Enlightened 1 free porn video

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Doug Miller and I grew up in the same suburban neighborhood.  We went to school together, joined the Boy Scouts, and spent much of our free time with one another.  Doug and I doubled the night of our senior prom, taking two of the girls we knew from school.

I invited Sue Walker, and Doug took Karen Silverman.  The four of us had a great time at the dance.  After the prom, we parked and made out with our respective dates.  When we took the girls home, Doug and I were still virgins.

“How did it go with Sue, Matt?” Doug asked after we dropped her and Karen off at Karen’s house.

I laughed and said, “It was okay, but not what I planned.  I was hoping Sue would do more than kiss and let me feel her tit through her dress.”

“You didn’t get any further than I did, Matt.  Karen did say she would like to go out again.  Did you ask Sue if she wanted to date?” Doug said.

“No.  I’ll talk to Sue at school.  Maybe we can double and take them to the show or something,” I said.

Doug and I agreed to ask the two girls out again.  After I took my best friend to his house, I went to mine.  Everyone was in bed when I walked into the dark living room, so I tried to keep quiet as I made my way to my bedroom.  After removing my rented tux, I crawled into bed.

Stretching out on my back, I replayed the evening.  I thought about kissing Sue and touching her tit.  In reality, Sue was less than impressed when I covered her breast with my hand.  She removed it several times, telling me she did want me to feel her up.  I relented and spent the remainder of the night kissing her.

As I thought about our encounter, I put my hand on my hard cock, rubbing it through my underwear.  After a few moments, I pulled my dick out so I could stroke it properly.  The idea of future dates and getting into Sue’s pants fueled my excitement.  After about fifteen minutes of steadily jacking my cock, I sent cum into the air.  My semen cascaded down, coating my hand, cock, and stomach.

I continued fondling myself as I recovered from my self induced pleasure.  A few minutes later, I got up to clean the mess.

Doug and I took Sue and Karen out a few times during the last two months of our senior year.  Like the night of the prom, the girls rebuffed most of our advances.  When Doug and I talked after our dates, we shared our experiences.  He told me Karen would let him feel her tits, but no more.  I let him know I was getting the same from Sue.  The two girls were best friends, as were Doug and I.  We decided they talked about what they did with us and what they wouldn’t do.

In June, we received our diplomas and became the graduating class of nineteen-seventy-seven.  Doug and I went to several parties, with and without the girls.  Because the drinking age was eighteen, there was always beer and booze at the parties.  On more than one occasion, I overindulged and got drunk.  After a couple of nights of hugging the toilet, I decided to control my drinking.

Doug and I continued dating Karen and Sue.  After the graduation parties died down, we started going to some of the clubs.  I always controlled the amount I drank so I wouldn’t be too drunk to drive.  After the clubs, we’d park and make out with the girls.  Sue had relaxed and allowed me to get my hand under her shirt and under her bra several times.

One night, Karen and Sue told Doug and me they were going away for college.  They said we could continue to date until they left in August.  Doug and I let them know we were starting our jobs as apprentice carpenters and staying in our hometown.

On the night of our last dates before Sue and Karen left for Ohio, we went to a club.  We danced, drank, and had a good time.  After the bar, we parked.  Doug and I hoped the girls would let us fuck them before they left for college, but our plans didn’t come to fruition.

Before they moved, Karen and Sue told Doug and me they’d stay in touch.  The girls told us they enjoyed dating us, and we would get together when they came home for breaks.

“It looks like we need to find new girls,” I said as Doug and I rode to work.  It was several days since our last date with Sue and Karen.  The two girls had left home for college.

Laughing, Doug said, “No shit!  This time we need to find chicks who aren’t lesbians.”

“What?  Sue and Karen aren’t lesbians,” I said.

“Maybe not full-blown, but I found out they’re into each other.  That’s why we never got past second base with them,” Doug said.

“That’s bullshit!” I said.

“Not if what my cousin Kim says is true.  She told me Sue and Karen have been getting it on for several years.  Kim knows them pretty well,” Doug said.  “I guess they’re bisexual because they went out with us.”

I pulled into the union apprentice school's parking lot, shut off my car, and looked at Doug.  He grinned and said, “Kim said she was at one of the graduation parties and saw Karen and Sue making out.”

Shaking my head, I laughed and said, “Well, that explains a lot, doesn’t it?  One night while we parked, I put Sue’s hand on my cock.  She jerked her arm back and told me never to do it again.”

“Karen bit my tongue when I tried to touch her pussy,” Doug said as we laughed.

Doug and I headed into the building for our class.  After school, we went out to eat and make plans for the weekend.  We talked about several of the area clubs, deciding which one offered the best odds of finding girls.

On Friday night, I picked Doug up, and we headed out.  We went to one of the clubs, went inside, and ordered beers.  Standing at the bar, we scanned the room, looking for girls we would like to ask to dance.  I led Doug to a table with several girls.  We started talking with them, then I asked one to dance.  When she said no, Doug and I left the table to hunt for someone else.

After several hours, a few beers, and endless refusals from the girls at the club, I told Doug we should leave and try another place.  He agreed, so we finished our beers and left.

As I drove, Doug said, “Listen.  I scored a dime-bag today.  Do you want to grab a twelve-pack, go to my house, and get buzzed?  My parents are out of town for the weekend.”

I thought for a moment, realizing our prospects for meeting anyone were dim.  “Sure, why not?”

I stopped at a store to get the beer.  We went to Doug’s house and sat outside to smoke a couple of joints.  At about midnight, we went inside to watch television.

“Your pot is some good shit, Doug.  I’ve got a great buzz going,” I said as we sat on the couch in the living room.

“Yeah, I’m buzzing too,” Doug said.

We watched one of the late-night talk shows, laughing at the jokes.  Doug went to the kitchen to get us cold beers, then came back to the living room.  When he sat on the couch, he was closer than before.  I noticed he was fidgety as he sipped from his bottle.  After a few minutes, Doug put his beer down and began rolling a joint.

“Let’s go outside and spark this joint,” Doug said as he held it up.

“Sounds good,” I said as I followed him out the backdoor.

We smoked the joint, then went back to the living room.  Sitting on the couch, we drank our beers while watching television.  Doug put his bottle on the coffee table, leaned his head back, and sighed.

“Are you okay?” I said.  I knew we were buzzed, but I didn’t feel we were too fucked up.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Matt.  Just thinking about Sue and Karen.  Even though we didn’t get too far with them, it was fun dating the girls.”

“I agree, it was fun.  I wish I’d have known about them before we spend a ton of money trying to get laid,” I said, then I laughed.  “Oh well, I guess we’ll have to find other girls to get us off.  Doing it myself is getting old.”

Smiling, Doug lifted his head and looked at me.  He took a deep breath, then picked up his beer.  After drinking what was in the bottle, he put the empty down.

“Matt, you know you’re my best friend, don’t you?” Doug said.

“Yes, and you’re my best friend.  What’s up, Doug?” I said.

“I don’t know how to say this, but I have to.  I know I risk losing my best friend, but I can’t hold it in any longer.”  Doug put his hand on my shoulder.  “Matt, I have feelings for you.”

I sat in a state of shock as I gazed into my best friend's eyes.  Doug’s expression was one of fear.  Not sure what he meant by his confusion, I nodded.

“What are you trying to tell me, Doug?” I said.

Moving his hand from my shoulder to the back of my head, Doug leaned closer.  He blinked a couple of times, then he pressed his lips to mine.  I stiffened as my best friend kissed me.  It wasn’t a peck. Instead, it was a kiss filled with passion.  When I didn’t pull away, Doug softened his mouth and moved against mine.

Pulling his head back, Doug moved his hand from the back of my head.   He stared at me for a moment, then said, “I’m so sorry, Matt.”

As I watched Doug’s face, I could tell he was upset.  My mind reeled as I digested what happened.  Never had I thought of doing anything with another guy, let alone my best friend.  As I replayed his tender kiss, I realized that although it should have repulsed me, it didn’t.  In a matter of a few moments, I had to decide what to do.

My first thought was to shake it off and blame it on the beer and pot.  Should I get up and leave?  Should I yell at Doug, telling him I wasn’t into guys?

As I contemplated what to do, I wondered why I wasn’t pissed off at Doug.  Why didn’t his kiss turn me off?  Was I willing to end a nearly lifelong friendship because Doug was able to gather enough courage to tell me his feelings?  It was clear my friend felt scared and conflicted, as did I.

I remembered learning about Sue and Karen and how they shared a relationship with each other and with Doug and me.  Did I find the idea of bisexuality so obscure I would end my friendship?

Deciding the only way for me to resolve my feelings was to explore them freely.  I put my hand on Doug’s cheek, leaned in, and kissed him, doing my best to show the same passion as he did when he kissed me.  It felt as if time stood still as we kissed each other again.  Doug wrapped his arms around me as I did the same to him.  When he parted his lips, I relaxed so his tongue could slip into my mouth.

The longer we held our kiss, the more excited I became.  Throwing caution to the wind, I moved my hand over Doug’s back, rubbing him.  He moaned into my mouth as he ran his hand over my side.  A few moments later, we broke our kiss.  Doug rested his head against my shoulder, holding me firmly.

“Please don’t hate me, Matt.  Thank you for this.  I’ll understand if you want to leave now,” Doug said.

“How long have you felt this way?” I asked.

I felt Doug shrug his shoulders.  “It’s been a while, a long while, I guess.”

“Why didn’t you say something before?” I said.

“As I said, I was afraid of losing my best friend.  I was going to continue keeping my feelings hidden, but I just couldn’t.  I have never felt any attraction to a guy before, Matt.  Only you,” Doug said.

Doug and I continued hugging as we sat on the couch.  He kept his head buried against my shoulder, not making eye contact with me.  I was aware of his hand, gently stroking me as we held one another.  Ever since we became friends, Doug and I had always supported each other.  In all the years, we never had a falling out.  We had other friends come in and out of our lives, but our friendship never wavered.  I felt it was our strong bond that prevented me from bolting.  The longer I thought about everything, the clearer my feelings became.

Doug broke the silence when he said, “So, now what?”

I felt Doug’s question was fair.  I wondered what we would do now that Doug confessed his feelings.  Would it end here with us returning to the way things used to be?  How could they?  How could we act as if nothing happened between us?  There was no way I could simply ignore the tender kisses or how they made me feel.  In the past, Doug and I were always able to find common ground when it came to deciding what we wanted to do.  He would offer an idea, and we’d talk, then usually try.  It was the same when I wanted to try something new.

“You know we’ve always been able to come to a mutual agreement when we wanted to try something new.  We didn’t always agree, but we did find a solution when we needed to.  I don’t see how this is much different, Doug.  I think we should see where things go and work out the details along the way,” I said.

I felt Doug nod his head.  He pulled back, looked into my eyes, and smiled as we came together, our mouths and tongues seeking each other.  Our kisses heated, and our hands began roaming, stroking each other’s bodies.  When Doug’s hand moved from my side to my leg, then my crotch, I didn’t flinch.

For the first time in my life, someone other than me was rubbing my cock.  It didn’t matter if it was a guy’s hand touching me.  It felt amazing.  Moaning into Doug’s mouth, I spread my legs to give him access.  Feeling it was only fair, I put my hand between his legs.  Doug shifted as I used my palm to rub his erection.

Doug began unfastening my jeans while we maintained our kissing.  I felt my pants open then he tugged at the waistband.  Lifting my ass, I let my friend work then down my legs.  Doug removed his mouth from mine and looked down as he wrapped his hand around my cock.

For the next few minutes, we watched as Doug stroked my cock.  He ran his thumb over the head, smearing my pre-cum over my glans.  Doug didn’t stop jacking my cock as he looked up into my eyes.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this, Matt.  I think I became infatuated with your cock the first time I saw it when we showered for PE,” Doug said.

Not knowing how to respond, I nodded.  The longer Doug stroked me, the more comfortable I became with the idea another male was doing it to me.  When he leaned over and covered my cock-head with his mouth, I gasped.  I thought about getting a blowjob when I masturbated.  The actual feeling paled in comparison.

When Doug began bobbing his head, taking as much of my six-inch cock as he could, I let out a groan.  Together, we managed to get my jeans down my legs and off while he kept me in his mouth.  Shifting on the couch, I leaned back as Doug moved between my legs.  He glanced up, locking his eyes with mine.  I moved a hand to his head, running my fingers through his hair as he continued the up and down motion.  Doug began fondling my balls and moaning around my throbbing dick.

When I felt my orgasm approaching, I warned Doug.  He just nodded as he continued sucking my cock and bobbing his head.  My semen shot into his mouth, causing him to jerk, but Doug never removed his mouth.  Once the surging stopped, I felt his tongue stroking my cock.  He lifted his head, closed his eyes, and swallowed my cum.

I remained reclined as I tried to regain my composure.  I had never come as hard in my life.  Doug stared into my eyes as he licked his lips.  I felt he was trying to judge my reaction to what he’d done.  Not knowing what else to do, I pulled Doug up over my half-naked body, held his face between my hands, and kissed him.  As I pushed my tongue into his mouth, I could taste the remnants of my semen.  I didn’t feel the least bit repulsed as our tongues flicked together.  While kissing, I rubbed Doug’s back, moving my hands to his ass.  He wiggled against me, and even though his jeans, I could feel his hard cock.

Hugging my friend, I rolled us over.  I pulled back, gazed into Doug’s eyes, and reached for his belt.  Doug began stopping me, but I pushed his hands away and worked his pants open.  I pulled his jeans and underwear down, exposing his genitals.  As he finished removing his pants, I took my shirt off, then helped Doug remove his shirt.

Up to that point, I rode an emotional rollercoaster.  Now, I was focused and knew what I wanted.  Without any hesitation, I curled my fingers around Doug’s rigid cock.  His member was about the same size as my cock in both length and girth.  I couldn’t take my eyes off my hand as I moved my fist up and down his shaft.  Kneeling between his splayed legs, I used my other hand to cradle his testicles.

I bent at my waist, extended my tongue, and licked the length of Doug’s cock from the base to the mushroom-shaped head.  I kissed his glans, feeling the rubbery texture against my lips.  Opening my mouth, I lowered my head, taking his dick into my mouth.  The feeling of his cock sliding over my tongue and against the roof of my mouth excited me.  Never in my life would I have thought I’d enjoy the feeling of sucking a cock as much as I was at the moment.  Up until then, the idea didn’t cross my mind.  Yet, there I was with Doug’s hard dick in my mouth.

I decided to complete what I started and began moving my head up and down.  When I applied suction and made a slurping sound, Doug moaned.  He held my head, guiding me up and down his dick as I rolled his nuts in the palm of my hand.  The longer I sucked his cock, the more I realized nothing was repulsive about the intimate act.  After a few minutes, I relaxed my jaw, letting Doug’s cock rest in my mouth.

Casting my eyes up, I saw the smile on Doug’s face.  He ran his fingers through my hair as I rubbed the shaft of his cock with my tongue.  Moaning, I resumed bobbing my head up and down.  Each time I lowered my head, I felt his cock go deeper into my mouth.  On one of my down-strokes, I felt Doug’s cock enter my throat.  I felt my gag reflex kick in, but the feeling soon passed, so the next time I took him into my throat, I rubbed his balls against my chin.

“Matt, I’m going to come,” Doug said as I slurped on his dick.

Moaning around his rigid shaft, I nodded.  Doug’s legs quivered as his cock swelled in my mouth.  I readied myself for what I knew was coming as Doug’s moans increased, and he moved his hips.  When the first spurt of cum shot into my mouth, I felt my stomach turn.  It was all I could do to fight the urge to gag and remove my mouth.  As the next surge of semen coated my tongue and the inside of my mouth, the feeling I was about to choke passed.

Once Doug’s cock stopped throbbing and filling my mouth with his cum, I lifted my head, letting his dick pull out.  I rolled his spend around the inside of my mouth before swallowing.  As I regained my composure, I moved up to lay next to Doug.  He pulled our mouths together, shoved his tongue into my mouth, and kissed me.

We broke the tender kiss and hugged each other as the gravity of our sexual encounter played on my mind.  Before my friend’s brave confession, I would have never guessed he harbored the feelings he expressed.  Now, as we cuddled our naked bodies together, I realized that I, too, felt something I’d never felt in the past.  If anyone had told me I would engage in a sexual tryst with another male, it would have prompted a fight.  Yet there I was, enjoying a closeness I’d never experienced before.

Neither Doug nor I said anything as we recovered from the whirlwind event.  I thought I should be disgusted with myself, but I wasn’t.  When I reviewed everything, I realized I enjoyed sucking Doug’s cock as much as I did him sucking mine.  The next question popping into my mind was, would I do it again?  The answer was yes.

In an effort to lighten the mood, I reached between Doug and me, wrapped my fingers around his dick, and chuckled.

“You have a nice cock, Doug,” I said.

Laughing, Doug said, “So do you.”  He took a deep breath, adding, “Are we still okay?”

Sitting up, I ran my hand over Doug’s leg.  I grinned and said, “Are you kidding?  I just got my first blowjob.”  I chuckled.  “I just gave my first blowjob too.  The fact we shared this is great.”

“I was so afraid you’d hate me, Matt.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought you’d let me suck your cock, let alone kiss me.  I felt I risked our friendship with my confession,” Doug said.

“You didn’t,” I replied with a smile.

“I never expected you to suck my cock after I blew you,” Doug said.

Nodding, I said, “It seemed fair.  I have to tell you, I loved every moment of it.  When you kissed me, I had no expectations.”

Doug put his hand between my legs, rubbing my cock and balls.  “So, would you do it again?”

I didn’t hesitate when I said, “Yes.”  Chuckling, I looked at Doug.  “Would you?”

Grinning from ear to ear, Doug nodded.

“I’m going to have a beer.  Do you want one?” I said.

Doug nodded.  He got up, following me to the kitchen.  I took two bottles of beer from the refrigerator and gave him one.  We stood against the counter, drinking our beers.

“Look, as much as I’ve enjoyed everything so far and want to explore, you need to know I still want to get laid.  I want to find out what it’s like to have my cock in a girl’s pussy,” I said.

“I want to fuck girls too, Matt.”

“One other thing, I’m not going to dress in woman’s clothes,” I said.

Doug laughed and bumped his shoulder against mine.  “Not even sexy panties?”

“I don’t think so,” I said while laughing along with Doug.  “Would you?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Doug said, “I would if you wanted me to.”

Doug’s statement caught me off guard.  Putting my hand on his shoulder, I said, “Doug, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.  Not to please me.  I just want to take it slow and see where this goes.  Okay?”

“Sure, sounds good to me,” Doug replied.

Doug and I finished our beers and went back to the living room.  He asked if I wanted to spend the night, and I agreed.  We gathered our clothes, went to his bedroom, and climbed into bed.  I stretched out on top of Doug, rubbing my hardening cock against his as we shared kisses.  Before we fell asleep in each other’s arms, I experienced my second blowjob.  Giving and receiving.  

I woke up snuggled against Doug’s naked body.  My morning erection pressing against his butt cheeks.  As I reviewed the things my best friend and I experienced together the night before, I found myself completely comfortable with everything.  Moving my hand down Doug’s chest, I ran my fingertips through his wiry pubic hair.  I avoided his hard-on, running my hand to his thigh.  Pulling up, I rubbed his testicles for a moment, then wrapped my fingers around his shaft.

Doug woke up, rolling onto his back as I continued stroking his stiff shaft.  When he looked at me, we shared a smile.  He put his hand on my cheek, pulling our mouths together.  Doug and I kissed each other for a moment, then I chuckled.

“Good morning, Doug,” I said.

“Yeah, good morning.”  Doug took a deep breath.  “Are you still okay with what we did now that you’re sober?”

“Yup.  I wasn’t so drunk I didn’t know what I was doing.”

“So, where do we go from here?” Doug asked.

Releasing Doug’s cock, I said, “I need to take a leak and get a shower.  I also need coffee.”

Laughing, Doug nodded.  I got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and took care of my over-full bladder.  When I finished pissing, I started the shower.  While I was washing, Doug came in to use the toilet.  Thankfully, he didn’t flush.  I left the water running and got out of the tub so he could get in.

After wrapping a towel around my waist, I headed for the kitchen.  Doug had started the electric percolator, and the coffee was brewing.  Leaning against the sink counter, I thought about Doug’s question about where we would go from here.  Honestly, I wasn’t sure.  While I enjoyed everything we did, my feelings were sexual, not romantic.  I didn’t find kissing him uncomfortable, but I liked the blowjobs more.  The truth was, I enjoyed giving as much as receiving.

As the percolator finished, I went to find my jeans.  I put them on without underwear, then my tee-shirt.  In the kitchen, I poured coffee into two mugs.  A few moments later, Doug came into the room.

There was an uneasy silence as we sat at the table drinking our coffee.  I felt Doug and I had things we needed to discuss, but it seemed neither of us wanted to broach the subject.

Smiling, I said, “Well, if we strike out at the clubs, we won’t have to go home frustrated.  Will we?”

Laughing, Doug shook his head.  “No, I guess we won’t.  Not if you want me to suck your cock again.”

“I still want to find girls, Doug.  Getting off with you is great, but I’d like to try it with someone who has tits and a pussy,” I said.

Doug was still laughing when he said, “No more than I do, Matt.  I kind of thought last night would be a one-time thing.  I didn’t know you’d want to do anything again.”

I joined my friend’s laughter.  “Neither did I.  Just so you know, I liked sucking your cock as much as I enjoyed you sucking mine.  The kissing is okay, but don’t get pissed if all I want is a blowjob or giving you one.”

“No problem.  As you said, we’ll see where things go,” Doug said.  “Are you heading home?  Or do you want to hang around today?”

“When are your parents going to be home?” I said.

“Tomorrow afternoon,” Doug replied.

Doug and I ate breakfast then went to the living room to watch television.  When he sat next to me and put his hand on my leg, I didn’t resist.  I put my arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer.  As we snuggled, Doug kissed my neck but avoided my mouth.

It didn’t take long for us to undress and fondle each other.  I found sitting on the couch, stroking each other’s cocks enjoyable.  I was the first to lean over and take my friend’s cock into my mouth.  While sucking his dick, I didn’t feel the urgency I felt the night before.

When Doug began moaning and moving his hips, I backed off.  I let him calm down before taking his cock back into my mouth.  He rubbed my back and head as I became familiar with his dick and balls.  After about a half-hour, I sat up.  Doug moved to the floor, knelt between my legs, and took me into his hand.  Neither of us spoke as we continued our exploration.  I watched my friend use his hands and mouth to caress my cock and balls, as I had done to him.

Doug continued as he sucked me until I came in his mouth.  He sat on the couch next to me then I knelt between his legs.  When he came, I swallowed his cum.  We engaged in sixty-nine when we went to bed on Saturday night. By the time I went home on Sunday morning, Doug and I blew each other a few times.  While we engaged in kissing, it wasn’t as intense as it was on Friday night.

Over the next month, Doug and I went to the clubs, but it seemed neither of us was as focused on finding girls.  The only real problem we had was finding somewhere to be alone.  Having sex in the car wasn’t as nice as when we could use one of our houses.  Unfortunately, there were few opportunities.  One night, while we recovered from sucking each other’s cocks in the car, I suggested we find a place to rent so we could live together.

Doug and I made decent wages, so affording a house wasn’t a problem for us.  We started saving as much money as we could.  After telling our parents our plans, they made suggestions on furnishing the two-bedroom house we’d decided to rent.

Doug and I finally lost our virginity to a couple of girls, but that’s another story.

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I stepped out of my apartment and all but fell on my ass. Duke looked at me like I’d tried to kill him. It had sleeted yesterday and it froze overnight. I began to wonder why I hadn’t just stayed in LA. My part of the shoot had ended yesterday. The cast and production staff had a going-away lunch for me. I’d found several new friends, especially Zak. He was older than I was, but he was a lot nicer to me than Craig Wild had been. I really hadn’t figured out that all the hazing was just him...

1 year ago
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Ohne Houmlschen

Was ich gestern in einem Frauenforum gelesen habe hat mich wirklich sehr erfreut. Nun weis ich endlich dass ich gar nicht alleine mit meiner Neigung bin in den Sommermonaten auf das Höschen zu verzichten, denn recht viele Frauen berichten darüber dass sie an warmen Sommertagen unter ihrem Rock oder Kleid kein Höschen tragen. Einige von ihnen finden es sogar sehr aufregend es darauf anzulegen das ihnen fremde Männer unter die Kleidung schauen können, da werden schon mal provokant die Schenkel...

2 years ago
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A Southern WarmingChapter 22

"I think we might have a plan that would enable us to get your friend here on a work-study program at the University." Brenda looked amazing as usual. I seemed to get the sense that she wanted to make herself as attractive to me as she possibly could. Of course, it was most likely just my imagination. She had probably dressed like she would on any other work day. However, I really did enjoy the view. I guess it's no wonder that men will do just about anything when they fall under the...

3 years ago
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Filled In For His Wife

Hello readers..This is my second story here..Thanks for all the responses and love for my first story.This story is little narrative and may be slow for sex. It was hot Delhi summer and i was taking cool ac air at Delhi metro station. Suddenly a middle aged man came and asked if i can help with something. I said yes. He then asked as he is new in the city need to know how to go to Gurgaon from karol bagh in metro. His office in Gurgaon so i told him about metro route and introduced each...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Philippines 1995

In April 1995 I married the sister of one of my co-workers Lisa in the Philippines. They were very good with my sexual as Lisa told them. Her older brother David and I got it on while I was over there. He introduced me to his friends and all five of them enjoyed fucking me. David I did it first before he introduced me to his friends. We started out the day getting some stuff at stores. It was very humid there as we walked around and took a few jeepneys. We finally go back home in the afternoon...

4 years ago
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Busty Mom Gets Fucked

Hi guys and girls! This is Rahul and I from Chennai. I am currently 23 years old and I fucked more than 20 girls. First sex experience is very memorable in everyone life. My first sex experience was with my mother. This is my real life story. I had sex with my mother when I was in 11th standard. My father is a businessman. So, he regularly goes out of station. My mothers age is 37 years with fair complexion. Her measurements are 36-26-38. She works in a nearby medical shop daily till 7 p.m. her...

3 years ago
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How to Talk to Girls Chapter 3 The Girl in the Mirror

Chapter 3: The Girl in the Mirror Leah gave Zach a disappointed look as they followed his mother quietly up the stairs. He tried his best to avoid eye contact with her glare. What was his mom thinking? If she was going to mess with his life today to teach him some kind of a lesson about girls, why couldn't she at least have just changed Liam's memories and turn him into a full on girl that he could talk to for a few minutes and then be done with it? Instead, she had practically seduced...

2 years ago
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At the Pool

It's a hot summer night so we decide to break into the local swimming pool again. We climb the fence and go to our spot underneath a couple of willow trees near the pool. Cooper and I have been flirty friends for a while but I've always had the biggest crush on him. But, being shy, I've never done anything about it. Since it's just the two of us tonight, I decide to maybe finally get the courage to say something. I make sure to show off my long legs, tan from the summer, and wear my tight pink...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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EvilAngel Angela White Buxom Angela8217s Jugs And Butt Fucked

Naturally voluptuous Australian bombshell Angela White jiggles her giant, succulent jugs, eager for a proper ass reaming from director Mike Adriano’s big hard-on. She wiggles her thick, mesmerizing bum; Mike tongues her tender butthole. The pale brunette gags on his meat pole, suckles his balls and rims his anus. Angela squeezes Mike’s meat between her soft boobs. Soon he’s burying his huge bone in her tight rectum. This busty slut takes a ruthless anal pounding and eagerly...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Zaawaadi The Spanish Stallion Undefeated Sc 4

In the world of boxing, passionate, physical workouts are not limited to the ring! Drop-dead gorgeous African beauty Zaawaadi meets handsome, Black trainer Joss Lescaf. Joss peels off long-legged Zaawaadi’s lovely outer attire to reveal her sexy lingerie. She drops to her knees to suck his big Black cock. Joss plants his face in her crack for a rim job while she grinds on him. He fucks her cunt doggie-style. Joss holds her long, stockinged gams up while his massive meat thrusts in her...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Aften Opal Shay Sights Cunning Linguist

Shay Sights is sitting on her bed, looking a bit worried about something. Aften Opal, Shay’s stepdaughter, walks by her open bedroom door and Shay decides to call her inside. Aften’s always glad to help out her stepmom, so she comes to sit next to her, asking her what’s on her mind. It turns out that Shay is back on the dating scene, and has recently met a LOVELY woman. Thing is, that woman hasn’t been impressed with Shay’s dirty talk in the bedroom. Shay reveals...

1 year ago
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Our First Threesome

My wife and I had only been married for two years and already the spark had left our sex life. She was rarely interested in sex. When we did have sex, I felt like she was just doing it to appease me, and that felt pretty horrible. My wife was in medical school at the time and I was in graduate school. We soon formed our separate circle of friends, and we both got along great with both groups. We even occasionally held parties and invited all our friends. These were sometimes awkward...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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First time with Megan II

When the curtain was pulled back Megan was standing there with a shit eating grin on her face, She slid the window open and said what are you doing here? I said I got your note and wanted to see you, she smiled her radiant smile and said hold on I'll come to you I pulled the screen out of the window and placed against the house took Megans hand and helped her out the window, Now my neighborhood at that time was a sleepy neighborhood and it's pretty quiet at 11:00 P.M so we didnt have any...

2 years ago
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Pantyless to San Francisco Part 2

I had just arrived at the airport, and was happy to be in my boyfriend’s arms again. (He’s now my ex-boyfriend, and purposely avoid using his name, because I’d rather forget it.) I was very horny as we made our way through the airport concourse. My coat was wrapped around me and the belt nicely tied, so I was pretty sure that no one could see that my dress had ridden-up and was bunched around my waist. With my boyfriend’s arm around me as we walked, it couldn’t be helped. I soon had my doubts...

1 year ago
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Mere Randi Patni Banne Ka Safar

Mera naam janvi hai mai 24 saal ki hu shadishuda ladki hu. Waise toh meri love marriage hui hai but ab mujhe accha nhi lgta apne pati ke sath kyuki pyar hi sab kuch nhi hota, woh mujhe thik chod nhi paate aur mai pyasi reh jaati hu. Waise mera fig 32-26-34 hai slim hu fair hu light brown baal hai. Fir bhi mere pati ka 5 inch ka lund mujhe nanga dekh kr bhi jaldi khada nhi hota. Mai bohat din se pyasi hu aur ab maine faisla kr liya hai mai kisi gair mard se hi apni pyas bujhaungi. Mere pati ka...

2 years ago
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Club Sex

On a cool October night, you and I are hangin' at The Co-op having a few drinks and enjoying each others company with a sprinkling of intense, tantalizing kisses...After a good bout of kissing, I ask if you would like to go somewhere a little more private...You say you would love that, so I take your soft hand in mine and lead you upstairs into the office of the club..Luckily, I have a key, because the door is locked. We go in and after putting a CD in the computer, we settle on one of the...

2 years ago
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How Diana Overcame Her Shyness Ch 05

Diana had only been home a few days when James called. He apologized for not calling sooner, explaining that he had been moving into a sublet apartment in town for the summer as he would be working as a research assistant for one of his professors. Diana in turn told him what she was doing and they chatted casually for a while. Then there was a pause and after a moment James said, “I, um, got your...message.” Diana froze. Was he going to laugh at her? Tell her to leave him...

3 years ago
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WHAT A MEMORYBy: Londebaaz ChohanLangdon; although very old and very sick, remembers and tells this to all his buddies like he won the gold medal in Aeronautical Science and that too when he was hardly 18 and had not even studied a word about this science. He admits of having no girlfriend then and being a freelancer providing the services of his cock to all needy cunts and young asses alike; just to get the relieve for his sexual tensions and truly wanting to be a known as a bull for all needy...

3 years ago
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Mean Chicks

I started to work for a retail company about 5 years ago and all in all it wasn’t a bad job. Most of the people were positive, good, hard working people. Then I met Patricia and Kristina. Both have worked for the company for twenty plus years and had prima donna attitudes because of it. Patricia is a tall brunette with cropped shoulder length hair and a great body. Her face isn’t the greatest, but her body makes up for it. She can fill a pair of jeans like they were made for her....

1 year ago
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My Beautiful Models Daughter

My sister Lydia was home for the summer. She's been back East for her first year of college and has been working as well. She's just breaking into the modeling game and had used some of my Mom's contacts to get started. My Mom is an ex-Super Model! You might remember her from what I told you earlier. My Mom had been in an accident that broke both her arms and I had to take care of her during the evenings after the special duty nurse had gone home. It was during this time that we became...

1 year ago
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In the Hot TubSW37part1of1

After a little small talk I noticed Paige's hand in Vince's lap. It seemed she was rubbing his cock though his shorts. I elbowed Kevin's ribs and gave him a questioning look. He whispered in my ear, "I'll explain later." In the Hot Tub Part-1-of-1 When I first met my husband's really good friend Austin it was a pleasant shock. Kevin and I had only been married about a year when we were invited to visit his friend, Austin and his wife Paige. I didn't know what to expect. We're in our twenties...

2 years ago
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Night Out On The Beach

My wife, Abby, and I, who had recently been married, hadn’t planned on a great getaway honeymoon at first. But my wife’s parents, generous and involved in our relationship as they were, sent us out on a trip to Fiji. As excited as I was for my first real trip out of the country, I definitely felt the pressure to make this honeymoon as memorable as possible. The flight was uneventful, but long. It left Abby and I both so ready to just relax and spend the night thoroughly enjoying each other....

1 year ago
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Fucking Kinky KellyPart 2

Introduction: fucking lusty teen kelly continued Hi I was pushing deep filling her. She was coating my cock daddy, im gonna cum. Im gonna cum all over your hard cock. daddy wants you to cum, cum all over that hard cock. oh,daddy it feels so good, oh, fuck. She moaned biting her lip. I reached around her picking her up with my cock inside her and turned over so she could ride me. be a good slut and ride daddys cock. I said grabbing her ass and pushing her down on me. I held her ass as she rode...

2 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 8

My second visit to the Owner's Club was much different from my first, mostly because I felt much more relaxed, much more confident in myself. I'd repaired my makeup in the car and it hadn't been so bad, just my lipstick had been terribly smeared from sucking Mr. Reiser's cock and then kissing him hard. I fixed it and brushed my hair. My only complaint was the semen trickling from my asshole as I walked into the plantation house, but I have to say I enjoyed the sensation of my rectum...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Aligarh Girlfriend

Hello readers my name is Faraz I’m from Aligarh and I work in Delhi. During my collage days one of my class mates was from my colony. She is good looking well built body. Her name is Neha, Her brother Ajay is my friend. We used to sit together and use work on some of our assignments and her parents usually go out for Business in Delhi. I was preparing for 12th exams along with Neha. She is very sexy and hot. Neha body structure is pretty good and her boobs look every one with pride you can...

3 years ago
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Mike and Lily Covington

 "I've got a date," she said. "A date? Where are we going?" I said. "Not we honey, just me. Don't wait up," she said. "Huh? What? What are you talking about?" I said. She put on her most exasperated look, and leaned back against her vanity. I must have looked the total wimp to her as she prepared to unload on me. "I'm going on a date. I have a date with a man. He will buy me drinks and dinner and maybe take me dancing. After that he will get us a hotel room and do me. Then, I will come home...

1 year ago
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Welcum Home

You unsling your bag off your shoulder as you step into your room and fall on the bed. Instantly, you feel something out of place; something hard beneath the sheets. You reach under and find a CD case with a blank CD inside; the words "play me" scrawled across the front. You frown, put it on, and smile as you hear the music of Metallica's "Welcome Home" start to flow from your stereo speakers. You look around, and shut the door, smiling to yourself. "How'd you do it?" I step out from the...

2 years ago
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Ron Jeremy 4

What really got me though was the way mom talked during sex about "make a baby" that never failed to get some sort of response from her. She wouldn't talk about me cumming on her tits or in her or Aunt Shellies mouth. It was make a baby on her tits or make a baby in her mouth. Who knows, maybe that’s how she learned about sex I don't know. Well I didn't know until things changed that is. Aunt Shellie still had issues going on with her husband cheating on her. She didn't care so much...

2 years ago
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Reading His Story

Part One – Messages I came across his short stories on another fiction website on which I had posted some of my own stories. The one I read first, which I found really sexy, was about a man and a woman on a beach who expose themselves to each other and masturbate. There was also a similar one about two people on a train, and another where two people in a crowded train carriage masturbate each other. He was obviously turned on by the same sort of thing as me, so I sent him a message, which...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 758

This group is compliments of Avon ... W. A penguin was driving through the desert when his car broke down. He waddled to the nearest phone to call AAA. His car was quickly towed to the nearest garage where the mechanic told him he would need a couple of hours to check out the car. The penguin, being a good natured bird, didn’t complain but wondered off to find the closest supermarket. He proceeded to the frozen foods section and hung out near the fish sticks. After an hour he got in the...

3 years ago
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Fem Firm 4 Pop Secret

FEM FIRM 4-POP SECRET PROLOGUE As I knocked on the door of my parents' house, the nerves I had made me feel like ants were crawling all over my body. I suppose I could have walked right in since I used to live there but I didn't want to shock them. After all, this was the first time they would ever see me as Ruby and, since I hadn't told them ahead of time when they asked me to come over, they were totally unprepared. My clothing was as demure as could be. I'd worn a woman's...

1 year ago
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john the computer man

Every day after school i always rush to my bedroom to go on my laptop to watch porn, talk to guys online and read porn stories. After losing my virginity a year earlier to my sisters ex boyfriend (they broke up because she caught us both in bed) i hadn’t had much luck with guys. They were all too immature in my school and most were still virgins. I wanted an older bloke, one like the guys i talk to on porn sites. I am 17 years old, tall about 5 ft 7, slim- size 8 and have nice boobs- size 32...

1 year ago
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Celeste Spring Break

It was a year after I graduated, and spring was coming around. I had friends who lived in New Orleans. They had always told me it was a big party town. So I flew down there for a couple of weeks. When I got there, all we did was hit the beaches and got trashed every night. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to do anything but have some fun. I won’t remember the night I had the most fun. My girlfriends and I had gone to this rave. It was . There were hunks and hot chicks every getting down and...

4 years ago
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Rachel the Secretary Part 2

They’d started drinking at four in the afternoon and she already felt drunk as they headed for the restaurant. She hardly knew the technicians. One was in his late forties and quiet, Samir was in his early sixties, overweight and always lewd and trying to paw her. Jaideeep was in his thirties and a total gentleman, always looking after her, opening doors and making coffee for her. They were all very drunk and the conversation started to turn increasingly bawdy. She sat next to Louise at dinner...

3 years ago
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The Cover of Darkness

Mary Connor hated her nickname of “Midnight Mary” because it insinuated she was the sort of girl that liked to get down and dirty with those things that went bump in the night and which invariably caused innocent-looking girls to get tagged with terrible reputations.She certainly didn’t think it was fair for people to jump to conclusions about her moral character just because she seldom went out of the house in daylight hours and really didn’t come alive until after the sun had set over the...

First Time
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 31 Marks of Binding

There were two things I learned about Master PC. One, the program was like any other computer language. It would take your entries and interpret them literally, which explained the graphical interface that allowed a non-programmer to use it as well. If I didn't know the proper term to use, it would try to interpret what I wanted and execute that. It took me several tries before I gave up and used the graphical interface to make my hair green again just to look over the code. I found out that...

1 year ago
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Joys vacation gang bang

We were on vacation and had stopped to get a bite to eat. Joy, as usual, was wearing as little as legally possible showing lots of skin. While we were eating I noticed a table of guys looking over at Joy and talking among themselves and also to some guys at another table. I told Joy and she looked over at them and gave them one of her sexy "come and get it smiles". When we finished eating Joy said she would be right back and got up and headed toward the table of guys. I watched as she bent over...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Gem and JanaChapter 2

I woke up in the deepest, darkest part of the night. I smiled like the cat who swallowed the canary. I had given a real man my virginity and he had made me so glad to be a woman! My pussy definitely felt well used, but not sore. George’s spunk was still leaking out of me and making a big wet spot on the sheet. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I peed and washed my pussy. The thick wavy hair on my head was duplicated by a bush I had to constantly trim back to keep it from escaping...

1 year ago
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The BoxChapter 10

When it first happened, I thought I had disappointed Michael for some reason. But whenever I checked, there was never anything wrong between us. Next I thought there was something wrong with the box, and so I called the emergency number on the top. They sent out Jim who did an on-site systems check, but everything checked out. It was now four years since I had had my surgery. Using the box had become second nature. I never really thought much about it anymore. But something had gone wrong,...

1 year ago
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The CureChapter 37

The Misty Cloud had come to a halt in XD space as Janta and Mutra examined the readings they were getting of a huge mass that was scanning the various wavelengths that could lead to detection in both normal and XD space. “Anything ... other than being bigger than a big thing proving its bigness?” Janta finally asked in a hushed voice. “Well, other than being bigger than all the orbital Vreekoos defence stations combined, no. Passive scans are not showing anything other than the active scans...

2 years ago
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Adventure With Sex Bomb Teacher Sneha In Tokyo 8211 Part 4

Hi all! It’s me Arjun and I am back with the story. First of all, I apologize for the delay and I hope you will forgive me. I recommend newcomers to take a look at my previous chapters before reading this one. Now let’s get started, shall we? After the intense blowjob, we took a break and chatted for a few minutes. M: That was one hell of a blowjob. S:  I am glad you loved it. M: Guess you have a pretty good experience, huh. S: Not that many but yea you could say that. In the meantime, we had...

2 years ago
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Ass Earth

The genders of Ass Earth have some small differences. Men: make up about 30% of the population. Testicle size ranges from golf ball to tennis ball and most men have four. Most men only enjoy giving anal sex during long term relationships and sometimes dislike anal entirely. Male ejaculation can be stopped at will after the first few drops. An uninterrupted ejaculation can be as much as 10 oz. Male/male sex is taboo and shunned especially by non-males. Male/neep sex is looked down on by most...

4 years ago
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Book 7 New DragonsChapter 2

Laurel watched Shelaw and Morpaw out in the garden, they were talking to Mar and Marti'en, the dragons curled up in the sun, Marti'en sitting in the shade of Mar's large body. Zara not far away giggling and laughing as she played with the butterflies fluttering around the flowers. Going into the music room Laurel sat down with her lute, softly she started to strum the strings, the magic flowing through her fingers, leaning her head against the chair back she closed her eyes and sang, her...

3 years ago
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It Began at the Doctors Office

Jack, get ready! The appointment is in ten minutes," Leah called up to her son's room. While Leah waited for her son, she took a look in the mirror. She was critical of herself, but she had to admit that she looked good for 40 years old. She had red hair, a big bright smile, and rosy cheeks dusted with freckles. Her ample breasts created a substantial shelf, and her loose flannel shirt hung down over her small round belly. Her tight jeans hugged and accentuated her toned thighs and butt. "You...

2 years ago
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Jodie meeting Jeff

Mom called the store looking for me, while I was having lunch with John. Julie talked with her about all of us having dinner sometime soon, just the girls. I looked at Julie with the "really" eyes. I knew what mom wanted, and I wasn't really thrilled about chatting with her. I told Julie that her and daddy's divorce is over and she's feeling empty.Julie said she seen my mom with a nice looking man the other day. She said mom looked great and the guy was all over her. I asked Julie if they...

4 years ago
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Jay in the Restroom

So I'm standing at the urinal doing my business when the first girl walks in. Now, just in case you're a girl and you don't know, men don't look around when someone else walks into the restroom. It's just a boy thing, we don't look at each other while we are urinating. It's like being in a elevator, you just stand there minding your own business, not looking at the other people. So it wasn't until she stood at the urinal right beside mine that I saw she was a girl.I think I gasped. I could feel...

1 year ago
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Die Nachbarin Kapitel 1

Nun arbeitet Manuel bereits seit einem halben Jahr in der Boutique Silky Heaven. Ein Modegeschäft spezialisiert auf Unterwäsche, Dessous, Lingerie, Strumpfmode, Kleider und Schuhe für Sie. Vor sechs Monaten hätte er nie daran geglaubt, in dieser Boutique anzufangen und eine Ausbildungsstelle zu bekommen. Kaum einer seiner Freunde und Bekannten konnte verstehen, warum er gerade in dieser Branche arbeiten möchte. Als junger Mann war das doch eher ungewöhnlich. Doch Manuel interessierte sich schon...

1 year ago
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Taking the Risk Mishas Story Ch 03

For those that wanted to know more about Misha before he met Froo, here is his story and how he came to be in England which is where he met her and fell in love, and his time with Suzanne the woman in his past. His passion for Suzanne becomes an obsession, as she plunges down into a self destructive whirlpool, so for those that believe that life’s many experiences make up a rich and interesting tapestry….here is Misha’s story. To read about Misha and Froo please read the companion story...

3 years ago
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Birthday present

Last week was my birthday and my GF Rinki wanted to please me by giving me an incredible gift. Something like what I had given her a few months back. She wanted to make all the arrangements so we can have the b'day party but also get some time alone with each other so she can show me a great time. Due to a family function, I had to be in Delhi on my birthday. The function which didn't even concern me so I was a bit disappointed at that. But Rinki decided that we can enjoy before I leave for...

2 years ago
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Single Mother Needs To Make Ends Meet Ch 2

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Marsha drove to work knowing she was taking on a part-time job...as an escort. She preferred the term of escort over prostitute. She was still worried what would happen if her daughters learned that their mother’s part-time job was an escort. Her pussy tingled as she knew her customers would only be black men, distinguished business men. They would be hand picked...

4 years ago
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College Friendship

Hi Everyone, First of all thank you all for you’re an amazing feedback for my last narration. Your comments made me to write this story. This story is just an imagination not like my previous one. The people who have missed my previous narration just go to lesbian category and check for “I love this new Genre” titled story… thank you For the people who don’t know about me… I am Kavi aging 34 from South India, Tamil Nadu happily married for 11 years and blessed with 2 kids. Last time I got few...

3 years ago
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GeniusChapter 14 Brendas Fate

I turned around as I realised that the men were missing, the only ones present were Brother Pieter, Margaret, Brenda and Genius — not to forget myself. Somehow we'd become separated from the others - although to be honest I wouldn't know what to do with them if push came to shove. "John? What happened?" Margaret asked me anxiously. I shook my head, "Dammed if I know Mags, Genius any idea?" "No Lord John, it's as if they've been blocked from arriving, I don't know anyone ... apart...

2 years ago
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Daddy Satisfies

Summer is here and wouldn't you know it, the air conditioning at the house has gone out, again! Summers in the south aren't typical year to year and this summer was no exception. Thank goodness the pool in the backyard was ready. Until we get AC, my days will be consumed keeping cool in the pool! My mom was the real lucky one in all this. She left yesterday for a job related conference in New York. She's a photographer and my dad is a set designer. They met while working together on a well...

3 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 77

It was raining Tuesday morning when Kim woke up. She could hear the rain hitting to roof of the cabin and went to the window to look out. "This sucks!" Kim said out loud. "What does, Kim," Sally said as she rolled onto her back and looked up at her cousin. "It's raining, we'll have to stay in the cabin." "Why? It's not like we're going to get our clothes wet or anything," Sally giggled. "That's true, I guess it won't hurt us if it isn't too cold out." "We could just...

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