HELL HATH NO FURY . . . free porn video

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Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context.


With many thanks to Stefani, who not only proofreads my German, but also comes up with helpful comments and suggestions. Vielen Dank, meine Freundin!

PRELUDE: Happily Ever After?

If this had been a fairytale, we should by rights have reached the part where Logan and I would live happily ever after. Somehow, as the fog clears from my mind and I open my eyes, I get the idea that is not what is going to happen.

Last thing I can remember, we were sitting at our usual table at the local mutant-friendly bar. I was about to order another half dozen beers for Logan. (Yes, I had been foolish enough to take him up on one of his bets again. Someday I will learn not to do that.)

In any case, there was a subdued “poof” and the air was filled with a thick, choking cloud of some kind of gas. Before I could even grab Logan and teleport us outside, the world was already going black around the edges and the floor was coming up to meet me fast.


Groggy and still half out of it, I force my eyes open. I am in a small room with bright lights, stark white walls, no windows,
and only one door. I can see the back of a rather bulky man standing near one of the walls, looking at a computer screen. Above his head there are six large monitors, which are all blank. He has not yet noticed that I am conscious, so I remain still and quiet in order to evaluate my situation.

I am lying on my back on a firm but padded surface. Glancing down, I can see that I am totally naked, with some sort of restraints around my wrists and ankles, which hold my hands down by my sides and my legs straight but slightly spread apart. My tail is pulled down between my legs, with something clamped around the narrowest part, just before the arrow-shaped end. Worst of all, there is something tight and hard fastened around my neck. Lieber Gott, let it not be one of those devices that prevent mutants from using their powers! I try very slowly to raise my head, but I cannot. Concentrating, I can feel that the device does not encircle my entire neck, but only holds me down. It is not a collar, then.

I start to smile. Whoever has tried to trap me in this way apparently does not realize I can easily teleport out of such restraints. Perhaps he does not even realize I can teleport at all. That would be nice. I could be free in an instant, either way.

Yes, but that only gets me off of this table, or whatever it is. I am not now aware of where this room is located and what surrounds it, and thus have no idea what is behind any of these walls. If that one door is locked in such a way that I cannot open it from the inside, I would still be trapped in this room, unless I am willing to teleport blind and take my chances. Not a good bet, even under the best of circumstances.

And where is Logan? What has been done with him? That thought is enough to send a pang of fear through me. Has he been captured also? Or is it just me? Has Logan perhaps already been killed somehow?

The man at the computer turns around. I have never seen him before and have no idea who he is, but in some ways, he resembles Logan. Obvious muscles, dark hair, dark eyes. He even has the same kind of extravagant sideburns that almost but not quite come together at his chin, but they are perhaps trimmed just a bit shorter than Logan’s. His hair is also shorter, and it has begun to recede slightly at his temples. His face is more squared off, with heavier jowls. His nose is straight, but prominent.

He grins at me, which is not a pretty sight. There is nothing but cruelty in his smile.

I give him a level stare, waiting for him to say something first.

“I know you’ve been awake long enough to realize that teleporting might be a mistake, since you can’t get out of this room like that without taking a big risk. Smart boy. I was almost hoping you’d try it, so that I’d have an excuse to beat you up, assuming you survived.” He shrugs sarcastically. “Oh well, guess one can’t have everything.”

He comes over to the table and stands there looking down at me. “You’re probably asking yourself why I haven’t fastened one of those collars around your neck that are supposed to be able to prevent a mutant from using his powers, aren’t you? The answer is simple: the technology just hasn’t been perfected enough. I find that most of them work some of the time, and some of them work most of the time, but they don’t all work all of the time. Besides, being myself a mutant, I just have this aversion to the damn things. I’d rather do it the old-fashioned way and figure out how to capture and hold the particular mutant, or mutants, that I’m after. Makes for more of a challenge. Don’t you agree?”

“Uh – yes, I guess so.”

He gives me that nasty smile again and his voice turns hard. “OK, boy, I’m going to lay down the rules of this game, so listen carefully.”

“Just tell me vhere Logan is,” I interrupt.

“As it happens, I can do better than that. I can show you.”

He raises one hand and points a remote control device toward the blank monitors. All six screens come to life, showing me images of Logan from different angles and at varying distances. He is standing spread-eagled and stark naked in the middle of what looks very much like a duplicate of this room, held in place by a curiously-designed system of heavy restraints and metal bars. He is bleeding from numerous cuts and slashes and assorted other wounds, but they are clearly in the process of healing. His head sags forward on his chest.

“Logan!” I shout.

“Save your breath, baby. He can’t hear you. The video is on both ways, but the audio’s turned off right now. Here, I’ll turn it on, but only so that he can hear us, not the other way around.” He aims his remote and clicks again. “That will save me from having to recite the rules over again to him.”

Logan is obviously conscious, since he raises his head and looks around as he hears our voices. I can see his lips move.

“Forget it, Jimmy. We can’t hear you.”

For a moment, Logan and I stare at each other’s images in the monitors.

“It’s rather a nice touch that he’s spread out into a neat X like that, don’t you think? Quite appropriate, considering.

“I gave a lot of thought to designing restraints that would hold Jimmy, since his claws can cut through damn near everything. However, even if he can extend them, he can’t get loose unless he can use them to cut whatever’s holding him in place. It would have been easy enough to simply secure his forearms and hands back flat against a wall, so that he couldn’t use his claws to cut himself loose, but I wanted him in a position that gave me access to his body from all directions, not just the front. If you take a look at the crossbar that runs between the metal restraints that enclose his arms from above his elbows to the ends of his outspread fingers, you’ll notice that his claws, if he bothers to extend them, would angle slightly outward and away from both the crossbar itself and the vertical bar in the middle that runs up to the ceiling supporters. That supporting bar can be lowered or raised so that the crossbar can be held at whatever level I want it. Right now, I’ve got him essentially hanging from the ceiling, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. I could let his toes touch, or even allow him to stand for a while, if I felt merciful. There’s only a short chain connecting the cuffs around his ankles to the floor, so even if he were standing flat-footed, he still wouldn’t be able to reach far enough to kick me. On the other hand, I can do anything I want to him and he can’t do anything about it.

“Just be glad I decided against stringing you up that way, blue boy. Over time, it gets mighty uncomfortable, compared to just lying on a nice padded table. Now pay attention, both of you, and listen to how it’s going to be.”

After a quick glance in Logan’s direction, he turns back to me.

“Just like I know Jimmy’s abilities well enough to design that system, I’ve also made it my business to learn the limits of your teleporting ability. I’ll warn you right now that this place is out in the middle of nowhere and there aren’t very many open spaces in the area around it outside. I made sure you didn’t see anything when I brought you in, so you don’t know the layout of this building or its surroundings. And even if you did, Jimmy isn’t here. I’m keeping him somewhere else, in a very similar building, far enough away so that it’s out of visual range and it’s pretty well camouflaged. You might find it eventually, but that would take time, more time than you could afford.

“You see, I’ve got both of these rooms booby-trapped. There’s a bomb in each building, and I can detonate either or both of them from a control panel in both buildings, if I choose to do so. In the other room, there’s an incendiary bomb mounted beneath the floor right under your boyfriend and it’s pretty powerful. If it doesn’t kill him outright, it will most certainly blow him into so many pieces of flaming body parts that you wouldn’t know what to rescue even if you somehow managed to get into the room.

“You hear that, Jimmy? If I want to, I can blow up your little buddy here. Make me too angry and I may just do that, if only so I can see the look on your face when I do.”

Our captor favors me with a gloating grin.

“Since you’re a teleporter, I’ve taken extra precautions with you. There are sensors in your restraints that will react to your sudden absence by detonating the bombs in both buildings. You might save your own life by trying to teleport completely out of this building, if you dare. You might just end up OK. Or you might just as easily end up inside a tree or a mountainside. And Jimmy will still be dead.

“I trust you will both keep all this in mind if you are tempted to become, shall I say, uncooperative during the course of your stay in my humble abode.”

He laughs as Logan and I stare at each other in obvious dismay.

He sounds disgustingly smug and sure of himself as he tells us all this. I say nothing, hoping he will let slip something that could be useful.

Giving each of us a stern look, he goes on with his lecture, obviously enjoying himself. “If either of you tries to escape and you’re unsuccessful, you’ll get to watch the other one tortured until I’m satisfied that you’ve learned your lesson. I know how to make Jimmy scream, so just imagine what I could do with you, if I really wanted to. And imagine how much Jimmy would not enjoy seeing that. Got the picture?”

I nod.

“On the other hand, if both of you cooperate and do as you’re told, things don’t have to get that bad. Think about it.”

“Jimmy?” I finally ask.

“Oh, what’s the matter? Didn’t he tell you about me? The way I caught up with him while he was up North and told him who he was?”

I shook my head. “He told me, but no details.”

On the monitors, I can see a look of sudden anguish come over Logan’s face.

The man gives a deep chuckle. “I can’t imagine why not.” He turns to the screen, addressing Logan. “What’s the matter, Jimmy? Don’t want your little friend to know what went on between us? Don’t want him to know how we were screwing around together for over a month out there in the woods, and you loved it?”

From the look on Logan’s face, this man is telling the truth. I close my eyes and try to keep my shock and hurt hidden.

“He didn’t, did he? I thought not.” His fingers grab my chin and turn my face toward him. He shakes his head as he examines me. “Tsk tsk tsk! You’d be kind of cute, if not for those teeth. Let’s have a closer look, shall we?”

He takes hold of my lower jaw and opens my mouth, turning my head from one side to the other and surveying my horrendous mouthful of teeth. They are not my best feature and I am acutely aware of that. Then he runs his forefinger along the tops of my lower teeth. Now this is making me very uncomfortable, as I feel like a horse whose teeth are being examined to be sure the animal is not older and more decrepit than he is claimed to be.

It only gets worse when he uses his thumb to feel along my top teeth. In addition to being very crooked, they are also quite sharp, especially the ones in the middle. He presses his thumb down on the point of the sharpest one experimentally. I taste blood, and I know it is not mine.

“Ever give anyone a blowjob?”

“Vhat do you think?”

“I think any man who would stick his cock between those teeth is either very brave or very foolish. I’m no coward, but I’m no fool either. If nothing else, your mouth gets to keep its integrity, boy.”

I have had about enough of this. “I am not a boy.”

He gives a short laugh. “If you had lived as long as I have, everyone else would be a boy in comparison. But maybe you’d prefer a more specific nickname. Jimmy calls you Elf, doesn’t he?” I nodded. “Well, you don’t look like an elf to me. You look more like a fairy, except for the color. Yeah, that’s it. I’ll call you my little blue fairy boy. You like that?”

I shake my head vehemently.

“No? Considering those teeth, maybe I ought to call you the tooth fairy instead.”

I do not even dignify that with a reply.

“Nah, that would sound too silly. Guess I’ll stick to fairy boy.”

“I have a name.”

”I know. I just prefer to call you something else because it annoys you. By the way, my name’s Victor. Victor Creed, sometimes known as Sabretooth. I’m Jimmy’s brother. Well, half-brother. Same father, different mothers. I’m a lot like him in many ways. The same healing factor, but not such long claws.”

He holds up a hand to show me the short pointy slightly curved claws that serve him as fingernails. When I do not seem sufficiently impressed, he shows me how far he can lengthen them when he wishes. All right, I am more impressed now.

“All natural, fairy boy. No adamantium.” He casts a look over his shoulder at the monitors, where Logan is now struggling hopelessly against his restraints and screaming something I cannot hear.

Victor goes over to a table along the wall, picking up something I cannot see and bringing it back over to me.

“I assume you’re familiar with dildos, fairy boy. Probably very familiar. I find that this particular one comes in rather useful for my purposes.” He holds it up in front of me. “It’s pretty long and it increases in width more rapidly than most.”

He is not exaggerating. Even I would not like to have this particular item inserted into me all the way.

“Nice, isn’t it? Black glass, cool and smooth. Should feel real good going in, hmmm?” As he says this, he uses his other hand to run the sharp tips of his claws teasingly along the lines of the scar on my lower abdomen, stopping just short of my penis, which cannot seem to decide if it likes the attention or fears it.

“Nice cock, even if it is blue and kind of on the skinny side.” Then he looks a little closer. “What’s this? A fancy little scar. You’ve even had it decorated. Was that Jimmy’s idea?”

“Most certainly not. I did that many years before I met him.”

He runs the tip of one finger over the scars. “You did that to yourself?”


He narrows his eyes slightly. “All the rest of these too?” He gestures at my body.

When I nod, he looks closer. “Very neat and pretty. How did you make them come out so precise? Scars can heal in sloppy ways sometimes.”

I shrug. “On me, they are very consistent, as long as I take care vith the cutting. Even scars from injuries do not make too much of a mess.”

“Hmm. If you have the guts to slice yourself up like this, maybe I’m underestimating you a little, fairy boy.” He looks again at my poor bewildered prick, which still has not made up its mind whether to just lie there or get hard. “Especially this one. You know, I prefer uncircumcised cocks like yours. More to play with. And speaking of playing, let me show you a unique feature of this table you’re lying on. Like Jimmy’s restraints, yours are also very adjustable, but in other ways.”

Much to my chagrin, I discover that the table is made so that my feet can be slid back and forth along the sides, restraints and all, then refastened wherever Victor wants them. The restraints even adjust the angle while they move, so that the soles of my feet come down as he bends my legs. He leaves me with my knees bent up sharply and my feet almost next to my buttocks. It occurs to me to wonder what else this table can do.

“There. Much more convenient for me now. In fact, I rather like this view of your ass.” He runs one claw gently around my anus, which is now more accessible than it was before.

“This’ll be easier if you relax and enjoy it, baby. All I’m doing is trying to get some idea of what you can take without incurring any serious damage, in order to get a better idea of what I’m going to do to you later on. See? I’m even putting a little lube on the dildo, just to show that I mean no harm.” Another vicious grin. “Not just yet, anyway. You should really be grateful that I’m taking the time to do this. Don’t want you to die too soon. That wouldn’t be much fun, now would it?”

As he presses the smaller tapered end of the dildo against my opening, I find myself at a loss for words, which is quite unusual for me. Probably just as well. A smart remark at this time could be something I would regret later on.

He goes slowly, pushing in a little, then backing up, twisting, moving the glass shaft around, then edging further, retreating, advancing bit by bit. At this point, it feels good and I know he is correct about relaxing. All right, I will cooperate, to an extent. But if he truly is just trying to measure me in this way, it would be better to have him underestimate what I can accept, rather than overestimate it.

All the while he is doing this, he is talking, as if he enjoys the verbal torment as much as the physical. I have barely been able to get a word in edgewise, which is unusual for me.

“By the way, I recognized those claw marks on your back, fairy boy. Jimmy may think you’re his, but right now you’re mine.”

He goes on to tell me how he tracked Logan to his campsite, leaving him to his own devices for a time, but keeping tabs on him from a distance. Just when Logan began to pack up his things and hike back to the nearest town, he waylaid him, convincing him to stay a little longer by offering to tell him about his past.

“He’s a sucker for anyone who says they can fill him in on what he’s been and done. It was easy to convince him I knew what I was talking about, because I do. All I had to do was tell the truth most of the time and bells started ringing in his head. He was glad to do anything I wanted so long as I kept on reminiscing about our past.”

The words hurt much more than the dildo does, at this point in the proceedings. Much to my shame, my penis decides it just might enjoy the feeling, and I can tell that my eyes are beginning to glow. Yes, they are surely glowing now, since he is staring at them. I turn my head as far away from his gaze as I can and squeeze my eyes closed. But this displeases Victor. He grabs my chin and turns my face back.

“Open your eyes, fairy boy,” he orders me. “Do it, or Jimmy will pay the price later on.”

I obey. Victor makes the connection between my eyes and my hardening cock. He takes hold of it, moving his hand relatively gently up and down. My glans is just beginning to work its way out of my foreskin by now. I am overwhelmed with shame, not because of my body’s natural reaction, but because I hate that he can do this to me. I will not let it happen. I will fight it, even if it is a losing battle.

“Just as I figured. Your eyes get brighter as I work your cock,” he concludes. “Very interesting effect. Now let’s try something else.” Forcing my partially retracted foreskin forward over my glans, he pinches the end tightly together. “You see? I told you there was more to play with on an uncut penis. I’m going to keep this dildo right here for a while but move it around, just to see what happens.”

I know what will happen. My penis will continue to become engorged, trying vainly to push the head free of my captured foreskin.

“This would be a good time for me to tell you how much fun Jimmy and I had together, wouldn’t it, fairy boy? You’d like to hear all about that, wouldn’t you? Especially now.”

That is about the last thing I would like to hear, for it would continue to arouse me. But Victor knows that. He describes some of the things he and “Jimmy” did, mostly rather brutal things, while I lie there trying hard not to squirm in pain as my cock stiffens further. I cannot imagine that I will get hard enough to actually tear my foreskin, but that is how it feels.

“I’m being very kind to you, you know. I could just as easily have sewn the end together and done this same thing, but simply refused to cut the thread no matter what happened. Think about that for a while, fairy boy.”

I do, and I do not particularly enjoy the images it conjures up. He goes back to telling me about all the activities he and “Jimmy” shared, while I go back to thinking of anything I can that might decrease my arousal.

Finally, Victor has mercy on me and lets go. One sort of pain stops, while another resumes, as he pushes the dildo further into me with a sharp jerk.

“Shall I tell you how very angry Jimmy made me when he said he was going back to be with you?” Another sharp push. I am beginning to approach my limit, as far as the width goes. In order to make him think I have already gotten there, I tighten my sphincter, no longer yielding so easily to the relentless pressure. I clench my teeth and wince. He smiles.

“It hurts now, does it? You can take a lot, fairy boy, I’ll give you that. I’ve never found anyone who’s gotten so far in taking this little baby here.” He twists it, pulls back, then pushes forward.

“Gaahh! Bitte, Victor, nein! Es tut verdammt weh!” I gasp, feigning more pain than he is actually causing.

A frown crosses his face as I say that. “That’s right, you’re a Kraut, aren’t you? I should have noticed it from the accent. I hate Germans. Killed a shitload of them in the last World War. Wouldn’t mind killing another one, though.” He eyes me speculatively.

“I’ll tolerate none of that Kraut shit, fairy boy. Say it in English, if you expect me to understand, much less do as you ask.”

“Please, Victor, no -- no more. It hurts like hell,” I beg, translating it loosely for him. So. He does not understand simple German. Or he wants to make me think he does not understand it. I may be able to use this information later on.

Logan is reacting to my apparent pain by struggling against his bonds and appears to be screaming furiously. Out of the corner of one eye, Victor notices this. “What’s the matter, little brother? You look as if you’d like to tell me something. Want me to turn on the audio, so we can hear you?”

Logan nods frantically.

“Sorry. Maybe later on. I’m busy now.” He turns his attention back to me, giving one more push to the dildo, somewhat less emphatic than the previous ones. I scream obligingly, even though I do not really have to.

“I’m tempted to go further, baby, and split you right open, especially when I think about how Jimmy left me for your sorry ass. But I won’t. I’ll be nice. For now.”

The pressure eases as he slowly and teasingly withdraws the dildo. “You did rather enjoy that though, didn’t you?”

I cannot tell him no, as my hard cock would clearly show it to be a lie. Victor examines the dildo as if considering how far it went. Then he gives a satisfied nod. “When I finally get around to fucking your ass, fairy boy, I’ve got to remember not to be overly gentle or you won’t take as much notice of it as I’d like you to. But don’t worry about that happening, since I don’t do gentle very well anyway. You can ask Jimmy about that later on, if you want. Meanwhile – ” He sets the dildo aside on the counter, then returns to stand next to me, readjusting the table so that my legs are again flat down against the surface. Perhaps it is over for now. No, I guess not. He has placed one hand on my chest and begins to trace the scars with the point of one claw, as Logan often does with a finger.

I want him to keep talking, so I ask, “Vhy are you doing all this just to torture us? These buildings and all this equipment must have cost a fortune.”

“Oh, they did.” He sounds a bit bemused, as if he is more interested in my scars than in the discussion. “I would never have been able to afford all this stuff, except that some very rich and very powerful folks hired me to take down the fearsome Wolverine. You’re just collateral damage. They think I’m going to kill Jimmy, but I won’t be doing that. I’ll just keep him for myself, after I’ve had my fun with you.”

“Vill these powerful people not come after you vhen they find they have been betrayed?”

“Yeah, they probably will. But Jimmy and I can hire ourselves out to some other equally powerful folks and be safe. Or at least as safe as we’ve ever been, which ain’t saying much.”

His claw has arrived close to one of my nipples now. He touches it experimentally with the sharp point. I shiver. He smiles. “Sensitive tits, huh? I like that in a man.”

He positions his claws around the areola, pricking just enough to draw blood. “Now listen, and listen good. If you behave well, I can free up one of your arms so that it’s on a short chain. That way, you can reach the water bottle I’ve got on a shelf under the table along with the urinal and bedpan that are there also. If you don’t behave, I won’t do that, and you’ll have to depend on me to make both of those things available to you. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m not all that reliable about such matters, if I have no reason to be. Understand?”


“So you gonna be a good little boy if I do that for you, or are we going to do this the hard, and I assure you the much more messy and unpleasant, way?”

“I vill be good, Victor.”

The claws prick just a bit more deeply. I do not even dare to wince for fear it would drag those points through my flesh. “If you’re lying to me, bear in mind that Jimmy will be the one to suffer for it. You’ll just get pretty thirsty, not to mention being left to lie in your own piss and shit.”

“I vill not forget,” I assure him.

“Good.” The claws pull away, leaving me essentially undamaged. He works at some mechanism at the side of the table, clipping a short length of chain to the metal cuff around my left wrist then releasing the cuff from whatever was holding it to the table. “There you go, baby, just like I promised. Reach around under the table and try it out.”

Yes, there is indeed a plastic bottle of water, with a permanent straw attached. I had not realized just how thirsty I was until I had the bottle in my hand. With a little maneuvering, I can get the end of the straw between my lips and take a few swallows. I notice he has stepped back just far enough to be out of my reach.

“See? I told you it would work.” He moves away, toward the door. “I’m gonna leave you two alone now. In fact, I’ll even turn on the audio so you and Jimmy can talk things over. I’m not going to tell you what time it is, or even whether it’s day or night. And I’ll come back to visit either or both of you whenever I feel like having a little more fun.”

He clicks the remote control as he gets to the door. “Oh, and by the way, the locks on the doors will only work by a voice command from me, so don’t even bother to try to get out that way unless you happen to be a very convincing mimic. It won’t work.”

He leaves, after reciting some nonsense word at the door. There is only silence in the room, as Logan and I stare at each other. Logan speaks first.

“Elf? Ya OK?”

I move my wrist, replacing the bottle and then testing the length of chain again. I can reach most of the way to my face and a little way down below my hips.

“Ja, just fine, all things considered. Is this Victor really who he says he is?”

“I’m afraid so. A lot of what he told me jogged memories in my brain. I’m only sorry you got involved in our little vendetta. I’ll get you outta here somehow, I promise.”

“Be careful vhat you say. He could be vatching and listening to us.”

“Let that mother-fucker listen. I don’t care. There’s something ya need to know.”


Logan hangs his head forward so I cannot see his face. “He – he told you the truth about what we did. The sex was brutal, hideously brutal. It was almost more like fighting than screwing. We tore at each other like animals. It was – hideously exciting.”

I have every reason to know how very closely sex is linked with violence in his psyche, so what he tells me should come as no surprise, and yet it hurts.

“Kurt? Say something, darlin’. Talk to me.”

I take a breath and exhale, trying to banish the quiver that threatens my voice. “I hear you. Vhat is it you vould like me to say?”

“That you understand? That you – don’t hate me for what I did, maybe?”

He is pleading now, I can tell from his tone. His head is still bowed forward. “I can never hate you, Logan. You should know that.”

“I guess I do, darlin’.” He dares to look at me. “But maybe you should. It’s my fault you’re in this mess. I fucked up big time. I never should have told him about you.”

“You told him –?!“

“That you were my lover. I had to, when I said I was leaving him. If I’d known he’d do something like this –“ He shakes his head in self-disgust. “I should have known. We fought for real when I told him. I had a chance to kill him then, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to close off the only window I had into my childhood and my past. I – I wasn’t thinking of what might happen to you.”

“You did varn me that it had just gotten much more dangerous to be involved vith you.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t tell you the reason. I meant to. It just never seemed to be the right time.”

“It has been more than a month since you returned, and yet there vas no ‘right time’?”

He winces, but continues to look at me directly. “Like I said, I fucked up. I admit that. I should have told you the details immediately, but I was afraid. I let your confidence, and your love, overpower my fears. Forgive me, Elf? For that, if for nothing else?”

“No matter vhat happens, I vill never blame you for this. It is Victor’s doing, not yours. I vould rather die here vith you, than live in safety vithout you.”

“Don’t even think about dyin’, darlin’. I’ll get us out of here. Somehow.”

“I am not so sure there is anything you can do. Ve vould seem to be pretty vell trapped,” I say, false misery in my voice. If Victor is listening, I want him to think I have taken all of what he said at face value and believe our situation is hopeless.

“Now, Elf, don’t you dare give up! I’ll think of somethin’.”

Good. If I have convinced Logan of my lack of hope, I have surely convinced Victor.

“I shall pray that you vill.” But I still sound as if I have given up. Let Logan promise to rescue me. That will put Victor’s focus on him as a potential rescuer, rather than me. That could come in handy later.

“But enough of this,” I go on. “Is your name really Jimmy?”

“Yes, if he’s not lyin’ to me. James Howlett.”

“It has a nice sound to it, I think. Vould you like me to call you Jimmy instead of Logan?”

“No! Jimmy may be who I was, but I’m Logan now, no matter what that wretched son-of-a-bitch calls me!”

“Good. That is how I think of you also. Ve should rest and take advantage of this respite to try to get some sleep, since Victor could return at any time. The less ve talk of escape vhen he may be listening, the better.” That last part is for Victor’s ears, more than Logan’s

He nods, but clearly does not like my advice. Neither do I, but I do not want Victor to learn anything more about us that he may be able to use. We are silent, each trying in his own way to relax and calm himself into sleep. Eventually, we succeed.

By the time Victor returns, I am awake and have tried out the sanitary arrangements. Not altogether neat, but better than nothing.

The first thing he does is reset the cuff around my wrist into its place by my side. Then he faces Logan on the monitors. “I’ll leave the audio on, Jimmy, if you keep your mouth shut. Got it?”

Logan nods.

Victor turns his attention back to me.

“We’re going to play nice this time, my little blue fairy. With you, at any rate.” He runs the tip of a finger over my lips. When I try to turn my head away, he grabs my chin. Then he covers my lips with his mouth, his tongue pressing hard, seeking entry. He must have forgotten about my teeth. I open my mouth slightly. When he tries to press his advantage, I bite his tongue. Not hard enough to do serious damage, but hard enough to draw blood. This does not stop him, but it does provoke him into giving the side of my thigh a stinging slap.

If anything, the pain of his bitten tongue encourages him. He pushes it further into me. I allow this, but as soon as his tongue is deeply into my mouth, I close my teeth against it gently. If I bite down now, I will sever his tongue near the base, and he knows it. I release him, having made my point, and he retreats. A slow smile spreads across his face, and he chuckles a bit.

“You’ve got spirit, baby, I’ll give you that. I like it that way. Much more fun if my victim doesn’t just dissolve into tears and start begging for mercy, at first anyway. That comes later, but it always comes. And speaking of coming, what do you like, baby? What do you fear? What do you absolutely hate?”

“I am beginning to absolutely hate you!”

“Only beginning? Oh my. We’ll have to do something about that, won’t we?” He lets the tips of his claws rest against the base of my scrotum. “It would make more sense for you to fear me, you know.” Just as I did with my teeth, his grip tightens only enough to draw blood. “I think you can imagine what would happen if I closed my fist right now, then yanked down hard.”

“I can imagine it very vell, but you vill not do that.”

“Oh? And just why do you say that?”

“I vould very likely bleed to death. And your little game vould be over almost before it began.”

“Are you so sure of that?” He digs his claws a little deeper. I wince, but do not try to pull away, as that would just do more damage.

“Ja, I am very sure. If you simply vanted me dead, you vould have killed me at the very beginning.”

My remark has clearly displeased him. His eyes narrow dangerously.

“You’re a smartass, boy. I’m not sure I like that. Does Jimmy take this sort of thing from you?”

“Ja. If he deserves it.”

He looks as if he cannot decide whether he is more angry or amused. Amused wins. He laughs and lets me go, then glances over at Logan on the monitors. “That true, Jimmy? Is he this mouthy with you?”

Logan nods, careful not to say anything.

“Score one for the blue fairy,” Victor says cheerfully. “No more threats of immediate death. However,” -- his good humor changes abruptly – “if you don’t tone it down some, you’ll be feeling some immediate pain. Got that?”


“Now, let’s get serious, shall we?”

That is clearly not a question. I wait to see what he is going to do next. It is terrible to feel so vulnerable. Naked does not bother me, but helpless does. I am not accustomed to being restrained like this. I am the one who can get out of anything by teleporting. I do not think I have felt so helpless before someone else since I was a child, before I could teleport. But I must not let my fear show. This man would know exactly how to use it to break me.

“Let’s start again, shall we? What do you like?” He trails the tips of his claws lightly across my chest, then begins following the scars just as Logan often does with his fingers. Scar tissue is less sensitive than ordinary flesh, but the sensation is there nevertheless. It almost hurts, it almost tickles. And it always arouses me. I close my eyes to hide the glow I know will soon be visible. As he continues to work his way down my chest to my abdomen, I cannot hide the stiffening of my penis.

“It would seem you like that, hmm?” He glances at my face. “Open your eyes, boy, and keep them open. I want to be able to see just how much you like it.”

I shake my head.

“Do it, or your lover boy suffers for it,” he says smoothly, knowing the threat will work.

Deprived even of the ability to conceal my traitorous eyes, my shame deepens. I do not want to enjoy what he is doing to me, and that is especially true as I know Logan is watching.

His fingers reach my genitals. With a surprising gentleness, he takes everything into his hand, squeezing and releasing in a slow, steady rhythm, rubbing a finger now here, now there. I gasp at the pleasure of it, feeling that familiar twitch begin deep inside me. No! I try to fight it, try to relax whatever it is that causes this incredible pleasure. Yes, that is working. I can stop it, if I concentrate. I will not let him do this to me. I will not!

“You like this, don’t you?” he says, a sneer in his voice. “Sure you do. You’re nice and hard now. Keep it up, baby. Come for me. Show me how much you like what I’m doing. Show Jimmy how much you like it.”

No. He can go on as long as he wants massaging my cock and balls. I will ignore it. I will not come. I will relax. I will think of how much I hate his touch. I will concentrate on that, nothing else.

“Never,” I tell him through gritted teeth. I am about to tell him he can go to hell when I think of something that might be more useful. I switch to German. ”Fahr zur Hölle, du Hurensohn!”

“English, you mother-fucker! English!” His grip tightens, fingers digging into my scrotum.

This is not good. I want him to let me curse in German. How can I convince – Ah, I have it!

“Bitte, Victor – I mean, please -- German is the language in vhich I think, and I revert to it automatically if I am stressed or in pain. I do not do it deliberately.”

“So you use that Kraut gibberish when you’re bad off, huh? OK, I can use that to know when I’m getting to you, in that case.”

I shake my head violently, as if I have only now realized I have given something away to him.

The smile he gives me is cunning and cruel.

“Too late, fairy boy. I already know. Besides, I strongly suspect you’re cursing me out, and you can’t insult me effectively if I don’t understand what you’re saying, can you now?”

I pretend to be dismayed and mutter, “Scheisse!”

“Ha! That one means ‘shit’. I’ve heard it before.”

I pretend to be even more dismayed, turning my head away from him as I stifle a laugh. I am not surprised that he knows what Scheisse means. Many people do. I only hope he knows very little beyond that.

He goes back to what he was doing, but the squeezing is becoming harder now, more painful. He pinches cruelly, or pricks his claws into me here and there.

“Du bist der Abschaum der menschlichen Gesellschaft!” I tell him after an especially painful pinch, spitting out the words as viciously as I can. “Du Schweinkerl! Du Miststück!”

He smiles and does it again.

In the same tone of voice, but with my eyes focused on Logan’s image in the monitor, I continue with “Schatz, verstehst du!”

I can see Logan’s eyes blink in sudden surprise. He gives me a minuscule nod, and I know he has understood me, while all Victor hears is another insult. If I use only German phrases that Logan knows, I can communicate with him and Victor will not realize it.

I have barely begun to savor this minor triumph when Victor decides to change tactics.

“Maybe my hand just isn’t exciting enough for you, hmm? Maybe you’d like something faster and more intense. I just happen to have a nice collection of vibrators available. Let’s see if one of them appeals to you. Here we are, fairy boy: the basic standard smooth plastic, medium size, uses 2 C batteries, and available in an attractive bright pink. Do you like it on the outside, or the inside? No answer? OK, we’ll try it inside, in that case.”

After a brief interval of rubbing the buzzing tip of the vibrator around my quivering anus, he works it slowly in. Of course, I have had some experience of such things and I know they are entirely wonderful. The rapid vibration gets to the erotic nerve endings like nothing else I know. As it slides easily into my anus, my body literally clutches at it spasmodically, repeatedly, as if to draw it in faster, deeper, until it reaches that place inside and finally satisfies the growing tickling, itching, wanting inside me that yearns for stimulation and satisfaction. I am gasping with the exertion of simultaneously wanting to come and struggling to prevent it.

“Yeah, that’s it. Show me how much you’re enjoying this, baby. Let me see it.”

I want to tell him to go fuck himself, but all I can do is moan in desperation. My thighs tremble and my entire body shakes in the grip of my contradictory desires.

Then Victor touches another smaller but more intense vibrator to the tip of my dripping cock. I am almost sobbing now.

“Oh yeah, that’s real nice. Real nice. You’re getting to me, fairy boy. Look. I’ll show you.” Briefly letting go of the vibrator stuck deep into my ass, he unzips his fly and pulls out his own hard cock. “Bet you’d like this instead, wouldn’t you?”

I shake my head desperately, as if in fear. His penis is indeed rather larger than I would prefer, but certainly not beyond what I could manage.

“Scared, huh? Well, you’ll get it one of these days. But not now. Now I want to see you come. That’s just what I need to be ready to put the real thing into Jimmy next.”

He begins working the vibrator in my ass back and forth. My spine arches and my hips lift up from the table, involuntarily seeking to capture the source of that tantalizing sensation.

“Stop fighting me, fairy boy. You know you want to let go.”

He is right. I will not be able to stop. I can feel it deep inside, the pressure mounting, the ecstatic waves of pleasure cresting and ready to break. In a last desperate effort to prevent ejaculating, I tense every muscle in my groin as tightly as I can, trying to hold back. A fierce satisfaction envelops me, pulsing, throbbing waves of golden joy turning my body into paradise. I come – and yet I do not. There is no feeling of the slide of fluid through my penis, as there should be, yet I tremble with the intensity of the spasms that continue on within my body, while everything is locked and held down hard by my will. I hide my feelings from Victor as well as I can while it happens, moaning no louder than I had been doing already. With no cum to prove me false, I pretend nothing has happened. Carefully, I allow myself to relax as the intensity of the pleasure subsides but does not entirely go away. Mein Gott, what have I just done? I did not know such a thing was possible!

Apparently, Victor does not know it either, judging by his next remark.

“If I didn’t think I was imagining things, I’d say you’re deliberately refusing to come, fairy boy.”

I gather my scattered wits and reply casually, “Now, Victor, do you really think a man can do that? Maybe you just don’t turn me on.”

“You’re turned on all right. Your eyes are as bright as coals.”

“Oh, did I forget to tell you they glow not only vhen I am aroused, but also vhen I am experiencing very strong emotions, including anger and rage? I thought I mentioned that, but perhaps I overlooked it.” My tone is casual and calm, but a firestorm is still raging inside me, wanting to burst again into flame.

“You never said anything about that.”

“Entschuldigung. I mean, sorry about that.” I deliberately do not sound at all sorry. My sarcasm earns me a sharp smack in the face. I see it coming, so I make sure to let my head turn with the blow, to minimize the damage. Even so, my lip splits against the points of my teeth.

Victor tosses both vibrators across the room in a frenzy of frustration, then leans over me and snarls, “Keep that up, fairy boy, and I’ll make you very sorry about a lot of things before I’m done with you.”

“Geh zum Teufel, Arschgesicht!” I snap back at him, spitting the blood from my lip into his face.

He just laughs, wiping off the blood with his fingers, then licking them.

“Since you don’t seem to want to play my game by the rules, I think I’ll go play with your boyfriend for a while. Perhaps he’ll be more appreciative of my attentions than you are.”

As Victor stomps out of the room, I start counting the seconds between the time he leaves here and the time he appears in the other room with Logan, in the hope that I can get some idea of how far away the other building is located.

I get up to 124. Figuring that Victor’s stride is roughly a meter long, that would make it around 12 meters. Nothing guarantees that he went directly from here to there, nor is my mental count necessarily accurate. I realize this is a very rough estimate, but it is a starting point.

Meanwhile, I have no choice but to watch Victor rape Logan, using none of the care and finesse that he lavished on me. I am not truly worried that he can hurt Logan that way, but it is still not pleasant, as Victor savagely bites and gouges his victim as he does it.

Logan proves to be no more cooperative than I was about allowing himself to reach orgasm as a result of Victor’s action.

At first, this pleases me, but then I see the rage suffusing Victor’s face and I am afraid. I want to tell Logan to give in, give him what he wants. When I resisted, I knew I would not be truly hurt, but that is not a consideration in Logan’s case. Yet I know my pleading would be in vain, for Logan must prove that he can do whatever I can do. And after what he told me when last we spoke, he must also show me that he no longer desires Victor’s attentions.

And so I watch in silence. Perhaps Logan already knows how to do whatever it was that I did, or perhaps he simply has more control over his sexual responses than I do. Either way, for all Victor’s striving, he cannot make Logan come, although he himself howls and bellows his way through several climaxes of his own.

Finally, Victor gives up on the effort and backs off. He stands there for some seconds, virtually snarling his rage and frustration. Suddenly, his posture changes, he takes a deep breath and seems to have come to some conclusion.

“You don’t want to give me your pleasure,” he growls, as he walks around in front of Logan, “so I’m going to make you give me your pain instead.”

One clawed hand reaches down to Logan’s scrotum, pricking it around the base just as he did mine. I can see from the look on Logan’s face that he too knows what will come next.

“I’m going to do this real slow.” One of the monitors shows a close up of Logan’s lower body. I cannot tear my eyes away from it as Victor’s claws extend and go in. “Scream for me, little brother. I want to hear it. And I want your little blue tooth fairy to hear it also.”

There is triumph in Victor’s eyes as he turns to look at me. His hand closes tighter. Logan clenches his teeth and remains silent.

Victor’s fingers pull downward, the sharp claws cutting through bleeding flesh slowly but inexorably. The bottom of the sac bulges as the testicles are forced against it.

“Stop being the strong silent type, little brother. Unless you want to watch me do this to your fuck buddy once I’m finished with you.”

The claws finally dig in to the testicles as they continue to shred the scrotum. The distended flesh at the bottom gives way, leaving Victor holding Logan’s skewered balls in his hand. He continues to pull downward, drawing the attached ligaments and ducts out of the bloody opening.

“What’s more important to you, Jimmy? Your pride, or your demon lover?”

Logan throws his head back and roars out his pain and despair.

I start on my usual litany of curses in German. As soon as I see that I have gotten Logan’s agonized attention, I call out, “Schatz! Nicht verzweifeln!” before returning to the foul names I am calling Victor.

His continued screams pierce my heart but I rebuke myself. You told Logan not to despair, Kurt. Now keep your own hope alive. You know full well he will survive this.

Holding Logan’s skewered balls up to the camera for me to see, Victor laughs at my futile efforts to insult him. As I watch the blood gush down from Logan’s groin, I swear to myself that the last laugh will be mine, no matter what the cost.

Victor returns to my room. I have been too distracted to count the elapsed time, but it did not seem very long.

“Did you enjoy the show, baby?” he asks as he loosens the restraint on my left arm, replacing it with the chain. I am so furious that I try to pull my arm free while he is doing it, even though I know I cannot. I do surprise him enough that I can get a grip on his forearm with my fingernails and tear out a chunk of flesh.

“Oh, you’re being a bad little fairy boy, aren’t you?” he says as he pulls back out of my reach, clutching the injured arm as it heals. “What’s the matter? Did I make you angry?”

I glare at him, the rage burning in my heart reflected in my glowing eyes. His hand moves toward my face. My eyes close reflexively and the tip of a sharp claw touches each eyelid.

“I could do it so easily, you know. But I’ll spare you this time and do something else instead.”

The claws withdraw and I can breathe again.

He takes the remote control from his pocket. “There. I’ve shut off the audio both ways. You can lie here and watch while Jimmy heals, but you can’t talk to each other.”

His gloating laughter trails behind him as he leaves the room.

He is right. I would almost have preferred a physical punishment to this. I want so much to say something to comfort Logan, but at least I can still see how fast he is healing and I will know when he is whole again. It is nothing short of amazing to watch when his body literally re-grows a part. However, it does take time and he is clearly suffering a considerable amount of pain as it happens. If I were not trying to be strong for his sake, I would be crying uncontrollably.

I cannot say how long it took, but at last he looks at me with something other than pain in his expression. I smile tentatively and raise one eyebrow in inquiry as I make the thumbs up signal with my hand. He cannot respond in kind, as his hands are totally encased in their restraints, but he does nod at me.


As Victor again takes the slack out of my left hand restraint and fastens it down, he remarks cheerily, “Since you both resisted so well last time, I’ll have to be more persuasive. You’re going to be sorry you did that. I don’t like it when my victims refuse to give me what I want. This time, you’re not going to have a choice.”

I do not like the sound of that, but I say nothing.

“Now, how do I want to configure things?” He glances from me to the monitors. “Let’s let Jimmy listen, but not see what’s going on or be able to make himself heard.” He sets the controls. “Do we want to be able to watch his reactions? Nah. They’re pretty predictable, aren’t they? I hurt you. He gets all upset.”

The monitors go black.

“Do you two ever play with electricity, fairy boy?”


He flicks the tip of my penis hard with his middle finger, smiling as I wince. “English, remember? Unless you’re cursing at me, that is.”

“Vhat do you mean?”

“If you don’t know what I mean, then I have my answer.” He holds up a strange-looking device. “Consider this to be a learning experience. This is a violet wand. It can do some interesting things.”

It does not look particularly impressive. Just a sort of a handle with a clear glass globe at the end, attached to a box by a cable. When he turns it on, the glass lights up with an eerie violet color. It looks like a very small version of those plasma globes in science museums, where the sparks follow your fingers around on the surface of the globe.

“Pretty, isn’t it?”

“Uh – ja,” I reply uncertainly.

He moves it slowly down towards my right nipple, and I expect him to touch me with it. Instead, as it gets close, small sparks jump between the wand and my skin. Almost, it tickles, as if tiny feelers are wiggling around. The muscles of my chest tighten in arousal, and my nipples grow taut.

Victor turns a dial on the box, and a brighter spark jumps the gap. I gasp at the sharp snap of electricity. It hurts just enough to get my attention, but not enough to cause real pain.

He moves the globe to my left side, giving it the same treatment. I force myself to lie still, even though I want desperately to squirm around as I become more aroused by the strange feelings that are almost pleasure but also almost pain. No! I do not want this to happen!

He begins to trace a line of fierce sensation down my body with the strange device, slowly, teasingly. “I think you can see where I’m going with this, can’t you, fairy boy?”

As he approaches my groin, my body arches uncontrollably and I throw my head back as far as the metal band around my neck will allow. My teeth clench as I try to stifle a moan in anticipation of how it will feel when it reaches my penis. Instead, the sparks move to one side, running down the inside of one thigh, then back down the other. Now, surely!

No. He goes to my lower abdomen, following the design of the scar that stretches across it. All right. This gives me a chance to think more clearly. After fighting so hard against coming during the last session, I am certainly not about to give in easily this time. I focus on my hatred of this man, picturing what he did to Logan. I see the claws piercing his scrotum, ripping out his testicles, slowly and agonizingly. I hear again his screams.

With this image held firmly in my mind, my penis falters. I can tell it is beginning to wilt, despite the sparks still dancing across my body just above it.

Unfortunately, I am not the only one to notice this.

“Oh, we’re going to play the same game we played last time, are we? Let’s just see about that.”

The sparks dance rapidly up the length of my shaft, then focus on the end, striking my exposed glans, my foreskin, and the sensitive area around the frenulum.

As my cock twitches reflexively, I concentrate grimly on the image of Logan’s lacerated sac, the blood steadily dripping down to the floor, and the sight of his balls clutched in Victor’s hand. Although I can feel that twitching, clenching sensation deep in my groin, I deliberately try to suppress it. I will not let this happen!

Victor finally gives up. But why does his voice sound so cheerful when he says, “OK, you’re still fighting me, fairy boy. I could turn this up much higher, but I’d just end up burning you, and that’s not what I have in mind. Looks like you win this round.”

He leaves the room for a few minutes, then comes back pushing a small cart with some sort of mechanism on it. He parks it next to the bed and plugs it in. I do not like the looks of this. It is a metal box with several meters and assorted switches and buttons on the front.

“Want to take a guess, baby?” When I cannot come up with anything, he continues. “I’ll give you a hint: this is a medical device that’s used to get semen from a man who cannot ejaculate, for one reason or another, if he wishes to father a child.”

He looks at me expectantly. From the expression on my face, he can see that it is beginning to dawn on me what comes next. Picking up something from behind the box, he holds up what looks like some sort of probe, about as long as a man’s finger and the width of two fingers. It is mounted on the end of a slender wooden rod, with a wire going back to the box.

“Get the picture? The current isn’t anywhere near enough to do harm, but when it’s applied to the area around the prostate, you will ejaculate, whether you want to or not. Does it feel good or does it hurt? I haven’t tried it myself, so I’ll let you give me the answer to that question. But I strongly suspect it isn’t much fun, since the usual procedure is to do it under anesthesia.”

He sets the probe down on the cart.

“There’s something real handy about this table, baby. The time has come for me to show it to you.” He fiddles with something that I cannot see and the entire section that is usually between my legs folds down, taking my tail along with it. I am left with my buttocks at the very edge and my legs bent at the knees.

He returns to the cart. “Look, I’ll even make it easier for you by putting a little lube on the probe. You don’t have to thank me.”

I do not thank him. My mind has run back to a documentary I once watched about getting semen from prize bulls. It did not appear all that bad, but the bull usually bellowed pretty loudly when the current was turned on.

“Relax, baby,” he says as he inserts the probe. “This part won’t hurt a bit. I promise.”

He plays around with the probe, clearly doing more than is necessary to find the right position near my prostate.

“Want to see what I’ll be using on Jimmy, if he proves as stubborn as you? Here.” He holds up something almost as long as a man’s forearm and just as wide. “It’s meant to be used on a bull, so just be glad you’re not getting this one.”

My mouth drops open in dismay. “No! You vould not –“

“Sure I would. Unlike you, he’s pretty much indestructible, remember?”

Setting the monstrous thing aside, he flips a switch on the box. “The usual procedure is to go to the maximum setting right from the first, keeping it on for a couple of seconds. Then repeat that until the desired results are obtained, usually about seven or eight tries. That seems too quick for me, so I’ll start at the lowest setting and work my way up. That should give you a chance to savor the experience properly. I’m even going to put a condom on you to collect your cum.”

At first, it is not unpleasant at all. Rather nice, actually. But I know that will not last. I am proven right after only a few increases in power. There appears to be a point where the feeling of tingling excitement and mild tensing of the muscles changes into the muscles clenching so hard that it is no longer just arousing and it begins to hurt. I know electricity can cause burns, but surely a medical device meant to be used on humans would stop short of that. Each time now as Victor pushes the button that turns on the current, the spasms become more intense, until it feels as if my insides are trying to turn themselves inside out. My entire lower body convulses and my pelvis thrusts forward uncontrollably. I hear myself gasp, moan, and come very close to sobbing.

“Oh, nice,” Victor croons. “You’re making me real hot. Keep it up.”

Eventually, I am screaming.

“Okay, fairy boy, we’re at the top of the scale. Now I just do it over and over again until you give me what I want. I think I’ll increase the length of the pulses bit by bit also.”

I have lost this battle and I know it. My screams get louder and longer each time, until finally I cannot stop my body from reacting.

“That’s good, baby. A

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Hell Hath No FuryCh5

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, so the saying goes. But in this case, hell hath no fury like a man with a gun pointed at his face when his only focus in that of protector. Jacob’s adrenaline flared when he spotted Derrick, the fact he was waving around a deadly weapon only furthered Jacob’s rage. Jacob’s fists were clenched ready to charge. “Jacob, where did you go?” From behind him came Gabby’s voice. “Gabby, get in the bathroom and lock the door!” His voice remained calm but...

4 years ago
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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XXVI 8211 Hath Ka Sath Hastmaithoon

Pyare Doston Main aap sab ki sexy Julee, pesh karti hun apni chudai ka ek aur kaarnama, Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan ka part No. 27, Ek Lund Ka Raja Aur Do chut Ki Rani. Jaisa ki aap samajh gaye hi honge ki ye part samuhik sambhog ke baare me hai. Ye ek lambi kahani hai isliye maine isko do bhaagon me likha hai kyon ki main nahi chahti hun ki koi bhi baat likhne se rah jaaye. Padhne ke baad aap ko pata chalega ki ye koi sadharan samuhik sambhog ki dastaan nahi hai. Jaisa ki maine apni pahle ki...

4 years ago
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Jab Chachi Ne Mere Towel Me Apna Hath Daal Diya

Hi everyone! Main apke samne apni life ki ek jaise gatna share karna chahta hu jisse lardkiyo ke rongte khade ho jayenge aur lardko ka pata nai kya kya khada ho jayega. Chaliye aapko seedha kahani pe le chalta hu, waise agar kahani pasand aaye ya apka contact karne ka maan karre to please feel free to get in touch on Ye baat last holi ki hai. Mere ghar ek colony me hai, use colony me mere ek relative ka ghar v hai. Wo log do bhai hai. Waise to wo log riste me mere chacha lagte hai lekin unki...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Chapter 10 Hell Hath No Fury

I heard Mary Ann’s voice say, “It’s me Jess,” and she poked her head in her room. “Don’t be mad at me Mary Ann. I bumped into Tony in the bathroom this morning and made him call off work so we could get a head start on our 1 on 1.” “Oh I know all about it. Beth called me and told me all about your little show in the Dinor but I have no right to be mad at anyone. I just wish I would have heard it from one of you. It’s obvious to me that Tony’s just here to use us and we need to accept...

2 years ago
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 23 Hell hath no fury

I was sitting in my office, writing a letter to Mimi, when I heard the clattering of hooves, the cracking of a carriage whip, and the rumble of wheels over the cobbled courtyard. I put down my quill and looked from the window. A large coach, drawn by six horses, pulled up at the entrance to the building. The carriage and horses were all liberally splattered with mud; the weather had become slightly milder, and former ice bound roads were now quagmires. A figure got from the carriage, the...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 18 Hell Hath No Fury

[I stayed on my knees, grabbed a flashlight and peeked between the sheets of canvas. WHAT THE Fu__! ] Greg reacted even faster than me. “Holy shit! That’s more drugs than I could ever imagine!” We were looking at row after row of steel shelves, 10’ high and 100’ long, all packed with huge plastic wrapped bags that looked to contain heroin, cocaine, marijuana, pills, weapons, ammo and even explosives. Huge vertical refrigerators and ... four dead bodies! All of them appeared to be young...

2 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury0

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, as they say. Perhaps this isn’t true for all women, but for some it proves to be all too true. Everyone that knew Gabby Thomas would describe the 26yr old petite brunette as a quiet beauty, who’s as giving and kind as she is easy on the eyes. She was always the level headed one, never acting on impulse or making rash decisions. Being a logical creature, she thought things through precisely and had her entire life planned out since her early teens....

4 years ago
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Hell Hath No FuryCh2

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and poor Derrick had yet to come to that conclusion. He’d get his in due time, Gabby and Jacob would see to that. Before work Gabby stopped to purchase a replacement cellphone, since she’d destroyed hers the previous night in a fit of rage. Her husband, Derrick, had called to tell her he was staying overnight at work, but Gabby knew the truth. He spent the night with his new fiancé. Although she had already fallen madly in love with Jacob after less...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 9 Iron Fury

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Nine: Iron Fury By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Five: Harem's Armored Passion Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch Metal thundered forward. The iron body hurtled at me, a brutal sword clutched in the animated statue's hand. My eyes scanned across the room in a heartbeat, glimpsing strange monsters lurking in the background while a massive blog of...

4 years ago
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Dono Hath Laddu Ek Hath Priya Or Ek Hath Sonam

Hi friends, I am amar here age 24 .ye meri 2nd story hai friends I really like this site to share about our sex stories bhut acche acche response milte h chat karne bhut friends milte h maja aata h. Now me apne bare m kuch bta do waise to sab mujhe jante h fir v btana chahta hu. I m basically from Bhopal but now a days indore m job kar rha hu av 6 months hi hue h ye story tvi start hui jab me Bhopal s indore shift hone aaya. phle to mujhe room search krna tha jo k bhut time lene wala tha office...

2 years ago
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Saas ke hath me

Hi friends mera naam sonu (name change) hai main Ludhiana ka rehne wala hun meri age 26 hai main shadi sudha hun meri shadi ko 1 saal ho gaye hai aur meri highet 5’7″ hai meri body average hai aur mera lun 9″ ka hai aur main ek punjabi hun to main apko apni story ke barin mein batata hun, ye meri real story hai isme mene jo likha wo ekdham sachi kahani hai, ye baat karib 20 din ke hai meri saas mere ghar par rehne ke liye ayi thi mere ghar main hum 3 log rehte hain mein meri biwi and mere dad...

2 years ago
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The Fury

Introduction: Sir enjoys his girls asshole Please stop. I cant take it. Her voice was hoarse from screaming. She was face down on the bed. Her ass up high like he liked it. Her ass was red, but not raw. He had stopped beating her to undress himself. I cant take it. I dont want it. Please. He chuckled to himself, laying his belt down beside her and leant down grabbing a fistful of her long red hair. He viciously pulled her head backwards and leant in towards her. And since when has it been...

2 years ago
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I'm mad at you. I drink the last mouthful of vodka out of my glass, it heats my throat as it goes down. I grab the bottle and pour myself another glassful, this is drink number four now, I take a sip as I blink furiously to keep the tears at bay. I'm so fucking mad at you. How could you do it to me? I trusted you and that's what you do to repay me. I know what's been going on with her. Its worse that your not even here to explain yourself but you know that I know, I left you a message so now I...

Straight Sex
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Hell Hath No FuryCh3

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, or a man for that matter. Humans are animals after all; you never know how vicious that cute furry little creature can truly be till its back into a corner. The events over the past couple of weeks played again and again in Gabby’s head as she slept. She’d been on a rollercoaster of emotions since she first spied her husband, Derrick, with another woman. Since then she’d met her soul mate, Jacob, whom she fallen for unexpectedly and immediately....

2 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury But Heaven Might

HELL HATH NO FURY, BUT HEAVEN MIGHT by anyport Dear Gary I hope you enjoyed the other night even half as much as I did, though I seriously doubt you did. You wouldn't believe this, but when I came over to see you I had all sorts of plans and contingencies to trap you so I could extract my full revenge on you. Oh by the way, you should know I'm now fully avenged and you needn't worry about me ever turning up on your doorstep again, well probably not. Anyway, as I was...

3 years ago
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Theatre Me Bibi Ke Hath Me Paraye Mard Ka Lund

Hey friends ye kahani jab meri gita ke sath engagment hui uske baad ki hai yaani ki shadi se pehle ki jab meri engagement hui to mai har sunday gita se milne jata tha hum log kahi na kahi gumne jaya karte the aur mauka pate hi sexki bate karte the aur pyar karte the. Ek baar aise hi hum dono bate karte the tab maine kaha ki gita kya tumne kabi blue film ya nange photo dekhe hai? Gita: nai maine nai dekha kya hota hai usme? Mai: are bahut maja aata hai dekhne me.bade bade lund wale mard tere...

2 years ago
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Dost Ko Diya Apni Biwi Ka Hath 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Amit (name changed), age above 30, aur yeh meri kahani hai. Zindagi ek dam set chal rahi thi. 6 saal ki relationship ko shadi mein convert kiya, acchi naukri mili. Ek accha ghar, acchi naukri, pyar karne wali ek sar ghuma dene wali sexy biwi, aur apko kya chahiye? Hota hai! Par mera yeh sukh sayed jyada samay tak sahen nahi hua. Shadi ke sirf do saal hi hue the. Abhi hum bacche plan karne hi wale the ki tabhi mera ek massive accident hua. Bohut dino tak hospital mein admit tha, life...

1 year ago
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Fury, by Abe(Written to specifications.  If you are not turned on by torture and death, DON'T READ this.)Nora had issues with her mother.   Mom was a control freak, and she  controlled every detail of Nora's life.  She chose Nora's clothes, her food, who she could see.  When she married, Mom planned the honeymoon, chose where they would live and how it would be decorated.  Nora had not been allowed to marry until she was thirty, and it was to a man Mom had chosen.  Outwardly, Marshall seemed a...

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Office Virgin 8211 Lite Aa Blood Vanthathu Pola Irrunthathu

I am back after small gap with one real story. Real story padika yeppavum konjam porumai vendum friends. Na eppo work pannitu irrukura company la nadantha oru unmai sambavam ethu. En office ku puthusa oru 10 peru join pannaga athula boys 7 peru girls 3nu peru.Athu la 2 ponnu north india oru ponnu hydrabad. 2 peru nu oru team la potanga athula yen team ku oru paiyanum oru ponnum potanga (hydrabad). Antha ponnu name preethi. Antha ponna paaka appavi maari irrukum, avaluku padipu mattum tha...

3 years ago
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Passions Fury

Chapter 1 My mind wandered too easily these days. I wondered whether you really missed me and still loved me or if I had become an albatross around your neck. There was little for me to think about where you were concerned. I loved you simply and fully. It was not a love that smothered. I could be separate in body from you and still love you deeply as if I knew every fiber of you, as if I knew your smell during passionate lovemaking and when you were shining with sweat after a hard play at...

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Blackfeather32 That Which God Hath Joined

“ ... IN SICKNESS and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do you part?” “I do,” I said. I turned to my right and looked at Jason Wardlaw. I could see my brother looking out of his eyes. “Do you, Jason Wardlaw, take Miranda Lewis to be your lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do you part?” “I do.” It was Jason’s voice but all I could still...

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Chelli Friend Tho Sex Chat And Sex

Hi friends na peru samar nenu iss ku pedda fan ni. Na age 25 naku friends wife ni friends akkalani chellelini inka chelli friends ni dengalani pedda fantasy. E story ela na fantasy ni nenu nijang chesano cheptanu. Nenu dengindi na chelli friend ni tana name pravalika. Tanaku naku 5yrs age difference undi. Figure mari kasekkinchela kakapoyina super ani chepochu. Fair ga sannani nadumu konchem pedda gudda. Boobs size emo 32 appudu. Ika story loki vaste Nenu na chelli friends andarito chala free...

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Richelle Ryan 3100 682000

Some decisions almost guarantee your daughter will end up in porn. For example, if you name your daughter after anything related to geology, such as Diamond, Crystal, Amethyst, or Amber.Porn College GraduateOverly strict parenting is another direct cause of professional cock sucking. However, perhaps the most significant indicator is religion. The more religious the upbringing, the more likely a bitch is to gargle cock for a paycheck.The actual dagger, though, is Catholic school. Between the...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Chelli puku 4years patu daily denganu1

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston readers edi nenu rastunna and share chesukuntunna second real life experience.Nenu chpeydi everything nijam and imaginative story kadu.Thank you na last story experienece ki baga response vachindi and 1 aunty sex ki sye andi kuda and thankyou ISS for the great platform.In case evaranna na first experience miss aitey edigo e link copy chesukuni chadavandi Na peru Tarun nenu currently hyderabad lo untunna na height 6 feet fair and na sulla size 14 cms height...

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The Brazen Fury

I couldn’t help but think and long for you as the days grew farther and farther apart since we had been together. I wanted you more and more with every second. All I could do was think of how glorious you made me feel when we were together. The intensity the fire the passion we felt. Like no other human existed only us and our hunger for each other. We were to meet again for another visit and I could barely contain myself. I had gotten up early and got my chores done so I could just take my...

2 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury1

By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. This is a fictional story, so read and enjoy. Just like you would find in “Cosmo”, all the signs were there. Jake and I had been married for over 10 years. I saw our marriage as ideal and I thought Jake had the same opinion. We handled chores around the house equally, I even liked mowing and general yard work. I even did some minor repairs around the house. If I knew more about...

1 year ago
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Chelle helps her sister lose her black cherry

Chelle had just found herself a new master, even though she had a boyfriend once she met her master Chelle just knew she could not pass up an opportunity to be stretched in every way. Her reality, her lust, her imagination and her sensuality were going to be expanded way beyond what she thought or even dreamed possible. Then there was the actual physical aspect of course underlying all the mental aspects. She would be taken from being an awkward slut to a deft whore who could serve even the...

3 years ago
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Hellen The New Office Girl

Hellen had only been working in my office for a few weeks now but I could sense that with our flirting and sexual innuendo’s it would end up going somewhere very soon.Hellen had join my company after us chatting online and being that she was bored of her job she was more than willing to move to a different part of the country and start a new life.Our conversions in work would always end up about the things that we like sex wise and I got more and more aroused about the things that Hellen wanted...

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Golden Fury

“If you accept my offer, your husband's name will be spared public shame, all the debts he left you with at the time of his unfortunate death, will be paid. Doug's son, your step son, will be guaranteed a first class education and when he graduates from college, he will be entitled to all the prize money you bring to my stable or a minimum of a million dollars, whichever is more..." "I know my offer sounds bizarre to you now, think about it overnight. You can give me your answer at breakfast...

2 years ago
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A Wifes Fury

A Wife's Fury By Margaret Jeanette Joel and Julie Woods had a beautiful marriage. They were much in love with each other. They were married a little over three years. He was a successful novelist with three books published and his publisher after him to complete his fourth. She was a teller at a bank and enjoyed her job. They had just been out to eat. He brought her up to date on the negotiations to make his second novel into a movie. They went to see a...

4 years ago
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The Fury

Special thanks to blackrandi for the invitation to participate in “The Magical Mystery Tour. A country song, “Hell on Heels,” left me with an itch to write this particular story. It wouldn’t leave me alone until it was finished. I’ve included other “Thanks” at the end. I’m no hero, at least not now. The last time I did anything brave was a long time ago. Fourth grade, actually. There was a girl in my grade named Cindy Van Dyke. Not popular, not well dressed and not well off. She’d probably...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 26 Iron Fury

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Prince Meinard Anger boiled inside of me. This foul, loathsome thing touched my daughter. He corrupted her purity. He made her into his slut. Shadows trailed after him as he flowed past my attacks. My iron body creaked and groaned. I swung my sword as his shadow rapier prodded my body without effect. He danced around, a fly buzzing around my greatness. “She is mine?” I snarled, my sword slashing at him. “Really?” he growled. “Yours? You had...

3 years ago
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Hellen The Office Girl Part 2

Wendy was spending more and more time in the office, and “chatting” as she put it with Hellen or as she had now named her “Hels”, Wendy always made sure that I was out in the factory or in meetings and when I did return to the office the door would be locked or I would walk in and just catch them adjusting their clothes and I knew that the “chatting” had been good. That was when Wendy wasn’t taking Hel’s out for lunches or shopping and returning back to home in the late evenings with a broad...

3 years ago
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Hellen The Office Girl Part 2 Continued

A hour must of passed since I had left the girls on their own I could hear the moans and groans coming from the bedroom and knew that I could not resist in re-joining them , My cock was throbbing and I want to see what Hellen and Wendy had been up too.As I stood in the doorway, Wendy was standing between Hellen’s spread upright legs her long blonde hair sticking to her face and tits and with Hellen moaning every time Wendy moved her body towards her, as I got closer I could see that Wendy had a...

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Dost Ko Diya Apni Biwi Ka Hath 8211 Part 2

Uss din mujhe samajh aaya ki mera andaza galat nahi tha. Sach mein Shalini ander hi ander ghut ghut ke mar rahe hai. Par woh mujhe uski ehesash bhi nahi hone dena chati hai taki mujhe bura na lage. Mujhe Shalini ke liye bohut bura laga. Aankhir aur kitni sacrifice use karni padegi mere iss halat ke liye. Main uss raat thik se soya nahi. Agle din main use phone pe apne Kolkata ke ek purani dost se baat karte hue suna. Main chupke se uski baate sun ne lage. Shalini: Haan yar Kavita, tu jo jo kaha...

2 years ago
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Padosan Ko Range Hath Pakda Aur Fir Choda

Namaskar adab mai akshit ludhiane ka rehne wala ek sidha sadha insaan. Vaise to meri girlfriend hai but usse kabhi chudai nhi ki. Kiss karna fingering krdeni ue sab am thi bt wo kabhi sex ke liye nhi mani. To bina time gvaye mai apni apne bare mein bta doo fair 5.9 height aur lund ka size 7.5 inch. Meri padosan ka naam seema hai vaise meri padosan ka ek bacha hai jo ki 12th class mein padta hai. Seema ka figure aisa hai ki koi bhi usse dekh ke ba chodne ke liye tadap uthe uske motte motte boobs...

2 years ago
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Jija apne jawaan sali ko nahate hue garden mein le aakar chodta hai. Chandni raat mein khule mein sali chudti hai.Yeh chudati salli ladko ka lund khada karegi aur unki muth maregi aur jija ka lund har is story ko padne wali aurut ko apni chut main mehsoos hogga,plz ye story bilkul free hokar aur doob kar padna,aapka sexysam aapke liye new 2 stories lata rahega. agar kissi ladki ko mere sath hindi roleplay karna ho to aur agar aap khud par story likhawana chahe to mere yahoo id pe mere sath chat...

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Rochelle Takes the Bait Club Wives 9

“Fuck me you bastard! Fuck my ass!” Rochelle screamed as I pounded my cock deep into her back door. It had been a few weeks since our adventure at the swingers club and Jennifer and Chrissy were out of town on a cross country adventure race so I decided to take the opportunity to violate my favorite cheating wife. I had been pondering how else to use Rochelle after her bait comment at the club and my mind was filled with possibilities as my cock filled her ass. I eventually blew my cum deep...

4 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury Ch 01

‘Ohhhh, Milt!’ Heidi Tate cooed while the man sitting next to her on the sofa tickled her neck with his fingertips. Warmth and delight began to spread through her. Her companion was Milt Bingham, the assistant principal of Jamestown High School, where Heidi was employed as school nurse. The assistant principal was about five-six, balding, and somewhat portly. He had been very attentive to Heidi ever since he assumed the assistant principal’s position at the beginning of the school year. He had...

4 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Husband Scorned

A husband comes to grips with infidelity and seeks revenge. Bill Trebelov stood frozen and helpless, watching his beloved wife snuggle warmly into the arms of their next door neighbor, Roger. Emily smiled so brightly, she seemed to illuminate from within. She wore a flimsy yellow sundress that left little to the imagination. Her shapely body fit perfectly in Roger’s embrace, as if they were two pieces of a puzzle. They were laughing, surrounded by friends and neighbors with familiar, yet...

2 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

"You bitches are all the same!" You yell at your girlfriend Shannon. She responds with a narrow-eyed, exasperated look. Your angry, and rightfully so, she cheated on you, repeatedly with your best friend. You've been together for nearly 3 years, and this is the first bout of unfaithfulness in your entire relationship. Of course there have been signs, you've spending a lot of time at work, less and less with her. The love has been fading from your relationship for a while to say the least....

1 year ago
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Hell Hath No Fury an Eclipse Vignette

He has the virus. It had become more common over the past ten years, but thankfully the therapy has grown increasingly effective. He himself has been receiving treatments for the past six months. They make him feel lousy, weak, libidinous almost to the point of priapism - and they've withered his body, shrinking him several inches. An improvement, certainly, over treatments of the past which left some men less than a foot tall before fighting off the virus. But still unpleasant. Sherri, his...

2 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Husband Scorned

A husband comes to grips with infidelity and seeks revenge.Bill Trebelov stood frozen and helpless, watching his beloved wife snuggle warmly into the arms of their next door neighbor, Roger. Emily smiled so brightly, she seemed to illuminate from within. She wore a flimsy yellow sundress that left little to the imagination. Her shapely body fit perfectly in Roger's embrace, as if they were two pieces of a puzzle.They were laughing, surrounded by friends and neighbors with familiar, yet...

3 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury Like Totally a Woman Scorned

I wrote this story about two years ago for an Image Pool Writing Contest, a contest by the TF-TG-Contests Deviantart group page. This was a contest where people write stories based on Before/After gender swap pictures. For the record, I didn't win. Anyway, it recently occurred to me that I only posted this story on my Deviantart page (search for "Amber Smyth") and decided to share my story on other TG story sites as well. Hope you enjoy and also wouldn't mind some feedback/constructive...

1 year ago
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Rochelle Strikes Back Club Wives 4

Apparently Jill did tell Rochelle about our adventure in the car, because Rochelle pulled out some new tricks for her next attempt to one up her friend. I think that Rochelle was getting scared that I was losing interest in her, since I’d been spending the most of my free time fucking Jill. I’d also hooked up with Jennifer a few times and the college girl had a really fun mix of energy and naiveté’. There was a knock on my door late one night, which I had grown accustomed to. It was a pretty...

4 years ago
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Shelley Comes To Stay

Josh is twenty and lives at home with his parents. He is a student, at a local university and commutes in for lectures, so he can save money on accommodation and so on. In this way he will not leave university, several thousand pounds in debt. His room at his parent's house is a spacious double room. He has all the tech and modern conveniences he needs, a nice big double bed and a en suite bathroom, so the only reason he needs to leave his room is the get fed. Josh’s parents, Steve and Bev,...

Straight Sex
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Shelley Claudia A Fantasy Part One

I was on all fours in Shelley's living room, my legs spread wide, head up, waiting in anticipation. I gasped as I felt the cold lubricant sprayed on my bumhole. "Let me just get you ready, sweetie" said Shelley, rubbing her wet fingers up and down over my twitching tight opening to my tightening ball sac. My cock, which had been relaxing, now twitched and stiffened as Shelly's fingers and palm lightly brushed along the length of it and back to my slit. I felt more lube run down the crack of my...

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Shellys Spell

Shelly's Spell By Mia Pink It all happened so innocently. All I wanted to do was to run my fingers through her silky and satiny panties that called to me. They had always called to me, you see, because I've been a crossdresser all my life. I've been putting on my mother's bras and panties and pantyhose and makeup on since I was a little transgendered boy. I always looked at Mom as she was putting on her makeup and felt a little exquisite pang of jealousy. I would watch how...

2 years ago
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Michelles Booty Call part 3

Continued from ‘The Liquor Store – Hooked’ (part 2). It had been a while since we played with Mike, Michelle’s hung stud. Many different things had been going on. My wife, Michelle had started working with a catering company and our store had started supplying the liquor for special events like weddings. Michelle was constantly traveling between the store and the catering company, improving our business but by the end of the day, she was usually exhausted. On a rare slow night, we decided to...

4 years ago
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Michelles Booty Call part 3

Continued from ‘The Liquor Store - Hooked’ (part 2).It had been a while since we played with Mike, Michelle’s hung stud. Many different things had been going on. My wife, Michelle had started working with a catering company and our store had started supplying the liquor for special events like weddings. Michelle was constantly traveling between the store and the catering company, improving our business but by the end of the day, she was usually exhausted. On a rare slow night, we decided to...

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