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The dark mistress pondered her dilemma. She had no control over who took what pills at a rave. As other pushers had done, she donated her samples to the promoter's supply even though her motive was a bit different than most. Yet, her dope was popular, and she usually had a selection of a few potential victims each time. Her last two pairs of subjects had perished of starvation and dehydration within days of being placed in her dungeon. The third, she hoped, would be the charm.

This was the first rave Eric had attended. Sure, he had attended lots of parties in his time, but this was excellent. Glancing at his watch, it was just past 1:00 and a surge of people had just added their bulk to the crowd. The techno music was loud. Beer and dope was free for the taking. Even though it was in an abandoned warehouse across town in the ghetto, there were plenty of white guys and even white girls here. And the girls were hot, hot, hot! But he was frustrated that Jill, the girl he most wanted to hook up with, was with her friends flirting with a bunch of black guys. Oh well. He might still get lucky tonight, if not Jill, then someone else. Hey, you never know. Even geeky guys sometimes get lucky.

But wow, that last pill, the red one branded Degradation, made all his senses super intense. Wow, what a rush!

Keisha had been to so many raves that this one was no big deal. She was hanging with some sistahs at a table by the DJ.

Tanya reached out and held Keisha's long braided hair out and said, "You're lookin' good, girl!"

Sonya then said, "Keisha! Look at Duane making an ass of hisself!" Duane, and a bunch of other brothers, were all hitting on white chicks, of course. Honkeys ought to get back in their Beemers and get out of the hood and back to their own clubs!

She remembered what her mamma once told her. Always stand tall and be proud whatever else happens. Duane's an idiot, she put him out of her mind and resolved to have fun at this party!

Keisha grabbed at a plate of pills on the table and nabbed a red one she had never seen before. Degradation? Worth a try. She swallowed it down with gulp of beer.

Eric woke. Where was he? It felt like the time he woke from an operation in the hospital -- one moment, the doctor was poking him with needles and telling him to count backwards, the next moment, he was awake on a gurney with a nurse handing him a glass of water. But this time, there was no nurse. Alertness came to him quickly. He was laying on his back, but he was embedded in the wall. What the hell! His head seemed to be supported from underneath by some narrow brace. His body was immobile, like he was in some kind of shell. He turned his head to look around. He was in a room about ten feet wide by ten feet long. He couldn't tell how far above the floor he was. One wall had some sort of large recess with some gadget below it. It was hard to tell at this angle. His wall had two indentations above him, closer to the ceiling. He tried to reach for the mechanism, but his body was encased in some sort of cylinder with very little room to move his arms or legs. The far wall was barred, and seemed to have a barred door, like a jail cell. Then he noticed her. There was a girl laying on the floor. A black girl. She was naked -- completely naked. She seemed to be unconscious. It was hurting his neck to be looking around so he faced back up toward the ceiling to wonder what in hell was going on.

What kind of jackass pill was that? wondered Keisha. Knocked me straight on my ass. Damn this floor is hard. What the?

She was no longer at the rave. She was in this, like, room. And she was naked! Was she raped? Then she saw the jail bars!

Damn, busted for dope!

She stood and walked to the bars.

What the hell! This ain't no jail. Looks like one of those places you play laser tag at the mall. Huh, what was that noise?

She spun around. There was a guy's head sticking out the wall? A white guy! With bright red hair. She crouched back down and leaned with her back to the bars.

This guy's head is sticking out the wall about waist height above the floor. There's four round holes in the wall. Two about four feet above his head and about two feet apart. And two about a foot above the floor about two feet apart. The dude's head is resting on some sort of thick metal plate situated vertical-like with a shallow hard plastic bowl just under the back of his head. But how do I get out of this shit? The door is weird too. The lock is made out of some kind of clear stuff, like glass or clear plastic. There is some kind of steel pin going through a bar holding the door closed. The pin is hanging from some wire up over a pulley and back down to an empty can. All this contraption is behind that clear glass or plastic. There's a clear plastic tube sticking out of the thing angled down as it came out of the lock. The tube is about four inches long. The end of the tube inside the door curved down and into that little can. It looks like if you could somehow fill that can with water or something, it would pull the pin up and unlock the door. There was some kind of name for this kind of contraption! What was it? Rube Goldberg! They call this a Rube Goldberg machine! But how do I fill that can with water to open the door?

She tried to stick her finger up the tube, but it wouldn't go in far enough to bend down and touch the can.

She tried to lean over, her head nearly to the floor, with her ass against the tube, to pee at an upward angle into the tube, but even when her aim was right on, she couldn't pee with enough force to pee up the tube.

She was also getting thirsty. She looked around again. There was a drinking fountain in the room recessed in the wall. She could use a drink. There was some sort of seat in front of the drinking fountain with two rods sticking out of it. How could someone sit on that, she wondered. She went over to it. She tried to stick her head in the recess to get her mouth over the faucet, but she couldn't fit. It seemed that the only way to get in position would be to sit. She tried pressing one of the buttons to see if water would come out, but no water came from the fountain. She looked at the two rods sticking out from the seat in front of the fountain. One was bigger than the other and set about three inches apart. They each had some kind of trigger button on them. Then she noticed a sign on the wall next to the fountain. "Press all four buttons simultaneously to drink." But what does simultaneously mean, wondered Keisha. That's honkey talk! But then she got an idea. She gingerly sat at the fountain. The two rods sliding up her two lower orifices. The front one felt good, but that back one hurt and felt yucky. She pressed the two buttons with her two hands and water came flowing gently out the faucet. She reached her head in and took a drink.

Her thirst quenched, she stood and then sat on the floor by the dude in the wall. Maybe he knows what the hell is going on? And why in hell am I naked?

"Hey, you know what's going on?" she asked.

"Where am I?" he answered.

"You're stuck in the wall about four feet above the floor. What happened at the rave? Do you know anything?"

Eric watched the girl get up and explore the room. She studied the bars for quite a while before going over to that recess in the other wall. She fiddled with the thing for a while until she sat down. He heard water running for a bit, then she stood and came over to him and spoke.

"Hey! Y'know what's go'n on?" she said.

"Where am I?" he asked back.

"Yo stuck in th' wah' 'bout fo' feet 'bove the floh'! Wha' happ'n at th' rave? Y'know anyth'n?"

Eric could barely understand her through her ghetto accent. "I was at the rave, then I popped some dope, then I was here. That's all I remember. How about you?"

Keisha thought about that. "What kind of dope did you take?" she asked him.

"Some red pills. I think they were labeled Degradation or something. Some dominatrix type woman all in leather was giving them out."

"Yeah, that's what I took too. That bitch must have snatched us! We've got to get out of here!"

"How are we going to get out? I'm stuck in this wall! Is there a door by those bars?"

"Yeah, there's a door. But it's damn weird! Everything's, like, rigged or something! To open the door, you got to stick some kind of hose into a tube and fill some can with... Damn! Damn! I know! You can open that door!"

"Great! Open the door and get out and get the cops!"

"No. I can't open the door. But you can!"

"Me? Why me?"

"Cause, like, well, you're a guy. And you got-- Well-- You can open the door and I can't! You'll see if you can get out of the wall!"

"I don't know how to get out of this damn wall!"

"Wait! There's a sign here, like the fountain!"

"What's it say?"

"It says, uhm, 'To release the captive, lift the four levers re-- recess-- Damn! I can't read that word!"

"What word?"


"That's 'recessed'."

"Damn! 'To release the captive, lift the four recessed levers simul-- wait, I remember this word -- simultaneously and push the top two up until the top half clicks into place."

"So there's four levers in this wall holding me?"

She fiddled with two of the lower levers. Inside each of the circular recesses was a lever that lifted easily enough. The two top ones looked to be about the same, but she didn't want to stand and reach over his head so he could see her titties from underneath.

She finally answered, "Yeah! But I can't reach all four of them at the same time! No way! Two of them are down here by the floor, and two are up over your head!"

"I guess I need another person, at least, in this room to get me out of this wall."

"Yeah! I guess you do."

At that, Keisha pondered. She stood and walked back to the barred door and its strange lock. He has to pee into that can at the end of the tube to fill the can and make it pull the pin up to unlock the door. She figured that out. She figured out how to get water out of the fountain. So it's up to her to figure out how to get the white guy out of the wall so he can pee up the tube to unlock the door.

She stared at the wall with the guy's head sticking out for five minutes, ten minutes, a half-hour. "Holy shit!" she shouted.

"What!" he shouted back.

Eric laid on his back wondering if whoever put him and that black girl here was just going to leave them there. It seemed that there was some kind of puzzle here. The black girl already figured out the water fountain. And she claims to have figured out how to open the door, and that she needs to release him first to open the door.

His thought was shattered when she shouted, "Hoe sheeh'!"

"What?" he asked.

In a moment, she was standing by the top of his head facing the wall. The view was startling, he was looking up at her face, upside down, between her breasts. Her nipples pointed down and out -- and hard.

"Ah knows how ta ge' choo out'a thayh. But choo ain't gon' like ih'!"

He was afraid to ask. "Just get me out. Okay?"

He heard her suck in a breath and say, "Hea' goes! Hold yo' breath!"

Keisha took a breath before making the jump straight up and forward.

"Here goes! Hold your breath!"

Keisha grimaced and placed her hands on his forehead, crouched, and them jumped. She landed with a smack!

Hold my breath? What's she going to do, Eric wondered. The answer to that thought came in an instant as she placed her palms oh his forehead and pushed herself up toward the ceiling. The next thing he knew, his head was being crushed by the weight of her body, while, at the same time, being squeezed by her powerful thighs, as he stared straight into her ass crack. In a moment, he realized that his nose had been pushed up into her anus, and something was tickling his chin. Moments passed as she wiggled and squirmed. The weight of her body was crushing his head, yet it was bearable. At times, it seemed that her weight increased and then subsided, increased again and subsided again. His lungs were starting to strain to release his breath, but he was totally immobile and unable to speak. His straining lungs managed to push a squeak of air out that came out sounding like a quick fart.

It took Keisha a moment to steady her balance after jumping up on his head. Her feet were dangling a few inches above the floor, and she had to clamp her legs against the sides of his head to keep her balance. She immediately grabbed for the two levers just above her head. The sensation was bizarre. Like the time some fresh air charity took her horseback riding in the country when she was a child. It felt just like that. Something was sticking up her ass, and felt very uncomfortable, but it didn't go as deep as that rod when she used the fountain. At least her clit was pressing down on something soft, maybe his lips, that thought gave her a tingle. Well, stop daydreaming and get this thing open! She flipped her braids back that had fallen in front of her face. Then she looked down her side and reached into one of those holes with one foot. She slid her foot under the lever and lifted it. It lifted easily. She did the same for the other foot and lever. Concentrating on her arms, she started to push up on the two hand levers. The top part of the wall started to lift up! The first couple of inches were easy. But the higher she lifted it, the heavier it got. She let it down again and let out a sigh.

Just then, she heard a little fart come from below, but she didn't fart. The strain, however, had built up a real fart and she let it out. It was one of those long quiet hot ones that burned coming out. But the funny thing was that she didn't smell it afterward. It should have stunk! Where'd it go?

Never mind that, and she took a deep breath again for a second try. This time, she lifted it higher, but it didn't click into place. She dropped it again and had to take a few breaths. She got ready to try again, but he started squirming under her ass. That ain't going to help, she thought. She took another deep breath and lifted it again. This time she noticed two red lines on separate adjacent panels that moved closer the higher she lifted the top wall. Maybe she had to make the lines meet to get the top wall to click in place. She pushed with all her might, and got the two red lines to within an inch of each other. But she couldn't quite get them to meet. Damn! One more time! This time she just closed her eyes and just kept pushing. She opened her eyes and saw that the lines were almost touching, when one of her feet slipped off the lever. Damn! Last try. I hope this guy can breathe! Again, she mustered all her strength and pushed again, concentrating on lifting and on keeping her feet on the levers. Slowly, she raised the wall. Sweat was pouring off her forehead, down her chest and down her back. Just a little more. Just a little more. Then the lines touched, and he heard a loud click. Exhausted, she let go of the handles and let out a deep breath. She had to sit and catch her breath for a few moments. Then she wiped the sweat from her forehead and reached down to feel the floor with her toes. She couldn't touch the floor with her toes. Even though her toes were only a few inches above the floor, the sensation of being unable to touch the floor was frightening. She finally slid herself back off his head and dropped to the floor, landing on her feet.

Eric let out an explosive breath, and then fought to catch his breath. After his breathing calmed down, he realized that the top part of the wall was a foot above. He was free of this trap! He started to slide himself out of the hole -- and then realized that he was naked. What the hell, so was she. He slid himself out a little more, rolled over onto his chest, and crawled out until he could bend down and reach the floor with his palms. He finally pulled himself out and fell to the floor on his shoulders with a thunk!

He spun around and then sat upright. He looked up at the black girl, looking down at him. Her hair was all in braids and she was kind of cute. And she was extremely black, even for a black person. Her skin was black as coal. It made her eyes stand out like beacons, her skin was so totally black.

It surprised the hell out of him when she kneeled down in front of him and said, "So ya' wan'a fuck?"

"What?" is all he could say in answer.

"Yo! Ya' wan' fuck?"

"Well, I-- I mean we hardly know each other?"

"Bro! I jus' been sitt'n on yo' face!"

"Yeah. So you have!"

"We's both naked an' ah'm ho'ny as fuck'n hell!"

Eric wasn't sure. He had never been with a black girl before. Not that it should matter, of course. But it was a new experience. They're both naked, and she was just sitting on his face with her pussy pressed against his mouth and his nose up her asshole. He reached out tentatively to touch her.

Keisha took in the view. This white guy was even more bleached-white than most honkeys.

Mustn't get out in the sun much, she thought. And get a look at that carrot top! Pretty blue eyes though!

Seeing the hard-on this white dude had ever since he crawled out of that hole in the wall made Keisha even hornier than from sitting on his face pushing that damn wall up with all her might. Losing her patience with his shy ass, she grabbed his hand and flung herself on him and mashed her mouth to his. Ooh, she was so wet she could feel herself dripping! She crawled higher on his body and pressed one of her nipples to his mouth. After he got that one hard and wet, she switched him to the other nipple. Then she grabbed him and rolled over, pulling him on top of her.

Eric panicked. "Um, wait! I don't have any rubbers!"

She answered, "Who cay's fo' rubbers? Don' choo' know that the man gives you mo' money fo' the mo' babies yous gots anyways?"

At this point, her logic seemed irrefutable to him, and so plunged into her. He pumped and pumped, and came quickly. She rolled back on top, facing him, snuggled her head on his shoulder, and exhaustion quickly brought her to sleep.

Wow is all Eric could think! That was fantastic! But now she fell asleep on top of me! I still don't even know her name. Eric succumbed to the inevitable, himself, and also fell asleep.

The dark mistress giggled with glee! This was the first couple to solve the puzzle of the wall trap. The show immediately afterward was a surprise bonus! The MPEG, she was sure, would be a hit in the newsgroups! She was posting it to some binaries group at that very moment. Now, would they solve the door puzzle before they starved to death like those before?

Keisha woke after what seemed like a full night's sleep. She opened her eyes to see him meeting her gaze. "Sleep good?" she asked.

"Yeah! I slept pretty good. How about you?"

"Yeah, I slept good too."

She then shimmied down his body to where her body was between his legs. She put him in her mouth and started sucking. It didn't take long for him to come in her mouth.

"Hair trigger you got, white boy!"

"Yeah, well. Brown sugar gets me hot!"

"Yeah? You got brown sugar before?"

"Well, no, you're my first."

She looked around. "And it'll be your last unless we get out of this fucking jail!"

She stood, and he stood next to her.

She grabbed his hand and walked over to the door.

"See this thing?" she asked as she pointed to the tube and can mechanism behind the clear surface.

"Yeah, that's weird."

"Sure is. You got to stick it in this hole and piss in that can to open the door so we can get out of this place."

"What? You're shitting me!"

"No shit! Look at that! Look how it works!"

He studied it for a few moments.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"Damn, I'm right! Now start pissing so we can get the hell out of here!"

He cautiously stuck his member in the tube, the end reaching through the short tube, up and over the hanging can. He stood there for a minute, grunted, then pulled himself out. "I don't have to pee right now."

"Damn!" was all she said.

Eric was a little miffed that he couldn't pee on cue. But he was thirsty. He walked over to the fountain, leaned over the funny seat with the rods, stuck his head into the alcove and pressed one of the buttons, but no water came forth.

"Tha' won' work fo' yo'" she said from right behind him.

"Huh? Why not? I'm thirsty? How do I get a drink?"

"It's like th' doh'. Yo got' sit on th' pegs and press th' butt'ns to make th' wat'r c'mout."

He tried to sit, but the front peg poked him in the balls. "I can't sit on these pegs. How do I make it work?"

"Y' need two ho's t' sit. You's only got's one ho'. It ain't gon' wo'k fo' yo'."

"Here." He motioned for her to sit. "You sit so I can drink. Okay?"

Keisha sat on the pegs again. Eric tried to squeeze his head in the alcove to get his mouth to the fountain, but there wasn't enough room for both of their heads. She couldn't lean back far enough, and he couldn't lean past her.

"Damn!" Eric said. "I'm dying of thirst!"

"Yeah, and ah gots to piss sumth'n wicked too!" added Keisha.

"I don't know what you're going to do to pee. I guess you'll just have to pee on the floor. But maybe you can fill your mouth with water, then let me drink from your mouth? That might work."

"Sho. Ah can do tha'."

Keisha sat at the fountain and filled her mouth with water without swallowing. But she couldn't bend her head and Eric still couldn't touch his mouth to hers while she sat at the fountain. She got up out of the contraption and they put their mouths together and he drank from her mouth.

"Can you do it again?" Eric asked. That wasn't much water and I'm really thirsty!

This is a pain, Keisha thought to herself, but she sat and drank again to give Eric more water. And again, and again.

Keisha also drank for herself too. With every passing minute she had to pee even worse. Keisha looked around the room. She tried to see if there was a drain in the floor or anything to piss into. But the whole floor was a bare soft rubbery mat with no drain or anything.

"Ah don' wan' piss on th' floh'! Tha's nasty!"

She sat again and grimaced while holding her bladder closed for a while. "Try an' see if'n yo' can pee in th' ho' again." she told Eric.

He tried, but only a few drops came out. "Well, if we can fill it a few drops at a time, we can get out."

Later that day, he peed in the can again, but he saw there was a tiny hole in the bottom of the can. "Damn! Peeing a few drops at a time won't fill the can! I have to drink a lot of water to fill that can with one piss."

Keisha was in a funk. "Yeah," she said. She knew there had to be a trick to opening that door that he had to pee in the can, but he can't drink enough water from the fountain. And it was a pain for her to sit and stand giving him little mouthfuls of water at a time. Suddenly, she looked up and stared at Eric with her mouth agape!

Eric was worried now. "What?" he asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Keisha looked down and thought for a second before she answered. "Ah knows what we gots ta' do! An' yo' really ain't gon' like ih' this tahm!"

Eric paused for a moment at her latest conclusion, wondering what he will have to suffer through this time. Though, he had to admit, having her sit on his face was an erotic thrill despite the suffocating, and the reward afterward made up for any discomfort. "I'm afraid to ask, but what? Do we have do something kinky again, like when you sat on my head to open the wall?"

"Yeah, we got's to do somethin' kinky!"



"Nasty? Like what?" he persisted.

"Like only ah can drink, but yo' can't. An' only yo' can piss'n the ho, and ah can't."

"Yeah? So?"

"So ah's got's t' drink from th' fountain. Yo' got's t' drink from me."

"Huh?" Eric answered.

"Shit! Jus' lie on yo back on the flo' and let me sho' yo'!"

Eric dutifully lied on the floor and, once again, Keisha stood, straddled his head and sat on his face facing his feet. She wasn't as heavy as the last time she sat on his head.

She kneeled over his head, but she still pressed down with a goodly amount of weight so the pee wouldn't seep out and make a mess. This was so nasty, and she was afraid her muscles would be too tense to let her pee. But she had to pee so bad that it gushed out of her the instant she relaxed her muscles. What a relief! Poor guy!

Wow! Eric thought again. How is her sitting on my face again going to get the door open? Again, his nose was up her anus, and his mouth was directly under her clit. Then she pressed down and pushed his jaw open with her pelvic bone. He wondered for a second why she did that -- then the answer flooded his mouth! She was peeing in his mouth! Gaaak! It was awful! Bitter and gritty. He tried to wave her off him, but she had him pinned down good. He tried to grab her and push her off, but she just grabbed hold of his wrists and held his arms still. He had to swallow several times before she finished.

It took Keisha a while to empty her bursting bladder. He tried to smack her after she started pissing in his mouth, but she couldn't stop. It felt so good to finally empty her bladder. All she could do was grab his wrists and hope she could keep him from flailing his arms. Done, she stood up off his head and she heard him let out a sigh.

"Sorry if you didn't like that, but that's the only way you're going to drink enough to piss that hole!"

"Yeah, well," he said. "Let me know, next time, before you do something like that again! Okay?"

"Yeah, sure," she answered.

"Oh man! I feel like I'm going to be sick!"

"Get used to it! I'm thirsty again, and you're the only one who can get us out of here! And you got to drink from me to be able to pee enough!"

"Yeah, sure," he answered.

I wonder, thought the dark mistress gleefully. Did she just do what I think she did?

For the rest of the day, Keisha forced herself to drink from the fountain regularly. And she had him drink her pee whenever she had to. She hoped he would have to pee soon, and enough to unlock that damn door.

This is so gross, though Eric. I'm sick of drinking that black bitch's piss! Who does she think she is? Just like a woman, fuck one and they think they own you! Well, I suddenly realize that I do have to pee pretty bad, he thought. He walked over to the door and stuck it in the tube once again. He could feel her eyes on his back as he started to pee. He pee streamed out of his dick through the tube and into the can. Slowly, it started to fill. It slowly lowered on its cord, lifting the pin that held the door locked. His bladder emptied with the pin almost, but not quite clear of the door latch. He pounded the lock, but it didn't break. If he could just break that clear plastic-whatever-it-was, he could just lift the pin out and open the door.

Keisha walked over to him and saw the can half full. Damn! She hugged him from behind, wrapping her arms around him and laying her head on the back of his neck. "It's okay, bro'. We'll just keep trying."

He turned around in her arms, put his arms around her too, and kissed her. "Uhm, you never told me your name. I'm Eric," he said.

"I'm Keisha," she told Eric.

"Nice to meet you Keisha!"

"Yeah, you too," she said.

It seemed like a day had gone by, so they lay down on the floor for the second time. At that moment, Eric's stomach growled.

"You're hungry, ain't you?" Keisha asked Eric.

"Yeah! I'm starving!"

"Then why don't you eat me?"


It was the perfect opener. Keisha loved being eaten. "Eat me before you fuck me."

"Then eat me too!" he answered

"Get on your back."

Eric rolled on his back and she lay on top of him with her pussy in his face and started sucking his dick. It wasn't long before he filled her mouth. She swallowed and said, "You better make me come too!"

He continued sucking and swirling her clit with his tongue. It felt so good! The tension built up, let go, built up some more, let go again, then built up some more each time building up higher, until she finally came, her whole body bouncing and throbbing on top of his.

"Hey, bro', you do that good for a white guy!" she told him.

"Thanks. I think," he answered.

Spent, she laid her head down, using his groin as a pillow, and dozed off.

Not again, Eric thought. How am I going to sleep with her on top of me again, and with her pussy in my face yet. Well, at least it's a nice view, heh, heh. In fact, the bright pink slit of her pussy stood out like a neon sign against her pitch-black hairy skin. It was a visual treat!

When she woke in what was probably the next morning, she had to pee again. They didn't talk much. She drank from that fountain over and over again. And he lost count of the times he drank her piss from her pussy.

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Anna betrat zum ersten Mal das neue Büro. Sie war aus ihrer Krisen erschütterten Heimat der Ukraine gekommen um in Deutschland zu arbeiten. Nach vielen erfolglosen Vorstellungsgesprächen war Sie hier bei MindSoft als Teamassistentin angestellt worden. Ihr Job war es Kaffee zu kochen, Geschirr einzusammeln und kleinere Einkäufe durchzuführen, nichts was ihrem Studium angemessen wäre aber Hauptsache sie war nicht mehr in der Ukraine. Sie war ein hübsches Ding, langes hellbraunes Haar das ihr bis...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Born To Be My Lover

Sarah, a 35 years old business woman, who has everything that she has ever wanted, a beautiful house, a successful career, and not to mention a sexy curvy body of an eighteen year old. However, her love life always seems empty, with occasional dates and short flings, but no serious love affair. Her best friend and colleague, Monica, was always on the look-out for guys to set Sarah up with, but unfortunately with no success. When Sarah looks back on her loveless, but successful life, emptiness...

3 years ago
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Still Faithful Always Chapter 10

As much as Laura liked to spend her Saturday mornings when she was home working in her garden sometimes Mother Nature had other ideas. With a stretch and waking yawn Laura rose, looked out her bedroom window and saw that this time the weatherman had guessed right with today’s prediction. A steady rain watered her plants and bushes. Returning to bed she squeezed her Baby’s morning wood to wake him. “Do your stuff and back to bed Baby; this morning I will serve your first cup of coffee here in...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Full Circle Ch01

Anna closed her eyes in frustration as she felt her husband roll off her. She waited until she was sure that Jon was asleep beside her before she padded quietly to the bathroom to work herself off. She was an expert now at walking around the house in total darkness without bumping into anything. She quietly closed the door without once switching on the light, careful not to make any sound. Once she was sure that she was safe from any discovery she quickly started to masturbate, her hands...

2 years ago
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Valentine Birthday Wife

I wake to an empty home, I made my way to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. I’m half asleep as I opened the cabinet to get a cup. I turn around and ask, ‘What’s this?’ I see a stuffed animal and a heart shape box of chocolates along with a card. I move it to the side so I can pour my coffee. I grab the items and then head to my chair. Naturally, my wife sealed the envelope as I open it up. Its a very touching card. Placing it to the side, I take a sip of my coffee. I lean back in my chair and...

2 years ago
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The Honey Dew ListChapter 20

December 21, the Winter Solstice Chattanooga, Tennessee Frank Pezzo Residence “I’m glad that you guys agreed to move in with us, friends! We’ve decided that this is your wing of the building ... or rather part of the west wing, but as you can see, it’s pretty darn big itself. I’ve taken the liberty of expanding things more than a little. We even have a massive nursery and birthing center for all of the little bundles of joy sure to be created during our many amorous adventures. It’s a...

4 years ago
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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

2 years ago
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Momma's and Daddy'sbyIrishRose1215©I sat at the dining room table, both elbows on it, twirling a piece of gum around one finger, while biting at the other end. Mom was yelling at me, as usual, and as usual I was ignoring her the best I could. "Get your elbows off the table! Spit that gum out! Young ladies don't chew gum, makes you look like a cow!""At least I'm not a cow." Mom whipped around, and Daddy looked over at me, trying to hide a smile. "Apologize!""Fuck you." "Oooooo! I don't know what...

2 years ago
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My Friday Night in Tenerife

My evening at Ken and Karen’s BBQ was rushing by and before the end of it I needed to resolve the conundrum that offers from Dave and Ken had caused me. Ken wanted me to have sex with his much younger wife, Karen because he liked to eat her pussy straight after she'd fucked another man. Dave, on the other hand, had asked me to double up his wife, Claire. DP was, apparently, something Claire had fixated on recently and they thought I was the ideal candidate for their first experience. Dave and...

3 years ago
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A Photographer8217s Unpredictable Job 8211 Part 2 Nude Photoshoot

All arrangements for a photo shoot was there. Sapna came there behind me and rushed to lockers at the side of the wall. She opened one and pulled out a t-shirt. She removed her lehenga there and I could see her back naked as she saw me in the bathroom a few minutes ago. And she wore that t-shirt and a panty. That was a long t-shirt and cover her till knees. Now she came to me and said –“Listen we have to do a photo shoot in a few minutes. My assistant is on leave so I told Ibrahim (Boss-who...

2 years ago
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Janice the Milf pt2

Janice and I crawled onto the bed. Head on pillows. Breathing heavily.I smiled to myself. It really was a great blowjob. Brief, but that was my fault i guess as i was pretty much over excited. Maybe i should have had a wank before she arrived?Janice was laying on her back. One hand was on her breast. She was still breathing deeply, and i watched her boob rise and fall. They were really in great shape for a woman of any age. Natural and full. No sagging. I imagined that she oiled them after a...

1 year ago
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Last Night at Camp

i sat down with her and her brother at there camp fire and we started talking about concerts we had been to that week. all of a sudden evey one gets tired and starts going to sleep. so she askes if i wanna camp out there since my campsite was a really far walk in tha dark, so i sayd yea sure why not. so were laying outside under the stars and is about 56 degrees outside and shes geting a lil cold so i ask her if she wants to cuddle up to me. she says "no its on i will be fine after i fall...

2 years ago
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Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 6

Chapter 6The CruiseDaniel and Fabio arrived at the cruise ship at four o'clock just in time to get to the suite and get settled away just as their luggage arrived. It was a comfortable room on the port side with a balcony. They were informed that there was always a happy hour in the bars on the ship from 4 to 7 each evening. Supper was served in two seating's the early at 6:00 and then a later one at 8:00 PM. As they were dressed for the happy hour and were assigned the early sitting they...

4 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 10 Welcome Home

The next two weeks were uneventful. We had good weather all the way. The ship went even faster with the clean hull. I think all the damn crystals they had embedded in the ship helped as well. The food was awesome. We had fresh produce every day. The cook, Ben, excelled himself. The ship normally had sixteen crew members, but since the Captain had a feeling he was going to have a bored crew on a ship that would rarely break down, we had left six of the crew with the girls. Half of his crew...

1 year ago
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No Strings Attached My Beautiful Master

I arrive at Liam's home, accompanied by Justin and Becka, with only minutes to spare. They're both stunned when they see the mansion he lives in, and they can't contain that surprise even as we're walking up the steps to his front door. I tell them to try to act naturally; then anxiously, I ring the doorbell.It's been an unusual twenty-four hours. I hadn't expected to have my sexuality outed to the very person I'd secretly held affection for. Now here we are introducing him to the man who'd I...

1 year ago
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My Hentai! Searching for a place that offers the best hentai? Well, I was as well, until I saw this wonderful place filled with all kinds of naughty hentai clips; myhentai.tv. I mean, we all have different tastes when it comes to this shit, and what I dislike might be the crap you were searching for and vice versa. Personally, I enjoyed my stay here, but whether you will like browsing for naughty content on myhentai.tv or not, is completely up to you.I am here to tell you everything you need to...

Hentai Streaming Sites
1 year ago
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My Voluptuous Homely Mother Spreads Joy

Hello people, This is Nikhil, 18. I’m writing here for the first time. Sit back, whip your cock out and enjoy this sexstory of my mother’s promiscuity. I have a family of 4 people, my Father, Amma, Me and my younger brother. Ours is a normal South Indian family; we lead happy, contented lives; everything as usual, just like yours. Dad works in a private finance firm, which requires him to go on occasional business trips. Amma is a housewife, she used to teach English in my school earlier, but...

2 years ago
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Broken UpChapter 14

Danielle had the dream again. She was in her apartment, but everything seemed weirdly skewed—the colors were all wrong, tending to the browns and greens of decay, and everything seemed to be in slightly the wrong place. Everyone she saw, she thought she recognized—Nicole, her mom, Liz, Scott O'Connor, even people she hadn't seen in a while: Tom, Shelly Baumgarter, Emma Stanton—but everyone she saw looked slightly wrong—eyes too far apart, nose in the wrong place, skin the wrong color. As...

4 years ago
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dangerous game

I get up to do something, and he comes up behind me. He catches my wrists and pulls me back against him, grinding himself against me. He leans down and scrapes his stubble across the base of my neck, as I shudder with pleasure. I can see our reflection, and I love the way we look. Him intent and hungry, me abandoned to sensation, the curves of our bodies as we strain toward each other. He drops my wrists, and as one hand slips under my shirt to peak my nipples, the other unhooks the waistband...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 5

Harmony was almost beside herself. Jack swallowed the rest of the bean he had nibbled on, and she gawked when she saw the result, as Dinah tossed pieces of her clothing this way and that. The giantess had pulled Jack up, lifting him to stare at his huge erection, below which hung huge swollen balls. Harmony’s first thought was that she needed to figure out how not to be horny anymore, because if he came near her with that thing her strings would all snap for sure. However, the sound Dinah...

2 years ago
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Slave Part 8211 2

Email id – Hi indian sex stories dot net readers Me dard aur tension ki wajah se so ni paaya, bas baar baar mobile me time aur uska msg dekh raha tha jisme likha tha good night chamiya. Mene pics aur videos delete kr diye jo usne mujhe bheje the. Agle din mujhse chala ni jaa raha tha, naa hi dhang se baith paa raha tha. Fir bhi me uske ghar gaya usse milne. Urvashi ne jaise hi mujhe dekha , wo hasne lag gayi aur mujhe uske room me bulaya aur boli ki meri chamiya ko itni jaldi meri yaad aa...

2 years ago
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Sam and Vanessa Part 1

Sam and Vanessa Part one A little background Authors note. This is a sequel to the story of Mike and Sam that I wrote in 2004. It follows their son, Sam, from his preteen years through college. If you haven't read the original five parts, it might help you follow this story better if you do. If you went back and read the first five parts, you can skip down to The Story Starts, as this part just describes the four main characters. Our little family has four members to it....

2 years ago
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Whoring the bitch by the hole

Being tight on cash, I told my bitch I was gonna whore her, so she could bring in some extra bucks.Since it's a fat, ugly bitch I had to come up with a shrewed businessplan to make at least some money by whoring the bitch. Btw, she's not humongous, just a fatty. And fucking horny all the time! As we all know they're so many whores around, some stiff competition, so I came up with the ideato whore the fuckmeat by the hole; 20 bucks per hole without a rubber! You pay 10 bucks more per hole if...

2 years ago
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Mere Chudai Ke Kisse 8211 Part 10

Asha hai aapko meri pichli kahaniyan pasand aai hogi. Ab aage ki kahani. Payal ke jane ke baad main Priya aur Swati ke sath flat mein shift ho gaya. Teeno sath mein rehte aur bharpur chudai karte. Priya mujhe Swati ke sath share karne mein comfortable ho gayi thi aur threesome to har hafte do baar karte the. Meri zindagi ke sabse behtareen din chal rahe the. Is baar hum teeno ko acha bonus mila tha aur hum ghumne ka plan bana rahe the. Swati ko ghumne mein itna interest nahi tha aur woh do...

1 year ago
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OVERBOARDChapter 14 We Start Playing Cards

Kay's turn: Rob was gone when I got up this morning, just as he said he would be. I didn't hear him leave but that's okay, I really didn't have anything to tell him other than to have a good trip. He's a nice guy and I'm beginning to more than like him. I've got to get moving, there is a lot to do this morning and I think I'll start with the registration nonsense. I'd like to get to school and get started before there is too much craziness on campus with new students. It's nice...

3 years ago
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Nagpur Me Aunty Ki Khup Chudai Ki

Hi friends, mera nam vishu hai mai nagpur me kiraye se rahta hu aur ek achi company me job hai .. Heighr 5.8 and body avg hai meri age 30 hai married hu and biwi gaon me hi rahti hai. Aur mai yaha kiraye se… Bat aaj se 6 mahine pahle ki hai nayi room leke muze 3 4 hi mahine huwe the sab thik chal raha tha.. Par achanak ek din pitaji ki tabiyat khab hone se muze unke dawai pani me paise bahot jyada kharch ho gaye is karan mai 2 mahine ka kariya nhi de saka tha.. Meti ghar malkin muze bar bar...

1 year ago
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Man of Her Dreams

Chapter 1 ‘Hey Amy, how are you doing today? You’re usual?’ I nod my head at her. ‘I’ll bring it to your table.’ Pat stated as she walked away. ‘Thanks Pat.’ I replied, moving my attention around the cute little bookstore/coffee shop I loved so much, the people are so nice and it has a nice quiet atmosphere so that I can read or write, oh and the coffee isn’t bad either. I sat down in my favorite booth awaiting my coffee. Pat set down my piping hot Venti Caramel Macchiato with extra...

2 years ago
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Sex in the City Chapter 2

The next few weeks were spent straightening out the apartment and going to work. Neither Alice or Charles saw many of the other occupants of the block and when they did it was in the underground car park as people went to and from work. They bumped into Catherine and Robert a few times and met the other two couples who lived in the apartments on their floor.The other couples were Michael and Lucy who were of similar age to themselves.  Michael was an early bird and would get up each morning at...

3 years ago
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Brian Where Are You an Alone and Afraid StoryChapter 3

One of the first families or friends of the vanished that we met were the parents of Laura White. Laura had vanished from her apartment. Her parents, Joe and Rhonda White, had called when she missed church. They had a key but had to get help because the chain on her door was still in place. She was simply gone. Missus White said, "Laura was a good girl. She taught math and coached volleyball at a local high school. She didn't date much but had many friends. No one knows where she could...

3 years ago
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The Look 3

Inhibitions for the most part, gone. The more I looked into their eyes the more eager they were to do riskier slutty things, to attract me as a sexual partner. During intimate contact the look would often trigger an orgasm in them. The lesbians that pulled up their shirts on the street and shook their tits at me were the very first examples of the sudden developed desires, I experienced. Let me explain my past so you understand why I used my new ability for revenge like I did. Maybe I was...

3 years ago
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The Escape

This never should have happened. As she hid in the air duct between the offices and the mall she pondered her life of the last few months. The humiliating training at the hands of the schizophrenic second level girls...acting all high-and-mighty, like they're actually happy to be here. The disgusting acts she'd been forced to perform for those horrible male managers. And worse, those female managers; so intent on making her feel weak and pathetic in her new life as a girl. You see, she...

3 years ago
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Ex Gf Ko Sote Hue Choda

Mera naam ashish hai n ye kahani hai meri ex gf k sath sex ki vo bhi neend me. Kahani aise shuru hoti hai jb m aur meri gf anjali 2 saal se relation me the lekin kbi b sex nahi kr paye the coz anjali hmsha sex k naam se gsa ho jati thi aur shadi bad hi krne k lie bat krti thi. Ab m apko anjali k bare me btata hu, usk boobs ka size 38dd hai, gaand bhi 38 ki hai aur kmr 30 ki hai. Ab ap hi soch k batayein ki aise maal k sath relation me hote hue 2 saal se use choda na ho to kaisa haal hota hoga...

3 years ago
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Old Slipper Man

Old Slipper Man By Beverley Ardis After a rotten day at work I was looking forward to the usual Thursday lads night out with Robert and Pete. As we walked to the bar, Pete was putting me straight on how lucky I was after I moaned about wanting more excitement in my life. "Andrew you have a nice house, car and a good salary as a computer programmer, and you have no trouble pulling the birds." We arrived and saw a couple of girls entering the bar "looking good," Robert, said. I went...

3 years ago
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More Women than Men

Welcome to a world where men and out numbered by women. By how much you say? Well you can choose below, when you choose the world you want to be flung into!

2 years ago
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wild halloween

WILD Halloween PARTY EVERFirst sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Halloween party I ever been too. It was black party nothing but black guys and very few white guys but lots of white, Asian and black shemale was their and soon I walk in lots of black...

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Client Relations

Rick always knew it was time to catalog his sins when Lamaze appeared over his shoulder in the minutes before the market closed. Lamaze, whose real name was Edgardo Fuente, never moved from his desk unless he felt it was absolutely necessary. When Rick first started working at Coleman-Bradford, Lamaze was already fat. The intervening years of sedentary prosperity had taken him past fat to corpulence until even the simple act of hauling himself out of his chair and walking to the trading floor...

4 years ago
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BSC01 The True Meaning of BSCChapter 3 Bsc Surfaces Again

Daniel Brown and Janet Rivers collided with each without either of the two knowing what was happening until after the impact. Unfortunately, Janet being the much smaller of the two colliding masses was sent sprawling. All pretense of dignity was lost in that moment as Janet Rivers fell backwards into Mrs. Brown’s pristine flower bed. Her red, pleated skirt got all twisted up in the fall. It bunched up into a solid ring around her waist. Danny found himself speechless as he stared down at...

2 years ago
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Destinys RoadChapter 32

She said they loved me. But, knowing what I know now ... about the changes that are being made to their brain and the changes that happened to Alex's base personality ... can I rely on that? Do they actually love me, or is it something that I did to them? The very idea that I had forced my girls to love me, tore me up inside. For my part, I can say that I loved each of them. I didn't want slaves to my biology. The worst part was that if they weren't forced to love me because of some...

2 years ago
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Sushmita Bhahi Part 6

Hi friends this is Pabby again with another story… Part 6 Ghar pahunch kar us ne kaha ki wo ladki band kamre men hamaaree chudai ka khel apnee aankhon se dekhna chaahtee hai. Usne iske liye apna telephone number bhi diya hai. Hamaare safar waale din ke baad ke next Saturday ko karib 12 baje din men bus wali ladki ke dwara diye gaye number pe Sushmita ne use phone kiya. Us se sampark ho jaane ke baad Sushmita ne use hamaare yahan aane ka nimntran diya, jise us ne swikaar karte huwe hamare...

4 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 7

The summer break was over and the boys started their semester for their new class at Waterdale High School. Weeks had passed, since starting their semester, all the way up to the last days of October. But on the early evening of 30th of October (the day before Halloween), Josh and his friends did something they had never done before. Josh, Archie, Reggie and three other friends/classmates by the names of Sabrina, Josie and Beef, were playing with the Ouija board. In other words, they were...

1 year ago
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Scoreland Casca Akashova How To Make A Porn Video

Casca Akashova is on time for her photo shoot as usual but her porn partner (who must remain unidentified) is late. The photo crew is in another room. Casca is getting restless and eager for a stud to ride. She waits on the bed. Production assistant (also called a towel boy) Nicky Rebel comes onto the set with a bottle of water and towels for Casa and the guy. When he bends over to put them away, Casca gets playful and spanks his ass. Nicky would like to play with Casca while the stud’s...

1 year ago
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Mother of a CheerleaderChapter 4

Danica stood shivering in front of her daughter and the powerful coach. She tried to make herself presentable but it was difficult because she wasn't allowed to wear her bra or panties. Dani crossed her arms over her chest to hide her luscious boobs, which were easily visible through her thin transparent blouse. Her entire body vibrated and she tried to remain calm and collected. Julie grabbed her mother's arm and headed out the door. They left the tattoo parlor arm in arm, but it was...

2 years ago
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Whore Apartment Manager

I usually never have a problem. Being 23 and fine looking woman, it usually is very easy to sign leases to young bachelors. I am small built and only about 5’3”. I have a nice curvy trim body and big breasts. I have long brown hair and green eyes. Today I decided to wear something sexy, hoping that a horny man comes in and will sign the lease because of my looks. I am wearing a pink bra and panty set, black thigh high stockings, 3” high heals, white silk blouse and a black skirt. Last...

3 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 58

For Mark the next day went well. He had routine things to do. Mike Rawlings rang him and expressed his satisfaction at the outcome of the previous day. So did David Stevens to say that Fitzmaurice had proved no further trouble adding that he was not sorry to see the back of him. Alison was her usual sweet self but, Mark realised, was keeping a watchful eye on him. General Anthony was in an exceptionally sunny mood. Victoria was not happy. She swung between bliss as she thought of the...

1 year ago
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quick fuck

I run my wet tongue between along your shaft from tip back down before running my full tongue back up again. I feel your cock stiffen slightly and I moan deeply as I take you into my mouth, sucking gently as I swirl my tongue around it. Your cock grows more rigid in my hand. I begin to stroke your now fully hard cock, shallow and maddeningly slow, looking up into your eyes as my tongue runs up your whole length, your large cock head resting on my lower lip as I lap at your slit, tasting the...

4 years ago
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Derek and I were watching TV when a commercial came on about a boat cruise. Surprisingly, he asked if I would be interested in going on a cruise for a vacation. I looked at him - and then kind of laughed, shaking my head in wonderment and amusement. What would we do on a cruise together? As it was, we hardly spoke to each other.  Cards on the table, our marriage was in trouble. We both knew it because we virtually lived separate lives, sleeping in our own bedrooms and, basically, just meeting...

2 years ago
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Seduced by Feet

My name is Joe. I’m 29, still single, and have a good job making decent money. It began a couple days earlier, when my co-worker Mike invited me to his house to continue the plans on our new project. He told me to arrive at 5pm and we would work as long as needed. I didn’t mind the idea since I was still going to get paid. It's much better to work at home than on the job these days. I arrived at his house 30 minutes late, but once there Mike said "Don't worry about it, I made a mistake...

2 years ago
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A Day Ill Never Forget

Checking myself in the mirror one last time before leaving, his orders were quite specific. Nails painted, color of my choice, dress, thigh highs, no panties, heels, freshly shaven. All is in order, as I glance the mirror I am certain he will be pleased. I want nothing more than to make Sir happy.I arrive at the apartment, with only minutes to spare, but this is excellent timing as I have always been told to not arrive early or late. I get out of the car, as I’m walking to the door I can feel...

2 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 67

I stopped to talk with Fred on my way out. “Fred, I slept soundly all night with my shield up and was not interrupted. Tonight I will sleep with it down and try to bring it up if they try to take me. We shall see what happens then. I have a thought though; they have not tried two consecutive times I have slept. They have to have someone monitoring me, because the last two times I have been taken during my naps during the day; one time with Angel, and then again yesterday in here. “There were...

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RunChapter 40 NarrowGauge

“I always thought Rome was a romantic city, at least when I visualized it in my head,” Tamara said, sipping strong, bitter coffee at an outdoor cafe a few miles from where she and Hannigan had escaped from the M1 facility largely by luck. After ditching the helicopter and the unconscious medical officer, they had found the small, gated compound largely silent in the night. The gate, if you could call it that, could be opened by hand, and together, the two fled south into the city to try to...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Perfect Ten

It was another bright Sunday morning, two days after Alice and I had seen Carmen and Steve going into the cinema with their new potential conquests, Julie and Gary. The kids were at their usual soccer practice so we had taken the opportunity to go to the gym together. Alice had booked her favourite spinning class while I had intended to spend an hour working out in the weight room. Since our descent into the Hotwife and Cuckold lifestyle, I had felt driven to at least try and keep pace with my...

3 years ago
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Cuckold son

(Mother Linda(42) and son Jan(24) living as a couple for 6 years)."Damn. I want to fuck your mom, dude.” Tom had a tendency to always say exactly what was on his mind. He was staring into the living room where my mom was talking with some of our other guests. I just smiled, shook my head and continued to deal another hand of euchre.Today was my 24th birth day, and to celebrate I invited over several of my closest friends, before taking the weekend at a swank hotel; just the two of us. I...

2 years ago
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Didi ki nanad

Ik din mobile par meri bahan ka phone aaya aur usne kaha ki us ki nanad ka compartment ka paper hai is liye tum use 4-5 dino ke liye apne room par stay kara lo. Maine kaha ki she is most welcome. Next day woh apna saaman le kar mere room par rahne aa gai.Uska naam usha tha. Woh bahut sexy face aur body wali ladki hai. Mai apne room par akela rah raha tha because mera room mait apne ghar gaya tha kunki uski mummy bimar thi isliya woh 8-10 dino ke liye ghar chal agaya. Meri didi ki nanad ko...

1 year ago
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Janus and his Mother Annas Rosebud Part

Ah there you two are Janus said as he entered the room. I looked up and smiled and patted the bed beside me and beckoned Janus to sit by me. Janus leaned over and kissed me and cleared his throat. I looked at my son and raised my eyebrows in anticipation of his question to come.Mother, I’ve been thinking he began as he bent down and kissed my forehead. Yes Janus and what have you been thinking about my precious son? Well just because , well um, well just because I have a bigger cock than...

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