Ladies and Gentlemen President Chelsea Clinton
- 3 years ago
- 38
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"Dan, Mary-Jayne needs a ride this evening. Her car is in the shop, and she needs picking up from work. I'd do it myself, but it's Wednesday, and I have choir practise."
"Uh, what did you say?" I mumbled into the newspaper. My good lady's voice soothes my soul in the evening, but in the morning, I do my best to ignore it. Violently, she ripped the page from my hands, and I looked into the angry eyes of my lovely wife.
"You damn well heard me, you old cuss."
"I didn't —"
"Now don't start with me, you crusty son of a gun," she interrupted. "I'm giving you my blessing to enjoy a couple of beers at Smokey Joe's, but you can't be bothered to listen to me. What's the matter with you? I've noticed you've been acting out of sorts these last few days. Is there something you need to tell me about?"
I stared back at the woman with whom I've lived with all my adult life, gave her my most charming smile — then lied my back teeth off.
"Of course not, darling," I replied while trying to erase the memory of our daughter-in-law pissing her pants in front of me. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful. In my pants, my cock twitched, and I blinked a couple of times, still trying to drive the image away, but it was impossible. Watching Mary-Jayne wet herself while she cut my hair had been so horny it became the catalyst for something that should never have happened.
"At least, I don't think so," I mumbled, running a hand over my closely-cropped scalp, aware of the growing discomfort in my pants.
"You sure, old man? The two of you hardly spoke a civil word to each other last weekend?" My better half stopped talking and looked at me, hands on her hips and eyebrows raised. "I know what you're like; you can be one crusty old buzzard when you want to be. Have you two been fighting?" she asked but continued babbling without waiting for a response.
Just as well.
There was no way on God's green earth I could tell her what had happened. She would never understand or forgive me for burying my face between Mary-Jayne's luscious thighs and licking out her piss-soaked pussy as she lay on our kitchen table. And, if she found out I screwed MJay afterwards, she'd cut my pecker off in a New York minute, and she wouldn't use her sharp kitchen knives, I can tell you for nothing.
While she was doing it, she would also undoubtedly demand to know why — and I couldn't tell her. Not because I didn't want to, but because I was still trying to work out how I'd got myself into this goddamned mess.
Not that I regret what happened; I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Although I love my wife, and would normally never do anything to hurt her, fucking Mary-Jayne was like being on one of those terrifying roller-coaster rides. It might scare you shitless, but you don't want it ever to stop; you feel so alive. Mind you, there aren't many women who could get me to behave so stupidly, but MJay has that effect on me.
She's the bright flickering flames in the night, and I'm a moth, captivated, drawn to them, destined to burn.
Trouble is, I'm too darn old to be messing around. I should know better than to let some floozy half my age lead me into temptation. Mind you; it's not like you can blame me. Mary-Jayne is a mighty fine piece of ass with all the right curves in all the right places, and she knows it. And she knows the effect she has on me.
"Well," wifey continued, "this is what our Good Lord would call a mighty fine opportunity for both of you to bang out your differences."
"Don't reckon it'll do much good," I mumbled and quickly reached for the paper.
"What did you say, Dan?"
"Nothing dear; whatever you say." I smiled graciously — and that's how I found myself cursing both the late evening traffic and my conscience, or lack of one, as I drove my old Ford pick-up across town to collect Mary-Jayne.
Don't be fooled by my easy-going narrative. As I got closer and closer to my destination, my breathing was laboured, sweat bubbled from every pore, and my heart raced faster than the engine of my trusty old wagon ever could. And my anxiety was well-founded. This evening would be the first time we'd be alone since last week and, unsure of what might happen, my anticipation was a combination of fear and excitement.
To be honest, I felt like a horny teenager going to pick up his girl for prom night, hoping she would feel the same. However, MJay wasn't my girl, and my schooldays were a very long way behind me. That said, Mary-Jayne had made a promise before leaving me alone last week, and Little Dan, currently making a pretty good impression in my trousers of an old Ford's stick shift, remembered what she'd said. Despite the misgivings I had about wanting Mary-Jayne to keep her word — ironically, something I admired about her, amongst a lot of other things — the idea of fucking her again was driving me crazy.
When I pulled into the City Hall car park, my thoughts about what I'd like to do to her would have shamed the Marquis de Sade. And, after applying the handbrake, I had to give my raging hard-on a few squeezes through my coveralls.
Wifey texted me that Mary-Jayne might be late because she was attending an important meeting. Our town is virtually bankrupt and MJay, contrary to what a lot of people thought about her, is an expert accountant and had been called in to sort out the mess. Despite the objections from some of the more snobby quarters, Mary-Jayne hadn't been born with a silver spoon in her mouth; she had inherited an exceptional brain. However, education doesn't come cheap, and because MJay worked as a hairdresser while she put herself through college to earn a bachelor's diploma, she was still regarded as trailer-trash by some folks.
While I waited, thinking about the paradoxes of life, the bright, flashy lights of Boobers, our town's answer to Hooters, caught my eyes. Not quite so plush as its famous counterpart, the women who work there do everything to ensure the clients are happy. It's not usually my scene, but I'd went on a colleague's stag night, and had an enjoyable evening. To keep the customer's attention where owner Big Billy Bobbins wants it, short skirts and tight T-shirts are mandatory for the female staff.
If MJay hadn't been a highfaluting accountant, I knew she could have earned a quick fortune working at Boobers. With her physique — long legs, comely figure, and blonde hair — she'd have been a firm favourite, and Billy Bobbins knew it. She'd politely refused at least two invitations to join what he called his "Harem." Although I'm biased, I'm glad I don't have to share MJay with the rest of the town's folks. It's bad enough when I see her with our son, especially as David has no idea how to treat his wife.
Oh, when I say 'our son' what I actually mean is 'my wife's son'. The Big 'C' claimed his father before David was even born, and he was only a young whipper-snapper when I met his mum. One thing led to another, and I became his stepfather.
Fortunately, David takes after his mother and is quite the liberal do-gooder, not at all like me — or Mary-Jayne, for the matter. When I see them together, I still can't fathom what attracted her to him. I figure MJay, who is considerably out of his league, took pity on him. Anyway, much to my bemusement and his mother's dismay, they got married. I'll admit I had doubts about the relationship between Mary-Jayne and my wife, but fair play, MJay's engaging personality won over her mother-in-law, and she's the daughter wifey never had.
As for me, I accepted the young woman for what she was: I might be old, but I'm not stupid. Whether by design or natural inclination, my daughter-in-law is a cock teaser, and one of the best I've come across. As much as I adored her, I knew she was trouble. A man can resist temptation for only so long, and I feared that it would be merely a matter of time before something happened between us.
It's a shame I couldn't keep it in my pants — but, in my defence, it's not every day a real American beauty spreads her thighs and demands you fuck the ass off her. And Mary-Jayne has one hell of an ass.
The semi in my pants was now throbbing, and I squeezed it. Blood flooded my manhood and, despite folks being out and about enjoying the balmy evening sun, my pick-up afforded privacy as I reached inside my coveralls.
Unfortunately, I got so carried away that I didn't notice that the woman fueling my carnal lust was approaching the vehicle. So, I can't tell you how long she'd been watching me, but I do know she scared the living crap out of me when she tapped the window.
"Hey, you dirty old bastard, don't go wasting that fine-looking erection," she laughed, and before I could react, she'd yanked open the door. Anything I was going to say, disappeared from my mind.
Standing there in a crisp white blouse, a respectable length skirt, and stockings — though they might be pantyhose — she looked stunning. With her hair in a loose bun and wearing glasses, she looked incredibly fuckable. My cock throbbed some more, but I hurried to extract my hand from my coveralls.
"Hello MJay, how are you this fine evening?"
"All the better for seeing you. Is this a voluntary deed, or were you ordered here?" Her knowing smile broadened.
"A bit of both," I replied. "But, now that I'm here, I'm mighty glad I came, and so is Little Dan. You look particularly fetching dressed like that, if I may say so. Makes me wish I was young again."
MJay climbed into the cab and slid across the bench seat. Her lips brushed mine, and she pressed a hand on top of the sausage-shaped bulge in my pants. "Don't you worry about that, I don't care how old you are, you'll do for me. Now, unless you're in a hurry to get home, why don't we go the old road back and I'll take care of Little Dan for you?"
"Yes ma'am," I said, quickly shifting the Ford into gear as she leaned against me and continued caressing my engorged manhood. "Your wish is my command." MJay squeezed my cock, and I inhaled deeply. "Tough day, Missy?"
"Yeah, I had to meet with some of the council's accountants to try and find out why the city's bankrupt. What a bunch of assholes — they're so fucking holier than thou. According to them, they've done nothing wrong, and it isn't their fault. It was impossible to get them to admit to anything, and I had to kiss a lot of butts today to get access to all the files I need. I don't mind if it's the right butt…" and she gave me a 'yours is' smile.
I chuckled. MJay was like an attractive Bulldog; people smiled at her condescendingly, consistently underestimating her tenacity, and then cried out in surprise when she bit them in the ass. Once she got her jaws into something, she never let go. It was rather lovely hearing her bitch about her day as I navigated the traffic.
"Shouldn't have to put up with their crap," she continued. "I'm trying to help, but all they care about is looking up my skirt or down my blouse, fucking perverts. And when I asked them what they were doing, they simply shrugged their shoulders, like naughty boys caught with their hands in the cookie jar and tried denying it.
"The town's in deep shit, and they don't seem to care. It's not just their fault; the Mayor has to take some of the blame. He's the biggest asshole of them all, and allowing this mess to reach such proportions is a gross dereliction of his duty."
She was building up a good head of steam.
"The mayor ogled you, MJay?"
"Sure." She giggled. "Tom couldn't keep his eyes off me. It got so bad, I even thought about opening my blouse to show him what he so clearly wanted to see, and then maybe we could get some work done."
When we'd passed the town's outskirts, my heartbeat increased as I draped an arm over Mary-Jayne's shoulder and cupped a handful of soft tit. I squeezed the full mound and heard my daughter-in-law's soft moan. I felt a nipple stiffening and doubled my efforts.
"Dan, I've been drinking coffee this afternoon and..."
"And you need to take a piss," I interrupted gruffly.
"I surely do." There was a brief silence. "You gonna stop the truck?"
"Not even if I beg?" She sounded very earnest. MJay would have made an excellent actress.
"Nope, not even if you beg."
"What if I can't stop myself?"
"I've heard fingering yourself helps delay the need to pee. Maybe you should consider doing that."
"Maybe I should," she said, squeezing my cock again. "Or I could ask you to do it for me."
Her attempt at a light tone did not disguise her longing. "Is that what you want?" I asked and felt her squirm beside me.
"Maybe..." Mary-Jayne tensed, and I thought a spasm coursed through her.
"What d'ya say?" I asked, enjoying the banter.
"Yes, Dan," she almost yelled. "I want you to fucking frig me. I want you to fuck me, but most of all, I need to pee. There, are you happy now?"
I grinned.
"Now then, reckon I can do that, Missy. In fact, I'd like that mighty fine."
In the brief silence that followed, I heard the rasp of my zipper. "You want me to blow you, old man?"
"Now you're talking my language, darling," I said as agile fingers slipped into my boxers.
Within seconds, my engorged member was poking through the opening in my coveralls, while Mary-Jayne hoisted her lovely long legs onto the seat and slumped against me. As she settled next to me, the top of her blouse had accidentally come loose, and MJay's breasts looked more inviting than ever.
Without asking, I slid a hand inside her bra to resume my attack on her nipples. Glancing down at my gorgeous daughter-in-law, I saw the excitement in her eyes as her lips rested on my spongy dome.
"Damn, you look good, like that, MJay."
I meant every word of it. Maybe it was the situation — or perhaps Mary-Jayne always looks like that when she's acting kinky; I can't really say but, lying there next to me, I do know Mary-Jayne's whole quintessence seemed more intense.
Beneath the occasional streetlight, her blue eyes shone like crystal; her makeup was impeccable and, despite having worked all day, her hair was full and lifelike. She'd given up on her bun, and her locks now cascaded around her face. Each time she flicked it back so that it didn't impede my viewing pleasure, that hungry smile almost blew my mind.
"This turning you on, MJay?" I asked but had to wait for a reply because she was still devouring my shaft. When she finally released me, she did so with a rude plopping sound and a devilish smile.
"Why don't you find out for yourself, old man?" she said, pulling up her skirt. "C'mon, you old fart, give me a hand here. I'm so fucking horny."
Moving my hand from her bra, I grabbed the silky hem of her skirt. Working together, we had that darn garment around her hips in seconds, and MJay held my hand, putting it exactly where she wanted.
I flexed my fingers against her panties and pantyhose — hmm, not stockings, after all — and felt her heat. Pressing firmer, I heard a soft moan.
"Jesus, old man, if you keep that up, I'll fucking wet myself," she cried, clamping her thighs together. "I've been so busy today; I haven't had time to go to the loo, and I can't hold it much longer." She clenched her teeth.
"Don't worry, darling… you do what you gotta do, and I'll do what I gotta do," I croaked. Unlike her pussy, my mouth was a little dry.
"Hmm, you're so good to me, old man," she purred before flicking her tongue over my cock. "You've no idea how long I've been waiting for an opportunity like this."
I didn't understand, so I waited for her to elaborate.
"Ever since I caught you looking up my skirt that time, I've wanted you. You've no idea how much I had to restrain myself from shoving my hand down my knickers that day. God, your peeking got me all hot and bothered, and that's when I promised myself I would have you." After that outburst, she parted her beautiful lips and put her mouth to better use. Feeling Mary-Jayne engulf my meat, I sat there flabbergasted.
For the next few minutes, I had trouble keeping the pick-up on the right side of the road, mainly because Mary-Jayne's mouth was proving too much for me, and secondly because my conscience was proving to be a pain in the ass.
MJay's lips wrapped around my cock was so low down; it doesn't bear contemplation. In my mind, I felt I could crawl under a rattlesnake and not even tickle his belly. However, the simple fact was I couldn't help myself, and neither could Mary-Jayne.
Usually, I'm a stand-up guy. The sort of person friends and colleagues turn to when they want help or advice. I pay my taxes, and I'm a good, dependable family man — at least I was until last week. However, after watching Mary-Jayne deliberately piss her knickers, my common sense took flight. Seeing her act like trailer trash, I had to fuck her, and— after she begged me — I had, hard and fast on our kitchen table. And now we were getting ready to do it again. What in God's name was wrong with me?
Mary-Jayne was what was wrong with me. Against my better judgement, as she swallowed my cock, I realised that I was having too much fun to want to stop. Luckily I wouldn't have to wait much longer.
Despite my age, I've not had that many bed partners. Times were different when I was young: back then, girls wouldn't usually put out until there was a band of gold around a finger. Times and attitudes changed with the passing of the years, and it seems to me that nobody gives a flying fuck about fidelity nowadays. So, when Mary-Jayne spread her legs last week in an unmistakable invitation, I didn't give my wife a second thought.
Another undeniable fact — unlike my wife, MJay is not uptight about sex. Quite the opposite. From what I'd experienced, the kinkier it is, the more she likes it. Watching her lick up my spunk after it had dripped from her well-fucked cunt onto the kitchen table, was an eye-opener.
Then again, there's nothing she can teach me about deviant desires. Mine developed when I was a young teenager. An aunt, my dad's youngest sister, came to stay. It was the first time I could remember meeting her, but Jean assured me I'd been a cute baby. However, that's neither here nor there. What happened while I was in bed that night does matter.
Being a light sleeper, a shaft of light appearing between my door and the frame woke me.
Then my aunt Jean came into view. She was sleeping in the spare bedroom and, standing in the sliver of light; she started undressing. There was nothing sexy or provocative, and as far as she was concerned, I'd been sent to bed ages ago and must be asleep. She couldn't know I was watching her strip, but that didn't stop it becoming one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen. And it helped form me into the person I am to this day.
If I see an attractive woman at the beach or swimming pool in a small, high cut bikini, it doesn't do a thing for me. But, if I see that same woman in an everyday situation wearing a revealing skirt, a low cut blouse, or without a bra, my heart beats faster. If, after studying her for a few minutes, it's obvious she's unaware of what she's flashing, the blood from my head rapidly travels south.
Upskirts, downblouse, nip-slips, or going commando, call it what you like, I'm a sucker for it. And it's not so much the erect nipple or expanse of thigh that gets my motor running; it's the liberated female sexuality that excites me.
That and the fear of being caught staring, and then being branded a pervert, something that my good lady would never accept.
In a stimulating situation, my obsession drives me to do some crazy things in the hope of getting another peek at something I shouldn't be seeing. Maybe I am a pervert, but I'll leave that decision to others. I do know that Mary-Jayne doesn't judge me as many would.
I clearly remember the incident she mentioned. At a party, MJay wore a short skirt, and when she sat opposite me, the damn thing kept riding up her thighs. I should have looked away but, after a flash of white panties, I couldn't tear my gaze from between her legs. As the evening progressed, I saw that the underwear was delicate and revealing, but I got careless, and Mary-Jayne caught me gawking.
But, instead of making a scene, she simply spread her knees wider.
She never said anything, not during or after the party. Then, a couple of months later, she did it again. This time it wasn't so blatant, and I had only a couple of glimpses. Convinced it was purely accidental, it wasn't until she came to say goodbye and treated me to the sauciest wink I'd seen in a long time, that I knew the truth.
Watching MJay easily swallow my erection, her eyes closed in ecstasy, it was clear I was in the presence of an expert cock sucker. Although my personal experience of oral is limited, I've seen enough dirty pictures and films to recognise a blowjob princess. Mary-Jayne fits the bill perfectly.
Unlike my good lady who would never go down on me, MJay drooled over it like a dog with a bone, using a hand and her mouth in a concerted effort to make me cum.
But things weren't entirely as one-sided as it sounds.
"Dan, you sure you don't wanna stop the truck."
My tone of voice left no room for discussion, and I felt MJay's body stiffen — except for her sex, that was delightfully soft and receptive. I increased my finger pressure and felt her shudder against me.
"Honestly, Dan, I'm not joking. If you don't stop, I'm going to piss my pants."
She didn't need to convince me; I knew she would.
"Wouldn't be the first time, MJay. You do what you have to do," I said quietly.
I'd been waiting for this moment. The previous week, Mary-Jayne had taken me by surprise with her little display, and I'd stood open-mouthed as her golden stream pooled onto the kitchen floor. This time, I was determined to participate.
Then Mary-Jayne made it even more intense. She stopped sucking my cock and looked me in the eye, chewing her bottom lip.
"Let it go, MJay, don't worry your pretty little head about this here truck. It might be old, and a bit beat up, but it can take it. You hear me?"
My daughter-in-law nodded absently, screwed her eyes shut, and her body shook uncontrollably. Then she thrust a hand between her legs, covering mine, and I felt the increase in heat.
"Oh, God."
With so many things demanding my attention — not least keeping the truck on the road — it took me a moment to realise what was happening. Then I felt warm moisture beneath my fingertips. I smiled before I realised it had momentarily stopped.
"That's it, darling, let it go," I urged, glancing at her tortured expression.
She was fighting a losing battle. Try as she might, her last-ditch attempt was a lost cause, and we knew it. Mary-Jayne had lost control, and warm piss began to flow. Not that she minded. Omorashi was MJay's secret vice. After she told me about her little kink, I looked it up and was surprised by what I found — typical of the Japanese to have a name for it.
What surprised me most was how many young ladies partook and enjoyed it in wetting their knickers. I didn't pretend to understand, but neither was I one to judge. I pressed my fingers into MJay's soft damp apex again and felt another trickle of urine seeping through the thin fabric.
Again Mary-Jayne screwed her eyes tight, attempting to delay the inevitable, but the situation had progressed far beyond her control. My cock throbbed in MJay's hand, and her grip tightened as she sighed and surrendered to the irresistible urge to pee.
What began as a trickle quickly grew in strength and volume and saturated her pretty delicate underwear. Within seconds, hot piss streamed through her underwear and over my fingers.
"You dirty fucking bitch," I chuckled.
I pressed my fingers deeper into her hot wet sex, feeling the supple flesh readily accepted the intrusion. Amid soft moans from my slutty daughter-in-law, I played with her while waiting for her bladder to empty. Soon after the last droplets soaked into my Ford's seat, MJay was tearing frantically at her pantyhose.
"Finger me, Dan," she ordered. "Make me cum."
Never one to disappoint my ladies, I slid my fingers inside the soaked panties and found her tuft of pubic hair. Before I began playing with her little man, I moved my fingers down to her smooth pussy lips and parted them. MJay's slick fluids, different from her urine, covered my fingertips as I traced the length of her slit.
Mary-Jayne shuddered when I caressed her sensitive nub. "God, I'm so fucking horny," she said huskily. "I want you inside me, right now. Is there somewhere we can park?"
"Sure, darling, whatever you want." Excitement coursed through my veins.
"I want to feel this stretching my cunt as I slide down on it," she said and launched another enthusiastic oral attack on my manhood. As an image of MJay riding my cock penetrated my brain, I gripped the steering wheel tighter and pressed the gas pedal to the floor. The remains of my common sense bid me beware of crashing into the thick tree trunks lining the road.
Luckily, it didn't take long to reach one of the many dirt tracks in the woods that lead to the secluded enclosures where teenagers and tree huggers get their kicks. Although MJay and I were neither young or environmentalists, it was perfect for my intentions.
As my old pick-up shook, rattled, and rolled along the rough track, Mary-Jayne sat upright and kissed my ear. Still holding my erection, between kisses, she kept telling me how she couldn't wait to feel "this thing" inside her. It only increased my impatience to reach the end of the track.
"Oh my fucking God."
Mary-Jayne threw back her head, resting it against the side of my face while strands of hair hung down to her shoulders. Seconds earlier, she'd crouched in front of me, one hand between her legs and the other holding aside the thin sliver of panties to allow easier access to her dripping wet sex. Placing her legs either side of mine, MJay lowered her hips and guided my cock into her slick tunnel.
Her slick sheath quickly swallowed my flesh, and then she was busy grinding against my pelvis, the incredible circular motion a fantastic reality that I could only dream about a week earlier. As I sat in stunned silence, my horny daughter-in-law demonstrated how her abdominal muscles were well trained. Hypnotised by her peachy bum gyrating in my lap, my one reaction was to rest my hands on her shapely hips as they moved in the same sensual motion.
Despite everything that had happened since MJay stepped inside my trusty old pick-up, I hadn't appreciated how horny she was.
In this deserted enclosure, she'd leaned over my lap to give my cock a last kiss as we slithered to a halt in the gravel. With the trees absorbing the final notes of the engine, MJay sat up straight and offered me a look that would convince monks they'd chosen the wrong vocation.
She slid across the bench seat, hiking her skirt even higher as she crooked a finger at me. "C'mon, old man, don't keep me waiting."
Within the confines of the cabin, she stood and motioned for me to slide behind her. With an agility that belied my years, I shimmied across, a broad grin on my face as I encountered the dampness Mary-Jayne's kinky perversion had caused. I hurriedly settled into position, and MJay took control. The previous week, she'd wanted me to fuck her — now she was determined to do all the work.
"You just sit there, Old Man. I'm going to show you how I like it."
Then she started riding me. At first, seeing how my cock slowly disappeared inside her silken tunnel, definitely proved to be a memorable sight. However, MJay had difficulty containing herself, and the longer she rode me, the quicker she bounced up and down. Looking over her shoulder, I saw that she'd placed a hand on the dashboard to steady herself, and although I couldn't see it, I knew the dirty slut was busy frigging herself.
How did I know? Her fingers occasionally brushed the underside of my throbbing flesh. Those fleeting touches sent a tingle down my spine and, not content with just holding her hips; I reached around her heaving body to play with her titties.
"Oh yeah, pinch those things," MJay said, then," Jesus, fuck, I'm going to cum. I can — can't help it, this is so fucking hot."
Those last words sounded laboured, heavy breathing interspersed with short erotic whimpers. Considering I wasn't doing much of anything, it really did my ego a world of good.
"Yes, yes, yesss," she screamed, slamming her delightful rear into my lap. "I'm cuming..."
MJay bored her ass against my pelvis, her silken sheath swallowing me completely,
Her cry trailed off into a prolonged hiss as my beautiful daughter-in-law continued impaling herself on my rigid manhood. When she slumped against me, I pinched her nipples, and she jolted violently as her hot cum flooded her cunt.
We sat in silence, Mary-Jayne's body quivering with aftershocks. She enjoyed her apres-climatic ecstasy while I had a foolish grin on my face. To say I was feeling pretty damn good about myself was an understatement. Although our behaviour was on the left side of reprehensible, knowing I was able to give this young goddess such an intense orgasm, made me feel ten feet tall.
Then Mary-Jayne's hips moved, barely noticeable, but that soon changed. "I wanna... watch you... cum... all over me," she said between breaths as she resumed bouncing vigorously on my cock.
"Then you best get into position, darling, cause Papa's about to blow his load."
I'd been close to ejaculation when MJay climaxed and the few moments of rest had provided a respite — but I was fighting a losing battle now as her cunt muscles gloriously gripped my cock.
With fantastic agility, Mary-Jayne climbed off my lap and turned to face me. Our lips met, and while she pushed her tongue into my mouth, she wrapped her fingers around my greasy pole and started tugging very strenuously. It was sensory overload for me, and I didn't have much time.
"Darling, I'm gonna cum," I whispered after breaking our passionate kiss.
"I know," was all she said before dropping to her knees, again amazing me with her flexibility. An arm supporting her breasts, she held her glorious funbags at the tip of my cock. I stared in fascination and excitement as she stroked my erection while urging me to cover her with spunk.
It didn't take long.
"Yes, oh yes, give me more," she cried after the first expulsion splashed her neck and breasts. I bucked my hips, watching her lean closer to get the next salvo on her face.
"Hmm, I want it all."
She grinned as thick creamy spunk trickled down her cheek towards her mouth. It all became too much for me: I closed my eyes and relinquished the last remains of control. I didn't see them, but I felt her cherry-red lips engulf my bulbous end and her tongue press into my narrow slit, while she continued milking my cock. I had one more load and blasted it down her greedy little gullet.
It was way past my usual bedtime when I finally parked the pick-up in the yard. Walking towards the darkened house, the memory of Mary-Jayne sitting beside me, caressing my cock back to its full glory while we talked, eradicated any shame I felt about cheating on my good lady. The conversation, like the rest of the evening, had been about sex. When she asked if I had any particular desires, I answered her honestly — and not for the first time, MJay's reaction surprised me.
"I've never had anyone do that to me," she confessed when she heard my first wish.
Then she winked when she went on to my other desire as I pulled up outside her house. "That's no problem, old man. I'm into that myself. Have you ever done it, Dan?"
"No," I replied and saw Mary-Jayne's hungry smile.
"Hmm, a first-timer. Am I a lucky girl?" She grinned before kissing me briefly and jumping out of the Ford. Sauntering towards her front door, she exaggerated the sway of her hips.
As I undressed, my wife woke. Glancing at the clock, she asked if the freeway accident she'd heard about on the radio, was as bad as it had sounded.
Pretending I knew what she was talking about, I nodded and yawned. "Yeah, when I picked up MJay, there was nothing on the radio. Only when we were on the freeway did we find out about the accident. By then it was too late, and we joined the jam."
I climbed into bed and wifey immediately snuggled up.
"I'm sorry for your wasted evening, but it makes me feel good knowing Mary-Jayne was safe in your hands. I'd never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to her."
She kissed me on the cheek before turning away to go back to sleep.
"No trouble at all," I said softly, closing my eyes and grinning.
We take turns locating a suitable victim and then we spend lots of time researching and planning. By the time we’re ready, we know all about her habits. We map out how to catch and rape her without being caught, leaving no useful evidence behind. Sometimes, though, we leave a few red herrings. Red herrings like a few years ago when we watched a girl’s boyfriend fuck her a few times so we would know what she liked. Then, we took her (blindfolded) and fucked her in the same way as her...
As an employee of Venus Robotics, you're used to being around androids. You help design them, you work alongside them, and even find some of the female models to be quite attractive. The irony of it is that you don't make nearly enough money to purchase one for yourself. Then, one day, you receive a letter from your employers. It reads: Dear Sir, After carefully evaluating your qualifications and your impeccable record of service, the R&D Department would like to invite you to assist us in the...
"Sam do you know where I put my ducky at? I need him to go to the beach with me. Sam are you listening to me?""Yes k*d, I am," said Sam. "Look you left him over there on counter." "Oh yeah," Cat said. "Sam look at my bathing suit, what do you think?""It’s pink," Sam replied, "and a bikini.""Well of course it’s pink, I love pink," Cat said all happy. "And Jade said if I wore a bikini I would get lucky tonight, whatever that means. Jade is always saying weird things like my br*ther does."Jade is...
True story A few years after we were married we took a road trip down to Phoenix , We were both young and carefree having been married for such a short time. We arrived in Phoenix late at night as Marc decided to not stop and get here quicker . We were both tired and also a little lost. We drove around looking for a place to stay but couldn't find any vacancies in the area we were.The guy at the last motel told us to try a place and gave us the address. We drove out looking for the place and...
Reddit GettingHerselfOff, aka r/GettingHerselfOff! Is there anything fucking hotter than watching a dirty bitch make herself cum? Sure, we all have our kinks, but universally, is there a straight dude alive that is incapable of getting off to a slut rubbing her pussy, riding a giant dildo that’s bigger than you could ever hope to be, or vibrating her clit to climax? That’s like saying the more food you eat, the more you feel hungry: it’s an oxymoron, and it’s downright impossible.That’s why I...
Reddit NSFW ListHello ISS readers! This is my second story. Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response to my first story. Here, this is JD, back again with my second story. This is a real story but with certain nuances added to make it a good fun. I was studying in a reputed medical college in Chennai. The heroine of this story is my classmate Sanjana. She is a slim, tall girl with a busty figure. Right from the day I entered this college, I had an eye on her figure. Though not so fair, she looks...
Tags : shower sex, hot friend, kissing Hello, everyone, this is Raj is from Pune. You can contact me at This is the story where I and my friend Trisha had sex after a badminton match. Trisha is one of the hottest girls in my college. She carries any outfit with confidence and looks great(as she was athletic). We met on the first day of college and have been friends since. She is a flirt and was single and I was too. I enjoyed her company, sometimes we used to chat a lot but none of us fell for...
… a ripple of awe flows away from her in an outward wave. Seconds later, reciprocating waves resound off of her as the awe turns to indignation, indignation to spite. The crowd turns all attention to the source of this cruel interruption. They spit explicatives at her, ‘Pagan!’… ‘Whore!’ Rough hands grab at her, everyone about her reaching out, working as one to silence her heresy. Realizing her gaffe, she tries to run, to flee their wrath. In one brief moment, she has managed to steal their...
She wakes to the silence of pre-dawn darkness… the only sound, the faint clicking of crickets. Rolling to her side, she takes in the aura of moonlight streaming through white drapes. She stretches, her body soft under silky satin sheets. Although she knows she has slept for scant hours, energy and life courses through her. Sitting up, she cranes her neck and tentatively tests her shoulder. Seconds later she is quickly rotating her arm, amazed as she realizes that his touch, his intention was...
The fervor rises as a third prisoner is ceremoniously hoisted over the square. Drawn to this spectacle, Monica reacts as one of the throng, hooting and jeering as the ragged, emancipated men hang above them. The huge Master of Ceremonies bellows over the din, ‘Perhaps our Lord and king will save this child murderer from the sharp end of the guillotine’. He pauses, gauging the response of the gathered thousands… ‘Perhaps Not’ he laughs. She is one with them, her voice and blood rising with...
… Her thoughts flutter as warm slender fingers drift about her chest and abdomen. Her eyes closing as her body begins to respond to his tender ministrations of her flesh. ‘Please… I can’t do this… do not know you…’ ‘You know me Monica. Your body and soul know me. You and I were destined to meet here… now.’ His breath touches her side. Lips brushing her skin as fingers move expertly down the flare of her hips. She senses his hard, hot torso against her arm as his body turns to massage her...
Hello, guys.This sex story is where Soumya aunt, my friend’s mom got into a trouble with her naughty behavior with me.This is a recent sex story.Don’t feel sad that I started with a sex scene from the beginning of the sex story, the scenes after the beginning are really hot. Don’t miss it. To tell about her, she was a good woman but became more naughty and wilder every time we had sex which I mentioned in my previous stories.It’s ok if you don’t read them but just understand that I and Soumya...
2010 - 2011 For the next couple of years, things went relatively smoothly. I didn’t have to provide much more than routine guidance in Washington. John had a compliant Congress after both the 2008 and 2010 elections, and he got most of what he wanted from them. He really did turn out to be a third term of the Buckman administration. The American Renaissance Initiative, Adrianopolis/Stouffer, and The American Impact Project all worked together to push a moderate Republican agenda, and...
Bikini Beach - Cousin Trouble. ElrodW When Jenny finds out her younger brother's son is suddenly an orphan, with no one to help him, she knows she's going to have to help out. The problem is that the boy needs a LOT more help than Jenny can provide. The Bikini Beach universe and characters therein are copyrighted by the author, all rights reserved. *********************************************************************** Bikini Beach - Cousin Trouble Jenny shook her head again...
Hopefully erotica for those who would like to be titillated.Sorry to run off early ladies, but I have to get home to put the little ones to bed. See you all next week” shouted Amanda as she ran out of the changing room. I sat on the bench in the old school changing rooms, absolutely shattered. It had turned out to be a really lovely evening, with three other mums, from my k**s school, playing badminton. I hadn’t played since I was a teenager, and I used to love the game. Sadly age, ch*****n,...
The Badminton MatchThe sports club usually closed at ten thirty in the evening but this had been a grudge match between two girls who did not particularly like each other and therefore neither would agree to a draw or a postponement when closing time came and as a result they were the last two in the gym.Jane was tall and fairly slim with long blonde hair, tanned legs and arms which were shown off to advantage by her white skirt and blouse. In contrast Alice was a...
Hey guys, this is a continuation of my previous asstr story. So, do check it out, guys. This is the event that took place after the badminton court. My best friend Kalpana and I took a shower in different bathrooms. I wrapped a towel and sat on my bed. Kalpana came out wearing a towel and her hair was still dripping wet and it was just so beautiful. I moved my towel a little bit and started stroking my dick as she was drying herself. She saw me and turned away as she was shy. I went near her...
Hey guys, this is the third part of the events that unfolded after our badminton session. To know more, read the previous parts. It’s been a week now, I and Kalpana would make out in college whenever we got the chance and I would slap her ass when no one is around. Sometimes, I would squeeze her ass when we were in a crowd. She sucked my dick dry many times in the college washroom and would swallow my cum. Now, we were friends with benefits. One day, I got a call from Mani (my badminton coach...
Twice the Trouble Author's Note: Derek sped into the drive, slammed on the brakes and leapt from the car. He raced around to the automatic sliding glass doors and screamed "My wife is having a baby! Help!" then turned and ran to the passenger side of his car where the door had already opened and his wife Lisa was struggling to get her legs around. "Would you relax a little," she complained as she held her belly. "We have time, I'm fine. This isn't the first time a baby has ever...
The road was every bit as rough as I remembered: granite boulders, sandstone, steep, deep ruts, narrow. I was in my new Jeep Wrangler, the first off-road trek I’d made with it. What a perfect place, the old Anthony Lakes lookout. I’d been there once before with my parents, probably twenty years earlier, when I was a teenager with much more important things on my mind than a mountain trek with parents and my brother, like girls.My parents were still around, but my older brother, he’d gotten...
Love StoriesWell, the golf tournament was great fund-raising success. In the end we shared it with the national campaign, so that made the ticket prices higher and the turnout was huge, but I was in my true element. I mean to say that it was exciting to be manager of a small campaign right alongside the presidential campaign. Mark, in his second campaign for Stare Representative was impressing a lot of people. I was running Mark's campaign for the third time in six years. He would run again for the...
My wife left me alone at the party with specific instructions. In less than five minutes time, I was hopelessly in trouble.I was politely mingling with the crowd, as instructed, which I rather enjoyed. Most of them had already paired off, had some fun, and were back looking for new partners. The women were at most scantily dressed, while some were completely nude. Most of them were aware of the instructions I had been given, and they were enjoying flirting with me as they sought the attention...
Fantasy & Sci-FiFor some weeks there had been an undercurrent of unease in the harem. Nothing David could actually put his finger on, but when he had a parade the women did not all seem quite so keen to draw attention to themselves in the hope of being picked for a night. Passing the door to the harem ante-room one morning, David thought he heard something. When David entered the harem, the usual calm and tranquillity was broken by screams of female rage and pain from more than one woman, interspersed with...
Favor Wanted: I need a man to peg. Send me your husband. I'll send him back a little stretched. Seattle area Sept 17. $200. Garter, panties, and stockings, +$50. Chastity cage, + $25. "Your girl is innovating, Cath." "Yup. Wil makes a little side money now servicing sisters who travel. But Mindy's job is carrying her to Seattle a lot. She gets kind of aggressive when she's on her period, so she dresses like a man and..." "Two hundred dollars seems a little cheap." "I guess many sisters don't...
MasturbationI knew I would be in trouble, but I just couldn't help myself. Oh, let me back up a bit.Chatting in bed one night, Dave and I got into a discussion about sex toys. He knew I didn't have any good enough to provide me with real satisfaction so he decided to buy me a few from internet sites. Of course, he wanted toys he would be able to use when he came to visit me. He looked for a dildo that was of similar size to his very large cock because he wanted me to get used to his size. Having looked at...
Toys"Come on out, Linda," Judge Herns told me. "I don't want to," was my reply back to her. "I look ridiculous!" "It can't be that bad," I heard Dr. Green say. "Yes it can," I responded through the closed door. "Why do I have to do this?" "Because it's part of your agreement for having me change you back into Linda," Judge Herns replied a little sternly. "Now come out here so we can see how you look." I reluctantly opened the door and stepped out wearing the ridiculous outfit...
My story begins with a discussion I overheard one night, it was my mom and my older sister Cindy, she had just turned 18 at the time, from what I could hear it was something regarding drugs and a good for nothing boy friend. No matter how much I tried I couldn’t hear very well, after some screaming and crying everything went silent and finally I went to sleep. The next night during dinner my dad told my sister Jennifer and me that Cindy had left the house and was going to be living on her own...
Finally alone, Katie poured herself a glass of the champagne she had been serving everyone all afternoon. If the extravagance of the wedding was anything to go by, it must have been an expensive bottle, but she was no conniseur. It tasted like fizzy wine, just like they all did. Not that it wasn't refreshing. The cold drink and the cool air of the cellar were a pleasant escape from the heat outside. She looked at the hundreds bottles on the racks that covered every inch of the walls and...
SeductionSpecial thanks to Steve Zink for editing this story. The super lover suit, giving nothing but trouble Nothing but Trouble - By Shrike Aloysius Talling was walking down the street, and though he'd just been discharged from the Army, he wasn't worried about his future yet. He had a little money in his pockets, and though that would run out soon, he expected to have a job again within days. He didn't have much of an education, but he had a rigorous training as a Special Forces...
Dar (her name is really Darlene, but we've called her Dar for as long as I could remember) shrieked and averted her gaze. I wasn't sure what had surprised her more, my holding a very big, very chrome .45 in both hands, or the fact that I was standing in the hallway dripping wet, stark naked and quite fully erect. I'd been pleasuring myself in the shower when my alarm chirped, warning me of an intruder. I hadn't had the chance to tell Dar about the recent alarm. I was going to have to fill...
HERE ISA LETTER FROM A YOUNG MAN WHO TRIED TO FOLLOW, IN CLINTON CRAYLE'S FOOTSTEPS! Dear Mr. Crayle, Ever since I became the youngest officer on the Campus Security Force, I've been bound and determined to make a name for myself here. Of course, I consider this job only a temporary stop on my way to becoming a big-name Private Eye like you, but still, I wanted to do something really spectacular as long as I was here. That's why I assigned myself the task of catching a thief...
Two of our school’s bad-boy jocks decided to visit one Friday night unannounced. The not so bright jocks bragged about their plan in the locker room. The coach did not hear them but he took action when two team members told him. (I’m piecing this together from bit and pieces I learned later so it’s not absolutely 100% sure to be exactly what went on outside of my hearing.) Coach thanked them and told them to totally ignore what they heard. “I will set things in motion that will prevent them...
Jessie looked coolly at the man sitting across from her. She didn’t like him. Not his silk shirt, not his slicked back hair, not his fake tan. Gino the strip club owner. He was a walking stereotype. Her thoughts drifted mournfully to the Glade plug in working overtime in her office to combat this douchebag’s aggressive use of Axe body spray. Then she thumbed through the bundle of cash he’d tossed in her lap. “Look, I need this done, and I’m told you’re the only person to talk to...
This appointment tonight filled her with a modicum of hope. Her doctor had made her believe this could be the solution. It had to be. Because Melissa wasn’t sure she could survive another day. Not. One. More. Day. Not like this. The street numbers flew past, but then she stopped. She’d gone too far. She back tracked and still couldn’t find it. But it had to be here. It had to … There, a barely visible alleyway descending into pitch darkness. Away from the...
I admit fucking Alice was out of this world, her tight cunt and sweet mouth, awesome, and the fact that she too was now being manipulated into fucking strangers for me had made me regrettably overlook my sexy whore mother in law. I had to change this and as my girlfriend was away for two weeks and Alice was helping out in the pub till late I had time to get my cock up Fiona. Alice cleared off to work and I sat in the front room on the sofa next to Fiona. The clock was ticking round to 7pm...
Hiii … hiii …somehow time passed unnoticed , we talked about lots of stuff , exchanged emails , she told me I’d like to see more of u , sure I told her . then later we did chat by the messenger , all was nice & pure . I saw her the other day in the library , where we sat outside & she started to tell me about herself , how old is she , her personality , what do people think of her, told me about her family….told me that she is not allowed to go out with me unless I go meet her father , then...
It’s started this late Saturday night at a night club. Colette Enzo’s has woke up & found out she was laying down past out in the middle of the dancefloor. Colette has been partying and drinking all night with her girlfriends. Colette was looking very sexy. She had on a hot red leather tight pants and a black blouse and high heels opened toes shoes. Colette was enjoiying herself and having a good time…too much of a good time. Colette was drinking all types of alcohol and took...
Introduction: Fiona has no idea that the cock that uses her holes tonight is the same cock that fucked her daughter the night before……neither does the farmer know that his had his cock up a mother and daughter on different nights The problem Id had over the last week or so is that fucking 3 women, all in the same household, a tiresome exercise. The only thing that made it achievable is the fact that my missus the eldest of the two daughters worked away a lot of the time. Since I began fucking...
“So ya gonna take the job or not?”Jessie looked coolly at the man sitting across from her. She didn’t like him. Not his silk shirt, not his slicked back hair, not his fake tan. Gino the strip club owner. He was a walking stereotype. Her thoughts drifted mournfully to the Glade plug in working overtime in her office to combat this douchebag’s aggressive use of Axe body spray. Then she thumbed through the bundle of cash he’d tossed in her lap.“Look, I need this done, and I’m told you’re the...
SupernaturalMelissa hurried down the street hunched against the rain. Her wispy blonde hair matted down to a dull brown in the downpour. The coat she held carelessly against the aggressive storm molded to her slight frame. Yet it wasn’t the weather she was trying to avoid. It was the stares. The inescapable feeling that everyone knew. Knew what had happened to her. Knew she had changed. Knew that she was a boiling cauldron of lust, desire, and need. Knew all they had to do was demand it and...
SupernaturalHow I be came a master – interracial sex stoFirst let me say, I’m a black male 5’10″ tall and 240lbs not fat, solid. This is my story of how I became the master in a cuckold relationship. It is a very long story, I hope you enjoy.I was on the road staying at a pretty nice hotel. This business trip was a very hard one. The job that looked as if it would only take a day or two ended up taking two weeks. Well, anyway. At the end of the first week, I decided to go out and have a few drinks. Just to...
I wrote how I initially dipped my toe into dogging and received quite a variety of responses. I’ll simply choose to ignore the rude ones and will share more with those who were interested. Something I feel I should point out is that reality and fantasy are quite different things. Although I talk about what happened back then calmly and comfortably now, things were quite different for me back then. A lot of time has passed and many things have happened that have helped me grow comfortable with...
Holy shit," was the only utterance from my wife as I now took the cock in my mouth with total abandon, letting it slide as far down as I could without gagging. I was demonstrating to Laurie just how good I was at sucking cock and if there had been any doubts, they were totally erased now."Like I said, I question whether he's bi or just out an out gay now," Steve teased. "He simply can't get enough of my cock. He loves sucking down my load and really begs to have his ass fucked," Steve...
A few weeks ago, I attended a training conference in Hilton Head, S.C. The company I work for has multiple locations throughout the southeast and paid all the expenses to the four day program. They were willing to pay at least half of the accommodations or all of it if we were willing to share a room with another company employee. All other expenses, including meals, were paid for as well as a small daily expense account for entertainment.I'm 28 and my wife and I just purchased our first home a...
Melissa hurried down the street hunched against the rain. Her wispy blonde hair matted down to a dull brown in the downpour. The coat she held carelessly against the aggressive storm molded to her slight frame. Yet it wasn’t the weather she was trying to avoid. It was the stares. The inescapable feeling that everyone knew. Knew what had happened to her. Knew she had changed. Knew that she was a boiling cauldron of lust, desire and need. Knew all they had to do was demand it and she...
Sandy was the newest teacher at the Hardintown school district. She had only finished college the year before. Now she lived here in Hardintown where she was totally on her own which was ok with her.She loved her job and everyone was real nice. She only had one problem and that was the lack of sex. Sandy has been very adventurous while she had been at college. She had both male and female partners and had also enjoyed group sex on several occasions.Being the new teacher in the conservative town...
I was shocked as she was when I came face to face with Connie the mother of my daughter’s best friend. We were both standing in the hallway behind the video booths that had glory holes.I could see that Connie had seamen on her chin and I could see additional stains on her dress. I knew that she had been enjoying anonymous sex just like me. I suddenly wondered which of us had sex with the most cocks.Jeff laughed as he realized that we knew each other. He opened the door and we both stepped into...
As a single mom with little time or interest in dating your sexual needs are often put off. In my case the only real relief has been my vibrator and some internet porn. Most of my time is devoted to my daughter Beth.Recently I came home to see that I had a new neighbor. I noticed right away that he had one of those sporty Camaros."Hi, I'm your new neighbor Connie." I said as I shook his hand"Nice to meet you! My name is Jeff." He said"Welcome to the neighborhood!" I said with a smile"You are...
My introduction to the joys of a strap-on dildo came in a roundabout way. My wife and I were attending an outdoor party at our health club in northern California. It was a nice warm evening and a great band was playing.We were drinking wine and enjoying the music. My wife seemed to be particularly intrigued with the lead singer, a sultry brunette with long curly hair and a husky sensual voice. I had my arms wrapped around her and she was leaning back into me. I casually asked if she was...
My introduction to the joys of a strap-on dildo came in a roundabout way. My wife and I were attending an outdoor party at our health club in northern California. It was a nice warm evening and a great band was playing.We were drinking wine and enjoying the music. My wife seemed to be particularly intrigued with the lead singer, a sultry brunette with long curly hair and a husky sensual voice. I had my arms wrapped around her and she was leaning back into me. I casually asked if she was...
Mackintoshes Don't.... Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 29.3.98 - 02.10.15 Chapter 1: William was paying his first ever visit to a shop that had long featured in his dreams and had made the long journey to the capital by public transport in order to leave as few traces as possible of his trip. He had left his visit to the shop until late afternoon to reduce the embarrassment but still he dithered about on the pavement outside. The shop exterior was not quite what he had...
Mackintoshes Don't.... Chapter 2 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 29.3.98 - 03.10.15 Please read my first Chapter before this submission. All comments gratefully received. I realise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 2: "I have the perfect raw material," she said to the recipient of her call. "Excellent," came the reply in a cultured feminine voice. "Will it be ready for our gathering next week?" Judith thought for a moment and then responded, "I will...
Mackintoshes Don't.... Chapter 3 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 29.3.98 - 20.03.16 This is the 3rd and final part of this work Please read my first and second Chapters before this submission. All comments gratefully received. I realise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 3: Chantal and Judith assisted the still groggy and slightly confused Mary from the operating table. They placed in her in a wheelchair and pushed her to Judith's waiting Bentley. The...
I was a freshman in college. I lived in a dorm and our wing had eight rooms with two guys in each room. My roommate was a white sophomore from upstate New York near Buffalo. He was the one hippie long hair musician named Chuck. This was in the South in the early 70’s. There was still some racism and even Jim Crow in certain areas of the South still.We had two black guys who were roommates in our section of eight rooms. Everybody got along extremely well. Blacks, whites – we got along great! We...
This is a wimp story in that the wife cheated, the husband found out and did nothing about it. If you don't like this kind of story just move on to the next one and save yourself from turning purple with rage and wasting your valuable time writing silly comments that will be ignored anyway. That won't stop Harry, but who pays any attention to him anyway. Nancy and I have been married a little over nine years and they have been damned good years. Nan is a great mother to our three children,...
Sunday Week 14 Dave got up relatively early, had breakfast and set off for Winton. He knew the drive would be less than two and a half hours, but wanted to maximise the time in Winton, because from what he had read about the area, there was a lot to see and do. As soon as he had parked the RV in the caravan park, he set off in his 4WD to the Information Centre at the Waltzing Matilda Centre. Here he was able to buy a ticket called a Shin Plaster that gave him discounted entrance into...
Do you like Tits In Tops? If you said “yes,” you passed the test: it turns out you’ve got a pulse. It’s hard not to appreciate a nice pair of jugs, no matter who you are. We’re hardwired to see them as a sign of ripeness and fertility, so any straight dude is likely to pop a raging boner. A woman’s appreciation for another’s flawless breasts is perhaps motivated by kinship as well, while the queers just appreciate good symmetry and presentation.No matter why you enjoy gawking at a lady’s pretty...
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