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The bedroom is all set up: candles lit, house deserted, cat on her nightly tour.

Looking forward to the great midnightly spectacle, I check the pendulum clock on the wall: Friday, 11.58 pm—the perfect time. All is set up as instructed.

I'm sitting on the bed, cross-legged, holding the mysterious, beautifully crafted cube in my hand. My index traces the ornaments on it, the intricate designs, the seemingly erratic patterns that lose themselves in the most filigree fractals—a masterpiece of handicraft.

“Twenty-four hours to fulfill dreams beyond your wildest imaginations—fantasies you never knew you had, the wishes of your deepest subconscious…” I recall the senile hag in the souvenir shop that reminded me more of a seedy voodoo-fortune-teller booth at an abandoned amusement park, “…once you've solved the puzzle.” I can still hear her witchy, chill-inducing B-movie requisite snicker.

Puzzle? I can't find no damn puzzle on that thing! “It's just a decorative cube,” I repeat my mantra, doing a poor job at convincing myself it is just a cheap pseudo-tribal mumbo-jumbo replica. Yet, every time I re-iterate the simple phrase, my heart heightens its unfamiliar fluttering.


“Click?” I surprisedly echo, suddenly feeling a thin slab move under my thumb.

My eyes try to follow the kaleidoscopic fragments changing along with the disc’s movement. From this moment on, the cube seems to develop a life of its own: as if guided by an unseen force, a series of rearrangements take place, morphing it into otherworldly shapes the human eye fails to project properly onto the retina, slowly transitioning into a resting position that looks like an incomplete transformation.

I watch the whole process with the fascination of a deer in headlights. Once it has stopped moving, I look at it from all sides, turn it in my hand, intrigued by this sortilege.

Amusedly throwing it up and catching it with the same hand over and over, I laugh. “Fulfill dreams beyond my wildest imaginations, huh?” I mock the demented beldam, whispering, shaking my head, chuckling.

It's only then I realize the looming shadows cast by the candles are creeping up to me, reaching out, seeking to devour my soul in their darkness. A funny trick of my mind that plays along far more eagerly than intended, I muse, a crooked smile over my lips.

I hear the wind rising outside, gently rattling the shutters against the wall. Perfect timing. My titter is getting more nervous; the bead of sweat crawling down my neck is itching. I scratch it off only to find another noise only adding to the overall eerie feeling unsettling my belly: the crescendo of the swing of the pendulum that I had incorporated into my ear's white noise years ago.

Swing, clank, swing, clank, swing, clank…

“Damn, this occult gypsy magic is really doing a number on my mind… mind… mind… mind…” I hear my voice bouncing off the walls although I never spoke the words.

Open-mouthed, I look at the box only to realize the glow emanating from the grooves of its mosaic topology is the only light source left although the candles are still burning. Yet, their flicker seems filtered by a thick viscous curtain of pure blackness, slowing the course of light to a creep.

Swing, clank, swing, clank, swing, clank…

I hear the pendulum hammering against my eardrum in unison with my heart—even with the erratic skipped beats as well as the tachycardic ones resulting from the general unsettledness that by now dominates my intestines.

Eyes transfixed to the beacon in my hand, I don't pay attention to my peripheral vision whose warnings go unseen as the cold near-aquamarine light is fighting its way through the frame of my locked bedroom door. Hypnotized, I allow my thumb to brush over the centerpiece of the puzzle's surface.

Swing, clank, swing, clank, SWING, CLANK… goes the pendulum, its sound now hurting in my auditory canal.

With a deafening creaking, the formerly immovable parts grind against each other, millimetering their way past each other, interlocking each other.


My eyes foreseeing the final shape of the… object. I'm gripping it with my white-knuckled hands, try to pull it apart, prevent it from reaching its threatening final form.


As the pendulum slows, the puzzle grinding to its end state, my mind fills with dreadful horror of what might await me once the transformation is complete.


As the door flings open with a wind that blows out the candles, the glaring blue light floods my bedroom, like a flash, before a darkness ensues—a darkness that swallows even the course of time and lets the last 'K' of the pendulum's turning point reverberate perpetually.

Colors flash before my eyes—colors far off the visible spectrum. Shapes twisting and bending into dimensions far exceeding the limits of our restricted perception are painted against my… I realize it's not the orbs sitting in my face that see anymore but rather images projected directly into my brain. In fact, my eyes feel rather… detached from my skull, floating, peering in all directions at once, not able to focus on anything, yet desperate for information about what is happening to me.

Suddenly, through the thick mist of panic, horror, anguish, I perceive a deep, oily voice that pierces my mind.

“You summoned us, human,” it announces in ancient tongue I haven’t heard before.

“Who is this?” my sealed lips try, panicking at the realization I am not only unable to move them but they seem to have vanished completely.

At that moment, with unfathomable terror, I realize that my whole body is decomposing into bits one piece at a time, something tugging at my flesh, yet not hurting me. The distress I feel is rather caused by the dissociative feeling, by the mental image of being slowly torn to shreds than by physical pain.

“Worry not, for we can read your mind, young seeker of pleasure,” a thick syrupy female voice, yet almost equally deep as its male counterpart rings in my… head? The decaying feeling through what is left of my body makes it impossible to locate which organ registers the sounds struggling through the thick veil of fear for my life that threatens to empty my bowels in the most unflattering manner despite that I'm certain they're not a part of me anymore.

The dissonance of both voices speaking each in their own incomprehensible Babel dialect screeches through my thoughts. “We of the realm of pure lust have found ways to make you feel ultimate pleasure through immeasurable torture and you, in your clueless quest for nothing but selfish bliss have chosen to submit yourself to us.”

“Many have vainly ended in madness in our quest,” states the male voice dryly, “for the human flesh is fragile and the mind weak.” I can hear how the pale, thick lips belonging to this bizarre voice exaggerate each word.

Boiling honey drips over my brain as the female voice chimes in. “Only if you prove strength of mind will you not perish in the eternal joy of agony and be swallowed by the torment we will bring upon your mortal soul.”

My whole consciousness is tense with dread near rupture. My naked soul exposed to my tormentors, fear, horror, terror dominate my emotions.

The voices join in one creepily seductive chant. “Fear not for your body, young one. We will not harm you, only plant a seed in your mind that suggests harm is done to you, for it is solely your mind that interests us, not the ephemeral shell that holds it captive. Far greater torturous pleasure can be instilled in the mind than your body would ever allow you to feel.”

Only a short break is given to me to let a faint feeling of hope sprout, clinging to those words, before being nipped—no, crushed—in the bud when the voices resume, “But if your will is weak, your body will perish and you will spend eternity in this plane of existence, experiencing endless suffering forevermore, never really dying but wishing you would.”

While the little rationality I desperately try to hold on to urges me to scream my protest and my panic needs me to squirm free of… whatever is holding me captive: a nonexistent confinement deeply seated in my subconscious? My body parts seem to flash in and out of existence, fallen apart, yet still attached to my brain as if held together by a bundle of stringy nerves letting each dissected bit dance and rearrange in new strange ways. The knowledge that all of this is just mind-trickery comes with the recognition that there is no escape from this realm of torment.

I try to run but it is only the legs that succeed while the conscience remains immovable.

“All you feel is real,” the female voice reminds me. “Your brain feels it happen but your earthen vessel will not take damage.”

“We seek not to destroy your body,” agrees the male voice. “Only your soul.”

Through the mist of confused emotions pierces a spark, clenching its grip around my mind—a thrill-seeking lust, eager to experience the perverse pleasure of getting tortured beyond the boundaries of sanity. I feel the parts of my mouth salivating and my eyes roll despite their detachment from their sockets. My tongue protrudes through what I still believe to be my lips to show my tormentors what their promises are doing to me.

Their reaction comes with a whistle that resembles the swing of my clock, yet instead of the click at the pendulum’s turning point comes a thwack accompanied by searing pain from the skin of where I suspect once was my butt. My flesh, too, is protesting from the spikes that demand to rip open its thin protective layer.

The jolt of pain slowly lurks up my spinal cord and yet it arrives with a sudden sharp cut right through my consciousness. Although still unresponsive to my will, my mouth emanates a cry, not of pain but of need, need for more: more anguish, higher intensity.

The next thwack comes with the spikes grazing over my skin, seemingly tearing it open, burning it, yet mending it again, leaving it unscathed for the next hit, the nerve endings fully receptive to the next blow. The burning of my skin rupturing only to heal again over and over intensifies with each repetition. My cries turn into moans, yearning for more, for my body to fire the scorching signals into my brain, holding the promise of reaching states of bliss never experienced.

I am given a short moment to catch my breath before I feel a faint, yet strange feeling running over my back as if a sharp, hard object was cleanly separating the cells of my flesh, exposing them to the air. Warm liquid seeps out of a pore, itching, hurting, burning. The insecurity over what is being done to me heightens the feeling of lust as does the sharp sting from the salt that enters the bared tissue and is sealed within it the instant it heals. Adrenaline floods my body as the beads of sweat—or blood, wax, oil?—slowly descend my back, torrid, yet freezing.

I hardly recognize the voice that echoes in the void as my own.

Overwhelmed by the sensations, I feel how my brain releases endorphins in desperation to attenuate the pain, yet only causing an opiate-like high, clouding my mind in a haze of craving for more pain, more endorphins.

They come with the tight constriction around my neck, making me fight for breath although I cannot remember breathing since transcending to this realm. My eyes, although floating erratically, threaten to pop out of my skull and start filling with tears as my stertorous breath gargles through the tight grip around my throat.

The ice-cold, red-hot needles piercing into my flesh trigger renewed waves of stinging pain, and with them, floods of serotonin are being released into my nervous system, further fueling the towering flames of excitement while my skin blisters under the caustic feeling of millions of ants feasting on my body.

My mouth fills space with abulic sounds, relishing in the mixture of hormones and chemicals my brain is simmering in. Slave to the sheer intensity of the constant changes of sensations, I have lost all notion of time, space and existence.

Fingers—tentacles, tendrils?—invade my mouth, my nose, my ears my… anus, splitting my body apart. They wind around my arms and legs, sturdy as roots, and, although bereft of a physical body, tear me apart. They keep probing me, poking the deepest parts of me, fill me deliciously, keep stimulating nerve endings where I never knew I had them.

The tender loving caresses deep within me provide warmth and yet I feel how their pointy teeth at first just kiss my tissue, then scrape it open and finally sink into it, deepening their penetration, draining me of my very life essence, pleasing the very core of my being.

I can hardly let out more than a gurgle through the deluge of dopamine raining into the unrecognizable soup of debauchery that once was my mind.

Deep in my belly, a scorching feeling burns my entrails while my skin gets showered with ice water. Out of my control, my disembodied limbs twist, turn, toss, try to shake the confusing emotions as everything fails to give clear sensations anymore.

Aching screams alternate with mad laughter as electric shocks are being administered to my nipples as well as the most sensitive spot between my legs—all these parts of my body erect, begging for more and stronger jolts, discarnate extremities jerking with each renewed assault, trembling with pure pleasure.

My conscience unable to make out between reality, illusion and hallucination, I feel my body slowly melting and surrendering to the complete bliss brought to me. Through the continuous torture, minutes turn to days, hours to years as the images I see despite closing my eyes are getting more vivid and lively by every passing second. I keep tightroping at the very edge of consciousness, never actually losing it as all that emanates from my throat is thick foam and a low, continuous, deep, bubbling growl.

Suddenly and without a warning, I feel a release from all the agony. I feel the torture near an end, the pain subsiding although I don’t know if it is yet another trick. The sudden freedom releases an orgasm from unprecedented depths I have yet never felt. Seemingly for minutes, my whole reassembled body keeps shivering, convulsing, my sex spraying the result of my climax uncontrollably into this void of non-space.

Gasping for air, my voice gauges the spectrum from the sub- to the supersonic as my possessed mind lets free the transmitters that relieve the tension built up through the torment.

Not moving anymore from being lost in the mist clouding my mind and the sheer exhaustion, I brace myself to surrender to the eternal torture that awaits me, thanking the generous spirits for granting me this delectable pleasure. I drift away, mind dulled and numbed by the afterglow of my unprecedented climax, happily looking forward to an eternity spent in perpetual agony as a deeper state of bliss washes over me and I feel myself levitating in this limbo.

Before passing out, I think I hear the voices mutter that the twenty-four hours have passed.

Swing, clank, swing, clank, swing, clank…

I open my eyes, mind tired near-effeteness as if waking up from a psilocybinous dream.

Swing, clank, swing, clank, swing, clank…

I’m lying in a pool of fresh, warm wetness, body in a weirdly contorted position far from comfortable. The distinct amine-like, ichthyic smell of my own sexual secretions fills my nostrils—the first sensory organ I notice to be back in its original place.

Swing, clank, swing, clank, swing, clank…

I look around me, realizing where I am and, checking part by part, that my body is in one piece, unscathed. Relief, yet disappointment over the realization none of it was real fills that fist-sized muscle I feel pounding against my ribcage again—from the inside, fortunately.

Swing, clank, swing, clank, swing, clank…

The candles are burnt down, the house still deserted, save for the kitten who is sitting in front of me, mouse in her mouth, waiting to offer me her tribute as a token of her submission.

Swing, clank, swing, clank, swing, clank…

I take a closer look at the pendulum clock. Saturday, 11.58 pm.

Swing, clank, swing, clank, swing, clank…

I swallow emptily. A crooked smile flashes over my lips. Still holding it in my hand, I look at the cube that’s found its way into its original form, its embellishments now bereft of their once vibrant glow.

“So this wasn't just a dream?” I chuckle. “Awesome!”

Swing, clank, swing, clank, swing, clank…



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Sallys Garden

I’d just got my driving license and I was allowed to borrow my parents car on condition I did the errands like drop my kid brother off to play with his friends and all that crap that my parents had had to do before I passed the test. I didn’t really mind. Anything to get to drive. That very first week my brother had to be dropped off and collected at his friend Darren’s house. Darren lived in the next borough and it was quite a complicated drive if you wanted to avoid the M25 ring road. It...

2 years ago
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Sacred GardenChapter 3

BE PREPARED - Boy Scouts of America A sharp pain in Brenda's shoulder blade awoke her from the daydreams and memories. She had been propped against the tree for nearly forty minutes and the small charley horse that Brenda experienced was a signal that a stretch was needed. This would be as good a time as ever to hit the trail in was her thought. Arising, she turned to face the nut tree. Brenda braced into it with her hands together and overlapping while she kept her feet a comfortable...

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Motherrsquos Ectasy

am Raj, male 28 Mumbai. This happened when I was just 16 yrs old. Mom got married at age of 19. I use to look at my Mom as she is really beautiful even at 36 and she has marvelous structure. She uses to call me to scrub her back while bathing. I always do it willingly and happily as it allow me to have the glimpse of her beautiful back and her butts even though sex was never in my mind at this age.I have quite fair complexion but she was extremely fair and her skin has milky shiny. Let me tell...

3 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 2

I woke up the next morning, thankful not to have been plagued by another dream like the one I had had the night before. The idea of reliving Brant’s memories through my dreams was troublesome and left a bad taste in my mouth. While it could answer questions I had, I had felt tainted right down to my soul after that first dream. Though when I recalled it, there was one aspect missing - me. The memory was not one that resulted in his death, and I wondered if it could have been from before I had...

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Penneys Panties Hose

Penneys&Panties&Pantyhose After weeks of getting special email offers in my spam folder from the J.C.Penney website, I finally decided to take advantage of the $25 new customer offer they sent me. I spent the whole afternoon picking things out from the website and hoping none of my selections were out of stock. It had been over 2 weeks since I placed my secret online order and today I got confirmation that my order was ready to be picked up at the Penney's store at the...

2 years ago
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Reluctant HeroChapter 7

In Nazi Hands Janine said "I am sorry Tony we want you to come with us. We need to check your story. You will please get dressed and come with us immediately." As she spoke she put her pistol back in her raincoat pocket, but he was sure that she would use it if she had to. She stood back while Tony quickly dressed. Their was a rustle of bedclothes and Fraulein Helga rose up on her elbows. "Where are you going Herr Nash, then she became aware of the two masked figures standing by the...

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House of Domination

House of Domination (May be continued in the future)The house was fairly rundown but a mansion still the same.  Donna had paid a lot of money just to come here and wasn?t about to turn back now.  This was a dream she had fantasized about for yours.  Total submission she craved was finally about to be given.  She got out the door of the car that had picked her up at the airport and grabbing her one bag and purse started walking towards the door. Donna had read about the place on the internet...

2 years ago
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A birthday blow job for daddy

I gave up on birthday parties after my thirtieth, but my wife Joan and my daughter Karen insisted on celebrating my thirty-eighth with cake and ice cream. I blew out the candles with one long puff and then Joan carved out three wedges. After we finished off our sugary treat, my pretty wife wished me a happy birthday and handed me a gift-wrapped package. She had thoughtfully bought me a best-selling book that I had been planning to read. “I’ll give you my present later, Dad,” Karen said. When...

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MY DATE P 1720

My Date - Part 17 Jane meets my ParentsI got engaged to Jane on Christmas Day. I have met her parents and her sister, but Jane has never met my parents. They live in another city, and I decided to fly Jane and myself down to see them. That way they would have a chance to talk with Jane and to get to know her before the wedding. Jane is such a wonderful woman, and we both agree on many of the same things. I am really looking forward to be married to Jane.The flight went well, my parents...

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King Arthur in the Adventures of Cameltoe Part 1

Chapter1 Arthur’s Story Guinevere, my love, my soul mate... My absolute pain in the arse. They say behind every great man there is an even greater woman... Yup, whoever said that was obviously in his wife’s bad book. I mean, I’m never out of Guinevere’s bad book. She may as well be writing a fucking novel. It must have a contents page that reads like a parts manual for one of those fancy new trebuchets. You would think being King would mean that I had the power to do what you want, when I...

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Bec3 It Aint Over Til Its OverChapter 7 Early Friday Afternoon

I sat neck deep in water with my knees hard up against my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs. The water boiled and frothed and surged against my skin. If I’d been more relaxed it would have been relaxing. Instead, I was all tense and the constant movement of the water was annoying. I was tense because I was nervous – and embarrassed – and angry. I was embarrassed because I was naked and there were four other people in the tub with me – who were also naked. Maybe I should say nekkid. I...

4 years ago
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Armand and Ashley Part 2

Ashley looked at Armand unable to say anything. ‘I’m sorry,” she whispered. Armand got off the couch and got dressed. “I think I should go home,” she said as she did the same. “I shouldn’t have said anything,” he mumbled. Just as Ashley was walking to the door, there was a roar of thunder. Armand looked over at her and thought about her driving home in the storm. ‘Ash, you should stay until the storm’s passed.” “It’s okay, I’m just going home.” She put her glasses on as she reached for the...

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The Westmorland Project

He stood there quietly, leaning against the wall, nursing a single malt scotch and observing the people attending this party. As he sipped his host’s superb whisky he spotted that same host making his way through the crowd of people in his direction. Not only was the man a wonderful host, Josh was also a great friend. “What are you doing over here by yourself?” Josh asked. “I don’t invite you to my parties to play pocket-pool. I invite you so that you can entertain some of my guest with your...

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From a Brave to a Squaw

It was the disease the white man brought to us. It wiped out almost our entire tribe. There were only thirteen of us left. The worse part was it wiped out all the women and children. We were a tribe consisting of twelve braves and one witch doctor. Our tribe was only a generation away from being extinct. The winter was almost over and spring was upon us. It was the time we would usually form a big hunting party and have a feast that night. But as I crawled out of my tipi I noticed no one was...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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SexAndSubmission London River Anal Graduate

Grad School gets very interesting for student Seth Gamble when the Dean’s Wife, London River gets involved. London is a stunner, Blonde Bombshell, huge tits, long legs, dressed in a tight pink number with black high heels. The Dean’s wife is lounging by the pool when Seth arrives and convinces him to study her body for extra credit. Mrs River thought she was signing up for a quick pussy eating but opens the door for Seth’s dominance. Tied up in tight restrictive rope bondage...

2 years ago
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My Fantasy

Emily wakes up and is startled by her surroundings. Looking around, she can’t determine where she’s at and the dull throbbing in her head makes it even more difficult. Sitting up slowly, she rubs her head, knowing that she probably shouldn’t have drank quite so much the previous night. Trembling in fear of the unknown, she slides out of the bed. Walking around the room, she goes up to the door and finds it locked. She gasps in surprise and starts pounding on the door. ‘Someone out there?!...

3 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 49

Tullius leaped to his feet, slamming his hand to the table. “I’ve heard enough. You’re not the Empress just because you say so.” I remained calm, although I knew there would be bloodshed here tonight at some point. “General, please be seated. You and Legate Rikke were invited here at my directions. You are a military officer, not a politician. There are a few facts you are missing. Do not make a tactical move that will be a strategic blunder.” He snorted. “How dare you tell me what to...

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Surprising my wife and daughter3

On my plate that evening, when I came in from the grill with the chicken, was a little blue pill.  Heather just smiled at me and said, “Consider it an appetizer for us all!”  I was not certain where it came from since I did not have a prescription, but after the afternoon, I was glad to have some assistance for what I anticipated. I went to the bath to wash up and rinse off some of the smoke real quickly and met Alex as she was just stepping out of the shower.  Prior to that afternoon I would...

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Return To Service

Return To Service It felt just the same, yet ultimately different being in that cock-house again after almost a year. I burned with the excitement of what I had possibly missed, and felt eager for a return to service when I’d see something unfamiliar and wanting to look my way. Not a minute after the thought subsided that very thing to happened, and let me tell you, the man had me ready with just a look into his brown-as-my-own eyes. I smiled as he stood there and looked long at me. Almost as...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 23

I didn’t know that a vampire could faint. You learn something new every day. Lydia was laughing a bit. “ Remember Delphine? Seems like every time you get with an older woman, they have this reaction to you.” “Technically I’m probably older than Delphine, but not really, so I suppose you’re right. Here, hold your dagger tip out, so I can prick a fingertip.” She did, and I let a drop of blood well up. I held my finger under Serana’s nose. That worked like I hoped. “Oh, my. Sorry about that. I...

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Innocent Bestie Seduced And Fucked In A Threesome

Hi horny people, this is your Nani back with an awesome threesome to make you cum hard. I am writing this story after a long gap, hope it makes your dicks hard and pussies wet. This story is based on how I made my bestie horny in the classroom which was caught by my best friend and then shared her with him. Before getting into the story, let me introduce my best friend and the sexy heroine. His name is Santhosh with whom I share almost everything. We haven’t been into sex together before and...

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My Instagram Girlfriend pt 01

My girlfriend, Danielle, is 24. She's 5'7, and her body's shape makes her stand out in a crowd like an exotic hooker. I'm just being honest when I say that. You normally expect taller girls to have smaller assets - but Danielle is unlike most normal girls.Her tits aren't enormous, but they are quite large, and they sit high on her frame. They are so perfect that they almost look fake. She is purebred Swedish, so her features are sharp, and frankly, a little cold and uninviting. She's addicted...

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Seeing It Spurt

A lot of people write the story about the first time they had sex or the first threesome they ever had; you know, things like that. Well, this is about a first, too, but it was the first time I watched the semen shoot out of a boy's dick. Well, maybe not a life-changing event, but, for me, close to it at age sixteen. It all started when I was over at a friend's house. Taylor was about six months older than me so while we were in the same grade she turned sixteen well before I did. She also was...

1 year ago
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Space DerelictsChapter 4

Susan said, "I am interested in your surplus males, but why are you willing to dispose of three potential breeders?" "Oh, that's easy. We only keep six breeders around at any one time, and these are just more than we can use." "Well, your highness, Sappho, may I see these three males? They may be of use to us." I could tell from the look in Susan's eye that she was going to take the children just to keep Sappho from killing them, but she wanted to make her action look good to the...

2 years ago
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Gigolo Service

Hello dosto aap sabhi ko mera namaskar. Mera naam rohit he or me surat ka rahanewala hu.Me ek gigolo hu. Me ek achhi family se hu. Meri height 5.6 hai. Or body achhi hai. Achha to ab me story pe aata hu… Baat un dino ki he jab me 23 saal ka tha abhi meri age 26 hai. Me surat ki ek coll. Me padhta tha to waha meri mulakat ek friend se hui jiska naam aniket tha.. Hamari dosti achhi ban gai. Ek din usne muje kaha ki kya tuje sex karna pasand he girls..Aunty..Bhabhi k sath to maine kaha ha kyu...

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Arabian Night

There are some friendships that go on for years and go nowhere beyond the point of "Best friends". That's how I thought my friendship with Joey was going. Joey and I met in the fourth grade, we were always best friends, we crazy experiences. We entered high school and tried in every way to end up in the same classes. We both desired careers in the Medical Department, so we ended up in the same classes a lot and it was great. We grew up together and adapted to each other's personalities. Joey...

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Immer wenn deine Frau heimkommt

Deine Ehefrau kommt zurück von ihrer Verabredung. Du schiebst ihr Höschen beiseite und blickst erstaunt auf all die Wichse, die Jochen in sie geschossen hat. Als du herabschaust auf die süße Möse deiner Ehefrau und Jochens Samen herauslaufen siehst, erinnert sie dich daran, dass es deine Idee war und dass sie ihren Teil erfüllt hat. Nun ist es an dir. "Nun gut mein Schatz, es ist soweit. Hinab mit dir und leck mich sauber wie versprochen.“ Und als du anfängst zu lecken lässt sie dich wissen,...

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The shame of being caught

I have dressed as a girl since I was young boy, I have early memories of my mother having caught me dressed taking me to see a c***d psychologist, I distinctly remember him telling me mother I would grow out of it! Well I never did. However I did have a normal up bringing, got married and carried on dressing throughout my life with increasing secrecy. After a successful career in IT, I was in it at the right time I retired early. Our c***dren have grown up and left home and with my wife and I...

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BusherChapter 22 Dave

I was absolutely certain I had done the right thing. Our enormous future dependence on Emmy still bothered me, but the "pre-nup" helped. It helped a lot. Perhaps Emmy was merely indulging me. Perhaps she thought that nobody would ever actually enforce the agreement -- that my ever-growing debt to her would never be repaid. After all, unless she sued for performance, nobody would or could ever force me to make good on this running tab, this long-term debt. But I felt the obligation, and...

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