Voodoo Brat s Plaything
- 2 years ago
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From his peering post, in the adjoining room, Roger had again spied on the couple's intimacy and heard most of the words they had said to one another and so he learned of their intentions of leaving the plantation first thing in the morning.
By now his desire for the girl had grown so intensely in Roger's mind that it had become like an irrational obsession. He had to have her at any cost, no matter what. He was going to get her, and rape her, and he wasn't even thinking about the possible consequences of such reckless and vicious act. For Roger not only wanted to possess Alice, but he also wanted to hurt her, to punish her for her having rejected him... That, Roger Antrim could not forgive her...
That night, when he left his peeking hole from where he watched every movement of his guests, he went straight to the servant's quarters and awoke one of the young Negresses who worked as domestic servants at the Mansion, one with whom he had been several times carnally involved, whenever he couldn't stand the sight of Henrietta. This was a young girl, whose mother knew all about herbs and their effects on people...
The following morning, when Alice and Richard came down the wide marble stairs and into the dining room, they found the table already set for breakfast, but no one sitting at it.
Alice and Richard began their breakfast, and when they were over half-way eating it, Roger made his entrance.
"Good morning!" he said cheerfully, taking his place at the head of the huge table. "I have had to go to see some silly problem at the stables very early this morning. I hope you'll excuse me for not having been here to greet you good morning."
"Oh, that's perfectly all right, Roger!" Richard forced a congenial smile. Then, giving Alice a quick glance, he remained thoughtful for a moment, as though searching for the proper way to tell Roger of their decision to leave immediately. He breathed deeply and then spoke: "Huh... Roger... Alice and I wanted to tell you..."
"Yes... what can I do for you, my dear friends..." Roger said, politely.
The thing is, Roger, that Alice and I have decided to leave," Richard finally said.
"To leave... ?" Roger looked at them wide eyed, as thought taken by surprise. "Why... ? I thought you were being treated well here!"
"Oh, of course we are!" Richard said, a bit too effusively. "That's not the point Roger, of course! We have just decided to leave, simply because... Look, the truth is that, thanks to your wonderful hospitality, I have been able to take so many notes about the voodoo that I think I have more than enough material to finish my research work on it..."
Richard could not finish his sentence. At that moment Alice who had remained silently listening to the two men speak, let her fork fall noisily on her plate and held her head in her hand.
"Alice, what is it? Is there something wrong?" Richard asked her solicitously, feeling that his old, superstitious fear for the consequences of his transgression of the voodoo vow in his wife's welfare, revived deep within his soul.
"I-I don't know..." Alice replied, drowsily. "Suddenly I have gotten ill... I don't know..." She tried to stand up but fell limply to the floor.
Richard picked the fainted body of his wife In his arms and carried her hastily out of the dining roam, followed by Roger.
"Take her to her room, Richard," Roger said. "She'll better lie down. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be all right in a moment."
Richard placed the girl on a sofa in the one of the chambers adjacent to the living room. He was pale and tremulous. Roger placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling.
"Don't be silly, Richard!" he said, in a comforting tone. "You needn't worry so much. I'm sure she'll be all right in no time. I think I'll better call the doctor, anyway..."
"I don't think the doctor can do much for her, Roger..." Richard's voice almost broke at the end of the sentence. "I know what's wrong with my wife..." Then, as though an idea had lighted up his mind, he added: "I'm going to see the sungan. Maybe there's something he can do about her. I'll do whatever he tells me, no matter what it is, but I must do everything to save Alice!"
When Richard left, Roger looked at his watch and, calmly, took a seat near the sofa where Alice still lay unconscious... A short while after, the girl stirred and he walked over to her side.
"How are you feeling, Alice... ?" he asked, solicitously. "Are you all right now?" He took her hand, tenderly.
"I guess so..." Alice replied, still slurringly as she regained complete consciousness. "I'm feeling well now..."
"Where's Richard?" Alice asked then, looking around.
"He left, probably to get the doctor ready..." Roger said. "If you are all right now, I think we'd better get in my car and drive to the doctor's office..." He helped her to her feet. "Can you walk all right... ?"
"Y-Yes..." She followed him obediently to the car.
They drove for a while, and then Roger left the paved road and took a narrow dirt road going through open country. Meanwhile, Alice remained sleepily sitting beside him.
After a long drive through dirt roads and muddy paths, they arrived at a place that seemed to be located deep inside the rural area. From the window, Alice could see a huge frame house, with woods so old that they were that brownish grey of the rotten woodwork... At the sound of their car approaching, Alice saw a huge Negro wearing the coarse white trousers of the plantation workers and with bare torso. He looked at the car, and when he noticed Alice seated beside Roger, he smiled broadly and rushed inside, as if to advise somebody of their visit.
"The doctor lives here?" Alice asked, surprised at the aspect of the house, which hardly could befit a physician.
"No, but we may find Richard here..." Roger replied, getting out of the car and coming around to open the door for her. "I thought you may want him to come along, too..."
"Oh, sure..." Alice agreed, but still without fully understating what that place was, or what were they doing there, and why was her husband there... ?
When she entered the place, she noticed there was very little furniture, only a few chairs and many objects similar to those she had seen used in the voodoo ceremonies.
"Roger, what is this place... ? Where is Richard?" she asked.
"Richard is not here, Alice," Roger calmly stated.
"Then, why did you bring me here... ?"
"I have a surprise for you, Alice..." That's why I brought you here..."
"I thought you were taking me to the Doctor."
Doctor?" Roger smiled. "Why Doctor? I know you'd be feeling well by now... I knew the effects wouldn't last much longer..."
"Effects... ?" Alice asked confusedly. "What effects... ? Effects of what... ? What are you talking about? You don't make sense!"
"Never mind the effects of that!" he said, dryly. "And don't you worry, Alice, I will make sense in a little while..."
"Roger... what is this... ? What do you intend to do with me?" Alice asked apprehensively.
"You'll see..." Then, addressing the two Negroes who had come near them, but had remained silent, only looking, smiling and laughing and giving strange looks to Alice, he said: "Very well, you guys... let's begin our magic... Take her inside!"
"Take her into the 'ceremony room'!" Roger ordered to two of the huge Negroes that were there.
'~W-What is this?" Alice screamed in terror. "Let me go!"
The muscular man looked at her then slowly smiled broadly, showing a row of perfectly even teeth which shone with pure white gleam against the chocolate color of his skin. Then, calmly, without bothering to give her an answer, he turned his head toward the door through which he had carried Alice so easily a moment before.
When be saw the scene, Roger's face beamed with a cruel smile. Then he took a bottle he was carrying up to his mouth and swallowed plentifully of its contents.
"Roger, please!" Alice yelled hysterically. "What's going on here! Tell this man to let me go! What is this? A joke... ?"
"Roger brought the bottle down and hissed: "This is no joke, Alice. You'll soon find out how serious is all this." Then, calmly, addressed the other Negro who had come into the room when his friend had brought Alice in, but didn't come in touch with her as his huge friend had no difficulty in carrying the kicking girl inside.
"Uddo!" Roger said swiftly. "Get some rope to fife her wrists," he commanded the Negro then, walking closer to the padded stage where Alice was still lying, pinioned beneath the tremendous weight of her other man, added: "Let's show her who's in command here, and how really serious we all are about this!"
"No, no, let me go!" Alice screamed in panic. "Roger, please, don't do this to me! PLEASE!"
But all of her pleadings had no effect on Roger who kept drinking from his bottle as nothing would be happening in front of him.
The one whom Roger had called Uddo went to one of the expanded walls of the wide, rustic edifice and took a roll of some heavy wrapping twine, about the length of clothesline which was hanging from a long nail. He brought it over and with the aid of the other one who had carried her and was now stretching out her arms, he tied them quickly and securely to the stage posts.
Alice kicked furiously, flailing her legs in every direction so that it was difficult for them to hold her still, but then Roger came closer, reached out and grabbed one of her legs roughly and held it tight.
"You'd better calm down or we'll have to cut your clothes off... you rather take them off, you have your choice!"
When Alice heard him speak about taking off her clothes, her blood froze in her veins.
"Take my clothes off? What for? What are you going to do to me, Roger?" she gasped, terrified.
"You'll soon find out, baby..." Roger spat angrily through his clenched teeth.
He held her legs, grasping her ankles so firmly that Alice thought her circulation would stop, while the two huge Negroes fumbled with button and zipper on her skirt, slowly easing it over her hips, then over one foot, then the other.
"What should we take next?" Uddo asked lecherously, sadistically.
"Take her panties off, so we can get her ankles secured. I don't want to have them hiding anything from us." Then addressed the mightier one. "Jamballa, bring some more rope."
"Roger, let me go! You filthy brute!" she yelled, almost choking herself with her own words, so dry and convulsed was her throat. "You won't get away with this?"
"We'll see about that, my sweet Alice," Roger snapped back. "We'll just wait and see about that... Now, we have other business to attend to..." And he laughed, cruelly.
"What a sweet, soft pussy..." the one called Uddo murmured, then suddenly, he jammed one thick hard finger inside Alice's dry, unwanting vaginal channel. "And tight, too!"
"Take it easy, Uddo!" Roger laughed. "We don't want to get her all excited yet, do we?"
Uddo withdrew his finger and yanked at the thin panties, pulling them quickly off and throwing them in the pile at the floor with her blouse and skirt.
"Help me turn her, Uddo," Roger said when the huge Negro had returned with more rope. "I want her hips sideways. I have something special in mind for this little lady. Something that I know you two would enjoy seeing!"
Roger pulled harshly at her calves and ankles while Uddo grabbed her hips, turning her on her side so that her hands were tied straight above her head, but her hips were turned so that her right ankle was being tied to the left post at her left while her left leg was pulled behind her and tied to the post at her right.
"Let me!" Roger demanded. "There's something that for a long time I have been wanting to do!"
Alice could see that Roger was already unbuttoning his slacks and reaching for his rigid, throbbing organ until it sprung free from its confinement.
"I want you to suck it for me!" Roger commanded, mumblingly, as a thick, foamy saliva oozed dripingly from the corner of his tremulous mouth.
Alice gritted her teeth--there was no way they could make her take that perverted, brutal man's prick into her mouth. His stubby organ was almost the size of a huge banana, and it was richly-veined along the shaft and dome-like in the head.
But Roger knelt beside her on the platform, almost forcing Uddo to move further down direct his attention elsewhere, while he aimed his long, fat prick at Alice's tightly closed lips.
"Open up!" Roger commanded her, pantingly, "open your mouth, you filthy bitch!"
Alice rolled her head from side to side, but she kept her teeth tightly clenched. Then Roger grabbed her face in his hands and pushed his fingers harshly in between her lips and pulled them cruelly. When she gasped in pain from his horrid stretching, he leaned forward and shoved his monumental stub between her teeth.
"Suck it nice, you little batch!" he shouted. "Suck it good or you'll pay for it!"
The girl's lips closed around his huge, fat cock and sucked slowly on the swollen mammoth head. She could feel the enormous weight of his testicles throbbing against her chin and she thought that she would suffocate as he nearly sat on her throat in an effort to keep himself inside her.
Roger's big prick seemed to get even longer from her mouthing as she wiggled the tip of her tongue around its giant head and hoped he wouldn't bring it any further into her throat or she was sure to suffocate.
In the meantime, Uddo had busied himself exploring and fingering the intimate channel of her vagina. He prodded gently at first, separating her vaginal lips and peering into what lay between them.
"What a small pussy," he groaned. "It's so nice, so nice... then he let his finger push roughly into the open gash before his eyes.
"Mmmmmhhhhh... aaaagggghhhh!" she gasped as the thickness of his fat finger pushed into her and wiggled, maliciously torturing her. When she gasped, the white man's prick slipped from between her lips and he grabbed her head again.
Suck me again, harder... harder," he threatened her. "Make me cum, you bitch, you little thrash!"
"Uddo was nibbling harshly on the soft, supple flesh of her inner thighs, working his way toward the juncture of her loins. His tongue slavered over the smooth, pale skin of the white woman. She shuddered involuntarily as the huge Negro neared his goal.
Because of the way she was tied, it was be difficult for Uddo to position his face at the vee of AIice's loins, but his tongue was teasing her, making her react involuntarily to his lewd caress. Her thighs were trembling as he worked his finger furiously inside her and his mouth sucked and nibbled in so close to her vaginal opening.
Meanwhile, Roger was perspiring as he rocked faster and faster into Alice's mouth, his enormous prick pulsing with lust as she sucked disgustedly on his blood-engorged manhood.
"I'm going to make it!" Roger shouted raucously. "I'm going to cum!" His deep grave voice was choked with passion and lewd anticipation and he turned to look from Alice down to Uddo while the latter kept up his oral ministrations. It was as though he had never had a woman in he life.
The erratic spurts of his white thick sperm began to spurt down her throat.
She swallowed the bitter tasting offering to keep from choking.
In a world of his own, Roger was bouncing strongly on the added platform, ecstatic over his wanton accomplishment, and his handsome head was thrown back with a mighty cry that was exhaled from deep within his muscular chest, as Alice managed to swallow the last drop of his abundant semen and his still erect, glistening prick slid easily from between her lips.
Roger looked down at his limp organ as it shrank gradually into its wrinkled, dormant state, hanging loosely from the center of the thick, oily mat of curly brown pubic hair.
It was a ludicrous sight, and Alice turned her head away and tried to dry her mouth on the dust-smelling white cloth that covered the ceremonial platform, but her neck could not turn quite that far, so Roger Antrim's pungent sperm was left to dry by itself on her lips.
Meanwhile, Uddo, one of the Negroes, had worked his finger wildly inside Alice and in spite of her revulsion, the girl could feel herself begin to involuntarily react to his fingering and her vaginal passage was becoming damp with her own juices. His tongue was licking between her legs, flicking out teasingly at her tiny clitoris, urging it, tantalizingly it into unwilling hardness.
"Uuuuugggghhhh!" she moaned, as he roughly forced a second finger into her, straining her vaginal walls with the pressure.
"Go on, fuck her!" the huge Jamballo begged him, his eyes glassy with carnal lust as he watched. He was vicariously stimulated not so much by what the man was going to the girl, but by the look of hideous fear and revulsion on her face!
He knew that she was suffering, that she didn't want to feel anything, but he also knew that although she didn't want to feel anything, she would feel something soon. She would slowly begin to feel that burning sensation deep inside her belly and in her vagina that he had seen her feel before with her husband, but he had something else in mind.
He would have liked to see the brutal Negro fuck her, bury his massive prick into her until she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him toward her like a depraved animal, but this was still his fantasy...
"Ooooohhhh!!!" she moaned again and again as he wiggled his fingers skillfully inside her, lifting her hips from the bed with his roughness.
"You want it, Alice, don't you?" Roger gloated, as finally Uddo lifted his lips from where they had been buried. "You little bitch, you want it!" Roger spat.
Alice gritted her teeth so that she wouldn't cry out, so that her gasps and moans wouldn't betray her, but her body was burning as though she were a hot coal, smoldering and about to burst into flames. She rationalized that it was just a normal reaction, that her mind could not control her body, it was beyond that point, Uddo knew all the sensitive parts of her body, and without removing his fingers from her moist, quivering cunt, he crushed his mouth against her breasts once again. The nipples sprung into erection at his touch and he bit and sucked them harshly, bringing groans from deep in her throat.
Her whole body was heaving with anxiety and she tried to free herself from her bonds, but the more she struggled, the tighter they became until the rope was cutting into her wrists, bruising and burning them.
The man was breathing heavily as he manipulated the girl anyway he wanted to, did whatever he pleased with her, she was his puppet and he liked that.
"Fuck her," Jamballo urged. "Fuck her good!"
"Do something!" her body cried silently," I can't take much more of this!"
"Please," she whimpered. "Please!"
"Please what?" Roger challenged her, but she gritted her teeth again and would not answer him.
"I think that she wants it!" Roger laughed, as the Negro bit at her breasts until the skin rose in red welts between his teeth marks.
"Look at her!" Uddo giggled. "She's going out of her mind. Look at her squirm!"
Uddo reached over and ran his fingers lightly between her legs, just brushing her tender vaginal lips and feeling the moisture that was gathering there. She tried to angle her legs so that his finger would go inside her, but each time she moved forward, he would move his hand backwards, just out of reach.
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Hi guys now I am going to narrate a real ,true and a fantastic story how I have fucked my office mate.my name is sam and I am from bangalore. I am 30yrs old and married with average looks and athletic body . It happened a few months ago and I wanted to narrate this story to all u guys. I have been reading stories in ISS since 3 years and so wanted to tell u all this story . I was working as a consultant for a start up company in Bangalore and i was assigned the job for the survey of other...
Tom was getting ready to go on a week long hunting trip, as his five poker buddies pulled into the drive way. He was loading up some of his dogs, when his buddies came in to raid my coffee pot. I smiled at them and put on another pot, while the men made small talk to me. I had on a long terry cloth robe with nothing on under it. The men were undressing me with their eyes as I walked around the kitchen. I could feel their eyes on me. I grinned to myself, and thought wait til poker night. I am...
After talking for about 45 minutes char puts her head on my shoulder and says she wishes she was happy. I put my arm around her and give her a big hug and we get tight together. The way she’s sitting i can see right down her shirt it’s awesome. Char leans back and looks at me, i didn’t react fast enough and she catches me looking down her shirt. “Hey what were you looking at?” “Sorry, i didn’t mean to” “Yes you did, trust me i notice it” “Why don’t you say anything?” “Because i like...
It was good to be home, even though the trip was great and I had a blast. I helped unload the van and then flopped on the couch to rest. The last two days had been long and I was very tired. I heard Mom in the kitchen, listening to the messages on the answering machine. There were four or five from Cindy, the last three sounded like she really wanted to talk to me. I really didn't want to call anybody right then. I went to my room, opened my notebook computer and turned it on. During the...
My name is James, and I love really old houses. The architectural oddities, secret rooms and passages, and the sense of living history have always fascinated me. Our home was no exception. My family had owned, worked and lived on the land as far back as anyone could tell. The old rambling house sat on about five hundred acres of what was currently rolling meadows and a large wood lot close to the Welsh coast. I spent a good deal of my early years exploring the 'big house', out...
Hello, i am karan(name changed) 18 years old from mumbai. I am a regular visitor of iss but never posted my experience. I am about to post about my cousin reema(name changed) who seduced me. Reema is 18 years old and 5.7 ft. She is really hot with a figure of 32-28-34. She lives in pune. Now i will start my story. It was summer vacation and i always visit my grandmother-in-laws house in summer vacation. I visited reema’s house for a month. She lives with her parents n grand parents. When i...
Welcome listeners of the Wireless Phone Network. This is William Bonifort Reporting for the Wireless Phone Network. Today is the day all the fans of the Airship Races have been waiting for all summer long. The first leg of the Euro/Alliance Airship championship races. This year the starting field has two hundred and fifty starters that made it through the local and national races. Here in the Highlands of Scotland, the Airship crews prepare their vessels for the first leg of the two month long,...
A step through the looking glass? This is a story about how a man came to terms with his female side and how through a chance encounter in a bar embarked on a new life. How many would wish for such an event to happen to us! ************************************************** ******************* I stepped through the door and into the bar, it was full, all those business men types you wouldn't usually want to mix with. But today was different. As I walked to the bar, I saw...
My Sister y Virgin and Hot I'll just start out by saying that I understand some may think it's wrong, however the taboo perversion of it still sits fondly in my memory. It happened years ago when I was a hormone induced teenager and constantly horny. From what I can remember I would jerk off at least once or twice daily. My sister and I had the typical sibling relationship where we were almost always fighting or arguing. For me she possessed the typical sister-nausea that comes with being...
IncestNikki was married for the last two years. She loved her husband Vishal very much. It was very unfortunate for her that he had to go to US for 6 months. She, being a career oriented woman had decided to stay back and continue with her Job. Nikki was good at her Job. Her Boss liked her work and her colleagues respected her work ethic. She stayed in late when the team needed her. Never used the girl card to get away. She had three boys in her carpool and everyday picked and dropped them. She had...
This story was a Finalist in the ASSTR Golden Clitoride Awards 2005A Loving Family Chapter One - Who are we ? My name is Samantha (Sam), I am 42, petite, 5’3’’ tall and have brown hair and blue eyes. I’ve been married to Don for 19 years, happily married too. I admit I’m sensual but honestly, I have never been unfaithful to him with another man. He is a wonderful lover who gives me everything I need, everything that makes me feel a total woman.Don has his own business in the publishing...
IncestDiary entry 4 I was pissed to put it mildly; no I was fuming with anger and hate. Penelope tricked me and it had all been well planned and stretched the rules we'd agreed on, well past breaking point. Like my counterpart in the story, I lay spread-eagled on the bed, my blistered arse smarting painfully from the thrashing Penny had given it. I sobbed hysterically but the gag prevented unwanted noise. Penny's idea of a spanking involved the use a slipper, an instrument that might not be as...
– 53 year old Florida MILF with 5 kids – Works as a nurse but gets freaky at night – Into the swing lifestyle currently as a unicorn – The free sex lifestyle keeps her young she believes – Travels for work, has boy toys in different area codes – She always goes for younger men because she likes the stamina – It is a usual thing for her to have 5 different men in a week – The most men she has had at one time was 3 – Likes deep hard cock, of course, doggy is her favorite position – The biggest...
xmoviesforyouWhen I was in high school I had alot of sexual experiences. I was nothing special to look at, I was tall and heavy set. But I’ve always had something special in my trousers, and this has allowed me to pull alot of good looking trim. I didn’t realize it was anything special till I was 16 though. It’s funny, looking back. When I was a freshman I was a dork, I didn’t party, didn’t have any girls, all in all I was a pretty big homebody. Then my sophomore year there were two sisters who moved...
Energy comes in a variety of forms... I am American and I’m gay but shit, that’s not to say that I go for every piece of ass that comes my way. I have learned to take on only high-class lovers who have millions in the bank and wives and families to boot. I love to service the needs of these high rolling guys whose corporate decisions rip off you and me every day of our lives as their companies get bigger and bigger. Don’t judge me too harshly; I didn’t plan my life this way. I started out as...
GayPu-Pu-Pu (Cough). Rattle. Hisssssss. Bang!Robynn's car gurgled and grumbled, slowly crawling along until finally coming to a complete halt."Uggg . . . Not again!!" Robynn teared up in frustration. "Not now!" With all of the burdens she was currently carrying this was like the straw that broke the camel's back. As would be expected with most Sissies, Robynn wasn't mechanically inclined and had no idea what was wrong with her car. All she knew was that she was stranded in the middle of...
Hey, my name is Smeek Singh (name changed). I am a 22-year-old guy. I am fair, weighs 65 kg and with height 5ft 7in. I have an athletic body with long hairs till my shoulders. I have a great ass and sexy legs (according to some of the people who wanted to fuck me). I am kind of a slut who just want big cocks in ass and mouth. I got my ass fucked when I was young by au uncle and from then, I have been in love with cocks and old men (of course, hot boys too). Let’s start with the story. I was in...
Gay MaleA Home Coming Story I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. Here I was sitting in the back seat of this wonderful luxury stretch limo…naked. My eyes were closed and my head was thrown back. Sitting between my legs was my new Mother that I had just met a few hours ago. She was also naked She had one hand wrapped around my rock hard cock as she slowly jacked it up and down. Oh fuck the feelings were better than anything I had ever felt in my entire life. “Johnny, he’s beautiful,...
THE MATRONS OF ZANTOR by Lana B. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. PROLOGUE It was the year 2165 and space travel to distant star systems had become possible thanks to the advent of the Wellstone hyper-jump drive engine. Pioneered just five years ago this engine enabled starships to enter hyperspace and travel at several times the speed of light. With this new technology what had been considered unimaginable just a few years ago had now...
It was the end of my junior year of college, finals ended early and I was going to surprise my girlfriend Kelly. Kelly and I had dated since our sophomore years in high school. After graduation she and many of my friends, including my two best friends, went to state college, while I was sent to a private college nearly 2 hours away. Kelly was great and I knew we'd be married. When we first started dating she was shy and pretty, but not a knock out. Then came the braces, the contacts and her...
EroticVicki awoke slowly, coming into awareness by degrees. The room was completely dark, and she lay between fresh, sweet smelling sheets on a strange bed, curled into a fetal position with her knees drawn up to her breasts. She turned her head, unleashing a sharp pain in her temples, that made her groan softly in the darkness. Slowly the young brunette moved her hand, and her fingertips touched the bare satiny surface of one hip. She realized then that she was naked--and the events which had...
** This story was posted and inadvertently deleted due to a ** miscommunication between the site operators and myself. ** I apologize to the readers for any confusion. Note: This is a sequel to my story ‘El Paso.’ Please read that story first! It is the back-story that provides the setting for what takes place in this story. ‘From thirty thousand feet above the desert floor I see it there below. A city with a legend, the West Texas city of El Paso. Where long ago I heard a song about a...
The Great Shift: Travails of Love By Radioactive Loner CHAPTER ONE The Windy City was living up to its name that day. Anyone who had lived in Chicago through at least one winter knew that the gales that made their home in the skies above the Windy City (which seemed to, unfortunately, abandon its residents during the hot, sultry summers when they would be most welcome) made Chicago's winters most particularly cruel. That was nothing, however, compared to the cold that was blowing...
Yella vayanakkarakkum namaskkaram…Pazhaya Saha pravarthaka 12 varshanghalkk shesham Goa yil sandikkunnu… maala padakkathinu thee pidichuvo yillayo…? Ninghalkk yendhu thonnunnu… seriyaanu yenghane thee aali pakaraadhirikkum potti thudanghiyaal bhasmmam aakiyalle adanghu… potti… potti therikkadhirikkanam yenghil sandhichadh Jeso alladhirikkanam adhum varshanghalkk shesham karimarunnu thee kolli saukariyathinu kittyadh allaayo…. 6 maasam munne njaghalude ship cable maintenance smabhathichu...
Just got back from a vacation in Denver. I have to say I always have a good time there, and always have to stop at my hot spot, the bookstore next to a truck stop just east of town on I-70.This time I had 3 hot cocks to play with at the bookstore. One was member of a Bear club. He was a lot of fun. He spotted me coming out of one of the stalls. I joined him and what a cock this man had. It was very thick at the bottom and pointed at the end. One could love being fucked with that thing. ...
Hi friends mera name Arsh hai. Meri age 24 year hai. Me Delhi me rahta hoon. Me is site ki stories regular padta rahta hoon. Mujhe is ki sari stories pasand hai.Ye storie meri or mere padose me rahne wali bhabhi ki hai jo bahut hi hot hai. Ager koi delhi ki ladki ya aunty ya bhabhi mujh se friendship kerna chahti hai to wo mujhe mail ker sakti hai meri e-mail id hai. Aap ka time west na kerte huye me seedhi stories per ata hoon. Me delhi me rent ke room per rahta hoon mere padose me ek bahut...
8.15 pm, The Bungalow"That was exquisite," said Prem, smiling approvingly at the panting duo that lay, arms entwined, chests, bellies and pubic regions still in copious contact, on his lavish queen-sized bed. The male was a good-looking athletic young man of 18. More than his body, his youthful face was a dead giveaway that he was significantly younger than the female. This is not to say that the woman looked over the hill -- far from it. Had she looked like most other 41 year-old women, she...
Hi guys, This is Rakesh from Mumbai. I am 25 years old and work in private sector. I was traveling due to work to Bangalore and it was my first business travel. It was for 2 nights from Wednesday until Friday. Since I was in a new city and had no one known there, I installed many gay dating apps and had uploaded my profile pic and was looking to hook up someone since I didn’t have a lot of work on Thursday evening. I had some time post lunch and hence I decided to check out a couple of guys in...
Gay Maleyou see my husband leave for work and know you have 8 hours to do what ever you want to me. you come over, and walk right in the back door cause you know i leave it unlocked for you. you go up stairs and see me in my room starting to get dressed. you come up behind me and put your hand around my mouth and grind your cock against my ass. you lean down and whisper in my ear that its time that i pleasure you. you put me on my knees and tell me to take out your cock. i do as i'm told and look up at...
There are two things about Ms. Kight that are important to know... that once we became sexually active with each other, she became my sexy Latina cum slave who begged for my cum in her pussy every chance she got. Remember that I was only 18 and her 32.Another VERY important fact is that she had a Four***n year old daughter who became a very good friend of mine. She was about 5'2'' and weighed about 135.. so yes she was a bbw. BUT not really in a fat way. she was larger with a larger hour...
We sat in the near-darkness, the flickering light bouncing from the walls but not illuminating our inner thoughts and the secrets or feelings we'd shared. Ghost-like, she got up from the couch and went to the bathroom, putting her bottle on the counter. I opened another one and took a long pull, letting the bubbles burn my throat. She returned nude with her panties in her hand, then dropped them to the floor. "Can I stay here again?" she asked softly. "I want to hold you." "Are you...