A DREAM FRIEND Part Two free porn video

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I left Rose Ann to sleep it off on the bathroom floor. Returning to the kitchen, I'd just cleaned up the last of the mess we'd made when I heard her retching up another offering to the Porcelain Goddess. I hurried to hold her hair out of the way and gave her more water in a glass to swirl and spit when she was done.

Afterwards she was leaning against the wall next to the toilet paper roll and moaning weakly. I asked her if she wanted help to her bed. Keeping her eyes shut she shook her head no, saying everything went swirly when she laid down. Then she called me an asshole.

I felt that was a tad unjust but when I asked why I was an asshole she just said, "Because!"

When Rose Ann began trying to stand up, I helped and steadied her stumbling gait to reach her bed. This time I was able to hold her up long enough to turn down the covers. Getting her in and covered up, I said, 'Goodnight', and was ready to leave when she gripped my arm and ordered, "Stay". I sat down on the bed and when she kept tugging on my arm I laid down beside her. Rose Ann turned onto her side and soon I was spooning her, my front to her back with the arm she was still holding d****d over her waist. She gave my arm a last squeeze but didn't release her hold completely as, with a long sigh, she fell asleep.

Son-of-a-BITCH! I was actually in bed with the beautiful girl I'd had wet dreams about for three years and I couldn't do a damned thing! Son-of-a-bitch...

I was in no hurry to leave and one thing I could do was make myself more comfortable. I reached over Rose Ann to snag her other pillow for myself and snuggled closer to her and further away from the edge of the bed. Even in sleep Rose Ann moved to meet my snuggle and if that meant my hard-on was pressed against her ass... Well, so be it. She was asleep, I was comfortable, it had been a long day and listening to the wind howl outside while the snow piled up... With a huge yawn, I began to drift off to sleep, too.

It was Rose Ann frantically moving beside me that woke me up. I came awake aware of two things. There was light which meant we'd slept until morning and my hand was clutching a large, soft mound I'd only seen before. Well, I suppose it was three things I was aware of... My arm had tightened around Rose Ann when she'd begun thrashing about and she was yelling at me to let her go! I snatched my hand away as if I'd been burned and loosened my arm as she fought the blankets to sit up.

Immediately she clutched her head and moaned. Leaning against the headboard she waited for the pain to subside. I have more body mass and had drunk less than her and my stomach was upset and my head pounded. I didn't even want to think about how her head and stomach must be feeling.

I sat up and waited with my feet on the floor for my head to stop spinning. As I sat, I heard Rose Ann muttering over and over, 'ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod...' She suddenly snatched the covers up to look underneath, I suppose checking if her shorts were still on. Letting the covers drop she closed her eyes and resumed muttering her 'ohgodohgodohgod' mantra.

As suddenly as she'd snatched up her covers, her eyes flew open and she asked, "Did we..." Before I could answer, she pointed an accusing finger at me and demanded, "DID YOU...!?"

"NO," I replied indignantly with a hand wave towards where the covers were over her hips. "I didn't do anything but help you to bed after you threw up the second time! YOU were the one who asked me to lie beside you while you fell asleep. Next thing I know it's morning and you're thinking..."

"I can't believe what an asshole you are!"

What the hell had I done to be considered an asshole in the space of few hours?

Both of us went quiet as we rubbed pounding foreheads. The increase in our blood pressures, Rose Ann's from thinking she'd been m*****ed and mine from being accused of being a m*****er, began to subside and with it our headaches. At least a little. I was still rubbing my temples when I tried to explain why I wasn't an asshole, "Rose Ann, we just got drunk and fell asleep. I would never, ever take advantage of a girl who was drunk."

Rose Ann rubbed her temples and whispered, "I need to pee and I don't feel good enough to talk right now. Ok?"

I stood up. "I'll bring you some aspirin."

I helped Rose Ann stand up and followed as she unsteadily made her way to the bathroom and shut the door. Due to Rose Ann's need to use every space on the sink and medicine cabinet for her collection of cosmetics, we kept our small medicinal supplies in the kitchen. I gulped down three aspirin and two glasses of water. Hearing the bathroom door open, I took aspirin and a glass of water to Rose Ann where she was lying down in her bed again.

After she groaned and sat up I shook three aspirin into her hand and gave her the glass, admonishing her to drink all the water. I took back the glass and asked her to stay sitting up. I refilled the glass and got her to drink most of that. Telling her I was going to take a hot shower, I left her to nurse her hangover in solitude, closing her door behind me.

Damn, this is exactly what I needed, I thought as I stood with my head under the hot stream of water. I'd stood under the spray for less than two minutes when I heard the bathroom door open. Thinking Rose Ann was sick again I asked if she needed to throw up again. To my vast surprise a naked Rose Ann slipped through the curtain and said she needed a hot shower as badly as I did. Moving in front of me she put her hands on the wall and leaned into the spray.
"I'm not letting you run all the hot water out and then have to wait for more to warm up." When I stuttered that I can wait, she told me to just shut up. "You've seen me naked before and now we've slept together. If you feel as lousy as I do you can't even think about sex right now."
"I think you might be amazed at what I can think and when," I replied while admiring the tight ass less than a foot from my hardening cock. Screw it! It was her decision to intrude upon me, I thought. It wasn't up to me to be bashful around her! I'd do as I wanted. If it offended her she could bloody well leave my shower! Soaping up my washcloth I put a hand on her waist to steady her and began washing Rose Ann's back. She pressed back against my hand moving up and around her back and softly told me how good it felt. Since she was a virgin I thought that this might be the first time she'd had someone wash her back since her mother had when she was a c***d.

With her head still under the hot spray, Rose Ann 'mmmmm'd' for her backwash and mumbled, "You really tucked me in and stayed when I asked and... Didn't do anything?"

"I really didn't do anything or, uh... Feel anything. At least while I was awake," I added remembering what I'd had a'hold off when waking up.


Really? A third time? "Rose Ann, I would never take advantage of you when you're drunk. Why does that make me an asshole!"


I gave up trying to understand her and handed the washcloth to Rose Ann. Using my bare hand I kneaded her back muscles a little while sluicing the soap from her back. Damn, there was so much of her I wanted to... With an effort of will I stopped. Rose Ann turned when she heard the curtain being pulled open. "Why are you leaving?"

"Dammit, Rose Ann," I said as I stepped out of the tub and closed the curtain. "Why are you teasing me? A look now and then by accident when you're dressing is one thing but naked in the shower? I'm not a saint!"

"I'm not teasing you. I..."

I cut her off again. "The hell you're not."

"You don't want to..." Rose Ann's voice trailed off.

"I didn't say that. Of course I want to. But, we both know it won't be a stand up fuck in the tub for our first time. IF you decide there will be a first time for us. I'm not going to let you tease me into another case of blue balls when we both know this isn't a good time because we're both hungover."

"Ok, Ok... I won't tease you," she told me as she turned off the water and opened the curtain.
"Damn, Rose Ann. You just say you'll stop teasing me and you..." I use my hand to indicate her naked body. "You couldn't wait till I'd left?"

"Jeez, Daniel," she said as she stepped out of the tub to bend around me to get a towel from under the sink. "It's a little late to be body shy. We've seen everything already and I don't think it's teasing if I admit I like what I've seen."

I gave up. "True," I smiled. "Ahh, thanks for the compliment. Pretty sure by now you know I like what I've seen, too."

Rose Ann grinned. "You haven't exactly hidden your approval," she told me, looking down to what her hand wave indicated.

"Shut up, Rose Ann." I turned around to finish drying off.

"You know," Rose Ann observed coyly from just behind my shoulder. "I can still see it in the mirror. I can hang my towel on it if you don't want me to see it."

"Shut up, Rose Ann!"
"Having a hard on is nothing to be ashamed of, Daniel. From what I've read about size, yours is well above average. Ya know, I always wondered what you had under your tight jeans other than a tight butt."


I'm not sure where our conversation would have ended up going because the phone rang. I followed Rose Ann out of the bathroom to answer the phone in the kitchen. It might be my Mum calling long distance but my money was on Rose Ann's dad calling to make sure his 'little girl' wasn't freezing to death during the snow storm still raging outside. I wrapped my towel around my waist but Rose Ann was still drying her long hair. I was following her, looking at that perfect, firm ass. As I'd told Rose Ann, I wasn't a saint. I gave in and couldn't resist reaching out and pinching one of those firm cheeks.

Rose Ann whirled with blood in her eyes. I blocked her arm that has going to slap me and slipped past her to get to the phone first. Rose Ann was still a bundle of righteous fury but I was safe on base, to use a Yank sports metaphor. No way would she attack while I was talking to her Dad.

It was who I expected. "Hello, Sir... Yes, she's in her bedroom... I'll get her for you." Holding the phone out of Rose Ann's reach I shouted, 'Rose Ann? It's your Dad,' as if she wasn't standing naked in front of me trying to grab the phone. I fended her off with one hand while speaking into the phone again, "She'll be right here, Sir.... No, we haven't made any plans for New Years... Yes, it's still snowing here. No, neither of us has been outside to check the depth of the snow. Here she is now," I told her father before passing the phone to Rose Ann while making pinching motions with my thumb and finger.

Rose Ann covered the mouthpiece long enough to mouth softly, "Bastard! Don't you dare!" Yea, right... Like that was gonna stop me having fun!

"Hi, Daddy," Rose Ann said in a light-hearted voice while swinging 'get away from me' slaps at me. She turned to look out the window and that was her mistake as I immediately moved forward to trap her against the counter.

"Yes, it's really snowing hard, Daddy," she said, still retaining the same steady, lighthearted voice despite the fact my cock was pressed hard against her ass as I used my body to pin hers. Rose Ann's backwards aimed swats weren't effectual and she couldn't move as violently as she needed to break away without her father hearing something. With my legs to either side of her and my hands holding her hips, Rose Ann was stuck like a bug in amber. I began to take full advantage of the situation.

A soft kiss to the back of her neck almost got me head-butted senseless so I trailed kisses down her spine. Rose Ann tried to squirm out of my trap but that only caused her ass to rub my hard-on in a very pleasing way. "Wiggle your butt more. It feels really good," I whispered very, very softly in the ear that wasn't to the phone.

"No, Daddy. I'm not sure what the temperature is. Haven't seen the news' reports today. Daddy, not everyone is as interested in the weather as you are. It's snowing and it's cold. That's all I need to know to stay inside." I really had to hand the Academy Award to Rose Ann. Throughout all my touching and kissing and her squirming, her voice hadn't wavered one bit. My hands holding her hips began moving up her back. Though she shivered her voice remained steady. Even when I began moving my hands downwards.

"No, Daddy. We aren't going anywhere for New Years..." I began to run my fingers lightly over just the top of her ass cheeks. She had to be wondering where my fingers might go next.

"No, Daddy. We don't have any plans. We're not going to any parties. No. Neither of us will be out late driving in the snow... Daddy, I'm ok. The power is still on. The heat is on and I'm nice and warm. I'm really warm right now! We have plenty of groceries. I won't have to go anywhere until classes start and the roads should be mostly clear by then..."

I ran my hands back up her back to massage her shoulders before slowly running my fingers down and to the sides of her breasts, barely touching her side boob. I was wondering why she wasn't using her free hand to grab at least one of my hands. Deciding to push it, I slid my hands further, stretching her tits until I could feel hard nipples. When Rose Ann still didn't react I cupped her breasts and began to knead the soft flesh. Rose Ann couldn't stop a small, throaty sound...

"No, Daddy, nothings wrong. Daniel was about to place a plate down at the edge of the counter and I, I had to move to grab it. It looked ready to fall... We're cooking something to eat. Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Daddy, I know you'll feel better so please call anytime day or night. I promise you we will be right here in the trailer New Years and not driving to a drunken party in all this snow. Yes, Daddy. Yes, call anytime you want. Yes, Daddy, I know you're only calling because Mom worries so..."
With my hands still cradling and kneading her tits, this time when I leaned in to kiss the back of Rose Ann's neck she didn't try to head-butt me. Instead her head dropped forwards a little to expose more of her neck for me to nuzzle.

"Daddy, you can call here anytime day or night so Mom won't worry about us being drunk somewhere in a ditch at 2am New Years night," Rose Ann's voice sounded a little tight but I guess her Dad didn't notice over the phone. "We aren't going anywhere, we have plenty of food and if the power does go out we have plenty of blankets to stay warm under until the power comes back on. Yes, Daddy, I won't get under a blanket with Daniel unless I'm freezing to death... Daddy, I want to go eat. I'm starving and the food is ready. Yes, Daddy, goodbye."

After Rose Ann hung up, I stopped kissing her neck long enough to say, "And the award for best actress goes to you." I went back to kissing her neck and this time, not being on the phone, she let out something between a long sigh and a moan.

"You asshole! You are such a bastard." Rosa Ann said it in a breathy, low voice. "I ought'ta get my gun and shoot you." I didn't believe her since she was bending her neck so I could kiss more of her flesh. I also noticed that she wasn't trying to escape my hands still molding her tits and rubbing very hard nipples.

"Yea, well... You climbing into the shower with me naked kind'a upped the ante on what we could and couldn't do. How do you like being teased?"

I released her tits to put my hands on her hips to turn her for a kiss. Her arms went around my neck and pulled me to her hard enough to crush her tits against my chest. This time our kiss lasted longer than a few seconds. When we broke our kiss I asked her if she'd changed her mind about shooting me. She nodded as I moved away to put some space between us. When her body touched mine the temptation to do more was to great.

She took a deep, cleansing breath and let it out in a whoosh, finally wrapping her towel around her. Shaking her head she looked quizzically at me. "After all this time I can't believe you finally made a move while I was on the phone with my Dad!"

"I just couldn't resist. I noticed you didn't resist," I replied with a grin. Getting the aspirin bottle I shook another two out and gulped them without water. I offered the bottle to Rose Ann, "Plus, some things you said last night cleared up a lot of things."

"What did I..."

I interrupted, "I promise we'll talk but not right now. I'm cold and still a little hungover." I looked at the wall clock and continued, "It's still pretty early. I'm going to lay down, maybe I'll feel better after a nap."

I left Rose Ann in the kitchen. She was filling a glass with water to take more aspirin as I took off my towel and got into bed.

I saw Rose Ann glance into my bedroom before continuing to hers. Five seconds later she was back in my bedroom throwing a pillow at me. I caught it as she dropped her towel, pulled my covers out of the way and got into my bed. She was pushing at me until I scooted over to make room.

"Rose Ann!"

"Shut up! I'm not teasing you," Rose Ann declared. "You're comfy... and warm and I'm cold."

"Ok, I guess I can trust you with my honor," I joked, giving in to a done deal. I spread the covers over us and we started getting comfortable.

Rose Ann was cold! I lay on my side and she wiggled until her back was pressed against my chest. Her skin felt cold but I didn't know what cold was until she bent her knees and pressed her feet into my thighs. Icicles were warmer! "Oh, my God! I should have dragged you into my bed when it started to get cold," she told me while moving quickly to snuggle against every possible square inch of my body. "You're so warm!"

"Nice to know I'm at least a substitute for an electric blanket," I replied as she adjusted her pillow and pressed her back into my chest harder. With nowhere else to put one arm I d****d it over her waist. Rose Ann took it and nestled it between her breasts like cuddling a stuffed a****l. Squirming, Rose Ann nestled closer to me and sighed, "I'm not teasing you, I promise. You're just so warm."

We were both quiet and time passed. I was finally relaxed and my hard-on had deflated, which was a wonder considering what it was pressed to. My headache had disappeared when I felt Rose Ann take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I thought she was falling asleep but then she asked me a soft question. "What did I say last night?"

"Go to sleep, Rose Ann."

She drove a half-warmed foot into my leg. "Do you really think I can sleep without knowing?"

"And if you can't sleep I'm not going to sleep, I guess. All right... You got a little pissed about my, how did you put it, something about my damned British morals or honor or something. That I was stupid not to have seen you wanted me to make a pass at you."

"I... I said that?"

"Well, it was more of a mumble just before you passed out."

"Oh, shit. I want to die. I'm so embarrassed. Did... Did I say anything else?"

"There was some more about how I wouldn't take all the hints you were dropping."

"Ok. Well, that cat is out of the bag now." I used my arm between her breasts to hug her as she began to relax. "That was all?"

"Pretty much."

I grinned as Rose Ann let out a deep breath. I'd set her up perfectly. "Oh, you mumbled something else. You told me you're a virgin."

"OH, FUUUCK," Rose Ann wailed and hid her face in her pillow. "I thought... I was hoping I'd dreamed that when you didn't say anything!"

"Nope. I felt pretty good when you told me that you wanted me to..."

"ENOUGH! Oh, God! I don't believe I said all that! Why didn't you say anything? Why did you let me think... Were you... Have you been laughing at me all this time?"

"I thought you remembered, Rose Ann! It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Ohhh, just shoot me."

I couldn't help it. I started laughing.

"You bastard! You have been laughing at me behind my back? Don't you dare laugh at me," Rose Ann cried out. Her embarrassment turned to anger in an instant. Bending her knee she kicked backwards again, harder, and landed a solid blow to my thigh. I tightened my arm around her as she began thrashing about trying to get up while still kicking me. I got my leg over hers and trapped it so she couldn't kick any more. I didn't relax my hold until she'd stopped trying to get up.

"I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at everything. You wanted me... I wanted you... We both wanted each other and it took getting drunk while watching a sex tape to bring it all out."

"You still an asshole."

"Guilty as charged," I admitted. "I was very honored when you said you wanted me to be your first."

"Just get my gun and shoot me. Put me out of my misery."

"Rose Ann, would you... Do you still want me to be your first?"

"I'm naked and in bed with you. Do I have to draw you a fucking map?"

"I have an idea I'd like for you to consider."

"Ok, I'm listening."

I looked at my alarm clock and did the math. "In about 50 hours it will be midnight, New Years Eve. You can have those hours to consider if this is what you still want. I won't ask, or beg, or anything. If you decide that you want to wait for your wedding night or to meet a better guy or for any reason at all, I'm not going to be crushed.

"If you decide you still want me to be your first, then as close to midnight as I can time it, I'll try to make your first time as special as I can. That way, anywhere, anytime you're celebrating New Years in the future you can have a private celebration and know that I'm celebrating, too."

"You're really going to wait until New Years Eve?"

"If your decision is for me, then Midnight, New Years Eve and not one minute sooner. No matter what you decide we'll still pop open the champagne and toast another year of friendship."

"But I'm right here! Right now! Naked! In bed with you! Ready! Oh, my God I'm ready! Is ANY of this getting through to you?!"

"Believe me. There is nothing I'm more aware of than your naked body," I told Rose Ann as I moved my hand to gently cup her breast. I didn't let my hand caress her for long, however, before sliding it to her stomach and then slowly went further until I reached the downy hair of her mound. Rose Ann drew in a quick breath as my hand continued down between her legs until I was cupping her pussy lips, careful not to let a finger slip between her lips to touch what was beneath. Just as I'd caressed her breast, my hand cupped and moved the soft flesh of her lips, again careful not to delve deeper.

Rose Ann's eyes were closed and I heard her let out a very soft, drawn out, 'oooooohhhh.' I continued to cup her for a few more seconds before sliding my hand back over her mound to rest on her stomach.

"Ooohhh, fuck... I want you now..." Rose Ann sighed.

I pressed forward to kiss the back of her neck, "Midnight, New Years Eve."

"But," Rose Ann moved her hips slightly against my hard-on. "You want to and I've never been so ready..."

"Midnight, New Years Eve," I repeated.

Rose Ann sounded astonished, "You mean it, don't you!"

"Mid... Night... New... Years... Eve," I repeated with a kiss between syllables. "If you still feel that it's what you want then you better believe it's what I'll want because I'll know you've really thought it out."

"I have thought it out, you moron! Ever since I knew you'd be moving in I've thought about it!"

"Then a few more hours won't matter. I'm as horny as you are, Rose Ann. But you told me last night how important it was to you to make this feel special. I really want to do everything I can. Candles..."

"We have candles," Rose Ann interrupted to inform me.

"We do?"

"Daddy packed them in case we ever lost power. They're in the bottom drawer of my dresser."

I nodded. "Good to know but bringing your dad into this sure dampens my mood. He'd twist me into a pretzel if he ever suspected what we were doing."

"Maybe you'd be lucky. Maybe Daddy would just shoot you and make your death quick."

"Really not helping me stay in a romantic mood, Rose Ann." Lifting my hand from her stomach I pulled it out from under the covers and made a gesture towards the outside. "I'd like to have chocolates and flowers and anything else you might want. But that storm is supposed to last into night. By then I doubt there will be a store open even if I could drive to it."

"You idiot. Candlelight will be nice but anything else I might want?" Rose Ann pointed to my crotch and then hers. "I think we already have everything we need."

"Well flowers are traditional, I've heard. Sprinkled flower petals on the bed."

Rose Ann looked confused.

"Flowers for the deflowering..."

Rose Ann laughed. "Oh, God! 'Deflowering...' that sounds so... So... I don't know what it sounds like but it doesn't exactly shout romance!"

"Wouldst M'Lady prefer 'Chucking her Cherry'," I asked tickling her ribs to make her laugh more.

"Plucking the Plum, perchance?" I asked while tickling her harder
"Maybe, Popping the Persimmon?"

"Stop! Stop! Stop," Rose Ann howled, trying to pry my tickling hand from her ribs.

"I know, M'Lady! I know the exact thing," I said as I stopped tickling her. Rose Ann gradually regained her senses and ceased laughing. No doubt wondering what this fool would do next.

I put my hand on her mound again as Rose Ann gasped in surprise. I continued in a voice as if reading a grand proclamation before Parliament.

"Forsooth, Good Peoples! Come forward and take heed of the prize under my hand. Wars shall be fought! Great deeds shall be done! All in an attempt to win but this small portion of fair maiden. Ne'er hast such a sweet and succulent award been offered to the one deemed worthy. Therefore, by Royal Proclamation! Let it be known to all the Peoples of the Empire that henceforth and forevermore! Yon prize shall be known as... 'Peeling the Peach!'."

Part Three coming...

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[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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From friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 5

We woke up from our nap a couple hours later. I got dressed and we acted like nothing crazy happened. We went to her living room and started hanging out there. We poured some drinks, sat around, watched tv and talked. It was honestly nice to have a normal conversation again, not to have anything sexual come up. But then it happened, I started having feelings for her again. I thought I was done, but as we sat there enjoying each other's company, I couldn't help it. I started thinking about how I...

3 years ago
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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 10

Some time had passed since I last hung out with Sarah. She seemed to want to go back to our old ways of friendship, so I think she was starting to avoid me. We would text here and there, but nothing too much. If she wanted to go back to a normal friendship, then I would accept that, although I would be a little sad about it.In the meantime, I was frequently joining in with Rachel and Eric. It was always so hot watching them. Sometimes it was so passionate, other times it was rough fucking. They...

3 years ago
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Me and my bestfriend first time sex part1

My name is raj. I am now 25 year old man. I want to share my true story with you guys. My english is not that much good so pls dont go on words.I was around 18 year old and was studying in 11 class(or grade). I was new in the town and was having no friends.i was living in a apartment. I was also not good in studies. I was going for tusion classes at another wing of my apartment. There i met a girl who was in same class as i and her name was riya who was living in my wing . She was ranker in her...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

3 years ago
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I awoke to the sound of my mother yelling at me through the door.  I had slept through my alarm and my friend Dan's wedding was only three hours away. I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.  The events of the previous evening flashed in my mind.  I had gone to the rehearsal dinner alone.  My ex Belinda had been there with her best friend Marcella.  They were both insanely beautiful Latina women.  Years before, the three of us had had several intimate encounters,...

1 year ago
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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

1 year ago
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Dream Cottage part one

“The question you've got to ask yourself is. Do you really want Edward; or are you prepared to start over again? But make sure you're not making your choice out of spite or revenge. Because the second time around, things will be harder with two young children, and the chances of finding a good man won't get any easier.”“But even if I wanted to keep my marriage together, and I give him another chance; what's to say I can ever trust him again?”“It comes with time. I know what he's done must hurt,...

Straight Sex
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After the night of ‘Truth or Dare’ I was afraid that Belinda might feel awkward about everything that had happened. We had been together for four years and had never brought another person into our collective ‘sex life’ before that night. Two or three days a week during the summer, Belinda would come over while my parents were at work and we would tan in the backyard. It was the same backyard where I had dared her to make out with her best friend Marcela. It was the same backyard...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Bestfriend

True story about my girlfriends bestfriendSince her mouth was at just the right height anyway, she immediately bent over and pulled my dripping cock right into her mouth. Her mouth was working wonders on my cock so I decided to test her sucking ability as a true slave. I reached out with my hands and pulled her entire head down onto my cock as I stuffed my foot up her cunt. Her gasp for breath was overwhelmed by her grunt from my foot fucking her cunt. Her cunt was taking my foot deeper and...

3 years ago
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Dream Of Deepti 8211 Part 1

Hello, friends. Hope you all are enjoying your love life to full. About me, I am a 40-year gentleman. I am from Chandigarh. After a lot of thinking, I thought to share the best experience of my life. This is a true experience & not a sex story. I am a normal looking man. 6 feet in height. I am not too handsome or playboy type person. I am married, having a kid also. I have a beautiful wife. So never thought of getting someone other in life. My sex life was also good. But as you know, as the...

3 years ago
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Dream Came True With Mami 8211 Part 2

Hi, Its Madan here.. “Appreciation is the best motivation” I thank each and every reader for your feedback. But unfortunately I dint get any mails from Hot aunts and Bold girls. But I believe that after reading my second part, readers will give feedback. Who has not read, Kindly read my first part ie “Dream came true with Mami”. Back to the story..! Time: 11.40pm Yes..! It was Jagarana time for me..! My hot maami was sleeping beside me: Her mother was sleeping beside her at last. Enough light...

1 year ago
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Dream Came True With Mami Part 3

Hi.. Its Madan here.. “Writers create more Readers” and off course “Readers create better writers.” I would like to declare in the beginning itself, ‘your each feedbacks made me to write this next part’. Basically I am a lazy guy, but also writing for you my dear unknown friends. Your five star rating made me happy. Fine.. As usual thanks to you for reading my story and giving feedback. I expect same support, guidance and feedback from you. [Especially Hot aunts and Bold gals]. Back to...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

2 years ago
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Dreamscape I

Part 1 of a multi-parter. Dreamscape 1 By Diana Kimberly Heche No, this isn't right! None of this is. I stopped in mid bite, then chewed the pancakes more slowly, straining my senses to search for the qualities that I loved in them so well. Nothing. It was not that they were bland in the traditional sense, they were completely devoid of taste altogether. Impossible. I picked up the glass of orange juice and brought the pulpy liquid to my nose, inhaling vigorously for a...

3 years ago
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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 8

It didn't take much to turn me on. Before I knew it, I was jerking off again for the third time that day. I was looking at a pic of Sarah and Rachel together. In my state of horniness, I texted Sarah."So I thought about it, I'm okay with you telling Rachel about me being your cuck," I typed.What I got back was a much longer response than I expected."Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel obligated. I really care about you and I don't want to ruin our friendship with this. I want to tell...

2 years ago
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Sex Carving Girlfriend Fucking Her Best Friend Forever And Boyfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, I am Rajdeep frm delhi. I am 28 years old with an average build and 5.10 height. This is a true incident that happened 2 years back when i had just moved to Delhi. I have many friends in Delhi and was staying with one of my female friend Ishika in malviya nagar where i met her previous room mate Tarana and her bf Vikas.We had a nice night together…No sex ..Just healthy chatting whole night. I became friend with Vikas and no time…Nice chap ..Good build..Handsome. Let me tell you...

2 years ago
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Dream Came True With Ashwini Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hiiee..! Its Madan here.. Ya the same Madan who had written 7 episodes of Dream came true with Mami. I always read your feedbacks and see 5 star rating to my previous writing which is motivating me to write another saga. Yes I am presenting another story now Dream came true with Ashwini aunty..! In the beginning I declare that as I told it will be a saga and for that I need time gap between episodes. Kindly be patient and enjoy the stories. I describe small points also to give you Yes. To the...

1 year ago
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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune homme...je ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne devrait...plus tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

1 year ago
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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 7

When I woke up I helped clean Rachel's a little bit so the whole place wasn't a complete mess. Eventually Sarah and Mark came out of the room. It was awkward with other people there, and no one really said anything. I felt like everyone kinda knew I was a cuck, even though Sarah and I weren't together. I knew I had been in love with her, but she just fucked one of my friends. My two best friends were fucking each other and I was stuck masturbating.Eventually Sarah asked me to drive her home....

2 years ago
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My girfriends mother part2

My girlfriend’s mother ……part 2You remember that in the first part I was going out with a girl called Gillian and that I had fucked both her mother and her aunt in a session of debauchery that lasted all afternoon, if you have not read it I suggest you read it first because this second part is not as long but has a lot of strong connections to the first apart from the link of Gillian and her mother.I made regular visits to the house to service the two ladies, Gillian’s mum had to be on a...

4 years ago
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Dream come true fucking college friend

This story is dedicated to all sexy girl who are looking for any arousing sex stories. Here is what happened to me one day. Thought not to say anybody, but couldn’t resist myself. I Sonu (changed) 22 years old on completion of my btech. Handsome and good looking. I was simple enough studious) to attract any girl. Story began when I started concentrating on girls during my last year leaving my study aside. Thought to enjoy my whole year being an engineering student. She was Rima (Changed) my...

3 years ago
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Friend to Crush to Friendzoned Cuck part 3

I woke up before them and snuck out of her apartment. I tried not to disturb them and didn't really want to talk to either until I processed what happened. I especially didn't want to see that Brian guy. I wondered if he knew I was into Sarah, or that I jerked off last night while they were fucking.I went straight home. My mind was all over the place. I guess it was official, I had no chance to be with Sarah. She even covered herself up after she remembered I was there, but that stranger got to...

3 years ago
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Dream Comes True With Priyanka Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, this is Rohan. I have been reading the stories in ISS since last 2 years and I am a big fan of it. But never really got a chance to write my own sex story, though I have had several small oral counters with my gf and ex-gfs but they weren’t that steamy and hot. About me: currently I am in my last year of graduation from a reputed college in bhubaneswar and I am a resident of it. I am a friendly guy. I am tall enough for any lady highest heels (6ft 2in) and so does my d**k (7) to...

1 year ago
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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

2 years ago
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Water rushes in to meet her toes, wiggling things in the sand, petite and pretty. A wistful sigh escapes her as she turns her eyes to the horizon and wonders once more where he might be? What he might be doing? Her Dreamer. Does he think of her like she does him, she wonders. Does the night caress him with the softest brush of its lips, the darkness creep over his skin all shadows and longing and prickle his flesh with a kiss? She smiles as she closes her eyes and turns her face into the...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Confessions of a Catwoman

CONFESSIONS OF A CAT WOMAN By Natalie Wilde Someone once said that the life changing events will not come when you expect them but rather will sideswipe you on a Friday at 3 in the afternoon. Well for me that was true, except it was Thursday. And what seemed like a normal October afternoon would soon have major implications. I am writing this, as way to try and make sense of the things that have happened to me and how my life...

3 years ago
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Dream Of Deepti Part 8211 2

Hi, indian sex stories dot net friends. Hope you all will be enjoying your life to fullest. First of all, I want to say thanks to all the readers for their wonderful compliments. This really has encouraged me to write my experience further. For all those who have not read my previous experience they can read it This is infact continuation of that part only. So dear friends, I am again going to cherish my memory of life. So after I released my cum shot in her hands, we both became silent for...

3 years ago
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Adventurous Session With Exgirlfriend And Bestfriend

Hi, ISS readers, I am Himanshu back again with another sex story which was unexpected and adventurous for me. But before that, I would like to thank all the readers who enjoyed the sex story. I got overwhelming responses for my previous group sex story. It was unexpected though. If in case you missed the sex story, can read the sex story at https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/wonderful-session-with-my-ex-girlfriend-and-her-bestfriend/ If any girls/bhabhis from Bangalore want to have sex...

2 years ago
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From friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 9

A little later in the week I talked to Rachel some more. She told me Eric would be into the idea of me being there while they fucked and them treating me kind of like their cuck. We set up a time for Saturday. They had plans for the night, so they wanted to do something early in the day, which was fine with me.Although I never had the feelings for Rachel like I did for Sarah, Rachel is very attractive. A pretty blonde girl, busty, curvy. She's soft in the right places. Unlike Sarah, I've...

3 years ago
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A Friend in Need Part 10 Tonys Story the Parting

A Friend in Need, Part 10. Tony's Story, the Parting If you have followed this story, this continues on after the attempted rape of the new Christina until Tony leave after the New Year, it is told from the recently changed Tony's male point of view, I am trying to show the differences in feeling and attitudes now that Tony is a man rather that the woman (s)he once was. I fetched the brandies and we sat for a while sipping them, I got up to phone the barmaids to ask them to cover...

2 years ago
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Dream Of Deepti Part 8211 3

Hi friends, I am back with third part of my experience with lovely deepti. First, I want to say thanks for all the compliments which I got from readers. Thanks a lot for encouraging me. Infact I had thought not to write further but some good readers really requested me to write further. So friends, I am sharing my experience further with you. So after cumming in her mouth after that wonderful blowjob of my life from deepti, I got little afraid thinking that she will get angry. I have always...

3 years ago
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My Bestfriend

So here I am....my bestfriend Justin's cock lying on my bottom lip. His hand slowly stroking it as I await for his sperm. His moans fill the room and turn me on even more. My mouth opens as a bead starts to form on his slit on his head of his 7 inch cock. It's creamy white in color. I could hardly wait for Justin to cum in my mouth...I watched a lot of gay porn and saw videos of guys cumming in other guys mouths and it was hot! I came a lot just watching them and now I was about to get a hot...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Girlfriends Friend Bhuvana

Hey guys, this is Shiva from Chennai again with a real encounter of mine about how , Bhuvana. About me, I am 5’7 tall, 26 age, athletic physique. This incident started when I was pursuing my second year in college. I was in a relationship with a girl, and we had a very healthy physical relationship. Now coming to the highlight of the story. My girlfriend’s best friend’s name was Bhuvana. Initially, she seemed to be a very silent, conservative, and homely girl. At times, my...

3 years ago
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A Friend in Need Part 11 Christina the Parting

A Friend in Need Part 11. Christina the Parting In this episode I am back to Christina's story, re-starting from after the attempted rape, through the parting. As far as Tony is concerned we will join him later. Thank you for your reviews, they keep me on track and are much appreciated. Mother's day 2013 I had enjoyed a lovely day with my family and now my baby daughter was in bed and I was snuggled up to Clive my gorgeous husband, my mind once again drifted back to when I first...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Mother Become My Girlfriend Part 8211 II

Hello, friends thanks for all your lovely response it is really heart touching, you can reach me out at for all are welcome for discussion I would like to thank indian sex stories dot net for their support. That night with Kalpana changed my life completely I totally fell in love with her with all warm affection we kissed all most for hours that night exchanging our salivas and feeling the true warmth of each other, while my cock is resting and relaxing in her ass.The best part is switched off...

2 years ago
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Dreamscape III

Dreamscape III By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 3: Kirk, Janet and Betty I pulled into the parking lot a full 45 minutes early and sat in my car. I needed to get my mind around the idea that I was actually going to work. Never had I been this nervous reporting to a job, but never have I done so in a body, which was not mine. Craig Morton, my former self, was an advertising executive at the tender age of twenty-five - a well established wunderkind with a reputation throughout...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Girlfriend While Her Friend Watches 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone! This is my first story here. It might be a bit lengthy but it is definitely worth reading. I am Aman, 23 years old, 6 feet tall, muscular build and with a shaft of 6″. This is my story of indulging in an extremely erotic threesome with my beautiful girlfriend and her even more beautiful friend. So without any further delay, let us start the story. I and my girlfriend are internees at a medical college in Kolkata. We first met during the first lecture ever attended by us in the...

2 years ago
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Dream Two

Dream Two. ForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. Dream Two. Part One. This dream I had really began in odd flashes without coherence until one night it coalesced into a full erotic dream. It appeared that I had a sister, one year older than myself and we both lived in the same flat. Ever since we were young kids, we would often see each other’s naked body so it wasn’t at all unusual for us to move about the flat in a...

First Time
3 years ago
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Dream Girl Part 1

Dream Girl By Phil Stevens Chapter One Michael Curtis relaxed as the plane continued its climb. It was a point when he could sit back and reflect on his life to date. He was thirty-two years old. Until that point, his life had been eventful to say the least, but nothing compared to what was about to happen. Three years previous, he was involved in a car crash. His wife, who he very much loved, was killed instantly and he was seriously injured. At the time, the doctors...

1 year ago
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Dream fuck with my best friend

Hi friends. i am rohan. I am 24 years old and recently completed my graduation from a medical college. During my college days i used to visit a friend chat site and soon made a good friend there. Her name was Khushi. She was a girl from western India with a huge body. I first time saw her in the photos that she sent me during our chat. She had the body to lust for, a healthy body with big curves. She had huge 40 sized boobs, not so big 34 sized waist, but a 44 sized ass to die for. I had...

First Time
2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

4 years ago
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Dream Came True With Mami Part 4

Hi. Its Madan here “Stories are the boosters of your imagination skills”. I have received your prompt feedbacks which delighted me. Maximum readers enjoying my story and few have asked to wind up the story by telling the final part. I just want to tell to those my friends, my every small effort made my maami to move closely with me and that is the reason of reaching my destination successfully. So just be patient and enjoy and as I would like to describe sex, it’s like chocolate. You can eat it...

3 years ago
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Dream Came True With AnushaBhabhi Part 8211 5

Hi! It’s Madan here with the Final part. I apologize for the delay in posting story. Whole heartedly I thank you for the wonderful support. Every feedback means a lot to me!! I also thank Indian sex stories dot net for the wonderful platform. Special thanks for picking my story for Editors Pick! Back to the story!! Now Bhabhi was fallen in love and we both were waiting for the night eagerly. The evening I slept nicely and got up at 7 and freshen up. 7.15 PM Door knock!! It was my house owner...

1 year ago
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The Railway Compartment Part Two

(Continued from Part One) Before I had an opportunity for any further thought, the girl reached down and unpopped the third and final button of her shorts. A clearer vision emerged of the sexy little panties she wore underneath. She looked over at me again. I stayed very calm on the outside but in my mind I was drooling like an idiot. By this time I had a powerful erection inside the loose fitting combat trousers I was wearing. No doubt it had been there a while but was only now registering in...


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