A Maggot In My Mind Ch. 01 free porn video

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Chapter 1:

Our minds are such fickle masters of our actions. What is it that makes us so suddenly fall in love so that we can no longer bear to exist without someone? How does our mind become so mesmerised that its judgment is totally abandoned? And yet how fickle it is, that we can just as easily fall out of love again and no longer care whether we see that same person? That suddenly our life seems so much better without them. How can such an irreversible change happen so suddenly and so absolutely? Yet if our mind is indeed fickle, then it is also very vulnerable. Are we the victim of random chance that dictates how our minds will respond? Or is there some purpose in the way it twists our behaviour first one way then another? Either way every one of us must guard carefully this power house of our daily actions, for if we are too open then we may let someone inside and like a maggot they will eat away at the very heart of our being, twisting and turning us in much the same way a maggot twists and tries to escape the inevitable once impaled upon the fisherman’s hook. From the outside everything may seem untrammelled, but inside just as the rotten apple, we are transforming – slowly bit by bit, piece builds upon little piece turning us into some new design. But whose?

They were happy times, those happy years with Tom. Perhaps not the exciting adventurer that would constantly have you with your heart in your mouth, but caring and dependable, always supportive, always the rock. Yes we were happy and life was good, whatever else life had in store for us, we were together and together we would face it. Yet somehow in this life we always pay for the small fragments of happiness we manage to pick up along our road. Someone always looks jealously upon your happiness and from somewhere deep within they find a need to destroy it. There must always be a price to pay and someone out there willing to exact that price from us. And it seems that the more happy we find ourselves, the greater must be that price we must pay. Well Tom and I were indeed very, very happy and as for the price…

I suppose it started, or at least that is the earliest I can trace it back to, when the company Tom worked for went through a major repositioning in the market and there were new people brought in. One of these was Ricky who was hired in to head Tom’s division. Tom was very worried about this brash new kid coming in and what changes he would bring. At the same time, however, perhaps this was Tom’s chance for promotion. If he could impress and show that he could bring forward the changes Ricky needed then, he argued, he would be rewarded.

So it was that Ricky was invited over to our house for dinner one night and the opportunity for Tom to impress him. Problem was, however, that Tom was not at home when Ricky arrived on the doorstep and so started to unfold a tale unimaginable to me at the time. Oh if only Tom had not been late that day, but then again there were many things that I didn’t understand then…

Sara and Tom had been married for only a couple of short years. They were very much in love and with their combined income there was every chance of a happy future together. With the arrival of Ricky on the scene, however, Tom was passing through a period of great uncertainty and he did not want to risk a chance for Ricky to form the wrong impression of him so as soon as the young whiz kid was installed Tom lost no time in inviting him round to talk about his ideas for the reshaping of the company. Tom was young and ambitious and with his wife Sara by his side he felt confident. Yet on the day, while everything was being got ready for Ricky’s visit, the phone had rung. It was Sam from work. He had lost his job in the recent reshuffle and Tom agreed to go over and chat with him. After all, he had said to Sara, if it were the other way round he would need some support from his colleagues to cope with the lay off.

So Sara flitted about the house trying to get all prepared. Fortunately she had Marie, their maid, to help her. She seemed to be very efficient and Sara was almost unaware that she was there, but could see how everything was under control. The food was cooking, and it smelt good, and the house was being tidied and readied for their guest. They worked together and there was a chemistry between them that helped them quickly to establish an understanding. Marie was a Latin girl of similar age and build to Sara and had only recently joined them, being sent by the agency.

Ricky arrived and Tom was still not back from his visit to Sam. Sara felt some irritation towards him leaving her alone to tackle Ricky at their first meeting. She was a little apprehensive as she showed him into the house. Ricky was clearly a bright man, he looked too young to be Tom’s boss so must have risen fast and had no trouble feeling at ease as he entered their home. Clearly he had plenty of self-confidence. Sara showed him into the sitting room as Marie called out she was off home and then fixed him a drink. She sat opposite him and they started to chat. Of course she had to apologise for her husband’s absence and privately cursed his name as she did so.

As they chatted Sara found it difficult to keep up with the conversation. She found herself strangely distracted, although she was not entirely sure on what. Ricky seemed to be asking quite personal questions about her and Tom which made her feel a little uncomfortable. Yet during their conversation she was repeatedly wrong-footed by her mind wandering off at a tangent and leaving her struggling to keep a focus on what he said. Perhaps she would have been a little more circumspect about her answers if she didn’t have to work so hard to concentrate.

Sara was not comfortable being alone with Ricky and hoped her husband would show up soon. She started to wonder what to do about dinner if he delayed much longer. Why was it so difficult to hear what he was saying? Was he whispering or was she just distracted?

‘My God, I hope he doesn’t realise. He will either think he is boring me or that I am a complete Bimbo’, she thought. ‘I must try harder for Tom’s sake.’

Suddenly her thoughts cleared as she heard Tom’s key in the lock. She felt the relief wash over her at the sound but at the same time felt confused as one waking from deep sleep. She wasn’t quite sure where she was and as with a vivid dream as she awoke she could suddenly picture what had been running through her mind as it faded slowly beyond recall. She had been sitting opposite Ricky and running through her mind she had seen a picture of herself lying back in the curve of her armchair. She pictured her body, seen sideways on, the chair sweeping it round and raising upwards the lower half of her frame, up towards Ricky. In this picture painted in her mind, she could see her most private parts being pushed up by the chair like an offering to Ricky and she became aware that in reality her legs were planted apart as far as the tightness of her dress allowed. The mind picture had been so vivid, a woman wantonly displaying herself towards this man, ready and open for him like some offering.

She had pictured his cock sliding into her wet hole, she could see the veins on his member bulge as they slid back and forth against her lips pulled tightly around it. She was leaning back supplicating as he drove himself into her. She could feel the submission deep within her as she saw the head of his cock push right up to her cervix. She could feel the knock-knock of it at her womb as he hammered into her and how she longed to open that door and feel his seed rush inside her. Sara’s conscious was repelled by the vision it saw. How could she think such thoughts of a man she had just met and barely knew? She was Tom’s wife and her womb should only open for his seed. What had she been thinking of? Yet as she replayed these scenes she became aware that she was very wet. For a confused moment she wondered whether these things had really happened, that Ricky had ac
tually made love to her in her own armchair, in their own house while her husband was out. She became aware that these thoughts were driving a feeling of tightness in her chest and she could feel her nipples harden in response to the idea. Horrified she shook her head to escape the phantasm.

As she did so she became a little more aware of her surroundings. She wasn’t actually leaning back, but was sitting well forward, leaning towards Ricky. Her legs had been splayed and leaning forward made her feel more wanton. Ricky was on the couch somewhat sprawled, lying even, as he talked with her. His hands were in his pockets and clearly as she had leant forward her face had been pointed towards his groin. As her eyes focused she realised that he was clearly aroused, his monster was very obviously straining within the confines of his trousers, as it tried to reach up towards her mouth which she became aware, had been open. She became aware that her throat was dry and so she must have held her mouth open for some time. As she awoke from her trance she closed her mouth and looked up into Ricky’s eyes as Tom entered the room. She found to her horror recognition on his behalf of her proffered state and feared what he must have been thinking. How could she have acted in this way?

‘Hi darling, sorry I’m late.’ Tom’s words broke into her thoughts. Then turning to Ricky, ‘I hope Sara has been keeping you amused. Time just seemed to pass so quick. Sorry darling, I got back as soon as I could.’ Tom held out his hand and Ricky stood up and shook it.

‘No problem, Sara has been great company.’ And he turned towards her as he said this and winked ever so slightly. Sara felt her cheeks colour and excused herself to the kitchen to see about the dinner.

The meal went well and Tom spent time talking work with Ricky while Sara tried to keep out the way as much as possible. She felt numb from her experience and her mind was still reeling trying to piece together how she could have got into such a state. Fortunately she had checked and there was no evidence that they had done anything. She cursed herself for even suspecting. She could be so stupid at times. But even so she was deeply disturbed by the experience and could not hide the fact that she was not herself for the rest of the evening.

‘That seemed to go well.’ Tom was leaning on the doorway of the study after Ricky had left. ‘He seemed pleased with what I presented to him and has asked me to develop some of the ideas further. He will come round one evening next week to discuss them. So it all seems to have gone well.’

‘Are you OK Sara? You didn’t seem quite yourself tonight.’

She turned towards her husband and felt her heart plummet. ‘It wasn’t easy to meet him for the first time all alone you know.’ She challenged him.

‘I am so sorry about that darling. Sam was very upset and I couldn’t just leave him and come to promote myself. I promise I will be here next week when he calls.’

Tom held Sara in his arms and she felt some reassurance. At least here she would be safe – safe from her own thoughts.

‘Ricky did say, however, that there would be more overtime for me over the coming months. As Ricky put it, we are all going to have to make some sacrifices, but there would be rewards for those who contributed most.’


‘Do you believe in hypnosis?’ Sara was sitting in the cafeteria with her friend Carol. They had been friends since school, and often met up during the office lunch break to chat. Sara could rely on Carol for comfort and discretion. Unlike Sara, Carol had a sensible head on her shoulders and would soon bring her flights of fancy back to the ground.

‘No, not really. Why do you ask?’

‘This meeting with Tom’s new boss. It was so strange. Tom was not around when he turned up – I am still so mad with him about that, so naturally I was left to keep him amused while we waited for Tom to get back. I just seemed to lose track of what was happening as we talked and when Tom came and I snapped out of it I found there were these strange thoughts that had been running through my head.’

‘What kind of things?’

‘Well unsavoury, I’d say, about Ricky, his boss, and me. Not the kind of thing for a healthy mind.’

‘Wow Sara, and did anything happen?’ Carol seemed to be getting a little too interested in this.

‘No, no.’ Sara protested. ‘Just my mind running away into a fantasy, but quite disturbing.’

‘And you think he hypnotised you?’

‘Do you think it was possible? It was so unlike me.’ Sara looked up at Carol and her friend could see the concern in her face.

‘I don’t think so, especially someone you don’t know. If a person can be hypnotised I am sure it requires a higher level of trust than that. Tell me, did he make you do something – take your clothes off and parade round the room?’ How typical of Carol to make a joke out of it, and with that joke dispels the worries that were circulating in Sara’s head.

‘No I guess you’re right.’ And Sara smiled as she felt relief that her friend had so easily evaporated her nightmare.


‘Marie… Marie!’ Sara marches round the house looking for the maid. She has to be off to work before long and needs to give her a list of things to do. As she wanders around the house she cannot find her and finds herself in the bedroom. There on the bed is a large pot of cream. She wanders over to it, curious about what it is and how it got there. Lifting it up in her hand she reads the label on it: ‘Magic Hair Removal Cream’ it says. She looks puzzled at it having no idea where it came from or who should want hair removal cream. Then she catches in the corner of her eye a pair of panties laid out on the bed next to the pot. These also she does not recognise, and decides she had better go find Marie to see if she knows anything about them. She picks the panties up and looks at them in her hand.

They are lacy in style, but the lace is interwoven with a kind of rubber thread. It is dense so the feel of the material is rubbery. It looks rather enticing and she finds herself rubbing the material between her fingers. Her mind starts to wander as she imagines what the feel of the material would be like next to the delicate skin of her pussy. She is hardly conscious of the slight feeling of arousal that is creeping over her and she starts, absent-mindedly to open the pot of cream. Dipping her fingers into the tub of cream she lifts them out and looks at the large white scoop in her fingers. She watches it curiously for a moment and then turns to the panties and starts to smear the cream around the inside of the panty. Soon she is digging into the tub for more cream and smearing that over the elasticated material, turning the black of the fabric into a smooth layer of white.

She makes sure the crotch is also well covered with the cream and then puts the pot down on the bed. She holds the crotch of the panties carefully in one hand, looking at it and balancing it to make sure the weight of the cream is in her palm. Without removing her eyes from them she pushes her other hand up underneath the skirt of her suit. She feels for the elastic of the panties she is wearing and slips her thumb inside them. She pulls on them and then shifts her hand to the other side and pulls again. Little by little, and it is not easy with only one hand and making sure not to drop the cream filled panties in her other, but slowly she eases them over her hips and eventually they drop to the floor. She steps out of them and brings the rubber down between her legs. She looks at the cream smeared over the crotch resting in her open hand between her legs and then very carefully eases first one leg then the other into them. Her hands now pull the panty up the long climb of her legs, and she concentrates so as not to wipe away any of the cream before it reaches her crotch. She lifts her skirt and holds
it up around her waist as she eases the cream around her cunt. As she slides the elastic of her panties over her hips, her cunt lips plunge into the cream and with a firm hand she presses the material into her mons.

She stands for a moment looking down over her breasts. Her breath is coming in short shallow gulps as her mind plays out for her the image of her lips and mound becoming smooth, watching powerlessly as her hair falls away from her skin. She is overwhelmed by the thought of this act signifying a former life pulling away from her future and feeling like a chrysalis that is about to step forward into a totally new and different life ahead. She bends down to pick up her discarded panties still lying at her feet, and feels the cream squeezed into her crack by the movement. She presses her lips together to feel the cream slip and slide between her tightly pressed thighs. As she takes her panties to throw in for the wash she starts to feel a tingling between her legs.

Her whole mound is starting to itch from the action of the cream as her hair starts to die. She falls onto the bed and stares up at the ceiling, contemplating the inevitable changes she has wrought upon herself, unable to determine her actions. Her hand creeps down her skirt and finds the hem, pulls it upwards and grabs hold of her rubber-encased crotch. Her fingers splay between her thighs forcing them apart as she pushes the panties deeper and deeper between her lips. Her middle finger starts a dance over the material encasing her opening and her palm starts to rub back and forth to relieve this persistent itch that consumes her. She rubs harder and harder in an effort to feel relief and as she does so feels the sexual tension build within her. She can’t seem to stop her hand roaming over her mound, through her crack and pressing the material and cream ever so lightly inside.

In an effort of will she drags herself off the bed and tries to find distraction in the mundane matters of running the house. She was looking for Marie. She had to give her instructions before setting off to work. Where was the girl? As she wandered calling her, she was almost oblivious to her hand that appeared to be glued to the area between her legs. She pressed a finger against her mound through the material of her skirt and the panties underneath. She splayed her palm open over her skirt and started to buck her hips feeling her mound slide back and forth under the weight of her palm. She knew this action was smearing the cream over her pubic hair and that this would increase the itchiness that was distracting her. Yet she was powerless to prevent herself from making sure that she was coated in the cream and ensuring all her pubic hair would fall out.

The intolerable itch would not be assuaged any other way, and her logic could make no impact upon her actions. She rubbed and rubbed until she managed to force herself back to her search for Marie. She went down into the sitting room and found her bent over the table dusting. She stared at her rear for a moment and suddenly pictured her naked and smooth too, like she would soon be naked and smooth. She felt the word smooth echo round in her head and she felt herself becoming aroused at the idea of Marie’s naked ass pushed up into the air in front of her. She pictured herself moving over and kneeling behind her and burying her face in Marie’s behind. The image shocked her, but at the same time she felt a quiver of excitement run through her body. She gasped out loud at the onslaught of the erotic images circulating through her mind. Marie heard the noise and stood and turned towards her.

‘Are you all right Miss?’

Sara’s eyes were half closed and in an almost dream like state she started to move her hand down under her skirt – right in front of the maid. As the thought ran into her mind she felt a quickening of her heartbeat. She looked towards the girl and saw an insecure smile break on her face. Why was she not as shocked by what she saw as Sara felt by acting in this way? The itch in her groin was now so bad she could not control herself. She had her hand up her skirt and was rubbing the heel of her palm over her mound, pressing as hard as she could and starting to feel sore from the friction. Marie looked at the twin pillars of Sara’s white thighs revealed by the pulling aside of her skirt, and the join of her thighs buried in her hand that cupped the area between them and rubbed it in such an agitated fashion. She walked towards her, the smile undiminished, a look of complicity in her eyes:

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Homosexual Indoctrination Liberty Man Versus Lady Mindtaker

The drone formerly known as robby lined up in three columns with 29 other drones. Some drones were left with, or had programmed into them, some kind of personality, but these were not only docile and willess, but their minds were empty, blank, slates remotely controlled by a surgically implanted chip in their brains. The drones began marching behind their handler, who had taken them off campus in a train that had now arrived at a military base of some sorts. The chip controlling them kept each...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 31 Mindblow

Taylor went off with Ross after the last round on the big bed. Scarlett arrived and took Athena’s place next to Dave so the nanny could head off to her own bed. Cricket returned, too; freshly showered and smelling of jasmine. Alice spooned in behind Cricket. Julie snuggled in behind Scarlett. In the middle of the night, Dave and Cricket and Scarlett made love. He surprised himself coming in each of the women in back-to-back lovemaking sessions that tried to be quiet and not disruptive of the...

2 years ago
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*Before you start reading and just to clarify: All characters in this story are of course at least 18 years old.* *Oh, and if you like, what you read, don't forget to like;) * I was a normal boy, living a normal life, in a small village in a completely unimportant rural area somewhere in western europe. There was really nothing special about me. I wasn't particularly strong or tall. I wasn't the smallest kid in class either, though always somewhat below-average. I was fairly thin too making it...

Mind Control
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A Few Notes from Mindy

Dear Literotica Readers: Some random thoughts, in no particular order, about my story that don’t seem to fit into my narrative but should help you know me better, which should help you understand the themes of my transition stories… Thank you to all of the people that have left me positive comments. I haven’t been writing the stories for public approval, however, the positive comments do warm my heart. As to those who have left negative comments, I don’t care about you. After all I have been...

5 years ago
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Comfort Food for Mindy

Raindrops pelting the dorm window and sliding along the pane in a zigzag pattern reminded Mindy of her own tears. The soft yellow glow of streetlights and the quietness of the midnight hour settled like an unwelcome burden. Wiping her eyes stopped the flow of tears but not the reason for them. Mindy’s first semester in college was turning out to be filled with emotional loneliness. She didn’t make the women’s soccer team and the lengthy email she got from Rob made it clear he had already found...

3 years ago
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“Lies, Lies, Lies!” Mindy angrily thought to herself as she left the restaurant and got into her car. “I can’t stand myself.” She was sick with her life, and sick with lying about it. She had had what she supposed to be a perfect life, and imagined herself the envy of many. A husband who owned a successful office furniture business that allowed her to be a stay at home mom for her two beautiful girls, age twelve and fifteen. A beautiful mansion in an exclusive, gated country club. She was an...

2 years ago
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 9 Mindy

Dragon Lady # 2 called me, “Cyrus wants dinner.” Cyrus Vandenberg. One of my Irregulars, the oldest one. In his mid-80s, creaky, cranky, but his mental acuity seems just fine. He’ll have some rumor to pass on, some gossip, some hearsay. “When and where?” “What am I, your bitch?” Click. Good point. When you’re part of the Bulldog Bannerman infrastructure, a measly private detective is several rungs lower on the accomplishment ladder. I called Cyrus, “Hi, it’s Winter.” “No...

2 years ago
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The English School 2 Stephanies Reminder

This story is for GrassmanRoss, who asked for it, and for Hot-C, who'll probably relish it.Stephanie’s ReminderDuring the next week, Alice and I became very well acquainted indeed. We spanked each other numerous times, ropes and clamps had been applied to nipples and genitals, accompanied by much delightful licking and thrusting.Friday I sat at my desk, correcting papers, when there came a knock at the door. “Come in.”To my surprise, since she wasn’t in any of my classes, Stephanie entered,...

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Dr Mastermind

Dr. Carter’s invention turned the breast enhancement world on its ear as it allowed the patient to determine her breast size any way she desired. After receiving her implant she could hypothetically go to church as an A cup, then to work as a B cup and then out to the dance club as a D or even a double D if she so desired. All of this was done with a hand held remote control that gave her the freedom to choose any look a woman could desire with ease. It was installed with a small incision and...

3 years ago
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Fuck Me Mindless

You straddle my shoulders, aligning your balls to my mouth. I’m dizzy with your smell and automatically start painting your balls with my tongue making them dripping wet. I look up to see you’ve got a firm grip on your cock and you’re stroking, pulling your balls up, and grinding down as I suck one and then the other, then both. My mouth is full and I swirl my tongue and gently suck, my eyes locking with yours. You push up to release your balls from my mouth and I whimper and fight to keep...

2 years ago
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Fuck Me Mindless

You straddle my shoulders, aligning your balls to my mouth. I’m dizzy with your smell and automatically start painting your balls with my tongue making them dripping wet. I look up to see you’ve got a firm grip on your cock and you’re stroking, pulling your balls up, and grinding down as I suck one and then the other, then both. My mouth is full and I swirl my tongue and gently suck, my eyes locking with yours.You push up to release your balls from my mouth and I whimper and fight to keep them,...

3 years ago
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Open Minded

"What the fuck?" A bit rough for a beginning, I am aware. Sorry about that. It was my initial reaction, and I'm afraid it's still a very accurate portrayal of what I'm feeling. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I've been aroused by mind control of various sorts for as long as I can remember. Long prior to understanding what erections were, I was experiencing them while watching television show characters "put someone under". It was uncomfortable ... and thrilling, and I spent furtive...

2 years ago
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Mindless or mindful

Lawrence, now in his second year of college, is still a twenty year virgin. He would love to get rid of that problem, but fate had dealt him a cruel hand when it came to appearances. Stereotypical for a nerd his body is tall and thin, and he is pasty white with grungy brown hair. His studies didn't bother him, he easily aced his classes. The majority of his time is spent daydreaming of the bombshells he sees across the campus. At the beginning of the year he reached out to the school for some...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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In their Right Minds

‘How would you assess the sales potential of your recently introduced product lines?’ Lee Marks asked the CEO he was interviewing. He listened to the answer with his ears, but also with his mind – his right mind to be more specific. ‘I would say the chances are good that we will exceed the Street’s expectations,’ the executive replied confidently. Simultaneously, Lee perceived a mental picture from the other man: {* an avalanche on a mountainside}. He thought to himself, That’s rather...

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Meeting of the Minds

Meeting of the Minds Part One: The IntroductionHe watched her for months, he knew what stores she shopped at, where her friends lived, he knew more about her than he should have. He couldn't help it, he was obsessed, and the more he knew about her, the more intrigued he became, and the better his plan at abducting her developed. He calculated the steps she took every Tuesday morning from her car to the entrance of Curves. Her bi-weekly one hour work-out with her best friend Beth. He knew...

5 years ago
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Meeting of the Minds

Meeting of the Minds Part One: The IntroductionHe watched her for months, he knew what stores she shopped at, where her friends lived, he knew more about her than he should have. He couldn't help it, he was obsessed, and the more he knew about her, the more intrigued he became, and the better his plan at abducting her developed. He calculated the steps she took every Tuesday morning from her car to the entrance of Curves. Her bi-weekly one hour work-out with her best friend Beth. He knew...

2 years ago
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AF Changing Minds

AF Changing of Minds by Lorna Samuels Prelude: Interaction with the Medallion of Zulo inevitably wreaks havoc on otherwise mundane lives, each of whom must deal with its consequences in their own ways. This is the story of how one young couple coped. After an early morning feeding, the new mother detached her sleeping newborn from her breast and settled the 5-month-old baby girl into her crib. She paused and watched as little Carrie slept, sighing with a deep soul pleasing...

3 years ago
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The English School 2 Stephanies Reminder

This story is for GrassmanRoss, who asked for it, and for Hot-C, who’ll probably relish it. Stephanie’s Reminder During the next week, Alice and I became very well acquainted indeed. We spanked each other numerous times, ropes and clamps had been applied to nipples and genitals, accompanied by much delightful licking and thrusting. Friday I sat at my desk, correcting papers, when there came a knock at the door. “Come in.” To my surprise, since she wasn’t in any of my classes, Stephanie entered,...

4 years ago
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The Reminder

The Reminder ts awoke with a start, a gloved hand pressed tightly over her mouth.“ Don't give me any trouble, bitch. No noise, you understand? “ a voice growled in her ear ts nodded her head vigorously, scared out of her mind. All she could see in the darkness of the middle of the night was a tall figure bent over her.“ I know you are here on your own, there is no one to save you or go for help” the gruff voice continued. ts saw the dim moonlight glance off a blade as the man pulled a hunting...

3 years ago
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The House at Sand PinesChapter 11 A Nasty Reminder

Apparently I wasn't out for very long. As I came to, I looked up at the helm and saw Charlotte in command. I could see the mainsail had been lowered, something that could be done from the cockpit, but not easily. "Are you okay?" I asked weakly. She hadn't been watching me and was occupied with handling the boat. She turned to me and I could see the tracks of tears on her beautiful face. "Oh, Nolan. Are you alright? I'm so scared. I don't know what to do." "Yeah ... just knocked...

2 years ago
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Its all in the mindset

There was a woman I would encounter with some regularity in a free party line, who would go private with me and get into some amazingly HOT play. She was a 'switcher', that is she could be very submissive, and very dominant. We were not into the so-called abusive play, but into the sensual instruction type. This woman would get her videos on, typically of lesbian sex, get her toys out and call the line, and spend hours masturbating with people. Every time we played, it was lengthy, seductive,...

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Criminal Minds

This is is a compilation of stories about the TV show Criminal Minds. The Characters aren't mine and these stories have nothing to do with the show.

4 years ago
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Changing Minds

Changing Minds by TGBear "You are such a slut." It was an old argument now. I tried not to rise to the bait, no matter which "button" she pushed. "I can't believe you're actually going out dressed like that. It's obscene." I looked across our bedroom at her, my face expressing my inability to understand what was pissing her off so much. "Are you trying to get laid? No, that's not right. How many times are you going to get fucked tonight?" "One less that you want." I...

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Curious Desperate Minds

“Dad? Hello?” I found myself being pulled out of my daydream by the voice of my daughter. “Huh? I'm sorry sweetie, what were you saying?” “God dad why do you always zone out when I'm talking to you? You shouldn’t be thinking about the waitress and her huge tits, that's what mom is for.” “Watch your mouth Elise, I'm your father! You're not supposed to talk to me like that.” I retorted to the girl sitting in the booth with me. As you can obviously tell, this is my daughter Elise. She just turned...

3 years ago
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Changing Minds

“I still can’t believe you managed to convince me to do this.” She frowned at him slightly. “You know I’d never normally wear something like this.” She gestured towards her top, a thin white shirt that clung to her figure, with a deep plunging neckline, over which her black bra could just be seen to be peeking out, and a decorative edge. Sleeveless and only as low as her navel, it afforded little protection, but that was exactly why he wanted her to wear it. “You didn’t take much convincing...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 65 A Meeting of the Minds

March 23, 1997, London, England After Jiang made her request to walk with me and said I could buy her an ice lolly, I stole a quick glance at Pippa who showed only a hint of a smile, but her eyes gave away the fact that she’d told her ‘best friend’ about our encounter. To me, mentioning an ‘ice lolly’ was tantamount to a declaration that Pippa had done exactly what I suspected, and Pippa’s look confirmed it. And I had the sneaking suspicion that inviting Jiang had been, in effect, a...

4 years ago
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Racing Minds

Fantastic. This is a short, quick... what's the definition, "suck and fuck"? Anyways, read the tags before you read just in case. I don't want anyone flipping their shit. Sherlock fanfic. Holmescest. The gayest thing I've written yet. (In the good way, of course.)  This monstrosity is based off of BBC's Sherlock written by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. And that is based off the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  ---  Mycroft Holmes was commonly referred to as the British...

3 years ago
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Racing Minds

Introduction: When Sherlock is crashing down, his brother is always there to save him. Woah, probably the most controversial thing Ive done. Fantastic. This is a short, quick… whats the definition, suck and fuck? Anyways, read the tags before you read just in case. I dont want anyone flipping their shit. Sherlock fanfic. Holmescest. The gayest thing Ive written yet. (In the good way, of course.) This monstrosity is based off of BBCs Sherlock written by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. And...

2 years ago
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What are friends for 3 Suspicious Minds

"It's alright, Teddy. You go right ahead and tell, Mr. Brian." Brian smiled across from the two ladies in front of him. He had already met Mrs. Katarine a few days ago. She had told him everything already, but Brian wanted to hear it firsthand. It was an interesting situation. Mrs. Katarine was beautiful, but her husband put her to shame. He was a blond bomb-shell. His make-up was delicately done in a 50s style. His wig gave him an appearance of a blonde Bettie Page. His...

3 years ago
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Meeting Of The Minds

Part One: The Introduction He watched her for months, he knew what stores she shopped at, where her friends lived, he knew more about her than he should have. He couldn't help it, he was obsessed, and the more he knew about her, the more intrigued he became, and the better his plan at abducting her developed. He calculated the steps she took every Tuesday morning from her car to the entrance of Curves. Her bi-weekly one hour work-out with her best friend Beth. He knew which brand of...

1 year ago
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Open Minds

I want you. I haven’t seen you in four days, seventeen hours, and approximately thirty-nine minutes, and my body is craving your touch. I’ve told you, via the all-too-convenient resources of the internet and the phone, how I’ve spent the week torturing myself. Sure, I attend classes, but you can bet that my mind has constantly been elsewhere. I’m always imagining what would happen if I came home from my sociology class and found you lounging on my futon, or what would happen if I happened to...

3 years ago
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A Meeting of Minds

I’m sitting in my car, nursing a super-size diet soda and eating carrot sticks when I see her walk out of the main entrance of the mall. She’s in the dappled shadows of the fancy lattice portico for the first thirty feet or so, delaying my efforts to evaluate her suitability. As last she breaks out into the late morning sunlight of this cloudless July Saturday. Decades of serious girl watching allow me to size her up quickly through the heavily tinted windows of my nondescript sedan. She’s the...

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