Bent Ch 4 free porn video

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As the intense summer heat dissipates, our lives have taken a peculiar, yet curiously tolerable rhythm. It seems that the very high notes and the very low notes can’t be heard by anyone but us. They involve only us and no-one else knows about them. We don’t talk about them and once they are over, we are able to live in the mid-tones. In the open.

Bizarrely, in the mid-tones, we are developing what one could consider a friendship, at the hand of our girlfriends, who seem to enjoy nothing more than organizing double dates. We picnic in the park, go for hikes, nights out and even the odd run together. Though I must confess, there have been brief, animalistic interludes in male bathrooms and more than one run has ended with in us in an alleyway, behind industrial bins, frenetically jerking each other off.

Honestly, if you got the chance to run behind Ethan, seeing the easy way he moves, the way his calves flex with each step, his hamstrings pleated with lines that run all the way to his… Put it this way, I don’t care who you are, male or female, you’d have a damned good chance of ending up behind a dumpster, just like me.

Tonight, the four of us are grabbing milkshakes in the village. He and Liza are sitting across from me in a booth, and Jess is tucked neatly up against me. Conversation is flowing easily, though I’m becoming increasingly aware of his heat. He’s leaning back against his seat, the angle of his head emphasizing the razor-like line of his jaw. I’m watching the way his Adam’s apple bobs up and down slightly when he talks and can almost make out the beat of his pulse at his jugular, although, maybe, that’s my heart I feel throbbing. Under the table, I can feel how close his legs are to mine. We aren’t touching, but that’s only making it worse.

“Do you, Oliver?” The sound of Liza’s voice breaks through the fog in my brain, like the shrill call of an alarm in the morning.

“Ah, pardon?” I stammer.

She shakes her head and says with a patient little smile, “I said, do you like fishing?”

I seem to have missed a large part of the conversation, as I have no idea what she’s talking about but with an almost imperceptible glance at Ethan, I say quickly and with great gusto, “Yeah, sure. I love it.”

Just to be clear, I haven’t been fishing since I was eight and even at that point, I had no strong feelings about it either way. Liza gives Ethan a little nudge and a look, as if to say, ‘go on, ask him’. He looks at me with a wry smile, “What do you say? Want to go fishing next week-end?”

I don’t skip a beat.

“Sure,” I say, impressed at how neutral my voice sounds, “sounds good.” Inside, my heart is pounding so hard I’m surprised Jess can’t hear it.


The days leading up to the fishing trip seem to drag by. I don’t see Ethan at all and I’m jonesing badly. Like, badly. I’m hanging on by a thread, but neither of us can risk meeting up when the girls know we are going to be spending the whole week-end together.

He picks me up from work and we leave the city behind. Bob Dylan plays on his tinny car speakers, as concrete finally gives way to lush green. Even though I never consciously feel that I can’t breathe in the city, we open the windows as we leave the tarmac, and as I fill my lungs with air, I’m instantly aware of how different it feels. Clean air. Wide open space.


We must lose signal as we head down the narrow, dirt track to the cabin, because Dylan stops playing and the silence is quickly replaced with that same old charge. It’s familiar now, but still, no less shocking every time it happens. He slams the truck into park, leaving a little cloud of dust settling behind us, as we leap out, doors banging shut, bags and groceries all but forgotten.

He leads the way into the woods, not looking back as he lifts his shirt over his head, quickly followed by his jeans and a quick little hop as he pulls each shoe off. I follow suit, matching each garment he loses, with my own. He spins me around so fast, I hardly know what’s happening as I bend and brace myself by grabbing the rough bark of the tree in front of me, and then, with a grunt he’s inside me. Hard. Thick. Long. Loud. I take everything he has to give me. I take it over and over again. Long, deep strokes. I take it all.


I glance around quickly as soon as we’re done, I have no idea where we are in relation to other cabins or people.

“Did anyone hear?” I ask, mildly panicked, as I look for my clothes.

“Nah,” he laughs, “and even if they did, no way anyone would think those sounds were human.”

He has a point.


Back in the cabin, it’s not much different. I could barely tell you what it looked like in there, other than to say there was a lot of wood, the smell of pine needles and a bed. There was definitely a bed. I couldn’t tell you what we ate, though I’m sure we must have had something. All I can tell you is that we fuck. Again, and again, and again. Both of us completely insatiable.

I’d kind of wondered how things would work out with sleeping arrangements. Back home, both of us tend to get away from each other as fast as we can when we’re done, but being stuck in a cabin, miles from anyone else, things are different and I’d wondered if he was going to be weird about where we sleep. Are we going to fuck and then awkwardly head to separate bedrooms?

As it turns out, when we finally do sleep, we pass out, more than falling asleep. Him on his side and me on my back next to him. I don’t know if it’s the quiet darkness of the woods, or the warmth and weight of his body next to me, anchoring me down, but I sleep like the dead, unmoving, waking only when the morning light filters through the cracks in the curtains.

He’s still sleeping. His face looks so different. So peaceful. Hard lines softened. His dark eyelashes casting long shadows across his cheeks. The intensity of my gaze must rouse him, as he opens one eye, taking in his surroundings and probably, registering the fact that I’m gawking at him. He grabs a pillow and shoves it over my face playfully, but still, I’m a little embarrassed that he caught me watching him sleep.

My embarrassment doesn’t last long though, as he reaches for me, wrapping his leg up around me, hands wondering downward. I’m hard, and not just because I always have morning wood. He pulls me toward him, chest touching chest, mouths touching too. He runs his fingers down my crack, expertly seeking my hole, brushing against me, circling slowly before gently pressing in.

“Aaahh, shit!” I whimper, as I buck to get away.

“Are you okay?” He asks, concern written across his face.

“Oh, shit,” I say again.

He giggles remorsefully, “Oh, fuck. Did I wreck your ass?”

The answer, it turns out, is yes. It seems that no matter how willing, there really is only so much an ass can take and we appear to have stretched the boundaries of what’s possible. I’m always tender when I’ve been with him, but this time feels like the very, very edge of good-sore and damned close to you’re-going-to-find-yourself-needing-medical-attention-sore.

“I’ll be fine,” I say.

“Come ‘ere, let me see.” He smiles cheekily. Fuck no, I think. My ass is no laughing matter! I scramble with the bedsheet, trying to get my ass under wraps. He throws himself onto my back, digging his fingers into my ribs. I’m ticklish as hell, so I have no choice but to giggle helplessly and hysterically, as he alternates between tickling me, and performing a very humiliating inspection of my plundered hole.

“It looks okay,” he says, when I finally stop my wild flailing, “you probably just need a little break.”

“Sorry,” I mumble into the pillow, when I finally catch my breath.

“Sorry?” he says, “Don’t be sorry.” He gives me that look, the one that gets me all twisted inside. “What do you think we have hands and mouths for? Hmm?”

His deep, rumbling laughter fills the room. It’s a beautiful sound. Honest to God, I’ve never heard anything like it. Like bells tolling. I’m filled with an absurd sense of pride at having caused it, however unintentionally.

And he’s right. We do have mouths and we do have hands, and boy, do we use them. We take turns going down on each other, a never-ending succession. Him and then me. One of us recovered and ready, as soon as the other is spent. Him and then me.

I’m unsteady when we finally stagger to the shower. As the steaming water hits us, we trade hand jobs until the hot water runs cold. Our last go, rendering no more than a pitiful drop leaking weakly out of either of us.

Spent, I think with relief, after months and months of mania, I’m finally spent.

No sooner had that thought hit me, when the next biological drive announces itself. Hunger. It’s after midday and I am ravenous.

Maybe we didn’t get around to dinner last night after all?

Ethan whips up a breakfast of champions. Eggs, bacon, fried tomato and hash browns, each in generous helping. I can’t remember anything ever tasting better. We eat in relative silence, aside from the odd appreciative sigh.

Afterwards, we each stretch out on a sofa and collapse into sleep, as my exhausted, satiated body relaxes at last and then switches off completely.


Two, maybe three hours must have passed, as the light is starting to change, when I’m woken by a gentle prod at my side.

“Come on,” he says, “we’ve got to get going.”

“What?” I mumble. I was sleeping so deeply, I hardly know where I am. “Where are we going?”

“Fishing!” He exclaims, as if it should be obvious.

“Nooo,” I moan, “I have to sleep.”

“Come on.” He says, shaking me insistently.

“Can’t, it too cold.” It’s unseasonably cold for September and I’ve misjudged the weather. I haven’t packed anything warm enough for being at the lake in the evening.

He pulls me to my feet and tosses his jacket to me.

“What about you?” I ask.

“I’ll be okay,” he shrugs, “I brought a sweater.”

He pulls his sweater over his head, as I put on his green army jacket. I can’t help noticing that his sweater is one of those cream, cable knit types and it makes him look as if he’s stepped straight out of a Ralf Lauren catalogue.

He carries the fishing gear and I bring the camping chairs and beers, as we make our way down to the lake. On the way, he explains happily that we will be fly fishing and that the great challenge of fishing is to catch the biggest fish with the smallest line. I grumble along as we go, though his enthusiasm is infectious and it isn’t long before I’m having fun, despite myself.

He shows me how to tie the lures, though he says we have to call them ‘flies’, and teaches me how to cast. Demonstrating a few times with his rod, before standing behind me, placing his hand over mine and showing me how to flick my wrist just enough to send the line sailing through the air. He curls his other arm around me, gently placing his hand on my side under his jacket.

That hand doesn’t need to be there, I think, that hand wants to be there.

We fish in earnest for a while, before cracking open a few beers and taking in the lake views. He catches a good-sized trout and I get a minuscule bass. He shows me how to unhook it and releases it. Holding it in the water gently, cradling it in his big hands, as he lets it recover.

Lucky fish.

As I sink back into my chair, I glance over at him. He’s smiling. His face shining in the pink glow of twilight. As I look out over the water, I take a long swig of my beer and realize that sitting there at that lake, listening to him waxing lyrical about reels and lines, warm in a jacket that smells like him, might just be the happiest I’ve ever been.

“Hey, Ethan,” I say, speaking before the thought is fully formed, “you know what’s just occurred to me?” I don’t wait for him to answer, as I continue, casting my line, sending it through the air and into the water with a satisfying plop. “There are going to be two assholes in that cabin tonight and only one of them has been wrecked.”

“Huh?” He splutters, one eyebrow raised. I hold his gaze, as I watch his eyes widen slightly. He opens his mouth to start talking, but then seems to think better of it, as he closes it again and swallows hard instead.

Though he can’t seem to ask it, I answer his question with a pointed, deliberate nod. Yes.

He tries to cast his line, but fumbles with the bail. I smile to myself; I’ve finally managed to fluster the indomitable Mr. Ethan Quinn. We fish in silence, as my proposition weighs heavy around us, closing in like mist on the water. Until finally, he gets up.

“It’s getting dark, we better head back.” There’s a little catch in his voice. So small, you wouldn’t know it was there if you weren’t looking for it. But I am looking. The same way I’m always looking at him.


When we get back to the cabin, he begins his elaborate ritual of organizing and stowing his fishing gear. Big hands picking at delicate flies, putting them into tiny containers, before putting those into slightly larger containers. This pedantic procedure would be painful to watch under normal circumstances, but now, the tension between us is like fine shards of glass, one hard breath, all it would take to shatter the space between us.

Now that the thought of having him has occurred to me, it’s all I can think of. It’s all that I want. At last, I can take it no longer and I grab his wrist, roughly snapping his tackle box shut as I march him unceremoniously to the bathroom.

Once there, I waste no time gleefully explaining the in’s and out’s of cleaning himself out. He buries his face in one hand and keeps shaking his head slightly. I can’t help sniggering a little at his discomfort. Pay back sure is a bitch.

“Ah, fuck,” he says as he wrinkles his nose, “I’m not sure I can do this.”

“Well,” I say helpfully, “you can either do this yourself, or I can do it to you.”

He screws one eye shut, “Fine,” he says, pushing me toward the door, “just get out.”

I’d feel sorry for him, truly, I would, except I can feel the electricity of his excitement and I know that look in his eyes. That dark shine. The tell-tale flicker of desire.

I undress as I wait, my eyes not leaving the bathroom door for a second. By the time he finally comes out, I am fully loaded. I couldn’t tell you the answer to 1 + 1 right then, but I can tell you exactly how he looked. Every detail is etched into my mind like a photograph. He was fresh out of the shower, a white towel wrapped low on his waist, his damp hair falling forward across his forehead, a fine mist of water droplets glistening on his smooth, muscular chest.

I swear, nothing, or no-one, has ever looked better than he did right then, walking across that room to me. I stand to meet him as he nears the bed. I bite my bottom lip as I reach out for the towel, unable to resist a devilish smile, as I whip the towel off him with a single, quick tug.

“Mmm,” I murmur involuntarily, as I take in the sight of his fully erect cock. It stands politely to greet me. I just love the honesty of it. Neither of us has the slightest ability to hide our desire.

I’m close to him now, my dick grazing his hip gently as I inhale deeply, taking in the intoxicating smell of vetiver, black pepper and an underlying note of his own individual musk.

Why does he have to smell so good?

I run my hand down the curve of his ass, I smile at the tan line, the whiteness of his cheeks a stark comparison to the golden brown of his back. A target, I think, as I raise my hand and slap his left cheek hard. A quick, stinging blow. He yelps in surprise and jumps a little, but not before I’ve tended to his other cheek just as sharply.

He looks at me in surprise, asking, “How’s that supposed to relax me?”

“It’s not supposed to relax you,” I murmur ominously, “it’s supposed to get you used to a little pain.”

“Oh, fuck,” he says, pressing his thumb to his teeth, “this shit’s going to hurt, isn’t it?”

I wrap my hand around his neck, pulling him to me, as I tease, “Don’t worry, Tough Guy, I’ll be gentle.”

I mean it though, as much as I want to pound the living hell out of him, even more than that, I want to make him feel good. I want that more than anything.

“Bend over,” I say, realizing at the precise moment the words leave my mouth, that this is something I’ve wanted to say to him from the first second I met him.

He leans forward, feet on the floor, elbows on the bed. I kneel behind him, licking him, stroking him, taking as much of his dick in my mouth as I can, until I hear that now familiar, sweet little sigh from him. I move my attentions upward. Pausing at his balls, only to continue north until his thighs quiver. I run my tongue up, missing his hole by no more than a hair. Teasing, until I see the slightest arch, that subtle little push-back of his hips that I’ve been waiting for. I drive my tongue up again, this time running it broadly across his hole, drawing a quick little gasp from him. I begin in earnest now, tonguing him as if my life depends on it. Mashing my face between his legs, tongue thrusting in, panting. This is not just rimming, this is eating. Devouring him. I’m starving and I can’t get enough.

“Aarrrg, oh, fuck, oh fuck,” he chants, as I get the lube and move to standing behind him. I’ve lost my peripheral vision now, and all I can see is his back, his thighs and his utterly historic ass, as a strange centered feeling locks into me: target acquired. I trace the tiny ridges of his puckered hole. I press gently, feeling the tension, as he takes my lubed digit with a strangled moan. I work him over with one finger and then two, slowly, until I am faint with desire and absolutely positive that he is ready to take me.

I kneel behind him on the bed, rolling on the condom as quickly as I can, with my hands shaking so badly. I rub my slick cock up and down, over his hole until I see that tell-tale, slow wink. I take the invitation and enter him with a slow, true thrust. He freezes and I feel every muscle in his body contract as he utters, the smallest “Ow”.

That tiny word, undoes me. Just one syllable, but coming from him, nearly cracks my soul open. I still. I pull him towards me so his back is up against my belly and, sitting back on my heels, I guide him down onto me, letting him set the pace.

“Slowly, slowly” I croon, stroking his back to soothe him, “push out a little where it stings.” He looks back at me, his eyes are hooded and dull with arousal.

“It’s okay, nothing bad will happen,” I promise. My arm is around his chest, holding him securely, as I feel him softly give way. Though every cell in my body is screaming, “THRUST”, I move slowly, gently easing into him, as he gasps and sits back, effectively impaling himself on my cock. God, he’s tight. He’s crushing my dick with his thick, rubbery sphincter.

His teeth are clenched and the veins in his neck are protruding slightly, as I tenderly teach his ass. Slow, smooth strokes, giving him time to adjust, to relax and to stretch.

“Arrrgh, fuck!” He groans with each thrust. His teeth clenched in a grimace and his face flushed a deep shade of red, as he struggles to take what I’m giving him.

“Mmmh, oh shit, oh shit.” He moans. I’m being as gentle as I can, but I guess, a bit of a struggle is par for the course when you take a dick for the first time.

He flops forward on the bed, holding himself up on his elbows and when they give way, sinking his face into the mattress as I plough him relentlessly. His arms are spread out on either side of him, like a crucifix. Biceps bulging, as he desperately clutches tight balls of the sheet in each fist. The muscles in his back ripple like the fluttering wings of a butterfly, each time he strains.

The sight of my cock disappearing into his skintight ass, along with the desperate, feral sounds coming out of him, are driving me rapidly to the point of no return.

“Jerk it,” I rasp, “I can’t hold back much longer.”

I don’t need to tell him twice, he goes to town fervently and I feel him rapidly rising, quickening, on the edge of release. I’m so far out on the ledge, that I’m clenching everything I have and my entire body is shaking with the effort not to shoot. When he finally let’s go, he throws his head back and shouts his release, the deep sound reverberating from every surface in the cabin. I follow him into the abyss with an orgasm so powerful, my entire body gives way and I collapse heavily onto him as I convulse helplessly.

Later, once we’ve come undone, the lights are out and the cabin is silent except for the quiet hum of the old gas fridge.

He whispers hoarsely into the dark, “You’ve been holding out on me, Irish.”

We fall asleep with my arm slung over his chest and our bodies pressed close together.


I wake the next morning to cool, crisp bedsheets and the smell of coffee wafting through the air. He must’ve been up for a while. I pull the covers up and sigh in contentment, as I wonder if he’s gone fishing. I’m contemplating getting up, when he walks into the bedroom.

“Where’ve you been?” I ask by way of greeting.

He gives a little shrug and treats me to a very sheepish grin, as he gestures to the bathroom. I raise my eyebrows.

“Again?” I ask, unable to hide my delight.

He presses his lips together, giving a slight, cheeky nod as he comes back to bed.

We take our time, each leaving no part of the other’s body unexplored, as we lick, suck and stroke. He’s on his back this time, legs spread, holding his knees back for me. I can’t tell you what seeing him like that does to me. I study his face intently as I take him. Every little micro-expression he has, branded into my mind for eternity. He’s so beautiful, I think, so, so beautiful. I’m delirious with pleasure and, even as I fuck him, I already know I want him again.

His head is thrown back and the sounds he’s making are driving me wild. Guttural. Raw.

“Mmmmphhh!” He gasps.

“D’you like that? I ask, through clenched teeth.

“Mmmm,” he says, biting his bottom lip.

“Say it!” I bark.

He looks up at me, he eyes dark, vulnerable, as he nods dumbly again, before licking his lips and saying, “Mmh, yeah, oh God, I do.” His abs are quivering slightly with the effort of speaking. “I really, really do love it, aaarghh.”

Intense warmth floods my body and as I study his beautiful face, I catch myself thinking, and I really, really love y..”

Wait! What? Jesus!

Get yourself together, man! That’s not what this is.

What the fuck is wrong with me?


The city looms up ahead of us, as we hurtle along to the strained sounds of the Rolling Stones. A small pit forming in my gut, at the thought of returning to normal life. Reality. The pit only grows as he drives up my driveway, parks and gets out to help me get my bag and the leftover beers.

“So, er, thanks,” I say, hoisting my bag over my shoulder. It feels so strange to be back, I’m suddenly awkward and a little unsure how to act. “See ya, I guess.”

“Hey, Ollie,” he says, as I turn to leave, catching me by the arm and pulling me back, ducking behind the carport wall. His eyes dart left and right, a quick look-out, before he grabs my neck and pulls me toward him, kissing me softly, leaving me breathless.

I watch, stunned, as he drives off. He’s never kissed me like that. Kissing is part of fucking for us. We kiss right before and during. Never after, and sure as hell, never like that. I run the back of my fingers slowly across my lips.

I’m tingling.

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RamblingChapter 2 Kim and Kyle

I didn’t speak directly to Nadine for over three weeks, although we did share a number of emails. My ankle had healed completely, so in my last communication, I’d suggested meeting up for a walk. Her reply was not quite what I had in mind. She agreed to the hike, but included two others, as part of her acceptance. Kyle was to be her ‘date’, whilst Kim would provide company for me. She promised more details about Kim, if it was acceptable. I wasn’t really too happy, but after some thought,...

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WristDeep In The Cunt Hole My Shy Friend Maria

Over time I found many girlfriends in the gay/lesbian scene. One of them was Maria. She was a little smaller than me and very thin, with a long, thin face and big dark eyes behind black-rimmed glasses. She was of some Middle Eastern heritage and had the blackest hair and the palest skin I've ever seen. She grew up in a religious family, which would not accept her as a lesbian, and was filled with conflicts about that. Despite that, or maybe because of it, she was horny as all hell. She helped...

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All Her Lustful InLaws

This is a story about Donna Polk who lived on a small farm with her husband, father-in-law and brothers-in-law. First, let’s get all the informational facts and explication out of the way, so we can get down to the story: When Donna married Ray Polk, she moved onto the small family farm that was owned by Turk Polk, Ray’s father. The Polk family consisted of Turk and his three sons. Ray was the youngest of the sons; his two older brothers were nicknamed Red and Worm. Turk had been a...

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Bus Crash

Dakota Hastings boarded the bus and sat near the back. She hated riding the bus, but it was the only form of long-distance transportation she could afford to get back her parents’ house. She knew she would be given the ‘I told you so’ lecture from her parents, but it didn’t matter. They said she could come back and that was all that cared about her now. Dakota called her parents with a heavy heart and told them the whole story. They told her she was welcome home anytime, but they weren’t able...

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Secret Origins of the Wizard My Antediluvian Baby

This story is conceived as one of many possible origins for the Spells-R- Us wizard. Bill Hart created both the wizard and the Spells-R-Us universe, and only he can ever state with any definitive authority what is "true" about the wizard. This story is merely written as a fun exercise to explore the world of Spells-R-Us. It deliberately contradicts other "what if" tales in an effort to firmly establish the non-canonical nature of this and other unofficial Spells-R-Us stories. This may...

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MomIsHorny Lilly Ford Lauren Phillips Threesome With The StepMom

Lilly Ford is messing around with the webcam when her stepmother Lauren walks in. She takes her laptop off and lets Lilly know she’s doing something wrong and that she need to clean up her room. Lilly bends over as she picks clothes from the bed and floor and Lauren gets horny and undresses. She seduces her stepdaughter and lets her know that it will be their secret. Juan ends up walking in on the as they’re going down on each other. He shocked and scared when he gets caught with his phone in...

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Coming of Agebybradley_stoke©Zoot was so excited. At last, after all these years, she was at that age, that special age, that coming of age, where she could drink, take d**gs and have sex. Now, she could share the physical love, which until now she could only practise on herself. She hoped that all her practising had prepared her well for her new life, where her vagina could at last be penetrated. Her mother marked the day, as was the custom, by shaving off the hairs that had grown so wild and...

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SSBBW Encounter part 4 intermission

Part 4We lay in bed, side by side, as I felt his cock slowly shrinking inside of my ass until finally it popped out, his load slowly dripping from my stretched and ravaged asshole. I felt like my whole body was electrified and I just kept panting, “oh my god, oh my god…” Our bodies were drenched slick and there was the funky smell of hot sweaty sex heavy in the air. I started giggling uncontrollably just from the shear pleasure of the experience. He gave my ass a sharp smack and gave a...

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My birthday present in advance

That morning I woke up late, finding my loving husband had already left for his office,One hour later, I received a message from Victor’s cell pone:“Today I will give you your birthday present in advance…” “You will like it…”That enigmatic and surprise tone really excited me.Before midday I received another text from my dear hubby:“I want you dress sexy and get your ass ready for me…”This made me wet… It was not usual Victor announced he wanted to sodomize me…Late afternnon I dressesd sexy as...

2 years ago
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Anjas Weg nach Ghana

Mein Weg nach Ghana beginnt im zarten Alter von 17 Jahren. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt verlief mein ganzes Leben vorgeplant und eigentlich ereignislos… vor allem sexuell. Meine stinkreichen Eltern haben mich schon in jungen Jahren in ein Internat abgeschoben. Und im katholischen Mädcheninternat im Süden Bayerns bekommt man zwar schon einen theoretischen Einblick, was die Welt zwischen den Frauenbeinen mal zu bieten hat, aber an der praktischen Erprobung hapert es dann doch gewaltig. Jetzt im...

4 years ago
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Mom Gets WET Part 1

Throughout the years Tiffany has had no shortage of guys trying to date her(most of the guys she meets are through her job at the fitness center) but she’s generally gone on a date or two with them and ended things without going into specifics with me. Although it was never discussed, I think she lost interest in many of them when she realized they just wanted to sleep with her. Despite this, she started going on dates with an ugly, slightly overweight, but extremely wealthy businessman named...

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risedale secretsedited

Well this is were my story begins, it was a Monday first lesson of the day and i was already bored to death, mr jordy are geography teacher was once again ranting and raving about us not having completed homework......bla....bla. Who cares. I noticed a girl opposit me shaking a little, i had a look over to find her desperately trying to hold a laugh down, now im not a pervert but my eyes didn’t follow her shoulders or head, but her perfect round tits jumping about like a dog on speed. While I...

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Happy Anniversary Part 2

A week had gone by since Dave hired the limo. Even when pressured, he never revealed who had been in the car, or where they had driven. All Ami really knew is that she had been ravaged the entire night and had enjoyed every second of it. They had never done anything like that before, but had talked about it occasionally in the months prior to that night. Although their marriage was always strong it had gone stale in recent years and both wanted a little spark but neither knew how to add...

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The ElectricianChapter 19

Adam sat at his desk working on a requirements document for one of his clients. His phone rang, the ringtone indicating it was Kara on the other end. “Hello beautiful,” he said. “Adam -- what are you doing right now?” “I’m watching Josh’s crew take down the barn.” “Oh, lucky you to have a job where you can stand around and watch work being done.” “Work does fascinate me,” he replied. “I can sit and watch it for hours. Actually I’m working on a requirements document. I can see them taking...

4 years ago
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen: It’s Getting Wet In Here! After a night of having my cock blown to the point of cumming in Julia’s warm wet mouth, while at the same time I sucked on Amanda’s succulent firm tits and fingered her dripping wet cunt until we climaxed at the same time, I awoke to find myself alone in the bed. Their was no sign of either girl, as the curtains were opened and the rays of the warm sun shone across the bed sheets where I laid beneath. The still sweet musky smell of aroma from the...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 270

Laura ducked into the shadows. Fortunately, there was a shuttered liquor store next to Sara's apartment building, and the tattered awning threw a deep trapezoidal shadow out from the doorway. She was nearly invisible to passersby once she got under the awning. Her heart was racing, and a fierce blush suffused her cheeks and neck. She had never expected it to happen this way. After weeks of self-inflicted misery, she had decided that she must speak with Sara, no matter what. She had to clear...

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After Hours swim

This is the story of how my erotic fantasy went from imagination to real life. Anyways, my name is Dawna Anglin. Right now, I am an 18 year old grade 12 student attending Anthony Richmond Public High School. I am your typical high school senior. I shop with my friends, party, and of course eye the cute guy that passes me every once in awhile. I am about 5”6’ with long brunette hair up to my elbows. I am also quite toned due to all the shopping I do. Those bags can get quite heavy. Pretty...

Love Stories
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Sunday Lunch

“He’s asleep, come with me,” whispered Jackie in Dave’s ear. Dave stood carefully, looked at the slumbering George and tip-toed out of the conservatory. Jackie eased the door shut, being careful not to let the latch click. They moved more quickly into the hallway where Jackie turned, put her arms around Dave’s neck and kisses him greedily.“Don’t worry he’ll sleep for hours.” She led him upstairs.About a year before, Dave had been sitting at the bar of ‘The Winner’ just coming up to eleven...

1 year ago
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He fucked my ass like he was fucking a girls

This is a story of how a North Indian gets fucked by a stud of a South Indian.“Ohhhh man…just like that baby, just like that…” I moaned. I was kneeling on the bed and Vijay was also kneeling behind me, his cock deep inside my ass. He was thrusting slowly, with one hand of his around my cock and the other squeezing my nipples, driving me towards the edge of pure pleasure. “Fuck me like that baby, fuck me like that, oh yes..” I moaned, and encouraged him. We looked at ourselves in the mirror and...

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The Knight and His Squire 2Chapter 5

The week passed uneventfully, as Rohea regained his strength and agility. Although he was still slightly sore, he felt well enough to travel, and he felt honor-bound to inform Puccar. "Are you sure?" Puccar said. "It has only been a week since you were sliced open. We can afford to wait a few more days." "Pyar should have arrived in Wolle by now," Rohea said. "If she succeeds, we will hear of the good news before we arrive, regardless of whether we wait or not." Puccar nodded and...

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Kolkata massage

Hello people, this is Piyush, and this is my first story to this site. I have been an avid reader of stories from this site and today i have gathered enough courage to write about an incident that happened to me. First let me tell you about myself. I am 6ft tall and have an average built. My dick is nearly 6inches (average) but its thick. This incident happened with me nearly 6 months back in 2008. I don’t give massage as a profession but then i have fairly a good idea how to do it. I have a...

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my first lust missed opportunity1

About 2 years earlier while I was in the military I had gone to a mom and pop video store to grab a porn film, well in a small store like that where the videos are in a small closet sized room in the back, I was nervous about being seen in there, so I just kind of reached in and grabbed one that had a baseball player on the front. At the moment I didn't realize that I had grabbed a bisexual film called "Switch Hitters". Well when I got back to my room and started watching it, I saw my first...

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the night i sold my wife

It was one winter’s night about ten years ago, let me just say before I go any further me and my wife are absolutely fantastic together we have been married for seventeen year’s and never done any thing like this before or since, we have always had a very active sex life and we used to like roll play, one night I would be the boss and the next time she would be the boss and we would play out are every fantasy on each other and believe me we had some fun I thought I had a dirty mind but when...

3 years ago
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Fun With a Sales Rep

I am married and love my wife, but there is a lack of action between the sheets at home. Every now and then I get a pity fuck from my wife, sometimes even a blow job though both are few and far between. Frustration has been building in my mind and body for quite some time now. Betsy, who I fantasize about regularly, is now sitting across from me. She has just eaten lunch and I can tell that she has had a few beers. She is a traveling sales representative for a micro brew company, so beer with...

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The ProtectorChapter 2

I woke the next morning to the ringing of my cell. I sleepily got up and answered it and it was Sarah. She was calling to tell me that Tommy was back safe with his mother, and that Children's Services was helping them find a new place to live. "Sarah, if they need anything to get started, use the credit card to get them what they need. I will be heading out to Virginia in about a half hour. If you need anything else, call me." "Ok Jon, and I do need to talk to you when you get back....

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Good Things ComeCh 2

I drove James back to my dorm room, and we talked idly, I nearly wrecked more than once because I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. He was a dream incarnate, sitting next to me making funny, caustic remarks about this town I was only now beginning to think of as home. ‘This reminds me a lot of Germany.’ I glanced over at him, grateful for an excuse to do so. ‘Germany?’ ‘Yeah.. I went to high school overseas.. And for some reason, this place reminds me of Germany. Without the nazis.’ I...

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My Sexual Odyssey Part 1 How I Got Started

I was always extremely sensuous, expressed in the love of the feel of satin and silk, as well as the feel of going barefoot, which was nearly impossible in the city, even indoors, not part of the culture. Where I live now it is, and so I go not only barefoot but also nude when at home. I don’t know if this is significant or not. However, the first time I noticed anything unusual was probably when I saw a film on TV in which a boy masqueraded as a girl for some reason or other. I recall how...

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Taking care of older men

Jennifer had been working in Aged Care Facilities for over 7 years! She was now 31 years old and felt she was contributing towards the quality living of the older folk by giving them the best possible care. She had first become attracted to the work when it had been suggested to her by her Minister. Jennifer had always been active in her Church and considered she was doing something with a community spirit as well as earning money to help with the budget in the home. Jennifer’s husband, Roy,...

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Man of my Dreams The Sequel

I woke up the next morning having the memory of my brother making love to me the previous night. I lifted up my nightshirt and played with my breasts while my other hand slipped between my legs and pushed my panties to the side. I caressed my aching pussy slowly running my fingers up and down my wet slit. Last night had been the most wonderful night of my life. I'd finally been able to express my love for my brother Tim. I could still feel his kisses on my lips and his hands all over my naked...

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kissing cousins and more

Kissin cousins and moreMy mother comes from a big family a total of six , three boys and three girls and when they grew up and got married they s**ttered all across the country . My mother tried to keep in touch with all of them , but other than a phone call she hardly ever saw them . Just before I graduated from high school in 2016 my mother got a phone call from her sister telling my mom that an uncle had just died and a funeral would be held on Friday this week and asked my mother if she...

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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 5

I woke up to the feeling of a cock entering my vagina. My initial thought was that it was Aryn’s but something was different, I wasn’t getting stretched as much. I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Chuck who was fucking me. I relaxed and enjoyed it. The woman who was laying in front of me turned over and I saw that it was Mary. “Morning little girl, how are you?” “Fine, umph,, thank, umph, you, umph.” “Good little girl, for someone so young and small you did very well last...

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My first fucking

Hain doston mein Vandana. Mein ISS ki story pahale si hi padhati hoon. Ye stories padhakar mujhe bhi laga ko apani bhi koi story hona chhahiyae. To mein aaj aap logo ke samane mein meri true story pesh karane jaa rahi hoon. Mujhe aasha hai ki aap logo ko ye pasand aayegein. Mera naam Vandana hai mein 22 year’s ki hoon aur mera siza 30-35-40 hain aur mein mere mom aur dad ki akeli ladaki hoon aur mera bhai Sunny 25 year’s ka hain. Mom 40 ki hain aur hamare dad gujar chuke hain. Meri Mom Collage...

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College Days Best Days of my Life

When I went to college at the tender age of 18, I expected a life of drinking, non-stop partying and, of course, an endless stream of willing female company. And for the first 6 months that is exactly what I got - until my student loan ran out, at which point I realised that I still had another 18 long months to support myself financially. My parents weren't in a position to help me out so I had to come up with a scheme - and fast! One night, I found myself sitting in the student bar...

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Take Me Home Country Road

I was about twenty when I decided I wanted to leave my country in search of a better life abroad. I always knew I wanted to go to America. I’d seen a lot of movies where they showed the country life and how amazing it looked over there. I should probably tell you that I’m a city girl, but I’ve always had a love for the outdoors. Two weeks later I found myself at the airport, ready to say goodbye to my old life. I made my way through check in and through the gates. For two hours I sat at the...

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YelloweyeChapter 8 Echoing Thunder

Cole and Ashley had taken a four-wheeler to the upper pasture and returned upset. This had the potential to turn into another range war. The Forest Service had cancelled their lease. “Those fuckers can’t do that,” Ashley stormed. “We’ve leased that land for forty years. We’ve cared for it. Now they want us off so the cattle don’t interfere with the oil company. How many people do they think they’ll feed with oil?” “Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference,” Cole said. “Kids, we’re going to...

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Wife and Friend

The questionnaire was asking me about my extremes. ? I’m a conservative professional guy. And I have a wonderful Wife key holder and an approved?friend/no sex playmate.? Keyholder as is she hold the key to a chastity device which I am intermittently required to wear.  Part of our play is me getting locked up and threatened.  Threats of public humiliations, particularly in front of her girls friends are a huge turn on for me, when we go that route. ? ? Susan, I met on a train to NY.  She was a...

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CD Friend

• Studying with best friend and the friend sees some of my pretty things in a drawer or dresses hanging in closet. This leads to us dressing together or me dressing for him and being his girlfriend.• Sam thought you looked cute before he saw your pretty things. He noticed you had pantyhose on beneath your pants, after seeing your dresses in the closet his cock was stiff and he wondered if you would dress for him. He wanted to see your clitty in panties and covered with panty hose. He really...

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THE FREAKPart 1 of 5

There is plenty of sex between consenting adults in this story, but it is all embedded in the story. If you’re looking for one sex scene after another you need to look elsewhere. Also, this is a long story—132 pages—so I’ve broken it into five parts. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sr. Longo PROLOGUE My legal name is John…John Joseph French, but nobody who knows me—not even a single teacher--calls me by my legal name. My family calls me Jack or J.J. ...

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The Backyard View

A week later and I had managed to avoid Kim’s mom pretty diligently. And it wasn’t easy either. Not to mention how awkward it was seeing Kim after that. We weren’t really friends, but we were pretty friendly with each other and she usually dropped by my house every once in a while to say hello, smoke a spliff or something. She came by on a Wednesday, and I couldn’t quite look her in the eye, I think she knew something was up. She even told me her mom had been acting weird, and especially when...

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My Life With a Linemans TicketChapter 4

Being one of the last of the Tramps hired, I was one of the 1st ones layed off when about all that was left to do was clean-up of the right-of-way. I went to Local 304's Hall and they sent me out to a small town south of there. The Contractor had a small job replacing cracked and/or broken insulators. This was a low primary voltage system of 2,400 volts and a lot of the work on the poles was done without safety insulated covers on the wires. The wires had some insulation still left on them...

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sexy milf

One of my best friend’s mothers is about 42 or 43 years old and is absolutely gorgeous. She is about 5′ 7″, with long, smooth legs, and perfect breasts that are not too big not too small. They are natural looking, so they look perfect. She is the typical blonde stacked soccer mom who everyone wants to fuck in the neighborhood. She is a gardener and takes extra care of her bushes in front of her house and her gardens in the backyard.What was odd was she was such a knockout people never...

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Forging Peace

George sat watching the stream of refugees flow past him. Each of the peasants' clothes hung off their frames; it saddened George to see that his armies had failed to protect the kingdom from the beastly hordes that swept forth from the mists. George turned around, looking at the assembled knights behind him. He mounted his snow-white charger, drawing his Bastard sword, swinging it slowly around his head. He would find the leader of the enemy hordes and end the war; he would save his...

Monster Sex
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Sissy School Part 1

SCHOOL FOR SISSIES By Missy Crystal I was sitting at the table eating my cornflakes and drinking a glass or orange juice when I suddenly began to feel woozy. It was hard to keep my head up and I couldn't seem to focus. "Mmmmommm," I slurred. "Immmmm feeeel funnnny." Mom was standing at the sink. She turned around. "Of course you feel funny. I put a big dose of tranquilliser in your orange juice. I warned you what would happen if you didn't mend your ways. You were already...

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