BearChapter 2 free porn video

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Ryan and his girlfriend were getting married and they'd invited me. I know that Sharon was a little leery of me but Ray told her I was all right. He was right because I would never hit on my buddies' wife unless they came to me.

It was a nice wedding and I hung out with his uncle Ray from the bar. After that, I went out a few times with Ryan and Sharon but they were more family oriented than the women I dated. We stayed friends but never really hung together.

It was three months since I had seen Lil. I decided to make a trip back and thank my old man for paying his respects to my mom. I guess I wanted to take a gander at Lil again also. I arrived around four in the afternoon and Lil answered the door in a pair of sweats.

"What are you doing here? My God, Milton will be home soon. You must leave."

"Bullshit Lil, I want to talk to the old man. When will he be here?"

"In about an hour. Why don't you come back then?"

I pushed the door open. "Don't worry Lil. I'll tell him I pushed my way in; now take off those sweats and come over here and ride me."

"We can't, Bear. Milton will be here in an hour."

"We better get started then," I said as I pulled her sweats down. I undid my trousers and pulled out my cock.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," said Lil as she finished removing her sweats.

I rubbed her pussy for a few minutes and knew she was ready. She climbed up and lowered herself down on my shaft. "Oh God, it feels good," said Lil as she rode my cock.

Her juices were flowing and we were going faster and faster. She was riding me like a fucking bronco. I couldn't hold back as I shot a load up in her pussy. She screamed as she lowered herself and I could feel her orgasm by the pulsing of her pussy around my cock.

We sat there a few minutes and talked. She told me that Milton had believed her. She wondered why I didn't say goodbye but I said that was the best way, no attachments. I told her I was kind of hoping to find her pregnant with my kid.

She laughed and said she was on the pill due to the occasional swinging. I asked her about kids and she said that Milton shot blanks. After the incident with me being born, he had a vasectomy. She didn't want kids and was happy with her body.

We heard the garage door. "Oh my God, it's Milton. What are we going to do?" asked Lil.

"Take your sweats and go change in the bathroom. I'll handle Milton."

She rushed into the bathroom and I stood up and zipped up my pants. I was at the refrigerator grabbing myself a beer when Milton came storming in.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Where's Lilith? Who let you in?"

"Well hello to you old man. I came here to talk to you for a few minutes. Your wife went in the bathroom. I guess she didn't want to be in the same room with me."

"How did you get in here? I told her never to let you in."

"Easy there Dad," I said in a sarcastic voice. "I pushed my way in since she wasn't going to let me in. Hell, I've only been here five minutes. I'll be damned if I was going to sit on the porch like a dog."

I took my beer and went over to sit on the couch. "What do you want Milton?" dad asked.

"Look, I was coming this way to order some cycle parts. I had to make sure that they were the right kind before they mailed them to me. I decided to stop by and thank you for what you did for mom."

Right then Lil came back into the room. She told him that I pushed the door and came in. She was looking better now. The redness on her face was back to normal and she had her sweats back on.

"Milton, did you go see his mother? How come you never told me?" asked Lil to good old dad.

"I was in that town so I went and paid my respects. That's all. I figured it would stop him from coming back here," dad replied.

He turned to me before speaking. "Milton, we don't want you here or in our lives. I paid my support to you and paid your medical bills. You're not part of the family. You were a mistake and I paid for it."

"Whoa, old man. I don't want shit from you. I stopped by to say thanks and that's it. You start crap with me and you will regret it. I won't think twice about kicking your ass. The only reason I never have is out of respect of my mom. She's not here anymore and I won't take your fucking lip."

"Please, just leave. We don't want any trouble. Just go away, please Milton, just go and leave us alone," said a scared man.

I stood up and dad backed away. "Well Dad, I guess this is goodbye. Don't worry, I won't be back to bother you. Lil, I wish I could have gotten to know you better but dad says no," I said with a smirk.

I pulled Lil to me. "How about at least a hug good-bye from the step-son you never got to know."

I put my arms around Lil. She looked over at dad wondering what she should do. Dad just stood there and watched. I put my hands on Lil's ass and squeezed. "Damn, nice ass, Mom."

"Get your dirty hands off her and get out of my house before I call the police."

I gave a final squeeze to Lil's ass and said, "Sorry Lil, like father, like son." I laughed and walked out the front door.

I could hear the arguing behind the door. "Why did you let him in?"

"I didn't, he forced his way in," said Lil.

"Why did you let him grab your ass like that?" asked the old man.

"Me, let him? You're supposed to be my husband. Why didn't you stop him? What could I have done? My God, he's as big as a ... as a bear," said Lil.

I started my bike and laughed as I headed to a local diner and then home. For the record, I never saw my old man again but I did fuck Lil three more times in the next six months. We met halfway between our homes about a two-hour drive for each of us.

We met at a motel and spent the night together when she knew dad was going to be out of town. After that, I think it just became old. I had gotten my revenge and she realized she was taking too big of a risk with her future. I didn't need to hide it if I wanted a fuck.

We had sex over and over our final time together. She wanted me to do the piss thing again with her because she said it was something she could never do with anyone else. I don't know why since she lived a somewhat loose life.

We went into the lounge and filled up on beer. Damn that girl could orgasm. She let it all out. I had to call the maid up early to change the sheets since they got soaked. Lil was a bit embarrassed and waited till housekeeping left before coming back into the room.

I guess I will miss Lil in a way. I wished her the best. She'd be able to keep my bastard father happy if she fucked him the way she did me.

Life was pretty good. One day I got a call from Ryan and he asked me to go to a homecoming with him. Jessie, the guy that helped me in the bar fight six years ago, was getting out of the service. Ryan and I went to say our hellos.

The kid was now a man. I gave him one of my bear hugs and he said he was really glad to see me. The three of us talked over old times. His family treated me like one of them. I really felt comfortable around him. He had no problem introducing me to all his family and friends.

He introduced me to a good-looking red-haired woman named Chrissy. I think he had a crush on her but I don't think he wanted to admit it. Jessie's sister asked to speak with him. Apparently, the Chrissy gal left her boyfriend and they wanted Jessie to go retrieve her and her kids personal belongings.

Ryan said he thought we should go along to keep Jess out of trouble. We volunteered to go along the following day. This guy Kyle that Chrissy lived with was scum. He was a drug addict but I guess you know that if you read Jess's story.

Kyle was going to give us a hard time till I pushed him through the door and told him we were going the get Chrissy's belonging. He said something about calling the cops until I told him to go ahead and do it. I would be interested to know what he would tell them about the drugs he left out.

Ryan and Jessie both kidded me about taking Rose home. The gal that was at Kyle's place when we arrived. She didn't want anything more to do with him when she found out what a scum bag he was. I took her home on my bike while Jess and Ryan took the truck home. They asked if she was now my woman and I told them, "only for the one night." We never made plans to get back together. I guess if I'm ever in her area, I might look her up.

They invited me to their place a number of times but I didn't go often. They were my friends but they both had family around them. I guess in a sense I really missed that. All there ever was before was mom and I and now she was gone. Maybe I was just getting old but I felt I missed not having my own woman. I mean one who just wanted me for who I was. I guess if I looked in a mirror long enough I could see why. All my women were pretty much one night stands. I never let any get any closer.

I got a call from Jessie and he asked me if he and I could hang out one evening. I knew he was probably having woman trouble. I found out later that he was crazy about this Chrissy woman who lived at his house. He tried to deny it by going out and fucking some stranger. I figured he was making a mistake but who was I to judge others.

We were going to a few bars and took Jessie's truck because he wasn't into riding cycles; it made me laugh.

We ended up at a stripper bar where we started drinking and putting dollar bills into some g-strings. A couple of women were looking at us. I walked over to the table and asked them if they wanted company. Jess and I looked like night and day. He was a clean cut sort of guy and I was a biker.

These gals weren't prostitutes. I always said I would spend a bundle on a woman and show her a good time but I would never pay for pussy. That's exactly what we did. We drank and even ordered snack foods at our table. We were getting pretty drunk when I asked the women if they wanted to get a room and party. They agreed and we drove across the street to the motel. I figured these gals liked variety and I guess Jess and I were about as different as could be.

We got a twelve pack of beer and a few wine coolers to take to our room. Good thing the motel was close. We entered the motel and one of the gals turned the TV on to a music station. Sally, the one I was with, said she could dance as good as the strippers and proceeded to prove it to us. Sheila, the woman with Jess, got up and started stripping along with Sally. It didn't take long before both women were naked and dancing around.

The women were both probably in their late thirties. Neither had on a wedding ring but I did hear them talk about their ex-husbands. They told us that they were just out for a fun night on the town. I have to say they were nice looking women and were a lot of fun.

I looked over at Jess and saw Sheila started things by undoing Jess's pants and sucking his cock. Sally was busy working on me. After our cocks got hard, we finished undressing and got into the beds. It wasn't long before Sheila was riding Jess. He held onto her hips as she rode him like a mechanical horse. I was glad to see Jess having a good time.

After our first round, we all lay around and talked. We found out these women worked together and about once every couple of months, they went out to enjoy a night out on the town. Jess told them he'd just been discharged from the service and I mentioned that I fixed cycles.

After drinking a few more beers and resting, we changed partners. It took a lot longer to come the second time. Being drunk didn't help.

We ended up spending the night with these two women. We woke up and all took turns taking showers. Jessie was up first and brought back coffee and bagels from the lobby. We said goodbye to the women but not before I got their phone numbers for future reference. I had a hell of a lot of numbers and I often wondered if any of them could have been the one? That one special woman who might have made a difference in my life.

I went on with my life. The cycle shop had all the business we could handle. A couple of months had gone by and I got a call from Jessie. He asked me to stop by on Sunday. He told me before I refused he wanted me to know he and Chrissy were getting married and they wanted to see me.

I had to wonder why they wanted to see me. When I arrived on my cycle both Jessie and Chrissy gave me a big hug, or I guess I gave one to them. Jess told me he wanted me to be in their wedding. I have to admit that it hit me hard. I really had no idea that is what they wanted.

I saw another woman standing with them. "Who might this little lady be?" I asked Chrissy.

"Bear, this is my friend Ellen that I work with," said Chris.

"Nice to meet you Ellen," I said.

"Bear, I told you we were getting married and I want you to be my best man," said Jessie.

"Why Me, Jess? You're kidding right? Damn, Jess, what do you want a dried up old biker in your wedding party for, anyway? Surely there is someone else that can do it?"

"There is but I want you there supporting me. So, what's the answer?" he asked.

"Don't you have to have a bridesmaid who would be willing to be with me?"

"She has one," said Ellen, "if you don't mind cleaning up a bit. I'm willing to stand up with you."

I smiled at Ellen, she seemed like a pretty nice gal; then I looked at Chris. "Chris, I can't wear one of those monkey suits."

"Only Jess has to wear the monkey suit, I mean a tux. The rest of you just need a suit or sports coat," she said. "The bridesmaids are all wearing nice dresses."

I looked over at Ellen. "Are you sure about this? I sure ain't the pick of the litter."

"Bear, as long as you let me cut that hair and trim up that beard I think you'll look quite stunning," said Ellen. "Just so you know, many years ago I was a biker broad. I even have the hidden tattoos to prove it. I outgrew it and have two wonderful children and now I have three grandchildren. I've been married and divorced twice. I'm not a pushover and I'm not your lay for the night. So, are we partners in this wedding or not?"

I gave her a big hug. "I like you already," I said. "Bring on the wedding."

The wedding was getting near so I called Ellen and went to the Salon to get my hair cut and beard trimmed. Jess came along with me and Chris cut his hair. Ellen did a great job cutting my hair and trimming my beard. I couldn't believe I put myself in her hands. The funny thing is we got along great together.

When I was finished, I looked like a different man. I gave Ellen a hundred dollar tip. She told me that it wasn't necessary. I grinned and gave her a hug then told her I would see her at the wedding.

I had the sports jacket that I wore to my mom's funeral. Thank God, it still fit. I wore a nice shirt but no tie. Don't like anything around my neck, unless it's a woman, haha. I saw Ellen and she looked great. She wasn't what I was used to dating in women; at least she didn't look that way. Being older and refined was probably it as she was three years older than I was.

She was taller and larger than Chris, Sharon or Susan, the other bridesmaids. We were a pretty good fit, I thought, as we walked down the aisle together. I was nervous, hell I don't know why. I guess I didn't want to screw up Jess and Chris's wedding and I wanted Ellen to think well of me. Ellen was like my rock; she smiled and I knew we were doing okay in our little part of the ceremony.

At the reception, I felt a lot more at ease. Ellen asked me to dance. I told her I wasn't that good and had two left feet. She didn't care as we moved slowly together on the dance floor. Seeing Ellen smiling made me happy. Throughout the evening, I pretty much stayed with Ellen except when I danced with a few of the other women including Chris, the bride.

It was great at this reception, I felt that I fit in and that was something that I hardly ever felt. I was here with a beautiful woman and with real friends. I guess I felt accepted. Jess's parent always treated me good and I truly respected them for it. I was getting warm and Ellen said to take off my sports jacket. I mentioned to her about all the tattoos and she said no one there cared.

Same as Bear
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Fun with dogging.After our cuckold fun Sally asked about dogging and was it for real? I really had no idea but thought it would be fun to try it out and see what happened. We both needed to be careful as we did not want to be found out. So we looked around the internet for information as to where we could go fairly close to are usual motel base.We found information about a bit of woodland not too far away where you could park up and wander in to the woods to find some fun. All seemed fine with...

2 years ago
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How to become a dogbitch

How to Become a dog bitch.       Chapter one.        Introduction.I only know since I am with my owners that I am submissive by nature. Or as they say: "A born fuck slut." before I met them I've never been so aware of it, but perhaps they're right. Belonging to some people as their fuck slut is extremely exciting. At the same time a daily routine of the same actions and activities. This story is as much based on my own experiences and on my fantasies. What is real and what is fantasy? Does it...

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Youngest I Ever Had

My wife and I lived on a dead end street on a fairly secluded area of the island of Trinidad. We owned a club in the sister isle of Tobago so every other day one of us would take the trip across to manage the business. When she left I would be the one having to do the chores in the household and I dreaded such since it took away most of my free "play time" with the guys. Sometimes on the weekend one of us would stay until Monday and then return, so it's a dull weekend whenever I'm the one...

4 years ago
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HarbingersChapter 4

It took nearly half an hour, but we had managed to find clothing and some supplies for everyone. I fretted nearly every minute of it. I'd asked Jessie to keep watch down the valley to give us time to hide while I tried helping the others. Walter seemed to be okay, wandering out of the village and coming back ten minutes later with a large woodcutting axe and a small pack. I asked John to find the weapon he was defending with. If he'd gotten separated he may be able to find it. He wandered...

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Seducing Neighbor Old Man

Hi readers, I am Rajvi from Surat. I am currently working and residing in Ahmedabad. I am 27 years old, 5’7 height, light brown eyes, and long hair. I am 36-30-34. The story I am going to tell you is a real incident of my life which happened 2 months ago with a 62-year-old mature man Bharat. I stay in a rented flat with my friend. One day a new couple came to stay in our opposite flat. When they shifted to that flat, I and my friend went to meet them as they were new to town and they were our...

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DreamweaverChapter 71 Into the Fire

When I woke up this morning I had a short list of things to do: see Tony about the corporate filing and Christine's sexual harassment suit; farther down the list was talking to Rod and Rebecca about someone called The Black Queen -- who she was and why she might be interested in me. I had put that conversation off because I knew Rebecca would want to know about what I had learned at the church and why I had needed a background check on Tony on a Sunday. I had confirmed during the...

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Magic Marker

The origins of the magic marker are unknown, only that tales of it's exploits have been told for centuries, a magical artifact that can change both mind and flesh with a stroke. Earliest reports of the artifact state that it had been a quill once before slowly adapting to the writing instruments of the twenty-first century. It is said that the marker has almost a will of it's own, twisting it's wielders towards their most basic desires. After years of laying dormant and gathering dust, the...

1 year ago
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Glorious breasts

This happened when I was 33 years old; a guy from Lahore, Pakistan, married with two kids. I chat a lot on MSN and mIRC and when ORKUT was started, probably I was one of the first hundred members to join. I saw this profile on ORKUT (we had ORKUT before Facebook) and she described herself as a very hot and a desirable woman from Islamabad. I sent a message to her and she in turn added me in her MSN buddy list. I started chatting with her after a day or two. But in the start, we somehow...

Straight Sex
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Mamar Bari Bhari Moka 03 Bangla Galpo

Mami jei bathroome dhuke gelo takhon Ronendu kaku amake bollo, “aaj ke to tui amake merephe chillee. Kemon kore tomar mami pond marabar someye chenchachilo ami to bhabhchillam je para sob loker joro hoye porbe aar amara dhora pore jabo, bat or mami mami pond marate marate hoeyeto morei jabe, aar tai ami to bhison bhoeye peye giyechilam.” Kakaur kotha gulo shune ami kaku ke bollam, “bhoeye to amio peye giyechilam, kintu ki orbo amar mamir ponder bhetore banra dhukiye thap marte bhishon...

2 years ago
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RESURRECTION by IkemanWebster says this about the word, resurrection: the act of causing something that has ended or been forgotten or lost to exist again. American Heritage says: the act of bringing back to practice, notice, use, or vibrancy.Oxford says: the revitalization or revival of something.Synonyms would be: rebirth, regeneration, renewal, revival, resurgence.This is the story of one man and two women who find themselves bound to each other through the resurrection of one of them...

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Pool side passion

Late morning, we were all sitting on the patio by the pool with the sun warming us. It was my bother's high school graduation and I was in from out of state. The sun was pleasant and my younger sister and brother decided to go in the pool along with some cousins. Ryan, my bother's friend who completed his freshman year at college was there too for the weekend. I had meet Ryan the day before for the first time. When the doorbell rang I answered it. I was expecting one of my bother's obnoxious...

2 years ago
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Broken Heart Surgery

I have had a bad day at work.  A child died because of me. I couldn't save him. I left the operating theater with my head in my hands. One drunk driver and now I had the thankless task of telling his parents I could not reattach his aorta to his heart. He literally died of heartbreak, and now his parents will too. It is moments in life like this that make me question everything. All I want to do is go home and give you a kiss to let you know how much I appreciate the small fragile time that we...

Straight Sex
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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 34

Joe and Celia headed to Eddie’s studio late morning, a few hours after Maria had headed to work. Before leaving, the two had made love. Long and lingering and loving. Joe never going past a medium tempo, not needing to. Going just a little faster when he came, and she came for the last time. Pretty much in synch. Omelets for breakfast, prepared by Joe, a shared shower, and they were ready to leave. The tough Russian, not the most amiable butler, once more let them in. “They are in the...

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Withdrawal By Cassandra Morgan Some nights are perfect. Some nights are carved out of heaven. This was one of those. It wasn't too cold, and it wasn't too hot. It wasn't rainy, and it wasn't snowing. There were no clouds, so the stars were out, mixing in with the firewood from the Riverfront. If you could order 359 nights a year like this one, life would be perfect. Tonya's eyes glistened like the new diamond ring on her finger. She was laughing, and her face was crinkling up,...

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Oh God I Cant Stop My Brother

Hi, this is 24th story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married, Male from Patna, Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am a female. My reader with a request, to get it published on ISS forwards this story. If you like the story, please say so via mail or Hi I am Anjali, 28 years old married woman from Nagpur. I have a healthy sex life today. This is my story of losing my virginity. The story began 9 years ago before marriage. My parents were...

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My previous neighbor part2

Aisha and I fucked one more time before I left that evening. I had justreached home when I received a text message from Aisha she wanted to know if we could talk on the phone. I called her right away. She sounded a little low when she said hello. I asked her what's wrong? She told me that she didn't now what came over her and how she let her emotions get the better of her? She told me though she had a great time we need to make it our first and last time. I wasn't very happy to hear that, but I...

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Page SixChapter 9

Page Six Last seen: The aforementioned Josie Paterson last heard having an argument with her mother in the dressing room at Bendel's. Sources say her mother was pretty riled up to see how trashy she looked in the Page Six of Monday. The gals, Emma, Amanda, Elizabeth, and Nicky, gathered at Bendel's to shop. They grabbed tons of Dolce & Gabbana, Ralph Lauren, Oscar de la Renta, Prada, and Les Best dresses, claiming they had somewhere fancy to be that weekend. As Emma stripped to her...

1 year ago
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MylfXHussiePass Becky Bandini Good Nurse

Busty MILF Becky Bandini makes her debut with us today and if you’ve ever been in a Louisiana psychiatric hospital, you might recognize her from her days as a nurse, which says says were “pretty fucking interesting”. She’s here to “Make a lot of people happy and do some adult videos…” which is actually on a poster in our office! 1st we lube up her ass so she can twerk a little bit, then it’s time for the good stuff: gagjob, footjob, titty-fuck,...

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RawAttack Gia Derza Spreads Her Tight Asshole

Gia Derza is a complete slut when it comes to having big dicks buried deep inside her asshole. For this wild blonde, nothing beats hardcore anal pounding when she has nothing else to do. Gia stretched out her tight asshole with her hand before offering it to her man. She bends over on the couch and receives the man’s cock on her back hole. Moans of painful pleasure fill the room as her partner continues to stir her asshole in doggystyle. The couple shifts their position to reverse...

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Sensational Swimwear Be my Valentine

Sensational Swimwear: Be My Valentine By Paul G Jutras Molly Evens, a cross dresser, and her friend Mike Hairball heard many legends about the old hotel. It had been passed from owner to owner as if some kind of curse kept it from making a profit. They got out their flashlights and stepped through the unlock door. Because it was haunted, nobody been inside and there was no fear of thieves. "Better than the tunnel of love at the amusement park." Mike said as they passed the...

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Icing on the Cake

© 2001 Today started out as not a very good day. It was my birthday, but I had just moved and didn't really know anyone to celebrate it with. So here I sat on a ladder, painting the trim of outside of my garage. However my crappy day started getting better when I overheard my neighbor talking on the phone in her bedroom. I stopped paying attention to what I was doing, so I could listen to her conversation. "Well he refuses to go down on me. He says real men don't do that kind of...

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Meet the Andersons

In our house, nudity has never been an issue with my husband John and our kids Daniel, 16 and Elsie, 18. We would think nothing of walking from the bathroom to our bedrooms in the nude, skinny dipping in out pool or anything like that. Even now that our kids are getting older, it has never posed a problem. One afternoon I was having a dip in our pool, naked when I heard my son Daniel walking up the driveway, coming home from school. He slid open the glass back door looking all embarrassed. I...

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Shailja pandey ki chudai

ISS ke readers ko mera “hello”. Jaisa ki aapne padha hoga ki mera naam shailja hai. Main ek shadi shuda aurat hun. Mere pati vinod ek private company mein kaam karte hain.pehle main net nahi use karti thi. Par jab iss ke bare meinpata chala to sach mein ye apni sacchi dastaan iss ke readers ko sunane ka platform hai.maine B.A tak ki padhai ki hai. Ye kahaninahin balki meri sachhi dastaan hai jo mere saath hui aaj se ek saal pehle.mein 32 saal ki hun aur dekhne mein kaafi young lagti hun.main...

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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 11

It’s another Thursday. I’m home alone. Nadine’s mom, my soon to be ex-girlfriend Katia, is away for business as usual. I’m working in my study. I’m hearing the front door. “Hi Frank!” “Hi Frank!” I know those voices! Nadine of course and… Mike! Mike again?! “Hey Nadine and Mike!” “You won’t mind if I have Mike over again?” Nadine yells from the hall. “All good! You guys have fun!” I’m yelling back. Of course it is NOT all good! She made me so jealous last time. And I told her I didn’t like...

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NubileFilms Marilyn Sugar All About Tonight

Sometimes Kristof Cale needs a little bit of a pick me up, and he knows the girl for the job. He can always pick up the phone and have Marilyn Sugar on her way over in just a few minutes. Marilyn takes just long enough to deck herself out in some simple but sexy lingerie beneath a simple but sexy dress, and then she heads to Kristof’s place. When Marilyn arrives, Kristof is waiting for her to put on a show. This bubbly blonde is happy to deliver! She takes her time stripping for both...

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the wedding night from hell

I went up to the bathroom to take a nice shower and shaved. After applying some nice feminine location I went to my room to find something to wear. I picked out a nice pink flowery top, black leggings, black thong and a pink bra to match what I was wear. I slipped into my thong and bra and seat down at my makeup vanity and put on some lite day time makeup. As I was just putting on my lipstick I hear my apartment door open. Sissy Heidi where are you? I had a sinking feeling. I was not ready...

3 years ago
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RebelChapter 28 The Redoubt

"We need powder," said Lt. Foster, sitting astride a stool in his tent while one of the camp followers slept on his cot, curled like a cat. "Powder and shot, or lead at least. You and George go do a little scoutin'. Find us a poorly guarded supply somewhere nearby. Want'cha back here in five days. And no whoring, jus' do the job." He stood and unbuttoned his waistband. "What'cha waitin' for?" he yelled, turning the blanket back from the dozing woman who was as bare as the day she...

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Gym Cuckold

My wife had convinced me to start going to the gym with her. She had been going for some time to work on her physic. She is curvy but by no means fat with shoulder length dark hair, green eyes and an infectious smile. Her voluptuous breasts are a sight to behold and a Hispanic ass she can be dangerous; the looks others give her when we are out. Yes my wife is a gorgeous woman who is breaching forty. She wanted to gain some strength and look better. While I thought she looked fine going to the...

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where champions play gym sex

So Jenny came to visit me at my job I do armed security at a park where they have a basketbal gym, rec room and offices....she was horny and made it clear when she put her hand in my pants and rubbed my cock...we both were feeling horny and nasty but had no place to boss checks on us often and if she was found here I would lose my job....but all I could think of was getting her naked and making her bend over and eating her pussy and ass hole.....I snuck her in the basketball gym,...

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Mommy8217s Another Side 8211 Part 1

Hi, my name is Manikandan and I am 18 years old. I am from a rich family. My family consists of me, my brother Hari (20 years old), my mom Nikita (37 years old) and my dad Siddarth (43 years old). My mom was forced to marry a rich guy in her school days. Siddarth was also like a typical youngster. He couldn’t resist my mom’s structures. Even now, no one can resist it. Her vital stats are 36D-26-36. It is a wonder how she is maintaining them. But Siddarth chose to be a hard worker and started...

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Entrance Into the WorldChapter 2

Shades of Innocents Lifted “Dey elected the planter out of Tennessee Andrew Jackson,” said Colonel Stockwell. Mr. Wilson look a little concern and said, “You ever heard of dat party he ran under.” The Colonel shook his head and replied, “Democratic, oh it’s some mess that man created. I just happy he has a sizeable plantation and he won’t mess with our way of life.” Mr. Wilson hung his head a said, “I have such a hard time keepin my stock. Them slave catcher always bringing by my people...

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