Devoured free porn video

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The club is dark. The heavy beat of the music resonates with the ache inside me. I can't stop thinking about him. About his words. I shift in my seat and try to ease some of the ache by rubbing my thighs together. He wants to meet in person. Do I want that? Yes screams my newly awakened body. No, says my sensitive heart.

I know this man will be able to destroy me. He will devour me. He may also make me feel more alive than I've ever felt before. Can I trust him? My mind is brought back to that night a few months back when a man called me, thinking he'd called his friend. We'd ended up talking and sharing thoughts and feelings, becoming sort of friends... and more.

Our conversations have taken on an erotic edge and I have told him things I never told anyone else. He calls himself a Dominant and I've revealed my secret desires about being possessed and devoured. Partly embarrassed, I remember how he got me so aroused just by his words last night, making me touch myself, making me tell him how I wanted to be taken by him. Hmm...

"Hey, Toni, are you listening to me?" My friend interrupts my musings. She is a gorgeous blond Barbie girl that always gets the guys to trip over their own feet. She's flirtatious and carefree. I wish I were more like her. Easy going and uninhibited. But I'm not.

"Sorry Trish, I got lost in thought," I say with an apologetic smile.

"I'll say! You're all moody and introverted lately. You need to get laid. Have someone fuck your brains out for a night. Get you out of your slump."

"God Trish, you can be so crude sometimes," my other friend Sophie says. "Just let her be. We can't all act like little sluts like you do." And then they're off bickering as usual and I can go back to my own thoughts.

My phone buzzes. It's a text from him: Can't stop thinking about you. About the little whimpers you make when you cum. Want to make you moan and scream my name while you cum on my hard cock pounding into you. 

Oh. My. God. My pussy spasms reading his words. My hands shake while I type a response: Making me blush. Out in public. Can't really talk right now.

Chicken, I think. I put my phone away and try to concentrate on my friends instead. We're supposed to have a girl's night out.

My phone starts ringing. Of course it's him. I pick up.

"Hi there gorgeous," he says. God, just his voice makes my knees go all rubbery and my insides turn to mush.

"How would you know if I'm gorgeous. You've never seen me," I tease.

"That's not my fault."

"I know," I say, not wanting to bring up this argument again.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm out with friends."


"No... I... " I stutter feeling embarrassed.

"Only kidding T! What club are you at?"

"Not telling you that," I say laughing.

"It wouldn't happen to be the Blaze?"

"What? How?" I'm still stuttering, all flustered. My heart beats so hard I think it will probably explode.

"I recognize the music, sweet thing." I can hear the suppressed laugh in his voice. I'm starting to panic now.

"You're here," I squawk.

"Yep! What are the odds for that? Must be fate. So let's see... from what you've described of how your look like, I should be able to find you. Well, not at the bar. In one of the booths then... Got you, pet. Stay there. I'm coming for you," he commands me. And then he hangs up. He freaking hangs up! He's coming for me! Fuck! I'm really freaking out now.

I mentally check my appearance and feel uncomfortable. Trish talked me into wearing a short jean skirt, knee-high boots and a tight tank top. Not at all my style. I feel exposed. I would have felt more comfortable in my jeans and converse.

"Are you okay?" Sophie asks.

"No... " I begin but get interrupted by a voice I would recognize anywhere.

"Hi ladies, having a nice evening?"

He's gorgeous. In jeans and a tight black T-shirt that shows off a body no -ne would be embarrassed about. Black and red ink twine up both his arms and give him a dangerous edge that is so hot. My gaze rise sup to meet his intense green eyes. His hair has that ruffled "just-fucked-look" and I forget to breath when I look at him.

"It is now," Trisha purrs and does that combined hair flip and showing off her cleavage she has perfected over the years. My heart sinks. Now, he's seen her. Whatever always happens will happen and he will have eyes only for her. I look down at my bottle of beer. Peeling the label off to busy my shaking hands, I hear Trisha continuing, talking in her come-hither voice. I feel his eyes on me. But I don't dare to look up. Don't want to see the disappointment I'm sure to find there.

"My name is Mark," I hear him answer Trisha.

"Hi Mark. I'm Trish, this is Sophie and this is..."

"Toni," Mark interrupts her. I look up then and meet his stare again. Wow, this is intense. I can't look away. My mouth goes dry and my breath becomes shallow.

"What, wait? Do you two know each other?" I hear the disappointment in Trisha's voice.

"No, not really" I say at the same time as he says ,"Yes, sort of."

We smile at each other and my heart beats a little faster. He has the most dazzling smile that crinkles the corners of his twinkling eyes.

Mark sits down next to me. I can feel the heat coming off his body. He leans in to me and whispers in my ear "Just so you know. I'm not disappointed," and softly strokes one finger down my arm. I feel a shiver going through my body. How can one little touch affect me so much?

We sit in silence for a while. I'm intensely aware of him. Of his presence. Of his smell. He smells manly, spicy with a hint of something sharp. Motor oil from his garage? I watch down and see his calloused hand resting on the table wondering how they would feel on my naked skin. Suddenly he grabs my hand and tells me, "Come, dance with me." I can only comply, not wanting to disobey the tone of his voice.

On the dance floor he pulls me close, his hard body against mine. I breathe him in. He's intoxicating. The world falls away. It's just me and him. I don't know how long we stand there swaying to the music. Other people bumping into us. Neither of us caring. He slides his hand down my back, caressing the skin peeking out between the tank and the skirt. He looks down at me and slowly lowers his lips towards mine. Like I'm a deer in headlights that would bolt any minute. When his lips meet mine my world explodes. I whimper as he moans deep in his throat.

I can't get close enough, pressing against him. Parting my lips, inviting him deeper, his tongue strokes mine. He kisses me harder, letting his hands wander down to my ass pulling me against the hard length of him. I want him. Want him inside me. I ache and my panties are soaking with my arousal. He pulls away from my mouth and we stare at each other, both of us breathing hard. He bends down nuzzling my ear and says with a voice thick with desire, "I need to be inside you. We're leaving now."

That breaks my spell and I suddenly realize we're not alone. We're surrounded by people and I am embarrassed by my wanton behavior. This is not me. What am I doing? Seeing my discomfort he pulls me aside telling me everything is okay but that I have a choice to make. "Pet, I want you, you want me. Either we go to my place which is just around the corner or I push you against a wall and fuck you right here in the club. It's up to you."

Wow. I've never been spoken to like that before and I love it. Right now I would probably do anything he asks of me and it scares me and excites me in equal measure.

"Your place," I croak through my closed up throat. He smiles warmly and strokes my cheek.

"It's okay little one. I'm going to make you feel so good." His words and touch soothes me. I relax and feel safe. I know deep down he won't hurt me. As we pass the booth my friends are sitting in, Trisha smirks knowingly at me, but I don't care. The rest of the night is not about them. It's just about me and Mark and the sensations waiting to be liberated.

Mark holds my hand, leading me out of the club. He doesn't say anything and neither do I. My hand feels small in his. The night air is warm but I shiver with the anticipation of what's to come. We walk only for a little way before he turns down a side street and pulls me with him. He stops in front of an industrial looking brick building. I'm confused. What are we doing here? Maybe I shouldn't trust him like I do. Maybe I'm not safe. I let go of his hand and take a few steps back. As if he senses my trepidation he answers my unspoken question.

"I have an apartment above my garage. This is the backdoor," nodding his head towards the building. I relax again. We stand there: him looking down at me, me feeling a bit awkward. What is he waiting for? Has he changed his mind about this?

Then something passes through his eyes that I can't decipher. Like he's made a decision about something that I can't even begin to comprehend. His demeanor changes and suddenly there is something predatory about him. He steps closer and stops just in front of me. "You know you can say stop at any time, don't you?"

At my whispered, "Yes, I know," he grabs my wrists, pulling my hands above my head, backing me into the brick wall.

"You're mine tonight little one," he growls before sucking my lower lip into his mouth and then biting it hard. My body turns liquid. I'm putty in his hands. Keeping my hands above my head with one hand, he pulls up my skirt with the other. "Are you wet for me pet?" he whispers in my ear before pulling my panties to the side and gliding a finger through my slippery folds.

I moan. My hips buck towards his hand and he chuckles. "Someone is eager."

I want more and he gives it to me by slipping two fingers into me; slowly fucking me with his fingers, making me quiver. When he pulls his hand away I whimper in protest, trying to reach for him with my hips. He chuckles again. "Patience little girl," he chastises me, clucking his tongue.

Without taking his eyes of me, he licks his fingers clean, savoring the taste of my arousal before pushing them into me again, harder and faster than before. He kisses me roughly, making me taste myself on his lips. He squeezes my wrists hard. The pain on my wrist, his relentless fingers and the taste of my own pussy is too much. Hips bucking to get his fingers even deeper, I cum spectacularly over his hand, screaming his name into his mouth. I go limp and, without his grip on my wrist, I would've fallen. I stare up at him with wide eyes. Mouth open.

He pulls a key out of his pocket and reaches to unlock the door. That's when I realize we're still out in the open where anyone could stumble upon us. I blush crimson red. How could I have forgotten? Who is this wanton carnal creature? I don't recognize myself. Is this really me? He chuckles again.

"Oh kitten, I'm going have so much fun breaking you in." What the hell does he mean by that? He releases my wrists and massages my fingers. "Don't worry, you will like it. I promise," he says with a wicked gleam in his eyes before dragging me inside and kicking the door closed behind us.

We're in a mechanics workshop. It's smells like metal and motor oil. Nice. A little like Mark. He just stands there staring at me. I don't know what he expects me to do after my little slutty show outside. I'm not used to this. It's all new to me.

"You're beautiful you know," he says before continuing in a more commanding voice: "Take your clothes off, I need to see you naked." And, as an afterthought, "Keep the boots on."

I remove my skirt and tank top with trembling hands, fold them and put them on a table nearby.

"All of it, the panties and bra too."

I comply and stand there feeling awkward again while he gazes over my body. "Beautiful," he says again. "Just stand there so I can look at you for a while."

I feel embarrassed. And turned on like I've never been before in my life. Not knowing what to do with myself I look down at my hands nervously twisting around each other. I force them to be still when I hear him pull down his zipper and I look up to see him stroking himself while watching me. My mouth goes dry. His cock is hard and thick with beautiful veins. A drop of pre-cum seeps out and I unconsciously lick my lips.

He stalks towards me, still with his dick in his hand. Grabbing my hair in a fist he yanks me closer kissing me hard before pushing me to my knees in front of him. The pain makes we whimper but somehow also turns me on even more. "See something you want sweet thing?" I just look up at him. He pulls my hair a little harder. "I asked you a question. Answer it. Do you see something you like?" His tone is harsher now.

"Yes," I whimper.

"You want my cock in you mouth, little girl? You want me to fuck that cute mouth of yours like the slut you truly are?"

"Yes," I whisper breathlessly.

"Good girl, now suck it!"

I gently trace my tongue over his swollen head collecting my treasure. I moan when the taste of him hits me. He tastes tangy and salty. Like sex and arousal. I want more. Greedily I close my mouth around the head and suck. I'm rewarded with his deep groan and the tightening of his grip on my hair while his hips push his cock deeper into my mouth. He slowly fucks my mouth.

All I can do is try to take as much of him as possible and let my tongue stroke the length of him as he glides in and out. All the while he talks to me. Telling me what a good little fuck toy I am. How he's going to use me however he feels like. All of it just makes me wilder, and I suck him harder.

"Enough," he barks when I try sucking him deeper. He drags me off him by the hair. Then he strokes my cheek. "Another time pet. This first time I want to cum in your tight little cunt."

He grabs my shoulders and pulls me up to kiss me softly. "You are a wild one aren't you? I knew you would be." He turns me around, pressing me down to bend over a table. Stroking my ass. Squeezing it. And then suddenly, a sharp slap.

"Ouch," I yelp. "What are you doing?"

Trying to get up, he just pushes me down again, and holds me there with a hand in the middle of my back.

"You'll take whatever I choose to give you. Take it as a good little slut." Another slap. It hurts but the heat spreads, turning into liquid desire pooling in my groin. "I know you like it. I can smell it." He slaps me four more times in quick succession before pushing two fingers deep into my now dripping wet pussy. He smears them over my lips forcing me to suck on them. "See pet," he growls in my ear,"you like it."

Then he grabs my hips. Positioning himself at my opening he says, "Hold on little one, this is going to be rough," before slamming into me.

Oh my God! He feels so good filling my aching pussy. He's almost too big. It hurts a little but I don't care. It's been such a long time and no one has ever fucked me like this. It's just a few hard strokes and my cunt clamps down on him and I cum all over his groin. Shaking, screaming incoherently I grasp the edge of the table.

"Fuck," he groans, breathing hard and slowing down to keep himself back. I just lie there in the aftershocks of my violent orgasm; my pussy still spasming, my body trembling.

His finger play around my anus and I tense. "Shh, little one." He strokes my back. "Not today but soon I will take this as well."

Gradually he picks up his pace again, soon slamming me harder than before. And my pleasure builds once more. He keeps growling how fucking good and tight my pussy feels. How it's his pussy to use. His pussy to fuck, whenever he feels like it.

"Yes," I moan, "yours, all yours."

He's pounding me harder and harder all the while moaning "Mine, fucking mine" as a mantra. No, I can't take anymore. It's too much. Too much pleasure.

"No," I cry. "Too much."

"Just one more," he tells me. Pushing a finger in my tight back opening as he bites my neck hard. I cum again whimpering while he empties himself deep inside me.

We stay there for a while, just catching our breath. He lets his softening cock slip out of me and pulls me into his arms cradling me. "Such a good girl" he croons while stroking my hair and back. "So beautiful. So lovely. Utterly perfect."

His soothing words slide into my open heart. This man, this beast, has devoured me. Conquered me utterly. I enjoy the feeling of his arms around me, feeling completely safe and calm. Breathing together with him.

Finally, he stands, bringing me with him. "Lets go upstairs now, sweet thing. The night is still young. And I'm far from done with you yet."

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Scarlett was sitting in her dorm on her bed. Amanda was in class, so Scarlett was alone. She sat there, thinking about the past two weeks and how much of a slut she had become. She thought about Ryan and how much she still hated him. Scarlett also pondered her new relationship with John. She wondered if her new sexual appetite was right or if it was wrong. Scarlett looked over at her desk at the three bottles of alcohol sitting there and remembered what she did to get them. She had swallowed...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Fantasies fulfilled part 4

Several weeks went by and Matt and Janelle’s lives went back to the normal grind of work and everyday things until one Friday afternoon. Janelle had been feeling particularly frisky since getting his text earlier in the day. It simply said, ‘Your ass looked great in that skirt this morning, babe,’ but she had been imagining him stealing a quick moment in his office to masturbate to the thought of her tight black pencil skirt and long lean legs in the conservative pumps she had chosen to...

3 years ago
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The Luck of the Draw My Best Friend Part II

When we finished playing cards we all agreed to meet again tomorrow afternoon, and I said that this whole thing had to be kept a secret or we all could get into trouble for gambling. However, the gambling part was the least of the secrets that I wanted to get out around school. Danny, the good looking, smart one of the bunch, walked home with me as he lived only a couple of houses down. We didn’t say much, but I could imagine how curious he was about what happened in Jerry’s bedroom. We reached...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 38

It was well after lunch when the switchboard operator buzzed back to tell Bryant he had a call. It was the first one directed to him that entire day – something he didn't mind in the slightest. "Chief, this is Mike Mitchell," the voice announced. "I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm with the Ohio State Highway Patrol. I used to be stationed in Hamilton County. That's Cincinnati." "I remember, Trooper Mitchell," Bryant replied. "It's sergeant now," Mitchell told him....

4 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 12 Alex

We are sitting in the clinic midway to Richmond, me an' Dad. We'd been here an hour before Uncle Charles an' Peter got called into the back. Now, me an' Dad are just waitin'. I need a cig so bad I could spit. An' no one will answer me when I ask why we are here. Peter told me to shut up the second time I asked. "Dad..." I start again but he cuts me off. "There's a chance - not a big one, but a chance - that Peter isn't Charles' biological son." He says quietly. I open my mouth...

3 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 47 summer 1781

A week later after seeing what the roaming bands of Tories had done along Stony Creek and meeting with the Reverend Mr. Craig at what was left of his mill on Flat Rock Creek, I turned back toward Richmond, disgusted with myself and with human nature. Tarleton and his men had trampled crops, burned homes and barns, dumped animal bodies into wells, left young men's rotting corpses dangling from trees and young women lying violated and distraught. James Craig seemed more angry about being...

1 year ago
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Sweet Sweaty Bliss

It is all silent except for the sounds of us kissing hard and passionately. The night is young, but our lascivious act knows no time and could last an inordinate while. You pull me into the bedroom, pushing me against the wall and in between our kissing you let out one word at a time. “You have no idea how badly I have wanted to do this to you.” Needless to say, I melt the second you say this to me. I'm all yours, your little fuckdoll to pump into and sexually manipulate however you want, your...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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In the NavyChapter 47 The Final Battle

In the moonless night, the first broadside fired by HMS Hades blinded them temporarily. The big three-decker was abeam of the French lead ship, and for the surprised French the impact would be nothing else but devastating. Now, Nero opened fire, a crashing broadside with lowered muzzles. Captain Bohun was a simple man but a dyed in the wool sailor who could be trusted to make the most of his first broadside. A second thundering broadside came from the Hades and in the muzzle flash of over...

2 years ago
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Bhukhi Serni

Hi friends. Jaisa ki aaplog mera name jante he honge. For the new readers of this site, it’s rakesh kumar. My age is 23. I have an average body and a handsome face. Mai assam se hoon lekin abhi bihar mai business karta hoon. If any aunty, bhabhi or girl want real sex. Then you can mail me. Mera chudai ki kahani ka feedback bhi aap log kar sakte ho. Ek ladki thi anjali, age 22. Us se bat karke maine jana ki thori poor family se hai. Dil ki achi hai aur sex ki bhukhi. Uske ghar me maa, papa,...

1 year ago
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Our New Pool and Its Effect on My BrotherChapter 3

When I went out to the pool later, Joey was there, as usual--naked. "Hi beautiful. Gonna get some tan on those nice boobs of yours?" "Only if I could get somebody to put some suntan lotion on them," I answered saucily for I had decided, yes, Joey was going to have his sister as well. "Huh? You mean it?" he squealed as I tossed him the bottle and reached around to take off my top. He was right at my side when he asked me, "You sure about this?" I nodded and he dribbled a little of...

3 years ago
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The Vicars Wife Returns

I couldnt have been two minutes out of the drive and less than a mile down the road towards the train station when Ali caught sight of Marjorie coming up the drive. She was looking out of the kitchen window and noticed that Marjorie had bounce in her step not the trudging walk of an ageing doyen. No walking stick either, although still the beetle crusher shoes, pop socks, tweed twin set and that awful black hat sat on top of her head with her massive hair all coiled underneath. Beginning of...

2 years ago
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My sister and her friend Ami

My sister and i had been messing around in dads tool shed and i had found his stash of dirty films....lucky for me my sister was happy to sit and watch some. mum and Dad were away for the weekend and my parents trusted me to look after my younger sister while they were away. We loaded one video into the recorder "Uncle and niece i****t" thought that might be quite interesting. Just before the film started the door bell went and My sister looked outside and saw her mate Ami at the door, it had...

1 year ago
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How I Seduced My Hot Cousin Sister

Hello readers, this is Aryan Khanna back with another experience of mine which took place a month ago. For those who don’t know me, I am from Kolkata and have written 2 more stories which you can read by clicking on my profile just below the title of this story. So without wasting any time, let’s get started. It was a family function and as usual, I was having a gala time with my cousins. Suddenly I saw a beautiful girl entering the banquet hall. Let me describe her, she was wearing a black...

1 year ago
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Chronicles Of Amy Started Whoring

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned story are fictional. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a completely new series and none of the characters has any kind of association with the old stories submitted by me. Alex woke up at 10. He fucked Amy and left at 12 noon. He went to the brothel which was located in the middle of town. Prostitution was legal in the town so everyone was aware of the brothel. The manager of the brothel was a friend of...

3 years ago
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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Naughty EmailsWe started off our emails a little too tame, maybe out of nervousness. But in one of his early emails, dated Friday Sept 19, he became bolder, and he really thrilled me. He wrote in reply to one of my fairly tame early emails to him: “Mmmmm, I'm so happy to see an email from you this morning! You brighten my morning. So many images are on my mind right now. The softness of your lips on mine whenever we kiss. The way you look into my eyes so adoringly, so lovingly, so...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Dog sex on the pool

“You guys know something? I could really use a dip in the pool. What do you say we get the boys and take a swim?” I think it was Deidre this time. “Sounds good to me,” Debra agreed. I was ready as well. We put on white, terry cloth robes and nothing else and headed outside. The boys were very excited to see us and fell in behind as we walked down the hill to the pool. Just the underwater pool lights were on and they gave a glow to the pool and the area around it. It was...

1 year ago
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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 15

Ted was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee when Gwen came through the door. "Sweetheart! I'm so sorry you had to experience such tragedy yesterday. But, I'm extremely proud of the way you handled the situation. I would've come to the hospital with Paula and Lisa, but Kate was here with some of her friends. They were all pretty shook up and your mom and I felt it was important that one of us be here for them. She was very worried about you and Steve and feels terrible...

2 years ago
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The Powers

You have just gotten back from a long day at school and are ready to start your weekend. As you near your house you see a ring in the grass, so you go to it, pick it up and put it on. Once you put it on, it phrases into your finger. You suddenly feel different and look at your hands to see that you are a ghost. You are about to freak out when suddenly you turn back to normal with a thought and back to ghost with a thought. "Cool" you say "I wonder who i should test this on?" you think to...

2 years ago
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Girl Next Door

Hi, guys, this is prince from Mumbai I am 25 years of age, all girls and unsatisfied ladies email me back full privacy guaranteed This is my first story, guys, please forgive if I miss out on something. This is a real story of my neighborhood girl her name is Mira. She is 23 years old, she is working, let me describe you her she is an amazing girl with assets of 36-24-24. Last month I was returning from my gym, all of sudden my eyes went on her, and we exchanged smiles, and we left. Next day...

3 years ago
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One Naughty Teacher

OPEN! email comments/ideas to [email protected] Slowly, Miss Nicole teased the left strap of her silky black bra up under her white tank top. She buttoned a tight black mini-jacket over herself. She insisted that the students in her high school English class call her by here first name, and loved to watch the effect that her figure had on them, boys and girls alike. Her breasts were large, and she thought her figure nicely filled the less than conservative clothing she was so fond of.

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 1

Lisa stretched her wings, gliding now that she'd gained some altitude. Her arms, wings, rather, were burning from the hard usage she forced on them to gain this much height. She was breathing heavily from her exertion and not paying attention to where she was or who might be watching. She sailed over a gorge, enjoying a free updraft for a moment, then banked and began her watch, looking out over the ranges and the forest, checking for anyone who might be out there. The little flitter...

2 years ago
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The Maturation Of VinnieChapter 9

She led me to the bedroom and it was all I could do to keep from tearing that lovely dress off her. I wanted this to be perfect but I had no idea how. My experience with women was just as a way to get my rocks off. I mean, that's kind of crude, but that's all it was. That's not what Dana was all about and it's not how I wanted it to be with her either. I was going to have to let her lead me and tell me what she wanted and do my best to make her happy. It was a totally new deal for...

1 year ago
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Lovely maids 2

One day my boss informed me that our company was planning to open operations in India and I would be visiting India for two months. My parents also live in Delhi and I was so exited that I will be with my darling maid for two months wow. I called my parents to inform that I will be staying with them for two months and they were much exited to hear this news. After couple of days I had flown for India. I was so exited to think that I will be fucking Neelu again for two months. I knocked the...

3 years ago
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Annan Pondaati Kuthi Sema Teaste

Vanakam pundai matrum sunigala en peyar Sunil, en annan kaathalithu 22 vayathile thirumanam seithu kondaan. Avan thirumanam aana udan veli naatirku sendru vitan, ippozhuthu avan manaivi athavathu en anniyai naan thaan paarthu kolugiren. Paarthu kolugiren endraal anaithu vishayathilum thaan, eppozhuthu anni araiyil thaan enaku velai. Avaluku ippozhuthu 24 vayathu aagugirathu, enaku 22 aagugirathu. Munbaavathu kalluriku sendru irunthen, athanaal kaamathil athigam kavanam selutha vilai. Aanal...

3 years ago
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95Chapter 3

So that's how I got to be an honorary Belevere – of the Fox Avenue Beleveres. I was still Chris Harcourt. And I was still hated or ignored or looked down on or whatever at school, 'cause I had gotten Morrisette pregnant. Only Lu didn't think so – I guess she was the only one – and I maybe didn't think so. The next day, Mr. B. and Mrs. B. had a long talk with me. Lu just sat and listened. "Chris," Mr. B. said, "it concerns me that you don't seem very upset about your parents." He...

4 years ago
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The Vampire Kaid Part 1 A Bite In TimeChapter 7 Preparing the way

I had a brief call from Mandy from Bangkok saying she was on her way home. I drove to Subang and waited for the Lear to touch down. At nineteen hundred o'clock, a glowing Mandy alighted, kissed me chastely on both cheeks and preceded me to the car park. I pushed the trolley loaded with her suitcases and a few shopping bags. She had left with one large suitcase and returned with three, not counting the shopping bags. I wondered how she found the time to do all that shopping. "I simply...

1 year ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 13 Royal Command

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk – Faerie “Fuck my daughter.” The command that the faerie queen gave me shocked me. I expected to be ordered to eat her pussy, to make her cum. I was here to pleasure her, to show her my prowess in bed. Did she not think I was worthy to fuck her? That I wasn’t good enough to bend her over and fuck her hard from behind? The urge to stand up, throw her over her dressing table, and plow her hard seize me. I ached to show her how...

2 years ago
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Lazy Sunday

I was dozing in the chair after having drank a few beers while watching the football,I felt my head get pushed forward, then it all went black as a hood was pulled over my head. The hood had a draw cord on it that was quickly pulled tight,my hands came up to try and free myself but as they did, click click handcuffs were on my wrists. Roughly I was pulled from the chair and dragged away. My hands were lifed up above my head and secured, Hands were then removing my pants leaving me naked from...

2 years ago
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Relief Nurse

“A few years ago you wouldn’t be saying that now nurse, you’d be reaching out and taking hold of it before I had chance to catch my breath.” “Reaching out and holding what?” she responded with a tease, although she had to admit to herself that even now Ben had a cock a lot of men would be proud of and if he could still get it up it was handsome enough to give any girl a good time. Ahead of her and level with her eye line, Ben’s cock hung over the edge of the stool and in it’s flaccid state...

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Gay Threesome With My Partner And His Housemate

Hello guys, this is Raj back with another experience. Read it and enjoy! I met this person on an online dating platform. In the first text, he asked me to meet him, and I somehow agreed to it. We met at a coffee shop on a Friday evening and got to know each other even better. We liked each other and planned to meet at his place on Sunday afternoon and have fun. His name is Tom. On Sunday morning, he picked me. We went to have breakfast and then headed to his place. He lives in an apartment in...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Draining His Balls

She had plans for him tonight, and she would have no problem getting him to go along. Any time her naked body was involved, he was willing even if he didn't know where it was going. After teasing him a little with some rubbing and some accidental bumping all evening, and promising him a special blow job, she would easily get him on the bed and tie his hands and feet to the bed spread eagle. That's when the real teasing would begin. Jed knew she would never hurt him, so she could make it...

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