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Two friends are caught in a web of sex, love, and supernatural lust.
A starting point guard on a college basketball team discovers there’s an even better hoop to shoot.

Brandon and Jody were best buddies from the moment Jody arrived at the college dorm, although aside from their love of basketball, both boys had very little in common. Jody grew up in the upper-middle-class neighborhood, his father a successful second generation, German venture capitalist, while his mother an equally successful interior decorator. Throughout his young life, Jody Schuster received all the luxuries afforded through white privilege. This is not to say, he didn’t work hard, or everything was handed to him on a silver platter. He was smart, and exceptionally good looking even compared to his gorgeous mother and sister. It simply meant he had far more options than his roommate Brandon, who grew up in a rough, tough urban neighborhood, where he received very little breaks, and in many to most cases restricted from many of the opportunities laid out for his roommate. While Brandon Clydesdale, was ruggedly handsome, tall (6-foot 3 inches), lean and strongly built, Jody was no taller than 5-foot 10 inches, shiny chestnut-colored hair parted and cut at ear level. His wonderous greyish blue eyes added to his exotic beauty. His body was also lean and hard but more like that of a swimmer. Brandon’s parents were both civil servants in their city and needed financial aid, and student loans to assist in their son’s continued education. There was one other thing the young men seemed to share, which was their deep love for basketball. Brandon was also aided by a limited scholarship and was immediately accepted on to the varsity basketball team as a shooting guard. Although he was undersized, Jody ran the floor like a jackrabbit with a wicked jump-shot. Nevertheless, his skills were enough to get him on the team, but not enough to get him on the court during game time.
This was a source of continued frustration for young Jody, who often felt he came up short every time he came up competitively against a black player. Brandon developed great empathy for his friend and roommate and often consoled him during these downtimes.
Their relationship arc took a dramatic curve on a night after their team got a win on a last-second shot by Brandon. Although Jody was happy for his friend, Brandon could tell his roommate was a bit depressed, so he invited him to a celebration at a pizza shop in the downtown area. There, they met a wildly Jamaican Rastafarian weed dealer who went by the name of Righteous. No stranger to the wisdom-bush, Brandon easily welcomed the potent leaf, however it was Jody’s first time and it showed as the normally calm, and humble Jody became the life of the party as he appeared giddy and euphoric. As their relationship evolved over time, the roommates often spent their weekends and free time, puffing on the bush, so to speak. This all came to a head over the Thanksgiving weekend, when Jody decided to forgo the holiday break with his parents in favor to stay on campus and help Brandon prepare for a test he failed badly earlier in the semester and was mandatory he passed or be suspended for an important upcoming game.
The Friday after Thanksgiving seemed to drag on and Jody felt down and convinced his roommate to buy some bush to bring some life to a weekend with on an almost lifeless college campus. The young men ventured off campus and down a long dirt road to the home of Righteous. Unfortunately, when they arrived there, they were hit with some bad news.
“I’m out man.”
“Say what, come on Righteous, you’re never out.” Brandon challenged.
“Apparently, there’s a time for everything my brother because the tree is barren.” The long dreadlock, dark brown man answered.
“I don’t believe that. I thought with the campus practically empty, I would have thought you’d have plenty of stuff around.” Jody remarked.
“You forget, a lot of people, bought me out yesterday and even my connect says he’s tapped out till Monday,” Brandon whined.
“I still don’t believe it. Come on Righteous, what’s the deal, you must have a personal stash or something.” The youthful grey-eyed student asked.
“Of course, but if I shared it, it wouldn’t be personal, would it?” Righteous countered.
Perhaps it was the 5 cans of beer Jody drank during the afternoon that led to his next statement. As he waved his hand he stated. “Fuck you, Rastaman.”
The words were barely out his mouth before the dreadlocked Brazilian nut colored man withdrew his Glock and held it at point-blank range from the intoxicated k**.
“Bloodclot, you must swing a big pair to speak to me like this. “I capped many men for saying much less, you got five seconds to convince me why you shouldn’t be the next.” The older man snapped through clenched teeth.
Fearing for his friend’s life, Brandon interjected. “Hey Righteous, excuse this fool. He didn’t mean any harm, he just had a little too much to drink, that’s all.”
“Shit… he be drinking paraldehyde, to make him so goddamn stupid. I am not convinced, try again and time be countin.” Righteous snapped.
“Okay, hey listen Righteous…man I am really sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” Jody cried.
‘I tell you what came over you, a death wish. Still not convinced you better come up wit somethin pretty quick.” The Rasta warned.
“Alright, let’s try a little logic, we’ve had a very stressful day, everybody has them and the today was ours. This white boy’s had a lot of alcohol and got stuck on stupid. He insulted you and now he knows you’re not a man to be played with. This guy from some privileged upbringing my brother so he’s ignorant of what a man like you can do, but now he knows. Let’s put that to the side for a second hear this. You wanna bust a few rounds in his ass and kill him, it probably would be as easy as stepping on an ant, but his family has a lot of power, money, and influence and they love their only son”. He lied then continued. “So, you take his ass out, how long do you think it would take before they connect me as the last person who saw him, and then connect me to you.”
‘Them I exterminate you.” Righteous growled.
“Okay, so let’s go with that. You kill us both, but there are two guys waiting for us to bring back the leaves so now they’re the last who saw us. How long do you think it’ll take before they track us here and that means you’re either running and looking over your shoulders for the rest of your life, or you’re facing multiple life sentences behind bars, and for what, some drunken, stupid ass white boy. Do you actually believe that this pussy is really worth all that?” The tall brown-skinned college student concluded.
“Ha, this is somethin man, you’re probably lying about your dormmates, but you’ve made your point. You’re right, this piece of shit white boy isn’t worth it. I see your point counselor, and in fact, In gratitude for your act of thoughtful input in keeping my ass from doing something rash, I will tell you where you can get some leaves.”
‘Wow, thanks so…”
‘Shut your mouth pretty white boy, fore I change my mind.” Righteous snapped. “Okay, you continue down this path until you see two trees fucking.”
“Two trees fucking or two fucking trees, which is it?” Jody asked.
“Take your pick bumbaclot, and if you interrupt me once more, I’ll burry your pale ass there. The path will turn to the left, but you turn right, go beneath them trees, you’ll see the next path which will lead to a cottage that looks like a sweet velvet cake with white frosting. Dax is the man you be looking for. If you’re kindly and respectful, he’ll sell you what you need.” The tall well-defined man stated as he tucked his weapon back along his wasp-like waist lined jeans.
“Hey Righteous, thanks, my brother.” Brandon smiled and extend his hand as to shake the Jamaican man’s., who angrily waved and dismissed the gesture.
‘Save your thanks and bullshit, for soon you may be dreading the mere mention of my name for introducing you to a man of such ill-temperament.”
“Why is he a really bad guy?” Jody asked.
The senior man rolled his eyes in response. “Dax is a man of realms so I cannot say if he is not from this one, but what I can tell is this. Pay no attention to his appearance but rest assured he is far older than he may appear, and with strong ties to other realms. I give you these simple guidelines so pay attention. Do not look at or gaze into his eyes, for you will lose your soul, do not engage him in lengthy conversations, take or receive no gifts from him, and most of all, take only what’s been paid for. You do this, and perhaps you will move beyond this.”
“So, what, are you trying to frighten us?” Jody challenged.
Once again, the older man twisted his lips and shook his head in pity as he glanced over at the African American student. “If I were you, I’d put a muzzle on this one here.” He pointed at Jody. He may be your friend, but he may also be…your end, Now be on your way c***dren, and don’t bother me as you return, if you be so lucky. God speed foolish ones.
Jody and Brandon journeyed down the path as instructed. They were thankful for the brilliant moonlit sky that illuminated the dirt path. They stopped as they saw the path curved left and two trees to the immediate right.
“Well, I guess this is it, there are the two trees,” Brandon announced.
“Yeah, the two trees but they don’t look like they’re fucking to me. I wonder what that old bastard meant by that?” Jody remarked.
“That’s because you’re looking at it wrong. One tree is bend over and the other tree is behind it.”
“Huh…hey wait a minute. Dang, I see it…I see it but wait if the tree behind is the guy, then why does it look like the tree getting it, has a dick; what do you think, they’re gay or what?”
“Righteous was right, you do need a muzzle, “Brandon teased. “Come on dude, let’s go.”
The young men descended down into a deep ditch, then used the tree roots to pull themselves back up on the other side where another path was clearly visible, while the other path they left was no longer seen.
“Looks like these trees are to keep anyone out anyone that doesn’t know about this path,” Jody remarked.
They traveled a few yards when a large house which fit the description given to them by the weed man.
Jody was about to walk when his friend grabbed his arm firmly and stated. “Okay man are you sure you really want to do this. I mean, do we really have to have this now. We can come back Monday or some other time next week for the leaves.”
“Dang, don’t tell me, my roommate, big bad black man is a little skittish right now.” Jody chuckled.
“I’m not afraid, just being cautious. You heard what Righteous said. This guy’s dangerous, maybe even…unholy.”
“Aww come on my dude, that old Jamaican’s smoked so much weed his brain is fried. He’s just trying to scare us with all that voodoo bullshit. What’s the problem? We came all this way to get something and now we’re here, so let get what we want and go.” Jody persisted.
“Hey Jody, let’s go back, we don’t have to do this. Whomever this guy Dax is, I just don’t trust him.”
“That’s a good thing, cause the feelings are mutual.” A deep powerful voice called.
The college students turned and froze upon the sight of the large lynx that stood only a few feet away with one paw toward them and with its long fangs visible through its opened mouth.
“Oh shit, I don’t know what to worry about the most, the big ass cat or the big as a man standing beside it.”
“I suggest you do both. Now, why do you soil my property with your presence?”
“Dang man, is that…is that your cat?” Brandon asked.
“He belongs to no one, we are both free, but he will answer to me if I request something from him and in return, I do the same.”
The young college students glanced up at the 6-foot 9-inch man, who’s massive chest, arms, rock-hard abdomen, and thick powerful thighs, and buttocks and swallowed hard as he towered above them. Every muscle fiber seemed to flex as he moved in the radiant moonlight.
“Your need must be great to out this far.” The man remarked.
“We came here to…”
“I know why you are here boy. Come this way.” He snapped at Brandon, then stated.
“Uhh, are you Dax?” Jody asked.
‘That be my name the man bellowed, as he strode away, then glanced back at the amazed students and warned. “I suggest you keep up; the kitty does not take kindly to stragglers.”
That was enough to send both men into action as they trotted behind their host. Dax had to squat just to enter the front door, the young men were astonished at how spacious the inside in looked in comparison to how it looked outside. There was a grassy like a carpet beneath their feet, with giant beanbags s**ttered about the room. Dozens of candles illuminated the home, and there seemed to be no sign the cottage was even wired for electricity. It was if the bungalow had been frozen in time.
“So, how much you boys looking for?” The big man asked.
“Around a half-an ounce,” Brandon replied.
“A half of an ounce, I will sell you three spliffs for $25.” Dax declared. “Take only puffs each for the both of you and respect the potency. Give me the money.”
He practically snatched it from Brandon’s hand, then stated, “I’ll be back with the spliffs.”
The large man barely left the room when Jody snapped. He must really have some shit with him. three lousy joints, what the hell is that about?” He glanced over at a small table in the middle of the floor, and a small box of rolled-up cigarettes on top of it. “Look dude, why does he need to roll us joints, when there’s a box full right here?
“Remember what the Rasta said man, respect, and courtesy, so just keep your mouth closed.” Brandon snapped as he continued to scan the room. “Wow…look at that.” He remarked jumped out of his seat and walked over to the fireplace, which illuminated a large skull above two very crossed machete blades. “Man, I didn’t think they made them that long.”
“I made them myself,” Dax proclaimed as he reentered the room.
“You smelted them yourself, wow that must be cool,” Brandon stated.
Here are the three spliffs, enjoy them, and remember the instructions I gave you, do not smoke more than three puff for each of you. The Mondo Leaves are very powerful. Those spliffs should last you for some time.”
“But I don’t understand, sir.” The silky chestnut-colored haired boy asked as he snatched his hand away from his friend, who tried to keep him quiet. “Why didn’t you offer us any of these joints here in the box?”
“Do I come into your house and tell you how to arrange your furniture. The spliffs are for very special guests.” He cast his keen eyes on Jody as if he stared through him and then asked as he extended his huge dark hand. “What is your name, boy?”
“I’m…Jody Schuster sir,” Jody replied as he cautiously shook the man’s hand.
The stranger's hand totally smothered Jody’s as he felt compelled to gaze into his eyes.
Seconds past before Brandon recalled the Rasta’s warning not to stare into this man’s eyes.
“Hey, we got we came here for, come on dude, let’s go.” The African American jock stated.
Jody heard his friend’s request but was unable to break either the handshake or his mental faculties free of the man’s dominant influence.
“It seems you are quite a hunger and very thirsty white-boy. You itch within, you…burn and soon it may consume you.”
“Hey man, we need to get back, so if you don’t mind, could you let us be on our way,” Brandon stated adamantly.
“Of course, enjoy and remember my warning, two puffs each and nothing more than this.”
Brandon nodded toward Dax, as he wrapped his arm around his friend’s shoulder and led him back outside.
The brown-haired Jody waited until they cleared the two trees and were on the main road back to town and their car when he stopped and stated. “Is that really how you feel about me, Brandon?”
“What do you mean?”
‘I mean, you called me a dumbass white boy to Righteous, and now you practically d**g me out of that guy’s place like a little sissy. What’s up with that…man?”
“I guess you would prefer I stood there and let that Rastaman take your life, or maybe let you say something in your drunk state that could’ve got us both in a lot of trouble.”
“But…the way you said it and the way you looked when you just snatched me around. It really, really hurt.”
“Hey man, truth is, you’ve been drinking way too much lately. I know you’re frustrated by not getting a more important role on the team but you’re losing yourself, man. I know you well enough to know you’re a good person Jody, even with your pampered, privileged background, you’ve got a lot of potentials, so as your friend, I’m doing what can to be there for you.”
“You mean that Brandon?”
“Of course, I am dude,” the tall, strongly built shooting guard stated and wrapped his arm around his friend as the made their way home.
A few hours later…
Jody and Brandon relaxed in their dorm room in their undies, on a sofa, and lounge chair respectively. They drank beer and took two hits each on the potent herb as they played video games. A loud knock distracted their attention and Jody jumped to his feet.
‘It’s the pizza guy and it’s about time.”
‘Hey Jody, don’t you think you should slide on something?” Brandon suggested.
“Nope, this is my place, so if anyone has a problem, it’s their problem.
As Brandon stretched out his muscular frame, he shook his head as he worried about his friend. Jody was the first friend Brandon ever felt this close to, perhaps too close of late. The roommate was barely a year younger and brought up in a world of privilege, pampered, and soft by his neighborhood standards. His features smooth and soft and bordering on femininity. His body firm and well-defined, his soft greyish blue eyes reflected beauty and gentle nature so vastly different from his rugged nature. Yet somehow, they found a bridge between each other that brought them a comfort-level that seemed to penetrate race, color, even gender. When they touched, there always seemed to be raw static-like energy, especially when they hugged. There was always the compulsion to kiss his soft pink lips, followed by a purely honest moment, and more than once he felt his manhood swell in response after a long intense stare. He knew Jody felt these same feelings, and yet they suppressed these thoughts and feelings, for they knew where that path would surely lead to. A powerful moment of clarity arrived only an hour or so ago when the strange voodoo priest like man, felt their sexual energy and revealed it openly to them both. He wondered if these attractions might be partially the source of Jody’s continued frustration and increased desire to get wasted and smashed by d**gs and alcohol. He wondered if their friendship could survive this turbulence. He raised the bottle of beer to his mouth and as he gulped down the beverage the sight of Jody as he reentered the room with a giant machete at his throat and held by an equally giant man who held that blade and as a result spit fired the beer from his mouth as he jumped to his feet.
“What the fuck!” Brandon shouted.
The large man wrapped his large dark hands around Jody’s throat, as he pointed the deadly blade at Brandon and barked. “Sit down, or be cut down, boy.”
Brandon staggered back and didn’t fall as much as plopped back down on the chair.
“Dax, what’s going on…man?”
“I imagine you thought I would not be able to find you, but as you can see, I always find what belongs to me.”
“Belong…to you…what does that even mean?” Jody stammered.
“It means you have taken what is mind and now it is time to pay.”
“What are you talking about, we bought the spliffs from you, we paid for what we took?”
“Liar, you violated my space by taking what is mine, and now you will pay.”
“You keep saying that, what did we take?”
“What did not belong to you, nor did you pay for it. the spliffs on the table were a test and you both failed.”
“Hey, wait a minute, you must be smoking too much of your own product, we didn’t take anything…right Jody?”
“No…no we didn’t take anything,” His friend repeated.
The powerful dark hunk glanced intently into Brandon’s eyes and smiled shrewdly. “Hmm, there is a look of sincerity in your eyes boy, and what about you…bitch boy?” He snarled and forced Jody to look into his eyes.
“Yesss,” Dax smiled dastardly. “I do believe I have found my thief.” He yanked Jody’s head and pulled his head back as he ordered. “Bring me my property now, or your boyfriend will die grotesquely before your eyes.”
“What is he talking about Jo…goddamn Jody please tell me you didn’t…”
“Tell him where my property is located Jody, or he will die, tell me now!” Dax growled.
“Okay, okay, it’s…it’s in my top drawer, wrapped in a plastic wrap.”
“Find it, boy,” The massive muscled hunk ordered.
Brandon dashed over to Jody’s side of the room, opened a dresser draw and withdrew the joint wrapped tightly in plastic., then asked. “Is this it?”
“Yes, that is it now, unwrap it, now boy, now.”
Once the nervous walnut colored student complied, the large man ordered. “Now light it up. now boy now.”
Dax forced both young men to smoke nearly the entire potent cigarette, then passed it to Dax who obliterated the cigar with a long, deep toke.
“I don’t know what this is about, but I’m sure you didn’t come all this way and share your herb with us, so now what?’ Brandon asked.
“Now, we discover the real nature of your relationship. It is time for the unveiling. Stand still white boy and you will not be harmed.” Dax growled at Jody, then pinched the bottom of his tight briefs, then slid the sharp pointed tip of the blade along the edges and ass crack and literally craved it into a thong.
“Look on this ass boy,” he shouted at Brandon as he pointed at Jody. “Look at the lovely flower before you, feast your eyes on this sweet white meat. He is born to serve you as you will soon see. He snatched Jody’s head around to face him, then ordered. “On your knees in the presence of your black god white-servant.”
Jody crumbled to his knees, his eyes vacant and his mind, in a d**g-induced haze. Pleasure my cock, faggot.”
The lightly tanned college student reached out and up to lift the dark blue Egyptian shendyt with gold trim and released the gargantuan size black sex organ and marveled as it literally twitched to an erection.
“Kiss it,” Dax commanded.
Jody planted soft kisses of pure adoration upon the hard flesh, then traced his tongue along a thick, coarse vein that traveled along the center of the dark tool and down to the base. He playfully jerked the thin veiny foreskin about the massive crown head, then flickered his tongue about the pee slit.
“You love it…don’t you fairy boi?”
“Yes,” Jody answered in a trance-like voice.
“Good now…lick them balls.” The powerhouse man ordered.
Dax watched the lustfully hot young student lick his jewels, then grabbed his head and forced Jody’s face into his nutsack, to fumigate his slave to his hot, funky, manly scent.
“Kiss my feet, then lick up to my cock… slut, and be quick about it.
Jody ignored the man’s dirty feet, while he savored the freedom of simply letting go in order to worship the superior man. He licked his toes, feet, calves, thighs, and finally, he licked up from the base of the tool, then slid up nearly 18’ of raw black steel hard cock, before the man gripped his hair, pulled his head back, and barked, “Stretch your mouth open…wide bitchboy.”
Jody attempted to follow the order but not enough to satisfy his new master. “I said wider…bitchboy!”
Once the pink lipped young man’s mouth was stretched to his liking, the Nubian black god, slowly shoved nearly 8’ into Jody’s mouth. He cupped his fuck dolls’ forehead and just below his chin as he pumped the hard tool in and out his mouth.
Brandon’s expression of shock and awe slowly faded and replaced with curiosity and hot lust as he saw his best friend, as he slobbered and devoured the ebony flesh spear. Like An NBA point guard pounding the ball, the young African American male looked on as the ebony-skinned sex god, pounded his long, thick, hard flesh in and out of his best friend’s mouth. Then rolled his eyes to the back of his head, leaned his head back, and growled as veins protruded from his head temples, then down his strained neck, cannonball like deltoids, massively hard chest, hard, oily, snake-like abdomen, even his thighs flared as he took a wide-legged stance and his monster cock pulsated, throbbed, spit, and vomited an enormous load of Nubian seeds down Jody’s overstretched throat.
“Did you enjoy that Brandon, did you enjoy seeing your bitch unleashed before you for the very first time. Look at her Brandon, she hungers for black cock, she lives to worship it. Once I’m finished with her, she will belong to you.
Lost in a d**g-like haze, Brandon mindlessly grabbed and stroked his hard tool that ached for attention.
“Do you enjoy your enslavement pussy boy?”
“Yes, yes, I love being your slave my black god of cock.” The white sex slave answered as he gripped the steel hard cock and stroked it with a ch!*d-like wonder.
“I will take you now faggot, and breed you like the cock hungry slut you were born to be.”
Dax fired up a 7’ long spliff, took a long puff. Snatched Jody to her feet, kissed her, and blew a large plume of smoke into his mouth. The powerfully athletically gifted man leaned his broad back against a wall, spread his legs, and squatted down and made himself a virtual chair, then ordered. “Climb on board bitch…impale yourself.”
Jody climbed into the man’s lap as she faced him.
“Yes, Lord Kam,” Jody answered as she gathered a copious slithering of precum and saliva mix, then lubricated her anal ring, aligned her hot pinkish entrance to the massive invader, and slid down.
“Oh…ooooOOOOOO…OH NOOOOOO! OH NO IT’S…IT’S INSIDE MEEEEE!” Jody screamed and just as suddenly, she seemed to settle down and her cries became meek, hapless moans as if in a deep trance.
The heavily muscled ebony brick-hard African’s body shined with a slick coat of sweat. His arms dangled at his side, and down to the floor as the well-toned white body shimmied up and down on the humongous Nubian geyser. Dax hock-spit into his hand, then slid it up and down on his cock to lubricate his entry. Then he raised his hands and took hold of Jody’s slender shoulders, and together they moved in a rhythmic time of lust and ecstasy.
Jody lifted her legs backward at the knee and aligned them with her master’s thighs. She leaned forward and met his lips and they kissed with a deep hungry passion. Dax’s large dark hands looked like stripes across his sex slave’s buttocks.
Brandon leaned forward to get an even closer few. His cock was so hard and ached for attention. His teeth clenched; his toes curled as he mindlessly stroked his cock in rhythmic time to the lost in lust couple.
“Yes boy, look at your new bitch, I have released her from all resistance, I have unlocked the mental cell of conformity, she is now free to serve all cock…big black cock. Her sissy pussy is sweet, and tender, your black spear will stab and own this hole.
Dax carefully gripped his slave by her hips firmly as he stood up and carried Jody over to a wall and planted her back against it then shouted. “This ass is mine to destroy and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” He snarled as he took a long puff from the spliff, then sought out his fuck muffin’s mouth and exhaled.
Like a sex slavish zombie, Brandon released his steel hard cock, squeezed it tightly, then slow stroked to the scene before his eyes. His hand was slimy from the large streams of precum that covered and dripped from his cock. He watched the b**sty black giant as his heavily muscled back easily covered his best friend and if not for the contrast between their skin tones, as she wrapped her legs around his powerful lower back and her arms around his broad shoulders, she could barely be visible.
“ooOOO…OHGOD YEAH!” Jody cried as the brutish big dick black man slammed her against the wall. Slowly he pounded her and her back hit the wall repeatedly, softly at first but soon his long-dicked power strokes began to shake the walls and grew harder and with more impact.
“Go on bitch, tell your friend, how much you enjoy a black cock invasion.”
“God yes, I love it…I love, I love it…I love how you fuck me, daddy, god I love how you…OOOOH…OOOH…OO NOOO…DA, DA, DADDY!” Jody cried in ecstasy as the brute hard Cocksmen rammed, slammed and demolished her sissy pussy.
The walls, the ceiling, the floor shook in time with the brutally hard impact of the black cock launched by the black bodybuilder who drilled Jody like a jackhammer.
Brandon saw the walls crumble, he saw the cracks in the floor, he felt fragments as they fell from the ceiling and over his head.
“Grraarrgghh…Grarrrr!” Dax roared as he literally gripped his fingers into the wall, used it for leverage as he rose up on his toes, threw his head back as his massive member pumped nearly a cup and a half of his baby-making batter into his sex slave’s overwhelmed and overstretched cavity.
Suddenly the brutish man stepped away. His body literally glowed from sweat, he raised, and flexed his titan size biceps as he roared in conquest, then turned to his audience of one and ordered.
“Soil this bitch with your seeds boy, give it to her, and she will belong to you, mind body, and soul. Her body is in need of your seeds, jerk your big cock boy and splatter your life-giving seeds on to her…NOW BOY…NOW!”
Mindlessly, Brandon allowed his hard-angry flesh spear to led him over to his best friend’s limp body sprawled out on the floor. He didn’t jerk or pull. He simply squeezed down and threw his head back as his stiff flesh ebony javelin fired his sperm sporadically and rain down on the body of his roommate.
Seconds turned to nearly a minute and suddenly Brandon released his orgasm but it did not subside, instead, it twitched, jumped, and pumped more and more sperm into the air. The smooth chocolate brown man fell to his knees as he screamed.
The urgent sound of his roommate’s voice awakened Brandon from his intense dream. He rose up in the bed. His body coated with sweat as he glanced about the room, then his eyes focused on Jody as he asked.
“Whoa shit, damn Jody, thank…thank god it was just a dream.”
“A dream, wow that must have been one hell of a dream, that’s for sure.” Jody smiled.
“It felt, damn it felt so real.’ Brandon cried.
“I almost regret waking you up but this our last day to study before the big test and we agreed to get breakfast before we start and it’s already 11:30.” Jody declared.
“Man, I really slept late. That’s not like me.” Brandon exclaimed,
“Well, at any rate, we have a half an hour before we began?” his roommate suggested, and Brandon agree.
Jody cleverly spied his friend as he climbed out of bed and snatched the top sheet to cover himself, however the bottom sheet revealed what had to be a Herculean size puddle of man cum. As Brandon dashed into the bathroom, he turned back quickly and caught his roommate as he licked his lips.
Later that day…
After a hearty breakfast, and a trip to the campus library to pick a few books pertaining to the subject, the young men returned back to their room. As the day moved along, the well-built shooting guard, noticed there was definitely something between he and his partner and it seemed to gnaw at him. Each time his eyes lingered on Jody for more than a few seconds, his cock grew hard, stiff with hot intense visions of wild erotic intimacy.
Jody felt the heat from his best friend which made his rear entrance tightened and his inner-walls feel vacant and in need of invasion.
Brandon sat at his desk and in front of his computer, however, it was nearly impossible to focus on the scream as Jody paraded about in oversized silky paisley patterned robe, and a pair of flip-flops. His hair seemed to have grown and was now at shoulder-length. His soft hands seemed to frequently touch Brandon’s hard muscle framed and each time their eyes met; they seemed to say far more than either of them would dare to speak.
Jody tossed down a brew and fired up a spliff. Brandon wanted to complain; however, he was unable to find the strength to do so. As the afternoon went along, the roommates engaged in a subtle game of cat and mouse.
“Okay Brandon, you need to read from pages, 394 through 430. That’s going to take a while, so I’ll take a nap while I wait.”
“Why don’t you just give me a quick breakdown so this way we can keep moving forward,” Brandon suggested.
“That would be easy…too easy. You need to study this Brandon; remember you need to know this so you can pass that test once and for all.” Jody warned.
“Sure, but this would make it so much easier. Just give me a breakdown of some of the questions on the test,” Brandon fired back impatiently.
Jody placed his hands on his hips in a very feminine manner as he waved the finger of his free hand at his friend. “Brandon, I can only help you prepare for the test. I cannot take it for you.”
“Come on Jody, stop actin like a little white-bred bitch.” Brandon barked.
“Wha…what did you call me?” the chestnut-colored haired young man challenged.
“Huh, it doesn’t matter man, Listen I need you to help me with this shit and you walking around here looking like a little bitch in heat, just waiting for some big black…whoa, damn…hey Jody, I’m sorry man, I don’t know what the hell came over me.”
Jody exhaled heavily as his breath grew short and he found herself transfixed on the strong well-built black man’s big chest, powerful arms, and vascular hands. she gasped then walked away quickly to hide his hard state of arousal.
“Brandon, it’s only 34 pages. I’m sure you can finish that in no time. Just wake me when you’re done.”
Although he wanted to continue the volley, the black jock ignored the urge to take his friend right then and there. He knew he needed to read those pages himself to gain a greater understanding of the subject. “Alright, alright, I’ll read the fucking pages, take your hot white ass to bed bitch…huh!” Brandon snapped.
“Brandon, what the hell’s wrong with you, why are you speaking to me like this. Does this have anything to do with that dream you had and won’t tell me about?”
“I said I don’t want to discuss it, now go to bed you naughty little…slu…fuck.” Bandon snapped as he forced himself to stare at the computer screen. This exercise only lasted a few minutes before he found his eyes locked on the remainder of the spliff in the ashtray. He glanced over at the towel strategically placed at the very bottom of the door, between the carpet and floor, then snatched up and fired up the potent cigar. He took two long deep puffs then placed it back down into the ashtray. Immediately, he felt a euphoric wave come over him, and now it was nearly impossible to focus and read his lessons on the screen or in his workbook. Anxiously he climbed to his feet, walked over to the refrigerator, and rejected his impulse to take a bottle of beer and instead snatched out a bottle of water. He lifted the bottle to his mouth, as his eyes caught sight of his roommate, as he lay only a few feet away. His shapely long legs and fat bubble bottom brought him to an instantaneous erection. He fought the urge to walk close to his friend’s bed but felt compelled to give in to his insatiable desire. Jody’s soft, smooth ankles and feet sent a chill right through his hard cock and before he could stop himself, he gently lifted the robe and exposed the fat round bottom.
Almost instinctively, he massaged the fat well-rounded globes, then leaned over and planted soft kisses about the circumference. He fought the urge to slapped them, but then stood up and attempted to walk away, and in that next moment, he spun around, climbed onto the bed, spread his roommate's ass cheeks, and there he saw the beautiful pale pinkish eye that seemed to give him an invitational wink.
“Jody…hey Jody,” he called in a hushed tone, to ensure his friend was still sleeping. His breath was heavy as he gently stretched the white ass cheeks apart with his large dark hands, then made his tongue into a warm, moist prick which he then stabbed inside Jody’s taunt sphincter. Brandon could feel the tight ring as it attempted to imprison his tongue inside the body of his best friend.
“Oh daddy…what are you…OH GOD…BRANDON…BRANDON…WHAT…WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Jody cried as he awoke from slumber.
“You know what the fuck I’m doin bitch, I’m eating out this pretty hot little boy-pussy you got back here.” Brandon snapped, then wrapped his muscular arms beneath and around Jody’s hips and in effect, locked him in position as he slid his head back between Jody’s ass cheeks.
Jody put up a very weak cry of resistance and attempted to kick himself free, but the powerful black Nubian stud’s gripped was strong and true which made his body burn with hot excitation as his lips, warm mouth and tongue licked, sucked, and probed his roommate's vacant hole.
“Ooo Brandon…ooo Brandon, I can’t get away, you’re so strong, there’s nothing I can do to stop you.” Jody moaned softly and subtly raised her rear higher to give her black sex god total access to her hungry flesh.
Brandon slapped his new sex toy’s ass cheeks and made them red. Then he rose up and looked down at Jody’s blush red cheek and sopping wet hole and declared. I’m about to smash…this…ass.”
“Oh no Brandon, please you can’t…you can’t do that. I’m not gay, you’re trying to make me a girl.” Jody pleaded.
“Too late for that shit bitch, you were born for black cock and that’s exactly what you’re gonna get…right…now.” Brandon slowly pried open Jody’s tight entrance until his large, dark invader popped through.
“Ohmygod…ohmygod…Bran…Brandon you’re r****g me…you’re r****g me!” Jody cried as she felt the long, thick, and rock-hard flesh spear penetrate deep within her sissy canal.
“Fuckin-A slut, I’m a fucking man, a Black man who takes what the fuck he wants, and right now I want this sweet juicy ass you got white-bred and I’m taking that shit whether you want me to or not!” The tall muscular Adonis snapped as he drove his big black dick deeper and deeper inside her hapless anal ring.
‘Ooooh Bran…Brandon, please stop, it’s too big, oooh shit it’s too fucking big!” Jody cried as she felt the hard member part her walls as it throbbed and pulsated inside her body. “Oh, shit dada…daddy oooh your big black dick is inside me and I can’t stop you!”
“Shut the fuck up slut and take this big black Johnson like the cock hungry slut we both know you are…now take it, take it, take it!” The tall powerfully built young dark man declared as he gripped his slut’s shoulders and fucked her with a furious rageful passion.
“Daddy, oooh it’s soooo deep…it’s sooo fucking deep!”
With a relentless zeal, Brandon fucked his best friend and moaned loudly as he felt his big black dick surrounded by the soft, pink, walls that gripped and pulled his hard flesh as it attempted to imprison his huge Nubian sex tool.
The black hard top and the smooth soft white bottom created a powerful sex lock as the wet, sloppy sound of flesh on flesh filled the air.
“Oh Brandon, you’re fuckin…you’re fucking the shit out of me!” Jody cried, then bit down hard into a pillow.
“That’s right white whore, this ass be mine now, and you better get used to it, cause my big black dick is gonna be all up in your white-hot, hole, every…fuckin…chance…I…get.” The large man barked then drove down harder, wrapped his muscular arm around his fuck muffin’s neck, and drilled like a savage.
“Hmmm, da…damn, Jody, you’re such a pretty girl for me. If I knew it would be so good, I would’ve been fucking you from day one. Sssss…aarrggh…argh…ahhh, your sissy pussy’s all wrapped around my muthafucka black dick, I’m gonna blow this load and knock your ass up, you hear me bitch,” He growled and then drove down harder, deeper, and faster. “You dirty, nasty little white whore, your black daddy is r****g your faggot ass and soon, you’re gonna walk around with a fat round stomach and you let them muthafuckas know that your black god daddy knocked you up and got you pregnant, so take all this mutha…mutha…AAARRRGGGHH…
Their bodies merged together and grinned tightly as the black student with his big black hard flesh spear, shot his hot cum deep inside his new fuckmate.
Jody’s mouth was agape as she gripped and clutch the pillow and felt the powerful pulsation, and rapid spasmodic convulsions of the tool as it pumped and pumped and then suddenly Brandon roared.
Jody pleaded with his big dick roommate to let him clean himself up but the much larger and stronger dark man refused to move and rested then continued to slow fuck his partner and cum inside his hole again and again as he kissed and licked about his neck.
Over the next month…
Brandon and Jody played their game of Cat & Mouse. Jody flirtatiously dressed, preened and seduced his big black dick roommate, while he pretended to resist. Brandon seemed unable to control himself, around his soft yet firm sweet bubble butt college roommate who he now referred to affectionately as, Hoops, he often loved to shoot his sperm and slam and dunk his big black meat into. The secret couple spent most of their time on campus together and subtly they their relationship became harder to conceal especially as Jody began to express his feminine side.
Three-Point Goal…

Brandon walked into Coach Warren’s office and braced himself for the worse.
6-foot 5-inches pecan colored complexion, his chiseled facial features, wide smiled that looked more like a menacing grimace, very dark perfectly trimmed eyebrows and lashes, massively hard chest, with huge thick, yet well-defined bi and triceps and with enough veins in his strong forearms to resemble a freeway, Coach Warren was a bit of an outlier in the fact that he not only made played professional basketball, but also a winner of several powerlifting contests. He sat behind his desk and thumbed through a list of plays he and his assistant coach Keith Webster had drawn up earlier that day. He rubbed his fingers through his short well-trimmed bushy hair, as if in concentration.
“I’m coach, I’m here,” Brandon announced although he’d been introduced by the secretary only moments earlier.
“Yeah, yeah I know you are there son, have some patience and I’ll be with you in a moment.” He answered in a deep raspy voice.
Brandon fidgeted about nervously as he anticipated the reason why he’d been summoned to see his hard nose coach.
Warren slammed his fist down on the desk as he looked up. “Okay Clydesdale there’s an elephant sitting center court, and everyone can see it, it’s as plain as the nose on our faces. I’m sure you’ve seen it, haven’t you?”
“Huh…errrh coach?” Brandon replied in confusion although he was anything but.
“Okay, so much for the subtle approach, so let’s get to it. “I knew you and Schuster are roommates, and I also knew you were close friends, and I even knew you two are on the team so naturally you enjoying hoops, but apparently, the hoop shooting seems to have gone beyond the basketball court. How long have you been sticking that boy Clydesdale?” He asked directly.
“Huh…whoa coach Warren, I’ve heard the rumors…”
“Don’t try bullshitting the bullshitter son,” Warren interrupted. “I’m a lot older than you and I know some boys turned in to girly bitches and just with the wave of a magic wand, and in your particular case, I can imagine a big black, thick magic wand.
“Whoa Coach Warren,” Brandon cried and threw up his hands in an ‘I’m innocent’ sign, then declared.
“Jody…err…I mean Shuster is my roommate and friend, true, but there’s nothing going on between us…sir.”
“So, you insist on playing bullshit, okay let’s try this. Shuster’s off the team.”
“Huh…whoa Coach, why?”
“Many guys will bend over for another, but only special guys will totally bottom out for another and once that hole gets pried open, the conversation begins and when the dust clears, the bitch comes out the bottle and there’s no putting her back. Do you know what I’m getting at son?”
“Not, really sir.”
“In plain and simple language Clydesdale, you fucked the bitch out of your teammate, roommate and best friend. One of the football coaches asked me the other day if I was recruiting girls on the team after seeing him on the bench. The dean is also asking questions of his feminine behavior and the team…well, needless to say, the team is not too happy as well.”
‘Fuck them, especially Milton, he’s just an asshole since I replaced him in the starting lineup last season.”
“Be that as it may, Shuster’s got to go, but I will consider keeping him on the team if you agree to a few terms, the first of which is to confess, right here and now the true nature of your relationship.” The hard-line coach suggested.
“You mean, if I tell you the truth, you’ll keep him on the team?”
“Definitely,” Warren fired back.
Brandon nodded his head in confirmation and then stated in low voice. “Yes, we have been together a few times.”
‘Together,” the coach repeated. “What in the hell does that mean. I want I strong affirmation to the exact nature of the question, so let me put it more bluntly. “How long have you been fucking that little white pin cushion.”
“Wow, whoa…okay, I been having sex with Jody for over a month maybe more,” Brandon confessed.
“Now that’s better. I don’t know what your slinging son, but it must be some awesome lumber to bitch a boy out that quick. So, now that, that’s out the way, let’s go here. If you can get him to trim down his hair and stop parading around campus like a little cock hungry slut, I think I can keep him on team and of course, there’s one more stumbling block. Duncan Mack’s really played well the other day and Coach Webber thinks he good enough to bump Shuster from the roster. He did well in a closed session the other day, so I’ll give Shuster the same workout to see if he can still measure up.”
“No problem coach, whatever you need me to do, I’m sure I can convince him to go along,” Brandon answered confidently.
“Hmm, I bet you can.” Warren snarled. “With all the black truncheon you been feeding him, I bet you could get that little bitch do just about anything, can’t you Clydesdale?”
“Just about, sir.” Brandon snickered.
“Good, have him at the old Strickland Gym tomorrow night, I’ll let you know the time later.” Warren snapped, as he once again brushed his hand through his lightly salt and peppered hair.
10:00 pm the next night Strickland Gym

Brandon and Jody scrimmaged on the old, dank, dimly lit facility known as Strickland Gym, which was now rarely used since it was replaced by the much newer and modernized Hamilton Gym which had three times the capacity of the older facility.
The old smell of rotting wood, was a small part of the buckled wooden floor, cracked wooden backboards, torn nets, and dilapidated bleacher seats. Jody trotted up the court and lost the ball when the dank wood surface lacked the buoyancy to bounce the ball back up to his hands,
Jody picked up the ball and launched a shot behind the 3-point line swished it through the hoop as he shouted, Bulls-eye!”
The much taller well-built black man tossed the ball back to his teammate, then shouted, come on Jody, take it to the hoop.”
Jody pounded the ball on the court, then charged toward the basket, jumped, and just as he launched toward the hoop, the large dark hand of Brandon swatted the ball away. “Take that weak shit home k**.” Brandon laughed.
“Okay, give me another shot and I be by you in a blur.” Jody challenged.
“Seriously, come on man, I own you.”
“On so many levels, Brandon,” Jody answered with a look of hungry lust in his eyes.
“Come on man, you gotta start taking this seriously man. This is for your place on the team.” Brandon countered.
His roommate ignored the warning and instead sashayed up to the tall Nubian shooting guard and took hold of the always visible cock imprint beneath his shorts. “Are going to stab me with this thing after we’re finished?”
“Jody…dude, you do realize that if you don’t please the coaches, you’ll be off the team…right?”
“You know how hard it is to concentrate on anything, especially when your muscles are all sweaty and hard, and you smell so funky and sweet.”
“Whoa…Hoops…man, try to at least stay focused. You how horny you get me when you act like that.”
“I know, but when you’re not inside me, sometimes, I feel so empty, and there’s this crazy burning itch and there’s only thing I’ve found that will scratch it.” Jody cooed as she squeezed, pulled and stroked her partner’s sex tool to full erection.
“Interesting game you two are having. May we join in?” Coach Warren barked as he and Coach Webster entered the court.
Jody snatched his hand away, while Brandon quickly turned away from the men at a forty-five-degree angle to hide his swollen tool.
“Hey coach Warren, Webster, we’ve been waiting,” Brandon stated nervously.
“Save the small talk you two, let’s see what you got Shuster?” Webster ordered.
“Let’s get to it,” Warren stated bluntly. “Shuster, you’re off the team.”
“Huh!” Both young men shouted, then Brandon followed with, “But coach, you said you wanted him here to give him another shot to make the team.’
‘I did, but after that little display you two just put on, I’m afraid there’s too much sissy in this white boy,” Warren fired back.
“Coach, Brandon, what’s…what’s he talking about?” Jody asked in shock.
“Face it you two, Duncan’s just a flat-out better player.” Webster followed.
“Bullshit, I run circles around him at very practice.” Jody replied.
“Yeah, but it seems to me you enjoy having something running up in that circle you sit on son.” Webster snapped.
“Coach, this shit isn’t fair, and you know it.” Brandon challenged.
“Perhaps he is, but he’s still going to have to prove to us why we should keep him on the team. However, I think I may have a solution to this problem we have, but it will require you to go above and beyond the court to achieve it.” Warren stated.
“You name it coach and consider it done.” Jody remarked.
“Tell you what son, I just learned earlier that Duncan secretly desires to transfer to Alchemy State. So, if you pass this try out, I’ll let him go and you’ll be back on the team.” Webster offered.
“As I’ve said, sir, you name it and consider it done.” Jody exclaimed.
“Great, want me to start with a few layups.”
“That’s as good a place as any to start.” Warren added.
Brandon stepped back and cheered. “Show them how it’s done.
The white suburban young man was about to dribble the ball when Warren snapped. “I’m not talking about those hoops boy; I’m talking about us shooting in your hoops.”
“Whoa…whoa damn coach, what gives, that’s not what we discussed.
“Don’t be so goddamn naïve Clydesdale. You think you could keep this pretty little white pin cushion all by your lonesome?” Webster followed.
“Brandon, what’s going on?’ Jody asked curiously.
“Don’t ask him bitch-boy, we’re the ones holding your leash now and if you want to remain on the team, you will drop to your knees and get this tryout started.
Once again Jody glanced over at her roommate. She wondered if this was some kind of sellout on Brandon’s part, however the thought vanished as Webster slapped her face sharply and then ordered.
Brandon threw up his hands in a ‘what the hell’ sign.
“Please coach, I’m not sure…”
“Enough talking bitch-boy,” he took Jody’s hand and placed it on his own hard bulge and stated, “The next time you open that pretty little mouth of yours, I want this in it. Now assume the position and get down on your knees before a superior man and let’s start this workout.” Warren barked.
As Jody dropped to his knees he turned toward Brandon but was prevented from doing so by the head coach’s large dark hand that first slapped, then held her face firmly.
“Enough of that shit boy, you do what sissies all do in the presence of a real man. Now suck that dick.” Warren ordered.
Jody’s hands trembled as he lifted the coach’s long shorts and exposed the humongous uncut man tool. He licked and smooched about the pinkish brown crown, then slid her tongue up the length of the sex pole as it twitched with excitation.
It took a moment for the young white student to accept the circumstances, however, once the hot, funky and manly odor hit his nose, combined with the salty precum that sparked his taste buds, Jody he became Jody she and then it was game on.
The young point guard sucked her coach’s cock with a wild excited passion. The former small forward gritted his teeth as he felt the smooth, warm mouth of the point guard slid up and down his long pole.
Coach Webster yanked off his shorts and allowed his bottle thick Johnson to hang at a distinctive curved angle down his legs. He snatched up his gym bag, reached inside, withdrew a spliff and fired it up as he asked. “Hey Coach Warren, how’s that mouth-pussy treating your cock?”
“Come find out for yourself brother.” Warren replied.
The assistant coach barely reached them before Jody reached out, yanked him by his cock and immediately slid it into her hungry mouth.
“Hey Coach Webster, can I get a puff on that stogie?” Brandon asked.
“Not on your life k**do, we’re already out on a limp with you two, we don’t need a d**g charge on the menu.”
“Stop pissing on the moment Webster, give them a hit, it’ll loosen ‘em up a bit.” Warren ordered.
Brandon practically snatched the cigar from the coach and took three long deep puffs, then requested, “Let the Hoops get a hit too, and watch the real freak come out.
Sure enough, as the potent effects of the leafy cigar pumped through their blood streams the hot three-way picked up steam and pretty Jody nursed one big black super cock, as she stroked the other then devoured one cock, while she used her pointed fingernails to tap and titillate the other.
“Ohgodyessss!” Jody moaned in pure lust as she entered an intoxicated state of cock drunkenness.
“This is one hot little fagbitch Clydesdale. I could really use a bitch like this in my life right now.” Webster bellowed as he cradled Jody’s head and drove nearly 10-thick, hard inches down her throat and marveled at her ability not to gag.
“Damn, Clydesdale, you trained this slut well, she takes cock like a penis pump…hmmm…shit she’s got the sweetest mouth.” Webster moaned.
“Pardon the interruption coach, but it’s time the head coach took over.” He snatched Jody by the hair and literally fucked her mouth from side of the court and back to the center where the two other men awaited their turn with cock in hands.
Brandon watched curiously at the two older men and concluded this was neither a random, nor spontaneous act. This was something both men were not only familiar with but highly skilled at slaying boy pussy. They boldly manhandled Jody and never wavered a second to firmly establish they were the alphas and demanded total obedience and submission from any sissy in their presence.
Jody made sure to give her best efforts to show gratitude to her daddy for this expanded tutorial on submission to big black cock. She sucked with a slavish lust, that had the senior coach’s cock to discharge a copious loads of precum. That along with her own saliva, created a sloppy wet stream of cock-spit that dribbled down her chin and created a small puddle on the floor.
“Uh…huh, yeah sissified hoe, worthless cum sucking freak bitch, suck that goddamn dick, blow that goddamn cock, you know you love it. I bet if I brought them down here, you probably blow every member of the basketball team, then ask when is the football team was stopping by, ain’t that right cock hungry slut, nut licking slut…suck dick, suck that dick, suck this muthafuckin…oooooh fuck yeah gonna blow this load down her throat.
“I think I’ll join you Coach Warren, “Webster growled as he spoke through clenched teeth and moved only a foot away from the action.
“Get over here Clydesdale we’re gonna Christen this freaky little white-fuck muffin in our African seeds.
Coach Warren pumped his cock down Jody’s throat with an almost angry zeal. He brushed the hair from her face, then slapped it sharply as he increased the cock assault on her throat until…
“FUCK…FUCKYEAH…FUCK, FUCK AHHH FUCK YEAH, I CAN FEEL THIS THROAT STRETCHING AS MY DICK IS PUMPIN…FUCK, FUCK YEAHHH!” Warren roared as his supercharged cock locked back, then involuntarily convulsed and spit-fired long thick streams of man juice down Jody’s throat and into her stomach.
Brandon’s head recoiled back as he felt the orgasm explode from his hard-muscular body. Every shot fired from his cock, splattered in a long white trail from her back, to her hair, and down on her face. It was possibly the most intense climax he’d ever had to this point in his life.
“That’s a pretty good shot, for a young man, now this is how a grown ass man cums,” Webster barked, aimed his humongous flesh cannon at the sissified slut, and fired an equally humongous blast of cum.
“Whoa…WOW…SHIT!” Brandon cried as the assistant coach’s ejaculation was so intense and steady that it appeared, he was cum pissing on his best friend.
“Now that’s a shot too good to waste.” Warren declared, as he yanked Jody’s mouth of his cock then immediately forced it down on Webster’s cock which continued to gush hot sticky sperm.
‘DAMN, MUTHAFUCKIN…SHIT…IN THE NAME OF…GOOD GOD, THIS BITCH HAS A GOLDEN THROAT…IT’S…IT’S MILKING MY COCK!” Webster yelled; his deep voice echoed throughout the facility.
“Clean off our daddy dicks bitch, then I got a surprise for you.” Warren ordered.
Without hesitation, Jody attacked the coach’s and Brandon’s man tools and thoroughly licked and sucked until they were shiny clean.
“Excellent slut, now stay right there.” Warren ordered.
Although he enjoyed the company, Brandon couldn’t help but wonder what long-term efforts this would have on his roommate’s desire to submit to big black cock. He knew he turned her out, and now these highly skilled and well-seasoned Cocksmen had taken her to an even higher level which made him wonder if this relationship had gotten out of hand.
“Alright, now let’s get this party started right.” Warren bellowed as he returned to the center of the basketball court, dropped a gym bag, on the floor, reached inside, and withdrew what looked like a onesie fishnet outfit, made from basketball netting used on a hoop and a pair of silver sling back 2’ heels.
“Hey coach, it’s getting late, so what’s going on with Jody’s reinstatement on the team?” Brandon asked.
“That shit’s still pending boy, and don’t be a killjoy. Besides look at how eager your bitch’s putting that shit on.”
Brandon looked into the eyes of his fuck-doll and best friend and was now certain, Jody-he, was totally consumed by Jody-she. In less than a minute she stripped down, then slid into the tight web netting, and slid on the heels, as well as caged her clitty, then pranced about the court and shook her ass alluringly at the men as she preened and flirted.
‘Come black daddy’s anyone want to go, One-on-One with me?”
“You see, Clydesdale, your sissy has accepted her role as a cock addicted fuck slut. Hell, I bet she’d ride King Kong’s cock if you ordered her to. This is what you gotta understand, you own her, but by default she’s owned by all black men. Don’t ease up on her for even a minute or she’ll look elsewhere. It’s in her nature to submit to a superior black man.” Webster declared then shook his head. “Yeah, I could really use a slut like this in my life right now.”
“Alright, that’s enough talk, now let’s give this young boy and his freaky boy-bitch a little demonstration of what happens when a sissy hooks up with real men.” Warren barked, then picked up a basketball, opened a back pocket slit in the netting of the onesie at booty level and forced the ball inside then secured it with a Velcro strap. Then with a devious grin on his face, he first kissed Jody, then casually pushed her back and she landed on her ass, albeit on top of the ball which was locked beneath her ass. He eased Jody back allowed her head to gently hit the floor. With her legs lifted high, the senior coach licked from her toes, then feet, then ankles, up her legs and didn’t stop until he reached Jody anal entrance.
“Oh yes, daddy, ooooh eat me…eat me out, oooh yes daddy…yes!” Jody moaned lustfully as her legs trembled to display her horny desires.
“Yeah, Coach Warren, let us put her to the dick.” Webster stated as he circled foreword, then forced his cock down her throat and stretched it out. At this position, he could easily pinch, and fondle her breast nipples.
Brandon looked on and shook his head to clear vision because he never imagined he’d see two powerful, well-built, diesel hard Black Man with enormously big hard vascular dicks pumped inside anyone let alone his best friend.
Things got freakier by the second, as Warren lead foreword to embrace the assistant coach and engaged him in a hot passionate kiss.
As he continued to kiss Webster, he blindly located Jody’s anal entrance, and drove his king size cock right down the chute.
“Mmmmpppphhh…mmmppphhh…GULOSH” Escaped Jody’s mouth as she felt the Nubian coach’s cock flexed tightly and gushed another load down her throat.
“Well, whatcha waitin for boy, get in on the action. “Webster barked as he pointed at Brandon, and withdrew his sloppy, slimy, shiny sex drill from Jody’s mouth.
Brandon moved into action, squatted on his knees and kissed Jody’s lips and tasted the remnants of man cum still in her mouth. He slid his tongue down and nibbled, sucked and licked her breast, as Jody’s voice filled the air.
“Ooo Brandon, thank you daddy, you know just what I need, I’m a total whore for black cock.” She cooed softly.
“Yeah, we got this bitch open like 7-11, 100% white-boy heaven.” Warren bragged, then took another long deep puff from a cigar, then yanked Jody’s mouth to his, exhaled and shared the potent plume of smoke. “Alright boy, step aside and let a mature man do work.”
“Oh yeah, she’s gonna get it now.” Webster barked.
With Jody’s thin pinkish white ankles firmly in his strong hands, Warren glanced down and fired. “So, you wanna play One-on-One with ole coach Warren do ya, okay then, let’s do this.”
With that said the powerfully built, mature man pounded down between Jody’s legs, and literally fucked her from one end of the court to the next. At times her ass literally bounced like a ball, while other times she scooted about the old decayed parka wooden floor. Warren used his hard-black muscles, to jam and manhandle the helpless sissy and rewarded his fuck-muffin with a huge deposit of black baby batter.
As he withdrew his sloppy wet cock, he literally slapped Jody’s legs and watched as she spun helplessly around atop of the ball. “Whoever she stops in front of is up next.
The second she slowed down in front of him, Webster immediately stopped and held her firmly and drove his cock down.”
Jody screamed as the assistant coach fucked her with an a****listic rage. He displayed his physical athleticism and sheer manly strength and as he bounced and fucked Jody in a rhythmic cadence.
“No more pussy for you boy, that’s of course considering you ever fucked a pussy, which I seriously doubt.” Webster declared and then increased the intensity to the highest levels, when he literally lifted Jody up off the court, into his arms and fuck-walked her to the far end of the court, then literally jumped into the air, flung her down as he dived down behind on top of her and as their bodies made impact with the wooden floor, the crafty assistant coach allowed gravity to force his cock down deeper, and harder, and destroyed her anal chute, pierced her inner-ring, and caused Jody to scream frantically and not for just pain but total ecstasy.
Again and again, he performed the intense exercise and by the time they returned to center court, he slammed her down on final time, dove down behind her, however, this time he grinned down powerfully, until the striated bands of his muscle fibers rippled about his buttocks and along with deep muscular dimples flexed tightly as he sprayed her ass pussy with man seed.
Warren spun Jody around and this time, Brandon deliberately stopped her, forced her legs open and speared his cock into her hapless hole.
Brandon felt his best friend’s ass pussy sloppy wet with the sperm of his two companions.
“Oooh thank you daddy, thank you for letting the bitch out of me.” Jody cried as she managed to raise up enough to kiss him, as he slowly fucked her about the floor.
Unlike the men who proceeded him, Bandon used his youthful energy and vigor as an advantage. He rotated and thrusted down in between Jody’s legs, took and cradled her in his arms, then used his hips with great timing and dribbled down and bounced her about the floor. he spread his legs wide in a squat position, raised her up and drilled her, before he bounced and the ball and her back down again, and again, and again.
Webster and Warren looked on as they squeezed their still hard fleshly weapon, that oozed precum and split to the floor. Like wildly victorious cheerleaders, the two older men chanted.
“Give it to her hard, give it to her quick, put that slut bitch to the muthafuckin dick… Give it to her hard, give it to her quick, put that slut bitch to the muthafuckin dick!”
With the raw sex energy of the men who cheered them on, Brandon and Jody went at it like wild savages. Brandon fucked with a crazed recklessness that had his slut bitch crying like a baby, then all at once he thrusted his hard muscular legs back like preparing for push up and there he remained as he cock exploded and gushed spasmodically and splattered then coated Jody’s warm tissue anal walls.
Jody wrapped her arms and legs tightly around her ebony skinned lover as he fired and emptied his heavy nutsack and flooded her love center.
Brandon staggered to his feet and watched as his best friend’s body rolled on her side along with the basketball.
The three men lumbered about in the dimly lit facility, their hardcore bodies. Their bodies shined with sweat, and their chest expanded in proud victory and conquest.
Webster firmly placed his hand on the Brandon’s shoulder as he spoke candidly.
“Listen to me son, I notice you two getting all lovey-dovey, a minute ago. You need to know, that bitch might be your girl, she might be your bitch, but make no mistake, she ain’t your girlfriend, she’s a cock hungry whore, and she’ll drop her panties like a five-dollar hooker, anytime she’s around a man, especially a big black man.”
“That’s my best friend.” Brandon fired back.
“Nah son, you’ve got a 100% white-bred piggy bitch that’s in a constant state of ‘Black Cock Fever’. Her sissy hole’s gonna itch, it’s gonna burn to be filled with cock and inseminated many times throughout the day and night. I’m telling you son, she’s gonna need gang bangs and often. Just look at this cock famished hoe.” He pointed down at Jody who squirmed and slithered about the floor like a worm on a hot plate.
‘You see boy, that’s what I’m talkin bout. She’s got the fever, tell ‘em Coach Warren.” Webster pleaded.
“Coach’s right young man, once a sissy slut’s got the fever, her hunger will be insatiable, relentless. I bet she won’t last two weeks in school before she starts to implode.” The senior man warned.
‘Bullshit, you guys just want her for yourselves. She’s my bitch. I bred her first, that ass belongs to me.”
“No one is arguing that point Clydesdale, what we’re simply saying is, now that she has the fever, she won’t be able to concentrate, study, or focus for long periods of time because the only thing on her mind will be to scratch that itch and doused the flames of her hot furnace, she calls a pussy. Mark my words son, you’d be better off selling her over to us, we have experience in holding down a bitch with ‘Black Cock Fever.”
“No thank you,” Brandon barked back in defiance. “I think I’ll hold on to her for as long as I like.”
‘Well, suit yourself.” Webster replied then turned to Warren. “I guess you can’t say we didn’t warn him. Good luck k**, cause shit is about to get crazy. Here’s a little advice, when the shit hits, go with the flow, or swim in it.” Warren suggested.
For the next week the hot young couple continued their fiery hot sexual relationship with the same romantic passion and when they said they said their reluctant goodbyes as they parted for Christmas break, Brandon felt something distant between them and he wondered what this might meant for their future and he was right.
Two weeks after the end of the Christmas Break…
Brandon wondered why there was no sign of his fuck muffin Jody. After a week his curiosity got the better of him and so he called Jody’s home and spoke with his mother Juliette Shuster.
“Huh, wait…I don’t understand Misses Shuster, are you saying Jody never went home for break?”
“Yes, Brandon he said he wanted to stay on campus to help you. Are you saying this didn’t happen?” The woman asked nervously.
“No, it didn’t ma’am, I haven’t seen Jody since we said goodbye as we left for break. I know he said he wanted to go home. This is incredible.”
“Insane is a better term.” The woman replied.
“Well, have you at least heard from him?” Brandon asked.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I just spoke to him this morning and he seemed fine. I should’ve known something wasn’t right, he knew his favorite aunt and my sister Ana was coming to spend a few days with us. Jody’s closer to her than anyone else in the family. I knew I should’ve insisted he come home. Oh dear, Brandon we need to find him and quick, please Brandon, you’re his best friend. Help me find my son.’ Mrs. Shuster pleaded.
“I’ll do what I can Mrs. Shuster.
The next morning, Brandon stormed into Coach Warren’s office where he saw the coach seated behind his desk and Webster at his side going over a game strategy.
“Excuse me Coach Warren,” He just forced his way in here.” The secretary stated apologetically.
“No problem Mrs. Williamson, we’ll take it from here.” Warren answered with a warm smile. He waited for the secretary to shut the door before he addressed the angry youth.
“Okay Clydesdale, you’re already on the edge of suspension for not showing up to practice yesterday, and now you barge in here like you own the place. What’s going on with you.” Warren demanded.
“What’s going on is Jody Shuster, have you seen her…err, I mean him?”
“Shuster, no not for a few days, why?”
“You did see him, his mother said he never showed up for Christmas.”
“He didn’t,” Warren repeated then glanced over at the assistant coach.
“He didn’t go home for Christmas break at all. Hmm, that’s explains a lot.”
“Like what?’ the young athletic hunk inquired.
“We’ll get to that, so has his mother heard from him?” Warren asked.
“Yes, she said he sounded fine?”
‘So, what reason did he give her for not going home?” Webster asked as he glanced back over at the head coach.
“She…she said he wanted to stay on campus to help me study.”
Webster smiled and nodded his head as he listened.
“What’s so funny coach, do you know something I don’t?” Brandon asked.
“Hell, yeah I know something, and I told you about it the last time we had the session with Shuster. The sissy’s got Black Cock Fever. That cock hungry bitch is probably strung out by now. We tried to warn you son. Your friend’s got the fever and she’s got it bad.”
“And how would know this coach, could it be you two snatched her up before she left campus.” The star shooting guard challenged.
“If you’re implying that we’ve fucked her since the night with you at the gym, well you’re right. We fucked her early last week and we invited a few others to cool that bitch down.”
‘You lousy fucks, where is she?” Brandon demanded as he stepped only inches away from the older coach.
“Son, don’t make me have to put my foot in your ass, then have you arrested for assault.” Webster snapped.
‘Hold on Clydesdale, seems you’re way too emotionally involved here.” Warren interjected. “Sure, we bust that bitch out, but after that she went on her way. Now it makes sense she hung around for the Christmas break. One thing’s for sure. As we’ve said, she’s beyond you now k**do. She’s a slave to all black cock. She’s a Queen of Spades. And there’s no coming back from that. Now get your emotions together son and don’t make a bad situation worse.” Warren concluded.
“Okay, maybe you’re right about her fever and all, but I think she’s in trouble and I really need to find her.” Brandon pleaded.
“If you get the fuck out my face, maybe I can tell you where I think she might be, but it won’t do you any good to find here.”
“How many times do we have to say this boy. “Jody Shuster’s got ‘Black Cock Fever’. She lives and breathes to be fucked by big black cock. She’ll dream about it, and scheme and use anything at her disposal to keep getting it. It’s practically as bad as a heroin addiction. Face it, your girlfriend’s addicted to big black cock. I heard a rumor; she hangs out at Brody’s. he owns the bar and the laundromat. I’d bet money she’s spending time between that ally and the 24-hr. laundromat, there’s always some hot horny guys on the lookout for a cock hungry freak like Shuster.”
“I wish you wouldn’t speak about him like that.”
“You still don’t get it do you boy?” Webster stated as he shook his head emphatically. Shuster is strung out on cock. School, studies, and anything not related to big black cock no longer interests her. I know you might think I’m overly exaggerating but I’m tell you. The only way you’re gonna hold that cock famished freak is to literally chain her to the goddamn bed.”
“It doesn’t matter, I feel responsible for her condition, I got to find her.” the young man persisted.
‘Well in spite of the fact that you didn’t take my advice before at least consider this. There’s one way to not cure your friend but you can at least break the fever and that’s to see a man just outside of town who has a strong relationship with the fever.”
“Dax?” Brandon shouted.
‘So, you’ve heard of him, now things really make sense. If you two had any interaction with the voodoo man, then I’d bet money that’s where she got the fever, and before you attempt to rescue her you need to see him first.’ Warren stated.
“One last thing Clydesdale, the offer still stands, sell that bitch to me, and I’ll keep her in white-sissy heaven, I’ll have that bitch earning a living doing the only thing she’s good for.”
‘What’s that?”
“Keepin black men and their big dicks happy.” Webster declared.
Dax sat on the front steps of his porch and watched the figure as he approached. He patted his lynx on the head and stated, “Easy Kitty, the miserable are no counts, and make lousy meals. I’m curious to see where this goes.” He fired up a spliff, took a puff then allowed the smoke to drift out his mouth and nostrils to create hazy plume about himself.
“A lovely night for a stroll, but also a deadly one.”
“Hello Dax, I need to speak with you.”
“Yes, I’ve been looking forward this meeting.” Dax answered.
“You knew I’d be coming?”
“Of course, I suppose you think you and your mate were the only ones to experience the curse.”
“So, you did curse us, what did you do to Jody?”
“I find it interesting that you asked about your friend, yet conveniently left yourself out the equation.
“You haven’t answered my question.” Brandon fired back. “I’ll rephrase it if you like. What did you do to us?”
“I introduced you as well as your roommate to each other on a level neither of you have dared to acknowledge. You were the last of five c***dren, your father abandoned the family and left your mother to raise you on her own. While she managed to accomplish this task, it came at a price. You and your siblings lacked the nurturing so badly needed throughout your formative years. This made you angry, sometimes cold and distant. There was a rage inside you. Shooting hoops gave you the opportunity to escape, but you desired something more. Something or someone to pound out all that stress and frustration. Then there is Jody, sweet Jody, who received all the nurturing one can possibly have. In fact, he received it so much, that he continuously craved it. Whenever he ventured out and was around strong dominant men, he felt this inner desire to worship what he could never have, true manliness, but could only submit to and worship, and he could barely understand what was happening, nor even crystalize these thought, and then you came along, fate brought you here and now you have this wonderful moment to discover and explore a deeper part of yourself. Such is the power of the Wisdom Bush.” Dax concluded.
“Sir you don’t understand that all sounds good in a perfect world but in this world, my friend’s about to throw his career, and his life down the drain.”
“That’s one way of looking at it, perhaps it might help to see things this way. You equate your happiness to attachments like financial success, and achievements, goals and the like, but have you ever considered there might be some among you that joy may come through submission, and capitulation? No, I imagine you have not. Your friend has found her place, why not allow her to stay there?” The strange man asked.
“Because, he’s about to be thrown out of school, so what’s he to do to earn a living, suck cock?” The younger man challenged.
“Once again you attach success, fame and fortune to that of happiness. Yet look around you, see those who placed so much value in these things and yet, they continue to suffer and wallow in misery. If your friend has found satisfaction in being this way, who are you to say differently?”
“Great, this all coming from an old greasy bastard, removed from society, living isolated in a hovel, and ruining the lives of young innocent people for making a humanly mistake in judgment. He’s not doing this totally on his own, it’s the herb, the spell or whatever the hell you’ve done to him.”
The words seem to stun the older man who scanned the youthful yet fiery man before him, then flashed a knowing smile. “You have a great heart to speak to me so candidly. Not many would dare to do so. It’s almost refreshing. Very well bold one, I will aid you in the rescue of your friend, however it will come at a price.” He withdrew a long green leafed cigar and tossed it to Brandon. “Have her smoke this and the fever will break, she will still hunger for big black cock, but with less urgency and less frequently.”
“Thank you, sir, and now what’s the price tag?”
“The curse cannot be broken but can be redirected. To interfere in the journey of another, is violation of the spirit world, and thusly, anyone who dares to do so must pay the price of sufferance. You must remember, this curse came upon you two because you took that what did not belong to you. Although you may have been innocent to your friend’s deceitful act, you nevertheless are guilty by association. Her curse is addiction to big black cock, but do not think you have been spared, for so long as you are around her, your cock will ache to fuck her. She will become irresistible to you” How this all plays out… I cannot tell you nor do I dare to venture to do so, I can only share my knowledge and experience in this, and each experience will be different and vary from person to person. May you come to appreciate the choice you have made today young man.” Dax said as he turned to reenter his home.”
As he returned to the city, Brandon’s mind and ear drums reverberated the words told to him by the giant hermit, and voodoo like man had given him. What did it all mean? He wanted to dismiss it as all bullshit, but the events that led up to his visit, could not be ignored. He wondered if the man might be right, suppose Jody’s fate was to live this way, whether he visited the voodoo man or not. All his thought came to an abrupt end as he parked curbside and jumped out the car and made his way into the ally of Brody’s Drinks & Treats Bar which was adjacent to the 24-Hour Laundromat.
Brandon rushed up to the bartender and asked. “Hey man do you know Jody Shuster?”
“Nope, never heard of him.”
“He’s not that tall, nice girly figure, chestnut colored hair, and pretty.”
‘Hey Jim,” a highly intoxicated man interjected as he raised his drink. “I think he’s talkin about the Snow Kitty.”
“Snow Kitty?” Brandon repeated as a question.
“Yeah, if that’s who I think you’re talking about. If so, that’s what she’s known by down here. She been hanging around for about I’d say a little over a month now but if you’re waiting to spend some time with her, you might have to call Ticket Master.” The man chuckled.
“Boy, you’re right about that. If that’s the slut you’re looking for, get in line. In just a few weeks that cum guzzler’s had enough sperm shots, to run her own juice bar.” The bartender added.
“I’m sure you’re enjoying yourselves. I need to see her. She…I mean, he’s my best friend and roommate.” Brandon proclaimed.
“Roommate, hey how old is that bitch anyway?” The bartender asked nervously.
“Oh, so now you’re interested in that.” The tall brown skinned man declared and then saw an opportunity to clear away the resistance between them and his friend.
“Let’s put it this way dickheads, his mother’s worried sick. He didn’t come home for Christmas break, she’s about to file a missing person’s report, I’m here as a last effort to find him and if he’s here, doing what I believe he’s doing, well, I’d sure hate to be the person running this shit hole.” Brandon charged as he stared at the bartender who he assumed was Brody himself.
“Hey Mike,” Brody shouted. “Look after the bar for me. I gotta handle something. “Come with me.” Brody motioned to Brandon.
“Listen young dude, I’m not a babysitter, I’m just another guy tryin to make a buck. The bitch came here, showed her ID, and what other proof should I require, her social security number.”
“How about your heart man.” Brandon fired back as they entered the laundromat via the rear entrance. Immediately, the men could hear the chatter of a several men, as they laughed, joked, panted, and groaned. However, Brandon’s ears locked on to a very specific voice that he was quite familiar with. His eyes grew wide as he scanned the facility and estimated there to be at least twenty male patrons s**ttered about. Many to most were shirtless, while a few others were totally naked. This shocked him that they would go this far in front of large windows, until he noticed they were fogged from the heat, humidity and friction.
“Hey she’s over here.” The bartender called and tapped Brandon on the shoulder. He turned to see a group of men in a semi-circle around a large drying machine. Although it wasn’t running, it nevertheless was hot from the heated passion generated by the group who took turns as they grunted and thrusted themselves in the direction of the machine. Then he peered over and although he was unable to see who’s head and torso was inside the machine, he was very familiar with the fat bubble butt, shapely legs and soft pinkish feet as a large man he knew as Jocko, a 6-foot 4-inch, 240-pound, lineman on the football team. A b**stly man who gripped the small waist of the sissy like a ragdoll as he pounded and thrust his 10’ tool with a powerful enthusiasm.
“Hey…hey, Jocko…man ease up? Brandon snapped as he attempted to push the man away.
“Hey fuck-face, wait your turn like everyone else. We paid a lot of money for this night and for that matter who the hell let you in, you’re weren’t invited?” A youthful looking man snapped as he and several others at the machine snatched his arms and led him away.
“Okay, boys…play time is over for the night. Let’s break it up.” The bartender announced.
“Hey what gives Brody, we paid for our time.” Jocko called out but never missed a stroke.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news guys, but this bitch might be hot.”
“Bullshit, this bitch is legal.” A voice shouted.
“Well, not according to this guy.” Brody fired back.
“That’s her old boyfriend, he’s probably jealous, fuck him.” A voice shouted.
“What about it, k**…are you just coming here to get your girlfriend?”
“It doesn’t matter. His mother is worried and she’s gonna file that missing person’s report if I don’t report back and she hears from her…I mean him.
“Aarrgghh…yes, yes, yes…fuckin-a, this is the sweetest boy-pussy I’ve ever been up in shit. It’s grabbing and pulling back on my…damnit…oooh it’s…ahhhb yeah, yeah…YEAH, GONNA CUM ALL IN THIS BITCH…AHHYEAHHH!” Jocko cried as his body shook and his cock fired its payload inside the hapless cum hungry whore.
“Alright boys, I’m not gonna tell you again. Those of you lost out, come by tomorrow and the drinks on the house, that’s the best I can do right now. Now hit the other side of the door shitters.” Brody shouted.
The moment Jocko stepped away, another guy quickly positioned himself behind the juicy booty and slid right inside. While the short man lacked the length and girth of the man who preceded him, he made up for it with his relentless attack on the hapless wide-open booty hole.
“Oh mommy, sooo good, sooo fucking good, the highly inebriated, well-built Black Latin hunk declared as he fucked the soft yet firmly smooth booty with all his might. As he approached orgasm, Brandon snatched and pulled him away from the machine.
‘HEY…WHAT THE FUCK DUDE, TAKE YOUR FUCKING HANDS OF ME PUNK!’ The young man shouted as his cock spit fired his man juice along the machine and on the headless big booty fuck doll.
‘Okay, okay that’s enough, get the fuck out now and I mean now. Hey boy, escort these low-lifers out of here, while I check on your friend.
Brandon gladly moved into action as he pushed the others toward the door as they complained and hurled insults at him. The last out the door was Pedro who was so irate, after wasting his climax he swung his fist and connected with Brandon’s jaw.
Initially stunned, Brandon stepped back and delivered a sharp left right combo to his opponent’s head and sent him down on the concrete.
“This mutha’s jealous man cause his girlfriend’s a fuckin hoe and a black cock loving hoe at that.”
“You better keep steppin before I glory stump your ass into the concrete…bitch!” Brandon fired back.
“Alright Brandon,” Jocko stated in a drunken slur. “This shit ain’t over.”
‘That’s right la puta,” Pedro shouted and prepared to reach for something in his waistline before Jocko pulled him away.
Brandon stepped back inside the laundromat, locked the door, and as he approached the machine, he saw Brody with pants down to his knees and in the middle of a deep hard assault on the big booty extended from the hole of the machine.
“This is fucking incredible.” Brandon cried as he prepared to snatch the man away but the sight of the joy on the man’s face gave him pause especially as the sound of his roommates voice filled his ears and conveyed the sheer joy of the another hard large black cock invaded her carnivorously hungry ass-pussy.
“Damnit, no matter how hard I can’t last long in this…this golden pussy…oooh yeah, yeahhh!’ The short but powerfully built store owner moaned as his hands gripped the top of the machine to gain more leverage as he plowed and jackhammered into the plushy ass until he cried out and splattered his seed inside the fuckdoll’s inner cavity with his hot slimy load.
“You really are a slimy son-of-bitch Brody.” Brandon snapped.
“Looks who’s talking, the man fired back at Brandon then pointed at the younger man’s obvious erection.
Brandon frowned and looked away to hide his shame.
‘Hey, if you turned this bitch, then you of all people should know this is a little slice of heaven on earth. I’ll leave you two to talk and when you’re finished just stop by the bar window and give me a wave to left me know you’re gone so I can lock up.”
The store owner never looked back as he exited the laundromat and closed, the rear door behind him.
The angered but concerned black college student, reached in and snatched Jody’s head from the machine and swung his head around to make eye contact. “Jody what the fuck are you doing here man?”
“Oh god Brandon, Brandon,” she cried and attempted to kiss the man who still held her heart, but he would have none of it.
“What the fuck happen Jody, you’re mom and family’s worried sick about you, why didn’t you go home for Christmas break?”
“I tried to tell you before you left Brandon, I couldn’t go home. I’m addicted, I’m totally hooked.”
‘What on big black cock?” Brandon asked.
“Yes daddy, I’m always burning, itching for it. It’s the curse that man put on me.” Jody replied.
“Okay, but why couldn’t you get fucked by guys back home, what led you to this shithouse?”
“The boys back home with their limp little tools can’t satisfy me. I need men, real men with big hard dicks…big black dicks. It’s the only thing that can ease the cravings. I need the protein rich sperm to feed into my body. Oh, Brandon I need it so badly.
“I know, I know, I saw Dax and he gave me something that might be able to help you.”
‘There’s nothing that can help me now, other than big black cock, like this one…right here.” She cooed and took Brandon’s Nubian hard dick in her hand and worked to release it.
Brandon acquiesced initially, but quickly recovered and slapped her hand away. “Come on Jody don’t give into this. Let’s go back to the dorm and talk about it.”
“There’s nothing left to talk about Daddy, I’m a freak, a cock hungry whore who needs men to dominate me, stuff me full, and stretch me out with the big black cocks and shoot their hot cum side me. That’s all that matters now.”
“Get a grip Jody, you’re fucking talking crazy, don’t give in to this.” Brandon pleaded.
“You’re wasting your time daddy; nothing can save me.”
“Damn, you stupid slut, snap out of it, you let that bastard get in your head. “Brandon barked as he slapped Jody harshly to convey his deep concern.
“I don’t care what you do to me Daddy, just please…please fuck me…fuck me!” Jody cried as she made a second attempt to take hold of her boyfriend’s maximumly hard sex piston.
“No bitch…I said no!” The tall black man snapped and slapped her face once again and this time so hard Jody’s knees buckled.
“Fuck me Brandon…fuck me daddy, take ownership of all this ass pussy made just for you.”
The sound of her words sent a rush of hot passion through her roommate. Whether it was the curse or just his hot nature or whatever. The only thing he was sure of was he was no longer able to control his hot rage. He slapped Jody repeatedly, as he shouted.
‘So only a black cock dick down is all you understand hey bitch, is that the only fucking thing that matters to you, then fuck it and fuck you.” He growled, shoved Jody’s head and torso back inside the machine, dropped his pants, aligned his super hard, long black thick ebony spear along her loose sphincter and drove down balls deep. He was initially surprised that in spite of all the cocks that had stretched her ass pussy open, it remained smooth, and tight as if tailored made for his black flesh weapon. He fucked his roommate and best friend like a brute, a wild sex starved savage and even then, her tight ribbed walls gripped his cock with a vice like firmness, even more powerful than their previous encounters. He felt the ripples of hot passion and lust as they reverberated throughout his body and he felt an intensely highly charged orgasm as his hot sperm entered the base of his cock and brought him to maximum stiffness. His legs buckled, sweat dripped down from his forehead into his eyes and he knew, he was on an unavoidable countdown to an orgasmic explosion.
“Awww baby, shit Jody, you’re ass-pussy’s got me…aaarrggghh, shit you want this dick don’t you…filthy little white fuckdoll slut, You dirty pretty little white cumdump bitch, come on then. You want this big black cock, then take it slut, take this dick you little freak, you little funkin faggot, give me this ass slut, give me this ass…you fucking little punk, give me this ass…give me this…Ooh fuck yeah!” Brandon cried, placed his hands inside the rim of the machine hole, then hoped up and placed his feet on either side of the machine and from this position he jack-knifed fucked her until the sperm gushed from his cock and splattered and flood her slimy soft, cushy vice-like walls.
Exhausted, his hard-buffed black body covered with sweat and his breath short, Brandon staggered about as he tried to regain his composure.
“Oh Brandon, ooh sweet Black Daddy…you…you killed it, No one does me like you daddy, I don’t care how big they are or how good they fuck me, no one…no one fucks me like you. You’re my…my African muscle god, my Nubian champ…pion.” She cooed, kissed and licked the sweat from his hard chest, and then fainted into her lover’s strong arms.
‘Come on slut, let’s go home.’ Brandon declared, flung his cock hungry fuck muffin over his broad shoulder and carried her from the building, tossed her into his car and waved to Brody, that they had finished.
Over the Next few days…
Jody stood at the stove top and scrapped the eggs from the pan on to a plate along with the beacon, pancakes butter, syrup and toast. She caught sight of herself in the glass cabinet window and smiled to herself. The sexy silver and black onesies underwear-undershirt wrestling singlet stretch leotard made from a latex fishnet mesh even turned her on. She picked up the cup of coffee and placed it on the tray alongside the plate, then made her way into the bedroom of their new apartment dorm room. She placed the tray down on a nightstand beside the bed where her Nubian champion lay in a deep state of slumber. She quickly adjusted her caged clitty, then examined her silver painted toe and fingernails, and 3’ silver heels. Once again, she smiled as the joyfulness of having found her place beside her lover and leaned over and planted gentle kisses about his deep dark brown steel hard chest.
“Hey freaky bitch, what’s all this?” Brandon asked as he kissed her and noticed the tray on the nightstand.
‘It’s for you Daddy, all for you.’ She cooed softly.
She proceeded to serve her daddy his meal with the loving care of a adoring wife, however the hungry black man was far too hungry for such a tendious process. He snatched the fork away and devoured the meal in less than five minutes, then kissed and thanked her.
‘Where’s your meal slut, or did you eat yet?”
‘No, but I’m about to,” she smiled then took the bottle of syrup lifted the bed sheet, squeezed the bottle and saturated his raw thick black wood with the sticky liquid, and in one swift motion attacked it with a slavish hunger.
“Oh, fuck girl, that’s my pretty little white-fuck muffin. You know just how to please your daddy. Tell your black daddy that you’re his sexy little pin cushion?”
“I’m in white-sissy heaven Daddy, anytime I can taste you.” She moaned then increased her efforts. She sucked Brandon’s steel hard cock at a maddening pace, and curled his toes, forced him to clench his teeth as he swooned in sweet sexual bliss.
Jody cradled her daddy’s fuck tool and displayed her sheer adulation and adoration as she licked, sucked, and kissed him from cock to toes, then back up sucked a hickey at the center of his chest, then licked his neck, kissed his lips and engaged his tongue in an erotic dance of hot lust and desire then returned back to his cock and sucked it to maximum stiffness.
“Oh, fuckin little pussy, you insatiable whore, you’re gonna get, damn, shit…fuck, you’re gonna get it, I’m gonna put something on that ass slut, come here!” Brandon barked, snatched his fuck slut by her short-cropped spikey blonde hair, forced her head into the pillow, and savagely fucked her as he roared and declared himself a champion of her mind body and spirit.
Jody’s caged clitty dripped profusely as a demonstration of his total conquest over her body.
The sex-crazed brutish black man fucked his best friend, lover, and roommate with unbridled passion, then flipped her on her back and resumed his quest of anal destruction.
In a frantic urgency, Jody wrapped her arms and legs around her black champion’s strong lower-back, and around his hard-well-rounded shoulders and literally hung on for dear life, as the Nubian muscle hard Cockslinger bred and seeded her throughout the day and well into the night.
After a hot sexual session in the shower, Brandon relieved himself and showered his fuck doll in unrestricted lust. From there they decided to do something they dared not considered prior this moment. He took his new girl out to dinner. Jody wore a hot short miniskirt, transparent heels, and a wig style known as the ‘Rapunzel’ which extended her hair nearly down to her knees. They heard the whispers, they heard the jeers, and then there were those who gave them a pleasant nod, a smile and even a thumbs up. They shared a meal out on the dimly lit outdoor restaurant and even managed to have a hot few minute within the shadows. He placed Jody up on a guardrail of terrace and put her hard to the dick.
As they walked home, Brandon allowed his fuck doll to lean on his shoulders to ease the soreness of her overstretched ass-pussy.
“Hey Jody, how are you now, really?’
‘I’m doing much better daddy, I guess that joint Dax gave you must have worked because my cravings are not as ravenous, and the itching and burning are a lot further and fewer between. Thanks to you my beautiful black champion.” She leaned over and kissed his dark brown cheek.
“Well, in a few weeks we’ll graduate, and this place will be just a memory. The big draft is coming up soon too, so I guess we’ll have to prepare for the backlash, but I’m ready, we can do this Jody, me and you fuck-muffin.”
“Thanks to you daddy, You saved me when I thought there was no hope.” Jody smiled with a tear in her eye as she stroked Brandon’s back.
‘It’s gonna be a rough couple of weeks ahead, but if we work together, we can get that place in New Jersey we always talked about, we just need to be patient…okay.”
“Okay my beautiful black daddy, I love you so…so much.” She declared as she turned to kiss him.
‘I love you t…”
Brandon’s voice came to an abrupt stop as a loud sound ripped through the air.
As his body crumbled like paper and fell to the ground, Jody stood there seemingly unable to process what had just occurred. She shook her head emphatically, then it hit her. She dropped to her knees, as she did, she saw the old Cadillac with someone who looked similar a man who often fucked her at the laundromat, as it taxied down the street. She took the hand of her black Nubian champion and kissed his fingers and his lips, as she discovered that his lips quivered as if to say something, and then suddenly they stopped moving and she heard a loud gasp as life left her man’s body.
With tears in her eyes, and a broken heart, Jody Shuster inhaled deeply as she summoned all strength within her, then screamed so loud it echoed into the night.


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Voodoo Doll

Voodoo Dollby Ashley ZachariasPrelude:F. Scott Fitzgerald: ?The rich are different than you and me.?Earnest Hemingway: ?Yes, they have more money.?   – an apocryphal anecdote oft told by HemingwayIs Fitzgerald or Hemingway right? Are the desires of the fantastically wealthy fundamentally different than ours? Or do they simply have the means to turn fantasies that we all share into their reality?* * *The Wedding Present:?You’re my dream team.? Lori smiled at the men sitting around the table. ?I...

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Voodoo Who Do

VOODOO WHO DO BY PAUL G JUTRAS Karen Collin stood outside the salon in a green sweater, black skirt and sling back shoes. As she shivered she turned to her husband, Mark. "If I wasn't getting my toes done today, I'd have worn my tights." As she went in, Mark looked down the sidewalk of the strip mall. He hated waiting for his wife while she was in the beauty shop. When his eye caught a new shop, he decided to check it out. "Can I help you?" Asked a short, bearded old man. "Just...

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The Voodoo QueenChapter 5

Lafitte was immensely relieved to escape from the voodoo queen's hidden headquarters with his vampire powers still intact. He had sucked up the intoxicating virgin blood of the bayou girl and looked forward to his reward promised by the voodoo queen. Soon, he would be sampling the life juices of Marie's promised virgins. He knew the voodoo queen would keep her word. Her reputation was she always paid her debts. If a vampire was capable of trust, Lafitte did trust Marie Ma Cher to keep her...

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Chapter 1: The Offer Bob Stanford was mixing his third gin and tonic when he felt a firm slap on the back. He turned around and saw Ted Wilson standing there smiling at him. "Hey Bob, how's it going?" Ted said cheerfully. "Hey Ted", he replied. Bob had never considered Ted to be a close friend, and actually found him slightly obnoxious, but they both belonged to the same country club and often traveled in the same social circles so they had at least become acquaintances. Ted's wife,...

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The Voodoo QueenChapter 4

Only her closest confidantes knew the real reason why Marie, the voodoo queen, became allied with the vampire clans. It was the dreadful illness of sweet lovely that drove her to turn to the pirate vampire, Lafitte for help. The kind of help that only a vampire chief could deliver. Marie, as a lifetime habit, had no traffic with the vampire clans. Not that she was prejudiced against their violent lifestyle. She accepted their pursuit of continued existence as simple defense of their undead...

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Cheated On My BBC For a BBBC

Chapter 2 (The Dream to Reality)Continuation of How I Discovered BBC Anal Pleasure(Actionbran1992) as Bran. Bran went into a deep sleep, he woke up from a wet dream with a cum in his undwear from the previous session of his night getting fucked. Bran felt excited he never had a wet dream since he was a teenager it was almost as Bran was living his life as like he had puberty again his sex drive was active. He remembered his dream and bit his lips at the thought of his new realization that hes...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Club Voodoo Part 1

"Club Voodoo" by Suzette My wife has a perfect ass. I love Joan's ass. Its round, large, and firm. I guess one might call it a "bubble" or "shelf" ass. It's a black girl's ass on a white woman. It was the first thing I noticed when I met her in college. I was at my fraternity house during a party when I look over and there is this goddess dancing with a bunch of her sorority sisters. Beautiful, full lips, long, wavy blond hair and light blue eyes. She had large, perky, C-cup...

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White Boys Make the Best Bitches A Club Voodoo Fan Fiction

So I know people were wanting me to do another chapter of Universe of Bubbles, and I might, but this story is where my mind has drifted to as of late and I've finally felt inspired enough to write it all down. T I consider this Fan Fiction, my interpretation of one of my favorite FictionMania Stories. Club Voodoo by Suzette https://fictionmania.tv/stories/readtextstory.html?storyID =3049555396163482450 I've taken her character and setting and put my own spin on the...

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Voodoo In HaitiChapter 2

As she had feared, they had not been for two days in Port-Au-Prince when Roger Antrim called on them at their hotel. Her brain was whirling and her emotions were in turmoil as she nervously what Roger's attitude would be... But she need not have been so anxious, she now thought with intense relief as she got dressed for the evening--an evening Antrim had promised to be full of excitement-- he had been he old confident, charming self, but nothing more... There was not a hint in his attitude...

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Voodoo In HaitiChapter 4

The warm, triumphant tropical sun rose brightly on the following day and found Alice Carlton still dawdling in the bed, a thin sheet covering her luscious, sweat-soaked body. She had slept brokenly that night, and when brief sleep came, awful dreams of perverted sexuality ran rampant. And each dream featured handsome, suave Roger Antrim. She turned around in the bed, her hand searching for Richard's familiar presence. But Richard was not there. She looked at the alarm clock on the night...

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Voodoo In HaitiChapter 7

When Richard returned to the Mansion he was already in complete command of all his senses and not even tired, refreshed by the cool air of the night in the country as Roger drove silently home from the voodoo gathering. The erects of the will-obliterating concoction were gone from his mind. When he arrived, it wasn't long since Alice had fallen asleep, exhausted from the prolonged anguish over his absence, the continued nervous tension which had not abandoned her from the moment they had...

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The Voodoo Blanket a twisted story

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Master Voodoo part 2

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voodoo slave part 1

I'm also the school outcast why cause no one ever gave me the chance to prove who I was from day one of kindergarten I never had a friend. now that was all about to change...kinda. I have spent years practicing and have finally gotten everything I need for my voodoo enslavement. I'm now in high school. it's close to midnight as I sneak out my back door as my parents sleep. to them I was a sweet kind boy and I used to be but I was sick of the loneliness. my home was near some thick...

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Club Voodoo Part 2

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Voodoo In HaitiChapter 8

From his peering post, in the adjoining room, Roger had again spied on the couple's intimacy and heard most of the words they had said to one another and so he learned of their intentions of leaving the plantation first thing in the morning. By now his desire for the girl had grown so intensely in Roger's mind that it had become like an irrational obsession. He had to have her at any cost, no matter what. He was going to get her, and rape her, and he wasn't even thinking about the...

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voodoo slave part 3

She did not even respond she just got up and left. I looked ash who was trying not to think about how she smelled. "you going to shower at my place I don't think your parents will care if you're gone all day and night." she nodded her head. "I actually live alone I got emancipated..." "master" she added quickly. at the moment I did not care for titles this was perfect how could so many good things be happening in a row for someone like me. "right let's go I have more research to...

1 year ago
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voodoo slave part 2

I was ready to silence her if she tried to scream as I opened the back door. "smart girl." I said as she silently stepped outside the night air hitting her tear soaked face. "come on and don't fall behind or else I will stick tree bark up your cunt." I threatened. she stayed behind me as we walked not slowing or even trying to get away as we went into the woods. " Where are we going," she soon asked fear in her voice. I turned on the spot and pushed her against a tree. "please I'm...

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Voodoo Queen0

By Jimmmy D. Amaris... A beautiful name only matched by the girl who owns it. Locks of auburn tresses shaking about her shoulders and perfectly slender neck. Wonderfully perky breasts, and an equally perky butt. I thought there could be no creature more divine than this. "Hello." Amaris said in a playful voice, jumping on my back. "Hi..." I said with a grunt, nearly falling over from the surprise, "You wanna get off my back? Walk next to me like a normal person?" She...

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Club Voodoo Part 4

Club Voodoo Part 4 I went back into the kitchen to help the rest of the waitresses. They all looked beautiful. Their black g-strings and spiky black heels made all of our apses look even bigger and rounder. The small "slingshot" style bras showed off our shapely, immense tits. The chefs had shown up and had begun cooking. All of the food was Caribbean and African. I watched the waitresses go out to their respective tables. The patrons were already loud and boisterous. At each table...

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TGS Voodoo Gone Wrong

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Please Contact Your Nearest Voodoo Lounge

Please Consult Your Nearest Voodoo Lounge By Mr.20" Biceps I went to see my doctor today. He said there was nothing he could do. That it was some kind of new virus going around and not even an antibiotic shot would help. Funniest named disease I'd ever heard of though: Zapperwithdrawalsyndrome! "WTF is that?" I said in complete shock. "Beats me" he said, "try consulting the nearest new age voodoo lounge. Perhaps they can help. I've nothing to give you. The CDC doesn't even...

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Who Do Voodoo

Sometimes, a relationship just doesn't work out and both parties split amicably and without any lingering tears or anger. And sometimes a boyfriend, while drunk, cheats on his girlfriend with her best friend, also drunk, and gets caught sleeping together by the aforementioned girlfriend. To say that Amber was furious would be a massive understatement, the biggest reason being that Hayden and her had been having relationship issues recently, but things seemed to finally be looking up....

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Voodoo Slaves

It was a very warm day. Two boys were playing video games in front of a television screen. They were playing Street Fighter II on the Sega Mega-Drive console. The boy called Tom was controlling a character called Blanka. The boy who is known by everyone under the name Alex was fiddling with the buttons, controlling a game character called Ryu. Alex had been beating Tom for the last one hour. Both boys enjoyed playing Street Fighter II but Alex was just a better player. Alex pressed the right...

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Voodoo Sex

One summer night... My sister Adele and I went to the Afro Caribean 'Club Kilimanjaro'. The place was very crowded with tons of African and Caribbean immigrants moving their bodies to the hynotic music... My sister immediately got asked to dance by a short little Jamaican guy in a red suit. I went to the bathroom to check my hair and makeup. The restroom was so humid ... and heavily crammed with women arguing and chatting loudly in patois and french. I left and went back out near the...

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became addicted to bbc and became a cuckold in pri

i was in prison when i had my first sexual incounter with a guy. IM ONLY ATTRACTED TO BBC BLACKED MEN. My wife Trisha feels the same way. IVE NEVER SEEN OR EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT MESSING WITH ANY OTHER MEN BESIDES BBC. WE FEEL ITS JUST A WAIST OF TIME. BUT YEA I MET A GUY NAMED COOPER. HE WAS BLACK, DARK SKINNED, BALDHEAD, ABOUT 41 AND IN GOOD SHAPE. so i woke up one morning to the C.O. waking me up to tell me i was moving. THEY DID the CELL MOVE FOR ME. I WAS SUPPOSE TO MOVE IN A ROOM WITH ANOTHER...

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Island Fever 5 Family Chapter 01

Introduction: A quick check in on Jeremy and his growing list of wives [[[-IF5-P1.TXT-]]] —————- Island Fever 5: Family Written by: JeremyDCP M/F, F/F and a whole lot more —————- PLEASE NOTE: The following story is a sequel to Island Fever, Island Fever 2: Eternity, Island Fever 3: Matrimony and Island Fever 4: Paradise. In order to fully understand this story and the unique situation that its cast of characters find themselves in, it is paramount that you are very familiar with the...

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hoop dreams

Mandy, I'm a 18 year old white girl and a senior in my school and very good at basketball. I made all state last year, and already have colleges looking at me. I am very small and quick, standing 5’4 and weighting 98 pounds, athletic body, I have brown hair with some blonde streaks that I always wear in a pony tail, I have a boyfriend and yes we have had sex, I love him very much But my story begins over this last summer, I heard about a one on one street basketball for money at the...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 9 The Enslavement of Kandi Cones

"Kandi," a voice said. "Time to go to work." "Yes, Mommy," Kandi opened her dark brown eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry." "That's okay, hon," the other woman said. "Give my nips a suck. I want to do you for your coffee break. It makes you more productive. Besides, it's fun." "I like it, too, Dot." "Good news. Hank's coming to Tampa and he has a new girl that he's bringing from Silver Orb." Dorothy was a petite blonde tanned by the Florida with blue eyes and small breasts, but...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt3

That night, I ended up home alone, my wife gone for the night as she was a pharmaceutical rep and travelled a few days a month. I ended up searching on white guys and black cocks. I found and read stories about straight white guys becoming enamoured by black cock and then turning into cock suckers and often bottoms. I then found websites dedicated to it. One even had a chat forum. I clicked on it, made an account called ConfusedWhiteBoy and asked in the forum... Do any straight white men who...

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Fucked at the BBQby sons friends BBC 6

I followed behind my husband and son as they carried Julie, Sam and Alison into the house with the aid of 4 large black men, all the time I could see the black men groping and squeezing the little white girls bottoms and firm breasts, then you could see them pulling and twisting on the much large nipples of Julie, her breasts had to be a 40DD if not bigger, they always looked like a couple of beach balls tucked away in her swimsuit.Paul was there waiting for us and ordered my husband and son to...

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Wife Getting Her First BBC

Ever since I was a teenager dating girls I have always wanted to watch my girlfriends fuck another guy. Of course this never happened and I kept my desires to myself. When I got married during sex I began to tell my wife fantasies of her fucking other men, particularly black men with huge cocks. At first she acted like it didn’t interest her. But each time I told her my fantasies and lay next to her playing with her pussy and whispering my fantasies into her ear she would get more and more...

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How I got to be a BBC fiend

I have always been a little different when it comes to sexuality. I have had bi-curious thoughts in my head since I was in my late teens. When I was 21, I sucked my first and only cock. He was a white man I knew; he was older than me, I was 21 and he was in his early 30's. One day we were together and he told me he was so fucking horny and long story short, I ended up sucking his 7" cock. After that day I ended up sucking his cock quite often until I met my first girlfriend. But you don't want...

1 year ago
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BBCSLUT Laws of Conduct

BBC-SLUT Laws of Conduct 1) No Black Man can ever be denied sex. He should NEVER have tojerkoff.2) Black Men NEVER wear condoms unless He requests it.3) Always defer to the intelligence and desires of Black Men. Seektheir advice on all matters first.4) Black Women always have first rights to Black Men.5) In the presence of Black Woman, a white woman must first ask theirpermission to serve Black Men.6) If a Black man consents, a Black Women may request the service ofawhite woman at anytime. No...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Fucked at the BBQ by sons friends BBC part 2

I sat on the toilet for several minutes trying to gain control of my body and mindHow could I be thinking of allowing my sons young friend to fuck me with his BBC while my loving husband was stood only feet away entertaining his friends.I jumped out of my daze as my son banged on the door shouting for me to get out as he needed to pee.I looked in the mirror to make sure everything was hidden away, then opened the door and let my son in.I walked slowly down the stairs like a big cat hunting its...

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BBCSLUT 19 Laws of Conduct

1) No Black Man can ever be denied sex. He should NEVER have tojerkoff.2) Black Men NEVER wear condoms unless He requests it.3) Always defer to the intelligence and desires of Black Men. Seektheir advice on all matters first.4) Black Women always have first rights to Black Men.5) In the presence of Black Woman, a white woman must first ask theirpermission to serve Black Men.6) If a Black man consents, a Black Women may request the service ofawhite woman at anytime. No denial can be given.7) In...

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First time with a BBC Part 3 the last night this w

So we left off with me milking his BBC with my well fucked ass. If he started fucking me i would have gladly taken it and love every minute of it. Butt no he just let me milk his dick and having me say "Yes Sir." To things like, "You missed my BBC today boi?" "You love the way I fuck your white ass boi?" "You want this BBC again boi?" When he said that I would lift my ass up to take his BBC as deep as I could. After a few I felt him get off me and his BBC slip from my ass. I started to get up...

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First time with a BBC Part 2 the next night

We laid there for a few minute then he cleaned up got dress and said “You free tomorrow night boy for some more black dick?” All I could do was lay there and nodded yes. "Good" he said "When I call you be naked and on your knees waiting for me. Also don't play with yourself while I am not here."The next day at work all I could think about was his visit and me pleasing BBC. I got nothing done that day. When I got back to the hotel I cleaned up and waited for his call. I was waiting and wishing...

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My first time with a BBC part 23

***DISCLOSURE*** This story is 100% true, but for the sake of privacy all the names I use in it will be changed.Soooo the 2nd part of this story takes place one weekend after the events of part 2. It was about 10:00 PM on a Saturday night. The parking lot of the sex club was full and to no surprise the inside was full as well. I quickly walked through the main entrance and made my way to Celeste, the trans woman working the beverage counter. I said hi and obtained a key for the lockers from...

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1st BBC Back Seat Hook Up Sex Pts13

1st BBC Back Seat Hook Up Sex ``````````````````````````````````````````````~ Pt.1 ~8/27/2020```````````````MAN Oh MAN! I can't believe I did it...I Invited a Man to my car late at night & Let Him have his way...Fuck the Pandemic! Im Horny! No Parties and "scene" to mention nowadays. So I reached out with grasping hands to my social networks.I've had countless fellas hitting me up, and have kept in contact with a few. There is a great site here in LA for Gurls and the Men who Luv them...

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How I became a BBC Slut

We are a white couple. I am considered to be quite attractive. 5’3′ blond blue eyes and HWP. For over 20 years my husband has always had fantasies of watching me being fucked by other men. He often brought it up during sex. On occasion I would play along to a small degree but would always hold back and this frustrated him. Sometimes I would watch a porno movie with him just to satisfy his desires. I loved him very much. I always told him I would never be with another man and that I knew he...

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First time caught with BBC

I would slip away every day to meet the older boy with the BBC, in the shed down the alley. He was always waiting on me with his shorts down and his BBC dick out. Ready for my warm mouth and tounge to suck him off. He would greet me with a big smile and a French kiss. I pulled down my shorts and got on my knees to suck his BBC. His limp dick started to grow and fill my mouth. It did not take him long to start fucking my mouth and for me to taste his salty cum. He told me that i was the best...

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How I became a BBC Slut

We are a white couple. I am considered to be quite attractive. 5'3" blond blue eyes and HWP. For over 20 years my husband has always had fantasies of watching me being fucked by other men. He often brought it up during sex. On occasion I would play along to a small degree but would always hold back and this frustrated him. Sometimes I would watch a porno movie with him just to satisfy his desires. I loved him very much. I always told him I would never be with another man and that I knew he...

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BBC adventures A Cuckold weekend with my Aunt an

As i arrived at my Aunts house i was very excited, i loved spending time there. i was rock hard everytime i saw her. i was a 25 year old guy who didnt get a lot of action, so as naughty as it was i loved going over there. She was short, around 5"3 with a beutifull round ass that would make any man take notice. she had great tits as well almost d cups and dressed very hot usally. She was a textbook milf and she knew it, she was very flirty and i loved that. Now as if that wasn't enough Aunt...

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The Husband The Wife and The BBC Bully

I am over the age of 21 and I still have a bully; his name is Reggie and he has been bullying me since High School. He never bullied me with strength, but rather physiological. In high school he would always walk around in the locker room with his huge black penis sticking out. It was so big that he would walk around with a gold chain around his penis. This thing has to be around 13 inches and is as fat as a can of Red Bull. Reggie would walk around and tease all the non black boys with his...

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Oh my.. Where do I begin?.. On Saturday night, I went out for a friends birthday. She was having her party at the bar she works at. It was poppin. Had a best dressed contest and a basketball shooting contest. I wore a corset, a black lace thong, some leggings, and my lace cover. Every man was staring. Saying hello ;)I pregamed before the bar and was pretty tipsy when I got the text I had been waiting for all night.. My Big Black Stallion was there to pick me up and take me somewhere more fun....

4 years ago
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Another happy bbc

Hey im in Montreal on the covid funds for the last 10 month and ive been a very very good little sissy white boy , oh yes thats right!Its was my dream to have time finally of my own to stay dress as a cute sissy all day and please guys who need a good blowjobI had been watching sissy vids for a year , my amazon orders all in that box in my war robe, thats right my sissy box like all of us sissy fill more and more the day passing becoming more into being fem and cutethen covid happened and i...

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"Everything is settled Mr Doe. Did you enjoy your stay?" "Yeah! It was alright." Alright is the only word that came to your mind both to thank the lovely receptionist for providing unknowingly a fantasy for your daily jerk off and avoid to have to explain that you hate this island. The sun made your skin bright red. The mosquitoes made a free buffet out of your body but most of all you couldn't find a girl to get laid. You think you should have gone to Asia, maybe Thailand or Philippines. You...

Mind Control
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Club Voodoo Part 3

Club Voodoo, Part 3 By Suzette We got back to the club at about 5. Tawny helped me take my bags up to my apartment. As I opened the door my heart nearly stopped. My wife was lying almost nude on the big blue velvet couch in the center of the living room. I was so happy to see her I could hardly breathe. She had one of her long legs draped over the back of the couch. A long black stiletto pump hung lazily off of her foot. Her other foot was lying on the floor; her long fingers...

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Halloween Voodoo

Halloween Voodoo Synopsis: Cody in search of the perfect anniversary present stumbles into a web of sinister magic. When the trap is sprung Cody tries to fight back. Can he rescue Shawna and save them both from an unimaginable fate? Be warned this Halloween horror tale. By Zapper Cody moved through the crowded flea-market not really sure why he'd come, yet feeling a sense of urgency as he looked at the beads, bangles, and jewelry. The New Orleans open air market was a...

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Master Voodoo

My name is David and I am a freelance web designer. This pretty much means I am self employed, it also means that I do not have an office and do not work the usual nine to five grind. On the flip side it means I am often pretty much a recluse, add to this the fact that I am a geek and it means zero social skills. So it comes as no surprise that I have no real friends and no girlfriend. These facts and the fact my parents were gone meant sinister eyes were drawn in my direction. As I...

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The Voodoo QueenChapter 3

Shortly after the last Mardi Gras procession, Marie and her little band of followers rested and restored their energy in the quiet and subdued St. Bernard Ward. They spent a little time each day cleaning and repairing the ancient Cemetery behind the Church of Saint Bernard. Marie strolled in the graveyard, pausing to run her fingers along the gravestones and markers. Sometimes she silently mouthed the words in their inscriptions. 1805 - 1839 WIFE - MOTHER - LOVER "Here lies Angelique Du...

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Blonde Voodoo QueenChapter 2

Renee Borget stood staring out the shuttered window at the teeming street below. Her mind whirled with confusion at her feelings, here in this dreadful city that stank so bad, whose poverty was so forcefully thrust in her face, and whose citizens seemed nonetheless so attractive. The tall black men, raggedly dressed yet clean, still smelling of that unique native odor that mixed sweat, some musky perfume, and everywhere, incense. She couldn't understand why she found it almost agreeable, in...

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Blonde Voodoo QueenChapter 4

Gene Di Fazio was smoking a cigarette contentedly as the big jet began circling the open field lined with flares. He was checked out in this plane, but this kind of hairy bush landing required the unique skills of the fag pilot. His impulse to accompany the ten mil in cash to the exchange with Borget had been readily approved by the bosses, it made them nervous as hell to put that much coin on a plane without someone they trusted. He knew that the final payment would be wired to the...

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Voodoo In HaitiChapter 5

Henrietta Nevins was one of those women who have been great beauties in their youth, and have led a life of elegance and worldly frequentation. She had been raised and kept within the wealthiest strata of society in whose circles she had shone with a beauty always enhanced by her costly elegance and refined sociability. Her education meant refinement and not precisely knowledge and her culture had the superficiality of an ornament and not the functionality of any given profession. In short,...

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Sophis first bbccasual encounter

The morning after my hook up with daddy my ass was even more sore than yesterday. As good as it felt I decided to lay off anal play until next weekend. When I went to shower I pulled my plug out as usual, still covered in his seed I took my finger and scooped some with my finger and rubbed it on my tounge. I had forgotten how good cum tasted and thought in my little slut brain, my boipussy is on rest but I can still use my mouth lol. For a second I decided not to since I realized I was hoeing...

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