A Bet To Lose, Chapter 21 free porn video

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Both of Leslie's parents had taken the day off, of course, but she was just as confused as they were as to why the rest of the Squad wanted to meet her on the way into the hospital that morning. It was a touching gesture, but it would be a very brief meeting and didn't Caroline have work to do? It just felt very weird, although Susie shelling out for an hour's worth of paid parking for a five-minute visit wasn't particularly unusual for her. Leslie humored them, of course, telling them where she'd be and which one of the hospital complex's multiple entrances she was using. Everything was answered the instant she saw them waiting for her outside the door. Their matching pink sneakers, shorts, and masks (it was a hospital after all) were one thing, and of course Richard was wearing pink bands on his pigtails because he was like that, but the glittery script on all of their matching shirts actually had the words 'Team Leslie' with a heart in the 'i' and everything, and while Robert and Willa both thanked her friends for such an incredible show of support, Leslie herself was simply, completely dumbstruck, her mouth hanging open as Zoe explained that they were going to do this for the first day of physical therapy but had decided to do it before she went into isolation. No one, in her entire life, had ever given her a pleasant surprise. Her birth parents pretty much never gave her anything pleasant, and her real parents never surprised her, and she had no idea whatsoever how to react. "Wowwww, thanks so much, guys!" she said eventually, because she logically determined that she had to say something like that, but just the idea of all four of them taking the time and effort to work together to actually prepare something like that, to actually put that stuff on, to actually do something like that for her because they truly wanted to do it - even Caroline, wearing glittery pink for her - put her into something like emotional shock. There were well-wishings, and good-lucks, and everything else to expect from such a meeting, but Leslie wasn't entirely receiving them. She and Dr. Sinchurch exchanged pleasantries as her parents ritually handed her off - there was very little paperwork, they'd already signed everything months ago - but she was just going through the motions. (She did not need to worry. Everyone, her doctor, her parents, her friends, was doing everything for her.) There were tests, of course, plenty of those, strength and breathing and blood, and there was another small jab when the nurse injected the immunosuppressants that would help the gene therapies later that day take hold, and while those were working, the researcher ran her through some more tests, not expecting her to be so calm about the whole thing. The nurse he was working with that day had been prepared to offer her Valium, but both of the adults were surprised that she didn't even need it. (Why would she? All her friends had gotten dressed up, in specialized, personalized outfits, just to cheer her on.) Then again, Dr. Sinchurch mused, Leslie was an oddity, although of course he would never say something like that. Being a female with Duchenne was rare enough, and then there had been that aborted business with her birth parents; mere days after he was told that they'd be a problem, he was told that they wouldn't be a problem anymore. He had been prepared to testify, to speak up for who he was and what he was doing, and then he hadn't needed to. He knew he could never ask what had really happened with that, it seemed too pat to be a coincidence, but this was not the first time in his life that professional ethics prohibited him from learning what he would like to know. They wheeled her to the isolation room, where they put privacy shields up over the airlock and gently stripped and disinfected her right there. Of course, the room was meant to look as un-jail-like as possible, but it still felt a little like one, and it wasn't long before her regular doctor, Dr. Bonesnapp (he was used to the reactions to his name), led a team of nurses that went about the business of injecting stem cell colonies into every single one of her major muscle groups and even some of the minor ones. That actually hurt, a half hour's worth of hurt inflicted by people wearing full-body hazmat suits, even with the lidocaine she was getting. (But what did she care? Richard had spent a whole day crushing her birth parents so that this could happen. Her friends had gone very, very far out of their way just to support her for a moment. A tear had formed in her eye, and the nurse had thought it was because of pain. It wasn't. It was because Team Leslie was real.) She was actually surprised when they stopped after doing only a quarter of what they were supposed to, before they explained that lidocaine toxicity was a real thing and that constant doses of local anaesthetic might cause systemic damage; she was going to be there for a week anyway, so it was better to play it safe. They didn't even have to tell her that they didn't want to put her under because her breathing was weak as it was. They put some kids' hospital pajamas on her and left with strict instructions to take it easy, a thing she had already been doing even with the oversized needle repeatedly piercing deep into her flesh, and a list of extremely protein-rich meals she'd be eating along with her standard regimen of pills. Hospital food was something with which she was very familiar, and having what was basically pureed Powerbars in the mix was no surprise. Of course, her phone was right there; over the course of the day, they'd only took it out of her arm's reach at a few times, once to disinfect it with an alcohol-based electronics cleanser. Her mother had even told her in advance, straight-up and without any hint of mockery, that pediatric practice had learned to treat a teenager's phone as a 'security object' that was not to be separated from her. [2:04 PM] Leslie: Done for now. [2:05 PM] Zoe: How was it?! [2:05 PM] Susie: There she is! [2:06 PM] Leslie: Haven't even gotten the real gene stuff yet. Bunch of "baseline" tests and stem cell injections. Kinda tired, might nap. [2:06 PM] Zoe: If it's OK for you to sleep, just sleep. [2:09 PM] Zoe: If you need to keep typing that long, you can just tell us later. It's OK, seriously. [2:10 PM] Richard: Spelling the medical terms Leslie? :slight_smile: [2:10 PM] Leslie: Thank you all so much for this morning. I couldn't even say it right. Something like you guys wearing that uniform had never happened to me ***EVER***. Thank you all, seriously I'm so grateful for everything, especially you Ricky because holy shit if it weren't for you, this wouldn't even be happening now. Zoe I love you so much :heart: [2:10 PM] Zoe: I love you too, Leslie. :heart: [2:11 PM] Susie: Now *Ricky* doesn't know what to say :sticking_out_tongue: [2:12 PM] Richard: You're welcome. :smile: [2:12 PM] Caroline: i know what to say, really really hope this actually works [2:12 PM] Richard: You and all of us. [2:13 PM] Zoe: When can we visit? [2:14 PM] Leslie: Please don't until I'm out of this room. You'd all be on the other side of a window talking through an intercom. It's not supposed to be like a jail but it's like a jail :stuck_out_tongue: [2:15 PM] Leslie: Here's me right now. The selfie - showing her disinfected face and freshly brushed teeth - really didn't tell her friends much other than that she looked all right and she was in good spirits, but that was almost all they really wanted to know anyway. [2:15 PM] Richard: Tube in your wrist? [2:16 PM] Leslie: No, actually! No IV anything for this. :smile: Still taking my regular pills though. :frowning: [2:16 PM] Zoe: Hopefully not for much longer! :hearts: [2:17 PM] Leslie: IKR?! But it's going to be months :frowning: [2:17 PM] Susie: Months in the hospital? [2:18 PM] Leslie: No, at least I hope not! If it works, probably months still taking the same drugs I took before. I *might* be going home after quarantine but I'll still be doing physical therapy stuff 5 days a week for don't know how long [2:19 PM] Caroline: team leslie will be there [2:19 PM] Leslie: Don't you have work? [2:19 PM] Caroline: rn yes but team leslie will be there [2:20 PM] Zoe: Even if she's swamped, we'll find a way to be there. [2:20 PM] Susie: I didn't buy that stuff just to use it once. [2:20 PM] Leslie: Thank you all so much again. :heart: Leslie, once again bereft of anything else to say, was actually a bit relieved when Caroline went offline, showing that she really did have work at the moment. Leslie stared at the ceiling, tracing the tiles with her eyes. She didn't know how this would shake out, no one did; she was Dr. Sinchurch's very first human test subject, after all. Just like Richard, she knew very well that like everything else in life, it could end well or it could end badly. But Zoe, her very beloved girlfriend (and Leslie found that she really did love her, loved her so deeply and so much) wanted everything to end well, and Zoe's brother, the Sith kid who inflicted bad ends, was supporting her as well. All of Team Leslie would be there for her. She wished she had asked for a plushie or something to hug, but instead, she just cradled her phone and fell asleep. [3:32 PM] Leslie: The nurse just woke me up for food. Actually here she is. The smiling and waving nurse really did look like something out of a movie, the others judged. That was a full-body suit, with the faceplate and everything, very much appropriate for the 'clean room' environment. [3:35 PM] Leslie: I know what this stuff is now! Congealed muscleman protein powder. It's okay, I'm used to it :laughing: [3:35 PM] Zoe: That's not saying much, we got used to spam. [3:35 PM] Richard: From captive bred or wild caught musclemen? [3:36 PM] Leslie: LMFAO to both of you [3:36 PM] Leslie: speaking of which, what have you been doing today Ricky? [3:36 PM] Zoe: :laughing: [3:36 PM] Zoe: she actually didn't tie him up too much today, just so he could chat [3:37 PM] Leslie: :joy: :joy: **I know you aren't joking** [3:37 PM] Leslie: Don't worry, nobody here will see this [3:38 PM] Leslie: Time to watch bunny videos [4:30 PM] Leslie: Dr. Sinchurch says hi, everybody! Leslie unexpectedly started livestreaming, and of course Susie had the best phone, so Zoe and Richard looked over her shoulder to watch the doctor's assistant inject the gene therapies directly into the vein at the corner of her left elbow. Compared to everything else she'd been through that day, she barely even noticed the poke and the fluid entering her vein. And that was it. That was all that part of the therapy was, from her perspective. [4:31 PM] Zoe: Tell him thanks from all of us for trying to make you better. Leslie passed that on and got about what she'd expected in reply: "You're welcome, and I'll do everything I can to cure this disease." [4:32 PM] Richard: Why doesn't he inject it himself? Leslie asked him that, and Dr. Sinchurch - who looked almost exactly like the kind of not-quite-mad scientist the others had envisioned - answered directly into the camera that he was a researcher, not a medical doctor like Dr. Bonesnapp or even a registered nurse, so he wasn't even allowed to do it himself. That stuck with Richard long after the scientist and his companion had left the room. It was a big world, after all. Every professional had a specific job, a series of specialties, and Richard had already found his. Leslie, staring at her arm and realizing that 'getting the gene therapy' was no longer in the future but the past, was not sure what to think or to talk about and went back to her bunny videos. [6:27 PM] Leslie: Parents just visited. The glass and intercom are triggering me, idk why, just really hate it :frowning: DON'T COME HERE, I MEAN THAT [6:28 PM] Zoe: We won't. Richard was used to being restrained by someone he loved. He was in the middle of that exactly then, his legs frog-tied under him and his feet in the booties just because Susie thought he was cuter that way, keeping him like that until it was time for him to put his heels back on and go make dinner. But the sort of confinement that Leslie was in very uncomfortably reminded him of the sorts of evils he'd read about, he understood the reason for her fear quite well, and he figured that the best way to alleviate it was to remind her why things were the way they were. [6:28 PM] Richard: It's for keeping the viruses out, not keeping you in. :slight_smile: [6:29 PM] Zoe: Talk to us when you're ready. [6:42 PM] Leslie: Just texted parents a lot. It's easier than the intercom. And thanks Ricky. Richard quickly tapped out 'You're welcome' on his phone and went back to petting Whiskers. Thursday. [9:40 AM] Leslie: They woke me up to do tests and more stem cells! [9:41 AM] Leslie: Right into my diaphragm today. :frowning: [9:41 AM] Richard: That's one you really needed! [9:41 AM] Zoe: | [9:42 AM] Leslie: I KNOW but it still HURTS they can't inject much lidocaine there :frowning: [9:42 AM] Zoe: Can you breathe okay? [9:43 AM] Leslie: Yes but please do not tell any jokes today. I'm serious. It will REALLY hurt if I laugh. [9:43 AM] Leslie: So, what are you all having for breakfast? More pureed powerbars here. [9:43 AM] Susie: Ice cream at the convenience store right now. Ricky's Sunshine again! :smile: Looking at the picture that Susie sent, featuring Richard in his yellow outfit with a big smile on his face, Leslie wanted nothing more than to be out in the sunshine with Little Miss Sunshine. Just a week, she told herself, a week mostly in bed with her phone and her friends to chat with. [9:44 AM] Leslie: Daaaawwwww. You're so cute Ricky. [9:44 AM] Richard: Thanks :heart: [9:44 AM] Zoe: He really is. :heart: [9:45 AM] Zoe: Remember that fic I showed you before? It was actually a fanfic of another long fic. 200+ big chapters. Leslie's eyes bugged out when she saw the link. Her English capabilities were far above those of most 14-year-olds, but a million-plus words was no joke. [9:46 AM] Leslie: Oh wow that will take forever to read! [9:46 AM] Zoe: It's not boring though :smile: [9:46 AM] Leslie: I'll still be reading it after I'm out of quarantine :joy: [9:48 AM] Leslie: This really is good. Thanks Zoe! :hearts: [9:48 AM] Zoe: Just happy you like it. :hearts: Are you feeling all right in general? [9:48 AM] Leslie: Same as usual. Which is fine. :smile: [10:00 AM] Caroline: ok worked it out with dad - what time is phys therapy? [10:02 AM] Leslie: Twice a day. I asked for 9 to 10 and 6 to 7 as soon as quarantine is over. (earliest and latest times they have) [10:02 AM] Caroline: that works for me [10:03 AM] Leslie: Actually Mindy's getting a bicycle thing set up attached to the bed. It's weird looking and I'll need help for it but I must move my legs or else [10:03 AM] Susie: "Or else"? [10:04 AM] Leslie: Or else atrophy. Not fun. :frowning: [12:15 PM] Leslie: Oh god this thing is so weird to use :laughing: I'll stream it [12:16 PM] Zoe: That actually looks like fun. [12:16 PM] Caroline: your legs ok like that? [12:17 PM] Leslie: It is fun until they add resistance :frowning: And yeah I have to be attached to it. It's ok. The truth, which she would tell neither Mindy nor the Squad nor her parents nor anyone else, was that she actually kinda hated the thing for the reasons she hated all of the rest of it but could never say. She hated being bedridden. She hated being broken and she hated the long process of being fixed. She hated the fact that even the tiniest bit of resistance gave her legs such a problem. She knew it wouldn't be just a magic injection and then done, she had been told in no uncertain terms that there would be time and retraining and therapy even if it worked perfectly, but what she knew and what she wanted were two totally different things, and she just wanted this all to be over, she just wanted out, the same emotion she'd sporadically felt for years. But she also knew that there was no use in complaining, that there was no one to be mad at for her disease, that nothing with a mind had inflicted Duchenne's on her, that things were the way they were because of physical realities and not some evil person's actions, and she was not in the habit of blaming God. Every human still in her life was doing his or her best to make her well, that was the whole point of the room and even that crazy bicycle-thing, and if any human had been trying to make things worse on her, Richard would have already flipped from sissy to Sith, done his thing, and removed that poor excuse for a human from her life one way or another. She wouldn't disappoint Zoe and the rest of Team Leslie by being a crybaby about this. She had things to read. She had vidoes to watch. She would not freak out. Four hours later, she texted Zoe again, who told her about the afternoon's activities. Apparently, Susie had decided that it would be a worthwhile and appropriate activity for her little sissy boyfriend to show her his drawings of cute things that she picked out. Unfortunately, it had turned out that Richard really couldn't draw at all, and so he had spent hours trying his level best to do it the way Susie drew it. (Susie hadn't picked up her colored pencils in a while, and it was actually a learning experience for the both of them.) Then Richard had clearly hit his limit for the day and the two of them had gone to the pool. He'd try again tomorrow. Friday. [9:29 AM] Leslie: THEY INJECTED MY HEART FROM THE INSIDE! [9:30 AM] Leslie: And I was wrong, I have an IV now [9:30 AM] Leslie: They said I can't ingest too much protein or it would hurt my digestion [9:31 AM] Leslie: **I am literally getting an amino acid (protein) INFUSION IN AN IV TUBE** [9:31 AM] Leslie: also immune system booster stuff, no more suppression [9:31 AM] Richard: Wow, Leslie, you *really* need your ground-up musclemen! [9:32 AM] Susie: I'm spanking him for that. [9:32 AM] Leslie: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: Leslie would never tell the nurse, who was in the middle of changing her diaper, why she was laughing so hard. At least it didn't hurt too much. [9:33 AM] Leslie: oh yeah I had a really bad nightmare that I was in jail :frowning: The nurse offered to stay with me but I don't want that, Zoe please talk to me [9:33 AM] Zoe: Right here. Talk about anything. The two of them proceeded to spend the rest of the day, almost twelve hours straight, talking about anything and everything. Few things interrupted them; they both occasionally needed food and exercise, Zoe's phone ran out of juice in the middle of the day (Leslie usually just left hers plugged in), and she briefly found it hard to text while her brother minced around her in his pretty dress and heels, adroitly maneuvering a loud, powerful vacuum cleaner. Zoe listened patiently while Leslie made it very clear that day after day of being trapped behind a glass wall, stuck in a hospital bed and only moved around for exercise and to keep the bedsores away, was wearing on her teenage nerves. She was, however, greatly amused by Richard's primitive, cute, and child- like drawings. He had carefully tried Whiskers from life - well, mostly memory, as it wasn't easy to get a cat to sit still - under Susie's guidance, and the results weren't all that hideous. Art probably never really would be his thing, but Susie was enjoying herself, and he had to admit that it was nice to be a person who could kinda sketch something without looking like a complete idiot. Saturday. [11:30 AM] Leslie: Stem cells are done and no more IV musclemen. Thank God that's over! How are you guys? [11:31 AM] Zoe: Taking a walk with Mom, this time with "no ugly surprises" (her words). Ricky's dressed like a boy again :sticking_out_tongue: You doing okay? [11:32 AM] Leslie: Immune cell counts are rising. **Two more days of this and I can go outside!!** At least we all hope so [11:32 AM] Richard: When this is all over, let's go for a walk where we are now. It was Richard's turn to show an image, this time of a dirt trail with roots and rocks all over the place. Leslie actually typed up a reply saying that there was no way she could do a thing like that, the wheelchair wouldn't fit and the braces were just no way, when she realized that that was the whole point and that Richard was being optimistic. It was obvious that she was having a hard time replying, as two minutes of "Leslie is typing..." led to an "Okay. :slight_smile:" But Leslie was feeling better about herself, looking forward to her release, being able to walk on forest floors and actually keeping up, that she just read that long fic Zoe had linked to her and was content. Heather was not content. She hadn't been sulking over the past week, not quite. But the characteristics of her dreams, her thoughts, had changed somewhat. She had forced herself out of bed every morning that week for her children's sake and none other. And what were they worried about? A girl who couldn't force herself out of bed. Someone who had it even worse than she did, even worse than they did. She asked about Leslie, things she probably should have asked a while ago, about her disease and the treatment and how long she would have to wait to see any results. The answers to that last part were unclear and up in the air, but that was to be expected from experimental medical treatment. She knew that her daughter would feel awful if it didn't work; her actions over her life had made Zoe suffer quite enough, in multiple ways, and she hoped that God wouldn't be cruel enough to make the girl suffer any more. She wished that her husband had been buried rather than cremated and his ashes given back to his parents. She wanted nothing more than to visit his grave with their children, just to have something to say sorry to. At least her son didn't have any problem with helping her across difficult terrain. [4:27 PM] Leslie: Ow ow ow. Doctor took teensy samples of my muscles. I GET WHY it's just ow [4:28 PM] Zoe: Did the gene therapy work? [4:28 PM] Leslie: Won't know for days :frowning: [4:29 PM] Leslie: He'll be doing that every two weeks for the next three months :frowning: Sunday. [8:11 AM] Leslie: Caroline you have off today right? [8:11 AM] Caroline: at the princess' house rn actually [8:13 AM] Leslie: PLEASE don't just do nothing today because I'm not there. Go running or frolfing or something. I'm out tomorrow. Could have been today but they wanted to be safe. It's fine. [8:15 AM] Susie: I was actually going to take Ricky out for a skip today. That's a great way to go frolfing, thanks for the idea Leslie :smile: [8:15 AM] Leslie: Do it do it do it! [8:15 AM] Zoe: We're going to the way-out one where we went before. [8:16 AM] Zoe: Looking forward to you jumping over the ditch yourself. [8:16 AM] Leslie: Or maybe I'll just carry you. :heart: [8:16 AM] Zoe: I would love that, not kidding :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: The group belatedly realized that the faraway course was out of data range, but texting still worked and Leslie wasn't upset about it. It was also a very pleasant surprise that absolutely no one else was there when they arrived, and so Susie's sweet little sissy boy, in his pigtails, rainbow dress, crinkly diaper, and heeled sneakers, could skip along everywhere he went without risk of strange looks. Richard was on cloud nine the whole time. In his daily life, the food was great, the sex was wonderful, and the bondage was highly enjoyable. But this kind of thing was what Richard really loved about his relationship with Susie, that she helped him to be his inner self, the pretty little sweetie he'd been protecting his whole life, and nothing would even slightly discourage him from it. He was a growing boy wearing an extraordinarily cute outfit and skipping along from place to place like a little girl half his age, and his friends totally expected it of him. He was comfortable, safe, and very, very happy. Humiliation, fear, hurt, deprivation, serious oppression, real punishment - those were things that were not in his life, until he found reason to inflict them on the deserving. Instead, his only worry was of throwing too hard as he did his best to keep his score low, and there were occasional gusts of wind that stymied each of them once in a while. Someone's disc did go into the bushes a couple of times - that was practically guaranteed - but there were many more on-target hits, including a very near hole-in-one by Susie (glanced right off the chain!) that her friends eagerly clapped for. Although Caroline still won handily, all four of them did better that time than they had before, and they laughed and congratulated each other, paying no mind to the people who had recently arrived at the park and were glancing their way, idly wondering if the flat-chested, broad-shouldered girl in the rainbow dress was a lesbian. [1:11 PM] Leslie: How was it? :smiley: [1:11 PM] Richard: Lots of fun! :smile: [1:12 PM] Caroline: think we might have gotten dehydrated, all chugging drinks rn [1:12 PM] Leslie: Meanwhile I'm drinking so much water every day. They're still worried about my digestion. [1:13 PM] Leslie: Diaper changes every three hours. There is an automatic toilet attachment but they don't want to use it on me. [1:13 PM] Zoe: That sounds even less pleasant [1:14 PM] Leslie: It probably would be. [1:16 PM] Leslie: btw I know you all have fun with the fetish but once this is done and it works I'm never wearing one again EVER, I AM SO DONE FOREVER WITH THEM [1:16 PM] Zoe: I get that 100% [1:16 PM] Susie: We totally understand. [1:19 PM] Leslie: One time my dad was talking to me about 'genital privacy' and disabilities and I laughed, I haven't had that for **years** Leslie scrunched up her face in her hospital bed, half-consciously pedaling on the cycling machine that she'd been strapped into earlier that day and encouraged to use regularly. Just typing that line had made her remember something she'd rather have kept buried. Shortly before her birth parents had lost custody of her, her weakening muscles had caused her to wet herself, just a little bit in public, and then they'd dragged her to the car, swearing the whole time. Cliff, the man she'd once called her father, had pulled down her wet pants and underwear, and then his wife Bonita had screamed at him that Leslie would just get the seat wet instead, and so he'd angrily balled her clothes up under her before hitting the gas, asking Leslie why she couldn't just have held it for two more minutes and not actually caring about the answer. She knew that reliving these kinds of bad memories was an incredibly bad idea, especially when she was in a hospital trying to get fixed, but what she knew and what she felt were entirely different things. It was all so stupid. If she was lucky, they could fix her Duchenne, but they couldn't fix her PTSD. [1:21 PM] Leslie: sorry I'm rambling [1:21 PM] Zoe: Ramble all day, it's okay. [1:22 PM] Leslie: actually I'm going to read that fic you sent me some more, see you tomorrow Zoe :hearts: [1:22 PM] Zoe: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: [1:24 PM] Leslie: I'm getting out at 8:30 tomorrow right before therapy but prepare to wait Zoe subtly shook her head, there in Caroline's car with the rest of her friends, not typing the reply she first thought of. She'd already been waiting for days, and being physically separated from Leslie was grating on her badly, but how could she tell her that? 'I miss you and it's hurting me' sounded totally, outlandishly selfish to say to someone who was actually in an isolation room being poked with needles on a regular basis, and it would have just made Leslie feel worse. [1:25 PM] Zoe: As long as I have to, Leslie. I love you. :hearts: [1:26 PM] Leslie: I love you too Zoe. :hearts: Leslie almost typed how much she'd missed Zoe, how much she wanted to just be near her if nothing else, but there wasn't a lot of point. Zoe was worried enough about her already, they all were, and saying that would have just made her even more worried. She tried to immerse herself in her reading, but the time did not go quickly. She almost asked her friends what they were doing, but she knew the answer to that: whatever they wanted. Richard was certainly dressed up, probably tied up, or was it Caroline's turn for that? It didn't matter. Whatever they were doing, they were certainly having a lot of fun, and she would join them tomorrow.

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Betsy rushed back to her spare bedroom wanting to finish the chapter, 'A Thomas Affair.' She recalled it was late October when they returned from Atlantic City. Thomas had told her all about Ted and explained, as best he could, about how much he relied on the business from Ted's company. Apparently Ted was so pleased after the weekend getaway that he set the wheels in motion to upgrade the pharmacy section of his company, which meant big money for Thomas. Strange what men were willing to...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 11

Betsy was more than ready for the best chapter of her life story. Her journey seemed like an eternity until she met Mr. Right. Danny was 6'3", very good looking and he had a very athletic physique. He played various sports during his college days and excelled in football. He was even drafted, as a safety, but chose Med School to become a shrink instead. It was Danny's eyes that Betsy first noticed about him. He had dark, mystic eyes that were a combination of blue and green, which she...

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Beths Big Night

Introduction: This is 99.9% true, the only thing changed is Bills name to protect his privacy. Beths Big Night. The night started like any other. When Jim got home, he asked his wife if they could get a sitter for the evening. His wife Beth told him she might be able to get someone, and wanted to know what he had in mind. He told here he wanted to take the bike out, and if she could find a sitter they could go riding together. She made some calls and told him her mom would watch them. A few...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 3

Betsy had something to eat and felt thoroughly refreshed. The weekend dream festival was progressing exactly as planned and she still had chapters of her life story to review. Her grad school relationship with Ron was over and thankfully she had gotten rid of a demon that had bothered her for many years. Then she remembered the promise to go over everything that happened in the SM chamber owned by Ron's boss. Now that she had rid herself of the nightmares from the experience, she looked...

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Betsys Creampie chapter 4

As usual, a lonely night alone in a hotel room. He was in his underwear and had a t-shirt on. Through out the night, he’d been trading texts with friends. He longed for the phone calls with a real girl friend. It was years since he had a girl that was fun and sexually exciting. All the girls in the past 5 years were, by his definition, boring and slightly above prudish. Sex in bed, an occasional blowjob, never swallow and no excitement or experimenting. Where were the girls from his college...

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"Elisabeth"By: EericBlog: abmwmw.blogspot.com***********************************************************************My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college.We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.I'm 22 years old.I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college withthe computer classes. I also...

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My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college. We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.I'm 22 years old. I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college with the computer classes. I also help out with students who don't really care for computers and try to get them to use them more.My girlfriend...

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Bethanys Sins

Bethany's Sins (Pride and Greed in too great a measure) Bethany knew beyond doubt that she was the best. Today, she had waltzed outof her low-paid job with the DeMoeira Investments Company with a cool halfa billion dollars to her name (or rather, names, for she used several to claimit all), and to really prove how good she was, she even managed to carry tenmillion in notes right past the security men. Not all the hundreds of millionshad come from this one operation, of course: she had pulled...

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Bettina and the Picture Book

These are excerpts from my novella, The Pohlheim Chronicles.E mail me at [email protected] for the complete story..1...... The Baron was turning the page of the big book and as he did so his hand delved further, pushing her silk panties down to her thighs, his fingers moving closer to her secret place. The feeling that was circulating around her lower torso suddenly flared and filled that private place of hers with heat. She closed her eyes again as the rest of the world seemed to fade...

2 years ago
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Marybeth becomes a ham yl

Marybeth becomes a Ham YL My name is Marybeth Greene, and I was always a quiet kid, much more interested in science and technology, reading, and just vegging rather than sports. What was also different about me was that even from an early age, I knew that I really wasn't a boy. I knew that from a very early age, living in an apartment in a large North Jersey City, with only two other girls to play with. Hopscotch, jumprope, jacks, dolls, tea parties, whatever. My mom even let me...

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Bettie a Swarm Cycle Year Four Story

It started with an accident. Svetlana (a tiger) and Spots (a jaguar) were playing a trick routinely done to me by the cheetah sisters, Dash and Flash. Spots got behind me and Svetlana stood on her hind legs and pushed me over. Normally I would simply have rolled out without injury, but Svetlana fell on top of me, all 325 pounds of her, and my head smacked on the floor hard enough that I saw stars. The next thing I knew was Fannie Mae’s concerned face staring at me. I was laying in a sleep...

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Betsys First Threesome

It all started out as a perfectly ordinary Saturday night-and ended up as a perfectly wonderful one, one which changed our neighborhood's babysitter's lifestyle forever. Even though she was 20, Betsy often baby-sat for neighbors to earn enough money to continue her studies at the local college. Ours is an average, middle class neighborhood and the people are nice. We're the Rukeson's, I'm Bill and Sharon is my wife, in our late thirties. We made our plans and had Betsy sit for our one...

1 year ago
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Marybeth Strikes

My sister Anne (she's the religious one in the family) tells me that I am a whore. I love her dearly, but what does she know? She's twenty-eight and still a virgin. It was my own fault though. I never should have taken Alan anyplace where someone who knows me could have seen us together, but see us together Anne did, kissing and hugging, and the next day she demanded to know what I was doing. When you have been caught there is no use in denying so I told her I was spending some quality time...

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Babette Collared

Babette - Collared By: Rachael Free It was a relaxing day as I sat on my front porch getting some sun. It was my day off and I didn't want any interruptions. My job is very stressful and taking time to just relax is special to me. I am a programmer and work a lot of hours. The only good thing is that I work from home. I don't have much interaction with any coworkers and do all my work over the internet. I only have one sister in my family and she lives in Hawaii so I rarely ever get...

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Beths introduction

Beth and her mother went to visit her aunt Ann. Ann was home from the hospital after giving birth to her son. Going in Beth asked where Robert was. Her mother put her hand on her shoulder and said not now. Ann said he has to stay there for a couple of more weeks. As they say talking Beth noticed Ann rubbing her chest. Ann said, I'll pay for it if you'd go get some takeout. Beth's mother asked if Beth could stay. Smiling Ann said of course. As Ann rubbed her chest again Beth asked, why did you...

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Von einer harmlosen Busfahrt zu einer gnadenlosen Gruppenvergewaltigung

Katharina stand an der Bushaltestelle und wartete auf den Bus. Es war so verflucht heiß. Es musste mindestens 35 Grad haben. Selbst unter ihrem luftigen Sommerkleid war es kaum auszuhalten. Sie hatte heute noch einiges in der Uni-Bibliothek zu tun gehabt und nun konnte sie endlich ins Wochenende starten. Sie strich sich eine Strähne ihres blonden Haares aus der Stirn. Sie sah auf ihre Uhr. Natürlich hatte der Bus Verspätung. Wenn sie noch viel länger hier draußen stand würde sie dank ihrer...

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Betsy and I had been married for a little over twelve years. We were living the American Middle Class Dream. Three great kids, our own home, two cars in the garage — the whole bit. I had always thought that ours was the perfect marriage. I loved her and I'd always thought that she loved me, but I recently found out that my loving wife had a secret life — a life that cast doubt on whether she had any feelings for me at all. I'd be insulting Betsy if I said she was a stay at home mom who...

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Betsy CarterChapter 22

Sally looked up from her microscope. She smiled upon seeing the slightly dazed expression on Betsy’s face. “So how was the date Tuesday night?” “It was great,” Betsy answered. “So what did you do?” “We had dinner at the condo,” Betsy said. She’d had a stack of ten large pizzas delivered to the condo before he had arrived. There were still a few slices left. “That’s convenient. When did he leave?” “What’s today?” Betsy asked. Sally’s eyebrows shot up. “It’s Thursday.” “He left...

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Betsy CarterChapter 20

Betsy opened the door to her condo and said, “Come on in, Sally.” Sally took one look at Betsy and then asked, “What happened to you?” “What?” “You’re glowing,” Sally said. “I had a date last night,” Betsy answered grinning broadly. “You had a date, and you didn’t tell me?” Sally asked feeling a little hurt. Betsy shrugged her shoulders and said, “According to my staff, I was in a tizzy.” “A tizzy?” “Yes,” Betsy said while stepping back so that Sally could enter the apartment. “I...

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Betting Night

*Warning, contains rape theme at the end of the story.* Betting Night By J. Setak I wouldn't say that I had a problem with gambling; it was just my way to get a kick out of life. It was great. Usually, on a Friday evening I would go to the casino with my friends and lose some money on the poker tables or roulette. I loved one of the Casino's that was near me called, "Tyler's Casino", purely out of superstition. I had won the most amount of money that I had ever done at this place...

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Betsy the McBrides Ch 01

Four-fifteen on a lightly raining morning marked what appeared to be the start of social disintegration in the life of Betsy Milton-Stewart. Betsy awoke to hear her husband Royce cry, ‘I don’t feel well.’ He coughed and gurgled, starved for air, dying of a massive coronary at 4:15. A former star athlete and regional Young Businessman of the Year winner, Royce (40) was publisher of The Sentinel, the morning newspaper for Milton Falls and outlying settlements. Regrettably for Betsy, that...

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Betsy the McBrides Ch 03

SIX Matilda McBride served lunch on the deck of her rough sawn timber-clad home that overlooked the Milton River, only half a mile upstream of the falls that gave the town its name. Easily the most vivacious widow in Milton Falls over the age of fifty, Matilda was dressed in a wildly splashed pink, yellow and green colored shirt and tight jeans that revealed only an entree of ‘dropped’ ass. Matilda had indirectly told her new friend and business associate, Betsy Milton-Stewart her age. In...

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Betsy Goes to School

It was my first night at St. Marta's School for women, and had woken up when my roommate slid in to my bed with me.I had arrived with all the other girls, supposedly all raised in a religious environment, and all having a mother who had gone here before us. My mom and dad had never let me date, and the internet was something sent by the devil to lead me into temptation. I had been a little shocked at some of the language the other girls used when the nuns weren't around, but tried to not let...

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Betsy CarterChapter 4

With her business finished in Vancouver, Betsy stepped out of the jet looking fresh and alert. She was happy to be back in Hawaii. She was hungry and needed a little exercise. She somersaulted off the top step to the ground below. It wasn’t that great of a height, but it was enough to boost her energy level up another notch. Stacy followed behind her, looking a little worse for wear. It was obvious that she was tired. She had that rumpled look that came from sitting in a plane for too long....

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Betsy CarterChapter 21

Betsy topped the hill leading into town at a nice sedate run. At least, it was sedate for her. She was purposefully keeping her pace slow, so as to not look too anxious. Her eyes went immediately to the little store below. She smiled upon seeing that Chuck was seated outside. She frowned when he got out of his chair and raced into the store. She smiled when he came back out of the store carrying a sign. He held it up for her to see. It read, “Stop and try my Hawaiian Fruit Blast.” Her smile...

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Betsy CarterChapter 3

The table was loaded with enough food to feed a small army: scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, toast, hash browns, pancakes, porridge, and fresh fruits. The offerings filled the little serving trays and bowls, from which the people gathered around the table could assemble their own meal. Betsy grabbed a substantial portion from each tray. Charlie took some eggs, toast, and fresh fruits. Candice ate a bowl of porridge, and some fresh fruits. There was no conversation while they ate. Betsy...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 2 The Relationship Ends

Betsy willingly returned to her secret weekend retreat ready for more. She would be turning 40 very soon and considered the prospect very frightful. Lately she seemed to be daydreaming more and more and it was all about her journey through life. Betsy loved dreaming with her eyes closed and watching the animated images of her life story pass across her darkened eyelids. Lately she was obsessed with fantasizing especially about some of the lewd and erotic events that happened over the...

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Betsy CarterChapter 6

Betsy took a seat at the head of the conference table in the modular office. Once again, she was dismayed by the barrenness of the office. There were six plain metal desks, three to each side of the room, facing the front door. The chairs were plain ‘office mega-store discount chairs’ that, in her opinion, were just plain ugly and looked uncomfortable. There weren’t any partitions to give even a modicum of privacy. There were no personalized knickknacks or photographs on the desks. There...

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Betsy The Fucking Perfect Wife

Betsy seemed like almost the perfect mate. I was 28, single, had been very successful the first three years I worked for the most prestigious law firm in Austin trying lawsuits against large multinational corporations that tried to screw average people, and was tired of the dating scene. I wanted a woman to share my life with; and kids. Everything about Betsy said she was the one. Betsy was 22, a college graduate, and worked in pharmaceutical sales. It was not surprising that she worked in...

Wife Lovers
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Betsy CarterChapter 16

Betsy sighed. “What’s the matter?” Sally asked. Betsy was doing dumbbell hammer curls with a pair of twenty pound weights. She sped up her repetition rate. “I’m never going to meet a guy,” Betsy said. “Yes, you will,” Sally said. “I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’m still a virgin,” Betsy said. “Same here,” Sally said. Betsy said, “Maybe you are still a virgin, but at least you’ve got a boyfriend. At least you’ve been kissed once.” “I don’t have a boyfriend,” Sally said. “What about...

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Betsy CarterChapter 11

It was approaching lunchtime when Betsy stepped into Sally’s darkened laboratory. The only sources of light were the fish tanks, and the base of the microscope. It was enough light to see by once the eyes became adjusted to the low level, but that always took a moment upon entering. The soft burble of the aquariums running provided a background noise that one noticed initially upon arriving in the room, but which faded from awareness after a few minutes. The effect of the darkness and soft...

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Betsy CarterChapter 20

Betsy awoke as a result of a hand shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes to find Sharon kneeling over her. The light was just barely bright enough from outside to see Sharon. The woman put her forefinger on her lips in the universal gesture not to say a word. She then beckoned Betsy with a finger to follow her out of the plane. Curious, Betsy followed the woman. False dawn was rapidly approaching. It brought with it enough light to see her surroundings fairly well. She could leave for...

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Betsy CarterChapter 13

The contrast between the lush Hawaiian tropical paradise and the harsh dry Arizona desert is not only visually striking, but is a shock to all of the senses. The rich sounds of birds, the odor of plants growing wildly, and the feel of humidity in the air is so different from the silence, the dull smell of sand, and the desiccating dryness. It is a wonder that both places can exist on the same world. Making the transition from Hawaii to Arizona was softened by the long flight between the two...

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Betsy CarterChapter 14

Betsy had jogged past the building a hundred times in the past, but had never gone inside. This particular morning, she noticed Lucy walking towards the entrance. She changed the direction of her run, and headed towards the door. “Lucy!” Lucy stopped while opening the door. Betsy had slowed to a walk. Lucy looked over at her sister-in-law wondering what she wanted. In a way, it was hard getting used to watching Betsy walking rather than running. She held the door open, and waited patiently...

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Betsy CarterChapter 8

The crack of a high powered rifle firing was clearly heard above the din of evening traffic. A second later, there was another shot fired. The majority of people didn’t even appear to notice the sounds. A handful of students stopped and looked around, before deciding that it had been nothing. Betsy sighed. “First the sniper, and then the spotter. Scratch two more evil minions,” Betsy muttering her interpretation of the two shots. Rather than returning home to her condo, Betsy headed towards...

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Betsy CarterChapter 10

The middle aged man ran across the parking lot, glancing fearfully over his shoulder for signs of pursuit. He tripped over a concrete parking lot divider, flying face first towards the pavement. While attempting to catch his fall, he let loose of his briefcase. It skittered across the pavement. Ignoring his cuts and scrapes, he scrambled forward to catch his briefcase. His suit was torn and dirty as a result of his fall. Betsy had detoured from her parkour run across the roof of the...

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Betsy CarterChapter 2

Colonel Stewart watched the young woman running across the top of the four story building. She was headed across the building he was facing. He gasped when she suddenly changed directions and jumped off the building. Unable to believe what he was seeing, his jaw dropped when she grabbed the flag pole in mid-flight and then slid to the ground. Seconds later, she was headed in his direction. Major Morgan said, “Did you see that?” “Yes.” Both men watched her approach them. She slowed down....

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Betsy CarterChapter 15

“It’s clear what we need to do. We need to restore the banks by lending money to them. They can collect the bad debts and repay the loans. That’s the quickest way to return to a regular economy.” The man had been speaking in a tone of voice suggesting that he was talking to an ignorant school kid. His whole manner was dismissive of his audience, and that didn’t sit well with some of the people in the room. One person, in particular, was getting very irritated. “Are you an idiot?” The man...

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Betsy CarterChapter 17

Sally floated into the condo as if walking on air. Betsy hadn’t seen her since the afternoon she had sent Steve over, with instructions that he was to kiss her. She had not been around the condo, her lab, or her apartment, for two days. She hadn’t answered her phone during that entire time, either. Betsy took one look at her and said, “I guess you’ve been kissed.” “Yes,” Sally said. Sally had been kissed! And, despite her lack of experience, she knew she had been kissed well. He had...

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Betsy CarterChapter 18

Betsy watched a tree remove the wing from her side of the jet, thinking that this had to be the trip from hell. The jet made another spine wrenching jog when another tree removed the wing from the other side of the aircraft. There was a jolt, then the jet came to an abrupt stop, and then the world went black. Unable to guess how long she had been unconscious, Betsy woke with a start. She glanced around the little commuter jet that was supposed to have taken her and ten other passengers from...

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Betsy CarterChapter 9

“Hi, Mom.” “Hi, Betsy,” Ling said. “What’s up?” “Ivan is dead.” “It was going to happen, sooner or later,” Betsy said. “It looks like Russians are leaving Hawaii by the plane load,” Ling said. “I’m sure that they all got tired of the sand and sun,” Betsy said. Barely cracking a smile, Ling said, “The word is out that if anyone is even rude to you, that person and his or her entire family will be punished, permanently.” “I can live with that,” Betsy said. Ling looked at all of the...

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Betsy CarterChapter 5

The cell phone rang. Thinking it was important, Betsy answered without checking the caller id. “Hello?” William said, “Hello, Betsy.” “What’s up?” “Just called to tell you to say: ‘yes.’” “Yes?” Betsy asked. “Yes.” Betsy said, “Okay. I say: ‘yes.’” “You haven’t been asked the question yet,” William said. “What question?” “You’ll know the question when you hear it,” William said. “I hate it when you do this to me,” Betsy said in frustration. William laughed. “By the way, you’ve...

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Betsy CarterChapter 8

Chuck stepped into the manufacturing facility. It was a machine shop that produced ‘one off’ kinds of products. Usually, they were parts to repair equipment used in other manufacturing facilities. It had filled a niche market, prior to the collapse. He had purchased a five percent share of the business about a month before the collapse. The owner, Al Lynch, had run short of capital when trying to purchase a couple of very high precision machines in order to support a contract with one of the...

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Betsy CarterChapter 4

Betsy was at the head of the conference room jumping a skip rope, it was actually a length of CAT-5 cable, while waiting for the next applicant to come into the room. What she had thought would be easy was turning out to be a nightmare. The last applicant had gotten so frustrated trying to talk with Betsy, who was jumping up and down skipping rope, that she had stormed out of the room swearing that she had never dealt with anyone so rude. Betsy had been crushed. Ed, Ling, Dan, and Kelly were...

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Betsy CarterChapter 19

Betsy turned on her cell phone, and set it down on the instrument panel. The light, although not very bright, managed to displace the overwhelming and depressing darkness inside the cabin. She looked over at Ben and saw that he was looking a little pale. “Is that better?” Betsy asked. “It’s much better,” Ben said. “Good. I got Sharon’s cell phone next to the two guys who are trapped in the back,” Betsy said. “How are they?” “They keep drifting in and out of consciousness. They aren’t...

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Betsy CarterChapter 13

Chuck stepped out of the jet and looked around hoping to spot Betsy. A blur was heading towards him. He braced himself for the impact. She threw herself at him, landing with her arms around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. He staggered back a step or two. She was kissing him passionately with tears running down her cheek. In a husky voice, Chuck said, “I missed you.” “I missed you.” Chuck said, “We need to stop by my house.” “Don’t worry, I straightened it up. I cleaned out...

2 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 19

Betsy walked down to the beach intending to have a nice relaxing swim. It was the weekend and the house was a little crowded. She was still bothered by Chuck’s abduction, but at least something good came of it. He was now living at her house, where he could be adequately protected. There were other benefits of having him around so much, too. At the moment, though, she just wanted a little time of her own. She desired a chance to just get her thoughts in order. It seemed to her that things...

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Betsy CarterChapter 24

Betsy stood in front of a full body mirror, looking at her reflection. She was wearing a black robe. This was the first time she had put one on. Rather than having the full length sleeves of Druid robes, the robe she wore was sleeveless. This allowed the golden torq, her symbol of service to the Two-Sided One on her arm, to be visible. She turned a little to catch her profile in the mirror. Then she turned the other way examining her appearance once again. She decided she liked the way the...

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Betsy CarterChapter 6

The evening’s entertainment came to a typical end. The curtains closed, the lights came up, the applause died, and the audience rose to make their way out of the theater. It was noisy and chaotic with individual groups of people caught up in their own conversations and actions. Engaged in their own little dramas, no one noticed the pair of young women who hadn’t moved. Betsy sat there with tears running down her cheeks. “It was a comedy,” Sally said. They had just watched a university...

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Betsy CarterChapter 18

It was three o’clock in the morning when the jet Betsy was on arrived at the Honolulu airport. It touched down on the runway, and taxied over to the hangar. Betsy looked out the window. There was one person on duty, along with the limousine driver waiting for them to exit the jet. The man on duty was wearing the overalls that identified him as a mechanic. The limousine driver was wearing the typical black outfit of commercial limo drivers everywhere. While gathering her stuff, Betsy asked...

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Betsy CarterChapter 7

Ling woke up, immediately aware that every part of her body hurt. She started going through the mental inventory of body parts. Ribs? It hurt to breathe, so she had a couple of cracked ribs. She gingerly moved her arms, legs, fingers, and toes. She was relieved to discover that there weren’t any casts. There weren’t any broken bones. She tried to locate a muscle that wasn’t screaming out in pain and failed, miserably. She knew it was going to hurt to get up and try to move around. She...

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Betsy CarterChapter 14

Sweating profusely, Betsy wrestled the fifty-five gallon steel drum down the ramp from the ‘Bloated Shark’ to the dock. The wooden ramp creaked under the strain of the load. Forty-five gallons of salt water weighed over three hundred and eighty pounds. It was a little too bulky and heavy for even Betsy to carry. The Bloated Shark was the name she had given the tugboat she had purchased for a research platform. When she had found it, it was just an old tug that had seen better days. It had...

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