Michele, Part 3 free porn video

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The next day, Michele went to work as usual. All day long, she had memories coming back to her of the weekend. First, of that saturday afternoon on the beach, and then, of the night before. She was on a cloud, all smile. Not that it was unusual for her to be smiling at any time, to anyone, but her eyes and her body language were telling that she was very happy. And furthermore, at ease with herself about those events. At lunch, one of her co-workers even remarked it. She said that nothing special was happening, but she blushed a little from being discovered. And another one, knowing that her husband was away for the week, added that is was maybe because she was single for the week. Five minutes before leaving, the phone rang and there he was. She was almost speechless. He only told her to be at some crossroads precisely at eight o'clock that night, wearing a long black dress, no bra and a black thong. The dress has to have long slits on both sides, going as far as the waist. She will have to wait for a car to come and pick her up and bring her to a special party at a friend's estate north of town. And he hung before she could even say a word.

All went fast in her head, was she going or not? The way he spoke to her, as if she was his was not what she was expecting from him. But at the same time, she was wet down there, between her legs. How could that happen? Was she really looking to be with him and his friends tonight? She knew then that it was to be a night of sexual bliss and her body was telling her mind that he wanted part of the action. She passed her wardrobe in her mind and found nothing as close as what he wanted her to wear. So, she decided to go shopping. She had plenty of time to shop, go home, find a babysitter, have a bite of something and be there at the corner of the streets waiting for him.

And she was there when the car pulled beside her. It was a limo, black, with all windows tinted except in front for the driver to see where he was going. The driver after stopping, came around and opened the back door. He was a tall black guy, in his mid to late thirties, well built. He helped her in and told her to make herself comfortable for the ride. She was alone, and the window separating her from the driver was close. Looking around, she saw a red rose and a note. Reading it, she discovered that it was only for her, that there was champagne in the fridge, that the ride would be around 30 minutes. As soon as the car got on his way and was speeding up, the beat her heart began to speed up too. For a split second, she had second thoughts on what she was getting herself in. She knew that it would be impossible for her to go back or to stop the time to think about it. And, for the first time in her life, she realized that she was having great expectations about sex. For the first time, sex was dominant in her life. She didn’t understood when it happened or what was the trigger, but it was that way she was feeling. She was confident, more and more with each minutes passing.

And when the car came to a stop, and the door opened, she was all smiles and her body language showed it to a point that as soon as she was outside the car, everyone turned to look at her, even the women, and the men had their lower jaw almost hitting the ground, and for a good 10 seconds not a word was spoken. Paul came to her and she saw in his eyes and by the way he was looking at her that he approved and loved what he saw. And her confidence rose a notch. He took her arm and proudly began to show her around, introducing her to everyone. She saw that all the men were formally dressed and that the women were wearing long dresses. There was around 20 people and from what she heard, there was about 10 more people to join them in the next minutes. The meal was to be served at nine, so she was offered an appetizer, a glass of some delicious punch that tasted like nothing she had drink before. For the meal, everyone was seated at a separate table than the person they came with. She found herself at a table with seven other people, 3 women and 4 men, across the room from were Paul was, and their position did not permit them to see each other.

So, she had to make friends with the others and to speak with them, not wanting to be badly judge. The women seemed to be a little bit older than her, maybe in their late thirties or just over 40. The men, were, from what she could see, over 40. She was struck by the fact that none of them, men or women, were looking like models or goddess. They were good looking, some men with a little belly. She had set her mind in finding people built like athletes but that was not the case, they were all ordinary people, like her neighbours and herself. One woman was petite, around 5'-5'1", the others were taller, like her, around 5'8"-5'10". The men were taller than her, maybe 5'11"-6'2". The petite woman has a good pair of breasts, while for the others their breast was no bigger or smaller than hers. Every woman had curves were they should, it was impossible for her to say that one had bigger hips or thighs or body than the others.

The chatting was casual, going from family matters to work, giving her the impression that they all knew themselves. The food was great tasting, chicken with spices and herbs that she never imagined existed. And the desert was simply wonderful, a chocolate mousse that filed her mouth with a long lasting taste. And then came the digestives, some porto or liqueur to her choice. Upon leaving the table, she was guided to a room in which only the 8 persons of her table were. And she understood that each table had been given a room in a part of the mansion. And it seems that the rooms were far apart. Adjoining to the room, there was a fully equipped bathroom, a walk-in closet to hang properly the clothes, 2 or 3 bedrooms. And there was a butler to serve them with everything they needed to drink or eat and to put their clothes away. That was the first thing that the others did upon entering the room, that is to remove their clothes, but the women kept their thongs, while the men were naked. That was the first time that she was in such a situation, with so many naked men and almost naked women.

The women took her to the bathroom to prepare herself for the evening. One asked her if she would like to take a bath or a shower. They explained that it was for neatness and that everyone has to wash before going on. She decided for the shower, as the others did. It was a big one, were all four were standing and having room. She was getting more and more at ease with those women. Seeing that it was her first time, they explained her how the evening will go, what to expect, what she was expected to do, and, if something was not right with her to say it. She was here on her own will and no one could force her to do things that she did not wanted, as she was expected to respect the decision of others if they said no. The custom was to soap each other and she was asked if she wanted to participate. Seeing no wrong doing, she said that it was a good idea. The others with their special caring made her one of the gang. When her turn came to be washed she did as the one before her did, just stand and let them run their soapy hands all over her body. She was asked to put her hands high on the wall, there were rings and she got hold of them, and to spread her legs apart. And six hands were now moving on her arms, body, legs. And when she felt a hand, then a second one going up from her knee on the inside of her thighs, she felt her first orgasm of the evening building up. At the same time, one hand was getting down on her belly. Her eyes were closed, and she was welcoming the moment that those 3 hands would come together, on her sex. And when the first hand got there, and another one over the first and the third one over them, she just couldn’t stand it and her mouth opened and she began to moan. And those hands were exploring her, moving all over her slit, and her clitoris was responding and she was coming. She turned and looked at the 3 women and said thanks for that magic moment. She was told that it was her initiation from the girls and that probably the men would initiate her too, but that was for later. She hugged and kissed the women, the last one offering her mouth and tongue and she accepted it. That woman told her that she was not gay, that some of the girls that were in the mansion that night were, that the other 2 were not, but that they all openly kissed, men or women alike, on the mouth, and that if she wanted, in the future, she could do it.

When the 4 of them were done in the bathroom, they went back in the room where the men were waiting for them, having been in another bathroom. A soft music was playing and the light was dim now. There was 4 couches, 2 for 2 and 2 for 3 people, and in the center a coffee table. There was a man sitting, naked, in each couch and it was clear to all of them that it was the women that were deciding who was going to be with who for the beginning. Since she was the third one to come in the room from the bathroom, she had to decide between 2 men. Her choice was fast, she went without hesitation, to the one she made the first eye contact while entering the room. The butler came and served everyone with a glass of a special juice, something with special herbs and fruit juice she was told, to give her energy and to excite her.

While they were sipping the juice, the conversation that was with all of them, became more personal with the one sitting on the same couch. The man with her, David, had a very soft voice. He was looking her straight in the eyes while talking to her and, at one point, she was glued to his bright blue eyes. Since that they were on a 3-place couch, he moved closer, and at the same time, she did the same, ending the move in his arms, with a soft kiss. She was not certain on how to act. She broke the kiss and looked around to see how things were going with her new friends. She saw 3 couples kissing, close together, with some feelings being done. She turned her head to David and resume the kiss, now being reassured on how to behave. She put her arms around his neck and had a long, soft kiss. First, it was only lips to lips, but soon their mouths opened and their tongues began exploring the other mouths. The orgasms she had earlier in the shower had calmed her and she was very relaxed, and in total control of what she was doing. She was enjoying the moment, being fully aware that it was the beginning, she wanted to go in it slowly, not hurrying things. And David seemed to read her and was not hurrying things either. His hands were on her sides, at her breast's height. After a long kiss, he slipped his hands to her hips and without releasing her lips he helped her move so she was over him, one leg on each side of his. Her passion was rising and her sex becoming more and more juicy. She was certain that he was to take her there but he was not moving. Only his hands were now exploring her body, moving from her hips to her back, to her shoulders and down to her or almost to her buns and up again to her neck and back to her thighs. They were quite warm and every where they went they felt good on her skin. She tried to move her body so that her pelvis would be over his and to make contact between her clitoris and his manhood but he put his hands on her hips and prevented her to make the move. She was becoming more and more aroused and a little bit frustrated. But he was not in a hurry; he wanted to know her body and how she was reacting. He knew that she was new to this and wanted to be certain that she had a great experience and that she would like to be back. She broke the kiss and with her arms on his shoulders look at him straight in the eyes. She saw passion and lust as much as he saw the same in her eyes. Slowly, but with more intensity, she resume kissing him. This time, she was taking the lead to show him that she was ready and willing. His hands were all over her body, sending shivers and giving her some goose bumps. Most important, he was learning where were her most sensitive spots. He knew where to touch her and how she responds. Now he was ready to go further, to please her, to bring her to that level of ecstasy she cannot forget. And she was ready to give herself to that man that was caring so much for her. She was ready to abandon herself in that moment of pure lust she was needing so much. She was now kissing his face, his ears, his neck. She was doing what her husband did to her so many times. This time, she felt that she was more excited doing it than ever. His hands were now exploring the inside of her thighs. He slipped his hands under her to reach her buns. Grabbing them, he help her slide a little to him. At one point, she felt his cock touch her pussy, it was as if electricity had been passed through her body. She almost had an orgasm. He took his cock in one hand and begin rubbing her sex. In the position over him that she was in, her pussy lips were wide open. He slowly move it around her cunt entrance, and up and down her slit, avoiding touching her clitoris. After a few rounds around, he simply put his cock head on her little bud. The reaction was instantly, she had her first orgasm. Not the big one, but it was the first stair to heaven. Her body shook for a little while, her head resting on his shoulder. He just make certain that the contact cock to clit was there, not moving.

« Let's go in a room » where his first word. And she stepped down, he stood up and, taking his hand, walked to an open door. As soon as they were inside the room, he closed the door, moved her so her back was to the door, stood as close to her as possible, help her lift one leg and placed it on his hips, then did the same for the other, and put his cock head at the entrance of her cunt. She was surprised on how fast he did it, but she was smiling now that she knew that he was going to take her, and she was giving herself to him. Slowly, his hips begin to move, and with each move she was feeling his cock going inside. Alternating his movements in and out, he also rotated his hips. At one point, she thought he was all inside her, and realised that she had not look at it, she didn’t know how big or how long it was. But, somehow, there seemed to be more and more going in. She felt as if it was never ending. And she was wanting more, and more. Her pussy lips were stretched and her cunt walls were also stretched. The sensation was so feeling good that she just concentrated on the pleasure she was receiving.

In a slow motion, David supporting Michele with his hands on her buns turned around and walked to the bed where he laid her without disengaging. Without moving, he kissed her. It was a very soft, tender and passionate kiss. He stopped kissing and stood on his hands. Her long legs were around his waist, her feet touching. Slowly, he began moving his hips while looking at her. It seems that he was going further inside her. He was looking in her eyes, at her face with a light to moderate hip movement, making sure that both pelvis were always touching. For the first time in her life, she was experiencing orgasms after orgasms. And she was loving it. And it was different than with Paul. At one point, David began to move faster, with long strokes in and out of her. But his strokes were becoming shorter and faster. He had an astonishing staying power, but now Michelle was sensing that his orgasm was near. After all the orgasms she had been given by this man, it was her turn to give her body so he can explode in her. Looking at his face, she tried to see a sing of the moment of happiness, she wanted them to have a simultaneous orgasm. And as soon as she felt him explode deep in her, it took her a flash to reach the stars.

Slowly, he changed their position so that they were lying sideways, his cock still in her. He was still breathing fast, his cock still hard. After a few minutes, she moved away from him. "Lay on your back" she said. She went to his feet, and, moving his legs apart, she positioned herself on her knees. His cock was still hard and shiny. She begin by kissing it, then licking it from the head to the base. At one point, she took one ball in her mouth, then they other. After a last lick from the base to the head, she took it in her mouth. One of her hands began playing with his balls while the other was moving around his ass. She was moving her head up and down, as far as possible. She stopped for a moment, to moistened her fingers that were playing around his ass, and resume her position, this time playing with his anus and inserting a finger. His answer to that was a big moan of pleasure. He place his legs so that his feet were flat on the bed, supporting his body. She synchronized her head with her hand, when her head was going down, her finger was going inside. He was loving every moment and she was loving doing it so much that she had the same feeling inside her as if he was playing with her. She was moving faster, and faster, sucking his cock and fucking his asshole with her finger. It didn’t took long for him to reach another big one, this time depositing his semen in her mouth. Even if it was his second time in 30 minutes, he had spurts after spurts filing her mouth. She made certain that none was lost and swallowed it to the last drop. And she even cleaned his cock as it was going soft.

She moved to him, laying on the by his side. He took her in his arms and kissed her, tenderly. It was a passionate kiss, one that she used to share only with her husband. When he broke the kiss, she was asking for more, her body was demanding more. So she made contact with him and continue. After a few minutes of kissing, he thanked her of the wonderful time she gave him. Since she was new at this, she asked him what was happening now. He told her that they were free to go or to stay and continue partying with the others in the group, or to go to other groups. It was late and he was going home. He told Michelle that his wife was in another group, and that she might continue for the night. She was surprised that he was married and told him. He said that it was his 3rd marriage and that they were in fact celebrating their 2nd anniversary here tonight and that he was very happy to be with her for that moment. And he went on by explaining that he was having a very open marriage and that he would be happy for her to meet his wife and share some moments with both of them with Michelle's husband. She told him that she was not with her husband, that she was with a friend, and explained all the situation in which she was. He offered her to convince her husband to participate. He suggested that they meet sometime in the near future so that her husband could join in and appreciate that way of life. In any case that Michelle ever thought that her husband could participate he gave her his phone number.

Before leaving the room, he took her in his arms, kissed her, and said that he was expecting her call soon, very soon. They left the bedroom. There was another couple sipping a glass of wine and talking. He went to get his clothes and was on his way soon after. Michelle realized that the woman and the man were not a couple earlier. She took a glass of wine and join them in their conversation. They presented themselves as Tom and LeeAnn. They were the only people left in their group. The man told them that he was not going to be able to have intercourse again, so that they could do whatever they wanted. Now that her lover was gone, Michelle was not in the mood for sex again and told the others. And it was the same feeling for the woman. They drank their wine, talking, getting to know each other. Since Michelle had arrived with a chauffeur, she had no idea where she was. So, all she could do was going around to were where the other groups and find Paul. With the other woman, she went from one group to the other, and didn’t find him. The woman offered her to bring her back to her car.

Michelle accepted the offer and they were on their way after Michelle had told were her car was. While driving, the woman placed a hand on Michelle’s tight. And having no sign from her, other than she opened her legs wide, she moved it so it was soon at her crotch. Michelle moved herself in a way that her right leg was resting on the dash giving the woman free access to her clit and cunt. Michelle closed her eyes and open her mouth letting out a soft moan when a finger softly came in contact with her clit.

“Do you like it?” said the woman.

The only answer that she got was another soft moan escaping Michelle’s lips. She was touching her clit with the tip of a finger. After a few moments, a second finger was touching her. Even after the night she had, Michelle was responding to what was doing to her the woman she met only a few hours before.

“I knew you would, you love being touch and make love to, and I know exactly what you want. Do you want me to fulfill your fantasies?”

“Yes, ohhh yesss, I want it” reply Michelle. She wasn’t recognizing herself, but it didn’t matter. All that she was aware was the fingers on her clit and the pleasure they were giving her.

“I will please you, but this is only a small hint of what I can do to you. You will have to come to my house tomorrow night.”

Michelle nodded yes and they exchange their phone number after the woman parked her car next to Michelle’s. Before getting out of the car, Michelle move to the woman and kissed her on the lips, as passionately as if it was a man or her husband, her tongue searching for the woman’s tongue. The finger’s woman were still moving on Michelle’s clit all that time and were giving her another orgasm.

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Michele and the PredatorChapter 4

Michele ended up sandwiched between the Predator and the stranger who occupied the corner of the booth. She heard her subjugator murmur something about 'red' which she didn't understand. She certainly understood the implication of the next sentence that he spoke, "Look what I bought us to play with!" Then she was forced to turn her face towards the Predator who kissed her and then he turned her towards the other man who also kissed her. The stranger had recently shaved and smelled of...

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CHAPTER 52F: HOLIDAYS ON THE ISLAND: ENJOYING PARADISE: FINAL The days at the estate took on a new rhythm that would remain after we left. The men were greeted by naked women and wake-up coffee; and breakfasts were still a struggle as Carlos and Anthony were torn between the caffeine and nourishment and the naked breasts or more in front of them. Then when we disappeared for our run, either around the property naked or dressed on the streets, we could eventually be found in the back property...

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CHAPTER 15F: EUROPE: GERMANY AND GOODBYE EUROPEThe train travel to Antwerp and then on to Berlin went uneventfully. The distances weren’t great between each but it afforded Tim and I some alone time, even if not private. I swore to myself that I was going to maul him when we got home after a little recovery time which would only require the day after we got home. I was hungry for him alone. Physically and emotionally hungry for my man. His tenderness and overwhelming love to be privately and...

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CHAPTER 15E: EUROPE: BELGIUM FRIENDS (CONTINUED)Tim and I later recounted each other’s experiences that night. This was his:After closing the door to the room he walked up to a waiting Anja. Expecting some command or direction from him she was surprised when he sat her on the bed, stepped back and stripped out of his clothes. Once naked he walked up to within a step of her sitting on the edge of the bed. Her eyes were on his cock which was slowly getting harder with his anticipation. Of all the...

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CHAPTER 9G: SUNDAY, RETURN HOMEDespite my fatigue following the activities of the night before, I woke up at first light. I wasn’t even sure why. The weekend’s excitement and challenge and knowing that it wasn’t yet over was on my mind as soon as I rolled over and seeing the first light of day outside of the open windows of the balcony. I lay on my back and felt Tim lying next me and also felt the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he peacefully slept. I thought over the weekend so far and...

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CHAPTER 9D: FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE ESTATEWhen I open my eyes, Tim is kneeling next to the tub with a pleased and happy smile. “Anthony came and told me you had dozed in the tub. I wanted to be sure you would be okay.”’“You knelt there watching over me, Sir?”“Not much of a sacrifice to watch a beautiful, naked woman … and the woman I love. You’ve had quite a day already and it’s not over. How are you feeling?”I smile at the concern and the words. “Good. Thank you, but I really do feel good. Dinner...

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CHAPTER 9C: FRIDAY AFTERNOON AT THE ESTATEReturning to the three men, Mr. Rodriguez gave my bare ass a rub and pat. He then looked to Tim and said, “Thank you for coming, Tim and Michele. I think you will experience a wonderful weekend. That is certainly my hope. The grounds and house are yours to enjoy. If you wish to leave the estate, Anthony will take you anywhere you want and make recommendations. Do I need to remind you of the rules when you are on the grounds, Michele?”I responded...

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CHAPTER 7: SHARON & JOHNSince our discussion and establishment/agreement on my submissiveness that Sunday morning, I had all the rest of the day to begin the commitment to being naked when in the house. And Cody was definitely a dog that was aware of his surroundings. No longer was my reaction to him like it was just earlier in the morning when I reacted with sympathy for being otherwise busy. No, now I was his and he quickly picked on the fact that if he made himself known, I yielded to...

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CHAPTER 52C: HOLIDAYS ON THE ISLAND: ARRIVALAnthony meets the plane as it comes to a stop at the Rodriguez hanger. He has the customs official, the estate car and a rental van. We congregate around the luggage and kennels as they are removed from the cargo area of the jet. We have the dogs on leash and it is again clear that the noise and movement of vehicles is making them nervous. But the customs process in scary easy and quick on this little island, especially with two known representatives...

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Michele And The Predator Part II

MICHELE AND PREDATOR - PART II By Michele Nylons The Predator was satisfied with his first taste of the woman who he had bent over the kitchen table and held captive; but he was far from finished with her. The snooty bitch had been taught her first lesson for the evening; his warm issue dribbling down her stockinged legs was evidence of that. "I bet she's never been taken in the rear before," he thought to himself. He was still befuddled why she was wearing pantyhose under stockings...

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CHAPTER 62A: THE BACHELOR PARTYTo say that once they made the decision to get married, Mom and Carlos wanted to move fast would be an understatement. Frankly, it was intriguing to me that they didn’t just elope and get it done with quickly. It was obvious that it hurt Carlos to leave the next day for his business trip to the East Coast. His goodbye to Mom was long and passionate. It was equally obvious to all of us that the only thing either one of them wanted right now was to be together. Not...

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CHAPTER 52B: HOLIDAYS ON THE ISLAND: TRAVELIt was a very exciting morning as we pulled the last details together before heading for the airport. It always was when we were going to the island in general, but especially to the estate. Adding to it was that this was Helen’s first visit to either the estate or the island. As much as I have always been thrilled by my times on the island and at the estate, I was even more excited to be able to share the pleasures that awaited us with my now legally,...

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CHAPTER 3: MOM SUBMITS The Sunday following our exchange with my parents and Tim put my mom through her paces testing her capacity for sex we got a call from my parents asking if we would be home. I took the phone from Tim, “Yes. We don’t have any plans. What’s up?”It was my dad, “Honey, we’ve been talking all week since last weekend and we think it’s time to consult with you two.”“What’s this about, dad? Is everything okay?”“No problems, dear, don’t worry. But we think it better to discuss...

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CHAPTER 42: THE FANTASY FEST WEEKEND - DAY 2, PART 2 Now we had to decide how we wanted to play the final round. We agreed that we had already exceeded our wildest expectations. So we would just continue to be ourselves, but this time we would put the focus on Helen. And it occurred to me just how to do that. She was a little taken aback by the idea, but Mom loved it. We all agreed to continue that way. We made sure that Helen understood that we weren’t trying to win this thing by being...

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CHAPTER 15D: EUROPE; BELGIUM FRIENDSAgain, I wake to the embrace of Marie. I roll inside her arm and give her cheek a kiss, then her lips. The room alarm clock says it is 7:07 AM. I am surprised I am awake after such a night. But I am. And now I am surprised Marie is so soundly asleep. When I manage to wake her with my pestering kisses, she is mildly upset with me for sneaking into bed without waking her as I had promised.“I am sorry, Marie. I know I promised we could have our time when I got...

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CHAPTER 15B: EUROPE: INTERNATIONAL DOG SHOW As it turned out we all slept long and hard. Well, I think mine was the hardest. Which probably also explained why I was the first to wake up. I check the clock and see we were still a couple hours out of Rotterdam, Netherlands. It was then that I noticed that I wasn’t sitting upright and my cunt wasn’t full of dildo. Sometime after falling asleep someone had taken mercy on me and turned off the machine. I got up off the seat and saw where there had...

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CHAPTER 5: DAD'S CARD PARTY - OR NOT, AND WHEN A SUBMISSIVE ISN'TThe next day was to be the night of dad’s card party. And, even though he said the food and beverage was arranged and Tim just needed to have the ‘entertainment’ available, dad wasn’t quite as good about following through as we had hoped. And Mom seemed different when I called mid-morning that Saturday. I told her I would come over to help get food prepared for the card game and talk.Tim went with me into mom and dads. We found...

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CHAPTER 62B: THE BACHELOR PARTY, PART 2When I awoke the next morning, the sun was just rising and the sounds of the morning were clear and promising. Carlos was still in heavy sleep. I considered kissing him and waking him, but knew that this was going to be a day of excitement and pleasure. There was no need to rush into it. It would all come soon enough.The house was quiet as I exited the guest bedroom and quietly closed the door behind me. I stopped in the guest bathroom, then to the...

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Michele and the PredatorChapter 5

The Predator walked over to one of the stalls and grabbed a handful of toilet paper from the dispenser and then strolled over to the ottoman. He looked at the transvestite whore lying there, her lovely blonde bob and white nylon blouse were covered in the biker's semen, her stockinged thighs spread wide crudely displaying her red nylon panties soaked in her own emission and that of the biker who had fucked her. With her leather mini bunched around her waist and her red high heels wide apart...

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CHAPTER 51B: MARIE COMES FOR A VISIT, PART 2The next morning found me waking before her and I was successful in extricating myself without waking her. She did find us shortly afterwards, though, all gathered in the kitchen. She came out wearing a robe I dug out of the closet for her if she wanted it. The rest of us were naked, including Tim. Tim seemed to have made the decision since Key West that our acceptance of nudity and being challenged in exhibitionistic situations deserved an adjustment...

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CHAPTER 45: MISS STELLA PARSONThe next day I sat Helen down and made sure what I expected to happen with Kaycee’s training. I also gave Tim a bit of talking to in the bedroom as he was getting ready for work. I didn’t intend to start his day off badly but I believed we were very lucky last night when Kaycee was introduced to our sex play so soon. We have a process and plan that we have had extremely good success with in training dogs from Jackson to client dogs and boarding dogs for Bob. In the...

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CHAPTER 43: THE FANTASY FEST WEEKEND, DAY 3Saturday morning when I woke up I discovered that I really was able to sleep in. Mom was no longer in my arms as when I was falling asleep. True to Mom’s form she was d****d over my body. Not that I was complaining, I love the feeling of someone’s naked skin against mine. But when I peeked over Mom to the other bed, it contained Tim but no Helen. I carefully wiggled out from under Mom and found the coffee was made and the pot was full. I establish that...

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CHAPTER 41: THE FANTASY FEST WEEKEND, DAY 2The next morning I woke to a quiet room and the sounds of birds outside our open balcony door. Far off in the distance was the sound of a lonely sounding motorcycle. I raised my head to check on the other bed and confirmed that Tim and Mom were still asleep. Tim was on his back and softly snoring. Mom was on her side curled into him, her left leg d****d over his, her arm across his chest, and her head resting on his shoulder. Mom was a cuddler and this...

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CHAPTER 17B: MOM AND THE WEEKEND, CONTINUED…..When Tim woke up the next morning, the evening before flashed back to him with the sight next to him in his bed. He smiled to himself with the thought, ‘How many guys get the chance to wake up in bed with his beautiful wife and her beautiful Mother.’ And be happy, truly happy, about it. He heard the jokes about mothers-in-law but he hadn’t any of those experiences. He could honestly say that he loved Michele’s Mom. He got along with her and...

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CHAPTER 14: EVENING WITH SHARON AND JOHN We received a call from Joe to let us know about the sexual attack on Nikki and how she was being affected by it. We were of course greatly concerned for her, too. Nikki and Joe were somewhat responsible for opening my eyes to the possibilities and wonders of sexual exploration. We have maintained contact over years as friends but our sex lives have gone in different directions. She is quite settled with Joe, the dogs, and the life they have created in...

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CHAPTER 9E: SATURDAY MORNING AT THE ESTATESometime during the night I was having the most wonderfully erotic dream of my cunt being eaten. Very lovingly, but intently. I moved my hand down, half sleeping, to my crotch to add to the dream with some physical stimulation when my hand encountered hair. It wasn’t a dream. This was real … and it was still dark … I was with Marie and stayed with her … “Marie?”“Shh, you just lay back and let me try to repay you for last night,” she replied.Fair is...

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CHAPTER 6: THE NEXT DAYWell that was certainly an interesting couple of days! Have an orgasm in front of a shoe salesman Friday night. Deal with mom’s submissive disappearing act on Saturday and then take care of four guys (and Cody) on Saturday night. The evening ended on a high note with the exhibitionism at the gas station quick mart store.The next morning I was really no worse for wear. Although I had been fucked a lot, the guys were really very considerate about it. I got rest, they used...

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CHAPTER 52A: PRE-HOLIDAYS WITH FRIENDSBy the time Helen and Marie returned home, Tim, Mom and I had decided to go to bed. I was still awake, waiting. Knowing Mom, she was, too; but it wasn’t really obvious. I was cuddled into her back and she to Tim’s side and I did feel a deep exhale from her when I heard the door to the garage open and close and their voices and giggles coming down the hall. I heard the door to our room being opened further and then slightly closed, as they seemed to check on...

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CHAPTER 34: HOME, AGAINThe next morning was emotionally reinforcing. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be fucked more; I would have enjoyed it with these guys. But as it turn out I wasn’t.I crawled out of bed very shortly after Tim did, feeling him kiss my shoulder and roll to the edge and off. I also heard one of the guys in the other room open and close that door. I stretched my body, my hands hitting the wall as I tried to straighten and stretch my arms above my head. I smiled as I ran my...

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CHAPTER 29: WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENTThe following week started out like most and moved into a new experience for us as a full kennel service for our unique clientele. We had our first customer leave with her new partner and receiving modified training and information exchange. We were down to one boarding dog. And, I am sure we will get more comfortable with the whole training, guiding of the customer with her new dog. In theory we expected it to be like most other discussions about our sex, but...

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CHAPTER 1: MOM AND DAD The days following their return from their honeymoon was a blur of trying to adjust to a ‘normal’ life work, family, and how their new life fits into that. I spent much of the next few evenings letting Cody re-establish his familiarity and comfort with me as again being part of the family and my lover. I wanted him to regain his familiar expectation of mating when I was available, which was defined in our relationship as when I was naked. Once arriving home from work I...

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Micheles Mistake 3

Chapter OneOn my way to work tonight, an older man hit on me. He struck up a conversation, which led to him commenting on my attire. I was blushing. He kept staring at my breasts that were bouncing to the bumps in the road. My hardened nipples were abrading against the softness of my silk blouse. I found it hard to remain focused on the conversation. He was pleasant enough, but when we got off at the same stop, I became worried.Come to find out, he works security in our building. I’d never seen...

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CHAPTER 27: DOG KENNELINGSummer in Arizona will get very hot, but the nights still cool off comfortably. So, to save the poor air conditioner from working all day and night we have taken to opening up much of the house and letting the air flow through in the night. It has the added benefit of letting us hear the world outside wake up. But there was a new sound outside this morning. Living way out in the country on a dead end gravel/dirt road means there is little civilization noise unless Harry...

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CHAPTER 26: LIFE WITH HELEN BEGINSSomehow all this felt good. Not just the helping we were giving her, but the situation, her being here. Like when we realized how comfortable and natural it felt with Mom here with us. Like that. Yes, this has only been a part of one day and there was still a lot to be determined, learned and realized, but still … it still did. She was being amazingly open about her situation and accepting of anything that might come her way because it would be much better than...

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CHAPTER 24: THE RETURN TO OUR LIFENeedless to say, it caused another round of curiosity and intrigue about my life and the expectations on my life when getting onto the plane I immediately pulled my sun dress up and over my head after getting no further than the top of the stairs to the plane. As the rest of them came in through the door, I was standing naked in my heels on working in the galley to prepare some drinks before the flight actually left. They were all intimate friends but they...

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CHAPTER 20: ADJUSTING TO THE CHANGEThings move quickly after that. Nikki and Joe have their new home in South Carolina and are anxious to start their new life now that the decision is made. So, Nikki and Joe move quickly.We took Mr. R’s recommendation and worked with a realtor experienced in rural sales. He also recommended that we set the price to sell but then be firm and discourage haggling of the price. Anyone serious about the property will be nervous that they could lose it by playing...

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