Travelling On free porn video

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Chapter 1

I'm pretty satisfied with my life and how I live. 35 years old, divorced, comfortably off and with no real responsibilities or worries and a job that I enjoy and get a sense of accomplishment from. Some years ago I went into partnership with a couple of friends and we operated a small but highly technical 'Machine Tools and Precise Fittings' workshop employing a small but highly qualified staff who are paid them well and rewarded for extra productivity and loyalty. I no longer work directly at the 'factory' as two of the original three of us now travel and sell our products leaving the general running of our plant to the third member.

My route takes me in a large loop to the south visiting a large number of clients and keeping them up-to-date with our products and taking orders from them. We specialise in precision manufacturing to our clients needs and I needed to be able to talk technically with them requiring me to keep up with current trends. My 'loop' takes me away from home base for approximately six weeks per trip and it is a good thing that I am no longer married as these long breaks would put considerable strain on any relationship. The two week break (less a couple of days in the office) that I take when I get back each time gives me a lot of time to work on the small country cottage that I am renovating and I seem to have a relatively stress free life-style.

Reasonably good looking, a good build, easy to get on with and good company is how everyone describes me and wonders at my continued single status. My 18 month spell of 'Wedded-Bliss' was more than enough to convince me that bachelorhood was for me and as I have no trouble connecting with women when I need to I have never really felt any inclination to change my way of life.

I have just returned from my latest trip and have just finished cleaning out my vehicle and tomorrow will go to the office and catch up on all the latest. After a number of years we have finally hit on what we think are the perfect vehicles for us and we each have a large automatic van with plenty of room for our personal gear and the samples and products of our firm. In the rear of the van down one side is a small comfortable cot that can be used as a seat or a small bed and opposite is a chest of drawers and a small wardrobe above them. We found that it was almost impossible to live out of suitcases for such a long period and it is far better to keep all our clothes in the vehicle and just take what is necessary into motels.

There is also a small fridge and cooker for coffee and snacks and a table/desk beside the drawers and the rest of the van is taken up with racks for products. Good air-conditioning and a top quality stereo system make for a very practical and comfortable work vehicle. Since I spend so little time not in my work van and it is available all the time I have not bothered to purchase a private car but own a large motorcycle instead.

The day after tomorrow I am going to ride it over to see my mother who lives about 120 miles away. Dad and her had both worked extremely hard all their lives and we had not really got 'close' and I think the same applied to my sister who migrated overseas some years ago. Dad and Mom had started a small nursery early in the married life and they both worked extremely hard in the first few years to make it successful. Sis and I spent most of our childhood at the nursery 'keeping out of mischief and out of the way" and all too soon we were grown and drifting apart. My parents eventually finished up with two nurseries and about a year and a half ago they sold out and shifted towns to a 'Retirement Cottage' with the idea of taking up golf and holidaying extensively. Dad lasted just over a year before his health failed and he passed away about 4 months ago, leaving Mom on her own in a town where she knew virtually no one.

I had kept in touch with here by phoning regularly and I had noticed that she was sounding more and more depressed as time passed, it seemed as if loneliness was getting her down and as she had spent almost all her life with Dad, not bothering to make outside friends I figured that she didn't know how these days.

Chapter 2.

When I walked in to her small home Mom looked absolutely enraptured to see me and, she rushed over, wrapped her arms round me and hugged me long and tightly.

"I'm ever so pleased to see you. I've really missed you and it's so good to have you here." She pulled back a bit and looked up at me. "How long can you stay?"

I had really intended returning home that evening but in view of her obvious pleasure to have my company I quickly revised my plans.

"I can stay a couple of nights. Do you think you can stand my company for that long?"

"I'd love you to stay for as long as possible but I suppose that a couple of days is better than nothing. You're a grown man with your own life to lead. Bring your things into your bedroom and then we can settle down and have a long chat."

After settling down with coffee Mom eventually revealed to me how unhappy she had become in her new life without Dad. I found it difficult to understand her problem, as she was still a very personable woman. At 54 years old she still had a good figure, she was quite attractive and her hair was still the colour it had been when she was a lot younger, grey tinges not making any appearance at all. Unfortunately the loneliness stress that she was feeling was making her a bit haggard looking and she was in danger of quickly losing he sex appeal. Mom married when she was young and she was 7 years younger than her husband - I don't think that she had ever had a serious relationship other than with Dad and this insular existence was not helping her now.

We enjoyed each others company for the rest of the day and after a fine meal which Mom took great pleasure in cooking me I retired for an early night. Next day after breakfast I convinced Mom to put on jeans and a jacket and to come for a trip on my bike. Initially she was quite frightened but she soon relaxed and, cuddling into my back, she began to just "Go with it". We stopped for lunch at a country bar/diner and Mom looked a different woman already, the wind had brought colour and life back to her face and she was relaxed and obviously loving every moment of this new experience.

That night we elected to just have some light snacks with a bottle of wine in front of the fire and we again chatted easily and were very comfortable in each others company. After some thought I finally made up my mind and asked her,

"Why don't you close up here and come and stay with me for a while. You could come on my next trip with me and it shouldn't cost a lot. The only problem would be that we would sometimes have to share a motel room. I can cover an extra person but not a separate unit when I have to stay in small single bedroom units."

Mom sat in silence for a while and seemed to think deeply before she replied,

"It's lovely of you to ask but I couldn't do that to you. There's no way that you could seriously want to drag your aged Mother with you and I would only cramp your style with your friends. I really do appreciate your asking though and I know what it must have cost you to invite me."

"No, Mom. I thought very seriously before I asked you. I can see advantages for both of us - I get a bit lonely when I'm away for so long and moving round all the time has not helped me to make friends. I think we could be good company for each other. I wish you'd give it a try - neither of us has anything to lose." I looked deep into Mm's eyes as I said this trying to convince her of my sincerity. "Why don't you think about it overnight and let me know in the morning what you decide.'

Chapter 3

Next morning after breakfast Mom sat with me at the table and we discussed the ramifications of her coming with me. She pointed out that it would be a major change in my lifestyle and that it would be necessary for each of us to consider the other needs and viewpoint which would be not too difficult for her as she had been with Dad for so many years but might prove very hard and frustrating for me, a bachelor of long standing.

"I really think it would be good for me, Mom. I know I've become very selfish, having never really ever considered any-one else's side of things before." I was actually quite earnest about this, as I knew I really was a self-centred prick. "I really wish that you would decide to come with me. It would be beneficial to both of us."

I think Mom could see that I was genuine in my invitation and she eventually agreed,

"OK. I am not sure it is the right thing, but I guess we'll never know unless we try. One thing, I am not going to be a complete load to you and while I'm quite happy to let your company pay for my share of the accommodation I insist that we take turns in paying for our food and drinks. Thank you very much and I'm starting to look forward to our trip. It will be like an adventure to me. Dad and I really didn't get about much." Mom leant over and gave me a quick peck on the lips and then we talked about arrangements.

It was decided that I should return home and Mom would follow in her car in a couple or three days after having closed down her home and packed sufficient clothes for an extended stay.

When I arrived back at my cottage I set to and tidied up my spare room that I had been using as storage space and fitted fresh bedding etc for my mother. I was really beginning to look forward to her arrival and thought that finally we might form closer relationship than we ever had in the past - our mother/son bonds had never been strong as we had never spent al that much time together. I very much regretted never having got close to my father and it was now too late to remedy that but I could definitely remedy it with Mom.

Mom finally pulled up in her car late next afternoon and she was quite enraptured with my little home, she had never visited before and I think it may well have been a lot better than her expectations. Mom was quite taken with her room and, with her personal stuff scattered around, she soon had it looking as if she had lived there for some time. I was working on altering the van when she arrived and when she saw how we were to travel she was very comfortable with it, I was removing some shelving to fit another set of drawers/wardrobe that I had purchased for her use.

For the next few days we got used to living with each other's company and Mom slowly applied her woman's touches to my home and improved it a great deal, I hadn't realised what difference a woman could make. I completed the alterations to the van, cleaned it out and reloaded my clean clothes, back from the laundry. Mom then packed her stuff and while I went into work she began to clean and lose my house down and we were ready for an early start.

Chapter 4

My first call was about 2 _ hours travelling and Mom just waited in the van while I completed business and then we travelled for a further couple of hours to my next visit. After it was completed the day was nearly done and I drove us to my usual motel and booked us in to a twin roomed unit, and, when we had carried in our overnight bags we went and found a bar & grill for our evening meal and a couple of drinks.

Next day started out much the same but today I booked the motel before making my afternoon calls and I left Mom there before making my afternoon calls and she went for a walk. The next couple of days went much the same but I finally arrived home to a bit of a surprise - Mom had bought herself a pushbike, having decided to see more of the towns that we were visiting. This was also the first night that we found ourselves sharing a twin room and we were both very careful to maintain our modesty and used the bathroom to get changed in. I couldn't help noticing that Mom looked good in her nightgown when she came out of the bathroom and for the first time I realised that she was an attractive woman. I quickly banished these thoughts from my mind, as this was my mother that I was admiring.

Next morning I was up first, showered, shampooed, shaved and was sitting reading the morning paper drinking coffee when Mom finally arose and retired to the bathroom. When she came out she was wearing underwear and a slip and I felt a lurch in my lower belly and my cock twitched in appreciation of how she looked. All this fresh air and exercise was having a very beneficial effect on her and she was getting younger by the day. I decided there and then that we would be spending a lot more time in twin single units if I had anything to do with it.

The following night Mom came out of the bathroom in silky white pyjamas that draped her body and were light enough to confirm that these were all she was wearing. While we sat and had a final nightcap I couldn't stop myself from surreptitiously examining her and I saw her nipples slowly harden and poke out the front of her PJ jacket. I think she may have been aware of my interest and found my glances exciting but luckily I was wearing very loose shorts for sleeping in and my partial erection was not readily visible. In the morning I got a replay of the day before and got a good look at Mom in her underclothes while she sat before the mirror and did her make-up.

Today we had a long drive before I reached our next client and since we would be travelling on almost till dark after this call, Mom decided to go for a cycle while I was working. She needed to change into a pair of shorts and a blouse before she set out and, as we wouldn't get to our motel till late, she had to change in the back of the van. Mom crawled through between the seats and pulled the curtains across to give herself privacy. She had not been very careful and the curtains, closed at the bottom were not completely together at the top allowing me to see what she was doing in the rear-vision mirror. I watched eagerly as she stood, partially bent over due to the low roof, and lifted her dress over her head and put it on a hanger then slid her slip down and stepped out of it. She dropped from my view when she bent down to pick it up from the floor but when she stood up again I could see her from her head down to the top of her thighs. She was completely unaware of the show I was getting and I was able to admire and appreciate her body, clad only in a white bra and panties.

While I had been aware that Mom was in good shape I hadn't fully realised how good her body actually was. She was definitely not in the first flush of womanhood but for a 54 year old she had an amazing figure, only 2 or 3 ponds overweight and very firm healthy looking flesh. Her breasts were medium sized and seemed to be quite firm in her bra and, while I couldn't see them at the moment, I knew from past observations that her legs were shapely and firm as well. Mom was about 5 foot 4, dark haired and a fine-featured face and, while she could not be described as beautiful, she was very pretty and attractive and all the fresh air and exercise was giving her a very 'fresh' complexion. I suddenly realised that I found her very sexy and desirable and that my cock had expanded to it's maximum, so, I was very disappointed when she pulled on a tee shirt and then sat down out of view, presumably to put on shorts and sneakers.

Mom set off on her bike and I went in to do business and, as by now Mom knew roughly how long my calls took, it was no surprise when she re-appeared as I was about to climb back into the van after completing what I had to do. I opened the rear doors, lifted the bike in, and then unlocked the front to let us both get in. Mom looked all hot and sweaty and she grabbed her bottle of water and had a long swig before she gasped out,

"God! I hadn't realised just how hot and muggy it is out there. I need to cool down a bit and then get changed so do you want to sit her or set off and pull up out of town somewhere?"

"I'll head off and give the air-conditioning a chance to boot up." and suiting my actions to my words I started the van and headed off, the cooling unit running at full blast.

Chapter 5

About 10 miles down the road I spotted a rest area and I pulled in and parked in the shade of some trees and shut down.

"I'll just type these orders into my lap-top while you get changed and that will save me having to do it tonight."

Mom crawled through to the back of the van and once again she managed to leave me a gap at the top of the curtains. I felt my cock hardening before she had even begun to take of her clothes and I aimlessly pecked at the keyboard, as I didn't take my eyes from the mirror for a second. This time when Mom had removed her tee shirt she went on and took off her bra and I got a good view of her bare breasts. They sagged a little, as was to be expected in a woman of her age, but still appeared to be reasonably firm and the nipples stood out quite perkily, all in all a very appetising sight and my mouth went dry as I gazed on them in total rapture. When she had taken off her shorts Mom stretched as much as the confines of the van allowed and then she began to wipe herself off with a towel before slipping her dress over her head and doing it up. She had not put on a fresh bra!

By the time she opened the curtains again and climbed back into her seat I was industriously typing in information with my computer sitting on my lap covering my hard-on.

"That feels better. At least I'm cool and a bit refreshed now. I definitely need a shower - I hope you can stand the smell of me, all sweaty and gamy, until we get to our motel." Mo looked little embarrassed as she said this.

I don't know what possessed me to do it but I leant over and took a deep sniff of her before I replied,

"You smell great to me - all womanly and musky. It's lucky you're my mother as it's very exciting and arousing. Hmmmmmmmm..."

Mom blushed and said 'silly' but she leant over to me a gave me another quick kiss and then sat back and looked out the window with a faraway look in her eye as we set off again.

The warmth of the sun and the boredom of the scenery combined to send Mom to sleep and she slumped against the door and as she snoozed. The way she was sitting allowed the top of her dress to sag free of her and I could see almost her complete breast through the arm-hole and this sight did not help my driving but we eventually arrived at our motel late in the afternoon and when we were booked in Mom headed straight into the shower.

I sat and finished putting the data into the computer before emailing it back to base and when she finally exited the bathroom she looked wonderful. Her hair was still slightly damp but she looked cool and refreshed in her dress and she slowly twirled in front of me as she said,

"I feel marvellous. That snooze and then the shower have left me feeling all fresh and cool and on op of the world." Mom then grinned at me, and went on, embarrassed, "Mind you I suppose should feel 'cool'. I forgot to grab fresh underwear before I rushed into the bathroom and all I've got on is this dress - nothing under it at all. I'd better get something on before I shock and embarrass you." She made as if to open her bag and I quickly spoke up

"If you feel that good why don't you just stay like way. It doesn't worry me if you leave your panties and bra off and who else is going to know?"

"I couldn't do that. It's indecent! It does feel good though - even if a bit naughty" Mom sank down on the side of her bed without making any further move to get panties from her bag and looked everywhere but at me.

I finished what I was doing, plugged into the phone jack and sent off my email and when it was finished I shut down the computer and turned to Mom and said,

"Right slip your sandals on and let's go. There's a diner over the road and they serve a nice meal."

"I can't go like this. I'm almost naked. I'll have to put some more clothes on." Mom was a little panicked at the thought of going out in public like that.

"Don't be silly - you're totally respectable. Whose to know what you are wearing except me and you. Anyway, think how daring and naughty it will be - now come on." Mom sighed and slipped her sandals on with some reluctance and preceded me out the door and we went over the road to the diner, with me grasping her hand about half way there to give her some moral support.

The meal was just as good as I remembered, nothing too fancy - just well cooked and presented, and we shared a bottle of wine with it and afterwards I talked Mom into a couple of after-dinner drinks. There was a small dance floor at one end of the diner, a jukebox with a wide selection of music and 2 or 3 couples slowly dancing to soft romantic music. It took some doing but I convinced Mom that she should have a dance with me, and, even though she protested that it had been years since she had last tried, she finally followed me onto the floor.

This dance led to another drink and another dance and by the third round we were both pretty mellow and relaxed.

"Thank you so much for bringing me with you. I now feel that life is worth living again and that's all because of you. I don't know what would have happened to me if this hadn't happened." Mom was getting quite emotional and she gave me a huge hug and when we went back to dancing we just naturally seemed to be so much closer together.

Since all she had on was a dress I could clearly feel Mom's body pressed up against mine and I could even discern her nipples from the rest of her breasts pushed into my chest. Her tummy felt soft and yielding and her thighs firm and exotic up against mine, and the inevitable happened, I began to get aroused. I was mortified and tried to pull away, sure that Mom must be aware of the effect she was having on me but she gave no indication that she was could feel my erection digging into her and refused to release her hold on me.

I was relieved when the song finished and we were able to return to our table and when seated, I suggested that it was time we were heading for our motel, and, somewhat reluctantly, Mom agreed and after finishing our drinks we returned across the road.

We both very decorously changed in the bathroom and retired to bed without much being said. When Mom's breathing had settled and I was sure that she was asleep I carefully and quietly began to masturbate, visualising very naughty incestuous pictures of what I would like to be doing to my Mother, until I spurted my seed into my dirty sock that I had carefully taken to bed with me. It was a very forceful ejaculation that seemed to last for a long time and I figured that this was because of the long time that I had been aroused and teased, inadvertently, by Mom. I was immediately ashamed of my forbidden desires when I had finished and vowed to try to stop thoughts and desires like this tempting me again.

I turned on my side to go to sleep and when I did so I heard Mom sort of sigh and also move in bed and I wondered.

Chapter 6

Next morning, as was becoming usual, I was up first showered etc and once again sipping coffee with the morning paper before Mom lifted her head from the pillow.

"Good morning, Dear." She greeted me, "Thank you very much for such an enjoyable evening last night. I can't remember when I last had a good time. I even enjoyed the dancing even if was so long between dances."

She climbed out of bed, came over and gave me a kiss that lasted slightly longer than ever before and then she fumbled in her bag and headed into the bathroom. I heard her lower the seat and then the sound of her pee splashing in the toilet and I found it very erotic imagining her sitting there with her legs spread and the stream of urine gushing from between her spread pussy lips. If I wasn't careful I would have to jack-off again before I set off to work.

Eventually she emerged from the bathroom and I nearly bit a chunk out of my coffee mug. Mom had apparently decided to relax her modesty standards and today all she was wearing was a bra and panties, no petticoat, and not just a plain set of everyday white cotton underwear but a black lacy ensemble that was only designed for one purpose, arousal. And they certainly worked. Mom sat on the edge of her bed facing me and began to remove clothing from her bag.

"Could you drop my bike off before you go? I think I might have a really long ride and look around today since we're staying another night. What time do you think we should meet back here?"

I was totally entranced by the picture she was presenting me. I could make out her nipples though the lace of her bra and I was sure that I could see pubic hair and the beginning of her split through her panties.

"Mike? Mike? You OK?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. I should be back about 4 /4.30 and, since tomorrow's Sunday we won't do much, maybe just a leisurely trip to the next stop - about three hours easy travelling. I think I'd better get away. See you later."

In the evening we again went to the place over the road for dinner but tonight we returned to the motel and watched TV for the evening, consuming a couple of bottles of red wine in the process. It was very hot and quite muggy and the air-conditioning unit didn't work very well and it seemed that it would be difficult to sleep. I was sitting watching in shorts only and Mom was only wearing a tee shirt and shorts and when it was finally time to turn in Mom commented,

"God! It's so hot! I'm going to sleep in just this tee shirt and my panties. It'll be far too uncomfortable in pyjamas or a nightie." She stood up from her chair and went over to her bed and after turning down the covers, she removed her shorts and sat down on the bedside, giving me another good look at her black panties.

If it was good enough for her it was good enough for me, so I dropped my own shorts and stepped out of them and went to the bathroom in just my boxer shorts. When I had peed and brushed my teeth I returned and climbed under just the top sheet and watched as Mom followed me into the bathroom. Her tee shirt was only long enough to partly cover her buttocks and I enjoyed watching them wriggle enticingly in the thin confines of the lacy lingerie. When she returned, after peeing noisily, she was beautifully outlined in the bathroom light behind her and I was sure that I could see the bulge that her pubes made in the crotch of her underwear. She never so much glanced in my direction until she was standing between our beds and about to climb in and then, as if it was an after-thought, she turned, came over to me and bent down and kissed me goodnight. These kisses were slowly becoming more lingering and I found them very erotic, wondering what had suddenly brought them about after all theses years.

I was hard again and keen to wank myself for the second night in a row and I lay there waiting for Mom to drop of to sleep. When I was sure that she had dozed off I was about to start when I heard her breathing change. Mom was lying facing away from me and I could see that her arm was moved softly but rhythmically. She had obviously been doing the same as me, waiting for me to sleep and then to masturbate, and had mistakenly thought that I had fallen asleep. I thought what the hell and began to stroke my cock while watching her movement slowly speed up and become more urgent. I was soon gushing into one of today's dirty socks and tonight I deliberately let out a quiet groan as I came and just after this I saw Mom stiffen, gasp and then slowly relax, surely having reached her own orgasm.

After rolling over to face away from Mom I dropped off and when I woke next morning I couldn't believe what we had both done last night.

Chapter 7

When Mom woke I was almost finished my coffee and we talked about what we should do today, it being Sunday and free.

"While you get up and get ready why don't I go and find some food suitable for a picnic and we could set out early and find somewhere nice for lunch on our way to our next destination. I wouldn't mind getting there reasonably early as I should run some washing through."

Mom thought that was a great idea and by the time I returned with our picnic she was up, showered, dressed and ready to depart. Looking absolutely radiant and carefree in her summer dress she put all our gear in the rear of the van and urged me to take off. We stopped and had croissants and coffee at a small café before heading out into the country and travelling for a couple of hours before we came across a small stream and found a nice spot amongst some trees to take a break. I found that I really enjoyed the drive and I had forgotten what nice scenery there was to be found on secondary and back roads.

We parked and locked the van and went for a long walk along the river bank, often holding hands, just revelling in the country air and sounds and, by the time we got back, we had both worked up an appetite and were ready for lunch. I retrieved a blanket from the divan in the van and carrying that and the carton our food and wine was in, I went over and found a nice spot under the spreading limbs of a tree near the water.

After we had eaten Mom lay back on the blanket and stated that she was going to soak up sun-sunshine.

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Copyright© Russell Hoisington 2007 Vince Clark was going to quit his job, assuming he lived long enough to return to the office and hand in his resignation. He pushed himself up onto his skinned knees, flinching as a sharp corner of rock stabbed the raw skin through one of the tears in his expensive British suit's trousers. He'd skied enough to know that he was lucky he hadn't broken his ankle or leg when he'd stepped into the small hole buried by the brown and dull-red leaves and...

1 year ago
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The Season Sylvie Skis Val dIsere

The beckoning look was all she needed to realise why Maynor had held her back from the group. Alone together as the gondola cleared the hut, he reached out his hands. Sylvie took them as she stepped across and straddled his lap. Their eyes locked as their lips came together, soft yet hungry, opening immediately to let their tongues touch. How much had she wanted this? They'd flirted constantly since he'd arrived two days ago, leading the group staying at the chalet that week. Rich, confident,...

Quickie Sex
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That Boy

Hi, my name is Clara, I'm 20 and I go to college in New York City. I had just started the new year when I noticed a new boy attending some of my classes. He hadn't been there the previous year so I began to wonder who he was since he did look familiar. I asked around with my friends and eventually got the info that his name was Isaac and he just graduated from the military academy in West Point. When I heard his name I almost fainted since I did know him from back in early high school, but he...

Erotic Fiction
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AssParade Alycia Starr Alycia8217s Cheeky Surprise

Alycia Starr is cooling off by the pool. Her luscious ass swallows up her bathing suit. She twerks in the water and makes large waves. Alycia shows off her full-bosomed body. Duncan Saint likes what he sees. He can’t keep his hand and dick off of her. She sits her voluptuous booty on him. Duncan is so turned on by her ass his boner pops out of his pants. She rides his dick immediately. Duncan picks her up and throws her curvaceous body on the couch. He’s pounding her pussy so good....

2 years ago
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CynthiaChapter 5

Saturday, we studied hard, sometimes together. Then, she went to the hairdresser to get ready. We showed up at the apartment with plenty of time to shower and get ready for the dinner-dance. After greeting me, she said, "I want you to dress and go talk to Laura while I dress. I can't stand to see you impatient or nervous. I'll call you when I'm ready." "Your hair is something to see. I also see your nails. Wow. I'll call Laura to see if it's okay." "Thank you. No need to call her....

2 years ago
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BJ from 2

Suzanne came up to my table in the student union looking a little out of sorts. "Whats up Suz?" I asked."Carla told me to talk to you, I kinda need a favor."This peeked my interest, Carla was my fuck buddy but we had an arrangement to hook each other up if there was someone we were interested in. I was definitely interested in Suzanne. She was 20, blond and beautiful. About medium height and well built. "Shoot, tell me what you need.""Well, you know how I am rushing the Zetas right?""Yep" "So...

3 years ago
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Helping out a Classmate Chapter 11

The next morning you wake up in the same position. You kiss Danielle on her cheeks and to your surprise she is already awake. “Good morning, lover,” she says. “Morning, sweetheart,” you say as you move away from Danielle and get up from the bed. Danielle looks up at you. You’re a mess. You smell of sweat and your crotch is covered in dried pussy juice and cum. “You could use a shower,” Danielle giggles. “Says the one covered in sperm!” you laugh. Danielle looks down. She’s indeed covered...

Straight Sex
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Kyles Porch Ch 04

These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. Part four of eight: Two beauties apply this time * I got a long letter from a UoA student wishing to pursue the study...

3 years ago
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sister in Lawrsquos Power Goes Out

sister in Law’s Power Goes Out Tina sister Barbra called in the middle of the night her power had gone out and Dave her husband was out of town, and she was scared and did not won’t to mess with it. So Tina asks me to go over and look at it I got up and got dressed and went over. When I got to Barbra’s house it was in total darkness. She stood at the door with a flashlight shining in my eyes. I took it from her and as my eyes adjusted I noticed that she was in a see threw nightie. I shook my...

1 year ago
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Hard Time For Anita

Hard Time for Anita Ladyvet Their shackles made it difficult for Anita and the other women to climb downfrom the van. Their descent was further complicated by the chain between theirshackled ankles fastened to manacles locked to their belly chains. The transportofficers watched them negotiate the long step to the pavement without offeringassistance. It didn't matter to them if an inmate fell. They were just cargoto pick up, transport and deliver. Anita stared though the two razor...

4 years ago
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A Bride for Seven BrothersChapter 3

Just a short week later, Sheila was humming a silly ditty out behind the main house hanging the wash from all seven brothers on the multiple clotheslines erected by a thoughtful Shawn who was trying to show his appreciation for her "tending" to his needs with the permission of his understanding brother Angus. In fact, Sheila had managed to go the rounds with all of the brothers taking care to only allow use of her willing hands and her busy mouth. She laughed thinking that she had more...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Joyce

My wife Joyce was a virgin when we married and I might as well have been one considering how little sexual experience I had. The novelty of sex itself kept us pretty occupied for the first couple of years. Most of our experimenting was along the lines of position changes - going from missionary to doggie style was a big thing for us. Thanksgiving dinner at my brother's house changed all that for us. Thanksgiving dinner was a rotating family affair. One year my sister had the family over, then...

1 year ago
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New Orleans

This story really starts in February, 1996. I was working for a small "Mom & Pop" company that was going places. Well, it was. The owners had a son who was nothing short of a parent's worst nightmare. After three years, I'd had enough and started looking. I was offered a job at the first place I applied to and accepted their offer of one hundred fifty dollars per week over what I was making at the time. The eighty mile drive each way was eating my raise in gas. I had to move and...

1 year ago
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Baiser de la Mort Kiss of Death

"Oh!" I could see it was a boy. He scattered the dead leaves around him but they settled. He stood up and promptly said, "I apologise miss. I did not mean to startle you." He extended a hand "My name is Vladimir. Vladimir Dracul." And then I took in the sight of the most handsome man I had ever seen. He towered over me. He looked to be at least 6'2". I was only 5'4. He had black hair. Cut short and spiked slightly. He wore a "My Chemical Romance" t-shirt (my favourite band),...

3 years ago
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Lucky StoneChapter 8

My cock finally slipped from Moms recently ravaged rectum and standing up I could see a trail of cum leaking from her arse and sliding down her leg. Leaning over to pick up my shorts I slapped her hard on the arse again and told her to pick up what was left of her dress and go into her bedroom. "You wouldn't want Dad or Sue to see you lying there like that." Mom got on all fours and grabbed the ripped remains of her sun dress and thong and crawled off to her room. As her naked arse...

1 year ago
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Julies Naughty Idea Part Three

After the evening with Eden, Gerry and I just flirted with each other in the house. We didn't have any more sex for about a month. Eventually, I approached him and we had sex. I'll go over all the details of what happened. ** One night, after work my mother brought home one of her friends and presented the friend to Gerry for a gift. She wanted her friend to have sex with my stepfather. My stepfather seemed overjoyed that my mother wanted him to be with her. He certainly didn't turn it down. My...

1 year ago
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Son and his Lovely Mom Part 1

Mack Margo could hardly believe the letter he was reading. It was a notification that a story he had written and had submitted to a publishing company had been accepted for publication, and that he would be sent five hundred dollars upon publication of the story that would happen within the next month. He reread the letter a couple of times. It was simply hard to believe, but there it was in print. Mack was only sixteen, but he had been writing for a couple of years, and he had concentrated...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Alaina Dawson Teaching Tantric Sex

So I’m at the bookstore and this young and innocent looking redhead walks in. I observed her for a few seconds then offered her my services. She wanted a book on tantric sex I didn’t have one to offer her so I let her know about my experience in the subject matter. I decided to tech her some of my moves, but it turns out she was doing all the teaching. This innocent little darling has a wild side. She can slobber a mean dick. She took the cock and begged for more. Im glad I had my camera on me.

3 years ago
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Girlyboy Gone Wild Part Seven

After getting Rich big and hard with my sexy outfit, I was now ready to put on a show for himWhenever men see me in my panties, they want me like a girl. It follows that whoever wears sexy little panties also likes big hard cocks to suck on and play with. My sexy French maid outfit was especially good at making me feel like a slut for a man. Since so many men had fantasized about being with a French maid, wearing the outfit makes a girl feel extra seductive and slutty.With his big hard boner...

1 year ago
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Ratna And The Unforgettable Rain

I was watching her preparing coffee for me in the kitchen, she was wearing a light pink silky satin night gown and with her movements I could see her arse moving in rhythm with the music of old Hindi songs. The outlines of her bra capturing the massive boobs were clearly seen and the bra cup also had designs which were clearly visible from the silky gown. Her gown was sticking onto the soft and slender thighs which gave an impression as if she was walking all nude. While adding sugar to the...

3 years ago
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Slave For Black Cock

Introduction: After stumbling accross some videos of her best friend fucking a black guy, she starts to fantasize about fucking him herself. I hope she wanted what she got! My wife and I had always joked about having her fuck a big, black cock and how much she wanted it. You know, typical kinky sex talk. We had a great sex life, but we both also knew how wet she could get even thinking about it. A few months ago a friend of hers started dating a black guy names (of course) Tyson. He was a...

1 year ago
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60 Minute Man Supernatural FAnfiction

For a while, he was all about lovin' and leavin' 'em. There was a time when he just got on with the show. Foreplay? What was that? And falling asleep? Forget it! That was before he met Joanna Beth Harvelle. They say the certain people change your life. It may be for the best, it may be for the worst...but for the most part, they just do. You meet them when you least expect it. At the grocery store or at school. Sometimes at a restaurant or a bar. In this case, her mother's...

1 year ago
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The Word On JohannaChapter 3

I know not every brother and sister did sex things together, but enough of my buddies at camp had talked about spying on their sisters or playing doctor with them or seeing them kissing their boyfriends when they thought that they had privacy and talked about watching them fumbling around with their boyfriends hands up their skirts to know that there was a lot of sex things that went on in other families. Kathy and I had played doctor, gotten each other off with our hands, we'd both walked...

4 years ago
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Lisa Can Do It Better

I'm married to one of the most sexually exciting women in the world. We promised each other when we married that we would never let our sex life become as dull and boring as so many of our friends claimed that theirs had. For my part I bought her sexy lingerie, high heeled 'come fuck me' pumps, dildos and pressed her to have sex with me in places where the chance of being discovered was good. Lisa, on the other hand, went for the visual. She would behave outrageously in public to turn me...

3 years ago
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my spouse cought me part 2

I missed my heart beats after seeing her.son of my landlord Dash slided out his dick off my ass and moved to my spouse, shockingly she took his dick in her mouth...Dash as so fearless about fucking her infront of me & my spouse ignored me & started gagging on his 8 incher. dash as moning so loudly started saying ..ohh suck me baby u r so said it right... u r such a spouse kept dropping load of saliva from her mouth & she kept gagging deep inside her throght..i...

1 year ago
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Tinkering in the Shop

I have a woodworking shop that has an entrance from our kitchen and has a garage door entrance that leads to the circular driveway. On my free time I like to spend time building wooden furniture, cabinets, toys and other things. Sometimes, because of the time I spend out there, my beautiful wife accuses me of keeping a mistress in my shop. A project I had recently started was an intricate cabinet with a large amount of routing work and delicate shaping. Starting with some very good wood I had...

2 years ago
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Fucking Angry

They walked in from Christmas shopping, Steve more tired of listening to Laurel talk than from shopping. As they crossed the threshold into their apartment and set down their bags, Laurel was going on and on about what they should have gotten while they were out, almost hinting that they should go BACK out and brave the crowds again."No," Steve said, putting his foot down. "We are not going back out there. If you want to go shopping again so bad, then you can go yourself. He held out the car...

3 years ago
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The Surprise

I was on my way home from work when my husband, Luke, called. “Hey, babe.” “Hi dear, oh, I’ve had such a hard day at work.” “Oh honey, what happened?” “Boss expects me to have these reports in by Thursday. Says I’ll get laid off if I can’t get it done.” “Oh don’t worry about it honey, I’m sure you can finish it. Take care.” “Alright, love you babe.” “Love you too. Bye” “Bye.” After I hung up I crafted a plan in my head of how I was going to make him feel better when he got home. As I...

2 years ago
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The Rings

The Rings The usual disclaimers apply to this story. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age is in your country to read sexually explicit material then please do not read any further. The same is true if you are offended by transsexualism, lesbianism or for that matter any of the topics that can be found in this web site. Equally this tale is fiction and if any of the characters or events bear any resemblance to any person dead or alive then that will be...

2 years ago
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Playing with a Cougar

It was the end of a long week, and I was ready to finally relax. No one told me working life could be so hard.My name is Solomon. Yes, I know the cliché, did your mother think you would be clever or wise? My mother always had a thing for biblical names, don't ask me why.Anyway, back to my story. I am twenty-three years old. After years of college and university, I finally started working in a prestigious accounting firm as a junior clerk. It's long, tedious work, but the pay is good.I decided...

1 year ago
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My Aunt caught me While Masturbating

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi, I am 22 years old and I have got 6.5 dick in height and about 3 inch in diameter as I will not tell a lie that mine is 9 or 10 inch as other people usually do. I am the taller one and iam holding average body type. I also have a habit to clean my Private Parts hair and even legs both from front and back. So for this purpose I often use Hair removing cream for my legs and back, whereas razor for rest. Actually, the reason behind this habit is that,...

1 year ago
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Never Work Late

It was late in Singapore, the darkness overtaking the city. You have me bound to the huge desk in the main room, my knees bent far back. I still cannot believe I am in this situation. Ropes tie my arms up high over my head, my breasts thrust out, unprotected. My legs are securely circled with the heavy, rough rope and you drew my knees up until my legs are spread obscenely. Another rope slipped under the desk and tied to my knees kept them permanently spread. Only the sound of my heavy...

2 years ago
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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 15

Persephone attacked the directions manual like a kid with a new game. In other words ... she didn't. She grabbed Ed's wrist and started pushing tiny buttons like mad. "I don't understand it, Ed. It's not working." The turned off TV started scrolling again, PERSEPHONE ... READ THE BOOK ... PERSEPHONE ... READ THE BOOK ... PERSEPHONE ... READ THE BOOK ... PERSEPHONE ... READ THE BOOK ... PERSEPHONE ... READ THE BOOK... "I am going to kill that TV." NO KILLING THE TV ... READ THE...

4 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 26 Wednesday August 11 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010 Jake dropped two handfuls of Wal-Mart bags on the kitchen counter at the farmhouse. The light of sunrise was shining in through the window. He went back into the car, brought back a McDonald’s bag, and handed it to his father who had been sitting at the kitchen table, watching him without saying a word. He glanced into it. “I’m sure they’ll enjoy a hot meal.” Jake selected one of the Wal-Mart bags and handed it to Harris. Harris pulled out a drip coffee maker, a...

3 years ago
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The Retirees Club 19

The movie that Bill found this week was about three guys at hunting camp. Our boys started by coming back to camp at noon, no luck with the deer that day. Before long, two of them were feeling up the third guy, and opening his pants. They both got on their knees and took turns servicing him with their mouths. The three of us were content to sit there watching the flick while stroking each other. I was in the middle and had each of their cocks in a hand. Bill, on my left, was handing my...

3 years ago
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Love is to be Together Always

This story was a Finalist in the ASSTR Golden Clitorides Best Seasonal Story Awards 2005Love is --- to be together, AlwaysA St Valentines Day StoryThe phone call came in the early hours.“Hello, is that Mrs Lawrence?”“Hello, hello - is that the hospital? Is that Sister? This is Sally Chambers, her daughter, how is my Dad?”“Mrs Chambers, we think that you and Mrs Lawrence might want to visit Mr Lawrence.”“Oh, oh …. Is Daddy worse?”“Well, Doctor thinks you and Mrs Lawrence might like to be here....

Love Stories
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Second ChanceChapter 3

The morning after was ... quiet. Evie wanted to beat herself up over ‘taking advantage’ of a minor and her student. I wanted to celebrate breaking the ice with a beautiful woman and successfully spending hours finding ways to please her. She was equal parts remorseful and jubilant, so to get her back to herself, I built on the jubilant part and skimmed past the remorse, so we could go nail my college tests. “You realize that teachers do not have sex with students, right?” She was determined...

3 years ago
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Appavin Nanban Ennai Oothar

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en appavin nanban ennai eppadi oothar enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar vasantha vayathu 19 aagugirathu, naan thinamum kama kathaigal padipen, indru en kathaiyai inaiyathalathil pathivu seiven endru en kanavil kuda ninaithu parka villai. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalaam. Enaku intha vayathile iru mulaiyum perithaaga pazhuthu irukum, soothu gumunu irukum. En appa nanbar adikadi veetirku varuvaar, avar peyar Prabu, parka azhagaga irupaar. Naan avar varum...

2 years ago
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Lost my virginity to elder sister

I am Vikram 37 years old , born in a village at Madurai district southern part of India. I am not a fairy skinned man but Some of my body features made me attractive for girls I had a Well built body, brown colored skin, Big attractive sharp eyes. I would like to share my sexual adventures with you, which came to me without much of efforts. Most of my sexual adventures are incestuous and are between close relatives.My first sex experience happened with my elder sister who was 4 years elder to...

2 years ago
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Breeding Mommy Chapter IX

“That was a great class,” I said in a slight pant, rolling up my yoga mat and turning my head towards Vanessa.“It definitely was,” she agreed, drops of perspiration beading down her face, “what are you doing after class?”“I was going to head to the floor and do a quick workout,” I replied.My workout was almost exclusively a butt and leg workout meant to tone and fatten my butt for Tiger, but I didn’t tell Vanessa that.“Okay, well, I want to go for a coffee if you have the time. Maybe after your...

4 years ago
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TalentChapter the Seventh Reality Sucks

The blink of an eye was all it took to move from the scene in the enchanted wood to find myself once again back in my bed. The sheet had been pulled over our heads and was a canopy of white light over us. The warmth of the early morning and my two companions was all around me. What was more, I could still feel the warmth of a wet mouth as my fountaining shaft was being fellated. I was even more surprised when I looked down. Rather than my pet; Valerie, it was Amy who's face smiled up at me...

3 years ago
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A Confession A Night of Firsts

Introduction: A teen girl meets the guy she wants to make her a woman. Hello! Thank you to everyone who has been encouraging me to keep writing. This story is not intended to be part of a series, but I hope it is well received. I hope you enjoy it. Please PM me or comment below and let me know what you thought. Of course I also encourage voting. If you go into the Forum section of the site you will see the Sex Stories Section. The CAW10 entries are there… I strongly suggest reading them as...

3 years ago
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Sex With Neighbor And Husband

Hello, all Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, my name is Nishant. I am 21 years old. I am from Bangalore but settled in Chennai. The sex story I am about to share with you is a real incident which happened when I was 18 years old. It’s about me having a threesome with my neighbor aunty and her husband. The name of the wife is Meghna and the husband’s name is Ravi. Aunty was around 30 at that time and her husband was just 2 or 3 years elder than her. She has a great figure (36-28-34) and could...

2 years ago
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Viki 8211 Part III

Phil had been gone 3 weeks. Viki and I had been planning our trip to Tokyo. We rarely wore clothes in the house now. Tom was used to seeing us naked about the house and it meant we could have full pleasure of each other without having to disrobe every time we wanted to lick or suck each other. Phil had informed me that his secretary who had been making advances on him regularly on his 1st trip to Tokyo was very accommodating when Phil had returned. Her name was Ria and she was by all accounts a...

1 year ago
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The Farmers DaughterChapter 3

Klaus Hanslein Junior: Berks County Fair “Hey Klaus, ain’t that your girlfriend?” Grainger Thomas asked. “What? Where?” Was he talking about Rebecca Schmidt? “Dude, your eyes suck.” Ronnie Thomas, Grainger’s older brother, pointed. “Right there in line at the pistol shooting booth.” I saw her standing there. She looked perfect. She was still everything I wanted and hated. I remember the first time I saw her, walking from the school bus and the wind pushed her skirt up tight against her...

3 years ago
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Winter FiresChapter 3

On Friday, at seven o'clock on the dot, Simon rang Marianne's number. A strange voice answered. "Hello. May I help you?" The voice was cultured, assured, deep yet feminine. Simon realized it must be Marianne's mother. "Oh, hello. Um, it's Simon, can I speak to Marianne, please?" "Hold on a moment, I'll see if she's here," came the answer. Simon thought it odd that her mother wouldn't know if she was there or not, but let it pass. "Wait a moment, she's just coming to the...

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