Falling Ch. 01 free porn video

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I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling when the phone rang. It was too much effort to move, so I continued pondering the cobwebs on the fan overhead and waited for the answering machine in the front room to cover for me.

"Michael, please pick up!" It was a young woman's voice. "It's Stacey -- I really need to see you, and you aren't answering your cell! Please call me as soon as you can." There was a breathless pause and then she hung up.

Some women might get upset when their good-looking roommate got a call from a strange girl, but I wasn't one of them. It happened pretty often, actually, but usually Michael was there to answer them. See, he was a sex addict.

It's not what you're thinking -- he was a member of one of those "Anonymous" organizations and it had really straightened him out. He was a sponsor, too, and most of the time they were women; I guess they were less of a temptation because he was gay.

That was how we'd met, sort of. Not that I was a nympho or had a thing for gay men. Actually, with my travel schedule, I barely had any time for a social life, but when I did, I wanted a man who was ready to scratch my itch, if you know what I mean.

Apparently, Michael and my brother Peter had been scratching each other's itches, a lot. It had been a shock to discover Peter swung that way, because we were pretty close and he'd never given even the slightest hint he wasn't "normal." Sorry; that was my parents' viewpoint, not mine.

Anyway, they didn't take it well when he came out of the closet, probably because he really came out, if you know what I mean, and I guess Peter couldn't handle their rejection. Emotionally, I mean; he was financially self-sufficient by then. When he committed suicide, Michael was just totally broken up over it.

Daddy and Mommy wouldn't even acknowledge he existed, and I sort of felt we owned him and Peter more than they'd gotten. Michael had enrolled in this program and I'd moved in with him for awhile so he wouldn't be all alone. Daddy had cut me off, too, but it was something I'd needed to do. That had been two years ago; neither of us had raised the subject of my moving out again.

I liked our arrangement a lot. Aside from the benefits of sharing rent on a larger apartment than I could have afforded by myself, it was simply wonderful to come home from the trip of the week knowing there was unexpired milk in the refrigerator and my mail would be stacked on the end of my dresser. Michael told me having a totally unappealing shoulder to lean on had been literally a life saver.

It was the nicest rejection a girl could have.

The phone rang. "It's Stacey again," the woman said after the beep. "I'm sorry to keep bothering you, but I think I'm about to fall off the wagon. Please call me as soon as you get this, okay?" She sounded pretty frantic.

Reluctantly, I forced myself to sit up. The problem was, I had no idea of Michael's whereabouts. It was late Saturday morning and I'd just gotten home after spending an unwanted evening in Atlanta, courtesy of airline snafus, and he'd been gone when I arrived. I'd seen his phone sitting on the kitchen counter, probably forgotten when he set it down to write the cheery "welcome home!" note that had been waiting for me.

As if the mobile phone's electronic ears had been burning, I heard it beep in the other room, reminding its owner of waiting messages. I could guess who had left them.

I blew an errant strand of hair out of my face and leaned over to pick up the cordless handset on the nightstand. Michael had warned me, several times, not to get involved with any of his acquaintances from the program -- that they could be dangerous. I wasn't ready to go hang out with some hulking would-be rapist, but the girl on the phone didn't sound that threatening.

She sounded like she was in trouble. Maybe if somebody had been there for Peter, he'd still be alive. I couldn't just leave her hanging, waiting until whenever Michael might decide to return.

Stacey hadn't left a number, but that was what caller ID was for. I punched a few buttons and she answered on the first ring.

"Michael, thank God!" she gasped.

"I'm sorry, this is Linnea," I told her politely. "I just wanted to let you know that Michael is unavailable at the moment. Is there some way that I can assist you?"

There was silence on the other end of the line. Finally, she spoke up. "Linnea? I don't know you, do I? Are you with the, um, counseling group?"

One of the things I'd learned in sales was that it was important to be assertive and confident. Nothing spooked a prospect like uncertainty. I couldn't help this girl if she hung up on me. "Oh yes," I assured her cheerfully. "In fact, I'm Michael's sponsor." We'd spent so much time talking together about Peter that it was a very small white lie. "I'd be happy to talk with you about whatever is bothering you, and lend you my support."

"I don't know," Stacey whispered. I let the silence stretch, feeling it wasn't time to push. She let out something that sounded halfway between a moan and a growl of exasperation. "I'll take the chance. Can you meet me at the Starbucks on Third in 15 minutes?"

It was my turn to hesitate. I could make it, but not unless I went in what I was wearing. I hated the thought, for several reasons. Another one of the things I'd learned in sales was that you didn't make the deal if you couldn't get the prospect to pay attention to you. And that it was still a sexist boy's club in the executive offices.

I wouldn't say I dressed like a slut, but my skirts were shorter, my heels higher, and everything generally tighter than I would have preferred them to be. I was a cup size short of the point where I'd never have been thought of as anything except "that blonde bimbo with the rack," but I had to fight to be twice as good as my male coworkers just to stay even, and they didn't have to spend two hours every morning in the hotel exercise room working off drinks from the previous evening. I tried really hard not to be jealous of Michael, who worked from home and could wear anything he wanted.

I'd resigned myself to it on the job, but the pinstriped pencil skirt and silk shell I had on wouldn't have been my first choice to meet with some poor woman who was in a sex rehab program. Worse, it all looked slept in, which technically wasn't true, but was damn close.

My hair looked equally bad. It was overdue for a shampoo, long past the staying power of my hair spray, and showing a little more "dirty" and less "blonde" at the roots than I preferred. I'd planned to have it fixed the previous week, but Annie had been out sick and I wasn't going to trust my look to somebody I wasn't familiar with. I'd had to cancel that morning's appointment, too.

I reminded myself it was all small potatoes next to this girl's problems. "I'll be there," I promised Stacey.

"Oh, thank you so much, Linnea!" she gushed. "You're a lifesaver!" Stacey hung up before I could ask how to recognize her.

"Shit!" I vented to the empty room, and stood up. I didn't have the energy to change shoes, and I'd need all the time I had to walk the half mile in my pumps, so I left without writing a note for Michael. I'd see him in a bit, anyway.

I thought I had Stacey identified about 30 seconds after I walked through the door. There was this intense-looking girl seated by herself at a table, staring hungrily at every woman that entered the place. I studied her, trying not to be too obvious about it, while I waited in line to get my iced double espresso. Laugh if you will, but it was warm out and I needed the caffeine.

She looked like she was probably in her mid-twenties, a few years younger than myself, and might have been a vampire if it had been night instead of daytime and this had been a fantasy novel. Her complexion was pale, but she had jet black shoulder-length hair, apparently favored really dark lipstick and nail polish, and everything she wore was black. I hadn't seen so much eyeliner since the last issue of Vogue.

"Stacey?" I asked, after approaching her table.

Her eyes raked me from head to toe. "Linnea, I presume?" She suddenly smiled, her white teeth incongruous against the lipstick. "The world works in strange ways."

"Forgive the appearance," I smiled back, seating myself across from her. "You caught me at a bad time, but it sounds like you're having a worse one."

Stacey took a sip from the cup in front of her. "Yeah; thanks for coming." She stared at her hands for a moment, and released an explosive sigh. "Jesus, it's been hard! They tell you to put yourself in a good place, to stay away from temptation, but..."

I nodded understandingly. "You have to keep working at it; stay strong. There's no quick fix." I'd heard Michael say that a million times.

She looked up at me beseechingly. "I don't know if I can hold out or not. I caught myself outside a salon today; they had a help wanted sign posted. My hand was on the door. Do you know how hard it was to turn away?"

"Well, you made it," I reassured her. I absently pushed my hair behind my ear while I tried to figure out the subtext of what Stacey was saying. What would be so bad about a salon? Belatedly it occurred to me that perhaps she was a lesbian. Well, if she was, there was nothing I could do now -- and that didn't make her less deserving of whatever support I could provide. After all, my brother had been gay.

And he'd died thinking he'd been rejected by his family. I reached out to squeeze Stacey's hand reassuringly. "Be fierce! You can do it, Stacey! Just stick with what's gotten you here."

"What's gotten me here." Stacey not quite giggled. "Linnea, do you really work with Michael?" She plucked a blonde hair from her hand and stared at it.

"Well, yes, of course," I prevaricated. I didn't want to lie more than I had, but it seemed like a bad time to admit we were only friends.

Stacey coiled the hair about a finger until it formed a little loop. "I was just wondering," she said, more casually, and surprised me by popping the hair into her mouth. She washed it down with another swig of her drink.

"Yes, about two years now," I said, taking a drink of my own. I don't know what happened, but somehow my hand froze an inch short of my mouth and I poured espresso right down the front of my blouse. "Shit!" I yelped, hurriedly setting down the cup, but the damage was done.

"Are you alright?" Stacey gasped, eyes wide.

"I can't believe I did that," I admitted, feeling horribly embarrassed. "Please excuse me for a minute and let me go clean up." I rose to my feet and hurried to the women's room without waiting for her response.

A huge dark spot covered the front of my blouse when I looked in the mirror. It could easily have been worse, but somehow I'd managed to pour my drink right down my cleavage; the blouse had contained the splash, and my bra had absorbed the excess liquid.

It might already be too late, but I quickly removed my blouse and began rinsing it in the sink, hoping the stain hadn't set in the silk. A trickle on my belly reminded me of the bra and the danger to my wool skirt. Leaving the blouse to soak for a moment, I removed the bra as well, setting it aside for later.

I used a few damp paper towels to wipe myself clean, and then looked at the blouse. Fortunately, it looked like I'd been fast enough to avoid any permanent damage, but it was completely soaked. I caught sight of a diaper changing table to one side; rolling my blouse in an unconscionable number of paper towels reduced it from soaking wet to uniformly damp.

There really was no alternative, so I pulled it on and fastened the buttons, leaving it out instead of tucked in so it wouldn't get the skirt so wet. My nipples hardened immediately from the evaporative cooling, but I couldn't do anything about them, either. Looking in the mirror, I could see the points where they pushed against the damp silk, but it wasn't really risque. Pathetically, it didn't look any more rumpled than when I'd walked in, either.

After cleaning up the mess I'd made, and leaving the trash can near to overflowing, I took a last look in the mirror and pushed unhappily at my hair before leaving. Stacey was still sitting at the table, guarding my purse -- I'd completely forgotten it in my panic! -- and smiled when she caught sight of me.

"Everything okay?" she asked, handing me the purse.

"This day just keeps getting worse," I groused, and then laughed lightly so she wouldn't take it personally. "I haven't felt so rumpled since I attended school."

Stacey shook her head. "Nonsense; you're smokin', Linnea."

"Freezing is what I am." The air conditioning was blowing right on me, leaving my poor nipples feeling like tiny ice cubes. A stray draft wafted across my bare crotch, suggesting a rivulet of espresso must have made it that far after all. "Can we go outside and continue this while we walk?"

"Certainly! I'm sorry to have put you to so much bother, honestly." Her mood already seemed more upbeat.

If comic-relief was what it took, I was happy to assist. Our spirits rose higher when a man entering the store as we left crashed into a display because he was watching us instead of where he was going. I realized I needed the laughter too, after my stressful week and long flight home.

We walked aimlessly, talking about trivial things, like two old friends. Eventually I started feeling warm and called a stop at an empty bench.

"I hope I'm not getting sick," I complained, unfastening a few buttons and fanning myself. It was a warm day, but Stacey didn't seem to be uncomfortable and she was wearing layered long-sleeved tops, a leather miniskirt over knit leggings, and tall boots.

"I'm sure it's just the sun, Linnea. I can't thank you enough for taking so much time out of your day to talk with me, when you're not even my sponsor. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"Oh, please, Stacey -- I was happy to help!" I objected. Then my mouth shot off before my tired brain could catch up. "You mentioned almost applying for work at a salon -- could you do anything with my hair? I don't know how I'm going to get it taken care of before tomorrow afternoon."

Stacey surprised me by leaning forward and running a hand through it. "Sure! What would you like done?" She carelessly twisted another hair about her finger and popped it in her mouth.

It felt wrong to have asked, but backing out would have been awkward, and I didn't want to offend her. Besides, I really did need to do something, and my flight out was at 5 PM the next day. "Just a trim and maybe touching up the color? I don't want to be a bother."

"You came to the right girl," she answered with a smile. It dimmed slightly. "That is, if you don't mind coming back to my place?"

Dim echoes of Michael's warnings filtered through my head, but I felt I knew Stacey so well it was impossible to take them seriously. "Let's go!"

I almost had second thoughts when we entered her tiny apartment, but then I realized the decor was just Stacey. Everything was dark earth tones, with drapes pulled across the windows and candles sitting on every unoccupied surface. However, the place was neat and tidy, with no trace of neglect.

Stacey pulled a chair out from the kitchen table, and then disappeared to collect her supplies. When she returned a minute later, she handed me an old stained T-shirt and told me I could change into it in the bathroom so my blouse wouldn't get ruined.

Grateful for her hospitality, I slipped into the bathroom and unfastened the last few buttons on the blouse. I took the foam hanger Stacey handed me and hung the blouse on it, then hooked it on the shower rod to dry some more. The T-shirt was tight and scandalously thin, but it seemed like it would serve its purpose; I didn't intend to wear it in public.

I also took the opportunity to use the toilet, but was stunned when I hiked up my skirt and discovered my underwear and hose were missing! I was absolutely sure I'd been wearing them that morning -- like I said, I was no slut -- but they were gone. Worse, I couldn't remember removing them. I just sat there on the toilet, biological needs forgotten, while my brain locked up.

"Is everything okay in there?" Stacey asked.

"Um, sure, I'll be right out," I replied, and flushed the toilet to cover my hesitation. I'd have to figure it out later.

Putting on a confident smile, I walked out to the kitchen and sat down on the chair, feeling the nubby upholstery scratch gently against my skin. A half dozen or so flickering candles added ambiance to the utilitarian ceiling light; soft music was playing somewhere.

Stacey draped a towel around my shoulders and tilted my head back to begin wetting my hair. The feel of her grooming was so soothing, and I was so tired, that I fell asleep almost immediately.

"Hey, sleepyhead -- what do you think?"

I blinked and wrinkled my nose at the faint smell of burning hair, hoping nothing had gone wrong while I'd been dozing. I looked at the mirror Stacey was holding in front of me, and then rubbed my eyes and looked again. When I'd sat down, my hair had been a medium blonde with some highlights. Now it was a bright platinum blonde, cut asymmetrically but very stylishly, and with masses of waves that added texture and color variations.

"I love it!" I gushed, and felt a wave of happiness at the sight of Stacey's pleased smile.

"I always did prefer blondes," she quipped, setting aside the mirror.

My glance fell to the bare mound between my spread legs. The familiar dark thatch I'd known since puberty was gone, leaving only ruddy swollen lips and gleaming skin. Stacey's glance frankly was predatory, and I felt a rush of moisture at the thought of how attractive I was -- and how attractive she was.

She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor, revealing that her leggings were crotchless. The hair on our heads might have been as different as night and day, but I was thrilled to see her sex, like mine, was completely bared and dripping with desire.

"Oh God, I want you," I moaned, my mouth suddenly dry.

Stacey came a step closer and I literally poured out of the chair onto my knees so I could worship her pussy. I'd never even thought of doing such a thing before, but as soon as the first drop of her nectar reached my yearning tongue, I knew I'd be doing it a lot in the future.

"That's it, baby," she cooed as I began lapping frantically. "We both know what a girl needs."


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Down On The Farm

"Hey there Billy! A bunch of us is goin' out ta the lake tammara, wanna go?" Tammy said when Billy answered the phone."I cain't. Pa wants me to plow the south field tammara... I'll be plowin' purt near the whole afternoon!" Billy said sadly."Aw, shoot! Gonna be a hot day... woulda been a good day fer swimmin'," Tammy said."Yeah, but Pa'll skin me alive if'n I don' git the plowin' done," Billy said. "But you go 'head 'n' have fun. We'll go swimmin' 'nother time.""Well, don' figger it'll be much...

First Time
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Absinthe By Morpheus What do you do when you have an angry mutant on your tail, chasing after you with every intention of killing you, or at the very least, kicking your butt? In my case, you just run like hell. My name is Adam Wylann, and at fifteen years old, I was a little shorter than most of the guys in my class. However I made up for that by being lean and athletic, due in no small part to all the free running and parkour that I'd been doing for the last year and a half. ...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet Chapter 3

 I invited my friend Michelle over before my next class with Miss Morgan. I wanted her to braid my hair to make me look cute for my professor. We shot the breeze while she worked my hair into a long braid. She was being quieter than usually, which made me a little uneasy. I still had not told her about my new relationship with my professor, but I wasn’t so naive to think people don’t gossip.  “Is something wrong?” I asked her as her hand pulled my hair into ropes. “Nothing. I just heard...

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Senior Akka Sadhanas Sexy Ass 8211 Part 6

Hi friends, here is the continuation of the previous part. Thanks for your support. Thanks for your awesome reply friends. That too from many girls. Kindly check my previous post for intro. Going to the story. After our terrace fuck, we went down to her flat. I ordered food, she went straight into the bedroom and switched ac on. I followed and pushed her inside the bathroom. I was about to undress. She pulled me inside and turned the shower. In no time, we both were drenched. We both were...

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John boys first time

She had been driving the Stuts Bearcat she inherited from her father through the Virginia country side for hours, looking for the parcel of ground mentioned in his will. The weather hadn’t turned hot yet but she was uncomfortably aware of the dust building up on her face and working its way into the long motoring dress and crinolines beneath it. She felt herself longing for a dip in some cool rushing stream just to wash it all off. As she turned down yet another dirt road she spied the farm boy...

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Charity Graduates 1 Fatherfucker

Enough of the wit, you want more of my memoirs. Here goes The 12th grade had finally arrived. The big year. The make or break year. The big one -two. Alright enough with the drama. This was my graduating year, so I had to make it a good one; but it was already a crazy busy one I had discovered within the first week. I was working at the Love Hut Lingerie Store Tuesday through Thursday nights and then working as coat check girl at the Zebra Club. Plus , to no one’s surprise I was...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 41 Rosa Gets her Nipples Pierced

10/19/99 Rosa bit into her doughnut and grimaced with the knowledge that although the doughy morsel was delicious, it wouldn't do either her figure or her heart any good. Rolling her eyes, she swallowed it with a gulp of coffee, managing to spill some that dribbled in a thin line down her chin. "Christ, I'm not very lady-like this morning, am I?" she asked herself as she wiped her chin with a napkin. "What the hell, after being with the Rourk's and those super-hung guys the other...

1 year ago
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Waste Not Want NotChapter 2

After the successes at the CAP Testing Centers, the Circle became a little bolder in dealing with the Confederacy AI's, and less concerned with detection. One of the Circle members came up with the idea of a miniaturized, implantable, biometric HEAT interface, powered by the body's own electrical system, which would do away with the need to physically carry a piece of equipment around with them at all times. The question was put to HEAT and the rest of the Circle for their input. The...

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Tinas Choice

She's five foot six, one hundred twenty-one beautiful pounds and at age thirty-two, she is still regularly carded for alcohol purchases. We met in college where she worked on her undergraduate degree in elementary education and I, on my Master's in chemistry. She was the proverbial girl-next-door. Short brown hair, large, brown eyes, perfect smile and a one hundred percent, head-turner. Often, I felt jealousy twinges because I knew men ogled her constantly, but over time, I got over it. Our...

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Masturbation with mom

Masturbation with momIt was a November afternoon. I got home a little earlier than I expected. As usual, I went through the back door. Apparently, I must not speak too loudly when I went into the living room and picked up my mother, in pants and panties, watching a porn movie. She was half lying down, wearing a white blouse, and decided to let her long brown hair loose.When my mother saw me, she cried out. Surprised and embarrassed too, I looked down when she immediately pulled on her panties...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 510

???????????????? Reltney McFee, many thanks for this one! Three brothers inherited a mining claim and decided that their fortune would be found making it a working mine. One was a smooth talker, and he was assigned assembling the appropriate workforce, including engineers. The second was bright and had a keen eye for detail, and so was assigned the task of assembling the required permits, licenses, easements, and marketing the mine’s output. The third was, well, had a speech impediment as well as...

3 years ago
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Holiday Light Display

Last night, Agness wanted to go see the local Holiday lights display at the city lake. Brett was more than happy to have me chauffer him and my beautiful wife for the night. We drove to Brett’s place. I went around and opened the wife’s door, gave her my arm to assist her getting out. I escorted her to the rear door, and opened it for my Goddess. After closing her door, I went to the other side waiting for our Bullfriend to join us. Brett soon came out and shook my hand as I opened his...

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The Blushing Bride

As we walked into the club my mate Kev pointed out a group of old workmates. He introduced me to them one by one, and they were nice people. But then he introduces me to Christina. There was no doubt there was an instant spark between us and as the night went on it was clear we fancied the pants off each other. I gave Kev a lift home, and Christina's was my next stop. "Stop at the top of the road" she asked. She explained how she would love to fuck me but she was engaged, and her fiance was in...

Erotic Fiction
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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 10

At my insistence we used Alladin's young friends to get past the regular guards around Senshi; somehow I was uncomfortable using Morgan. The King agreed to give us a brief audience in his sitting room. Actually, he was sitting; Blaster, Alladin and I were standing. We had brought with us an agreeable Priest, who seemed to be enjoying the Royal audience quite a bit. "Thank you for agreeing to see us, Your Majesty," I began, bowing. "We hope this will not be a waste of your time. It is...

3 years ago
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When In Rome 06

Authors Notes Sorry Chapter 6 took so long – Ive had some pretty annoying computer issues and it took longer to fix than the computer guy estimated. Plus, this chapter is 8,000 words long, so it took a little longer and I couldnt find an acceptable way to split it. If youre a fan of this series, but rape isnt something you want to read – just skip scene one. The next two are perfectly consentual. (For now, this rape scene looks like just a random, gratuitious act of violence – but I assure it,...

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My first time MFM

First TimersMy first time was with my friend and his girlfriend from out of town staying in a hotel on vacation. They seriously overbooked and we all three had to stay in one room. One of the last nights, we're pretty broke, so we decided to stay in and party that night. We get really drunk and playing the 'never have I' game. Well, my friends says, "never have I sucked a dick". Of course his girlfriend drinks, but I do too. Both of them: "Dude - what the fuck ? You sucked a guy's dick?"Me,...

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A Less Than Perfect Family Christmas

Poor Jenna had no idea what she was getting herself into. Rachel had warned her that it wasn't all puppies and flowers at home, but Rachel had known that her step sister Jenna simply didn't believe her and wouldn't until she saw for herself. The cold war between Rachel's mom and Jenna's dad was over. It was now time for naked aggression, drunken recrimination and bitter sarcasm and it was all just in time for Christmas. Not that it was a surprise to anyone. The marriage had been on shaky...

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A Mistake To Remember Chapter 7

Chapter 7 "Stop this immediately!" my ex-husband shouted. Diana practically leaped between me and the council table and stared down at the female abomination. "What if she's telling the truth? I won't have my daughters condemned to give birth without trying to verify what she says is true or not!" Henrietta bared her teeth and jerked her head towards the side. "Ask her afterwards. Step away!" "I will not!" Diana swung around towards me. "Charlene! Pay no attention to anything...

3 years ago
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PracticeBy: Londebaaz Chohan Although Rosie did not have a good experience and it was pretty painful when she was ass fucked for the first time but still she enjoyed it. It was just being inexperienced of the whole process which made her think many times if being ass fucked was for her. Her ass did not feel normal for many days after being fucked and every time she thought to get her ass fucked again, she could feel her ring squeeze and sphincter getting tightened but she knew George, her lover...

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BlackMeatWhiteFeet Brandi Love 02152019

Brandi Love and her hubby have been working the floor at a convention over at the Civic Center, and poor Brandi just can’t take it anymore. Specifically, her feet ache. You see, Brandi loves wearing her red, high-heeled “come-fuck-me pumps” on the convention floor! They’re super slutty, and that helps Brandi make sales! But she’s had enough. Brandi tells “the Hubs” something like, “I’m going home to get my feet rubbed by my fuck buddy...

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Watching My Brother And Mom

*This story is based on some true events and updated. ___I was very young when it all started. I’m Jan. I had a growing figure and my tits were now full and perky. I was happy with my body, and boys liked it too. (…and…well let’s just say some girls did too.) I had let my reddish brown hair grow long. It went to my waist. Boys liked to play with it and I got attention from it. My brother Chuck, love to try to feel me up, once and while….well…..let’s just say sometimes…. (I would...

1 year ago
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Castaway FearlessChapter 7

“I can’t believe we agreed to ride with him,” I thought, “it was only yesterday we had lunch.” “Why do you say that?” Julie asked, keeping the conversation going, bouncing with the latest rut in the road. The mid-morning sun glared through a lace curtain, which covered her window, touching her black shirt and pants. The morning sky was a brilliant blue with little wind, and it was obvious the sun would beat down on us later. “We have found evidence that there have been some material...

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Ashley lashes out

Even through the headphones blaring music I could hear the uproar between my step-mom and step-sister of two years downstairs... Being a 17 year old guy, one does not generally care about the estrogen fueled shouting matches between a girl who just turned 16 a few days ago and her mother. But since the shouting was so loud I could not help but over hear the gist of the argument between the two... "WHERE WERE YOU ALL NIGHT!!! I'VE BEEN WAITING! I AM LATE FOR WORK! I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!!"...

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NubileFilms Emma Starletto Jane Wilde Alina Lopez Photograph

Damon Dice is a professional photographer who has the privilege of working with three stunning models: Alina Lopez, Emma Starletto, and Jane Wilde. The girls are doing a lingerie shoot, which means that Damon gets one hell of an eyeful with every picture. When he’s got what he needs from the girls’ current outfits, Damon tells the girls to change while he leaves to transfer the pictures to a hard drive. Emma, Alina, and Jane have a different idea, though. They know that today is...

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The Widow Ch 08

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter eight Greg Atkinson awoke and looked toward the bedroom window. He knew it was early because the sun hadn’t come up yet. He turned his head, gazed at his wife Abby’s lovely face on the pillow next to his, and marveled how stunning she was. He said a prayer of thanks that she was lying there next to him. He didn’t want to waken her so, very carefully, he pulled back the covers, and studied her unadorned body. Her long, lean legs...

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wifey and her sister Peggy

so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...

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Spizoo Veronica Leal Petite Slut Veronica Leal Hardcore Anal Submission

Stunning petite princess Veronica Leal is more than ready to have her pussy pounded by a big cock. The hot slut in red lingerie is carried by her man to the bedroom. The handsome stud tosses Veronica’s tiny body on the bed before licking her pussy out. Veronica’s sweet moans quickly come out as her man fingers and licks her sensitive cunt. The sweet teen returns the pleasure by sucking the big cock of her partner. She uses her tongue to tickle the shaft as she slides the hard...

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Remote Love

"I'm Packed!" you say sprinting out to the car with the last bag. It was late on Friday afternoon. Alex and Ben shut the tailgate door of the car and slump against it, exhausted. Another car pulls into the driveway at that moment and you turn. Five very cute girls get out. You and Ben had rented a ski lodge for the week and invited your friends. The total group made eight. You, Alex and Daniel plus the five girls. Ben was the shortest out of the guys with light brown hair. Alex was taller than...

Group Sex
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The Body Swap Clinic Life Couldnt Be Better

The Body Swap Clinic Life Couldn't Be Better By Allison Pettman "Tim, come and clean up your toys from the lounge room this instant." screamed Jennifer Collins. "I will later, mum." replied Tim Collins. "No do it now!" said Jennifer. "God, she is such a pain in the bum." Tim said quietly to himself. Tim went downstairs and started to clean up his toys. When his mum Jennifer came in, he was presented with the sight of his beautiful mother. Jennifer was 28 years old, with long...

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How I found I like older women part 1

I am 27 now but the below happened wheni was 25.It was my works christmas partyand I hadn't been with the company all that long so I only new 2 or 3 people well enough torelax and have a drink with. It was at a hotel with dinner and a disco and most of us had booked a room to stay the night.Now my work has a mixture ofyounger and older womenranging from 18 to 60. Some of the younger girls were dressed slutty and were flirting with managers and directors most probably to get free drinks. I was...

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Holly and Whats Left of the CityChapter 4

“Where are we going?” Maria curiously asked. They’ve been walking for the better part of an hour, but the cool night air made it totally manageable. Every now and then a cool and cheerful breeze would rush past the two women and play with their hair. It wasn’t too cold or too hot, the weather was just perfect. Maria toyed with the thought the futa might even have control over the weather. “A place called Greenfair Park, you know it?” Holly asked, “I was told it’s a quiet place just perfect...

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Chapter 22 At 40 Mother In Laws Secret and Dads Secret Ghost Shadow

After Elliot, I snuggled back with my husband, spent more time in the office but by 1990, three years after Elliot, on turning forty, I rebelled against being a middle-aged woman.The children in college no longer needed my cinnamon rolls. I was their past tense mother, the mom who raised them. Now we were all "adults", my position was, the one who takes care of holidays and pays household bills.At the office, I could be replaced by a bookkeeper. My business card title, Office Manager was a...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 68 Tiger Sex

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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Dollhouse Ch 02

‘Hey! HEY!’ Marcus yelled at the retreating form of Alice, trapped behind the plexiglass, he banged his tiny fists futilely against the surface. The sound reverberated within the room of the darkened dollhouse, but he had no doubt it was too quiet to be heard outside of that see-through wall. Not that there was anybody out there to hear it anymore, anyway. The bedroom door had closed, and Marcus was left alone inside of that dollhouse. Once the shock and embarrassment of what had happened...

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