Borrowing Him From Missy free porn video

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Todd was in my 8th grade class, but I hardly knew him. I was the brainy,
nerdy k**, and he was the typical jock. That was not a combination that
really had many common boundaries, and I don't think I said more than an
occasional hello to him all year long. However, just a few days before
school ended, Todd struck up a conversation with me and I was a bit
perplexed. I found out that he lived just around the corner from me, and we
decided to walk home together. Along the way, a great friendship was
started that continued to grow over the next few months This is the story
of that friendship.

Chapter 1

"We're going over to see Missy again? Why didn't you tell me that before?"
I asked.

"Because if I did, you wouldn't go," Todd answered back.

"Why do you want me there? You told me were just going to hang out." I
couldn't help but notice the whine in my voice, and I'm sure that Todd
didn't miss it either. He chose to ignore it though, as his mind was
elsewhere. Missy was a "friend" of his that really had the hots for
him. The last time we were over there, her mother came home just prior to
things getting going between the two of them. I, of course, was out in the
living room watching television when her mother walked in, and had to
stutter and stammer my way through the "Where's Missy?" question. Luckily,
Todd and Missy had heard me, and came out from the bedroom quickly,
relieving me of that burden. As usual, I had taken the opportunity to check
Todd out. I wondered if Missy's mother had noticed the large lump tucked
inside his jeans that he was ineffectively trying to keep covered with his
hand. He tried to act natural about the gesture, but there was no hiding it
from eyes that didn't want to see anything else. At thirteen, I was still
trying to figure out the whole sex thing in general, but from the looks of
it, Todd was way ahead of least with girls.

I knew that I was attracted to other guys, I had been since I was just a
k**. I could remember going to the mall with my mother when I was only 5 or
6 and being thrilled that she let me go into the men's room instead of
taking me into the women's restroom with her. I really hated that. I had
walked into the restroom, and taken a spot at one of the urinals. A man
came up and stood beside me before I even had my pants undone. After I had
gotten my little dick out of my shorts, I tried to take an "innocent" look
around, and found myself at about eye level with the man's dick. I remember
being stunned at the size of it, as it was the first grown-up dick I had
seen. Thinking back, as I had done many times since of that situation, I
realized that it was just average size...but to my little eyes it was a
huge monster, and I wanted to touch it so bad. Of course, I didn't, but I
have fantasized many times since that I had. Oh well...memories.

"Mike...are you in there?" I was startled back into the present by his
question. I found that I had been lost in that scene from long ago, all
triggered by the lump in Todd's pants. "Umm, yeah. I'm here." I spurted
out. I was worried that I might have a lump of my own growing in my
jeans. Thoughts of Todd and that man at the urinal had really turned me
on. Of course, as a teenager there would be know way in the world that I
would ever tell anyone about that. I had an image to maintain, or more to
the point, I didn't want to get the shit beat out of me.

"Well, what do you think?" he said.

"Umm, I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't paying attention."

"Well, that's obvious. What's going on?" Todd asked.

I tried to think quickly. What could I say? Todd, I think I love you and I
want to suck on your cock so bad and I want you to shove it up my ass. I
may have felt that way, but there was no way on Earth I would say
that. "Well, I guess I'm just not happy about sitting out on the couch
waiting for you and Missy to finish messing around."

"Why? You jealous? Or do you want to watch?"

Of course I wanted to watch, but not to see her. I wanted to see him. I
wanted to see that huge (well, I assumed huge) boner sticking out in front
of him. Of course, if I ever saw it, I'd probably loose control and lunge
for it, taking it into my throat before I even realized what I was
doing. "Sheesh, of course not. I don't want to watch some hose-b**st going
down on your dick. That's not my idea of entertainment."

"Sure...whatever. I'd bet big bucks that you'd watch if you could, and
bigger bucks if you could do it without anybody else knowing." "No I
wouldn't." "You would too, just admit it. I'd watch other people having sex
if I could. I'd be all over that." We walked in silence for a few
minutes. I could only think of Todd, and I was sure he was thinking of
Missy. Missy was 16, and due to some problems early on in Todd's
"educational career" he was 15, but in my grade. They had met at the arcade
of all places. I doubted Missy, a sophomore, even knew she was dating an
8th grader. Luckily, we were in sight of her house, and the silence ended
but didn't return to talk of watching others have sex. Or at least I
thought so.

He talked about getting into her pants, what he wanted to do with her
breasts, and how he was going to have her suck on his cock, and how he
hoped to fuck her. Right before we pressed the doorbell, he whispered to me
"After I get her in the bedroom, I'm going to come out to go to the
bathroom or some shit like that. I'm not going to shut the door all the way
when I go back in. That way you can watch if you want." Then he pressed the
doorbell. Almost immediately, Missy opened the door and I wondered if she
had heard. I couldn't tell Todd "no way" either, since she had answered so
quickly. I turned on the tv to MTV and grabbed my usual spot on the couch.

"Oh great, " I thought, "Hour of Metal, as if this couldn't get worse." I
slumped into the couch, hoping to God that it wouldn't take long. About ten
minutes later or so, I heard the bedroom door open. My heart began to
race. I heard the bathroom door hit against the wall gently and then a
second or two later, I heard piss landing into the toilet. I was tempted
beyond all belief to walk into the bathroom, since I knew the door was
open. I wanted to see his cock so badly. I kept my control though. I heard
his stream end, and I imagined his hand around his dick, shaking off the
last few drops. I could feel my own cock growing, and I pushed at it with
the palm of my hand. I heard a squeak from the bedroom door as it was
closing, but no thud.

"Oh my god...he actually did it. He left the door open so that I could
watch," I thought. I held out for almost 20 minutes. I couldn't get my mind
off the fact that I could walk down the hallway and see Todd, probably
naked. I worried that if I waited much longer, I would lose my
opportunity. But what if they saw me looking? Missy would tell everyone I
was a pervert.

Finally, the urgings of my own cock made the decision for me, regardless of
the consequences, I had to see Todd's cock. I walked down the hallway
slowly, trying not to make a sound. As I approached the door, I held my
breath, not wanting them to hear me breathing. Of course, they were making
plenty of noise of their own, and would never have noticed, but I didn't
want to take the chance. I crept up to the door and peered through the

Her room was set up so that I could see most of the bed from that crack in
the door. What I saw made me gasp. Missy was bent over and Todd was taking
her from behind. I had a side view of them for the most part, and Todd was
clearly in sight. I could see his naked body pounding away at her, and I
watched as his muscles contracted and pulse as he fucked her. He was buried
in her deep, and I could only see a bit of his cock as he worked it into
her. I wanted to see more of it so badly.

Whether it was my gasp that alerted him to my presence or if he had just
been checking for me on a regular basis I don't know, but either way he
turned his head and saw me peering through the door. He grinned at me and
pounded her a bit harder. Missy was moaning, and I was so jealous. I wanted
to be bent over in front of him, it wasn't fair. Then Todd starting taking
longer strokes, and I could see more of his cock each time. Missy was
chanting "Oh yeah, oh baby" over and over. He looked over at me while he
was doing it, and then pulled out of her completely, letting me see his
entire cock.

It was beautiful, and very thick. Then he plunged it back into her and I
heard his gasp. That was all I could stand. I almost ran to the bathroom
and shut the door. I ripped open my pants and freed my dick and started
stroking it. The only image in my head was of Todd's thick cock, and I beat
frantically at my own meat.

Within just a minute, maybe two, my cock was spurting white cream all over
the bathroom counter. I heard a moan escape my own lips, and I wondered if
it had been loud enough for them to hear. After I took a moment to enjoy
the release of tension, I stuffed my dick back into my jeans and used some
toilet paper to wipe down the counter and clean up my cum. I dropped the
sticky tissue into the toilet and flushed it. I was wondering if there
would be any smell from it, but there was nothing I could do about it.

I returned to the living room and took my seat on the sofa. About 10
minutes later, Missy and Todd emerged from the bedroom. Missy looked a
little embarrassed, but I think that was just from my being there, not
because she had seen me at the door. Todd on the other hand was grinning
like mad, and I knew that my peeping was part of that grin. He had me and
he knew it.

Chapter 2

"Come on, just get drunk with me. It's not a big deal."

"Todd, you know I've never had alcohol before. I don't want to."

"Come on, it'll just be you and me. I'll take care of
everything. Everything will be cool."

"Todd, I told you no."

"Well, just come over tonight and we'll just watch movies and shit."

"Okay, but just movies. No alcohol."

I met Todd at his house that night. It was around 7:30 or so when I came
over and I talked to his mom for a few minutes because he was in the
shower. His mom told me that he had been working out and smelled awful and
that she had made him go take a shower. Of course, there was no place I'd
rather be than in the shower with him, but I knew that would never
happen. His mother continued to make small talk, and I just said an
occasional "yeah" or "cool" or whatever.

Then I noticed she seemed to be getting ready to go somewhere. She had
shoved a few things in her purse and was getting up to leave. She said
"Well, you two keep out of trouble tonight, I'm headed out to the
reservation to play bingo. Tell Todd I'll be home around 2 or so."

My first thoughts were a little panicked, as I had told my mother that
Todd's mother would be around tonight. I had just assumed she would
be. There was no way my mother would have let me come over otherwise. Then
I thought about it for a minute, and the thought of spending an entire
evening alone with Todd wasn't such a bad idea.

Todd came out of the bathroom a few minutes later with just a towel wrapped
around his waist. I felt my dick surge in my pants. I passed along his
mother's message and Todd said "Cool, I was hoping she would go to bingo
tonight! That leaves us here to party!"

His mother had left him some money on the counter to order pizza for us. We
ordered the pizza and watched a movie on their Beta. We didn't even have a
VCR at my house, so I thought the whole thing was pretty cool. The movie
was "Spring Break" and involved two guys going to Ft. Lauderdale and having
some wild times. The pizza arrived and we devoured it, and when the movie
was over, Todd got up and walked into the kitchen. He returned a few
seconds later holding two cans of beer.

"Todd, I told you I wasn't going to drink anything."

"Come on, Mike. If you don't, I'll tell everyone about you peeping on Missy
and me."

"You wouldn't."

"Wanna bet?"

"Fuck, give me the damn beer then."

Todd handed me the beer, and I opened it. I watched him drink some and then
tried some myself. It tasted horrible. I thought it tasted like how piss
must taste. "This is awful!" I choked out.

"Well, if you want, we can hit the hard stuff in the liquor cabinet. My mom
will never know it's missing. Hey, you'd probably like Peppermint Schnapps,
I'll get you some."

Just a few minutes later, there were two shots of hard liquor sitting in
front of us. Todd wanted us both to drink the shots at the same time. I
held my breath, and took the shot. It felt like fire going down my throat
and I thought I was going to puke. But then, I started to taste the
peppermint, and it wasn't as bad. I was pretty much done in at that
point. Several shots later, we moved up to Jack Daniel's. I was already
feeling the effects, and the Jack Daniel's just sort of pushed me over. I
was drunk, flat out drunk. Todd was in about the same position. We were
laughing and giggling and having a great time. Then, Todd started talking
about how horny he was.

"Fuck, I'm horny! Let's invite some chicks over."

How on Earth he planned to get any girls over to his house at 10pm on a
Saturday night was beyond me, and I didn't really care about the girls
anyway. I only wanted Todd. "God, I got to get some," Todd kept saying,
over and over.

Around midnight or so, Todd was pretty much passed out. He had continued
drinking after I had stopped, saying I would puke if I had more. The truth
was that I wanted to keep a few of my wits about me in case an opportunity
arose. I wanted to be able to take the opportunity, and not make an ass of
myself. Of course, I had very little wits left at this point, but I was
trying to hold it together. He had stripped down to just his jeans and
socks awhile back. I hadn't complained. I loved looking at his chest. He
was big and full-chested already for only being 15. He was going to be a
linebacker on the football team in high school, and he had the physique to
prove it. He was just beautiful.

Looking at the time, I decided I didn't have much time left before his
mother came home. Todd had said he would handle everything, but of course,
it fell to me. I put away all of the liquor and tried to make it look like
we hadn't been into it. I cleaned up the kitchen and the living room, and
it all looked pretty presentable when I was done. The only thing left was
Todd. I tried to wake him up, but he was out cold. I couldn't leave him
there, because it was now almost 1am and his mother would be home soon. It
wouldn't be a good thing for her to come home and find her son passed out
on the sofa.

I decided to drag him back to his bedroom. He was way too big to try and
lift, so dragging was the best I could do. Halfway down the hallway, he
woke up a little bit and got to his feet. He had to lean on me to walk
though, which I didn't mind a bit. My arm was hooked around his waist, his
arm around my shoulders. It was like a little piece of heaven. Eventually
we made it to his room, and he collapsed down on his bed. He became a
little talkative then, again talking about how horny he was. Then things
got a little more interesting.

"Help me take my socks off, I can't bend over."

At first, I thought I had imagined it. Was my dream guy actually asking me
to help him undress? To confirm it, Todd raised his leg and put his foot on
me, which happened to land right on my crotch. I gasped a bit, but Todd was
staring up at a poster above his bed. I couldn't tell if the placement of
his foot was accidental or deliberate. I took his sock off though, and then
grabbed his other foot and put it in the exact same spot, my crotch. I then
took that sock off as well. I took a moment to admire his feet, so large
and strong. I wanted to run my tongue along his toes and suck on them.

"Hey? Do you know that if you look at this poster of David Lee Roth you can
see some of his butt? His chaps don't cover everything."

I had to admit I was a little shocked at this revelation from Todd. Not
because I had any interest in David Lee Roth at all, but just because I was
amazed he had even looked hard enough to find the guy's butt. I felt a
flicker of hope.

"Did I tell you about how David stripped off all his clothes when he was in
concert. The girls were going fucking wild over him running around naked on
stage. It was awesome." I began to wonder if Todd hadn't been going a
little wild himself during that concert.

"Well, just like David Lee Roth, it is time for you to take it all off."
The words had come out of my mouth, but had I really said that? No, I
couldn't have. Shit...I was in trouble now.

"You're gonna have to help me. I can't do shit right now."

I could feel my cock growing in my pants, and I had to shift around a bit
so that it didn't hurt so much. I watched Todd reach down and unbutton his
501's and then heard him say, "That's as much as I can do."

I realized that I was still holding his foot at my crotch, and I dropped it
to grab at his jeans to pull them down. I couldn't believe this was
happening. "You'll have to lift your ass, or I'll never get these off," I
said. He complied, and seconds later I was starting at his white briefs,
examining every detail, noticing how well the outlines of his cock and
balls showed through the fabric. I didn't know what to do next.

"Turn the fucking light off, man," I heard him say. "It's too bright." I
walked up to the front of his bed and reached to turn off the light. "I see
you got a boner yourself. You must be just as horny as I am. Too bad there
aren't any chicks around."

"Yeah, too bad," I replied. I switched off the light and stood their
frozen, wondering what I should do next. It certainly seemed like he was
coming onto me, but was he? Was I just imagining it all? What if I did
something and he freaked out? He'd tell everyone I was a faggot and
probably beat the shit out of me daily. I chickened out and just laid down
next to him on the floor. That was my spot to sleep in for the night. A
pillow and a blanket and a hard floor. Not the best way to appease an angry
dick, especially when it so badly wanted the guy laying just a foot or two

Only five minutes or so had passed when I heard light snores coming from
Todd. I was still wired, and my dick was raging. I decided to see just how
asleep he was. "Todd? Can you hear me?"

No response. I sat up next to the bed and saw him laying on his side,
facing away from me. I bumped his arm. No response. I shook his arm and
said "Todd, are you awake?" No response. I decided to take the opportunity
and I reached down and gently put my hand on his ass. No response. I
squeezed it gently, holding my breath, hoping to God he wouldn't wake up
and beat me to a bloody pulp. I squeezed it a little harder, and then let
my hand wander around a little, eventually tracing the inside of his
briefs. I decided to go for it and slid my hand down his briefs and cupped
his bare ass. My dick was so hard now that I thought it was going to
explode. I unbuttoned my own jeans and freed my cock. I knew that if he
woke up now, there'd be no hiding what was going on. My hand inside my
briefs and my hard cock would give him more than just a hint of what I had
been doing.

Fortunately, he continued to snore away. I pulled my hand out from his
briefs, and let them slide up to his side and across to his stomach. I
didn't realize what I was doing when I did it, but that is a rather
sensitive spot to someone who is ticklish. He stirred and I froze, not
knowing what to do except pull my hand away. I got lucky and all he did was
change positions, laying on his back now.

I sat looking at him, his glorious body in the barest of moonlight. I knew
there was no going back now. My eyes were glued to his briefs and the lump
nestled within the fabric. I reached out and just with a finger I traced
the bulge inside his briefs. I was so excited that I thought I would cum
any second, with no help from my hand. I then grew bolder, and used to
fingers, and then finally cupped his bulge in my hand. Well, part of it
anyway, it was more than a handful. I took a deep, silent breath, and
lifted my hand and slid my fingers underneath the waistband.

I could feel his pubic hair brushing across my fingers. I went a little
lower and came into contact with his cock, softly lying there. I ran my
fingers along it, pushing my hand deeper into his briefs. I had to see it
to, and without another thought, I pulled back his underwear, exposing his
cock and balls to me. I ran my fingers along it, and realized that it was
expanding in front of me. Todd was getting a hard-on from my
ministrations. I rubbed a little harder and watched it grow until it was
fully hard. I wrapped my hand around it and began to stroke it very
gently. I stopped for a brief second to see if he was awake, but I heard
his light snores, and began to stroke him a little harder.

A drop of liquid came out the top and before I realized what I was doing, I
had taken the head of his shaft into my mouth. I was shocked by what I had
done. Everything was shocking actually, but to take a guys dick in my mouth
was more than I ever thought possible, especially to have it be Todd's
dick. I tasted the liquid and I knew I wanted more. I wanted to taste his
cum. I licked on the head of his cock, and then sucked on it, going a
little deeper each time. I was able to take the whole thing in my mouth,
which excited me beyond belief. Todd had a pretty sizable dick, bigger than
my own. I suppose it was about an inch or so longer than mine, so that
would make it about 7 inches, and it was very thick. It felt like a log
moving in and out of my mouth. I rubbed his balls while I sucked on his
dick, and I felt like I could do that for the rest of my life.

My own dick was throbbing in front of me, waiting to shoot. I decided to
take another risk, and put Todd's sleeping hand onto my dick. I just wanted
to know how his hand would feel on my cock, and it felt wonderful. With my
hand and my mouth, I began to jack off Todd, and with my other hand I
guided Paul's hand on my own cock. Then the next surprise came. Todd's hand
suddenly gripped my cock and started pumping it on his own. I froze, I
thought he had woken up. But didn't his stroking of my cock mean he was
interested? In the ensuing silence, I continued to hear him snore, just
with deeper breaths. I also noticed that when my sucking stopped, so did
his hand's action on my cock. I took his cock into my mouth again and began
to suck on it, my hand just below my mouth, stroking him as I sucked. His
hand started moving along my cock again. I figured out that he was dreaming
he was jacking off or something, and my movement on his cock made his hand
move at the same rhythm. (Okay, so I was a little naīve).

His hand moving on my cock was unbelievable and I shot my load out onto his
bed sheets and moments later I felt him swelling in my mouth, and then a
warm liquid pulsing into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. He was
cumming in my mouth! It was incredible! I loved the taste, loved that I was
getting what I had always wanted. I couldn't swallow it all fast enough
though, and some dripped down his cock. After I had sucked out all the
remaining cum from his shaft, I thoroughly licked him clean and then used a
sock from his dirty clothes hamper to wipe my cum off the bedsheets. I
tucked his cock back into his briefs after giving it a good buy kiss, and
laid down next to him on the floor, and fell asleep shortly thereafter.

Chapter 3

I woke up to light streaming in through the window. I blinked my eyes a few
times to get used to the light and then woke up to find Todd still
asleep. I took another look at his beautiful body and remembered what had
happened the night before. Then I took off to the bathroom quickly. I had
to brush my teeth. I didn't want him to smell any cum on my breath. When I
returned he was awake and stretching, and got up to head to the shower. I
got dressed and waited for him to return. When he came back he asked me if
I wanted to head to the mall. His mom was planning on going today, and we
could "cruise with". I agreed and went home to take a shower myself.

After a trip around the mall, with Todd ogling every girl that walked by,
we returned back to his house. His mom headed out to do some grocery
shopping, leaving Todd and I home alone again. He was lying on the couch
and I was in the reclining chair.

"Damn, I'm tired. All that alcohol last night really got to me. Mind if I
take a nap?" Todd questioned.

"No, go ahead. I might do the same", I lied.

I was just waiting for an opportunity to repeat last night's activities. I
settled into the chair and got comfortable. I only had to wait a short time
before I heard the light snoring coming from him. I sat up, and looked over
to see him lying face up on the couch, arm across his face. But what really
caught my attention was the hard on showing through his jeans.

I walked over to him and began to stroke it through his jeans. I think the
previous night's activities caused me to grow a little more confident. I
opened his top button and pulled down his jeans and briefs a little and his
dick came out, the head cresting the material of his jeans. My lips were
around it in a second, my tongue tracing the slit, searching for more
cum. I freed up another few buttons to allow me more access to his cock and
proceeded to give him yet another blow job. I couldn't believe my good

Unfortunately, it wasn't all good fortune. I heard a car door slam in the
driveway. "Oh shit, it's your Mom!" I shoved his dick down into his briefs,
probably with less gentleness than I should have used and buttoned them up
quickly. Todd was still "asleep". After I was finished, I dove back for my
chair, bending one leg up to hide the swelling in my groin. I looked over
to see Todd roll over, facing the wall just as his mother walked in.

"I forgot the God-damn checkbook," she said. "Todd, get your lazy ass up
and mow the lawn. Todd? You hear me? I know you aren't asleep. Get the hell

Todd then "woke" up and asked his mother what she wanted. I realized this
was all a game, though I should have realized it before. Todd hadn't been
asleep either time. This was his way of getting some action with me, but
not having to be a "willing" participant. I spent the night at Todd's house
often over the next few weeks, or he spent it over at mine. Each time, Todd
would "fall asleep" before I did, and then I would blow him, occasionally
getting a hand job in return. Then one night, I decided to take it a little
farther. He had fallen asleep on my bed, and I was getting ready to start
sucking. On an impulse, I decided to put on his football jersey. I thought
it was kind of bizarre that here I had one of the studs of the football
team in my bed, and I was about to blow him.

Wearing his jersey and nothing else, I climbed into bed with him. After
leisurely sucking on his cock for awhile, I decided that I wanted to try
more. I lifted my head off his dick, and moved instead to his lips. I
gently pressed mine against his, and felt him respond. I was in heaven. I
slowly added my tongue to it, and felt his mouth open and respond with his
own tongue. It was incredible. Somehow this was even better than getting a
blow job from him. It felt more personal, deeper than anything I had felt
before. I knew I was in love.

Of course, when you are in love, you sometimes push limits you would
normally not push. I broke off the kiss and straddled his chest. I couldn't
believe what I was doing, but I thought "Why the hell not?" I grabbed a
hold of my cock and rubbed it back and forth across his lips. His lips
parted, and suddenly I was in his mouth, the most incredible feeling I've
ever felt in my life. I bucked my hips, driving my cock in and out of his
mouth. I was going a little too deep though, because I heard him gag and I
pulled back and slid down a little bit. I was nervous that I had pushed
things too far. "Only you" I heard him whisper. At that moment, I knew that
not only did I love him, but he loved me also.

I decided to slide down a little more so that I could kiss him, but when I
did though, I felt another new sensation. I felt his cock pushing against
my ass. It felt like I was on fire where his dick was touching me. I swung
my ass around a little bit, and felt him slide into the crack, his head
lodged right up against my hole. I was quivering. I reached back and pulled
my cheeks apart and tried to guide him in. I felt his cock pushing,
demanding entrance. Having never done it before, I wasn't sure of what to
do. I felt Todd's hands on my hips, pushing me down onto his cock. In
desperation, I reached behind myself, grabbed his cock, and tried to sit on

Suddenly, and with terrible pain, I felt the head of his cock slide into
me. I felt like screaming, but couldn't. I heard Todd grunt with
satisfaction, all the while pushing me down farther. I had to stop him
though, the pain was unbelievable. I was torn between an overwhelming
desire to pull it out of me, and another desire to stick it in
farther. Meanwhile, Todd was gently bucking his hips up, slowing pushing it
in and out of me, just a tiny bit of movement. I felt some wetness on my
ass, and wondered how he had been able to produce that much pre-cum. Or
was it blood? Hell, as much as I was hurting, I didn't know. However, it
did seem to help things, and he was working his way deeper and deeper into
my ass.

The pain and pleasure I was feeling was incredible. I felt like I was on
fire and I wanted to feel him buried completely within me, so I sat down on
it, and felt more pain as he slid into me completely. I heard him groan,
and he began to buck harder. Every stroke was full of pain and pleasure for
me, and my cock was rigid. I stroked it with one of my hands, while I
steadied myself with the other. I felt Todd abandon himself to it,
assaulting my ass. Then I heard him groan and tense up, and I knew he was
cumming inside of me, though I was in too much pain to feel it. Then he
relaxed, and I felt a rather comfortable feeling. I felt full with him
inside me, complete.

When he was moving, it was just so painful I didn't realize it. With him
still and softening inside me, I stroked my own cock, enjoying the
sensation of having another person inside of me. I felt the tightening
within my nuts, and seconds later my cum was spurting out onto Todd's
chest. I pulled off of him, wincing as his cock slid out of me. I took a
painful walk to the bathroom in my robe, and got some washcloths to clean
us up. While there, I tried to take a peek at my own throbbing asshole and
noticed a little blood trickling down my leg. Apparently he had torn a
little of my rectum with that thick cock of his, it was too much for a
virgin hole.

It didn't really bother me though. It actually made me feel like there was
a physical sign to show that I had given him my virginity. I wiped off the
blood and returned to the bedroom. I then cleaned up Todd, while he
continued to sleep on.

Chapter 4

The next day, I was sore as hell, but happy. My asshole felt stretched, and
in some strange way, it felt like I still had his dick up in me. I just
felt full down there. Todd returned home in the morning, and I didn't seem
him again until the next day. Unfortunately, when I saw him, I broke the
rules. I met him at his house and as soon as we were in his room, I pretty
much jumped him and gave him a hug and tried to kiss him. He pushed me off
him and yelled, "What the hell are you doing?"

"You don't have to pretend anymore," I said. "It's okay. No one will know,
and you can have me any time you want."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" he almost screamed "Have you? What
the fuck do you mean? Are you a faggot or something?"

"Todd, what are you saying? Why are you doing this?"

"Mike, I think you should get the hell out of here, right now."

I lost my best friend that day, and my first love. People wondered why we
weren't friends anymore, but neither of us would say anything. I wonder
where he is sometimes, even though over 10 years have passed since
then. And though he hurt me deeply, I know it was just more than he could
handle, and I still hold a place for him in my heart.

The End

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Shimla Mein Uncle Ne Liya Maza

Hi friends this is ishita again,thanks for your response for my previous story “My Surprise Birthday Gift” and encouragement to write my next story…as requested by you guys i will write this story in both English and hindi This is about the incident that happened between me and my uncle,who is my dad friend and used to visit our home regularly,he is like a family friend.Uncle is handsome and strong person around 35 age,he is a single unmarried guy used to stay with his mom,he always was not...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 74 Arrival in Kyoto

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Himura BattousaiChapter 81 Shakkuus Thoughts

Misao: Himura! (Kenshin strikes Chou in the side; he goes down.) Okina (thinking): He's done it... (A long pause. Kenshin stares down at his work.) Misao (taking a step forward): Himura... Kenshin (bowing his head): I... Misao: What? Seikuu: That sword... Misao: It's a reverse blade! Okina: Shakkuu's last work was a reverse blade like the one he gave Himura! Kenshin: No, this... feels better to the hand than the old reverse blade... Misao: But if it's a reverse blade,...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 84 Master and Student of the Sword

Hiko: Well, now that you've had the gall to actually show your face here, what is it you want with me? Kenshin (looking at the shelves around him): It seems that Niitsu Kakunoshin is a rising new name in the world of ceramics. Why pottery again? Hiko: I didn't really care, pottery, whatever. It was just the easiest way to make a living without having to deal with a lot of people. Kenshin: That's easy for you to say. Hiko: Well, you know. My genius shows in whatever I do. Kenshin...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 106 Like Snakes and Scorpions

Shishio: Unconditional victory? Houji: Yes. Unconditional victory. In this battle against Himura, Saitou and Sagara, we have ten men, counting Lord Shishio, against three. So, we have a clear advantage in both numbers and skill. Yumi: That's great. So what's the problem? Houji: But when the enemy is the best of the best... If we fight them now, even among the Ten Swords, any one of lesser strength than Chou will be destroyed. Thus, we should chose only our best fighters. These three will...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 128 Soujirou Takes the Field

(Houji pounds his fist against the table.) Shishio: What is it, Houji. Houji (shaking with rage): A telegram... from intelligence in Kyoto... The attack on the Aoiya has failed. Iwanbou has fled, and Henya, Kamatari, Fuji and Saitsuchi have been arrested... ! Shishio: In other words, the Ten Swords are all but destroyed. Houji: Why! They even had Fuji with them, there was no way they could have failed! How did-- Shishio: They were stronger than we were. That's all there is to...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 130 Soujirous PastA Chance Meeting on a Moonlit Night

(After taking a massive slash to the back, Kenshin is breathing hard but still keeps his feet.) Sanosuke (thinking): Kenshin's... it's the first time someone's gotten him on the back. Not good--this is definitely not good! Yumi (thinking): He can do it! The boy--no, Soujirou the Prodigy--he really is better than Himura Battousai! Just one more attack! The next one will bring him down for sure! Soujirou (still looking puzzled): It really is strange. Sanosuke & Yumi: Huh? Soujirou:...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 139 Not Yet Gone to Ones Fate

Shishio: Now what would a whipped dog be doing here all by himself? Houji:... A whipped dog. Yes, as Lord Shishio says. Shinomori Aoshi! You've already lost to Himura! Your time to fight is over! How dare you show your face here! Get out! Aoshi: It is as you say, Houji. If you call me a whipped dog, I cannot deny it. But Battousai accepted a challenge from this whipped dog without trying to get out of it, and lost strength by taking unnecessary wounds. This, too, is truth I cannot...

4 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 169 Remembrances 5Madness

If I had been carrying a sword that night, would you have-- (Kenshin is sitting alone in his room, staring out the window.) Kenshin (thinking): That was two weeks ago. (Tomoe opens the door, broom in hand.) Tomoe: I'm going to clean this room. Please leave for a while. Kenshin: I don't remember asking you to clean it. Tomoe: Okami asked me to. In the midst of all this confusion, Yukishiro Tomoe has settled in with us. Kenshin (as he's getting down from the windowsill): What's this...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 2 The Vagabond Comes to Town

A week after the Hiruma brothers have gone and the violence of the false Battousai has been put to an end. Adjutant master of the Kamiya Kasshin School Kamiya Kaoru (17) has rushed about recalling her students to revive her school--but-- Kaoru: Not a single one of them came back. This is unbelievable. Kenshin (who is doing laundry by the well): It's because we live in an age of culture and enlightenment. Once things change it's not easy to go back. Kaoru: Speaking of unbelievable, what...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 6 ShowdownSagara Sanosuke

Goheh (wearing a Sanosuke wig): "The legendary Hitokiri Battousai! The street fighter Zanza has been searching for a match like you!" It's been two weeks! Where is that rooster head? Kiheh: I can't believe he would get scared and run off. Goheh: "I'm just looking forward to the fight!" Heh, what a joke!-- Zanza (boxing his ears): You're the one joking! You keep up that weird copycat stuff and I'll hang you upside down. Kiheh: O-oh, Mr. Zanza. Where have you been? Zanza: The...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 209 See ya

Abandoned Longhouses (Sanosuke sits alone, beside a couple of empty sake bottles and an untouched meal.) No more. I'm tired. (He finishes his cup and tosses it aside.) (Misao stares in disbelief at Kaoru's memorial tablet.) Misao:... No. Yahiko: It's true. That's Kaoru. It's all too late. Kaoru was killed, and Kenshin was broken. And I couldn't do a thing about it... (Out of nowhere, Misao whacks him on the head with her traveling bag.) Misao: I don't want to hear you cry!...

2 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 253 Days of Indian Summer

(At the Kamiya dojo, everyone is in the yard while Kaoru and Kenshin are doing laundry. They all look up at Aoshi in surprise.) Aoshi: We're going back to Kyoto. It's a good time. Kenshin: A good time? Misao: What? What? What? But we haven't even gone to Akakusa or the Ginza! Yahiko: You didn't come here to sightsee. Go home! Aoshi: We'll leave tomorrow with Takani Megumi. That way you'll only have to say goodbye once. Kaoru (thinking): Always the man of few words... I never...

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