- 3 years ago
- 23
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As the dying light of another Saturday faded into oblivion, parents, devoted teachers and giggling school children began to head for the parking lot. The art fair I'd set up for my classes of elementary school children seemed to have been a rousing success. Since the fair had been my project, I suppose it was only to be expected for there to still be a crowd of people waiting to speak to me.
Okay let's face it, there were always people waiting to speak to me and there had been for all of what I jokingly call life.
As I looked at the people waiting to see me, it again struck me as very funny that neither the other teachers nor even the principal had nearly as many people waiting for them. In fact the principal was one of the people waiting for me. This didn't shock me since I knew what she wanted, or at least what she hoped for.
It was important for me to stay on her good side though, so I often did little things to keep her hopes up. Anna, my principal, was an attractive woman. She'd dedicated her life to teaching and working with kids only to find out that as her biological clock began to tick very loudly, she had none of her own. I guess that's where I came in. It was like something out of a romance novel. The mysterious new art teacher sweeps in and sweeps the beautiful maidenly principal off of her feet and they live happily ever after. Okay sorry ... I forgot that this is, after all, the twenty first century.
Let's re-do that. It should be the mysterious new art teacher, who's obviously a bad boy with a hidden past, rides into town on his motorcycle and starts secretly fucking the beautiful principal. She ends up pregnant and helps him to get over the secret tortures and terrifying dreams of the past he's trying to escape.
It doesn't matter which version you prefer, they're both bullshit because I have no intention of ever touching another woman for as long as I live. Been there, done that, got the claw marks all over my heart to prove it. And I'm not like those modern theorists who believe that people can fall in love over and over again. They believe, I think, mistakenly that love is a simple equation that can be generated whenever the circumstances and people are within certain parameters.
In other words, if you take two reasonably attractive people, put them in the right situation at the right time, they will fall in love. I suppose with the number of divorced couples and the amount of cheating that goes on, it does tend to make sense. I, however, say thee nay. The theory is pure hokum and those who espouse it have simply created their theory to explain the lack of stability in the marital unit as of late. I believe that what happens a lot today is that people mistake attraction for love. They find someone they're attracted to, start fucking, enjoy the sex and then get married. A few years later, inevitably, the sex becomes mundane and sex was all they ever really had. They need someone else to stoke their fires and excite them, so they start having affairs or simply divorce.
Real, true love, may only strike a person once in their lifetime. Our problem is that we're so used to getting what we want instantly, that we no longer have the will or the ability to wait for it.
I've had mine. It ended tragically and I'll never go down that path again. I don't think I'm physically or mentally capable of going through it again. It was all I could do to walk away with part of my sanity intact. Real love takes you to the heavens, borne aloft on its wings. But there's always, always, always gravity lurking just beyond the tips of those same wings waiting to return you swiftly and painfully to the rocks below.
I flew ... God damn it I flew higher and longer than I ever thought possible. So when I fell, it was from a higher altitude and far more painful than I ever thought I could endure. I should have died, perhaps like in one of those great Shakespearian tragedies, we both should have died. We both survived, but it was clear at least to me, that we couldn't both exist in the same world any longer.
See what I mean ... artistic people should never be allowed to speak. I've just given you the boring broad strokes of my entire life without giving you any of the details to flesh it out. But don't worry, you're not alone. I never talk about who I was, to anyone. Not even to Anna and she really is my best friend in this chapter of my life, though she doesn't realize it.
My hackles are up this evening. It's almost as if I can feel something coming for me, a shadow of trouble reaching out to fuck up my life all over again. I scan the faces of the people waiting for me. Besides Anna, there are three women and a man. One of the women has a very angry face, the others are smiling. The man is one of my fellow teachers, Jim. We're somewhat friendly. I know what he's after so I take him first.
"Hey Larry," he says to me. It still takes me a while to realize that he's talking to me.
"What's up Jim," I reply. "Before you ask, I'm still on for our run tomorrow morning. Six a.m. by the trail in the park."
"Well I also wanted to know if you wanted to hit a couple of bars with me and the guys tonight," he asked. "Jeezus guy, you have to start getting out there sometime." He looks at the women standing around by my booth and smiles. "Maybe you've already picked your horse," he said, looking at Anna. Then punching me lightly in the shoulder he smiles and says, "It's dangerous to shit where you eat."
A few feet away, Anna blushes as she overhears a part of the conversation and looks away shyly. For a principal she's fairly easily embarrassed.
The two women who follow Jim are simply women from the neighborhood or school district who saw me and wanted to talk to me. I'm not even sure that they have kids in the school. They seem a little bit young to be mothers. I politely get rid of them and turn to the woman with the angry face.
"Mr. Martin, did you buy Melissa's painting?" she asks.
"Yes I did, Mrs. Crane," I told her. "It's brilliant and I wanted it."
"But she priced it ridiculously high so no one would buy it," said Mrs. Crane. "Her father was supposed to show up at the fair today. She was supposed to drop the price when he came over. Then he'd buy it. I can't believe that you'd pay a hundred dollars for a ten-year-old girl's painting. What the hell is going on here?"
"It's worth it," I said. "It was the best piece in the show and I know art."
"Just because you're a fucking art teacher doesn't mean you know anything about art," she snapped.
From, behind us a voice I'd never expected to hear again said, "Art teacher?" The voice was very loud and I looked up and recognized the man instantly. I was also sure he recognized me despite the pains I'd taken to change my appearance.
"None of these people know who you are, do they?" he laughed loudly. "Oh shit, this is rich."
"Anna, could you please take this gentleman inside the school to my office. I'll need to speak with him privately," I said.
I turned back to Mrs. Crane. "Mrs. Crane, your husband never showed up today did he?" I asked. She shook her head. "I really don't know what's going on in your family life nor do I want to. But I do know that your daughter has a monstrous talent. It should be nurtured and fed. She seemed so disappointed that people came by and bought paintings and flower pots and all of those other things that her classmates made. They looked at her painting a lot, but as you said no one was going to pay a hundred dollars for it. That made her feel worse. Most of my students made five or six little projects and just between us, on an artistic scale, most of them were worthless. Melissa has real talent. Her painting was so much more complex than anything else here that she only had time to complete the one painting."
"I bought that painting for two reasons. The first reason is because it really is worth a hundred dollars. The second is because I'd have paid anything to see her smiling the way she usually does. With all due respect, I don't want to see your daughter's talent quenched in the middle of your marital flames. If your husband had showed up he could have bought the painting back from me. But he never showed. Right now you have a very happy daughter. She's thinking of all of the things she'll do with the money she got for her picture even after the school takes its cut."
"I think that you're really pissed at your husband for not showing up and trying to take it out on me. Is that even a little bit possible?"
As a few tears started to fun down her cheeks, she nodded her head. "I'm sorry, Mr. Martin," she told me and hurried away. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there are problems in that family. Her husband was either so engrossed in his work that he didn't see what was happening to his family or already fucking someone else. In either case, if things didn't change, she would be doing someone else very soon too. Whoever it was, it would not be me."
I turned and hurried into the school. I quickly walked through the deserted building towards my classroom with its large work area and small office. The light was on in my office. Anna stood there looking nervous. The mysterious man had removed his hat. The balding and older man sat there smirking and shaking his head.
Anna was worried. I could tell by the way she was wringing her hands. Her senses were telling her that she was about to find out something that she really didn't want to know. I think she thought that she was about to find out that she'd hired and was attracted to a criminal or worse, though nothing could be farther from the truth. The only crime I'd committed other than changing the name I worked under, which wasn't actually a crime, was to walk away from a bad situation.
"Legolas, what the hell are you doing here, pretending to be an art teacher?" asked the man furiously. "We've been looking for you all over the fucking world for almost five years. Do you know what's happened to Kerri since you left her? Do you even care? I know that artists are supposed to be eccentric but this is my daughter we're talking about. God damn it I ought to..."
"Wait ... wait, please!" said Anna. Her eyes were huge and she'd become very pale. She crossed the room and looked at me. I could tell she was imagining me without the trimmed beard and facial hair. She was imagining me with my hair cropped very short. She even took off my glasses and looked through them.
"These aren't prescription lenses," she said slumping down in a chair. "You're ... you're not Larry Martin are you."
"Of course not," snapped my father in law. "He's..."
"Legolas Ambrose," finished Anna.
"That's right lady," snapped Dan Connors, my father in law, who'd known me all of my life. "But I haven't the faintest idea why he's here pretending to teach art to preschoolers."
"In the first place Dan, I'm not pretending. I do have a Masters Degree in fine arts and graphic design as well as a number of other subjects. So I'm more than qualified to teach art anywhere," I said.
"But why not in a college somewhere if you have to waste your talent?" he snapped. "You shouldn't be teaching at all. You should be doing what you do best. And you should be with your wife. She really hasn't done well since you deserted her. I have to insist that you come home immediately so we can work this out."
"There's nothing to work out," I hissed. "That part of my life is over."
"You asshole," he hissed back at me. "My daughter went fucking nuts when you walked out on her with no reason and no warning. I'd always told her that you were off your fucking nut. All of that bullshit about Mustangs and swords, cowboys and Samurai, I never understood any of that shit. She spent nearly all of her money trying to find you. She sent private investigators and agents all over Europe and South America trying to find you. She languished away drinking herself nearly to death over you, you fucker. It was all over the news when she had to be put into a treatment facility and you have never even so much as written to her. Lately it had gotten so bad we had to put her, your wife ... my daughter in an institution. She tried to kill herself twice, God damn you. And all the time you're here in fucking Arizona, playing art teacher with this Bimbo."
"I can't believe you're less than two hours away from us by plane and we're searching all over the world for you. Kerri went out of business and went through all of her money. Her reputation was ruined and she lost all of her clients because she spent all of her time trying to find you. She's told me more than once that whether I like it or not those are her only choices. My own fucking daughter told me that her only options were to find you or die. She loves you so much that she simply can't live without you."
"Then when we needed money, she decided to sell one of two of your smaller pieces from your collection. She didn't want to, but she has to have money to live on. Do you know what she found out?" he screamed.
"Yup," I said smugly. "She found out that she couldn't."
"You did know," he said incredulously. "You knew!"
"Well duh," I said. "I did it."
"So there was no trickery ... no legal manipulation?" he asked.
"I left the rights to manage and protect all of my unsold pieces to Dana," I said. "I also turned over management and rights to my name and image to her. I also gave her the money to start her own agency. I truly believed that she'd be great at it."
"Dana gave up running her agency soon after you left," he said. "We can talk about that and what she left you later."
"What do you mean what she left me?" I asked. "I haven't heard from Dana in about a month. But we do sometimes go weeks without speaking to each other. Dana is a part of the art world and I'm not any more. I knew that she'd given up the agency. I also knew that she'd been renting out some of my pieces to museums. I was fine with it. Has she run off or something? I don't believe it, Dana wouldn't do that. She's not like..."
"Don't say it," he snapped.
"So tell me what's going on with Dana," I snapped back.
"Legolas," he said sadly. "Dana died last month. She was in a car accident. She was in the hospital for three days fighting for her life. She had no family other than..." he stopped and looked at me.
"I forgot," he said. "You really don't know do you. God damn it this is fucked up. Some of this is beginning to make sense."
"I don't know what," I screamed. There were tears running down my face. I couldn't help crying. Anna was immediately on her feet coming over to comfort me. She got down on the floor where I'd slumped and cradled my head in her soft breasts.
"Legolas, what the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked. "You didn't even bat an eyelash when I told you how my daughter, the supposed love of your life, tried to kill herself twice. You don't seem to give a half a God damn that she's practically destitute. This is the woman you've loved for most of your life, or so you claim. But you start crying and can't even stand up when you find out that your fucking secretary died?"
"I'm not getting any of this shit," he said. "You were doing what you wanted. You were on top of the fucking art world. I know that you were under a lot of pressure and you artists are weird but what the fuck? I mean all of that shit with you and all of those swords and the cars, it didn't make any sense to me but you and Kerri were happy. You both worked way too hard, but you were happy and rich so what could I say? I also had to admit that you loved her more than anyone else could have, probably even more than I did. Shit, in her own way Kerri was a little weird too. So maybe the two of you belonged together. Then out of the blue, wham, bam, thank you ma'am. You were fucking gone. Kerry didn't say a fucking word, she just spent all of her time crying over you, trying to find you and drinking herself into oblivion."
"It took me a while to figure out that you'd cheated on her," he said. I looked up when he said that, but I didn't say anything.
"It took me even longer to figure out that you'd cheated on her with Dana," he said. "It still makes no sense. We still don't know why you just ran off. I'm sure it was because of all the guilt you felt about betraying my daughter, but God damn it Legolas, you should have faced it like a man. Kerri would have forgiven you a thousand times over. She, more than anyone else, knew the pressure you were under. And there were always women parading around in front of you like cats in heat. Why the fuck did you leave?"
"Making one mistake wasn't enough to bail on a lifelong love, no matter how much guilt you felt," he said sadly. "I'm just glad I found you now so we can put this whole thing back to the way it should be."
For a long time no one said anything. Anna just held me against her breasts, telling me that everything was going to be fine.
Then I finally recovered enough strength to sit up and to speak. "No," I said.
He looked at me as if I had snapped. "No, what?" he asked.
"No, we're not putting anything back together," I said. "We couldn't put this shit back together with God's personal tube of super glue. None of what you said is right anyway. In the first place I didn't cheat on Kerri. That isn't why I ran."
"Legolas, you aren't a man who's known for lying," he said. "So that's probably why you suck at it. I know you slept with Dana, dumb ass. I can prove it."
"Let me guess," I said. "She video-taped it for her memories and you have a copy of the tape."
"No son," he said seriously. "You got her pregnant and I have your almost five year old daughter living in my house. When Dana died and we found out about her, the court gave temporary custody of her to Kerri and me. It had to be both of us because Kerri just recently snapped out of her funk. Dana asked us to find you and bring your daughter to you. We've been looking for you since she passed. We found you by going through her records but it still took us a month. Kerri is trying to adopt her. That way the three of you can be a family and everything will work out."
"No the fuck she isn't," I snapped. "I will not have my daughter raised by..."
I pulled out my iPhone and started to make a call.
"Who are you trying to call?" he asked.
"My lawyers," I said.
"Son, Kerri isn't trying to take Aria from you," he said. "She's just trying to find a way ... any way that she can become a part of your life again. Anyway she's on her way here now. Her plane should be landing in about an hour. Can't we all just sit down and talk about this then. I still don't understand any of this. Why won't you just accept the fact that Kerri still loves you and wants to forgive you? She's even willing to raise and love another woman's child to get you back. Why can't you just accept her forgiveness?"
I had intended not to say a word about it. I hadn't ever told anyone anything about the situation. Before then the words had never escaped my lips but I was so angry at the way things had turned out that I couldn't help it. I had contingency plans for what I'd do if Kerri ever caught up to me. I already had another name change and another life set up, but I hadn't foreseen this. I had no idea that I had a daughter. Her, unlike Kerri, I couldn't walk away from.
My frustration at having to face Kerri, at her father's stupidity and at all of the pain that was welling back up in me finally erupted and I couldn't help it. The words came out of me faster and angrier than I'd intended. "BECAUSE I WASN'T the one who CHEATED!" I screamed.
He shrank back against the fury of my words. I grabbed a piece of paper off of my desk and scribbled down my address. "When she gets here, bring my daughter to my home so we can settle this once and for all," I said. "It's time for us to get this out of the way once and for all."
"Legolas," he began. "Maybe I don't know wha..."
"We'll get it all out when Kerri brings me my child," said. Then I walked away. He just stood there in the office with shock written all over his face. Kerri never could accept reality, or the truth. It was just like her to let everyone think that I'd cheated on her.
I got into the car I'd driven today, my pewter 2009 Mustang anniversary edition. I hit the gas hard and started the rear wheels to spinning and left a trail of smoke across the parking lot until I suddenly stopped. The big oversized Brembo brakes halted the car's momentum in a split second.
Anna grabbed the handle of the door and got into the car beside me.
"I've always wanted to ride in this thing," she said cheerfully.
As we drove down the streets of our small to medium sized Arizona town, the desert's beautiful colors failed to bring the normal smile to my face. I'd picked Randall city for two reasons. One, because it was close enough to Phoenix that I could get anything that any major city had to offer. But also because Randall was small enough to be off the grid to anyone who'd look for me.
Anyone looking for me from my old life knew that there were simply things like internet service, good mechanics and cable TV that I'd never do without. It seemed funny to me that I'd give up the woman I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with but I wasn't ready to miss Spartacus to do it.
"Were you ever going to tell me," Anna asked, as I took a corner particularly hard and threw us both against our seats. I got out of the car and started walking fast towards a strip mall. I hadn't answered her because I truly didn't know what the answer was.
I took off my glasses and threw them against a wall where they shattered. Well the frame shattered those plastic lenses are designed not to shatter, but even they cracked multiple times.
"We've been working together for two years," she said, getting louder. She had to run a little to keep up with me.
I stepped into the barber shop and she followed me in. Luckily the place was about to close.
"Whoo, you're just in time," said the man. "I was on my way to flip the sign around to read closed."
"I could come back," I began.
"Nah," I haven't made nearly enough money this week to turn down any paying customers," he said. "Besides, my wife is probably only halfway through burning the shit out of my dinner anyway." He smiled as he said it. He had a twinkle in his eye that told me that no matter how badly he talked about his wife, he'd give up his life for her.
"I feel really bad for you," I said.
He laughed again. "Hey what she lacks in cooking skills, she makes up in other rooms in the house. If ya know what I mean," he smirked.
Anna forgot her growing anger long enough to blush.
"So how am I cutting this?" he asked.
"Just a light trim," said Anna. "We have to get you another pair of glasses."
"Cut it all off," I countered.
He looked at both of us. "I tend to side with the ladies," he said. "Are you two going through something?"
"NO," I said, at the exact same time as Anna said, "YES!"
The friendly barber sat there stunned. "Why do you want his hair long?" he asked Anna.
"It's the way it's always been since I've known him," said Anna. "It's soft and wonderful."
"Why do you want it cut short?" he asked me.
"I'm tired of hiding. There's no need for it any more. I've always liked my hair short and functional. It's easier to take care of and it doesn't get in the way. I only like long hair on girls," I said. "Anyone who knows me and cares about me knows that."
"Cut it short," said Anna sadly.
"And can you shave off the beard?" I asked. He nodded and went to work. Anna seemed to worry more with each lock of hair that was cut and fell to the floor. By the time the pile of dark brown curls littered the floor around the barber's chair, she'd stood back up and was standing beside me holding my hand as the barber shaved me.
"You were never going to tell me," she said. "I can see that now. Her holding my hand wasn't new. She'd started doing it when I had the flu really badly. I'd barely made it through school the first day that I came down with it. I'd had to stop several times driving home because I was so dizzy.
When I got to my house, I got the door open and had collapsed on my couch. When I hadn't called in the next morning, Jim had stopped by to see me at lunch time. I'd been there for about a year and everyone had wondered where I was because I'd never missed a day of school before. He must have called Anna on his way back to work, because the next thing I knew she was at my house.
She'd always been friendly with me. Well, as friendly as I allowed anyone to be. But the look on her face told me that there was more to it. She'd taken my coat off of me and made me get into my bed. She'd reached under my covers and taken off my pants and socks. Then she started force feeding me. She kept feeding me until I'd throw up because I couldn't keep anything down. She had a bucket right beside the bed for when it came back up. I was delirious that first day. By the second day, when I still felt as sick as a dog but found myself lucid enough to try to talk, I looked at her and said, "Sorry."
"What do you have to be sorry about?" she asked.
"I didn't call in," I said. "I'm really sorry but this hit me really fast and I could barely move yesterday." Then I noticed that she was laughing quietly.
"Am I suspended?" I asked.
"Well, I'd have to suspend myself too," she said. "I didn't call in either."
"But I think we'll be okay," she laughed. "I thought you were apologizing for the damage to my reputation. After all I did stay over-night at the home of a man I'm not married to. What will people think?"
That was when she started the whole hand holding thing. Til this day, whenever she needs something to grab onto she holds my hand. The last play of a game for the school's pee wee football team, she's holding my hand. If we're at a particularly heated PTA meeting, under the table she'll be holding onto my hand. Sometimes she digs in so tightly that I'm sure she'll draw blood.
"After all of this time, don't you know you can trust me?" she said sadly. I didn't say a word. I just stared forward out the window into space. There were so many questions running through my head. I couldn't believe that all of this shit had just come down on me from out of nowhere. Now I'd probably have to start all over again. I'd miss Arizona. I'd miss my little school and my students. And I really would miss Anna. I realized then that I cared about her more than I'd let myself realize.
As I formulated an exit strategy, the barber continued to shave me. My best hope was that I could get custody of my daughter if she liked me. The weird thing was that I loved her already though I'd never met her. I was curious to see what a child that I had with Dana would look like. Anyway after getting custody, I'd be in the wind. This time, no trickery though. I'd probably have to move to a different country for real, at least for a little while. Maybe my friend Duna could help me get settled somewhere in Europe. After a few years there, all of the heat would die down and Aria and I could come back.
I'd still love to be somewhere in the Southwest, perhaps Texas.
"Are you even listening to me?" asked Anna. I guess she had no idea that I'd zoned out a long time ago. I gave her hand a squeeze.
I paid the barber as Anna stood there with her mouth open. I gave him more as a tip than he charged me for the haircut. "I told you it was worth it to stay open," he said. "And I'm a stranger. I don't know you two or your problems but the way the two of you looked sitting there holding each other's hands, I'm sure you'll be able to work out whatever you're going through."
As we walked back to the car, Anna never grabbed my hand. I'd expected her to do that but she didn't. She kept looking at me and shaking her head. "What" I asked her finally.
"You're beautiful," she said. "And I'm a damned fool."
"Anna, I'm a guy," I smirked. "My nose has been broken twice and I have a square head. I just chopped off all of my hair. I look like an army recruit. And you're one of the most educated women I've ever met."
"Larry ... shit; I don't even know what to call you. Anyway your features, your face is wonderful. It looks even better out from under all of that hair. You're not the same man you were when we walked in to that barber shop. The way you look has changed, the way you talk has changed and even the way you walk is different. My Larry Martin is buried back in the floor of that barbershop under all of that hair." I saw a tear roll down her cheek.
"And there's a difference between education and intelligence," she said. "I've been chasing you on the sly for two years and you've never noticed. Now I know why. For all of this time that I've been fighting off men, hoping that someday ... well, I just feel stupid now." She started really crying then.
"And to make it worse, I'm sure you're going to leave. I can see it in your eyes. It's like in your mind you're already gone. You just need to take care of a few loose ends and you'll be out of here."
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As the last few guest left, another successful Christmas Party was coming to an end. This year I had over thirty party goers and I was left with quite the mess. I began cleaning up when I cam across a coat. It was a woman's coat, I believed it belonged to my neighbor Lisa, I couldn't imagine anyone going out on such a frigid night without a coat, but she was only going next door. As I continued to clean I found a set of car keys. Who's keys are these? Everyone left. I peeked outside and saw one...
Ye Meri First story hai, Ye baat 1 month pehle ki hai, Mai ek textile company mein job karta hoon, jo ki online kapde sell karti hai bahut se customers ko product return karne ka process nahi pata hota hai to wo company k number pe phone karte hain process janne k liye, Vandana se meri baat aise hi huyi, Unka phone maine hi receive kiya unko process nahi pata tha return ka to maine unko process bataya, par unko phir bhi samajh mein nahi aya to unhone kaha apka name kya hai maine bataya ki mera...
Hi my name is mathi alagan , etha matter oru 4 years back nadathatu apo na diploma padikaren deepa aunty enaku childhood la iruthu therium avaga paka kuspu mariya irupaga apadiya nala far ah irukaga avagala marriage ayaruchi but husband ku vera girl kuda affair iruthuchi poitaga enga home la one day yarum illa avagala vetula vanthu iruka soillethu bangalore poitaga my family la tat day she was wear only pant and long tops uilla onumay illa avaga nadakum pothu back apadiya transparent ah...
I rolled over and watched Paul get dressed. He was a short guy with blonde hair and so delightfully built. I watched him pull up his underwear and remembered how wonderful he tasted. Four straight nights after meeting at that small underground gay club and the entire weekend. I wasn’t used to so much time together with one person, especially one as perfect as Paul.Hi, everyone. My name is William, Bill to most, and I have a fun job that has me traveling all over the place for a few months at a...
Gay MaleI was in our basement that day as I have been so many times before, entertaining friends and family. Only this time, I was tied spread-eagled between two posts, with my arms stretched out above me, and my legs tied wide apart at my ankles. I wore what you told me to. A lace bra with holes for my hard nipples. A matching garter belt and G-string, that ties on the sides, and of course lace top stockings. Lastly, the open-toed six-inch-high heels. All in black. I was blindfolded and that turned me...
Wife LoversDo you need a porn video download browser extension? Ever wondered if there’s an easier way to download all of your favorite porn onto your PC without having to make an account on various porn websites, or without having to visit other sites where you have to copy and paste the link of the video in question? I’ve sure thought about this problem a million times and you can bet your ass that there’s a solution out there that ThePornDude has found for you. DownloadHelper.net is the perfect tool...
Useful Software(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Naughty Mommy Incest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 23rd, 2019 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II The backyard party at the Reenburgs' home was well underway. Their large house, verging on a mansion, had an impressive yard. Lights were strung across the bushes, lighting it up as twilight fell upon the world. It was a warm, April evening, the sky clear. Like when I'd done at the Reenburgs' party...
I had been a teacher at Norwood junior school for 2 years and still thought to myself how lucky I was to have found such an ideal school. Norwood itself was a medium sized village, almost a town in fact yet quite isolated and mainly comprising middle class folk who were polite and friendly. This was my first teaching post since leaving university and many of my friends who I was with there were so jealous that I had landed such an enviable position. All though the only drawback was that I...
NEW ORDER By Heather Alexander Prologue I stood in front of the washroom mirror, I ran my hands through my platinum blonde hair reaching over I opened my handbag and took out a lipstick. Pulling the cap from the tube I slowly spiralled the phallic tip out of the tube it was a bright pink colour as I lifted it to my lips I stopped and stared at my reflection, "How did I get here?" I said to myself. Standing in a washroom about to apply lipstick to my full pouty lips, with long...
Have you ever been addicted to something? I mean really addicted, like when you have an overpowering need to experience something that you know is good. When you want it so much that you risk the pleasure it brings, transforming from a moderate indulgence into craving it. Even when logically, you know you risk destroying it for good, but you just can’t help yourself. For me, my addiction is you. I have an overpowering lust for you. Lust, it’s a strange beast. Sometimes it can sneak up on you...
Straight SexWe’ve got another “Double Debut” today here at See H?️M Fuck, as we welcome young hung stud Johnny Love (fka Johnny The Kidd) and curvy cougar Mellanie Monroe ❤️ to our outdoor/indoor set for this week’s update. After our newest director Big ?? Lou helps us get to know a little about HIM, Johnny stands and strips with Mellanie’s assistance, and you know she just had to sample goods – both front & back. Mellanie then gets HIM all nice & slick ? making sure that...
xmoviesforyouSteven showed Rosie where all the cleaning things were and she set to work while he, having made some telephone calls from his study, left to go and buy her some clothes. Rosie started in the kitchen, clearing the breakfast table and doing the washing up. After that she cleaned all the work tops before sweeping the floor and then washing it. She noted that the cupboards and the larder could do with a clean out but that would have to be a special after she had got into a routine. Despite her...
Jav Hub! What is it about JAV (Japanese Adult Video) that makes it so prized among porn fans in the West? Some would argue it’s the cleanliness of the scenes, the spotlessly white sets, and bright lighting; others might argue it’s the dirtiness, those bukkake scenes, and kinky fetishes. It might have to do with the submissive nature of Japanese babes or the way they squeal. Viewers of JAVhub may concede the appeal lies somewhere in the middle, or somewhere else entirely.Whatever brings them...
Premium Asian Porn SitesChapter 5: Ebony & Jordan Part 4The onslaught from Ebony continued throughout the afternoon. Jordan lost track of how many times her ass, her pussy and her throat had been violated by Ebony. Sometimes Ebony would talk to and tease Jordan as she fucked her steadily and powerfully. Other times, Ebony was a raging b**st with no thought for anything but her own pleasure and release. The only thing that remained constant was the incredible and almost unceasing pounding that Ebony exerted on...
Introduction: While the men are away, the females play. Hi. My name is Anna. I am a 41 year old mother of two wonderful adult children. Their father, Jim, and I have been married for 25 years and still have a very healthy sex life. In fact, there have been several embarrassing moments with the kids because of the noise we make when we have sex. It is quite common to hear the words, Jesus mom, quiet down! shouted by one or both of them. Our son, Patrick, is the oldest at 21 and is still...
She delicately washed her hair while her eyes were closed. Luckily for him, her basement door was unlocked. He crept in silently and found her in the shower. Slowly, he opened the shower door and joined her, holding her firm backside against his now, erect penis. His instinct wasn't that someone so innocent would be thinking. But oh, how he loved her perfect body and the way she carried herself. Her round, perky, breasts, big enough for his hand to hold. These thoughts had come to his attention...
Straight SexMr. Hermes and the Mr. Hermes Shop 'o' Magic are property of me. All other references are property of their respective owners. Mr, Herme's Shop 'o' Magaic: Suage and Spice by The Team Rocket Fan CHAPTER ONE: Part of the fun of basketball practice was that no one could really anticipate the scrimmages. Coach Noyance would simply shout, "Scrimmage!" at a random point of practice and we were expected to drop anything we were doing, organize, and start a game (easier...
************** *BING* It was a nice Friday afternoon when the intercom on Justin Flagstaff's office phone went off and he hear the voice of his secretary, "Mr. Flagstaff, there is a call for you on line 3" "Thanks karen", he said and heard the click of her hanging up. He pick up the receiver and press the button next the blinking number 3. "Hello, this is Principal Flagstaff." "Hello Sir, this is Officer Johnson with the Long Falls Police Department. Do you know a Miss Anne...
Violet Myers’ prodigious ass takes on Dredd’s colossal cock in this stupefying scene from Jules Jordan Video. We open poolside with a fully-stacked Myers suited up in magenta shorts and top. Her ass is so massive you don’t realize they are shorts until Jules requests she pull them down on the stairway. The shear brawn of Violet’s cheeks are nearly indescribable. Sure to cause many a tear on first view. Had Miss Myers started her ass claps on the stairway we are sure wind generated would...
xmoviesforyouMr. White came home Friday afternoon, and Mrs. White was very attentive to him. When they were together, Mrs. White was always nice to him and treated him well, however today she seemed extra solicitous. When dinner was through, Mrs. White took his hand and said, "Why don't we go to bed early tonight, dear?" Mr. White saw the look in her eyes and quickly agreed. Intrigued by what Maria had done, I did something I had never done before: I spied on my employers. There was a sitting room...
The Oolsans were welcomed into the new interstellar family that was forming. They did not have much more to contribute beyond the sample of Inklus' piss, since their body shape did not lend itself well to fitting into a spacetub. Nevertheless, they were given equal rights along with everybody else and were provided with replicators so that they could move into a more comfortable living standard. The invading Wasps had been easily eliminated, since they had just arrived and had not had time...
Simon and Mattie are still in New York. Of course there has been pleasure, mixed with a little business for Simon, who is trying to strike a lucrative deal with Canadian businessman, Mark. Unfortunately, Mark and Mattie have some shared dark history… ***** As the four of them left the restaurant, Mattie tried to pull Simon aside, she knew that she had to find a way to stop him from getting further involved with Mark’s business plan. From what Amanda had told her, it wasn’t just Simon’s...
Hello guys, this is Ralf here! I am 27 and my wife Lyan is 24 years old. We live in Mumbai and I have been brought up here, whereas my wife is a Goan so, she was brought up in Goa. Well, this is going to be a series of our experiences around and in India! About my wife, she works in an automobile company. Lyan is really serious and straight minded when it comes to work and respects her work a lot! She is a typical Goan girl with black hair till her ribs. She is a bit on the duskier side but...
Stuck with a horrible date with a guy more suited to be a cuck she is dreaming of how long it will take her to escape and make her goodbyes so she can head over to the Glory Hole for some real dick. The boy takes her hand and slides it under the table to feel his erection thinking it’s big, but of course Riley has to giggle a bit and laugh knowing now that she is outa there. Deep into the dark walls of the glory hole she kicks off her heels and drops down to watch the ever present dirty...
xmoviesforyouLife had become hard for her since the divorce but she pushed ahead, telling herself there was a man out there for every woman. Her friends, her parents, and even one or two business associates agreed to that but for Julia life just wasn’t going that way. That is until four or so months afterward, when she had planned to have an addition put on the back of her home, and she knew they were coming that day and so she planned on being there when they got there that day. It was early, only 7:00...
We hadn’t even been driving for more than a minute when I looked out of the right window to see if there were any cars coming so I could turn, and I noticed Jay’s semi-erect dick was sticking out over the top of his pants, which were pulled down slightly to about mid-thigh. Kyle’s pants were in a similar fashion, and Jay’s hand was slowly stroking his (Kyle’s) cock as Kyle was slowly stroking Jay’s cock. Both of their heads were back and their eyes were closed as they quietly moaned in...
Britney Spears just finished up school. She is very horny. She spent the day teasing the guys in her school with her cute schoolgirl outfit. She's wearing a white blouse, short black mini-skirt, white slouch socks, and black penny loafers. Her blonde hair is tied into pigtails. She meets up with her friend Mike and they talk for a bit. The whole time Mike is just checking out Britney's gorgeous body. Britney notices his staring and this is just making her more hot. "Hey Mike", says Britney,...
I wanted to tell you about a special night that Bill, my master and I had last Friday night. Bill told me during lunchtime Friday that he had special plans for me that night and he told me specifically what he wanted me to be wearing when he got home. So I rushed home after work and showered and got ready for a special night with Bill. I put on the full head rubber mask that gives me a woman’s face. I make up that face heavily so that it looks the most white trash slutty I can make it. Then I...
We were informed that the jury had reached a verdict and were waiting for them to come back into the court room. There is an undercurrent of noise running through the court; it's subtle and muted, but you can hear people talking. They are all wondering if I will be sent to prison; I'm wondering the same thing. Will I be acquitted or sent to jail? I hope to be released, but it really doesn't make a lot of difference. Freedom would be much better than incarceration but either way it goes, I...
John was sitting watching Willy and the others playing with their New Mexican friends. Lucy and the twins along with Ben were there also. Thiago was Willy’s shadow. There were three boys and a girl, perhaps nine or ten years old that apparently had been north to the states sometime in their life. They were acting as interpreters and ... sort of like protectors. Suddenly there was a level of excitement among the young people. They were getting into line. Willy was counting on his fingers. It...
“Rohit, Take out the car we are going to market.” This hot Indian lady in late thirties shouted at the driver. Least was known about this duo in the home; but they used to fuck whenever the chance was there. Rohit was working at this hot Indian woman’s place as a driver for last 3 years and they have been fucking for at least last 2 years. The name of the lady is Sobha. She lives here with her husband Vicky and daughter Rita. Rita is also a hot Indian girl with fair skin and high sex appeal....
It was a hot summer's day so me and my mom decided to drive down to the sea side on the way there i noticed my mother in her 34D tight bikini top and miniskirt as i drove over a speed bump her breasts bounced and i was getting exited i started to bulge through my three quarter trousers so i pulled over on a empty near by road and said we'd broke down i quickly got out and popped the hud and tried to hide my bulging cock but then my mom got out my heart almost stoped luckily she turned and...
Fuck, I love Reddit List! Twitter and Tumblr are probably the only social media platforms that allow explicit adult content to thrive if you look hard enough. But nothing quite compares to Reddit when it comes to content of the NSFW variety. I’ve always loved this network because it has many subreddits devoted to showcasing practically any porn niche and is one of those places you can interact with other sick fucks and grab yourself a heap of X-rated content with absolutely zero issues. So...
Reddit NSFW ListI felt terribly guilty for what I'd done... not only because I'd cheated on Val but also because I thought I'd taken unfair advantage of my innocent secretary. Or was she? Right then she was lying limply under me like she was unconscious except that she was sort of sobbing and her cunt gave an occasional squeezing twitch on my deflating cock. "Joe... hanh... Joe... hanh... you know you were first, don't you? I... hanh... never did it... hanh... before." Irene blubbered as tears...
69 Pam`s holiday part 4The night had been a long one for Jim, the woman was insatiable. He had been made to use his tongue for hours, interspersed with straight sex, anal sex and the use of his finger`s, he was now tired, well way beyond that really, but she had said he had done well and he could claim his reward later that day. He missed breakfast, snored his way through mid morning coffee and crawled out at midday. Molly was out with the k**dies and the dog, and old Fred despite a long...
"Oh, don't this to me! Not now ... Not today," I groaned. "Please?" Begging wasn't going to help. There's something about me and cars that doesn't mix and everyone knows it. It's kind of a joke amongst my family and friends, but not a very funny one in my opinion. They just don't like me for some reason. Cars I mean. My friends and family, they like me just fine, or I guess they do since I'm always calling one of them for help. I was halfway from home, which was what I still called...
Donna lay on her back, her legs open. Ted sat on his heels, gasping, his cock limp. Mike, sitting on the floor at his mother's side, had a cock that raged with hardness. He wanted to plunge his cock into his mother right now, and he didn't care if it was her asshole, cunt or mouth. But he waited as she fought to calm down. She was still wet from the shower, droplets of water beading her flesh. Donna shivered deliciously, and turned her head toward her two sons, smiling hugely, her eyes...
Intrepid - 3756 C.E. The first thing Captain Kerensky was aware of when she finally woke up was that she was lying naked on an unfamiliar bed. The next was that not only was the bed unfamiliar but so too was the entire bedroom. She had no memory of having been transported here and her first resolve was to return to her quarters. The captain was a busy woman and there was much she should be getting on with. However, every attempt to return to a more normal state of affairs was frustrated....
Arriving at Tommy’s apartment in record time, Elizabeth found that indeed, he had left the door unlocked. She stepped inside, locking the door behind her. She saw Tommy in his kitchen, opening a bottle of wine.“You going to try to get me drunk so you can have your way with me?” she asked.He turned to look at her and immediately saw her nipples were hard and pressing against her blouse.Betts slowly walked to him and put her fingers under his nose. “Can you guess what I’ve been doing as I drove...
Straight SexAs the intense summer heat dissipates, our lives have taken a peculiar, yet curiously tolerable rhythm. It seems that the very high notes and the very low notes can’t be heard by anyone but us. They involve only us and no-one else knows about them. We don’t talk about them and once they are over, we are able to live in the mid-tones. In the open.Bizarrely, in the mid-tones, we are developing what one could consider a friendship, at the hand of our girlfriends, who seem to enjoy nothing more...
Gay MaleThe warm morning sun spilled through the window and unto Brady’s bare back. He shifted comfortably half awake and reached a hand over for the even warmer body that had been next to him and underneath him throughout the entire night. His hand came up empty. Brady opened one eye and looked to where Erin had been not that long ago. At least he thought it wasn’t that long ago. Brady couldn’t be sure how many times he had pulled Erin beneath him and pushed himself inside her wet and swollen...
Well hello there! Welcome to the Cream of the Top website, where Hung Breed's University holds a secret bucket list challenges for nerve-wracking, thrill-seeking and bold adventures activities people like us can do and enjoy! We do a variety of action filled thrilling challenges every week. Cream of the Top is a 24/7 game, like truth or dare but everything is true and you gotta do the dare! Watchers pay to watch your live action execution and Players play to win! Prizes may vary from cash and...
GayBrad always takes longer than the other students on his tests. Mrs. Carrera thinks hes a little slow, but little does she know hes the sharpest tool in the shed. He always seems to finish after she grabs her afternoon coffee. Thats for good reason!soonshe steps out he places his camcorder under her desk to grab some juicy coochie shots to sell to his classmates. Hes been making a fortune! That little shit even caught her rubbing her clit during school hours. He was so excited watching it right...
xmoviesforyouTwo is company but Three is … Sonu lay tossing and turning on her bed on the hot summer afternoon. Her 3 yr old son Raghu was playing nearby. Her husband worked in a software firm and had gone abroad for a 4 month assignment. She felt lonely and lazy through the days. The only bright moments were when her husband called but more often than not he was more interested about the kid than her and then he would disconnect. He was a good guy but somehow never connected intimately with Sonu. Even...
IncestThis is a dream i had last night abt my classmate, have a huge crush for her. Shes Latin, black hair brown eyes. In the dream she was wearing a nighty and a pair of sleep_ers. Excuse my English but enjoy its a real dream not made up. The dream started with me walking with some guys who were my friends , although i didnt quite like them the dream sort of forc_ed me to walk with them. So we walked to this quiet playground and i noticed her sitting by herself on some beautiful green grass still...
I’d been and had my car serviced but unfortunately, they were running late and rang me to tell me to pick my car up at 6pm. I arrived at 5:55 and was ushered into a waiting area. I stood around only for a minute or so and suddenly a young man spoke to me. As we talked, I found out he was Justin, 27, a qualified mechanic, single, still lived at home with his parents, and more to the point I fancied him. As we conversed another younger man asked me if I wanted a coffee, I acknowledged that I...
My name is Shane and I’m a divorced 44 year old cable guy. I work for a relatively large company installing internet services and television services to people’s homes. I think the old 70’s pornos where sexy blonde housewives throwing themselves at plumbers, pizza delivery guys, and cable repair men really encouraged me to get into this industry. Unfortunately, after 21 years on the job, reality is substantially less thrilling. I had insurance, but I could not possibly afford the treatment...
Darren nuzzled his face into Marcia’s hair and inhaled her scent. “Are you sleepy?” she asked. “Not really. I’m enjoying the closeness.” “I didn’t think guys cared about closeness.” “Some of us do. This guy does.” “Feels good to me.” “Does it still feel wrong?” he asked. “No ... Not now.” “You said you’re drawn to me,” he said. “Like a moth to a flame.” “Why?” “Because of how you make me feel,” she replied. “I mean -- I never thought I’d fall for an older man.” “I’m not that much...
The daughter of my tobacconist two blocks down inspired this story. Nikita works in his shop twice a week. I only bother to buy my ware, when she´s there.A tall slender blonde. Nice horse face herself. She loves horses. She even owns one. I jokingly told her once - or even twice - I would come and visit her one day outside town on a free Sunday, when she rides him in her little meadow.Although I´d prefer to watch her ride on a hot Summer night with no-one there. No need of a saddle or any...
You drive a cab long enough in Baltimore, you see everything. I'm not kidding. Baltimore is just full of characters, and it seems like I've had 'em all in my hack at one time or another in the years I've been doing this to keep a fucking roof over my head and pay my non fucking ex-wife's alimony bills. Like I said, I've seen all kinds of fares, but the topper had to be this rich society bitch last Christmas. I pick her up at BWI load her bags into the trunk and take off. She's wearing a dead...
EroticAuthor’s note: This is a story in my style, if you have a dislike for the men and women I create, please do not continue. She was packing for a business trip. What I saw was not anything I had seen before. Sometimes troubles in relationships are not talked about, but there are often clues. I am Frank Smitter and when I saw what was in her carry on case, I was 37 and had been married to Carol for six years. If I did not end it, I would not be married for seven. I first met Carol Smitter...
I was walking home from work through the park late one afternoon feeling extremely horny having not masturbated for about three days because my parents were staying with us and in between working and showing them around town I had no time to myself. I took the long way home so I could stop by the public toilets in the park to read the things written on the walls while stroking a quick load off, as I sometimes do.Nobody knows it ,but I love cock, especially the anonymous, no-strings-attached...
Hello readers, I’m a big fan of ISS. It is my daily routine of reading stories over here and getting self-satisfied. I’m an average dusky guy working in an MNC of age 26 years. I’m average built with a 7-inch long tool in my pants which can satisfy any women. I would like to share my own story which happened with me here in Hyderabad. All this happened 6 months back. I always had a strong attraction to mature women. I had installed tinder which is famous for dating as you all know. My luck was...