Daddy's Facebook free porn video

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It all started innocently enough. I merely wanted to make sure my daughter Kerri was doing okay emotionally and keep an eye on the kinds of people she was hanging out with. I didn't really think too much about it, although I knew if she found out what I had done, she would be furious that I had violated her privacy. But I'm getting ahead of myself, so I had better start from the beginning.

I was a popular school teacher at a fairly large high school -- we had approximately 2,200 students.. It wasn't uncommon for students to graduate and still not know many of their classmates. My daughter, was one of the awkward k**s that just doesn't seem to fit in... and she was being lost in the shuffle. She had some friends, but just wasn't outspoken enough to stand out. I asked my colleagues how she was doing, and they didn't even realize she was in their classes. So I was legitimately worried.

She spent a ridiculous amount of time on Facebook, but she kept her password closely guarded and often sneaked off to her room for privacy when she was online. I was worried about what she was doing, who she was talking to, and why she needed so much privacy. I decided I needed to figure it out, but I also knew that she was a computer genius so she would know if I put any keyloggers or screenshotters on her laptop.

I decided to figure out a way to set up a fake Facebook account. To begin with, I surfed the web trying to find a good candidate to be "me." Because I wanted "girly details" and honesty, I decided to go with a girl. I randomly chose a state that seemed unlikely that anybody would know anybody there -- since we were in Oregon, I chose Rhode Island. I began surfing for Facebook pictures of teenage girls in Rhode Island and when I would come across one, I would look to see how many of their pictures were public. I would need a LOT of pictures so that I could keep adding them as I went. I also needed a lot of pictures that was her by herself with no tell-tale signs that she wasn't local -- no school mascots or pro sports team logos, for example.

Soon I found a beautiful girl with easily a couple hundred pictures in a variety of situations and locations. I began storing pictures in folders in a hidden section of my Documents, and continued my research. When I saw pictures of her with one friend or with one guy, I stored them as well. I knew a situation would come up where I would need some back story. I also followed the links to a couple of her guy friends and then stored folders of their pictures as well.

Next, I began creating my backstory: My name was Emma, I was 16, we had recently moved away from the school I loved so much [the same school my daughter happened to be attending], and I had to start over. My mom and dad were divorced, they both worked, etc. My mother and I moved to Rhode Island so she could be around her family. I kept a text document so that as any stories/lies came up, I could update her profile. When I was done building this new character, the thought of trying to add someone who had no other friends came to mind. I knew that was going to be a hard sell.

Using the pictures of her friends, I created 3 other fake Facebook accounts -- one girl and two boys -- and did the same backstory with them. Now she had 3 other friends and would look a little less "stalker out of the blue".

Now I was ready to start the process of finding local friends. I didn't want to come at Kerri first because I couldn't risk her getting suspicious, so I went to people I didn't think she knew. I began clicking "Add friend" and then moving on to their friends. I didn't want to risk spamming them enough to make them say, "Hey, who is this girl adding people?" so I did a few at a time. When someone would ask, "Who are you?" I would reply that I had been a student at Jefferson High School and we moved at the beginning of the year and that I was just really missing home -- so I decided to start a Facebook page that was JUST stuff from home. Usually that was enough.

Eventually people would accept my request to be friends because I was friends with their friends -- and before I knew it I had friends that remembered me from last year. Soon after that I began getting flirty messages from some of the guys. I was sufficiently amused. Now that I was a "student", I went and added Kerri as a friend. At first she was reluctant and said, "Who are you and why are you adding me?" I responded with my story of how I moved away and how I really missed the school and I was adding her because I was her dads "favorite student". We talked for a while and eventually the accepted my friend request.

I used the account to monitor things she posted for a week or so, all the while playing off of other students in my school. Sometimes they would ask me random questions or ask about Rhode Island or just need someone to chat with because they were bored. Eventually I was learning a lot about a lot of my students. I knew who was fucking who, what girl cheated on what guy, and which teachers the students thought were perverts. It was very enlightening.

One night I felt like chatting with Kerri so I "accidentally" sent a message to my her saying, "OMG I can't stand my math teacher here! I miss Mr. Walker!" She replied, "You miss my dad?"

I said, "Oh... yeah... I meant to message my other friend. Yeah, your dad was hella cool." That gave us the chance to start chatting and I found out that my daughter respected me a lot and that her friends liked me as a teacher as well. It was a nice ego stroke, but I really wanted to find out more about how things were going.

I asked about her "boyfriend" and what was he into and she talked about not having a boyfriend -- and said she had never had a boyfriend. Eventually the topic turned to sex and she shared that she had never had sex but would like to try it some time. I explained that, "One of the reasons we had to leave was because I got in trouble. I was kind of a slut -- so if you ever have questions about sex, just feel free to ask because nothing embarrasses me." Really I was hoping to plant the seed so in the future she could ask my advice and then I [as her father] would be able to head off any "evil plans" that may occur.

But her next question threw me for a loop. She said, "Can I ask you a private question?"

"Anything." I responded.

"Well... do you masturbate?" she asked.

"Um... yeah, all the time. How come?", I said.

"Well, I do it a lot. Like every day. Is that normal? Sometimes even two times a day.", she confessed.

I sat stunned for a moment. I had never really considered her to be a sexual being before. And since her mother had passed two years earlier, we never had "the sex talk." How did she even know what masturbation was... or how to do it?

"No, hun... that's not bad. It's natural. I do it all the time." I answered honestly. And as I sat there thinking about it, my dick began to grow. I said, "What sorts of things do you think about when you do it?"

She said, "I don't know... just like wishing a guy was doing it. What do you think about?"

I don't know what made me say this, but I was losing self control. I responded with, "Honestly? I fantasize about your dad. LOL"

She said, "WHAT?! LOL! OMG!"

"I just think it's hot. I always wanted to do it with a teacher. LOL", I said.

She responded with, "I never thought about it before. I don't really think about him like a teacher. LOL why my dad?"

"Well, I just think he's handsome and probably really lonely." I said - now feeling a bit guilty with the direction of this conversation.

"You should come over and do him then. LOL I know he could use it. Sometimes when I'm doing laundry his sheets have lots of dried cum on them! LOL", she typed.

Wow... she would have shared something like that with a stranger? And she had even noticed AND she knew what it was? "Gross!", I answered. "I bet you lick the sheets! LOL!"

She said, "Ewww! No! But sometimes I take off my clothes and lay on the cum stain and rub myself. LOL"

My dick was now at full attention -- and that quiet little voice in my head telling me to stop had shut up quite a while earlier.

"Have you ever done anything sexual with your dad?", I asked -- knowing the answer was a definite "no".

"No. I wonder what it would be like? LOL", she said.

I thought for a moment and said, "It's not too bad. One night my dad had been drinking and fell asleep on the couch. I tried to wake him up but he didn't move. I pulled his shoes off and went to cover him up and noticed a huge bulge in his pants. I got so curious that I undid his belt, slipped it off of him, unbuttoned his pants, and unzipped his fly. His cock was pushing at his underwear so I reached through the opening in the front and pulled his dick out of the hole. I had seen a couple boys before but my dads was huge. I couldn't believe it."

"OMG! You touched it?! What did it feel like?", she asked.

"Well, yeah I touched it. I rubbed it for a minute and then I knew he would stay asleep so I started licking it.", I continued.

"Eww! Your dads dick?! LOL", she asked again.

"Yeah, I have done it to guys before so this wasn't too different. So then I started going down on it and sucking him off. But I realized he was going to cum soon and I didn't want him cumming all over his pants and trying to explain it, so I decided to swallow it all -- and i did.", I finished.

"That is the nastiest thing I ever heard... and I wish I could do it. LOL!", she said surprising me again.

"LOL You're bad!", I told her wishing it was true. "I should add your dad on Facebook and make him jack off. I'll tell you when he's doing it so you will know. LOL"

"OMG you should do that! Totally!" she said.

The next day we set it all up. My daughter built a fake Facebook account to "trick me" into adding this girl who was supposed to be 24. She gave me -- well, her "new friend" me -- the username and password and set it up for me to chat with her dad.

I opened two different browsers and began my conversation -- with myself. My daughter lay on the couch glancing over at me and smirking every now and then. Tapping away at her laptop she would ask her friend, "What's he saying? How is it going? What is it like?"

I would respond, "It's cool. He's really nice. He's awesome."

Eventually it got to the point where we were talking about sex -- and at this point it was really me asking myself what I was into, what I liked to do, what my fantasies were, etc. It was an awkward charade, but it seemed to be intriguing to Kerri. I pulled the blanket up onto my lap and pretended to be arranging my dick under the blanket.

"OMG what are you saying to him? I think he has his dick out?", she asked.

"He said he's into younger girls and loves watching girls masturbate. We're talking but he keeps saying he wants to watch me do it!", I lied... again.

"OMG! No way! My Daddy is a freak! LOL!" she tapped back quicker and more excitedly than she should have.

I pretended to be jacking off slowly under the blanket and tapped back with one hand.

"OMFG hes jacking off I think!", she messaged. "This is so fucking awesome! LOL"

"For real?!", I typed back with one hand.

"OMG I'm going to my room. I have to cum too! lol", she tapped at me. She left the room carrying her laptop.

I typed to her, "I hate to leave him like this but my mom wants me to do the dishes. Could you help him finish?"

"What?! LOL omg thats so funny! You think I really could" she said.

I went for it and said, "Hellz yah! Log in and take it!"

I logged out of her "friends" account so she could log back in from her room and waited.

Suddenly I saw, "Emma is typing" and I knew my daughter had taken control. I waited and then saw the screen flicker alive with a message:

"Do you have a webcam? I would love to see you jack off." she said, immediately. I was shocked.

"I do, baby. Do you?" knowing full well she couldn't reveal herself to me.

"I do but I'm not something you would be into. I don't have any makeup on.", she tried.

"You can always point the camera away from your face!", I teased.

Suddenly my Facebook notice said that Emma was trying to video chat with me. I accepted reluctantly not knowing how we were going to pull off this situation. I knew I could feign anger at her trickery -- but I didn't know for how long. When the picture opened, I could see a pink blanket pinned to a wall, a furry pink rug on the floor, and what was obviously my daughter sitting on the rug in her bra and panties -- wearing a large Mardi Gras / Victorian mask covering her entire face.

I chuckled and said, "Wow, girl. You're fancy!" She giggled and leaned in to whisper to the camera, "I can't talk too loud because my roommate is asleep."

I sat staring and realizing for the first time how much my little girl had grown up. Not only was she sitting there in her bra and panties, but her breasts were perfect. And she was here so she could watch me masturbate to her, while she pretended to be someone else.

I turned my webcam downward and began to uncover my hard cock. There was an audible gasp from the computer and I said, "Okay, baby... are you sure you want to do this?" "Yes!" she said too readily.

I uncovered my cock and began rubbing it up and down, watching her lean in to look at the camera. I could see that she was almost absent-mindedly rubbing her nipple through her bra with one hand while the other hand was rubbing the fabric on the front of her pussy.

"Can you cum for me so I can watch?", she whispered.

"I can try, girl... but you gotta help me.", I laughed.

Suddenly, before my eyes, my baby girl was unhooking her bra. Her beautiful breasts were uncovered and they were perfect. She began rubbing her little nipples and stared at the screen intently.

I began jacking off furiously and said, "You can do the same, if you want. I would love to see you."

She said quietly, "I don't know. I've never done anything like this before."

I laughed and said, "I've never done anything online before. Normally I just jack off by myself."

She sat for a second and said, "Do you get much sex?"

I replied, "I haven't had sex in two years. The closest I come to sex is jacking off in a pair of my daughters panties that I found in the hamper."

She gasped.

"Are you okay?", I laughed.

"Y..y...yes. Just surprised.", she said.

She leaned back onto her back and slid her panties off over her hips, down her legs, and then onto the floor next to her. Then she spread her legs and showed me her pussy.

"That's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.", I said quite honestly.

"Thank you.", she replied with obvious pride in her little whispered voice.

"I see you shaved for me.", I said, smiling.

"Of course. I like it smooth." she flirted.

What happened next, I will never forget. She spread her labia apart and pushed a finger into her pussy, pumped it a few times, licked her fingers, and slipped two fingers in. Suddenly before me, my little girl was using 2 fingers to fuck herself. Soon she was moving so fast the camera was having trouble tracking her hand and I was matching her as best as I could. About that time I heard her start to groan and her voice got a little louder and I knew she was ready to cum. Suddenly I exploded as rope after rope of cum shot up onto my chest and hands. She let out a little shriek and clutched her pussy tight as her hips began bucking against her hands. She was cumming hard.

We both lay there for a couple minutes when she rolled over and said, "I need to get cleaned up. Can we do this again?"

I smiled at her and said, "Beautiful, you just tell me when and where."

The screen blanked and she disconnected, and I heard her moving things around in her room.

I laid back in my chair and relaxed, knowing that I would have to get up and clean myself in a minute.

I wondered how the next time would go.

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Date Night

It is the night of your big date. You are in the bedroom getting ready for your new stud. Applying your makeup, darkening your eyes, wanting to make sure you look perfect. You put on a nice thin, low cut top and my favorite short skirt. You leave off the bra and panties so you don’t have any lines. You are not quite ready yet when the doorbell rings. You say it is him and ask me to let him in. I let him in and introduce myself to your date. I can see why you like him. Tall, muscular and good...

1 year ago
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Karen and Michelle1

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 10, Karen’s Home Town Humiliation Continues at Keplar’s Meats Karen’s mind was reeling from all that happened as she left Marta’s and walked down half a block and across the street to Keplar’s Meats. ...

2 years ago
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Orgy at the gym

Owing to our different routines, Laura and I don’t often use the gym at the same time. Laura uses the one at university mainly and I’ve found a nice one a couple of miles down the road. I don’t think my girlfriend is quite so obsessed with keeping fit as me, but she has certainly benefited by going regularly. Her tummy is that bit more toned and I can see a little bit of definition in her thighs. Anyway, for a change Laura came to my gym when she was on her mid semester break in April. I paid...

2 years ago
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Three Days Of Threesome

Anjali’s hand was just above her vagina over the gown. She couldn’t resist rubbing it as she was too excited. The other hand slowly touched her breasts and slipped inside through the zip opening. Her eyes were closed and imagined Mayur caressing her body sensuously. His thin and hard lips munching her pouty ones. The very thought was generating anxiety in her and she couldn’t wait for him to come. There was a knock on the door which brought her back to earth and Anjali rushed to open it. There...

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The forbidden Treasure

My boss has two daughters, ones 19 and the other is 21, As they come home for spring break i cant help but draw my eyes to their amazing body and natural beautiful looks. As the youngest heads back to college me and the older sister hit it off pretty good, cracking jokes, flirting, just having a good time being the young ones around. As we stay up chit chatting, 11....12...1AM, we get closer and closer both wanting the same thing but too shy to make the first move. We hear the boss, aka her...

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The Good YearsChapter 50

We didn't get to Patty's house until almost eight that evening. Cindy had called over there to let her aunt and mother know we were running later than we'd expected, due to some work related delays. Dale and Eddie were dressed and ready when we walked into the house. Cindy and I just changed our clothes and freshened up a little before heading right back out the door. I would have to say the evening started out promising. The food was good, and both Patty and Laura went out of their way...

1 year ago
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Totally Boss Sex

I'd been working for the company for about a year doing both Admin and warehouse work when they told me they needed me in the office full time. So they brought someone in to do the warehouse work, unfortunately this didn't work out so they brought someone else in full time on the understanding I would help out when he was on holiday. This was about 6 months ago and a few weeks ago he had his first holiday so I had to go back to my old ways of doing both parts of the job...(when's the sex part...

3 years ago
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Wendy Takes Charge

The cell door opened and I looked up to see a Hispanic looking man being ushered into the holding cell. The cell door clanked behind him and he took a seat on the bench along the opposite wall. We eyed each other for a bit and then he said: "Hey man, what you in for?" "Beating the shit out of a cop. You?" "Back child support. No shit? You stomped a cop?" "Afraid so." "Wow man, that's heavy shit. Why ain't you all busted up and bruised? Cops don't like it when one of them gets...

3 years ago
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Elaine Griffen Black BreederChapter 7

Saturday Daniella's Place It was 12 in the afternoon. Daniella's black baby was in the care centre. By 1 o' clock guest would be arriving at Daniella's. All of them were Jerome's friends. Daniella was cleaning up the place and Jerome used the money his mom gave him to buy himself whatever he wanted. They also had brought over the television from Jerome's flat into hers. Jerome made sure that it was connected so that they could all watch movies together. He also brought his DVD player...

2 years ago
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N is for New Years Eve

“How long have we been sleeping?”“The sun is setting, so a couple hours.”I rolled over on my bed and snuggled deeper into Jacob's armpit, enjoying our extended afterglow. “I’m living in a fairy tale. You are my prince.”“I don't have a white horse.”“You have my heart.”We pressed our naked bodies closer together under the sheet.He laid his hand on my bare chest. “Thump thump.”“Make it beat faster.”Jacob leaned over and suctioned his lips around my puffy nipple. “Thump thump. Thump thump,” he...

Love Stories
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ManoJob Whitney Wright Whore Hands

Meet Dr. Whitney Wright! She’s a successful therapist with a highly specialized practice. She’s a sex therapist…but not an ordinary one. Dr. Wright isn’t interested in spicing up a long-time married couple, nor is she interested the the client who likes to go to strip joints from time to time. Dr. Wright loves dealing with sexual deviants. You know, the guys who CAN’T drive by a strip club without visiting, even if Wifey has dinner waiting at the table. She loves...

1 year ago
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Vengeful VirginChapter 6 Carnal Commiseration

Sherry wasn't listening to her father's sermon. She'd never listen to his sermons ever again. Not after what she'd seen. He was a hypocrite. This morning she had gone to her father's office looking for some reference material for the Sunday School class she was to teach after the sermon was done. She hadn't been prying but, in a desk drawer, she noticed the corner of a photo peeking out from a file folder and, idly curious, she had looked in the folder. At first Sherry thought she'd...

3 years ago
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Unexpected pleasures0

In honor of the occasion I was wearing a tee shirt and skirt, no bra or panties of course, and Wayne and I had been watching some lame movie (pretending that we weren’t there just for sex) and feeling each other up for about an hour, getting more and more excited and, in my case, very wet, when I decided to move things along and suck his cock. So I kneeled in front of him, pulled his pants down to his ankles and began to lick and suck his very hard and very thick cock. I had not seen...

2 years ago
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A Cabin Far Away

We can hardly contain our excitement as we head north to the cabin in the woods, far far away. The drive is long, about nine hours, but it doesnt seem like it as we make small talk, giggling and acting like the hopeless romantics that we are. I’ve never taken you there, but we’ve talked about it for hours. Describing the A-framed cabin, with the huge fireplace right in the center of the cabin, the deck that surrounds three quarters of it and the beautiful scenery just a hundred or so yards...

2 years ago
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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend

“Come in Foxtrot, Whiskey, Echo Bravo, Whiskey dot Foxtrot Alpha Charlie Echo Bravo Oscar Kilo dot Charlie, Oscar Mike slash Sierra Tango Echo Papa Hotel Alpha November India Echo dot Mike dot Oscar November Golf. Do you read me?” Oooops! Oh, are you reading my story already? Haha! Oh, okay then I better get going. Hey, okay, so my name is Crissy. Well “Cristina” if you want to be formal. Actually social convention and I have never been properly introduced. We sorta smile and nod at each other...

First Time
3 years ago
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ButleredChapter 16

“All right. How long will you be?” “He said ten minutes, but who knows? Depends on where he is taking me. I hope it is not a dungeon and a cosh!” He laughed, delightedly. “You should be so lucky!” He concluded, “Have fun.” I went out the front door, and pulled the Yale lock shut behind me, then walked with the sergeant to the back door of the car. We both got in, and the driver took us back to the street. As soon as we were on the road, the sergeant said, “If anyone asks later, I wanted...

3 years ago
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The Erotic Story CompetitionChapter 8

Diary entry 8. I guess my feelings for what Penny had done to me, gave rise to that chapter! But back to the reality and what actually happened between us. "So no sooner am I out of the room and you grab some boy and fuck like rabbits! I might have expected it! He wasn't just here to put on salve like you tried to have me believe yesterday." Ben and I awoke with a start as the door crashed open and Penny strode into the room. It was true, we had fucked but not exactly like rabbits. After...

1 year ago
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Moni shared again

I Want to Share My Wife Moni Shared Just Before Wedding After having long talks about what all we had done and been doing it was like we could finally tell each other anything. I had told her all my fantasies and she was starting to share hers with me. One night as we talked she shared that she always wanted to pick up some guys at a bar, total strangers and just let them fuck her. It was great for me to hear her say things like that as she had never been so open talking about things like...

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Perfect pricless profane prostitute Princess You are you a degraded trumpet that I love, x-rated scarlett – sorry xxx rated scarlett I would love to chat with you and have you cum over and over and over. Do you charge men to fuck you like a sexy cheap back alley whore that you are should? They piss on you? Shit on you? Both? Do you use a cheap hotel or do it in the back alley? Are you horny with the truth I am telling you? Rubbing that cunt now? Times have never been better, and you are the...

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Starting Over Chapter 2

This is the second in what I hope will be a series of stories about Jack, a senior citizen who discovers there is still life after loosing his wife of 53 years in a tragic auto crash. There are some references in this episode to facts that were described in the first post. If you are interested, please search for it and read it to get a better idea of Jack’s sexual reawakening. After the fantastic, mind blowing, toe curling, sex that Judy and I had on her massage table, we spent a lot of...

3 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Road TripChapter 14

"You're not glad to see me?" In the dim light of the tent I couldn't see her face, but the voice was pouty enough. "I, uh..." I looked down my naked body at my cock, who apparently wasn't coming out to play. "I'm always glad to see you," I told Tami truthfully. "And seeing you naked on my sleeping bag is a treat for my eyes. I'm just..." I knelt down next to her. "Oh shut up and hold me," she said, sitting up. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in tight. "You can...

1 year ago
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Walk In The Park

You and I, we're walking in a secluded park with a winding hedge, much like a maze. As we're walking deep within the maze, we start to hear heavy breathing coming from the other side of one of the hedges. Curious, you bend at the hips to peer through a small whole in the bush. You can see a young couple having sex, and not just regular sex, but sweaty, intense sex. I can see them also, but they can't see us. Knowing how turned on you must be from watching them, I step up behind you and press my...

2 years ago
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My Night Out

To whomever it may concern, This story that you are about to read is 100% pure fantasy. I am also sorry if the characters and places that is described in this story are true though as I said before that this story is pure fantasy. Please let me introduce myself, my name is David and this is my story. My story starts off in the early morning of an Australian summer, I had just woken up early because I was excited to go over to Canada. To meet my cyber girlfriend Jessica, Jessica stands at...

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Seated in the middle seat was a girl. No luck of lying down he thought. He put his bag in the overhead compartment and pulled out a book to read. The girl was listening to music looked up over to the Mike. Mike pointed the window seat implying that was his. Mike started to move sideways down past the first seat. The girl then brought up her legs and bent her knees up to her chest. She placed her bare feet on the seat to give Mike space. Mike looked down at her; she was looking up at him and...

1 year ago
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Corruption Chapter 6

Corruption -- Chapter 6 By Marcia St. Denis Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. Erica Wright and I had started this story a long time ago and things just somehow got in the way of getting back to it before now. She has decided she just can't devote the time to writing and for a long time neither could I. However, I have been inspired by the continuing devotion of many fans who keep asking about a new installment and so I have decided to take it up where we left off. We originally...

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Demigod of WarChapter 41

Day 90-91: Welcome back Traveler. As you have achieved a journeyman rank from completing a recognized course of study in a field applicable throughout the Network, your provisional status has been removed. You have a total of four previously-encountered portals that you may choose to exit using. You have also met the Traveler criteria for any other portals connected with your organization on World number 5. Please indicate which destination you desire. Veronyka grinned. “The one outside the...

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Loving my brother

100% fiction! My name is Carrie. I'm an 18 year old girl with an 20 year old brother named Mark. Mark is home for the summer from the same college I will going to in the fall. Unlike most brother and sisters that I know Mark and I are very close. I consider him my best friend. We are always teasing, chasing each other around the house and wrestling. As hard as I try I can never get the best of him, but he is a good sport and lets me think I have a chance. A couple of years ago I started to look...

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My first cock

In high school at my best friends house. We were swimming naked and playing with each other playfully. He grabbed my penis and I tugged on his.We began to tongue each other,our hands searching each others bodies.His fingers wrapped around my throbbing manhood and it felt so good.My friend sat on the edge of the pool and I was eye level with his huge penis. I took it in my fingers and marveled at how thick and long he was. I began to lick his shaft while tugging on his full balls. My friend...

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