Falling Ch. 13 free porn video

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The numbers didn't make sense. True, I was just the house slut and I was more than a little distracted at the time, but somehow I just knew the monthly outlays were more than double what they should have been.

"Am I boring you?" Irene asked. "I could get the hook."

My bladder clenched at the faint disapproval in her voice and I wet myself. It didn't happen very often, but it wasn't so unusual that it was worthy of mention. I'd just clean up when she was finished with me.

At the moment, I was bent over my boss's desk, unaccountably fixated on some of the paperwork on it, with my black dress and white crinolines pushed up to reveal my butt. Irene crouched at my side, breathing heavily, while she slowly tugged on the string until another bead emerged from my back door.

It might have seemed strange to anybody who didn't know us very well, but as Linnea was fond of saying, we were a match made in heaven. I was a slut, so I could get off on nearly anything, but I found anal sex especially arousing. Irene, on the other hand, couldn't get herself off except by doing anal -- with somebody else.

She liked to get herself warmed up by doing something with my ass, and then I'd finish her off, usually with my tongue. We were just about at the point where we'd switch, but something had thrown me off and Irene knew it. "Maybe you just need to keep these a while longer," she mused.

I could feel the warmth of her breath on my cheeks as she deftly poked the beads, one by one, back into my rectum. This set was constructed like Ben Wah balls, so I knew I'd have a good time. I wasn't allowed to masturbate, but Irene -- unlike Linnea -- didn't mind if I managed to orgasm when I wasn't between her legs.

Shaking my head at the odd turn of thought, we traded places. Linnea Richwell was way beyond hot and the thought of servicing her was enough to make me drip, but she was totally out of my league. She was Irene's boss, and also the sole trustee of the Richwell family trust, which was saying quite a lot. It wasn't like Linnea didn't know who I was -- the staff wasn't that large -- but she could have anybody she wanted; I was barely on her radar.

I was glad I worked for Irene. She was big on discipline and etiquette, but there wasn't a mean bone in her body. I slowly pushed her designer skirt up to her hips and buried my face between her cheeks. Yum, I thought, wetting my tongue in her moist pussy before concentrating on her wonderful rosebud.

Suddenly Irene was pushing me away; I sat back on my heels and followed her gaze to the office doorway.

"Oh, geez, I'm really sorry, Irene, but..." Cammy, the new girl, looked more than a little flustered. I think she'd been hired on as an intern or something, but "intelligence" or "decisiveness" weren't words that came to mind when I thought of her. Unlike, say, "juicy" or "delectable."

"What's wrong, Cam?" asked Irene, as she brushed her skirt down and turned so she could sit on the desk. It was one of the things I liked about Irene; she was always so considerate and professional.

"There are people here," Cammy said, twisting the end of a jet-black pigtail around one finger. From where I knelt, her slick cunny was easily visible below the ultra-short black and navy plaid skirt. She was clean-shaven, like the rest of us, but had on black knee socks instead of stockings and garters like Irene and myself. Her thin black blouse had only a single button fastened, about in line with her navel.

It would have been easy to mistake her for just another Catholic schoolgirl, except for the size of the breasts spilling out of her top and the super-refined makeup on her face. Young girls always went with too much color; only after you'd been around for a while did you realize that unrelieved black, and plenty of it, was the ultimate in sexy looks.

Well, okay; I did wear candy-red lipstick, because it went so well with my platinum blonde hair, but the heavy mascara and eyeliner was de rigueur. Even an airhead like Cammy had figured that out.

"What people?" asked Irene, bringing me back to the moment. "What did they want?"

"I don't know," Cammy whined. "They just wanted to talk to Ms. Richwell, and they won't leave." She meant Linnea; although Linnea's parents also were in residence, nobody came to see them except doctors -- especially psychologists. But we knew them all on sight.

Irene snorted. "Fat chance of that happening." Linnea was so busy nobody got on her schedule without a lot of advance notice; it was why she had an executive assistant. Except the executive assistant wasn't exactly a shiftless idler, either. "I've got to review the budget with her now, too," she reminded us, although I knew her schedule already. "Can you deal with this, Lily?" she asked me.

"Absolutely, Irene," I immediately responded. The warm glow of arousal within me ticked higher, fanned by my instant obedience. "I'll run them off if they're solicitors, and get something on your calendar for later if it seems appropriate. Okay?"

"Fantastic, as always," she approved, patting me gently on the head. "Cam, I want you to go with Lily. Watch what she does, so you can handle this by yourself next time."

"You are so hot, Lily," Cammy told me as we walked down to the entry foyer. "I don't know anybody with a bell like that." The bell in question hung from a ring just behind my clit. Shaped like a lily, it chimed in pleasing counterpoint to the clicks of our stilettos on the hardwood floor.

"Thanks," I said, a little uncomfortable with being the object of such adoration. "You're pretty hot, too."

"Aren't I?" she preened. Lowering her voice a tad, Cammy confided, "Linnea thinks I should get my tongue pierced, like Miriam."

"Wow," I responded, a bit breathlessly. "That's a big step up, for an intern." I envied her a bit for attracting Linnea's notice; the thought she could do something to herself for Linnea made me gooey inside.

Cammy's voice got even quieter. "Yeah. I'm a little nervous about it; I never did girls before I started here, you know?"

"Don't worry about it," I reassured her. "Sometimes it just takes a while to figure out what's right for you."

"But I want to be good," she protested. "Can you give me some tips? Everybody says you're like this major slut."

I sighed, feeling perversely pleased, even if it was clear Linnea didn't share that opinion. "I'd think Miriam would be a better person to ask."

"She's lazy," Cammy whispered, looking about for eavesdroppers. "She licks for hours, and sometimes I think Linnea forgets she's there!" A little more loudly, she continued, "Irene is always talking about what a great assistant you are, and everybody can hear it when you're doing her! And you don't even have a stud. I want to be like that."

I felt guilty for thinking such mean things about her, earlier. Anybody who shared my opinion of Miriam couldn't be all bad, and I liked to see new people with drive who wanted to improve themselves and get ahead. "I don't know what I can do, Cammy, but I'll help out. Maybe we can talk to Irene about it."

"You're the best!" she squealed, and then pounced on me for a big wet kiss. Her tongue was aggressive and her lips tasted of licorice; I couldn't resist sliding my hand into her opened blouse and copping a feel of her tit. Unlike her, I had the discipline to break contact right away; Irene expected me to take care of our visitors, not screw around with the other help.

The pair waiting for us in the foyer didn't look like a traditional couple. The guy was a solidly built Hispanic who probably weighed about the same as Cammy and I put together. His companion was a short-haired Asian who, although tall, was thin as a rail. I figured her for a woman, mostly on the basis of the way her short hair was styled; she didn't have makeup or anything in the way of a bust. They turned to face us as we swept through the inner door.

"Cammy! Please relight these candles, right away," I said, displeased to find them all extinguished. Linnea was real big on candles; I knew better than most, since I spent a lot of time each day making sure they were replaced before they burned down. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting," I addressed our visitors.

"It's no problem," the man said. "You don't have to keep those burning on our account."

"They were all lit," Cammy groused, quietly, but she was already lighting the first of the big wall sconces.

"Well," I said, seeing things seemed to be under control, "I'm Lily. How can I help you today?"

"My name is Kim," the woman introduced herself, "and this is Xavier." They both bowed briefly rather than offering a handshake. "We were hoping to see Linnea?" She coughed lightly even as I was inhaling to get a deep breath of the newly-renewed scent of incense.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized. "As I'm sure Cammy told you, Ms. Richwell is extremely busy and doesn't have room in her schedule for walk-ins. Perhaps you could make an appointment for a future time; may I ask what this is regarding?"

Annoyingly, Xavier chose to answer my question with one of his own. "Are you her assistant?" he asked, staring intently at me.

I stepped ruthlessly on my inclination to inflate my importance, since I didn't know who they were and didn't want anything inappropriate to get back to Linnea. "No, I'm Irene Calzetta's slut. Irene is Linnea's executive assistant." The two of them exchanged a glance. "I'm quite capable of getting you on Linnea's calendar," I insisted.

Xavier pulled a photo out of his shirt pocket and held it out to me. "Do you know this woman, Lily?"

Accepting it, I moved a little closer to one of the windows where the light was better. Cammy leaned over my shoulder to look too, but she remained quiet so I didn't say anything. The woman in the picture was somewhat attractive, but dreadfully plain. She was smiling, but didn't seem to have any makeup beyond some timid lipstick. Medium blonde hair that looked like it had never seen anything except a brush came about to her shoulders. The picture was cropped so it wasn't really possible to see what she was wearing or where she was.

"She's kind of a dog," Cammy whispered, pressing herself lightly against my back.

I shushed her as I handed back the photo. "I'm afraid not," I shook my head, feeling my earrings swing. "Is she what you wanted to speak with Linnea about?"

Kim and Xavier traded that look again. "Are you sure?" she asked me.

"Absolutely," I replied. "Look, are you the police or something? Who is this woman?"

Xavier opened his mouth first, but Kim blurted out, "Nobody," before he could put a word in. "We're very sorry to have disturbed you, Lily. If we could ask just one more question?"

I nodded politely. "Certainly." Frankly, I was tired of them and wanted them to leave, but Irene and Linnea always stressed to the staff that we shouldn't make any waves; the Richwells had enough problems without making it onto TMZ or the cover of some tabloid.

"Who's this?" Kim held out another picture.

"Please leave, now," I said firmly after just a quick glance. I was more certain than ever the pair of them were muckrakers of one sort or another. "You are no longer welcome here."

"Oh, wow," said Cammy, trying to peer over my shoulder again. "When was that?"

"Cammy," I sighed, but they were already focused on her.

"Do you recognize them?" Kim asked, brusquely pushing past me to shove the picture in front of Cammy.

"That's it! Out!" I shouted at them, pushing the Asian towards the elevator. "A little help, please?" I muttered over my shoulder.

Cammy jumped and leaned over to hit the elevator call button. Meanwhile, Xavier had grabbed Kim and hauled her away from us like we had leprosy. "We're leaving!" he assured me, backing towards the elevator. "I'm sorry; we didn't mean to upset you."

I glared at the pair of them until the closing doors blocked them from my sight, and then took a deep calming breath. "It would have been better to just stay silent, Cammy."

She didn't look too repentant. "Well, they weren't going to let you get close enough to get a hair without being distracted, right? Besides, I was curious -- I've never seen Linnea with a guy."

With another sigh, I looked at the dark hair pinched between my fingers. Xavier hadn't let me get near him -- whether intentionally or accidentally, I wasn't sure -- but Kim hadn't been so lucky. My mind shied away from thinking about the picture, but Cammy wouldn't let it go.

"She was dressed like a bum, too. I guess that was before she moved here, right?"

"It's none of our business," I protested, she was right. The casual clothing in the picture wasn't anything like what Linnea wore now -- when she bothered to dress. She'd been standing with a good-looking man who looked vaguely familiar, and holding up some little trinket. It looked like the commemorative pins some places gave out, but... I shook my head and pushed the troublesome thoughts away.

"The candles were lit when you met them originally?" Cammy nodded. "Then I suppose we'd better go tell Irene. I didn't like the feel of those people." None of it really made sense to me, but Linnea was very possessive of her candles and had a fetish for collecting hairs from visitors. It had never been a problem before, as far as I knew.

Irene's office was still empty, so we continued on to Linnea's office and I knocked gingerly at the door before entering. I hated to disturb them if their meeting was still in progress, but Irene was a stickler for good communication; it was another of the things I really liked about her.

"Oh, wow," Cammy sighed from behind me, and I had to agree.

Linnea was standing in the middle of the room, head back and eyes closed, looking like the earthly incarnation of Aphrodite. The perfection of her jet black hair and black-rimmed eyes, their thick lashes fluttering above her pale cheeks, made me want to dive between her legs and worship her while fingering myself violently.

Unfortunately, that spot already was occupied. Miriam knelt in front of Linnea, her tongue and fingers busy. The sloppy liquid sounds she made had me trembling. Behind, I could see Irene's head bobbing against Linnea's buns and I knew she was working her tongue deep into her boss's ass.

I knew I was setting a bad example, but nobody alive could have been unmoved by the scene before us, and I was a slut. "Fuck," I moaned, turning to Cammy, "Do me! Work my tits!" I covered her glossy lips with my own before she could reply, and then pressed her up against the door, cupping her wet gash with my hand.

Technically, I wasn't masturbating, and Cammy -- as an intern -- probably was supposed to do what I told her, even if I was just the house slut. She didn't put up any resistance, anyway. I tasted the black licorice of her lip gloss and watched her eyes half close as two of my fingers glided deep inside her hot pussy and my thumb started massaging her trigger.

It was my turn to gasp into her mouth when she brushed the lace back from my nipples and captured one of them between a thumb and forefinger. My tits and nips were super-sensitive, and if Cammy hadn't known that before, she did after a single twist had me cumming in her embrace.

I tensed against her, a corner of my mind trying to keep my bell under control, and concentrated on giving as good as I got. I hardly ever had the chance to do a girl this way, and watching Cammy's body language go from pleasure to reluctance to disbelief to mindless lust was a real trip.

Was Mrs. Richwell's predilection for young girls genetic? The thought was so inapropos on so many levels it almost took me out of the moment, but Cammy's teasing fingers and tongue got me over the hump and we both saw fireworks again.

"What, Lily?"

I belatedly realized the others were looking at us and the only sound in the office, besides our heavy breathing, was the faint music of my bell as it swung between my thighs. I looked fearfully at the trio near the desk, but Linnea seemed to be riding a just-been-fucked high and Irene gave me the faintest of winks, as if she sympathized with my desires.

"There's something fishy about the couple that was just here," I said, speaking to the gap between Linnea and Irene. I wasn't sure which of them I really was supposed to address, although I wished it were Irene.

Already Linnea's fuse seemed to be burning down. "What couple?" she snapped, smoothing down the hem of her expensive-looking dress. "When?"

Irene gave me an approving nod and I clutched to that lifeline, fighting my nervous bladder and telling myself I hadn't done anything wrong. "Just now," I stammered. "They were looking for you, but wouldn't say why. We told them to leave, and they finally did."

"They put out the candles in the foyer, too," Cammy added, "but Lily had me relight them right away."

Linnea's gazed locked onto the intern. "'We?' You were there?"

Cammy nodded eagerly. "Yes. I answered when they first arrived, but they were like pushy so I went to Irene, and she sent Lily to help me."

"You are not supposed to be answering the door!" Linnea yelled.

If she'd been talking to me that way, I would have wet myself like a baby, but her displeasure seemed to just roll off of Cammy. "But they kept ringing the doorbell!"

Irene sighed and interjected herself into the conversation. "It's probably my fault, Linnea. My morning meeting with Lily ran a bit long and I hadn't released her yet. Cammy was just trying to help. What's the problem?"

Linnea couldn't entirely suppress a smirk; it wasn't much of a secret what went on during our meetings. As if she could talk, although that wasn't something I could say in my position! Linnea sighed and sat down in her chair. "You say they were asking for me? Did you recognize them?"

"No, I mean, yes, well..." Cammy unconsciously swiveled a foot on the floor, trying to work it through. "They wanted you, definitely. There was a picture and everything. And I don't think I've ever seen them before at all."

The girl was sweet, but she absolutely could not carry a story. I hoped Linnea wasn't considering her for anything too important. Taking a deep mental breath, I spoke up again.

"Their names were Kim and Xavier. They did ask to speak with you, but the photograph they showed us first was of some other woman, a little plain but not unattractive, whom we did not recognize. Subsequently, they asked us to look at a second picture, of you standing with some man and holding what looked like a charm. You were dressed quite casually."

Linnea didn't look as surprised as I might have expected. "A thin Asian woman, and a big Hispanic guy, right?"

Cammy and I nodded in unison.

"Damnit." Her anger didn't seem to be directed at us. "I don't suppose you managed to get any hairs from them?" It was clear Linnea's expectations weren't very high.

"Yes!" Cammy cried, bouncing up and down excitedly. I held up the short dark hair, still pinched in a death grip so I wouldn't lose it.

I tried to adjust Linnea's expectations, which I feared we'd accidentally just inflated, and share credit where it was due. "Just from Kim; Cammy did a nice job of distracting her. Xavier wouldn't let either of us get anywhere near him."

Linnea still looked happy as she casually pushed Miriam aside with a foot and strode over to collect our prize. The quick kiss she gave each of us left me swooning with pleasure. By the time I recovered my senses, she was back at her desk and frowning again.

"Are they a problem? Do we need to contact the police?" Irene asked.

"Nooooo," Linnea said slowly, still thinking.

I turned to herd Cammy (and myself) out of the office; we'd done our duty and clearly it was a job for the big girls now.

Clearly, I was wrong. "Lily, please stay a moment. The rest of you, go get a coffee or something; we need a few minutes alone."

Everybody else looked as surprised as I felt, especially when it became clear she meant Miriam, too. I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen Linnea without the dark-haired girl in attendance, and I couldn't think what in the world Linnea would want with me. I hesitantly approached the desk and listened to the door closing behind me.

"You'd do anything for me, wouldn't you, Lily?" Linnea asked. The force of her presence was nearly overwhelming.

"Oh, yes!" I gasped, falling helplessly to my knees as the strength went out of my legs. The feel of that word leaving my lips was nearly orgasmic.

She looked down at me, her face wearing a Mona Lisa smile. "There's something only you can do for me, Lily. I want that hair from Xavier."

My mind raced. Of course I wanted to please Linnea, but I couldn't imagine how I would possibly track down this Xavier, or steal a hair from him, or why Linnea thought I was uniquely qualified to do so. "Why? I mean, how?" I asked, feeling miserable and stupid.

"It'll be easier than you think, Lily," she said, reaching down and lifting my chin with a finger. "You remember that woman, the one in the first photo he showed you?"

I nodded hopefully.

"Well, you're going to pretend to be her, and get close to him."

"That's ridiculous!" I blurted unthinkingly. I cringed, but Linnea only looked amused, so I went on. "I don't look anything like her. He'd never believe it, even if I did find him. And why would he talk to me? They wanted you."

She giggled! "You'll be close enough. I'm pretty sure that if you just make yourself available, they'll find you -- no effort required."

"You mean, go out?" I couldn't remember the last time I'd been out of the apartment. There was so much to do, I literally didn't have time for anything else except eating and sleeping. If it weren't for the Internet, we all would have been naked and starving.

Linnea nodded. "Yes. I know how hard you work, Lily. Take a night off. If nothing happens, that's perfectly fine -- you just get a little break. But I'm betting you'll run into Xavier. Call it a hunch."

"But what if he asks more questions? Or..." I struggled to articulate my nervousness. "If something happens?" Xavier hadn't struck me as violent, but he probably could break me like a twig if he felt like it.

She grinned at me. "I'll send Cammy with you for backup. You can have a girls' night out; get to know each other."

I had a mental vision of Cammy staring at me in confusion and twisting a pigtail around a finger while Xavier stuffed me into some anonymous panel van or something. It wasn't very reassuring. On the other hand, Linnea was the boss and she got to make the rules. "Okay," I agreed, trying to downplay my reluctance.

"Sweet Lily. Come and thank me for being so nice to you." She lifted the hem of her dress.

Nesting between her smooth thighs and extending my tongue to taste her felt like coming home again. All my doubts faded in the face of the pleasurable task at hand.


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mommy good boy p2

Im waking up in Frank bed, feeling the warm body of him to my sideits saturday, i should txt mom , i was thinking reaching for my fone on the bed side tableFrank had dress me up , i saw my pink frilly camisole reaching for the phoneand reach down to feel the panty i was wearinglifting the draps to see im dress in pink babydoll sleep dressand i felt a rush when i touch it, the materal so smooth on mewondering when did he put this on me''morning beautifull''frank watching me txt mom i was at mat...

2 years ago
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The Holmes Files Roller Skate RoundupChapter 8

My cover was blown. There was nothing I could do about that. But it wasn't illegal for me to be there and it wasn't illegal for me to watch her through a periscope on public property. Even if she called the cops, they had nothing to hold me on. She'd destroyed the only crime scene she could claim I was involved with when she moved all those boxes outside. They might try to hassle me, but it wouldn't go anywhere. Even if I wasn't licensed in Ohio, I still had the right to be where I was,...

2 years ago
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The Box

Gail drove down the quiet suburban street on a Thursday evening and pulled into a driveway of a house that looked like a cookie-cutter image of all the others in the neighborhood. She picked up her clipboard and glanced at the couple in the back seat of her car. "This home is right in your price range, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. It has a finished basement, and two large bedrooms." The woman in the back glanced at her husband and said "Looks okay from the outside. What do you think, honey?" The...

3 years ago
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Gardening Job

Fairly recently (well, relatively) I found myself in need of extra cash, and, not having a great many skills, decided to put an add in for gardening. Quick tidy up of the lawns, some hedge trimming, that sort of thing. Nothing fancy, just basics for some cash-in-hand.This had been going well, had a little bit of word of mouth and managed to get a few jobs. The best ones were the regulars; lawn cutting once a week, hedge tidy once a month. Of these, there was one that I particularly liked. The...

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Coincidental Meeting And A Intimate Session In Theatre 8211 Part 1

Hi, mera naam sunil h.. I have written 2-3 stories which many girls liked. Bahut ladkiyon (married and unmarried) ne mujhe email bheja and hangout pe message bhi kiya. I use to sex chat with them whenever possible. One of them was Riya (name changed). She is 19 years old from Delhi. Usne mujhe kuch din pehle message kiya and we started chatting. Since she knew about me, very quickly we came to topic of sex and started sharing our experiences. We use to exchange pics and almost everyday we...

3 years ago
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Old Friend VisitsChapter 2

Something was wrong. I had been picking up the strangest vibes from my wife, Kristy, lately. To me, she appeared to be walking around like a schoolgirl in love. She had begun to dress sexier for work and even changed the perfume she always wore for years. Being no one's fool, I knew something was in the air with my beloved wife. Even though the signs were subtle, I decided not to leave anything to chance. So I set out to check things out for myself. I started out monitoring her e-mails, and...

4 years ago
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Brother Fucks Sister Before Her Marriage

My name is Manu, 19 years old, studying in Bsc first year. My sister Charu is 23 years old and is getting married next week. Charu is a sex bomb, 5 feet 2 inches, small woman but with big tits and a round ass. Her hair is cut like a boy’s. If she had small tits, you would think she was a boy. I have seen my friends stare with lust at my sister. I confess that I too lust after her. Since she is my sister, it is a sin for me to lust after her but what can I do if my sister is as sexy as Charu...

3 years ago
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lost my virginity

i'm sabi . I want to share the experience of how I lost my virginity in one of the most unlikely circumstances. This happened around 1 year ago.We had a marriage of one of my cousins in my native village.But,since I had my practicals just the day before which I cannot skip. My father stayed with me ,while my mother and younger brother went to the function a week earlier.Our native village was a 10 hr journey from my place by bus,but my father decided to drive in our car as it will be faster...

2 years ago
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She wanted something different I gave it to her

I carefully pull my car into the address she gave me, not wanting to wake her up. She gave me her address last weekend and I told her to leave her back door unlocked for the next three days and that I would surprise her one evening while she was asleep. She told me not on the third day because her husband would be back in town. So of course I chose that day. It's now 1:04 a.m. on the the third day, and I am slowly sneaking up the stairs trying to find her bedroom. I finally find it, across from...

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My Daughters Best Friend

I became a single father when my daughter was only eleven years old. Her mother died from complications with breast cancer. I was heart broken to say the least and I was even more scared dealing with the idea of raising a teenage daughter. During those trying years, there were plenty of times that my police academy training left me ill prepared for the challenges that I faced at home.My daughter Kayla grew into a beautiful young woman with dark black hair like her mother's. Her skin was fair...

2 years ago
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Valentine Birthday Wife

I wake to an empty home, I made my way to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. I'm half asleep as I opened the cabinet to get a cup. I turn around and ask, "What's this?"I see a stuffed animal and a heart shape box of chocolates along with a card. I move it to the side so I can pour my coffee. I grab the items and then head to my chair. Naturally, my wife sealed the envelope as I open it up. Its a very touching card. Placing it to the side, I take a sip of my coffee. I lean back in my chair and...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Immature Sex With Cousin Priya 8211 Part 2 Shy Cousin Banged Hard

Please read part one  if you have not already. As Priya caught me red-handed, I was very horrified. I didn’t know what to say. I was expressionless and didn’t know what to do. Her hand was still wrapped around my dick. Then I saw a little smile on her face, I smiled too. Suddenly, her hand started moving around my dick without any help from my side. Oh. I just whispered, “Thank you!”, she smiled more and increased her speed of stroking. Wow, Priya! It was Priya doing it herself. I could not...

2 years ago
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Baby Sitter

BABY SITTER By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 1 Anna looked at the address written on the note card. She hadn't worked in this neighborhood before, and was concerned that she was going to be late. She worked for a babysitting agency that provided special services, and the clients could be very demanding. But thankfully the job tonight looked like a regular baby-sitting job, and she could probably be a few minutes late before the client called to complain to the...

3 years ago
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Surprise HoneyChapter 7

We had spent the night anchored up just inside Excursion Inlet. In the afternoon we pulled anchor and cruised up to Sawmill Bay looking around at a cannery that seemed to be running full force. We turned and cruised out and headed towards Glacier Bay late in the afternoon. Anchoring up just west of Pleasant Island for the night, we saw an Alaska Marine Highway Ferry go by headed for Hoonah. May told me that Hoonah was a native village, on Chichagof Island. It had been a base of sorts for...

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The Lingerie Salesman Sissy

I had a career change a few years ago. Admittedly a door to door salesman did not sound good but the money was OK as long as I made plenty of commission but the fringe benefits were amazing. For me it was not household cleaners or insurance but sexy lingerie. Not only did the ladies on my round like to try on the lingerie but as soon as they felt super sexy I would get my “extra” commission. Yes I had all shapes, sizes and ages, even a mother and her daughter were regular customers and I had...

2 years ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 6 Callsign

“The prosperity of the pride depends on a successful hunt,” the narrator said as a lioness stalked through the brush, her straw-colored coat shining in the hot African sun. Her round ears pricked up, and the camera panned over to a warthog, the tusked animal raising its head from the ground to sniff at the air intently as clouds of flies swarmed around it. “She approaches, silent, waiting for the perfect moment to strike...” There was a surge of drums as the lioness leapt from her hiding...

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Chapter 1 Julia Lures Young Felicity To Her Apartment

I was walking along the wide path behind the glorious sandy beach on the north coast of the largest of the Greek islands. The early afternoon sun was warm on my face and the atmosphere was convivial as groups of mostly young people sunbathed, played games, chatted, and laughed on the beach. Others congregated outside the numerous stylish cafes, posing, preening, and flirting.I’d rented the same apartment here for the last seven summers as I always enjoyed watching the bright young things,...

4 years ago
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GreeniesChapter 7B

WestHem Capital Building—Denver The view was impressive from the large picture window in the executive council briefing room. The window looked east, out over the entire expanse of the thirty-eighth most populous city in WestHem; the sixty-third most populous in the solar system. The tops of innumerable high-rise buildings could be seen stretching away for kilometers in every visible direction. Each roof was dotted with landing pads and parked VTOLS, the transportation system for the elite....

4 years ago
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Kim is Picked Up 2 Cum Guzzling Fuck Bucket

She never went back to prostitute herself again, but a part of her wanted to. She thought about it constantly. It was simply something her husband couldn't give her. That rush of having a stranger inside you and the dirty sick feeling she got knowing that he thought she was a whore, was such an unbelievable turn on for her. She considered the matter a one time fluke occurrence. Something she kept in the back of her mind and brought out when she wanted to cum. Sex with her husband was back...

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Hot College Experiences 8211 Part 1

Hey girls and boys, I am Siya, a 20-year-old girl from Andhra. I am not gonna enclose any personal details expect my name because there are many people with the same names. The below story is real and all the names and places are changed because I don’t want any troubles in my real life. A little intro about me, I am a middle-class child of a single mother who worked so hard to educate me. I lost my father at a very small age and even though my relatives forced my mom to remarry, she stayed...

2 years ago
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Ryans Summer Pt 05

Chapter 16 A warm late August breeze blew through the open window as Ryan got dressed for the surprise engagement party for Ms. Baker (or as he now knew her, Gabrielle De Brawn). It seemed to Ryan that the summer had flown by. In just a couple of weeks he would begin his senior year in high school. As he thought back, he realized that he was a very different person going into his last year of high school. At the beginning of the summer, he was a shy and na‹ve boy with little sexual experience....

3 years ago
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Daddy at the Truckstop Chapter 7

Enjoy Ch 7, evolving the fantasy makes for slow, horny writing. Remember to always be safe and sane!Chapter 7"Time to go, slut."Daddy had left me tied, gagged, and blindfolded in the tub of the motel room for some time, maybe a half-hour or longer, before I heard the door open and his voice. It was all he said as he helped me stand, unhooked my ankles, and began to lead me out into the room. I was still gagged, blindfolded, and nervous as we moved towards the exit, pausing long enough for him...

3 years ago
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The Darkness 8211 Part II

It was 2 am in the morning; the air was nice and cold with the cool breeze blowing through the French windows of my hotel room. The moonlight was ample and it was giving the room a nice appearance. I lit a cigarette and blew against the breeze. Through the moonlight I saw her lying down on the bed, totally nude with her wrists tied behind the back, with a white rope. She was fair with a nice pair of buttocks. I smiled as I smoked thinking about the intense amount of teasing and torture I had...

2 years ago
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Compulsive masturbators

Anonymous asked: can any man be turned into a sissy, even if at the start he really doesnt want itI don’t know. I suppose it all depends on their mental fortitude. But I imagine after prolonged forced chastity, the male mind will grow weak to influence and suggestion if it means the reward of sexual release. If the influence and suggestion at the time is that of feminization and bi/homosexuality, combined to exposure of related erotic images, video, and art, I’d assume that even the strongest...

1 year ago
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Rock Star

Eric looks towards Alex, lifting his eyebrows suggestively. "Forced Revenge?" he mouths. "Or Never Back Down?" Alex holds up 2 fingers to Eric, signaling that he means both. Eric smirks and moves up closer to his friend. He no longer tells the crowd which songs they'll be singing next. He's getting tired of it and the kids probably don't even care. And besides the band already has the lineup and they know which song is next. Eric plays directly in front of Alex, literally; so that the people in...

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Meri Pahli Threesome

Hello dosto, mai sanjana fir se hazir hoon aur ek sachhi ghatna ke sath. Ek baat pahle hi saaf kar dena chati hoon ki jo dost (ladke) meri story padke mere se sex karne ki request ki hai to unko bata dena chati hoon ki mai kisi aur ke sath sex nehi karungi. Aur meri ladki dost, jo meri story padke unke mail id liye to sayad apse unka mulakt ke sath sab kuch ho gayi hogi aur meri jaisi hi satisfaction mili hogi. Pichli bar meri story bengali me thi. Bahot sare non-bengali dost ( khas karke...

3 years ago
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Watching wife with older men

My wife was hot for older men. She was 29 with a great body and good looking. We agreed she would have sex with older men and I would watch. We started with our 65yr old landlord. He lived alone so We payed him a visit on night after a few drinks at the local bar. He had always flirted with her so we thought he would be easy pray for her. when he opened the door he was in his robe as he had been in bed watching tv. After letting us in it was not long at all before my wife reached in his robe...

3 years ago
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story of the sexy tattoo

welcome everyone a lot of people have asked about the night the wife got her sexy pussy tattoo so here goes and i hope i don't leave anything out because it was a very interesting nightwe had talked about getting a tattoo on her pussy for a long time but she was always putting it off for obvious reasons but one evening she said that she was ready and she had the artwork picked out. i was very excited at the thought of what would be happening .the wife has always been quite shy up until she...

2 years ago
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Another bar pick up

That summer weekend we drove to the coast and checked into our hotel; where we would stay for a couple days.On the first evening, after a delicious dinner, Ana and I decided to have some drinks at a near bar.So my sexy wife began her preparations while I went down to the lobby bar for a drink. When I got back to our room, Ana had showered and was in the process of hair and makeup. Standing there nude, her stunning boobs and her round ass cheeks were getting me hard. I fought the urge to strip...

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Inheritance Includes a Houseboy Ch 04

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains encounters involving gay sex, bi-sex and straight sex which is why it was categorized under Novels and Novellas. ***** BETSY’S WEEKEND Betsy arrived early Saturday morning as she wanted to get started early. She was accustomed to morning sex with me in the office so I wasn’t surprised. When she arrived I introduced her to Thai and gave her a quick tour of the house and backyard while Thai made breakfast for us. She loved the place and she was thrilled to...

2 years ago
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Turning PointsChapter 8

She heard him rise early and shower. Just as she had done dozens of times with Allan, Kerri pulled the covers over her head, as a child would do to ward off the monsters of the night. There simply was no defense. She knew he could take her any time and any way he wished. His footsteps in the hall grew closer to her door and she trembled, but, thankfully, he moved on past and into the kitchen. After a few more minutes she heard the front door slam. Kerri waited several minutes to make sure he...

3 years ago
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My Quantum of Solace

I work at London's main airport, every day I meet assholes, really nice patient customers, the crazy ones who think it's all my fault and sometimes a famous face enters the round of people I have to deal with. Today was different, I was working United flight 3029 to Los Angeles and I know it was late and was going to have to deal with estranged passengers wanting to get home or their vacation started because it is very annoying when it does not go as planned. All of a sudden everyone got really...

Straight Sex
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Inspired by an Xham friend

we had been exchanging some fantasies online to one another. She is an incredibly sexy BBW in my area that has a sex drive to match. We had decided that it would be fun to meet and play together in person. I booked a small hotel room and waited for her to meet me. When she showed up, she was wearing a sort skirt and low cut top to show off her amazing cleavage. I invited her in and we exchanged some coy smiles. Then I asked her to sit on the edge of the bed and I walked up to her and pushed her...

4 years ago
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Trip To The Drug Store P 2

Now I was driving the car over to Jill’s house for our date. I had planned to stop by my house before my date, but having Cindy shave me followed by her spanking me, took more time than I expected. With my pubic hair being freshly shaved off, I felt more vulnerable and exposed. At the same time, I also had this strange warm feeling in the lower part of my body, and it actually felt good. I had never been spanked by a woman before, and to feel the warm of her body next to me, to smell her...

3 years ago
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All in the Family

Like most men, I rarely ever considered the small details in life. As long as the big stuff was going well, I was happy as a clam. My life to me was perfect. I had everything I needed. I had an amazingly attractive wife who loved me more than life itself. I had and still have an absolute beast of a Mustang that was and still is the second love of my life. We had a nice home, a giant sized plasma TV and the Lion's actually looked like they might win a few games this year for a change. My name...

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Empire of vampires 112 Flu

1.1.2. Flu*1918*Selene had spent the last ten years traveling. Only a few years all over Europe and since 1912 through America. She had never stayed in one place for more than a few months. She had spent the time of the Great War in America together with her growing entourage, but even here she had often changed both city and state. To protect herself was one thing, but her property and especially her slaves were too fragile, she did not want to expose them to unnecessary risks.Meanwhile Selene...

3 years ago
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Butler No MoreChapter 19

Bob swept his arm round to encompass them all. “Gentlemen, the Chairman rides in my car, and we have coaches for the rest of you. We are going to my official residence nearby, where we shall have a drink and something to eat, and a chance to rest for a while. My ladies are anxious to say hello, and we have a butler in training. I hope you will forgive him if he makes an error; he is new to the job. We try to find a job for every new settler, but unfortunately our Jeeves – as we call him – has...

1 year ago
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Chennai Lady Got Satisfied To The Core

Hi guys, I am Raj from Chennai. I am an escort and this is my first story gonna share with you all I am a very big fan of Indian sex stories. Any ladies wanna have my service can email me Once again I am going to tell about me I am raj age 20 from Chennai with slim body with 6 inch tool pink head girls love to lick that. I posted an Ad in one of the website I am an escort and can satisfy any ladies in and around Chennai. I got so many mails I checked on by one there I saw a mail that a lady...

2 years ago
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The Geezer Pt 4Rachels Toys

This is the fourth installment of the Geezer series. It can be read as a stand-alone but it will make more sense if you have read the first three parts as there are references to what happened earlier. If you take the time to read it, please take a few seconds to vote and comment. It’s the only way I know what you think. Chapter 1 I woke early and checked the clock—6:17. In other times I would have reached for my cock and started stroking in the hope of getting off. But I hadn’t jerked off in...

1 year ago
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Moms Night In

Writer’s notes: Romance- what does it mean? To some it means chocolate and roses, jewelry and dinner in a fancy restaurant. But for most women, I think true romance is being appreciated and known. A romantic gesture is not a formula to follow, it’s personal. It’s about remembering little things, showing that you have been paying attention, and a real desire to touch the other’s soul, to bring them happiness and pleasure and to connect. There are no roses or chocolate in this story, it is a...

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