Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
- 3 years ago
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“I love this drive,” said Marisa, staring out at the
scenery passing by.
“Me too,” added her husband, John. “Here’s the big
bridge. Not much longer.”
Marisa turned her attention from the blue water and the
palm trees towards the famous seven mile bridge in the
Florida Keys. Big Pine Key was their destination. It was
just on the other side of the bridge. It was quieter
then some of the keys, but close enough to Key West,
they’d only need a short drive for a good meal,
sightseeing, or drinking in Key West’s famous bars.
Marisa and John preferred things quieter especially with
a new baby with them and they were looking forward to
seeing John’s frat buddies and best friends.
The young red headed wife turned to check on the baby,
peacefully sleeping in the backseat. John had a bag
resting on the floor and she saw several magazines
sticking out of it. She grabbed them both. One magazine
was called Iron Man and the other was Flex. The same
black man was on the cover of both.
The man was a bulging mass of muscles. His skin was as
dark as Marisa’s was white and he had referred to her as
the whitest white girl, he’d ever seen. He wasn’t an
attractive man normally and even less so when he was
posing, muscles straining, veins bulging across his
forehead, skin oiled and glistening. “Why did you bring
these?” she asked her husband.
“I thought I’d get Flex to sign them. Joking of course,”
replied John.
The bodybuilder was one of John’s frat buddies. His name
was Shane, but everyone called him Flex after the
magazine that had given him his first cover and the
current issue was his third time. He had been called
Token at first as he was the only black guy in the
fraternity, but he hadn’t cared for that nickname. He
did approve of Flex and told everyone to call him that.
Marisa didn’t care for the black man.
He was arrogant and full of himself. He had no problem
flirting with her or any other of his friend’s wives. He
drank more then she approved of and usually had pot with
him when he wasn’t competing. She’d met him three times
now. The first was at her and John’s wedding. Shane was
26 then and dating the woman who would become his second
wife. She was a lovely black girl named Lola.
Lola also competed and looked great when she wasn’t
posing which made her look man-ish. Marisa had met her
again a year later when she married Shane and then again
on one of their weekend getaways. Lola was pleasant and
funny, completely smitten with Flex. Her only physical
flaw was her chest was as flat as John’s. She was close
to 0% body fat and often commented on how she wished she
had Marisa’s breasts. Marisa had always been buxom with
heavy C-cup breasts. Wait until she sees me now, thought
Marisa glancing down at the milk laden DD’s she’d had
since having Jack eight months ago.
She was looking forward to seeing Lola again, even if
that met spending a weekend with Shane. Flex was 6’2″
and weighed according to the magazine 320lbs and none of
it was fat. His dark black skin had been a problem for
him. He was African black and when posing always had to
have a light background and plenty of lighting to see
his musculature. His pose on Iron Man was full frontal
and everything was bulging out, it even looked like he
had muscles under the tight crotch hugging dick sack he
was wearing. Jesus, but that was a huge bulge. “What is
that thing under his suit?” she asked staring closely at
the magazine cover.
“Uh… Um,” stuttered her husband of four years. “Uh…
don’t tell him I told you this, but he stuffs his suit
to make it appear that he has a big bulge. You know what
they say about bodybuilders.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Steroid use makes your dick small and limp, so they
stuff socks in their suits.”
“Oh,” she replied.
“You don’t find that attractive do you?” he asked. John
asked that same question every time she saw Shane. The
huge black man was a manly man and though John and his
other buddy Grant, were both good looking, fit men, they
deferred to Shane as the alpha of the group.
“God no,” said Marisa, reassuring her husband. “I don’t
know any woman that finds that attractive. Lola being
the exception.” Marisa bent her head down closer to the
magazine. It didn’t look like Shane stuffed his suit
with socks, she could almost make out the outline of a
penis under the tight material, a really big penis. As
she stared, something dripped on Shane’s crotch. The
fluid was a milky white liquid and she watched it spread
out to cover Shane’s penis shaped bulge. Marisa glanced
down at her breasts, nipples rock hard, milk appearing
on the tips of each. “Oh god John, I’m leaking. Can you
pull over?”
“We’re almost there.”
“I know, but my udders are screaming to be milked.”
John glanced over at his wife’s bosom with appreciation.
Since having Jack, her nipples were hard and ultra
sensitive. The two times they’d made love since Jack was
born, sucking and pinching her nipples had given her a
rare orgasm. Marisa would have been happy having sex
more often, once a week maybe and possibly more, but
John had felt weird about sex since the baby was born
and truthfully even before she’d gotten pregnant his sex
drive was much lower than hers. He’d even seen a doctor
and was told he should start taking testosterone
supplements, though he hadn’t gotten around to it yet.
Of course at thirty, he was well past his sexual peak
and Marisa at twenty-seven had a ways to go to reach her
He glanced over at her breasts again. Her bra had been
driving her crazy where it rubbed her nipples and she
lost it during the first hour of their five hour drive.
All Marisa was wearing over her black shorts was a green
blouse that looked lovely under her red hair. The blouse
was loose and gaped open between buttons and she’d even
undone a couple as if her breasts needed air.
He could see tantalizing glimpses of flesh through the
gaps and it was enough to make his penis stir. She’d be
getting some this weekend. Even if he wasn’t in the
mood, it was their fourth anniversary in two days and he
was obligated to perform his husbandly duties.
Her breasts looked like two over inflated balloons under
her top with her normally rose colored nipples now
swollen and angry to a brownish purple. “Hurry, I want
to feed the baby before your friends see us.”
John pulled over into one of the private picnic areas
along the beach. Marisa quickly unbuckled and exited the
car to retrieve Jack from the back seat. The baby woke
as she lifted him and true to form, he was hungry.
Marisa sighed with relief as he noisily sucked on her
milk laden breasts. She sat back down beside her husband
and let Jack nurse until he was content.
John’s cell buzzed. He checked his messages. “Grant and
Candace have arrived and are waiting at the beach.,” he
read. “Candace says the cabins are too small.”
“She’s always complaining,” said Marisa, shaking her
head. Marisa actually liked Grant better than his wife
though she and Candace got along fine. Candace was never
happy with anything, she liked to gossip, and she was a
little too religious for Marisa’s taste, though both she
and John dutifully attended church every Sunday. Candace
on the other hand, volunteered at her church, ran
vacation bible school, Sunday school, and was there
three days a week. “I don’t know what Grant sees in
John snorted. “She looks like a fucking Victoria’s
Secret model!”
“John! The baby!”
“He doesn’t know what I’m saying. Besides, the little
bugger’s busy.”
Marisa looked down at her son, hungrily slurping and as
he so often did while breast feeding, Jack’s eyes were
growing lidded, closing, and then her nipple sprang free
as he fell asleep. “Stop staring,” she scolded her
husband, feeling his eyes on her breasts. Marisa
buttoned her blouse to hide her breasts from passing
traffic. She gently placed Jack back in the back seat
carrier and buckled him in.
She retrieved her bra from her bag and returned to the
front seat, struggling to put her bra on under her top
and wincing as the material rubbed her sensitive
nipples. She needn’t have bothered for when they arrived
at their destination there was no one around the cabins
and John went alone to retrieve their keys from the
Marisa carried Jack into their room while John unloaded
their car. Traveling with a baby had doubled the amount
of luggage they normally took. “For once, I agree with
Candace,” said Marisa surveying the small cabin more of
a trailer. The three couples had rented three cabins
near the beach. They weren’t much larger then a small
camper. The cabins were circled like wagons with a lawn
between them. There were chairs and cots, plus hibachi
grills in their private courtyard, a picnic table, and a
fire pit.
“This explains why they are so cheap,” said John. “I’ll
hold Jack and you can go put your swimsuit on.”
The only room with a door was the bathroom and that was
just too tiny for her to change in. Marisa retrieved her
bikini from the luggage and started undoing the buttons
on her blouse. She paused when she saw her husband
staring at her with delight. Her pale skin turned
pinkish as she blushed realizing that her needy pussy
might actually get some servicing this weekend. She
almost told him to turn around and would have before the
pregnancy. Since the pregnancy, John had seen some
disgusting things come out of her body and she no longer
felt much shame around him. Instead, she turned to face
him and boldly stripped under his appreciative stare.
John felt like taking his wife then and there, but
unfortunately, Jack was wide awake and gurgling. Marisa
had an odd shaped body and had trouble finding clothes
that fit. In winter, when she wore bulkier clothes, she
looked dumpy, but her true form was revealed the less
clothes she wore and nude she looked glorious. Her waist
wasn’t thin, but it was shapely. She’d worked out to
lose her belly fat and her stomach was sexy and mostly
flat. She still carried extra weight in her ass as well
as the increased cup size for her breasts. If anything,
the extra weight had improved her already decent looks.
Her hips were larger then her waist and nearly matched
her bosom. Her crotch was smooth and as white as the
rest of her, but for a small red landing strip. It
looked good enough to eat and he hadn’t done that for
her since before they were married nor would he ever
again after watching his son’s head come out of there.
John felt the blood leaving his penis at the memory.
“Damn! This is just what I was afraid of,” said Marisa,
pulling up her bikini panty. The front hugged her mound
so tightly she was showing a bit of a camel toe. She
turned around and John could see some extra ass flesh
sticking out. “I’m a cow.”
“You look great honey, better than I’ve ever seen you in
the seven years we’ve known each other.
Marisa smiled gratefully. “The top’s going to be worse.
Maybe, I can pick up a suit that fits in Key West?”
Her fears were justified as she tried to squeeze DD cup
breasts into a C cup top. Her breasts stuck out of the
tops, the sides and the bottoms. Even worse, her nipples
had doubled in size during her pregnancy and her areola
were barely contained by the stretched out triangular
cups of her bikini top. She had to stretch out and
adjust the material to hide them. “Not sure why, but
this material doesn’t feel as bad on my nipples as my
“Maybe, you’ll just have to wear that bikini all weekend
“You wish.” Marisa took Jack from her husband and
watched John get dressed. John was developing a paunch,
but for the most part, he looked great. He was pretty
trim and fit, still as handsome today as when they’d
met. She removed some rubber gloves and disinfectant
from the bag. “I should clean first.”
“Later honey,” he replied. His wife had developed a
strong nesting instinct during her pregnancy and
insisted on cleaning everything. John kept his shirt
off, grabbed the baby bag, and put some sun screen in
it. Marisa’s fair skin didn’t tan, it burned and she
always used a lot of sunscreen. “Let’s go find Grant.”
The young couple walked down towards the beach. Marisa
carrying the baby. There was a boat out in the water
with an older couple getting in the water to snorkel,
but otherwise Grant and Candace were the only two others
on the narrow little beach. “There they are,” shouted
Grant rising to his feet. His eyes zoomed in on
Marissa’s breasts and widened in amazement. Candace
noticed the improvements to Marisa’s figure too and her
eyes narrowed in jealousy. John had just seen his wife
naked and was turning his appreciative gaze on his
friend’s wife.
Candace did look like a Victoria’s secret model and she
actually did model bikinis and lingerie though the
company she worked for wasn’t as prestigious, but
neither was it sleazy in any way. Candace had an
absolutely stunning face and was the best looking woman
any of them had met in person. Her eyes were a bright
blue and her wavy blonde hair fell down her back between
her shoulder blades.
She was curvy, but thin, almost too thin, but that was
what modeling agencies wanted these days. Her breasts
were small B cup mounds, perfect for her figure and like
most models, her skimpy bikini top was tight and pushed
her breasts together creating cleavage. Her bottom was a
thong too and she had no problem showing off her bare
ass. Despite her religiosity, she felt no shame showing
off her sexy body. A silver cross hung from her neck and
sunlight glistened off a diamond stud in her navel.
“Marisa you look fantastic,” said Grant.
Candace wrinkled her face, not liking to hear her
husband compliment another woman, but her features
softened when she saw the baby. “Oh this must be Jack.
Can I hold him?”
“Of course,” said Marisa, passing her baby off to her
friend. Jack smiled happily in Candace’s arms. “You’re a
natural. So when are you two going to have a little one
of your own?”
“Not ready to risk my figure yet with my career going so
well,” said Candace, looking sadly at the happy baby.
Longing apparent in her eyes. Grant had married younger.
His sexy model wife was only twenty-two, eight years
younger than him. Candace was smart and knew she only
had so many years to capitalize on her looks with a
modeling career and wanted to wait to start a family.
Candace passed the baby back to her.
The two couples heard a motorcycle on the road. The
noise grew loud and louder. It scared Jack a little. He
grew restless in Candace’s arms and she gave him back to
Marisa. The motorcycle grew even louder, the noise
coming from their cabins up the sandy trail from the
John walked halfway down the trail so that he could see
the cabins. “It’s the big guy,” he called back. “Hey
Flex, down here,” he yelled. John walked back to the
beach. “It looks like he’s alone,” he told the others.
Flex appeared, walking down the trail. He wore black
leather pants and a white tank top that hugged his
massive torso and showed off his muscles while leaving
his arms bare. His large body took up the entire trail
as he approached his frat buddies and their wives, a
broad grin on his face. “Whassup my brothers,” he
“What’s up, Token,” said Grant.
“What was that you called me, Minute-Man?” He turned to
John. “Pencil dick, how’s it going?”
“Flex it is,” corrected Grant while John flushed with
“Hoy shit!” said Flex, his eyes falling on John’s wife.
“Marisa? You look fucking amazing. John, take your baby
so that I can give your wife a proper greeting.” Marisa
reluctantly handed her son over to her husband. Flex
always greeted her with a hug. She hated to admit it,
but she was slightly racist. She didn’t believe blacks
were inferior or anything, but she didn’t think the
races should mix and didn’t like having physical contact
with black men outside of a handshake.
Flex grabbed her hips with his ham-like hands and pulled
her forcefully against his chest. Marisa grinned and
bore it. It was like hugging a brick wall, correction, a
sun heated, sweaty black brick wall. Much to her
embarrassment, her nipples hardened under her top and
pressed against the muscles on Flex’s chest.
“What about me?” asked Candace. “Don’t I get a greeting
“Sure thing, babe,” said Flex, reluctant to take his
hands off Marisa. One beefy hand was cupping her ass
cheek and the other was holding her against him by the
small of her back.
Marisa was relieved when the giant let her go. She
quickly stepped back out of his arms. “Oh shit!” she
gasped in horror, looking at his shirt.
Flex looked down and saw that she’d left two wet marks
on his white tank top. Her nipples had leaked right
through her bikini top and soaked quarter sized circles
right on the middle abdominal of his bulging six pack.
“I’m so embarrassed,” Marisa moaned in horror.
John interrupted. “Marisa suffers from a condition known
as hyper-lactation.”
“It means my breasts overproduce milk,” she added.
“Nothing to be ashamed of,” said Flex magnanimously
while Grant laughed. “It happens.” The black bodybuilder
turned to the blonde. He took Candace in a tight embrace
and held her, but his eyes never left Marisa. “Dayumn
Isa, I can’t believe how hot you look,” he said while
hugging Candace.
“Thanks,” replied Marisa, smiling. She didn’t like
Flex’s intense staring at her scantily clad body, but
she did feel a certain glee that she’d suddenly
relegated Candace down to second best looking woman.
Marisa was certainly pretty, beautiful even, in a girl
next door fashion, but Candace was the gorgeous model
that men stared at. The new mom didn’t really like being
the center of attention. Her enjoyment derived from the
knowledge that it was probably driving Candace crazy
being second fiddle and true to form, the lovely blonde
looked unhappy when Flex released her from his embrace.
“Where’s Lola?” she asked.
The happy grin left Flex’s face. “She left me.” The
black giant looked so sad everyone immediately started
feeling bad for him. Marisa even willingly reached out
and rubbed his back in a consoling manner. “She took the
kids and moved out about five weeks ago.”
“Oh Shane, I’m so sorry to hear that,” said Marisa,
still rubbing his back. She felt bad for the black man
and had been looking forward to seeing Lola again. Shane
had a three year old and a two year old with Lola. He
also had a ten year old and an eight year old with his
first wife and once John had let slip that there were a
couple illegitimate children also.
“Thanks Isa, it’s been hard,” said Flex, looking sad.
“And that’s why I’ve really been looking forward to this
“And we’re glad to have you, big guy,” added Grant.
The baby stirred and started crying. Marisa checked the
diaper. “Someone needs changing,” she cooed. “I’m going
to take Jack back and get out of the sun for awhile.
Come get me when you’re ready to go get dinner.”
Marisa walked back up the beach to their cabin. She
changed Jack and then put him down. She decided to get a
jump on John, taking a shower and drying her long red
hair. She put her bra on, wincing as the material rubbed
her sensitive nipples and then pulled on a short green
summer dress. Her breasts made the material hang
straight down to her hips, hiding her shape, and
disguising the fact that she was truly hiding a
magnificent body underneath it. She pulled some heeled
sandals on, that made her legs look really good.
She winced as the bra hurt her nipples and finally gave
up, removing the annoying support for her boobs.
Braless, she didn’t look too bad, but her dress did hug
her breasts and the outlines of her nipples appeared
from time to time. Then she played with Jack for awhile
waiting for the group to get back. John got back to the
cabin around an hour before sunset, took a quick shower
and they were ready to go. A freshly showered Grant was
waiting in their little courtyard patiently waiting for
Candace who always took the longest to get ready. Flex
hadn’t bothered showering or even changing. He was
sitting in a lounge chair, sipping a beer.
“Marisa and I are going to get going,” said John. “We
don’t won’t to miss the sunset on Mallory Square. Meet
us there when you’re ready. You want to ride with us,
“No thanks, bro,” replied the big black man. “I’ll take
the bike just in case I get some pussy tonight.”
Marisa crinkled her nose in distaste. She strapped Jack
into his baby seat while John started the car. Soon they
were off to Key West, just a short drive from Big Pine
Key. They found a parking space and John pulled out the
stroller from the trunk. They walked down to Mallory
Square and watched some of the street performers do
their acts for about fifteen minutes before Flex found
them. A short time later, Grant and Candace walked up,
holding hands.
Candace looked great. She wore black shorts, sandals,
and a white tank top that left most of her sexy belly
bare showing off the diamond stud. Marisa couldn’t help
noticing that for the rest of the night, most of the
male eyes were once again favoring the blonde model.
John had a fetish for a sexy belly and would have killed
someone to get Marisa to pierce her navel or wear
something to show off her stomach. She felt jealous to
see him taking as many glimpses at his friend’s wife’s
stomach as he could.
The five friends watched the sun go down and then
hurried off to find a nice restaurant. They all had
seafood. They walked around sightseeing for another hour
before finding a nice quiet bar with an outside deck and
plenty of seating so that they could enjoy a few drinks
and the sights and sounds on Duval Street.
The sounds suddenly grew too loud as nearly two dozen
motorcycles swiftly roared up the street. Marisa watched
them going by, noticing that they were all black men and
wore jackets showing a black panther on the back. The
noise stirred Jack and he started to cry. Marisa picked
him up and started comforting him.
“I’ll be right back,” said Flex, jumping up. The bikers
had pulled up outside Sloppy Joes. Flex crossed the
street and headed towards the bikers.
“Does he know them?” asked Candace.
Grant and John laughed. John added, “Nope, he’s going to
try to score some pot.”
“So just cause their black, Flex thinks he can buy some
marijuana from them?” asked Grant. “He’s such a racist.”
He got chuckles from his friends.
“John, Jack’s not going to calm down with all this
noise,” said Marisa. “I should take him back.”
“Oh! Alright honey. We can get going then,” said John,
looking disappointed.
“Nonsense, I can take Jack back to the cabin. You stay
here and catch up with your friends.”
“Well, let me walk you back to the car.” John and Marisa
stood up. “I’ll be right back,” he told Grant and
Flex passed them on the sidewalk. “Where are you off
“Marisa’s taking the baby back. I’m staying.” John
looked guiltily at his wife. He got to have fun while
she was stuck being a mother.
“Cool bro. Things are about to heat up at the club.
Stan, the leader of the Black Panthers says that the
club scene gets hopping in another hour or so.” Flex
patted his pocket. “Plus, I scored us some dope.”
“I knew it,” said John laughing.
It was a short walk to their car. John helped put the
stroller away while Marisa took care of Jack. He kissed
her as she stood in the door of the driver’s seat.
Marisa broke the kiss. “John, I don’t care how late you
come back, wake me.” Marisa wiggled her eyebrows
suggestively so that he got the point. She kissed him
again and soon was on her way, headed off the island.
Marisa was asleep when John got back, but she awoke when
she heard Grant’s car pull up. They were all drunk and
loud. She saw her husband stumble as he got out of the
car. Her nipples hardened at the thought that she might
finally get some sex. Her hopes were dashed when Grant
produced three beers out of a cooler and the three
decided to sit around outside talking.
John stumbled in a half hour later. He was wasted off
his ass, but then he usually got that way around his
college friends. He hit something with his foot and
cursed. Marisa winced, but the loud noise didn’t wake
Jack. She turned the light on for him and he smiled at
her, his eyes going wide at finding his wife laying on
the small bed wearing nothing but panties. Marisa
climbed to her feet and helped her husband undress. She
got his shirt off and then pushed him down on the bed.
He fell on his back, lifting his hips so that she could
pull his shorts down.
His underwear followed and his penis sprang into view.
It was floppy and limp. She took it in her hand and
tugged on it, massaging his balls. John was half asleep,
looking at her drunkenly. Desperate for some loving,
Marisa took him in her mouth, easily fitting his entire
penis inside her mouth. Finally, it started to respond.
John quickly turned completely hard. She released his
penis and sprang to her feet, pulling her panties down
as fast as she could.
Marisa straddled her husband’s legs and grabbed a hold
of his penis. It was a little over six inches long, but
it was thin with a small streamlined head. She’d never
thought of it before, but since Flex had called John a
pencil dick earlier, John’s penis really did resemble a
pencil. She lowered her pussy over his pencil… penis,
feeling the small head pushing at the entrance to her
Marisa was just about to drop down when Jack started
crying, waking with a loud, hungry wail. “NO!” she
sobbed. Marisa stood up. “Don’t you go nowhere,” she
told her husband. John just shook his head, stupidly.
Marisa walked over to the baby and picked him up, his
mouth immediately latching onto a nipple. She glanced
over at her husband to find the erection gone and John
fast asleep. She cursed silently. If it wasn’t her
husband’s lack of interest, it was the baby that always
got in the way of her getting laid.
Marisa sat down on the couch and let Jack feed. If
things didn’t change soon, she was going to take things
into her own hands and buy a dildo or something. The
sounds of lovemaking that started coming from next door
did little to improve her mood. “Come on Grant,” said
Candace’s voice. “That’s it baby fuck me. Give it to me.
NO! Slow down. Not yet, honey. Please? Just hold it
still. OH DAMN!”
The sounds stopped entirely and Marisa suddenly had a
good idea of why Flex called Grant, Minute Man. Well at
least their sex life wasn’t perfect either.
Her magic breasts did their job and put Jack back to
sleep. She was laying him back down in the crib when she
heard Flex’s motorcycle. She walked over to the window.
The large black man walked up to the courtyard and sat
down in one of the chairs. She had half expected to see
some bimbo on the back of his bike, but he was alone.
Flex rolled a joint and leaned back in the chair,
smoking it and staring up at the stars. Marisa went back
to her husband and struggled to pull him higher up in
the bed. She half heatedly played with his dick again,
but it remained limp. Frustrated, the young wife crawled
into bed beside her husband and went to sleep.
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HorrorHello guys, Pratik here from hyderabad. I am a student in hyderabad studying my MBA and this is a real incident which happened a week back. I am a bodybuilder who loves working out and this all started from the gym. It was 10 in the morning and I was very late to my gym most of the crowd was ladies mostly housewives so I didn’t pay attention and started my workout. I was working out on my chest that day and suddenly a aunty called me for help I completed my set and went to help her out in...
The Bodybuilder - Part 1 - Synopsis: In his quest to be a top teen bodybuilding competitor, Danny begins using steroids and begins to notice some unexpected changes in his body. Let's see, I've been working out since I was about ten years old, and I'm almost sixteen now so that's about six years. Working out really wasn't my idea as much as it was my Dad's. You see, he's really into bodybuilding and he's also a personal trainer. So I guess it was natural that he would encourage me....
The Bodybuilder - Part 2 Synopsis: Danny notices additional changes in his body and stops using steroids but finds that the changes continue. It's funny, but now when I go out with other kids; it'll probably just be the bodybuilding guys that I'll hang around with. As I began to bulk up, the girls' comments were getting to be so dumb, like I'd flex my biceps and one of the girls would be like: "Oooh. That looks so big. Can I touch it, please?" So I'd tell her that she could touch it...
The Bodybuilder - Part 3 Synopsis: Danny continues to gain weight, finds that his pictures are popular on his father's web site, and appears in a video with Romey. A couple of weeks or so after I got the tattoo I was watching TV in the family room when Dad came home, and came into the family room and tossed me a large paper bag and said: "Here's a snack for you." I could tell from the smell that it was some kind of food and when I opened it up I found that it contained a bunch of...
Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...
The Bodybuilder - Part 4 Synopsis: Danny's weight gain and the videos continue, and Romey moves in with Danny and his father. So, after shooting that first video, Romey and I just hung around the pool for the rest of the afternoon and smoked a couple of joints. When we went out into the back yard he just stripped off his bikini panties and jumped into the pool naked. I'd never had my clothes off in front of him before but didn't want to be the only one with clothes on - well, I...
The Bodybuilder - Part 5 Synopsis: Romey helps Danny lose some of the weight he's gained, and Danny begins using the name "Danni" and dressing as a girl. As the end of the year rolled around the effects of my near-constant gorging were very apparent. The last time I'd measured my weight it was just below 275 and that was several months ago so I'm guessing that I'm around 300 now. What had been my rounded and protruding belly has turned into a large sack of fat that sticks out almost...
Dear Reader, This is pretty much a stroke story. If you're expecting one of my twist endings, you'll be disappointed. It's based somewhat on the serious problems families are having with the economic downturn (i.e., recession, depression, or whatever you want to call this god awful financial mess we are all in at the moment.) It explores how two wives try to deal with holding their families together. Nobody is very admirable or clean in this story. So if you're looking for a hero,...
“Damn! Isa, I still can’t get over how good you look,” said Flex, lifting a beer to his lips and taking a swig. Marisa blushed as she exited the trailer carrying jack. The black man’s attention made her nipples harden and she’d forgone wearing a bra. Grant’s eyes also fell on the swollen protuberances beneath the sundress she’d pulled on. The sundress was pretty and green, looking good on her with her pale skin and red hair. It also hugged her form...
The young black stud remained by the pool for only an hour this time.The unintentional tension in the air caused by this black stud was obviously making all 13 of us white husbands feel uncomfortable. Our pretty white wives had so many moments where they were uncharacteristically quiet and somber, yet they tried to keep some form of communication inside the group.Minutes before the black man departed a few of the wives suggested we ask him to join us for the next meal."Why don't you guys go...
Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...
As Gauge had discussed upfront, the men wanted me to pose as a whiz kid that came to solve a computer problem. Which I thought was not a role that suited my appearance very well. And the frown on the doorman’s face made me suspect he thought the same. Soon as I got into the elevator my nerves started to play up. Just like the day before, I didn’t know anything about the group of men I was about to entertain. What if this time around I wouldn’t get off so unscathed? But then again, the doorman...
POV: Josh"Seriously, man, what the hell was going on last night? Granted, we were both a little buzzed still, we both know what we saw and what they were doing too," I said, coming to his desk. "Can it really be that cut and dried?""Fuck if I know, man, but how do we bring it up to them though?""Maybe start by asking what they did last night because we just happened to go back to your place. Could they want to be new moms again so badly that they both hooked up with their sons' best...
Office SexAgain, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSeries 7, Episode 18: Paisley McKay (50), from Edinburgh We fade in on video footage of a women’s body-building competition. Half a dozen ladies lined up along the front of a stage, striking poses in the briefest of brief bikinis. Their toned and tanned bodies oiled up, muscles bulging – but not bulging so much that it’s scary, they still look feminine... A caption tells us that this is, “SCOTTISH BODYBUILDING ASSOCIATION – NATIONAL FINALS – WOMEN’S FIGURE” We move along the line,...
After a terrible night, next morning I got ready to leave for work. My second wife Nurit had taken a day-off so she didn’t come with me to the hospital. Before leaving, I made breakfast for Pooja and took it to her bedroom. She was awake and watching TV. After seeing the breakfast in my hand, my first wife Pooja said: “Go feed it to your new slut, just stay away from me”. “Nurit isn’t a slut, she’s my wife and she already had her breakfast, this is yours”, saying this, I kept the plate on the...
Cindy had butterflies in her stomach as she waited for her ride that would take her away from her husband and her home for the Cindy had butterflies in her stomach as she waited for her ride that would take her away from her husband and her home for the next several weeks. She stood in front of the living room window wishing that she had never agreed to doing this silly thing in the first place. Gary walked inside from the backyard and walked up behind his wife and said. "Honey. Are you...
Dominant Wives Revenge by WickedWifeTo the outside world, Tom and Margaret Watson were a pretty conventional couple. Both in their forties, Tom owned and ran Pinpoint Positioning, a small electronics firm which specialised in designing and building custom GPS-based devices for the military. His firm made enough money that Margaret didn't have to work. Instead, she ran the house, their personal affairs and was a very active social networker. She also held the prestigious position of president...
The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...
Hi All, I am a Big Fan of ISS and this is thought which raised in my mind after reading an article similar to this, I am Srujan (Names Changed) born in a rich family, my parents are no more and my property is being taken care by a care taker who is a uncle and he is self-less person as I have sponsored his child’s education This time I came to India for my marriage and my uncle has showed me some girls pictures, all of them are really beautiful and one of them really got my attention and her...
The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...
THE CHAPFORD WIVES by BobH (c) 2005 "You're going too fast!" shouted Jeff Collins as his wife stepped on the gas, her long dark hair streaming in the wind behind her. Hester Collins just laughed, eyes flashing, enjoying his discomfort. Young, beautiful, and impetuous, Hester had a wild, devilish side to her. It was what had attracted Jeff to her in the first place, but he was not enjoying this (literally) white knuckle ride. Fall was always special in New England, but...
by REAL-RLMThe Big Country Barn:It was Friday night again, and, as usual, Steve Coulter was alone with nothing to do but watch TV and wait for Ellen to come home from her weekly "Wives' Night Out" with her three friends. Actually, Steve didn't mind. It gave him a good opportunity to do some wood working in his shop, surf the net, and occasionally, go out for a drink with one or two of his golfing friends. In addition, Ellen seemed much happier now that she had some time to spend doing female...
Their Asian Wives by Throne "Come on," Mara snapped. "My friend will be here soon." "Please," her husband Walter pleaded. "You can't let anyone else see me like this." "Are you telling me what I can and can't do?" the cute Asian demanded. "No. I'm sorry. It's just that this is... well... too much. It's not justified." "Oh? Not even after I read all those e-mails back and forth between you and your buddy Larry? After I found out that the two of you married Asian girls...
A TALE OF TWO SISSIES As told by one of the wives. By Betty Noone It is now almost 3P.M. and I have been crying since nine this morning. I can't stop. I don't know when I felt that my heart was broken as I do now. I don't know what to do. Since my husband of ten years left for his office, I have been in tears. Let me tell you why. Howard Wattell, my husband is a good provider. He is a stock broker and has many good clients which...
Part 2Before she knew what was happening Michelle’s hands were being handcuffed she tried to struggle but after the fucking she had received she was too weak.Her blindfold ripped from her eyes.She was faced with 2 women you would not want to cross in the dark, “you young slut” as one slapped her face so hard that it made the cum turn to blood and drip from her lip, You have fucked your last husband., singles guys not good enough for you.” Her face dripping with cum and blood: Michelle still...
Anne and Carol have received an invitation to a Girls Night Out Party at Bobby Vasquez’s estate. He also invited the wives from Dr. Carlos’s swingers group. He was there that night at the Lake. He is well known by the married ladies. There are two stipulations for the party. Plenty of food, beverage and entertainment provided. Bathing suits and wedding rings optional. My name is Anne. My best friend and co-worker is Carol. We have been invited to Bobby Vasquez’s estate for a Girls Night...
GroupChapter Six: Cum-Hungry Bimbo Wives By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo serum I wanted to sell and make billions with. “Isn't that wonderful?” “Yes, it...
Dad and me Tonight after dinner, I called out to my dad: " Dad, I want to talk to you about something in the lounge privately, is that OK?" He replied: "By all means, let us." We adjourned to the lounge where one of our servants brought us each a drink and then left. "What is it my son?" "Dad, can I be open and honest with you about everything?" "Of course you can, my son" "I have noticed that your wives are seeming to be neglected sexually and they seem to be...
Introduction: CARE OF A HAREM Dad and me Tonight after dinner, I called out to my dad: Dad, I want to talk to you about something in the lounge privately, is that OK? He replied: By all means, let us. We adjourned to the lounge where one of our servants brought us each a drink and then left. What is it my son? Dad, can I be open and honest with you about everything? Of course you can, my son I have noticed that your wives are seeming to be neglected sexually and they seem to be...
RECRUITED MALL WIVESJudy and Jenny were stopped in the mall along with their husbands to take one of those market researcher tests, the ones where they ask you about products or services and you are given cash at the end. The two brunette friends sat across the table from the researcher, a blond woman in a gray suit who was in her mid-forties.After being asked twenty or so questions the blond said they were done and handed them each a hundred dollar bill, both of the women's eyes lit up at such...
Judy and Jenny were stopped in the mall along with their husbands to take one of those market researcher tests, the ones where they ask you about products or services and you are given cash at the end. The two brunette friends sat across the table from the researcher, a blond woman in a gray suit who was in her mid-forties.After being asked twenty or so questions the blond said they were done and handed them each a hundred dollar bill, both of the women's eyes lit up at such a huge payment....
Bored Business Wives Club - InvitationMy ex-girlfriend, who has been married for five years, called me un-expectantly and wanted to meet up! Not being one to pass up on the opportunity to have lunch with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever bedded, I said, “Yes.” We had a superb meal. I enjoyed catching up, flirting and admiring her gorgeous lines. Sally is now 30+, shapely legs, firm round bum and her 37D boobs are now a little larger after having a baby a couple years ago. As the meal comes to...
The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...
"Hmmm. Black high heels for the little-titted brunettes, and white high heels for the big-boobed blondes... and all of us naked!" And Tara did read that night - every word of the pamphlet which explained the laws of Titshurt to new residents. Twice. Much of what Tara read in that pamphlet, she already knew, having learned it the hard way. She read that she had to wear a bra 24 hours a day within the Titshurt town limits (which included the residential districts on the surrounding hills),...
Now two years later, i was living alone. Jane wanted to live with me, she wanted freedom which she couldnt get at home. I agreed as i have one extra room. Jane had a girlfriend, Emma. She was my age and was also really hot. She had big tits and a nice bubble butt. I would often see her and Jane walk around the house in just a shirt and panties. It really made me hard, ofcourse Jane never noticed this but Emma did. She used to tease me alot, one day Jane was in the shower, Emma was sitting with...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Creating Mommy-Sluts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich thrust into his mother's pussy. She was bent over the break room table for the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Ulrich was one of the young men who worked there, all devotees of the new god, Henry Archer. They had formed their own Mother Fuckers Club, Ulrich's mom, the supervisor of the shipping...
‘Okay, you want me to help save the world. You’ve got my attention. But I can’t imagine that you aren’t just being a bit melodramatic.’ ‘Maybe so, Cath. But wait until I put it all in context and make my offer.’ She had just licked my pussy and given me the best orgasm I’d ever had. Adding that to the weekend at the spa, I owed her a good hearing. For the rest of that evening, and all the next day as we enjoyed our spa treatments, she explained. I asked many questions and she was very patient...
Carolina Beach, North Carolina is a small town and a beautiful place for our retirement. We’re only twelve miles south of Wilmington if we want to take advantage of the amenities and health services of a larger city. My name is Dan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were recently able to retire after working our whole lives in Wilmington and raising our daughter, Ashley, there.We bought our modest, one-bedroom, beachfront cottage on Carolina Beach when I had just turned thirty, at a time before the...
Taboo"Okay, you want me to help save the world. You've got my attention. But I can't imagine that you aren't just being a bit melodramatic." "Maybe so, Cath. But wait until I put it all in context and make my offer." She had just licked my pussy and given me the best orgasm I'd ever had. Adding that to the weekend at the spa, I owed her a good hearing. For the rest of that evening, and all the next day as we enjoyed our spa treatments, she explained. I asked many questions and she was very patient...
LesbianMe and My Wife were always open sexually and would always talk about experimenting with other people or friends, And one night at a our friends house we got what we asked for and more... Friday was finally here after working all week and I was ready for a drink or five, My wife had called me on the way home and said our good friends Bob and Jenny invited us over to there house for drinks, a bonfire and just to sit around and have a good time. I am 22 my wife is 19 and our friends Bob is 30 and...
Reddit Cheating Wives, aka r/CheatingWives! Alright, guys, there are two ways that you can look at /r/cheatingwives. Either you can see it as a subreddit where you’re the guy who would fuck all these cheating wives, or you would be the guy whose wife would be cheating on them. Whatever the case may be, /r/cheatingwives has the perfect content for you. The reason I say this is because I would definitely and firmly be on the side that fucks all these hot wives. In all honesty, fucking married...
Reddit NSFW ListHi Im Paul Me and my wife Suzanne have been married for 16 years and have had a great sex life.A few years Ago I became a premature ejaculater and just could not satisfy Suzannes needs no more,Last year i give her permission to have sex with another guy aslong as i was present and i could watch ,she met a 31 year old white guy on the web and they had sex on 4 occasions , this made her happy and made me extremely horny , Suzanne stopped meeting the guy of the web about 3 months ago.A few weeks...
Reddit Festival Sluts, aka r/FestivalSluts! Having a party girl for a girlfriend is an extreme fucking sport. These babes are free-spirited, energetic, and have a zest for life that few others can keep up with or even begin to understand. They live for the moment, and you might find yourself single before the festival season. Don't take it personally; it probably was never meant to work. But if you don't mind dating one, be my fucking guest. Let's see if you still have a girlfriend before the...
Reddit NSFW ListTHIS STORY IS PURE FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO AFFEND ANYONE SO PLEASE IF YOU ARE EASY AFFENDED THEN PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS STORY, THE WIVES SWITCH CLUB I found out about the wives switch club by chance when they contacted jenny my wife it was about two weeks ago which I had no idea until the other day,It was when I found a letter in her draw which said welcome to the wives switch’ club I was looking in the bedroom draws for a pen, it came as a big shock at first as I never...
THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO AFFEND ANY ONE PERSON IT DOES HAVE STRONG SEXUAL CONTENTS SO PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASY AFFENDED. THE WIVES SWITCH CLUB I found out about the wives switch club by chance when they contacted jenny my wife it was about two weeks ago which I had no idea until the other day,It was when I found a letter in her draw which said welcome to the wives switch’ club I was looking in the bedroom draws for a pen, it came as a big...
The weather in Atlanta, Georgia is almost always better than what my wife, Chelsea, and I experienced in London, and we enjoyed the warm days there. Chelsea and I were thirty-two years old and had been living in Atlanta for six months at the time of this story. She works for a medical device company headquartered in London, with several subsidiaries in the United States.Chelsea is a research scientist and was chosen to move to Atlanta on a two-year work permit to establish a new research group....
InterracialMaurice and Miriam Smith had it all or so it seemed. They were the epitome of the typical young upwardly mobile professional couple as known as 'yuppies.' They had been high school sweethearts and attended the same state university. While Maurice played around some in college and joined a fraternity, Miriam probably would have joined a sorority but money was always tight for her family and she felt funny living up the college life in a sorority while her parents where at home barely getting...
Delilah Murphy, Senator of the Great State of Indiana I trembled with excitement. I couldn’t believe what Magnolia had shown me. A serum that turned women into busty airheads—bimbos. It seemed impossible, and yet one stood before me. Annalee Burrell, a woman I had met a few times had transformed from an uptight, straight woman with a pinched face into a blonde bombshell. A blonde bombshell that was so dumb I had convinced her that she would love licking my ass merely because I was a...
Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo serum I wanted to sell and make billions with. “Isn’t that wonderful?” “Yes, it is,” I grinned, my hand bobbing Margarete’s head up and down my cock. I...
We were in our sleeping bags shortly after sunset. I wanted Josiah to fuck me, but the mom put a wet blanket on our amorous feelings. We were up before dawn, ate oatmeal in the grey light just before sunrise, packed up, and were on the trail as soon as the sun cleared the horizon. We continued northwest, in the direction of Loaf Mountain. Of course in this country, you don’t go in a straight line unless you are a crow and can actually fly. We wound around, seemingly aimlessly, to stay on...
This is my first story. This really happened in my life and it is the first time I have told this story. My BIG HORSECOCK and my two older sisters. It all started when I was 10 years old. I grew up in a large family but I was closest to my two older sisters, their names are Julie who was 20 years old with massive tits and Lana who was 18 years old and huge double D tits. I had a big cock for a ten tear old boy at about 6 inches long and very thick. I loved to jerk off at night thinking...
Chapter One: Mind-Controlled Cum-Sluts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: An anonymous fan commissioned this story and allowed it to be shared. I merely penned this individual's outline. Billy Purvis I gripped the modified remote in my hand. Weeks of being closeted in my hot, stuffy bedroom had finally paid off. I was ready to use it. I'd resisted busting out my device all day, struggling through college, suffering. I wanted to use it so badly, my dick hard, begging for satisfaction....
So this is how it started. Two of my friends recently got married they are both successful guys who worked with each other in the same company and the girls they both married are stunning girls; however neither of them is I knew that the girls were simply settling for them because they had money. Me, well I am just a humble camera man who works on his own projects and has to take on work for people here in London like weddings and stuff and that is when I thought of included my best friends’...