The Tom Tom Club Chapter 3 free porn video

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The movie resumed, as Ket could tell from the pause screen, it was Dara, just waking up in a small room. The sound of chains clinking filled the small space, like some hellish jingle bells. Ket's eyes zoomed in, vaguely aware of her growing interest.

Dara(Ket) woke up blearily. She could feel the weight of the chains around her and knew he had lied to her about being less restrained. She tried moving her hands, to her surprise they moved almost without effort, she touched her face, no gag, though her jaw still felt the effects of wearing it. She was aware of a burning sensation on her buttocks, and in a flash of time, memory and nerve center collided to reawaken the searing pain in her ass.

Tom had laid her down on her stomach, she was still trying to get adjusted to the strong light in the room, as she slowly got up. Once standing, she could better understand her situation. Though she had a far range of movement, everything was chained together. Hands, collar, and ankles were all linked, though true to his word, Dara(Ket) could easily move around, to an extent. Her hands were tied in front of her with the padded leather restraints, about a foot of chain slack between them, the midpoint of that chain was looped a few times through one of the slots on a thick waist belt similar to prison attire, from there the taut chain attached to a collar around her neck. Dara(Ket) could feel another chain attached to the rear of her collar, she tried with her hands to reach it, but couldn't get them past her face. She slowly started moving away from the bed. On her third step she felt it, dead weight keeping her left leg from moving, she looked down at the chain attached to her ankle restraints. She had about a foot of slack down there as well, another chain however started from her left leg and made its way under the bed. Through her discomfort and burning ass, Dara(Ket) slowly managed to get down on her knees and peer beneath. She was attached to a metal weight, she went to grab it, thinking it was probably nailed to the floor, but was surprised to find it moved. Energized she lifted it by the handle and brought it out from under the bed. A label etched on the front stated its weight of twelve pounds. More than enough, Dara(Ket) thought. Satisfied she began to follow the chain on the back of her collar. It was lengthy, giving her freedom of movement throughout the room, which was at best an 8x9 box. She found its end on the wall to the right of the bed, linked and padlocked to an anchor embedded in the cement floor.

Dara(Ket) went to sit down on the bed, not remembering her enflamed butt, she did so abruptly, and yelped a shrill cry as her sensitive ass signaled its displeasure. Quickly she covered her mouth, hoping she could take it back. Whatever was to come, she didn't want Tom here now. Now was a time to regroup, perhaps even think.

With her eyes finally adjusting to the light, Dara(Ket) looked over her surroundings. Her bed was a twin size mattress on what appeared to be a modular plastic frame, several holes were strategically placed on the headboard and bottom frame. She looked up to find several smaller anchors, similar to one her leash was attached to, located on the ceiling, no chains hung from them, yet. Over to her right were a toilet and sink, getting up carefully she walked over to them. Both were made of stainless steel so polished they gleamed off the bright light, hastily she drank from the sink faucet, relishing the relief of quenching her thirst. She walked over to the front of the room, there was a steel door with a tray hatch in the middle and a peep hole of black glass about six by six inches toward the top, she tried reaching her hands up to it, but hampered by the chain, came up short. She looked around for a handle on the cell door, not to find any. Suddenly it all came crashing down on her, she was in prison, an 8x9 concrete cell, no windows, no semblance of life, no clothes except her noisy chains, just her, a bare bones bed and bathroom. She could easily rot here if Tom wanted her too, and while a part of her saw this coming, there was simply no way to prepare for the imprisonment she now faced.

As she sat, remembering her scorched bottom this time, her water filled stomach rumbled. She laid her head in her chained hands and softly began to cry. This was too much, at least the torture entailed interaction, this solitude, this confinement, was absolute and merciless. There was no point to resistance anymore. If he demanded it, she would grovel on the floor and swear allegiance to him for the rest of her days.

Anything but this. Anything.

Dara(Ket) lifted her woeful head from her hands. She couldn’t tell if she’d uttered those words aloud or not. Wondering how fragile her grip on sanity was, she laid back down to on the bed, looking up at the anchors hanging ominously from the ceiling. In an odd way she could take comfort in them, they weren’t here for nothing after all. Before long, whatever Tom wanted from her, he would have to come and get.

As she pondered her future with utmost despair, the lights went out. She was again in complete darkness, she tugged on the chains for the comforting sound of their clinking, and curled up with her prison blanket. He had to be watching, listening. If he’d turned out the lights on her, it could only mean he wanted her to shut down for the night, assuming of course it was still night, in her concrete box, time stood still. Her body still ached, she tried to get as comfortable as she could, no doubt tomorrow would have other surprises, no doubt this diabolical nightmare would continue. It made sense to rest while she could.

The next scene opened with Dara(Ket) soundly asleep in the same position, curled up in a ball, clutching her blanket. Gradually she came too, as she opened her eyes a blurry figure standing over her focused into Tom.

"Sleep well?" he asked, difficult to grasp the inflection in his tone.

Dara(Ket) began to rise, her bare butt throbbed anew as it brushed against the coarse sheets. She frowned involuntarily, upset with both his apparent sarcasm and her frustrating condition. Tom quickly took notice.

"Oh I see we are moody this morning," he began. How she loathed his disgusting sarcasm. "You know Ketbaby, I have ways to deal with that."

It was a sobering comment. All he had to do was leave her here again for several more hours and check on her mood then. Dara(Ket) shuddered at the thought, he had found the one torture she could not stand, this solitary inferno. She knew this room would strip her of her sanity and Tom was the only one preventing that.

As groggy as she was, she snapped out of it. She got out of bed, got immediately on her knees before him and shouted: "YES MASTER! I AM SORRY FOR BEING RUDE! THANK YOU MASTER!"

With that she lowered her body and buried her head in the ground, as if worshipping.

"Well," Tom responded somewhat taken aback by the unexpected outburst, "that's better. You know you passed out on me yesterday. You didn't give me a chance to do what I needed to."

"I'm so-"

"SHUT UP!" Tom screamed, smacking her bare ass with the riding crop he'd held behind his back. "I didn't say you could talk, so don't interrupt me." As he hammered out that last sentence every syllable was punctuated with a strike to her newly pulsating ass.

"So what we are going to do," Tom continued somewhat regaining his composure, "is pick up where we left off. You are going to make your own soundtrack Ketbaby, just like sweet Daraswan, only she was a lot more cooperative than you, so I suspect your theme will be one of profound agony."

Dara(Ket) sat frozen. Her ass already ached, how much did he think she could take? And if she had passed out the first time what made him think anything else would happen today? Questions, questions, like buzzards circling expiring meat, they hung in the distance, only to be answered when it was too late.

"Get up!" he hissed, seemingly angry with her.

Dara(Ket) did as she was told. To her dismay he had the gag with him again, and wasted no time jamming it in her mouth. How she had wished for a chance to wash her face, gulp some more water, maybe use the toilet. All those simple pleasures were now erased from her list of possibilities, menial as they were.

When he finished strapping her gag back on, Tom went to the twelve pound weight and unlocked her ankle chain from it. Brusquely he grabbed her arm and led her to the wall opposite the toilet and sink, clutching her neck he planted her face to the cement wall, its sandpaper finish millimeters away. Rapidly he unlocked the wrist chain from her collar and released it from the heavy leather belt around her waist, then hung her arms over her head, attaching them to a hook on the wall, almost exactly like her bathroom bondage.

Dara(Ket) stood in silence, fearful now to stir up any trouble. The hellish gag brought back an intolerable ache to her jawbone. Despite the long hours spent with it yesterday, it got no easier to manage today, in fact it was worse, within seconds the pain drowned out all coherent thought, screaming only its persistent misery.

Tom returned to the room, Dara(Ket) was enveloped in such agony, she hardly noticed he was gone, which was good considering the panic his departure would have caused her. Despite this, despair filled her knowing every time he left her, she would wonder fearfully when he would return. So fearful as to wish his return in spite of what he would do, so fearful as to desire the pain and humiliation if only for the company. Dara(Ket) crumpled with defeat, now for sure all hope was lost.

"All right Ketbaby, soundtrack time," Tom spoke jovially, "let's get you mic'd up here."

Tom came up behind her and taped a small microphone between her breasts, Dara(Ket) let out a muffled query which went unanswered. She saw the wire lead back to a shiny metal box, immediately a cold nauseating fear encompassed her. The memory of her cousin's wailing, the continual pounding of whip on flesh, all of it crashed back into her with the reverberating impact of screams behind an oppressive gag. Now it was her. How long did that CD go on for? Hours, how many she could not know, two, four, six. How she wished she had been able to drink some water before this as her dry throat burned beneath the ball gag.

Tom unhinged her collar from the long chain, letting it fall to the floor. He attached a new leash, much shorter, on her.

"This will be your defining moment girl," Tom whispered into her ear, "your time to star." He finished by giggling his sinister cackle into her ear, causing a violent shiver up her spine. Tom began unstrapping her gag, suddenly relief was upon her, she could have beamed whatever odes to him he desired in that moment.

"Oh Ketbaby, don't be so happy," Tom began sardonically. "I want you to repeat what I tell you, in a clear and loud voice understand?"

Dara(Ket) nodded her acquiescence.

"What did I tell yesterday about answering me?" he seethed into her ear as he struck her ass.


"Okay then, that's better. Here I don't want your voice going out on you," he said placing a small paper cup to her lips, "I will give you water when you need it, if you really need some you can ask, but you'd better not interrupt anything or ask too often, got that?"


Tom seemed pleased, he withdrew the empty cup from her and gave her a playful tug on the leash. "Okay girl, show time. I want to hear: Master Tom-Tom I am your slave, use me to your liking."

When his request was met with silence, Tom responded by striking her rosy ass with the crop. "YOU CAN START ALREADY!" He screamed striking her several more times.

Dara(Ket) pushed her sobs aside for the time and uttered: "M-master T-ttom T-tom I am..."

"LOUDER!" Again another strike.


"See? That wasn't so hard. Again, and don't trail off," he scolded as he struck her less harshly.

Dara(Ket) repeated her allegiance over and over, constantly being pushed to be louder by unforgiving strikes to her wailing butt. As her ordeal deepened, Tom began striking her in mid-sentence, amusing himself by cutting her statement off with shrills of pain, only to act upset over her poor execution.

She thought of her cousin, sweet innocent Daraswan, whom she had signed over to this sadistic lunatic. She wondered how her, initiation as it were, had gone. Had she spent such a long time chained to the floor of the basement, being used alternately as a cum rag and target practice for Tom's riding crop. She wondered how her life changed, how devastating it must have been to go from seeming marital bliss to enslavement.

Her responses were almost automatic now. They required no thought or even concentration, except on his voice of course. Only the pain was fresh, just when she thought it might all fade to one large ache, a new strike would explode upon a tender area, eliciting a shriek of newfound suffering. She wept uncontrollably, almost incognizant of it, helplessly providing ample material for Tom's recording, then suddenly it stopped.

Dara(Ket) was almost perplexed. She had counted on this lasting a lot longer. Without the constant strike of the riding crop, her sore ass seemed to engorge into a mass of fire. As it grew, she involuntarily pushed her rear out, anticipating the next strike, longing the next strike, but it was not forthcoming.

Tom laughed wickedly as he noticed her beaten ass begging for more. "Aww Ketbaby, don't you worry, we aren't even close to done," he managed through his malevolent delight, "I am going to give that sweet ass of yours a break though. The thing about the ass is, it can take so much, so it’s a great place to just whack away, but," he trailed off as he reached around to her breasts, "there are so many other places, places where you have to be judicial with force, places that truly conduct pain."

As he finished he roughly pinched both nipples and turned them. "Don't you think?" he queried, moving his hands up and down, still pinching, turning. Dara(Ket) bellowed in anguish. He only tightened his grip, "I asked you a question."

"YES MASTER! THANK YOU MASTER! Tha-Thank you, than-"

She faded out lost in a cauldron of agony and incoherence. Her lips continued mouthing soundless words, desperate pangs her shattered brain could not keep track of or stop. Please master, thank you master. Please, thank you. Master. Master. Master. Please.

She looked down at her sore breasts, his hands were gone, but the pain remained. How she desperately wished she could touch them, cover them, instead her arms hung tautly above her, to her body they were utterly out of reach.

Tom abruptly came upon her. He turned her around so she would face him, her eyes searched for his, trying to convey her submission, but he would not look at her. Quickly, as if desperate to protect himself from her stare, he blindfolded her.

"I think you need a little help concentrating Ket," he calmly voiced.


Tom continued unimpressed, "you know once your ass recovers, maybe a few months from now, I'm going to get you a nice little tatoo just like your cousin's. TTC. The Tom Tom Club, you'll both be my special members, my playthings, at my beck and call anytime. You should see Dara's, it’s in black gothic copperplate, and there's a banner beneath the letters that says 'slave Dara'. I'll have to think of a new one for you, though, maybe change some things. Maybe you can help, huh? Wouldn't that be cool, designing your own ownership stamp?"

As he talked Dara(Ket) could feel clamps being placed on her body. First the breasts, she tried keeping track of how many, but it was futile, he seemed to have an infinite number of them. She wondered where next, and to her dismay, he went straight for her pussy. Her subtle groans became horrified piercing screams. Not there. Not there. Not there, please. He moved along placing clamps down her inner thighs, some around the waist, just beneath the armpit, the upper arm. Her protestations died down somewhat as she learned the pain thus far was not too bad, still she could not help her whimpering.

"Yeah not too bad right now huh?" Tom snided. "It’s all just a cycle Ketbaby. You are in the biggest shit storm of your life, but right now it's letting up a bit. Your ass maybe on fire, but at least it isn't being beaten, and those clips, well you get used to them, and it isn't so bad. But sweetie, I didn't put them on you for the mild discomfort you feel now. You know that, that's why you scream, you know something horrible is coming, and it is, but who knows when we'll get there."

He walked away, within moments she heard a lighter flickering, followed by Tom coming back, her nose filled with the aroma of a scented candle, then the warmth of a flame.

"Now I'm going to secure these little monsters," Tom continued coolly, "let them set a bit for my next surprise. I think you'll be quite impressed Ketbaby, this one's really going to blow your mind."

Dara(Ket) sensed the wax being poured over her right breast, a piercing pain which evaporated quickly. Instinctively she lowered her eyes to her chest, but all was black, she felt more wax lumped on top.

"Got to have a good seal on these," Tom resumed in his icy tone, "that's the key."

Dara(Ket) felt him move to her left breast. Again the sharp burn, she gritted her teeth against it, glad for its brevity. In this absence of acute suffering she could only wonder what was on the horizon, a condition in many ways worse than the pain.

Tom proceeded much the same to the other places where she'd been clamped. The entire ordeal lasted quite some time, the wax seemed quite heavy to her, especially on her chest. In her tortured mind she saw him smiling, pouring hot wax over every last clamp on her body, his face contorting with satanic glee, a diabolic nightmare come to life.

"Well I think that pretty much does it girl," he sighed, "we need to give it some time to harden of course, and I've got one other detail to get to. Here some more water?"


"Good girl," he hissed through his salivating mouth, "very good."

Dara(Ket) guzzled the four ounces in the paper cup, wishing for more.

"Now, I need you to be very still, whatever happens, keep still, trust me it’s for your own good."

Dara(Ket) swallowed hard. It was coming, whatever evil deed was in the works it was upon her now. In the darkness she heard metal clanging against the floor, fear gripped her, for whatever reason, she knew this was going to be the height of her storm, and she had to survive. The metal stopped clanging, she could feel it beneath her, inches from her wax and clamp laden vagina. She held her breath in dreadful anticipation, but nothing came. She heard him step behind her, then to her shock he roughly grabbed her aching ass and began vigorously rubbing her anus with some sort of oil. She gasped with fresh pain as her butt screamed, but within its racked flesh she could not deny the ecstasy of the rubbing motion and the oil.

As she involuntarily groaned her pleasure, Tom's lips spread in a contorted smile. With her blindfolded, he felt unstoppable.

"Feel good Ketbaby?" he quizzed as the rubbing came to a halt.

Dara(Ket) could only continue her panting, still trying to comprehend the cessation as her anus resonated with quickly diluting euphoria. Tom didn't bother to punish her for her non-response, instead he welcomed her absence of thought, absence of rationale. It was a satisfying achievement to know she was speechless, perhaps the best possible of outcomes.

As her panting died down and Dara(Ket) could hear her own voice again over the din of a pounding heart, she had a moment to realize what those metal sounds were, or at least where they were destined to.

No more had she thought it than it happened. She heard Tom make a slight adjustment to the metal stand, and poof! The dildo it was supporting slid right into her asshole. Dara(Ket) gasped, with the aid of the oil, the insertion was effortless, pain-free, but now having filled her with its total size, came the discomfort of having it stuck up her ass, way up. She moaned her discomfort, swaying from side to side in an effort to ease it.

Tom violently grabbed her leash and yanked it. "STOP THAT! What the hell is wrong with you? I told you to stay still damn it!"

Dara(Ket) sobbed out her apology. Damning herself for again forgetting an instruction so quickly.

"I know you think this is just another discomforting device," Tom began noticeably upset, "but it's more, just like those damn clamps and the candle wax covering them. It's not about your discomfort Ket, it's about your submission. Anytime I spend on your worthless ass, is always about your SUBMISSION."

He accented that final word with a thunderous whap of the riding crop across her butt. Involuntarily she inched up on her toes, actually giving her a split second reprieve against the dildo, but she came crashing down on it a split second later, agonizing as her invader probed deeper.

"I think it’s time we got on with it," Tom said through naked rage. "This is the crescendo Ketbaby, and your lesson for the day at that. That dildo you find so distressing is wired to send an electric shock up that ass of yours anytime you move more than one point five inches in any direction, that includes up and down. I'll control the severity of the shocks, so the better you handle them, the less zap in your trunk. That's the good news girl, the bad news is those clamps are coming off the same way I got that water off you."

A deathly silence hung in the room as if the Reaper himself had entered. Dara(Ket) gulped hard, she could not see the clamps or the clumps of wax, but felt them seemingly everywhere. This was indeed the perfect storm, a morbid climax of fear and anguish, she prayed for survival, for now there was nothing else.

"I hope you are ready," Tom's voice broke her silent angst, he slid up behind her and whispered, "just think of all the people who will delight in your shrills, in days your admirers will be all over the world, they'll talk about you in message boards, chat rooms, you'll be a star Ketbaby, this will be a classic."

He stepped back, she heard him click something, and then a low, steady hum rapidly ran up the metal stand and through her dildo. Dara(Ket) braced for an impact, but none was forthcoming, the hum remained constant but minute. Oddly enough it was somewhat arousing, gently she bopped, knowing her space limitation, and found it comforting, like some twisted foreplay she was slowly getting herself getting worked up.

Lost in her revelry, Dara(Ket) had no time to brace as she heard the crop slice through the air in front of her and come colliding down on her left breast. She let out an unspeakable shriek, like a banshee howl riding a storm wind, her breast throbbed with excruciating pain. Breathless for seconds the ache pounded from chest to brain, like a bullet train crashing, over and over again. In the incoherence she lost her balance and set off the dildo. Volts jolted up her anus, as she recovered her breathing, a new deafening wail emblazoned itself on the soundtrack, her limbs trembled electric, breath now was but fodder for screams, and through it all, only darkness and the voice of evil.

"You know," Tom began pausing for emphasis, "it's going to get a lot worse."

Dara(Ket) screamed anew. She was in hell, that fact struck her with undeniable force. Muttering to herself she wished she could return to her cell. Even her coarse blanket would be a beacon of tenderness in this ocean of maddening pain.

Again she heard the whoosh of the crop, this time she had a moment to steel herself before impact. Again her breast exploded in agony, but she was able to keep herself from reacting too strongly, holding her stance amid vibrant pain and guttural releases. She believed it a small victory, until he destroyed her with a casual remark.

"I don't get it, this stupid clamp just won't come off," Tom mused innocently, "I mean beating the wax off takes a while sure, but two whacks is usually it for the clamp. Here let me see if I can't loosen it up a bit."

Dara(Ket) could feel the crop close to her breast, instead of crashing down on it, Tom placed the end into the tail of the clamp. After a brief hesitation she felt clamp and crop violently shake in vertical movements, producing a new level of torture. As she screamed in newfound pain, Dara(Ket) felt the crop release only to come down on her breast again. She gritted her teeth against the strike and managed to keep from setting off the dildo, but Tom continued smacking the whip on her breast. Two, three, four, lost in the whirlpool of pain, Dara(Ket) set off the dildo, as the current shot up her ass and her body trembled, alas came the exasperating sensation of the clamp falling off.

She expected a break, a wisecrack, but instead the clamp fell to the ground and Tom just moved on pausing only momentarily, probably lamenting the fallen soldier. He started on the right breast, now there were no breaks, unprepared, Dara(Ket) staggered left and right setting off multiple electric shocks. Her head swam in a mire of ghastly throbbing, from the resonating daggers that entered her anus to the pounding on her breasts, it all converged to bring her to the edge of madness. Her screaming head the only manner to keep sane.

Tom was merciless now, he whacked away with robotic precision, moving on without hesitation to the next target. Dara(Ket)'s screams intermixed with sobs and he relished in the monstrous melody of his slave, transfixed by her song. Having beaten her so thoroughly, he could no longer distinguish red candle wax from red flesh, though the clothespins were there to guide him.

The end was upon him before he realized. Through heavy breaths Tom stopped, finding no more clothespins to whack except for the cluster on her vagina. He took a moment to study her flesh, waiting for the intoxication to die off. Her wails continued despite the hiatus, pausing only to refill her lungs, Tom basked in the dissonance of her suffering, savoring every last whimper until she realized the whip was no longer ravaging her.

Dara(Ket)'s cries slowly wound down. Her eyes teared up anew behind her blindfold at the thought of this nightmare being over, but before she could cry her tears of joy, the sensation in her pussy told her otherwise. Tom had merely taken a break so he could revel in the final act, no surprise there. She wept instead her tears of utter misery, every clothespin spot was a broadcast tower of electrified anguish, her dildo a conductor spreading the pain to where every last corner of her anatomy echoed its hellish signal, the darkness, the insanity, it was enough to pray for something new, death.

Tom gently ran the crop through the cluster of clothespins. Dara(Ket) gasped, shaking with terror, somehow she managed the nerve to speak.

"P-plea...plea...," she wanted to fall to the ground and never get up, dejected by the pathetic sound of her voice, her inability to even say one word. In the darkness her torture was alive. Images flashed before her, visions she had not seen, yet in her brain in dispiriting detail. She wept for the pain, but worse for the understanding that she was irrevocably marked, even if she were free one day, she would never be the same.

"WHY??" Dara(Ket) screamed after a deep breath, the word contorted through the prism of physical agony and mental collapse.

Tom stood there, his smile fading. The question was far too probing to be addressed, yet he knew the reasons, and they troubled him. With one word she had brought him back to the beginning of all this, the entire ugly truth, and it threatened to ruin his evening, having these intrusive emotions surface again.

A part of him snapped, enraged with the disruption of events, he grabbed Dara(Ket) roughly by the leash and pulled her violently setting off electric shocks by the multitude.

"WHY?" he screamed into her ear, "WHY?? WHY?? BECAUSE I FUCKING CAN KET!!"

Ensnared in the maelstrom, Dara(Ket) lost her grip on reality. As clothespins and dildo thrashed amongst each other and excoriating volts blasted up her ass, the world fell away. He was a monster from a dream, a hell-spawn with the vilest torture streak, inhuman, not of this world. Somewhere the excruciating sense of the wax-locked clamps registered, but somehow disconnected, like a severed limb.

Still seething with rage, Tom continued to yank the leash vigorously, with his free hand he smashed the crop into her vagina, bringing Dara(Ket) back from dreamland in the blink of an eye.

Dara(Ket) screamed the mother lode of death sirens. Like waking up on a bed of angry hornets, her body leapt several inches without her consent. Having been flung so wildly, she came down awkwardly on the dildo, again it tangled with the pins, and again the current shot up her tormented ass. There would be no interval this time, this was a frenzied frontal assault, between the sadistic wrenching of her leash, the incessant pounding of the riding crop upon her pussy, and the shocks that now went on without end, there was no solace.

Dara(Ket) fell, as far as her restrained arms and anal plug allowed her. How she wanted to blackout, like before, just drift off to never-land and detach herself from this misery, but this time the pain kept her awake. Every strike on her cunt exploded into a new center of agony, her mind was frantic, unable to sever its ties to the world.

Through his gritted teeth and salivating lips Tom huffed. His pulse thundered in his head, looking down upon Dara(Ket) he whacked away at her vagina. Her morbid cries were unearthly, Tom delighted in them, a fire burning in his crouch with every new strike, with every new twisted cry of agony, it was indeed music for the damned. Entranced in her hell song, he pulled back to strike anew, but to his dismay, all the pins had been smacked off. He paused for a moment, to lament the end of his diabolical orchestra, then whacked her one last time, savoring every minute detail of her finale.

Dara(Ket) went limp with exhaustion, her death cries trailed off to c***dish sobs, everything from her vagina and up throbbed and burned.

She heard Tom step behind her amid the sudden silence, abruptly the stand holding her dildo in place was gone, she let out a gasp as her body fell further though her bound wrists still kept her from the floor, to her disappointment the dildo remained lodged in her ass.

Tom stood enthralled, the sound of her cries slowly descending, her blindfolded face, her wilted body strung up by her wrists, all combined for a stunning beauty. How he wanted right there and then to kiss her madly, but no such weakness could be bestowed upon her now. With a devious grin spreading across his face he jammed her dildo farther up, and almost laughed aloud at her renewed anguish.

"Please....m-master T-Tom Tom...please," Dara(Ket) whimpered through heavy breath, "so much pain...please..."

Tom looked down at her beaten ass, perhaps she could use a break, at this point all he would have to do is drag her a few feet and drop her on her cot. His next plan was simply to feed her, so delaying that was no skin off his nose.

"Okay Ketbaby," he soothed, "it's over, you did great girl, your recording was one for the ages, they'll be talking about you forever, I'm so proud. Let's get you over to the bed so you can rest."

Dara(Ket) could make no sense of his speech except for the words bed and rest. Her mind was so desperate to shutdown she felt overwhelmed with gratitude, far too dazed to realize the extent of her submission.

"Thank you Master Tom Tom," she whispered raising her covered eyes up, tears fell down from the blindfold not from pain, but from the simple gesture of being allowed a reprieve, "thank you, thank you master."

Tom felt overcome with desire, carefully he unhinged her arms from above. Her body was like dead weight in his arms, dragging him down almost to the floor. Holding her by her upper arms he walked her back to the cot, she winced and moaned in pain as her enflamed flesh fell upon the coarse sheets, but quickly fell silent as exhaustion overtook her.

"I'm sorry Ketbaby," Tom began, "there's just a couple things I've got to do for your own safety and well being. If you want to drift off go ahead, I just didn't want to surprise you."

Dara(Ket) did not react as if she had heard. Satisfied, Tom went to work. She had chosen to lie on her side when she reached the bed, though doubtless she hadn't given it much thought. Tom pulled out an adjustable spreader bar from under her bed and attached it to her ankles, keeping its length at the shortest setting, then grabbing her arms tilted her over on her stomach as gingerly as he could. Despite his best efforts she noticed and let out a cry of pain as her beaten breasts brushed off the coarse sheets, undisturbed Tom proceeded to secure her bound wrists to the head frame. Dara(Ket) stirred just as he went to put the ball gag back on, instantly she awoke protesting with what might she had left, but those cries were muffled out as Tom strapped the gag quickly. Her protestations mounted as she realized her ankles and wrists were now in a stricter bondage than before she'd received the beating of her life, misery and anger revived her.

"Ssshhh," Tom whispered into her ear, "no pain Ketbaby, no pain. When you pull on these restraints, just imagine it's me holding you tightly, now go back to sleep sweet Ket, your master is proud of you, all will be well when you wake up."

Dara(Ket) muttered something through her gag and slowly began to wind down. Tom sat next to her brushing back her long hair. This was the ultimate contradiction of his existence, how he longed for her seeing her in this delicate condition, yet he mourned her bruised and beaten body. His mouth salivated and his cock expanded to the point of discomfort as he envisioned just how to feed her.

The screen blacked out again. Ketsana’s finger hovered over the pause button as her dazed mind futilely tried to decide whether it was repulsed or fascinated. She looked over at her sleeping cousin, the guilt she felt overcame her and she began to sob, her mind sick with the images of Dara’s beating and humiliation, all in Ket’s name.

She wanted to wake her cousin, tell her that she had seen enough and now was the time for action, namely getting the hell out of here, but her initial curiosity had graduated to an insatiable lust for unearthing the entire sordid mess. The story was not over, if this was indeed his master plan, she had to know it. She glanced at the clock on the DVD player, knowing his schedule, she knew they still had time, the movie came to life once more.

Same as The Tom Tom Club Chapter 3 Videos

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Tommy to Tommi

Tommi: I remember when I was 10. In the toilet I asked my mother about my pee pee standing up. Through the door, she heard me and came in, as I was trying to press it down, sitting on the seat like the big girl I was. I blushed, as she looked down, as she frowned and kneeled her beige sundress billowing slightly around her. Her perfume seemed so good to me, lilacs, I think. She reached to my pee pee, and asked me, "Do you mind if I touch it?" "OK, go," I replied, "you...

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Wife Customized by Black Lover and BossChapter 3 Customization Begins

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The pencil test a story about Tom and Tina

Story #1: by MaxMonPart 1: Pretty flowers, pretty Tina Tina wore a smile reminiscent of surprise as if she had just opened a birthday gift that held her most desired thing; a sense of anticipation fulfilled with glee, and a natural enchantment filled her eyes most of the time. To her every day brought forth wondrous moments she took in eloquent stride. She exuded sincerity that life was a precious thing best experienced in the here and now, to not concern one’s ambition with the anxiety in not...

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The adventures of Tom Matt

“Man I feel like a kid at Christmas” Matt told Tom. “I know so who is going first?” Tom asked. “Let’s flip a coin” Matt said pulling a quarter out of his pocket. “You call Tom it”. Matt flipped the coin and Tom called out heads and both boys watch the coin fall to the floor and land on heads. “Sweet I’m first” Tom said as he pulled off his shirt and jumped back and landed on his bed. Tom sat on his bed with just the gym shorts he was wearing and wanted for Matt to get the stuff ready....

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The adventures of Tom Matt pt2

Matt would text Tom on his way home and the two would meet at the grate that lead into the side yard of Tom’s house. Once behind the fence and out of sight of anybody, Tom would drop to his knees and open Matt’s pants. Tom would pull out Matt’s soft used cock and Tom would blow him there in the shadows. Since the first time Tom sucked Matt’s cock after he fucked Sara, Tom loved the new way Matt’s cock would taste. A mixture of his and Sara’s cum covered his dick and Tom would suck it clean....

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Ch 6 Tom And Claire and Brenna

Tom looked at his screen. It was a Monday morning, like most Mondays. But was it? Yes, he was sitting at his desk working and checking Lush to see who might be online. But he had just experienced the most amazing encounter with Roxanne and her young protege. He had fucked them both. He had taken Claire's virginity. The experience had been otherworldly. He had gone from cybering with young women via typing to voice chatting to real-life fucking.These thoughts bounced around his brain, making...

Straight Sex
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Dr Tom and Lisa

                                                                Dr Tom and Lisa                                                                   Episode 1                                                              by roccodadom44    "Jesus Lisa everyone needs secrets" Tom moaned at his relentless wife. "Come on big boy open the vault or Ill close my snatch" half teased Lisa. The couple were coming to grips with the fact that they both adored torturing other humans. Dr Tom had helped several...

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MollyTom Carmel

Molly held Tom’s cock and started to rub it up and down, it was the first time she had wanked Tom’s cock his shaft was real thick and a huge cock head, she was scared to have it in her, Tom and Molly had been together for 2 years and wanted to take their relationship to the next stage they had done the preliminary fondling and had made Molly have a small orgasm, she so wanted to have Tom inside her but still being a virgin she was scared it would hurt, Tom groaned as she rubbed it a bit faster,...

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Ch 7 Tom And Kiannas Romp In Santa Barbara

Tom blew a kiss at the wall across from the bed. Next to him, Claire and Brenna were snuggled against his sides. It was the sexiest human sandwich he had ever been involved in. Hell. it was the only one he had ever been in. The previous threesome with Roxanne and Claire did not end up with this grouping after sex."So, you enjoyed the show?" Tom held the phone while Brenna rubbed her hand across his chest."Yes, three beautiful bodies fucking...what is not to enjoy?" Roxanne smirked. she knew...

Straight Sex
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Ch 8 Tom Finally Finds Paisley And More

Roxanne raised her head. Her partner, eyes closed, moaned in response to Roxanne's talented tongue."Do you like that, dear?""Fuck yes," she replied. Her brown hair was tousled and damp. Makeup, once put on expertly, now was a smudged and streaked mess. Her thighs trembled, partly due to fatigue and partly to desire. She had not felt like this in years. Her husband, once her passionate lover, was now a familiar friend. She couldn't remember the last time she had sex. He probably asked for...

Straight Sex
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Tom The Boarder

I married my high school sweetheart. Bill came from what I would call an "Old-Fashioned Traditional" family, and by that, I mean, his mom never worked outside of the home, and they went to church every Sunday. She cleaned, cooked, had babies and raised kids until they were empty-nesters, the typical suburban household of the 60s and 70s.My husband finished college when I was a freshman, and we got married right after his graduation. I didn't get much exposure to campus life. I always felt a...

College Sex
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Nerdy Brother Ao Tom Tina Angie

Tina came running in to Tom, “Please help us so dad does not find out please!!” Tom looked at his almost 17 year old sister, she was wearing her baby doll night clothes which were see thru. He could see her boobs with her lovely puffy nipples. He hid his hard on with his comic “What have you done now,” He knew it concerned her computer, it was, up to this time, the only thing in common between him and his sister. He got up as she ran back to her room. Following he realised she was not wearing...

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Tom And Miss Moss

Tom had to come to the sixth form college for boys that day fully expecting to be given the double detention which Miss Moss had given him on two separate days during the week, which, in turn, would mean a two hour after college detention and a trip to the headmistress for a minimum of four strokes of the cane. He was even more worried when the school secretary entered the classroom whilst Miss Moss was teaching and called out all of the names of those who were in detention. What shocked Tom,...

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Big Daddy Tom

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Tom Comes Out

Tom comes out by Emily Ross Tom's wife Dawn was going to be out working all evening, visiting an important client in the city so Tom decided to spend the evening at his hobby - something he had done occasionally during five years of marriage but about which Dawn knew nothing - a spot of cross dressing. He started as soon as he got home from work, having a shower, shaving and waxing his legs. Dawn knew that Tom's legs were virtually hairless but she had never suspected the...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 08

Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-7 of this series, I suggest you do so. Otherwise, you’re going to miss out on a lot of detail. The series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie’ is about sex, sports, and romance as the fictitious characters take the readers on a roller coaster ride with each chapter building on the previous chapter. The story plot centers on the adventures of two high school girls who are best friends, but come from different social and economic families. One is a star...

2 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 07

Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-6 of this series, I suggest you do so. Otherwise, you’re going to miss out on a lot of detail. I appreciate you votes and your comments. RCG * * * I drove as fast as I could to the apartment. Debbie was still holding John and sobbing, ‘I love you.’ John was still unconscious. I pulled into the complex and Tom said, ‘Park as close as you can to the door.’ I pulled up within a feet of the apartment’s front door in a ‘No Parking Fire...

2 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 06

Dear readers, If you haven’t read Chapters 1-5, I suggest you do so before reading this chapter. You’ll miss out on a lot of previous action unless you start with Chapter 1. * * * * * Tom just grinned at John, ‘Sorry Bud—maybe some other time. We need to be alone tonight—it’s our Christmas and New Year’s Eve, and I don’t have a curfew!’ John and Debbie looked unhappy with Tom’s decision. I breathed a sigh of relief. The last thing I wanted was John watching me fuck Tom ‘cowgirl’ and...

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Tom Ch 01

Stetson pulled low, eyes wide in terror, young Tom Briscoe rode into town in a Yellow Cab. He would have preferred a horse but couldn’t find the hitching rail outside his terminal at JFK. After taking a look at all the traffic and the tall buildings holding up the clouds, he was pleased as a well-fed Texas Rat Snake that the cabbie agreed to take him on the journey to Madison for one hundred bucks. The kind cabbie turned into Madison and said, ‘This is it pal, your hundred has run out of...

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Tom Confesses

The blond next to him leaned over and whispered to Tom: “I still fuck, maybe later…..” Tom had been invited to attend a weekend night get together with two other couples in his apartment complex. He had become acquainted with the two couples when he moved into the complex after his divorce eighteen months previously. One couple was all male and the other all female. He like them both they were friendly had helped him get over his divorce and were totally non-threatening. Tonight they had...

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Tom Landsworthy USMC

Tom sat in the back seat of the car moodily as it wove its way down the dusty road, glancing over the shred of paper that he blamed for his current predicament. As a 18-year-old, he found the idea of being forced to stay at a summer camp while his parents were taking a long business trip to Europe ridiculous... but, his parents were relatively old-fashioned, and didn't think that anybody younger than 70 should be at home alone, it seemed. Plans had been for him to stay with...

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Rose and Tom Ch 06

Riding Tom Each night, Rose and Tom would hang out either at Tom’s apartment or Rose’s, depending on more or less chance and what was going on. And each night they would cuddle and kiss, and everything was going well for both Rose and Tom. On the following Friday, Rose came down to Tom’s apartment, after the long first week of classes. For Tom this had been a long week and he wanted to forget about the events and the work of the week and relax. After Tom cooked dinner, they played a few games...

3 years ago
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my new submissive family Part 3 Tom Marys initiation

Part 3 I opened up the cell door and walked in. As I stepped in front of them I said. “Welcome to your new home. How are my new slaves doing tonight? What, we aren’t talking tonight? Oh that is right, you can’t talk with your mouth full, hehe. I bet it was tiring standing like that. Let me let you down to a more comfortable position. I pulled two special tables in front of them both. I first removed Mary’s gag and then released the chains holding her arms, and then laid her across the...

4 years ago
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A vulnerable housewife Chapter six David is very curious about my day with Tom

I arrived home Monday evening, a few minutes before seven, nearly an hour later than usual. Tom’s semen was leaking from my pussy, soaking through the gusset of my panties. It was my first day back in the office since my tryst with my boss and husband last Saturday night. As I waited for the door to rise so I could pull my car into the garage, I shook my head in disbelief. Two weeks ago I was a faithful wife who had never even considered cheating on her husband. A great deal had changed in the...

3 years ago
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The ResearcherChapter 8 Tom

Three days later John got back for lunch and then said he had a surprise for her. 'Go and get your present - from the bedroom.' She rose and moved to the bedroom, wondering what he was going to do. He had hidden nothing from her, detailing what he would want of her and begging her to consider before continuing to live with him. She needed no time to think but had agreed that she would stay on no matter what terms he wanted. Over the past three months she had regretted nothing. She had...

3 years ago
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Rose and Tom Ch 07

Laying in Comedy and Bed Rose and Tom are relaxed for another evening of cuddling in bed, with the array of comedians on in a marathon that night. As they both lay there with pants off under the covers, Tom has his right arm stretched over and across to Rose’s lower abdomen, while Rose has her right arm laying flat on her right side. Slowly, Rose inches her arm behind her, and feels around, finding Tom’s chest. Tom, noticing Rose’s right hand is finding his chest, starts to give her a belly...

3 years ago
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I fucked tom8217s wife

Hi, i m 29 yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body stature and 6″ tool and thick…. Possess decent personality traits.. I believe in making good friends.. And loves to explore new horizones of life… As far as my fantasies r concerned.. I love to spend time with like minded loves to get in to a sweet relationship which must me secure and descret.. I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet bm and like minded cpls and females for casual or one...

3 years ago
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Linda and Toms journey Chapter 2

Tom arrived home to find Linda ready and waiting for him. Linda welcomed him home with a kiss and said, Thank you for letting me start the rental letting thing. It's been great to have a day to myself and I wanted to thank you properly. Can I fix you adrink while you relax a little, she suggested. Tom replied, sure why not.Tom went through to their open plan living area, slipped off his shoes and closed his eyes for the few minutes it took Linda to return.Linda had their drinks as promised but...

4 years ago
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Walt and Tom in 1960 Italy

PRELUDE It was 1961 and it was my second year stationed in Naples, Italy. My best friend Tom had also been there a year. He was my main stay as he had convinced me to spend my time and money touring the country and enjoying the culture. That was a far cry from so many other servicemen who spent all their time drinking and sleeping with working girls. Tom and I would also spend the night with a working girl when we were in the mood. We always went to this one bar where we had our favorites,...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 16

Chapter 16 SALLY SEDUCES TOM, SUE LEARNS THE STORY OF TOM & MARY ANN Thanks for reading my series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie!’ If you haven’t read Chapters 1-15, please do so before reading this chapter, otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. The series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’ is a story about sports, sex and romance. The story plot centers on the adventures of two high school girls during their senior year and continuing...

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Tom Ch 04

An upset Melissa come running to find Tom who was just emerging from the women’s restroom with the company’s librarian. ‘Tom, Tom.’ ‘Melissa, calm down. Armageddon is not scheduled for today.’ ‘Tom, Tom. Mrs Stokes has arrived and is with the partners. You and I have been called to them.’ ‘Oh good. We can snare this one for you darling.’ ‘What?’ ‘You’ll do the work. I’m employed as the ideas guy. I’m not required to work.’ ‘Oh, I think I understand what you mean. Will we survive this?’ ...

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Tom Ch 02

Two weeks after arriving in New York, Tom moved into a studio apartment. His salary impressed him, being far more than what he thought he was worth. He relaxed when Jed told him he paid people what he thought they were worth and he was receiving excellent feedback about Tom from clients who were being charged huge money for advertising services. Tom was a real hit within Jed’s family and surprisingly after that punchy start, he and Carl were beginning to become real pals. And then Tom blew it,...

4 years ago
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Tom Tongues Trout Tasing Taint

“I have huge nipples.” Stated Trish, looking up from Tom’s tight testes. “There’s only one kind of regular brassiere I can wear that I like that covers my nipples well.” Trish said as she assessed the size of her areolas.” “Yes, you do have huge nipples,” replied Tom repositioning himself on the couch so his head was level with Trish’s breasts. Once again, Trish’s nipples were the center of the universe. Trish was a strange self centered sexually compulsive bitch. Tom...

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Tom Ch 06

CHAPTER 6 An irritated older guy was standing at reception waiting for a receptionist to appear when Tom entered the dingy offices of Benson, Michaels and Struthers PR. ‘May I help you sir?’ ‘Do you work here?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘I own Robinson’s Clearance House and had advertised heavily to promote the clearance of a line of five gallon ceramic pickling pots. We’d ordered 150 pots but they failed to arrive on time and this morning a container of 1500 was dumped outside our premises. It’s a complete...

2 years ago
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Julia and Tom Part 3 The beach

It was Sunday morning, 10 am. Julie still thought of it as Church time. Even if she had only gone to Christmas Eve and Easter mass in the last years, the remains of her strict Catholic upbringing were always there in a corner of her mind. She was sure, though, that Tom was not driving to any church. He had not told her where they would go, and this worried her a little. Earlier in the week she had accidentally broken the flash of his camera. She still expected him to make her atone for it in...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Wife fucks another guy 3a Tom 9x5

In my last post, I described the second time we met Dan to fuck D and how much we enjoyed it. D got royally fucked that night and I got a few creamy creampies to eat.The next time we had open time to play again, I emailed Dan to see if he was available. He replied and said that date was free for him also. However, he said he only wanted to meet again if D would let him anal fuck her. As I have stated previously, D does NOT do anal at all. She told me this the first time I had sex with her and I...

2 years ago
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The Mansion Tom and Mary

Frank sat in his office, a small part of the basement, hidden behind a fake wall, staring at the big computer screen in front of him. He went there after Brianna left. She said she needed to think about it, and was going to call him. She left so quickly that Frank doubted he would ever hear from her again. Frank opened a big safe behind him, flicked through the hundreds of DVDs that were stored inside the safe, and found the one he was looking for. The DVD tray was labeled, “Tom and Mary,...

5 years ago
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Rose and Tom Ch 08

A Different Side Following last weekend, Rose and Tom needed a bit of a break from the heavy action, and so the next five evenings were comprised of exploratory massages all over each other bodies, as Rose and Tom were trying to find new zones that could bring the same or greater pleasure for each other. In the process, Tom found he gets really into his lower sides being rubbed by Rose’s fingers and by sucking on Rose’s fingers much like Rose likes sucking on Tom’s fingers sometimes. Tom also...

2 years ago
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A Friend in Need Part 1 Sucking Tom

My wife and I are now in our fifties, and although I seem to have an insatiable thirst for sex, my wife, Joan, lost her desire for sex many years ago.  I occupy myself by reading primarily cuckold, creampie, and bisexual stories, and although I like pussy the most, I also have some bi-sexual tendencies. But my real bias is for oral sex of almost any kind, and maybe that’s because I have a below-average-sized cock and tend to cum too quickly.  With oral sex, I can enjoy the encounter for much...

Gay Male
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Tom and Morgan Growing Together Pt 2

I edited and rewrote some lines in this story. This story was written to see if there are genres that I can write that I have no experience in, and make it real enough for people to enjoy. I was surprised at how well people received my story. Thank you in advance for reading my work. Tom ((((((((((At the End of part 1))))))))))) When we last left Tom and Morgan, after the death of her mom and a drunken interaction with her Daddy, they were both having fantasies about each other. Morgan was...

4 years ago
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Tom Ch 05

Tom sat looking at the wedding invitation. Shona had met a divorcee businessman and they’d fallen for one another in a big way. Apparently the couple a long time and began the relationship with an interest in marriage and that had led to the inevitable. Tom had asked Marion who he’d been running with lately to accompany him but she was apologetic, saying she was actually married and her husband would arrive home at the end of new week. He called for Fiona at Briscoe Partners but she had left...

2 years ago
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Meeting With the BoardChapter 2 Tom Joins Us For Breakfast

Blackness encased me. A sudden disturbance shattered my peace! I was pressed up against something warm and wonderful, and did not want to be disturbed! Something soft, pliable and desirable filled my hand. I just wanted to stay in my safe, quiet, dark world forever. But there was that disturbance again! A ringing sound. Oh, the phone! Groggy, eyes shut, I took my hand off that wonderful soft mound and began groping for the object of annoyance. I heard a protesting moan coming from in front...

4 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 04

If you haven’t read Chapters 1 through 3 yet, I suggest you read them first to pick up details not included in this chapter. * * * * The phone rang and Dad said, ‘Sue, its Tom.’ Suddenly I realized I was only dreaming—Christmas was still three weeks away! I answered and told Tom, ‘I just had the most horrible dream—I was pregnant and it was Christmas Day. Tom I’m really scared.’ Tom said, ‘Just relax—you’re not late! Look at the sports page—it’ll cheer you up!’ I asked, ‘What’s it...

2 years ago
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Tom meets Tori0

He mets a girl, Tori. Tori is a 18 black bombshell. Black hair. Green eyes. D chest, small waist and a bouncy butt. She takes Tom virginity and he is in love with her. They begin having sex on a regular basis. One night Tori tells Tom to come to her house, he arrives at midnight. As soon as he is inside she commands him to strip, excited by her aggressiveness Tom is naked in seconds. Tori tells him to turn around and put his hands behind his back. She handcuffs him, and blindfolds...

4 years ago
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Tom Our First Meeting

The true story of our first meeting with Tom, an on-line friend from Atlanta. The comical bit about "tit happens" actually happened and is a fond memory of that meet.Tom, Our First Meeting We’d been talking to Tom for sometime on an online contact site. Tom was from Atlanta and we lived in the UK and, even though we spent a lot of time in the States our paths had never crossed. There wasn’t a lot Tom didn’t know about us and he’d seen plenty of pictures of my wife fucking and sucking other...

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Captain Tom 2 The Voyage

Thursday evening my man and I found ourselves at our favorite restaurant for Dollar Oyster Raw Bar night. We sat at the bar and chatted with the locals as we ate. Most of them are snooty assholes, but some are characters we have come to know and like or tolerate. This brings us to Captain Tom, who is always very excited to see us and boasts about his life as a seaman. My man still has no idea that Tom and I have been lovers. Tom played it very cool. Personally I think the man is a pompous ass...

4 years ago
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Walt and Tom in 1960 Italy Ch 05

AUTHORS NOTE: Just a heads up that this chapter contains a bi-sex/gay sex encounter. Summer was coming to a close so Tom and I spent another weekend in Capri. We brought two of the working girls with us Pia and Petula. We stayed at the same hotel and the girls registered in one room and Tom and I in the other. Of course at night Tom went to be with Petula and Pia came to my room. We had a great time and great sex that weekend even though we spent more money than usual. Tom and I paid for...

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Tom Ch 07

CHAPTER 7 Lit by flickering candlelight in the restaurant, a trace of lipstick on his upper lip, Thom said, ‘Together at last.’ ‘Yes our missed lunch engagement because of the chemical spill and then me being sent to Austin for three days. I was beginning we weren’t destined to meet again. You can inspect the apartment when we finish up here and see if it meets your requirements. ‘Does it have a bed and a sturdy sofa?’ ‘Yes of course.’ ‘Then it meets my requirements.’ Jane finally worked...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 05

If you haven’t read Chapters 1 through 4 of this series, I suggest you start at the beginning. You’ll get more out of this story if you do. * * * * * * Sally asked, ‘Sue, did you and Tom use the ultra-thins every time you fucked this weekend?’ I said, ‘Yes. We both don’t want the worry ever again.’ Steve and John came back to the house so we quit our sister chat. John turned on the TV and the ESPN sports was on. He yelled, ‘They’re interviewing Coach Lewis at the Superdome.’ We all ran...

4 years ago
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Doing Belize Part Three Kerry and Tom

I quickly showered, dried off and then dressed. I put on a red silk dress with spaghetti straps, low cut in the front showing some cleavage, cut down the back to just above my hips with the hem falling a couple of inches above my knees. I stepped into a pair of red 3” high heels. As I stood in front of the mirror giving myself the once over, I noticed my snug fitting dress highlighted all my sensual curves nicely including around my semi-erect nipples which were pushing out the silk. Tina was...

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Tom has fun in the woods

Our hero in this story is Tom, a thirty something ex soccer player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met over the years. He retired when he ruptured his Achilles tendon but he keeps himself in good shape. Oh, and he loves the ladies! Part 1 Tom has been asked by Maggie, a long term friend, to help out on a hen party adventure weekend at her country house hotel in the south of England. He arrives at around 5.30 pm at the end of a hot summers...

4 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 03

If you haven’t read Chapters 1 and 2 yet, I suggest you read them first to pick up details not included in this chapter. *** We woke up finally around 11:00AM and while I cleaned up I noticed some cum around my pussy lips. I thought I’d cleaned everything up last night, but either I failed to or else some cum oozed out of my pussy during the night and onto my lips. I was beginning to get worried-Tom had not pulled out in time and it was my fertile time of the month! We checked out of the...

3 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 09

Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-8 of this series, Tom & Sue John & Debbie, I suggest you do so. Readers will follow the fictitious characters while they take the reader on a roller coaster ride filled with sex, sports, and romance. Each chapter builds on the previous chapter and without reading the previous chapters the reader will miss out on a lot of detail regarding the characters and the story plot. I hope you enjoy my series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie.’ DISCLAIMER:...

2 years ago
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Tom has fun in the woods

IntroductionI have checked and double-checked this story for errors and typos but I have dyslexia so can’t always spot them. If you do spot any mistakes, I apologise, as I know they can be infuriating for some, and I do hope it doesn’t stop you enjoying the story. If you do spot any mistakes, leave a comment and I will correct them.PrologueOur hero in this story is Tom, a thirty something ex soccer player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met...

3 years ago
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Shift Happens Hannah and Tom

Shift Happens: Hannah and Tom by Kaitlyn Autofield ****An hour before the Great Shift**** "Nice place you got here," Tom began flattering Silvia as they walked into her apartment, "You'll have to forgive Jake. ?He just got out of a relationship." "Well," said Silvia, "he certainly has taken Kiara's fancy." "Kiara seems to take every man's fancy," Hannah muttered trying to get Tom's attention, "And I wouldn't be surprised if there were a couple women in the mix." "Hannah!"...

2 years ago
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Tom and Joyce The Early Years

Tom and Joyce ? The Early Days            As Tom watchedthe last of Watson Watson's ten-inch cock bury itself between the welted cheeksof his wife, Joyce, who was bound spread-eagle fashion to the bed, he thoughtabout the first time he had ever laid eyes on her. You talk about a mess. Thatwas Joyce.            He had beeninvited to a sorority pledge event to check out the new meat. Although no scholar,Tom was well known on campus thanks to his impressive cock and his naturaltalent for using...

3 years ago
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Tina and Tom

Tina slowly drips warm oil over Toms erect cock. "Now you just relax and let me do all the work" she coos. Tom is strapped to a metal table in a dark room- "Please" he begs "no more". "We've only just begun" she says smiling and wraps her hands around him. Tina leans forward, her long dark hair brushes slowly over Tom's bare chest. "I just know this is going to do it for you", she whispers and begins to slowly masturbate him. Tom lets out a slow groan as she expertly manipulates his cock....

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