Ethan's Prom Dress free porn video

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Ethan, like a lot of teenagers was subconscious about his body, although he did have more reasons than most boys as he suffered from a form of gynecomastia, a condition that gave him perfectly formed, feminine breasts. He also secretly wishes to wear skirts and dresses, which would be a perfect combination if he wasn't too embarrassed by both his body and his desire to follow through with this idea. So instead he bandages his chest flat each morning and desperately tries to hide all of this from those around him. His mother and best friend, Stacy, knew about the gynecomastia but no one else had found out yet. Coming towards the end of the school year, Ethan and his classmates are now starting to think about the upcoming prom. Knowing that Stacy had recently split from her girlfriend, Ethan suggests they go together. Stacy was bisexual, although up to this point she had only dated girls but her options were slim. There weren't many lesbian or bisexual girls in their small town. Stacy was shocked at first by Ethan's idea but quickly started to seriously consider it. They were good friends and would likely have spent large parts of the night together with the respective dates anyway. "Do I have to wear a dress?" Stacy asked looking down at her baggy jeans, "Joanna was going to wear the dress and I was going in a suit. I've already got the suit." "I'd like it if you did. You'd look nice in a dress," Ethan replied trying to sweeten her up. "I'd feel silly, plus I'm already taller than you so I couldn't wear heels. It could look weirder with flats," she told him, "I don't remember the last time I wore a dress." "Let's just go shopping at the weekend and see how you feel. I'm sure we can find you something you're comfortable in," Ethan said. Stacy thought to herself 'trousers would be something I'd be comfortable in', but it seemed a reasonable enough request just to try so she nodded and agreed. Saturday morning came and Ethan met with Stacy before travelling to the nearby city to go shopping. In the first store, Ethan helped Stacy pick out a range of dresses. While Stacy was a little standoffish in picking dresses, Ethan was picking out dresses from multiple racks from all over the store. "Here, try these," Ethan said, having accumulated 5 or 6 dresses of different style: long, short, fitted, flared, low-cut, halter neck, off-the-shoulders, asymmetrical, red, blue, pink, black. "See which style you feel most comfortable in and we'll focus on that," he told her as he handed her the dresses. Stacy looked at the dresses and reluctantly took them into the changing room while sighing under her breath. Several minutes later she returned still wearing her baggy jeans and hoodie, "I don't think this is a good idea," she meekly told him, "I just don't feel comfortable in any of them. It just doesn't feel right." Ethan replied by simply suggesting they go for lunch, talk things over and think about what to do in the afternoon. Stacy again just nodded in agreement. "You seem so much more at ease with dresses, like you know what you're doing. While it's entirely alien to me," she explained to him over lunch, "If only you could wear a dress instead." Ethan, with a slightly jokey tone replied, "Yeah, as you said, you already have a suit while I've still got to buy mine...Unfortunately, I just don't have the figure for a prom dress." Secretly, deep down, he wanted to go to prom in a dress but couldn't bring himself to say that to her. "That's it!" Stacy exclaimed with wide eyes and clear excitement in her voice. "You could wear a dress! You do have the figure for it," she told him, "just unbind your chest and the dresses will fit perfectly. Please, it would make me feel more comfortable trying the dresses on if you was trying some on too." It was like a switch activated in her head. The shyness from the morning had gone and Ethan could see just how much this could benefit her if he tried a dress on too. It's almost a win-win for him, although he couldn't admit it that easily, "What? No!" Ethan proclaimed. At this point Stacy had already started to formulate the plan for the afternoon. "Oh come on. I know you want to," Stacy started, "I've known you for years and I can tell you're more into dresses than I am." "Everyone's more into dresses than you are. And that doesn't mean I want to wear them," he argued. "Please...For me?" Stacy carried on trying to bargain, "It would make me feel a lot more comfortable." Ethan agreed and they finished up lunch, Stacy paid and they headed to the next dress store. Stacy suggested they each pick one dress for the other person to try on. Ethan picked a purple dress with spaghetti straps and lace detail over the bodice and knee length skirt. While Stacy found a floor length, backless, sky blue mermaid dress with a halter neck for Ethan. As they headed into separate changing rooms, Stacy turned to Ethan and asked him to remove his chest bandages before putting the dress on. "What?" Ethan asked in surprise. He'd come so accustomed to wearing it he regularly forgets it's even on and feels odd without it. "That dress is backless. You'd see the bandages if you kept them on. Plus that bodice is designed to offer some support." And with that Stacy disappeared into her changing room leaving Ethan unsure what to do. Reluctantly, Ethan enters a changing room cubical, removes the bandages strapping his breasts down and puts the dress on. It doesn't take too much to wiggle his way in as he doesn't have the hips that it was designed for. He then fiddles with the fastening at the back of the halter neck. As he securing the fastening he hears Stacy excitedly call "Ready?" She certainly sounded more at ease and happier than she was that morning. Ethan on the other hand was terribly nervous. "Er, I guess," Ethan replied and a split second later the curtain to his cubical was swung open. "Wow," Stacy proclaimed with a real sense of shock, "you look stunning," she continued with no hint of sarcasm. Ethan, looking Stacy up and down and trying to distract from himself, "I'm not sure that cut suits you." Stacy agreed with him, "No, I don't think I have the bone structure for it." She then suggested they try on some more dresses together as having him do it with her really helped. After multiple more dresses each, they call it a day and Stacy suggests he goes off and do some shopping on his own. "I've got some girl things I need to shop for and you've spent long enough dress shopping, I don't want to bore you with the rest." Ethan reads between the lines and agrees to meet her later before they head home. Almost two hours later, Ethan meets up with Stacy just before leaving to head back to their home town. She has a few different bags of shopping from different stores, including a bag from a dress shop they visited together. "What's in all the bags?" Ethan asks. "Oh, I decided to buy a dress and then got some stuff to go with it," she tells him. "Can I see?" Ethan asks intrigued to know which one she selected. "Not yet, it's a surprise," Stacy replied. As they arrived back in their home town and were preparing to part ways, Stacy hands the bag from the dress store to Ethan, "Here, this is for you." Ethan looks down at the bag dumbfounded. "I picked you up a dress. You were more comfortable in every dress you wore than I was in any that I tried on," she says before whispering "plus I could tell from the bulge you had, that you enjoyed it." Ethan went bright red but before he could come up with an excuse, Stacy chimed in with "you can either find someone else to go to the prom with or wear what I got you. And if you do wear it, I'll make it worth your while." She paused briefly to give him a wink. "I know you'd enjoy it even if I didn't do anything special on the night," she said in a husky whisper before turning to walk away. After a couple of steps she turns and with a gleeful smile says "oh and I've already messaged your mom to tell her what you've decided to wear to prom." Ethan arrives home and, with a heavy sigh, takes the dress out of the bag. It's a dark red satin, off-the-shoulder dress, with a fitted bodice, and a tight, floor length skirt. It's not one he tried on in the store so he decides he better try it on now. Sliding into the silky dress felt amazing and he instantly adored the sensation, however, he was unable to get the zip past his waist. He removed the dress, hung it in his wardrobe before messaging Stacy that the dress doesn't fit. "Don't worry, I've got a plan," is all she would tell him. Ethan and Stacy then left the conversation there for a few weeks until prom started to approach. Ethan's mum asked him about the dress but he managed to delay showing her. Stacy helped by explaining to her that he was, for obvious reasons, a little shy about wearing it. Any attempts by Ethan to find out what Stacy was going to do about getting a larger size dress or how she might get the current one to fit didn't provide Ethan with any answers. Stacy managed to put off giving an explanation to that too. That was until the day of prom. Ethan arrived home to find a package on the door step with a tag reading "To Ethan, Love Stacy." As he opened it, he found several items wrapped up and a message providing instructions. First there was hair removal cream and instructions for using them. Once he'd removed all hair from his body and showered, the note instructed him to open the next item in the box. A pair of spandex underwear designed to smooth out his 'bulge' (as she put it in her instructions) and produce a more feminine silhouette. Getting the underwear on wasn't too much of a struggle, but getting comfortable took a little work. Next was a bright red corset with rigid boning and 8 garter straps plus a pair of shear, gloss stocking. After putting the corset on, he laced the back as tight as he could before turning his attention to the stockings. The corset made this particularly difficult as he struggled to breathe or bend over. Eventually, he was able to get the stocking on his feet and gently move them up his legs. As he did, he couldn't help but become aroused at the sensation it caused as they encased and slide over his smooth legs. Attaching the suspender straps was a struggle too, having never done it before. Getting all 8 secured took 10-15 mins and would have ruined his arousal if he hadn't got a glimpse of himself from the neck down in the mirror. He now had a very succulent, ladylike figure. Reading the provided set of instructions he noticed the back of the corset "MUST be entirely closed or the dress won't fit." Turning to check using his mirror, he noticed there were more than 2-inches left to go. By this time his body had started to adjust to the corset and with some work, he was able to tighten it some more. "There," he thought, "that must be it." I can hardly take a breath and any attempts to inhale were abruptly cut off. Looking down he notices for the first time his cleavage. He! He had a cleavage! The corset had padding built in to emphasize the already exaggerated cleavage that the tight corset was pushing out the top. His heart sank, "I can't go through with this." Looking over his shoulder, he noticed the corset still needed to be tightened a further inch. *Knock knock* "Are you ok in there dear? Can I see how you look in your dress?" his mum called from the hallway, clearly expecting him to have been finished dressing in this time. "Erm, I'm having a little difficulty," he replied. "Oh, that's natural," she quickly reassured "it's tough to maneuver the zip behind your back." And with that she proceeded to enter before he could stop her. "Oh. A corset," she says hesitating only momentarily. She then notices the letter from Stacy and begins to read it. "Well we better finish lacing you into that corset or you won't make it to prom," she informs him as she, without warning, moves into position to give him a hand. Unsure how to react, he simply stands there stunned as he feels her starting to untie the knot before he'd even been able to contemplate his options. Soon she's pulling hard on the cords to tighten the corset to where it needed to be. "Done!" she proudly exclaims. Ethan is barely able to inhale and has to use all of his focus to control his breathing and keep it shallow. "So what's next," his mum asks looking at the note. "Mum...Do you...mind?! ...I'm ...not ...dressed ...yet," Ethan says deeply embarrassed about being dressed in only a corset, stocking and a pair of spandex knickers, whilst also struggling to have enough breath to say more than a single syllable. "Oh, sorry dear," she replies, while turning to avert her gaze. He'd meant for her to leave but this is at least an improvement and trying to speak any more seemed too difficult right now. Ethan walked over to his wardrobe, took out his dress and took it off of its hanger. Sliding the satin material over his shear stocking felt incredible. If it wasn't for the tight underwear he'd be rock hard, but it did a good job of keeping everything hidden away. He pulled the dress up over his body and then sets to work on getting the dress zipped up. After a minute or so of struggling, Ethan let out a slight sigh and said "Mum, could you, give me a hand?" "Of course Ethan," she said, pausing briefly in thought, "Is it Ethan tonight or is there something else you'd prefer." Ethan was shocked. He found it awkward enough having to ask his mum for help with 'his' dress but this took him by surprise and escalated his embarrassment to another level. "" is all Ethan could muster. The shock and the tight corset made his breathing very erratic and even if he had an answer, he might not have been able to say it. "How about Ellie?" she suggested. Still struggling to speak, Ethan simply nodded. *zzzzip* "Done!" his mum proclaimed. "Now for your makeup," she tells him putting down the note from Stacy and picking the next set of items from the box. Clearly she'd been reading ahead. "Take a seat," she instructed him. Several minutes pass as Ethan's mum applies his makeup, styled what hair he had and clipped on a couple of earrings that Stacy had put in the box. He's unsure what makeup he's wearing as he's not able to see a mirror from where he's sat. The only thing he knows for certain is the bright red nail polish. Ethan by this point is in a constant state of shock, unable to comprehend each step before the next one has started. Maybe it's the lack of oxygen but he's unable to think more than a few seconds ahead and is just following his mothers' instructions. She hands him a couple of deep red high heels that match the color of the dress, while she begins to put a few items into a small handbag. "That should be everything," she says as she zips up the handbag and hands it to him. "Now, would you like to see how you look?" she asks him as she takes his hand and helps him to his feet. Again, Ethan automatically follows her lead. He's brains trying to decipher whether he does want to see himself. Could he just get undressed and not go to prom? Is it too late to turn back or is he past that point? Should he just see how he looks before making any rash decisions? Before he's able to answer any of those questions he's pulled to his feet (with some help to steady himself in his heels) and he's brought in front of a mirror where his eyes make their way up his feminine reflection. He's stood there in 3-inch dark red heels which were almost unnoticeable below the long, floor length dark red satin gown. The skirt was tight around his legs and would become stretched across his thighs as he walked, forcing more lady-like steps. Being made for a woman a size smaller than him, the dress fit nicely around his hips, but even a meter or two away from the mirror, he could make out the defined bumps of the corsets' suspender straps that were attached to his stockings. The bodice was lace covered, meaning that although it clung tightly to his corset, the boning was not visible. And the top of the dress had a slight sweetheart cut that did nothing to hide his overly exaggerated cleavage. Ethan felt very exposed. Not that he looked like Ethan any more. His face was adorned with a smooth foundation, subtle rouge blush, matching eye shadow, black eye liner and mascara, and red lipstick that matched the color of his nails. His mom had styled his short-medium length hair into an elegant bob and he wore a set of silver dangly clip-on earrings that looks rather sophisticated and mature. In his hands, Ethan held tightly onto a black satin, clutch handbag his mum had passed him with his phone, keys and money. "Come on Ellie," his mum called as she headed out of his bedroom door, "Stacy will be waiting." Mortified at not only being called Ellie but also the now real prospect of having to go out like this, Ethan then started to question it again. He stared at his reflection. He couldn't help but admire how beautiful and elegant he looked. Any girl at prom would have been happy to look this way. Not to mention the feeling of everything was divine to him: the satin dress, the smoothness of the stockings, the tightness of the corset and high heels. He did enjoy it. "Maybe no one will recognize me," he thought, "I look too girly to be a boy and definitely don't look like myself. How could they recognize me?" And with that rationalization, he slowly started to follow his mother. The first couple of steps were hard but then he had to walk down stairs in 3-inch heels and a tight dress. As he walked passed the living room door he heard his sister cry out "No f***ing way." He turned to her having suddenly lost all confidence but the look on her face quickly turned from 'this is hilarious to see my brother in a dress' to 'holy cow, he looks incredible'. "How the hell? What? You look amazing?" she involuntarily stumbles through. It's not like her to complement her brother but being so taken back by his appearance, she didn't think through what she was saying. "Hurry up Ellie" his mum called from outside. Ethan keeps walking, leaving his sister gob smacked. She'd surely have mocked him for having been called Ellie if she wasn't so speechless. Knowing that brought a smile to Ellie's face and he'd started to feel reassured with what he was about to do. Ethan approaches the front door, looks out into the big wide world, which suddenly felt a whole lot scarier, and took his first monumental step outside. The air had a slight chill to it in the early-evening sun. He only had to take a few steps to the car. "You're going to have to get in very lady-like in that tight dress, Ellie," his mum informed him, "Remember, bum first and then swing your legs in with your knees together. Then do the same in reverse to get out." Ethan's mum drove him to Stacy's house. They stopped on the road, meaning Ellie had to walk up the full length of the driveway. Ethan paused for a moment. "It's ok Ellie," his mum reassured him. Although all he could think was 'does she have to call me that'. "Stacy's clearly put a lot of effort into this. You look beautiful. Nothing bad is going to happy," she continued, "now, off you go. We're a bit late. Stacy will be waiting." Ellie gets out of the car (the way his mum had told him to, with his knees together), makes his way to Stacy's door, and rings the bell. It all kind of passed with Ethan in a bit of a daze. He's not fully aware of what he's doing until she opens the door in a smart, well-tailored black suit and white blouse. "Oh wow, you look amazing. Come on in," she says beckoning him inside. Happy to get inside and away from potential prying eyes, Ellie complies. "And the heels aren't too tall," she says gleefully impressed with her purchases and his appearance. With Stacy being quite tall for a girl and Ethan being rather short, they are now almost eye-to- eye with Stacy still having a slight height advantage. "Come on through, Ethan," she jesters to him as she makes her way through her house to the kitchen. He replies softly with "It' tonight." She just turns to him with a contempt smile and says "Ok." As they reach the kitchen, Stacy announces "Hey everyone, this is Ellie." Ethan was mortified. There stood their closest friends. He had no idea they were going to be there. He didn't think a lot of them would even be at their prom at all. The room is silent for a brief moment before one of the girls cries out "Ethan, oh my god, I love that dress, you look stunning in it. And I love what you've down with your hair." "It's Ellie for tonight," one of the guys chips in. "Right?," he says turning to Ellie as he passes her a drink. Ellie nods and takes a sip. She can't help but notice the lipstick mark she's leaves on the glass. A little while later, a limo arrives to take them all to prom. The group of friends gather their stuff and head out the front door. Ellie, tip- toeing in her tight dress and high heels, felt safe surrounded by friends that accepted her so quickly. The feel of the satin sliding against her shear stockings was the best sensation she'd experienced in a long time. She'd even started to get used to the corset. Stacy and Ellie had a lovely time at prom together. Ellie was surprised at how content and at ease she felt in a dress, and his friends had proceeded as if nothing was out of the ordinary. As the night was coming to the end, Stacy and Ellie were slow dancing and casually chatting about plans for the following week. Stacy: "Would you like to go to the movies?" Ellie: "Sure, who else is going?" Stacy: "I'd thought it could be just us two" Ellie: "You, mean like a, date?" Stacy: "Yeah...that is if you want?" Ellie smiles before responding with "Yes." She then looks down at her dress and the bust that's bursting out of the top of it, "would you like me to wear a dress again?" Stacy: "Only if you want to" Ellie contemplates for a moment. She glances around at her friends and then back at Stacy whose arms are wrapped tightly around her waist. Ellie felt safe with Stacy, she'd certainly helped pull off tonight beautifully. She also didn't want to go back to being Ethan and never wear a dress again. Ellie: "How about I get a dress that doesn't require a corset this time?" Stacy holds Ellie tight as they continue swaying to the music until the song finishes and the night comes to an end.

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A Different Kind of Prom

When we were both five years old I told Brenda Anders that Iloved her. She told me that she loved me too. I told her thatshe was pretty. She replied that I was pretty as well. I toldher that I wanted to marry her. "I'm sorry," she replied, withseriousness that now seems silly in a kindergartner. "I don'twant to marry a man.""Then I'll grow up to be a woman.""You can't do that, goofy.""You watch. I'll grow up to be a woman. Then we can getmarried."That, of course, was almost thirteen years ago,...

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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy Part Five

The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy - Part Five By Katherine Day Copyrigh, 2006 by K. G. Communications As Corey walked the halls of Carney High in the few days remaining before the prom queen competition, it was clear he was being recognized as a girl. In particular, it seemed that girls accepted him as one of theirs, except for Nicole, her supporters and a few girls who were uptight or prudish, maybe due to strong...

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The Prom

The Prom another reality based fiction by DizzyD Finally, there was light at the end of the tunnel. After four years at Northwestern, I had finally received my degree in Architectural Design, and my academic record had helped me get a salaried internship at one of the most renowned architectural firms in the country, and they would also pay for my Masters Degree if I stayed on. The other reason I was so excited was that the internship was in Denver, where I would get to see my Aunt Jesse and...

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The Prom

The Promanother reality based fiction by DizzyDFinally, there was light at the end of the tunnel. After four years at Northwestern, I had finally received my degree in Architectural Design, and my academic record had helped me get a salaried internship at one of the most renowned architectural firms in the country, and they would also pay for my Masters Degree if I stayed on. The other reason I was so excited was that the internship was in Denver, where I would get to see my Aunt Jesse and...

1 year ago
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New Girl in School Part 11 Valentines Day Date and Prom Queen Election

New Girl in School Part 11: Valentine's Day Date and the Prom Queen Election Written March 11-23 "Oh so lovely...." Chloe thought as she stared off into the distance, lost in thought. Joey had to poke her with a straw to get her attention. "Hey, you alright, Chloe?" he asked plainly. She looked back to him. "Oh it's nothing, Joey. I am having a great time," waving her hand dismissively. The two sat at a booth at Louie Drello's, a local Italian place right off the main road leading...

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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 20 Terminal

Midnight Eighteen Hours Until Prom Tyler had finally finished recounting his story about his relationship with Zoey. Lance was starting to doze off when Tyler announced he was hungry and pulled off the Parkway and into a drive through lane. White Castle. "Hey, Simone, you got any money?" Lance pulled some cash out of her purse and handed it over to Tyler. She supposed it was only fair, given that Tyler was spending two hours on a round trip to the airport. After they got some...

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Jr Prom 1

My Jr. Prom-1When I was 8, my family moved from Chicago to the middle of nowherenorthern Wisconsin. Soon after that, I met Bob. We became friends instantlyand have been best friends ever since. We're 16 and juniors in high schoolnow.He's a jock and a sports freak. While I'm a science geek and a bookworm. He was 6'1" and 190 lbs of muscle and built like a jock. While I wasabout 5'8" and 125 lbs, with a fat ass. My mom was a nurse and my dad was acarpenter. His dad was a farmer and his mom was a...

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Lizzys Story in Her Own Words Part 2 The Prom

Lizzy's Story in Her Own Words (Part 2 The Prom) By Robin Y. As I stood in the doorway watching Lindsey drive off I felt like I was falling....falling from a very high cliff....very high! Mother wanted to know if I knew the pretty girl that had just knocked on our door and said she was looking for me....the boy me....Joey Janovich. She knew of course it was me from the moment I opened the door....I was wondering why she had pretended that she didn't recognize me and it felt almost...

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Mom at the Prom

Edward Morelli heard the phone ringing. It was annoying the 18 year old, both because it was the fourth ring and also because it was interrupting his drinking. He took another swig from his 5 liter bottle of Jack Daniels and leaned across the living room sofa to the irritating telephone and answered it without looking at the caller ID.“Hell-loooo,” he slurred. “Ed?”“Yeahhhh. Who the fuck is this?”“Your mother.”The blatant reply, mixed with a tinge of parental authority, offset his...

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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy Part 2

The Prom Queen: A Story of a Lovely Boy - Part Two (Copyright 2005 by K-G Communications) By Katherine Day The more Corey looked in the mirror the more he felt he was looking at a girl, and not at himself, but at a very pretty and feminine girl. He found great excitement welling up within, becoming woozy and light- headed with a strange anticipation. His mood was confused. He was also embarrassed: he was a boy; yet, here he was a beautiful girl. Boys were supposed to have hard...

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Amy Prom and the End of Life as We Know It

Okay, so you want to hear about my strange prom and the decision I made to give my prom date my virginity.  The first thing you should know is that I had been planning the event for years, long before I really knew what prom was supposed to be like.  By the time I was old enough to go to prom I was more than ready to give a guy my cherry.   So, I had everything all planned in my head.  Of course, what some teenage girls call a plan is often referred to as a fantasy by those older and...

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A Later in Life Prom Fantasy

A Later in Life Prom Fantasy By Delanna Madison It must have been the 5th or 6th time that I checked my makeup and worked at getting my hair just perfect. It seemed as though I would never truly be satisfied with the results. "Come on Del, you're acting like a silly schoolgirl on her first date," I thought to myself. Then the irony struck me and I had to laugh. In a way, that's exactly what I was. Not quite a schoolgirl in terms of age, but soon to be on my way to my first prom,...

3 years ago
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Amy 37 Electric Prom Mayhem

Amy 37: Electric Prom Mayhem Copyright 2016 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2016 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: You're a Cannonball Winter went by without too much crazy shit happening (although Sarah picked up her first real boyfriend and that was kind of crazy, I guess). New Year's had sucked. We were supposed to play...

1 year ago
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The New Girl in School Part 12Prom Night Masquerade

NGIS Part 12: Prom Night Masquerade Written April 12-17 2018 And thus, Prom Week was at hand. Oh yeah, Leavitt Jones High School held Prom as a week length celebration of the springtime, the time of near perpetual youth and vigor. The preparation work involved was extensive and labor intensive. But at the end of it all, it would be all worth it. For Chloe L'Amour, or rather M, the time was fast approaching when she would open up to Joey about her mission and see how he would take it....

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Michelles Prom

I – Julie Sophomore year had started. Classes were fine. Sports were going fine. Dating was better than ever, I was actually seeing three or four different girls at this point. Not all at the same time of course but one this week, a different one next week, a party here or there, whoever had a particular event at the time. I was pretty care free at that point. If I didn’t actually have to attend classes, school would have been great. So one morning I’m walking down the halls and up...

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Jr Prom 3

In the morning, I got up early and was so happy, I couldn't believe it. Ihad sucked cock and been fucked like a girl. Not only that, I was so goodat it, my dad was proud of me.I had a big smile as I walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but my nightgown. My dad was sitting at the table drinking coffee."Good Morning... How are you today?" I asked as I lifted my gown andflashed him some pussy.He just smiled. "I'm 38 years old and last night I fucked the hottest 16year old in town. Not only...

2 years ago
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Michaels Prom Night A Chrissie Conway Story

Micheal’s Prom Night (A Chrissie Conway Story) Kelly and I are home for a few days and were staying at Kellys' mom’s house as usual. All week long all her brother Michael can ramble on and on about is the senior prom coming up this Friday night. He andTwo of his buddies decided to pool their money and talked Kelly into renting them a Cadillac for prom. When any two of them are together all then talk about is how they arefinally going to laid on Friday. They been waiting the entire school year...

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Prom By RogerGirl Charles was sitting in his room after classes finishing some homework when he heard a knock on his door. He got up and opened it and saw his friend Stan waiting nervously outside. Stan was much taller and muscular than he was and played for the school's lacrosse team. Even though they were both 18 and seniors, Charles was much shorter and thinner and had to look up when he talked to his friend. "Hey man," Charles said, "what's wrong? You look nervous." "There's...

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Her Moms a Prom Whore

I thought my senior year would be a lot better. I was the starting quarterback for the football team. I only had a few classes this year. I was set to graduate with honors. I was still a virgin but things had to change. I was filling out in all the right places. I’d been seeing a new girl for the last two months. I was even looking forward to going to prom this year. But things can change in less than a week.I’m standing under the bleachers behind the school. Everyone was gone from...

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Prom Week The Final Chapter

It was finally here. The night that every girl dreams about. But not this prom. This Prom wasn't the kind girls dreamed of. For if things worked out as Fred planned this prom would became their worst nightmare.This was the Prom dreamt of in every horny young man's deepest, darkest, part of their heart.For now those things were pretty much like every other prom in America. Lots of dancing and young women in beautiful dresses with there hair done. And the king and queen of the prom was soon to be...

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Prom Week The Final Chapter

It was finally here. The night that every girl dreams about. But not this prom. This Prom wasn't the kind girls dreamed of. For if things worked out as Fred planned this prom would became their worst nightmare.This was the Prom dreamt of in every horny young man's deepest, darkest, part of their heart.For now those things were pretty much like every other prom in America. Lots of dancing and young women in beautiful dresses with there hair done. And the king and queen of the prom was soon to be...

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The Prom

The Prom © 2015 by Nom de Plume Twenty years! It's hard to believe that much time has gone by since I limped out of Grover Cleveland High, at the bottom of my class, prospects zero. My sole achievement was the dubious designation as Class Clown, in recognition of outrageous pranks which got me suspended twice and almost expelled. The last, which nearly ruined the senior prom for everyone, featured me disguised as a girl in a long halter gown. More on...

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Going To The Prom With Mom

I stared at her, she stood there with one hand on her hip. In her other hand, she brandished a wooden spoon. Mom was making basil pesto pasta, which is one of my favorites. “I dunno Mom, ‘cause I don’t want to go. That’s why.” I tried looking behind her, to see if she had grated parmesan cheese yet. She must have anticipated my interest in the food because she moved to block me. “Ryan… that’s a lie, I can see it on your face. What’s wrong, honey?” her brow furrowed, and genuine concern...

4 years ago
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A Promise Fulfilled

"No fucking way," I said in utter shock. "PLEASE. I'm begging you," Brad said. He clasped his hands together imploringly. "I wouldn't ask unless I had no other choice." "You do have another choice. Don't go to prom," I said. "I didn't go my senior year, what's the big deal?" "You don't understand, this is my last chance." "Wait, what?" My eyes narrowed in disbelief. My new stepbrother was so much of a jock it was almost comical--6'4 with a strapping physique and a mind...

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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 13 Prom

“Dad, did you ever go to a prom?” I was taken back, “Sure. I think I went to five or six of them in high school. They were fun. Why?” “Well, the Junior-Senior Prom is coming up in May, and underclassmen are allowed to attend if an upper-classman invites them. I think it’s a big deal. Our three other teen friends are coming over any minute to talk about it with the three of us.” Penny stated her case as Misty hung out beside her. I saw Doug at the doorway listening to our talk. I chuckled,...

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Prom Night1

I was devastated. I lay on my bed and sobbed tears of sorrow as I looked at the ball gown hanging on my closet door. I don’t know if I cried for him, his grandmother or myself. Maybe all three. I’d been dating Steve for 8 months, almost the entire last year of school and we were both looking forward to the Prom. It was the night we were going to consummate our relationship. I’d fended off his advances for months but I promised him in a moment of heated petting on my 18th birthday that...

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Prom Date Conspiracy

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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Michelles Prom

Michelle’s prom I – Julie Sophomore year had started. Classes were fine. Sports were going fine. Dating was better than ever, I was actually seeing three or four different girls at the moment. Not all at the same time of course but one this week, a different one next week, a party here or there, whoever had a particular event at the time. I was pretty carefree at that point. If I didn’t actually have to attend classes, school would have been great. So one morning, I’m walking down the school...

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Prom Night

My workouts became more intense each day as the big night approached. I am not talking about the big night, which most high school seniors look forward to, High School Prom, but my first defense of my amateur division championship in Thai kickboxing. After winning the championship, I had taken a little time off and began training casually but in three weeks, three days after Prom, I would fight again and I needed to be in peak physical shape. Sweat drips from my chin as I kick harder and...

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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 16 Prom Dress Shopping

"So, what's wrong, Zoey?" Tyler asked. "You spent all of your money giving her a makeover and overnight popularity and you're just going to throw it away? When she's so cute and sexy." "No, it's not like that," she responded. "I actually like her." Olivia laughed and turned to Deanna. "See, I told you she was a lesbian." "You were right about everything," Dee cackled. "Including her falling in love." "Pay up, Dee." Dee handed over a wad of cash to Olivia. "It was so sweet,"...

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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 17 Lance Needs a New Pair of Shoes

Lance emerged from the landscaper's shed and walked towards the front of the school. He was wearing the new dress he got yesterday. He walked with confidence as his heels clicked on the sidewalk and his dress swished across his legs. Students looked at him and smiled. Just then a girl came by. "Hi, Simone, I'm with the school paper. I'm doing a piece on the prom court nominees." "Hi," Lance said smiling. "I don't think we've met." "I'm Trudy." "Trudy, it's nice to meet...

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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 19 House of Cards

One Day Until Prom "Alright everyone," Zoey announced to the group of twenty students surrounding her. "This year's senior prom theme is Kings and Queens. We have two hours to transform this less-than-sterile cafeteria into a casino hotel. Jessica, your group has wall decor. Olivia, your group has posters. Amanda, your group has table settings. Peggy, you have table setup. Dee, you have the balloon arch. If anyone needs to lift something heavy, we have Tyler and some of the football...

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Remembering My Senior Prom

— My senior prom is memorable in lots of ways, most memorable to me is the blowjob. I'd rented a limo and got a room at the Hilton for our after party. I had some money for this as I'd been doing a little work for local businesses. Installing accounting and office systems, things like that. Though the thing which paid best was the tech support once I'd installed the system. So I could afford to turn up to Jasmine's in a stretch limo. Her dad opened the door, "Good evening Mr...

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little sls chapter three before prom

All three of us damn near lost our minds those two weeks before prom night. It seemed like an eternity. It was so utterly strange we truly gave each other all a free pass to fuck who we wanted when we wanted to do it.Scott blamed his busted up face in a bar fight. I have to say I am a deviant little bitch but when I looked at that busted lip I nearly begged him to fuck me. Jason went on a fucking marathon that made town legend. He fucked the strawberry festival queen, two of her runner’s up. He...

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Tammy Goes Black After the Prom Part II Tammy

Tammy Goes Black After the Prom – Part II (Tammy's version)My husband is a great guy and I love him very much. He uses his seven and a half inches pretty well so he's not too bad in bed. He's a good provider, husband, father to our daughter and he farms. We have sex sometimes once a week and most of the time he satisfies me unless I have something else on my mind. Sometimes when we would be having sex he would ask me if I would like to try a black cock and I would always tell him no. That I was...

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A Prom Princess

A Prom Princess By Sammy I had never been a masculine man, but had never wanted to look like a girl. None the less here I was driving to my friend's house, Stacy, to be transformed into a girl. I had no one but myself to blame. When I excepted the bet with Roy I hadn't been totally clear of the details at the time. Roy's bet was that I couldn't find my own date for the prom. If I didn't find one a week before the prom that he would pick one for me. At first I said no, I wouldn't be...

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A Prom Princess

A Prom Princess By Sammy I had never been that masculine a guy in the way acted and the way I looked, but had never wanted to look like a girl. None-the-less here I was driving to my friend Stacy's house to be transformed into a girl. I had no one but myself to blame since I'm the one that accepted the bet with Roy and I hadn't been totally clear of the details at the time. Roy's bet was that I wouldn't be able to find my own date for the prom and...

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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 15 Save and Continue

There was a knock on Zoey's bedroom door but she was ignoring it. She wanted to sleep. "Zo, come on!" Mack yelled. "You overslept your alarm. It's Monday!" "I just want to sleep," Zoey groaned from under the covers. "I'm not going to school today." Mack opened the door and stuck her head inside so she didn't have to yell. "Just because he's not answering your calls doesn't mean you get to stay home and mope." Zoey rolled over, trying to block out her sister's voice. "That's...

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