Online Dating Gone Awry
- 2 years ago
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We all know how online dating works, and all humanity is there! So how would it work for a much older man looking for a casual relationship? No moral judgements please; we all have our own crosses to bear.
So the parameters were set. 45-55+, within twenty km, and a fairly anonymous photo posted. Not many 'swipe rights' coming with that, I guess. Checking twice a day, swiping anything female! We all clutch at straws sometimes. And then after a week, a match!
At least someone had swiped right on me. The name was Sarah, aged forty-seven, and living only six miles away. But there was a 'but.' The photo was of Sarah and her mum. To be fair both were very attractive, but obviously, Sarah's mum was late sixties, the same as me.
The initial messages were polite and introductory, and it became apparent that Sarah was actually advertising for a 'date' with her mum. I was intrigued by this, and what Sarah was planning was to find an older man who would be prepared to meet Sarah with her mum on an accidental 'setup' meeting. Sarah would appear to be an old friend, and they would all have coffee and conversation.
After the meeting, and at home, Sarah would ask her mum if she liked me, and set up a further date with just the two of us.
I'm always up for something a bit different, and so we decided to set something up.
Sarah was living with her mum after her own separation just a few weeks before. I guess that had brought them closer together, and her mum had said how nice it would be to have a 'boyfriend'.
I was sitting in Costas on a sunny summer afternoon when Sarah, and her mum, Maggie walked in. The acting began.
"Hi Sarah, fancy bumping into you, is this your mum?" I tried to look surprised.
To be honest I noticed Sarah first. She was dressed in black leggings, and a tight-fitting white t-shirt, with a low neckline. She had a good figure, with short black hair, and green eyes.
Maggie was a curvy lady with large breasts, and grey hair, and sparkling eyes.
Smiling, she nodded as Sarah said, "Hi John. Mum this is John, we worked together at Newton's School."
We all sat together for the best part of an hour, chatting about this, and that. Sarah talked a little about her 'break up," and Maggie about her home, and hobbies. I listened and chipped in with snippets about my home circumstances.
When we parted, Sarah and I exchanged mobile numbers, as though we were old friends, and I said to Maggie, out of politeness, that I hoped that we would meet again. By the time I arrived home, I had thought about the plan.
Maggie was a nice enough woman, but I wasn't sure if there would be any chemistry. Sarah was a different proposition however, but way out of my league, probably twenty-odd years younger than me.
About an hour after arriving home, I received a text.
'Thank you for today. Mum liked you, and so did I. I think she wants to meet you again. I will talk to her about it.'
I replied, 'Thank you too. Will hear from you soon. You both looked stunning.'
There was no further contact the next day. I just let it ride; so many online intros come to nothing. Then the next morning, a text came through, asking if I wanted to meet Maggie for an afternoon drink in her local pub.
It seemed odd that everything was being arranged through Sarah, but I was happy to accept that for now. No doubt after this 'date' I would have more direct contact with Maggie, if it was to progress further. The arrangement was to meet the following afternoon at two pm in 'The Black Horse.'
As I was sitting in a corner seat at five past two, I was surprised to see Sarah walk in. Seeing me, she came over, and immediately started to apologise.
"I'm so sorry John, mum had a funny turn just before lunch, and I didn't want you to be let down, so I thought I'd come and have a drink with you instead. You don't mind do you?"
"Of course not, is she ok? Being left alone I mean?"
"Yes, she has these moments occasionally, I'm just sorry to disappoint you."
How wrong could she be. Sarah looked absolutely stunning in her summer dress.
"I'll get you a drink," I said and went to the bar to get her a small lager.
Returning, I could see a couple of guys at tables nearby, admiring her tanned legs, and obvious cleavage.
"How are you anyway?" I studied her face as she replied.
"Oh I'm ok, my ex is being a pain, but one piece of good news is that he has moved out of our house to his new woman's, and as of today I can move back in. I've been at my mum's for six weeks."
"That sounds like good progress, is it far away?"
"No," she replied, "only about two miles. In fact, I'm probably going to go and check things out later, after I've had my drink with you..."
"I bet he's left it in a bit of a mess," I added, smiling. "You may need to spring clean."
"Are you volunteering?" Sarah joked and smiled.
"Well I'm an excellent driver with a 'Dyson,' and I'm tall to dust high up." I chuckled.
"Offer accepted," Sarah touched my knee, and added, "no, I'll be ok, I'm just joking."
"Ok, but I can give you a lift over there now if you want?"
"Are you sure John? That would be a really big help. Just to have a look at it, to see what state it's in. I'll call mum to see if she's ok."
And so we drove the short distance to her house. I continually glanced at her legs, which showed below her short dress. I was hoping she didn't notice. Nothing worse than a pervy old man! We pulled up outside the three bedroomed semi-detached house, and Sarah led the way up the garden path. I asked if it was ok if I came in with her. I wasn't sure if she was going to be shocked by the state that her ex might have left it in.
In fact, it wasn't too bad, which surprised Sarah, and she certainly looked relieved. There was even some reasonably fresh milk in the fridge, so she made us both a cup of coffee. Sitting on the sofa both of us started to 'open up' about our relationships.
It seemed quite odd because Sarah was quite frank about some aspects of her failed relationship. I thought that our age difference was probably the reason, more like a father/daughter chat. The paradox of that was my inability to ignore the amount of bare leg that she was allowing me to see, as she curled her legs up beneath her. I'm afraid more than once she saw me looking out of the corner of my eye.
When it was my turn to tell her about my last relationship, and how I missed the intimacy of someone else, I was sure that she deliberately crossed, and uncrossed, and moved her legs to give me more of a view. But I wasn't totally sure!
Then Sarah dropped the bombshell. "I'm going to say something that may shock you."
My face must have looked a picture. "Yes, go on."
"My mum didn't really have a funny turn, she's perfectly ok. I wanted to see you alone. Does that shock you? That I find you attractive? I've always found older men attractive."
I stuttered with my reply. "Sarah, I can’t deny I'm a bit surprised, but absolutely delighted, you silly girl." I moved the few feet from one end of the sofa to beside her, in less than a second.
We both wanted to kiss. I looked her in the eyes, and she smiled before parting her lips slightly. Her tongue slowly moved its way along her top lip, and back along her lower lip, moistening the pink textured skin. The kiss was soft, sensuous, and tasted divine. Her tongue flicking into my mouth and flirting with mine.
As the kiss ended, she held my gaze. She put one finger to her lip as if to imply, "Don't speak."
I remained just inches from her face, breathing in her perfume, excited by the kiss, and then I felt her fingers tugging my belt free, and then unzipping my trousers.
"Lay back, John," she whispered, "this is going to be all me, relax."
I did as she requested, and I allowed my trousers, and boxers to be removed. It was then that I felt the softness of Sarah's lips once more, but this time slowly sucking the head of my cock. I could feel it hardening as her tongue circled, and circled it once again.
The whole of it was inside her mouth, but as she played with it, it lengthened, and she began to move her head up and down. I heard a loud moan, the moan was coming from me.
Sarah had told me to relax, but that was difficult for a man who'd not had sex for months. My cock was ready to erupt, and as if she had a sense of that, Sarah sat up.
I watched as her eyes focussed on mine again. I saw her lift her dress over her head, revealing her matching cerise lingerie. She unclasped her bra, her breasts dropping free, nipples hard, and pert. She half stood, as she slid out of her panties, her eyes piercing mine with her desire.
And then spreading her thighs, I watched as her pussy, wet with her juices, lowered itself onto my cock. That feeling, unfamiliar through the passage of time, revived memories of how it used to be.
Sarah placed her hands flat on my chest, and raised herself up, before plunging back down, rubbing her clit against the top of my shaft. She was adept at the technique of holding back my orgasm while building her own.
I watched her as she closed her eyes, gasping shorts gasps on each rise and fall. I reached to cup her breasts, feeling the hardness of each nipple, squeezing each in turn, bringing a quiet squeal from the back of her throat.
Her breathing became quicker, and her gasps turned to short groans, and there was no way I was going to last much longer.
"I'm cumming John, god I'm cumming.”
Sarah went still, pushing down hard on my cock, and gritting her teeth. I felt her pussy pulsate, becoming much wetter, and I simply started to empty myself into her, with a loud, grunting sigh.
Our orgasms seemed to last for a long time, and eventually, Sarah sunk down onto my chest, still gripping my shrinking cock in her soaking pussy.
"John, that was magical, thank you," she finally said, still out of breath.
"It's me who should be saying that," I said half laughing.
We stayed like that in each other's arms for several minutes, until reality kicked in.
"Sarah, I know all of that was very sudden, but I have to ask, is that it? Or can I see you again?” My face told its own story.
"John, I said that was magical. I want it again, but we need to be careful. I don't want to hurt my mum." Sarah's face was sad.
"Yes, I understand. I will be discreet. I’ll run you back to hers if you want, to get your car, but I want to see you again soon please, if possible."
Sarah smiled, "Yes me too, let me get this place sorted, and you can come for a meal."
So I drove Sarah back, and dropped her around the corner from her mums, and went home to mine in a fog of thoughts, and questions.
We texted each other over the next couple of days, and as soon as Sarah had the house sorted, she sent me the invite I'd been waiting for. I was invited round on Friday evening.
I arrived punctually at 6.30pm carrying a bottle of wine and some flowers. I was still an old romantic, or should I say, a traditionalist.
Sarah greeted me with a beaming smile, a hug, and a kiss.
"Oh that's so nice of you, you shouldn't have," she said, taking the flowers to put them in a vase.
I followed her into the kitchen, admiring her body, which was sheathed in a tight-fitting black dress, with thin straps over her shoulders, and, obviously, not wearing a bra. With her short black hair, her long neck, and bare shoulders, she looked sensational.
"I hope you like fish? I thought something light in this hot weather."
I nodded enthusiastically.
"I love fish, and if I'm going to seduce you, young lady, then it is ideal."
I smiled, and our eyes locked onto each other.
"Oh, and what if I resist?" Sarah's expression was somewhat flirty, and teasing.
"Then naughty girls will have to go on the naughty step, or even worse." My expression was of mock sternness.
"Oooh sir, I'll be good, I promise," and Sarah blew me a kiss and laughed.
She turned, and poured the wine, and we sat at the breakfast bar, and talked 'sensibly,' until the meal was ready. It was a delicious meal, and the wine flowed, but the sexual tension was always there.
Sarah was even more open about her relationship with her partner. How he had been unfaithful more than once, and she had 'strayed' with an old boyfriend. But Sarah also revealed how she had dabbled with mildly kinky stuff in her twenties.
Her ex wasn't into that, and since the shine went off their sex life, she had just relied on vibrators and masturbation. All of this conversation seemed to heighten the anticipation of the evening, and added to the several glasses of wine we had consumed, there was only one way it could go.
"Well young lady, that was a delicious meal. Now I think we should relax, and enjoy what the evening brings."
Immediately I had used the words 'young lady,' it was like a signal switching Sarah on.
Smiling broadly, she replied, "Yes sir."
"You go and relax on the sofa, and I'll join you in a minute."
Sarah did as she was asked, while I stayed a moment in the kitchen just to collect a tea towel.
"Close your eyes, young lady," I said as I came to join her in the living room.
She didn't say a word, but I could tell that she was excited, just by the way her breasts were rising and falling. I walked behind the sofa, and folding the tea towel into a long band, I placed it over her eyes, tying it behind her head.
"As you know it's all a matter of trust when you have a blindfold on. I won't be tying your hands or feet, but maybe that's something for the future. This is just some gentle play, but if you misbehave, you may go over my knee."
"Yes sir," replied Sarah, in a hushed voice.
I leaned forward, and kissed the side of her neck, softly, fleetingly, but just enough to hear a quiet sigh. Placing my hands on her bare shoulders, I slid the straps of her dress downwards, and as the dress fell away from her breasts, I stroked my fingertips across both nipples. The quiet sigh became louder. I walked around the front of the sofa, and taking her hands, pulled her up, so that she was standing in front of me. It didn't take much to help the dress slip to the floor.
"Let me look at you," I said, stepping back to admire her body, with only a black thong hiding her pussy.
Self consciously, she stood with one knee bent in front of the other.
"I want you to stand with your feet astride, young lady, so that I can see how wet you are."
Sarah shuffled slightly, before spreading herself, revealing her soaking wet thong.
"Well young lady, you seem to be in a state of arousal, what have you got to say for yourself?"
Again she fidgeted slightly, before replying guiltily, "Yes sir, I'm finding my situation slightly awkward."
"Indeed," I replied, "It may become more awkward. Take off your thong."
"Do I have to, sir?"
I didn't like the questioning of my instructions. Taking her hand tightly, I pulled her to the chair that was on the other side of the room, and sitting myself down, I forced her over my knee.
"I don't like having my wishes questioned, young lady. You had been warned, and now you must pay the consequences."
Sarah started to struggle slightly, her breasts rubbing against my trousers.
"Please sir, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," Sarah pleaded.
"Too late I'm afraid, your bottom will be getting very sore."
Taking the thin silk of the thong, I tugged it down her legs to her ankles. With one hand pressing her body downwards I landed a hard smack on her right buttock.
"Ow!" She cried out.
The second smack on her left buttock was followed by a louder shout, "Oooww."
There followed a dozen smacks across her backside, as she struggled, and yelled for mercy. As I stopped, Sarah realised it was over, for now. Her breathing slowed, as she whimpered slightly.
"Maybe that taught you a lesson young lady," I said, as I smoothed my hand over her reddened buttocks.
"Yes sir, thank you, sir," she said in a croaky voice.
Meanwhile, my fingers were stroking the back of her thighs, and then moving over the warmth of each cheek. As they smoothed the flesh, they strayed slightly between the cheeks of her ass, and Sarah's whimpering became silent. She moved slightly to part her legs, almost inviting me to venture further.
"I think you should relax now my little one, there is no more pain, just pleasure."
Sarah visibly did relax, and as my fingertips reached her pussy, she sighed with satisfaction. Her pussy was almost dripping with her juices. My finger slid between her pussy lips and found her clit. It was so engorged that the little bud stood out proudly, and as my finger ran over it Sarah shook with pleasure, and let out a loud groan.
"Ohhhhhh, please," she cried, as I dragged my finger back over it.
I only had to repeat this twice more, and as I circled it again, she started to cum. I held onto her, as she shook with the orgasm.
" Oh John, I don't know what you did but do it again."
"I'm sir to you, young lady," I said sternly. " Do you want another spanking?"
"Oh no, no, I'm sorry, sir, I was just so wound up."
I reassured her that I'd forgiven her that moment of indiscretion, and I allowed her to stand up. I was smiling as I removed the blindfold, and as Sarah became accustomed to the light I kissed her softly on the lips.
"I don't know if you enjoyed that little bit of role play?" I enquired nervously.
"John I thought it was so exciting, really. Although my bum is sore!"
"Well Sarah, I haven't finished yet, with your permission?"
"Oh, John you are silly, a real gentleman. But can you show me how a gentleman makes love?"
I needed no second invitation. Sarah lay back on the sofa with her pussy pink, and exposed, glistening in the light from the table lamp.
I began to undress, taking off my trousers, my shirt, my boxers, exposing my cock, which was seeping so much precum from the tension of the last half hour.
I lowered myself to kneel on the floor beside the sofa. I looked at Sarah, and she knew exactly where I was going. I lowered my head, and my tongue took a first delicious taste of her pussy. There was a deep sigh, as she arched her back, and I started to lap those juices up.
There is nothing better than burying your face in a succulent pussy. The juices smeared over your face as you lick deeper and longer. There is an art to that technique of licking, and sucking the folds of a pussy, and the bud of a woman. If you can read the signals, you can hold her on the edge. Just far enough away to know how far to push, hearing the audible sounds of pleasure, assessing the needs of when you should plunge over the edge.
Sarah was the perfect foil. We seemed to have a unity of purpose, and she too, held herself ready to let go.
When she came the sofa seemed to shake with her hips pitching up and down. She gripped my head between her thighs, as her pussy seemed to pour more juices down my chin.
As the room quietened from her exultations, I looked up at her laying back in the cushions with eyes half-closed, catching her breath. When they opened, she smiled at me between her thighs, willing me to raise myself up, and kiss her.
I moved my face towards her. She watched as my lips, still damp with her juices, touched hers. We kissed, and then an almost startled look, and a moan, as I entered her. She had suddenly remembered that I hadn't cum, and my cock was waiting for its pleasure.
As I pushed deep into her she couldn't help but say, "You devil John, ooooooh fuck me."
The sofa absorbed the impatience of my thrusting. Sarah's pussy juices made a delicious sound as my thighs met hers. I was not expecting her to react as she did, given that she'd cum twice already, but as we found a rhythm that suited us both, I realised that I could make her cum again. And cum she did. After some minutes she was meeting every thrust I made with a cry out loud. I needed no encouragement, and with both of us bathed in sweat we both found ourselves staring into each other's eyes, almost urging each other on.
The dam broke, I watched Sarah throw her head back, closing her eyes, and letting out a scream. Her nails dug into my back, and raked their way downwards. The sudden pain brought its own results. My cock muscles tightened and my first salvo of spunk ejaculated inside her, the second, third, and fourth followed as we collapsed, our bodies slippery with perspiration.
We lay in disbelief at our efforts. Exhausted we both showered together, Sarah attending to the scratches on my back.
As the evening grew late, but we chatted on. I helped clear up, and wash the dishes, and at about midnight we sat down again with coffee. We talked like old friends, and I opened up about some of my adventures. This seemed to give Sarah more confidence to tell me about her experiences as a twenty-something in Brum.
There was a failed marriage, the first one. There was a career in advertising, with some photographic modelling. There was the inability to have children. There was a period of promiscuity before she met her last partner. And then there was his unfaithfulness and the split. She cuddled up to me as she spoke, being so honest, and sometimes tearful. We grew tired, it had been an exhausting evening.
"Would you like to stay the night, John?"
"That would be nice if you don't mind," I said.
And so we went to bed. A goodnight kiss, and then sleep.
I awoke as dawn broke, about 5.30 am.
I had a typical morning erection, made worse by Sarah being next to me, completely naked.
She was breathing quietly, on her side, with her back to me. I studied the shape of her spine, and that indentation at its base, just above the buttocks. I lay on my side, edging closer to her, in a familiar 'spoons' position.
Gradually my chest pressed against her back, without waking her. I put my arm over her arm. My cock was lodged under her bottom, it was uncomfortable, but it felt so close. If only I could raise her leg, my cock would be up against her pussy.
It seemed like an age, I listened to the dawn chorus outside, and still, I stayed erect.
Suddenly Sarah stirred, her breathing stopped, and started again. As though she knew what I was thinking, she moved one leg straight, and lifted the other up to her chest. My cock felt the heat and the softness of her pussy. I used my hand to rub the head gently from side to side. Just a fraction, but enough to part the lips. I felt the wetness. Decision time. Do I wake her, or do I try to slide inside?
The decision was made for me. Sarah lifted her leg higher.
"Are you going to fuck me or not?" she giggled.
"You little minx, when did you wake up?"
"When you started to rub your bristly chin against the back of my neck," she replied.
I shoved hard, and my cock skewered her.
"Then how does that feel?"
"Mmmmmmmm, exquisite you randy old man."
"Less of the old, you middle-aged slut."
It was becoming a name-calling fest. I snuggled my bristly chin into her neck, and started to move my cock. The names were forgotten as I tweaked Sarah's nipples.
"Harder," she demanded.
I squeezed hard, then pulled them, until they were elongated, and she was groaning. As I released them, she said, "God that felt good."
I was beginning to learn something new about Sarah. Last night's spanking was just a taster. I was motionless inside Sarah as I played with her nipples. I squeezed, and tugged with one hand, while the other felt it's way down to her pussy. My fingers found her clit, and began to massage, stroke, and squeeze.
I could tell this would end soon. The more I squeezed, and tugged her nipples, the wetter she became, and the more sensitive her clit proved to be. The sounds that she made were a mixture of pain, pleasure, and pure animal.
When her orgasm started it was difficult to stay inside her. Her body convulsed, and I yelled out, as she sunk her teeth into my arm. She realised what she'd done, and as I let go of her I could see the teeth marks red, just above the elbow.
"John, I'm so sorry, I got carried away."
I kissed her and held her close.
"Let me take away the pain," and she leaned over and opened the drawer of the bedside table. Turning her head she said, "Right, your turn to close your eyes."
Obediently, I closed my eyes, and next, I felt Sarah's hand close around my cock, and bring it back to full stiffness. I was willing to lay back and enjoy whatever Sarah was going to do. I heard the familiar buzz of a vibrator, and then felt it first on my nipples, and then working its way down across my tummy to my cock. Sarah placed it under the notch of the head and held it there.
It was over in less than a minute, I've never cum so fast.
I opened my eyes in time to see my cock shoot a spurt of semen over Sarah's breasts, and then pump itself over my stomach, and pubic area. There was an oozing flow over her fingers, which she took delight in licking, and then scooping the puddles from my tummy, and placing it in the hollow of her tongue.
She kept her mouth open, showing me the pool of white fluid glistening there. And then in one move, she took my head, laying me back on the pillow, opening my mouth and letting the spunk flow in a cascade down into my mouth. And then she kissed me. It was total eroticism and something new to me.
"God, you're so hot," I said when I'd swallowed my cum, and recovered myself.
It had been quite a night. I wasn't sure how long this relationship would last.
Is that cynical?
Maybe I'll write the ending one day.
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IncestI first met her about 8 years ago. I met her online in a video chat room. I had met other women in chat rooms, but none that I ever really connected with. You see I’ve always felt a tad bit silly visiting those sites. I even assumed that I wouldn’t meet anyone that I would like, although I realized that that view was indeed a bit hypocritical. Rather, I would lurk and read the dialogue, but it quickly bored me. However, this woman was different. She was quick-witted, she was bright and she...
Hello People this is Luvbunny once again here to share my story with you guys. This happened with me in 2010 December and I met this beautiful South Indian Kerala lady or should say girl online via website chatting and her name is Sonia 29 years of age when we met. She is about 5 feet tall typical south Indian skin colour black hair till shoulders black eyes soft lips, bust size 32 C flat tummy and cute little ass but married lady. I use to surf a lot online to meet girls online but never got...
A Chasti-Permalock Twist By StrangeQ I have been monitoring the progress of Chasti-Permalock for some time, a couple of years perhaps. I've read up literature, technical documents, user reports and - in some cases where the user was unable to put their experiences to paper - even master reports observing the behaviours of their CP modified slaves. For some time too I have wondered and fantasised about having such a device fitted, though I was never able to decide on the finer...
This story is about my first real life experience, how I met the first female of my life in an online chat room, which paved way into real meetings and my first sexual experience Hello. I am Deepak and these are my experiences in life. I thought of narrating the same for our mutual pleasure. I will be talking of my real life sex experiences. I will not take the real names of any of my partners and will neither reveal the same. So please don't ask me the same. But, I am looking forward to hear...
IndianOnlineFreeChat has one of the most generic names I’ve seen slapped on an adult site lately, but sometimes those bland keyword search titles make for internet gold. The fact that these guys have been around since 2007 says something, but does it speak to the strength of their platform or did they just pick a good name? They get half a million visitors a month, so I was hoping it was the former, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I lubed up and tried it out for myself.Despite the SFW domain name...
Sex Chat SitesPart 2As arranged, I turned up the following week.I was nervous not sure what to expect and would it be as exciting as the last time.I knocked on the door, the door opened and thee was Jimmy dressed only in a white dressing gown. He invited me in and ushered me to the living room.To my surprise sat on the settee was another gentleman, also dressed in a white dressing gown.I was introduced to Evan, Jimmy said he had invited him because 5 years ago Evan would have been me and he knows what I was...
The tree was glittering with lights. Her stocking was hung on the mantle. A crackling fire danced in the fireplace. A CD full of Christmas tunes filled the room with holiday cheer. To anyone looking in the window, it would’ve appeared as if the occupant was in a festive mood. That is, unless they knew the occupant. Tess sat in front of her computer, alone again on Christmas Eve and talking to others who were suffering from the same problem. Far away from family and few friends aside from...
Hello everyone. I am Shankar Dubey. I am from Uttar Pradesh and this is my first story here. I used to read lots of sex stories from Indian Sex Stories. So, I planned to pen down my experience which took place a few months ago. Hope you people would like it. I used to visit Varanasi very often along with my parents. I also love to watch Bollywood and Bhojpuri movies. But I cannot spend all my life in the bathroom releasing my body tension with the help of my hand. I too wanted to have some kind...
We met online months ago, total strangers. Just a man and a woman looking for some company. Kimmy messaged me. We started chatting. It ranged from how our day was to who we would like to have sex with. And everything in between. We eventually started to sext as well. We talked almost every day about anything and everything. We learned about each other's likes and dislikes. What our jobs were, friends, family and even hobbies. It was just like dating except I didn’t get to kiss her goodnight or...
IncestChapter 1 Jim had been dating a woman from a city a little over 2 hours from him. They met in an online chat room that was on the biggest online service back then. For two years they dated on and off, but it was mostly for the sex. Although they were both fond of one another and enjoyed what they did together, neither of them felt the need to move to eithers area and take the relationship to the next level. Terri, his lover, had all of her family there, and Jim had his where he was from...
-Oh yeah, definitely I love it! Better than young guys who don’t know what they are doing, and besides your not that old- -Well I’m twenty two and your fourteen babe! I mean this online stuff is okay…but…- -But what? Come on…plz baby? I’m asking you…my parents are gone tonight until next week, how about a little preview of what you could get…- On the screen an image of this girl appeared. Shoulder length brown hair in a pony tail. She was standing up in front of a mirror standing spread...
Introduction: This is a Fiction story. This is a story of pure fiction: Repeat THIS NEVER HAPPENED -So youve been with older people before sweetie?- -Oh yeah, definitely I love it! Better than young guys who dont know what they are doing, and besides your not that old- -Well Im twenty two and your fourteen babe! I mean this online stuff is okay&hellip,but&hellip,- -But what? Come on&hellip,plz baby? Im asking you&hellip,my parents are gone tonight until next week, how about a little preview of...
ONLINE BOTTOMSixty five year old, super thick, hung and always horny Lester was scanning the personal adds in his favourite adult gay hook up site on his computer. He described himself as an older hung Top Daddy who liked young or skinny smooth all over twinky type guys with a hungry arse for Daddies.All members had to be 18 plus and a smooth young guys profile attracted him with photos on it of his cute, round bubble butt. His large cock began to enlarge in his underpants as he looked at the...
Hi dosto, ye meri sachi kahani hai jo main ap logo ke sath share karna chahta hu. Mera naam Rohan hai aur main Pune se hu. Height 6 feet well built muscular type bodya hai aur mere lund ke size 6 inch hai jo ke kisi bhi ladki ko bahut maza deta hai. To jyada time waste na karte hue main directly story par ata hu. Socially main bahot active hu. Ek din achanak se Priya (name changed) naam ke ladki ki mujhe request ayi. Waise to usne uss time koi display picture nahi rakhi thi. Fir bhi maine...
My name is Michael, and I was 17 at the time, when I first discovered I was into men as well as women. I was about 5 foot 8inches tall with a small muscular frame, so nothing special. I wouldn't say I was hung, but well off maybe. I am a full 7.6 inches long with a full hard on. At the age of 16, I knew I wanted to try sexual actions with another guy but had been to scared to do anything about seeking the attention of another man. When I turned 17, I started to get into chat rooms and talking...
Gay MaleOnline Sissy Training I must admit that I was surprised, but also thrilled to get the email. "Hello Sissy Michelle;" it read. "Please excuse my impertinence in reaching out to you, but I have seen several of your posts on Craigslist, Fetlife and Adult Friend Finder. You always say that you are a sissy seeking dominant men who will train you to become a sissy cum slut. I am guessing that you have not found that man as of yet, because I keep seeing variations on the same ad week...
I had known that Nikki was a slut for many years. I didn't care at all. In fact, the truth of it actually turned me on. We began dating when she was still married to another man. I took pride in having another man's wife as my own personal plaything.Nikki served my every sexual whim, she was submissive. Nikki loved to be told what to do. She loved to pleasure a man. It gave Nikki a sense of power to make another man cum.I took full advantage, using Nikki like so many other men had already done...
ExhibitionismHi, this is Rahul, this is the incident when I was 24 years old and my chachi was 38 years old. She was fat her figure was 40-44-44. She had an average height, not so tall, not so short. She was very fat, her boobs were big and bulgy belly and her lower back was huge. She was a teacher. She used to wear normally XXXL top and full pants or a long nighty with a rope set. My chachi was a very modern woman. One day in the afternoon, I was going to take a bath. We had a common big bathroom. There...
IncestHi. My name is Maria Fuentes. I am a detective at the vice squad in Dallas. In our daily practice we have to do with all kinds of nasty things. Wikipedia describes vice as a word that serves as “an umbrella for crimes involving activities that are considered inherently immoral, regardless of the legality or objective harm involved.” It sounds great, but it involves prostitution, drugs, alcohol and gabling among other crimes. It is less poetic then. One day, a very pregnant girl entered our...
rhkapur: i m sori my net had some prob rhkapur: r u there sonia_2: yeah,, rhkapur: so did u like what we did rhkapur: can we be friends rhkapur: are u busy doing something rhkapur: ohh rhkapur: hello rhkapur: where are u sonia_2: no, sonia_2: i am here rhkapur: hey sonia honey where are u are upset or something i m sori if i did wrong sonia_2: it's ok rhkapur: can we be friends sonia_2: why not rhkapur: can i ask u something sonia_2: yes rhkapur: was this ur first sex chat experience, did u...
Erotic"Thank you! I can add this to my collection!" "Your very welcome!" There was a second bulky gift in the bag. I pulled out to what seemed to be a DVD. I looked at the cover wich read, "Blonde Bombshells 3" On the back it read. "Ultimate fun with Chrissy, Tammy and Dildos! Watch them as they engage them selves in pleasureable fun!" Stan had to leave to work a late shift at the store. He would be back at morning. I couldnt wait to watch the movie. The door slammed shut as...
If the notion of TS Dating gets you all hot and bothered, well, perhaps you’d better strip down and turn the AC up before we get into this following review. Then again, maybe it’s better if you stay dressed and ready to go out, but I guess it all depends on whether you’re shooting for an incall or outcall tonight. Do you want to bang a shemale in your own bed, or would you rather go somewhere else, so your wife doesn’t wonder how all the bedsheets got so completely caked up in santorum? Ah,...
Escort SitesIt had been a while since I was on a date. I've been to busy with work to hang out at a bar. I wasn't that much of a drinker either. Anyway, I decided to try online dating. I filled out the profile, found a semi good-looking pic of myself I could tolerate. And I posted it. Now, we wait and see if there is any interest. In the meantime, I'll browse profiles to see if anyone catches my eye. I saw a few attractive profiles so I clicked the flirt button on their profiles.A few days go by...
First TimeThree things can happen in a marriage and two are bad. I’m experiencing one of the bad things. It’s called divorce. Hi! I’m Mike Dawson. I go by M.D. What am I doing now? I am now sitting in my girlfriend’s Sunday school class at a protestant mega-church. It’s a class for divorced singles. The speaker is telling them how men don’t understand their wives and moms, and there is one reason for the awful divorce rate — MEN! So where did this start? Last night, we made the night club circuit. We...
HumorIt’s been one of those dates that has been a pleasant surprise. Most of the time the online world is a disappointment but you were there on time, looked like your pictures and actually knew how to have a conversation. We spent several hours in a corner banquet in a small bar that was on the second floor of an old building. You wore a sweater that was off your shoulders so I could tell you weren’t wearing a bra. It was sometimes distracting, as were the few times that you touched my arm as...
We are supposed to meet tonight, but I am so scared."What am I doing? Am I nuts?" I question myself, as I get ready to go on my secret date with Tom. I have tried on every outfit that I have in my closet and settled on a pair of casual black leggings that show off my large booty. I am going to pair it off with a black blouse with sheer and beaded sleeves with a low scoop neck in the front that accentuates my voluptuous bosom and a nice pair of black beaded stilettos. I left my hair long and...
Love StoriesThere are many things that change how people live and nothing is really the essence of the dating and marriage. It is marriage brings balance in people's lives and make sure that you are ready to change how you live and life map. A dating site is one of the places you should check if you are looking for a system; a dating partner brings your way.It is very important to know that a changed little in life more and more effective so don't miss the big picture. Most important thing is that many men...
Hey to you all, what's up? :)First of's your Inner Game going? Have you had the chance to work a little bit on it? What was your way to start working on it: was it sports, hanging out with the right people, another one, or more of them combined? I wouldn't mind if you'd leave your comments about how's your Inner Game going and how are you working on it, because honestly, I'm curious about it and it would make me feel very...comfortable and happy to know that this Inner Game thing is...
I can't get enough of stories about games with slightly different rules than normal (I think you know what I mean!) so thought I would try one myself. They're all pretty similar so this one results in changes through a slightly different technique which I don't think has been used before. Enjoy, and don't forget to tell me what you think! I'd love to see more game stories on the site so keep writing them Please! SRU: Poker With A Twist By Gina R I stared at the strange store,...
Fortunately, not all of my friends were like Helen. Gemma was another girl that I hung out with. She was a cute blonde with a great personality. She was funny and always had a good comeback; while she wasn't in the best cliques, she was certainly well liked. Ken and Helen started going out, and after seeing them together for a while, it made me realize that I wanted to ask Gemma out. However, before I did, I decided to ask my mother about it. "Mom, how do I ask a girl out?" I asked...
‘Vito, did you see my newspaper?’ ‘Newspaper? Yeah, I used it for the cat box.’ ‘Cat box? That was today’s newspaper. I didn’t read it, yet.’ ‘You don’t need no stinkin’ newspaper, Joey. Listen, c’mon look over my shoulder at my computer screen.’ ‘Don’t need no newspaper? How am I supposed to enlighten myself and keep up with current events as they become current?’ ‘The computer, look at the computer.’ ‘The computer?’ Joey looked at the monitor over Vito’s shoulder. ‘What are you doing...
One night I was on the computer just chatting with people, flirting with everyone, as is my style. In the room, a man caught my eye. His screen name was lover_of_women. Of course, I began flirting with him, but I let my chance with him slip through my fingers. He began going out with another girl, and I was simply left to watch even though I wanted him. A few weeks later, Mike broke up with this girl. I made my move quickly, I wasn’t letting this pass me up again. Immediately I messaged him,...
He was on again so I said hello. He ignored me for about an hour before my messenger beeped.“You said you wanted to meet if I could accommodate, rght?”My last meet had been not so hot, I was feeling sick after cycling there! Damn flu!“Glad you better but I want to. u said u for kink? Rghit??”I told him I was up for kinky.“Great, grert……… “He asked my bra size and knickers, stockings and dress size and stiletto heels size! I began to think I may get expensive free ladies heels from this meet. I...
This is based on a dialog with a fellow Xham user. He publishes pics of his wife's tits and encourages comments and tributes. I offered to write a story and we went from there. I never finished it because his preference is for pretty serious abuse of the tits, and that's not really my thing. Tits are too magnificent to be tied up or beaten, in my opinion. He also said she'd never willingly go along with a threesome, so it had to be a non-cooperative scene. If I get any feedback that I should...
Hi Guys, Back again with another experience. My name is Kabir, I am 26 yrs old and have shared a bunch of my stories here at ISS from my massage experience to the story called metro to the bedroom. Those of you who have read my earlier experiences know that I am a pure bottom, submissive and girly and love to CD at times. I’m 5″5 in height, fair and have a nice round butt. The story I am about to narrate happened a few weeks ago. I usually meet a lot of people through Skype while having some...
Gay MaleOnline Friendship to Lustful Relationship with a Divorcee. Hello every one, I have been great reader of ISS for more than 5yrs now, with the inspiration of the stories, I had couple of experiences which I have decided to narrate. I’m 27, M from Hyderabad, working in an IT company at Hitechcity, 5’6” average looking guy. This story is the real incident in Jan’15. As everyone of know FB is the place to meet strangers apart from know ppl. Nisha is one of those strangers who became friend from a...
First of all, I want to thanks ISS for giving this wonderful opportunity to share our sexual experience, before two weeks or so I have posted my last story ” Incest with rama chithi” I have got more than 20 positive responses and now I’m going to share my next sexpisode happened on 1st of January, guys and girls send ur responses and feedback to Posting my last story on 22/12/14 I got a reply from an unknown mail id saying that, the story was good and I hope to have chat with you sex, and I...
It was a long trip home from work, several days of flights and layovers, of which Riley was excited to get through. In addition to the relief of getting back home, there was also the excitement of being able to play with his toys after several months away. The toys of course...were slightly atypical, but the long travel period had the added benefit of ensuring that Riley was unable to play with himself for several days leading up to getting home. As he walked back into the apartment...
Part 2 : Feedback is certainly appreciated! Either as a review here, or feel free to message me on kik (albatrossiv) Picking up where we left off we have Riley caged, plugged, and dressed as a slutty schoolgirl in his apartment settling down for an evening of online play. As a personal rule Riley tried to only play with one dom at a time, as he found that frequently a dom would ask for a few pictures or such and then sign took some work to find someone who wanted...
Part 3 : Feedback is certainly appreciated! Either as a review here, or feel free to message me on kik (albatrossiv), I'm trying to keep each section shortish and easy, drawing on personal experiences. Picking up where we left off we have Riley just after his first longer session with a dom online, he's been left dressed only in a thong, stockings and garter, corset, collar and hood. Of course, Riley is also still wearing his chastity cage, and has a vibrating plug buried in...
As always, feel free to review here, or get in touch on kik! (albatrossiv) Part 7: Quick recap of parts 1-6: Riley, a sissy, had been playing online when one thing led to another and he fell into the hands of a domme at a local bar. Following her home he wound up spending the night, waking up to her empty house he was tasked with some domestic chores, and managing to insert a massive plug in his ass. Now, plugged and caged (its been several days of relentless teasing since Riley...
My first online to offline meetingWe met on a website as I was starting out, he was a male Dom, in to electrical play. It started as messages on a chat room then on to text messages. He took over control of my wanking habits and started me on a journey in to kink.I could be at work or at home and I would receive texts telling me to play with my cock or come for him. He would make me use straps, harnesses, candle wax and sounds on my cock.I received a text from him telling me not to wank and...
Lastnight I was on a video chat site when I came across a gorgeous woman with a top that split right between her breastsI commented on how sexy she looked, and supprisingly she privated me asking how sexy I thought she was.I said "very"she said "show me then" so I turned on my cam pulled my shorts and pants down and pointed the camera at my cock that was semi hard at the time."well that little thing is not showing me how sexy it thinks I am" I felt a bit hurt by being called small and was about...
**Owners note: Hello welcome to the story, in writers guidelines is how to be added to the list of people that can add chapters, there are a couple already and hopefully that will help this story be really active for you guys, there really is many rules on what you can add just make sure it's interesting, and follows the story that has happened up to that point, I also have a discord server for Body swap, possession, transformation, and all that stuff message me on discord to check it out** You...
Mind ControlHello everyone, Saurav again. Last 2 stories ka acha response mila mujhe. Jinhone mujhe mail ya text kuch bhi kiya ho, un sab ko main thanks bolna chaahta hu. So is baar ek aur nayi story likh raha hu, jo hai ek married lady who lives in Gujarat and I met her online. Ye kahani ab se 6-7 months pehle ki hai. Ek ladki hai, jo ki 26-27 years ki hai, aur divorced hai. Usko main online site pe mila tha, aur hamari baat hui just casually. Fir hum calls pe video call pe baat karne lage, just as...
Hello, my name is Jessica and would consider myself to be a successful woman. I am vice-president of an accounting firm, have my very own house, and just bought a new jaguar. All in all, I'd say I was doing all right for myself. However, the one thing that I am lacking is a man. I am a very independent woman and a slight feminist, but most women have that need to be held by a loving husband. However, my lack of a man is not because I'm not good looking. At 28 I'm no model, but I still...