Falling Ch. 02 free porn video

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I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling when the phone rang. It was too much effort to restrain Stacey when she rolled off the bed, so I went back to fingering my sloppy slit and admired the play of her naked body as she walked across the room. God she was gorgeous, I mused, feeling the passion start to mount inside me again when she turned to blow a kiss before picking up her cell.

She was insatiable, but I'd discovered I could keep up with her. Every orifice in my body ached from being violated with the toys strewn about the bed, some of them larger than any of the men I'd known, but what really got me off was the sly look on Stacey's face each time she teased another climax out of my trembling body. Well, that or the way she writhed in my embrace each time my tongue found its way into her creaming gash.

"Michael, it's about time!" Stacey told her caller. I giggled at the thought of her talking to my roommate while I fucked myself on her bed, and she shushed me before walking into the living room. "No, I got past it, no thanks to you. You owe me a coffee after the next meeting."

Jilling off wasn't as much fun without an audience, so I reluctantly gave it up and decided to hunt for some food. We'd missed lunch and dinner, and the ice cream we'd played with last night didn't really count. Still naked, I followed Stacey out into the other room.

"...suspicious killjoy," she was saying. "No, I promised I wouldn't do that." Apparently, Michael was giving her a hard time. It probably was his duty, as her sponsor, and I was glad he was looking out for her, however belatedly. "It's not like I'm not supposed to have any girlfriends! I needed a friend, and she offered to help." A low murmur was all I could hear of his voice. "Yes, completely voluntary. I swear it!"

I smirked and then caught sight of the clock. "Oh shit!" I yelped, aghast at the time. The heavy curtains had fooled me into thinking it was early morning, but it was just after noon; I'd lost a whole day! No wonder I was starving! I ran back into the bedroom, looking for my clothes, and trying to calculate in my head. I had maybe three hours to repack my bag with some clean things and leave for the airport in time to catch my flight. "Shit, shit, shit!" I muttered, heading back to the bathroom.

Stacey was off the phone. "Do you have to leave now? It's raining cats and dogs out there!" She pulled a curtain aside, confirming her statement. As we watched, a stroke of lightning lit up the sky.

"There's nothing more I'd like to do," I sighed, "but I have a trip and the traffic will be terrible in weather like this." I found one of my pumps in front of the refrigerator.

"At least let me call you a cab," Stacey relented, and started dialing the phone while I dressed.

Finally I was ready to go. "I'm sorry I have to leave like this," I told her. "I had a really good time."

She smiled. "So did I. You'll see me when you come home, right?" Her look made my knees feel weak.

"Try and keep me away!" I laughed, and then we were kissing again, as if it were the first time. Our bodies ground against each other, and it was nearly impossible to force myself to end it and walk away. I took the elevator down, but still felt out of breath when I reached the sidewalk.

The rain was sheeting out of the low clouds, but the cab was there and I dashed through the downpour to the relative safety of the back seat. The traffic was as bad as I'd feared, and I think we nearly got into accidents twice because the cabbie kept looking at me in the rearview mirror.

I walked into the apartment feeling a little bit like a drowned cat.

"Linnea? Is that you?" Michael called from his office. "Jesus Christ! Can't you turn on your phone? I've called you like a million times!"

"It is on, and hello to you too," I snarled, still in a bad mood. I opened my purse again and dug past the wallet and candle to find my phone. "Okay, so I did have it off, duh," I admitted, thumbing the power button and watching the little logo appear. "What did I miss, besides the flood?"

"It's no joke, Linnea; I was worried about you. I had no idea where you--" he walked into the living room and stopped dead at the sight of me.

"What?" I asked, wishing the rain hadn't matted down my hair so much.

"You were with her," Michael said flatly. "Christ, Linnea, I told you to stay away from these people!"

"What?" I repeated, offended. "You mean Stacey?" His eyes hardened. "She needed help and you weren't around. Nothing happened! What business is it of yours how I spend my weekends?"

"Look at yourself," he said, sounding tired. "Just look, in the mirror."

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the light, then set my open purse on the counter so I could try to tease out the curls in my hair; the weather hadn't completely killed them. "Is it about the haircut? It looked better, dry."

"Keep looking."

I blinked, and suddenly everything was different; I gasped with surprise. Instead of my silk blouse, I was wearing a really tight black knit mock turtleneck. It was so thin that it was effectively transparent, especially wet, and I could see every curve of my breasts, areolae, and hardened nipples.

My skirt was absurdly -- no, obscenely -- short, riding low on my hips and barely wider than the heavy link belt draped around it. The lips forming the "O" of surprise in the mirror were a glossy fire engine red I'd never seen before -- at least since I'd graduated from high school. I knew I didn't own any eyeliner; Stacey must have applied it.

"Oh my God!" I grabbed a tissue and scrubbed at my mouth, removing most of the color. Throwing it in the trash, I pulled out a lipstick, but forced myself to stop when I saw it was the same color I'd just removed.

"That's it, Linnea!" Michael encouraged me. "Keep fighting it. You can do it; she only had you for two days!"

"You mean one day," I absently corrected him, staring at myself again in the mirror. No wonder the cabbie had almost killed us -- I was fucking hot!

Michael shook his head gently. "Two days; this is Monday. Don't think about sex. Talk to me."

I leaned heavily on the counter, stunned. Monday? I felt disconnected from everything. "Monday?" I asked again, aloud. "Shit! I'm supposed to be in Boston today! Harris is going to kill me!" My mind raced, trying to think of some way out of this terrible situation, while my finger traced idle designs on the countertop.

"You're in luck," Michael chuckled. "This front came in yesterday afternoon, and the thunderstorms haven't really let up since then. The airline called to say your flight was canceled, and I bet you couldn't get out today, either. Don't worry about any of that. Concentrate on yourself; keep talking."

"What happened to me?" I wailed, looking at myself again in the mirror. "I thought you were the sex addict, not me." I almost thought I could feel my nipples stretching beneath my gaze, so like Stacey's... I turned away from the mirror and leaned against the counter. Michael's eyes turned aside and I realized I'd propped a foot against the cabinet under me, flashing him with my bald pussy.

"Well, I'm not! A sex addict, I mean. What did Stacey do to me?"

Michael sighed heavily. "I'm not a sex addict either, Linnea. You didn't need to know this before, but I'm in Mind Controllers Anonymous."

The thought was so outrageous that I couldn't help laughing. "What, you have a group to help you not make people do things? Can I join?" I'd be able to see Stacey at the meetings, I carefully did not say; Michael's sense of humor seemed to be entirely absent.

"I'm not joking! Listen to me, Linnea; you need to take this seriously." A pained expression crossed his face. "And can you please stop doing that?"

With a start, I realized that not only hadn't I lowered my leg, I'd been fingering myself too -- right in front of Michael! I'm sure my face went beet red. "Oh God, I'm so sorry! I can't believe I'm doing this!" I wasn't sure what was worse; that I'd been exposing myself to him like that, or that my finger was gleaming with my arousal.

My foot fell to the floor with a thud and I whirled around, both to wash my hands and so I didn't have to look at him while I regained my composure. Not only was my finger shamefully wet, there was a stray hair tangled around the tip.

With a grimace of distaste, I flicked the brown curl onto the small black tea candle flickering on the counter next to my purse, and then pumped copious squirts of liquid soap onto my hands.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed, Linnea," Michael reassured me; he had to speak up to be heard over the running water. "You're the victim here. There are resources, people that can help you; but you need to be strong." He paused for a moment before asking, "Is something burning?"

"Just a little incense candle," I replied, turning off the water and drying my hands. "It does smell nice, doesn't it?" It was a deep primal scent, of desire, of physical rut. It made me want to fuck something, preferably Stacey.

"It smells like burning hair," Michael groused suspiciously. "Where did you get it?"

"I thought it was yours," I answered, feeling confused. We looked at each other, and then somebody knocked on the door.

Michael looked like he was about to say something, but then just shook his head. "I'll get it. Why don't you go change out of those clothes before you freeze to death?"

"Good point," I agreed. If it was somebody I knew, I didn't want them to see me like this! I scampered for my room and pushed the door closed.

Whoever our caller was, Michael evidently let them in because I heard voices in the living room. A female voice, in fact. My heart started racing when I recognized Stacey's tone. I had to see her!

They were standing there talking to each other. "It wasn't any trouble," Stacey said. "You said you wanted to see me, Michael; 'when my sponsor asks, I must obey', right?" I could hear the humor in her voice.

They both looked at me as I padded up. "I guess you two already know each other," Michael sighed.

I just nodded. Stacey, apparently more resistant to his quelling expression, gave me a great big kiss. The way her hand ran down my bare flank and squeezed my butt raised goose bumps on my arms and made my breasts ache. I sneaked a peek at him when we broke for air, but he didn't seem to be upset -- just puzzled.

"Michael's told me a little about you, Linnea," Stacey told me with a warm smile. "He's lucky to have you around to help him."

"Yeah," he admitted, before attempting to return to whatever they'd been talking about before. "But look, Stacey, I wanted to talk to you because I have a problem with you, um..."

"I know," Stacey spoke up, taking control of the conversation. "Of course you have a problem, you idiot!" She gave me a quick grin. "Look, maybe I'm out of line because I'm not your sponsor, but Karen is an idiot, too! And I'm not saying that just because I think she's a frigid bitch. You cannot remain celibate for over two years and expect not to have a problem."

Wow. I felt a wave of sympathy. I knew Michael had taken Peter's death badly, but -- nobody? I didn't think I could go two days without getting some, much less two years.

"I don't think," Michael started to say.

"Really," snarked Stacey; I stifled a giggle. "Don't get hung up on the program, okay? Look; Linnea helped me, and I think she could help you with your problem, too. She's a good friend."

"I'd love to help," I gushed, feeling bad for not having done more for him already. "What can I do?"

"The trick is to work with your body instead of fighting it," Stacey explained. "You need to start by getting comfortable."

"What's the point?" asked Michael. He sounded dubious, but didn't hesitate to push down his sweatpants and step out of them. I was already naked, so I just stood there and casually examined his limp cock. My first impression was that it had been a waste to keep it out of circulation for so long.

"Just relax, and remember your time with Peter. You two were really into each other, weren't you?"

"Oh yeah." Michael let out a deep breath, and his penis stirred. "Not at first, but" -- he looked at me apologetically -- "I fixed him." His organ started inflating rapidly at the words.

I laughed at the idea, a bit breathlessly. "You couldn't make him be gay, Michael. He had to be attracted to men already; he just fell for you, that's all. I'd sit on that cock!" I clapped a hand over my mouth, embarrassed at my forwardness.

"It's okay to be human," soothed Stacey; I wasn't sure which of us she was addressing. "Remember how you felt with him, how right it was?" She was holding one of her toys; it was a life-size black cock, mounted on a sturdy handle, and its contours glistened with lube.

Memories of the feel of it inside me prompted me to start producing my own lube. It felt like it would be rude to masturbate during such a delicate moment, so I crossed my arms in front of me and surreptitiously thumbed my nipples.

"Relax," she whispered, and positioned the tip of the phallus between Michael's cheeks. With a strength I wouldn't have expected from her slight frame, she smoothly buried the black dildo inside his trembling body.

He made a sound somewhere between a moan and a cry. "Peter!"

"Let go of your problems," urged Stacey, beginning to pump him with long steady strokes. "Listen to your body." She caught my eye and gestured to his fully engorged cock.

I scrambled to comply -- not like I wasn't going to get something out of it too -- and fell to my knees so I could take him in my mouth. I admit I'd thought once or twice about what it might be like, but Michael didn't give me time to enjoy it.

I'd barely matched his rhythm when he cried out and blew two years of pent-up spunk into my mouth, leaving me coughing and dripping semen. It wasn't as nice as eating out Stacey.

Michael and Stacey looked down at me when I started giggling. I tried to explain, but couldn't get the words out. Apparently my family were late bloomers -- I'd come to the realization I was lesbian, or at least bisexual, about the same age Peter had been when he'd come out of the closet. And how ironic was it for two lesbians to help a gay guy get his rocks off?

"This isn't right," Michael gasped. It so closely mirrored my thoughts that it startled a laugh out of me that turned into a brief fit of coughing.

Stacey started working him with the dildo again. "Then step back from it and just don't think for a little bit," she suggested. He went cross-eyed for a moment, then sighed and gazed sightlessly over my head.

His cock hadn't lost any firmness after the first orgasm, but I decided I'd lost my taste for sperm. It wasn't right to leave him hanging, so I reached out and started giving him a hand job; there was plenty of lubrication. My free hand drifted south so I could give myself some much-needed relief.

"Good girl," Stacey whispered huskily in my ear. I hadn't realized she'd moved, but she was crouched behind me. Michael was impaling himself on the dildo, much more urgently than Stacey had been, and grunting with each thrust. "It's so important you help Michael the way you helped me, Linnea."

I nodded, knowing she was right. "I won't let you down -- either of you." I stood up, still holding his cock, and looked Michael full-on. "C'mon, Batman; let's move this to the bedroom." I didn't know the story behind the nickname, but Peter had used it often, doubtless an inside joke.

"Peter?" Michael asked plaintively, looking right through me as if my brother's ghost stood behind me, rather than Stacey. He started churning the cock in his ass even harder, but followed me when I tugged gently on his organ and led him to his bedroom.

I wasn't sure what to say, but apparently the sight of me -- or was it my brother? -- kneeling on his bed needed no explanation. Michael fell on me like a madman, splitting my ass and filling my rectum with his cum-slicked manhood. He reamed my back door like his life depended on it, and maybe it did.

My chute was still tender, but I started heating up with a little help from my finger. Then I thought about how pleased Stacey would be that I was helping Michael, and I started cumming like a firecracker.

He must have had a lot of pent-up energy, because it was dark by the time I finally pulled free and swayed to my feet. Michael lay sprawled on his bed, the dildo's handle still sprouting from his butt, and I was almost sure I could feel a breeze through my gaping, leaking rosebud.

I staggered back to my own bedroom, and found Stacey stretched out naked on my bed, surrounded by the contents of my purse and wallet.

"Poor Linnea," she smiled, "you look like you've had a hard afternoon. I rebooked you on the 8 AM flight tomorrow morning. Now come and get that nasty taste out of your mouth." She spread her legs in invitation, and I suddenly realized I wasn't nearly as tired as I'd thought.

I extended my tongue and let her gentle hands guide me to where I was born to be.


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Arlene and JeffChapter 39

... Jessica had pushed Audrey into the shower with Fred, then Carla and Jessica had helped the two to dry off when they got out. The women were interested in a quick cleanup for Fred, not playtime in the shower. They wanted to show their man how much they loved and appreciated him, and were anxious to get him prone so they could start. "I need to call the campground office and tell them we're staying another night," Fred protested as he glanced toward the phone. "We've already taken...

4 years ago
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The Tidy Little Hotel Maid

The Tidy Little Hotel Maid 3-9-2018 I was stuck in a Hotel in South Carolina after my car broke down on the Interstate. Parts for older import models are scarce, expensive, and hard to come by. So, I had to find a place to wait while the part came in from god only know where probably Timbuctwo. It was hot and humid, being the middle of August what else is there? Fortunately, I had a lot of time to kill and let’s face it I really love that car of mine and definitely could use some...

1 year ago
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A Toys Touch pt1

*BEEEEP* *BEEEEEEEP* *BEEEP* Madison groans as she slaps the off button of her alarm clock. It’s six in the morning and it’s time to get ready for school. Madison, who also goes by Maddy, is 17 years old and a senior in high school. She has a toned body that she works hard to maintain and lush brown hair. Her bangs, which are typically brushed to one side, encase her green eyes. She is the typical popular high school girl. Maddy sluggishly crawls out of her bed and trudges to the calendar on...

3 years ago
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On Line Master

I am not sure how we started talking on line but I met this man and he was very dominant, I was usually the more dominant person if there was one in any of my relationships, but usually it was equal and shared with my partner.   They do say that the best dominant people make some of the best submissives.   It started out with us just chatting with everyday things, and then he would have me touch myself while we were chatting on line not a lot just a little at a time.   I think he was trying...

2 years ago
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Didi Chudi Kiraye Dar Se 8211 Part I

Sabse pehale main apna introduction de doon mera naam raj khanna hain, main six feet height ka gabru jawaan ladka hoon, jisne apne 10″ ke land se kai aunty aur bhabhiyo ko satisfy kiya hai. aaj main aapko apni didi ke baare mein batane ja raha hoon kaise maine usko black mail kar ke choda mere didi ki umar 22 saal ki thi aur jab main 18 saal ka tha, meri didi gazab ki sunder thi saare mohalle ke ladke usko chodane ke sapane dekhte they par woh kisi ko ghaas nahin dalti thi, uski figure bilkul...

3 years ago
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Tracys Reading Porn

"I didn't say you could come in!" my sister snapped at me. "I knocked," I replied. "Mom wants you." She grumbled something and brushed past me. Geez! It wasn't as if I walked in on her while she was naked or something. I haven't been that lucky yet. Tracy was at her computer and shut down the screen really quick like she didn't want me to see what she was looking at and hey... I just noticed she was still online and had just reduced her screen to the task bar. I could bring up the...

2 years ago
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My StepSister Amy Sequel

In the morning, I rolled out of bed and remembered where I was; Elle's house. Shit, I thought to myself. We'd fucked all night and Elle and dad could've come home at any time, I couldn't believe I'd been so careless. Amy was still asleep, her sweet, soft hair curled around her adorable, perfect face. I leaned down and kissed her cheek, and she woke up a little, yawning and turning over. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she realised her step-brother was naked in her bed. 'Oh Drew, last night...'...

Straight Sex
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Veronica ColemanChapter 2

Veronica got out of the car and looked at the facade of the building that she knew so well. It had been a couple of weeks since she had contacted Sir Bartholomew with her agreement to join. He'd asked her to wait while builders had made some changes to the insides of the building. He also provided her with account cards to allow her to purchase clothing suitable for her new position. She swallowed and adjusted her suit to ensure that it still looked neat. She gripped the attaché case, with...

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PornWorld Malena La Pugliese Aubrey Black Cheating Couple Join Forces In Interracial Foursome With Their Bits On The Side

Sexy housekeeper Malena Nazionale has fancied her boss, Vince since she started working for him and knows he watches her bend over while she cleans. While Vince’s wife is out, Malena makes her move and strips down to her sexy black lingerie before she sucks on his massive cock! They head into the bedroom where Vince slams his maid’s pussy when his wife Aubrey returns home with her friend Darrell. Aubrey isn’t the jealous type as long as she isn’t left out so initiates a...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Adira Allure TwoCreampie Threesome

Cute blonde Adira Allure is always down for a raunchy threesome. Wearing a teeny bikini and high heels, the wild sex freak teases handymen Jason Moody and Chris Diamond. She serves them a lemonade concoction seasoned by her squirting pussy juice! Adira gives a gagging double blowjob, and the guys subject her to intense anal fucking. One dude drills her throat as the other plows her asshole, resulting in multiple, gushing orgasms. Sodomy includes ass-to-mouth fellatio, vulgar farting and immense...

1 year ago
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Dont Ever Give Up Ch 06

Note: Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ,-) As I said, this story will go up with one chapter posting daily until it’s all uploaded, so don’t get too mad about the cliffhangers. Enjoy! ******************************* ‘Sheila, let me tell you a story,’ Tim said,...

3 years ago
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The Charmed One

The Charmed One by Paul G. Jutras It was Halloween night and besides the normal child gobins roaming the streets a man stepped out of a dating club service alley. As a woman walked by, he grabbed her arm roughly and pulled her in. The male Succubus opened his mouth and a tentacle sucked out her estrogen. Inside the dating service, a pair of witches known as Christine and Kelly waited as their younger warlock brother made a video date tape. Christine suddenly got a vision...

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A Fantasy A reality

Priti looked out the window, and saw that it was still raining hard. She rubbed her arms absent mindingly, pulling her thin silk robe more tightly around her. It had been now more two hours since her husband of two years had been gone. Priti’s thoughts wandered as her eyes slowly fell on the picture of her and Bobby on the shelf. It had been there for exactly two years now, but it didn’t mean anything. Bobby had his arms around her, smiling into the camera, while Priti was shyly gazing up at...

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PerfectFuckingStrangers Nikki Benz 31653

Nikki Benz gets a random visit from a stranded guy with a dead phone and stalled car. She’s asked if she would be so kind as to charge his phone so he can call for a tow. She invites him in but he doesn’t want to intrude. She decides to take some naughty pictures in hopes to lure him in. After getting his charged phone back and sees Nikki in some sexy lingerie he can’t resist the invite from this beautiful stranger. Little does he know, she likes it in the ass and cum all over...

4 years ago
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Getting Laid With My ExTeacher

Hey girls and guys , me Ankur from Meerut back with my new story, this incident happened 7 days ago, now let’s get back to the story. The story is related to the time, I was very weak in my studies, my parents were worried about me and contacted the school staff. Nothing much helpful was found. I tried my best but I could reach my father’s expectations. At my bus stop, Our school teacher aruna mam also comes, since we had good relations and she was our client, dad considered useful to contact...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Cali Carter Thick Blonde8217s Bouncy Porn Audition

With her big legs in red fishnet stockings, voluptuous blonde bimbo Cali Carter returns to perverted Mike Adriano’s studio for a nasty porn audition. The thick, shapely girl unleashes her big boobies. Mike eagerly licks her shaved, juicy twat and finger-fucks her puckered anus. Cali gives his big dick and sweaty balls slobbery, messy, deep-throat head, drool dripping to her cleavage. The giggly slut rides Mike’s meat in a POV-style shot, her big booty bouncing. That makes the...

4 years ago
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“Watch out!”  Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head.   Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys!   What are you trying to do?   Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head.   This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry scooped up the ball, grinning...

2 years ago
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Sin BravelyChapter 46

"Are you bored?" Eva asked her brother while they waited for another selection of evening gowns to be brought out. "Not so much," Wolfgang shrugged. "How many dresses do you want to see?" "All of them," she said with a small laugh. They were in one of Berlin's better design boutiques, Dernier Cri, and sitting on a silk divan while their hostess organized a parade of expensive dresses for their private shopping pleasure. The showing was by appointment only and Eva had been lucky to...

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My First time with Dad

Hi everyone my name is Rachel from UK and this story is about the first time I lost my virginity at the tender age of 16 to none other then my own Dad. It was my 16th Birthday and after all the party and my friends and everyone gone, I went to my room to have a shower, I always knew Dad lusted for me and could see it when he used to stare at me. As I just come out of the bathroom and was sitting on the bed with my robe hanging open, so my skimpy bikini panties were visible when my daddy...

2 years ago
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Harry was not having a good year, firstly, he was 'volunteered' for the Triwizard cup yet no-one would believe him when he denied having entering it. Like his life needed more danger. Secondly, and most importantly, Ron, being the idiot he was, yelled at then promptly ignored Harry the night right after his name popped out of the Goblet. Still, one must look at the good things at life, at least Hermione still believed him. It was because of these events, that Harry trudged down to the great...

3 years ago
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Naked on the Train

At last! thought Emerald, lovingly waving goodbye to her parents as the train pulled off. She'd got the compartment to herself, and her family were gone. Not that she didn't love her mother and father and darling sister Betty, but it was term time and she was off to her other life, where she was more or less free to do as she wished. She bent her neck as far as she could to see a last glimpse of Betty running along the platform edge, waving her handkerchief at her as the train picked up pace,...

1 year ago
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A dream come true

"Here I am on the road again, to where I know not. But one thing I do know is that when I finally get there, where ever there is, you’ll be there waiting for me." My eyes snapped open and I sat up in bed, the words of the dream still ringing in my ears. The same dream I’d had for the last three nights in a row. I sighed and looked around my dark room, as if looking for something to explain the dream. Some clue to whom it was who was talking to me in the dream. Every time I woke up from the...

2 years ago
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The Nerds First Time

It isn't a bad thing to be the youngest of five children, especially when you are the only boy in the family. Let me explain. My name is Earnest Winston Mallone. I am the product of a loving couple who are still married to this day. When my Mom and Dad started out, like most couples, they wanted a son, a daughter, a nice house and the proverbial white picket fence.There first born was a girl, April. April was a perfect baby. She was in tumbling, ballet and eventually grew up into a beautiful...

First Time
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Adventerous night with Nicky

My name is Vicky, 24 years old and stay in Mumbai in a big 4 bedroom apartment near Band Stand, facing the sea. My family comprises of my father, Mother and my younger sister Nicky, 21. 1 bedroom is occupied by my parents, 1 for Nicky, 1 for me and the 4th one is converted in a small home gym. We are a very close family, open minded and often share problems with each other. My parents are partners in a business. I joined my parents 1 year back and Nicky had just started working to gain some...

4 years ago
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Saturday Morning at the Fights

My name is Betsy. I am a thirty two year old mother of two boys, 10 and 8. I've been married for twelve years to Bob, whom I love very much. For the past two years, though, I've been having an affair with the man next door who is four years my junior. It started at a pool party that Danny, my lover, and his wife Caroline were having. Things got a bit out of control when some of us women took off our bikini tops and Caroline, who is a bit of a prude, ordered us off the property. We went next...

3 years ago
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Wild Cat Ch 02

Author’s Note: This is not a stroke story, so I’m sorry if that’s what you expect. Later in the narrative I will have sexual activity, but non-consent is something that disgusts me, so I refuse to write about it. Also, this isn’t intended to be historically accurate in anyway, but it is set in Ancient Egypt before the North and South joined. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy it. ———————– Juniper’s hand caressed her cousin’s hair mindlessly to the rhythm of the rocking cart. The three carts had...

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Clark Kent or SupermanEnding

Barry returned shortly with Linda. Damn! Each one was better looking than the last. How could somebody like Barry attract all these incredible women? Ouch. Stupid question! I had been marginalizing Barry because of our situation. He was actually very good looking, model quality. He was very bright, good job, well read, interesting and pretty amusing if he would give up that damn sarcasm. He was what most women would consider a very good catch. That's why I married him. I could see now that...

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A Day at the Library

Copyright© 2002, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Special thanks to Pete, the Old Fart 2018 for his expertise in re-editing and re-proofing. Winter was gripping Abbotsville. The days continued to get shorter and for some reason it seemed to be a hellva lot colder than in recent years. The current school year was well underway. I had an assignment that proved that all history teachers must use their summer vacations thinking up the shittiest projects for their students. There had to be a...

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You pick me up in your arms and lay me down on the bed! You undress me and undress you slowly! Soon my breathing gets deeper and my body gets tense! You blindfold me with a black scarf! You pick me up in your arms and lay me down on the bed. You undress me and undress you slowly. Soon my breathing gets deeper and my body gets tense. You blindfold me with a black scarf. You kiss my neck. I shiver. You caress my whole body with a hot stone in one hand, an ice cube in the other and a feather in...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 30 Introducing Jon Grunfeld Katys Inheritance

Jon Grunfeld sat on the forty-yard line at Keenan Stadium in Chapel Hill exhorting Ethan Horton as he broke free of the North Carolina State cornerback and high-stepped his way into the end zone. Carolina had the game well in hand and Jon gleefully accepted the fifty dollars he had won from his best friend and State graduate, Vic Stephens. "If we move our asses we can be at the strip club in Wilmington in 2 ½ hours," Jon said. "What's the rush?" Vic asked, knowing the answer. "So you...

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Friend Fantasy

As you know from reading my other stories, I am a bisexual MM that is drawn to large cocks. Sucking, deepthroating and swallowing a big thick load of hot cum is what I love. Lately I have been fantasizing about a friend. He is slightly younger than me, unmarried and has a girlfriend a bit younger than himself. Jim, as I shall call him ( Not his real name) is a very masculine guy and exudes a rough, manly air about himself. His girlfriend Cindy ( ditto on the name)is a very attractive woman for...

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My Tenants under the bed Smelly worn Tights Pantyh

I thought you'd like to here about a bit of luck I had the other day.I moved in with my ladyfriend as we had bought a house together, so I decided to let my flat out to rent , a nice young couple came to view it and the young lady was very pretty, and was very long legged sporting jean shorts and nice shiny opaque tights and trainers a good look as far as I'm concerned on young ladies she introduced herself as katy.To be honest I had trouble keeping my eyes off her legs they were gorgeous and...

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