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Braid Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My hair was quite long and my sister had been teasing me about it for a while, always insisting that we could look more alike if I gave her the chance. I finally gave in and asked my sister to braid my hair like hers, just so we could see if she was right, and she quickly agreed. When she was done I had a braid running down the back of my head that admittedly looked wonderful. I was admiring her work when our mom walked into the room. She saw the braid and smiled, then told me to go to my room. I was sitting on my bed when she came in, a bundle of clothes in her arms. "With these clothes on you'll look just darling, so let's get you dressed." Shocked at first, she insisted and I finally gave in as she started with panties, and when I had them on she fastened a small bra around my chest, padding it with some small foam pads. Then came the red shorts and a striped red and white top. I wore my own white tennies, then she added just a touch of foundation and lipstick! "Go outside and play, your sister is already outside honey. By the way, lets call you what? You need a girls name when you're dressed this way. Any idea?" "Sara," I said quickly and ran outside. At the age of 12 I knew that boys do not dress like girls, and I had never done it, but for some reason I liked it. The taste of the lipstick and smell of the foundation all made me feel very nice. Megan was with her friends and I quickly joined them. I told them my name and four of us wandered around the neighborhood. Then Carol wanted to play dolls so we all went to her house and we each took a doll from her collection, mine was a stuffed bear. I did not expect it, but I was soon giggling and laughing just as much as they were, and they seemed to accept me quite easily. I really enjoyed myself. "Why don't we all go to the pool tomorrow? My mom can take us!" We all said yes, and I was thrilled to be going to the pool. Megan and I went home and told mom what we planned for the next day. Mom looked at me but said nothing until I was back in my bedroom. She came in and shut the door. "You had a good time today, I can tell, and it seems like the girls all accepted you, but if you want to go to the pool tomorrow, especially as a girl, then we'll have to find a way to make you look like they do. I mean, you have a lump where they do not. I'll check into it okay?" Without hesitation, "Okay mom. That'll be great!" I knew what she meant, girls are smooth while boys have something different. Dressing as a girl was all new for me, but I liked the way I looked and the other girls liked me as a girl too, so why not! There was not one thing about it that I did not like, and it certainly wasn't sexual! But if I wanted to go swimming with the girls I needed to be smooth like them or go as a boy. Later that night mom came in my room, a smile on her face. "I know how to do this. I found it on the internet, and after I do this you won't have your lump, but it might last for a while, maybe all summer. Is that okay?" "Sure mom, I love it!" Mom had me strip, then lay on my back with my legs over her shoulders as she worked, but it did not take her long, and when she was done, I looked, and saw that I had a kitty just like my sister Megan! "Go to the bathroom honey. Make sure that you can eliminate." Everything worked just fine. I used one of Megans suits, and since all of the other girls had zero to very little breast development, I fit right in although I used the foam pads in my suit. None of them looked at me strangely and we had a wonderful time at the pool. We were sitting there on our chairs when they walked in. The four hunks of the school, all the same age as we are, about 12. Every girl there but me sighed and started talking about who they thought was hot. I got dragged into it by my sister. With a muted sigh, I said, "Stan I guess. He's really strong, and...." "And he has that dark curly hair, and wicked smile, right?" Now, every girl that I went there with knew perfectly well that I am a boy even though I did not look like one, yet they teased me about Stan, what a nice couple we would make and things like that. I took it, but the fact is, he is good looking and he was staring at me! Megan nudged me, then he walked up. "Hi. I'm Stan." "Sara," I said softly, missing the fact that the other girls drifted away. "You live close?" "Kinda, Carols mom brought us." "See you here again?" "Maybe, why?" "So I can be here too!" After he walked away the other girls came back and I got no end of teasing since I was the only one of the girls that a boy talked to. I had no idea what all that meant, not then or even later, until my mom explained it to me. I just liked the braid Megan did in my hair, I never expected to become a girl or that I might even like it, but now that Stan has seen me, I realized a sad fact. Just how do I disappear!?" "Mom! Sara has a boyfriend!" "She does? How did that happen?" Megan told her while I just sat there a bit scared, but also, thrilled for some reason. I mean, out of all of the girls I was the only one a guy talked to, and I'm not really a girl! Mom did not say anything, just telling us to change out of our suits. I was wearing a skirt and blouse when I returned. "We have a problem don't we?" "Yeah, I guess, but I didn't do anything! It was all Stanley!" "I guess. It's always the boys. But the fact remains that he now knows you exist, and you told him you are Megs sister, and all of the other girls know where you live too, which means he knows where to find you too, right? Since the way I fixed you makes you look like a girl, and on the internet they say it will last up to four months, it looks like you'll be a girl, for a while anyway, so maybe you can find a way to make him go away. If that's what you want, and I'm pretty sure that you do, or maybe not. Maybe you like him?" Mom was giggling when she left me alone to ponder my fate. That's when I went online to see about boobs. If I am going to be a girl for a while, at least a few months, then I knew that I better have boobs, good ones. I found lots of boobs for girls like me, but one place was close by so I printed out the information and showed my mom. She agreed that I would need something better than some old foam shoulder pads and told me we could go there the next day. My ascent into femininity was moving fast at that point but I did not know that. For me it was just since mom fixed my stuff to make me look like a girl, but all this started with a simple braid! The way the other girls accepted me was great, but when we played dolls together I discovered that I really liked being dressed up like a girl! Megan, mom and I went to the shop the next morning, and I was fitted with a pair of first class boobs that look perfectly normal! No seam, the right color, and just the right size, an A cup the lady told me. Then mom took us to a store and bought me two bras! And, she bought some panties and a gel padded pantybrief! My ascent was gaining more speed, and I could not deny the way the padded panty and bra made me look. All of a sudden I had perky boobs! Then mom added some more shorts and few skirts, two dresses and a swimsuit of my own. I also got some shoes. I thought that I had more than enough stuff, but mom decided that I had to have my own makeup. By the time we got home I was frothing over with questions, like why? Why all the clothes and boobs, and makeup? As I was putting things away my mom came into my room and shut the door. "You're wondering why, right?" I nodded my head yes. "You need this honey. For a while now you have been curious about girls, but not the girl herself, but more of what she wore, her hair and so on. Then you asked Megs to braid your hair, which is when I knew that you had finally come to decide that you had to know what it's like to be a girl. That was obvious, or you would not have done that. Then you went outside like it was nothing, and without a pause to think about it, you told me your name was Sara and played with the girls, even playing dolls and going to the pool, right? That's why, for as long as you want, you will live and play as a girl. At home, with your girlfriends, and even at church. All girl, all the time." "But... what if the glue stays this way and I have to go back to school?!" "Maybe you could go back as Sara. We'll see." "Go back as a girl! But if I do that I'll always have to be a girl! How could I change halfway?!" "Maybe, we'll see. Put on the white shorts and come help me in the kitchen." Those shorts fit me perfectly, and as I helped mom I knew that no matter what, my days as a boy were over. I like the way I look, and I love the clothes, and she is right. I always wondered about being a girl, and I always wanted to try it, so now I am, but mom just said this might last forever! I did not plan on that, but if it happens it might not be the worst thing that could happen to me. Megan was a bit angry at me because she has always been the only girl, but now there are two of us to share that sweetness in the family. That made me think of Nana, and what she'll think about this change. She is old school and has always doted on Megan. I wondered if she would still love me too. "Mom?" "Yes dear?" "Will Nana still love me too, now that I'm a girl?" "Oh honey! Of course she will! She'll have some adjusting to do but she'll always love you!" On Sunday morning mom told me to wear the blue dress with the white shoes and she would do my hair. For the first time I did my own makeup, complete with eyeshadow and eyeliner, adding mascara to make my eyes stand out. I used a deep red lipstick and my best perfume. It all came so natural and I was in heaven when I looked in the mirror. Mom fixed my hair, then helped Megan a bit before the three of us went to church. I did just what mom told me to. I walked in with my head high. After mass I saw him. Stan was watching me, and I smiled at him. He came up to me and took my hand in his just as Nana walked up. Not knowing what to do I held his hand as I looked at her. I saw her smile at me, and rushed to hug her, leaving Stan just standing there, but I quickly took his hand again. "I want you girls to come by this afternoon, and bring your suits. We'll use the pool. okay?" "Sure Nana," Megan and I said as one. She looked at Stan again, saw us holding hands and smiled, then left us standing there. "I, uh, I was wondering if maybe we could see a show?" "When?" "How about the day after tomorrow?" "I'd like that Stan." "Great! See ya later!" "Boyfriend?" Nana asked. "Just a good friend Nana." "For now maybe, but that boy wants more than just friendship honey. Just be careful. Now lets go have a lunch and you can go home and gather your things then come to my house." I changed into a pair of shorts and a top, grabbed a few things and was ready to go, and when Megs joined me and mom took us to Nana's house. As soon as we got there Nana gave each of us a new swimsuit and we quickly changed into them. Mine was a lime green bikini, Megans was a hot red.We jumped in the pool right away, and were swimming around when Nana and mom walked outside. We jumped out of the pool and ran to get our towels, but I heard Nana suck in her breath and just stood there looking at her. "What?" I asked. "Is something wrong?" "No honey, it's just that the suit is sticking to you and I can see your kitty. I thought your mother was kidding me, but I guess she is right. After what your mom did to fix you, I guess you are a girl now." "Not yet Nana, but real close. Maybe later I'll be a real girl!" "Stan wants to kiss her," Megan said suddenly, and now he can!" "Just be careful Sara. You're only 12, almost 13 now, and boys will do anything to get us to kiss and hug them, remember that!" I went on my date to the movies with Stan, and when I got home he kissed me! I ran in the house, unable to reconcile what I knew I really was versus what I appeared to be. I did not hate being a boy, I like doing some guy things, but I just liked being a girl more, and I really did not mind all the restrictions that went with being a girl. Mom would not let Megan or I go out at night alone, even to the corner store, where before I could. I had Megan do our hair in pigtails the next day and we went out to find our friends, only this time I have my own doll. The four of us were at our house, squealing and laughing as little girls do. Carol and I are the oldest, her birthday is just before mine, but we both really enjoyed playing dolls with the younger girls. As school got closer to starting mom somehow fixed it so that I would start as a girl, which meant that my future was fixed right then. I knew just as she did that there would not be any returning to a boy, especially after school started. Mom would not talk about it, but I could not see any way for that to happen. But as I researched online about my situation I found out about puberty, for both boys and girls. Girls got rounder, started having periods and gained a more feminine figure, while boy got bigger, put on muscle and grew beards. I knew that there was no way that I could go through male puberty and attend school a girl. I mentioned it to mom and showed her the web site. She acted shocked but I'm not so sure that she was as shocked as she wanted me to believe, but I was at the doctors office within the week. He and I talked privately, and I told him that I like being a girl, that I had a boy that likes me, and several girlfriends that support me. Then I showed him what mom had done to make me look like a girl. He smiled and said that he would take care of it and put me into a small room. "Your mother obviously did this some time ago, so I'll undo it, then redo it to look much more normal, but it will feel a bit different to you because I am going to sew your testicles higher up in your body. That way there is a strong possibility that they will atrophy, which will reduce the amount of testosterone being created. That will also change how you eliminate. It'll be a bit more natural, the way most girls are. But I'll also prescribe some hormones for you to take. Together that will allow you to suffer a female puberty, just like all the other girls." By the time we left the doctors office I knew that my fate was sealed. I would grow up as a girl. He told me there would be no going back after taking the hormones for that long, but I like being a girl even if it did all start with a braid. Day after day I began to love being a girl more and more, and relished all the things about it. Even the restrictions mom put on me, especially around Stanley. After six years of being a girl, attending school and even having a boyfriend, three days after I turned 18 the doctor arranged for me to become a complete girl. On the day of my surgery I wore a braid.

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john never saw this coming

you have all read how john started and what he went through so i won't be going into that.john was in his late teens 18 to be exact he had a nice set of tits from all the hormones he was taking and his tiny clit had shrunk to nothing he did have a virgina without an operation.with his tiny thing sewn in place by a mistress he was made into a fulltime sissy girl what was great about his pussy is that it was tucked in such a way that john got fucked like a girl there was enough room for a cock to...

3 years ago
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Aunt JaneChapter 2

When I awoke the next morning, I lay there for several minutes recapturing the experience of the previous evening. I had to think it through more than once to convince myself that it had really happened - or my imagination at work in some other way. The air was full of the smell of coffee and bacon, and though this would normally stir my appetite, I was completely distracted by my thoughts. My reverie was dispelled by a sharp yell from Uncle Dick, warning me to get myself downstairs for...

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A Conversation Amongst Equals

‘Troy?’ ‘Julie?’ ‘What are we doing?’ ‘Playing one of our games.’ ‘I know that, but something feels different.’ ‘It is, however, it will make sense soon. Go deeper and don’t worry.’ ‘Mmm…thank you, Master. I wasn’t worried, it was just unusual.’ ‘It is, a little, isn’t it?’ ‘Well, yes. Not like the games we’ve played all our lives.’ ‘Are you having fun?’ ‘Always. I’ve loved this since we first started playing. Go deeper and remember.’ ‘Ooh…thank you, Mistress. I remember watching...

2 years ago
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Beauty fucks the bst Chapter One

After a young, blond cheerleader catches her boyfriend cheating, Bianca's devious friends devise a plan to help her get revenge. Little does she know, the plan involves her making out with a grotesque, obese older man. The plan takes a turn for the worse when innocent kissing leads to passionate, mind-blowing sex as Beauty fucks the b**st.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"We're over!" Bianca yelled, as she stormed out...

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I Blame Lara Croft

I Blame Lara Croft by The Qmoq Please don't read if easily offended, obviously. If you enjoy this story,please contact me at [email protected] (removing the "_nospam" ofcourse). In the pub after work, we were talking about the sordid sex lives of celebrities.Alyson turned the thoughts to a pretty-boy soap-star that we all thought wasgay even though we knew he wasn't, and I chucked in a quote from Angelina Jolie,something that she actually did say. "She says that she went out with Jonny...

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Some People Are Just Lucky I GuessChapter 8

Dammit, I need a reliable contact within the police department. There is a temptation to follow Batman's lead and hook up with the Police Commissioner, but he is a political appointee and the mayor changes him almost as often as he changes his socks. At least, I hope he changes his socks that often. Well, we couldn't wait. Somebody needed to call 911 right away! No, wait, I had a better idea. I cast my telepathic ability toward the main police headquarters building. My idea was to find a...

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Biker Bitch 4

We returned from Holidays and were just sitting around relaxing and the phone rang. It was one of Rick's friends he told me that Rick wanted to Fuck her again and he gave me the name of the hotel and room number. I called my wife and told her that was Rick and he wanted us to meet him so that he could fuck her. My wife got an excited look on her face and we headed for the hotel.We found the room knocked on the door and were let in. There was Rick naked on the bed stoking his cock a look of...

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SweetheartVideo Lyra Law Brandi Love The Slightest Touch

Olivia (Lyra Law) is very nervous when she lays on the massage table. Tomorrow she’s joining a convent and she wants to experience a few things before she dedicates her life to God. This surprising revelation stuns Emma (Brandi Love). She is honoured that she has chosen her for this experience and she’s curious to learn more about what she has on her bucket list. Olivia smiles, she knows exactly want she means, Emma is curious about if she will have sex before she joins the convent....

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 22

They were in Marcie’s apartment. “My parents are getting suspicious, Marcie,” Aniah whined as she gnawed at a cuticle. “How so?” “I’m not sure, but I think it’s this neighbor, Mrs. Vincentia. She’s awfully nosy. She watches everything that goes on around here, so I think maybe she...” After a moment’s thought, Marcie said, “I belong to a gym. I could bring you in as my guest. There are plenty of opportunities to do whatever we want without being spied on, and if anyone asks, you’re...

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UK Paki Friends Sister Creampie

When I lived in Bolton I knew this paki girl she was very shy and had no confidence, she was a virgin and never went out just cooked and cleaned at home she didnt even have a mobile phone, I knew her through her brother who was my friend and id sometimes go around and see her. my friends parents went to pakistan for 2 months leaving my friend his 2 lil brothers and his sister back in England. one day when I was around my friends id just happened to have moment alone with his sister we just...

1 year ago
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THE THING::: CHAPTER 8 The Professor having seen all that was going on with his wife and the girls alike decided somehow he must get rid of this... this... Thing. He had already sucked juices from young Andrea and she was layed out totally spent from it. And he had just fucked the Professors wife into total abismal as she was totally out of it. Now which one would he fuck next? Both Olleda and Andrea were far from being able to give him more pussy juices and he...

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A golden opportunity

One of the boxes in my sexual history that’s remained unchecked until recently was the act of taking a young man on his first journey from boyhood to manhood but it isn’t something that can be easily engineered. When a golden opportunity arose just after my thirtieth birthday I just couldn’t resist the temptation and the seduction of Josh is one of the most satisfying encounters of my life. I was enjoying a few days off work but because even a mini heatwave in the UK can be very uncomfortable I...

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Liz Discovers Her Sexuality

Elisabeth never had any problems attracting the boys. She looked like the ultimate girl-next-door, with her slender 5'3 frame, long blond wavy hair, perky B-cup boobs and an ass like a peach. But, she had no interest for them. The idea of sex interested her somewhat, but all the boys in her neighbourhood were too immature for her tastes, and she went to an all-girls catholic school.However, she did feel herself becoming more and more attracted to Mr. Hatherfield, her 35-year old IT teacher. A...

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Ascension Of The Alpha Male Turbulent TimesChapter 4

With careful planning and methodical execution, the team of AIs that Vyagar had assigned to the job had been making steady progress in their mission to remove nuclear weapons and improperly handled radioactive waste from the planet. They were transporting it to a large crater on the moon for temporary storage. The employees of the seven large conglomerates that Dale had established prior to the plague had been among those that Vyagar had sought to protect with the nanomedics. Most of the...

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Anusha chithi

Hai.I am sugra 24 PG graduate looking handsome.This incident was happened few years ago.When i was studied my ug,during my vacation i went to my chithi’s house near coimbatore.Her name is Anusha.She is a widow She is working as teacher 38 age.Having 36-28-36 size boobs.Long black hair.She is elder sister of mom.I love her nd she also.I reached to her house at late n8.Knocked the door.My chithi opened the door.Wow i was shocked when i saw her.He just wake up .She wear transparent light brown...

4 years ago
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Teen Twink Sells Himself to Mature Men

 My childhood was a little traumatic, growing up in a working-class family in South Boston in the 1990s. My mother and father are both pure-blooded, Irish Catholics, and I inherited their pale skin, freckles, and bright red hair. I was teased mercilessly and picked on by many of the other kids. They derisively called me a ‘ginger’, and some of the boys even bullied and beat me up. I couldn't defend myself very well either. I'm short, slimly built, effeminate looking, and even considered to be...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 163

Sleeping in my own bed appealed to me, even if it wasn't as comfortable as the Mexico City's fancy bed. It belonged to me and no crazy drug dealer was likely to come for me. The Box House was cool at night, which was okay because it was summer and the temperature didn't get too cold. It was hot in the midday sun, but that wasn't too back because the ceiling fans kept the air moving, and the 20 inch box fan, I converted to an exhaust fan, pulled the stale air out and the fresh in. There...

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My Aunt I on Holiday Final Version

I was 19 when this happened, and have never told anyone about it, but it always plays on my mind when i was 18 my aunt went away and she asked me to look after her dog whilst she was gone, i agreed and went round there twice a day to feed and walk the dog. My aunt was in her early 40's both her boys and left home and she was divorced, she had short blonde hair about average height , about a size 12 with small b cup boobs, i had fancied her since i was 13 had often masturbated whilst thinking of...

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Lucky StiffChapter 34 Serenading

Look what they've done to my brain, ma! Look what they've done to my brain! Well, they picked it like a chicken bone, And I think I'm half insane, ma. Look what they've done to my song. - What Have They Done To My Song? (Melanie) It turned out that Sherry had her mother's car--she got her driver's license a few weeks earlier. Merry agreed to go with Sherry before I could offer any objection. The two girls hopped into the car and took off to the Swift residence. June noticed me...

1 year ago
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Family Christmas 3

Emma and Maureen walked carefully from the bedroom to the bathroom where Emma picked up a cloth and cleaned her brothers and fathers cum from her thighs and wiping around her pussy parted her lips and wiped inside. Meanwhile Maureen sat on the toilet and immediately the sound of her piss hitting the water filled the room. I enjoyed that! Maureen said to her daughter. What, the piss or the fuck? Well, I enjoyed both but I was thinking more about the fuck. Maureen laughed. Have you done it...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Love Ch 1

18-year-old John Dumas wasn’t what you would call a popular guy. He was harassed on a daily basis buy the jocks and popular guys in school. No girls looked his way, and if they did it was to laugh at him and insult him as well. One day John was walking in the parking lot after school and heard a sound at the far end of the lot. John crept closer to the noise and was totally shocked at what he found. Dan Krups the most popular guy in school and his close knit band of goons had Lacy Webster...

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Life Of A Common Girl 8211 Part III

The game played by Rekha and Rahul to tempt me really excited me. I didn’t notice but found some changes in Rekha after she came home on top of that to their plus point in seducing me we were continuously harassed by the builder who was telling us to pay the amount at the earliest so he can shift us to new place and start the construction work. One Saturday evening Feb 2004 Rekha received a call from someone and she said, Nahi yeh sab galat hai, aisa ku and all that stuff and I asked her what...

4 years ago
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Our Stallion

I wanted to be fucked by a well-endowed black guy and my boyfreind. After placing an add on a swingers site that specialises in BBC.Neal and I recieved an email from someone who fitted the billcalled Peter. We called him and agreed to meet for a drink at a local bar.When Peter arrived he was everything I had hoped for, hewas huge.... everywhere. So we chatted, quickly drankup and almost ran back to our flat where I went and got changed while the guys got to knoweach other better. I slipped into...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 17

Say thanks to SH for this one. In the early days of the province a man came to the feeder plant in Saskatoon. He ordered a hundred chicks, announcing that since everybody else was becoming a wheat farmer, he would become a chicken farmer. A month later he comes in and orders another hundred chicks. A month later another hundred, and the next month also. This was all too much for the salesmen, since they expected that after six months the farmer should be selling chickens and eggs to them;...

2 years ago
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The Preacher His Wife and Me

I’m Dirk. I live in a middle-class neighborhood in a semi-rural area. There is a gentleman in my neighborhood named Paul who says he is a preacher. As far as I know Paul is not the pastor of any church. He told me that he is on call to fill in for pastors of congregations when they want to go on a vacation or take time off for other reasons. I have no reason to not believe him. Frequently, Paul takes walks around our neighborhood, and if he sees me outside he usually stops to talk with me for...

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One of the Best Nights of My Life Part 1

Hi, my name is John and I'm 15 years old. One Friday night, I was planning on having my friends Alex and Jake over to play some xbox and spend the night. Let me tell you about us. I'm 5 foot 6 and weigh about 100 lbs. I'm skinny as hell. I have short black hair and brown eyes. Alex is the same height and weight, but he's a Ginger. He's really sexy. Last but not least is Jake. He's 5 foot 8 and about 125 lbs. He has blonde hair blue eyes and pale white skin. He's so sexy It's hard to...

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Ready for Me to Fuck You Pegged

She was working the dildo in my mouth like it was her real cock and she could feel all of the moves and thrusts. Her body moved like this was natural for her to be shoving a cock in a man's throat. She coached me at times by telling me to move faster or slower. At times, she grabbed me by my ears and would make thrusts, in and out, just like she wanted so that she could control the feeling and edge around an orgasm."You wait till I get this dick in your ass. It's gonna feel so good you're going...

1 year ago
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Learning About The Other Boys 4

It had now been days since my hot sex with Sam and the only action I had gotten was making out with Tim. Tim and I would often get together in the Gym change-rooms but it would always be too risky to go any further. But one week later, summer came and on it's first week, our year went on an excursion to tropical queensland. This was the escape I needed. The bus arrived at the restaurant and we all piled out. I was starving for a feed and could not wait. All the boys headed in and began...


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