Estrogen Ocean free porn video

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To borrow a phrase from Jeff Foxworthy, “I live in a Sea of Estrogen.” My story seems strange to me, even though I’m living it. The interesting thing is how I got here. It all started with my divorce.

My name is Tau. Don’t ask, my parents were on a strange kick that I never did understand. The story kept changing over the years, so no laughing; it is my name. I’m just a little past forty and was married for just over twenty years. We simply drifted apart in many ways and once my younger daughter graduated high school, my ex and I decided we had enough. The divorce wasn’t as bad as many I had witnessed over the years, but between alimony and college, I was pretty strapped from month to month.

I was talking to a friend of mine, a former co-worker who had moved out of state. No, not an ex-girlfriend, just a good friend for many years. I was telling her of my predicament about looking for a new place to live and she offered me a suggestion: one of her daughters.

Let’s be clear, I knew her daughters pretty well and also knew the one she was talking about is a lesbian and in a relationship. Quite a few years back, she was a pretty constant visitor to my house, as she was school friends with one of my daughters as well. So I was a little hesitant, but I was also getting desperate. She paved the way for me with her daughter.

The daughter, Sabrina, and her, I guess, ‘partner’ is the politically correct term, Nichole, had rented a large house. Originally they lived there with Sabrina’s four-year-old-daughter, another couple, and one other girl. The one girl graduated from college and moved away. The couple had decided to get married and start a family, so they were looking for a place of their own. That left Bri and Nicki trying to figure out how to avoid defaulting on their lease. I guess they were desperate as well.

I met them at the house and saw they were looking to rent me a section in the house that was built as a ‘mother-in-law’ apartment. It had a separate entrance, a small (read minuscule) kitchen, a sitting room, a large bedroom with its own bath. In all honesty, it was perfect for me. We agreed on the numbers and I moved in.

For the first couple of months, we didn’t interact much, but we did get a little closer. Bri’s daughter started visiting me and she was a real doll. Even the few times my two daughters came over, they thought little Layna was adorable. I started doing some baking to have fresh cookies around for her visits. One of my hobbies is cooking. I was doing bread one day and the smell permeated the whole house and brought all three of them into my area. They invited me to use the main kitchen whenever I wanted, as long as they could share in the results.

That really started things. I loved to cook and neither Bri nor Nicki really did. So, as a result, I started spending more time in the main part of the house and we often ate dinner like a real family. Slowly over the next year, that’s what we became, a family. Laugh if you want, but it’s true. I even baked the cake for Layna’s fifth birthday party!

No, nothing sexual was going on, after all, I was much older and they were gay and devoted to each other. Then Michelle, Bri’s Mom came in for a visit from out of town. Michelle is my former co-worker, the one who set me up with this living arrangement. The second night she was there, she came to my bedroom without too many words joined me in bed.

I always liked her, but I hadn’t really thought of her sexually before. I mean we worked together and maybe you know the adage: ‘Thou shalt not dip thy quill in the company ink’? I had seen so many workplace relationships cause professional and personal issues that I never gave Michelle a thought along those lines. However, when she came into my bedroom, slipped off her robe, and then slid under the covers, I found being divorced wasn’t so bad! That night was also my first night with a woman since my divorce. It was terrific and I would like to think I gave as good as I got. Unlike my ex, Michelle was smooth-shaven so I got to spend lots of time between her legs. I also discovered that not every woman hated the idea of sucking a cock. Sixty-nine was apparently one of her favorite numbers.

I was a little worried about getting her pregnant, but we were extremely careful, although there were a couple of times pulling out before cumming all over her back or belly was challenging. She felt so incredible and was an amazing lover. She stayed a week and promised to return in a few months. When she left, I really missed her as much as Layna did, just for obviously very different reasons.

But, life went on. I got to take Layna trick-or-treating for Halloween while Bri was working and Nicki was setting up for a small party. It was funny, Layna never called me by my name or really any term. I half-expected an ‘uncle’ label, but she never did. I was just one of her friends and watching her face light up when I would pick her up from school always brought a smile to my face.

Okay, background laid. You can see I lived in an estrogen-heavy environment, but not to the point it was going to become. Michelle came back for another visit and that first night things started spiraling out of control. We were sitting on my couch getting each other worked up. God that woman loved to kiss! We finally made it to the bedroom, minus most of our clothing.

There we were, in bed, Michelle was sitting on my face when I felt her hand hold my cock. No biggie, then some shifting, and I felt what could only be a pussy descend on it. It was hot, wet, and tight and it wasn’t the one I was looking up into at that moment. Then Michelle started talking.

“You know Bri and Nicki want another child, a brother or sister for Layna. They decided of all the men they knew, you were the best possible candidate. They kept trying to find a way to ask you and then talked with me about it. If you say no, she’ll get off of you, and nothing will ever be said about it. But if you agree, they’ll come in here for the next week and try to get pregnant.”

Whoever I was inside of pulled herself up and sank back down on me, sweetening the deal, as it were. But my divorce did leave a few rough edges. “I won’t be just a sperm donor!”

“They wouldn’t do that. You will be the baby’s father and this unusual family will become more of one.”

While shocked, I found the idea appealing. I loved being a dad and once my kids grew to teens, I missed much of the interactions from when they were little. The idea of being a dad again wasn’t at all objectionable. I wasn’t thrilled with being set-up by Michelle, and that’s exactly how it felt. But then that pussy slowly moving up and down started getting to me. What was weird is I had no idea whose it was, Bri or Nicki? They had both mentioned wanting more kids, but it never crossed my mind that I might be intimately involved.

Now, I would love to tell you I thought all this while that tight, wet, and hopefully sweet pussy was going up and down on my cock. The reality was I thought all that later. Right then and there a much more primal instinct took over and I groaned into Michelle’s pussy as the other started moving faster and faster on me. Then the bed moved again and I felt a third person straddle my legs, behind the one riding me. Again, later I figured it made sense that it wasn’t done behind anyone’s back, well except for mine. And I wasn’t complaining the closer and closer I got to cumming. Then I heard the third person speak and I knew it was Nicki on me.

“That’s it, baby, make him cum up inside you. You’re going to have a baby with me!”

I also felt Bri reached around and was rubbing Nicki. Michelle stayed right where she was, her pussy an inch from my face, and getting more turned on herself, the scent of her being all excited was all I could smell. I felt her wetness as well. I tried to reach up and touch Nicki, but Michelle took my hands and put them on her large breasts.

I guess it didn’t take long, although it felt like it did. As Nicki came, so did I, I think a bucket full, at least that’s what it felt like. Nicki got off me and then Michelle surprised me by sixty-nining me with my cock still wet from cumming and Nicki. As I slowly got hard again, I realized our audience hadn’t gone anywhere.

When I was all firmed up and thinking of cumming again down Michelle’s throat, she sat up and another pussy came down on me. This one must have been Bri’s because she wasn’t quite as tight as Nicki, but she felt even wetter. I guess she took after her mom in the wetness department. Still, my brain was sort of on the fritz because it never dawned on me they both wanted to get pregnant.

This took longer and Bri was not only being played with by Nicki, but she was following her mother’s directions, in terms of speed and even angle. She came at least twice, although the second was muffled as I guess the two of them were kissing. Bri’s moans were starting to get to me as Michelle got off of me and I could see Bri, with Nicki behind her, straddling my legs as she kissed Bri on the neck and played with her breasts.

I will tell you that the image of one woman reaching around and playing with another can be sexy. When it’s not just happening in front of you, and one is riding your cock, it not only blows your mind but blows something else as well. I started cumming only it wasn’t enough. I pulled Bri down and shoved her over and started fucking her. I don’t know if that was against the rules, but I think I had enough of being used.

I have to say there was no tenderness, no lovemaking. I started cumming and I just fucked the hell out of her. It was only a dozen or so strokes, but I was shoving my cum in as deep as it might go. Nicky laid down next to Bri, stroking her hair and kissing her while Michelle was beside me, watching and playing with herself. Finally, with one last groan, I fell on top of Bri and my cock came out. Later I thought if she wasn’t pregnant, it would be a miracle.

The two left Michelle and me alone. She cuddled with me and we talked, really talked. Once we got a few things settled, she started stroking me again. It took a while, my forty-year-old cock wasn’t used to such treatment, but the trooper that he was, he rose to the occasion, and Michelle and I made slow, gentle love. I even came inside her for the first time. I went to pull out, but sorta said a mental ’fuck it!’

The next morning the four of us talked and made a few decisions. For the rest of the week, it was the four of us in bed, as I did my best to impregnate the two twenty-somethings. Michelle was like a cheerleader. It was pretty surreal! I did discover a few things. Both Nicki and Bri liked to be fucked hard. They also had an impressive toy collection which I got to witness, but not use. I think it was also a ploy to keep me overly excited.

Michelle went back home after a week and things settled down to normal. I slept in my own bed and they slept in theirs. The one change was some of the late-night noises. Maybe because I was more familiar with them, or they decided being quiet was a waste of time, I could hear the two of them making love often. While it did nothing for my sex life, it sure fired up my imagination and I sometimes heard one of them cumming in no uncertain terms.

It took about six weeks before Bri announced the news, a positive pregnancy test. A couple of weeks later Nicki announced the same. Once their doctor confirmed it, they told Michelle on the phone and she was ecstatic! I was torn between being very pleased and also a little worried about what my daughters would say.

At about the six-month point, I broke the news to my daughters and found out they already knew. It seems Bri and the two of them were connected on Facebook. They sort of assumed I was the dad since there was no mention of a guy involved with them. They thought it was pretty wild and volunteered for babysitting once in a while. I didn’t ask for my ex-wife’s reaction!

Just past the sixth month, Michelle came back with a few surprises of her own. One was easy, she was moving back. She decided that she wanted to be closer to her grandkids. The other reason for that decision was she was also pregnant. Remember the one time I came in her? I guess it was the golden bullet of sperm. She was as surprised when she realized it as I was when she got out of her car with her belly sticking out. Bri and Nicki knew, but they decided to surprise me! They succeeded.

My daughters found out about that and started teasing me about living with three pregnant women. If any of you reading have had children, you know about the mood swings, cravings, and emotional outbursts — well multiply it by three! My cooking skills also got a workout!

Layna loved it all! She was getting close to six years old and she took to the idea of a little brother or sister as if it was her idea all along. The other thing that happened was an uptick in my sex life again as Michelle moved in with me instead of having her own bedroom. Her favorite position was on her back with me on my side with her legs over mine. We also both enjoyed the noises from Bri and Nicki late at night as well.

I think the nurse and others at the obstetrician's office were a little surprised when I would bring each of them for their appointments and I know the history paperwork identified me as the father for all of them. But, to be honest I wasn’t worried about that! One of Bri’s friends even made mention of borrowing me to get her and her girlfriend pregnant. Bri and Nicki killed that idea. I would have been against it as well, if they bothered to tell me when it had happened.

The delivery time came around and luckily Mother Nature was kind to me and put a little space in between each one, but not much. Michelle and Bri delivered within three days of each other, Nicki held off almost two full weeks.

Michelle had the easiest delivery, a beautiful baby girl, weighing in at just under eight lbs. Bri had back labor and a pretty long delivery, over thirty hours. She also had a girl, almost nine lbs. Nicki delivered the final bit of estrogen, yes another baby girl and also the largest at a few ounces over nine lbs. The three of them looked only a little alike, but you know how much that will change over their first year. I was thrilled and also kinda weirded out. If you are familiar with genetics, you know the chromosome that determines gender comes from the male. I now had five children of my own and all girls! To be honest, I didn’t think about that for a long time. I think it was my oldest daughter who teased me about it.

But now you know why I refer to my home as a sea of estrogen. Three adult women, one in first grade, and three little ones in swaddling clothes. I was seriously outnumbered! And I love it! You have no idea how much, having three women and myself around with three babies. I cannot imagine how a young couple who have triplets manage. Layna is adorable with them. When we brought Michelle’s little Micky home, Layna was sitting on the edge of the couch and held her arms out to hold the baby! It was the cutest thing. Yes, we allowed it with careful assistance. Layna was a little put out when she realized she couldn’t breastfeed the babies. It was almost funny seeing her pull at her chest, trying to make a breast appear.

This large house suddenly feels more than a little crowded, but I don’t think any of us would trade it. We’re a family and while we get the occasional sideways glance, we tend to ignore it. We figure they are just jealous!

Oh, and one little side note. I am now outnumbered eight to one, as Layna decided the stray dog who moved into our backyard had become a family member. Yes, another female. Am I sad about not having a son? Well, since Nicki and Bri are talking about having another in a couple of years, maybe the odds will even up a little?


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Wolf Creek Ch 10

Estelle Hopewell proved to be Ada’s saving angel—and far more than in their intimate moments, of which there were many in the ensuing years. Estelle immediately fell in love with the hidden Colorado valley of Wolf Creek, and she virtually moved in with Ada and Frank in the Wolf Creek Ranch main ranch house. Frank never really took to her, but he tolerated her for Ada’s sake. Estelle was visited in turn by her adventuring husband, who one day looked in the passenger seat of the RC-38US Douglas...

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Listening and watching my parents part 3

I came out of my room and went to the head of the stairs. Mom was standing at the bottom fully dressed now. What mom, I said? I think you had better get down here young man, and she turned and walked to the kitchen.Shit, I’m in big trouble now, I thought. I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mom was standing at the counter fixing herself a cocktail. Sit down honey, she told me. Well she didn’t sound very mad and she called me honey, so maybe it is not so bad.I sat in one...

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Pyarse Choda

Hay i am riteh me ISS ka regural pahai karata he or aaj me apani realy story batane ja raha hu pahale me apana intro karwata hu me 23years old hu meri hight 5.6’or waight jyada nahi 54kg he jo koi bhi ladaki udha sakati he weseme dikhane me kafi smart hu or jisako bhi men choda he wo kahati he ki tumahara land bahot hi mast he yeh to mere bare me batachhaa abb jyada apane bare me nahi likhata apani story par aata hu meri pahali story aap ko keshi lagi hame sayad pata he ki aap ko achhi hi lagi...

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Nikki part 24

"I, Nicola Christine Thomas," I whisper as tears start to trickle from my eyes. "Take you, Sarah Jennifer Phillips..." "Beep," the minister says, derailing my train of thought. "Beep, beep, beep, beep...." I let out a long sigh as the pristine white veil of my wedding dress is replaced by the dark brown veil of my hair, which had flopped down in front of my face whilst I was sleeping. "Morning," I whisper to the beautiful girl whose face is the first thing I see every morning when I...

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How I Became A Lodge Randi

Hi guys this is sham alias shama 26 yrs gay bottom and a cross dresser. Love to please my man as horny housewife or his girlfriend in bed. Talking about me, I have sexy female figure with curvy waist, huge 34D melons natural and round juicy ass and cute small 3”cock.I like to dress up in saris and western clothes ISS is my favorite sex story site.I like share my half real and half fantasy story. Hope I give you guys a boner. So here it begins, this incident happened when I was studying in...

Gay Male
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Sister and teacher show me how

A little bit about me first. I’m Raj and I’m the only son in a family of five, with an elder sister older to me and a younger sister. We were a middle class family living in a 2-bedroom apartment with my parents using one of them and the 3 of us using the other one. From quite a young age I was up to steam on everything to do with sex. The usual sources of information were books and magazines smuggled into school by the more adventurous guys and a number of lectures from the experienced guys in...

2 years ago
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Sex Happened In Late Night With Aunty

Hai all friends.. I am a regular reader to this site for years. And it was my source from which I studied what is sex. I am Joel, 25 years old from Kerala. I request you to give me your feedbacks. And if any ladies are interested to contact me mail me This incident with my aunty was happened one year back when I was doing my post-graduation. Then I was 24 years.. I don’t have more attractive body or muscles. But I have good and average body. About my aunty.. She is my mother’s younger sister,...

1 year ago
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First Cousin Shikha Ko Chudai Ka Practical Karaya

Hi friends mera name Ashmit hai, ISS site par meri pehli story hai umeed karta hoon ap ko passand aye. Or mujhe mail jrur kreaga to dosto mai Kanpur (U.P.) ka rehne wala hu, age 20 healthy hoon height 5’8 hai and dekhne me smart hoon. Ab mai story pe aata hu,pados me mere papa ke cousin ka ghar hai unki beti ka name Shikha hai jo ki meri first cousin hui. Shikha bahut gori aur chikni age 18 hai uska size 36-30-38 hai usko dekh ke koi bhi chodne ko tayar ho jayewo hai e itni sweet. Hm logo me...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 8

Nina and Erika spent the night at the Murphys’ house on December nineteenth. The morning of the twentieth dawned dismal and gray. A major snowstorm was marching relentlessly eastward and was predicted to blanket Boston in a foot of snow during the overnight hours. Nina called the airport at seven. She was told that normal flight operations were ongoing. Heartened by the news, they all waited anxiously for their ride to the airport to arrive. Jennie was the only Murphy not going. She was...

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The Brewmeister

Here's a story where I managed to combine two hobbies WARNING: This story contains explicit descriptions of the transformation of barley into beer. If this offends you, please stop reading now. Also, there is some adult material somewhere in here. This story may be archived on any free site. Just let me know. Brewmeister by Sarah Miller It was Carl's 40th birthday, and he rushed out of the office at five, eager to get home to the surprise party he suspected was planned. ...

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Threes A Party At The Concert In The Park

My excitement matched the general buzz on the train as it departed towards its dedicated destination, a benefit concert in Ellis Park.  We were a group of strangers on our way to the same party so everyone was bent on having fun. Clearly, the party had started early for some, as I could smell the odd whiff of alcohol.I had to work that morning, so I was traveling alone and would be meeting two friends, Mack and John at the station.  They had planned to arrive earlier so that they were there...

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Tied up for lunch

You are bored! You watch the time endlessly tick one second at a time. You are wishing for excitement. Your eyes shut and your mind starts to wander down your body. Your hand follows your thoughts tracing itself down your scrubs gently caressing, as if a lover. As you reach your breasts, you have a sudden convulsion. Your muscles contract including your pussy. Your eyes spring open with shock.  ‘No,’ you think to yourself. ‘Not here.’ You go back to watching the clock. Another minute has...

1 year ago
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HardX Lana Rhoades First Double Anal

Hard X is proud to present the conclusion to Lana Rhoades Unleashed, featuring Lana’s 1st double anal sex scene. Watch Lana tease the camera in a visually stunning opener, celebrating her perfect 10 face and body before heading inside for the encounter of a lifetime. Featuring extended DP footage, ATM’s, and Lana’s first double anal, this is the documentation of a budding superstar indulging in unscripted sex, on her terms. Do not miss the conclusion to Lana’s 4 part...

2 years ago
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Sali Aik Larki

Mera naam artaan hai aur main lahore main rahta hoon,im 22 and doing my,ya tab ki baat hai jab shabnam humaray ghar rahnay k leya ayee, ghar ka mahool kafi khushgawar ho gaya tha woh thi bhe kuch aasi k us sai mil ka khushi hoti thi masoom sai surat goray charay pay bari bari kali ankhain,aur kamar tal lambay baal haan mager shayed masoom nazar anay walay logh itnay masoom hotay nahi. Woh meray mama ki bati thi aur college main parhnay k leya lahore ayee thi aur mom na us ko hostel main...

3 years ago
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Terri by Kristina Ward CHAPTER 1 "Come on Terry! You know you want to do it." Jenny was really excited. She was sitting on the edge of her bed waiting for me to make a decision. "I can't Jenny" I said "Why not" she said "It's the perfect opportunity for us. My mom won't be back until Sunday afternoon." What had started as a fun day was rapidly turning disastrous. My best friend in the world wanted me to have sex with her. Jenny and I...

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Ill Wake You Up

"Do you mind if I spend the evening with my friends tomorrow?" my wife asked me last night. "Humm, I don't know," I teased. I have never kept her from doing anything and she knows it. I am sure she would be very surprised and I did tell her I minded. Still, I appreciate her asking; it shows that she cares about my feelings on the subject. "We want to have a knitting evening, I should be back around midnight," she needlessly explained. "I'll wake you up!" she finished in a sultry...

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My name is Terilyn Bardot and, yes, I am a Sissy! When I was younger I put on my mom's panties and some of her lipstick when she was out. I had longish blonde hair and I ruffled it up - kind of teased it up - and when I looked in her dresser mirror, I almost ejaculated. Because what I saw looking back at me was not a skinny excuse for a male. What I saw was an extremely sexy looking girlie-girl - and it was me! I went to mom's closet and picked out a pair of her high heels, stepped into them,...

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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 22

NATALIE (Sunday evening 12/4) This Journey was awesomely intense! I knew the Gate of Heaven wasn't a mystical thing they believed in, but it made an interesting analogy for what we were doing. He nuzzled my boobs, soothing them with licks, caresses and kisses. He managed to calm my nipples down just a little too, so they didn't ache so much. He sat between my legs, crossed his legs and drew mine across his knees, one on each side of him. Through his eyes, I could see my pussy held wide...

4 years ago
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Wizards LegacyChapter 12

"She's not with me, Frank", I explained as he opened the door. "Bernie's at my house. I needed to talk to you alone." "Nothin' bad, I hope? Y'all ain't in no trouble, are you?" "That remains to be seen", I said with a smile full of trepidation. "I just need to ask you a question. I know it might seem a bit sudden, but I want to ask you for permission to marry your daughter." When he managed to close his mouth enough to talk, he began to answer. At least he was calm. "I...

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Fool Me OnceChapter 4

Monday night, Consuela made a call from her Aunt's house to her Great-Uncle Roberto, asking her aunt to leave the room for a short time. Her aunt had a bit of unrepentant larceny in her soul and would have loved to know what Consuela was planning. She was moderately disappointed Consuela wouldn't share that information, but she understood. She figured she'd find out sooner or later. Great-Uncle Roberto wouldn't normally have accepted calls from an unknown number but now he was primed to...

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Lovely Neighbor

Jennifer, along with her two older sisters and mom, was my next door neighbor. We lived upstairs in a quiet apartment complex. She was 17 at the time and a senior in high school. Jen was a free spirit that loved to dance, always had a pleasant smile for you or a compliment. She was tall and thin. She had great legs from dancing and smallish breast. I was currently dating my wife at the time. She was out of town visiting family back east. On many occasions Jen or her sisters would come by to...

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Amazonian Womb Worms Womb Feeders Chapter 10

Also I'll be posting a few chapters of another story called The Yoni Flower and another called Lizzy's Flower Glizzy on my author page in the next week or so. Both stories are interconnected and in the same universe as Amazonian Womb worms. The Yoni Flower is about an ecosexual that loves stuffing her vagina with veggies and plants who happens to find a warm, slippery flower that ejaculates something foul from a giant, slime-filled pod underground. And this underground pod harbors a...

3 years ago
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How i started loving wearing lingerie and cock

I had a girlfriend a couple years ago that slowly turned me into her sissy. It started with her being dominant when we had sex, tying me up, spanking me, slapping me. Then she started making me wear her panties. I didnt know how much i enjoyed being submissive before then We watched femdom porn together and i was embarased at first to enjoy her fingering my ass, but it was just so enjoyable i got over the taboo feeling. It got to where i would beg her to bend me over and work her fingers deep...

2 years ago
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Be the Bully

You're evil. I don't know what it is that has made you do this to me, but ever since we first met you have made it your life mission to bully me. I don't even know you very well, you're just a complete psycho that ruins everything I have. You take my money, you make me do extra work for you, you've beaten me up, given me wedgies, made fun of me. Plus you get away with it, every, single, time. All the girls love you. You're so handsome. I'm overwhelmingly jealous. How can they be interested in...

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Well tonight was shitty.". i thought to myself as i was walking down this dimly lit street. Ive walked this street dozens of times but tonight.......seemed...weird. Even a little eerie. I had just left a horrible party. No alcohol, and my close friend left me for a quick fuck as soon we got there! I was wearing my black leather jacket. White tank top underneath. My tightest jeans and my black boots. Im about 5"4 and have long blond hair. My eyes are green mostly and they sometimes turn Grey....

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Holding the phone receiver away from her ear, Jess rolled her eyes. Sucking in one side of her cheek, she gently bit into the fleshy skin. Her patience was wearing thin. “… and I want to state that I expect to be reimbursed for the loss of earnings I incurred, having to take a day off…” the irate caller snapped, continuing with his rant. Her perfectly manicured fingertips typed swiftly on the keyboard, noting down the customers complaints. “Yes, Mr. Young. Yes. Yes, of course I understand...

4 years ago
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Sex with Jack Frost A Short Story

Also available on Kindle Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the creators or producers of the actual film Rise of the Guardians. Pitch had been vanquished. And for a time, all was well. Jamie grew up over the years. He always maintained his belief in Easter Bunny, Santa, Sandy, Tooth Fairy, and most importantly, Jack Frost. His friends, the ones who were not present for the rise of the guardians, laughed and scoffed at his ridiculous love for the things that they themselves...

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House of Hell

Chapter 1Waking up in an unfamiliar place is always bewildering, and Christine felt exactly that as she coughed violently and sat up on a small hard bed in a tiny room with little natural light.  She faced a stout looking steel door that looked as though it belonged in a prison.  She coughed again, her throat parched and sore and then slowly looked around at her surroundings.  Plain wooden floor boards ran the length of the small room, a large wardrobe stood in a corner opposite the door and at...

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Facbook Pe Mili Bhabi

Hi friends Mera name Deepak hai or main age 28 and Punjab se belong karta hu .Ye meri pahli storiy hai jo ki bilkul sahi hai. Apko meri story kaise lagi aap mujko pe bta skte hai. Bat 2 month pahle ki hai maim Chandigarh main ek pvt company main job karta hu or yha ek kiryae ke room pe akela rhta hu. Kyonki main akela rhta hu to room pe aake bore ho jata the to aise hi facebook ya WhatsApp pe lga rhata tha. Ek din rat ko main fb use kar rha tha to maine ek ladki ko friend request beji jo ki...

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