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GLITCH Samuel was a 15-year-old boy who wishes he were a 15-year-old girl. And as usual, it was the fear of how his family and school mates would respond kept him in the closet. But an unexpected wish on a rainy-day, changes everything. ************************* CHAPTER ONE - The Girl It was a gloomy overcast morning with just a hint of rain in the air. Samuel sat at his computer working on his report for his history class. It would not be due for several days, but Samuel was never one for putting things off until the last minute. It was about five in the morning, and he would not need to head off for school for about two and a half hours. Most teens would stay in bed until five minutes before the school bus arrived, but not Samuel - for several reasons. First off, he had always been a habitual early riser. Second, this report was not going to write itself. And then there was the girl; the third and most important reason. Samuel sat at his computer, typing away. His bedroom window was open so he could enjoy the fresh, damp morning air. But Samuel kept his ears open, listening for something. And then he heard it, a simple splash. He turned off his bedroom lights and peered out his window, straining his eyes. And then, off in the distance - he saw her. It was late May, and the current school year was winding down. At this time of year, the days were still warm, but getting longer. Two things that Samuel appreciated. First off, the early light allowed him to see her sooner, and get a better view as she passed. As she jogged down the sidewalk, something she has done every morning except Sundays, Samuel found himself appreciating the second reason. She was wearing a pink pair of spandex leggings and a black jogging bra, accentuating every curve of her body in great detail. She was the most perfect embodiment of young womanhood he had ever seen, and each day as she jogged past, Samuel was there at his window watching her go by; longing for what he couldn't have - her body. But he had no desire to be with her sexually; he did not necessarily want to be with her at all. What he wanted was her body. Or more precisely, he wanted to be a girl and have a body like hers. Since a very young age, Samuel wanted to be a girl. It was one of those deep-down feelings that just would not go away. But he feared talking to anyone about it. He did not want to be laughed at, yelled at, or called it a freak. So, he kept quiet, and kept everything bottled up to himself. Was it that he was a girl born in a boy's body, or was it just a deep-down desire? This could be argued and debated at length at a future time. But at the present time, all that mattered was the model of perfection jogging past his bedroom window. As she got closer, he could see her breasts, although constrained by the jogging bra, slightly sway with each step. The spandex leggings hugged her every curve, and more importantly accentuated the void between her legs. Something Samuel didn't have, but longed for with ever fiber of his being. As she passed his house and continued on, he could also see her tight firm butt. Not swaying as much as her breasts, but still each butt cheek keeping stride with each and every step. She continued off into the distance; oblivious to the fact that Samuel was watching her from his bedroom window. As Samuel began to turn back to his computer, a small glint near the rain gutter caught his eye. It was caught up with some debris that was in the water heading for the rain gutter. But it had hit some rocks and therefore stalled on its path to oblivion. Was it something the girl had possibly dropped? Then again, maybe his eyes were playing tricks on him, and it was nothing at all. But mere moments later, as the pile shifted in the running water, it caught the light from the streetlamp, once again reflecting into Samuel's window. If the girl had dropped it, and if it was valuable, it was about to be gone forever. Samuel jumped up from the window, ran downstairs grabbing a hoodie on the way and sprinted out the door. He reached the rain gutter just as the pile was starting to break up and grabbed the object just as everything else slipped down the drain. Rain settling on his hoodie, Samuel looked down to see what was in his hand. It was a ring. Not a normal ring like a wedding band or other fine jewelry. This was a big gawdy heavy ring, almost like a school class ring, but not. It had a lot of marking and inscriptions that Samuel could not make out, but were none the less, enchanting. He slipped the ring into his pocket and headed back inside the house, out of the dampness. Sitting on the edge of his bed, Samuel took the ring out to inspect it further. Although it looked really big outside, as he now looked at it even closer, it was not quite so big. Almost like it would actually fit on his teenage finger. It was a magnificent ring and Samuel felt almost hypnotized by it as he slipped it on his finger. CHAPTER TWO - Meeting Gene Suddenly there was a knock at the door snapping Samuel out of his trance. And without waiting for permission, someone opened the door and stepped into the room. He was a large fellow in a business suit with an odd color to his skin. Although Samuel did not know who this intruder was, he felt strangely calm, like he could trust this man. "Hi, I'm Gene!" he said, while reaching out to shake Samuel's hand. Samuel just sat on the edge of his bed in a state of stock and confusion. But still for some reason, slowly reached out his hand to accept the gentleman's greeting. Finally, Samuel was able to string a few words together. "Wh... who... are..." "Yea, yea, who am I. Always the first question I get. Short and sweet, I'm the genie of the lamp. Although some how I got stuck in a ring instead of a lamp. Weird how it happened, really." Samuel just sat there in disbelief, saying nothing. "You see, there was this warrior who planned a march across the mountains with some elephants. Anyway, he needed lots of swords, so melted down anything that was metal to make swords, my lamp included. I do not think he ever realized what he was destroying. Regardless I had to find a new home and settled in a beautiful necklace around a young lady's neck. Unfortunately, whenever I have completed my duty as a genie, both my home and I are instantly relocated to a location where I can obtain a new master." "My next master was a lovely young lady named Ann who apparently received my necklace as a wedding present. Unfortunately, her husband was a sovereign who had a knack for taking off the heads of his wives. Dear miss Ann had only cast one wish before she met her fate. When the blade fell on her neck, my home was once again destroyed, and I found myself in a ring worn by the executioner himself." "I have had several masters since then, but happily, and luckily I have been able to keep my ring intact." At that point, Gene stopped his rambling and saw Samuel's jaw just hanging. He reached out his finger, and gently nudged the jaw closed. Then in a compassionate, fatherly sort of way, he sat on the bed next to Samuel. "I'm sorry kid, sometimes I get worked up. I'm Gene, and I am a genie that lives within that ring you are wearing. You summoned me when you put the ring on your finger." Samuel looked down at his hand, still wearing the ring. Then he looked back up at Gene. For some reason he felt calm. Something told him he was safe with this guy, and he could believe what was being said. Slowly he began to gather his wits. "So... um... you're a genie?" "Yea, but unfortunately I can only give you one wish." Quizzically, Samuel cocked his head like a confused puppy. "I know, I know, usually you get three. But you see, each time I relocate to occupy something different, I lose a little of my power. Had you gotten the lamp, yes you would have gotten three wishes. With the necklace, you would have gotten two wishes. But you got the ring, so... one wish, I'm sorry. But on the plus side, I still have the ring. I would hate to think what would happen if that got destroyed. I might end up on some corner in Vegas doing card tricks. Oh, there I go rambling again. Okay, in a nutshell, you put on the ring, you get a wish. So, what will it be?" Again, Samuel looked down at the ring on his finger. "A wish huh? And only one?" "You got it. So, what do you want?" Gene pauses for a moment, then puts his arm around Samuel's shoulders. In a calming tone, he says "You know what, I may be a genie with the ability to do all kinds of magic, but it hardly takes any magic ability at all to see what you desire. Just say the word and you can become the young lady you have always wanted to be." "How did you kno...." Samuel started. "Oh, being a genie and all, you can read minds too I guess", he said shyly, hanging his head in embarrassment. "It's like I said kid, some things don't require magic at all. Just the ability to see. Anyway, are you ready to make your wish?" Samuel thought deeply for a moment. Then very carefully crafted the wording in his head so his wish could not be twisted in some way. "Okay, Gene, here's my wish. My parents have always struggled to make ends meet and put food on the table. So, my wish is to make them financially secure. Not necessarily rich, but to own a stable and profitable business or two, and perhaps have a few wise investments that they have as a nest egg." "Wow kid, that's about the most selfless wish I have heard in a very long time." Gene said. "Okay, you got it." And with that, Gene stood up, and started waving his hands in the air and began mumbling. Then he stopped for a moment. "You might want to step back kid, my magic has been kind of glitchy lately, and I you never know what the side effects are going to do." "What!?!?" Samuel asked. "Ya know, that might have been something you should have told me up front!" Gene just shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry," he said. And with that he started waving his hands in the air once again and mumbling. Samuel hid behind the bed for protection, not knowing if his bed would afford any protection against magic. Gene's mumbling became a chant, and the chant became a roar. And then, all of a sudden there was a sudden explosion of light, totally engulfing his room. And then.... Nothing. Samuel looked down at his hand, and the ring was gone. Looking up, Gene was gone as well. Samuel got up and sat on his bed. "What really happened?" He thought to himself. "Or did anything even happen at all." Confused, Samuel just sat there. CHAPTER THREE - Revelation Samuel heard a knock at the door, but this time, nobody barged in. "Hey Samuel!" he heard his father say. "You decent?" "Yea dad, you can come in." The door opened, and Samuel's dad strode into the room. Samuel immediately noticed something was off. His dad was a manager at BestBuy and normally about this time of day would have been dressed in the typical blue BestBuy shirt getting ready for work. But instead he came in wearing business attire; slacks, button down shirt, tie.... A tie? Samuel could not recall the last time he had seen his dad wearing a tie. Samuel's father walked in and sat on the bed and put his arm around his shoulders. A tingle ran up Samuel's spine as he was hit with a massive wave of D?j? vu. "Son, we need to have a talk," his father started... Samuel cut him off though. "Dad, I am fifteen, isn't it a little late for the 'Birds and Bee's' talk?" "Son, this isn't the 'Birds and Bee's' talk. More like.... Let's call it the 'Flowers and Bee's' talk." Once again, Samuel found himself cocking his head in confusion. His father continued. "Son, your mom and I have known for a long time that you have wished you were a girl"... Samuel looked up at his dad in shock. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "It's okay son, it's okay. Your mom and I are okay with it. We were waiting to see if it was just a phase, or something much much more. I am here now, because, well, we feel this isn't something that is going away, and we felt something finally needed to be done for your mental and emotional wellbeing." Samuel buried his face into his father's should and began to cry uncontrollably. Years of tension being released in wave after wave of tears. Patting Samuel's head, his father said, "Son..." then paused. "No, that won't do. My darling daughter... yes, much better. That is what you have always wanted to hear, so that is what it will be. You go ahead and take the day off school and get yourself together. Tonight, your mom is going to take you shopping, and we're going to make some changes. Then we'll set you up with a doctor to get the ball rolling in your new life." Looking up at his dad, and wiping his nose on his dad's sleeve, he asked... "B.. but how did you know?" "Sweetheart, some things don't require magic, just the ability to see." And with that, another shiver and sense of D?j? vu. His dad then stood up, and helped Samuel lay down, pulling the covers over him. He then walked over to the window and closed it. "Brrrrr. Drafty." Then turned and walked towards the door, stops, and says, "Get some rest, everything's going to be fine." The then leaves the room, shutting the door gently behind him. Samuel put his head on his pillow and passed out within moments. CHAPTER FOUR - A New Beginning Samuel woke up to his mother gently nudging him. "Sam, Sam, sweetheart, time to get up." As he woke from his slumber, he noticed a vase of flowers beside his bed. A card on it read, "LOVE, DAD". His mother continued nudging him until he finally sat up. "What's going on mom?" he asked groggily. "Sam. Is it okay if I call you that now. 'Samuel' seems a bit too masculine, don't you think? How 'bout we start calling you Sam, and one day in the future, we may even go with 'Samantha'... Hmmm?" "Mom, this is kind of sudden. I mean..." "It's okay sweetheart. No rush. We just want to let you know that when you are ready, we're there for you." "But dad said we were going shopping. I don't know if I'm ready for any drastic changes yet." His mom laughed. "No silly, we're going to the grocery store. From now on, you will be helping me with dinner. I young lady should know how to cook after all. So get dressed, we have to get going." And with that she got up and left the room. Samuel.... No, his mom was right... Sam got up and got dressed in sweats and a Tee-Shirt. A lot of things running through his mind. Excitement, nervousness, and yes, still some fear. But with his parents behind him, he knew everything would be okay. That evening, the three of them sat around the kitchen table discussing Sam's future. His parents told him that they could tell he was not happy being a boy. They thought the stress in his life might be from bad parenting, and that they had sought counseling. It was during that counseling that the right questions were asked, and the signs became glaringly obvious. Sam wished that HE was a SHE. Sam couldn't deny any of this, although he wasn't sure what signs his parents had picked up on. Regardless, in the here and now he wasn't going to complain or argue. He wanted to embrace this new life his parents were offering him with everything he had. The plan was laid out. Around the house, Sam could experiment as much as he wished. Mom would teach him how to subtly apply makeup, and when ready, maybe even buy some girly clothes. But outside the house, he would remain a boy... for now. They would get him a doctor's appointment so they could start him on hormones if he so desired. They asked him if that was something he wanted, and he excitedly shook his head in agreement. "So you would like to start on hormones as soon as possible?" they asked. "Um.. Like yesterday soon," he responded, and they all laughed. Continuing the discussion, it was agreed that they would continue along at whatever pace Sam felt comfortable. Wenever he was ready to present to the world as a she, his parents would be there to support him. (her?). And lastly, Sam's father said he wanted Sam to start learning Karate. To Sam this came out of the blue, and he had to ask why. "Because, as much as your mother and I want to protect you, there will be those out there who don't understand, and even fear the life you wish to live. As this often leads to violence, I want you to learn to protect yourself." They all agreed that this was a wise course of action. Lastly, Sam asked, "Dad, this can't come cheap. How are we affording all this?" "Sweetheart, we are doing pretty well for ourselves. Our chain of McDonald's restaurants are remaining financially stable in these tough economic times, but beyond that, we have been able to squirrel away a few stocks in Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. So don't worry. Whatever you need, we can afford it." Sam just sat and smiled at his parents. In his lap, he rubbed his finger, as if a ring had once been there. CHAPTER FIVE - Samuel fades away Within a short period of time, Sam was able to see a doctor. The doctor determined that Sam was healthy, and with a therapist's recommendation, he would be more than happy to refer him to an endocrinologist for hormone treatment. He also recommended a couple gender therapists and one psychologist that he thought would really help in determining what was best for Sam. With the summer holidays, Sam started to learn Karate as his father suggested. He proved to be quite adept and picked up on it quickly. He also began seeing the therapists that had been recommended by the doctor. They asked a lot of questions, and probed every inch of his teenage brain, but could not find anything out of the ordinary. Finally after many sessions, when told this, Sam asked, "Isn't wanting to be a girl out of the ordinary?" His psychologist answered this question by saying, "There is nothing out of the ordinary in being who you truly are. You have always been a girl, your body just does not know it yet." Shortly thereafter, his psychologist signed off on the referral to see an endocrinologist, as did his gender therapist. By the start of the next school year, Sam was still attending as a boy, but had started taking female hormones and testosterone blockers to change all that. His parents talked to the school nurse and counselors to advise them of Sam's situation. They were glad they were kept in the loop and set up a schedule that would not adversely affect Sam's transition. He was pulled out of gym class altogether because of the confusion that would ensue, especially once he started to exhibit the eventual secondary female characteristics. And true to form, this is exactly what happened. His skin softened, his hips got just a bit wider, and most obvious of all, he started growing breasts. Three months into the school year he found himself cornered by one of the school bullies spouting homophobic slurs and threatening to kick the shit out of his little pansy ass. But thanks to the Karate classes his father made him take, he was not the one to leave school that day with a black eye and bloody nose. It was about two months later that it was determined that the hormones were definitely affecting his teenage body and the changes were incontrovertible. He couldn't hide her anymore, so Samantha was finally born. School records were changed to show Sam was female. She also got a new birth certificate and social security card. When it came time to get her driver's license, there was nothing to change, and it too indicated she was female. At school, things changed. She lost a few friends and gained a few. As she was so capable in defending herself, the troublemakers tended to leave her alone. This in and of itself gained her some friends and followers. By the end of the school year, Samantha had turned into a lovely young girl with friends and a bright future. A future that she had longed for - for too long. CHAPTER SIX - The Beach It had been a very warm summer, and it was on this day that they found themselves at the beach. Mom and dad sitting under an umbrella sipping colorful alcoholic drinks while Samantha lay out on a beach towel sporting her new bikini, getting some sun, and watching the boys trying to hide their erections as they passed by her. As she was not 18 yet, Samantha could not have the final necessary surgery. But still, almost a year on hormones had left her last vestige of manliness small, shriveled, and lifeless; easily tucked in her bikini for a natural girl look. Life was good, and everything had turned out better than she could have ever hoped. But then again... Laying on her towel, Samantha was pleasantly taking in the sun when a gentleman came and sat on the sand beside her blocking the sun. She sat up with a start ready to give this guy a piece of her mind when she instantly recognized him. It was Gene. "Hey," she said. "Long time no see." "And a good day to you too. I see you are doing well." "Yes, things have turned out pretty okay. But, um... why are you here? I only had one wish, and the ring is gone." "Yes, this is true, but remember I told you about a glitch? Well a glitch happened." "Oh no," Sam responded. "Yes, unfortunate but true. My new master was a young woman who desired to be a young man, and she made a wish to that effect. But a glitch occurred which to cause a shadow-spell to be cast. My master got her wish, but a shadow-spell reflected back to my previous master - you." "Wait! You mean this girl wished to be a boy and this spell is coming for me?!?!? I like being a girl, I'm happy being a girl! I don't want to change back. Stop the spell dammit!" "Relax, all will be well in the end. If the spell were to turn her to a male it would not affect you. Biologically, you are still male, so it wouldn't affect you; it would be as if the spell was never cast." "If... I heard an if there somewhere." "As I said, if she had wished to be male. But that was not her wish. You see, a shadow-spell travels across time and space much like a tsunami forming in the ocean. It grows in intensity until it has affected all it was intended to. You are.." "Hey! Enough of the tsunami crap. What did she wish!?" "She was a very pretty girl you know. Her wish? Her wish was to be the opposite sex and be as attractive as the opposite sex as she is in her current sex." Samantha thought for a moment, then her eyes lit up. "You mean....?" "Yes, I am afraid so. In mere moments, the shadow-spell will have crossed time and space and reached it's destination and final target - you. At that time, Samuel James will cease to exist, and it will be as if Samantha James had been a complete and biological female her entire life. Nobody will ever know or realize that Samuel James existed." And without warning, it was as if the sun in the sky exploded, and everything was erased by a blinding white light. And then... just as quickly it was gone. People were walking up and down the beach as if nothing ever happened. Samantha looked over to where Gene was, but as expected, he was gone too. Not even marks in the sand where he was sitting. Samantha smiled at what she hoped had just happened. She reached down, as if to rub some more lotion on her legs, working her way to the top. Without attracting attention, she brushed her hands across her bikini bottoms. Where in a previous life, there should have been a small nub tucked neatly away, instead, she found a very feminine crevice. Samantha smiled. Life was better than good. It was perfect. *********** Brittnee Lynn 11/24/2020 ***********

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It seemed like months had passed by while I was looking for a roommate. Time and time again people would respond to my ad in the paper, call, come by, and leave me with the feeling of desperation.After 20 or so people came and went I got a call from a woman by then name of Felicia. She arrived and we clicked instantly. Her views and thoughts on being roommates were so similar to mine.She moved in a week later and we rearranged the furniture to accommodate some of her own. We then ordered in...

1 year ago
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A Tale To Tell Full Circle

"So let me get this straight." Jack said in disbelief as he sat with Jeremy at the Airport Marriott. "You were in Hawaii at the same time as Greg and his wife?" "Right." Jeremy quickly answered. "And not only did you see her topless at the beach, but you're telling me that she stripped off her bikini in front of you and a bar full of guys for a contest?" "Right!" Jeremy raised his open hand and Jack responded with a high five. "And she looks as good as advertised in that photo he...

3 years ago
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Lakeside Affair

I don’t remember a time when my thoughts didn’t include Randy. The affair started as a way for me to finally get my sexual needs met. At home I had many things others would love to have but I always felt there was something missing. I never knew what it was until I met Randy. Randy had a way to make me feel alive and gave me the attention that I was lacking at home. Over the past eight months I have shared many intimate details with him and was never ridiculed in what I had to say. Our meeting...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Standing Up to Life Book 2 Daring to Hope

Introduction: I would like to say thank you to all of the readers of my first book who posted so many positive comments about it. Your comments helped me continue with Tiffany's story; anytime I got down on it I simply had to look to your comments to get fuel to keep going. If you like this one please feel free to do the same and leave your comments - I appreciate every one of them! Next, I would like to thank Carla Ann for all of her help in editing this book. She has been an...

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The Gift Hitchhiker

Early in the spring of 1977, on a sunny Saturday afternoon, my young bride and I (Our first anniversary and her twenty-first birthday was still a few months away, in June. I had just recently turned thirty-three.) drove to Pomona for a portable TV that was on sale and then the plan was an early dinner prior to us going home to get ready for Game Night. By now the 'Game' was a regular weekend activity that we had successfully played at least a dozen times. She had taken the opportunity to...

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Obsession Lust and Perversion Chapter 191

They landed at a private airport located on Maui. Colin had arranged for a limo to take them to their residence for the week. When they got their luggage loaded, they departed. Jeff said bye and put his things in a car that Colin had arranged with the local Ford dealer. When he got to his hotel, much to his surprise, Colin had leased him penthouse suite. It was beautiful and luxurious. He knew he would have a wonderful week. Right now he wished that he had a wife to share this...

4 years ago
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The Mysteries of Avalon Pt 01

Chapter 1: Avalon There is a sacred mystical place, where only chosen people can go, hidden from the rest of the world, only a boat can take you there. Far back hidden from the christians, exists an island where you can find not only meadows, fruit trees, all types of herbs but also an ancient castle, a visions well, a circle of power, a ritual altar and more. Half kept secret, some knows it exists but if they try to go on their own, they will get lost and never finds their way but land on...

3 years ago
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Warehouse Meat

My nerves take over and I turn around as I hear the door lock. I’ve changed my mind I should go. The words never leave my lips because I suddenly feel his lips locking over mine. He does it so suddenly that I yell inside his mouth. My muffled cries go I acknowledged as his large body pushes up against mine leading me deeper into this dark place. I try to push him off, but I’ve been caught off guard and can’t help but let him lead me wherever he’s taking me. I keep thinking stop this, leave,...

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Screaming and creaming 1

My name's Jon - , and I figured my new neighbour from out of town needed to be welcomed into the neighbourhood by a friendly face, and offer my help if any was needed.I took a bottle of wine with me, and knocked on her door. It was answered quickly, I introduced myself - her name is Kay. I was invited in, and yes, she did need a hand with something but we would have to have a drink first. I opened the bottle, and we had a drink - well, we finished the bottle quickly, and Kay opened another,...

2 years ago
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His First Time

The First Night in Egypt: She landed in Cairo not knowing what to expect of this unusual country. She was here to meet a man that she had had long online crush on. She knew what he looked from photos, and he was a very handsome man. She was anxious; would he like her, would he like the way she looked, would it be the same as online, or would it be strained between them. She caught sight of him as he was waving to her. She walked over and they nervously shook hands. They had a about a two hour...

4 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 5 The Law

After Jenny cleaned up, they fixed dinner and chatted. Jenny knew that sex had been part of what they discussed, that she'd enjoyed the meal, but later she couldn't remember what they'd discussed or the food. All she remembered was the Kafkaesque moment of sitting on a towel, leaking from both holes, while dressed only in a flimsy nightgown, chatting with a woman whose bed she would share later. It was getting dark when they finished cleaning up after the meal and made their way back to...

4 years ago
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Holiday voyeur fun

A few years ago while on holiday in Cyprus I was checking out the holiday complex for voyeur opportunities one night. The complex had mainly single story accommodation and I saw a window with a chink of light coming from the not fully closed curtains. As I got closer I noticed a guy lurking nearby so kept back to see what he was up to. I don't think he saw me because a few minutes later he approached the window and started to peep. After a while I made my presence known to him. He was...

4 years ago
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Lund Lessons

The one-year contract position in Mumbai, India seemed like a very interesting assignment in addition to the money. I had a teenage son who hadn’t traveled outside the United States like I had so I took him along. We got a little apartment where I could walk to work and he would attend the American school. Since hired help is so cheap over there, I found a woman housekeeper who was middle-aged and a bit plump but had reasonable English. She had come with good references from another...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Christie Stevens The Anal Audit

Who would not love to fuck the IRS in the ass? Especially when the agent is knockout bombshell Christie Stevens! When Xander Corvus is audited by a sultry IRS agent, she has him by the balls to the tune of 40K. But when the sexy Tax Compliance Officer comes to Xander’s bar to do a workplace inspection, Xander turns the tables and knocks the nosey agent down a few pegs. Christie loves rough anal sex and bondage, and Xander dishes it out in spades for the blonde beauty. Christie’s...

4 years ago
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The Pump part 2

Knock! Knock! Knock! I stood on the doorstep of Kelly’s house again with another bag full of baby accessories that my wife wanted me to drop off to her friend. Images raced through my mind of our last encounter and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest as I stood there trying to look as calm as possible. The fact that she called my wife and asked if I could drop off a few more things on my lunch break hinted to me that she wanted to play again. But I did my best not to get too...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 60 The Honeymoon Vacation Part 3

FUBAR’D? (Fully United by Always Repairing Disasters?) July, 1985 [“Oh my God, I think we’ve run aground!” Melody exclaimed.] Bob, Greg and I were looking at each other wondering what we could do. I heard the hydraulics of the boat launch being lowered and the three of us rushed down to talk to Captain Morgan. The deck was lowered but was at a weird angle because part of it was caught on the sandbar. Brian and his son were running around grabbing scuba gear, while Captain Morgan and Mike...

4 years ago
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A Southern WarmingChapter 18

I studied her profile with a feeling of such deep love, that I wondered how I was able to restrain myself. My eye followed the contours of her face, which was highlighted against an intense blue sky. An occasional large wave would shoot up some spray, filling the background with tiny droplets of water. How could anyone be so beautiful? How could my heart soar within me to such highs of emotion? I went back to the top of her forehead and followed the line, once more, down to her chin. I broke...

2 years ago
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A Strangers Present

Lou arrived at the hotel with a mixture of nervous apprehension and excitement bubbling away in the pit of her stomach. She'd known James for quite some time now, and together they had shared stories of their real lives, and also uncovered each other's similarities in terms of their inner-most fantasies. Both were married professionals. Good 'up-standing' citizens, family people and on the face of it, very 'normal,' but both had a dark side simmering just under the surface. A need for a...

4 years ago
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Jeff tippe zweimal kurz auf die Hupe, nachdem er neben dem Mehrfamilienhaus geparkt hatte. Er war an diesem Montagmorgen pünktlich auf die Minute bei seiner Arbeitskollegin vorgefahren, um sie mit zur Arbeit zu nehmen, da ihr Wagen kaputt war. Er wartete mit laufendem Motor auf die hübsche Blondine, die seit einigen Monaten auf der gleichen Büroetage arbeitete wie er. Verlegen wischte er noch mal über die Sitzfläche des Beifahrersitzes. Sein Auto war nicht ungepflegt, aber er wollte nicht...

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A shower surprise

as I've explained previously I am a gas engineer by trade specialising in commercial work but occasionally I do the odd domestic job as a favour, today was one of those days. Mark was a builder who I had done a bit of work for in the past, he as having sone trouble with a shower he had installed and wanted me to take a look I didn't know Mark well but knew he had a nice house and a hot wife so I agreed a time and called to take a look. Mark answered the door in his dressing gown, "take it your...

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Theres a prison on the moon

I woke up this morning.... again..... In the line of work I’m in the only thing worse then going to sleep and never waking up is going to sleep and just finding myself still here. See there’s a prison on the moon, a place so damp and dark it’s more detrimental to the staff then the prisoners. Only the worst of the worst find themselves here, a wide assortment of lab experiments gone wrong to visitors from other worlds to actual literal demons. In all there must be around 1000 prisoners at any...

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Always Faithful Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve - Dan Fights Back Greg was comfortable at home, and Laura was in the bedroom with him. What they were doing could be called funny business. Laura was exploring methods, ways, and positions to make her bells ring for her lover. Greg sat on their bed watching as she undressed and moved her hips in a circling, bumping motion. As the bells tinkled Laura told about the young lawyer’s reaction to seeing them, and the question her date asked dancing. “That’s really funny. I’ll bet he...

2 years ago
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The Unfortunate Life of Carla

The Unfortunate Life of Carla (part 2) (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me.) Carla Enters (Carla with a feminine sway walks out of her room. Her dress flows...

3 years ago
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Surprise 0

The first thing Jasmine sees as she entered through my suite door was me, sitting at a desk, some papers and folders spread out in front of me and the glow from my computer screen reflecting off my shirt. My smile was all she needed to see to know that I didn't mind her dropping in on me unexpectedly. As she approached me, I turned my chair to get up, she leans over to kiss me before I could get to my feet, pushing me back down. Her kiss was a little harder and a little more urgent than a "...

1 year ago
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Visiting a cousin in Florida

Let me give you a little information about myself. My name is Jennifer and I am a 17 year old . I was born and raised in Hong Kong. I am somewhat "different" from the girls in my age at school in that I was more mature physically. I had started puberty when I was 13 and by the time I turned 15 I had already had the physique to be a model. The last time I measured myself I was 5'9, 120 pounds, and my bra size is 34C. For a chinese girl, it is rare to have breasts larger than a C cup and even...

First Time
4 years ago
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ThirtyOne Days A Bitch Chapter 2 The Masturbator

Introduction: Daisy Bitch is both a good and disciplined wife and a shameless bitch and slut on the opposite hand. Daisy feels estranged and companionless, kind of. Preston has fared off to work, and she is all friendless and forsaken in this giant and massive house of theirs, wandering this way and that other, checking how the pack of women and men that she has bade and summoned here are pulling off their business and affairs of gracing and beautifying everything up. Yes. They are honestly...

4 years ago
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Altered Fates New Career Track

A New Career Track By Ran Dandel ©Ran Dandel, 1998 The early Spring sun rose over a grassy paddock, sparkling with a coat of morning dew. Scattered throughout the paddock were large oak and maple trees, remnants of the original hardwood forest of a hundred years ago. Patches of purple and white clover blossoms added color to the paddock's green expanse. In the barns, Ollie Tremayne was starting his daily routine. With a wheelbarrow full of a special feed mixture, he...

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A Letter to my Rapists on 395

I’m writing this down now while in the backseat of my car, right after you had left me bleeding against my tire. I want this event recorded from start to finish, while your fluids leak onto my leather seats and my hands can barely hold my phone as I’m shaking so badly. You may think I’m writing this down to send to the police, but I’m writing it for me, because you didn’t simply violate an unlucky woman today. Oh no, you raped, beat and spit on someone who lives for that kind of abuse. And I...

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My Black Master gives me as a gift

Jerome called me again that Friday night. I was home alone because my loving hubby had flown out of town and he would come back to me in just three days, after his boring conference.I was starting to get aroused; so, when my Black Master called me, I was ready to go to his place in less than two minutes.My Black Master Jerome opened the door and I saw inside the living room there was another huge black guy sitting there.Jerome introduced him as Jake, telling him I was his personal bitch...

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Why I am the Way I Am

As I get on in years I am trying to figure out why I am the way I am. I mean I don't seem that unusual on the outside but on the inside I know I am wired very differently than most males, a fact the I am beginning to enjoy even more. I have been a closeted cross dresser for as long as I can remember and I have not given that much thought until recently. I must have had some suppressed memories that are beginning to unfold which indicates there is a reason why I am the way I am. I came from a...

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Bhavna 8211 My Sex Goddess 8211 Part III

Hi friends, I hope you all have liked my 1st experience “Sex with Bhargavi”…This is the 2nd incident happened with Bhavna, hope you read and also send me your comments /views on this at I knew Bhavna from class 10th itself , I was doing my 1st Year Engineering..She was very fair slim & petite girl. She looked very simple and sweet girl she was our neighbor. I was in the good books of her parents as I was doing the so called Engineering in a well off college in Bangalore. This happened in year...

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Young Girl Loses Virginity To Married Bengali Neighbour

Hi, I am Sumaiyya. Yes, this is my original name but then, I don’t care since there are thousands of Sumaiyya all across India. Please don’t try to hit me on Instagram since social media is not my cup of tea. Since this is my first installment of the story, the introduction might take a bit of time but I request you to bear with me. I am pretty sure you will love it. I remember I was in my teens when I came to Calcutta with my parents. I looked a bit like Hina Khan, but was not so fair in...

3 years ago
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What a Relief

They say that roughly fifty-percent of all marriages fail. Well, I've only been married once but my percentage is a hundred. Hardly anything not heard a million times before, she had an affair with her boss and he was leaving his wife and she was going with him. You've heard it before, I'm sure. Well, I suppose there are some good sides to what happened, first, we didn't have children. We'd talked about it, now married about five years, I was thirty, she was twenty-eight, we thought it was...

Love Stories
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13 January 2007Chapter 2

Wendy’s arms caressed Aaron’s naked body as he lowered her onto the bed. Her legs held him in place as she accepted his tongue in her mouth, then it began to explore her body. Her chest was heaving from excited breathing as she felt his full lips kiss her neck, to her shoulders, then down her chest to her erect nipples. She instinctively cupped his head to her breast as if feeding him her mother’s milk. Aaron continued exploring her body, discovering her reactions to his touch. Her stomach...

3 years ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 35

Lucille and I walked into the house together. No one was anywhere to be seen in the living or Kitchen area. It was like they had dumped their stuff on the kitchen bar, and disappeared. I walked down the hallway, and sure enough, all three of them were in my room on their knees. They all were nude with their heads bowed. I sat on the bed in front of them, Lucille stood at the doorway, arms folded. She was a bit pissed off herself. Adrian immediately reached for my zipper, and I slapped her...

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Jessica the Cum Slut

The following story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.My name is Jessica, but my Master affectionately calls me "Cum Slut". I am 24 years old, and Master is training me to be a cum slut. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes. My tits are a perky 36C cup (natural), a thin 23" waist, very curvy 34" hips, and a firm...

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Kicking The Blues

As soon as he met Amanda, Brett knew that he had found the girl of his dreams. She was beautiful, sexy and clever. She could cook in seven languages, had a happy nature and was the most fun to be with, either in or out of bed. There was never any doubt in his mind, right from the outset, that this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Then she dumped him. The only explanation she offered him was that he was boring, that he didn’t do anything but play golf. That was a tough...

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Tariqs New Life

My New LifeI have been talking with my future Mistress online for a year now, and finally I come to America to be with her.  I meet her at the airport with only the two suitcases she has allowed me to bring with me.  I took care of all my affairs in Egypt over the last year, so that I could continue my life here with her and she has agreed to let me still run my business from her new home as long as it does not take up too much of my daily time.  However, I am pretty much on vacation for the...

4 years ago
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AddictedChapter 22 Trouble in Paradise

Hannah was not as comfortable at the Commune as I had hoped she would be, mainly because of the nine o'clock watershed I had implemented a few months after we moved into the Commune. The kids until they turned eighteen had to be upstairs and in bed by nine pm. After nine pm the adults could do whatever they wanted. Yes, we had a few orgies in the game room but more often than not, it meant the downstairs was clothing optional. I don't know where or why, but as the years passed I became a...

3 years ago
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Coward Little Housewife 8211 Part 4 Gangbanged

This is a fiction story, so enjoy it. Let me introduce myself. I’m Geeta Singh Anant, age 21, fit body, slender legs, especially curved thighs especially thicker than normal. Firm and straight boobs as especially noticed by everyone, fair skin, height 5 feet 5 inch. About a month later, after me getting fucked by Puru, it was Komal’s school’s annual. So the school was celebrating it with pride and a cultural function had been organized. The days were after winter, the climate was not very hot...

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