Enticed Pt. 1 free porn video

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As a 24th birthday present back in September of 1989 the Universe saw fit to give me a job as a photographer at a small daily newspaper. Regardless of the size of the paper, it was a great stepping stone. I'll never forget the man who helped me deal with all the changes I was going through.

I had wondered if Blaise was gay from the first time we met. But, sometimes you couldn't be sure. Several years older than me, in the first few weeks he took a special interest in me. When I thought about it too hard, I wondered if that might mean something. But, I always banished that speculation, choosing to see the best in the situation.


I was young and had just moved to a small Southern city hours from home for a new job. I had no friends outside of my new acquaintances at work. And, I knew nothing about my new surroundings. Blaise made it his mission to make sure I felt comfortable and welcome.

My colleagues in the newsroom were nice enough. We had plenty in common and a couple people were closer to my age. But, they were always busy with the job and we all had different schedules, making it hard to socialize outside of work.

My new friend was the manager of the Classifieds Department. So, he had a fairly regular eight-to-five life. The only catch, if you can call it that, was that he was a good 15 years older than me. But, I couldn’t deny he was fun to be around and I liked having a new friend.

By December, my new job was going well. I was fitting in and my boss was always happy with my work, especially some of the artsy shots I brought in. But, whenever I was in the office with nothing to do I usually could be found in Blaise’s office talking and laughing. We were going to lunch together about once a week or so as my schedule allowed. He was quickly becoming the closest friend I had here or anywhere.

Every other week or so during the school year, I had darkroom duty to process the film shot by the other two photographers at high school games. Sometimes all three of us were shooting. Once in a while, Blaise also stayed late to catch up on something. There always were dead spots during the night when I would be just sitting around waiting for games to end and film to arrive. Of course, I did that sitting around in Blaise’s office talking, often about personal stuff.

Eventually, he mentioned that I looked exactly like his first boyfriend in high school who died in a car wreck at 17. That's why he had always been very taken with me. I wasn't sure if I should be flattered, or sad, or what. To be honest, it was a little weird being the object of desire for another man. I really had only fleetingly entertained the thought that he might be gay until that admission. Being straight myself, I didn't quite know what to do with the implications of his admission.

“I just thought you should know,” he said, seeming embarrassed as if he’d said something wrong. “It doesn’t mean - .”

“It’s fine,” I assured him. “I’m glad you feel like you can be honest with me. We’re friends, right?”

He smiled at that. As his face brightened his whole demeanor changed. It felt like a cloud had lifted.

“Yes,” he said. “We are.”

At lunch the following Monday Blaise said he had another confession to make.

“I never really have to work late,” he said leaning across the table at the pizza place across from the newspaper office. “I just find things to do so I can be in the office when you have darkroom duty.”

I looked down sheepishly, a bit embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks get hotter as they reddened. I smiled without meaning to.

“That’s -- sweet,” I finally said. “Thank you.”

For the next few weeks nothing more was said about Blaise’s feelings. But, I made sure to avoid saying or doing anything that might be mistaken for either an invitation or a means of taking advantage of my friend's emotions. Eventually, I never really thought about it. Blaise was just a good friend, something like the older brother I never had. And, he really was becoming the best friend I'd ever had. But, when Christmas came around it was obvious he still thought of me differently.

At some point in our constant conversation, I apparently had mentioned a couple of lenses I needed. And, since the paper was so small, we had to use our own equipment. I had maxed out two credit cards to get the bare minimum Nikon kit I felt like I needed to get the job done. But, it was only the bare minimum.

We were only a five-day daily, which meant that we published a daily paper Monday through Friday with no Saturday or Sunday edition. It was the first time I’d heard of that kind of schedule. But, it meant we all got weekends off unless there was some event to cover. And, that year, Christmas was on Monday. So, we all had a three-day weekend. That was a very unusual holiday in the newspaper business. I planned to head down to my parents house by lunchtime on Christmas. But, I had nothing going on the rest of the weekend. 

He asked me about getting together over the weekend for our own Christmas dinner. I told him to name a time. I was his for the weekend.

We met at the pizza place where we often had lunch Saturday night. Since it was right across from the office, it was very popular with the staff both for lunch and for beers after work. Blaise brought a bag in. I eyed it skeptically.

“We never discussed gifts,” I said. “If I had known - .”

“You weren’t supposed to know,” he stopped me. “I got you something because I wanted to get you something, not because I wanted something in return.

“But, I can’t wait for you to open it.”

I looked in the bag and stopped breathing. All I saw at first was a Nikon box. I couldn’t tell what it was yet. But I knew it was going to be very expensive.

Once I pulled the box out, I realized Blaise had spent several hundred dollars on one of the fast, prime lenses I’d been drooling over for years.

“How - .” I literally was speechless. I felt my face redden. I looked up at his face and blinked. My eyes were actually welling up. This was an amazing gift.

He smiled broadly. I had to clear my throat and swallow hard before I could speak.

“I can’t accept this,” I finally said. “You shouldn’t have done this. This is too much.”

“I wanted to give you something I knew you’d like,” he said. “The only things you’ve ever said anything about wanting is camera equipment. Did I get the right thing? I tried to pay attention when you were talking about it. But, I don’t know anything about it.”

“It’s exactly the right thing.” I still was close to crying.

“Now you have to tell me what I can get you.”

“I’ve got a pretty good idea how much you make,” he said. “I wouldn’t accept a gift from you.”

“There has to be something I can get you or do for you.”

“Nope. Being my friend is the most valuable thing in the world.”

“Oh, come on. There must be something.”

We argued for several minutes like children. Finally, I tried a different attack.

“If you had magic lamp, the sky’s the limit, what would you want?” I asked. “I mean, you’re right I can’t afford much. But you can give me an idea. We’ve never really talked about fantasies and deepest desires, anyway.”

“Fantasies? Oh, don't open that can of worms.”

“But, seriously, what would you want if you could have anything?” I asked. “What’s your Christmas wish?”

He actually stopped this time and thought for a minute.

“I'm afraid to say,” he finally replied. “It might have an effect on our friendship.”

“I doubt you could say much that would mess up our friendship.”

“You just don't know.” His eyes were wide. His head was shaking.

“Tell me.” Now my eyes were wide.

“I want to see you naked.”

Suddenly, there was no air in the room. All sound went silent. Everything was motionless.

“Well, that's something,” I said quietly without making a move myself.

“See, I told you.”

“No. I just -- . I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone actually say that to me. I definitely have never heard it from a man.”

“I knew it,” he said. “I should have kept my mouth shut.”

“No, no, no. I tell you what,” I said. Blaise looked worried. “Let me think about it over the weekend. And, we’ll have this discussion again next week. How’s that? Can you wait until Tuesday?”

Of course, this was all I could think about over the holiday. Finally, I figured it couldn’t hurt. And I had been naked in front of guys before in school locker rooms. What was the worst that could happen? He might laugh. And, then it would be over.

I happened to drive by the office on the way home from my parents’ house Monday evening and saw Blaise’s truck parked out front.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. He’d heard someone enter the building and seemed a little surprised but happy that it was me.

He said he wanted to catch up on some things before a hectic Tuesday showed up.

Trying to be as nonchalant as I could I told him I would do it.

“I’ll pay you money,” he came back quickly. His eyes were wide. He had obviously been thinking about his request as much as I had been.

“I -- . I just said I’d do it. What -- ?”

“I just feel like I’m asking a lot of you,” he explained. “I mean, I -- .”

“OK. Whatever you want to do. Just tell me when.”

“What are you doing now?”

“Apparently, rushing home to take a shower and then meeting you at your house?”

“Perfect.” Suddenly, he was almost giddy with excitement, though he thought he was hiding it.

“I’ll meet you back here in a little while,” I said. “Is that - .”


I rushed home to take a shower and put on clean clothes. I didn’t know what to expect. But, I didn’t want to smell or anything when I stripped for Blaise.

 My thoughts raced as I headed back to the office less than 20 minutes later so I could follow Blaise home. I had no idea where he lived.

“OK,” I thought. “I’m about to strip for him. No big deal. I could do that.” Besides, he said he would pay me. Don't judge me; times were tough and I was making just above poverty level. Besides, people have no problem paying women in strip clubs, or men for that matter. There weren’t any male strip clubs anywhere in the state that I knew of. But, once in a while Chippendales toured through.

I walked into Blaise’s office just as he was getting up. I got the feeling he was just sitting there waiting to hear me come in. He drove a lifted four-wheel-drive Chevy pick-up that was completely out of character. But he loved it. I followed in my 10-year-old Jeep Cherokee. It was big, too. But it was great for getting me to places a photojournalist needed to go.

He ushered me into his living room through a side door from his carport. It was a very large room, even for a living room. He offered me a seat and disappeared for a minute. When he returned he had two beers. I think there was some small talk about work, or Christmas, or something. I don’t remember. My mind still was racing, my heart pumping. Then, I do remember him asking if I was ready to go to his bedroom.

I kind of preferred to stay in the living room. But he really wanted to do it in the bedroom. Besides, he said, the living room had large picture windows. The neighbors might see. He was almost whining.

“OK. Sure,” I finally said. I mean, one room was as good as another.

He lay on his stomach across his bed his hands holding his head up much like a teenage girl and I stood at one corner in dim lamplight. I had thought about wearing layers so I could stretch this out. But, I decided I should wear a button-down and my usual jeans that wouldn’t take too long to remove.

I started unbuttoning my shirt just as I would if I were at home. As it spread open and my chest was revealed, Blaise let out an audible grunt. Something about that calmed my nerves ever so slightly.

“Slow down,” he ordered. “Let me enjoy this.”

“I don’t know how to strip for anybody,” I said. “I’m just taking my clothes off like I normally do.”

“Well, do it slower.”

I got another approving grunt as I pulled my shirt out of my jeans, and a short moan when I pulled it off completely.

I wasn’t a bodybuilder by any means. But I had been lifting weights for the last few years and had started seeing some noticeable gains. I was starting to build a little vascularity in my forearms and it was visible even in my button-downs when I flexed my biceps or took a deep breath. My chest had a reasonable covering of red hair and what Blaise called a “goody trail” heading down into the jeans I was now unbuttoning.

I was mostly concentrating on what I was doing. But, occasionally I would look up to see Blaise’s excited face staring at my body. His face turned quizzical when I unzipped my jeans to reveal white cotton fabric. I think he thought I was wearing run-of-the-mill white briefs.

“Oooh,” is what I heard when I pushed my jeans down to reveal I was wearing white bikinis.

When I straightened up from pulling my jeans off my feet he gasped so loudly I thought he might hyperventilate.

“Oh, God,” he said. I looked down to see that his eyes were locked on to my now half-hard dick pushing against my thin underwear. It pushed the fabric so far away from my body that nearly half of my red pubic curls were visible. I was getting harder and harder the farther I went. I was a little surprised. But, it really was a turn-on to have someone waiting with bated breath for every inch of revealed skin.

“I knew you were a fire-crotch,” he said.

I stopped there and put my hands on my hips. I could just tell they were shaking a little. I hoped it wasn’t noticeable to Blaise. He stared lustfully, longingly at the last part of me hidden behind fabric. It was just a foot or so away from his face.

“Is that enough?” I asked.

“What?” His head shot up to my face. “No! Let me see it! You can’t stop now! I can already tell it’s beautiful!”

“How can you tell anything about it? You haven’t seen it yet.”

“That curve, the way it’s fighting to get out of its cage. I can even see that big vein on top and the ridge of the head.

“Get that thing out of there!”

I pushed my underwear down so hard and fast my cock sprang out at Blaise like a jack-in-the-box.

“Oh! My! God!” He actually jumped.

I saw his hand start to move toward it apparently under its own control. He quickly pulled it back as if he was afraid of touching something hot.

“Can I,” he croaked. “Can I touch it?”

“I’m not sure I’m ready for - .”

“Please! Just let me rub it a little,” he pleaded. “I’ve got to know how smooth and soft your skin is.”

I wasn’t sure. I mean, having another man look at me, even in a sexual manner was one thing. Touching was something else entirely.

“I’ll give you money,” he countered my unspoken objections.

Actually, I wasn’t sure about the financial aspect, anyway. We hadn’t set anything in stone. But, am I a stripper now? If I let him do anything, does that make me a prostitute? And, where was the whole “gift” aspect of this? What kind of gift is it if I take money for it?

As my friend was staring at me, I realized that, not only was I still growing larger and stiffer, I also was becoming pretty horny. I found that I needed some kind of release. I caught myself. Blaise had only mentioned touching, not doing anything that would end with me cumming. Deep down I knew that’s where this was going to go. I was about to receive my first handjob -- or more -- by a man. But, who better than my best friend.

“Should I just stand here?” I asked, offering my approval.

“Oh, don’t move.” His hand moved out toward me again. To reiterate my approval I took a step toward the bed. My thighs were against it now. I was as close to Blaise as I could get.

His fingertips found my skin first and he just slid them up and down the stiff shaft for a few seconds. Finally, they traced the shape of my glans. He rotated his hand to slide under my shaft. When his fingers found my balls his thumb wrapped over my cock and he slid back to the head. The sensation was electrifying. He stroked me like this for a couple of minutes. He seemed fascinated, awed by my sex.

He moved down to assess my balls hanging loose before him. He rolled them around in his hand, between his fingers. He cupped them in his palm. His fingers encircled my sac where it left my groin and he stroked downward adding a slight pull as he did so.

He spent minutes just on my balls before returning to my now throbbing cock. His fingers wrapped around it again and he was pulling and stroking it over and over.

He stopped suddenly when a drop of pre-cum made an appearance. He placed the tip of his forefinger on it and began rubbing it over my glans. The feeling was amazing.

I was breathing heavily now and sweat was running down my chest and back.

“It’s beautiful.” He finally spoke. Until then the sound of my breathing seemed deafening. “And, it’s big! You’re very well-endowed! And, a beautiful shape! Just amazing! This should make someone very happy.”

“Is it making you happy?” I barely croaked out, making a mental note of the fact he called me “big.”

“Are you kidding? This is amazing!” he exclaimed.

He stopped talking lost again in his exploration. His hand had never stopped moving.

When more pre-cum oozed out he looked up at my face, my cock still in his hand.

“Let me take care of you. You need it. And, I really want to watch you cum.”

“Please,” was all I said between ragged breaths.

Blaise disappeared and returned a few seconds later with lube, a towel, and a wet washcloth.

Once he started really working on me, it took only a few minutes to finish me. His long “prep” time had me aching to explode. To my young cock he was a master, a virtuoso playing a symphony on skin. I’d never felt anything like this, even at my own hands.

He apparently felt my cum building just as I did and cupped his hands over my glans, still moving them in a rolling motion that had my body convulsing even before my semen hit his hands. My thighs trembled against the bed as my hips and abs thrust forward into his hands. I had to grab one of his shoulders to steady myself.

When I finally opened my eyes Blaise was staring into my face, his eyes smiling. His hands still cupped over my cock. It didn’t look like a single drop of my cum had escaped his hands. He stood and left the room. I turned and sat on the bed, weak and spent. When he returned, Blaise picked up the washcloth and asked if he could clean me up.

There didn’t seem to be anything to clean up. But, I let him wipe over my dick and balls with the washcloth. His touch with the washcloth was just as tender and gentle as it had been earlier. This time he was taking special care of my extra sensitivity. Then he sat beside me on the bed and used the towel to dry the sweat on my chest and back. I got the impression he was shaking a little.

“Wow,” I finally said quietly as my breathing returned to normal. My heart still was pounding in my chest and I felt shaky all over.

“Do you want another beer?” he asked. His hand was on my bare back.

I thought for a moment. Some part of me wanted to just get dressed and leave. But, there was something else that wanted to stay.

“Sure,” I said.

“I’ll meet you in the living room,” he said. He even sounded nervous, worried.

I only pulled on my underwear and jeans in his room. I grabbed my other clothes and headed to the living room.

Blaise was waiting on a long couch along one wall. I stopped at a smaller love seat and set my clothes down. When I slid on my shirt and started buttoning it, Blaise brought my beer over to me.

He remained in front of me as I pushed my shirt into my jeans.

“Are we - ,” he asked timidly as I sat down to put on my socks and shoes.

“We’re good,” I said, looking up at him. “This was just so different. I’m still light-headed.

“I just hope you liked your Christmas wish.”

He finally smiled.

“It was perfect!”

I stayed long enough to finish the beer. When I left he walked me to the door. I instinctively reached out and touched his arm. I don’t know why.

Tuesday morning I met him at the door of his office when he arrived. He was quiet, reserved, obviously still nervous about how I was handling the night before. I showed him everything was good between us by asking him to lunch.

“You have to let me buy you lunch today with all that money you gave me,” I said. He had snuck a ridiculous wad of bills in my jeans pocket at some point while I was naked.

He smiled, relieved nothing seemed to have changed. But I was thinking something had changed.

He still bugged and nagged me all week, not believing that I wasn’t freaking out over Monday night’s activities. Finally, after a lot of thought, I realized there was only one way to show him I was OK.

“Why don’t I come over tomorrow afternoon and we can really talk about this,” I said the following Friday. “We can’t really talk here at work, and lunch is just too short.”

He nervously agreed.

I arrived sometime after lunch and we sat across from each other in his living room. We were nearly 20 feet away from each other. He was on the full sofa and I sat on the love seat I’d used the other night. I sat over there, I suppose, because I still was a little unsure of this situation. But, I had something of a plan that I thought might help alleviate my nerves.

His nervousness also was showing as he tried to start the conversation he thought we were going to have.

I started taking off my tennis shoes and socks. I didn’t want to put my shoes on his furniture. And, if I kept this up, they would just get in the way. My plan was to stretch one leg out on the love seat so I could spread my legs as much as possible.

He was puzzled at what I was doing, but didn’t ask. His only concern was how I felt about Monday night.

“I’m fine,” I said. “I told you - .”

As we talked, I occasionally reached down and nudged my crotch. Then, a couple minutes later I grabbed myself, then rubbed downward. Then I lifted my package up in a vertical rub. I alternated between several different moves occasionally while we talked.

At first, he didn’t notice. He caught his breath loudly when he finally saw my hand on my groin. Once his attention was centered on my tightening Levi’s, I sat up and pulled my sweatshirt over my head. As I dropped my shirt on the floor I could feel his approving grunt from across the room.

“So, I guess you are OK - ,” he said slowly. “At least, with taking off your shirt.”

I reached down and popped the button of my jeans. He quietly moaned. Or, was it a whimper? I didn’t touch my zipper yet.

He kept staring. I suddenly realized we had stopped talking. So, I decided to go ahead and unzip my jeans. I thought it might release some of the pressure I was beginning to feel down there, and maybe some of the tension in the room. My aching, arched dick nearly jumped out on its own. Only my tightly stretched bikini underwear kept it in check and barely out of view.

“Damn, that’s sexy as shit, boy,” he exclaimed in his Southern drawl. “Looks like I was worried about nothing.”

“Oh, it took me all week to psyche myself up for this,” I admitted. “I thought long and hard about how to handle this. I mean, I - I don’t see myself as gay. So, how do I justify doing this? Am I gay and I don’t know it?”

“No,” my friend said. “Let me assure you, gaydar is real. And, you are definitely not gay. You’re very butch and very straight. And, I like you just like that. This is just you being very generous.”

“Well, OK,” I said. “Then, I also started thinking that maybe it doesn’t really matter either way. I mean, a hand is a hand is a hand. What’s the difference in a hand that’s connected to you and a hand that’s connected to me? They’re both connected to men.”

“That’s true.”

“But, now that I’m here - . It’s like Monday,” I admitted. “I was very surprised to find that stripping for you and knowing that I’m pleasing you is really a major turn-on. I never could have imagined it would feel like this. I mean, I started getting hard as soon as I started pulling my shirt off. I’m still nervous as hell. But, I’m really hot right now.”

Blaise released a breath loudly.

“It’s pretty hot on this side of the room, too,” he said.

“I also have to find a way to earn all that cash you gave me.” I added.

I was thrilled that I was having such an effect on him. I’d never received such attention from any girl I’d been with. My nerves seemed to be subsiding quite a bit.

“Monday alone was worth every penny,” he said. “And more. Don’t you ever complain about me giving you money. It’s a gift. You aren’t working for it.”

“So, what was it?” I asked. “Passing the plate? A love offering?”

That caught him. He thought for a second.

“Yeah,” he said. “Something like that.”

“Well, I guess it’s that time in the service when I pull something else off,” I said as I stood up just enough to push my jeans down my legs. My keys and wallet jangled and thumped as they hit the floor.

I stretched my leg down the length of the love seat again when I sat back down. The tip of my dick was peeking out the top of my underwear now as it had straightened out and my right ball was hanging out below. I was proud to be a a little over seven inches long, maybe a bit longer when really aroused. I thought I was pretty thick, too, though I’d never done much comparison.

“You just going to sit back down over there?”

“I thought you would like to be able to see the full view, maybe a little show,” I replied. “You have said you really like watching me around the office. I thought watching me in just underwear would be a nice change.”

“Oh, it’s a beautiful change. That’s hot as fuck. You can walk around like that all you want to,” he said excitedly. “But, right now you’ve got me on fire. And, it looks like your good to go, too.”

“So, what? You want a closer look?” I asked.

“Yes, please. Damn! You can even pass the plate again!”

“What am I now, some kind of rental toy?”

“How about a revival preacher? ‘Cause you’ve definitely revived me.”

At that I got up and walked over to sit beside him on his sofa, pushing my underwear down and letting it fall as I walked. He disappeared for just a minute and returned with the lube from the previous week.

After filling a palm with lube, he rubbed his hands together to warm them up. I told him not to worry about it.

I caught my breath when I suddenly felt his touch again. His hands seemed even softer than before as he rubbed and squeezed. His stroking was magic. Up and down he rubbed and swirled and twisted, squeezing then loosening. I was able to keep my composure enough this time to watch him work. I wanted to see exactly how he created that particular sensation the last time. I watched him roll the palm of his hand over the head of my cock. That sent that familiar electric shock through my body. He tickled, rubbed and squeezed my tight balls like a bag of marbles. Even when he squeezed a bit too hard it felt amazing.

He seemed much more sure of himself this week. He still was gentle, but not so timid. I’d succeeded in letting him know I wanted this. He seemed -- freer, I guess. And, that actually made me feel more comfortable and at ease, as well.

I was amazed at how well he knew how to read me already. This was only the second time he’d touched me, but he knew exactly when he was doing something right and should continue.

He tried to stretch it out, to make me last longer than I had the first time, but I could take only a few minutes of this. Blaise could tell I was about to explode and cupped both his hands tightly around the head of my dick again and continued to jack them up and down. In a few seconds I spasmed and unloaded. It felt like I was going to go forever.

When I finally finished there were small leaks of my white cum between his fingers. He slid his hands up and off my shaft to squeegee off as much as possible. When his hands rolled over my glans I thought I was going to explode again.

He got up and started out of the room, muttering something about being back in a minute.

When he returned he had a warm, wet wash cloth and hand towel for me.

“May I?” he asked.

“You can try,” I said. “I don’t know if I can stand to be touched again for a few minutes.”

“I can wait,” he said. “I’ll be happy to sit here with you naked as a jay bird, watching that pretty thing go down.”

Blaise was a bit of a backwoods redneck. Sometimes it really came out in the things he said.

But, I just sat there -- or more like lay there. By the time he finished with me I had slid down on the couch to the point where only my head and shoulders were technically “upright.”

As I lay there, Blaise intently watched my rapidly declining dick. It wobbled back and rolled to its favorite left side as it fell from grace.

Eventually, I let him clean me off. The warm wash cloth wasn’t so warm anymore. But I wasn’t so sensitive either. While he was taking care of me, his head was close enough for me to reach out and run my fingers through his thinning hair.

He was very gentle, almost loving in the way he handled me, lightly rubbing the cum off with the wet cloth and then dabbing my skin with the towel. He seemed even more tender than the first time.

I could feel his eyes on my naked body as I crossed the room to retrieve my clothes.

As I was tying my shoes Blaise asked me what he owed me. I was a little dumbfounded by the question.

“No, sir! We’ve been through this,” I said forcefully. “I’m still working off the money from Monday. And, we haven’t touched that lens you gave me.

“Besides, you don’t ‘owe’ a love offering.”

“No,” he said. “The money was a gift; it was a ‘love offering.’ What if I want to make another love offering?”

“Maybe this was a love offering from me to you.”

I winked and walked out.



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Akka selvi udan kaama uravu

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil kudumba kama kathaiyai padithu magizhuvom, en peyar kamal vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku kuda pirantha akka oruthi irukiraal aval peyar selvi vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Enaku en akkavai migavum pidikum. Naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu vanthen, akka veetil irunthaal. Avaluku thirumanam seivatharku mapilai paarthu kondu irukiraargal. En sontha akka udan nadantha kaama uravai patri ungaludan pagirugiren, en kalluriyil en nanbargal kama inaiyathalangalil kama kathai...

4 years ago
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Will and CarrieChapter 11

They traveled from Galveston to Frankville by steamship. It went a lot faster than the overland route. Two weeks was nothing, here. The land route would have been more like two months. By the time the group arrived, Jenny was looking fairly rough around the edges. Will had told his other wives how she had saved his bacon, and they thanked her until she couldn't walk straight. Will met with the representatives, and expressed his appreciation of the vote to accept the Constitution, as...

1 year ago
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Finally Ch 01

‘Remember when you first met me?’ Olivia asked. She was sitting next to me on my bed and we had just watched ‘Stardust,’ one of our favorites. Saturday movie nights were one of our weekly rituals in this last summer before heading off to college. Of course I remembered … Olivia and I had been best friends forever. When her family moved to our little suburb outside of Milwaukee, she was the only Hispanic kid in my private middle school. On our first day, I stepped in when I saw Olivia crying...

3 years ago
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Misty new career

Misty's new career by the outsider Misty's new career, Part_1 by the outsiderSynopsis; Misty's sisters had enough of her traveling and decides that she needs to have a new career.*****Note_1: in tribute to Hypnodojin.Note_2; this is the sequel of "Cupcake" by me.Note_2: I decided to return to my classic smile in this story with a few adjustments. Every chapter can be considered as a short story of its own, or that you can read all of it. See my story: From a mayor to a slave as...

4 years ago
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Friends visit

Thought I would share what happened last week-end when John came to visit with his partner C. John phoned to say he was coming to London for a 2 day conference bringing C with him she would shop and sight see while he worked and could they come to visit as C wanted to meet us. John had already explained that C was a great lover but very shy outside their bedroom and of course no idea of what we got up to on his visits. They arrived on the Friday night and C although not a beauty had a lovely...

2 years ago
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Helping step daughter part 2

Still keeping tabs on the toys I noticed the plug wasn’t getting used as much as it was but the dildo and lubricant was being used more. The Saturday before my wife was to visit her parents on Friday she left the house early to do some shopping for her trip. I woke as normal to take my morning shower, neglecting to put any clothes on since she always takes her daughter with her. I headed for the kitchen for a drink, passing by her bedroom I saw her still sleeping in her bed. Knowing she...

1 year ago
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A Fantasy Come True

Joan and I have been swinging now for over 7 years, in that time we have had a fair share of fun, we have always played as a couple, but it has always been my fantasy of letting Joan play while I am out and to give me full details when I return, (even though I said to do it I didn’t know how I would react if she ever did) I have asked her many times to do this but she has always refused, that was until last Friday. I went out with family to watch a game at the millennium stadium in Cardiff,...

2 years ago
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Prom Night

Prom Night By Cal Y. Pygia "You look lovely," Drake told his date as they walked hand in hand to his Mustang, parked at the curb in front of her house. Sharon was wearing a frilly lavender prom dress made of silk and satin, lavender heels and a string of pearls she'd borrowed from her mother. The dress was tight around her ample bosom, and it was tight across the front and rear as well, hugging her curves. She'd pinned the white carnation corsage that Drake had given her to...

4 years ago
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Eine Monnika

Monika kam in den Saal. Sie war nass geworden, draußen hatte es geregnet. Drinnen hielten die Redner mittelgroße Reden. Das Festzelt war schwül und warm. Biergeruch und frischer Schweiß lag in der Luft. Monika sah sich um. Wo war Günther? Ich muss ihn finden. Seine Hände sind einzigartig. Ich brauche diese Massage. Mein Nacken, mein Rücken, meine Muskeln. Alles sehnt sich nach seinen sehnigen Händen. Günther war auf den ersten Blick nicht zu finden. Einige betrunkene Typen torkelten Monika über...

1 year ago
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Journey into Cuckoldry

Journey into Cuckoldry (c) Jenny Gently 2012This is a ‘Cuckold’ / ‘First Swing’ story based on an idea from ‘Hardy’. I’m sorry but you withheld your email from the original publication so I couldn’t get in touch with you. I have very substantially re-written it but have kept it from the husband’s point of view because that’s how the original was presented and it seems to work well this way. I have also kept it in the ‘first person’ because so much of the excitement takes place in the husband’s...

1 year ago
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The biggest cock I ever had

By the by this is not a fantasy. I'm the luckiest bastard ever cuz this happened. A little about me. I'm bi & love sucking cock. I've had plenty & have become quite the cocksucker. Put it this way... I've never met a cock I couldn't take balls deep! I'm quite the deep throat expert & I love it. I rarely get anal because I'm a “size queen” when it comes down to that. But not for oral sex. Just be d&d free & hard! I get off just fine giving a long, deep, wet BJ. I was perusing through a “hooking...

3 years ago
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Nude Beach Adventure

"Oh God, that feels so good." Liz moaned as she rode Gene's slick, thick shaft. She pulled herself up, almost off of him, so she could feel his big cock split her pussy lips, and then slid her wet, hairy pussy down. She felt the ridge of his cockhead slide over her g-spot and bounce against her cervix. "Oh baby! You fill me so full. I love riding your big cock." She forcefully slid down again so her clit mashed against his pubic bone sending waves of ecstasy through her body and making her...

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That Night3

___________________________________________________________________________________ It was a cool September night; dozens of clouds that made it incredibly dark outside covered the moon. It was so dark you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. It was around midnight, I was restless, and sleep was not an option, so walking sounded like a good plan, or so I thought. Armed with a pair of sweat pants and a flimsy sweater, I marched into the night. I wasn’t even five blocks from my...

1 year ago
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TeenCurves Ivy Green Pouty

Thicc and lovely Ivy Green has curves that can kill. Her teen body is lush and ready to fuck, and she loves showing off in fishnet stockings. Her tits pop out of her top alluringly, and she pouts her pink lips, ready to slip a dick inside her mouth at any moment. When she finally sets her eyes on our stud’s pole, she’s ready to pop her teen pussy on the spot. She bends over and whimpers as he pulverizes her from behind, stretching out her sweet cunt. Ivy can’t help but smile with a load of cum...

3 years ago
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Granny Annie

Annie wrapped her legs tighter around the young body that was fucking her so well, her mind was in a whirl feelings of total pleasure coupled with panic and guilt swept through her brain but her body was in control and the enjoyment was just too much. She cried out as she exploded into an orgasm better than anything she had felt in years, then she reached up and pulled Danny’s head closer and kissed him, tears of pleasure and guilt ran down her face as her grandson continued to slide his young...

2 years ago
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Even Cowgyrls Get The Blues

                 Even Cowgyrls Get the Blues!                   Gay interr trans morph                           TJ Ryder                  http://www.sissytrain.com/date    year 2054Place    New South African republic of Obeah.*****************************************************************pic 1    The lightning and heavy rain lit up the grim brickbuilding of the orphanange, its placque the only bitof ornamentation on its street-facing side exceptfor long, high narrow windows    Ojobango Banto...

3 years ago
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Strapon Fantasy Discovered by Wife Pegging

It’s amazing how hard it is to think logically when you’re horny. I had the house to myself for the entire morning, a rarity anymore, and I was finally able to spend plenty of time in front of the computer searching my favorite porn sites. On a day like this, when I know my wife will be gone for hours and there is no chance of being disturbed, I like to take my time with things. I grab my lube, strip down and watch video after video, browse through stories, look at pictures, and try to make my...

1 year ago
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Sent For A Spanking III

The wife continues the tale.“How is your bottom after your punishment yesterday?” I asked my husband after breakfast on Saturday morning.“It is very sore,” he complained.“Oh well, you only have yourself to blame. If you behave this week your next punishment will not be so bad. Could you also lend me your credit card as I want to order some punishment implements. Mistress sent me a great link to a website. I think we will also need a gag for you. You do get noisy under punishment, and we have to...

2 years ago
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Finfing and looking for pleasure on a cruise

That warm summer, my loving Victor had booked a pair of tickets for a nice cruise around the Caribbean Sea.But then, two days before embarking, he was called by his boss and informed he had to fly away on an emergency business trip. He could not refuse to do it. I claimed we could not take the cruise on the next week and then he told me that I could go alone by myself. I still could enjoy it.I took my hubby to the airport and some hours later I boarded the ship.By the third afternoon on board,...

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The Club

Prologue Codes: m/f, m+/f+, f/m, f+/m+, transgender, chastity belt, latex, bondage, mc, nc, modification, Torture, cbt, lactation, snuff, extreme, watersports, femdom, enema, slavery, ponygirl Story Description There exists in this wide and wonderful world a wide diversity of people. This is a story of a group of men and women who take great delight and sexual pleasure in the ownership, abuse, and humiliation of others. Their organization is known simply as The Club.  The Club is...

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A rainy day with sister

I am deep from India 24years old having normal physical structure. We are having a small family of five persons. My mom is a normal house wife and father is working a job. And my sister Shikha a 22 years now. My sister was reading in high school then she was 19 years old she was studying in twelve standards. Her height was 5″ 2″ then. She is thin and beautiful. Her boobs are perfectly shaped and her butts are very hot and give her a very sexy look. She is having black hairs and when she lets...

3 years ago
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Cathy DouglasChapter 6

Cathy looked at the picture that had been pulled from the camera so many days ago. It was Chris who was there! But the still frame didn't show whether he was there under duress or as part of the gang. "What on Earth is going on with you Chris?" She said to herself as she felt tears pricking her eyes as she fell asleep. "Hello you! Thought you'd got rid of me didn't you with your fancy gadgets? Well I'm back and just as angry!" Bemalin said as she appeared in the room. Cathy...

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You are gone. This is a fact, but my brain has yet to accept it. You’ve been gone nearly two months but I’ve only just found out. I spent the last two months staying positive, keeping myself from losing confidence. I’ve been thinking of you as alive and still fighting. I ignored the ugly feelings that something was wrong. You weren’t responding to anything. I convinced myself you were spending your precious energy on those wonderful children, who matter more than me. I can only hope that is...

2 years ago
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Memorial Roast

An almost true story Story: #40 Copyright ©2008 Written: June 15 2008 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** I woke up that morning like I do every morning with my legs open wide, my girlfriend Stacey's head between them and her tongue buried deep in my pussy, "Good morning sexy?" she said to me when she noticed I was awake and enjoying the stimulation her...

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Sex With Young ISS Reader In Oyo Bangalore

Hi guys, this is Prakash and I am here to share my real experience with one of my ISS readers after a long time. I hope you guys enjoy this story. Once I got a text from Sonu (name changed) after reading my previous sex story on ISS. She was in her 20s and wanted to explore her desires. We started chatting from then on exchanged texts about our fantasies, likes dislikes, etc. We decided to meet after the first lockdown was over. Finally, the day arrived and we booked an Oyo room near to both of...

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RebelChapter 77 Cuckolding

The colonel's lady was a beauty, a stately woman of fine proportions and haughty grandeur. And she was a terror in bed, nearly insatiable and wholly satisfying. My job was to guard her, ride with her as she visited kinfolk and friends in the various camps during her stay with the army. She was from Virginia, and, we were told, the wealthy Northern Neck, indeed a very dear friend of Martha Washington and the whole Custis family. She was visiting her husband, a rather self-important staff...

1 year ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 46

We came down in time to join the rest of the patients in sending out for Chinese take-out, which used up the remainder of the cash in my wallet. But it was money well spent. Their spirits were so much higher and lighter than when we'd arrived. Everyone pitched in and we ended up with quite a buffet and invited the staff to join us for dinner. Afterwards we opened up the games Lilly and I had picked up at the BX and the remainder of the evening was spent in Trivia, Risk, and Poker...

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The Things in the ClosetChapter 1

The four year old Toyota turned off the highway and onto the unpaved private road which led up the cape to the house. Lynette Dennison, black, 36, looked over to her daughter Cherie. The fifteen year old had taken the divorce hard and even though it had been husband Herb who had proven unfaithful not once, but repeatedly, the relationship between mother and daughter had been strained these last few months as they adjusted to life without a husband and father. Now, however, Lynette felt, they...

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Queen of the Sea Ch 03

From the top of the stairway, Carlix could see the grand hall was full of people. Smiling faces everywhere, some off to the side talking to each other, some were dancing and laughing. Men were talking to other men, ladies were gossiping in small groups hiding their faces behind their fans as they made eyes at some of the men and giggled. The dance floor was a swirl of colour, and music filled the air. The music was lively, but the dancing was stiff and proper. Carlix knew that Kit would find...

4 years ago
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Linda Saga Of Lust And Love Ch 04

The next morning Linda attended Mass at St. Augustine Catholic church with Mary, Fred and, of course, Evan. She wore her modest white and pink floral dress with her white satin corset under the dress for effect. She wanted to get Evan’s attention. She sweetly held Evan’s hand in the pew. Standing close to him when they shared the hymnal to sing and recite passages together she was happy to be with him. The sermon was from Romans – advice on relationships and love matters. When the priest...

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Forcible Rape

Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti On the way to work I stopped off in the town square to fuck the rapist. I had been feeling tense and just a bit horny that morning, and I needed something to take the edge off. His asshole was still dripping come from the last Citizen who had relieved himself, so I didn't even have to dip into the ceramic urn of lubricating unguent. He was docile and compliant, and it wasn't necessary to administer discipline with the electric cattle prod to get him to spread...

2 years ago
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Open Play at the Resort

Sitting on the lawn in the cool shade of well-placed trees, I could see out across the nudist resort at the 60 or so naked bodies of varying shades and shapes and sizes. That's when I spotted my wife at the far end of the grassy area coming towards me from the covered patio. "Gina looked positively ravishing with her pert, well-shaped breasts bared to the sun and those trim hips topping off gorgeous legs" Gina was nude like everyone else and looked positively ravishing with her pert,...

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A Summer Tryst

I got home from work and there was Rachel sitting on the front porch swing sitting on one foot, ready to go. I could not believe how hot she looked in a pair of snug-fitting leggings, running shoes, and a sports tee shirt of her favorite soccer player, Megan Rapinoe. The shirt was at least one size too big for Rach and she had modified it with a vee cut at the neckline exposing a sensual swell of her ample, tan breasts I could see that Rach was probably not wearing a bra or if she was it was...

1 year ago
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Two Naked Hot MomsChapter 12

"Suck their cocks, Vivian!" Lana shouted as she wielded the belt. "Come on, get 'em in. Suck 'em both at the same time!" Lying on her stomach on the living room floor, Vivian desperately tried to stuff both her son's cock and Richie's massive fuck pole into her mouth at the same time. The two young studs were grinning at her as they lay side by side. Vivian wasn't doing a very good job. She was practically choking on their cocks, and she couldn't help wiggling her ass as Lana...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 11 And The Band Played On

June – Year 1 “Paul honey, Lynn got me flowing pretty good while you were eating me. I can almost cum from having my tits sucked. So please nurse on me.” I did my best to do as she asked. I took a hold of the tit in my mouth and held it steady while I nursed. The milk shot hard onto the back of my throat and the warmth and sweetness of it was surprisingly erotic. Erin continued to tug on my cock and it began to respond as she did. I could not see with the massive mound of flesh in my face,...

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Compound X131Chapter 25 Showtime

Greta ground her hips with all her strength, rotating her slick spread lips against the mirror image of Blakey's soaked vulva. In return Blakey's swollen clit ploughed wet groves through Greta's wiry pubic fleece. The captain's empty vagina regularly contracted, and ejected molten flows of hot juices. Greta's pubis lurched forwards' forcing her swollen clit towards the source of the warm honey that spurted against its polished dome. The rearing bud met the grasping orifice and brushed...

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Train Three Sexy Slaves 9 Aishas Lesson

After Aisha tells us three her earliest erotic experiences and the rest of her sexual history I takeAisha to bed with me where we lay down as spoons with her beautiful bottom warming my wooden manhoodAlex and Ai are together in the other bedroom where we watch them on my big screen by my two camerasAlex is less shy than Ai and takes the initiative teasing and tasting her firm tits and hard nipplesAisha discovers she loves to be a voyeur and she is easily turned on by it and my hand caressing...

4 years ago
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My Daughters Sleepover 4 SundayThe Last Day

The phrase Everything happens for a reason constantly shot through John mind as he tossed and turned in his king sized bed. He was under the impression that something bad was going to happen. Everything finally started to make sense. He was so stupid. He assumed the girls were trying to blackmail him. That seemed like the only logical explanation for two hot 18-year-olds lusting after him and taking pictures of it. He was so overwhelmed with planting his manhood in them that he wasn’t thinking...

4 years ago
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Erotic Evening in Paris

The last of the arriving passengers had finally trickled out of the arrival gate at the Charles DeGaulle airport. 30th of December was not a particularly busy time for air traffic in Paris. Vitorrio DeLuca scanned the faces of every last passenger that passed by. What did she look like? They had not met or seen each other in seven years. Would she recognize him? He heard she had gained some weight since they were last together in New York in the summer of 2001. She had married some wall...

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The Operation

Operation Marcia walked slowly down the hallway holding a small slip of paper with the name and address of her new doctor. She checked the suite numbers as she continued to the end of the hall. Room 415, there it was. The door was bare except for the name of the doctor; Dr. Randall Walters, MD. Marcia double-checked the paper with the name on the door and stepped in. The waiting room was small, with only a couple chairs and a coffee table. Back issues of National Geographic and Women’s Day were...

Straight Sex
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How my aunt seduced me

It all started when I was 18. I got into alot of trouble when I was younger and decided to get away from the old neighborhood so, it was then that I moved in with my aunt and uncle who had a little girl at the time. We lived in an apartment on the far eastside of town. My aunt would parade around the house in some skimpy night gowns and one day she was laying on the floor and her tit had fallen out and I was laying on the couch, I couldnt help but notice it, it was so big. I layed on the couch...

1 year ago
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Gretas Story 5 Naked in College Sigma Kappa Gamma

Sam and Gramma Kramer moved me directly into the sigma Kappa Gamma house on the P-FIT campus the Monday of the second week of August. It was three weeks of pledge and freshman orientation prior to the beginning of the academic year, including the volleyball coach's request that all volleyball players report, at that same time, for screening and evaluation. Brenda was being moved into the freshman dormitory. Since it is across the P-FIT campus and a half-mile from sorority and fraternity row,...

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Bait and Switch Ch 18

My slight movement must have been enough to awaken Shanna, and she looked down on me with a sleepy smile. "Mmm, good morning," she murmured to me, and lightly pecked my lips. She shifted her hips a little, and must have realized I was still inside her, as her eyes grew wide, and her smile wider. "Mmm, I could get use to waking up like this." She gave me a hug, and I couldn't help but twitch inside her, as her whole body squeezed me. "Huh, wha—" Julia woke up next to us, slightly...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Linzee Ryder Testing My Daughter8217s Fiancee

My daughter is engaged! She and her fiancé have been living with us and will continue to do so until they are married. Before my husband and I give our daughter away, I wanted to be certain about my future son-in-law’s fidelity. So I decided to test him. During our chat the other day, I noticed he looks at my feet a lot. Just like he always has. I asked him if he truly loves my daughter; but while teasing him with my gorgeous feet. Though he said yes, his eyes were so obviously glued to my sexy...

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Game Over

Game Over By: King in Yellow Shego awoke first, as usual. For her it was an unspoken part of the game. If she ever admitted the fact to Kim the redhead would try to awaken first. And then Shego would have tried to awaken even earlier until eventually neither of them would get any sleeep. Not that either of them got much sleeep on forfeit nights, but they slept wonderfully when they finally fell asleeep.Shego smiled as she stared at the sleeeping woman beside her. To see her adversary, this...

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A story about sex drugs and more sex

Well, where to begin? I’ll start at the beginning, OK? I’m Jessica and I’m just about to turn 25. I go to college right now and I’m really involved in politics. Actually, I’m involved in what we like to call counter- politics; That is, I’m an Anarchist. I won’t go into the details of the Anarchistic theory(s) but you should at least know that Anarchists hate, but just hate, cops. Actually we hate all forms of government as a rule, but cops are really...

2 years ago
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Family Fuck Night Part 2

Introduction: Comments welcome. Enjoy! Meanwhile, in the Bathroom… Robert sighs, his cock rock hard and throbbing as he washes himself in the shower. His thoughts are on his little brothers tight ass when he hears the door open and close, tiny footsteps, and then a hand draws the curtain back as a lithe, young girl steps into the shower with him, her already naked body glistening as the spray hits her flat chest. Hello big brother, she stands on tip toe and kisses his chin, her bald pubic mound...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Jade Nile Elsa Jean Rachael Cavalli Why Don8217t You Bring A Friend Over

Elsa Jean and her step-mom, Rachael Cavalli, have been romantically and sexually involved since Rachael divorced Elsa’s dad not long ago. However, they have to hide their relationship since they know that not everyone would be cool with it. In fact, Elsa’s even stopped inviting friends over since she’s so afraid of something bad happening. But one day, after another wild romp, Rachael slyly insists that Elsa should finally invite a friend over… to join them! Although...

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PureTaboo Mona Wales Like What You See

A wholesome family is getting ready to have dinner together. Timothy (Davon Drake) is a friend of the family’s son, Max, and is staying over that night. Max’s parents, Natasha (Mona Wales) and Cyrus (Mike Mancini), are happy to have Timothy over, always enjoying seeing Max’s friends… But as the dinner continues, it seems Timothy is particularly drawn to Natasha… And is it his imagination or is Natasha being a bit flirty with him that night? It seems like everyone...

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Daddys Little Secret

He'd been so lonely, years since her mother died. And only a few short and unsuccessful relationships since had left him a desperate mess of a man. So desperate after all these years he found himself lusting after his own daughter. Maggie was only seventeen, a quiet and innocent girl. She'd never drank or smoked, didn't go out late, no boyfriends. His mind wandered to her soft aurburn hair, her deep brown eyes. Her sweet perfume intoxicating him. Those lean long legs, the tight little...

4 years ago
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At three we are both freshly showered dressed in short silk dressing gowns without any fastenings that are a size too small so when we walk our bodies are exposed. We are playing relaxing and seductive night jazz music when Lee and Lin arrive right on time, they are both exotic looking people and I guess in their late twenties, almost twenty years younger than us. “We are Lim and Lee, we are here for your sexual pleasure, we assume you would like us to be naked for you both?,” Lim the female...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Jessica Portman Missy Luv Double Pussy Fucking Galore

When husband Vince Karter returns home and enters the bedroom, he finds his hot wife in 69 with her lesbian girlfriend! The two are licking their clits and are all wet and ready to get fucked real hard by his enormous cock. Blondie Missy Luv and brunette nympho Jessica Portman can’t wait to share that fat dick and start making out with that handsome guy. They lick along his veiny shaft, play with his balls and take his big hard cock down their insatiable hungry throats. He starts banging...

2 years ago
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My Secret Fantasies

I have had two secret fantasies for a long time. They are to watch my wife get fucked by a cock much bigger than my modest five and a half inches and then me suck her lovers cock and taste the mixture of both of their cum. I thought they would never happen as I had tried to get her to fuck my best friend when we were both fairly young in our thirties. However, she steadfastly refused. Back then, I had another motive for wanting her to fuck my friend, as I secretly wanted to fuck his gorgeous...

Wife Lovers
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Road Trip Ch 05

‘Yo, Dr. Hammond!’ They both looked up at the shout of greeting that sounded through the open door of the RV. Eve smiled at him from where she was seated, slipping on her shoes. ‘Go on, I’ll catch up,’ she told him. Will paused to study her delicate fingers buckling her sandals before giving her a smile and walking out to greet Hank. They had been friends since college, one of those comfortable friendships where no matter how much time passed they were able to pick up exactly where they left...

2 years ago
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A mothers mistake 11

Chapter 11 It was an early spring morning when Allison and Chris's lives changed forever. Spring was in full bloom and the weather had turned unseasonably warm. The windows of the Hudson house were open and the noise of birds singing in the trees outside awoke Chris earlier than normal. He slipped out of bed and stuck his head out of a window overlooking the driveway and saw that his father had already left for his regular Saturday morning golf match. Seizing the opportunity, he quietly padded...

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