Dial 911! free porn video

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Sometimes your life-changing moments aren't apparent until well after they are over. My cell phone rang. No big deal, or so I thought. I had a 1990 Porsche 911 for sale and the guy on the other end was several hundred miles away. The car was exactly what he was looking for and the price was right. He was headed my way this weekend on a business trip with his wife. Would I meet him half way if he brought certified funds? Hell yes I would. I drove the 2 hours hoping I would not be disappointed.

I met Jay and his wife Lisa in the Hotel parking lot. He drove the car and loved it. Jay was a great guy, loved Porsches (and even said it properly, with TWO syllables...) and knew what he was looking for. He also knew early on that the car was worth every penny I was asking, maybe more. We really hit it off, and I liked his wife too. She was cute, blonde and fun to be around. If we lived closer we would have become great friends.

But there was a problem. Jay had been planning on low-balling me on the price and his check was for thousands less than what we'd agreed on. It was a classic tactic. I'd driven all the way over there; was I going to refuse a deal over a couple grand? Why yes I would. Jay could sense this during our conversation and test drive so he confessed what he had been planning while his business associates gathered to look over the car.
"Look," he said. "I'm really sorry for trying to pull this on you. I was going to try to steal it but now I feel bad! I'm sorry I don't have the extra money! Let me make it up to you by taking you to dinner." He gestured at his co-workers.
"These guys won't mind and you'll like them. They're all fun and we're going to Hooters in a couple minutes. Please join us for dinner!" I was royally pissed, but I figured I might as well have a nice dinner on their tab. The scenery wasn't going to hurt my mood either.

The group varied in age from mid thirties to the low fifties. Some of the guys were older and balding, some were still at a stage when they worked out 3 times a week. While the women varied too they were all GREAT fun to talk to. As the beer flowed I got over being ticked and actually had quite a good time. One of the other guys, Brad, also loved Porsches and had an old 911. His wife Michelle was a TALL brunette with hair flowing halfway down her back. I was absolutely captivated. Bob and Stacy sat next to them and the women kept leaning toward each other and whispering to each other. Then they'd lean their heads back and laugh.

After we all had dessert the lease on all the beer I'd consumed expired and a quick trip to the restroom was called for. When I came out the whole group was in a huddle. As I approached, Jay met me in the isle.

"Alright, I lied to you again. This trip isn't a business meeting. Here, have a seat." He said, pointing to a bar stool. "Look, all these people are swingers. We meet here a couple times a year for a weekend of completely crazy sex. The group would like you join us if you are interested." I about fell down.

"Uh, well...um." was all I could say. I'd read all the men's magazines and the letters, thinking they were all fakes. I was quickly running some of the most recent issues through my mind.
"Jesus," I thought. "Were those stories real?!?" I have a pretty good image of my sexual prowess. Or I did up until 10 seconds ago. I'd also believed the women that I had slept with when they told me that I was 'plenty big'. I remembered the locker rooms from high school and had conveniently blocked that evidence from my mind. Was I ready to find out the awful truth, good bad or ugly? No time like the present! I swallowed heavily (hoping Michelle would be the next one to do so!) and said I'd at least come up to the suite and see what developed.

When I got there the living room was filled with people drinking beer in various stages of undress. A guy on the couch was rubbing the shoulders of a woman sitting on the floor in front of him as he told a joke to the other couple on the couch who were pawing at each other like prom night. As I walked over to the cooler on the floor for a beer I sneaked a peak over towards the bed in the adjoining room. There was a guy on his back. He had two women with him, none of whom were wearing a stitch! One lady was obviously going down on him as she knelt between his legs. The other one was kissing him while rubbing his nipples. The girl giving the hummer had her hand between the other girl's legs and was rubbing her pussy with her thumb. Slowly she'd run her thumb from the tip of her clit to the entrance of her cunt. After a few lazy circles she'd insert it all the way and then slowly pull it out again. Then she'd start over.

I hit the end table with my shin, lost my balance and fell headlong behind the couch. Empty beer cans, pretzels and paper plates went flying. Everyone stopped in their tracks. The room went totally silent, and then everyone burst out laughing. The woman giving the blowjob was in her early 50s, very well kept and apparently very good at what she was doing. Carol stopped and looked at me with a huge smile on her face. "Did I make you lose your concentration, dear?" she said. With her head up I could see the guy's cock. It was 8 or 9 inches long and as big around as a pop can. My jaw fell open and my own dick felt like it was trying to crawl up inside me. I vowed never to undress again.

Carol returned to her task of slowly working as much of that huge tool back into her mouth as she could. Dan started moaning and thrusting at her face. Michelle stood up and came over to help me get up since I was wedged between the wall and the couch. "Here silly, take my hand." She yanked me up and stepped in close, putting her arm around my waist and feeling my buns. "Nice." she whispered.
"Say hi to the new kid everybody," Jay shouted from the couch.

"Hi!" they all yelled back except Carol, the one with her mouth full. She said something like "MPHHRRF." A voice from the bathroom called out to me.

"Looks like you're pretty nervous. Why don't you come unwind in the Jacuzzi?"

"Okay, I think I will" I responded in almost a whisper. There were two couples in the tub in the bathroom, if you could call it that. It was more like a separate apartment. Mirrors stood behind two walls of the Jacuzzi. Across the room was a shower stall, sink another mirror and a low bench.

Dan was still getting blown and the other room was full of people too. Suddenly it hit me; I was going to have to undress in front of a whole room of people I'd never met. I felt like a lab specimen.
"Here we have a classic case of Penis Invertus" I could hear in my head. Michelle turned me towards her. She gazed directly into my eyes and started unbuttoning my shirt. She put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me slowly easing her tongue into my mouth. She sighed and reached farther into my mouth. I could feel her nipples poking into my chest. My tongue found hers and my world collapsed. All I could see or think about were those beautiful ice-blue eyes.

It turns out Pavlov was a very smart fellow. There is only one time when a woman looks at me like that while unbuttoning my shirt. I could feel stirrings in my pants and by the time Michelle reached for my zipper she had me half hard. While not huge, I was at least respectable. Running my hands along the curve of her neck I whispered "Thank you" to her. She smiled sweetly while undoing my belt and threw it in the corner, then unzipped my fly.

"You're welcome. I'll let you handle the rest," she purred. "Can I see more of you later?" she said. With a wink and a smile she sat back down on the couch.

I took a DEEP breath, yanked off my BVDs and slid into the tub between the two girls. After the introductions there was a long pause. "So, are you nervous as a whore in Church?" laughed Tom. "Naw," I said sheepishly. "It's WAY worse than that". Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh. Tammy looked directly into my eyes. "It's okay, you'll be fine. You can do anything you want or nothing at all. It is completely up to you." With that she put her hand in her husband's lap. Tammy was in her 40s with short blonde hair and just a little chubby. But she had huge, magnificent breasts that begged to be fondled. Even though we couldn't see what she was doing we could tell by the silly grin on Tom's face that he was getting a great hand job. He closed his eyes and leaned back to enjoy it. The other couple kissed passionately. Tammy slowly worked her hand up my thigh until she just barely brushed my penis. "Does this feel good?" My head swam in circles. "Yeah," I croaked. Jean's husband stood up and lifted her onto the edge of the tub, spread her legs and stuffed his face into her soaking crotch. She squealed and clamped her legs around his ears. "Oh God!" she hissed. "I've been sitting on his hand for the last 10 minutes. I think he's gonna make me CCCCOOOOMMMMEEEE!" She shrieked and grabbed the back of Dave's head and pulled his nose into her crotch with all her might. Her whole body shook in spasms and I could see Dave wiggling his head back and forth, sucking her clit for all he was worth. Slowly she relaxed and then just melted back into the tub. "Hi sweetie, I'm just back from Cloud 9. How are you?" she giggled.

All the while Tammy had been slowly stroking me with the tips of her fingers. I was rock hard. Every time she touched me my dick jumped a couple inches. She put all of her fingertips together and slowly worked them down over the tip of my cock. I thought the head of my cock was going to explode! I let out an involuntary "UH". To get my mind off what was happening and not end the evening in 4.3 seconds I slid my hand over to Tammy's creamy thigh. I brushed my fingers across her belly and worked my way south searching for the line of her pubic hair. There wasn't any, which I figured out when I got to her clit. "Oh!" she exclaimed. I slowly ran my fingers up and down the tops of each thigh, just brushing the top of her clit when changing legs. She leaned back against the tub wall, and her perfect breasts rose and fell with each breath. Her husband was looking at me. "You take that one, I'll take this one." In unison we started sucking those magnificent breasts and I worked my index finger slowly up into her, looking for her g-spot. When I found it she let out a low, guttural moan and settled down on my hand. "That feels wonderful!"

Suddenly hands were everywhere. Dave and I worked Tammy's hot spots and Jean took me into her hand and worked her thumb around the underside of my dick where it is so sensitive. Tammy's nipples stood straight out against my tongue and I flicked just the tip, then sucked as much of her tit into my mouth as I could. I slowly bled off the suction and let her breast ooze out of my mouth ending up with just the nipple against my pursed lips. "God that feels wonderful!" she said. "Let me show you what that feels like."

She grabbed us by the penises and made us stand up in the tub in front of her. Okay, so I was slightly bigger than Dave, which made me feel pretty good. At least they weren't all hung like what's-his-nuts in the other room.

In real life I'd never seen another mans' penis erect before, and since she had one of us in each hand it was pretty hard not to stare. Tammy took turns blowing us, stroking the one not in her mouth. The warm wetness of her mouth was fabulous! Every so often she'd stuff both of us into her mouth as far as she could. Jean rubbed our butts from behind and encouraged Tammy. Occasionally she'd reach between our legs and put her hands around the base of our dicks, slowly stroking up to Tammy's mouth. The saliva made us both super slippery. Dave talked to Tammy, encouraging her. "Come on, that's it! Take all of him, you can do it!" I was getting pretty close and told her so. She popped my dick out of her mouth. "I want to taste it", she purred. "Go ahead, make her happy!" said Dave. "The more you give her now the less she'll expect of me later!" It sounded like a plan. She inched me back into her mouth, slowly swirling her talented tongue over every inch of my shaft. We were still pretty wet and soapy from the tub, and as she worked her magic with her mouth she slid her hand down and cupped my balls. With her index finger she slowly started working from the back of my nut sac to my asshole. She made little, tiny circles with just the tip of her finger and it drove me wild.

Oh man, did this woman know what she was doing! Tammy had most of my dick down her throat. She was holding her head still and working on the underside of my dick with her tongue while twisting her head from side to side. She'd start as far down the shaft as she could reach, and then run it up to the tip, over the whole head and back down again all the while fingering my ass and 'taint'. After a few lazy circles of my asshole I could feel those first, wonderful stirrings that told me I WAS GOING TO CUM, NOW.

My breathing became ragged and the room started to spin. "Oh shit, I can't wait any more," I grunted and started to come. The first few waves of the orgasm hit me so hard I thought I was going to blow the back of Tammy's head all over the mirror behind her. The semen swelled up out of my balls and shot down the length of my penis in huge globs. I came so hard I couldn't see. I clutched the back of Tammy's head for support, burying me in her throat. The room spun faster, my vision blurred and I dumped load after load of cum into her hungry mouth. She impaled her face on my rod and swallowed with her nose against my pubic bone, her throat muscles milking my shaft with every swallow. That started another round of contractions. She'd swallow which would set me off again and around and around we went. After what felt like five minutes I was utterly drained. I eventually stopped cumming and she stopped swallowing. Tammy refused to let me out of her mouth while I slowly went soft. Her tongue slid back and forth over the underside of my deflating dick sending shivers through my body. I was panting like a lion after a kill, sweat was pouring out of me and I realized I must have made quite a bit of noise as everyone in the place had jammed into the bathroom to see the whole spectacle. I finally pulled out and sat down in the tub, hugging Tammy and laughing like crazy. Everyone whooped and hollered, congratulated us and went back to what they had been doing. I'd never had an orgasm like that before in my life, and I figured it was time to return the favor.

We all got out of the tub and dried off, moving to the floor in the bedroom since the beds were full. Dave lay on his back and Tammy knelt between his legs. I got on my back and slipped under Tammy's hips, giving me perfect access to her slit while she straddled my face. I worked a few fingers into her cunt, sucked like there was no tomorrow and listened for her breathing to quicken. In no time she was squealing and rubbing her crotch across my nose. Her thighs started to quiver, her head pounded up and down on Dave and they both came in a rush. Someone started playing with my nipples, but I was too spent from earlier to rise to the occasion.

After that I went over to the couch and sat down next to Michelle. I popped open a beer and grinned at her.
"Nice folks," I said.

"They really are," she replied. "We've known them forever. Every once in a while someone will bring along somebody new. The group keeps growing every year. Now YOU can bring someone next year! Preferably some hot young bi thing. With big hooters!" "Works for me!" I said.

"That would work for me too," she giggled. "I love the bi thing but I don't get a chance to break in new blood very often. Make my day next year and I'll make yours..." she said with a wink and a squeeze of my thigh. I jumped to attention and the tip of my penis brushed against her hand. She leaned over to kiss me and my world once again collapsed into her unbelievable ice blue eyes. I ran my fingers through her long hair and cupped her head in my hands. I kissed her slowly, nibbling on her lips, kissing her eyelids. We French kissed for several minutes, just staring into each other's eyes. Our hands wandered relentlessly then she took mine in hers and eased my fingertips into her pubic hair. It was wispy fine and dark brown, a combination I'd never seen before. I was expecting the usual Brillo pad based on how thick the rest of her hair was. It was like running my fingers through the finest down, only this was getting pretty wet. I eased myself off the couch and got between her thighs in front of the couch.

I lifted her hips and hung her buttocks off the end of the sofa. I lifted her right leg and kissed the side of her ankle and headed north, towards Heaven. I moved pretty quickly until I got above her knee then slowed down giving each kiss several seconds with a pause between them. Michelle started playing with my hair, trying to get me to hurry but I resisted, placing a hand on each thigh and running my tongue across the top of her pubic hair, up to her navel and back down. When I got all the way across to my other hand I'd go back, making each pass lower until I was running the tip of my tongue directly across her clit.

Finally I pushed her knees up to her chest exposing her dark brown sphincter. Starting at her navel I licked from there to her asshole and back. Each time I'd probe deeper into the folds of her cunt as I went past. She had virtually no lips at all, just smooth, wet, warm, inviting flesh. And it tasted great! I dove into her entrance, rimming the entrance over and over. She arched her back and tweaked her nipples while crossing her ankles and resting them on my back. "Oh yeah!" she moaned. "Right there, RIGHT THERE!" With my tongue in her gash, her clit was right under my nose, literally. I nosed it hard while tonguing her hole. I could hear voices encouraging me in the background. I lapped until I thought my tongue was going to fall out, but Michelle loved it so I continued as long as I could. She had a long slow orgasm that curled her toes. She moaned low in her throat while holding my face pressed against her, guiding me with her hands which were still entwined in my hair. Slowly she parted her thighs releasing my face. Suddenly I could hear again!

I sat back down next to Michelle and watched people pairing off. They'd suck and fuck with abandon, then sit back to watch others. It wasn't long before most of the guys were totally spent, sitting around drinking beer and chatting. The women however were ready for another round before we were, so most of them got into the hot tub.

Throughout the rest of the night and well into the next morning it was a free-for-all I'll never, ever forget. When I got home I call my friend Amy. She called her friend Beth. That fall when everyone got together again, I walked up to Michelle with the girls in tow and introduced everyone. Michelle grinned like a kid at Christmas! And I'll never look at unwrapping presents the same again...


Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out my profile here for all the latest stories! Message me if you want more...
PS, if you leave negative feedback I'd appreciate hearing WHY. Was it my style? Errors in editing or just subject matter? I want to improve my writing. Here's your chance to help!


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How Ramya Became A Bitch 8211 Part 4

Vikram came after 5 minutes. I went to him and kissed his lips, but he wasn’t interested in foreplay. He was so desperate to get inside me. He lifted me to his kitchen and placed me on the slab. He lifted my saree till hips and moved my panty away from pussy lips. He put his monster cock in me right away. “Are you that horny?” I asked. He kept fucking me without replying and didn’t even change the position. He exploded in me within 15 minutes. He got dressed and asked, “Shall we go?” “I am...

2 years ago
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GF Teachs me to Suck Cock

I am 30 years old and I am good-looking guy – so I have been told. I am just under 6 foot tall, medium build 180lbs – with a nice physique. I don't work out but I keep in shape by walking on the weekends. My hair is brown, as are my eyes. The hair these days is starting to work its way back a little – at least on my head. I am not hairy guy, just your normal light s**ttering of hair on my body. I've never been one for shaving anywhere but my face – but from the story I am about to tell you, one...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 38 Ginny Goes Black

Chapter Thirty-Eight – Ginny Goes Black Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, mf, anal, blackmail, cream pie, grope, hp, inter, magic, spank, unif ‘Come on guys… I know you’re making a calendar and I want in for at least one shoot!’ Lee Jordan demanded of his two best friends, Fred and George Weasley. ‘I’ve been helping you out for months now making some big...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Alexandra Cerrano Lea De La Torre First Time Lesbian Teens

Alexandra Cerrano and Lea de la Torre are just learning about their lesbian tendencies, and these two Latina babes are ready to experiment together. Alexandra strips down to her bra and thong and then poses in front of the mirror while Lea films her. They keep on filming when Alexandra takes the phone and climbs onto the bed so that she and Lea can take increasingly dirty selfies together. Putting the phone down, Lea and Alexandra embrace while Lea gently works Alexandra out of her bra....

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Fantasy Fullfilled After A Long Time 8211 Part III

Mom: wait, let me think. From where to start. Hmmm…A little pause….And a deep breath… Mom: Are you not satisfied sexually with Vani(my wife)? I: I’m..But why you are asking such things? Mom: (little hesitate) I had been going through your computer since few days, in history everyday I found you are regularly visiting incest stories specially mom-son what’s that? I: yes I’m visiting Iss daily. And I admit I’m daily masturbating thinking of you, but also I never thought to have sex with...

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GirlsWay Ivy Wolfe Kira Noir The Toll Of Control

Kira Noir and Ivy Wolfe are chilling in their bedroom. When Ivy notices that one of Kira’s employees is getting married, she asks her if they’re invited to the wedding. Kira responds that she wasn’t invited because they’re not friends. She adds that this is the way she likes it since she’s the boss and wants to keep things professional. Ivy laughs at how stern Kira is being, adding that the wedding would be so much fun. Kira tells her that she can’t be...

1 year ago
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Caught by wife and boss at home 2

As in the first story my wifes boss asked if he could come over with two of his buddies and she said yes.I was working again when the door bell rang when i opened it up it was jim and jeff and bob. they all say look how pretty she is and i hope she is hot. At that i said come on in and they smirk and say sure.MY what a lovely set of lips you have jeff says which he then proceeds to kiss me and then bob does the same. they comment and say she is hot i hope she sucks as good as you say jim,he...

2 years ago
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LA Shopping Experience

Stuart Thomas looked out his window. The sun was bright so he had to squint a little. The LA smog hung like an ugly and unwanted chandelier. He hated LA. He couldn’t understand what people saw in this place. It was too crowded, too polluted, too many stuck-up women. He’d been here for two years which was one year too many. His firm promised him that after one year he’d have his pick of offices. He chose San Diego with its beautiful beaches and close proximity to Baja. When the time came for...

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Me And My Professor Have Sex

I am a 20 year old guy and have a girlfriend. She is 20 too and has big assets. She is one of the most beautiful girl in the entire college. We fuck a lot. The only reason that my girlfriend has a big ass is because i fuck her almost everyday. She is very hot and sexy. I am a very horny guy and would fuck a pole when horny. So this story is not about the sex life that me and my girlfriend have but another encounter with my professor. She is a very sexy teacher. She wears the Indian dress and...

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At first glance when I pushed through the front door, I thought there was nobody in the salon. But that wouldn't make sense. It was, after all, a few minutes after the nine o'clock opening time on Wednesday morning and the door was unlocked. Surely someone had been there to unlock it. Then a head popped up from behind a half wall and a young woman smiled and said, "Good morning. Come on in." She was dressed in beige slacks that barely concealed a nicely shaped butt, a knit sweater that...

1 year ago
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In spite of my misgivings about the purpose of this lunch, I felt at peace, almost giddy with joy. As to the purpose, we’d gathered, ostensibly anyway, to discuss my marriage difficulties The peace and joy derived from the fact that we were sitting in my favorite restaurant and I was flanked by my two very best friends, Tammy and Peggy. Sorority sisters while in school together and before that fellow cheerleaders on our high school team. We’d once enjoyed getting together almost weekly for such...

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The Wolf SummersChapter 3 Iriss Price

The beginning of a young story As soon as I realized I voted for my baby sister's happiness over 'The Itch', I regretted my selflessness. For six months, I became intimately familiar with the curse of teenage boys, sexual frustration. There were other options; but even though Rachel shattered the ritual nature of 'The Itch', it still shaped my understanding of sex. The task of shaking me completely loose of the 'The Itch' fell on a visiting male cousin from Puerto Rico. Being my...

2 years ago
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Lots My Virginity To A Friend

Hello everyone. It’s my time to contribute to ISS users and givers. My name is Krunal (of course fake name) my email id is I am from Gujarat. I had studied in very reputed college. I am 27 years old with average height, body and reasonably good looks. The incident which I am going to narrate is 3 years back when I was in college. During my graduation days I had an affair with a girl Tina (name changed). She had average looks but great figure, nice height and sweet nature. For me she was the...

3 years ago
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Love at First Sight

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters -After Pain Fight- *Clap, clap, clap* It was getting hard to focus with the hypnotic sight in front of him. Samui walked with an instilled confidence just ahead of her two companions, her fat asscheeks making an audible sound with each step she took. It was unfair how stacked the blond bimbo actually was, and it was even worse the she knew it. Omoi was practically drooling at the show he was getting. With every step she took, the blonde's meat...

1 year ago
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BlackValleyGirls Adriana Maya IR Dick Down From The Delivery Man

Nerdy ebony chick Adriana Maya has had an eye on her neighbor for a long time, so she will do anything to get into his pants. Today, she notices that the delivery man left his package out in the rain, so she delivers it to his front door herself. But when she sees his stiff boner, she knows what time it is. She wraps her lips around the tip of his dick and sucks voraciously as saliva drips from her lips. Then, she backs her pussy onto his cock and twerks her ass as he penetrates her black vag....

2 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 25

You must be an Angel, I can see it in your eyes... Oh, you're an Angel in disguise." -- Madonna/Steve Bray A Life Ever Changing #25 Angel in Disguise By Angel I looked at them and continued... I found myself in Mrs. Russell's bedroom and they had me lay on the bed. Mrs. Russell said, "Brenda. You and Tracy go into the kitchen and get Ricky some juice and bring a separate glass filled with ice okay?" The two girls answered, "Okay," and off they went. Greta sat on the...

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Becoming My Husbands Secretary

My husband James’s secretary quit last year; after marrying one of his clients. He was struggling to find a suitable replacement. He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week. James is a major distributor of swim wear, club wear, and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive. We have been married for twenty...

4 years ago
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Fucked By Neighbor Boy

Hello friends and this is Saima Rashid from KPK Pakistan a little about me. I am a married woman aged 37 years of age fair in complexion like all Pathans and a bit chubby due to growing age and I have 4 children aged 14M,10F,8F and 3M and I am an educated housewife and happily married to my hubby Mr. Rashid Khana 18 Grade officer living in Peshawar while I am settled in my native village along with my children and surrounded family members. My hubby comes after a week or two and fucks me once...

3 years ago
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Dancing in the DarkChapter 9 The Truth About Dreams

SASHA CHECKED THE CALENDAR on her iPhone and the itinerary in her hand. Getting up from the couch, she went to find Dad. She found him busy writing on his laptop. It looked like he was deep into his novel. Knowing how fleeting creativity could be, she hesitated, debating whether to bother him. "What's up?" he asked, typing away. She smiled. He hadn't even looked up. For sure he was hardwired to her. "You remember we're going to San Fran tomorrow, don't you?" she asked. "No we're...

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Daves Sister

However, the best thing about spending time at Dave’s was getting to see his sister Becky. Becky was two years older than me and Dave, but she went to the same school. She had big blue eyes that were complimented by full black eyelashes and an energetic frame of mascara. Her hair, which was full and wavy extended to halfway down her back. It was originally brunette, but was dyed peroxide blonde in a way that highlighted her roots and was almost kind of tacky, yet it gave her the appearance of...

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Into the Grey

David Jones stood atop Cefn Bryn, one of the higher points on the Gower Peninsula. It was early spring, or late winter, depending on how you wanted to look at it, and the air was unusually clear for the season. The twenty-or-so houses and pastures that made up Nicholaston spread out at the bottom of the hill, about a hundred feet down, and pressed up against the small cliffs overlooking the bay. Out beyond the bay, ghosting over the dark green Atlantic waters, he could make out a bit of...

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Here it’s my 2nd experience of sharing my love making journey. You are now very aware that I call it ‘love making’ and not sex, as you people normally call it. Yes, I consider it love making. Whatever and whenever I did such things I did with lots of interest and feeling for the opposite side and fully loving her. In response to my last story many people thanked me for such a nice love story, and written me on my id: ‘cutemanpleasingyou’ at yahoo dot com, this time also all are welcome to...

4 years ago
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Night at the Oil Party Part 3

As we went around the room it was apparent that each of the couples were made up of bi or bi curious men and women, and as we got closer to my turn I was getting really excited about the potential for a really fun experience. The other single guy introduced himself as Jack and was a taller gentleman with large hands, and a very good looking body. The single woman was Claudia and she was a blonde woman with very large breasts, a nice round body and beautiful blue eyes. Both proclaimed that...

4 years ago
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Dangerous Games

At forty-two years of age, Jackie Anderson was an attractive looking brunette that looked more like a woman in her early thirties. She still wore her hair long, usually in a ponytail that helped to make her look younger as well, which probably helped to contribute to her being mistaken for a much younger woman. She worked out, though not as often as she would have liked, but enough that she kept her still firm figured well toned and in reasonably good shape. Though her breasts weren't...

1 year ago
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Library Girl Chapters 27 and 28

Chapter 27 -- The Day in Public Starts Off in a Light Vein and Then Gets Even Better Wow, this was it. The three members of the "Booster Day Team" piled into Randall's van and headed out to Disneyland. They were already in costume. Janie had convinced the boys that pink fingernails would guarantee their disguises would work, and each of them now glanced often at their hands to see the marvelous outcome. Janie had even convinced Randall that he should wear ("just for the day" and to...

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Wife is Ruined

Wife is Ruined Barry couldn't wait for he and his wife Joyce's hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn't wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the tightest...

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Kept hard all day

Hi, my name is Steve. I am 20 years old and have one of the hottest girlfriend. Her name is Kristen and she is 18. She has an incredible body and loves to show it off. When her mother isn,t home she like to sunbathe in the backyard topless. I have layed out with her many times and always wind up getting turned on by seeing her lay out wearing only a tiny thong. Afraid her mother might come home, I never sunbathed nude with her. The best Kristen could get me to do was wear a mens bikini bottom....

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INCOMING MESSAGE FROM SIMON. ACCEPT / DECLINE ACCEPT MESSAGE ACCEPTED. CONNECTING... SIMON: Good morning sunshine! Are you busy? CAREY: Yes and no, but I can chat for a bit. Where are you? SIMON: In a meeting. A very, very boring meeting. CAREY: Are you learning anything? SIMON: Only that the field of Engineering is seemingly devoid of beautiful women. CAREY: Oh, that's too bad. You should know that I was at the computer store this morning and it was a gold mine of intensely...

3 years ago
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Introduction: The real author of this story is Arthur Saxon. More information about him on his profile page: http://stories.xnxx.com/profile530899/ ?Devil take this traffic!? growled Nathan Garrett as he stared at the rain-blurred brake lights of the SUV sitting just two feet in front of the front bumper of his green ?95 Oldsmobile. ?What?s the goddamn hold-up?? ?Probably an accident,? said his sixteen-year-old daughter Megan, who was sitting next to him in the passenger seat. Slim and pretty,...

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Layna 2nd girl i cheated with

One night i couldn't sleep. My Gf was away on this thing for college and it was the weekend. I had been with friends earlier in the day. It was a group of 3 guys and 2 girls. One of the girls was really hot and i wanted to fuck her as did all my other friends but we weren't her type. She liked black guys and it seemed only black guys. Who was I to judge? Layna was cute, no where near her friend but she was also really cool and funny. A little chunky but not fat. When they got there this...

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Maiden Voyage of the Amethyst Dream

Man: As I drive along Shoreline Drive, enjoying the cool breeze off the bay, I am a bit nervous. Thinking of her waiting for me at the hotel, I am hopeful that she will enjoy the evening I have planned for the two of us. It has been so exciting these past few weeks since I first met her and I really want tonight to be something special. I pray that all of my preparation and planning will make the impression on her that I desire. As I slow the car to turn into the hotel parking lot, I am...

2 years ago
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Sabina Trapped

Hi readers I am Sabina age 28, I am married to Arun. Arun is working as a truck driver he is Kuwait. I am a house wife and a mother of 5 year old son Jerin . Let me give details about my body, I am 5’3″ and a slim girl with size 34 D-26-34 usually I wear saree well below my navel. My Boobs are huge and they projected outwards, they are round in shape and are stiff. I have curvy hips and round ass, long legs with fleshy thighs and milky smooth shiny skin and pink nipples. Whenever I travel in...

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The Start

It is a mild spring evening and you are waiting to be picked up and whisked off for a nice meal and love making with your blue eyed lover. You are stood waiting for him to pick you up, all sorts of scenarios regarding the activities for the evening running through your head…and having an arousing effect on your body! You have had your hair done again recently. It is now longish and flowing, but has that sultry ‘bed hair’ look, your make up is not over done, it's classy. You are wearing your...

Straight Sex
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EvilAngel Betty Foxxx Anal MILF Squirts

Dirty blonde Betty Foxxx’s striptease reveals big globes, thick thighs and ample ass. The married MILF tells neighbor Mark Wood that she’s a swinger newly arrived from Spain. He sucks her huge, gumdrop nipples and labors to tug her skirt down over her thick posterior. Excited Betty gives him a blowjob. She kneels for a doggie-style fuck as Mark spanks her, thumbs her butthole and drills her into the rug. He lubes her ass for an anal reaming; Betty slaps her boobs and pinches her...


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