Cumbucket Slut
- 1 year ago
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She read the message on her cellphone screen. She paused, not knowing at first how to respond. Then her thumbs moved furiously on her keypad and she typed her reply.
“You’re kidding me, right?”
He answered. “Can you think of a better way?”
She couldn’t. But what he suggested was something she had never done. Never even considered that she could do, or would do.
“I’m not sure. Maybe that’s going too far.”
“You asked me a question. I’ve answered. You asked me…you actually said, I wonder if we could ever come/cum together?”
“That was a rhetorical question,” she replied.
“Me jacking off in the bathroom and cumming while we texted each other. That wasn’t rhetorical. When I shot my load with you on the other end of a conversation, even in writing. That wasn’t rhetorical. When I tasted a drop of my own cum, imagining your lips doing that. That wasn’t rhetorical, was it?”
“Ok, you’ve made your point. Actually…what is your point?”
“My point is that you were curious about us cumming together. And I’ve suggested an answer. There is that obvious logistics issue, you know?”
“I know. I just didn’t think that…” Her texting stopped as she thought about what to say next.
“You gave me the answer with your message. That picture you sent me this morning.”
“My picture? How?”
“That filter you used. To give yourself those bunny ears, and the caption about waking up with a warm glow.”
“Uh huh. Go on…”
“Well, if we were normal lovers, in the same vicinity of each other, maybe you would have woken up with a warm glow, and I’d know it by waking up in bed next to you after a night of spooning. I’d probably have a case of morning wood, probably we’d still be naked, and you’d feel my warm glow, likely pressed up against your butt, and I’d feel your warm glow, having my arms around you.”
“And nothing. That’s how it would be in an ideal world. Where we really did fuck in the shower last night. But we’re not. We are thousands of miles apart. So unless I’m unusually well-hung, you’re not feeling my warm glow pressed into your butt that easily. And the only way I know about your warm glow was through…here’s the key word…technology.”
“Fine. But a funny photo filter is not the same as what you’ve suggested.”
“No? Why isn’t it? We’re using technology to supplement or maybe to supplant reality. To enhance it.”
“I’m not sure. It seems kind of…intimate. I’m still shy.”
“Shy? You’ve told me about your sex life. You’ve shared with me that you have cum to my stories. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve touched yourself while we text each other, just like me stroking myself last night.”
“But…you’d see me…naked.”
“Yes, I would. And if we were fucking in the shower, or if I was licking your ass the way I wrote to you last night, I’d be seeing you more than just naked. I’d be…”
She sent a quick reply to cut him off. “I get it.”
“So…you haven’t answered the question. Are you an iPhone or an Android user? That will dictate the platform we use. If it’s an iPhone, then Facetime would be good. If not, then we can use WhatsApp. Either one will give us what we want. What we need.”
“Let me get this straight. You want me to masturbate for you, using one of those platforms, so we can see each other in real time?”
“Exactly. And I’ll do the same for you. It will be like being in the same space, at the same time. There’s no way for us to be able to touch each other, for real, unless one of us buys a plane ticket. And even then…it’s Covid-19…we would have to self-quarantine for two weeks. Even if we lived a block away from each other, we might not be able to be in the same room anyway…social circles. Bubbles. Whatever you call it…we might not be able to physically be together. So this is the next best thing. It’s a way of bridging some of that gap and sharing intimacy.”
“It sounds more like a way for you to get yourself off while seeing me naked.”
“Yeah. What’s wrong with that? Wouldn’t you do the same? Actually…haven’t you already done the same?”
“HOW?! I haven’t seen you naked.”
“You made yourself cum while reading my words. MY words. They are far more intimate than me being naked. What’s the big deal with naked anyway? It’s a human body. We’ve all got one. Women have one set of parts; men have a different set. What’s the big deal with you seeing my penis? It’s a penis. Go on the internet…you can see thousands of them. All pretty much the same, at least as much as everyone’s nose or ears are the same. Same basic shape and same basic function.”
“You make it sound so innocent.”
“Because it is. It’s a penis, for heaven’s sake. And you? It’s not like I haven’t see breasts before. Some are bigger. Some smaller. Some have points. Some are round. Nipples? Pink, darker pink, brownish, more pale, erect, flat, inverted…bigger, smaller…there’s only so many variables, and in the end, they’re breasts. Boobs. Tits. Or as Demi Lovato called them the other day, “titayys”.
“But they’ll be MY titayys!”
“And in the shower together, wouldn’t you have wanted me to see them? To play with them? To suck hard on your nipples and to lick around them…to cup them…to pinch the nipples? But definitely to see them. Don’t you think that I’d see them if we were fucking together?”
“Fine. Nothing you wouldn’t see on a topless beach. If I give you that, there’s still the question of my…”
“Your pussy?”
“Yes. My pussy.”
“And you think I’ve never seen a pussy?”
“No…I know you have. But you’ve never seen MINE.”
“I know. Shame, isn’t it?”
“Get serious.”
“I am. It’s just a pussy. How many doctors have seen it? I bet you’ve lost track. None of them went blind when you lay down on a table with stirrups and let them look deep inside that hot, mysterious cavern.”
“They were doctors. You’re not.”
“No, I’m not. But I do want to be your lover. And if we were together, I’d not only be seeing your pussy, but I’d be going down on you and eating that pussy too. I’d be sucking on your clit, licking it, probing your wet hole with my tongue, sucking on your labia…get the idea?”
“Fuck…you’re making me wet.”
“See? Pussy. Me. Same sentence. Good thing.”
“But it’s different if you’re watching me.”
“Yes. And it would be different if you were watching me. We’d be sharing an intimacy. But no more intimate than what we’ve shared already. My words? They weren’t made up. They were all true, about what I’d do, about what I want. About wanting you. That was pretty damn intimate. I shared my soul with you. I don’t share my soul with everybody. It was more intimate than you seeing my dick.”
“So can’t we just stick with that? With words?”
“Of course we can. But you asked a question, and I gave you an answer. You wondered about us cumming together. We can talk about it, but then what we share is words, our spin on the events we share. But if we share it another way, in real time, it isn’t spin. It’s not my editorial narrative about how I am cumming for you. I am literally cumming WITH you.”
“What if someone sees?”
“Who? Sees what? It’s real time, not a videotape. After it’s done, all that is left are the memories. And probably a big wet spot to clean up. LOL.”
“Can I be honest? I’m not sure about this. But I am sure about something else.”
“I am so horny right now. I am wet. I can feel how moist I am between my thighs.”
“Say it. Tell me exactly where you are wet.”
“Fine. My pussy is drenched. I could drown you if you were going down on me.”
“And I love when you tell me that. I love when you tell me about your pussy.”
“Fuck…and I love when you tell me about your cock. About how hard you are. About what you’d do with it.”
“I’m stroking right now.”
“Damn…again? I need you inside of me.”
“I’d cum inside of you.”
“And…this isn’t just about the sex, right? Even what you’re suggesting?”
“It’s definitely about the sex. But no, not only the sex. I love who you are, and I love learning about you. I love that we seem to be able to talk so freely and openly, about anything. About how lousy our marriages are. About work. About what it was like 30 years ago, and we can be honest about how we felt or didn’t feel back then. Or even now.”
“Yes,” he responded. “We’ve never shared a certain word. And I’m not sure we should, or could.”
“It’s only been a week. We’d be crazy to talk about feelings like that,” she said.
“Crazier than sharing how we make each other cum? After one week?”
“Point taken.”
“So? So what? I need to think. It’s like…I…I’ve never done anything like that before. It seems…”
“No. not dirty. But it’s like we would be feeding into that same dynamic as porn. Giving each other visuals…isn’t it reducing our bodies to objects? Am I not just becoming a source of your masturbation fantasies? Wouldn’t it be easier for you to just Google…”
“Google what? Videos of beautiful ex-patriate Canadian women living abroad who masturbate on camera for friends from thirty years before? Like that’s a thing, right?”
“Fuck off! You know what I mean.”
“Actually, no. I don’t. I’m not talking about watching porn. Or getting off on the objectified images of you being naked, or of you masturbating. I’m talking about a way to share an experience. To be together as best as we can. I’m talking about being with you. The way I want to be with you. And to share something very special with someone who is very special.”
“Damn…you’re making me even more wet when you talk that way.”
She paused.
“Let’s say that I’m thinking about it. When would we…where would we…how? They are always around…my husband is always around. Or one of the kids. They’ll hear.”
“How do you masturbate now?” he asked. “Don’t they hear you?”
“No, they don’t. I have to keep quiet. And that sucks. That’s not who I am. I want to fucking scream when I cum. I want someone…I want YOU to make me scream when I cum.”
“Aren’t you ever alone?”
“Hardly ever. Sometimes on the weekend…if they are all over visiting with my folks…sometimes I stay home alone and just chill. Just rest. Because as soon as the weekend is over, I’m back to cooking, and being on call for everybody.”
“So? I can’t masturbate on camera!”
“I understand.”
“You do? Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I’d never ask you to do anything you're not comfortable doing. Not for anything. Not for me.”
“That actually makes me very horny when you say that.”
“It’s true, though. Ok…so the weekend is out. Aren’t you ever alone any other time?”
“I suppose…maybe…I’m not sure…but…”
“Ok…what if we did a test run? Like last night when you masturbated in the bathroom for me. What if I went into the bathroom with my cellphone and…and got naked…and if I…if I touched myself. Just so you could watch me. The sound would have to be off. But we could just see each other for the first time. See how comfortable we can…how I can be. And you could do the same, just so I could see you too. See how hard you get for me. See how you stroke yourself. I tried to visualize it…and I got so fucking wet thinking about how you do it. One hand? Two hands? Up and down…twisting it a bit…just the head, or the whole shaft? Do you use lotion, or spit, or do you jack-off dry?”
“See…now you’re getting into this.”
“It’s so naughty. It’s so…deliciously naughty! I can’t believe I’m even considering it.”
“But you are.”
“I am. I want to be with you. I want to feel what it’s like to fuck you. I want to feel what it’s like to just be…to feel sexy and to feel desired. It’s been a while.”
“You are sexy. And you are desired.”
“Thank you.”
“So you’ll think about it?”
“I will. I’ll think about it.”
“Hold on,” she said. I just got a notification.
She held her cellphone in front of her, and swiped the screen.
“Holy fuck!” she wrote.
“Nothing holy about it,” he wrote back.
“I can’t believe you sent me that photo.”
“Well, that’s what I look like with a warm glow in the morning.”
“You didn’t really…did you? Now?”
“I did. All because of you. All for you.”
“It still looks so hard. And your hand…holding it…with…it’s…it’s still dripping out of the…”
“Yes, ma’am. It is.”
“I can’t believe you took a picture of your dick in your hand, with cum dripping down your cock and onto your hand.”
“But I did. And the world didn’t end.”
“What makes you think I wanted to see that? Tell me…do you think I wanted a dick pic, with you cumming? You think that turns me on?”
“You tell me.”
“You should have asked first,” she answered. “That’s what I think.”
“Ok…so delete it. I’m sorry. Delete it, and it won’t happen again.”
“I didn’t say that. I didn’t say I’d delete it.”
“No. I just said that you should have asked first. I didn’t say I didn’t like it. Or that…”
“Or what?”
“…or that I’m not going to have to take a bit of a break now.”
“Oh…to do what?”
“Honestly…I want that cum-covered dick slipping in between my lips. I want it in my mouth. I want to taste you too, just like you want to taste me. I want your cock all to myself. And I’m going into the bathroom now to take off my clothes and to fuck myself with my fingers until they are as wet as your cock looks with the cum dripping out of it. So if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with my pussy.”
She couldn’t believe she had just written that to him, but she had. She surprised herself. She surprised him.
And as she walked out of her room and toward the bathroom, she had no way of knowing that he had started stroking himself again, as her words had made him hard once again.
And he had no way of knowing that in a few minutes, his cellphone would also make a sound, a notification.
He had no way of knowing just what he was about to receive in his message inbox. He was in for another surprise, just the first of many more that she would have for him.
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ExhibitionismI walk in and place my hands on Britney's soft breasts as she pleasures herself with my vibrator. I have been admiring her since she walked in on me masturbating. Her nipples are getting more erect, asking to be sucked. I take my tongue and lick around her nipple, teasing it. Britney lets out a moan. I start to suckle on it and then give the same attention to the other breast. As my mouth devours her nipples, my hand moves down to her clit. Rubbing it in a slow circular manner. I'm driving her...
LesbianSurprise Visit Working in my studio above my carriage house last week a voice came over the intercom “Miss Michelle can I come up it’s Jimmy” (jimmy is one of the teens that does some of my yard work Have posted a couple of stories about him and his friend). I buzzed him in and opened the door as he came up the steps. “Hi Jimmy what’s up” I asked. “Just wanted to see you” he said he was visibly nervous. I was wearing a red sweater dress and black tights and bra and started to walk back to my...
Hola soy un tipo casado de 50 años, mi mujer tiene 40 años y creanme que es BELLÍSIMA, ambos somos muy altos, ella mide casi 1,80 mts, piernas larguísimas y hermosa, es muy mirada, cosa que a mi me enorgullece, siempre tuve yo la fantasía de saber que se sentía ver que otro hombre la disfrutara, pero obvio frente a mi.Yo nunca se lo propuse porque es un mina muy lejana a esas cosas, aunque no debe existir mujer sin esas fantasías, a mi nunca me toco el tema. Una noche fuimos a bailar, estaba...
Wie schon des öfteren erklärt, ist er beruflich oft unterwegs. Wir sind sehr ehrlich zu einander und leben unsere Sexfantasien gemeinsam aus! Wenn er wieder einmal für paar Tage nicht da ist, telefonieren wir abends und machen uns geil. Dabei mache ich es mir selbst bis es mir kommt, er ist dabei einfach so heiß und weiß genau was ich hören will. Aber, er spart sich immer für mich auf und macht es sich nicht selbst. Er braucht es „echt“ und will mir jeden Tropfen seiner geilheit geben! Also...
It was mine and Cathys first day back at work after our holiday. Cathy her usual sensual self was wearing a white blouse with tan stockings and a black pencil skirt that was three quarter length and black high heels. I was in a normal white shirt with regular trousers and black shoes. I start my routine going through the priorities list I had the official document in my hand scanning through it. Secretly in my head the list contained just one word Cathy, Cathy, Cathy. We looked at each other...
I know this is going to sound crazy but it really happened to me...One day as a teenager I was walking up in the was a favorite thing of mine to do it relieved stress and the excercise was great anyway I was hiking this new trail that I had found by accident when a deer I was watching disappeared behind a bush and suddenly was gone? I walked over to the bush to discover that it hid a trail leading back between the rocks so I decided to check it out and see where it might lead...
My Very Dearest Cum Slut Whore Doll Roberta, My Fuck Doll, I command that you becum my Decadent Super Trophy Bimbo Slut Whore -- sluttiest, trashiest, nastiest, hedonistic, sinful cock candy whore in heat. I am looking for a nasty, trashy “teased up” platinum blond cock whore with ultra micro minis that are never too short and large breasts that are never too big. I want to display my Bimbo Slut Whore for all to see --- fondling and feeling you up in public --- fucking and sucking --- and...
I first met him online at one of those dating sites,we chatted a few times exchanged photos talked dirty, never figured on actually meeting since he lived all the way across the country,He was gorgious,and married.Then as fate would have it, i found myself in his city since i traveled around doing show at tgirl stripclubs.So i figured id email him and tell him i was in town for a show, maybe we could meet for drinks, He messeged me back, said his wife would be away for the day and gave me his...
It was parents weekend at my daughter's college, and since Rose was just a freshman, my wife and I decided to go up to visit and make sure our little girl was doing well. My wife Lisa wasn't feeling well, but she didn't want me to make the four hour drive alone, so we packed an overnight bag, and hit the road. The school had several events planned for the parents, but my plan was basically to spend time with Rosie and do any shopping she may have to do. The drive went pretty smoothly and we...
Ashley unlocked the door to her apartment, and reached for the light switch as she stepped through. Before her hand made contact with the switch, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly pulled inside and she felt her other arm being wrapped behind her. Before she could scream out an alarm, her mouth was taped, her eyes blindfolded and she was half dragged, half walked forward...but by who...and why...what did they want? She felt herself struggle, but realized it was useless. With trepidation...
ReluctanceLet me start this story by telling you alittle bit about us. I have been married to my beautiful wife for 15 years. Kim is 42 years old, blonde, 5ft tall 115 lbs. with small perky tits and a sweet tasting pussy with a thin landing strip of blonde hair running down the middle. I am 46 years old, 5ft 10inches, and 185 lbs.; with a 6-½ inch cock that Kim likes me to keep shaven (she doesn’t like hairy men).Kim is a very shy lady, easily embarrassed, but in bed she is very vocal. She will say...
There was hardly any room between us, but Amanda managed to wiggle her petite body right in there. She was leaning mostly on me as I felt I did a good job of hiding my uncomfortable excitement. She had grown up so fast, I can't even remember how long it had been since I had seen her. She was suddenly this beautiful teenager; still as skinny as ever, but now with perfectly shaped breasts and an insanely cute butt. Her big, brown eyes gave her beautiful young face an innocence that was too...
CUMSTAINED DEE By Sissydee I My wife was out late one Saturday night, so I decided to do a little cyber on the computer. I hooked up with a woman who wanted to see me with a dildo up my ass. I had never done that before, but the conversation was hot so I thought I would give it a try. I lay back on the bed after I made sure the webcam was in the right spot and slowly started to insert my wife's 8" dildo. It took me a long time, but she was patient with me. Anyway, I...
Alex turned to face the men as they started to enter. Cumbag wassuspended between two stalls by her wrists. Around her neck was the sign thatread 'FREE SLUT'. Cumbag smiled at the group of men, hungry for their abuse,hungry for their cocks. "Hi men... I'm Alex and this sack of shit is Cumbag. Cumbag, introduceyour stupid ass to these nice men who came all this way to gang-**** you, cunt."Alex pulled Cumbag's toy box in front of the hanging slut as she spoke. "Hi guy's... I'm the slut named...
Cumbag was in trouble. She knew it last night. Usually Cumbag slept withSteve's cock in her mouth. She would gently suck his cock until he fell asleep.Steve liked to have his slut handy when his cock would get hard as he slept.Cumbag loved to feel his cock swell in her mouth. She would always drink two orthree loads of cum each night as Steve slept. After the bitch ate his cum andcleaned his cock, Steve liked to have his ass licked. Cumbag would also be thereto be his toilet as he slept. There...
When Cumbag awoke it was night. She was leaning against a tree and everyone wasshouting at her."Wake up you stupid whore!" "CUNT!" "How long is the dumb cunt going tosleep""Hey BITCH!""Hey fuck-pig!...Get up!""Wake up SLUT!"Finally Cumbag held her head up and smiled at the boys. She flinched as she feltthe sharp rocks hit her stomach, legs and tits. But she didn't mind. She hadbeen rude falling asleep for the boys."Ooooh...Hi boys....Is it time to fuck the slut some more? I'm sorry. I...
"Construction is one of the things we teach the Scouts. Robert's troop hasdevised a little toy for you cunt...Something we think that you will enjoy.Well, frankly...We don't give a shit if you like it or not, cunt...but I'm surethat we will! Ha, ha, ha..." Richard said with a laugh.Cumbag turned her face to the boys and joined in with the laughter. Richardwaved his hand at Robert. With this signal, Robert pulled the sheet from theapparatus. Everyone started at it.It was a T-shaped table on...
Cumbag woke to more laughter...and a row of pissing cocks.Sometime during the night, as she slept, Cumbag was placed into a trench. Thetrees formed a canopy over her, blocking out the sun. In the cool shade, Cumbaghad no problem looking up at all of the cocks that were pissing on her. Boys ofevery age were aiming their young cocks down at the piss drinking whore."Wake up, bitch!""Here's your morning shower, cunt.""Drink that piss, slut!""She's really doing it!...The big-titted slut is really...
When awareness returned to Cumbag she was laying on a small bench. Cumbagnoticed she was tied into a ball. Her arms were free but her legs were spreadwide and her ankles were tied to stakes driven into the ground past her head.Her cunt and ass were spread wide. Her head hung off of the end of the tablewith her ankles by her ears. She looked up into the face of the little boy thatwas fucking her cunt. She noticed that he was around 9 or 10 years old. Shetightened her cunt muscles and rotated her...
Cumbag grabbed her tits and squeezed them together as she looked up at the mobof boys. She licked her lips as they started pulling their cocks from theirpants she got on her knees in front of the boys. Cumbag stared at their cockshungrily. They were boy sized cocks, but she didn't care. A cock was a cock."Ummmm...Such pretty cocks!...Just look at them!...So pretty and so hard!...Didthis slut make your yummy cocks hard?...Mmmmm...Give them to me!...Cram yourcocks in my fuck-holes!...Do...
"Hi Richard...Come on in. The stupid cunt will be down in a minute. How have youbeen?" Steve asked as he led his old friend into the den."I'm great. I really appreciate you loaning the cunt to us, Steve. It will begreat for the boys. You know how important it is to get k**s off to a good startthese days." Richard said."I agree. It's good for them. I remember when I was in the Boy Scouts. It surehelped me to become a man. I'm always glad to help. Well...Here's the dumb slutnow. It's about time...
You just get out off the shower, still hot, wet, and steamy. The soft smell of vanilla body wash lingers as you walk by barely naked. Your towel drops to the floor and you thick legs and ass are exposed. You bend over to pick it up and expose your juicy pussy to me. I am hard. You turn around and start fingering your sweet spot. I get harder. You crawl up the bed, unzip my pants, and start suckling on my balls. You lightly stroke my dick and I moan. Your tongue is hot as it swirls around my...
I began dressing to attract my dad. My mom was a beautiful and classy woman. Her style of dress was impeccable. She always wore pencil skirts or dresses of modest lenght, 4" heels, and always sheer fitted nylons and either a 6 or 8 strap waist cincher. Pantyhose had become quite popular by then but she did not wear them. I had witnessed my parent making love many times. They had a "date" night once a week and mom would look her best. The date always ended with them making love. I would peek...
This still makes my own cock hard thinking about one of my girlfriends stepda, this happened awhile back but it turns me on still. I was over her house one evening, and she said that her parents went out to dinner, so we were watching some hot porn, she was masturbating her sweet pussy, and i was jacking off my 7 inch shemale cock, rubbing eachothers bare tits as we jacked off. I asked her where her lube was, she said in the upstairs bathroom, so i went upstairs and could not help hearing a man...