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A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation.

Most government is by the rich, for the rich. Government comprises a large part of the organized injustice in any society, ancient or modern.

Civil government, insofar as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, and for the defence of those who have property against those who have none.

― Adam Smith

The tiny, Asian hand emerged through the glory hole, latching onto my healthy hard-on.

Wincing at the sensation of somebody other than myself grabbing my cock, I straddled the particle board partition, placing both palms against the composite wood barrier. Rivulets of sweat trickled down my bare thighs, soaking my socks, and pooling in my fuckboots ― the two remaining articles of clothing on my person.

Summer in Sin City was no joke. You could drink 10 pints of water, and not even take a piss, out here. It was a Hans Klok magic trick ― the Missing H20 ― and then some!

Someone else's skin ― other than my own ― touching my flesh felt fantastic! Fantastic, but foreign.

In the murky surroundings, it was tough to tell who'd breached the opening. That said, the hand was small enough, it had to be the Japanese chick I'd seen fucking her husband earlier in the sex swing, as opposed to hubby, himself.

In the background, Taco's Puttin' on the Ritz meekly emitted from what sounded like an 8-track player, jammed into the dashboard of an AMC Pacer, in the parking lot.

"Is this music really playing," I wondered, "or is this the soundtrack to my sorry excuse for an existence?"

Gazing around the enclosed space, I searched for some source to the terrible tune. "Am I the only one hearing this shit?!" I pondered.

Sensuously thrusting into the woman's "homemade" vagina, the lube along my slickened staff heightened the pleasure of this particular scenario.

I'd observed this potent pair doin' each other for fifteen minutes in the dungeon. When they departed, I followed, not certain where they'd end up. Knowledgeable of the terrain, and diligent in my efforts, I made certain I was first in line, when they wandered into the glory hole.

I knew they'd have to pass the room in question, in order to exit the downstairs area. I also deduced, by the fact they remained nude ― upon leaving the dungeon ― the show wasn't over.

As promulgated in so many of my articles, never underestimate experience. From experience comes confidence. From confidence comes everything!

Watching the pretty palm petting my penis, I couldn't help but offer self-praise for decades spent takin' bayonets and bullets. Years battling abuse ― both physical and mental ― as well as denial, made times like these such sweet fruit!

A wedding band on the ring finger of the petite paw pullin' my protuberance, caught the light.

On the other side of the wall, I could hear low murmurs, as if the couple were whispering to each other. Retracting my throbbing cock, I perched on the seat behind me, and peered through the aperture.

In the soft glow of the opposite room, the diminutive oriental sat bare-assed on hubby's lap, her quivering hand outstretched to the gap in the divider. Her significant other had been breathing something in her ear, as she'd massaged my member.

I'd recently been belched from one of the worst experiences of my life ― having spent lengthy intimacy with a person as toxic as a swimming pool filled with Ricin. The ordeal gave new meaning to the term "sleeping with the enemy," and made me wonder if I'd shared a bed with a demon.

Hence, I was eager to exorcise whatever it was I thought I'd had feelings for, and once again become the jubilant gentleman everyone knew and loved. As it turned out, this would be a task more difficult than building The Great Pyramid of Giza with an office stapler, and three sheets of used carbon paper.

What the hell did I know? This had been my first relationship. You're right; you're right. No Repeaters. I fucked-up!

In any event, I was on the route to recuperation, or so I thought. Thus, being here in the glory hole, at a local swing club.

Watching my penis being expertly manipulated, I pondered, "This is the road to recovery? All I see are speed bumps the height of Pike's Peak, and potholes the depths of Bingham Canyon Mine."

For whatever reason, this wasn't feeling the way it used to; it wasn't feeling good. Even though I was no longer in a relationship, it felt wrong, contrived, and forced.

I was informed once I accumulated enough victories in the concupiscent combat zone, I'd be able to move on, not only restored to my old self, but…

"a much wiser version of who you were, son! Capable of takin' down Wonder Woman ― with her own golden lasso ― and fuckin' her with my dick!" my useless friend Lenny apprised me. It was a disgusting mental image! I'd seen Lenny's dong, and it was nauseating ― six inches of pasty, powder-white, Pillsbury Doughboy rolled confection.

Then again, all dicks ― except for mine ― were revolting, as far as I was concerned.

Still, I'd been promised things would once again be mirthful, if I simply played with enough women, in order to "forget."

Rubbernecking the fingers wrapped around my fucktool, I counted, "One…"

Observing glory hole etiquette, I spent no more than five minutes in the booth, before departing, and allowing those in line to enter. Gathering the wrinkled rags doubling as my clothes, I exited, and embarked on another seven adventures that evening.

From that point, everything was a whirlwind of blowjobs, handjobs, and the occasional fuck. I was beyond frustrated, and needed to vent as much steam as I could. After all, this was Covidia ― where the population loved suckling the tit of the nanny state, and still engaged in asinine superstitions, like saluting flags, and choosing "leaders."

Covidia ― where some pixelated prick, with a Ph.D. after his name, could tell you to drink a pint of your piss for breakfast, and you'd comply. "The CDC announced all Americans should partake in a hearty first meal of the day, washing it down with at least 16 ounces of their own urine."

There's Bob barfin' on the front lawn, his cum-crusted tie droppin' into the waterfall of pork fat and chicken embryos he's regurgitating, as he races to enslavement. "Wouldn't wanna be late for that prison sentence you call your 'job,' would ya', Bobby Boy?"

It was into this neurotic landscape I piloted my 379-year-old vehicle. A drive through the Bermuda Triangle, it was a Twilight Zone episode crawlin' outta mom and dad's black and white TV. At the end of my travels was allegedly another BBC group event, during which I'd make a cameo appearance as the lovable, lone white guy…with a big dick.

Canned laughter and pre-recorded applause filled the studio, where an audience of zero took no interest watching me stumble from one sexual encounter to the next.

The text had been cryptic. Some cyber identity, referring to themselves as "Klaus," was organizing an "interracial" HotWife session, at a location GoogleMaps was struggling to pinpoint.

All around me there was…nothing. A suburban wasteland.

A feral house cat sprinted across the road, a severed, human foot ― sporting a toe ring ― between its jaws. Nobody said anything, because there was nobody to say anything. The streets were emptier than the heads of the Maskholes ― those stupid enough to wear face masks, to protect themselves against an "epidemic" that didn't exist.

But why was I complainin'? At least I no longer had to deal with traffic.

And why should I be surprised at the barren state of things? If you'd studied history ― and I mean history, as opposed to the lies punched down your oesophagus in school ― you saw this shit comin'.

Trouble is, most people thought the propaganda festering in a textbook ― like a rotting corpse ― was history, as opposed to the marketing ploy it actually is. A marketing ploy to sell you into slavery, no less.

If you wanna be enlightened, pick up Orwell's 1984, or Animal Farm. Read Zamyatin's We, or Huxley's Brave New World. Each has elements foretelling what we're experiencing, and each gave us the tools to prevent the desolation surrounding me.

All of 'em had one common denominator: They each described civilizations in which the population refused to think for itself. Societies that let a bunch of psychopaths think for them. And that's what we had here.

Thus, why we believed preposterous claims of some "outbreak" with no physical effects. Google "smallpox victims," or "sufferers of bubonic plague." Those are what pandemics look like. Hideously deformed bodies, permanently destroyed.

Now gaze upon people who allegedly "died" from Covid-19, if you can find any. Immense fuckin' difference! They look like they simply fell asleep. If their eyes were open, you could throw a dinner jacket on 'em, take 'em to any five-star restaurant, and nobody would say anything.

Try doin' that with a victim of severe smallpox, or bubonic plague. You'd not only be turned away at the door, whomever denied you would probably vomit from the grotesque nature of what he saw, and call the cops, as well as the CDC.

Reaching my destination, I carved a right into a parking spot floating in some poor bastard's power steering fluid, and pulled the e-brake harder than I pull my pud to shemale porn. A glance to ensure I wasn't leavin' my block of rust on wheels as chum for greedy vultures calling themselves a towing company, I raced across the lot.

Another apartment complex, with yet another seven trillion apartments. It was like tryin' to find the cumload dumped in a 10,000 gallon vat of whipped cream.

Since I was old school, I flipped the Post-It Note left, right, and upside down, in order to read my own scribblin'. No cell phones allowed.

After trying the fourth apartment number 236, I hit pay dirt, as some Rastafarian ― who apparently knew me, even though I couldn't recall meetin' him ― opened the door. On the couch in the background, a beehive blonde was gettin' boned by a dude who could've played forward for the Harlem Globetrotters.

"Hugh! Hell, yeah! Bring on the big dick, brotha'!" Ostensibly, I knew this guy, as well?

Thrilled to oblige, I thanked my host, as I disrobed. It was then I realized I actually did know these guys. Prior to this fake-ass "virus," they'd both been chiseled specimens of masculinity. Now ― due to being self-quarantined, and gobblin' Cheetos all day ― they had massive beer guts, and love handles you could sit a three-year-old on.

Chuckling to myself, I was glad I simply ran my ass off, to keep in shape. These two were on the verge of suffering strokes, just tryin' to maintain hard-ons, in this overheating apartment, as they listlessly pumped away.

Acclimating to the crock pot environment, in which we were boiling alive, I pulled my cock from my slacks, and generously applied flavored lube. As always, I had a smorgasbord from which to choose. I like to keep at least three varieties on hand, just in case the woman in question is picky, or partial to a particular taste.

Today, I went with candy apple. A departure, since I typically break out vanilla, when meeting a lass for the first time.

As proclaimed in one of my previous articles, vanilla tends to be the most widely accepted flavor. Some people don't like apples; others aren't fans of cinnamon. Vanilla, on the other hand, is as commonly adored as chocolate, and it's a rare person who doesn't love Hershey bars.

There were no objections, as I sidled up to the woman in question, and lips smeared in maroon make-up pleasured my pulsating pipe.

From behind her, my rotund, perspiring friend pounded away as best he could, while wiping sweat from his brow.

All the while, the Rastafarian ― who I'm assuming was hubby ― took pics.

Sensing the guy doin' the heavy lifting was on the precipice of death, I squeezed my bacon bazooka one last time, so the horny housewife could taste every vein in my shaft. From there, I produced a condom, and covered my mutton machete, as I directed traffic.

"Want her to suck your cock, bro'?" I queried my friend ― a guy whose name I couldn't recall ― as he chugged a pint of water.

"Please," he responded, extracting his man root, removing his one-fingered glove, and toweling off.

Changing places, I positioned myself behind an asshole with perfect, undulating spokes.

Bending, I had to taste, before stretching the cunt a couple inches below, and feeling girl jizz drain over my wombjabber and shaved balls.

All the while, some douche dick announcer, on some government propaganda TV channel, rambled about the abnormally red penis of the Proboscis Monkey. From a nearby apartment, Dan Fogelberg's Longer blared forth, as though somebody's volume knob got cranked all the way to the right, and broken off.

I allowed the insanity to wash over me like a comforting blanket.

An hour later, I launched from the convection oven, back into 116 degree heat. Streaking across asphalt that would've turned my shoe soles to gum ― had I stopped ― I grabbed a white-hot door handle on my car, and burnt myself. A sizzling steering wheel peeled flesh from my palms, as I gripped it, and drove into the great nothing.

Again, this was Covidia ― where people begged to suck corporate cock. Covidia ― where the populace is more concerned about ranch versus garlic butter, than their own enslavement. Covidia ― where it doesn't matter if we're all prisoners, just so long as Mission Impossible 7 makes it to a theater near you.

— authored by Hugh Mungus



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Alices Adventures in Wonderland Part 1

Author's Note: Despite the numerous rip-offs from both "Alice In Wonderland" and other children's stories, this tale is decidedly NOT for children, as it involves adult/sexual situations. So, if you're under the legal age, please stop reading right here. Disclaimer: This story is based on (of course) the Lewis Carroll children's classic, "Alice in Wonderland," however it does include "cameo" appearances from other stories - most notably, "The Wizard of Oz." If you look...

3 years ago
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Delayed Inevitability Part 2

I give one more stroke along his hard flesh, the veins thick and swollen, and then release him. Then I turn walking slowly over to the bed.I turn to see him standing there naked from the waist up, trousers hanging from his hips -  his beautiful dick hard, twitching. God, he excites me.I sit down, perching my bottom on the edge of the bed feeling the mattress dip slightly. I sit with my legs spread wide, deliberately letting him view the length of my legs and the now moist gusset of my panties.I...

1 year ago
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The day I pushed my Father over the edge

'Frida, it's gone seven'. The gentle knock on my door is what arouses me from my deep slumber. The drumming of the rain on the window pane makes it feel cosier under the duvet, and I respond by snuggling into it.'Luxuriating', that's what my daddy used to call it, back then he would physically drag me out of bed and onto the carpeted floor, then stand over me, as I squirmed in the cool morning air. Then one morning he got a shock, as his cold hands grabbed my ankles and began pulling my and my...

2 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 7

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. I went inside. There she was! Standing near a small wooden staircase which will take us to the terrace. Oh, I forgot to tell you how she looks. She is really hot and a badass chick. She’s wearing a tight...

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Living On A Prayer

Sometimes, I feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day, man. I work forty-hour weeks and try my best to pay my 300-dollar-a-month rent ( it’s a shared apartment ) and school fees, but it’s not enough. I owe Carleton University well over a thousand dollars, and I doubt they’ll give me till May to pay it. We’re on the last day of January 2013 as I type this here tale. It’s an unusually warm day in the City of Ottawa, province of Ontario. I’m just a guy trying to get by. The name is Stephen...

3 years ago
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What Tom Did

Okay, so, for my age I wasn’t innocent, but it wasn’t exactly my fault either. I had my slut of a mother, Karen, to thank for that. I mean, even before she started dating Tom, it’s not like I was totally in the dark about sex. Our health class started covering sex ed in grade five, and although it covered very little, it sparked my curiosity well enough. Wait ... Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Let me start over? My name is Victoria, but all my friends call me Tori. I’m a natural redhead,...

4 years ago
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My evolution of cock

My wife and I have been married for about 15 years and as such, I have found myself getting more and more aroused by my own dick and cum. She is okay with it, and even thinks it is sexy and hot, so over the past few years we have been more experimental. At first she thought it was cute that I enjoyed watching when she gave me a footjob. It was mostly because I liked watching her feet but then it was because I liked watching her feet and my cock and then I liked watching my cum on her feet. So,...

1 year ago
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Trainers Guide to Women

The Trainer's Guide to WomenCopyright 2007 W. HunterTHE PRIZEI go downstairs, hearing the wooden steps creak under my weight.  The bare light bulb shines from behind me, casting a great shadow over the steps below as I make my way down, past the turn at the bottom, until I'm standing on poured concrete.  Nothing more than a dingy basement, dark, damp, quiet.  My shoes scrape loudly in the narrow hallway as I make my way to an even darker corner.  Piles of wood, old skates and skis, and dirty...

3 years ago
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My Chachi My Sex Teacher

Main 22 saal ka delhi ka rehne wala hu. ye baat un dino ki hai jab main 10 th class mei tha.hum aur mere chacha ek he ghar mei rehte hai bt ghar ka partition kar rakha hai.jab main 10 th class mei tha tab mujhe sex ke baare mei bahut jankari ho gayi thi bt kabhi iska experience nahi tha so main kabh apni cousin,to kabhi apni bua to kabhi apni chachi ko soch kar he muth mar leta tha. Ek baar ki baat hai main school se ghar aaya to main gate khula tha aur main sidhe andar ghus gaya mujhe ghar...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 63 Back to Work

August 21, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Unbelievable,” I said when I read the headline from the Chicago Tribune. “It says here that Solidarity activist Tadeusz Mazowiecki was nominated to be Prime Minister of Poland.” I hadn’t had a chance to read the paper on Sunday because it hadn’t been delivered before we left for the race track in Michigan. “So now what?” Kara asked. “We’re in totally uncharted territory. Your guess is as good as anyone’s right about now.” “Steve, do you have a minute?”...

2 years ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 7

Maggie Rider finished combing her long, red hair and stood back from the mirror. Not bad for an old bag, she thought. She examined her throat. No one would guess she had a son Bob's age. She didn't look a day over forty and she knew it. Pam had left for work. Maggie had just showered and dropped the towel on the floor. Poor Pam. So shy and withdrawn. Only able to attract a jerk like Chuck. Poor child. Still naked, her generous tits spilling down, Maggie dabbed perfume between her thighs...

1 year ago
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Dani The First Time Part 1

It started over 18 months ago when they moved in next door. David and Jean and their college age daughter Dani. The parents were a sexy couple and Dani had inherited her parent’s good looks. Over the months I got to know them better and we spend time together at the occasional BBQ and dinner and last summer a few weekends at the beach, so we were all familiar with each other as good neighbours. Then last weekend...I was upstairs in my bedroom late in the afternoon getting undressed for a shower...

2 years ago
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And your enemies closest Aka Erics Dilemma

ERIC'S DILEMMA BY TOXIS The music kept the beat. The girls on the stage shimmied as best they might in their stilted heels. Oddly, the audience was filled with women, not men, and the dancers showed none of the exhibitionism linked with topless dancers. The bulge in their g-strings looked a little too full. Alexis wondered what that meant. The back of Club MALES was dark, some booths filled with shadowy...

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I Love College TownsChapter 2

The next day I woke up around noon, giving me a little less than two hours to be showered, shaved, and ready for work. When I got out of bed, I spent about ten minutes while enjoying my morning cigarette, deciding whether the night before had been a dream. "It was too odd," I thought. "these things don't happen to me." Finishing the cigarette, I rose from the bed, still in the nude. I stumbled to the bathroom, and gathered the necessities for my shower. Before I knew it, I had showered,...

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Durga Puja Fullon Bonanza

Hello my ISS friends! Hope you all celebrated this durga puja with great enthusiasm. It’s been a long time since my last story which was “chubby little housewife gets a creampie”. Thanks for all those great responses which I received, especially which I got from Ranchi. I am like waoh…We do have naughty females from Ranchi too. ;) thank you for trusting me and for all those naughties which we did and still do. ;) hope to satisfy you all more. A short intro for those who would know me for the...

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Janets Life

IntroductionsI like thinking of Janet in sensual ways.  I like seeing her in sexy clothes.  I like watching her flirt on the phone or at the store.  I like watching her brush her hair, put on her make-up, primp as she gets ready for a date.  I like the look and feel or her soft, smooth, sexy pussy.  I like the shape, contour, sight, and feel of her tits.  I like the distinct color of her areolas and the firmness of her nipples as they rise prominently from her breasts.  I like thinking of her...

3 years ago
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Same Day Lovers

It was a regular Monday, nothing much to fuss about. The summer day was warm and subtle. I was expecting the boyfriend. He arrived at 12 PM or so in his wife beater and some tore up jeans. We chatted for a minute and then it was on, as usual. He began to rub my pussy until I became really wet. He already knows the secret to my pussy is just rub! I'm like the magic lamp of sex. Rub me a few times and you can bet you were going to get laid. Minutes passed and I was nude on my bed....

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Genetic Influences Fourth Installment

Here is the fourth installment of Genetic Influences. I'm currently working on the fifth (and most likely final) installment. Chapter Five: Not Without a Hitch I ventured out of the girls' dorm Monday morning, feeling optimistic. When I'd logged onto the netstream to check my messages, I'd found one from my advisor. She thought my new outline looked extremely promising and believed I had made a good decision in scrapping my old project. "I'm excited to see how you flesh this...

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Healing Cousin George 18

Family Bonding Pt 2 We wandered along looking for somewhere to grab a snack. George was first to spot the "Bizarre Bar." "What about in there?" he said as he pointed across the square. "Looks fine to me," I replied taking a firmer grip of Melissa's hand we walked towards it. "Want to get something to eat babes?" I said bending slightly towards her. "No play," she said pulling at my hand. "Later babes me and Dad need a snack." "Play," she insisted. George looked at...

1 year ago
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God of LoveChapter 47 Quickie in the Toilet 18

“What exactly do I need to do to be able to use this fame to get subscribers?” Gasping sharply from the sudden pleasure he felt at being sucked into a sensitive spot, Lucas held Violette’s head in place, showing where he wanted her to focus her efforts. Taking the hint, Violette started sucking hard in the place where Lucas had pointed. Although she still wasn’t very skilled, she knew the sensitive spots on a penis well, and she used that knowledge to make the best of the situation. She...

2 years ago
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My Mom8217s Best Friend

Hi readers this is Amit Singh. I am 25 and i love reading iss. I am going to share my sex experience with my neighbor aunty. This incident happened in Lucknow four months ago. In our neighborhood, came a new family consisting of a housewife, her husband and their two daughters and only son. Their children study in colleges and occasionally came home. Days passed, that woman in our neighborhood, have become a best friend of my mom. From my mom i came to know that her name is Manju and she is 45....

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Baby Factory

Baby FactoryDarla jumped for joy at the positive test result. Right there in front of her was the delightful little â+â mark showing that she was finally carrying the little bundle of joy she had been trying for for several years.Bluntly put, Darla was a slut.A prostitute by profession, she humped as many guys as possible, as often as possible, and insisted on no condoms, ever. She had obsessed about pregnancy since going through puberty years before, but nothing ever seemed to work. Now, at...

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Holy ObligationChapter 12

I woke up in the middle of the night with a single thought on my mind "Lizzie Steven!" I said as I sat up in bed. Samantha woke up next to and sat up as well,. "Who's Lizzie Stevens?", she yawned "Pastor Stevens' wife ... I mean widow" "The woman who was driving the van behind your parents? I nodded. "They had to sedate her" "Paul, I don't want to be insensitive ... but what does that have to do with you?" "She doesn't have any family" Samantha nodded slowly as she...

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For Sale

This story is mine and if someboy wants to put it up on a different site should ask me first. There are some scenes which are not suited to minors so if you aren?t 18 years old stop reading now. Dear Readers, this is a kind of a sequel to my story Panties for Life. Since quite a while i am in touch with Domme Mistress Stacey Lynne, who has claimed my wife as hers. So far only online but who knows how things will develop in the future. I have written the i on purpose not in...

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High TidesChapter 11 CRACKS OF DAWN

This is EPIC There’s a knock at the door. “We’ll have to finish in another place Mom.” My cock’s still buried in Mom’s exquisite pussy! I’m not leaving her pussy, just the ranch! I hope the engineers I asked, emptied the stateroom of furniture! I’m cumming! And we’re going! Otherwise? Crash! Bam, Boom! Pain! Agony! Misery! Nothing! Nothing? Nothing at all! Nowhere! Mom appears unconscious! Curtains. Cafe curtains. You do know what cafe curtains are? Sure you do! Maybe don’t know...

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