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"Oh, don't this to me! Not now ... Not today," I groaned. "Please?"

Begging wasn't going to help. There's something about me and cars that doesn't mix and everyone knows it. It's kind of a joke amongst my family and friends, but not a very funny one in my opinion. They just don't like me for some reason. Cars I mean. My friends and family, they like me just fine, or I guess they do since I'm always calling one of them for help.

I was halfway from home, which was what I still called my parents' house in the suburbs, to the university downtown where I was going to school. I had a dorm room and I stayed there during the week, but weekends I usually went home. Now it was Monday morning, just around nine-thirty, cause I was always running late, and my car died. I'd managed to get it to the side of the road anyway and I called Triple-A, cause Daddy had signed me up after the first dozen times I'd had flats, dead batteries, keys locked in the car, overheated radiators, a broken window once, suspicious noises, bad fuel pumps, bad alternators, and just about anything else you can think of ... All in cars that worked perfectly well when other people drove them.

Anyway, Triple-A could get a tow truck for me, but it would be two hours cause everyone was having a bad Monday morning apparently. I didn't have two hours, at least not for sitting around by the curb watching the world go by and trying to fend off the Good Samaritans who might be good, or might not be. Being an attractive, nineteen year old black girl was a lot like wearing a bulls-eye, according to my dad, who tended to point out every bit of bad news he came across involving young women and dangerous situations. I tend to trust people a little more than he does, but I'm not a father either, so I guess he has a right to worry.

The one time I'd accepted help from a man, a stranger who couldn't start my car but had given me a lift to a Seven-Eleven, my dad had read me the riot act after I'd told him what had happened. He made me promise that if I couldn't get Triple-A to help me, that I'd call him, or someone I knew, and just sit tight and wait. No strangers giving me rides, yes daddy, I'd promised, and as much as that chafed my grown-up opinion of myself, I had to admit it was probably good advice. There are a lot of weirdoes around, even in Minnesota, believe it or not.

"Good morning, A-1 Plumbing this is..."

"Lonnie!" I said into my celphone. "Is my dad there?"

"Kylie? Yeah, hold on..." She really did put me on hold too and I rolled my eyes to the sound of Henry Mancini's Pink Panther theme.

"Kylie? What's wrong?" my dad's deep baritone burst through a moment later, making me wince. He always got too loud when he got excited.

"Guess!" I gave him a wry laugh. "I need a ride to school."

"Shoot." I could hear my dad's frown. "I just had that car checked out last week. What did you do to it?"

"Me?" I asked incredulously. "It's a car, dad. Triple-A is going to tow it in a couple hours, but I need to get to my classes now."

"Yeah, yeah okay. Where are you?" He asked, and after I told him, "Alright, I've got Jamie heading to Brooklyn Center for a job; you're going to be right on his way. Just sit tight until he gets there, okay?"

"Okay Dad," I agreed, like what else was I gonna do?

"I mean it, stay in the car and lock the doors, Kylie."

"Dad..." I sighed. "It's nine o'clock in the morning, all the rapists are sleeping."

"It's not funny, girl," he warned me.

"I'm not laughing, man," I said, feeling a little cross actually because I didn't need a lecture over a celphone.

It was quiet for a second. "Alright, I know. Just ... Take care of yourself. Have Jamie give us a holler on the radio when he picks you up."

"Okay, Daddy," I softened. "I'm just having a Monday, you know."

"Yeah." He actually chuckled. "Me too. You tell them to take the car to Mel's? He can fix whatever he missed last week for free, that lousy..."

"Yeah, I told them, Dad. I love you." I was on a first name basis with the Triple-A people by then.

"Love you too," he said, waiting for me to hang up first, as usual. Like there might be a last second cry for help he didn't want to miss.

My dad. And they talk about over-protective moms?

I did wait in the car, but only cause it was a little brisk outside. I was like in no-man's land between suburbs, the small strips of land that were divvied up, but still undeveloped. It was kind of bleak, actually, and if you weren't from around there you'd never know I was sitting in the middle of about half a million people, with Eden Prairie a few miles behind me and Minnetonka a few miles ahead of me. I didn't know if I was lucky or not that I'd decided to avoid the highways. It didn't matter anyway; Jamie was coming to get me.

That wasn't a bad thing by any means, although I kind of wished the circumstances were different. I'd had a little crush on him since, ohhh God, I was fourteen or so? Yeah, when I was 14 years old and he'd started working for my dad, I'd taken a real liking to Jamie. He was taller than me by a few inches, probably about six feet, a little more maybe, and healthy; kind of a brawny guy with broad shoulders and big chest. Nice butt too. He didn't look like your stereotypical plumber, in fact neither my dad nor any of his employees did. They all looked like regular guys, some of them handsome, some of them not so handsome, but they didn't walk around with their asses hanging out of their pants, you know?

Jamie, with his blonde crew-cut hair and piercing blue eyes, was definitely on my handsome list. It was his smile as much as anything else that did it, a genuine infectious grin that told me everything was alright with the world. Jamie was here and it was all okay. He made my little heart go pitter-patter when I was fourteen, and fifteen and ... You know, he still got my motor running five years later, although he was married now, with a wife and no kids, but soon maybe. It had kind of broken my heart actually, the way it will to a girl when she has to realize her secret crush loves someone else. But I'd grown up a little by then, well, very little as I'd always been spoiled, obviously.

Not that we could have had anything; that was a serious dream. For one thing Jamie worked for my dad, so that would have put me off limits right there for most people. A bigger reason, and one that made even less sense actually, was that Jamie is white and I'm black. I didn't even know if Jamie liked black girls, well, I mean I knew he liked me and my mom, and my sister, sure, he liked us just fine, but would he love a black girl? I didn't know.

I wasn't supposed to love anybody but a black guy, I knew that much. My parents had drummed that into me for quite a while. Starting back in high school I was always being asked about boys, black boys that I knew at school. Who I liked and if I was going to get a boyfriend and all of that. I've always been pretty, more than pretty really, so my parents knew it was coming and they were trying to stay ahead of it, somehow. My dad figured if he was upfront about expecting me to be asked out, I'd be upfront and bring the boy home to meet him, see? It probably would have worked out real good if I'd ever met a black boy I liked well enough to date.

But I don't like black guys and so ... I never brought one home.

That's not to say I didn't have boyfriends. I did, three of them in fact, from the time I sexually awakened at fourteen until I was a senior in high school, although not at the same time obviously. They were all white and cute and, mmmm ... I did think I was in love every time, but that's part of life. You meet people and learn about yourself and others, it helps you grow, and sometimes you find out that what you really need or want is someone else. Falling in and out of puppy love is how we find real love; all that joy and pain is just ... Necessary.

Anyway, I'm getting off the subject because my mind wandered while I was waiting for Jamie to come rescue me. I just wanted to explain why a lot of people, most people, had no idea about the real me. Least of all my parents or my dad would have sent someone else to pick me up, probably. Aside from some of the kids at school, the only one who knew was my younger sister, and she wasn't telling.

"Hey Kylie, did you break it?" Jamie teased me, leaning out the window with his big grin as he parked the A-1 Plumbers van just behind me.

"Yeah, I guess so." I smiled back, shrugging my backpack over my shoulder as I got out of my car. "It's got gas and the radio works, I know that much."

"Well, hop in, I'll get ya where you need to go." He leaned over to open the passenger door for me. "Got everything you need?"

"Yep," I said, pulling myself in and pushing my bag behind the seats towards the cargo area. "Why do you have a mattress in the back of the van?"

"Huh?" Jamie looked over his shoulder.

The van was full of tools and pipes and PVC tubing and all kinds of plumbing stuff. I was familiar with all of it, having grown up riding around in those vans, but I'd never seen a mattress in one and it was pretty strange.

"Oh, uh..." Jamie made a face. "My couch is a little too small."

"Your couch?" I tilted my head, really not getting it at first, but finally it clicked. "Oh, Jamie! Brenda didn't kick you out, did she?"

"It's just for a couple nights. Don't tell your dad, okay?" Jamie looked really embarrassed so I just nodded and let it drop. "Thanks."

He found his smile again and I let the man have it, since it wasn't really any of my business anyway. It had to suck though, sleeping on a mattress in the back of a van. Obviously Jamie was really feeling bad too, if he hadn't gone to one of his friends for a place to stay. He could have talked to my dad, our house was huge and I wasn't even using my bedroom during the week. Jamie could sleep in my bed and ... That was kind of a tingly thought and I worked to clear my mind. It wasn't my business.

My dad had twelve guys working for him and eight vans like this one, plus a panel truck he used for construction work, which kept three of his guys busy on one job, but paid real good. Guys like Jamie usually worked alone, unstopping sinks and fixing leaks and stuff like that. It was a real good business and my dad, even charging competitive rates like he did, made a very good living at it. Enough to put me through college, easily. So his guys made pretty good money too and giving me a lift to school was just one of those little inconveniences that they had to put up with from time to time.

"You don't have to rush, I'm already way late." I looked at my watch. "Unless you need to rush, I mean ... Uh ... That sounds dumb." I laughed at myself. "Sorry."

"What?" Jamie laughed too. "That's cool. No, I'm in no rush. I just thought you were going to be late."

"Well, I was, but now I am, so..." Jamie always flustered me, when we were alone and my felt my face turning warm.

"I see." He nodded and I could feel his foot easing off on the accelerator.

"So, uh ... Thanks for picking me up." I brushed some imaginary black hair out of my eyes, but it was just a nervous habit.

I like my hair straight, even though it is pretty kinky anyway, but I get it permed and wear it around my shoulders usually. It looks good like that and people like it, but right then I had it in cornrows, a whole lot of long thin ones, braided real tight with cord that looked like silver filigree. My sister had talked me into it, and my mom had paid for it, so I'd tried it, being a little afraid that I'd look silly. I hadn't had my hair in cornrows since I was about twelve, but it had turned out pretty good. They just felt a little weird for the first few days.

"It's my pleasure, believe me." Jamie gave me a look and I almost thought I saw something there, but I was afraid I was just wanting to.

"Do you like my hair?" I asked him a minute later, just to stop the silence. It was making me feel awkward.

"Ahhh..." Jamie teased me with a smile. "I thought there was something different about you."

"Oh, no!" I giggled.

"I'm kidding, yeah, I love it, Kylie," he said. "You look great. You always do."

"You think so?" I asked, biting my bottom lip a little. "It doesn't make me look too..." I took a deep breath, " ... black?"

"What?" He laughed then. "Uh, not any more than you already are, nope."

"Aw, come on, you know what I mean." I mocked a small pout. "You're sure it's okay?"

"Kylie, you're about the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, black, white, or any other color. Your hair looks fine."

"Oh." I blinked at his compliment.

"What? You don't believe me?" Jamie looked at me closely as we stopped at a traffic light.

"No, I mean ... Yeah," I said. "I just, um, I didn't know you ever noticed."

"Heh!" Jamie chuckled. "You aren't supposed to know."

"Why?" I asked with a smile, thinking he was teasing me.

"Well, you're the boss' daughter for one thing," Jamie said as the light changed. "I don't think he'd be too keen on some plumber checking out his little girl."

"You mean a white plumber?" I asked him, unsure of my reasons exactly, but probably fishing for his opinion on the subject.

"Uhhh ... I don't know about that, one way or the other, but I'm pretty sure he thinks you could do better than a pipe fitter, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," I had to agree, because my dad did like to talk about me finding a nice young medical student, or some boy attending law school maybe.

"Anyway ... How'd we start talking about this?" Jamie wondered and I giggled.

"You were telling me how beautiful I am. Remember?" I teased him and then took a deep breath. "I've always, um ... You know."

"What?" he asked with a smile and there was something going on between us, like that electric feeling you get sometimes, and it gave me goosebumps.

"I just always wanted you to notice me," I confessed. "And like me, you know?"

"I've always liked you and, yeah, I noticed you lots of times, Kylie." He shook his head. "Just don't go telling your dad, okay? I need the job."

"He wouldn't fire you." I rolled my eyes. "Not unless you really did something and I wouldn't tell him anyway."

That hadn't come out exactly the way I'd meant it to, I realized a second later, and I think Jamie and I were both trying to decipher exactly what I'd just said.

"Uh, right." Jamie kind of shook his head as if to clear it. "Where is that college of yours anyway?"

"I just meant, um..." I felt my heart stammering and I had an urge to admit everything. I don't know why, but I did and so... "I've had a crush on you since I was fourteen."

"What?" Jamie turned to look at me then, narrowing his eyes for a second before looking back at the road. "Okay, well, fourteen is like that."

"It didn't go away," I said and I felt like I was just opening up my chest, and he could see my heart and really hurt it if he wanted. I was so scared.

"Kylie..." He licked his lips.

"I mean, I know you're married and all, working for my dad, but..." I lowered my voice to a whisper, "Do you ever think about me?"

"We're not going to talk like this," Jamie told me gently.

"I'm not a child anymore," I told him, sitting up straight with my large firm breasts pushed out, really posing for him and we both knew it. "If we like each other, why can't we talk about it?"

"Because I'm married," Jamie said quietly, driving slowly, keeping his eyes straight ahead. "Because you're the boss' daughter."

"I can keep a secret," I promised.


"I've had three boyfriends," I said talking fast and wanting to convince him. "They were white guys, Jamie."

" ... I love my wife." He looked at me then and I was hurting him.

"She's making you sleep in the back of a van," I said and you have no idea how much I regretted saying those words the second they fell from my lips. "I'm sorry."

I looked down at my hands and I wasn't sitting so straight anymore.

We didn't speak for the rest of the ride, which was only another seven or eight minutes anyway. I was pretty sure I'd made Jamie angry and I knew I'd embarrassed myself. Even if he had liked me before, he didn't now. What did I expect? What did I think was going to happen? Jamie was going to fall all over himself professing his undying love for me? God, I really was just a child and I wished I could crawl into a hole and die or something.

"Jamie ... I'm sorry." I hesitated before I got out and he reached for my bag, handing it to me. "I shouldn't have said what I did."

"It's okay, Kylie," he said, and even smiled, but it just made me feel worse. "I understand, I really do."

"Yeah," I sighed, but I didn't believe him. Nobody could understand.

"We're alright," Jamie said and his voice was soothing, but I was already getting out.

"Thanks for the ride." I closed the door and I was glad I didn't start crying until he pulled away.

I walked to my dorm, thankfully not seeing anyone I knew along the way. I wasn't in the mood to try and pretend like nothing was wrong, or to be cheered up, or given a sympathetic shoulder. I just wanted to be alone and when I got to my room I flopped on my bed, looking up at my collage of Johnny Depp, who is about the most beautiful man in the world. It was a bunch of photos all cut up and assembled and taped to the ceiling. He was serious in some of them, silly in others, even unrecognizable in a couple, except for his eyes. Johnny's eyes were always the same and I just looked up and wished I wasn't so stupid.

I actually had sort of a shrine to handsome white men in my little dorm room. It was mine, afterall, and the one place I knew my parents would never see. So I had some real Playgirl centerfolds hanging up here and there, not because I was seriously into pictures of naked guys, but just because I could. They were nice to look at anyway, muscular white men with large thick cocks between their legs. Handsome men too, beautiful men, like Jamie and that just made it worse.

I knew I wasn't 'in love' with Jamie. I had feelings, yeah, but I knew it wasn't true love; it was just infatuation and lust. Sure, I wanted to have sex with him. I'd had three boyfriends but I'd never done it, that's the thing. I'd let my last boyfriend steal third one night when I feeling especially good, but that had been a one time deal and it had frightened me a little. He had long fingers and a lot of energy, so I'd distracted him with what had become my own unique method of birth control, at least that's what I'd told my girlfriends it was, because I was always too clever for my own good and didn't want them to think I was a virgin.

I'd gone down on my boyfriend, sucking his white cock the best I knew how, making him forget all about what was between my legs. Seventeen year old boys don't have brains that can focus on much more than one thing at a time, thank God, and when it feels good they don't want to stop til it's over. I'd been sucking white cock since I'd gotten my first boyfriend at fourteen, which sounds shockingly young when I say it now, but at the time it hadn't seemed so terrible. It had impressed the kid a lot, and me too since I had no idea I'd end up loving it as much as I do.

Something about getting on my knees for a white guy, even a fifteen year old like my first boyfriend, and worshipping his cock ... Mmmm, that's something I can do all night long. Unfortunately, God put all the magic buttons someplace else, a little lower, and by the time I got to college I felt the emptiness between my thighs. I needed a man to love me, or at least fuck me, and not just any man, but a white man. One that I liked enough to give my virginity to and still be able to respect myself for it afterwards. I wanted a man who would appreciate it too, you know? Was that asking for too much? Was it so totally wrong of me to imagine Jamie being that man, married or not, employee or not; did any of that matter?

He's a man. I'm a woman. Nineteen years was long enough to save myself and maybe I watch too much talk television, but in this day and age, is my virginity really my daddy's business once I check out of high school?

Some people would say it is. Fathers, a lot of them, would say that there isn't any part of his little girl that isn't his business, from the day she's born til the night he steps foot into the earth. Maybe that's true and now you can see the sort of thoughts I was wrestling with. It wasn't cut and dry, and nice and neat. It was like layers and shadows, and all the desires to be me fighting with the desires to be what daddy wanted. It wasn't fair and I'd just had my big chance, taken my shot at some independence, real or imagined, and I'd blown it.

"Why me, Johnny?" I asked, laying on my bed and closing my eyes.

"A-1 Plumbing, this is Lonnie..."

"Hey, it's me again, is my dad there?" I'd decided to call because I wasn't going to go to my classes. I wasn't going to stay in my dorm. I wanted to go home and sulk in my bedroom.

"Kylie? He sure is, honey. Hold on..." Lonnie was an old Korean woman and some of the guys joked she'd come from North Korea, because she could be ruthless with running the office, but she and I got along great.

More Mancini.

"Kylie? What's wrong?" Dad always assumed the worst.

"You need better music on your phones," I joked, just to see if I could do it.

"I meant besides that." He chuckled, so I guess I sounded okay.

"I'm gonna come back home, I'm not feeling really great and..."

"You're sick?" he cut me off. "Do you need a doctor? What's wrong?"

"No, Dad..." I forced a laugh. "It's kind of a girl thing, you know?"

"Oh..." and then "Oh! Right, I see, well sure come on home."


"Oh yeah, you need a ride ... Um, hold on..." he said, and I had to wait half a minute. "I'm gonna start calling this place A-1 Plumbing and Taxi. Paint my vans checkered, you know?"

"Dad!" I giggled. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah ... Okay, oh ... Jamie's coming back from the Brooklyn job, going to ... Shakopee? Is that right?" He was talking to someone else now. "Who the hell arranged this schedule? We're giving all our profits to the Arabs, driving all the way across town ... Sorry, Kylie ... Yeah, Jamie can pick you up..."

"Jamie?" I swallowed hard.

"Yeah, why? Something wrong with Jamie?" Dad asked and I wouldn't say he was suspicious, not at all, but he'd heard something in my voice he couldn't identify.

"Huh?" I somehow made myself relax, laughing lightly. "No, I just don't want him thinking he's my chauffer now."

"He might as well be, shoot. Chad's got him scheduled all over creation today. Probably have him turning a wrench in Duluth this afternoon!"


"I swear, that boy don't know how to read a goddamn map to save his life. Huh?" Dad got a little sidetracked. "Sorry, sweetie. Yeah, Jamie's already on his way, okay? You gonna be at the dorm there?"

"Uh, yeah, but he probably doesn't know where that is," I sighed. "Tell him I'll meet him where he dropped me off."

"Okay, will do," he agreed. "Thanks for riding A-1 Taxi."

"Thanks Daddy."

"Hey wait!" he caught me. "Are you uh, feeling up for company tonight?"

"What?" I frowned into the phone because my intuition was whispering bad things in my ear.

"You remember that new man I hired? Rodney? You remember him, right?" My dad was pressing.

"Yeeeah..." I said slowly. "The accountant."

"Right, right, well I invited him over for dinner and uh, since you're coming home, I thought you might like to give him a proper introduction." My dad cleared his throat. "What do you think?"

"A proper introduction?" I sighed. "Like 'Hi, I'm Kylie and I'm available if you want to marry me?' that kind of thing, Daddy? Please, don't play matchmaker."

"What? Me? He's a nice boy, college educated and you could do a lot worse."

"I could do a lot of things."

"So, all I'm asking is for you to say hello and be yourself and..."


" ... See what happens."

" ... I'm in the middle of college."


"So? So, I don't need a boyfriend right now," I said. "I'm a little busy, okay?"

"Well, he's coming over and I'm glad you're coming home. It's perfect," he decided for me, like he always does. "I gotta go. Love you."

"Perfect? Love you too, Daddy." I hung up, frowning over that word.

I knew my dad well enough to know he hadn't invited that new guy over, not yet, it had just popped into his mind and he was making like it was all fate or something. I'd found that college was a pretty good excuse to explain my lack of a love life, but even my eminently practical father wasn't going to buy into it forever. Lots of girls dated all through college and graduated just fine. He was probably starting to worry about me being a lesbian, and that thought made me giggle, but not very much.

Rodney was okay, the few times I'd met him, which were brief nods and polite smiles around my dad's office. He was a good looking young black man, tall and a few years older than me, kind of serious and a little shy maybe, or just not extroverted, I should say. He hadn't impressed me much, but black guys never did. They just didn't grab my attention and there wasn't anything I could do to change that. It was the truth of it and if he'd been a handsome white boy, and if my dad would ever set me up with a white guy, maybe I'd have been all over him.

Dad wasn't going to do that though, no way. After Rodney failed to pass muster, there'd come someone else, and someone after that. My dad would make sure his oldest daughter had her chances and my mom would be there too, less vocal, less assertive, but whispering encouragement in my ear. She was just as bad, but in a different way, and fighting off both of them in the vain hope that someday, somehow I might actually explain to them what I was really looking for in a husband ... That was a pipedream.

I needed to run away.

And now Jamie was coming, after I'd basically told him that I wanted to fuck him. God. I'd told the man his wife was a bitch, not in so many words, but what else do you call a wife who makes her husband sleep in the back of a van? It was obvious what my opinion was and equally obvious that Jamie didn't really share it. He loved her, as he should, and I'd insulted his feelings for the woman. Now Jamie was picking me up and it was going to be a long drive home.

I needed to run away badly.

This wasn't just another bad Monday; this was like the worst Monday of my life. I swear. I was so conscious of it that I took the stairs extra-slowly, convinced the only thing that could make my day worse was breaking a hip or something. But of course, there are an awful lot of things that can happen to a girl, things that make a little tumble down some stairs seem like great fun, and you're never ready for those.

"Well, well..." I heard a catty voice as I walked through the dorm commons towards the front doors.

"Great," I said under my breath. It was Becky.

" ... Look at you. Somebody rain on your parade?" She smiled and we really, really didn't like each other.

Becky was a freshman, like me, and unfortunately had a room in the same dorm, so we did see each other once in awhile, but generally avoided talking by mutual and unspoken agreement, no pun intended. She was pretty, with short blonde hair and green eyes and a pleasant body, but it was all wasted in my opinion. Becky was a jealous bitch and the girlfriend of a guy named Will, who was one of my best friends at the university. We'd never fooled around, Will and I, but it was useless to tell his girlfriend that.

"What do you want, Becky?" I turned slowly, not bothering to mask my complete disinterest in anything she could possible say.

"I want you to stay away from my boyfriend, slut." She stood a little shorter than me and so she kept her distance, just so she wouldn't have to look up so much.

"Excuse me?" I stepped closer. "What did you say?"

"Stay away from Will," she said slowly with a long pause before adding, " ... Slut."

"I do whatever I want," I told her and I was very close now, looking down at her. "And you know what else?"

"What?" She glared at me.

"I let Will do whatever he wants, too." I licked my lips slowly and smiled, giving my eyebrows a tiny lift so she'd just know in her heart that I'd fucked him already ... Even though I hadn't.

"You nigger bitch," Becky breathed and her face was turning red.

"Careful." I could feel my heart bursting with adrenaline, and we were both shaking. "That kind of talk will get you tossed off campus, Becky."

"Fuck you." Becky stared at me and for a second, just a heartbeat, I really thought she was going to slap me or something, but she turned and walked away.

I stood there taking deep breaths and working hard to calm myself down. I should have felt good, maybe, not backing down to her, but it was hard to feel good about anything like that. I've never been much for confrontation or fighting, it just isn't in me as a general rule. I like people and under different circumstances I could have even liked Becky, maybe. Or at least not disliked her, you know? So I didn't feel good, I just felt worse because now Will was going to hear about it, and he didn't deserve that kind of trouble.

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The Beginning:Donna Reynold’s nineteenth birthday had just passed. I-Day was less than a month away. She was rapidly approaching the most important day of her life. I-Day was exactly one year from the date of her graduation. She had to make her decision by then. I-Day was the deadline for her to decide whether or not she would be implanted.It was quite an accomplishment for Donna when she graduated from her Third Level schooling.  Only one-third of the students made it that far. She remembered...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Twenty-five year old Rebecca picked up her purse and verified her car keys were in it. "See you, Monday!" the brunette said to her coworkers. She entered the elevator and pushed the button for the parking garage. Rebecca walked happily toward her car. She had nothing planned this weekend and looked forward to relaxing. She could stay in her warm pjs drinking hot cocoa the whole time if she wanted to. She reached her two-door coupe and frowned. The right rear tire was flat. It wasn't how...

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Selina Kyle drops silently from her perch into Ivy's greenhouse. She had been scoping out the place for hours and had seen no evidence of Ivy being there. It was the perfect chance to steal the Emerald of Life. Selina wasted no time and went straight to the vault. This wasn't the first time she had robbed Ivy. She typed in the passcode that she knew so well and entered the vault. On a pedestal in the middle of the room was her treasure. She walks confidently towards her goal, oblivious to the...

2 years ago
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"D-234 is on line, we approching to destination. End over". "Your stewardess are so wet, please my honey fuck me, forget this airplane"."What aboat the people inside?""Let them and fuck me pilot"."Hmmm your is on me know, what a fealing hmmm"."I will show you that I have a monster for you"."Yes tell me that thing, I become so wet". "Here is my tits hmmm"."Yes nice tits hmmm"."Let`s finished that I can`t stand it so long"."Here is ohhhhhh"."Nice fuck my pilot". "But there is a one...

3 years ago
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Oh look at them watching me. Such a rush of divine sexuality as I felt the wind blow gently up my skirt. Walking in my black pumps up Elm street, as if I didn’t have a care in the world. Woman scowling upon me as their men watched in silent awe. I could feel my thighs gently rub together as I stepped, and my skirt frame softly over my knees. My hair dancing from side to side, as if to lightly tickle my face. Tits bouncing lightly through my blouse. A small grin across my lips. I felt...

2 years ago
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His wife cheated, and he did what had to be done.SCENE 1His name was Carl. Carl Montefiore. He was a tall, angular guy--good-looking, I guess--with a smug look. Even if he hadn't been fucking my wife I would probably have wanted to kick the shit out of him.But at the moment his look wasn't smug--it was stunned. When I came into his office he thought he was meeting a prospective client for his software firm, not coming face-to-face with a cuckolded husband. He stood to greet me with an affable...

3 years ago
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Brittany was thirty-five and since her family disapproved of her lifestyle it discouraged her from having much to do with them. Her only real family was a twelve year old girl she adopted, named Bailey. I thought the girl was cute, but did my best to put any bad thoughts out of my mind. She was short with dark brown hair and a body that was barely there. Carol’s family didn’t mind she was gay. It was only when I came into their house when I heard the conversation that explained why. “She...

4 years ago
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Cairas Enslavement

       Caira was a pretty, normal girl; she worked hard, played hard and loved hard. That is why a large smile lit her face as she listened to the voice mail. The deep voice resonated pleasure through her lithe frame. ?I’ll be there at 7:30? he said forcefully, ?make sure to have my Toy ready.? Immediately her slit grew moist and warm, his voice and the use of her nickname turning her on. She glanced up at the clock, already 3pm that was going to cut it fine indeed. He would usually give her a...

2 years ago
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Guy Opens The Door For His Mother And Wife ndash Part

I was in standard 11 my first terminal Physics and Math paper were out. I was not the topper but for all the problems I had a different approach also since I come from a very poor family I did not have a calculator both my math and physics teacher called out my name and appreciated my approach. That terminal I was the second topper in class.Once the results were out a guy named Ari came to me and extended his hand for friendship, he was a sincere biology student preparing for his medical...

3 years ago
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Can My Mom be My Wife A Night in a 5star Hotel

This story works as a sequel to But even if you have not read that story, you will be able to understand most of this story. So you can continue reading this or read that one first and then come here. “Hello. My name is Rohit Nath, and I have a serious problem. Actually, it’s about my mother. Lately, she is acting very strangely. How should I put it? If she wasn’t my mother, I would be sure that she is trying to seduce me. In the last two weeks, at least 8-9 times she has spilled some coffee,...

2 years ago
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Over me

Hello, I am Anja and live in a partnership with Hanna. I love her really, but from time to time I need change. She accept this and also my other predilections. I do not quell them with it. For this I search for myself other partners. However, love I do only her!! Sometimes she watches if I have visit… She likes this. While I enjoy myself, besides, Hanna sits and watches, sometimes she does photos, she never reaches in the events. Always I hear when she comes, because she comes loudly. She wants...

4 years ago
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My First Exposure

Introduction: Like a lot of women, Ive had some fantasies during my 40+ years, but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until now. My First Exposure Meeting My Paperboy Part-1 ———————————————– This story is woven around an old friends fantasy she shared with me over a span of nearly 30 years. ———————————————– Like a lot of women, Ive had some fantasies during my 40+ years, but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until Mike took me for a...

4 years ago
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Licked out in the library

This story is from my first year in college, in the days when I was seeing Gemma. Back then I was still to have my first experience with a guy, but Gemma and I were in each other’s panties at every opportunity. Gemma, for those who haven’t read any of my stories is a half Japanese cutie, with long black hair and big brown eyes. She is a little taller than me but with very pert small boobs and a juicy peach of a bum. I was almost as booby as I am now, but being 17 I was still developing. On this...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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My Night With Kappi

This story takes place just before I moved to London. It took place in the last couple of days I was staying with my parents before taking most of my stuff to their house in Colorado. I had been talking with a girl named Kappi, with whom I had a bit of a history. I told her I would be coming down on a Thursday evening to see a play that several of our mutual friends were in. A little bit about Kappi. I had first met her in our freshman year of university and we had gotten on quite well. We...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Island DelightChapter 12 Botany

Wednesday Brenda Oliver woke up feeling vastly better than the day before. After their late afternoon nap on Tuesday, the pair had gotten up and dressed, and driven down to the Leilani Resort at the other end of the beach. It wasn’t much different than the Haka Nuva Inn, and they had dinner there before returning and going to bed. Now, completely over her hangover and well rested, Brenda hopped out of bed happily when the alarm went off. Steve cracked an eye open and said, “You look happy...

3 years ago
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Work RelatedChapter 4

"Details, girlfriend! I told you I wanted details." I laughed at the irrepressible voice on the phone. Betty Craig was one of a kind. She had introduced me to a new and delightful side of myself recently. Far from being at all jealous that I had gone from her arms to first those of my ex-husband, and then to another woman, she seemed excited. "For a woman that only a few weeks ago was astounded at the idea of being on a date with another female, you certainly have come out of your shell,...

2 years ago
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Feel My Heat

The sun was setting on the winter day, creating a hue of pink to orange on the horizon and the sky was beginning to turn to the dark blue of the winter night; clear, crisp and cold. But it was anything but cold inside the home. Walking into the home, she grabbed him by his coat pulling him towards her. She kissed him with the lust and passion that only lovers show each other. The house was warm from the wood stove burning all day, but it was the heat from her intensity that he felt first more...

Straight Sex
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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 6 August 27th 1982

It was Friday afternoon when the bus pulled to his stop. Gary had noticed that Fumi was not in school that afternoon. He had seen her in the morning, but she was not on the bus as he headed back home. He had wondered if she was alright. It was raining that day. It was difficult as his mind was always on Fumi. Her personality and character, combined with how long they had been together, just melted into his thoughts like glue. Keeping his mind on his schoolwork was a tedious and challenging...

1 year ago
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My daughters pussy

My Daughter This is merely a fantasy. I don't even have a still young I have been married to my wife for 25 years. She was my high school sweetheart and is the mother of my c***dren. We have 2 together.Mark, our oldest is 20 and has moved away to go to school on a lacrosse scholarship. Bethany is 18 and getting ready to graduate from high school. She will be attending a university in the fall on a soccer scholarship. I am very proud of my k**s and what they are turning out...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Jackie

Cousin JackieBy Short StrokerHere’s a tale about something that happened unexpectedly. My job required me to travel out of town with a co-worker for a job that would take a week. My mother suggested I look up one of her cousin’s k**s since she lived in the area where I would be working. I knew the girl and I figured I’d give her a call and fulfill my obligation. I made contact with her before leaving town and she was excited to hear I was coming to town. Once we arrived I talked to her by...

4 years ago
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ProeliatorChapter 6

Jón and Forni dressed much neater and with less fuss after I explained to Jón how a hero had to act like a hero, and not like a child. He, in turn, told something similar to Forni and now it may be difficult for them to act like children again. On the way to the dining room, Jón was congratulated again and by inference so was Forni. They still acted like children pretending to be adults and I was happy with that. Their knives were now proudly displayed at their waists. The other children...

1 year ago
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My Sons Best Friend

Kate seduces 18 year old Danny, her son's very best friend.Kate watched her eighteen year old son, Jamie playing basketball with his best friend. She had known Danny for most of his life, watched him grow from an awkward boy to tall, toned man. Danny, although very attractive, was shy around women, and Kate knew this from all the conversations she had overheard Jamie have with him.It was wrong to eavesdrop, but her room was next door to her son's. Danny spent most of his time here. His home...

3 years ago
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My First Luck

Coming 2 the story we are friends studying in same class and neighbors too. Usually I study with her during the stud. Leaves we both study day and night in her house. We study in late night also. Her mother doesn’t bother it. One day while we are studying we came on the topic sex and she also interested to talk it. After sometimes I asked her to show her secret areas especially pussy first she didn’t agree it as her mother don’t sleep yet after 10 pm her mother felt sleep again I compelled her...

3 years ago
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Cumming Of Age

As an active teenager back in the 70's, I was always on the lookout for sources of mental and visual stimulation of the female kind. I found the so called "Men's Entertainment" magazines (Playboy and Penthouse) photo and information-packed, which was certainly preferable to having to resort to the lingerie and swimsuit adds of the department store catalogs. For me, the former involved sneaking into my parents bedroom and rummaging through my Dad's nightstand, then trying to remember exactly how...

2 years ago
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MAU Slayers Acceptance

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Laura and Jordan were two ordinary people, until the MAU entered their lives. Now they are Buffy and Faith the Vampire Slayers. They soon found themselves hunting their friends Mike and Chris, who had become the vampires Angel and Spike. After the deaths of their families, the two Slayers joined the Agency, a group tasked with tracking down the MAUs and stopping any dangerous user of the devices. Faith has recently become aware of how much she...

3 years ago
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Crazy Love

My best friend myself and some of her coworkers decided to hit up a club together since its been awhile since we've all hung out. Shaunie is a regular on the club scene so it was easy to get us in or so we thought. I watched her as she talked to the promoters and couldn't help but recognize them both. I made my way to where she was to give myself a better view... my heart smiled it had been almost two years since I had seen them both. I had gone to college with them and a few of they're other...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Mother in Law goes black

I was sitting home bored to tears when   my MIL dropped by rather unexpected.   She said she couldn’t stay but left me a DVD to watch and told me I would really enjoy it.   Not having anything to do I popped it in the player and got ready for whatever.   When it came on there   was my MIL alone in what was obliviously a motel room.   She was fully dressed but soon began to perform a very cock stiffening strip-tease. Soon she was totally nude except for her heels and was giving me great views of...

3 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 5

My last visit to the Doctor to get some help for my sister's girlfriend Tiffany ended with my being subjected to intense examination by the female Doctor. She was most curious about my reaction to posterior stimulation. I had explained that I needed the information for Tiffany and not me personally but she insisted that I follow her orders. I took Tiffany with me the next time because I knew the Doctor wanted to interrogate her about the married man that was using her for all sorts of...

3 years ago
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Partying with my SisterChapter 2

Well, my life has changed unrecognizably. Participating in the orgies was something I've never even dreamed about. Making love to my beautiful sister who up till then has hardly ever spoken to me unless we were arguing or fighting was a long lived dream come true, and then finding the photos that showed our parents fucking different people... The awkwardness of facing our parents after seeing the photos was real bad, and we had to hide it somehow. We just stayed more in our rooms avoiding...

4 years ago
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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 7

Erin and Ben woke later. They realized that the other was in the bed and kissed gently. Erin said, "Oh, that feels delightful! I really like waking up next to you." Ben said, "Your parents looked in on us sleeping like this. They smiled." "Wow! Let's get moving. I'm going with you to the hospital. Let's get some breakfast and then cleanup." They went downstairs for a light breakfast. Erin asked, "Mom, did you look in on us this morning?" "Your father and I did. You two looked...

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Do Bhai Do Behan Ch 8211 1

Raj apne ghar se kuch doori par bane talab kinare ek ped ki chaya me baitha tha. Raj ek 21 varsh ka gatheela naujawan tha. Sir par kaale ghooghralu baale, chaudi balisht chaati aur majboot bahen. Ye uski pasindada jagah thi. Use jab bhi samay milta wo yahin aakar baithta tha. Yahan par shanti thi aur ekant use acha lagta tha. Raj ne aage badhkar ek pathar ko utha liya aur hawa me uchalne laga jaise ki uska wajan nap raha ho. Phir uski nigah aapne saamne rakhe kuch panno par padi, jinpar sundar...

2 years ago
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Lady Kavanagh Part 1

Lady Kavanagh sized up the situation in the way one might expect a well-educated woman to: she was not in control. What’s more, she was acutely aware of the fact! “Fuck,” she muttered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” “Are you mumbling, ma’am?” Asked her youthful chauffeur, at least 15 years her junior. He was standing directly behind her and, although she could not see him, she was certain he looked menacing. “No”. “Good. You don’t look so posh with your fat ass stuck in the air,” remarked her driver....

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Daddy and Little One Ch 05

Daddy sat at the large desk in his study. He read business reports every night before going to bed. His dress shop had done very well, even though he and Little One were their best customer, today. SalesLady had been very kind and helpful to Little One. Daddy made a note on his report to be very generous to her. Daddy closed the folder and put it in the drawer. In the drawer was an empty silver frame. No pictures, thought Daddy. I must have photographs made of Little One. Maybe not photographs,...

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Girl toy

When Sara was 18 she decided to move to LA and get a job and maybe be an actress. As she got off the bus a man stopped her and asked if she was needing a job. She smiled and said yes. He took her hand and led her to his car. "I have a great job for you. You will be the assistant to me and serve me. I am going to get you some new clothes to wear." He then took her shopping at a local shop.The clothes he chose were sexy and revealing. The tops were tight and low cut and the skirts were very...

3 years ago
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My lovely mami

Hello….friends this is Yousuf from bangalore…. I m 23 years old slim and good looking guy…. I m a regular reader of ISS.. I love reading stories….today i m going to tell u a true story. It was around 3 years back .. My parents and brother had gone out of station… My mami had come home 2 look after me coz i was having exams at that time.. My mami is very sexy looking women, she is around older to me.. I was having an eye on her from d day she married my mamu… My parents were out only for some 3...

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The Arrangement Part One

Introduction: This is complete fiction and fantasy that I hope you enjoy This all began almost 15 years ago in a small town in the south. This was the kind of place where everyone knew one another and its definitely one of those places that reminds you of Mayberry from television from yesteryear. I moved here after college to help a college buddy setup his farm as we both went to college and studied agriculture. His parents had died in a car crash and left him some money as well as the family...

3 years ago
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Steamy Sex

Kate woke feeling run down and unsexy. She’d been having a few rough weeks at work where it just seemed like nothing seemed to want to go her way or work out for her. Lately she was suddenly starting to feel the pressure of deadlines regardless of how many hours she put in, and no amount of masturbating had managed to take away the stress. Combine the stress with the harsh cold she had just gotten over and she was starting to feel like anything other than gorgeous and sexy. ‘A hot pampering...

3 years ago
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My boys sammy and nick

( Part 2) By the time time sammy turned five years old he was able suck my cock and he loved it when i came in his mouth, one day he had a friend over who was also kust as cute as him, his name was mathew, mathew and sammy began playing together touching eachothers hard cocks and they took turns sucking eachothers cocks and them the decided to take turns sucking my hard cock, then sammy laid down on his...

4 years ago
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Sexy Neighbor Aunty

Hi ISS Readers, I’m a fan for this page. Have read many stories, and now have got a chance to pen down my story in it. Myself Ragu, doing my engineering in Bangalore. Age 21, with good body and looks. Anyone interested in me can mail me at and even can feed back about this story. Coming to the story, the heroine of this story is the Neighbour Aunty. This all happened last month, I won’t elaborate much, will tell the readers in short. Her name is Kavitha, age 30, she is housewife and her...

4 years ago
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Facebook Fuck In London

This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till late...

2 years ago
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Spontaneous Interlude

by Scarlett O'maraAn unexpected, erotic and satisfying encounter between two lovely, intelligent, well-educated, single women produces a lasting effect on them both. The author tells the story in such vivid, graphic detail that the reader feels they are in the room watching the two women make love. An enjoyable and arousing read for both women and men. The author hopes readers will comment on her story. She encourages constructive criticism.During my last two years of college, Jennifer, a...

3 years ago
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White Pussy 4 Maurice

Location: Nairobi, Kenya.Date: 9/14/19My name is Maurice. I am 46 years of age. Up until about two years earlier, I'd lived and worked (as an automobile mechanic) in Dakar, Senegal, but I left my country (and my wife and five c***dren) in order to find a better economic opportunity. This is not at all an unusual thing for many men in Africa. Labor is very 'fluid' there.I send most of the money I make back to my wife, Fatima. We chat every week at least once or twice, but I get lonely; and after...

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Wife Fixs my Premature Problem

When I was 25, I married Lana a 19 year old geeky beauty who had just inherited a large amount of money. She had very limited sexual experience before me so the fact that I could only last 4-5 minutes didn't faze her.I have always cum fairly quickly, even if I thought about other things. Early in our relationship, I could last 4-5 minutes most of the time and occasionally longer. Unfortunately, as I have aged the amount of time I can last has decreased. By the time I was 32 I could only last...

1 year ago
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rob and azmat 1

The 39 year old, British technician, Mr Robert Taylor, sat alone sipping tea in the lounge of the Sheraton hotel Karachi.He had finished early for the day and sat watching people, especially the women, go by in the hotel lobby.Rob had been surprised at first by how more liberal Pakistan seemed. The women did not walk around in black sheets or veils as he expected. The majority seemed content to be in a loose trouser and shirt suit known as Shalwar Kamiz. It had not taken Rob long to see that...

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Robins Loving Family Book 2Chapter 6 A Trio of Trouble

Robin called Samantha over to where she had the laptop open. Talking softly, but loud enough to be easily understood, she pointed out the route she had thought they might take, going up through the black hills of South Dakota before dipping down through Utah, over to Northern California and then down to the Grand Canyon and heading back home. “Hey, that looks really good Robin!” Samantha said, sitting down next to her younger sister and looking over the map. “Oh, and you have already started...

3 years ago
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A for Emma

"First day of school!," thought Emma. Any girl her age would be dying at this moment, hating having to wake up early and shoving through the freshmen brats. But not her! She couldn't wait to show off her D cups to her favorite teacher...Over the summer they had grown to a D cup size, and she couldn't be more excited! She loved how big they looked on her tiny frame, she looked innocent and yet alluring.She had spent the following week trying to pick the perfect back to school outfit to wow him....

3 years ago
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Hot Bottoms at Middlesex High The Science Teacher Sees the Stars Part B

Bonnie Anderson, the very lovely, but stern principal of Middlesex High, had just prepared her young science teacher, Dave Smith, for his very first spanking in her office. If she did a nice job, he might be back for more! Smith really needed this spanking for a variety of reasons. The official one was his students’ poor grades on the state exams. It was hoped her mahogany hairbrush would induce him to try other teaching methods. If not, there was always her secretary Julie’s hairbrush, or...

2 years ago
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Marcys Wish

Marcy's Wish By Conrad Lee Marcy Steele had lost her boyfriend to another woman a girl by the named Shelly Mitchell. Marcy hadn't been the best-looking girl this she granted to Jason but she wasn't unattractive either, in fact she had gotten into fairly decent shape for Jason's sake, and was always at the gym just to please him. She resented that now, though she was in great shape she was still heart broken and wanted revenge on her former beau whatever the cost, at...

3 years ago
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Topix Se Mila Chaudi Ka Mauka 8211 A Story Of Two States

Hey friends I’m Rohan from Lucknow. Ye baat 3 week purani hai. Mai hamesa se he mature aurato ko pasand Karta raha hu, isliye maine topix pe apna no diya tha, ki jisko bi apni mummy ki sexy chat karni ho wo call kare. Hamesha phone aate rehte the but kye trustful boy nahi mila. Ek din mere pas ek call aayi, ye call Punjab (Chandigarh) se thi… Naam tha Rahul. Uski age 18 year thi, usse apni mummy ke bare me baat karni thi. Usne mujhe bataya ki uske ghar me mummy,papa,sister aur wo 4 log rehte...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Having Roommates

No matter how hard I try I have never been able to beat Cassie running. It’s not a defeatist attitude but rather a simple indisputable fact. Every time we go for a run she crosses some imaginary finish line ahead of me. I’ve tried sneak attacks. I’ve tried to get a lead and hold it. I’ve tried to shadow her and sprint to the end and I’ve even tried the “I’m just running next to you but sneak a three step sprint in at the end” technique but none of it works. Cassie is just a faster runner than...

2 years ago
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Gujarati Dharabhabhi Ni Sex Bhookh

HELLO ALL, HU MRS DHARA AAPNI seva fari ek war ala gujarati boys atla badha chulya , and chodkaniya hoy chhe mane nati khabar , mane geeta and sapna em 2 girls na pan mail malya chhe Sala badha , e mari story wakhani chhe e e story na hati mari hakikat hati , ok have tamne bor karya wagar lo tyare , boys gel ni tube laine muthya marva ready thai jav and girls tame DILDO lai ne chut ni bhookh santosva ni koshis karo, prastut chhe PART_2 hu , kayam lodo leva tat-par rehti , maro pari lagan...

2 years ago
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RenewalChapter 4

The small crew consisting of Regina, Greiss, Marion and one other Extroneon landed the small secondary craft just under the canopy next to a little expanse of open field in the middle of forest land. The smaller craft has a large enough cargo bay to store captives until they return to the much larger ship that awaits them back on the opposite side of the moon. Greiss and the other Extroneon are merely with the ship to ensure if anyone stumbles upon the space craft, they won’t be leaving to...

3 years ago
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Randal the Magnificent Part 4

Working the car's gas and break pedals proved to be a tricky proposition in high heels. It took me more than a little effort to get the hang of tipping my right foot back on that spindly 5-inch shaft, and applying pressure with the pointed toes. After a bit, I began to get the hang of maneuvering the little patent nightmares. "You said you live alone Bob, I thought you had a wife and kids?" Randal asked. Distracted by everything that I was experiencing, it took me a moment before I...

2 years ago
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Cathy8217s Fantasy

The True Part: My name is Cathy. I have been married to the same man since I was nineteen, and I now have four c******n. I am pretty much the normal monogamous soccer mom except for one thing . . . I get off on exhibitionism and so does my husband. I first found this out when I was in high school. My family had moved to California from the East, and I rapidly adjusted to being a (modest) two piece swim suit wearing denizen of the beach in the Summer before my Senior year. I was quite...

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