze fixed upon me.

I dared not move lest I force her to attack. Silence fell upon the area, as we stared at each other wondering what would take place and who would make the first move. As it turns out she was the first, but her demeaner suddenly changed as her ear twitched. Her once calm and relaxed features tensed as she turned her head to her right. Her fur stood up on end and her snarl alerted me to the sound of something big crashing through the brush.

I could tell what ever was making its way over was not far off. Considering that I started casting glyphs around the area. I figured the wolf would run off, but I would have to stay and keep whatever was coming from getting near the town. Once my glyphs were in place, I moved to position myself to that I would be the first thing the creature saw.

There was just one problem. The wolf, she hadn’t left yet. In fact, she was having trouble moving. It was then of all times that I noticed her legs were badly injured. The front right and back left legs were bleeding and she was barely able to limp more than three feet without having to stop for a moment.

With what little time I had left I place a barrier around the wolf and conjured up an arcane spear. I am not a hero, make no mistake that any thought ever crossed my mind. But if I can prevent something terrible from happening than I will do anything in my power to stop it.

With my arm at the ready I focused on my sight and hearing, waiting for the perfect moment to lose my spear. I could see the trees and the bushes swaying as the creature continued its charge toward the wolf and myself. Whatever this thing was it was big and pissed off. Someone or something must have forced away from its territory.

They say that certain moments can stretch on for an eternity, this was one of them. Time seemed to slow down as the creature came into view, it was not just big but huge. It resembled a bear, but it had bone spikes growing out from various places on it’s body. Just before it broke into the clearing, I threw my spear with every ounce of strength I could muster.

The arcane spear soared through the air, racing toward its target. My aim was off just slightly but enough to miss the beast’s head, instead the spear struck the right shoulder. The arm was nearly severed, so when the beast’s weight came down on the right side it crashed onto one of my glyphs. But it did not stop, the beast slid over three more.

In my haste to set my traps I did not regulate the power, the result of that was a chain reaction that set off every single glyph. With the combined power of each glyph the area erupted into a rather large explosion of arcane and elemental magic. Even if no one could see the light show that occurred the thundering sound of the explosions would bring people to investigate.

Once the magic dissipated and the dust settled, I crawled out from behind a boulder to look at the fallout. Surprisingly enough there wasn’t a huge hole in the ground. The once moss-covered ground and fallen trees, however, were non-existent. I looked around searching for the wolf hoping that my barrier had been strong enough to protect her from the aftermath. A sigh of relief escaped me as I saw that my barrier was active and protecting the wolf from the still falling debris.

Walking over to her I removed the barrier and sat down a few feet away. Reaching out one hand I started casting a healing low level healing spell that had helped me out a few times as a kid. It did not do much other than help a wound close. The blood loss and any torn muscle or damaged bone would have to heal on its own. Healing magic was not my forte it seemed. It took about five minutes or so for my spell to stop the bleeding on both of her legs. And seal the wounds.

The sound of a snapping branch forced my attention to the edge of the clearing. In complete disbelief, I sat stunned as I watched the bear creature stumble on its hind legs toward me and the wolf. The beast let out an enraged roar, anger emanated from its body as it ran on three legs toward us. Having had enough of this encounter and with the last ounce of magic I could muster I thrust my hands onto the ground pouring everything I had into the earth. I grit my teeth as I commanded the earth to do as I bid it. Suddenly jagged rocks burst from the ground to skewer the beast and sever its body into several pieces.

Drained and weak I fell to my side and rolled onto my back. Panting heavily, I looked to wolf to see my barrier shatter away. Now was the moment of truth, would the wolf attack me or would it wander off? The wolf took a third option I had not expected, she limped over to me and laid down at my side to lick my neck and cheek. I assumed that this was her way of thanking me. Ever so slowly I reached up and placed my hand on her shoulder. She glanced to my hand before laying her head on my chest. We stayed like that for some unknown amount of time, both trying to relax and regain our lost stamina. I could only guess how far she had traveled with her injuries.

The wolf lifted head to the sound of crunching brush, and I let out an exhausted groan. I could not fight off another creature, let alone create another barrier to protect the wolf and myself. The wolf then growled and moved to stand over me. She was protecting me. I turned my head to look at what was coming for us, whatever it was I knew that I would be of no help. To my surprise I saw a woodsman with axe in hand move into the newly made clearing. He was soon joined by several others, including my father and elder brother. They all stood firm stunned at the sight that lay before them. With a sigh I gave the wolf a gentle pat on the side than sat up. I moved her, so she stood at my side before I got to my feet. It was time to face my fate.

Testing the motion in my right hand I looked at the woodsmen and sighed, taking a deep breath, I raised my arm with my palm open toward the sky. I called upon the moisture in the air to gather in my open palm. Slowly a sphere of water began to shape growing to the match the size of my head. Carefully I reformed it with both hands into a crescent shaped blade, then I threw it at a dead tree to my left. The woodsmen turned their heads to watch the water blade as it spun and struck the tree. At first, they were confused and wondered what I just did, then the tree slowly began to move and then it crashed to the ground.

I looked down at the wolf who also watched the scene unfold, once the tree fell, she looked up to stare at me. I smiled crouching down to pick her up, she was heavier than expected but I held her without much trouble. “So, I can use magic. And I killed that thing skewered on the rocks there and caused that explosion that you must have heard. I’m an unofficial mage?” with that said I started to carry the wolf away from the clearing. As I passed my brother, he only gave a nod before following a couple steps behind me. My father it seemed was still in shock.

I returned home to find my little sister putting the laundry out with our mother. It was little Eris who announce my return, at first, she must have thought I was carrying a dog. She had started to run toward me only to have our mother grab her and hold her back. “Stay clear Dear, your brother carries an injured wolf. Not a gentle dog but a wild animal, best keep your distance. And no loud noises, don’t want to startle it.”

I took the wolf inside and up to my room, where I placed her down on my bed. To be honest I was quite surprised that wolf hadn’t tried to leap out of my arms and run off, more so when she simply laid on my bed without a care as to where she was or why I had brought her there. My brother was leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms. I did not even need to look at him to know what he was thinking, let alone what he was going to say. “You know those other men will be reporting this to the mayor, after that someone from the magus association will arrive to take you away from us. The question little brother, is what will you do? Will you run off before they arrive, or will you wait here and allow them to take you to their so-called school of sorcery?”

“It was only a matter of time before I was found out, at least I was able to prevent a wild beast from running amuck in our hometown. I will not run from the fate I have set in motion. I will wait here for the magus emissary, perhaps at their so-called school I can learn more about my gift and what I can do with it. Who knows I might just become one of the strongest magus in the land.” I chuckled at the last part to lighten the mood, sadly that failed quite badly.

“Don’t make light of this! We will never see you again, let alone get a single letter! Mother knows this better than anyone in this town. Her little sister was taken by the magus and not once did she receive a letter. Twenty years, that is how long its been since mother last saw her sister. The same will happen with this family. Eris will lose her brother and mom will suffer the pain of losing another family member. So, don’t you dare act like this is something to be laughed at!” My brother of course was right but what was I supposed to do? Break down and weep like a child? No, I did not have the time to feel sorry for myself or worry about the pain that my family would have to endure. I had to make sure that this wolf would not be left lame.

“Jarl, I know this is serious. But its my mess, my problem and I must face the consequences of my actions. Do I want to be carried away to some far-off place and be forced to listen to old men drone on about the dangers of magic and lecture me on how I could cause more harm then good? Of course not, I hate this… I really do but nothing can be done now. So just accept it.” I turned look at my brother, the one I trusted most, and I knew that this cut him just as deep as it did me. “I’ll be fine brother; I killed a mutated beast with magic. That has to count for something right?”

He gave a heavy sigh and turned to leave. “Tend to your new pet, I’ll talk with our family and hopefully nothing else will happen before you’re taken away.”

Several events took place before the mages arrived to take me to their ‘school’. The first was making the wolf my familiar since she refused to leave me once she was fully healed. Second was that the townsfolk saw me in a new light, they did not shun me or anything. In fact, it was the opposite, they would call me during the evenings asking me to show them what I could do. I used my magic to help the town in some minor ways. The third event was an encounter with another magically deformed creature that I was forced to kill. Then I decided to try a couple spells I had only read about. The first spell would allow me to hear my wolf’s thoughts, so I could communicate better with her. The second was meant to allow the wolf to change into another form. The form I had in mind was simple. I sought to make her into a larger version of herself. She would become the same height as me if not slightly taller, with enhanced muscle and bone fibers she would be stronger and faster. I wanted her claws and fangs to become stronger than steel, and her pelt while soft to the touch would be strong enough to deflect metal weapons.

The first spell worked simply fine, however, I quickly discovered that my wolf had a rather unique personality. She enjoyed toying with me, a lot. It did not help matters that her voice was rather… let us say quite pleasing to listen to. The second did not work out the way I had planned. The catch for the spell to work properly was for me to visualize the form that I wanted her to take on. Changing her into a ridable Dire wolf was easy enough but changing her back to her original form was the issue. I had made the mistake of asking her if she wanted her regular form changed in anyway. I am not sure if she was messing with me or not at the time but the image, she forced into my mind was that of a naked woman, who rivaled a goddess.

Long flowing auburn hair, sapphire eyes that seemed to pull at your soul. Her face was that of an angel, soft and angular. Her figure was athletic yet held perfect curves in the right places. She was tall just slightly shorter than me. for lack of words she looked as though the gods themselves had created a living work of art. For some unknown reason the human form retained some of her wolf features; such as her ears and tail, her claws while short were still imposing, her fangs couldn’t be missed whenever she smiled and there were little tuffs of fur around her wrists and ankles.

To keep the sanity of my family I later found a spell that allowed her to become a true shapeshifter. This enabled her to shift into three forms. Her wolf form, human and a third of her choosing. It was a mix of both her forms. I had to remove the previous spell for this new one to work.

Thus, began a long and mentally taxing week of my familiar teasing the hell out of me in every way a woman could possibly think of. I decided to call her Lucina.

Not long after that a carriage arrived transporting two Magus officials, it was not a pleasant meeting. And after several hours of discussion from both my family and the two officials, Lucina and I were stuffed into the carriage and enjoyed the long ride back to the Mage’s school with the Magus.

“And that is every important detail that has guided my life up to this point. I must admit that this place is more of an actual fortress than a school, but I don’t know your long-standing history.” Said the dark-haired young man sitting rather comfortably in a luxurious chair, with an auburn-furred wolf curled up on the floor at his feet. The young man looked across the old oak desk to the rather ancient looking man seated behind it.


Chapter one: Trial by fire

Several hours after his meeting with the Archmagis the youth was given his own room, and clothing suited for an apprentice Magi. His wolf companion was registered as his familiar, while unconventional she was originally an animal thus by way of loop hole her presence was permitted within the Magi Sanctuary. She was also given more suitable clothing to wear, while in human form.

Upon arriving at his private quarters, he was told that he would be tested and assigned to a class befitting his talents. He was also informed that his name would be changed to one granted by the Archmagis, such was customary with the magi, the life before was to be cast away and forgotten. “Rest now young apprentice, fore on the marrow your test begins. The trials you face will determine your skill and worth to our collective, I pray the gods find you useful.” With that said the guide took her leave.

Opening the door, he found his quarters to me only slightly larger than the room at his family’s home. “Well I didn’t expect much. At least it isn’t a broom closet, like the rumours claimed.” He said with a slight chuckle. “Well what do you think? Will it suit your needs my dear companion?” he asked while scratching Lucina’s left ear.

“Tis smaller than I would have envisioned for us, but it shall do for the time being. Mayhap once these foolish mages see your true skill, they will give us more suitable accommodations.”

Hearing her thoughts no longer felt foreign to him, in fact it felt as natural as breathing. “Best get some sleep, I doubt the trials will be a simple matter.”

As the light of dawn filtered through the window, the youth and his companion were ready to start the day. His apprentice attire was not what he had originally expected. What he thought would be large stuffy wool robes, was instead a sleeveless cloth shirt-vest with leather padding sown on the chest. It had lacings on the side for adjustment. It was a dark blue colour nearly black. The trousers were like those of the common folk, his new boots were made of leather and covered most of his shins. He was also given a pair of forearm bracers. In truth he looked more like a knight’s squire than a mage.

“Judging from this attire, learning how to cast spells and master new ones is only a portion of what is taught here. Perhaps there is also physical training that is required of a mage.” He said after stretching to see how the clothes responded to his movements.

A knock at the door announced the presence of the escort. He and Lucina were led deep into the lower levels, the further down they traveled the more the walls and stairs seemed to change. He could feel ancient magic emanating from the old stones. What awaited them at the bottom was no mere test, but a daunting task that he doubted many had passed.

Upon reaching the final floor his eyes scanned the room. It was quite large, perhaps bigger than the courtyard he had seen while ascending the tower to his quarters. He found several patterns on the walls and floor, magic circles or perhaps seals. Now matter their origin or purpose he assumed that they would play a part in his trials. Which begged the question, what was his trial to be?

“Welcome young mage, welcome to your trial. If your skills prove you worthy, then we will be allowed entrance to our collective and undergo training to become a true mage. However, know that should your skills falter here there is a chance you will die.” The voice of the Archmagis called out from across the room. “There are six stages to this trial, each will be more difficult than the last. But the trial itself is in a sense simple. You must defeat the summoned creatures. You will be judged on what magic you use and how long it takes you to defeat each creature. Now stand in the center most circle and your trial shall begin.” The old mage said as several hooded figures stepped out from the shadows to stand around the largest circle. “Oh, and one more thing, your companion will not be allowed to help you. She will bound if tries to interfere with this test”

“Giving you a handicap would not be a fair test of your power anyway, but I can wish you luck.” Lucina stated as she moved to stand in front of the youth. Her form quickly shifting from wolf to human, a very naked human. With a mischievous smile she pressed her body against his and gave him a deep and passionate kiss. She smiled hearing the faint gasps and murmurs from the hooded mages. Pulling away she gave him a wink. “Have fun and do put on a good show my Aryn.”

“You always have to make a scene, don’t you? Once I learn how I’m making you clothes that shift with your form.” Aryn said as he shook his head and made his way toward the center of the designated circle. “Now then, shall we begin?” he asked while looking from the hooded mages to the Archmagis.

The first stage had Aryn fight a pair of goblins. Short ugly creatures with primitive weapons and no clothing. At first, they were confused as to why they were in the cavern but, the moment they spotted Aryn they charged at him with raised weapons. He took a breath to clear his mind before igniting his hands with red flames. With a wave of his left hand a trail of flames erupted from the ground, one of the goblins dived to the side while the other was engulfed in fire. It died screaming in agony.

Aryn let the survivor get in close; after leaping away from its swinging axe he created a pillar of flames where it stood.

“Well those were kind of easy to deal with. Maybe a horde would cause a huge problem, but a couple is easy enough to deal with.” Returning his attention to the matter at hand he turned to look upon the Archmagi. “I’m ready for the next stage of this test. Unless there happens to be an issue that needs to be addressed.”

“Continue with the trial! Our young mage desires to prove himself!” Upon the Archmagi’s order the trial resumed.

As the hooded mages began to chant their summoning spells, Aryn scattered several dozen runic traps around his testing ground. Once he was satisfied with the amount and their locations, he gave a smirk and cast one more spell. Holding out his hand palm facing the ground he focused solely on one point. From the ground rose a war-axe made of dark stone, once it was in his hand, he returned his attention the chanting mages. Just in time to see their summoned creatures appear.

He watched with a cocked head as what he assumed were undead bandits rise from the edge of the circle. “well that’s interesting. Going with numbers to overwhelm me? Now I’m glad I prepared for this round.” He said with a smirk. Slowly he turned in a circle counting each undead that had risen. “thirty eh? Alright, this should be a challenge.”

When the undead noticed Aryn they rushed toward him. being of simple minds their only desire was to kill the lone human inside the barrier. This was their undoing. The closer they came to Aryn more traps would be triggered, thus in a few moments their numbers had dwindled down to five. Before any of the survivors came within swinging distance, he imbued the war-axe with flame magic. One by one he cut down his foes, taking care not to get surrounded or mortally wounded. That said he did receive a few lashes and several cuts on his arms and chest.

With sweat dripping down his body and his new attire a ragged mess, he turned to face the Archmagi again. “Next stage or do I get a small break after that round?” Aryn asked while wiping his brow with his arm.


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Pan woke slowly, his consciousness rising from sleep in stages. Pain came first, but distant, hovering at the edge of his awareness. It was like the pain you feel in the memory of a recent injury. Then came the voices, but they were indistinct, as if they were in another room. There was movement around him and he felt a soft breeze flow past his face. His eyelids were strangely heavy, but when he finally forced them open, all he could see above him was a bright bar of light that hurt his...

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EvilAngel Bibi Noel Three Loads For Busty Butt Fuck Babe

Blonde Hungarian Bibi Noel parades her massive melons for viewers, stripping and posing as director Mike Adriano ogles from behind the camera. She spreads her holes for the pervy stud and wraps her pillowy lips around his thick shaft. The gorgeous goddess anally rides Mike’s husky hog to multiple orgasms; she praises the hung stud’s expert anal abilities and gratefully guzzles his shaft ass-to-mouth. After a mess of intense butt fucking — and a whopping three cum shots from...

4 years ago
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Voyages of the St Veronica Ch 06

Gentle Reader: If you would kindly recall, I had just completed observing the event of the Chocolate Beauty’s defiling by my First Officer, Jorge. While at first he had allowed himself to be trapped by the dusky female, he had later conquered her and controlled his rage, pleasing me. Now moving towards my cabin once again, I vowed nothing would keep me from Fair Bitch, my goal. Although hearing my name called by another female voice, I did not let my path waver and soon quietly entered my...

1 year ago
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Night with aunty

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello friends. This is again Nani writing the next incest story . I am now also shocked and afraid that what I did and Why . because I did it without the permission of my Aunty. I used to call her by name. We both enjoyed each others’ company very well.when husband went to out of station she was feeling very lonely without him.Just 25 years of age. She had a great body to go with her fair complexion. She was neither too fat nor too thin. She had a nice...

3 years ago
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Sex Kop 101P4

'The dirty little bitch...fuckin' hell, her ass's tight! Feels fuckin' great though...I've already filled her cunt with sperm...big fuckin' load too...ooh yeah...grippin' her hips and giving her a good pokin'...oh yeah, still got it...they've always loved it up 'em...any hole too...fuckin' sluts...married women, so called virgins, even a couple of nuns too...hnnn...ooh...yeah...gonna spunk again...best pull out...if I can...'The old boy pulled his twitching shaft out of 101's ass and quickly...

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Golden GuardChapter 6

Paula Clothed And Roberta Still Naked It was dawn on a crisp and very frosty winter's day. Paula was warmly dressed to protect her from the icy cold. The pair had earned plenty of money as a result of Roberta's strength and will to work hard. Roberta was still naked, of course. They had spent the night under the stars with the hardy Golden Guard sleeping apart from her assistant, disdaining to take any advantage of the warmth of her body. Even after all this time Paula still marvelled at...

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Asian hot milf

Asian milf noelle btra is as hot as a 20 years old teen. She has an irresistible body that all men crave for. She can be in bed with any guys for as long as 6 hours. She wants to try as many guys as possible, preferably a black one. A black guys’s dick could give her satisfying sensation with that penetration through her tight pussy. Noelle’s huge tits can be a added point for sex as it is as comfortable as a cushion. She is craving for a black guy’s creampie and a dick in her mouth.Noelle met...

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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 18

I was hoping all this suffering would be worth it in the end. I had a great night's sleep, went for an early run. Had breakfast and went to the office. By eleven I got an e-mail from Jerry with the profitability analysis for each product line. I guess he had the easiest job. It all was there in the computer, he just had to ask it the right questions. He had done a great job. I'll have to ask him who set up the cost accounting system because I was truly impressed with it. I passed the...

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My Masters Suck Slave

My Master's Suck Slavei felt butterflies in my tummy on the night of my debut as my Master’s suck slave. When my Master & i arrived at the place of festivities, i thought my knees would fold from the heady mix of excitement, nervousness and the urgent need to please my Master, and the dread of being exhibited and made to perform for this crowd of dominant strangers, friends and acquaintances of my Master. i felt a raw, hot red blush spread all over my skin?.too much excitement?.too much...

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STREET STORIES:My Homeboy’s Girlfriend (The Secret)By WebbHe that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore. -Sigmond Freud The very best part of a secret lies in the telling. -Stephen Pinto I have contended for a long time that the best part of a secret is in the telling…yeah I’m Stephen Pinto, a.k.a. Big Webb. This story is an example of that....

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I was nineteen then. I had no father and only mother looking after our family by doing daily wages. During rainy season daily wages works hardly to come by. I was forced by motherto bring necessary food items at local vendor. The shop owner’s son Sewalal who was in mid twenties used tolike me and sell items to me at reduced rates or even on credit basis. The same facility was not extended to my mother. He often kisses and hugs at any given opportunity at the shop. Somehow he made me to believe...

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Tournament of Power

With the late addition of Frieza, Universe 7's team is finally complete. Zeno's Tournament of Power is their one shot at surviving this multiverse-wide destruction. Do they have what it takes to win? Will Universe 11's strongest fighter prove to be an unbeatable warrior? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Super... (This story will cover start from finish. Some scenes will be a bit different, of course) The fighting universes stand together in the single arena. They've been able to glance at...

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John CarterChapter 11

John left the room feeling very good about his morning spent with the children. The bookcase had arrived and they had assembled it as a team. The kids took turns on each of the jobs; one reading the instructions, one bringing the parts, one helping to hold the various parts together, and one to provide the tools when they were needed. John was the only one that used the tools. The kids had a fun time and kept correcting him whenever he was about to make a mistake. He left after it was...

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THE SEDUTION OF MOLLYCHAPTER 1 ''You mean she's really coming mom?'' The young girl asked with such excitement in her voice. Molly had been waiting for nearly three years to hear those words. The words that told that her Aunt Hazel was coming to town. Molly Jean is just your normal s*******n year old high school girl. She is beautiful and smart. She loves her mom and dad, and her little brother Sam. She loves hanging out with her friends from school, and church. In a few weeks she will be...

2 years ago
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A Stranger8217s Fantasy To Be A Nude Exhibitionist

I received a mail from this girl (I would like to keep her identity hidden), stating her interest to be a nude exhibitionist. This girl is about 25 years old, unmarried from Pune. She wanted a few tips from me to proceed with Continuing our chats, she stated that she has done some exhibitionism. But nothing above her knees and nothing below her cleavage. She wanted to proceed further, but obviously, she was afraid. She didn’t have a place or a stranger for the same. Given our country’s...

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Virgin Killer

Turning around a lot of thoughts ran through my head but the important one was HOLY SHIT I AM A GIRL But hold on I should back up a moment.... So my name is Max, my girlfriend is Eva, and my best friends name is Eli. Last week I was hanging out in my dorm with Eli my dorm when I learned he was still a virgin. So I did the normal guy thing and made fun of him mercilessly. I went on and on, later Eva who was close friends with Eli confronted me about it and we had a huge fight said I was being an...

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Careful what you ask for

"Ok" I told him quietly. "I'll do it"He smiled "Great – GUYS GET IN HERE""What? NO! Just you – you can't expect me to have sex with all of these guys" I yelled as four more black guys filed in the office behind me, blocking my exit."What I expect" He explained slowly as he came around the desk "is for you to shut up, open your legs and do as you're fucking told"There was definitely no way out for me now, the office door closed behind the last man and the walls were lined with huge, leering men,...

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Diapered and Dressed Part 2

Diapered & Dressed Part 2 By Laurie Ann Brown I spent a fitful night in the nightgown and panties. Waking periodically expecting my Dad to be checking on me when he returned from work. Finally deep sleep took my exhausted body into another world and I slept. The bright morning sunlight streamed its harshness through out my room as I cracked open my eyes to see my Mother standing over me with a hand under my nightgown and her fingers inside the leg of my rubber panties and diaper....

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Second ChanceChapter 2

The doctor worked me over pretty good, and before he was satisfied, I was hurting everywhere. Not crying like a little girl took all of my concentration, but he finally finished stitching, sewing, stapling, and all the extraneous activity that comes with it. I was shaking from the pain when he finally quit. "Mr. Fleming, you have an extremely deep gash in your left thigh that will take several months to completely heal. There is no substitute for time, I'm afraid, and it will take two...

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How I came to own my daughters pussy Ch 1 3 6th try

It’s been nine years since I lost the love of my life. I met Debbie in college and we just instantly clicked. We got married a little over a year after we graduated. Our great life together came to an abrupt end when a drunk truck driver slammed into Debbie’s car head on. She died instantly. At least she didn’t suffer. I can’t say the same for me or our daughter, Julie. Suddenly we had to figure out how we were going to make a new life without Debbie. Well, I was the one who had to...

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The African Slave Girl

This is not just a sex story, it is more a novella, that contains explicit sex, so be advised, if you don’t want a long story, only sex, then please don’t read. All references to the Wodaabe tribe are absolutely accurate. Excuse any inaccuracies with regards to time and distance, I have sailed on many seas but I am not a navigator, .......... It seemed to be forever that we had been searching for the slavers. In fact, for five weeks now, we had been cruising the southern islands of the...

2 years ago
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A sensual taking

It was a very sunny and hot day, the kind of day when the women are wearing next to nothing after a streak of cool weather. So needless to say my hormones were in over drive all day and they kept me on edge as well. So when I was leaving work, I dropped the top on my car and got on the highway and out of all days, I got pulled over on this day. It was a very sexy officer, but she was very intent on giving me a ticket. Apparently the hot weather made her bitter this day which only led to an...

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Anne and MaryChapter 39 Friday Anne

"No," said Saul. "Why not?" Mary asked. I looked at him and smiled. I thought I knew what was coming. "Understand, Sigrid and Tom, I'd love to have her with us. I like you a lot, Sigrid, you're great looking and I think you'll be a terrific lover. But you've overlooked something." "What, Saul?" Tom asked. "I thought we'd thought of everything." "Sigrid gets to fulfill her promise to be a virgin until she marries by marrying you. That's cool. It meets her religious or...

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Yukios Adventures Part 4

Please enjoy... and thank you for reading it!!! ** Character Refresher: Yukio: The main Character. Has just started at a new high school in America. Sex is like a drug to her. Despite her best intentions to be a good girl she has been very naughty. She is Japanese, and a Senior in high school, 5' tall, and weigh 105 lbs. Her hair is long, to the small of her back, and it is a deep black colour. Her eyes are brown and large. She has a very cute ass. She thinks her best feature are her...

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453 going in part 2

Going in part 2The early buse`s awoke them, swishing along the wet streets as they passed, rain dribbling down the windows, in a grey world outside. Together they lay, quietly thinking, both of last night and the future. Desperation drove him from the warm bed, he had to pee, after which he made tea, then tray in hand he returned to her, warm naked and cuddly. she sat up, and quietly they drank the tea, neither really knowing what to say. He slipped his arm round her, she snuggled in close then...

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 15 Preparing the Breastworks

Once in his chambers, Judge Rule turned and said, “Roycealee, Peter, Joe Bob, anybody want a drink? Sweet tea? Jack and branch water? Some of Pappy Smith’s ‘shine? No? Well, we’ve got big problems. This smells bad enough to gag a maggot! Y’all get that feelin’ too, don’t you?” Roycealee frowned and told him, “I’ve had a bad feeling for quite a while, but I never could get it to jell. Y’all both think we have a white slavery ring operating - at least sex trafficking, don’t...

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Dost Ki Maa

Hey Iss reader ma wapas aiya apni agli story ka saath is baar mera shikar bani meri dost ki vidva maa un ka pati komara kareeb ek saal sa zayda ho gaya.mera us ka ghar ma aana-jaana rehta tha us ka parivar ka sabhi log mujha jan ta ha un kipati ki maut ek road acident ma hui thi waisa mana kabhi un ka bara ma nahi socha tha ek din mera dost ek kaam ka lia mujha apna ghar la gaya woh log ghar shift kar reha tha is lia woh madad ka lia mujha la gaya kaam kar ta waqt. Ek baar us ki mom kuch saman...

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Innocent Lady Doctor To Sex Slave

Hello, I am Arpita, 31-year-old, cute and innocent. I am married at 25 and it’s arranged love marriage. My husband is a professor and earning so well. I am financially independent and has one 4-year-old child. As I am a doctor and general physician, I have to treat a lot of patients every day. One noon I was getting late for lunch. I had planned to meet my husband as it was our wedding anniversary. The celebration was actually in the evening but he wanted to have a lunch date with me. But one...

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Trying to create a fun membership experience taking requests and such https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Jnightshade It was a a day unlike any other. Every person on the planet remembers exactly where they were and what they were doing. One third of the earth’s population simply disappeared. Good people from all over the world, from every religion simply vanished. Some claimed it was alien abduction, others some secret government plot. Theories abounded until they appeared. Demons crawled out from...

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First Time Swap

My wife, who I will call Amy for want of a better name, as I stated in my previous post, was basically conservative. When she gets a little bit of wine in her, she gets flirty with other men, but nothing overboard.I always wanted to see her with another man, but the closest I could get would be when I was fucking her, and she had some wine in her to loosen her up, of course with black stockings, garter belt and demi-bra on, with her tits hanging out, and I would ask her what she wanted.She...

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Sharon The SlutWife part 3

Previously, I had met Sharon, a gorgeous sexy blonde older married woman during my mid-twenties at a barbeque. We had chatted, flirted, and danced together.I had given her my number, and two weeks later we went for a drink. Afterwards, I had given her a lift home. She had told me to pull over before getting her back to her husband, to give me an amazing blowjob in the back seat.A week later we met again, and again got a blowjob in the back seat of my car.Over a week after that I finally got her...

Wife Lovers
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The KissChapter 3

In the bathroom Ashley freshened up her makeup, brushed her hair, and tried to make herself look presentable again. She felt a twinge of embarrassment at how hot and bothered she'd gotten kissing Brad in front of a roomful of people at Terry's party, but it wasn't enough to make her regret what she did. She had never in her life been kissed the way Brad kissed her, and she wanted nothing more than to have Brad do it again. She wanted a wild night of sex with him before her husband Bill...

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The Heat

Spring in New Orleans. The nighttime air is still crisp but warm compared to my hometown in the North. I revelled in the warm Mississippi breeze, letting it kiss my skin and breathing it all in. Pushing my way through the drunken debauchery on Bourbon Street, I turned down Ursulines Ave, past the infamous convent and took a left at Decatur Street. I entered the restaurant alone. It was late, much later than most people would arrive for dinner. But food was never really in my plans, however...

Straight Sex
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Try Not to Move

Bernard called for Skyla to enter the bedroom. Yesterday, she had her first orgasm in 44 days. Today, Bernard would determine when her next one would be. It was always a tough test for her. He designed it that way, and she knew it. But it changed each time, something she would never expect and was not prepared for. She hesitantly entered, unsure what he had planned for her this time. She was already stripped naked, as was expected in the house, revealing her perfect pale skin, devoid of hair...

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Almost super natural

I am not a present fan of super natural, the show took a turn that disinterested me. This is not placed in the SN world but one very close to it. I have been writing it for a few years off and on. The dates are mostly for me to keep the time line straight in my head, but as I gave this the final once over I realized that they might help the reader as well. Let me know what you think- good or bad. I need the help. Hope you enjoy Almost Super Natural July 14th, 2014,...

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MagicianChapter 99

It was pretty bad. We Mages had withstood the brunt of the battle and taken the greater casualties, although many were being held by Mage Xi in semi-stasis until specialised help could be brought to bear, which essentially meant a trip to Loegria for them. Still eighty-seven of us had fallen along with thirty-two of our Azuran colleagues and five wolves. Yet in return we’d taken down almost forty thousand Sidhe, mostly in the explosions on the walkway and with the mini-guns on the mad charge...

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Burning hot outside, I had to hit a bar. I just needed a glass of Bud – and it was only lunchtime. I was stuck in some godforsaken mid-west town try to sell a load of rubbish to a load of people who don’t want it, don’t need it and really don’t care.I was all alone, travelling for a living, never in the same place twice.I have a lot of friends, but they are all ‘virtual’ when I am on the road. Being alone on the road, I usually check into a motel that has internet and wireless, flip my laptop...

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The New Client Part 2 dedicated to Miss Terie an

She lead me by the hand down the steep steps and as we went through a dark doorway she said take two paces forward, you'll be ok it'll help with the imagery. She stayed by the door and I heard it close. Then the lights came on. I blinked and looked around the room unable to beleve what I coulld see ahead of me. To the right was her husband standing quietly (how long ad he been in the dark) but this was not what caught my eye as I scanned the room agog as I couldn't believe what I saw, a...

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