Fallen Angel
- 2 years ago
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“Do you want to see my tattoo?” Petra asked me as we sat in her lounge, enjoying our weekly midmorning coffee.
“Sure.” I looked at my beautiful friend, her long red hair cascading over her shoulders, not sure what to expect. She wasn’t dressed in her normal vicarage clothes. She had a short black Japanese kimono with a red embroidered dragon on the back. I could see the swelling of her full mature breasts, her long naked legs stretched out before her. My heart thumped in my chest; my breath quickened. I didn’t know why. Maybe it was the anticipation of another one of her outrageous theological pranks.
We were both pastors in two adjoining congregations, the first females in our denomination. Our husbands were also our senior colleagues in the congregations. Petra was the outgoing, easy pastor everyone loved. Her husband, Gert, was the quiet one, while my husband, Johan, was the dynamic leader in the church. Me, I saw myself as the follower, although my theological studies were far outside the church’s dogmatic box. And I was too scared and timid to openly express my views.
When Petra unfolded her long legs, for the briefest of moments I saw her smooth upper thigh. As she walked up to me, I held my breath. Petra was the expression of everything sexual in a woman. When she planted her legs wide apart before me, unfastening her kimono, I knew our relationship would be changed forever. I looked up at her smiling face and when she dropped her flimsy kimono, I could only gasp. Her full breasts sagged a little, but their pink nipples stood out like beacons on two hills. My gaze followed the movement of her hands past her navel, over her belly, to the small patch of red pubic hair. The vision of her protruding clit hit me where I didn’t want to go. Or a place I denied myself to enter.
For the first time in my forty-nine years, I saw another woman’s vulva, her slit, and the shy protruding lips. I was mesmerised by the vision. I wanted to touch it, to feel the smoothness of her outer lips and to slip my fingers between her wet lips. Then I saw the tattoo.
Petra pushed her crotch into my face, my nose touching her pubic hair, and said, “Do it.”
I closed my eyes as the exotic aroma of her aroused sex entered my sensitive nostrils. My hands found their way around her legs to her ass cheeks, pulling her closer as I pushed my tongue into her wet slit. That first taste of another’s most intimate secretions overwhelmed me. My head spun as I took a deep breath. I became conscious of the wetness of my panty and my own nipples hardening. My body responded to an unfathomable desire.
When she lifted her right leg over my left shoulder to give me better access to her vulva I nearly fainted. Looking up at her, I grabbed her raised leg with my left hand and with my other hand touched her pussy.
“For God’s sake, Natasha, lick my fucking cunt.”
But the stern voice of decades of indoctrination shouted back: “It is a dirty deadly sin. Don’t do it.” Mother’s soft shameful warning about my unmentionables stopped me in my tracks and dried my own wetness faster than a drop of water in the desert sun. I slowly untangled Petra’s leg from my shoulder and pushed her back, my head dropped in shame.
“I am sorry,” I whispered. “I cannot be unfaithful to Johan.”
Petra dropped to her knees, lifted my head and kissed me. When I opened my eyes and looked into hers, all I could see was love, passion and desire.
“I love you,” said Petra and kissed me again, forcing her tongue between my lips. Tears streamed down my face as I struggled with the emotions raging inside me.
“I love you too, but we’re married Christian women.” I stood up and looked down at my naked friend, my heart ripped apart. If I stayed a moment longer, I knew I would’ve stripped off all my clothes and made passionate love to her. Dogma and Mother shut that door as I fled from Petra’s love, into morning traffic to a hill overlooking the city. As I gripped the steering wheel in anger, sobs tore through my body, shaking me to the core.
“Oh God, why are you so cruel? Why give me all these desires, all the knowledge only to deny me the pleasure of living it?”
After what seemed to be hours, my tearless dry sobs, my make-up ruined, I needed to face my past. Rage drove me to my mother’s cottage where she and her friend, Mrs. Tersia van der Merwe were having lunch under a Jacaranda Tree with its purple flowers.
“Why didn’t you tell me about the beauty of our pussies?” I demanded, ignoring the shock on their faces. “Why must we be ashamed of our cunts?”
Mother was the first to recover. “Natasha, that is enough.” After a pause, she deftly placed her delicate cup of tea on the table and continued her stern matriarchal reprimand. “How dare use that kind of language. You are embarrassing me in front of my friend. Apologise this instant.”
“No, Mother. You and the fucking church fucked up my life. For far too long I had to be the quiet and dutiful one. There is a world out there bigger than your little church and closed cunts. I want to experience more of life than what you can offer.” As I turned around to leave, her next words felt like daggers stabbing me in the heart.
“If you leave without an apology and take everything back, you will no longer be my child. You will be dead to me.”
I gripped the door handle, took a deep breath and said: “So be it. Goodbye, Mrs. Martie Swanepoel,” and walked out.
Driving home, my anger made way to regrets. How could I ever face Petra or Mother again? My biggest regret was: Why did I allow male theological dogmas to prescribe the expression of my sexuality? Was God really such a schmuck to give me a pussy, only for the church to make it dirty?
I found Johan in his study sitting behind his large mahogany desk concluding what sounded like a serious telephone conversation. “I understand… I will inform her… No, she just walked in… I will… Goodbye.” Johan looked at me as he slammed the phone down, his face turning red.
“How could you do this to me? What have I ever done to you to deserve this embarrassment?” He paused, catching his breath, his hands gripping the edge of the desk.
“Do you love me?” I asked.
“That was the chairman of the Synod,” Johan continued. “He received serious complaints about your Sunday sermons. He called it heresy.”
“Why did you marry me?”
“The church is going to officially charge you with blasphemy.” Johan stood up and walked around his desk to look out the window, his back to me. “Your mother also called. She does not blame me for your outburst but wants me to talk some sense into you.”
“Do you still find me desirable?” I had to know if my love and loyalty had any chance of a return of investing of more than twenty years of my life.
“You have a choice. Retract everything you preached for the last six months and apologise to your mother.” Johan turned around, took a book from the bookshelf and settled behind his desk, paging through the book, looking for something. “Or resign and leave the church.” He never lifted his gaze to me.
It was as if somebody punched me in my stomach and throttled me. I couldn’t breathe. My legs turned into jelly. Since I was a little girl, I wanted to share the Goddess’ love with the world, but people were more interested in church doctrine and money than love. My fate was sealed.
During the next few weeks, I resigned from the church, I divorced Johan, leaving a sexless and childless marriage behind; sold the little I had and found myself managing a small game ranch of an acquaintance of friend of mine, called Koos. Investing everything I had in my continued education as a hands-on would-be ecologist, game ranching, tracking, wilderness survival and wildlife guide, I quickly left my old life behind. I tried very hard to forget Petra and her tattoo, but my heart had an empty space reserved for her. The biggest challenge was suppressing my sexual desires and sharing Her love with the world.
Meanwhile, I enjoyed guiding tourists through the game ranch that was connected to the Kruger National Park, the pride of South African tourism. On a game drive with five young tourists, I was reminded of what I missed my whole life. These youngsters wanted to see the hippos in the river. After about an hour’s drive, we came to a deep pool in the Olifants (Elephant) River. A “pod” of hippos, about seven females, a few young and the dominant bull were enjoying the morning splash in the water. Then the bull lifted his backside, defecated and distributed his dung with the wagging of his short fat tail. The pungent smell reached us.
“Why did the hippo do that?” asked Campbell from Australia. His hand was on Kate, his girl’s breast, squeezing it as he looked me in the eye.
“To mark his territory,” answered Ian from England, his hand beneath his wife, Jill’s short dress.
“I don’t think so,” said the young Naomi, sitting next to me. She had a cut-off tank top on, her under boobs showing the bottom of her nipples. Her green lycra short shorts revealed her bulging camel toe. She swung her right leg to my side, opening her pussy to my gaze. “He just had to go and didn’t have toilet paper to wipe his arse.”
I was getting worked up at this sexual display. My dry pussy showed signs of awakening as I felt wetness lubricating my neither lips.
“There’s an old African creation story about why hippos do this,” I said. “King Lion had the task to assign each species a place to live. The crocodile wanted to live in the rivers to eat fish but when the hippo wanted to live in water too, croc objected.
Hippo said: “My skin is very sensitive, and the African sun is very harsh. I need to be in the water during the day.”
“With your big mouth you will eat all the fish,” complained croc.
“Not to worry,” said hippo. “I will scatter my dung to show you if there’s any fish bones in it.”
By the time I finished this little story, Kate was busy sucking Campbell’s cock, Ian was lapping at Jill’s pussy while Naomi was the only one listening.
“Sorry to break up your passion,” I said. “But with the heat from your fucking, you might set this place on fire.” I started the vehicle and drove on to our next destination. I lost interest in nature around me. Why care about nature when your own sexual nature and soul have been denied?
Approaching my fiftieth birthday, with nobody knowing, I wanted time to myself. Then, one day, when I was alone at the lodge, I decided to take a naked dip in the pool. As I swam, feeling the water caressing my naked body, I saw Petra’s smooth pussy as clear as day. The reminder drained my body of energy. I couldn’t continue swimming. I struggled to climb out and lay there naked on the edge, sobbing.
Not having heard Koos and his wife Rita, arriving, I became aware of their presence only when Rita kneeled next to me.
“Natasha are you okay?” she asked. As I opened my eyes, I looked past Rita’s open legs and saw her naked pussy. She had a short red dress on, obviously without any panties. Then I realised I was still naked and wanted to cover up. Rita stopped me.
“Koos, please pass me the towel,” said Rita as she helped me up. “And her bathrobe.” Rita dried every naked inch of my naked body with Koos grinning at us.
“I’m sorry you caught me naked…”
“I’m not,” said Koos, grinning from ear to ear, leering at my naked body. Reluctantly he handed me my bathrobe. “You still have a beautiful body.”
“Thank you, I think.” I quickly put on the robe.
Rita took me to the pool bar and quickly had coffee percolating.
“We just came from the bank,” said Koos. “They’re giving us three months to pay off our debt.”
“This is not the right time to talk about money,” said Rita. “Can’t you see Natasha is upset?”
The penny dropped. They had to let me go and with nowhere else to go, I was in deep trouble.
“Did you like seeing my pussy?” asked Rita, changing the subject.
I could feel my face turning red and I quickly covered my still naked tits and pussy with my hands.
“I didn’t mean to,” I stammered. “Yes. She is beautiful.”
Rita poured hot black coffee into two mugs and handed one to me.
“Koos, please be a darling and fix us brunch,” said Rita and sat on the barstool next to me. “We need some girl-time with no interruptions.”
As soon as Koos turned his back to go to the communal kitchen, Rita slipped off her red dress and stood before me, a proud naked woman. The image of a naked Petra flashed before me, blending the two women in my aching heart. I gasped as I looked at her beautiful breasts and lovely pussy. Rita removed my bathrobe and stepped between my spread legs, resting her hands on my upper thighs, close to my pussy.
“What you need is a good fuck,” she said, kissing me softly on my open lips. Her hands on my thighs slipped closer to my waiting pussy and before I knew it, she cupped my vulva with a warm hand. It was as if my pussy juice wanted to douse the heat from her hand to prevent a fire. But the fire in my soul fuelled the flames of my desire. I pulled Rita closer, kissed her back and opened my legs wider to give her better access to my aching pussy.
For the first time, I was able to touch other woman’s breasts, feeling their softness and her hard erect nipples. I have never made love to a woman and didn’t even know how to please myself.
“Let me show you,” said Rita, as she must have realised how ignorant I was in the art of pleasing a woman. Her soft kisses on my neck sent shivers down my spine. She squeezed my tits and played with my nipples between her fingers, pulling and rubbing them. Electrical shockwaves, however small, cascaded down to my pussy, flooded it with my arousal. When Rita kissed my breasts and sucked on my nipples, I knew I was close to an orgasm. Her butterfly soft kisses down to my clit nearly pushed me over the edge. The final demonstration in my sexual education was Rita’s tongue sliding through my pussy and sucking on my clit and lips.
“Oh, my fucking Goddess,” I screamed, as wave after wave of pleasure flowed through me, leaving me breathless. When Rita kissed me, I tasted myself for the first time and something in me awakened. It was as if the burden of shame I carried for so long dropped off my soul.
“Let me try it on you,” I said as I helped Rita on the bar.
Bending forward, I admired Rita’s pussy with a small landing strip pointing to her protruding clit. With both hands, I caressed her smooth thighs on the way to her apex, her open pussy. I could see the glistening pink petals of her secret garden. I fell in love with her beauty, with the source of life. Shyly, I touched her clit with my tongue, tasting her growing wetness. Instinct guided me as I flicked Rita’s little knob with my tongue before I sucked it into my mouth.
“Yes, that is it,” moaned Rita as she fell back onto the bar counter. “You’re getting the hang of it. Swipe your tongue through my slit.” With such detailed instructions, I had to oblige. I gripped Rita’s legs and pulled her pussy closer to devour her and to satisfy my hunger.
With her legs around my head, I could hear my own thumping heart beating in unison with hers. I moved my mouth up and down her pussy, coating my lips with her juices. This was what I should’ve done with Petra. I closed my burning eyes as tears streamed down my face. I was happy and sad and angry. Why did it take so long for me to experience the joy and passion of Eros? Why did I deny myself the pleasure of another woman’s sacred mound? Why did I hide behind the dogmatic trappings of the church?
Rita’s hand on my head brought me back to the pleasure at hand. I kissed her inner thighs, sucked her lips, fucked her pussy with my tongue and inserted three fingers into her cunt. I prayed to the Goddess to help me make Rita orgasm. I wanted to cram all the wasted years of neglect into pleasuring my new lover. Time stood still as I continued my training to love another and to forgive myself. As my fingers curled inside her, I touched a soft spot, making Rita shake and scream.
After a while, Rita calmed down and pushed herself up. She took my face in her hands and kissed me. “Thank you for making me cum,” she whispered, hugging me against her breasts.
Sobs of joy and regret shook me to the core. The softness of another human being enveloped me as a warm blanket. I hugged her naked back, kissed her breasts and sucked on her hard nipples.
“Brunch is served,” interrupted Koos behind me.
This was my shibboleth moment. I just made love to his wife, I was naked and still aroused. Would I turn and run, like I did with Petra, or would I face my new future?
“But I just had dessert,” I said and stepped away from Rita, facing Koos naked with my hands on my hips, thrusting my tits and pussy out as an invitation to him. He looked me up and down and shrugged.
“Listen, darling, I would love to fuck your hot body into the middle of next week,” he said. “But I made a hot brunch that’s getting cold.” He stepped closer to me, pinched my nipples, cupped my vulva and slipped two fingers into my wet dripping pussy. “I can always heat you up again, but not brunch,” he said, licking my juices off his fingers. “Come on.”
“Let’s not tempt fate,” said Rita behind me as she jumped off the bar counter. She hooked her arm into mine and we followed Koos to the dining area, still naked.
Brunch was the most bizarre experience I’ve ever had. The food was divine, and the company funny and informative. Every time when a naked Koos served us another course, his soft but well-endowed penis swung close to face. I had to laugh. Johan, my ex-husband, would never have thought about serving me brunch. He would’ve died before doing it in the buff. When Koos poured me my coffee I stopped him.
“May I touch Kosie?” I asked Koos. (Kosie is the diminutive for Koos in Afrikaans)
“I thought you take your coffee black,” he said as his penis started to rise.
“I don’t want your cream in my coffee,” I said. “I just want to feel a man’s cock.”
“In that case, my dear, Kosie is all yours, for now.”
My first touch of another man’s dick was liberating. His softness soon gave way to a hard throbbing and beautiful shaft. Moving my hand up and down, his foreskin revealed a smooth reddish head with a small slit, smiling at me.
“Kiss it,” said Rita. “Taste his juice.”
Without another thought, I did as she suggested and kissed the smooth mushroom head. The slit must have leaked something because I could taste its saltiness and smelled its aroma.
“If you continue heating Kosie, your coffee will get cold and my cream would end up in your mouth,” warned Koos.
For a moment everything stopped. I wondered what Mother, no, Mrs. Martie Swanepoel, would say about my depravity. What would the members of the congregation gossip about me sucking another man’s cock with his wife’s blessing?
I pulled my mouth away from Kosie with a pop. With his wife's blessing?
“You’re okay with another woman playing with your husband’s penis?” I asked Rita. I turned to Koos. “And you didn’t say a word when I ate your wife’s pussy? Why?”
“We’re nonmonogamous,” answered Rita.
“Ethical nonmonogamous,” quipped Koos.
“What the fuck does that mean?” I asked.
“We’re swingers. We enjoy sex with each other and with other people,” said Koos.
“When I see Koos making love to another woman, the more I love him,” said Rita. “I was filled with love for both of you when you played with his penis.”
It was too much for me to swallow. I took a sip of my coffee and saw Koos walking towards Rita to kiss her. She stood up and they hugged each other. What have I missed in my miserable life? Christianity was supposed to be about love and all I got was dogmas with more rules than leaves on a tree. Petra wanted to show me another side of love when she showed me her tattoo. I was just too dumb to realise it.
“Thank you for the brunch and the dessert,” I said as I got up. “I just need some time to think. I’ll be back soon.”
I walked naked into the African bush…
To be continued…
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Introduction: Angels gift Fucking an Angel As she walked thru the door, silence fell along with most of the men in the rooms jaws. Damn, she was HOT, real HOT. Her long strawberry blond hair fell past her hips and swayed gently caressing them as she walked further into the room. John came here every evening after work and he knew every woman who frequented the bar. He didnt recognize her, she must be new to the area. Her dress, red lace, was slit to the hip on both sides and dipped...
As she walked thru the door, silence fell along with most of the men in the room’s jaws. Damn, she was HOT, real HOT. Her long strawberry blond hair fell past her hips and swayed gently caressing them as she walked further into the room. John came here every evening after work and he knew every woman who frequented the bar. He didn’t recognize her; she must be new to the area. Her dress, red lace, was slit to the hip on both sides and dipped dangerously low in the front, letting...
Pink Angel I saw her standing forlornly in the corner of the store, her price marked as "half-off", and I simply had to bring her home. She was a Christmas lawn ornament, a life-size announcing angel with trumpet ready to blow, lit up in pink in honor of breast cancer research. I put brought her home, and set her in my tiny front yard, and then went inside. I was all alone now, and felt desperate for company, so at the start or at the finish of every day, I found myself sitting on...
Sitting at his desk, with way too much to do and way too little time to do it in, Marcus went over the call that his girlfriend had given him just a few hours earlier. Angel had called him and (while Christmas music was blaring in the background) told him she wanted to give him an early Christmas present, and said he might be a little surprised by what she had planned…but that he should just trust her on this one and go with it. Even though he was not exactly into the Holiday season, and all...
“Going out on our bikes” I called. Normally I would ask, but I didn’t want to risk staying. There was silence, then, my mom from the couch. “Clara… be home by four.” Four? Since when? Dinner wasn’t until six, like on the dot. I shrugged, pulling my backpack straps tighter. “Yeah ok.” and I left. Sophia and Jacob were waiting for me outside. “Let's go to the duck pond,” Sophia said as I mounted my bike. I loved riding my bike, the amount of freedom I felt, the speed, I used to pretend...
threw my backpack on over my shoulders to head outside, as I went through the living room I saw my parents sitting with a tall broad-shouldered man with too serious eyes and a gun tucked into his belt. A shiver ran through me and I walked faster toward the door. “Going out on our bikes” I called. Normally I would ask, but I didn’t want to risk staying. There was silence, then, my mom from the couch. “Clara… be home by four.” Four? Since when? Dinner wasn’t until six, like on the dot. I...
THE FALLEN ANGEL by pembo'THE FALLEN ANGEL''THE FALLEN ANGEL' part one * * *Sammi's dark hair was gently blown by the cool ocean breeze, her short summer dress floating up suggestively, showing off her long tanned leg's as the local surfer boy's looked on, silently praying the breeze would blow it up just a little more. Sammi was on her daily walk along Laguna beach with max her loyal cross breed terrier, whom she had rescued from the pound four years previous. This was the first walk Sammi and...
Now let me tell you about Angel. She's 5' 4'', 21 years old with mid-length, medium brown hair and had a petite figure but had decent curves for a girl her size. I know nothing about girl sizes in inches so I can't exactly tell you an accurate portrayal overall, however she had a nice set of tits somewhere between 38A and 32B. A nice handful size each, which was good because I believe anything more than that is a waste anyway. Lastly, she wore glasses on a normal basis which in my...
Douglas pulled off the main highway and found a cozy place to park his eighteen-wheeler. It had been another long boring day, and he was not ready to turn in and say goodnight yet. After getting every thing ready, he sat at his computer and logged on, checked his e-mail, then went surfing. Douglas is around the age of 50. He works as a truck driver. He doesn’t have a happy marriage, nor, does he have the typical male type job. He is not contented with a routine 9 to 5 job. He loves driving a...
Please be patient in that part I has little sex but I promise it will get better in subsequent parts.I am a business man that travels in my job and therefore have met some very interesting people, in a lot of different places. This story is of one meeting that changed my life in ways that I could never have imagined.I was on a business trip to England with a large group of businessmen from all over the US, Great Britain, and Europe. The meetings were held from Tuesday through Friday in the...
Straight SexThe Alchemist was getting ready to close his tattoo shop when the bells on his door chimed. He turned and there she was, a shattered angel. She stood paused, frozen in his doorway, neither in nor out, motionless on the threshold, undecided. The setting sun bled over the rooftops from across the street, staining her hair and cheek with the illusion of mortal wounds. The empty hunger in the crushed blue of her eyes screamed of lethal injuries hemorrhaging but invisible on the surface of her skin....
Supernatural“Elfi,” a male voice barked, directly to my left. I winced as the sound exploded against my eardrums, and angry flecks of saliva slapped against my cheek. “Get back to fucking work. Now!”If that sounded harsh written in English, let me tell you it actually made my skull vibrate in the original German. German is a perfect language for shouting.The words came from my boss, Klaus Richter, Head of Entertainment at the Christmas market in Berlin, where I worked. My muscles tensed, my hands started...
TransJenny had a hard life, at a young age her mother passed away due to complications with cancer, which in turn made her father ill.At the age of sixteen, she had built up a wall, a defence mechanism. Not many people were able to get through to her. Because this she didn’t have many friends, and the friends she did have were mostly in her head.It was the night of her sixteenth birthday, as usual, she got to her knees beside her bed and said a little prayer. She wished for peace for her father and...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi‘Welcome to this year’s induction ceremony to Major League Baseball’s Hall of Fame. As Commissioner of Major League Baseball, it is always my pleasure to host the annual induction ceremony. However this year is extra special because for the first time in history The Baseball Hall of Fame has waived its 5 year waiting period to accommodate the induction of not only one of the games’ greatest players of all time, but also one of its greatest ambassadors. Dominick Carvoli Passed away 3 weeks ago...
Introduction: One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel Laying in bed, crying. Just like any other night. I hated my life. I was constantly bullied, hated. Never accepted. Let me introduce myself, my name is Lucy. Im 17, I have short blood red hair, blue eyes and a slightly curvy figure. Im kind of pear shaped so my hips are wider set. And therefore, people feel the need to call me fat and bully me every day. And it doesnt help that I like dressing in black and red and...
I am a control freak. I will freely admit it. I am hard-headed, a perfectionist, and quite used to getting my own way. In spite of these personality traits, or maybe because of them; sexually, I am never happier than when I am totally submissive. Finding a man, however, who was strong enough, and possessed enough self confidence to realize my potential had been largely unsuccessful. Until he came along. We have only known each other for six months, but in many ways, it seems like I have...
I am Angel. My parents had named as Angel as I really looked like an angel to them. By birth I had very fair complexion like any other Anglo Indian. I had light blue eyes but dark black hair. So I was an angel for all my relatives too. My mother was too happy to have given birth to a beautiful girl like me. I was liked by all my neighbors and everyone used to carry me at lease once in their lap when I was a kid. I was a darling of my entire locality. Thus I grew up as an angel in real sense. In...
JETLAG HIT ME big time and I had three cups of coffee thick enough to cut with a knife before I got in my rental car and headed southeast. I got a fast car and drove too fast all the way from Zagreb to Split on the A1. The mountain pass wasn’t as bad as I expected but spooky as hell. A five-mile tunnel. Before I took off, I sent a quick text to Jordan to let him know where I was headed. I want him to know, but I don’t want him to get there before I do. The big lie It took over five hours...
I was laying bed crying. When a voice spoke to me from across the room. A male voice, but not one that I know. "Why do you cry, little one?" I looked up tears still coming down. And there I saw the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. He was tall. Looking about 6 feet. His head nearly touching the ceiling. He had black messy, spiky hair. His eyes...like the clearest blue pools you could ever see. His lips were slightly puffed but not enough to create a feminine look. He had a...
Note: This occurs over a fictional period that did not have a pandemic. Also, if you have followed my previous stories, you might have noticed my last two were short erotic tales. This one is more like the others, but perhaps more romantic, told in the third person. Chapter 1: Seven Years Ago Abby Calder was a mess. Not in any physical sense. Outwardly, she looked like any other seventeen year old girl, though perhaps prettier than most. As she looked at herself in the...
I sat in my office chair at my computer desk. I sensed someone behind me and figured that my younger daughter was sneaking up behind me to scare me. I spun around and shouted "Ah ha!" After a few seconds of silence, I lowered my pointing finger and closed my wide open mouth. It was not my daughter. Standing in front of me was, an angel. There was no other way to describe him, a flowing white winged figure and he was smiling at me. I said, "Hello." "Good evening. Let me introduce myself, I...
Spend all your time waiting, for that second chance, for the break that would make it okay. There's always some reason, to feel not good enough, and it's hard at the end of the day. I need some distraction. Oh, beautiful release. The memory seeps from my veins. Let me be empty and weightless and maybe, I'll find some peace tonight. In the arms of the angel, fly away from here. From this dark, cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear. You are pulled from the wreckage, of...
Introduction. The ways of the Official are many, varied, and often formal. That their methods and phrases – often arcane or even quaint to the modern ear – are accepted goes without saying. In dealing with an ‘Official’ you have to listen very carefully, often to long sentences and unfamiliar words that almost borders on ‘legalese’ or ‘jargon’. We seem to live in a world where ‘ticking the box’ and recording target achievements seems more important than doing the actual job. This story is...
An angel once fell from heaven: too curious about the world below her. Craving desperately to find a love that she had only dreamed and heard stories of before. A love that stands the test of time, and could overcome despair, destruction, sadness, and all the things the world would throw at her. To her a love like this was worth more than any love found amongst the perfect realms of the heavens. She longed to feel, to experience everything she had never felt before. She hungered to feel pain...
Mary’s Guardian Angel By Beagle9690 July 2016 Her name is Mary.....Mary Susan Brown to be exact. Mary is a good and charitable woman. She was born and grew up in a small coal mining town in Western Pennsylvania. Her father was a dentist and her mother his dental assistant. His dental office was located in their spacious brick home. An only child, Mary lived a happy and tranquil life. Perhaps a somewhat sheltered life with parents who loved her. She adores music and dancing and the...
TRUST ME It’s written in big, black letters on a piece of card stock. It’s the second one I’ve received this week. The first one had three little words on it: I WANT YOU I called a friend of mine and told her what was going on. I asked her if any of our friends were pulling a practical joke, cause I wasn’t finding it funny. I was a single, young, professional that lived alone and things like this gave me the creeps. The second note kind of confirmed my thoughts about a friend pulling a joke on...
Lisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...
Oral SexLisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...
Oral SexTRUST ME It's written in big, black letters on a piece of card stock. It's the second one I've received this week. The first one had three little words on it: I WANT YOU I called a friend of mine and told her what was going on. I asked her if any of our friends were pulling a practical joke, cause I wasn't finding it funny. I was a single, young, professional that lived alone and things like this gave me the creeps. The second note kind of confirmed my thoughts about a friend pulling a joke on...
ReluctanceBeing black and growing up in Brooklyn NY, was no joke. You live and die by whom you knew. I was lucky, my father and my uncle were hustlers from the old school. In other words they where drug dealers. It was only natural that I followed their footsteps. Flatbush belonged to my father and my uncle. If a nickel bag of weed was sold in that part of Brooklyn I guarantee you that my family was getting a cut. That's just the way shit was. My father wasn't the flashy type of dealer. He always kept...
This is the current endcap for the St. Clair series. It certainly won’t be the last one, but it is the last one I actually have planned. The readers of the St. Clair series have been very supportive and very, very patient. The first story in this series was originally intended to go in Romance, but since the two leads in the couple happen to be female, it ended up dropped into Lesbian; I learned to keep the series together in the same category the hard way. There is no graphic sex in this...
Well, I tried to be good. Really I did. I wanted to spare my sister the embarrassment of having her brother subject her to more of his aberrant lifestyle, but I just couldn't help myself. I mean, put any self-respecting teenager who's been doing without for the last half dozen years in bed with two beautiful women and just see what happens. I dare you. What happens is, he thinks he's being clever, and while the sister tries to sleep on the nearby couch he slides under the covers, after an...
Hi everybody, after getting story of the week I've noticed a huge influx of viewers which is amazing :) Please, if you like anything in my story specifically like a kink or just a certain sex scene, please like it! This tells me what people are into, what I should write more of (and what I should write less of). I'm constantly changing and updating previous chapters and taking viewer's preferences into consideration - if you leave a comment or PM me, be certain that I'll take your...