MICHELE'S NEW LIFE - CHAPTER 55A free porn video

We received a call from the estate, and to our delight, all three of them are on the phone on speaker. I asked them to talk to Tim while I run to get Mom and Helen so we could also use the speaker for a group conversation. We gather in Tim’s home office, I am naked except for the negligee, stockings, and heels, our usual attire for evenings at home. As Mom and then Helen come into the office and find a place to sit, I become curious. We, of course, are all dressed similarly, I wonder about Marie on their end.
Tim starts out, “It is so good to hear your voices, again. Carlos, I have to ask a question that Michele whispered in my ear. The view I have in my home office of these three is very erotic. All are in negligees, stockings, and heels, just like they were while we were together. So, we are curious … how are things going down there?”
Carlos came back with a chuckle, “Tim, I am pleased to report that Anthony and I are enjoying the same view here. Marie looks like an angel, all in white. We can’t thank you guys enough for everything you have done to bring our unusual family together.”
Marie’s voice came on, “I need to second, third, and fourth that sentiment. The four males around here are making me feel very much appreciated.” There was laughter in the background and we joined in. Her becoming open to sexual relationships was a really big step for Marie. Not only was she opening herself to Carlos and Anthony, but also to Carlos’ two dogs. And, from the sounds of it all were enjoying it very much.
Tim asked, “I am sure you didn’t call just to compare how these four wenches are dressed. What can we do for you?”
“Anthony and I have been considering a little adventure for Michele and we wanted to pass the idea along for you and Michele to consider.”
I smiled at Tim and leaned in closer to the phone, “Sir, all you have to do is command me.” More laughter.
“I suppose that’s true dear, but this is a little different. I’ll let Anthony describe it. It was his idea and research.”
I responded, first, “Anthony, Sir, you are doing research for my use? I am honored you are spending the time and attention on your submissive. How were you thinking I should be used, Sir?”
I think this took Anthony a little by surprise. He was undoubtedly still getting used to my submission to him after all the time he was being the protector when I was with Carlos. “Uh … well, I … I mean, I have found a cruise ship that sounds interesting and right along you tastes, Michele.”
He discussed some of the details including the dates. It was a five day cruise among the islands in the Caribbean around their region. It would be departing from one of the larger islands in the area, which made it even more convenient. As Anthony was relaying some of the pertinent details for consideration, Tim pulled up the family calendar on the laptop. We had a home network that allowed us to share a better quality printer and files. One of the really important ones was the family calendar that contained all our commitments. We found it was the only way we could plan ahead when we needed multiple family members involved. For me the dates looked good with only normal kennel duties, arrivals, training, and expected pick-ups. Normal stuff that Mom and Helen were by now just as capable at handling.
I leaned in and hit the ‘mute’ button on the phone, “Do you have the feeling this is a full-on submissive event?” Helen was watching and listening to all this intently, her eyes big. After her experience at the estate, she was still a little in awe of the submissive behavior and activities. Mom … well, she was just shaking her head. Despite her understanding of what this was to me, I was still her daughter.
Tim took the phone off ‘mute’ and pursued the question, “Anthony, this implies that it will somehow be a very sexual cruise. Do we understand that correctly?”
“Sorry, I guess I didn’t explicitly say that except that it would be an adventure for Michele. Yes, you are correct. The cruise is called ‘The Hedonist’s Cruise’. Understandably, it is promoted discreetly, but once you find the listing, it is advertised as all things sexual; all forms of sexual sharing are acceptable, but must be consensual between partners. Because this cruise is billed as open and freely shared sexual adventure for the like-minded, all cruise guests, as part of the registration process, are required to submit a doctor’s examination clearing them of illness and sexual infections.”
“If the advertising was not obvious, how did you find it?”
“I didn’t, actually. I just followed up on it. Two of the couples at the Holiday Dinner Party are going and mentioned it to Carlos.”
Marie jumped in, “Actually, the way I heard the conversation was that they were again thanking Carlos for the dinner party and how much they had enjoyed both you and Helen that night, both as people and as playthings.” Helen actually was blushing in remembering how intense that night had been. Mom put an arm around her and pulled her in with loving assurance. “Then they mentioned this cruise, knowing it wasn’t what Carlos might be interested in, but only to joke among themselves how thrilling it might be to have Michele available for their fun for five days.”
Anthony picked it up, again, “That’s right, and I began to wonder, what it would be like for you to be used by a ship full of people for five days.”
I was a little concerned by that last statement, “Used by a ship full of people?”
“Sorry, Michele, that was an exaggeration. Everybody will be there for his or her own sexual adventure. They don’t refuse singles but they do manage the ratio so it doesn’t become dominated by single males looking to score a lot. There are mostly couples and everyone is identified by categories. The two couples from the party are listed as ‘Swingers’ and that probably makes up the largest group by far. We would be a couple, you as both a ‘Submissive’ and ‘b********y’; and we would be further identified as always participating in any activity together. There are ‘Swinger’, ‘Group’, ‘Gangbang’, ‘Slave’, ‘Bondage’, ‘Submissive’, ‘b********y’, ‘Dominant’, ‘S&M’, and others. From what I gather, we indicate our interest and are assigned wrist bands in colors identifying those interests. That assists others in knowing whom they could approach for types of activities. The individual is free to try anything they want.”
Tim broke in, again, “So, Anthony, you would stay with her.”
“Absolutely, at all times. Just like the other times, we won’t be separated. I intend to enjoy the cruise, too, but my responsibility is Michele’s security and then to have my fun in the same room or close proximity to her.”
I looked around the room. “Anyone have any issues with this, so far?”
Helen was staring at me, “You really want to do it, don’t you?”
“I want to, yes. It sounds really exciting and who know what I might get asked to do.”
Mom looked a little worried, but smiled, “Just be careful. Anthony, you better bring my little girl back to me safe and sound.”
From the other end, “Yes, Ma’am. That was my intention, anyway.”
Tim was good, of course. He had complete confidence in Anthony and he could tell I was excited. I kissed him quickly, “Sir, I think we are a go on this end. I will be expecting your further instructions for what I should bring with me, logistics for my arrival, and your expectations for me. Thank you for this opportunity to serve you and to perform you bidding, Sir.”
“Michele, believe me, I am going to end up thanking you, and I know it. I am still not used to you being submissive to me, but I will do my best not to leave you hanging, and to be fully engaged in new and different activities.”
“Don’t worry, Sir. You’ve already proven your abilities in that regard when we were last together. Trust me; I am already excited to do this at your bidding.”
I felt a finger suddenly press between my legs from behind and slip into my pussy. It was Helen, “She’s not k**ding, either. She is definitely very wet.”
Mom gasped on our end before we started laughing, then we could hear Marie laughing on the other end, “What a wonderful slut, I have so much to learn from her.” Which brought all sorts of comments from the two men on that side.
Tim closed the phone line and looked at us. Mom was looking uncertain and he focused on her, “What is it, Barb. You look like you still have concerns.”
“It’s being a mother, Tim. This just feels different from the other challenges she has been given. I know they all have an element of risk or uncertainty when she goes into submission like she does. But, this one is more … I don’t know … more open and more people to control.”
Tim was thoughtful for a moment, “Thank you, Barb, it’s important that we all maintain our openness.” He looked at me, I thought for a moment longer, and I was wondering if he was thinking this might be too much change. “But, we all know our girl. This is a challenge I can see she is just itching for. Five days of sexual activities of yet unknown types. And, Michele and I are in agreement, I think, that Anthony is perfect for watching over her in a situation like this. He won’t be afraid of hurting somebody’s feelings in order to protect her. It is ultimately up to her, but if she wants this, I think she should.”
I cozied up to Mom and hugged her from the side, “It will be okay, Mom. Anthony is great in these situations. You’ve seen him in a friendly, relaxed, and loving situation. But, he can be a real bad-ass, if he needs to be. Don’t forget, he might be a bodyguard now, but his training is to hunt people down. He’s not squeamish.”
When the details were sent, I knew this was going to be an interesting time. They were sending the private jet to bring me to the island before Anthony and I would leave the next day for the port on the other island. Nobody else but the pilots would be on the plane. The instructions Anthony sent were simple: pack ONLY personal hygiene items, cosmetics I wanted, jewelry, negligees, stockings and heels. But, no swimwear, dresses, shorts, tops, underwear of any kind were to be packed. He made it very clear; this was not a cruise limitation or suggestion. This were his requirements, and I was feeling excited by that. That meant he was truly taking control of the situation and our relationship in it. He might be getting suggestions, ideas, and guidance from Carlos and/or Tim, but he was doing it. And, that got me excited. In every other situation there were always times when I was not in the submissive role. We went sightseeing in Europe, for instance. If he managed this as five days in a submissive role, it could be very intense. He identified that all excursions off the ship that he had planned will be at completely clothing optional locations, so I will remain nude for those as well. I was, however, to pack a carry-on with whatever I needed or wanted for reading, quiet time, music, sunglasses, etc. and a dress for customs at the other end. Finally, I was told to arrive at the charter terminal on our end wearing only stockings and heels. Period. The office will have been notified.
Mom wanted to read the instructions and information herself. She was having a hard time believing how erotic this was all going to be from the very beginning. Helen, well, she just shook her head. Despite all the sexual stimulation we got on a daily basis, the idea of five full days on the ship being nude, available for who knew what kind of sex, and continuous stimulation amongst 48 other guests and all the ship’s crew, it all seemed overwhelming to her. Exciting, but overwhelming.
The entire family wanted to take me to the airport, charter terminal, on the morning of departure. Tim parked in the only lot, which was across the access road from the small terminal building. Tim offered to take my roller bag and Helen had my carry-on back pack. Tim lifted the roller bag from the trunk and the backpack and laughed, “Maybe I should take the backpack. The case doesn’t hardly weigh anything. Did you forget to put anything in it?”
“Funny, but negligees and stocking don’t weigh much.”
Mom added with a smile, “Or, as we are well aware, they also don’t cover much.”
I stood behind the group as a car went past, and then followed them across the road to the terminal building and the entrance to the small lobby for waiting for charter planes. The lobby was empty until we entered and the same manager stepped out from a back room and smiled. “Ah, Mrs. Hawkins, so nice to see you, again.” He smiled at the rest of the group, which made the implication of his comment, ‘seeing’ me, very clear. We make ourselves comfortable in the small waiting lounge in front of the large windows looking out onto the tarmac, which allows a view of the plane activity and in particular any private or charter plane arrival at the building. At least, I try to make myself appear comfortable, but it is very obvious to me and everybody else that I am the only person essentially naked inside a public building. It is eased slightly as I see the manager move to the entrance door and lock it.
He approaches on his way back to the counter and office area, “That should at least prevent any surprise visitors that might get us all in trouble. But, for safety reason, if there is an emergency requiring a quick exit, use the door to the hanger to get to the outside.” Of course, the whole time he was providing us with that safety measure, his eyes moved from my breasts and crossed legs to the others, then back to my breasts and crossed legs to … you get the idea.
We heard a plane approaching and we all looked up to find Carlos’ plane coming slowly to a stop and the ground crew rushing out to block the tires and begin the refueling process and open the cargo hold. The manager came up to verify the obvious to us that my plane had arrived and I could move out to it as soon as the refueling truck finished and pulled away. He verified that the roller bag was my only luggage going under the plane and he left with it. I watched him take the bag to the open hold door and one of the grounds crew load it inside, closed, and latched the door.
It was time to say my goodbyes. I gave Helen a big hug and a kiss on the lips. Her hands, of course, couldn’t resist a final stroking of my back to my ass. She made me promise to give her an accounting of the whole trip on my return, “all the lurid, erotic, and nasty details” as she put it. Mom had that look on her face, again, but quickly replaced it with a smile and wishing me fun.
Tim pulled me tightly into him and turned me around so the others didn’t see our faces, “You be a good girl for Anthony.”
He was already putting me into role. This was what my week was going to be like, fulfilling pleasure desires of others as Anthony directed. “Yes, Sir. You know I will. I’ve never let you down, have I?”
“Never. I want you to remember something very important. Don’t forget yourself. Anthony and I have discussed the activities and he is well aware of your Limits and Boundaries. He will be asking your input on several potential activities depending on how he is seeing the situation at the time. Don’t forget, you have the right within our agreement to qualify those activities.”
My head was down slightly, but there was a smile on my face. Not that I wasn’t taking his comments or the coming week seriously, it was a big event for us, but his words reinforced the love and dedication our relationship was based on. “I won’t forget any of it, Sir.”
“And remember one more thing; I am going to miss you. Your mother and sister are wonderful, but …” he kissed my forehead, “I will miss not having you near. I love you, my submissive wife.” I fell into his embrace and we shared a loving, long, and passionate kiss. Then I was out the door.
Inside the building, they were watching me walk to the plane. My stockings stopping just below my ass, my high heels influencing my walk so that my ass swayed just enough more. As I turned to the left and waved back to them with my left arm and hand, my left breast was exposed to them jiggling and slightly bouncing as I did. What they saw was what I very much felt as I made my way very consciously alone and exposed from the building across the wide open tarmac to the plane.
Waiting at the bottom of the removable stairs was one of the pilots. He took my backpack from me, “Welcome, Michele.” As I went up the stairs, he seemed to be remaining at just the distance behind me so his eyes were at the level of my ass. This was going to be a highly arousing, teasing, and often blatantly sexual week, I may as well start it by expanding on the exhibitionism Anthony already initiated. I took my sunglasses off and pretended to drop them, but carefully, on the top landing of the stairway. I bent over to retrieve them and smiled to myself. I knew he was at the right position to inspect my exposed ass and pussy.
Inside the plane, I stopped to greet the other pilot, and then turned to the other one, “Are there any other instructions left for me by Anthony?”
“There is an envelope on your assigned seat. We’ll be closing the door and leaving immediately.”
I went into the plane, dropped my backpack on the seat next to mine, and picked up the sealed envelope that had my name on it. Interestingly, it was in Marie’s handwriting. I sat down, put on my seatbelt, turned the envelope over to open it and saw written across the back, “Did you forget to turn on your seat?” Damn! I unbuckled my seatbelt, knelt down in front of my seat, found the switch, and turned it on. There was an immediate hum coming from underneath. No sense in trying to get away with anything. That dildo is a nice fuck even if it is artificial; and, knowing this perverse group, there is probably a camera or two installed to capture this trip. I wondered how many videos Carlos had of me so far …
With the motor powered to the seat, I more carefully applied pressure to the seat surface after now removing the cover, watched the rubber penis rise from the seat, and carefully sat down on it before it started moving. I sighed as I my ass came to rest on the seat and sank slight further as my full weight depressed the seat cushion. I sighed, again, when the dildo began moving.
The envelop contained a couple pages of printed information generally about the cruise but also indicating that we would be spending the night at the estate tonight and taking the inter-island ferry in the morning to catch the cruise ship. But, there was also two items regarding the flight to the island. The first was that the plane would be going to Austin, TX to pick up two couples who were also going to be on the cruise. Both couples would be known to me, as they have both been guests at Carlos’ dinner parties I have served. Once on board, I was to make sure they were comfortable and act as the flight attendant, including providing any additional ‘services’ they might enjoy. The second was to ‘suggest’ that the pilots have always gone out of their way to serve us in the most professional way possible and ‘maybe you could think of an appropriate way to express our gratitude’. He strongly suggested something before arriving in Austin. Hmmmm, before I get off this plane there are two pilots and two couples to satisfy. Then, I spend the rest of the day and night at the estate with Carlos, Anthony, Marie, and, yes, two dogs. THEN I have a five day cruise of sex. Hmmmm, indeed …
The pilot announced that it was okay to get up. I was the only passenger but I was getting a really nice feeling welling up from my pussy from the drilling I was getting. The last comment on the information sheet was to detail a modification to the seat, courtesy of Carlos. There was a remote, which I found, that controlled the device. It was programmed now for different actions. It was set with a default program that stroked deeply in three times, then started vibrating as it stroked three more times, then stopped deep, rotating back and forth while vibrating, then repeated. I was enjoying this program just fine. And given how the flight was shaping up, I wasn’t sure if I would have enough time to properly try out the other three programs.
Reluctantly, I eased myself up off the seat, which stopped the motor, and I pulled myself off the dildo, again sighing deeply in the process. I glanced down as the dildo disappeared into the seat. It was shiny with my fluids. I ran my fingers through my hair, pinched each nipple to harden them even more and bring a little more color to them, and then approached the door to the cockpit. I knew it was unlocked, but I knocked just the same.
“Yes, Michele, come in, please.”
“Hey, guys. Is there anything I can get you? Something to drink, a snack? What was the corny stewardess line from years ago? ‘Coffee, tea, or me’?”
In unison they responded, “You, definitely you. Or, were you teasing us?”
“Guys, really? We’ve had fun in here before. No, I’m definitely serious. You guys are always so professional about the games we play on the plane. Since, we’re alone, I wanted to thank you.”
They laughed, mostly at themselves, “You don’t have to offer to us, twice.”
I fully entered the cockpit and stood between them, at least as far as I could with all the instrumentation. “How may I be of service, gentlemen? You have my undivided attention until we are approaching Austin.”
I don’t know if Anthony said something to them or they were just that quick in thinking but they had a plan almost immediately. And, I really liked it. I was already really worked up from the mechanical dildo during taxiing, take-off, and attaining altitude. Now, I was getting even hotter. Their idea was to start by fucking each of them in their flight seats. It’s crowded, cramped, but we had managed it before and I love the ability to be in the flight seat, looking out the window from a wholly different view than is otherwise possible. Imagine sitting up front with the view available to the pilot and sitting on a nice cock while using your hands to provide the stabilization to move up and down on that cock. Then, extract yourself and repeat on the next one. Okay … so maybe I really am a slut sometimes.
There is hardly any room to squeeze between the center console and the seats when they are empty. With someone sitting in them already, it is almost impossible. The first pilot had released his seatbelt, lowered his pants to his knees, and then provided me with lots of hands-on assistance in getting into position. But, when you are naked and have to be a contortionist, you get into some interesting positions: my ass got close enough to his face, apparently, to deserve a kiss on one of the cheeks, my breast was grabbed as I hung it over his face after that, and his fingers were very helpful in holding my pussy lips open as I positioned myself over his already erect cock and slowly sank down on it. I wasn’t sighing this time, I was moaning.
I glanced over at the other pilot and he was watching us, “Keep your eyes on the road, fella, and your turn is coming.” Both pilots laughed because there really isn’t that much to see ahead. Flying appeared to be mostly by instruments. But it was still super cool to be there and as I raised up on his cock my view increased. As I plunged down, bottoming out on his thighs, I lost the better view but was rewarded by the best sensations driving deep inside me. My hands were firmly on his knees for support as I used my arms for moving up and dropping back down, always careful not to touch anything on the consoles. Hit the wrong switch or button and we could be in a flip to the side … or something.
Given my earlier state of heightened arousal from the dildo in my seat, I was quickly rising to the orgasm I was needing so desperately from the moment we left home this morning, essentially naked and knowing I would stay that way until just before customs on the island. Now, with this nice cock inside me, fucking a pilot in the cockpit of Carlos’ plane, the co-pilot sitting not three feet from us, trying vainly to pay attention to the flying of this Gulfstream private jet, I was near the explosion point. It was all adding up quickly and I knew he wasn’t close, yet, but I was nearing and he would have to wait.
“Oh … my … dear … god … YESSSSSSSS! Oh, I’m sorry, but … I am … going … to cum. Oh, yessssssssss … very … ooooooooooooooo … I’mmmmmmmm … nnnnnnnnnn …” And then it hit. My arms and legs shook, my pussy clenched around him inside me and all I could do is stop, my hands on his knees, bent over and bending over further as the orgasm emanated from my core and spread through my body, my toes curling, my hands squeezing into his legs.
When my body started relaxing, again, I lean back against him, and breathed deeply in big gulps. “Ohhhhh … that was … so nice. Thank you. Now … you, kind sir.” I resumed my position and stroked his cock into me, spending considerable concentration on my pussy muscles over his cock as I did, squeezing, clenching, and rocking at the bottom. Soon, I had him; he was moaning and groaning, mumbling his pleasure more to the air around us than really to me. But the sounds were the ignition for me to set him off. And I did, I felt him grab me at the waist tightly, assisting me by raising me and pulling me back down hard. When he erupted inside me, I felt the twitch, the jerk of his cock. I also felt the first spurt of his come, the increased wetness inside me. It was all delicious.
After he had recovered, his cock softening inside me, I struggled to now rise up off him and then find a way out of the small space in front of his seat. I got a damp cloth for him to clean himself before pulling his pants up to take control of the plane. Then, I repeated the effort for the co-pilot. Only with the co-pilot, we came at nearly the same moment, mine coming after feeling him jerk inside me, his cum shooting into me.
Then, I was being shooed out of the cockpit. The co-pilot and I were still in our afterglow when the pilot announced, in a voice that was an attempt at delicacy, that we were approaching Austin, TX and beginning our descent. I reluctantly started rising off the very nice cock inside me, I would much (MUCH) rather stayed where I was feeling the warm afterglow of having just been fucked so well by these two and enjoying the softening cock still inside just a little longer. But, air traffic safety rules are very strict and we had probably already broken several of those rules.
I stopped at the galley just outside the cockpit door and wetted a cloth for the co-pilot, then used one myself, trying to wipe away the two deposits of cum leaking out of me. Then, I poured a couple fingers of bourbon and returned to my seat. I put the glass (real glass, too, nothing cheap on this plane), took a deep breath and put pressure on the seat to raise the dildo, then settled down onto it with more than just a sigh. I changed the setting to the next program, just out of curiosity. Oh, my! This one was just weird. The dildo stopped when I punched the next program, and then started to vibrate, and then it started to spin. What the hell! It was like it was on the end of a power drill. Then, it started rising and lowering, moving into me. The combination was just strange, but also very effective. I had just cum twice with the pilots and I wasn’t at all sure I needed another before the two couples were picked up, but I also wasn’t sure I was going to be able to avoid it.
As it turned out, I didn’t quite get there but the landing didn’t help that out any. The plane hit hard and that pushed me harder into the seat and the dildo drove into places I am not often touched. As the plane taxied to the charter terminal at the Austin International airport, I went to the galley, opened the chilled bottle of champagne, and pour four glasses. When the plane came to a stop, I heard over the speaker, “Okay, Michele, we are at the terminal. And … again … thank you, from both of us.” I smiled. How nice is it to be able to make so many people feel good?
I peeked out the window in the door and saw the stairway moving to the plane. I unlocked the door, turned the handle, and pushed hard to open the door, all the time thinking, ‘This isn’t something they see every day.’ Pushing the door completely open, I stood in the doorway in only stockings and heels waving at the grounds crew.
Just then the cockpit door opened, the pilot was standing there, “Sorry, Michele. That wasn’t a very good landing, but I was surprised by some wind shear.”
“Wind shear? Like I care. Never, I repeat, never, land like that again when I am in that seat.” I sounded irritated, but I couldn’t keep it up and smiled. “Damn, I swear that thing tried to get into my womb.” I peeked out the door and saw the two couples coming out. “Do we need more fuel?”
“No, we’re good. We got all we needed in Phoenix. As soon as the luggage is stowed and everyone is settled, we’ll leave. I must say, those ladies seem to have more luggage than you did.”
“Yes, well, they must not be restricted to negligees …” I held out my arms “… and this.”
He chuckled. He took my face into his hands and looked into my eyes. He was very handsome, as was the co-pilot. “I know your submissiveness is something voluntary,” he smiled and kissed my forehead, “thank you for including us. As far as we’re concerned, you have to be one of the hottest real women on earth.” He stepped back to the doorway to the cockpit to greet the new passengers and I stepped to the galley, picked up the tray of champagne flutes and stepped out onto the landing of the mobile stairs, smiling at the two couples starting up. All the while, though, his words playing in my mind, ‘one of the hottest real women on earth’ … WOW! I stood just outside the plane on the small landing of the stairs a little straighter and confident, my nudity presented not only to the two couples beginning their ascent up the stairs, but to all the grounds crew in the vicinity.
The first woman was nearing the top of the stairs, “What a very pleasant surprise, Michele. Are you our flight attendant to the island?”
“Yes, Ma’am. Welcome to Air Rodriguez. Would you care for some champagne before we take-off?” I repeated similar comments to each of the four. The last man touched my thigh and dragged his hand across my front, over my mound.
“How much of your services will we be enjoying on the flight, my dear?”
I smiled at him, “That, good sir, is completely up to you.” I placed the empty tray on the galley counter and followed him into the plane, offering them any seat for the flight except for mine. I explained the reason for that exclusion would become apparent once we are ready to depart and I am taking my seat. I had a wicked smile that further intrigued them.
The pilot announced the luggage was stowed and they were cleared. That was my signal to close the door and go through the few safety checks assigned to me. I reached out the door opening for the door and saw three grounds crew waiting. I waved to them; feeling wicked at the teasing I was doing today.
The two women were seated directly across from my seat and were waiting. I checked that everybody’s seatbelts were fastened, then moved to my seat, and applied pressure the cushion. The women in particular were watching intently, saw the dildo rise up from the seat, and stop. They both gasped and one sputtered some sounds that I was guessing was meant to verbalize some questions. I left pressure on the seat and after a few more moments the dildo started to spin, vibrate, and then thrust up and down. The next reaction wasn’t just a gasp, “Oh … my … God, Michele! You ride on that?”
“When I need to be sitting, yes.” I had one of them select a program and I waited as the machine stopped, recalibrated, then started moving, again. This time I was the one gasping.
This time the spinning motion changed to more of an out-of-balance wobble, in addition to the constant vibration and stroking up and down. Oh, yes, this was definitely very nice. I raised up and off the dildo but maintained pressure on the seat so the women could see the action. They both again gasped. I let it stop so I could again take my seat and buckled in just in time as the plane started its power-up down the runway. The moment of taking off is another moment of downward pressure. I don’t know if you have ever noticed, I am not sure I would have, but with a dildo inside your pussy, you notice.
Shortly after lift-off, I heard the familiar ‘ding’ on the intercom indicating that I, as flight attendant for the flight, could get up. I reminded everyone to remain in their seats with their seatbelts fastened until he seatbelt light went off. I started getting up, which stopped the machine and dildo, and I stood up. I was once again exceedingly wet, as was the seat cushion. I smiled, not only about that, but also my little reminder to the others. How often have I flown and only casually paid attention to the flight attendants’ comments.
While the plane continued its ascent to cruising altitude, I refilled the glasses with more chilled champagne. After distributing them, one of the men asked the question I was anticipating, “Michele, as we were coming on-board, you said your services were completely up to us.”
“Yes, sir, that is true. I have been instructed to provide you whatever service you might enjoy.”
“How much time do you think we have, then?”
“The flight is about an hour and a half. With other things factored in, there is perhaps about an hour.”
Just then, the pilot turned off the seatbelt light. All four of them stood up and began undressing. I watched as shirts, pants, underwear came off the men, and dresses, bras, and panties came off the women. The two men flipped a coin and the winner instructed me to get on my hands and knees. While he knelt behind me, his wife sat down in front of me and scooted forward to place her pussy beneath my head. I look at her and gave her a smile as I felt her husband place his cock at the entrance to my pussy. I sighed deeply as he pressed into me and I lowered my front to my elbows and I began licking the pussy in front of me. They were in no hurry; we had plenty of time, so the stroking cock inside me was even, deep, and rhythmic, but not frantic. I was sure that would change in time, however.
I attacked the pussy in front of me with the same attitude. I pushed the woman onto her back and with my hands, raised her ass to get a better angle on her lips, clit, and hole. I alternated between licking her pussy with long, lengthy, strokes of my tongue from near her asshole, over her lips, and over her clit, to pressing my tongue into her pussy and driving it as deeply as I could, to taking her clit between my lips and sucking. Her stimulation was rising perhaps faster than the man or me, so I slowed down my efforts slightly and putting more attention to her pussy lips, which is sensual, but not quite as explosive.
We continued like this for seemingly a very long time. It seemed that way, perhaps, because my neck was getting sore holding my head and mouth at the angle I needed to properly attend to the woman. I felt the man’s cock jerk inside me, his pace quickened considerably, and that frantic pace I was anticipating began. His need and pending climax was a trigger for me as he began pounding into my pussy furiously and my pussy began clenching around him. I needed to focus, though, on the woman, if she was going to also cum close to us. I moved my lips to her clit and I sucked, evoking a long, low groan. I then nipped at her bud with my teeth and her hips bucked up against my mouth, mashing my teeth against her pussy and clit even harder.
Instead of lagging as I had feared, she was the first to cum, pressing her pussy into my mouth, grabbing my head, and holding it tightly to her convulsing pussy. At the same time, perhaps at hearing his wife climax, his cock jerked and twitched at the same time my pussy clamped down around his cock. And we both exploded at the same time.
The man behind me fell backwards, his cock pulling out of me. I collapsed onto the woman in front of me. And, somewhere on the fringe of my consciousness, I was hearing, “Damn, that was incredible, you guys!” That was from the other couple and as I turned my head to the voice, I saw she was sitting on his cock, which was clearly visible from my angle on the floor disappearing to her pussy.
As I struggled to my feet, however, they untangled and led me down the aisle. They apparently had their position all worked out because she immediately lay on the floor and I was directed over her mouth. I lowered my head to the pussy underneath me and felt her mouth rise up to lick and suck on my pussy. But, this was not to be a simple 69 between us. I soon felt the man’s cock pressing at my pussy, which wasn’t taking much pressing at this point after three fuckings since departing from Phoenix on this plane. He drove into me a half dozen times and then it was gone. I groaned but as soon as it was gone, the woman’s mouth was tonguing me again nipping at my clit. I couldn’t believe how quickly my stimulation was rising, again. I didn’t know what had become of the cock, but I directed my attention to the woman’s pussy, intent on bringing her arousal up quickly now, too.
Then, I felt it and I knew. He was pressing his cock against my asshole. I was so charged, though, so stimulated and willing for anything after all the fucks, all the eroticism from the seat, from the exhibitionism, I pressed back against him and he plunged into me. Not that far, but he passed my sphincter and was working it into me, inch by throbbing inch. I knew the tightness of my ass would drive him crazy quickly but I was being driven there much faster with the cock in my ass and this woman working my pussy and clit, her hands now also having found my nipples. In retaliation, I bit down on her clit and she yelped, pressed her hips up to me, and attacked my clit with the same determination. I howled into the pussy at my mouth and my ass clenched around the cock there, that sending him into climax. I sucked on her clit, needing to bring her along with us. And, finally, almost in exhaustion, we were all coming together, our mouths uttering, exclaiming, and crying out our release. At that moment, my mind flashed to a thought, if there were cameras filming all this, did it also have sound? I hoped so. And, I hoped to get a copy to share with the family.
After lying on the floor, entangled in each other’s arms, legs, and bodies, I pulled myself free and struggled to the galley, using the seat backs for support and balance. Not that the plane was anything but smooth, it was my legs that were shaky. I leaned against the galley counter and sucked down some water, willing my legs and body to recover quicker. I poured the last of the champagne and brought it out to them. There, I tried to bring on all my control to serve them with grace and confidence.
“Will there be anything else I can provide for any of you?” I hoped not. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy more, but I also knew that tonight at the estate wouldn’t necessarily be an ‘early-to-bed’ kind of night. At least it wouldn’t be to get sleep.
“No, Michele, that was amazing. As you always are, my dear. Sit with us.” I sighed, the rest would be nice, but in that seat, it was not entirely restful. But, I took my seat cheerfully and groaned deeply as I settled down on the dildo. I left it on the same program, I rather like that erratic, wobble it had as it vibrated and moved in and out.
We talked about the cruise and they said that this was the inaugural cruise. The group sponsoring it were hopeful of it becoming something of a regular event. The cruise ship itself was chartered from one of the cruise lines. They expected many forms of sexuality being involved this week, which we all thought might be interesting. I asked if they knew what types wouldn’t be present. They knew of just a few. Anything with minors was strictly forbidden and no minors were allowed on the ship. Also, the a****ls were limited to dogs. It was felt that dogs could be managed but even they were a sanitation issue but had it solved with a lower, back deck area for them to do their business and then be cleaned. And, even though BDSM was allowed, the hardcore pain, needles, piercings, and whipping were not. Soft flogging was allowed. The sponsors were nervous about the BDSM part of it and were hopeful it didn’t get out of hand. The ‘slaves’ were also a concern. This was supposed to be consensual and they recognized the difference involved with anyone who might actually live as a slave. We talked about that last thing and were all finding it hard to believe that anyone could actually live without control. Even a submissive wasn’t without some element of control.
I was getting a little more tense with the continuous dildo action when the pilot came on the speaker announcing that we were approaching the island. I looked out the window and saw we were still over open ocean. I had asked for some advance warning in case it was needed. I smiled at the two couples and thanked them for the very enjoyable trip. Then suggested they locate their discarded clothing and get dressed for landing. I then started getting up. I thought I heard an audible slurp sound as the dildo broke the seal of the juices in my pussy, a mixture of mine and semen. One of the women looked quickly at my seat, so I guess I wasn’t the only one hearing it.
I made my way to the galley with the glasses, quickly washed them out, and stored them in the cabinet intended for the used things. I then latched down all the doors, cabinets, and drawers for landing. I looked out the side window and saw we were approaching the shore. I got excited immediately to see Marie again. I also knew Carlos, Anthony, Marie, and I would be spending some quality time together tonight. That widened my smile.
I was returning to take my seat when I saw one of the women in my seat. She was already moaning, her head laid back, and her mouth open. She opened her eyes and gave me a smile, “Do you mind, dear. I have been thinking about this seat since I saw what it was.” Her dress was up around her waist and her panties were balled up in her hand.
“Not at all. Enjoy it. I will warn you, though, if the landing is rough, you will feel it.” I took her seat with a smile, “You feel it like it is trying to reach places it isn’t supposed to go. And, if it does, you’ll cum for sure.” Her eyes opened wide at that but she was not going to stop now. The landing was smooth, though, and she actually looked a little disappointed.
As the plane is taxiing to the charter terminal area, I get up and go to the front of the plane. I am looking out the window as we are approaching and saw Marie standing beside one of Carlos’ cars. I also saw the customs agent. Then I heard from behind me, “Michele, before you open that door in front of the customs agent, maybe you should put something on.”
I looked down at myself and ran back to my backpack, pulled out the sundress and pulled it over my head and smoothed it, zipped it up in back, and ran my fingers through my hair.
“You get awfully comfortable being naked don’t you, dear?” I looked back at her and smiled. Yes, yes, I guess I do.
* * * CHAPTER 55B: MICHELE’S HEDONIST CRUISE – THE SHIP will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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