Webslut Part 11 - 15 free porn video

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I'm not the author of this story! But I loved the story and loves to do this to a real slut some day! I hope you will enjoy the story as much as I did!

Part 11
"Very good, slut," read the first line of the message on Madison's computer. "You really enjoyed humiliating yourself in class like that, didn't you?"

Madison really had enjoyed it - all of it. She enjoyed showing off her body, she enjoyed revealing herself to Dan, and she enjoyed letting him fuck her brains out in the most degrading of ways. She also enjoyed wearing a skirt and no panties to class, and of course, she enjoyed a mutual masturbation session with a girl she had met only a week before - in the cafeteria bathroom, surrounded by girls going in and out constantly.

Madison was a little disappointed by one thing, however. She couldn't help but notice that none of the pictures and videos that she sent to her blackmailer ever seemed to be circulated around the internet - well, they were being posted, but she hadn't been spread around and ruined quite yet. There she was, literally begging strangers on the internet to ruin her reputation and destroy her life, to tell the whole world that she was nothing more than a worthless, exposed slut. Yet nobody had quite managed to do that.

When she wasn't sexually aroused, she was actually kind of relieved. She still had reservations about whether she wanted to be a truly exposed webslut. However, when she was turned on, there was no question in her mind what she wanted. And that was to open up her computer and see all of it - the pictures and the videos - of her at the library, standing at her window, going to class, telling the camera what a nasty slut she was - posted on every porn site she could find. She wanted to see degrading messages directed at her - and she wanted to find it all by simply googling her own name.

Thankfully, she had been having an easier time lately orgasming to the things she was actually doing - the standing at her window nude, getting fucked and degraded by Dan, showing him the body writing she had worn to class, barely covered by her skimpy outfit.

However, Madison wanted more, she fantasized about more exposure, and she knew it was just a matter of time before she opened up her computer again and begged her blackmailer to make it happen.

Madison spent the time before graduation doing things most college students do when they are preparing to graduate. Well, sort of. Madison had already decided to stick around campus for one more year and work toward a master's degree in education, as she had planned to become a teacher. So, she was not moving out of her apartment and she was not looking for work. But she was saying goodbye to friends, and helping other people load up to move to all sorts of far-off places.

And, of course, Madison completed the next task ordered to perform. She was ordered to go to her college graduation wearing only her gown with nothing underneath but some clothes pins on her labia, nipple clamps, and a butt plug - with the word "slut" written on her stomach in large letters - and walk across a stage and receive a college diploma in front of thousands of people, a degree that suggested that she was an educated, successful person - all with an outfit designed to make her feel like she had been spread around and ruined.

She had taken a video of herself in the restroom, unzipping the gown to show off what she had done to herself and what she wasn't wearing underneath. She rolled the camera as she walked out and sat down among the throng of fellow graduates. And then she walked across the stage with a huge smile as the clamps, which had been on for an hour that point, pinched her nipples with an intensity that did not make her wince in pain, but did not let her forget of their presence.

She smiled wide as she took her diploma, the plug digging into her ass as she received her four-year degree. And she felt sublimely exposed as the campus photographer snapped a picture of her, wearing nothing but her gown, smiling wide. Madison walked quickly back to her seat after the dean congratulated her, her thighs soaked in pussy juice.

The other part of her orders, however, were that she could not put on any additional clothing until she had returned to her apartment. She was allowed to remove the nipple clamps only, but was not permitted to wash the writing off her body or take the plug out until she returned home. Her blackmailer has agreed to allow her to remove the clothespins from her labia occasionally, under the condition that they must returned to her labia, perhaps in a slightly different position, within ten seconds, until she returned home. Madison had, in fact, taken advantage of this allowance twice during her ceremony, reaching subtly under her gown to reposition the pins just before she walked and after she returned to her seat.

"God, what if someone hears these clicking together while I walk?" Madison had fretted to herself as she prepared for her ceremony. It was a fear worth considering; however, when she was actually walking, the clicking was drowned out by applause. However, what most stunned Madison was what happened immediately after the ceremony.

"Madison, oh, congratulations! Your father and I are so proud of you!" Her mother had said.

"Yes, we are - in fact, we'd like to treat you to dinner," her father had replied.

"After we get a picture with our graduate in her gown, of course!" Her mother said excitedly.

"Shit!" Madison thought to herself. She now had not one new problem, but two. What if her parents wanted to have dinner now, as in without going back to her apartment? How would she keep her gown on and zipped the whole time without raising their suspicions? And perhaps worse, how would she make it through a picture without her clamps being discovered? They were thin clamps, and she had strategically pointed them toward the ground so as to not draw attention to them, but still, all it would take was one wrong move and an accidental brush of her body against one of her parents' hugging arms, and the cat was out of the bag.

"I - sure, but I need to pee first," Madison stammered quickly. She remembered her rules - the ceremony was over, and she was free to remove the clamps. At least that would solve one of her problems.

Madison quickly waded through a sea of fellow graduates and their parents, darting off to the bathroom before her parents could respond. She only briefly paused for a hug and a picture with one of her female classmates, and she wondered of the hug had given away the fact that she was wearing clamps, or the fact that she wasn't wearing anything else under her gown.

"God, that was fucking hot!" Madison thought to herself as she considered the possibilities. She really dreaded her parents finding out about her, but she had really gotten used to fantasizing about being exposed to friends and classmates. "I'd be such a mess," she continued to think as she walked. "God, I'm a filthy little slut!"

Madison entered the restroom and chose a stall away from the door. She sighed in relief as she closed the door, noticing that her hands were a little shaky from the rush. She slowly unzipped her gown, revealing her perky breasts, with their clamped, erect, tortured nipples a darker than usual shade of red. But she did not stop there. Madison continued to unzip her gown until she could clearly see the four letters that made up the word "slut," feeling that she deserved to be reminded of what she really was inside.

Madison didn't bother removing the clamps right away. Instead, she unzipped her gown a little more and softly stroked her pussy. "God, I'm fucking wet," she thought. It was true. Her juices, with nothing to hold them back, we're running down both legs, and the aroma of fresh pussy filled the stall as Madison collected her liquids with her hand, depositing them on her tongue.

"I'm a slut," she said out loud, hoping nobody in another stall could hear but perhaps fantasizing about the possibilities if someone did. She looked at the writing on her body again. "I deserve this," she continued. "To be humiliated and to suffer." Quickly, Madison ripped the clamps off her nipples, eliciting a wince that almost caused her to shriek. She doubled over, leaning against the toilet, mouth open, but accepting what she knew she deserved. Luckily, she was able to maintain her composure and avoid complete humiliation for the time being.

However, Madison was far too aroused to simply let herself off the hook now. She looked back down at the writing on her body. "I'm a slut," she told herself again. As she often did when she was horny, Madison soon began to have fantasies of deep and extreme humiliation.

"Mom - Dad - I - I know you're proud of me and all, but - I - I have to show you something," she said in her fantasy. They had just arrived at a restaurant, her parents quizzing her about why she wouldn't take off the graduation gown, when Madison couldn't take it anymore.

"What is it, honey?" Her dad asked.

"Well, I - umm - I" Madison stammered. She was so nervous she couldn't even get the words out. "I'm just going to show you," she said finally.

"Show us what?" Her mom asked, puzzled.

"I - I'm going to show you what - what I am," she replied. Her heart was pounding, racing really, and she knew there was no going back.

"What you are? I don't understand," her father replied. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the reason I - I wouldn't take off my gown, umm - like I said, I'm just going to -" Madison began. She felt her eyes close as she reached for the zipper on her gown. Already she felt like she was going to explode into orgasm, and her parents quite literally hadn't seen a thing yet. Slowly she pulled the zipper down, opening her eyes, locking eyes with her father as the zipper made it down just slightly below her breasts.

Her mom gasped. "Madison! You're naked under there!"

"Oh, that's it, makes sense now," her dad said. Obviously, he was referring to the fact that he had pieced together why Madison still had her gown on. "Must have been a prank or something," he thought to himself.

"Well, that's part of it," Madison said. She could feel herself about to start shaking from excitement and nerves, knowing what she was about to do. Her hand continued its journey down her body, the zipper being pulled along in tow.

"Madison, we get it, you don't have to take it off, we believe you!" Her mother scolded. "Come on, let's go. Zip that back up!"

"Wait," was all she could say. Her parents both turned to look at her. "Time to rip off the band-aid," she thought. She quickly, nervously pulled the zipper down below her navel, stopping to grab either side of her gown and spread it open. There, in front of the very people who had brought her into the world, Madison's breasts fell out of her gown, sore, red and erect from the clamps that she had been wearing for most of the morning. And farther down, glistening in the sun, was the very word that was the essence of who she had become: "slut."

"Madison, what - why on earth would you do that?" Her father said, harshly this time. "Hello! Answer me! Why would you write that on yourself?"

"You shouldn't be proud of me, dad," she said. "I'm a slut."

"Wh -" her dad couldn't even speak. He turned away, throwing his hands up, not wanting to see what his daughter had become. He shook his head, turning back to her finally. "So what's the idea, you go show - that - to all the guys or something?" He said as he pointed at her still bare stomach. Madison's tits were still exposed for all to see, not that she cared. At this point, the humiliation was making her shake, and she was afraid she might have an orgasm just standing there.

"I'm a slut," she said again. "And I like it."

"What do you mean by "slut," her mother asked. "You had a couple of one night stands, or are you having orgies at a frat house?"

Madison did not respond, but just grabbed the zipper and continued pulling it down, knowing the clothespins on her pussy were next.

"Stop it, now!" Her mother ordered. Madison didn't listen.

"There's more," she said. Quickly, she unzipped her gown some more, pulling the bottom up until she could reach it without bending down, fully unzipping her gown and allowing it to fall to her sides. The clothespins, still attached to her engorged pussy, were now in plain view.

Madison did her best to contain her excitement. She also had to contain any reaction to the looks of utter bewilderment on her parents faces as she began to speak. "Dad, I - to answer your question, yes, I let all the guys see it," she said as she hung her head in shame. "But not - not like that, I don't - I usually don't just run up to them and start stripping, and I don't sleep with just anyone, either," she said, seeing her father's concerned look.

"So you're not really a slut?" Her mom said, hopefully.

"Oh, no," Madison said, her gaze meeting her mother's as she gladly accepted what she knew had been a long time coming. She had fantasized about this moment too many times. Madison already knew what she was going to say, having practiced her lines many times, sometimes before her high school teachers, her old friends, her college classmates, and yes - perhaps most often of all - her own parents, the people who would be humiliated almost as much as she would be by her ruination.

"I am definitely a slut. I -"

"What kind of slut are you?" Her mother asked.

"I am a webslut. An exhibitionist. I get off on showing off my body, and most of all, being and feeling humiliated for it. I actually - I don't know how else to say this - I'm naked all over the internet."

"Naked?" Her father chimes in. Completely naked?"

"Yes - well, I mean, yeah, but - not - not just naked. I humiliate myself. I beg to be passed around. I call myself webslut Madison Holt and I beg for my reputation to be ruined, and to be made famous, and - and I do it all for free because I love being a slut so much I can't stop myself and I know I'll never get a job because I'm all over the internet begging, using my real name, but I love it and I -"

All of the sudden, Madison's fantasy was cut short. As she flashed back to reality, she realized all of the sudden how real her fantasy had become. She had transported herself to such a far away land that she didn't even realize that, in reality, she was standing in a bathroom stall, wearing nothing but her graduation gown, with her left foot on the floor and her right rested on the toilet seat. She was twisting her nipples with her left hand and furiously fingering herself with her right and, although she had not reached orgasm, she was so close she didn't think she could stop herself.

"Madison, are you in here?" She heard. It was the voice, the one that had ripped her out of her fantasy land and found her agonizingly aroused in a bathroom stall, and it was none other than her mother's. "Fuck!" She thought to herself.

"Yes, I'll be right out!" Madison called as her mind raced. She hit her lip as she twisted the clothespins on her labor, extracting an additional jolt of pain to keep herself on edge just a few seconds longer as she paused ever so briefly before pressing the two opposite ends of her zipper together.

In that moment, she actually considered a couple of things that, had she not been aroused, she would have found vile and disgusting. First, she contemplated pressing the cold steel toilet flush handle into her pussy, pressing as far as it would go. But she would not stop there. She would create photo proof of her deed and post it, showing the world how filthy she really was before having a chance to take it back. She would beg to be humiliated and degraded for doing it, for forcing a germy, infected, uncomfortable piece of metal, filled with the filth of dozens or perhaps even hundreds of hands, into her most intimate cavity.

Second, Madison briefly considered pressing her body against the wall behind the toilet, pressing her lips to the tile backsplash as she began to make out with a reflection of herself in that tile that was so faint it was barely visible. She would think about the fact that she was kissing a bathroom wall, wondering if by chance some cute, dirty girl had run her tongue over that exact spot before, just as she was doing now. She would even wonder if a girl had - whether by purpose or mistake - splashed some saliva or urine over that spot, and she just happened to be wiping the last remnants up with her tongue. She would press her tongue hard against the tile, wanting to feel like a whore, wondering what it would feel like if Dan - or even her mystery blackmailer - forced her to lick a bathroom floor.

But Madison just shook her head, slightly disturbed that she would even think of such things in a moment where her mother was waiting just feet away. She looked at the word "slut" on her stomach one last time as she zipped her gown up, past the clothespins, past her sparkly, dangling bellybutton ring, past the degrading adjective she had been forced to write on her body to describe herself. She zipped it up past her sore, erect nipples, and finally brought the zipper to rest just below its highest possible point - high enough that nobody would suspect that she had no clothes on underneath, and low enough that it wouldn't look like she was hiding anything.

Madison took a deep breath before locking her juices off her fingers. She told herself that she needed to get the smell of her pussy off of her hand before she left, but deep inside, she knew it was a lame excuse. She would have done anything to taste a fresh pussy at that moment. It just made her even more aroused, and she briefly considered lifting up her gown and fingering herself all the way to orgasm before she shook her head.

Madison took a deep breath again. She needed to calm down, and wondered if the shaking she felt - the rush, knowing she was not only nude, but completely exposed for all she was under her gown - knowing she was a slut, knowing what she really craved - really, wondering if it was visible to anyone but her. She felt as if everyone could see right through her gown, knew what she was without even having to look or ask. Madison took yet another deep breath. She really just wanted to be fucked right there in the bathroom, she didn't care who did it. She wanted her hands up against the wall of the stall while her pinned pussy was fucked from behind, and then perhaps the guy would leave and Madison would just bend over and wait for a new fuck to take his place - one after the other, calling her a slut, inviting the next round in, until she was completely debased.

"God, what is wrong with me?" She thought. "I've had some sick fantasies, but damn! I am really horny today!" Madison shook her head again, sighed, and opens up the door to the stall. "I wonder what kind of trouble I'm about to get into," she thought to herself. As aroused as she was, she knew this day was going to lead to more humiliation of one sort or another, and part of her just couldn't wait. She knew she needed it.

"How long does it take you to pee?" Madison's dad asked scornfully as she and her mother approached.

"Oh, come on, now, she just graduated from college. I think you could be a little nicer to her today!" Madison's mother shot back at him. Slowly the trio walked toward the car, surrounded by other graduates and their families, all leaving the arena. The plug, still in Madison's ass, reminded her that even today, she was nothing more than a slut.

"I guess there's no point in going back to your apartment, right Madison? Her dad asked.

"Ummm," Madison said aloud as she thought. She tried thinking of an excuse to go back, as she knew that once she walked through that door, she was free to wash the writing off her body, to remove the plug from her ass, to take off the clothespins and to put on "normal" clothes - which at this point meant short shorts and some sort of mildly revealing crop top. Truthfully, though, she wasn't sure she even wanted to go back. The clothespins gnawed at her pussy as she walked. If they did nothing else, they kept her aroused, kept her on edge, and kept her secretly in the mood to be humiliated.

"Well, where do you want to go? We'll go anywhere you want," Madison's dad said finally as they reached the car. Madison still really hadn't thought about whether she truly wanted to go home first and dispense with the risk that she would be truly humiliated, let alone coming up with an excuse to do so.

Madison opened the back door of her parents' car and sat down. The plug shot into her ass, and without even thinking, the slut spread her legs and relaxed her sphincter, allowing the plug to press farther into her ass. She knew she deserved it as the clothespins squeezed her labia.

"Fuck, I'm a filthy little slut!" Madison thought to herself as she felt these sensations. She raised her right hand to her face, about to slap herself reflexively, when she remembered that her parents were there and would not have any idea why their smart, successful daughter would be slapping herself in the face. Slowly she dropped her hand to the side. "God, I don't deserve to go back," she thought. "I'm a little whore. I was made to suffer. and if I wind up totally humiliated, then I deserve it."

Madison reached her hand, instead, underneath her right buttock, which was closest to the door she had entered. Slowly, she lifted the back of her gown, bit by bit, until she could feel her bare ass. Thankfully, her deeds went unnoticed by her parents in the front seat, and the seat back and seat bottom covered up Madison's extracurriculars. Madison slowly pulled on the tip of her plug, feeling it slide past her sphincter as she quietly began to pull it out of her ass. However, after about an inch, she stopped, reversed direction, opened her sphincter and forced the plug slowly back inside her ass.

"Fuck me, I'm a filthy little slut," Madison thought to herself. "I don't deserve to go back home. I deserve to sit through dinner at a nice restaurant baked under my gown, plugged, and humiliated. I deserve to be fucking humiliated!" She reached her arm farther under her ass until she came to the clothespins still squeezing her labia.

Madison squeezed the clothespin on the left side, letting the blood flow into the pressed area and giving her a sensation of pain and pleasure that she probably should not have given to herself in her parents' car, at least not with them inside. She shuddered a little as she enjoyed the sensation, her mouth hanging open. "Fuck, I want this, ohhhh, fuck, I need this. Fucking humiliate me!" Madison thought to herself. She probably would have continued playing with her clothespins and plug until she was drooling in the backseat, but her mom snapped her out of it.

"Madison, is everything okay today?" Asked her mother.


"Didn't you hear your father? Where do you want to eat?"

"Oh I, um - sorry," Madison stammered as she released the clothespin on her labia and moved on to the right side. Thankfully, her mother was seated directly in front of her and did not turn around. Her dad had started the car and had begun to drive, so his eyes were focused elsewhere. Neither of her parents had any clue what she was doing in the backseat.

"There's a really good new seafood place, it's - it's called - just turn right and it's about a mile down the road," Madison said. She had finally done it - she had assured that she would, in fact, be going to eat nude under her gown. She squeezed the clothespin on her right labia, feeling the pain and pleasure only for an instant before allowing it to snap closed on her pussy. Madison winced as she felt this, but she knew how much she needed it. She had never been so horny in her entire life.

Madison reached for her plug again. She pulled on it, pulling more of it out of her ass now. She wasn't sure if she had just become more comfortable with the fact that she was unlikely to get busted, or if her arousal was finally starting to drive her over the edge and make her act like a crazed, horny, worthless little slut.

"Fuck yeah," she thought to herself. She pulled the plug two inches out of her ass, and then rammed it back inside, hard. "Fuck, I'm a dirty little slut, naked under this gown, plugging my ass and making myself take it while my parents are right up there!"

Madison pulled the plug out again, a little farther this time. She extended her middle finger, forcing it into her asshole with the plug. "Yes, fuck, yes!" She thought to herself. "I need to take it even more up my ass! I need it! I need to be an even bigger slut!"

Madison forced the plug back into her ass before sliding her finger out. Slowly, she removed her hand from her gown and raised it to her face before checking to make sure her parents were not watching. Satisfied, Madison slowly licked her finger seductively, knowing where it had just been.

Of course, Madison had not nearly had enough, and the car was only halfway to its destination. Slowly, Madison pulled her gown with her left hand until she was no longer sitting on it. Her bare ass was now nestled against the bare car seat, and her gown was bunched up behind her low back. Madison reached her left hand under her gown, near her left hip, leaned back, and spread her legs.

"New rule, slut," she thought to herself. As she thought this, she imagines a somewhat older woman, bossing her around, telling her what her rules were, threatening complete humiliation if she did not comply. "Play with those clothespins until you get there. Don't cum, and no matter what, don't stop! Follow your rule, slut," Madison thought. The woman was now gone, and instead, it was Madison enforcing her rule because she craved it.

Quickly Madison flicked the clothespins attached to her labia, over and over, under her gown. Her pussy lips were pulled left and then right with each flick, giving her arousing sensations with each movement. Madison could feel her clit beginning to swell as her flicks became more forceful, turning into light swats as she continued.

"Fuck, you little slut! You know you want it! You know you deserve it! For all the shit you've posted online! For posting your nude pictures with your real name! For begging to be ruined and humiliated! You deserve it, slut, for dressing up like a whore and going to class and letting Dan completely degrade you and film it while y got fucked!" Madison swatted her clothespins a little harder as she thought about how much of a whore she had been, and how disappointed her parents would be if they knew a tenth of what she had done.

"We're here," her mom announced as the car pulled into the parking lot. It was probably the only thing that kept Madison from cumming in the backseat, as if she had continued for even a few more seconds, she would have been powerless to stop herself. She would have wanted it so badly that even the presence of her parents would not have stopped her. The car stopped in a parking space, and Madison stopped playing with her clothespins and her pussy. It was both what she needed more than anything, and what she dreaded most - she was spared total humiliation, but left dripping wet and unsatisfied.

"Madison, aren't you going to take off your gown?" Her mother asked as the family of three stepped outside the car almost simultaneously.

"Shit," thought Madison. Her mind began to play over all her fantasies from earlier that day, when she had been in the bathroom fingering herself. She knew she had to come up with a plan, not only a plan that would keep her humiliated and wet, and allow for more extreme scenarios to play out later, but also one that would keep her from just stripping herself down in the parking lot and confessing right there. As horny as she was, Madison actually found this difficult to do.

"What? Sorry," Madison asked her mother, buying some more time.

As her mother began to repeat herself, Madison's mind drifted away. "Fuck, I'm so horny!" She thought to herself. "But I seriously can't just do it - here- now - because as good as that would feel, it would all be over. I need to keep this going!"

Madison thought about texting Dan, telling him she was a slut and needed to be used. She thought about telling her blackmailer, whoever that was, to stop going so easy on her and to seriously ruin her, forever, for real. She knew she could get at least let if what she wanted if she did either of those things.

However, she also knew that either option would take something away from her relationship with Dan and her blackmailer - she would essentially be taking back some control of the relationship, asking for and begging for certain things. She didn't want that. She wanted to feel used and humiliated because that was what the other person wanted, not simply because she had begged for it. She wanted her consent to be used and blackmailed to be stretched until she regretted it, until she no longer wanted it - and then she wanted it to continue until there was no going back.

"I know!" Madison thought at last. "I'll send some of my pictures - the really humiliating ones - to random numbers. Five numbers." It was the text of that had given her the idea. If she wasn't going to send anything to Dan, or to her blackmailer, then she was going to send them to a random number and see what she got.

"Mom, I - no, I'm not," she finally responded to the question. "I'm just - I'm excited and I just graduated and I don't want to take it off," she lied.

"Oh, well you should be proud, sweetie, even if you don't want to admit it!" Madison's mother said with a big smile. "Okay, wear your gown! We are so proud of you too!"

As she walked behind her parents, Madison adjusted the plug in her ass. "Proud of your little cum slut, webslut of a daughter?" She thought. "You should be ashamed of me. I'm such a dirty fucking whore."

The trio made their way inside and sat at a corner table. Of course, as soon as she sat down, her plug shifted in her ass, and she was reminded again just how much of a filthy slut she was. She reached under the table and adjusted her clothespins again.

The conversation shifted to her parents' upcoming vacation to the Bahamas, and Madison's thoughts drifted away again. "God," she thought, "what would it feel like to be completely stripped naked in here - to just stand up and take off my gown and let everyone see what I am, to walk out - to try to walk out - ohhhh god!"

In her mind, Madison was forced back inside by a strong, strange man. Her ankles were bound to chair legs, she was tied to the chair back, and slapped across the face. "Tell them! All of them! "He shouted.

"I'm a slut! In webslut Madison Holt! Go look me up and ruin me!" She shouted, loud enough that the restaurant could hear.

Madison shook her head. She tore herself away from her fantasy long enough to nod along at some comments her parents were making. Looking down, she noticed the one article of clothing that she was wearing in addition to her gown - her high heels - had ankle buckled that were the perfect height for strapping to the thin chair legs.

She did not hesitate. Madison reached down without so much as looking around to see if anyone in the restaurant was watching. She unfastened the right ankle strap, wrapped it around the chair leg, pulled it as tight as she could, and fastened it again. There was barely enough room, and her ankle was pinched tight in between the strap and the chair leg. She couldn't move it at all, except that her ankle was fastened to the chair leg just above the brace connecting the front and back legs, and perhaps if she really made an effort, she could have slid her ankle up the chair leg.

Of course, she could not stop there. Madison quickly did the same to the other leg, then sat up and focused her attention back on the conversation. Luckily, her parents were both sitting across from her and, other than wondering why she had bent over a couple times, hadn't noticed a thing.

"Ohhhhh," yes, I'm a slut. All tied up to this chair, so anyone can use me," she thought.

"Come and take pictures of me," she shouted, back in her fantasy. "Madison Holt. That's my name. Cum on me. Use me. Fuck me. Please, do this! Please ruin me! Fuck me and then take pictures and show the whole world how much of a nasty slut I am! Ruin my life, ohhhh, please!"

Her fantasy fast forwarded several minutes. She had blown two guys and fucked another, and had cum on her face and stomach. "Webslut" was scrawled on her face, and "Madison Holt" was on her tits. The same big guy stood over her taking pictures.

"Please, sir, please?"

"Please, what?" He asked.

"Please don't seriously ruin me. I'll do anything. Literally, anything." Madison began to struggle. She needed to get away. She tried loving her legs, but they were fastened tight to the chair.

In real life, Madison lifted her gown slowly. She lifted it up as she looked around, making sure nobody was watching. At first, she lifted it past her knee. Her heart raced as she lifted it up higher, wondering how much of her leg the tablecloth kept hidden. She lifted it up to her thigh, knowing that, if she lifted it any higher, she would be revealing the fact that she had no skirt or dress on under her gown.

Madison took another look around. "Fuck, I need this!" she thought. She pulled her phone out, recording herself, smiling at the camera.

"What are you doing?" Her mom asked.

"Just seeing if there is anything in my teeth," Madison replied. She quickly winked at the phone when her mom was not looking, then appeared to put the phone down at her side.

What Madison actually did was stick her phone under the tablecloth, filming as she lifted her gown even higher, spreading her legs to show that she was bare underneath. She shook her hips slightly, shaking the clothespins still attached to her labia. Madison then focused the camera down, on her tied ankles, before returning it to focus on her pussy.

Madison had gone completely nuts with her arousal. "Do it, slut," she thought. "You're not stopping until the camera sees the writing."

"Hi, my name is Mark, I'll be taking care of you today," said a waiter who seemed to appear from nowhere. "Are you all set to order?"

"Fuck!" Madison thought. "Just when this was getting good. I wonder if he saw anything?" Madison knew that anyone standing to her immediate right would have a view of her tied-up right ankle, and could have even seen a bit too much of her right thigh as she had been lifting up her gown. Slowly, Madison looked up at the waiter, wondering if he had seen anything. If he had, he certainly wasn't letting her know.

"I'll take a lobster tail, please," Madison said. She knew on this day her parents would not mind whatever she wanted to order. Her parents ordered, while Madison just looked at the waiter every few seconds, wondering if he knew what she was up to. Her mom ordered shrimp primavera, and her father ordered a lobster mac and cheese. The waiter was gone as soon as he had come.

Slowly, Madison lifted her gown, up past her pussy, to her bellybutton. She was sure her ass cheek was visible on the right; thankfully, her left side was protected by a wall. Her gown d****d down across her upper thigh, and the higher she lifted it in the front, the higher it rose on the side.

Madison raised it above her bellybutton, pinning it against the table as she filmed. "Spread your legs, slut," she commanded herself. "Show it off. You know how much you need it. Slut." Madison obeyed her command, spreading her legs, placing the phone on between. Although she could not see it, her phone screen showed her pussy, spread open, with the clothespins attached to her labia and the word "slut" in large letters on her stomach. She smiled to herself, knowing that her parents had no idea what she was doing to herself under the table.

Madison looked down at her tied up ankles. She struggled against the chair, the feeling of being restrained only adding to her arousal. She might have even let a soft moan escape as she struggled, a little harder this time. "Fuck, if I could only slap myself in the face right now!" She thought.

Madison lifted her right leg, looking over to the right again, making sure nobody could see. Not that she cared that much - it was the risk of being caught that drove her to act like such a little tart in the first place. She raised her knee, struggling against her ankle restraint, until her knee came to rest just underneath the table. Her right ankle was now restrained to the upper portion of the chair leg, just below the seat. The gown was raised so high on the right side that her right pelvic bone was exposed. Her clothespinned pussy was wide open and on display. Madison rotated her knee out to the right, spreading herself for anyone to her right to ogle.

The slut did notice one person looking - an older gentleman having dinner with his wife. He was staring straight at her, seeing everything she had done to herself. His eyes almost popped out of his head. Madison just smiled a little smile, winked, and went about waiting for her meal. But inside, she was a raging ball of hormones, wishing that man would bend her over a table and punish her for being such a tease.

Madison was sure to catch all this on camera. She quickly closed the camera and took a couple pictures of herself, turned to the right, gown raised up to her waist, pinned pussy exposed, her parents across the table having no idea. She then dropped her gown, allowing it to fall back to her upper thigh before pulling it down to her knees. She snapped a couple more pictures of herself looking much more modest, so that she had something to send to her parents, who no doubt were wondering what the hell she was up to. Of course, they couldn't see what was going on, as it was happening under and to the side of the table, but when Madison cropped out her tied-up ankle and sent them the pictures, it relaxed them.

Everything seemed like it was back to normal. Madison was horny as hell and would have to deal with that later, but now she was having dinner with her parents. Then, she got a text. It was Dan. "Having dinner with your parents, slut?" He asked.

Madison looked around. Sure enough, two tables behind her, Dan was sitting with a group of guys and girls Madison had never seen before. She smiled, then turned back around.

"Yes," she replied. A few seconds went by with no response. She was wondering what Dan was thinking. "Maybe I should tease him a little," she thought.

"With my ankles strapped to the chair," she texted Dan.

"You really are a filthy little slut, aren't you?"

"Yes I am. You should see what I have on under this gown..."

"Okay, slut. Enough teasing. You are going to unstrap those ankles and meet me in the bathroom, now."

"Dan, I'm here with my parents!"

"All the more reason to come. You wouldn't want me walking over to your table and showing them this, would you?" Attached to the text was a photo from days before, of Madison, nude, legs spread, with "slut" written on her stomach, "cum slut" on her face, and "dumb fuck toy" near her pussy.

"No...please don't, Dan" Madison replied.

"Do they know what a little whore you are?" Dan asked. "And why the fuck are you teasing me if you don't want this?"

"No, please, I want to keep it that way! And who said I didn't want it? ;)"

"Then come to the bathroom. Now." Madison froze. "Is he serious?" She thought. "Is he really doing this right now?" Madison barely got the thought out when she got another text. "NOW, SLUT!" She didn't have a choice. Quickly, Madison unstrapped her ankles, not bothering to even re-do the buckles on her heels before she got up from the table.

"I - uhh - I have to pee," Madison explained as she stood. Her gown fell to the floor, and the only trace of the sex-crazed slut that had been sitting at the table was the wet spot she left on her chair. Inside her mind though, all Madison could think was "I, umm - I'm a huge cum slut and I have to go suck some guy off so he keeps his fat mouth shut. That's okay though, because I'm a slut and I like being forced to suck cock like that."

"Didn't you just pee?" Her dad quizzed.

"Sometimes women have to go - for other reasons!" Her mom scolded. "And unless you want to hear all about it, just let her go!"

Madison turned and wakes quickly away. She wasn't exactly certain of what she was about to do, but she had a fairly good guess that it would involve giving Dan sexual pleasure, and she couldn't look her parents in the eye. She marched straight to the back of the restaurant and turned the corner toward the restrooms, where Dan was waiting with a smirk on his face.

"I thought you'd never come, slut. I was just about to go show this to your parents," he said, the smirk still on his face. Holding up his phone, he showed Madison the video the two of them had made. She couldn't bear to have it played in public for more than a second.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Come with me." Dan grabbed Madison's arm and, despite her half-hearted protests, dragged her into the men's room. "Last stall," Dan said once they were inside, preferring to see Madison succumb to taking the last few steps on her own.

"Dan, what the fuck?! You - "

Dan just smiled and held up his phone again, still playing the video. "I - I - don't really think you have a choice," he said, pointing to the open stall door.

"What a fucking asshole," thought Madison as she slowly turned to step inside. It truthfully wasn't just the fact that she was being blackmailed - that fact alone was highly arousing to her. But she didn't think it was very nice of Dan to choose the middle of a dinner with her parents to force her into sex.

"Whatever you want, can you just make it quick, please? I've been acting weird all day in front of my parents, and they're going to know - I mean, they're going to know somethings up."

"Acting weird? How?" Dan said, intrigued.

"Just, like - I've had to come up with a lot of excuses today, you know? And now the longer you take to - you know - the more I'm going to have to think of."

"Excuses for what? And what exactly do you think I'm going to do, anyway?"

"Honestly, Dan, I'm just going to show you. Excuses for this." Madison blurted this out just as she unzipped her gown, and in the span of about two seconds, the nudity under her gown became visible, as did the "slut" written on her stomach and the clothespins still clinging to her labia. "See? I have to explain to them why I can't take this off, which gets more difficult the longer it goes!"

"Jesus fucking Christ, Madison!" Dan exclaimed as he saw what Madison had done to herself, what she was wearing under her gown. "You really can't go half a day without turning yourself into a complete slut, can you? And what's up with those clothespins? Why don't you take those off so I can -"

"No, please, Dan - not the clothespins! And yes, I -"

"Geez, you fucking piece of trash!" Dan said, bewildered, as he reaches his hand out, touching Madison's waiting cunt. "These fucking things - and you're soaking wet!"

"Yeah, Dan, please - Don't take them off! I can't!"

"Oh yeah? Just can't stand the thought of not acting like a trashy little tramp, huh? Tell me, do you ever go a day without marking yourself up? Writing 'slut' all over your body, hoping maybe someone will catch you? Jeez, you just can't live without the constant reminder that you are nothing but a little fuck toy slut, can you?" Dan said. He caresses Madison's stomach as he said this, feeling her soaked pussy, and teased her by pulling the clothespins attached to her labia. It only made Madison wetter and more aroused.

"No, I just - can't. I can't explain either, but I need you to leave those alone!" Dan knew something was wrong, and was beginning to understand that perhaps Madison still had even darker secrets, ones that she had not revealed to him yet.

"Who says?" Said Dan. He grabbed Madison by the throat as he spoke. "Tell me."

"Dan - remember how I - I asked you to keep a secret once about be writing on myself?"


"Well I need you to leave this alone now. Just as much as I needed you to keep that secret. Okay? I might tell you, sometime - but only if and when I decide to. Okay?"

"Okay, but you're going to have to do something for me in return."

"You're - like - I mean, the whole reason you brought me in here - you've going to use me - as a slut - right?" Madison's exposure to Dan, coupled with the words she was saying, sent a jolt of blood straight to her clit. She was starting to become aroused again, and starting to care less how long Dan took.

"Say it more seductively, slut," Dan ordered. "Like you actually want me to do it."

Madison looked around and cleared her throat. "I was hoping that you would - use me - use me like the filthy little slut I am," Madison said demurely.

"First things first," said Dan, "I've got to save this image for later." He flipped his phone over to camera mode, and Madison shyly closed her gown as Dan took the first picture. Without even having to be told, she began to take it off bit by bit, smiling wide as she exposed her tender breasts, then her written-on stomach, then her pierced navel, and finally, her pinned pussy.

"Make sure you send these to me," Madison said as she turned around to show Dan her butt plug as her gown fell to the floor.

"You filthy little slut!" Dan said. "You just can't get enough of this, can you?"

"No," Madison said shyly as she sat on the toilet.

"On your knees, slut!" Dan commanded. "You're not sitting for this!" He grabbed a fistful of the slut's hair and. As she looked up at him, he gave her a condescending stare.

"First, I need your dad's phone number. Just in case you change your mind and I have to show him what a filthy little whore you turned out to be!"

"Dan, no! This is going too far, don't you think?" As soon as the words left her lips, Dan landed a stinging, open-handed slap to Madison's left cheek, eliciting a shriek. "Please, Dan? You know I'll do anything - I'll be your little slut, Dan -"

"You'll be my slut if I have the number too!" Dan slapped her again. "Only difference is, you won't have to go out there and explain why you went to pee and came back with a sore, red, beaten face! And, as an added bonus, if you give me the number, I'll let you leave these on!" Dan grabbed the clothespins and gave them a little shake. He didn't really know why she had to leave them on, and he was damn curious. But he knew he could extract that out of her bit by bit.

Madison knew that there was no way out for her. "Fuck, I don't want a way out!" She thought to herself. She knew she needed Dan to have the number. She also knew that she needed to leave her clothespins on, or risk even more extreme and perhaps even unwanted humiliation at the hands of her online blackmailer. And, perhaps more than anything, being pulled down to the floor and slapped across her face on a restaurant bathroom really did make her feel like a slut. And that turned her on, which made her want more.

"Okay," she said at last, defeated. Madison had a hard time not enjoying the humiliation she was feeling. She looked down. Dan still had a fistful of her hair, and she was naked and kneeling on the floor after having taken two hard slaps to the face. "Ohhhh, fuck, I want him to hit me again!" She thought as she looked at the floor. "God, why the fuck do I want this? Why am I so fucking turned on by this? Why am I such a fucking slut?"

"Okay," she said again. "But can you please slap me really hard one more time? Please?" She begged. Dan did not even reply, he just pulled her hair, pulling her head up with his left hand so that it would meet his swiftly moving open right hand. The two connected with a loud smacking noise, and Dan let go of Madison's hair.

"Mmmm," said Madison. She was too horny to argue with the fact that she enjoyed humiliation, enjoyed being treated like a whore. She handed Dan her phone after pulling it out of her small handbag and unlocking it.

"I want you to take it," she told Dan. "So that you know you have the real number. So you can really use it against me."

"Wow, you are serious, aren't you, slut?"

"What did you expect, a fake number?"

"Sort of. You know that I'm going to make you do way worse than strip naked in a restaurant bathroom now, right?"

"Good," said Madison, smiling. Dan quickly took a screenshot of the number and sent it to himself. He then grabbed Madison's hair with his left hand and told her exactly what he wanted.

"Good. Now take out my cock. Pull down my pants and take it out. You're going to suck it. I'm going to fuck your little mouth like the slut you are. And then I'm going to cum in your mouth and you're going to hold my cum in there until you get back to your table. Got it?"

"Yes," said Madison. She didn't need any more instructions. She already had Dan's pants halfway off. His boxer shorts were pulled down to his thighs, and Madison looked him in the eye as she took his hardening cock into her mouth.

"Mmmmm," I love sucking cock," she said after she sucked him momentarily, just enough to get him hard. "Use me, Dan. Use me like a filthy slut. I am a filthy slut, aren't I? Sucking cock in a restaurant bathroom? While I'm supposed to be having dinner with my parents?"

"Yes, you filthy fucking slut," Dan said. "You little piece of trash cunt. Now I'm going to throat fuck you. Hard."

"But, Dan - my makeup - my parents -"

"Oh, fuck your parents, Madison! You really think they aren't wondering what is taking so long already? Do you want to have a mouthful of my cock when your dad walks in here or do you want to be finished? Now what about your makeup?"

"It's going to get all messy -"

"Good!" Said Dan. "Now are you a cock slut or not?"

"Yes," said Madison. She looked at Dan's cock, and then down at the floor. She really meant it too. Madison had never felt like this much of a cheap whore.

"Then act like it!"

"Please, give me that cock, Dan," Madison said at once. "Use my throat as hard as you want. Just make sure you give me a good slapping and make me feel like a whore."

"Is that what you want, slut?"

"It's what I need. Fuck my throat, please. Fuck my makeup. Fuck my parents. I'm a slut and I want this!" Madison looked into Dan's eyes and let him know with hers that she meant every word of what she was saying.

Dan did not need any further encouragement. He grabbed Madison's hair with his left hand and her throat with his right. She willingly opened her mouth as wide as she could, and he thrust his cock hard into her throat.

"That's it, you fucking cunt. Your mouth is just another cock home, isn't it?"

"Mmmhmmm!" Madison replied. Dan slapped her hard in the face. "Mmmmm," Madison moaned.

"You fucking like that, whore?" Dan asked as he thrust his cock deep inside and slapped her again. "You like getting slapped in the face?"

"Mmmhmmm," Madison replied again. She was so horny now she could not allow herself to refuse a good, painfully humiliating slapping even if she had a large audience. She was a slut, and she knew it, and the more humiliation she accepted the more turned on she became.

"You nasty little cunt," Dan said, employing a new word of choice for the day. "You go to graduation naked under your gown, with 'slut' on your stomach and clothespins on your pussy, and you stand there like that. Then you fucking come in here to get slapped around and throat fucked and humiliated and blackmailed in a restaurant bathroom. Right, slut?" Dan had grabbed Madison on both sides of her face, and was holding her mouth open with his thumbs while he fucked the back of her throat. Madison had tears in her eyes now, and mascara running down her cheek as she was used.

"Mmmhmmm," she said. She was now so aroused that she had lost her ability to care about what she looked like when Dan was finished. She just needed his cock down her throat. Madison needed to be treated like a slut. She needed to be made to feel in the pit of her mind what she really had become. As Madison took his cock down her throat and another slap to the face, all the word that she had written on herself over and over suddenly came to life. "I really am nothing more than a slut," she realized. "All my hopes and dreams were a past life, this is my new life now - my new purpose - to be used hard," she thought.

Dan rammed his cock deep into her throat. Madison's head tilted backwards as she looked into Dan's eyes. Whether it was because Dan had pulled her hair again, or because she instinctively knew his cock would slide balls deep into her throat more easily, Madison tilted back. She greedily accepted three quick slaps to her face in rapid succession before Dan gave her a minute to breathe.

"I want you to fuck my throat," Madison said in between breaths. "I'm a whore. Use me. I've heard if you squeeze my throat while you throatfuck me it makes the sensation better. Can you try it?"

"If you want me to fucking choke you, just say it," said Dan.

"If that's how you want to think of it, fine," said Madison. "Just use me. Hard. Don't stop until your done. Don't pretend to give a shit about me, just fuck my throat."

"Fuck, you little slut!" Dan exclaimed as he thrusted his dick into Madison's waiting hole. He grabbed her neck with both hands and even squeezed a little as he fucked her. Dan could even feel the head of his penis moving through the slut's throat, with his thumbs, as he pounded her.

"Ohhhh, God, yes, you've got a tight little throat, slut! You fucking love this this, don't you?"

"Mmmhmmm," was all she could say.

"You're a filthy little fucking slut, are you?"


"You like getting choked and slapped and throatfucked and forced, don't you, cunt?"


"Get your fucking hand out of your pussy, slut! I'm the one getting off here! I don't care if you want to stay in here and fuck yourself silly when I'm done, but don't swallow, and wait your turn. Got it?"


"God, you're a filthy little cum slut. Filthy. Little. Piece. OF! TRASH! CUM! SLUT! FUCK!" Dan moaned loudly as he shot a huge load of cum into Madison's mouth. He pulled about halfway out just before he shot, not wanting to cum so far down her throat that she had to swallow it immediately.

"Show me, slut," Dan said. Madison opened her mouth, showing Dan the huge load he had deposited. He looked at her face. Madison was literally crying from the slapping and the choking, and her mascara had streaked down her cheeks. Dan chuckled a little, wondering how the slut was going to explain this to her parents. He reached for his phone and took a picture for good measure.

"Fuck yourself, go back to your table, I don't care," said Dan. "But no swallowing until you sit down with your parents." He pulled his pants up and left without another word.

Madison really felt used. She wanted to fuck herself crazy in the bathroom stall, but she was terrified at how long she had been in the bathroom already. And it was the men's room, which was even worse! So she picked up her gown, put it on, repositioned her clothes pins, and zipped it up. Before she left the bathroom, she picked up her phone.

"Dan, I - like - if you get me this horny and my parents aren't around, you can literally use me harder. Like slap me until my face hurts for a week and everything. Really abuse me."

"You need a hard cock," was Dan's reply.

"You could have given me one, asshole! Or at least let me touch myself!"

"What's stopping you now?"

"Parents. Duh." Madison was still in the bathroom, cum in mouth, wiping makeup and tears off her face. She couldn't believe what a slut she was. In an instant, she picked the phone up again.

"But seriously. Use me. humiliate me. Threaten to show my pictures to everyone and make me literally fuck you in front of your friends. And make it rough."

"Damn. You're a slut."

"I know. I like it."

Madison walked out of the bathroom with a mouth full of cum and a plug eating away at her asshole, reminding her exactly what she was. Her heart raced as she approached the table where her parents sat. They saw her coming and saw exactly what she looked like - like she had been crying up a storm.

"Madison! Are you okay?" Her mother asked. Madison's father just looked at her, stunned. Madison did not say a word, lest the cum spill out of her mouth and remove all doubt as to the nature of the activities in which she had most recently been participating. Instead, she shook her head, trying to hide her face with her hands.

Madison sat down. She swirled Dan's cum in her mouth as she looked across the table, at her parents. Slowly, she tilted her head back, feeling the slimy goo collect at the back of her throat before swallowing it all at once. "Damn, I'm a slut!" She thought.

"I'm sorry," Madison said. "I know this is stupid, but - one of my friends went home today and her parents told her, her dog has been dead for six months and they never told her! I cried my eyes out, I'm sorry, I don't know why I reacted this way!"

"Oh, that's ok, sweetie, that's awful!" Her mother replied.

"Anyway, our food is here," her dad chimed in. Madison hadn't even noticed, and for good reason - she was still trying to figure out whether her parents were at all suspicious of her.

She didn't speak much for the rest of her dinner, but mostly looked down at her plate of food and thought anxious thought about what she had done. At this point, she thought, the less she said, the better. Her parents seemed content to leave her alone, not wanting to upset her any more. Madison sensed that her parents knew she was acting irrationally, but couldn't figure out why.

"No, if they thought I was up to something this weird," Madison thought at last, "they'd keep pestering me until they got an answer, and then they would criticize me until Christmas," she decided. She looked up just as her father finished his last bite.

"Well, is there anything you'd like to do today, or just go home?" He asked.

"No, that's fine." Madison replied.

Her dad sighed. "Okay, then," he said. "Any room for dessert?"


As Madison rose to leave, she felt an overwhelming sense of shame at what she had done. Her parents had taken her out to a nice dinner to congratulate her on her achievements, and she couldn't truly be appreciative. Instead, she had snuck into the men's room to suck cock and be used like a whore. And what was worse, she liked it!

She walked out of the restaurant, her plug now more painful than exciting, and her labia swollen and sore. She had adjusted the clothespins two more times after she sat back down at the table, and she couldn't wait to take them off.

As she sat in the backseat of her parents' car, Madison couldn't help but feel like she actually deserved what she had gotten. She was the one who started it all, who wanted to be exposed, who had teased Dan - and the online stranger - into blackmailing her. She was the one who had put herself out there as a slut. And as ashamed of herself as she was, all Madison really wanted in this moment was someone to take her away, to slap her in the face, to truly make her feel like a whore.

"Madison, are you okay?" Her dad asked, breaking a long silence. "You seem like something is really eating you today."

"Yeah - no - well," Madison stammered, thinking of something to say. "It's just sort of a bittersweet day, you know? I mean, on one hand I feel happy and proud, but I - my friends are going their separate ways and people already have jobs lined up and some people still don't have a clue what they're doing."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," her father replied. "The best friends I've ever had were the ones I met in college. But then we graduated, and wound up saying goodbye. And one of us, thankfully not me, wanders aimlessly for a few years before he found his way."

"Yeah," Madison said.

"But I thought you at least had decided to come back next year?" Her dad quizzed.

"Oh, definitely. But most of my friends are going to be gone. It's going to be so different!" This comment was followed by another long silence, while Madison thought about other ways that next year could be different - maybe Dan would actually force her to show off on campus. Maybe her online blackmailer would make her a household name all over the globe. She could only hope.

"Well, we're back," Madison's mom said as the car pulled into the apartment parking lot. Without too much dialogue, Madison exited the car and walked up the stairs to the apartment and let her parents in.

"I think I'm going to change," she said quietly as her parents sat down on the couch. Her dad nodded, and Madison turned and entered her bedroom, careful to lock the door, before she began undressing.

Madison, of course, opened in her phone to make a short video as she unzipped her gown, proving that she had gone through with the task. She even commented, whispering so as not to be heard, that her pussy was red and swollen and that she really wanted to get fucked.

She stopped the video once she was completely nude and had taken off the clothes pins, and quickly sent the videos to her blackmailer, making sure to thank him and say that she was eagerly awaiting her next task. Madison briefly thought about fucking herself silly, but a couple self-inflicted slaps to the face convinced her that, for one thing, it would be inappropriate to do this when she could finally act like her normal self in front of her parents, and for another thing, she was a true slut and a true slut did not deserve to satisfy herself sexually, and that she was so horny and slutty that the only way she would be allowed to cum would be by riding a real cock.

"Okay, so - what to wear?" Madison wondered. She slapped herself again. "Nothing too plain," she whispered to herself. "Even though my parents are here, I can still be a little slutty. Just not like what I wore to class the other day."

Madison carefully selected a mid-thigh denim skirt. It wasn't her shortest, but it was by no means her longest. The bottom hem was just below her fingertips. She also selected a pastel off-shoulder knit sweater that was slightly cropped to show an inch or two of her stomach.

Madison put on a red lace thong, and then the skirt. It was tight, tighter than she remembered, but this just made her more confident in her choice. She spread her feet as she stood in her room, if for no other reason to feel the sensation of her legs being bound together by her clothing. She looked back at the top after she had put on a bra that was styled similarly to her thong.

"What I like about this is that it's not so extreme that Dad will say anything. I mean I don't look like a total whore. But he will think it. I will feel like a slut. And I will stay turned on until I go out and get me some hard cock tonight! Madison looked in the mirror as she pulled it over her head and positioned it properly on her body.

Madison's shoulders easily protruded out of the top hem, exposed to the world. Her navel was barely exposed, in between the top and skirt, and the piercing was barely exposed along with it. All of he sudden, Madison realized that maybe she looked like more of a slut than she had intended, and started having second thoughts. She also realized she still had "slut" written on her stomach, just higher up and not in an area where it was in danger of accidentally being exposed in this outfit.

"Slut," she said, slapping herself hard in the face. "You wanted it, and now you're going to wear it!" Slap, slap, slap went Madison's hand, bullying herself into compliance. "Fucking whore. You know what you get for second guessing yourself? For wanting to be a good girl? You don't get to wash this off now," she said as she pulled up her swearer to expose the writing. "In fact, you're going to go over it again!"

Madison took out a marker, black this time. She slowly traced over what she had previously written in red. Then, for good measure, she traced next to it in red marker, making the letters bolder, wider, more humiliating, and perhaps most importantly, harder to wash off.

Madison gave her face one more good slap before she pulled down her sweater, put on a pair of leather ankle boots and opened her bedroom door, ready to wear an outfit that dared to show her parents what she really was on the inside, but without any real danger of making them think too poorly of her. Instead, it just served to remind Madison what she was on the inside.

Madison actually enjoyed the rest of the time with her parents that day. She also enjoyed turning her back to them, lifting her sweater to expose the "slut" written there, smiling, and taking a selfie with her parents in the background. She sent that one to Dan. Madison also enjoyed Dan's text back instructing her to remove her panties until she was alone. She went into the bathroom, took then off, and spent the afternoon with nothing under her skirt.

Madison did really enjoy her day, though, I'm between the hidden suggestive acts she performed. She even went out for a brief shopping trip with her parents when they were all in a better mood. However, her kind was starting to wander by the evening, and she couldn't wait for her parents to return to their hotel - after all, she was sexually starved and had a big night planned.

Part 12
"Very good, slut," read the first line of the message on Madison's computer. "You really enjoyed humiliating yourself in class like that, didn't you?"

Madison really had enjoyed it - all of it. She enjoyed showing off her body, she enjoyed revealing herself to Dan, and she enjoyed letting him fuck her brains out in the most degrading of ways. She also enjoyed wearing a skirt and no panties to class, and of course, she enjoyed a mutual masturbation session with a girl she had met only a week before - in the cafeteria bathroom, surrounded by girls going in and out constantly.

Madison was a little disappointed by one thing, however. She couldn't help but notice that none of the pictures and videos that she sent to her blackmailer ever seemed to be circulated around the internet - well, they were being posted, but she hadn't been spread around and ruined quite yet. There she was, literally begging strangers on the internet to ruin her reputation and destroy her life, to tell the whole world that she was nothing more than a worthless, exposed slut. Yet nobody had quite managed to do that.

When she wasn't sexually aroused, she was actually kind of relieved. She still had reservations about whether she wanted to be a truly exposed webslut. However, when she was turned on, there was no question in her mind what she wanted. And that was to open up her computer and see all of it - the pictures and the videos - of her at the library, standing at her window, going to class, telling the camera what a nasty slut she was - posted on every porn site she could find. She wanted to see degrading messages directed at her - and she wanted to find it all by simply googling her own name.

Thankfully, she had been having an easier time lately orgasming to the things she was actually doing - the standing at her window nude, getting fucked and degraded by Dan, showing him the body writing she had worn to class, barely covered by her skimpy outfit.

However, Madison wanted more, she fantasized about more exposure, and she knew it was just a matter of time before she opened up her computer again and begged her blackmailer to make it happen.

Madison spent the time before graduation doing things most college students do when they are preparing to graduate. Well, sort of. Madison had already decided to stick around campus for one more year and work toward a master's degree in education, as she had planned to become a teacher. So, she was not moving out of her apartment and she was not looking for work. But she was saying goodbye to friends, and helping other people load up to move to all sorts of far-off places.

And, of course, Madison completed the next task ordered to perform. She was ordered to go to her college graduation wearing only her gown with nothing underneath but some clothes pins on her labia, nipple clamps, and a butt plug - with the word "slut" written on her stomach in large letters - and walk across a stage and receive a college diploma in front of thousands of people, a degree that suggested that she was an educated, successful person - all with an outfit designed to make her feel like she had been spread around and ruined.

She had taken a video of herself in the restroom, unzipping the gown to show off what she had done to herself and what she wasn't wearing underneath. She rolled the camera as she walked out and sat down among the throng of fellow graduates. And then she walked across the stage with a huge smile as the clamps, which had been on for an hour that point, pinched her nipples with an intensity that did not make her wince in pain, but did not let her forget of their presence.

She smiled wide as she took her diploma, the plug digging into her ass as she received her four-year degree. And she felt sublimely exposed as the campus photographer snapped a picture of her, wearing nothing but her gown, smiling wide. Madison walked quickly back to her seat after the dean congratulated her, her thighs soaked in pussy juice.

The other part of her orders, however, were that she could not put on any additional clothing until she had returned to her apartment. She was allowed to remove the nipple clamps only, but was not permitted to wash the writing off her body or take the plug out until she returned home. Her blackmailer has agreed to allow her to remove the clothespins from her labia occasionally, under the condition that they must returned to her labia, perhaps in a slightly different position, within ten seconds, until she returned home. Madison had, in fact, taken advantage of this allowance twice during her ceremony, reaching subtly under her gown to reposition the pins just before she walked and after she returned to her seat.

"God, what if someone hears these clicking together while I walk?" Madison had fretted to herself as she prepared for her ceremony. It was a fear worth considering; however, when she was actually walking, the clicking was drowned out by applause. However, what most stunned Madison was what happened immediately after the ceremony.

"Madison, oh, congratulations! Your father and I are so proud of you!" Her mother had said.

"Yes, we are - in fact, we'd like to treat you to dinner," her father had replied.

"After we get a picture with our graduate in her gown, of course!" Her mother said excitedly.

"Shit!" Madison thought to herself. She now had not one new problem, but two. What if her parents wanted to have dinner now, as in without going back to her apartment? How would she keep her gown on and zipped the whole time without raising their suspicions? And perhaps worse, how would she make it through a picture without her clamps being discovered? They were thin clamps, and she had strategically pointed them toward the ground so as to not draw attention to them, but still, all it would take was one wrong move and an accidental brush of her body against one of her parents' hugging arms, and the cat was out of the bag.

"I - sure, but I need to pee first," Madison stammered quickly. She remembered her rules - the ceremony was over, and she was free to remove the clamps. At least that would solve one of her problems.

Madison quickly waded through a sea of fellow graduates and their parents, darting off to the bathroom before her parents could respond. She only briefly paused for a hug and a picture with one of her female classmates, and she wondered of the hug had given away the fact that she was wearing clamps, or the fact that she wasn't wearing anything else under her gown.

"God, that was fucking hot!" Madison thought to herself as she considered the possibilities. She really dreaded her parents finding out about her, but she had really gotten used to fantasizing about being exposed to friends and classmates. "I'd be such a mess," she continued to think as she walked. "God, I'm a filthy little slut!"

Madison entered the restroom and chose a stall away from the door. She sighed in relief as she closed the door, noticing that her hands were a little shaky from the rush. She slowly unzipped her gown, revealing her perky breasts, with their clamped, erect, tortured nipples a darker than usual shade of red. But she did not stop there. Madison continued to unzip her gown until she could clearly see the four letters that made up the word "slut," feeling that she deserved to be reminded of what she really was inside.

Madison didn't bother removing the clamps right away. Instead, she unzipped her gown a little more and softly stroked her pussy. "God, I'm fucking wet," she thought. It was true. Her juices, with nothing to hold them back, we're running down both legs, and the aroma of fresh pussy filled the stall as Madison collected her liquids with her hand, depositing them on her tongue.

"I'm a slut," she said out loud, hoping nobody in another stall could hear but perhaps fantasizing about the possibilities if someone did. She looked at the writing on her body again. "I deserve this," she continued. "To be humiliated and to suffer." Quickly, Madison ripped the clamps off her nipples, eliciting a wince that almost caused her to shriek. She doubled over, leaning against the toilet, mouth open, but accepting what she knew she deserved. Luckily, she was able to maintain her composure and avoid complete humiliation for the time being.

However, Madison was far too aroused to simply let herself off the hook now. She looked back down at the writing on her body. "I'm a slut," she told herself again. As she often did when she was horny, Madison soon began to have fantasies of deep and extreme humiliation.

"Mom - Dad - I - I know you're proud of me and all, but - I - I have to show you something," she said in her fantasy. They had just arrived at a restaurant, her parents quizzing her about why she wouldn't take off the graduation gown, when Madison couldn't take it anymore.

"What is it, honey?" Her dad asked.

"Well, I - umm - I" Madison stammered. She was so nervous she couldn't even get the words out. "I'm just going to show you," she said finally.

"Show us what?" Her mom asked, puzzled.

"I - I'm going to show you what - what I am," she replied. Her heart was pounding, racing really, and she knew there was no going back.

"What you are? I don't understand," her father replied. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the reason I - I wouldn't take off my gown, umm - like I said, I'm just going to -" Madison began. She felt her eyes close as she reached for the zipper on her gown. Already she felt like she was going to explode into orgasm, and her parents quite literally hadn't seen a thing yet. Slowly she pulled the zipper down, opening her eyes, locking eyes with her father as the zipper made it down just slightly below her breasts.

Her mom gasped. "Madison! You're naked under there!"

"Oh, that's it, makes sense now," her dad said. Obviously, he was referring to the fact that he had pieced together why Madison still had her gown on. "Must have been a prank or something," he thought to himself.

"Well, that's part of it," Madison said. She could feel herself about to start shaking from excitement and nerves, knowing what she was about to do. Her hand continued its journey down her body, the zipper being pulled along in tow.

"Madison, we get it, you don't have to take it off, we believe you!" Her mother scolded. "Come on, let's go. Zip that back up!"

"Wait," was all she could say. Her parents both turned to look at her. "Time to rip off the band-aid," she thought. She quickly, nervously pulled the zipper down below her navel, stopping to grab either side of her gown and spread it open. There, in front of the very people who had brought her into the world, Madison's breasts fell out of her gown, sore, red and erect from the clamps that she had been wearing for most of the morning. And farther down, glistening in the sun, was the very word that was the essence of who she had become: "slut."

"Madison, what - why on earth would you do that?" Her father said, harshly this time. "Hello! Answer me! Why would you write that on yourself?"

"You shouldn't be proud of me, dad," she said. "I'm a slut."

"Wh -" her dad couldn't even speak. He turned away, throwing his hands up, not wanting to see what his daughter had become. He shook his head, turning back to her finally. "So what's the idea, you go show - that - to all the guys or something?" He said as he pointed at her still bare stomach. Madison's tits were still exposed for all to see, not that she cared. At this point, the humiliation was making her shake, and she was afraid she might have an orgasm just standing there.

"I'm a slut," she said again. "And I like it."

"What do you mean by "slut," her mother asked. "You had a couple of one night stands, or are you having orgies at a frat house?"

Madison did not respond, but just grabbed the zipper and continued pulling it down, knowing the clothespins on her pussy were next.

"Stop it, now!" Her mother ordered. Madison didn't listen.

"There's more," she said. Quickly, she unzipped her gown some more, pulling the bottom up until she could reach it without bending down, fully unzipping her gown and allowing it to fall to her sides. The clothespins, still attached to her engorged pussy, were now in plain view.

Madison did her best to contain her excitement. She also had to contain any reaction to the looks of utter bewilderment on her parents faces as she began to speak. "Dad, I - to answer your question, yes, I let all the guys see it," she said as she hung her head in shame. "But not - not like that, I don't - I usually don't just run up to them and start stripping, and I don't sleep with just anyone, either," she said, seeing her father's concerned look.

"So you're not really a slut?" Her mom said, hopefully.

"Oh, no," Madison said, her gaze meeting her mother's as she gladly accepted what she knew had been a long time coming. She had fantasized about this moment too many times. Madison already knew what she was going to say, having practiced her lines many times, sometimes before her high school teachers, her old friends, her college classmates, and yes - perhaps most often of all - her own parents, the people who would be humiliated almost as much as she would be by her ruination.

"I am definitely a slut. I -"

"What kind of slut are you?" Her mother asked.

"I am a webslut. An exhibitionist. I get off on showing off my body, and most of all, being and feeling humiliated for it. I actually - I don't know how else to say this - I'm naked all over the internet."

"Naked?" Her father chimes in. Completely naked?"

"Yes - well, I mean, yeah, but - not - not just naked. I humiliate myself. I beg to be passed around. I call myself webslut Madison Holt and I beg for my reputation to be ruined, and to be made famous, and - and I do it all for free because I love being a slut so much I can't stop myself and I know I'll never get a job because I'm all over the internet begging, using my real name, but I love it and I -"

All of the sudden, Madison's fantasy was cut short. As she flashed back to reality, she realized all of the sudden how real her fantasy had become. She had transported herself to such a far away land that she didn't even realize that, in reality, she was standing in a bathroom stall, wearing nothing but her graduation gown, with her left foot on the floor and her right rested on the toilet seat. She was twisting her nipples with her left hand and furiously fingering herself with her right and, although she had not reached orgasm, she was so close she didn't think she could stop herself.

"Madison, are you in here?" She heard. It was the voice, the one that had ripped her out of her fantasy land and found her agonizingly aroused in a bathroom stall, and it was none other than her mother's. "Fuck!" She thought to herself.

"Yes, I'll be right out!" Madison called as her mind raced. She hit her lip as she twisted the clothespins on her labor, extracting an additional jolt of pain to keep herself on edge just a few seconds longer as she paused ever so briefly before pressing the two opposite ends of her zipper together.

In that moment, she actually considered a couple of things that, had she not been aroused, she would have found vile and disgusting. First, she contemplated pressing the cold steel toilet flush handle into her pussy, pressing as far as it would go. But she would not stop there. She would create photo proof of her deed and post it, showing the world how filthy she really was before having a chance to take it back. She would beg to be humiliated and degraded for doing it, for forcing a germy, infected, uncomfortable piece of metal, filled with the filth of dozens or perhaps even hundreds of hands, into her most intimate cavity.

Second, Madison briefly considered pressing her body against the wall behind the toilet, pressing her lips to the tile backsplash as she began to make out with a reflection of herself in that tile that was so faint it was barely visible. She would think about the fact that she was kissing a bathroom wall, wondering if by chance some cute, dirty girl had run her tongue over that exact spot before, just as she was doing now. She would even wonder if a girl had - whether by purpose or mistake - splashed some saliva or urine over that spot, and she just happened to be wiping the last remnants up with her tongue. She would press her tongue hard against the tile, wanting to feel like a whore, wondering what it would feel like if Dan - or even her mystery blackmailer - forced her to lick a bathroom floor.

But Madison just shook her head, slightly disturbed that she would even think of such things in a moment where her mother was waiting just feet away. She looked at the word "slut" on her stomach one last time as she zipped her gown up, past the clothespins, past her sparkly, dangling bellybutton ring, past the degrading adjective she had been forced to write on her body to describe herself. She zipped it up past her sore, erect nipples, and finally brought the zipper to rest just below its highest possible point - high enough that nobody would suspect that she had no clothes on underneath, and low enough that it wouldn't look like she was hiding anything.

Madison took a deep breath before locking her juices off her fingers. She told herself that she needed to get the smell of her pussy off of her hand before she left, but deep inside, she knew it was a lame excuse. She would have done anything to taste a fresh pussy at that moment. It just made her even more aroused, and she briefly considered lifting up her gown and fingering herself all the way to orgasm before she shook her head.

Madison took a deep breath again. She needed to calm down, and wondered if the shaking she felt - the rush, knowing she was not only nude, but completely exposed for all she was under her gown - knowing she was a slut, knowing what she really craved - really, wondering if it was visible to anyone but her. She felt as if everyone could see right through her gown, knew what she was without even having to look or ask. Madison took yet another deep breath. She really just wanted to be fucked right there in the bathroom, she didn't care who did it. She wanted her hands up against the wall of the stall while her pinned pussy was fucked from behind, and then perhaps the guy would leave and Madison would just bend over and wait for a new fuck to take his place - one after the other, calling her a slut, inviting the next round in, until she was completely debased.

"God, what is wrong with me?" She thought. "I've had some sick fantasies, but damn! I am really horny today!" Madison shook her head again, sighed, and opens up the door to the stall. "I wonder what kind of trouble I'm about to get into," she thought to herself. As aroused as she was, she knew this day was going to lead to more humiliation of one sort or another, and part of her just couldn't wait. She knew she needed it.

"How long does it take you to pee?" Madison's dad asked scornfully as she and her mother approached.

"Oh, come on, now, she just graduated from college. I think you could be a little nicer to her today!" Madison's mother shot back at him. Slowly the trio walked toward the car, surrounded by other graduates and their families, all leaving the arena. The plug, still in Madison's ass, reminded her that even today, she was nothing more than a slut.

"I guess there's no point in going back to your apartment, right Madison? Her dad asked.

"Ummm," Madison said aloud as she thought. She tried thinking of an excuse to go back, as she knew that once she walked through that door, she was free to wash the writing off her body, to remove the plug from her ass, to take off the clothespins and to put on "normal" clothes - which at this point meant short shorts and some sort of mildly revealing crop top. Truthfully, though, she wasn't sure she even wanted to go back. The clothespins gnawed at her pussy as she walked. If they did nothing else, they kept her aroused, kept her on edge, and kept her secretly in the mood to be humiliated.

"Well, where do you want to go? We'll go anywhere you want," Madison's dad said finally as they reached the car. Madison still really hadn't thought about whether she truly wanted to go home first and dispense with the risk that she would be truly humiliated, let alone coming up with an excuse to do so.

Madison opened the back door of her parents' car and sat down. The plug shot into her ass, and without even thinking, the slut spread her legs and relaxed her sphincter, allowing the plug to press farther into her ass. She knew she deserved it as the clothespins squeezed her labia.

"Fuck, I'm a filthy little slut!" Madison thought to herself as she felt these sensations. She raised her right hand to her face, about to slap herself reflexively, when she remembered that her parents were there and would not have any idea why their smart, successful daughter would be slapping herself in the face. Slowly she dropped her hand to the side. "God, I don't deserve to go back," she thought. "I'm a little whore. I was made to suffer. and if I wind up totally humiliated, then I deserve it."

Madison reached her hand, instead, underneath her right buttock, which was closest to the door she had entered. Slowly, she lifted the back of her gown, bit by bit, until she could feel her bare ass. Thankfully, her deeds went unnoticed by her parents in the front seat, and the seat back and seat bottom covered up Madison's extracurriculars. Madison slowly pulled on the tip of her plug, feeling it slide past her sphincter as she quietly began to pull it out of her ass. However, after about an inch, she stopped, reversed direction, opened her sphincter and forced the plug slowly back inside her ass.

"Fuck me, I'm a filthy little slut," Madison thought to herself. "I don't deserve to go back home. I deserve to sit through dinner at a nice restaurant baked under my gown, plugged, and humiliated. I deserve to be fucking humiliated!" She reached her arm farther under her ass until she came to the clothespins still squeezing her labia.

Madison squeezed the clothespin on the left side, letting the blood flow into the pressed area and giving her a sensation of pain and pleasure that she probably should not have given to herself in her parents' car, at least not with them inside. She shuddered a little as she enjoyed the sensation, her mouth hanging open. "Fuck, I want this, ohhhh, fuck, I need this. Fucking humiliate me!" Madison thought to herself. She probably would have continued playing with her clothespins and plug until she was drooling in the backseat, but her mom snapped her out of it.

"Madison, is everything okay today?" Asked her mother.


"Didn't you hear your father? Where do you want to eat?"

"Oh I, um - sorry," Madison stammered as she released the clothespin on her labia and moved on to the right side. Thankfully, her mother was seated directly in front of her and did not turn around. Her dad had started the car and had begun to drive, so his eyes were focused elsewhere. Neither of her parents had any clue what she was doing in the backseat.

"There's a really good new seafood place, it's - it's called - just turn right and it's about a mile down the road," Madison said. She had finally done it - she had assured that she would, in fact, be going to eat nude under her gown. She squeezed the clothespin on her right labia, feeling the pain and pleasure only for an instant before allowing it to snap closed on her pussy. Madison winced as she felt this, but she knew how much she needed it. She had never been so horny in her entire life.

Madison reached for her plug again. She pulled on it, pulling more of it out of her ass now. She wasn't sure if she had just become more comfortable with the fact that she was unlikely to get busted, or if her arousal was finally starting to drive her over the edge and make her act like a crazed, horny, worthless little slut.

"Fuck yeah," she thought to herself. She pulled the plug two inches out of her ass, and then rammed it back inside, hard. "Fuck, I'm a dirty little slut, naked under this gown, plugging my ass and making myself take it while my parents are right up there!"

Madison pulled the plug out again, a little farther this time. She extended her middle finger, forcing it into her asshole with the plug. "Yes, fuck, yes!" She thought to herself. "I need to take it even more up my ass! I need it! I need to be an even bigger slut!"

Madison forced the plug back into her ass before sliding her finger out. Slowly, she removed her hand from her gown and raised it to her face before checking to make sure her parents were not watching. Satisfied, Madison slowly licked her finger seductively, knowing where it had just been.

Of course, Madison had not nearly had enough, and the car was only halfway to its destination. Slowly, Madison pulled her gown with her left hand until she was no longer sitting on it. Her bare ass was now nestled against the bare car seat, and her gown was bunched up behind her low back. Madison reached her left hand under her gown, near her left hip, leaned back, and spread her legs.

"New rule, slut," she thought to herself. As she thought this, she imagines a somewhat older woman, bossing her around, telling her what her rules were, threatening complete humiliation if she did not comply. "Play with those clothespins until you get there. Don't cum, and no matter what, don't stop! Follow your rule, slut," Madison thought. The woman was now gone, and instead, it was Madison enforcing her rule because she craved it.

Quickly Madison flicked the clothespins attached to her labia, over and over, under her gown. Her pussy lips were pulled left and then right with each flick, giving her arousing sensations with each movement. Madison could feel her clit beginning to swell as her flicks became more forceful, turning into light swats as she continued.

"Fuck, you little slut! You know you want it! You know you deserve it! For all the shit you've posted online! For posting your nude pictures with your real name! For begging to be ruined and humiliated! You deserve it, slut, for dressing up like a whore and going to class and letting Dan completely degrade you and film it while y got fucked!" Madison swatted her clothespins a little harder as she thought about how much of a whore she had been, and how disappointed her parents would be if they knew a tenth of what she had done.

"We're here," her mom announced as the car pulled into the parking lot. It was probably the only thing that kept Madison from cumming in the backseat, as if she had continued for even a few more seconds, she would have been powerless to stop herself. She would have wanted it so badly that even the presence of her parents would not have stopped her. The car stopped in a parking space, and Madison stopped playing with her clothespins and her pussy. It was both what she needed more than anything, and what she dreaded most - she was spared total humiliation, but left dripping wet and unsatisfied.

"Madison, aren't you going to take off your gown?" Her mother asked as the family of three stepped outside the car almost simultaneously.

"Shit," thought Madison. Her mind began to play over all her fantasies from earlier that day, when she had been in the bathroom fingering herself. She knew she had to come up with a plan, not only a plan that would keep her humiliated and wet, and allow for more extreme scenarios to play out later, but also one that would keep her from just stripping herself down in the parking lot and confessing right there. As horny as she was, Madison actually found this difficult to do.

"What? Sorry," Madison asked her mother, buying some more time.

As her mother began to repeat herself, Madison's mind drifted away. "Fuck, I'm so horny!" She thought to herself. "But I seriously can't just do it - here- now - because as good as that would feel, it would all be over. I need to keep this going!"

Madison thought about texting Dan, telling him she was a slut and needed to be used. She thought about telling her blackmailer, whoever that was, to stop going so easy on her and to seriously ruin her, forever, for real. She knew she could get at least let if what she wanted if she did either of those things.

However, she also knew that either option would take something away from her relationship with Dan and her blackmailer - she would essentially be taking back some control of the relationship, asking for and begging for certain things. She didn't want that. She wanted to feel used and humiliated because that was what the other person wanted, not simply because she had begged for it. She wanted her consent to be used and blackmailed to be stretched until she regretted it, until she no longer wanted it - and then she wanted it to continue until there was no going back.

"I know!" Madison thought at last. "I'll send some of my pictures - the really humiliating ones - to random numbers. Five numbers." It was the text of that had given her the idea. If she wasn't going to send anything to Dan, or to her blackmailer, then she was going to send them to a random number and see what she got.

"Mom, I - no, I'm not," she finally responded to the question. "I'm just - I'm excited and I just graduated and I don't want to take it off," she lied.

"Oh, well you should be proud, sweetie, even if you don't want to admit it!" Madison's mother said with a big smile. "Okay, wear your gown! We are so proud of you too!"

As she walked behind her parents, Madison adjusted the plug in her ass. "Proud of your little cum slut, webslut of a daughter?" She thought. "You should be ashamed of me. I'm such a dirty fucking whore."

The trio made their way inside and sat at a corner table. Of course, as soon as she sat down, her plug shifted in her ass, and she was reminded again just how much of a filthy slut she was. She reached under the table and adjusted her clothespins again.

The conversation shifted to her parents' upcoming vacation to the Bahamas, and Madison's thoughts drifted away again. "God," she thought, "what would it feel like to be completely stripped naked in here - to just stand up and take off my gown and let everyone see what I am, to walk out - to try to walk out - ohhhh god!"

In her mind, Madison was forced back inside by a strong, strange man. Her ankles were bound to chair legs, she was tied to the chair back, and slapped across the face. "Tell them! All of them! "He shouted.

"I'm a slut! In webslut Madison Holt! Go look me up and ruin me!" She shouted, loud enough that the restaurant could hear.

Madison shook her head. She tore herself away from her fantasy long enough to nod along at some comments her parents were making. Looking down, she noticed the one article of clothing that she was wearing in addition to her gown - her high heels - had ankle buckled that were the perfect height for strapping to the thin chair legs.

She did not hesitate. Madison reached down without so much as looking around to see if anyone in the restaurant was watching. She unfastened the right ankle strap, wrapped it around the chair leg, pulled it as tight as she could, and fastened it again. There was barely enough room, and her ankle was pinched tight in between the strap and the chair leg. She couldn't move it at all, except that her ankle was fastened to the chair leg just above the brace connecting the front and back legs, and perhaps if she really made an effort, she could have slid her ankle up the chair leg.

Of course, she could not stop there. Madison quickly did the same to the other leg, then sat up and focused her attention back on the conversation. Luckily, her parents were both sitting across from her and, other than wondering why she had bent over a couple times, hadn't noticed a thing.

"Ohhhhh," yes, I'm a slut. All tied up to this chair, so anyone can use me," she thought.

"Come and take pictures of me," she shouted, back in her fantasy. "Madison Holt. That's my name. Cum on me. Use me. Fuck me. Please, do this! Please ruin me! Fuck me and then take pictures and show the whole world how much of a nasty slut I am! Ruin my life, ohhhh, please!"

Her fantasy fast forwarded several minutes. She had blown two guys and fucked another, and had cum on her face and stomach. "Webslut" was scrawled on her face, and "Madison Holt" was on her tits. The same big guy stood over her taking pictures.

"Please, sir, please?"

"Please, what?" He asked.

"Please don't seriously ruin me. I'll do anything. Literally, anything." Madison began to struggle. She needed to get away. She tried loving her legs, but they were fastened tight to the chair.

In real life, Madison lifted her gown slowly. She lifted it up as she looked around, making sure nobody was watching. At first, she lifted it past her knee. Her heart raced as she lifted it up higher, wondering how much of her leg the tablecloth kept hidden. She lifted it up to her thigh, knowing that, if she lifted it any higher, she would be revealing the fact that she had no skirt or dress on under her gown.

Madison took another look around. "Fuck, I need this!" she thought. She pulled her phone out, recording herself, smiling at the camera.

"What are you doing?" Her mom asked.

"Just seeing if there is anything in my teeth," Madison replied. She quickly winked at the phone when her mom was not looking, then appeared to put the phone down at her side.

What Madison actually did was stick her phone under the tablecloth, filming as she lifted her gown even higher, spreading her legs to show that she was bare underneath. She shook her hips slightly, shaking the clothespins still attached to her labia. Madison then focused the camera down, on her tied ankles, before returning it to focus on her pussy.

Madison had gone completely nuts with her arousal. "Do it, slut," she thought. "You're not stopping until the camera sees the writing."

"Hi, my name is Mark, I'll be taking care of you today," said a waiter who seemed to appear from nowhere. "Are you all set to order?"

"Fuck!" Madison thought. "Just when this was getting good. I wonder if he saw anything?" Madison knew that anyone standing to her immediate right would have a view of her tied-up right ankle, and could have even seen a bit too much of her right thigh as she had been lifting up her gown. Slowly, Madison looked up at the waiter, wondering if he had seen anything. If he had, he certainly wasn't letting her know.

"I'll take a lobster tail, please," Madison said. She knew on this day her parents would not mind whatever she wanted to order. Her parents ordered, while Madison just looked at the waiter every few seconds, wondering if he knew what she was up to. Her mom ordered shrimp primavera, and her father ordered a lobster mac and cheese. The waiter was gone as soon as he had come.

Slowly, Madison lifted her gown, up past her pussy, to her bellybutton. She was sure her ass cheek was visible on the right; thankfully, her left side was protected by a wall. Her gown d****d down across her upper thigh, and the higher she lifted it in the front, the higher it rose on the side.

Madison raised it above her bellybutton, pinning it against the table as she filmed. "Spread your legs, slut," she commanded herself. "Show it off. You know how much you need it. Slut." Madison obeyed her command, spreading her legs, placing the phone on between. Although she could not see it, her phone screen showed her pussy, spread open, with the clothespins attached to her labia and the word "slut" in large letters on her stomach. She smiled to herself, knowing that her parents had no idea what she was doing to herself under the table.

Madison looked down at her tied up ankles. She struggled against the chair, the feeling of being restrained only adding to her arousal. She might have even let a soft moan escape as she struggled, a little harder this time. "Fuck, if I could only slap myself in the face right now!" She thought.

Madison lifted her right leg, looking over to the right again, making sure nobody could see. Not that she cared that much - it was the risk of being caught that drove her to act like such a little tart in the first place. She raised her knee, struggling against her ankle restraint, until her knee came to rest just underneath the table. Her right ankle was now restrained to the upper portion of the chair leg, just below the seat. The gown was raised so high on the right side that her right pelvic bone was exposed. Her clothespinned pussy was wide open and on display. Madison rotated her knee out to the right, spreading herself for anyone to her right to ogle.

The slut did notice one person looking - an older gentleman having dinner with his wife. He was staring straight at her, seeing everything she had done to herself. His eyes almost popped out of his head. Madison just smiled a little smile, winked, and went about waiting for her meal. But inside, she was a raging ball of hormones, wishing that man would bend her over a table and punish her for being such a tease.

Madison was sure to catch all this on camera. She quickly closed the camera and took a couple pictures of herself, turned to the right, gown raised up to her waist, pinned pussy exposed, her parents across the table having no idea. She then dropped her gown, allowing it to fall back to her upper thigh before pulling it down to her knees. She snapped a couple more pictures of herself looking much more modest, so that she had something to send to her parents, who no doubt were wondering what the hell she was up to. Of course, they couldn't see what was going on, as it was happening under and to the side of the table, but when Madison cropped out her tied-up ankle and sent them the pictures, it relaxed them.

Everything seemed like it was back to normal. Madison was horny as hell and would have to deal with that later, but now she was having dinner with her parents. Then, she got a text. It was Dan. "Having dinner with your parents, slut?" He asked.

Madison looked around. Sure enough, two tables behind her, Dan was sitting with a group of guys and girls Madison had never seen before. She smiled, then turned back around.

"Yes," she replied. A few seconds went by with no response. She was wondering what Dan was thinking. "Maybe I should tease him a little," she thought.

"With my ankles strapped to the chair," she texted Dan.

"You really are a filthy little slut, aren't you?"

"Yes I am. You should see what I have on under this gown..."

"Okay, slut. Enough teasing. You are going to unstrap those ankles and meet me in the bathroom, now."

"Dan, I'm here with my parents!"

"All the more reason to come. You wouldn't want me walking over to your table and showing them this, would you?" Attached to the text was a photo from days before, of Madison, nude, legs spread, with "slut" written on her stomach, "cum slut" on her face, and "dumb fuck toy" near her pussy.

"No...please don't, Dan" Madison replied.

"Do they know what a little whore you are?" Dan asked. "And why the fuck are you teasing me if you don't want this?"

"No, please, I want to keep it that way! And who said I didn't want it? ;)"

"Then come to the bathroom. Now." Madison froze. "Is he serious?" She thought. "Is he really doing this right now?" Madison barely got the thought out when she got another text. "NOW, SLUT!" She didn't have a choice. Quickly, Madison unstrapped her ankles, not bothering to even re-do the buckles on her heels before she got up from the table.

"I - uhh - I have to pee," Madison explained as she stood. Her gown fell to the floor, and the only trace of the sex-crazed slut that had been sitting at the table was the wet spot she left on her chair. Inside her mind though, all Madison could think was "I, umm - I'm a huge cum slut and I have to go suck some guy off so he keeps his fat mouth shut. That's okay though, because I'm a slut and I like being forced to suck cock like that."

"Didn't you just pee?" Her dad quizzed.

"Sometimes women have to go - for other reasons!" Her mom scolded. "And unless you want to hear all about it, just let her go!"

Madison turned and wakes quickly away. She wasn't exactly certain of what she was about to do, but she had a fairly good guess that it would involve giving Dan sexual pleasure, and she couldn't look her parents in the eye. She marched straight to the back of the restaurant and turned the corner toward the restrooms, where Dan was waiting with a smirk on his face.

"I thought you'd never come, slut. I was just about to go show this to your parents," he said, the smirk still on his face. Holding up his phone, he showed Madison the video the two of them had made. She couldn't bear to have it played in public for more than a second.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Come with me." Dan grabbed Madison's arm and, despite her half-hearted protests, dragged her into the men's room. "Last stall," Dan said once they were inside, preferring to see Madison succumb to taking the last few steps on her own.

"Dan, what the fuck?! You - "

Dan just smiled and held up his phone again, still playing the video. "I - I - don't really think you have a choice," he said, pointing to the open stall door.

"What a fucking asshole," thought Madison as she slowly turned to step inside. It truthfully wasn't just the fact that she was being blackmailed - that fact alone was highly arousing to her. But she didn't think it was very nice of Dan to choose the middle of a dinner with her parents to force her into sex.

"Whatever you want, can you just make it quick, please? I've been acting weird all day in front of my parents, and they're going to know - I mean, they're going to know somethings up."

"Acting weird? How?" Dan said, intrigued.

"Just, like - I've had to come up with a lot of excuses today, you know? And now the longer you take to - you know - the more I'm going to have to think of."

"Excuses for what? And what exactly do you think I'm going to do, anyway?"

"Honestly, Dan, I'm just going to show you. Excuses for this." Madison blurted this out just as she unzipped her gown, and in the span of about two seconds, the nudity under her gown became visible, as did the "slut" written on her stomach and the clothespins still clinging to her labia. "See? I have to explain to them why I can't take this off, which gets more difficult the longer it goes!"

"Jesus fucking Christ, Madison!" Dan exclaimed as he saw what Madison had done to herself, what she was wearing under her gown. "You really can't go half a day without turning yourself into a complete slut, can you? And what's up with those clothespins? Why don't you take those off so I can -"

"No, please, Dan - not the clothespins! And yes, I -"

"Geez, you fucking piece of trash!" Dan said, bewildered, as he reaches his hand out, touching Madison's waiting cunt. "These fucking things - and you're soaking wet!"

"Yeah, Dan, please - Don't take them off! I can't!"

"Oh yeah? Just can't stand the thought of not acting like a trashy little tramp, huh? Tell me, do you ever go a day without marking yourself up? Writing 'slut' all over your body, hoping maybe someone will catch you? Jeez, you just can't live without the constant reminder that you are nothing but a little fuck toy slut, can you?" Dan said. He caresses Madison's stomach as he said this, feeling her soaked pussy, and teased her by pulling the clothespins attached to her labia. It only made Madison wetter and more aroused.

"No, I just - can't. I can't explain either, but I need you to leave those alone!" Dan knew something was wrong, and was beginning to understand that perhaps Madison still had even darker secrets, ones that she had not revealed to him yet.

"Who says?" Said Dan. He grabbed Madison by the throat as he spoke. "Tell me."

"Dan - remember how I - I asked you to keep a secret once about be writing on myself?"


"Well I need you to leave this alone now. Just as much as I needed you to keep that secret. Okay? I might tell you, sometime - but only if and when I decide to. Okay?"

"Okay, but you're going to have to do something for me in return."

"You're - like - I mean, the whole reason you brought me in here - you've going to use me - as a slut - right?" Madison's exposure to Dan, coupled with the words she was saying, sent a jolt of blood straight to her clit. She was starting to become aroused again, and starting to care less how long Dan took.

"Say it more seductively, slut," Dan ordered. "Like you actually want me to do it."

Madison looked around and cleared her throat. "I was hoping that you would - use me - use me like the filthy little slut I am," Madison said demurely.

"First things first," said Dan, "I've got to save this image for later." He flipped his phone over to camera mode, and Madison shyly closed her gown as Dan took the first picture. Without even having to be told, she began to take it off bit by bit, smiling wide as she exposed her tender breasts, then her written-on stomach, then her pierced navel, and finally, her pinned pussy.

"Make sure you send these to me," Madison said as she turned around to show Dan her butt plug as her gown fell to the floor.

"You filthy little slut!" Dan said. "You just can't get enough of this, can you?"

"No," Madison said shyly as she sat on the toilet.

"On your knees, slut!" Dan commanded. "You're not sitting for this!" He grabbed a fistful of the slut's hair and. As she looked up at him, he gave her a condescending stare.

"First, I need your dad's phone number. Just in case you change your mind and I have to show him what a filthy little whore you turned out to be!"

"Dan, no! This is going too far, don't you think?" As soon as the words left her lips, Dan landed a stinging, open-handed slap to Madison's left cheek, eliciting a shriek. "Please, Dan? You know I'll do anything - I'll be your little slut, Dan -"

"You'll be my slut if I have the number too!" Dan slapped her again. "Only difference is, you won't have to go out there and explain why you went to pee and came back with a sore, red, beaten face! And, as an added bonus, if you give me the number, I'll let you leave these on!" Dan grabbed the clothespins and gave them a little shake. He didn't really know why she had to leave them on, and he was damn curious. But he knew he could extract that out of her bit by bit.

Madison knew that there was no way out for her. "Fuck, I don't want a way out!" She thought to herself. She knew she needed Dan to have the number. She also knew that she needed to leave her clothespins on, or risk even more extreme and perhaps even unwanted humiliation at the hands of her online blackmailer. And, perhaps more than anything, being pulled down to the floor and slapped across her face on a restaurant bathroom really did make her feel like a slut. And that turned her on, which made her want more.

"Okay," she said at last, defeated. Madison had a hard time not enjoying the humiliation she was feeling. She looked down. Dan still had a fistful of her hair, and she was naked and kneeling on the floor after having taken two hard slaps to the face. "Ohhhh, fuck, I want him to hit me again!" She thought as she looked at the floor. "God, why the fuck do I want this? Why am I so fucking turned on by this? Why am I such a fucking slut?"

"Okay," she said again. "But can you please slap me really hard one more time? Please?" She begged. Dan did not even reply, he just pulled her hair, pulling her head up with his left hand so that it would meet his swiftly moving open right hand. The two connected with a loud smacking noise, and Dan let go of Madison's hair.

"Mmmm," said Madison. She was too horny to argue with the fact that she enjoyed humiliation, enjoyed being treated like a whore. She handed Dan her phone after pulling it out of her small handbag and unlocking it.

"I want you to take it," she told Dan. "So that you know you have the real number. So you can really use it against me."

"Wow, you are serious, aren't you, slut?"

"What did you expect, a fake number?"

"Sort of. You know that I'm going to make you do way worse than strip naked in a restaurant bathroom now, right?"

"Good," said Madison, smiling. Dan quickly took a screenshot of the number and sent it to himself. He then grabbed Madison's hair with his left hand and told her exactly what he wanted.

"Good. Now take out my cock. Pull down my pants and take it out. You're going to suck it. I'm going to fuck your little mouth like the slut you are. And then I'm going to cum in your mouth and you're going to hold my cum in there until you get back to your table. Got it?"

"Yes," said Madison. She didn't need any more instructions. She already had Dan's pants halfway off. His boxer shorts were pulled down to his thighs, and Madison looked him in the eye as she took his hardening cock into her mouth.

"Mmmmm," I love sucking cock," she said after she sucked him momentarily, just enough to get him hard. "Use me, Dan. Use me like a filthy slut. I am a filthy slut, aren't I? Sucking cock in a restaurant bathroom? While I'm supposed to be having dinner with my parents?"

"Yes, you filthy fucking slut," Dan said. "You little piece of trash cunt. Now I'm going to throat fuck you. Hard."

"But, Dan - my makeup - my parents -"

"Oh, fuck your parents, Madison! You really think they aren't wondering what is taking so long already? Do you want to have a mouthful of my cock when your dad walks in here or do you want to be finished? Now what about your makeup?"

"It's going to get all messy -"

"Good!" Said Dan. "Now are you a cock slut or not?"

"Yes," said Madison. She looked at Dan's cock, and then down at the floor. She really meant it too. Madison had never felt like this much of a cheap whore.

"Then act like it!"

"Please, give me that cock, Dan," Madison said at once. "Use my throat as hard as you want. Just make sure you give me a good slapping and make me feel like a whore."

"Is that what you want, slut?"

"It's what I need. Fuck my throat, please. Fuck my makeup. Fuck my parents. I'm a slut and I want this!" Madison looked into Dan's eyes and let him know with hers that she meant every word of what she was saying.

Dan did not need any further encouragement. He grabbed Madison's hair with his left hand and her throat with his right. She willingly opened her mouth as wide as she could, and he thrust his cock hard into her throat.

"That's it, you fucking cunt. Your mouth is just another cock home, isn't it?"

"Mmmhmmm!" Madison replied. Dan slapped her hard in the face. "Mmmmm," Madison moaned.

"You fucking like that, whore?" Dan asked as he thrust his cock deep inside and slapped her again. "You like getting slapped in the face?"

"Mmmhmmm," Madison replied again. She was so horny now she could not allow herself to refuse a good, painfully humiliating slapping even if she had a large audience. She was a slut, and she knew it, and the more humiliation she accepted the more turned on she became.

"You nasty little cunt," Dan said, employing a new word of choice for the day. "You go to graduation naked under your gown, with 'slut' on your stomach and clothespins on your pussy, and you stand there like that. Then you fucking come in here to get slapped around and throat fucked and humiliated and blackmailed in a restaurant bathroom. Right, slut?" Dan had grabbed Madison on both sides of her face, and was holding her mouth open with his thumbs while he fucked the back of her throat. Madison had tears in her eyes now, and mascara running down her cheek as she was used.

"Mmmhmmm," she said. She was now so aroused that she had lost her ability to care about what she looked like when Dan was finished. She just needed his cock down her throat. Madison needed to be treated like a slut. She needed to be made to feel in the pit of her mind what she really had become. As Madison took his cock down her throat and another slap to the face, all the word that she had written on herself over and over suddenly came to life. "I really am nothing more than a slut," she realized. "All my hopes and dreams were a past life, this is my new life now - my new purpose - to be used hard," she thought.

Dan rammed his cock deep into her throat. Madison's head tilted backwards as she looked into Dan's eyes. Whether it was because Dan had pulled her hair again, or because she instinctively knew his cock would slide balls deep into her throat more easily, Madison tilted back. She greedily accepted three quick slaps to her face in rapid succession before Dan gave her a minute to breathe.

"I want you to fuck my throat," Madison said in between breaths. "I'm a whore. Use me. I've heard if you squeeze my throat while you throatfuck me it makes the sensation better. Can you try it?"

"If you want me to fucking choke you, just say it," said Dan.

"If that's how you want to think of it, fine," said Madison. "Just use me. Hard. Don't stop until your done. Don't pretend to give a shit about me, just fuck my throat."

"Fuck, you little slut!" Dan exclaimed as he thrusted his dick into Madison's waiting hole. He grabbed her neck with both hands and even squeezed a little as he fucked her. Dan could even feel the head of his penis moving through the slut's throat, with his thumbs, as he pounded her.

"Ohhhh, God, yes, you've got a tight little throat, slut! You fucking love this this, don't you?"

"Mmmhmmm," was all she could say.

"You're a filthy little fucking slut, are you?"


"You like getting choked and slapped and throatfucked and forced, don't you, cunt?"


"Get your fucking hand out of your pussy, slut! I'm the one getting off here! I don't care if you want to stay in here and fuck yourself silly when I'm done, but don't swallow, and wait your turn. Got it?"


"God, you're a filthy little cum slut. Filthy. Little. Piece. OF! TRASH! CUM! SLUT! FUCK!" Dan moaned loudly as he shot a huge load of cum into Madison's mouth. He pulled about halfway out just before he shot, not wanting to cum so far down her throat that she had to swallow it immediately.

"Show me, slut," Dan said. Madison opened her mouth, showing Dan the huge load he had deposited. He looked at her face. Madison was literally crying from the slapping and the choking, and her mascara had streaked down her cheeks. Dan chuckled a little, wondering how the slut was going to explain this to her parents. He reached for his phone and took a picture for good measure.

"Fuck yourself, go back to your table, I don't care," said Dan. "But no swallowing until you sit down with your parents." He pulled his pants up and left without another word.

Madison really felt used. She wanted to fuck herself crazy in the bathroom stall, but she was terrified at how long she had been in the bathroom already. And it was the men's room, which was even worse! So she picked up her gown, put it on, repositioned her clothes pins, and zipped it up. Before she left the bathroom, she picked up her phone.

"Dan, I - like - if you get me this horny and my parents aren't around, you can literally use me harder. Like slap me until my face hurts for a week and everything. Really abuse me."

"You need a hard cock," was Dan's reply.

"You could have given me one, asshole! Or at least let me touch myself!"

"What's stopping you now?"

"Parents. Duh." Madison was still in the bathroom, cum in mouth, wiping makeup and tears off her face. She couldn't believe what a slut she was. In an instant, she picked the phone up again.

"But seriously. Use me. humiliate me. Threaten to show my pictures to everyone and make me literally fuck you in front of your friends. And make it rough."

"Damn. You're a slut."

"I know. I like it."

Madison walked out of the bathroom with a mouth full of cum and a plug eating away at her asshole, reminding her exactly what she was. Her heart raced as she approached the table where her parents sat. They saw her coming and saw exactly what she looked like - like she had been crying up a storm.

"Madison! Are you okay?" Her mother asked. Madison's father just looked at her, stunned. Madison did not say a word, lest the cum spill out of her mouth and remove all doubt as to the nature of the activities in which she had most recently been participating. Instead, she shook her head, trying to hide her face with her hands.

Madison sat down. She swirled Dan's cum in her mouth as she looked across the table, at her parents. Slowly, she tilted her head back, feeling the slimy goo collect at the back of her throat before swallowing it all at once. "Damn, I'm a slut!" She thought.

"I'm sorry," Madison said. "I know this is stupid, but - one of my friends went home today and her parents told her, her dog has been dead for six months and they never told her! I cried my eyes out, I'm sorry, I don't know why I reacted this way!"

"Oh, that's ok, sweetie, that's awful!" Her mother replied.

"Anyway, our food is here," her dad chimed in. Madison hadn't even noticed, and for good reason - she was still trying to figure out whether her parents were at all suspicious of her.

She didn't speak much for the rest of her dinner, but mostly looked down at her plate of food and thought anxious thought about what she had done. At this point, she thought, the less she said, the better. Her parents seemed content to leave her alone, not wanting to upset her any more. Madison sensed that her parents knew she was acting irrationally, but couldn't figure out why.

"No, if they thought I was up to something this weird," Madison thought at last, "they'd keep pestering me until they got an answer, and then they would criticize me until Christmas," she decided. She looked up just as her father finished his last bite.

"Well, is there anything you'd like to do today, or just go home?" He asked.

"No, that's fine." Madison replied.

Her dad sighed. "Okay, then," he said. "Any room for dessert?"


As Madison rose to leave, she felt an overwhelming sense of shame at what she had done. Her parents had taken her out to a nice dinner to congratulate her on her achievements, and she couldn't truly be appreciative. Instead, she had snuck into the men's room to suck cock and be used like a whore. And what was worse, she liked it!

She walked out of the restaurant, her plug now more painful than exciting, and her labia swollen and sore. She had adjusted the clothespins two more times after she sat back down at the table, and she couldn't wait to take them off.

As she sat in the backseat of her parents' car, Madison couldn't help but feel like she actually deserved what she had gotten. She was the one who started it all, who wanted to be exposed, who had teased Dan - and the online stranger - into blackmailing her. She was the one who had put herself out there as a slut. And as ashamed of herself as she was, all Madison really wanted in this moment was someone to take her away, to slap her in the face, to truly make her feel like a whore.

"Madison, are you okay?" Her dad asked, breaking a long silence. "You seem like something is really eating you today."

"Yeah - no - well," Madison stammered, thinking of something to say. "It's just sort of a bittersweet day, you know? I mean, on one hand I feel happy and proud, but I - my friends are going their separate ways and people already have jobs lined up and some people still don't have a clue what they're doing."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," her father replied. "The best friends I've ever had were the ones I met in college. But then we graduated, and wound up saying goodbye. And one of us, thankfully not me, wanders aimlessly for a few years before he found his way."

"Yeah," Madison said.

"But I thought you at least had decided to come back next year?" Her dad quizzed.

"Oh, definitely. But most of my friends are going to be gone. It's going to be so different!" This comment was followed by another long silence, while Madison thought about other ways that next year could be different - maybe Dan would actually force her to show off on campus. Maybe her online blackmailer would make her a household name all over the globe. She could only hope.

"Well, we're back," Madison's mom said as the car pulled into the apartment parking lot. Without too much dialogue, Madison exited the car and walked up the stairs to the apartment and let her parents in.

"I think I'm going to change," she said quietly as her parents sat down on the couch. Her dad nodded, and Madison turned and entered her bedroom, careful to lock the door, before she began undressing.

Madison, of course, opened in her phone to make a short video as she unzipped her gown, proving that she had gone through with the task. She even commented, whispering so as not to be heard, that her pussy was red and swollen and that she really wanted to get fucked.

She stopped the video once she was completely nude and had taken off the clothes pins, and quickly sent the videos to her blackmailer, making sure to thank him and say that she was eagerly awaiting her next task. Madison briefly thought about fucking herself silly, but a couple self-inflicted slaps to the face convinced her that, for one thing, it would be inappropriate to do this when she could finally act like her normal self in front of her parents, and for another thing, she was a true slut and a true slut did not deserve to satisfy herself sexually, and that she was so horny and slutty that the only way she would be allowed to cum would be by riding a real cock.

"Okay, so - what to wear?" Madison wondered. She slapped herself again. "Nothing too plain," she whispered to herself. "Even though my parents are here, I can still be a little slutty. Just not like what I wore to class the other day."

Madison carefully selected a mid-thigh denim skirt. It wasn't her shortest, but it was by no means her longest. The bottom hem was just below her fingertips. She also selected a pastel off-shoulder knit sweater that was slightly cropped to show an inch or two of her stomach.

Madison put on a red lace thong, and then the skirt. It was tight, tighter than she remembered, but this just made her more confident in her choice. She spread her feet as she stood in her room, if for no other reason to feel the sensation of her legs being bound together by her clothing. She looked back at the top after she had put on a bra that was styled similarly to her thong.

"What I like about this is that it's not so extreme that Dad will say anything. I mean I don't look like a total whore. But he will think it. I will feel like a slut. And I will stay turned on until I go out and get me some hard cock tonight! Madison looked in the mirror as she pulled it over her head and positioned it properly on her body.

Madison's shoulders easily protruded out of the top hem, exposed to the world. Her navel was barely exposed, in between the top and skirt, and the piercing was barely exposed along with it. All of he sudden, Madison realized that maybe she looked like more of a slut than she had intended, and started having second thoughts. She also realized she still had "slut" written on her stomach, just higher up and not in an area where it was in danger of accidentally being exposed in this outfit.

"Slut," she said, slapping herself hard in the face. "You wanted it, and now you're going to wear it!" Slap, slap, slap went Madison's hand, bullying herself into compliance. "Fucking whore. You know what you get for second guessing yourself? For wanting to be a good girl? You don't get to wash this off now," she said as she pulled up her swearer to expose the writing. "In fact, you're going to go over it again!"

Madison took out a marker, black this time. She slowly traced over what she had previously written in red. Then, for good measure, she traced next to it in red marker, making the letters bolder, wider, more humiliating, and perhaps most importantly, harder to wash off.

Madison gave her face one more good slap before she pulled down her sweater, put on a pair of leather ankle boots and opened her bedroom door, ready to wear an outfit that dared to show her parents what she really was on the inside, but without any real danger of making them think too poorly of her. Instead, it just served to remind Madison what she was on the inside.

Madison actually enjoyed the rest of the time with her parents that day. She also enjoyed turning her back to them, lifting her sweater to expose the "slut" written there, smiling, and taking a selfie with her parents in the background. She sent that one to Dan. Madison also enjoyed Dan's text back instructing her to remove her panties until she was alone. She went into the bathroom, took then off, and spent the afternoon with nothing under her skirt.

Madison did really enjoy her day, though, I'm between the hidden suggestive acts she performed. She even went out for a brief shopping trip with her parents when they were all in a better mood. However, her kind was starting to wander by the evening, and she couldn't wait for her parents to return to their hotel - after all, she was sexually starved and had a big night planned.

Part 13
Madison woke up a couple of hours later, rolling over in bed. "Wow," she thought to herself as she sat up and looked in the mirror. "I knew I looked like a whore, but - whoa!" She stood up, looking at her body in the mirror.

"What am I going to do now?" she wondered aloud. "I have the whole summer before I go back to school," she thought. "Maybe I should take it easy for a day or two and relax and let off some steam."

She stood up, still looking at her body. As a girl who was mainly attracted to men but shyly attracted to other girls, she did admire the look of her own body. She wondered if her desires to be a slut had anything to do with the fact that she was aroused by women as well as men. "Maybe I just like sluts so much I want to be one?" She wondered.

"Dirty slut," she said to herself. She leaned in close and playfully kissed her reflection in the mirror. For a brief moment she wished that she could be someone else, another girl, so she could fuck herself from another person's perspective.

"Why am I so horny?" Madison wondered aloud. All the fucking she had done in the past 24 hours should have been more than enough - she had three different cocks inside of her and swallowed cum from a fourth. "I guess I went a little overboard yesterday. I am actually turning into a slut," she thought. She remembered her commitment yesterday to keep her activities confined to the internet for the time being - she was afraid she was getting out of control.

"So if I'm going to be a slut, I guess I should be an online slut today she said. Madison picked up her phone, put the jacket back on that she had taken off before bed the night before, and took a picture. She then took the jacket back off and took a picture of herself in the bra and garter skirt.

"Ohhh, yes, I can't wait to post these and show everyone what a slut I am again!" Madison moaned. She snapped a picture of her pussy and upper thighs, with "slut" still written on each one.

"Oh god, I - I'm really craving exposure today," she moaned as she started to touch her pussy. "I want to be shown off really bad, in a really slutty way."

"Do you like this boys?" She asked as she slowly removed her bra in front of the mirror. "My tits exposed for you, mmmmm. I'm webslut Madison, want to spread me around and humiliate me? That's what I want more than anything," she continued. She slowly slipped her panties down, leaving just her stockings on and nothing else.

Madison picked up a lipstick. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this again," she said as she stared down at the tube in her hand. "But I feel slutty, and after last night, I really need to tone it down a little," she thought.

Madison looked at her reflection in the mirror. "Besides," she said out loud, "I really do want to be an exposure slut. And be exposed all over, and have everyone know that Madison Holt is a dirty little fucking slut. And have everyone see me naked and be exposed to everyone I know! Ohhhh, god, that would be so hot!" She began to stroke her pussy as she looked at her body in the mirror.

"Why do I want this?" She asked her reflection in the mirror. By now, her little act of wanting to not go through with what she had planned was just that - it was an act. She knew damn well she was going to do it, but feigning reluctance and 'forcing' herself to go through with it was just so much more arousing for her. "Why do I want this kind of risk? I know I could ruin my own life. And that's okay. I'm a slut and I need to accept it."

Madison looked down. "What to write?" She wondered. "Oh, I know." She pulled the lipstick out of the tube and wrote "Webslut Madison" on her chest, just above her tits. "Ohhhh, that looks nice," she said approvingly, looking at her reflection again. "Someone could see this and really fuck me over. I really hope I get fucked over," she continued. "Why do I want to be ruined so bad?" She asked her reflection. "Please? Will you make me famous and ruin my good girl life?"

"Ohhhh, God, what if I wrote my name on my body, like I did for the dice game?" Madison quickly scribbled "Madison Holt" on her stomach, below the word "slut." "Perfect. Now they will know exactly who I am," she said. "Maybe one more thing. Just to make it clear what I want." She put the lipstick away and pulled a black sharpie out of a drawer and quickly wrote "expose me" on her lower stomach, below her hips. "There. All ready to be ruined," she said, smiling. "I hope I get it this time. Will you ruin me?" She playfully stuck her tongue out at her reflection, as if if were a real girl she was trying to seduce into exposing her.

"I'm ready to be forever exposed, to lose any right to my own body," Madison said. She picked up her phone, took a picture, and set it down. "God, I - I want to post this - I'm so afraid - I've never just posted anything like this before," she said. "I always send the really risky stuff to the blackmailer. But this, I want it for myself."

Shaking, afraid, Madison logged into her porn site account and began to touch herself. "I'm going to have to be really turned on to actually do it," she said. Slowly, she started to rub her pussy and fantasize about her own downfall.

"Oh, yes, Dan - did you find my pictures?" She asked him in her fantasy. "What did you think?" She slipped a finger inside her pussy. "I wanted it - I begged for it - I made it happen," she went on. I want it - I want to be exposed - I want to - I want to be destroyed!" She said as she touched herself.

All of the sudden Madison had an idea. She stood up, went over to the nightstand, and picked up the used condom from that morning. She took a deep breath before sitting down. She smacked her lips seductively, sighed, and lowered the condom to her pussy. Slowly, gingerly, she pushed it inside.

"Ohhhh, fuck," she moaned. This time, instead of clenching it with her fingers, she pushed it deep inside. "Yes, Madison!" She squirmed as she laid on her back, really getting into it. "I want whatever's in here to - to be inside of me, way up inside of me!" She moaned.

Madison stopped all of the sudden, picked up her phone, and hovered her thumb above the "submit" button. "No, no, I don't want to do this to myself!" she thought. But as she pressed the condom into her pussy, she knew that she had to. She did want it, despite a part of her that just wanted to be a good girl with a normal life.

She pressed the button to post her photo. Tossing the phone aside, she picked right up where she left off. "Oh, God, I just fucked myself! I just exposed myself as a Webslut! God, I hope anyone that googles my name sees my slutty ass begging to be exposed, oh, oh, ohhhh God I'm cumming again!" Madison shrieked as she came, shuddering. Quickly, she pulled the condom out of her pussy, brought it to her lips, and licked it, pushing it into her mouth while she sucked her juices off her fingers.

"Mmmhmmm," Madison moaned to herself. She placed the condom back on her nightstand and sat up. "I need to throw that away", she thought, "or this is just going to keep happening.

She approached her computer, ashamed and excited at the same time. Opening it up, She navigated to a search engine and started typing. "Madison Holt" she searched. Nothing. "Webslut Madison" also revealed nothing. "Where are these pictures and videos?" She wondered. After her blackmailer had started giving her tasks, she had pretty much stopped posting them on her own, instead relying on the blackmailer to expose her all over - but he, whoever he was, seemed to be keeping them to himself. Either that, or she just wasn't famous enough for a search engine yet.

Her breath slowed as she sat at the computer. "Well, I guess that means I can still probably be a teacher," she thought, giggling. Why was it that she was in school studying to be something that, if her secret got out, she would never be able to be? Most days she couldn't decide what she wanted more - to go through with her education and be a teacher, or to continue on her downward spiral and end up with no future. Here lately, the spiral was definitely winning.

Madison checked her e-mail while she had the computer open. "Oh, fuck, more blackmail," she said, feeling a twinge in her pussy as she saw the title of the message. She had no choice but to open it.

"Great job Madison!" He began. "You really took that farther than even I had imagined you would. I know you graduated yesterday, so I'll give you a day or two to blow off some steam before your next task. But I thought I'd give you the task now so that you can lay any necessary groundwork."

"It's summer time. And that means you need a summer job. Whether you do or you don't or even if you already have one, you need to get one because I said you needed to get one. And you wouldn't want all those videos you've sent me going viral, would you now? "

"So here's your task. You have ten days to get a job. Not just any job, it has to be at one of those trashy stores in the mall all the teenagers shop at. I don't care which one, but you know the kind I'm talking about because you're always wearing their outfits. At least, in your Facebook pictures."

"Oh, speaking of Facebook, I also found your Instagram and twitter accounts. I feel like we've known each other for years. But I digress. Get a job, slut. With a body like yours, any store manager should want you in his store every day. It doesn't need to be every day, though - just enough for you to have time to completely humiliate yourself at work at my command."

"I've said too much already," he wrote. "Your time starts now."

Madison could practically see him grinning at the other end of the internet as she scowled on her end. "Oh, fuck you," she thought for a minute. She thought about how completely he could control her, even down to where she worked. Slowly, her finger traced a line from her neck down to her pussy. "Ohhh, control me!" She whispered. She could not believe how little resistance she put forth. Madison was already thinking about how she would go about getting a job. She knew Hannah was her best bet.

"Hey babe," she texted her friend.

"What's up?" Hannah answered back. Hannah always got excited when Madison texted. It usually meant she was about to have a fun time with her favorite girl - at least her favorite girl in a sexual way.

"I have a weird favor to ask," Madison texted back.


"I am really desperate for some money to get me through the summer," Madison lied. "I need to get a job, even if it's just a few hours a week. I was wondering if your store is hiring?"

"I haven't heard anything lately," Hannah texted back. "But I'll definitely see if I can get you an interview. Just go online and fill out the application and then I'll talk to my manager."

"Awesome, Hannah, you're the best!"

"Just one thing -"


"Send me a picture of that delicious pussy. And promise you'll let me taste it next time you're out this way."

Madison quickly snapped a picture of her pussy, leaving the word "slut" on her thigh for Hannah to read but not showing any of the other writing. Less than ten seconds went by before Hannah had the picture.

"Damn. How did you get your clothes off that fast?! Hannah asked. And you look like you had fun last night!"

"Lots of fun," Madison texted back. "And I was already naked."

"Wow. What a slut!"

"Hannah you know how much I love it when you call me a slut!"

"I do know. Why else would I do it?"

"Because it's true?"

"Yeah, that too. Want to talk?" Madison was getting extremely turned on again.

"Can't, I'm at work."

"Shit," Madison thought. "I was hoping we could at least sext or something!" Just as Madison was about to ask Hannah for a picture, she got another text. It was a selfie of Hannah in a mirror at work, wearing a pink one-shoulder top and a pair of denim shorts with a white belt. About three or four inches of Hannah's midriff were exposed in between.

"Oh damn you look hot," Madison texted back. "Hopefully soon I'll be staring at that body at work. You should go into the dressing room and send me something naughty." Madison smiled as she laid back on the bead and awaited Hannah's response.

"I can't wait until I can see your slutty ass in outfits like this every week," Hannah texted back. "Hang on."

"Oh, I'll be wearing less than that," Madison texted. She had seen the outfits the girls working there wore. It seemed like half of them had crop tops on. They all had on tight shorts, skirts, and jeans. Once she even saw a girl with a top that was so short it barely covered her bra - that was going to be the look Madison would wear.

"Here you go," Hannah texted. It was a picture of herself in the fitting room, pulling aside her top to expose her right breast, which was easily done given the fact that her top lacked a shoulder strap on that side.

"Thanks babe," Madison texted back. She added a winking emoji before putting the phone down for a minute to touch her pussy again, looking at the picture of her friend.

"Oh - go do the online application. Like now," Hannah texted. Madison was annoyingly brought to a halt. "So I can talk to Shawn, my manager, while I'm here."

"Just when things were getting interesting," she moaned. But she did as Hannah said and filled out the application. It only took her ten or fifteen minutes, and she clicked "submit" on something non- pornographic this time, and then let Hannah know she was done.

"Cool," said Hannah. Then a few minutes later another text came. "Shawn says we aren't really hiring right now. We have a few people we just hired for the summer. But he will interview you anyway, and if you're really convincing he will see what he can do."

"Oh, shit," muttered Madison. "What am I going to do? If I can't get this job?" She thought of trying to apply at some other stores. Maybe she would get lucky?

"Shawn found your app," Hannah said. "He wants to set up an interview tomorrow. You'll get an email about it, I assume that is okay?"

"Yep, sure is," Madison wrote back. "Maybe, just maybe I won't have to apply to a bunch of random stores after all," she thought. She decided to wait on the other applications. Instead, she took a shower. She really needed it, with all the writing on her body and all the filth of the three cocks she had taken still on her skin. "I'd better get ready for tomorrow," Madison thought, "since I need to be

really convincing." She wondered how she would do it.

Sure enough, when she got out of the shower, she had an email asking her to come for an interview at noon the following day, which she immediately accepted. "That's it," she thought. "Now let's work on the convincing part."

Madison arrived for her interview right on schedule, about fifteen minutes early. For the occasion, she had worn a short denim skirt and a simple white cropped shirt. The shirt was white with blue polka dots, had spaghetti straps, and revealed a fair amount of her cleavage. She wore a blue cropped cardigan over the top. "It's funny," she thought, "how covering up my shoulders can make showing off my bellybutton and my tits seem so much more modest." Not that modesty was necessarily her strong suit.

"Hi, um - I'm here for an interview," she said to the girl at the counter.

"Oh, you must be Hannah's friend," the girl said. "She told me all about you."

"All about me?" Madison asked. She wondered if Hannah had told the girl about their sexual experiences together - or even about Madison's proclivity for exposure.

"Oh, nothing bad! She just said you were a lot of fun, that's all. Come back this way," she said, leading Madison through a door at the back of the store. "Shawn will be in here in a minute. Good luck!" Madison suddenly found herself all alone in the room, but not for long.

"Hi, I'm Shawn," said a man as he opened the door with a quick swing and walked in. He was probably in his early thirties, Madison figured, and he was a touch over six feet tall, a little on the athletic side, and dressed in a white polo and grey pants. He had a little stubble on his face, and his hair was light brown.

"Hi, Madison," she replied.

"You're Hannah's friend, right?" Shawn said as he sat down. The table was a little awkward, for an interview anyway, it was more or less a big plastic picnic table. Madison was seated toward the left side, and if she sat straight, her back would have been more or less toward the door. Shawn sat on the same bench Madison was on, closer to the middle, whereas Madison was closer to the left end.

"Yeah, that's me," she said.

"Awesome," said Shawn. "How long have you known Hannah? I see you're from Naperville. Where do you know her from?"

"Oh, about a year, maybe?" Madison said. "We actually met here, believe it or not. I was shopping and we met."

"Wow, sounds like you guys really hit it off then."

"Yeah," Madison replied. "I wonder if he knows about us - about our lesbian tendencies," she thought. Shawn, however, changed the subject in a hurry.

"I have a copy of your application here, but why don't you tell me a little about yourself. Are you going to school? What are you studying? That kind of thing.

"Sure, well, I graduated just a couple of days ago. But I'm going back for my masters. I'm studying to be a teacher."

"That's great," he said. "I have enough trouble with young adults, never mind k**s! So yeah, I have a lot of respect for that. So, what makes you want to work here?"

"Well, I don't know if Hannah told you, but, I'm - I'm actually kind of desperate," Madison said, clasping her hands in front of her, swaying her body as if to suggest to Shawn that she knew she shouldn't be telling him that. "I - it's easy for me to find some sort of work in a school or something, you know, during the school year. But school is almost out, and I need to be able to make my car and phone payments. So anything would help, even just a few hours or a couple days a week. But why here? I guess I love the clothes. And I could really use the discount!"

"Yeah," said Shawn. "I can tell, the skirt and the shirt are both ours." Madison could feel his eyes diverting down to her breasts, lingering for a moment before moving farther down to her pierced bellybutton, before fixing themselves on her legs for a moment. He wasn't looking at the clothes at all - he was looking right at her.

"Good eye," she said to him. "If only he knew what I meant," she thought. She loved the way he looked at her. She felt like a little bit of a slut, or maybe a tease, but it turned her on.

"I can see here you have a great GPA," Shawn continued. "That's really important to me, you know - every once in a while I get someone in here that tries to back down, shy away, hide around and try to avoid doing work. I like the GPA because it tells me you're willing to work."

"Yeah, I do put a lot of work into school, that's for sure," Madison said.

"So yeah, Madison, you seem to check all the boxes here - you look the part, you're nice and talkative, you aren't afraid to do some work when you have to. The only thing is, and I really hate to have to tell you this, but - like I told Hannah yesterday, we really don't have much to offer you right now. We just have all the work we need at the moment."

"Oh, that really sucks," Madison said. She looked defeated. "Did I tell you how desperate I am?" She asked, giggling at her own joke. She knew if she had any hope of turning it around, she had to be a little more likable, or maybe even flirty. But all she got was a disappointed head shake from Shawn.

"Time for plan B, I suppose," thought Madison. "I'm serious though," she said. "I would do anything to get this job."

"Madison, look, I would love to hire you, I really would -" Shawn's voice was stopped short as he watched Madison's reaction to what he was saying.

"Anything. I mean anything," Madison said with a nervous sigh. She swung one leg over the picnic table bench, her legs open and facing Shawn. As she did this, she hiked the top of her skirt up a little, showing even more of her legs.

As he watched, she continued to show him exactly what she had in mind. She reached down to the bottom hem of her skirt, slowly pulling it up. Shawn, for his part, was speechless. In his time as a manager, he had never had a prospective employee do anything so suggestive. His eyes were wide as all he could do was sit there, watching her, astounded. "Madison..." he started, but did not finish.

There, before his eyes, was Madison, looking up at him with doe eyes, biting her bottom lip, holding her skirt up and showing him exactly what she was wearing underneath - nothing! It was the most glorious pussy he has ever seen. His mouth hung open as she continued to lift her skirt, showing him what she had written just above her delicious pussy in red marker - "fuck me."

"Anything," Madison said again, giving him a sultry gaze. She looked like a model looking at the camera.

"Madison, just - Wow, that's an incredible offer, really, believe me," Shawn said, still in disbelief. "But you know I can't do this."

"Why is that?" Madison said, disappointed. She gave Shawn her best puppy dog pouty face.

"You know what kind of world we live in, Madison - I could get accused of sexual harassment - I could get fired," he said.

"Here, give me your phone," she said. He had laid it on the table when he walked in, but she picked it up and flipped the camera on. "Hi, I'm Madison Holt, and I want Shawn to fuck me," she said. "This is not harassment, he is innocent, and I started it by being such a cock tease. See?" She said. She filmed the writing just above her pussy. "See? If there's ever any doubt, I wanted this and I asked for it." She flipped the camera off and handed the phone back to Shawn.

"Wow, Madison, I just -" he began.

"You have nothing to be afraid of. I can see how much you want me," she said. She scooted closer to him as he moved his left leg over the bench. She was motioning to his hardening cock, of course, and she slowly reached out and began to touch it through his pants. This time, he did not stop her.

"You know I might not be able to give you a job, no matter what you do, right? I mean, I'm only supposed to have a certain number. I would have to clear it with corporate," he told her. "I just don't want to lead you on."

"Give me a job, don't give be a job, just make sure you give me your cock," she told him. "I just wanted to give you an extra incentive in case you were interested in me. I mean hiring me."

"Okay, tell the camera you aren't fucking me for a job," he told her, opening his phone again.

"I'm not fucking for a job," she repeated, still stroking his cock.

"Then why are you doing it?"

"Oh, God, I want to tell him I'm a slut. I'm a whore. That's why I'm sucking dick for a job I don't even really want that's almost an hour commute," she thought. But really, even if she didn't want the job, she knew she needed it. She didn't want to give Shawn any reason not to hire her, so she went for something more appropriate for the workplace, even if only slightly.

"I guess just because I'm a dirty girl," she said. That was all he needed to hear. He shut off the camera as she leaned forward and unzipped and unbuttoned his pants.

"Just how dirty of a girl are you?" He asked.

"I'm going to suck your cock," she said. She pulled his cock out of his pants, taking the head and touching it to her lips. "Can this dirty girl have a taste?"

"Yeah, suck it, baby," Shawn said, standing up. He pulled his pants down past his knees as Madison took the entire length of his hardening shaft into her mouth, sucking him as she went.

"Mmmmm," she moaned. "Do you like the way this dirty girl sucks your dick?" She started stroking is hard with her right hand.

"Oh, yeah, baby, you're definitely giving me an incentive," Shawn half-whispered, his cock growing each time she moved it in and out of her mouth. "I'm going to do everything I can with corporate."

Madison stood up momentarily. She removed the cardigan, then raised her arms as Shawn pushed his fingers under her top, raising his arms with the bottom hem until he had pulled it over her head.

"Wow," he remarked, looking at a lacy, white, strapless bra.

"I came in here looking for a position, do you have anything available? My favorite is on my knees," Madison said seductively as she knelt down. "You can undo my bra while I suck your dick."

"We can try you out in all kinds of positions," he remarked. He became a little more forceful now, thrusting back when Madison opened her mouth and began to suck him. It wasn't quite a throatfuck, but it was a bit more than just a casual blowjob where the girl does all the work. Shawn bent forward a little and unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the floor.

"I have to tell you, if corporate makes an exception for you, they're going to make me do a second interview once they open up a position," Shawn warned.

"If it's anything like this one, sign me up," Madison replied. "Just tell me when to come."

"Oh, you make ME want to cum," he replied. "Come on baby, stand up, pull that skirt up and let me see what you wrote on there," he said.

Madison did as she was told, standing up and pulling her skirt up. She sat on the top of the picnic table, spread her legs and read it out loud: "it says fuck me," she said. "And I need it. I'm so wet."

Shawn moved forward, lining up his cock with her perfectly shaven pussy. "I'm just going to follow the written instructions then, baby."

"Ohhhhh, yes, Shawn, take me!" Madison moaned. "Take me and fuck me, oh, fuck - fuck my dirty little cunt, Shawn!" Madison felt shame wash over her face as, for the first time, she realized she was taking the third new cock she had taken in as many days. Plus Dan. Plus eating the cum out of the condom from the other guy.

"Oh, fuck, I'm turning into a slut. For real!" She thought. Didn't she tell herself just yesterday that she needed to focus more on her online exhibitionism and less on slutting around in real life?

"Fuck me! Fuck me like the dirty girl I am!" She moaned.

"Oh, shit, I'm going to fill you up with my cum, baby! Just tell me you're a dirty girl one more time!"

"I'm a dirty - I'm a - dirty - dir-ty girl!" Madison screamed under her breath, trying to be quiet enough that she could not be heard through the door, as Shawn grabbed her hips, digging his nails into her as he filled her with his sticky cum.

"Ohhhh, Madison!" Shawn exclaimed as he emptied his balls into her. "I've never - believe it or not, you're the first girl who ever tried anything like this to get a job here."

"I guess none of them needed the job as badly as I do," she said as she felt him pull out. "But then again," I need it pretty bad." She turned around and faced his cock as he spoke, taking it into her mouth, licking him clean once she had finished speaking.

"So, um - yeah, obviously I'm going to recommend it to corporate," he said as he pulled his pants back up. "And then if all goes well, we will see you in here for another interview."

"Sounds good to me," she said. "About how long should that take?"

"A day or two," he replied. "I'll have to email you to set it up."

"I'll have to make sure I come prepared. I hope it's a really intense interview, Shawn," she said with a smile.

"Me too. Okay, we'll talk, and - thanks," he said.

"Thank you," she replied, with the emphasis on the "you." And out the door she walked, cum dripping down her thighs, careful not to make eye contact with the employees. "Do they know?" Madison wondered. "Did they hear?"

It didn't really matter. Madison, somehow, knew she would have to step it up a notch to have any hope of getting the job, but she still wasn't convinced. "Am I even being considered?" She wondered. Truthfully, she was curious if Shawn was just using her body and then tossing her aside once he got what he wanted.

Four days later, Madison made the drive back to the mall for her second interview. Whether she was going to wind up with s job, or not, she was going to blow Shawn's mind, she decided.

She sat in the parking lot in the outfit she had chosen. It was a light orange high-waisted two piece tie-front flare dress, essentially meaning that the top was little more than a large knot in the front, with more fabric on the sides, and the skirt was high waisted but barely covered her ass. A good portion of her upper midriff was bare. She slowly pulled her panties down, and off, as she sat in her car, leaving her with no clothing except for the dress, which had built-in bra cups, and her shoes. But she wasn't ready quite yet.

Madison grabbed her handbag and headed into the mall, thinking she would have more space to get ready in there than she did in her car. Her hair blew in the wind as she walked inside. Even though a sizable portion of her midriff was exposed, and nearly all of her legs, she didn't feel terribly awkward about it. Maybe she had just been getting used to the idea of wearing less clothing, or maybe knowing what she was about to do took her mind off of her outfit.

As she walked, she realized that a fitting room in one of the large anchor stores might be a better choice than a bathroom, mainly because there weren't any mirrors inside the stalls in the bathroom - and she needed a mirror in a private place. She had time to spare though, so she headed for an anchor.

Once inside the room, she hung up the garment that she had brought with her to "try on" and started taking off her clothes. The bottom half of her two-piece set came off easily and quickly, leaving Madison standing in a pair of tan strappy heels and the top.

"Okay," Madison said, taking a deep breath. "Here goes." She reached into her handbag and pulled out a small butt plug. She held it up to the mirror, looking at it, thinking about what she was planning to do with it. "This is so I can get my ass ready to offer it to him," she said. "Either that, or to have something in my ass while he fucks me. Whichever way he wants it."

Madison watched her reflection in the mirror as she placed the plug to her lips and began to lick it, moaning a little. Once it was sufficiently lubricated, she watched in the mirror as she bent over, spread her ass cheeks, and pushed the plug into her asshole, until the thickest portion had been swallowed by her tight sphincter, leaving only the tip visible. She moaned, enjoying the sensation of the plug entering her ass.

Next, she stood up. She took out a red marker from her bag and looked in the mirror as she began to write on her stomach. She chose a spot below her bellybutton, one that would be concealed by her attire but provided a sufficient blank slate for her to write on. In big letter, at least four inches high, Madison slowly and deliberately drew the word "slut" on her body. Never before had she written it that big, but she was really craving the humiliation.

Madison replaced the marker and slowly pulled the high-waisted skirt back up. The bottom barely covered her ass, it was so short. And of course, she wasn't wearing any panties, and now she had a plug in her ass. Her top was tied in the front, and showed a lot of cleavage. The knot was basically the only stitch of fabric between her neck and the top hem of her skirt, at least in between her breasts. It covered a lot more skin on the sides and the back, but it was revealing where it counted, showing at least six inches of her upped midriff between the skirt and the knot and at least two inches of skin all the way around the skirt hem.

"Okay, here goes," Madison said. She applied a lip stain and walked out of the fitting room and toward the store where her interview was. Once there, she was greeted and escorted back to the back room, just as she was a few days prior, and once again, she was informed that Hannah had the day off.

"Hi, Shawn!" Madison said excitedly when he came into the room several minutes later.

"Hi, Madison," he replied. "I've been looking forward to seeing you again."

"Oh really?" Madison said. "Me too, actually. And I hope you'll be seeing a lot of me today." She stepped closer to him as he closed and locked the door.

"Me too," said Shawn with a smile.

"Can we just cut to the chase this time?" Madison asked as she wrapped her arms around Shawn's midsection.

"And what do you want to cut to, exactly?"

"The part of the interview where we get naked and you pound the shit out of me," Madison whispered into his ear.

"Of course," he said with a smile. "Let's get you out of these clothes." The two shared a passionate, but brief, kiss before Shawn was tugging on the top half of Madison's two piece set, trying to take it off.

"Do you like my outfit?" She asked. "I wore it just for you." She was, of course, naked from the waist up.

"Yes, you look amazing," Shawn replied. He slowly caressed her bare breasts. "Looking at your body is going to be one of the best perks of finding a job for you here."

Madison giggled. "Wait till you see what's underneath," she said before kissing him again.

"What's that?" Shawn asked.

"A little surprise. Want to see?" She stood next to the picnic table in the interview room, smiling, as she motioned for Shawn to take off the bottom half of her two piece set.

Shawn ran his hands down her sides until he got to the top of her skirt, which was just at her natural waist. He slowly rolled down the top of the garment, rolling it again, until Madison's bare belly was exposed and he could see her dangly navel piercing. "Mmmm," he moaned. "Madison, you have the sexiest bellybutton."

"Thanks," she said. "I try to show it off a lot. I can show it off pretty much every day I come to work here."

"Oh, that's going to be a rule," Shawn said. "I find you a job here, you have to show off they sexy bellybutton every day. Actually - show off enough skin that my four fingers can fit between your top and your bottoms. Okay?"

"Of course, mister boss," Madison said seductively. "But if you want me to show more, you'll have to buy me something exceptionally slutty to wear."

"Oh, I can do that for sure," Shawn said. He grabbed Madison's skirt and pulled it down, and off, revealing the writing on her lower stomach.

"Wow, you - Wow, it says slut!" Shawn said in disbelief.

"I know. I wrote it there just for you, because - you know," she said, teasing him. She knelt down, now nude except for her shoes, and unzipped his pants, pulling out his hardening cock.

"I don't know, actually," he said. "Why don't you tell me?"

"Because, I - I'm a slut," she said, looking up at him. "I want you to call me a slut while you fuck me. Nothing turns me on more than hearing how dirty I am."

"Ohhhh, god, you little slut, suck my cock," Shawn moaned. She did, slurping his shaft, forcing her slutty mouth to accept most of its length, bobbing up and down as she pleasured him.

"I have one more surprise for you," she said as she stood up, slowly jerking his hard cock. Slowly, shyly, she turned around and bent over, thrusting her ass in the air, showing Shawn what she had done to her asshole.

"Ohhhh, baby, you have a plug in your ass!" He exclaimed.

"I sure do," she said. "I'm a slut and I take it up the ass. And I wanted to get nice and ready for you."

"Ready for me...to fuck you in the ass?"

"Mmmhmmm," Madison said. She climbed up onto the table, placing her elbows on the top and her knees on the seat. "Call me a dirty little slut and fuck me in the ass," she begged.

Shawn slowly pulled the plug out and looked into her gaping asshole. The gape was getting smaller as Shawn pressed his cock up against her back door and pushed it inside.

"Oooohhhh," The slut moaned as she felt him force his way inside her ass. "Fuck my ass," she moaned.

"Oh, you filthy, dirty, little slut!" He said. She was so turned on she almost came hearing him say that. "No panties again - how about another rule - no panties at work, ever, once I hire you? How does that sound, slut?"

"Mmmm, ohhhh, sounds good - good to me!"

"And wear these slutty little skirts and let me look up and see your tasty pussy and your tight little ass,"

"Oh, yes, sir, I'll always show you my pussy and ass, ohhhhh, I love it when you look!"

"And write that slutty shit on your body and show me every day!" He was fucking her ass hard now, pushing it all the way in, and bringing it almost all the way back out. She could feel his cock, still getting bigger, stretching her tight asshole.

"I'm going to be the best little slut of an employee you've ever had!" Madison moaned loudly.

"Ohhhh, fuck, I'm going to cum inside your ass!"

"Ohhh, yes, I love getting fucked in the ass to get a job! Oh, fuck me, cum in my ass!" Madison was so horny she was shaking as she took his cock, rocking back and forth as he slid into her tight asshole. "Oh, Shawn, make me cum, make me cum, make me, oh, I'm a dirty little slut and I love getting fucked in the ass!"

Madison shook hard as she came, the mix of pain and pleasure sending her over the edge. Not long after, he unloaded into her asshole, thrusting his cock deep inside her ass, stopping and watching as the cum leaked out of her gaping hole after he pulled out of her.

"Want the job?" He said at last.

"Of course I do," she replied, smiling.

"Then do one more thing," he said. "Lick that up and swallow it and it's yours."

Madison first took his cock deep into her mouth, encircling it with her lips as she used her tongue and lips to wipe the taste of her ass and his cum off of his shaft before licking his head, making sure to get his cock properly clean. And finally, with a sultry look, Madison bent over and looked him in the eye while she licked the creamy cum off the table with her tongue, showing him her prize before swallowing it down.

"How did I do?" She asked.

"Great," he said, smiling. "Your training is on Wednesday. And don't forget your rules, okay, you little slut?"

"No panties, exposed belly," she said. "Got it!" She smiled and thanked him before walking out of the door to report to her blackmailer. Of course, she stopped to masturbate under the table in the food court, recording it, telling the camera how she just let herself get fucked twice to get a job and loved every second of it. She left the mall satisfied, but wondering what sort of devilish thing she would have to do next.

Part 14
Madison knelt on the floor behind the cash register. She slowly pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it to Hannah. "I'm ready," she said.

It had been about a month since Madison had started her new job, and it seemed like every time she went into work, she was in for an adventure. Of course, she had to follow Shawn's wardrobe rules he laid out for her - she wore crop tops with skirts and shorts, or two piece dresses, but her stomach was always exposed and she never wore panties to work. Shawn just had to touch her belly too, each day to make sure she was following her rules. And of course, he would regularly come up behind her and whisper "how's my little slut today?" Or something equally degrading. Madison just smiled and flirted.

But Madison seemed to have too many balls in the air, so to speak. She kept sneaking around to fuck Shawn. And, of course, she found Hannah completely irresistible. And she was trying to keep them from finding out she was sleeping with the other. On top of that, she had to remember to please her online blackmailer, whoever that was, and Dan even came back for a weekend and demanded that she make herself available for him to use.

The hardest part, though, was fitting in her blackmail tasks - usually using Hannah as the camera girl - without arousing too many suspicions. So far, so good. She had managed to get Hannah to film her lifting her skirt and lowering her top, exposing her tits and pussy, very near customers in the store. She had walked around for a half hour wearing nothing but a bikini while Hannah filmed her - Shawn had liked that one a little too much and almost blown her cover. She had been discreetly writing nasty words on her body, and she had even masturbated sitting on a table of merchandise.

But her latest blackmail task really took the cake. "Get that hot friend of yours - Hannah is it? Yeah, Hannah - I want you to worship her feet at work. While the place is a little busy." Of course, there was more to it, but that was the important part. The hard part for Madison, of course, was getting Hannah to go along with her requests. This was seemingly becoming more and more difficult, and Madison knew it.

"I just need you to film me licking your feet," she explained. "And I need you to not ask why." Madison explained. Hannah just shook her head.

"You know, I have friends there. And as if the stuff we have done so far wasn't bad enough! I have done enough to get fired already! And what if there are cameras!"

"Oh, relax - if there were cameras, we'd have been fired already!" Madison said, laughing.

"Okay, Look - I know you are a little on the wild side, and I'm usually willing to go along with it to have a little fun. But this is a step over the line. I mean, I might do it but - I'd really just have to know why you need this so badly."

"Okay, Okay," Madison said. Secretly, she knew there was no way she was telling Hannah the truth. She was just going to have to make something up, and see if it was good enough. She racked her brain, but couldn't think of anything.

The worst part about her situation was that, even though Hannah would probably think it was arousing that someone totally had Madison under his - or her - thumb, it would freak Hannah out if she knew it was a complete stranger rather than someone Madison knew and trusted. But Madison just couldn't think of any legitimate-sounding reason why she would need the video other than the fact that she was being blackmailed and would be completely exposed if she didn't comply.

Finally, she had an idea. "What if - I combined Dan and the online guy, so that it's the same person? I could lie and tell her Dan, this guy I know, is playing a blackmail game with me where he will tell - and more importantly, show - a close male mutual friend of ours how much of a slut I am if I don't follow through?" Madison decided to go for it, and luckily, Hannah not only bought it, but decided to play into it as well.

Madison had explained to Hannah that she had a close friend, Dan, who enjoyed humiliating her, and that he was blackmailing her with her permission, and she found it highly erotic to be forced to perform sexually - like when she did the snow angel video. She explained that she trusted him and he would never hurt her, but that he liked to make it realistic. Hannah actually wondered if everything Madison said was true, but it seemed legit - and after Madison showed Hannah a couple texts from Dan, she was highly aroused at the thought of Madison wanting to be forced like that.

So there Hannah was, standing behind the cash register, holding Madison's phone. Madison had, for the past month, been seemingly wearing less and less clothing to work. Her tops were getting smaller, her shorts and skirts were getting shorter, and these days she seemed to be wearing fewer cardigans and cover-ups to help make up the difference. On this day, she wore a red tube top with a sewn-in liner and a tight light-wash denim skirt and white sandals - nothing else other than jewelry. No panties, no bra.

"Hi there," Madison said from her seat on the floor. Hannah tried to ring up a customer while Madison played. "Are you ready? Can I get started miss? Can I worship your feet?"

Hannah looked around. Thankfully, the customer, a young blonde, was glued to her phone and hadn't heard anything. "Go for it," she said, looking down briefly. It was tough to hold the phone and cash out a customer using only one hand, but Hannah seemed to manage well enough.

The customer walked away as Madison got down on all fours. She looked at Hannah's feet, clad in simple yellow chunky heels with one strap over the top of her foot and one strap around her ankle. They really went well with her mustard- colored floral mini-dress. Looking up at the camera, she licked the top of Hannah's left foot seductively. "Mmmmm," She moaned.

Hannah giggled. She looked around the store. There were a couple of customers, but nobody in the immediate vicinity. She had an idea. Using her hands, she boosted herself up onto the counter, so that she was sitting with her back to the store and her legs dangling on the employees-only side of the counter - the side where Madison knelt.

"Here," she said. "Now I can see your face instead of just the back of your head." Madison looked up and smiled. "Lick it, slut," Hannah ordered. Now that she knew about Dan and the fact that he was blackmailing Madison, she was going to play along as well as she could and actively participate in Madison's humiliation.

Madison smiled, kneeling on the floor. Slowly, she brought Hannah's foot near her face, taking it in, closing her eyes before licking the top of her friend's foot. Keeping her eyes closed, she lowered her head and backed away slightly, and as Hannah raised her big toe up away from the bottom of her shoe, Madison slowly, sensually parted her lips and kissed it. She slowly forced her tongue out of her mouth until she was licking the tip of Hannah's big toe.

"Mmmmm," Madison moaned. In truth, Hannah's foot was not delicious, but Madison did feel humiliated being made to worship it.

"Put my toe in your mouth you dumb bitch!" Hannah commanded after making sure nobody was within earshot. Madison opened her mouth, allowing Hannah's toe to enter, and closed it around the end.

"Suck my toe!" Hannah called out. Madison moaned again. She somehow got past the smell and the taste and the fact that she was quite literally licking dirt off of the bottom of her friends foot, and soon she was nibbling in the toe, sucking hard on it, drawing circles on the bottom of the toe with her tongue. Madison especially liked true way Hannah's white gel pedicured toenails felt in her mouth.

"Here, I have an idea," Hannah said. She handed the phone back to Madison and opened a drawer.

"Mmmmmm," Madison moaned to the camera. "Her feet are so sexy, aren't they?" She blew a kiss.

Her presentation was cut short by Hannah as she picked up the phone and set it aside. She grabbed Madison's arms and held them behind her back. Before Madison could react, Hannah had grabbed a roll of packing tape and was wrapping it around and around, securing her arms in place.

"Hannah!" Madison cried out. "If we get busted I'll never have time to get out of this!"

"Good," said Hannah. "I can walk away like nothing is wrong and you get stuck here half-naked with your arms taped together. So I would do what I say. Got it?" Hannah picked the phone up as she spoke.

"Hannah - I - I'm not half naked, I -"

"Oh, come on, you're dressed like a total slut!" Hannah called out as she unbuckled her shoes and tossed them aside.

"I mean - I'm covered," Madison retorted. Hannah boosted herself back onto the counter.

"Barely," said Hannah. She placed her left foot to one side of Madison's head and her right foot on the other side. "You're a slut."

Madison tried to open her mouth to respond, but Hannah pushed her right foot against the front of the bound girl's face, and as Hannah did this, all that could be heard from the camera's perspective were muffled mumblings.

"Just admit it. You're a slut and you love dressing like one." Madison just nodded. Her face was covered in both of Hannah's feet. She could feel her push start to tingle as the humiliation of what she was doing kicked in. Madison made it over the first mental hurdle, and slowly nodded her head in agreement.

"Then say it," Hannah ordered, briefly moving her feet away.

"I'm a slut," Madison replied.


"And I love dressing like a slut. And wearing as little as possible. And letting everyone see me. See?" Madison slowly sat back on her ass, spreading her legs, her pussy revealed to the camera as she went.

"Wow. No panties at work? You're a brave girl," Hannah told her. "Now, What are you going to do today? What kind of slut are you going to be?"

Madison was getting so turned on at the way she was being talked to by Hannah - on camera especially - that she lost control and went overboard. "I'm going to be a foot slut," she said. "I'm going to lick and suck your feet like the dirty slut I am."

"Start with my left," Hannah said. She thrust her left foot forward, looking around again to make sure nobody was watching. Madison leaned forward and sat up on her knees, which incidentally hid her pussy from view when she placed her ass on top her heels and sat with her legs folded together.

"Let's fix that," Hannah thought to herself. With her right foot she reached in between Madison's breasts. After a couple of tries, she caught the top of the red tube top with her big toe, pressed her foot into Madison's chest, and pulled down. Slowly, Madison's tits were revealed to the camera - and in between them, in large black letters, the word she had written there that morning - "slut."

"Slut," said Hannah. "Slut." Madison smiled, making no effort to hide her exposed tits - not that she really could have with her hands tied, but still, she offered no protest. "No panties, no bra, tiny skirt and tiny top. You really do like dressing like a slut. And writing it for everyone to see, apparently, too!" Hannah smirked as she talked.

Madison just smiled and took Hannah's big toe into her mouth. She sucked diligently before adding a second and then a third toe to her waiting mouth. Then, she leaned down and licked the bottom of Hannah's foot from the heel to the toes, mopping up any unsavory bits with her tongue as she went. "I was afraid of getting caught at first," Madison admitted. "But now I just feel like a slut and I don't even care. Let everyone see me licking these sexy feet - at work - tits out. I really am a slut."

Madison began passionately sucking Hannah's left foot, and Hannah began caressing Madison's left nipple with her right foot. "You are a dirty, nasty, little fucking slut," Hannah said.

"Mmmmmm, I love worshipping and cleaning your feet," Madison responded.

"Oh yeah? How do they taste?" Hannah asked.

"Your feet taste delicious, miss," Madison replied. She placed her nose near Hannah's foot and sniffed. "And smell delicious too," although anyone watching saw that she made an unpleasant face as she said this. Hannah backed her left foot away from Madison and thrust her right foot into her face. Madison began giving the other foot the same treatment, licking, sucking and even savoring it. She made luscious smacking sounds as she went.

"Suck my foot you nasty little bitch!" Hannah tormented as Madison went. It only turned Madison on more to be talked to that way. Hannah turned around and saw a customer approaching.

"Here, someone's coming," she said softly. On your back!" Madison didn't have much choice, as Hannah pushed her backward with her foot, and Madison's hands were tied and she was unable to catch herself. Hannah reached down and dragged Madison closer to the edge of the counter, where the customer would have to lean over exceptionally far to see.

Madison looked up. Hannah wasn't exactly dressed like a virgin, either - although she was a lot more covered than Madison was. She was wearing a pair of denim shorts, high waisted, with maybe an inch or so of her belly exposed in between the shorts and the top. The top was a little low-cut but by no means was it obscene.

Madison's tits were still hanging out. As she looked at her friend, she saw Hannah's foot come down directly in front of her mouth. The phone had been placed at the edge of the counter, the camera peeking over the edge and still recording as Madison began to suck Hannah's foot again.

Hannah went about her business, helping the customer, a young woman maybe a couple years younger than Madison. If she suspected anything unusual, she didn't show it. Finally the customer was done and walked away.

Hannah stopped the video and placed Madison's phone on the counter. She reached down and untied Madison's arms, giving her the freedom to pull her top back into position so that at least her breasts were covered, even if most of the rest of her wasn't.

"God that was hot," Madison said. "Like - it would have been really hot if she would have caught me down there licking your feet, you know?"

"Yeah, definitely," said Hannah.

"Just, to be humiliated like that -" Madison trailed off as she started to fantasize. Hannah was fantasizing too - the scenario that had played out was more intense than she thought it would be. Hannah was starting to realize that Madison's humiliation was turning her on as well.

"Um, excuse me," said a male voice in front of them.

"Oh, I'm sorry, can I help you?" Hanna asked. It was an athletic looking guy maybe a year or two older. It was nobody Hannah knew, meaning he had to be a customer.

"Yeah, I just - I was wondering. I need to buy something for my girlfriend. Like - we're going on vacation and I want to get her something really hot to wear."

"Yeah, we can definitely help," Hannah said. "What are you interested in?"

The guy held up a bikini, a pie of shorts, and a top. The bikini was a string bikini with barely enough fabric to cover the nipples or pussy. The shorts were destroyed cheeky shorts with lace-up sides, and the top was basically a low-cut cropped tank with extra-thin spaghetti straps. It had only slightly more fabric than the top Madison was wearing.

"Okay, great," Hannah said. "Are you ready to check out or are you still looking?"

"Well," the guy began. "I just wanted a girl's opinion, I guess," the guy said. "Like - would this look good? For vacation?"

"Actually - I think it's really cute. I would wear it for sure. I mean it won't look good on everybody, but I'm sure you know her and you know what she likes, right?"

"Well, this is more of a what I like kind of thing," he said. "I just wish I could - this kind of stuff is so hard without seeing her in it, you know?"

"Well, wait - I have an idea. My friend here likes to play dress up sometimes," Hannah said, gesturing at Madison. "How would you like to see her try it on for you?"

"Hannah!" Madison protested. Looking over at her friend, she saw that she still had her phone and she had started to record everything that was going on - leaving the guy's face out, of course.

"Oh, come on, Madison. You know you want to. Besides, it's more clothes than you have on now!"

"Yeah, But -"

"Let me ask you this," Hannah said, turning to the guy. "Do you think she's cute?"

"Well, Yeah -"

"Okay. Now - do you think she looks like a slut in that outfit?"

"Hannah!" Madison protested again.

"We keep having this argument," said Hannah to the guy. "She thinks she looks like a slut. I say no. What do you think? Can you settle this for us?" She turned to Madison. "If he agrees with me, you're trying on the outfit."

"Okay," Madison agreed.

"Well," the guy said, "I'd have to go with no. I mean honestly, she just looks really hot."

"Okay, But - What if I told you I wasn't wearing any panties?" Madison asked. She clearly hadn't considered that letting the guy in on her little secret would be even more humiliating than being used as his personal fashion model.

"Honestly, I wouldn't believe it," he said.

"Okay, show him," Hannah pressed. Madison froze. In an instant, Hannah was stepping toward her, grabbing the bottom of her skirt and lifting it up, revealing to the guy that there was, in fact, nothing underneath.

"Oh, my God!" The guy said. He could not take his eyes off of Madison's beautiful shaven pussy. "You're really not wearing any - any panties at all."

"Nope," said Madison, smiling. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, I mean - wow," the guy said, his head spinning.

"See? Don't I look like a slut?"

"I mean - I think you're really sexy but - I wouldn't use the term slut. I mean maybe you're a tease," the guy said, giving her some credit without giving her what she really wanted.

"Okay, then, um- what about this?" Madison asked. As she spoke, she pulled down her top, exposing her beautiful, perky breasts- and the word "slut" written on them. She made no effort to hide them, or to pull her top back up.

"Okay, I mean - yeah, I can't argue with that. Especially after the way you basically stripped and showed me everything within two minutes of meeting you. Do you do this for all the guys? I'll have to send some friends in here!"

Madison laughed nervously. She was incredibly turned on. "So what am I?" She asked.

"You're a slut," he said, smiling.

"Good." Madison may have won the bet, but she was also too turned on to let the guy just walk out of the store without looking at her body some more. But how was she going to move this along?

She didn't have to wonder long. Hannah did it for her, as if she read her mind. Standing next to Madison, she reached out and cupped Madison's right breast, taking the nipple between her thumb and forefinger. "Want to feel them? Maybe grope her a little? Sluts like her always like that," Hannah said. She started to get a little aggressive, squeezing Madison's breast sensually.

"So, do you want - I mean, if you want, would you - would you want to touch them?" Madison asked, echoing Hannah's thoughts, her tits still exposed for all to see.

"Oh, fuck, man, my girlfriend would kill me," he said. But he wasn't backing away or looking away or making any effort to not stare at Madison's chest. For several seconds he just stood there, watching one attractive girl fondle another. "Maybe just for a second," he said finally, after a long stare. He reached his hand out, touching Madison's other breast. It lasted a lot longer than a second. At first he stretched his hand out, his palm at the underside of her breast and his fingers at the top, the nipple in between his middle and forefingers. He squeezed gently, then firmly. Madison made no objection as she was groped.

"I'm going to model for you anyway," she blurted out. "Want me to go try that on for you?"

"No," Hannah said, still recording. "You're going to do it right here. No fitting rooms for you."

"Hannah! Right here? In the middle of the store?"

"Take it off, Madison. You know you want to."

"Yeah, let's see this," the guy said, egging her on. He handed her the garments.

Madison could have had a way out if she had wanted one. She could have pulled her top up, gave the guy a disgusted look, and walked back behind the counter. She could have even left the store, or left the sales floor. But she didn't do any of that. Instead, she just smiled, took the clothes, and placed them on the counter. She looked around to make sure nobody else could see. And then, just like that, she pulled her top off over her head and stood on the sales floor, at work, in front of a customer - topless.

"Wow," the guy said. "You really are a slut."

"Thank you," Madison said. She was unbelievably turned on. She smiled wide and slowly unbuttoned her skirt and then pulled it down. She stepped out of it, leaving it on the floor. And now, other than a pair of sandals, a bellybutton ring, and the word "slut" written on her chest, she was completely nude. Yet she made no effort to cover herself.

Madison was shaking from excitement. Her stomach was doing flips. She picked up the bikini bottoms and pulled them on. It was an almost laughably tiny garment, barely wide enough to fill her ass crack and cover her pussy lips. She smiled as she watched the guy ogling her. She slowly slipped the top on, a standard string bikini top with two tied straps, one behind her neck and the other in the middle of her back. There were two small pink triangles barely covering her breasts and, other than those, the top was all string.

"So what do you think?" Madison asked.

"Oh, you look perfect - I mean it looks perfect," he said.

"What about the view from behind," She asked, turning around. She even bent over a little, leaning on the counter. Hannah stepped forward and cupped her left ass cheek with her hand.

"Yeah, doesn't her ass look great in this?" Hannah added.

"Yeah, it does," the guy said. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Madison turned around, smiling, and pulled the shorts on. They were laced together at the sides, and Hannah wasted no time sliding her fingers through the laces, letting the guy watch.

"Feels good, too," Hannah said. She smiled at Madison. "Want to give him a little show?" Hannah asked her friend. Madison nodded. She felt Hannah's fingertips at her sides, feeling her tight, toned body, teasing her by touching her skin lightly. Hannah leaned in and placed her lips on Madison's. Madison, clad in a bikini and shorts, opened her mouth and kissed Hannah passionately.

"Thanks, babe," Madison said, smiling at her friend. "Now I'm never going to be able to finish my shift! But you have always been an amazing kisser."

"Wow," The guy said, watching the show. "You girls are just - you're awesome."

"Thanks," Hannah said. "Well, Madison, you've just got one more thing to put on, right?" Madison nodded and pulled the skimpy top on over her head. She walked toward the back of the store and then back to where Hannah and the guy stood, as if she were on a runway.

"Here, touch me," Madison told the guy. She reached out and took his hand and placed it on her stomach. She was so horny it was crazy. She longed to feel his touch, to feel his tongue in her mouth and feel his hands take her, holding her, gripping her body tightly. She wanted him to explore her body, to finger her holes, to ultimately use her for his pleasure. As he touched her skin, she knew she craved him.

"Come in to the fitting room with me," she said. "I'll show you how much of a slut I really am."

"But, my girlfriend, I - she'd kill me!"

"I promise not to tell if you don't," Madison said flirtatiously. She smiled at him. "By the way, what do you think of the outfit?" She asked.

"It looks great on you. It's going to look great on her, too. But I'm sorry - look, I really have to go. Can you take it off please?"

"I thought you'd never ask," she said, "but you really need to stay." She pulled her top off and dropped her shorts, handing them to the guy. She then pulled down the bikini bottoms and handed them to him also. After she did this, she touched her pussy lightly. "Mmmmm, so wet," she said. "I need some cock to fill me up."

The guy shook his head and smiled. He stretched out his hand to ask for Madison's bikini top, which she was all too happy to hand over to the guy. "Look," he said. "You're beautiful, and sexy, and I want you so badly. But so is my girlfriend, and I'm going to propose to her on this trip, and she's - it just wouldn't be right."

"Okay," Madison said, disappointed. I guess I'll have to wait until after work and have sex with Hannah instead."

"Oh god," the guy said. "The thought of you and her, god - that is so hot!"

"I know. I've just always wanted to suck off a customer during my shift, you know?"

"Oh, I just - Okay, that's just too hot. Come on," he said. He took her, still nude, and led her to the fitting room while Hannah finally turned off the camera and, because she was now the only employee on the sales floor, went back behind the counter. She did touch herself a little as she thought about what Madison was up to.

"Can I show you how much of a dirty little slut I am?" Madison asked him. "Please?"

"Yes, oh, god, how slutty are you?" He asked as she unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts.

"Slutty enough to suck off a customer in the fitting room," she replied. She took his already hardening cock into her mouth. "Mmmmmm," she moaned as she sucked him. "Did you like how I looked in the outfit you picked out?" She asked.

"Oh, god yes," he moaned. "So hot, taking off your clothes right there in the middle of the store, you - you slut - you were dressed like a slut when I walked in, I wanted your slutty ass body!" She forced her own head down over his cock as he narrated their time together, telling her all the sexy things she had done.

"Talk dirty to me, please," she said. "Like, degrade me. Tell me how much of a dumb little slut I am."

"Ohhhh, you nasty little piece of ass," come here," he said. He thrust his cock deep into her mouth, and she looked him in the eye while he used her. "What would your boss say if he knew you were stripping, slutting around, letting guys grope you, modeling — what would he do if he knew you were taking customers into the fitting room and sucking them off on the job? You nasty little slut!"

"He'd come in and tell me he's next," Madison said without skipping a beat. "How do you think I got this job? They weren't even hiring!"

"Really?" Asked the surprised guy. "You are so fucking hot you little slut. Did you let him fuck you? Did you take his cock to get the job?"

"Sure did," she admitted. She knew he was into it. She knew he thought she was a slut, and she knew the dirty talk was turning both of them on. "And here I am, sucking off a random customer in the fitting room. You're going to blow your load in my mouth, aren't you?"

He thrust his cock deep inside of her. Clearly the slut wanted it. "Ohhhhh, yes, you little slut. Are you going to swallow?"

"I always do," she said with a smile. It was all he needed to hear. He grabbed her head and thrust his dick deeper into her mouth. It had moved beyond a sensual blowjob to him using her mouth for his pleasure, and despite the fact that he suddenly became much rougher, she truly loved the way she was treated.

She moaned as he thrusted. "Ohhh, you filthy, dirty little cum slut!" He said. "Suck my cock, yes! Take it baby, take it, slut! I'm going to cum, I'm going to - ohhhhh!"

With that, the guy blew his load into the back of Madison's throat. She eagerly sucked his shaft. She sucked and sucked until all the white liquid was spent and resting in her mouth. She opened to show it to him before she closed her mouth and swallowed it down.

"Wow, that was hot! Thanks for being -"

"Such a slut?" Madison replied. "I should be thanking you for giving me your cum!"

"You know what would be really hot?"


"If you - instead of swallowing - if I had given you a facial and you finished your shift with my cum all over your face.

"Ooohhh, that's a really good idea. And maybe if anyone asked what it was I'd have to tell them. And ask if they wanted to contribute!"

"You really are a little slut, aren't you?"

"Sure am," Madison said smiling. "And hey - if you want to come back sometime when I'm working, and give me a quick facial - I'll let you. No promises on wearing it all day but I will do it for a little bit."

"Wow," The guy said. "Yeah, just tell me your schedule and I'll be back." Madison opened the door to the fitting room. Hannah, being the good friend that she was, had tossed Madison's skirt and top near the door, and Madison didn't waste any time putting them on before joining the guy near the counter while Hannah rung him up.

"So, just curious - what was better, this outfit or the one I tried on for you?"

"This one," the guy said. He reached out and touched her midriff. She smiled and licked her lips. She really felt like a slut for sucking off a customer whose name she didn't even know.

"So was it good?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, it was awesome," Madison replied.

"Did you - you know?" Hannah asked.

"No, I just let him cum in my throat and swallowed it. Do you - do you think I was too much of a slut?"

"No, babe, you were awesome. God, you are so sexy. You deserved that. And now I'm going to make sure you enjoy yourself before we lock up tonight."

The rest of their shift, Madison and Hannah found ways to subtly tease each other - from a slight touch when a customer looked away, to a flash or an outright grope when they moved to the other side of the store. Finally nine o'clock came and the girls rolled down the garage door looking metal doors at the front of the store and locked them.

The girls continued to work for a few minutes, shutting down the cash registers and tidying up. The lights were dimmed, but not off, when Hannah surprised Madison at the counter by approaching her from behind and placing a hand on her thigh.

"Hey babe," she began.

"Hey there," Madison replied, all too eager to feel Hannah's hands on her body.

"You look so hot today," she said as she spun Madison around and began to caress the right side of her exposed midriff with her left hand. "I just - you know - thought you should know."

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Madison asked playfully.

"Is it working?"

"Maybe," Madison said playfully.

"You know I was a little jealous today. I wanted that to be me in there - in the fitting room with you. Or at least I wish I could have joined you."

"I wanted that too," Madison replied. At that point Hannah moved closer, pressing her lips to Madison's, parting them, her tongue finding its way into Madison's mouth and flicking against her tongue. Madison wrapped her arms around Hannah and opened her mouth and let her in. The girls kissed passionately, and when the kiss finally came to an end, Hannah ran her fingers through Madison's hair.

"I still can't believe you," She said to Madison. "Wearing that ridiculous outfit, sucking dick in the fitting room, stripping on the sales floor. It's just so sexy. This is so sexy," she said, pointing to Madison's outfit.

"Thanks," Madison said. "I should dress you up in something just as revealing."

"I have a better idea," said Hannah. "Why don't we both just take our clothes off. We could have a lot of fun in here now that we're all alone." Looking around, Madison realized that she had a point. There was nobody else at the store, and it would be very exciting to just take her clothes off right there.

"Let's start with you, then," said Madison. She sat down on a round table with stacks of clothing on it. Hannah put down a handful of clothes and walked over to where Madison sat. She leaned forward over her friend, and placed her left hand near Madison's knee and her right hand near her neck as she locked lips with the girl in front of her.

The girls shared an incredible kiss, moaning passionately and feeling each other with their tongues. Hannah moved her right hand from Madison's neck to her thigh, and slowly inched it up, up until she touched Madison's pussy. Madison eagerly spread her legs and accepted Hannah's advance. "Ohhhh, yes, touch me - touch me like the little slut I am!" Madison moaned.

Madison reached for the bottom hem of Hannah's top and quickly pulled it over her head, leaving her friend in a light pink lace push-up bra. Hannah turned around, grinding her ass, clad in high-waisted shorts, against Madison's body.

"Here, you sit down there," Madison said. Hannah did, and Madison returned the favor. She hiked up her skirt and ground her bare ass against Hannah's stomach and into her crotch as she sat back and enjoyed the show. Madison turned around and kissed Hannah again as she unbuttoned Hannah's shorts. Hannah tugged on Madison's skirt, which fell to the floor as soon as Madison backed up.

Madison then grabbed her top and quickly ripped it off, unable to control herself. She leaned in and kissed Hannah again as she unclasped her bra from behind, tossing it aside. She then knelt, submissively, and began licking Hannah's feet. She might have even been doing it more passionately now that they were alone.

"Ohhhhh, you like being my dirty little foot slut?" Hannah asked.

"Mmmhmmm," Madison moaned as she took a larger than necessary portion of Hannah's foot into her mouth, starting with the toes. "I love sucking your feet, baby."

"You really are a nasty little bitch, aren't you?" Hannah said with a smile as she pulled down her shorts.

"I'm such a little slut," said Madison. She held Hannah's foot as she repositioned herself on the floor. As Hannah relaxed, she saw Madison guide her foot down, down near her pussy. As soon as it was there, Hannah was shocked to see her pig toe disappear inside Madison's wet hole.

"Mmmm," Madison moaned. Hannah pressed her toe in a little more.

"I still can't believe everything you did today," Hannah commented to her friend.

"Me either," Madison admitted. "But I liked it. And now I want to eat your pussy right here in the middle of the store." As she spoke, Hannah pulled her foot away from Madison and Madison pushed Hannah back into a stack of clothes. "I'll be your dirty little slut," she said before lightly grazing Hannah's pussy with her tongue.

"Ohhhhh, yes, eat my pussy!" Hannah moaned. Madison didn't need to be told twice. She greedily ran her tongue up and down her friend's swollen cunt before stopping to suck her clit until it was erect. "Ohhhh, Madison! You nasty little slut eating me out at work!" Madison didn't respond. She felt Hannah's legs start to shake as she reached one hand up and began to caress her breasts.

"I want to be a slut for you. I'll do whatever you want," Madison said to Hannah. And she really meant it. She slowly plunged two, and then three, fingers into Hannah's wet pussy, eating her out the whole time. Hannah grabbed Madison's head and pressed her face farther into her cunt. Madison just moaned and licked and sucked harder. Nothing quite turned her on like the way Hannah used her mouth.

"Ohhh, yes you dirty little fucking slut!" Hannah moaned. She bucked her hips, grinding her wet, sloppy pussy on Madison's face, chin and nose. "You love the way I treat you rough, don't you? You love the way I grind my pussy on your face, don't you?"

"Mmmhmmm," Madison moaned. "Mmhmmm."

"Good, you little slut, I'm- I'm- I'm going to cum! Ohhhhh, Madison you fucking slut!" She exploded into orgasm, showering Madison's face with her juices as she pressed Madison's face into her pussy with all her might.

But Madison wasn't done. She pushed Hannah's legs back and pressed her tongue between Hannah's ass cheeks. Hannah's legs immediately began to shake again, in disbelief at the level of debauchery Madison displayed.

"Oh! Oh! Eat my ass! I'm going to cum again you little slut, I'm going to - ohhhh!" Hannah moaned again and had another thunderous, shuddering orgasm. Madison pushed her back again until she was completely lying on the rack of clothes and crawled up next to her, caressing her body as she did. She knew Hannah would repay the favor as soon as she was able.

Hannah began by giving Madison a deep, passionate kiss. It didn't matter where her tongue had been, Hannah needed it on her mouth, flicking across her lips. Hannah caressed Madison's body, feeling her midriff and cupping her breasts. She could feel Madison's nipples becoming rock hard in her hands as she touched her friend's body.

Soon, Hannah's hands were touching Madison's nipples, and Madison began to moan as the touching turned to caressing and then to pinching.

"Does it hurt when I pinch your nipples?" Hannah asked.

"A little. But I like it. Pinch me harder, babe," Madison replied. Hannah complied, eliciting an "ooooooohhhh, yes!" response from Madison.

"I like the way you wrote slut on your tits," Hannah told her friend. "So hot!" Madison just moaned in response. "You know what would be even hotter? Doing it somewhere where you couldn't cover it up and walking around like that."

"Oh, for sure. Do it, Hannah. Write something on me and I'll wear it home." Madison waited while Hannah retrieved a black marker. She took off the cap and wrote "whore" in big letters, right across Madison's midriff, the "o" encircling her stomach.

"There," Hannah said. "It says whore."

"Mmmm, I am a white for sure," Madison said.

"How much baby?" Hannah asked playfully.

"What to you think?" Madison asked. "Maybe a couple hundred? Five hundred?"

"I think you're a cheap little whore," Hannah replied. "You just sucked off a complete stranger for free earlier. And besides, isn't it hotter to be a cheap whore? Having to fuck ten times as many guys just to pay your rent? I think you're a twenty dollar whore." Hannah knelt and started eating Madison's pussy.

"Ohhhh, I'd love to sell myself cheap like that," Madison said. "Maybe twenty dollars is too much for a nasty whore like me. I'm only worth ten."

"I'm only paying five."

"Oh, God that's hot. I'm such a slut I'm selling it for five dollars! I have to fuck twenty times a day just to pay my bills! And you - you're eating a five dollar whore's pussy!"

"I am," Hannah replied. "And it's delicious. Probably because of all the sex, the sweat, the cum - mmmmm!" Hannah had an idea. She picked up a hanger lying next to the table and stood up, snapping the clips over Madison's nipples. She then returned to her position kneeling on the floor at Madison's pussy, and started to tug on the hanger as she ate her friend's pussy.

"Oh god, Hannah, that feels amaz - amazing!" Madison moaned loudly.

"Does it hurt?"

"Yes, it - pull it, make it hurt more! God that - it feels so - my tits - do it, ohhhhh, God! Ouch, God, please - ow!" She moaned. Hannah pulled harder, shoving her tongue into Madison's pussy and sucking on her clit.

"Oh, yes! Please! I'm so - I'm going to - yes - I'm a slut - I'm such a slut - I'm a five dollar whore!" Madison grabbed the hanger and pulled it hard, much harder than Hannah dared to pull.

"Oh god, yes! Fuck me! I'm a sluttttt!" She screamed out, pulling on he hanger hard enough that it snapped off her breasts, pulling her tender breasts ferociously in the process. At that exact moment, she burst into orgasm, flooding Hannah's face with her juices and dropping the hanger, hanging onto Hannah's head, riding her face to a thundering orgasm.

The girls shared another passionate kiss before they cleaned up their mess and left for the night. Madison walked out of the building with "whore" on her stomach for all to see - except there weren't many people around because the mall was closed. A security guard did give her a funny look, and then after that, she was only worried about getting stopped by the police during her drive home - because she wasn't sure how she was going to explain that she wasn't an actual whore.

She looked down at he words on her stomach for a while before eventually deciding to pull her top down, expose her tits, and be the best slut she could be. When she reached her apartment, luckily, her roommate was nowhere to be found, as usual, and all Madison had to do was to send the video to her blackmailer and wait for further instruction.

Part 15
Madison stood up, took a deep breath and exhaled. She stood at the mall food court, at the mall where she worked, with her friend Hannah.

"Are you ready?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, I guess," Madison said, still not entirely sure that she could do her task. Truthfully, much of that uncertainty came from not knowing exactly what she would have to be doing - Hannah knew, but Madison only knew what she was allowed to know at this point.

It had only been a week since Madison had stripped naked at work, sucked Hannah's feet. and given a blowjob to a customer in one of the fitting rooms. Of course, she had sent the video she made of part of her escapade to her blackmailer - the online one - and he had tasked her again.

This particular escapade had begun when Madison received an overnighted package at her apartment containing, in essence, three things. The first was a remote control bullet vibrator which Madison was instructed to wear during the task, and Hannah would be able to control using an app on her phone. The second was a set of instructions for her, and the third was a sealed envelope with instructions for Hannah.

This time, all Madison was allowed to know is that she would be asking questions to strangers. The questions were already written, in Hannah's envelope, and Madison was instructed to enroll a friend to assist - and the blackmailer suggested Hannah.

Of course, this came with its own set of problems for Hannah. She was already suspicious of "Dan," as she referred to him, and didn't trust him. She told Madison that again and again over several days. Now he knew who she was, and she knew he knew, and she didn't much care for that. But when she realized Madison could be in big trouble if she didn't help her friend, and when she saw he actual instructions and realized it would only be risky for Madison, she reluctantly decided to go along with it.

"Madison, I don't know him I've never met him, and I don't trust him," Hannah explained to her friend.

"Yeah, I know, I mean - I guess - you know he has all the videos right? Like the snow angel video. I did it all for him. It's just - it's exciting to me to be - to lose control like that, be ordered around a little, be made to do things that give me a rush. You know?"

"Yeah - but do you realize that the more material you give him, the more he has to use against you to make you do more? I'm afraid you're going to get in over your head."

"Yeah," Madison had said, her imagination taking off. The thought was already making her wet.

"And besides - what happens when he - I mean, he already knows who I am. And apparently knows that I'm helping you make the videos. I mean - what else does he know about me? What happens when he starts to try to blackmail me too?"

"He wouldn't," Madison said, although the thought did frighten her a little. She still didn't have the guts to tell Hannah that she was actually being blackmailed not by Dan, but by a guy she had never met. It may as well have been a woman for all Madison knew - and for that matter, Hannah had never met Dan, the college classmate who had been blackmailing and humiliating Madison toward the end of the most recent semester.

"I mean, you could be really - you'd be in deep shit if he got pissed off. You know?"

"Yeah. But like I said. I explicitly gave him the green light for this. He wouldn't push anybody too far or get you involved against your will. He wants me to keep it up, humiliating myself for him. Right?"

"You're asking me?" Hannah said, laughing. And even though she didn't fully trust Dan, she did trust Madison not to put her too much in harm's way. But she did have a word of warning for Madison. "You know - just so you know, you are going to take the fall for this if you're wrong. I'm not going to ruin my life to save your ass when I'd just be digging us both into a hole we'd never get out of. As long as you understand that."

"Yeah, I get it. I'm not going to let him hurt you. I'd do anything. Okay?"


And so it was that a few days later, in the food court, with the camera on her phone rolling and Hannah holding it, Madison stood up, and reluctantly expressed her desire to get out there and ask her questions - if only she knew what they were.

Hannah remembered one of the blackmailer's instructions for her: "if she seems reluctant, just turn up the vibrator for a few seconds. It will make her more aroused, which and when she is aroused she will want to behave like a perfect little slut for us." Hannah took out her phone and gave Madison a little jolt.

"Are you ready to ask a question?" Asked Hannah.

"Oh! Oh, Hannah!" Madison said loudly, trying not to make it obvious what was going on inside of her. "Yes, Yes, I - I'm ready." Hannah turned the vibrator down and handed Madison a card with her first question on it. "This is going to be fun," she said.

Madison looked at the card and read it. "Do you think I look like a slut?" It said.

"Okay. Now the rules are, I have to pick out a stranger for you to ask it to. You have no say. Okay?" Hannah looked at Madison for approval. "If only she knew I'm supposed to pick out really humiliating people for each question," she thought.

Now, for this occasion, Madison had chosen a navy tie-front top with inch-thick straps. It might as well have been a tie-front bikini top with straps and a little extra fabric in the back. She wore a short denim skirt and brown ankle boots. With this, outfit, she did not wear a bra or panties. Of course, her rules given to her by Shawn prohibited her from wearing panties anyway, but the outfits she wore had become more daring over time.

Hannah wore a pair of high waisted shorts and a cropped off-shoulder top. Hers, unlike Madison's, only showed an inch or two of her midriff.

"How about her?" Hannah asked. She pointed to an elderly woman, slightly hunched over, carrying a bag that seemed to drag the ground.

"Oh my god. Are you serious?" Madison asked.

"Yeah. Well, he told me to make it humiliating," Hannah said, laughing. She gave Madison a quick buzz from the vibrator.

"Ohhhh," Madison moaned involuntarily. "Oh, okay, I - yes, her." Hannah filmed her as she approached the woman.

"God, I can't do this!" Madison thought. The woman reminded her of her grandmother, and she wasn't even dressed appropriately enough to be in the vicinity of someone her age, let alone humiliate herself. "She's going to think I'm such a whore!" Madison thought.

"Hi, um - excuse me," Madison began.

"Yes?" The woman asked, stopping.

"I - um - I have a question," Madison said. She stopped, however. She turned to Hannah and started shaking her head. Hannah, understanding that Madison was having difficulty processing what she had to do, buzzed her with the vibrator again.

"Mmmm," Madison moaned.

"Go on," the old woman said, oblivious.

"I - um - I have a question. Can you give me your honest opinion?" The woman nodded. "I - do I - I mean - do I look - like - a slut?" Madison asked nervously.

"If you want my honest opinion you look like a cheap hooker," the woman said, expressing her disdain for Madison's outfit. "You need to go put some clothes on. All the boys are going to think you're easy."

"What if I am easy? What if I like it?" She asked. She was getting too turned on to stop, and Hannah was buzzing her with the vibrator again. It just made her want the degradation even more.

"Get some help! What's wrong with you anyway?"

"Well, I mean - what do I do?" She asked. She was getting more turned on by the second.

"Go buy some clothes that fit you! This is why I never bring my husband. Little tramps like you running around half naked!" The woman walked away angrily.

"God, I feel like such a slut," said Madison as soon as the woman was out of earshot.

"You really look like one too," Hannah said, smiling. She panned the camera over Madison's exposed midriff, showing off the curve of her hips, and lingering a little too long on her pierced navel.

"Thanks, I - I love being told that - like by strangers, oh god, it makes me want to -"

"Want to what?" Hannah asked. She watched as Madison backed into a small corner where she was mostly hidden from the view of other mall goers. Slowly, she raised her skirt, showing to the camera her perfectly shaven pussy with the antenna of the vibrator slightly peeking out.

"Want to lift up my skirt and stroke my pussy," Madison explained. She bent her neck back and closed her eyes as she touched her moist, waiting slit. "I think I want an audience too," she practically moaned.

"Okay, not yet," Hannah said, laughing in disbelief. "You have some more questions to ask. And I think you're going to like them." Despite Hannah's protests, Madison let her finger slide along her wet pussy alongside the vibrator.

Hannah had to grab Madison's hand and lead her away before she came right then and there. "Come on, are you ready for your next question?" Hannah asked.

"Y-yes, What is it?" Madison asked.

"Here it is: Do you want to see my tits?" Hannah replied.

"Oh god - so I have to - and then I have to -" Madison's voice trembled a little as she realized she would be flashing a complete stranger right in the middle of the mall. As horny as she was, though, she wanted nothing less, and the vibrator softly buzzing in her pussy only made her want it more.

"There, those two!" Hannah pointed out a couple of guys looking in Madison's direction. They really weren't hard to find. There were a lot of guys checking her out that day, which came as no surprise given the outfit she was wearing.

They probably wondered why she would wear that - did she like the attention? Was she a slut? Did she like showing off her body, or was she just oblivious? Does she like to think of herself as a slut, or does she just like to tease? Does wearing that outfit turn her on or is it completely non-sexual for her? Or maybe she's just hot and is trying to stay cool? Or maybe she's easy and wants everybody to know she's down to fuck? Madison chuckled a little bit as she thought about how she really had become easy lately - with Dan, Shawn, Dan's friend - what was his name again? Oh, and the stranger from a few days before - she really had become easy.

"Hi there," Hannah said, getting the guys' attention while Madison was lost in her thoughts about how much of a slut she had been.

"Hey," one guy said. "What's up?" The guys were probably a couple years younger than Madison - maybe nineteen or twenty. They looked a little dweeby to Madison. They weren't at all her type - one was rail thin and despite his lack of ability to grow facial hair, was seemingly making his best effort. The other was pushing 300 pounds and looked like he was sweating profusely.

"My fried has a question for you," Hannah said, smiling. "Go on."

Madison froze. "These guys are gross!" She thought. She shot a pleasing glance at Hannah, as if to say, "Please, can you find someone else? I have to ask these guys?"

"Now," Hannah said. She turned the vibrator up again, and Madison took a couple of quick, short breaths in response.

"Okay, Okay!" Madison practically moaned. She knew she was about to moan uncontrollably if the vibrator wasn't turned down. Besides, she was getting so turned on - did she - could she - could it be that she actually liked the idea of those two ogling her?

"All kinda of guys are looking online," she thought to herself. "And I really like that too." She really couldn't help herself anymore. She wanted it. She wanted these nasty guys to look upon her body with lust. She wanted to make herself into a slut for them. Her pussy was dripping wet as she realized that all men deserved the ability to use her body for their pleasure.

"Um - Okay - so, guys - do you, um - do you want to see my tits?" She asked. Her face suddenly washed over in a shade of bright pink. Her fingers toyed suggestively with the straps of her top as she awaited their answer. An answer, however, didn't come - the guys just looked at each other. Madison didn't feel like waiting on them to figure out that this was a real offer, there was no catch, and she was ready.

"I mean it! I'm serious! Please? Can I show you? I want you to see. Right here. I want to show off!" She almost moaned.

"Okay, Yeah," The skinny guy said. He just sort of watched her, waiting to see if she was really going to do it.

He didn't have to wait long. She pulled down the top. Her melons came into full view, buoyed by the tight top underneath. She let go of the top and grabbed her breasts, squeezing them simultaneously before submissively placing her hands behind her head.

"Do you like my body? My slutty little body? Like the way I display it for you?" All they could do was nod in unison, bewildered. "Good. Like my trashy little slut outfit? The way it - doesn't cover much? I wear shit like this because I love being looked at. And called a slut."

There were people looking now. A woman was giving her a dirty look. A couple of girls were pointing. Guys just looked at her and stared, some with open mouths. There were probably ten or twelve people who had seen her in addition to the couple of guys she was actually flashing. Madison was being ogled by some and degraded by others, but she legitimately didn't care. She wanted more. She craved it. She felt like a trashy dumb cunt and her pussy was throbbing.

"Y-Yeah, I like it," said the fat guy.

"I mean it. Call me a slut," she said teasingly.

"You - you are s slut," said the skinny guy.

"Oh, come on. Say it like you mean it!"

"Okay, you're a dirty, nasty slut showing off your tits in a mall and you seem like so much of a slut you actually like it." The fat guy replied.

Suddenly someone shouted. "Cover then up! Not everybody wants to see that!" It was a woman, maybe in her early thirties. She shook her head as she walked by. Madison realized it had been the better part of a minute that her tits had been out, and Hannah nodded at her, letting her know it was okay to put them away. She lifted her top into place, adjusting it so her tits were covered but not by much.

Madison kissed each of the guys on the cheek before walking away. "Bad, dirty sluts like me don't deserve to cover up. I want everyone to see me. I want you all to see me, and I want everyone to know how much of a slut I am!" She said to the camera.

"Okay, how about those girls over there for your next question," Hannah said quickly, pointing to three girls sitting on a bench.

"Okay, what's my question?"

"Ask then if they want to see your pussy."

"Oh, god," Madison thought. They looked like bitches, for one thing. Like the sort of girls that would have given other girls a tough time in high school just to stay at the top of he heap. "They're going to rip me apart!"

"Oh, look, it's college party slut Barbie!" Said one of the girls as Madison approved them and stood on front of the bench.

"I was going to say stripper Barbie," said another. Madison's pussy was dripping wet. The girls were just openly discussing how trashy she looked, and Madison was getting more turned on by the second.

"My friend here has a question for you," Hannah interjected. "Go on."

"Oh, fuck," Madison thought to herself. "These girls are just going to - keep going - keep degrading me if I ask them that!" She felt a jolt to her pussy again. "God, that is hot! I want them to talk down to me, humiliate me - destroy me!" She took a step closer, her fully exposed midriff pointed at the girls and her navel piercing glistening.

"Yeah - umm - I was wondering if - if you girls would want to see my cunt?"

"Hahaha! Oh my god, she really is a stripper!" The girl who initially suggested it said.

"I bet it smells and looks like hell. She probably spreads her legs for a different guy every day! Don't you?"

"No, n-not every day," Madison stammered. Her pussy was soaked.

"Oh, just every other day, then?" The girl retorted.

"I bet it's all loose and stretched out," said the third girl. "Go on. Show us that sloppy mess."

"Yeah, I mean you're obviously a total slut. Show us. I need something to write about for my science paper."

Madison bowed her head and reached for the bottom of her skirt. She slowly pulled her skirt up, exposing her perfectly shaved pussy to the girls.

"What did you shove up there?" Asked one of the girls.

"Shit!" Madison thought. She had forgotten that they were going to be able to see the antenna on the vibrator. But knowing that they had seen it - and knowing there was no going back - was just turning her on more.

"It's a vibrator, see?" Hannah said. She turned it up - all the way up. Madison's legs began to shake as she froze in place, her mouth falling open before she could force it closed and bite her lip. "Mmmmmm," she moaned to the girls.

Madison whisper- moaned some more, unable to help herself. "Ohhhh, yes, Hannah - Hannah, I'm a slut, I'm a - slut, I - I'm a fucking slut! Look at me, look at my used up pussy, I'm a slut!" She raised her skirt even higher, closed her eyes, and legitimately tried to orgasm. But just when she was about to cum, Hannah cut the vibrator, leaving Madison dripping but unsatisfied.

"Oh, fuck! Hannah! I want that on please. I want to cum for these girls. I want - I want you to tell me I'm a slut and I want you all to use me!"

"Oh my god. You are like - nasty as fuck. I'm not touching you. I can smell you from here. Go take your used up pussy and cum somewhere else."

Madison blushed, lowering her skirt. "Thank you," She said to them. "For watching me." The girls were speechless as Madison dropped her skirt all the way, which isn't saying much as the hem was only about three or four inches below her pussy anyway. She walked away, blushing and smiling.

"Ohhhh, Madison, your next question will be fun!" Hannah said as they walked.

"What is it?"

"Ask someone to write the word 'slut' on your stomach where everyone can see it."

Hannah took out a sharpie - which had clearly been sent with the materials Madison had received days before - and handed it to Madison.

"Oh, God, she's serious! What the fuck?!" Madison thought to herself. All of the sudden her state of arousal seemed to diminish at the thought of what she had to do. It was as if she had forgotten that, just moments before, she had begged two random guys to call her a slut while she flashed them, and then she had moaned it out loud uncontrollably in front of a couple of girls as Hannah tortured her with the vibrator.

"Hannah, everybody's going to see!" Madison protested loudly. Hannah just looked at her slutty friend. Secretly, she wanted to see Madison do it. She wanted to see her humiliated publicly, shown off, and she knew Madison would love it despite her protests.

"I think that's the point, babe," Hannah said, smiling. "And don't complain to me, I didn't come up with the questions. Besides, you got yourself in this mess and I'm just here to help you record it. Remember?"

"But, Hannah, I - I'm going to have to walk around and ask more questions with SLUT written across my stomach?" Madison asked rhetorically. "I mean, I - like - everyone's going to know I'm a huge slut! And then our shift is going to start and I - I'm going to have SLUT on me and everybody - oh God, like, our boss and the customers and everybody at work - they're all going to -"

"Like they don't already?" Hannah asked. She zapped Madison with the vibrator again before she could manage another complaint. Looking around, Madison could see that Hannah had guided her into a quiet corner of the mall and not many people were nearby.

"Ohhh, ohhhhhh," Madison half whispered and half moaned as she shock waves from the vibrator pulsates through her body. "Hannah, I - I -"

"You're going to do it, aren't you? You know you want everybody to see it, don't you, you little bitch?"

"I - ohhhh, I want it bad, I -"

"You love being exposed, don't you, you little slut?" Hannah continued. "Exposed, degraded, humiliated for all to see. It's what you crave, isn't it?" Hannah was getting really into it now. She was as aroused as she had ever been at the thought of pushing Madison over the edge.

"Yes, I - I want everyone to see!" Madison whispered to the camera. "I want everyone to know I'm nothing but a slut. I'm just a body to use. I want to be stared at. I don't want to be normal, I want to be a slut!" Hannah focused the camera down, showing that Madison had slowly lifted her skirt and was gently touching her swollen slutty clit.

"Okay," said Hannah. "Ask him." Hannah pointed around an older guy - well, older than the girls anyway. He was probably about sixty, bald on top with a short hair cut and a souvenir T-shirt. Although he was older, he looked to be in decent shape, as if to suggest he worked with his hands - a mechanic, maybe, or a landscaper. Madison just nodded and walked toward him with the marker. She watched as he stole a glance at her body before he sat down facing the opposite direction. Nobody else was around.

"Wait," she said, turning back to Hannah. She was too turned on to stop herself.

"Wait what?"

"I need to - like - I need to feel like a whore for this one. Like - bad."

"And you don't already?" Hannah asked, puzzled.

"Not enough. Like I want to feel like I'm worthless."

"So, um -"

"So slap me."

"Slap you?"

"Yes. In the face. Please, Hannah? Quick. And hard. Make it hurt. Please?"

"Madison - right here? Umm -"

"Now, please, before he goes," Madison begged. Her heart was racing and her pussy was throbbing. Her horny thoughts were going faster than her inhibitions, completely overwhelming any power she had to reject what she knew she needed. She was completely overcome by her arousal, her sexual needs, and she couldn't help herself. As she begged her friend to slap her, she felt like she was a different person - as if she was having an out of body experience of sorts, floating above herself and watching the pathetic slut begged to be slapped in the middle of the mall.

"Please, fucking slap me!" Madison begged. "Hard. Give me three, right here. I'm a cunt, Hannah. Make me feel like it. I need it, p -"

WHACK! Madison's pleas were stopped mid sentence by a fast and furious blow to her right cheek.

"Like that?" Hannah asked.

"Yes, miss. Two more for my slut face. Please, don't stop, I -"

"Slut!" Hannah calmed out as she struck her friend again.

Madison stared at the floor. "Harder. Please, harder," she begged.

Hannah was unexpectedly aroused by her friend begging to be hit in the middle of the mall. Her pussy throbbed. "If Madison only knew how badly I want to drag her into a bathroom and ride her face and drench her in my juices," Hannah thought. Aroused, she unleashed her strongest slap yet, almost knocking Madison backward as she stepped into her blow.

Madison sniffled. Tears welled in her eyes from the harsh treatment. "Thank you," she whispered. "A slut like me should be slapped until I cry."

"Do you feel worthless enough yet?" Hannah asked. Madison nodded and started walking.

"I'm such a slut it's like I'm not even a real person," Madison muttered to the camera as she slowly approached her target. She held the marker nervously in both hands, just below the button of her skirt, as she stood in front of the man, her bare stomach easily catching his eye. He looked at her longingly, seemingly wondering why a half-dresses young woman would perch herself right in front of him.

"Hi, um - I'm Madison," she introduced herself. She wondered what he saw when he looked at her. An attractive young woman? Or a slut? Or both? She wondered if her face had turned a deep shade of pink - was it obvious that she had just been slapped almost to the point of crying? Were her eyes watering noticeably?

"Hi, I'm Steve," he said, drawing her out of her self-conscious musings. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Madison said with a wide grin. The normalcy of the conversation between two strangers meeting just served to raise Madison's nervousness a notch, as she was about to take the conversation in a direction that was decidedly not normal in the context. A couple of awkward seconds passed as Steve seemingly waited for Madison to explain why she had introduced herself so eagerly. For all he knew, she was going to try to sell him something, or worse - tell him he could be a model!

"So, um - I just came over here to ask you for a favor actually," Madison said nervously. Her arousal crept back and took over, her inhibitions diminished as she danced around, waiting to get to the point. Hannah buzzed her vibrator a little and she knew it was now or never, as she crossed her legs and bit her lip, silently bearing the stimulation.

"A favor? Oh, sure, what is it?" He asked.

"Well," said Madison, starting slowly. She wanted him to take in her body, to really drench himself in the sight of her. And she was so aroused, and wanted nothing more than to tease him a little - and turn him on. "You see, I - I wore this outfit. Do you like it?"

"It's very cute on you," he said, remaining neutral, unsure what reaction she was hoping for.

"Well, I, um - you see how, like - my whole stomach is out? Like every inch of it? And my cleavage too?"

"Um, yeah, I can see that," he said. She watched as his eyes slowly raised from the hem of her skirt to her pierced navel, all the way up to her breasts.

"I was hoping you'd say it looks sexy," Madison teased. "Just between you and me, maybe even a little slutty."

"Yeah, that's - honestly, it's very slutty," he said. "I just didn't know how you'd take it if I came right out and said that." He looked up into her eyes.

"You can look all you want," she said. "In fact, I kind of like it. Being looked at, I mean."

"You've made my day already," he said with a smile. His eyes were glued to her - her stomach, her legs, her breasts. "So what's this favor?"

"Well, I want everyone to stare, like - to look at me. It makes me so horny, like - I wore this to like - to show off and honestly to feel like a slut, and it's - it's like this. I need it. I need more. So I want to write something so everybody knows, and - you know, it's hard to write on yourself. So I was like, wondering if you could write something on my stomach with this marker."

Steve's eyes opened wide. "Sure, definitely" he said, excited. It was as if he hadn't touched a woman in months, much less an attractive college girl. "I'll need to hold you like this, though," he said, reaching out and lightly gripping her right hip with his left hand. "You know, to hold steady," he said with a smile and a wink.

"Sure you do," Madison said, smiling, giving him a look that told him she knew he was looking for an excuse to touch her body. "But go ahead, it's the least I can do. You know, I like being touched just as much as I like being looked at."

"Oh do you now?"

"Mmhmm," she said, biting her lip. His hand grazed along her hip. It was so erotic being touched that way by a man almost three times her age. He took the marker from her as he caressed her body, and she made no effort to stop him.

"So what am I writing?" He asked.

"Okay, so here's the thing, like - I want you to write what I am, and like - if you can't tell by now, I -" Madison stammered nervously, her heart raced as she tried to find the words.

"You what?"

Madison took a deep breath and looked at the floor. "I want it to say SLUT." She announced. "Big letters."

"Slut?" He asked, shocked. "A hot young thing like you and you want that written on your body? Holy shit!"

"Well, I - I'm a slut," she announced to him. "And I want everybody to know."

"Wow," he said. "You're serious."

"Mmmhmmm," Madison said, handing him the marker. "Hurry up, before I change my mind. No going back, you know. It's not like I have anything with me to cover up with."

"Okay," he said, taking the marker.

"Right here," she said, pointing with both hands to the large exposed area above her navel.

Steve took the cap off the permanent marker and held her right side firmly with his left hand as he touched the tip of the marker to her skin, sending shivers down her spine. It took him several seconds, but he made a letter S about four inches tall.

"S," he announced.

"Mmmhmmm," said Madison. "Three to go!"

"So what are you trying to get out of this?" He asked as he started on the next letter. "I mean, I always thought of a slut as a girl who sleeps with everybody," he said. "You seem like you are one hell of a tease, but I don't know."

"Are you saying I'm not enough of a slut to wear this?" She said. "And yeah, I have my moments. Usually I just never know what I'm going to get into until it happens, but I mean, like - I've been pretty bad lately actually," she said, a little embarrassed.

"L," he announced.

"I can't wait," Madison told him. This is going to be so humiliating."

"U," Steve announced. "One more letter. You sure you want this? Once I put the T on there, it's there."

"I want it," she said. "I'm a slut."

"There," he said. "Done." Madison slowly pulled down her top, exposing her breasts again. "This is just to say thank you," she said.

"Wow," he replied, handing her the marker. She turned around and faced Hannah and the two began walking away, leaving Steve stunned by the events that had occurred.

This time, Madison was too aroused to help herself. "Get out in front and film me," Madison said. "I want to tease a little, get some attention." She raised her arms above her head, stretching out her newly- adorned midsection. She started to strut, shaking her hips with every step. Madison could feel every eye in the mall looking at her body as she walked.

"Hey look - Shit - it says SLUT," a guy announced to a group of his friends. Madison smiled at them and lowered one arm briefly to point at the markings on her stomach before moving on.

"Okay, you have one more question," said Hannah.

"Let's do it," Madison said.

"Here it is - would you like to touch my tits or my pussy?"

"Oh, god!" Madison said. "That's, like - perfect - I need it, Hannah, I need to be touched right now."

"Only one thing," said Hannah. "You have to ask a group, and everybody that wants a feel gets one."

"Ohhhh," Madison moaned. "I want hands all over me."

"Let's go back to that group you were teasing a second ago."

This time Madison needed no extra encouragement. She made a 180 degree turn, walked up to the group of five guys, and cut right to the chase.

"Hey, I saw you guys looking at me. And honestly, it made me crazy horny, so I - I have a question - for all of you - would you like to touch my tits or my pussy?"

"Holy shit," the ringleader said. "She's serious! Let's see," he said, reaching his hand out. "I'll go for your tits," he said. He slowly brought his hand to Madison's breast and she bent forward a little to encourage him. Soon his hand was cupped around her breast.

"I, um - I meant under my clothes, actually," she said with a smile. She slowly pulled her top down again, exposing both breasts, as he caressed her breasts before squeezing them, downright groping her.

"Wow, she really is a slut!" One guy remarked.

"Does somebody want to touch my pussy or am I going to have to do it myself?" Madison asked, raising her skirt. She lightly stroked her labia.

"Damn, she's got one of those vibrators in there," one guy said. He reached out and touched it, feeling that she was insatiably wet. He easily slipped a finger inside her alongside the vibrator.

"Mmmmmm," Madison moaned in delight. She was too turned on to stop. "You guys want to - to help a horny girl out? Come on, touch me. I'm a slut. Feel me up, finger me, I'm going to cum!"

Madison now had two guys groping her breasts and a finger in her pussy. "Ooh!" She said in excitement as another of the guys slid a finger into her pussy alongside that of his friend. The fifth guy looked at her, feeling left out.

"I do have another hole, you know," she said to him. "Want to put a finger up my ass?" He quickly maneuvered around her, hiked up her skirt and slipped a finger inside.

"Come on, guys, I'm a nasty little slut. Did you like my slutty little outfit? Do you like the way I show off for you? And humiliate myself? I fucking love it, I - I - God, I love being a slut!"

"Yeah, you're nasty, baby," one guy said.

"Yeah, filthy slut. Shown off all over the mall!"

"I like the way you wrote on your body."

"A - a stranger did that, I - I asked for it, ohhhh God I wanted to show off! I want everyone to know. I want to be used, I - I'm a slut, ohhhh fuck! Put another finger in my ass, I'm going to cummmm!"

As soon as the finger shot up her ass, Hannah hit the vibrator, and Madison exploded with the intense sexual energy of an orgasm.

"Ohhhh yes finger me, feel me, touch me, I'm a slut! I love being groped by strangers - and used and, ohhhh!"

"Okay, okay, I, um - I have to go, I'm going to - I have to go to work," she announced. Fear crept back inside her head as she realized she just had a huge orgasm as she was fingered inside a busy mall. "Seriously, guys, thank you, I needed that!"

"Thank you, sweetie," one of the guys said as he kissed her cheek. "We did too." Madison pulled her skirt down and adjusted her top to cover her breasts and off she walked with Hannah.

"Wow, Madison. Just wow." Hannah said. She turned off the recording and handed Madison's phone back to her.

"Wow what?"

"You took that really far - I mean, I can't believe you just got groped and fingered to orgasm - here!"

"Yeah, I mean, once they started touching me, I couldn't help myself."

"I know. I mean, Madison, you're really - I mean, it's hot and all, but damn. You're always flashing and now you're blowing guys and getting felt up and fingered - I mean, if you keep this up, you're going to get us both arrested!"

"I know - but it's like - when I get horny I just don't care, I need it, you know?" Madison noticed she was attracting lots of stares as she walked through the mall with Hannah.

"I really am a slut," she thought. "After what just happened. I deserve this."

"Yeah, I mean - you really need to find an outlet for all your sexual energy, you know?"

"Yeah, something like that," Madison half-agreed.

"So what are you going to do about work?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're not seriously going to go through your shift with SLUT written on your stomach, are you?"

"Shit, I - I probably shouldn't," Madison admitted. All of the sudden she had an idea. "Why don't we switch tops? Yours would cover it up."

"Madison, I mean - I don't mind showing a little skin, but I mean - I'm not wearing that top for an entire shift, it's too -"

"Hannah, what the hell am I going to do?"

"I was thinking we stop at a different store and buy you a new one. Wouldn't it be hot if you wore something that barely covered up the writing, but showed your belly off a little?"

Madison nodded. Hannah was right. It would be hot to go through an entire shift trying not to slip up and let the writing come out. She remembered her experience doing this in class and how much she loved it. And besides, she really didn't deserve to wear something that only showed an inch or so of her midsection - it was too tame for a slut like her.

"Come on," Hannah said and pulled her friend into a store. Several minutes later, the girls emerged, and this time, Madison was wearing a loose- cropped, low-cut sleeveless top that covered up the writing but left her navel exposed, and off to work they went.

"Hi, girls!" Shawn said when the pair walked in for their shift.

"Hi Shawn!" Madison said, smiling.

"So, you two - I don't know how to say this, but before you get started, I need to see the two of you in my office. Okay?"

They nodded, wondering what this could be about, and followed him into the back, where he closed the door.

"Have a seat," he said.

"So what's this all about?" Hannah asked.

"Well, um - actually, it's about the other night. When you girls closed up together."

"Okay, what about it?" Madison said. Hannah looked at her nervously, remembering what happened that night. Madison reached under the table and placed her hand on top of Hannah's to comfort her.

"Well, there were a couple of things that were a little messy - one of the tables was a mess - and you know we can't have that. We need everything ready to open up the next day. So, um - I went back and looked at the security footage just to see what happened."

"Oh - wait, there's security footage?" said Hannah. A lump formed in her throat. "That must have been the table Madison was sitting on when I ate her pussy," she worried to herself.

"Yes, there is," said Shawn, snapping both the girls back to reality. "And I watched it." He turned the girls' attention to a computer screen where an image of a topless Madison and a partially-clothed Hannah was displayed.

"So how much did you see?" Madison asked nervously.

"Everything. All of it."

"Oh, God," Hannah thought. "He saw Madison eating me out and - licking my ass and my feet and then me eating her out?" She wondered to herself. "Shit!"

"Are we in trouble or something?" Madison interjected. "I mean, nobody was around or anything."

"Wait - is there audio?" Hannah asked all of the sudden.

"Yes, there is audio. I heard everything too."

"Shit," Hannah said out loud.

"Yeah, so I mean - I'm not going to make this any more embarrassing than it already is for both of you. But we have to do something about this. You girls - I don't care what sort of crazy shit you get off to on your own time, but you can't use the store as a sexual playground, you know?"

"So what are you going to do?" Hannah asked nervously.

"Well, technically I could terminate you. We're going to have to send all the merchandise on that table back to the warehouse or something. I mean, who wants to buy clothing that was basically used as a bedsheet for someone else's sexual encounter?"

"I'm sure I could find a few people," Madison said with a laugh.

"Not funny, Madison," Shawn said with a stern look. I just want you both to know how serious this is."

"So wait - you saw the writing on me? And watched me - you know - go down on her, and - heard us dirty talking each other?"

"Yeah, I heard it all. Never pegged you girls as interested in each other, but anyhow. We have to do something about this. I think I need a personal apology from both of you and - we need to make it clear that this is not to happen again or you will not be working here."

"Please, Shawn," Hannah pleaded. "I really need this job, I'm very sorry and I'm sure Madison is as well. Please don't fire me or anything."

"Well, I mean, I was thinking something a little more meaningful as far as an apology."

"I have an idea," Madison spoke up. "An idea about how we could apologize."

"Go on," Shawn said.

"What if Hannah and I - you know - let you in on the fun?"

"Madison!" Hannah protested.

"I mean - what if we - you know - took our clothes off and we apologize with our bodies?" Madison said.

"Well, I was thinking more of a written apology, but I think - it sounds like we could work something out, as long as Hannah's OK with it. Hannah?"

Hannah was stunned. Her friend had now seemingly roped her into having a threesome with their boss. She was shocked and in disbelief.

"Madison - I - I mean, do what you want, but - you can't just go around offering me up to whoever you want, you know?"

"Hannah, relax, it'll be fun. I mean, if it really bothers you, I mean - Shawn could just fuck me only. And I could eat that delicious pussy of yours. But then again, I think it would be hot if I licked your ass with his cock buried in your pussy while you pull on my tits and call me a five dollar whore."


"Relax, Hannah. He already saw and heard it all, remember?"

"Fine," Hannah said finally in disgust.

"So when would you like your apology?" Madison asked. "Two sets of holes for you to use. Two dirty filthy little sluts. Two apologetic little -"

"Madison, I think I'd like it now, if that's ok." Shawn stood up and locked the door. He approached Hannah first, the one he had not previously fucked. "Hannah, this is OK with you, isn't it? Working this out sexually and all?"

"Yes," Hannah admitted. "It does turn me on. As long as it never leaves this room, you know?"

"Oh, I can keep a secret. Isn't that right, Madison?"

"Of course you can, Shawn," Madison said flirtatiously.

"Madison, what's going on?" Hannah pointed from Shawn to Madison and back.

"Oh, I might have worked something out with Shawn to get the job here," Madison said with a wink.

"She's eager to please," Shawn said of Madison. "I hope you're the same way. Let's get that shirt off and see what we're working with, Hannah."

"Did you see where I had that hanger on my tits?" Madison asked.

"Sure did," said Shawn as Hannah reluctantly removed her top.

"I liked it, you know."

"Yeah, she likes having her face slapped too, Shawn. Just so you know. I know all of Madison's dirty little secrets, starting with the fact that she likes a little pain and a ton of humiliation."

"i sure do," Madison said. "Here, Hannah, won't you help me with my top?"

Hannah walked over to Madison and slapped her hard in the face. "That's for getting me into this!" She said harshly. "And this is for making me fuck my way out of trouble when a written apology would have been fine!" She slapped her friend again.

"Ow, Hannah!"

"Shut up, I know you like it, you whore. Besides, you deserve it. You don't go around telling guys they can fuck your friends. You might be a loose pussy slut that spreads your legs for anything that moves, but some of us are a little more modest!" Hannah reached down and pulled up Madison's shirt, ripping it off over her head.

"See? It says SLUT. Why don't you tell Shawn how you got that?"

"I, um - I begged a stranger to write it on me."

"Because you wanted to strut around the mall and show it off, right?"


"See, Shawn? She's just a stupid little slut."

"Okay, I know I can do what I want with her. How about you. Why don't you loosen that bra, let's see those tits."

Hannah reluctantly unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. She looked over to see that Madison had removed hers as well without even being asked.

"Babe, I'm sorry," Madison said to her friend. "Can I make it up to you?"


Madison embraced her friend. "How about I take these jeans off and eat your pussy. And slap me as hard as you want, babe. I deserve it. And I want you to make me feel like a whore while I please you."

Hannah pressed her lips to Madison's. She opened her mouth and Madison dove in for a long, deep, wet kiss.

Madison continued. "And then we can get all warmed up for Shawn and he can fuck us both together. Into your pussy and then mine and back into yours. And he can fuck my ass while you pull my nipples and I eat your pussy." Hannah said not a word. She was too turned on, and her tongue was busy scr****g the inside of Madison's mouth.

Madison slowly broke the kiss and pushed Hannah back into a desk. "We're just two sluts to use, Shawn. Let me just warm her up for you." She pulled down Hannah's jeans and hiked up her own skirt for easy access as she removed Hannah's remaining clothing.

"I don't know if I can do it, Hannah," Madison teased. "I don't feel like enough of a slut."

Hannah knew exactly what this meant. She pulled Madison's hair and struck her face hard. And then slapped her again.

"Mmmm," thank you. I love the way you slap me."

"Shawn, you want a turn? She loves it, you know." Shawn stepped over and grabbed Madison's hair.

"Look me in the eye when I slap you, slut," he ordered. As soon as her eyes met his, he struck her hard in the cheek. Madison's eyes began to tear up and she softly thanked him for the privilege. "You be a slut and eat her pussy, or this apology is worthless." He struck her again.

"Eat it, whore!" Hannah ordered. "Eat my pussy like the five dollar whore you are."

"I think five dollars is too much for me," Madison said softly as she reached her tongue out to start her task. "I want to sell myself for two, it just fees so dirty."

Shawn walked around Madison's backside as she got to work. Hannah began moaning in pleasure as Madison forced her pussy open and slid her tongue inside.

"So, you know how to follow orders. No panties, as instructed," Shawn commented, feeling Madison's swollen clit. "But what's this, a vibrator? You dirty slut. You like wearing vibrators to work? No wonder you fuck anything that moves."

"Mmmm," yes, I love getting slutty at work. Want to punish me?" Shawn did not need any more encouragement. He spanked Madison's ass hard before slowly pulling her skirt down and off her body. The two girls were now completely nude. Shawn watched as Madison eagerly sucked Hannah's clit, while he slowly took off his shirt, his shoes, and then quickly stripped off the rest of his clothing. The girls could easily see that he had a raging erection.

"Why don't you put this on your tits, Madison?" Shawn said as he handed her a hanger. She stood up and connected the hanger to her nipples, moaning, before resuming her position at Hannah's pussy.

"Mmmm," Madison moaned. "You like hurting my slutty nipples?" She asked Shawn. "I like it. I like it when they're pinched and pulled and - ohhhh!" She moaned as Hannah pulled on the hanger, sending a wave of pain and arousal through her body.

"Mmmm, eat my pussy, you little slut, ohhh!" Hannah moaned. Shawn positioned himself behind Madison and, without anything more than a firm grip on her hips to announce his presence, pulled out her vibrator and thrusted his hard cock into her waiting, wet pussy.

"Mmmm, ohhhh, fuck me, Shawn!" Madison moaned in surprise as he entered her. "Fuck me like the dirty little slut I am!"

Shawn did not hesitate. He tightened his grip on her hips and thrust deep inside of her, pounding her. Hannah grabbed Madison's hair and forced her face into her pussy.

"Ohhhh, that feels so good, Madison!" She moaned. "Eat my pussy, you little slut. You like that, don't you, whore? Being rammed from behind while your face is in between my legs?"

"Mmmhmmm, ohhhhh!" Madison moaned. It was all she could muster.

"Why don't you eat her ass like you did a few nights ago, Madison?" Shawn said, egging her on. "I want to see you do it - in person this time."

Hannah raised her legs higher and Madison obediently obliged, her head rocking back and forth as a result of Shawn's thrusts as her tongue danced around Hannah's back door before hitting home, eliciting an enticing shriek from her friend.

"You like fucking your boss to save your job, don't you, you dirty slut?" Hannah teased.

"Mmmhmmm, fuck me," Madison begged. "Use me. Hard! Oh please!"

"You're a little five dollar whore, aren't you? Isn't that what you said?" Shawn said as he pounded Madison's pussy.

"I was, but I - ohhhh, I changed it, I fuck for a measly two dollars now, ohhhh, I'm just a filthy two dollar whore!" Madison said before inserting her tongue back into Hannah's ass, then greedily lapping at her pussy again.

"Is that all you're worth?"

"I - I just -" Madison began. As she did, was transported into a fantasy world of sorts, where she was forced to sell her body to make ends meet. "I like to force myself to - to - ohhhh, to fuck fifty guys a day just to make rent! I, ohhh, I did this to myself to make myself a bigger slut!" She closed her eyes and dreamed about a line of dozens of guys waiting to use her for her cheap price.

"How much for your ass?" Shawn asked as he pulled out of her pussy and pressed up against her asshole.

"My ass is included, Shawn," she said as she spread for him.

"You're only a dollar a hole, you dirty whore!"

"Even less if you use her mouth too," Hannah piped in.

"Mmmhmmm," Madison agreed.

"Ohhh, you dirty nasty bitch!" Shawn said as he pushed into her ass.

"Ohhhh yes, yes, I -"

"You need to fuck fifty guys a day, don't you, cunt?"

"Will you help me whore myself out, Shawn?" She begged. "I can't find enough cock, I'm - ohhhh, I'm going to get evicted, ohhhh, yes! Whore me out for two dollars, ohhhh please! Please make me a whore! I'll - I'll fuck anything - I'll do it, I'll be nasty for you, ohhhh, please sell me cheap!"

"I'll find a shitload of cock for you, slut," Shawn said as he rammed hard into her ass.

"Fucking pull that hanger, Hannah, oh, hurt me, ohhh yes! Whore me, I'm going to cummmm!" As Hannah pulled on the hanger, Madison shrieked and shuddered as her legs went weak. She began shaking uncontrollably and moaning, and both Hannah and Shawn knew she had one hell of an orgasm.

Madison fell to her knees and turned around, taking Shawn's cock into her mouth. "Did you know I'm an ass you mouth whore too?" She asked in between thrusts.

"No, I never would have guessed," Shawn said. "And how much for this fine service?"

"It's included," said Madison with a smile. Shawn smiles approvingly and ripped the hanger off Madison's breasts. Hannah sat on the desk stroking her pussy, almost in disbelief at what she was witnessing - although she knew Madison too well by now to really be shocked by anything she did or said.

"Hey, Shawn, she's pretty used up, why don't you give her a break for a minute and fuck me instead?" Hannah suggested.

"I thought you didn't want Madison making your decisions for you?" He teased.

"I changed my mind. Besides, you guys made me really wet and horny." Hannah spread her legs, inviting Shawn to enter her.

"What about her?" Shawn asked, pointing at Madison.

"She doesn't care. Besides, if you want her again, she's only two dollars, right Madison?"

"I think I'm having a buy one get one half off sale," she said from the floor. "That way I force myself into constant use." She stroked her pussy as she reached over into her skirt pocket and pulled out her marker. "$2 whore," she said as she wrote it across her tits. "All holes included. Buy 1 get 1 half off."

Shawn's cock was as hard and thick as ever as he thrust it into Hannah's waiting pussy. Hannah moaned loudly as she felt him inside.

"Ohhhh, God, this is so wrong. Fuck me, Shawn. I'm just fucking you to apologize. Fuck my little pussy and teach me a lesson, ohhhh!"

"You really like watching your little friend be a dirty slut, don't you?" Shawn asked. "I can tell."

"I'll help you whore her around if you want," Hannah said.

"Good girl. If every guy goes for the sale price, she'll have to fuck nonstop."

"She's a slut, she wants it," Hannah moaned.

"Now what about you, Hannah? Fucking to save your job. Does that turn you on?"

"Ohhh, yes, it - it turns me on because - because I - like -" Hannah stopped, not knowing how to explain herself.

"Because you don't really want me, do you, Hannah? You don't want to ride my cock. You'd normally never let me fuck you, would you? But you secretly love this, don't you - being forced to take my cock to save your job, don't you?"

"Yes, yes!" Hannah shrieked. "That's it. Force me, Shawn! Force me!"

"You like to be forced to fuck guys you aren't attracted to, is that it?"

"It's so - ohhhhh, it's so nasty, I love it!"

"I'm sure we can hook you up with a few guys you will find absolutely repulsive, isn't that right?"

"Ohhhhh, god yes! Please! Please, don't stop!"

"Don't stop what?"

Hannah was now transported to the same fantasy land Madison had been in only moments before. Only in her fantasy, she was tied, spread open for a much older unattractive man.

"Don't stop giving me your nasty cock," she begged. "Ohhh, fuck me - use me, please! Make me do it, ohhhh!"

"You turn into a slut when you're horny, don't you Hannah?"

"Yes - I'm a slut! I don't want your cock, Shawn, I - "

"But you told me to fuck you, didn't you, slut?" He practically shouted.

"Yes I - I don't want it - I want you to hold me down and force me, I -"

Shawn took his hands and pushed Hannah down by her shoulders and held her there. "Take it, slut. I know you get off on being forced. You're not going anywhere. You're just a hole!"

"Ohhh, god yes, yes! Don't stop fucking me! I fucking - I hate it - hate you - I hate that I love this, ohhhh!"

"You're worse than your friend. She's a two dollar whore. You'll fuck anybody as long as they force you. For free. Isn't that right?"

"Ohhhhh god yes! I'm such a nasty cunt, ohhh I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Hannah shrieked. She shook as she pretended to fight back, knowing she needed the pounding to continue. "Ohhhh, god Shawn, I'll take your cock any time! Please, just make me keep fucking to save my job, ohhhh! I'm cumming again!"

Hannah closed her eyes and nearly blacked out as her whole body convulsed on the desk. When she opened her eyes she saw Shawn over her, breathing heavily. And Madison had stood up and was stroking her pussy to the scene before her, watching in delight.

Madison quickly climbed on top of the desk where Hannah sat. She placed her ass on top of Hannah's hips, practically sitting on her friend's lap, leaning back, spreading her legs.

"Put it back in my pussy, Shawn," she begged. "Back and forth, like I said.". Shawn needed no further encouragement. He plunged his cock deep into Madison's pussy, pulled it out, and then drove it deep inside of Hannah without so much as stopping. Back and forth he went between the two girls in front of him.

"You girls like sharing cock, do you?"

"I just like anything coming out of her pussy," Madison said. "It makes me feel so slutty to get fucked with her like this."

"So ladies, one more part of the apology," Shawn said. "You girls need to make me cum. And then we're good. I'm ready, just tell me where you want it."

"Cum up her pussy and let me eat it out of her," Madison suggested.

"Madison! Fuck! You don't get to say who cums in my pussy, okay? I missed like - a week's worth of the pill!" Hannah said, sitting up. "Why don't you cum in her pussy and then make her leave it up there it all day?"

"That could be fun. Or we could share it," Madison said with a smile.

"Get down here," Hannah," Madison continued. "My mouth and then hers. Back and forth. We'll suck you off as a team."

Madison took his cock in her mouth, slowly pushing her head forward until she could nearly lick his balls. "Mmmmm," she hummed as she reversed, pulling it out. "Hannah, your pussy tastes delicious on Shawn's cock," she said.

Hannah got onto her knees and opened her mouth. "Ohhhh, just like that," Shawn said as he pushed his cock into her hole.

"Both you girls hold your mouths open. I'll take turns thrusting it into your mouth as far as I can," he said. Madison and Hannah both obliged without another word, and Shawn forced his cock as deep into Madison's mouth as he could. He pulled out and grabbed Hannah's head and gave her the same treatment, nearly gagging her.

"Oh, that's it, baby, gag on my cock!" He rammed it into the back of her throat, causing her to actually gag a little. Her eyes watered and she left a long trail of not-quite-clear saliva on Shawn's penis as he removed it from her mouth.

Madison didn't mind at all. Shawn grabbed her head and forced her down into his cock, and she lowered her head and moved it forward, plunging his dick into her throat, impaling her throat on his dick as she did. Soon she was gagging, choking, coughing. She smiled as he pulled his cock out of her mouth.

"My turn!" Hannah said eagerly, smiling.

Mmmm," please, Shawn, give us your cum!" Madison begged.

"You girls really know how to share, don't you. You don't mind sharing a little spit, do you?" Shawn said as he thrusted into Hannah's mouth, gagging her harder this time. She choked and left a trail of watery goo on his cock as he turned back to Madison.

"I think that's called swapping phlegm," Hannah pointed out. "But I don't mind. I want some of hers. And then I want your cum, Shawn."

Shawn thrusted his cock deep into Madison's mouth, grabbing the back of her head and gagging her hard. She coughed and choked violently and her eyes tested up as she allowed her throat to be used.

"Mmmm," said Hannah as she positioned her face next to Madison's. A sloppy collection of goo emerged from Madison's mouth with his cock, which Hannah licked up with her tongue as Shawn removed it from Madison's mouth. Her tongue was a mere inch from Madison's mouth. Hannah opened wide and Shawn thrusted his penis into her mouth again, and she greedily accepted, wiping his cock clean of Madison's saliva and swallowing.

Madison, meanwhile, positioned herself under Shawn's balls and began to suck them. As Shawn removed his cock from Hannah's mouth, Madison, kneeling up the left of Hannah from Shawn's perspective, licked the length of the left side of his shaft.

Soon the girls encircled their mouths around Shawn's hard cock, Hannah to his right and Madison to his left. Their tongues met as they took opposite sides of his shaft, licking and servicing him. "Mmmmm," he moaned. "Beg for it, sluts!"

"Oh, Shawn, give us your cum! We're just a couple of dirty cum sluts!" Madison begged.

"Please, Shawn, we both need your cum, ohhh please use us to cum!" Hannah chimed in.

"Where do you want it?" He asked.

"We want to spit it back and forth like a couple of cum crazed little bimbos," Madison pleaded.

"Cum in my mouth, Shawn," Hannah begged, taking the lead. "I want your cum so bad!" She took the head of his cock in her mouth and began stroking it as Madison licked his shaft near his balls, sucked his balls and moaned.

"Ohhhh, here is comes, you dirty, dirty little slut!" Shawn moaned as he released a huge load of cum into Hannah's waiting mouth. Madison knelt below Hannah, waiting for her portion of the reward.

"I need some too, please, spit it in my mouth, babe," Madison begged. Hannah knelt over her and opened her mouth, letting the contents spill out and directly into Madison's waiting mouth. She finished it off by closing her mouth and spitting the remnants.

"That's all of it, now I want it all back," Hannah begged greedily.

Madison stood as Hannah opened wide, and Madison responded by bending close to Hannah's mouth and opening her own. The thick wad of cum and spit ran out of Madison's mouth and back into Hannah's.

"Ahhhh," Hannah said. Both girls were incredibly aroused by what they were doing.

"Here, give me half of it," Madison begged. "Let's share." Hannah pointed to her mouth as if to suggest that Madison come and get it. Madison knelt next to Hannah and both girls opened their mouths, and Shawn's cum and a mixture of the girls' saliva ran out of Hannah's mouth and into Madison's, some cum running down their chins as they turned to face Shawn, showing their open mouths to prove that they were, indeed, sharing the reward equally.

"Swallow it," he said. Hannah went first, her chin bobbing as she savored her half of the prize, and Madison followed suit, moaning in delight.

"Your cum is delicious, Shawn," Madison said. "Thank you. I might have to start doing quickie blowjobs for just a dollar."

"Mmmhmm, delicious," Hannah agreed. "Here, babe, let me clean you up," she said to Madison. She eagerly licked Madison's chin, and even her cheeks, and then Madison returned the favor, slurping up leftover cum from her friend's face before the two shared a passionate kiss and swallowed the last of their reward.

"Apology accepted, ladies," Shawn said with a smile as he dressed himself. "Now, go get to work."

The girls shared one last kiss before they started to get dressed, and they did wind up switching tops after all - to allow Madison to cover up the "$2 whore" markings on her chest which would have been partially visible in her top.

"Just - you know - no sex in the store without my permission," said Shawn with a smile.

"You mean your involvement?" Hannah asked flirtatiously.

"Yes, exactly."

"Okay, next time we'll make sure we invite you." Said Madison.

"And next time I'll think about letting you cum inside me. And Madison will clean up the mess," Hannah added.

The girls fixed their hair and makeup and went to work as usual, and Madison sent her latest video to her blackmailer.

"I really do need to stop acting like such a slut, though," she thought. Shawn, Hannah, her customer, Dan, Dan's friend, the guy from the bench, the group at the mall - she had four cocks and several fingers, a pussy and an ass and a load of cum out of a used condom from some combination of these people. "If I keep this up, I'll wind up with a fifty partners before the year is over!" She thought.

Madison stroked her pussy softly as she laid in bed. "I guess it is a hot thought though - after all, I did fantasize about taking fifty cocks a day," she thought. "But how am I going to stop myself?" She wondered. Maybe she really did deserve to be a two dollar hooker. "I mean, I guess I could lay off the skin to skin stuff and just be more of a slut over the internet. After all, that is how this all got started."

If Madison knew what was coming next, however, she might have realized that she just might be better off sleeping with every stranger she came across. But that was simply not her chosen outlet for her desires.

Same as Webslut Part 11 - 15 Videos

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Dannell Donnell and Darnell What Just Happened part4

“So, we’re sorry we couldn’t get here sooner.” Dannell said. “That’s ok, I got to know your Uncle Leon better,” I said coyly, even though I presumed they would know how Leon had comforted and then made love to me soon enough, if they did not already know. I smiled sincerely, but the emotions that had been tapped were not far from the surface. I was still feeling a little emotional, first from having been with LaMar under rough circumstances, and then Leon in what was almost the precise...

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daddys daughters diaries part3

Chrystal woke as the sun was beginning to peep through her curtains. Had it all been a dream? She thought. Instinctively she touched her pussy. It was a tiny bit sore, so no it was real. Slipping out of bed Chrystal wanted her Daddy. She crept into James room, he was still asleep but he must have been having a nice dream by the look of the erection that poked out of the covers. Chrystal leaned over to kiss her Daddy passionately on the lips. James grabbed her pulled her over him and kissed...

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Innocence Enslaved part 4 Afterparty

Emily lay still, exhausted. She could feel the prickly fur of the dog that had mounted her, stuck to her soft, smooth skin of her bare body, stuck to the dried saliva, sweat and cum of multiple men. Even now she could feel remnants of the creatures cum slowly leaking from her sore, stretched pussy to mingle with the sperm of her father and uncle dripping down her round buttocks. The pretty young redhead had given up. Just hours ago she had woken, dazed and confused, strapped naked to a...

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It started with an itchand continued part3

“So what we gonna do now” said Tim, “We have to make it fast as I have to go in 30 minutes”. “Better get ‘em off then” said David, and both lads threw their clothes onto the floor. They stood there with their boners waving between them until David pulled Tim into an embrace and for a couple of minutes they ground their boners together while they made out. Then David pulled Tim onto the bed and they got into another cuddle with Tim on top. “I really missed you on Sunday” said Tim, “I was...

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A Willing Particiant

“Road Trip!” Mary tried to excite her sixteen year old son as she happily scurried about, packing her bags. “Ooo… Yea… Road Trip.” He sarcastically replied. Travis didn’t share his mother’s enthusiasm. He dreaded the long drive to visit his aunt and cousins in Sacramento. A whole week they would be staying. He didn’t know if he could stand the little brats for that long. “Oh come on. It’ll be fun!” Mary was’ excited. She had no special plans, but looked forward to just getting...

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Time for family Holiday adult only series 1 part3

Andrea’s kids were picked up by their dad and taken off for a two-week holiday with him and his parents.While they were going to Spain, we were heading to Cornwall for a week with Andrea’s family. Our first stop was at her parents’ house and her mother, Rachel, came out to greet us.“The Jeep’s loaded and we’re ready to go,” she said and then surprised me by adding, “Men in the Jeep, girls in your car.”“Oh, right,” I said, handing my car keys to Andrea.I had just enough time to give her a quick...

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Cock 2 Go part3

A few minutes later the hot water was streaming over me washing away the mixture of sweat and cum that still covered me from the night before. Before long the en suite door opened and my fuckbuddy walked in completely naked, I still couldn’t believe just how sexy he was; each time I looked he seemed to get even better. “Just in time to do my back” I said as he stepped into the spacious shower beside me. Soon he had me well soaped up and was just moving down to play with my balls again when he...

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I had just found out that the hot girl I fucked over Spring Break was in fact my cousin. Now sitting at my Aunt's house trying to listen to conversations and answer questions was really trying. After about an hour, my Aunt emerged from the kitchen and asked Cara if she would run to the store since her car was easiest to get out. Cara agreed and went to get her shoes and keys. When she returned, she looked over at the group and asked “Anybody want go with me?” I noticed that my mom was...

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The Debt Collector Part3

slip out of Mandy’s very wet pussy. She groaned in disapproval and snuggled up against my neck. What a transformation she went through, I thought as I rubbed her ass. I guess now she was thinking of me as her protector. She sure as hell didn’t want Tyrese coming anywhere near her with that monster cock of his! Well, she was about to see firsthand what it was going to do to her mother! The sight and sound of the 13 year old experiencing her first orgasm made Freddie go wild. He...

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Taking One For The Team 5 Afterparty

______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew his hand over his brow, and the screech of the ref's whistle signalled the...

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Coeds european roadtrip horror part3

When he was finished he wiped his arms free of grime and sweat. Picking up a bucket of tepid water he drenched his body. Even with hood and his strength they had kicked and wriggled. The shouts and yelps had been deafening in the confined space. But without vision none could direct their resistance or escape or know what was happ ening as they listened to the other beg and moan. Diora had being in the position the longest as he knew she was the most resistant. Her body ached her mind...

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Morning Surprise Part6

I have never been to a fashion show, but have seen clips of them on TV. My girls had adapted our lounge to resemble a catwalk. All the furniture had been pushed back to the wall. The large teak garden table had been carried in and would serve as the catwalk. I was instructed to sit in an armchair at the end of the table. The lights had been dimmed and a set of large spot lamps that I normally use when I am doing some building work at night had been set up pointing at the table. My...

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Morning Surprise part5

I was driving home and after the past amazing week I was now setting speed records from the station to my home. The excitement of just walking into my house, had my pulse racing. I pulled into the garage and received a text message from Joan. “Steve on the radiator in the passage is a blind fold put it on and knock on the kitchen door”. What has she got planned for me now, I was thinking. I was always in a state of arousal these days. I could feel the stirring in my pants. I...

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Texas Dildo Massacre part4of4

“You’re ok now honey,” the nurse said setting up a saline drip. “You and your girls have been rescued safe and sound. The whole state has been tearing the place up looking for you five.” The Nurse then smiled; pleased with their collective efforts adding; “and now we’ve found you all.” Natasha mouth trembled and she shook her head, bitter memories coming back. “No, you’re mistaken,” she replied solemnly, there’s only been four of us in that house for a long time.” ***** Back...

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Texas dildo masscare part3of4

"Jesus!" he coughed to himself leaving the hell house behind heading for his patrol car Ahead one of his men stood with the local doctor; the aging man had been called to help. On arrival there had been little he could do for the crazies. Each one had died in a hail of fire; their bodies peppered with bullet holes. But he had been able to tend the women as one by one they had been placed in ambulances and driven off at speed. The sheriff massaged his chin choosing his words' "The...

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Texas dildo masscare part2of4

The big bellied sheriff looked over to where the young women, lost for so long were been helped into ambulances. They'd have another story to tell no doubt about the officer laying below him. But denials are for later. His men had reported back from inside the house one of his female deputies looking decidedly pale and disturbed. "Well?" He asked tilting his Stetson to shade his eyes from the low sun. "What's down there?" "Sheriff," one of his officers said wiping his brow and...

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Texas dildo masscare part1of2

The golden field was full of beer drinking good ole boys and NRA enthusiasts. It had been one hell of a fight and the local county law men were mightily relieved to have had them here; those guys packed some heavy duty firepower. Everyone knew what was a stake and those fuckers had it coming. It would have never happened if not for the tip off, the searching scaled back some time ago. The crazies were all dead now but so was one of the cops own men, the recriminations no doubt to follow....

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