On Edge free porn video

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Store jingles play over the loudspeaker. Customers bustle through the aisles, pushing and shoving to get the best deal while I wonder from under my cotton surgical mask. Do they notice? Can they tell?

Catching a whiff of my arousal rising from underneath my skirt, sealed into my already soaked panties by the tight fabric of my knit wool stockings, I can’t help but rub my thighs together to feel the wetness spread around my crotch, matting my trimmed hairs. The textured pattern runs up my legs, already ripped where I knelt on the hardwood floor not thirty minutes earlier. The tight elastic of the stockings and the blue and white striped panties glued my legs together then while you looked under my skirt at my bare ass.

You really know how to make a girl wet, don’t you?

Don’t think I don’t like the tease— you appraising me, running a solitary finger down my back before flipping up my skirt and forcing my stockings down, exposing my sopping cunt. When you made me face the open window, I felt it drip obscenely. Streaks of my arousal mark the back of my legs, showing white on the black fabric. I wonder what people think when they see me looking mostly normal but a little off. Can they tell?

You make me work for it, and you make me do things like now at the grocery store.

The royal blue sweater shows nothing. The thick wool hides my aching breasts, nipples constantly rubbing the itchy fabric with every step. My heart thuds and my face flushes as I disinfect my hands at the entrance, unsure if the alcohol spray will cleanse me of this smell, this cunt smell.

You really are funny with your little tasks. You make them sound so innocent.

“Buy ingredients for dinner, will you? Oh, and don’t forget the snacks,” you said while taking photos of my exposed cunt, occasionally spreading my cream around, smearing it into my thighs; making sure the droplets glistened for the camera.

God, I felt my clit throb when you did that, but I’m a good girl and refrained. I let you edge me, and if I do this, you will reward me.

Grabbing a small plastic basket, the same cherry red as my cheeks which are thankfully hidden under my mask, I peruse the aisles, but I can’t hide the jingling. Only you would make me go out with my collar. Can people tell? Do they know what it means? Are they aware that I’m your little cum slut? I would do anything to cum at this point, but you send me here, the fucking grocery store.

A ten-minute walk from home, alone and exposed for all to see. Modest tidings can be fooling, and you and I both know that underneath lies pure, unadulterated cunt. You made sure of that when you commanded I finger myself in front of you, gathering my juices and massaging it into my face and neck over and over until all I could taste was cunt. All I could smell was cunt, and now, wearing my own scent as lipgloss, I search for dinner.

Striding through the meat aisle, pupils dilated, every step rubs against my already swollen clit. God, I hate what you do to me. The only thing saving me is my plaid skirt. The polyester-cotton blend of forest green and navy hides the wet patch that’s seeping through the layers of fabric.

I’ve never found a cut of meat sexy, but you make me feel like one. Staring glassy-eyed at the pork cutlets and chicken thighs, I think of how you splayed me out— how I hope you will splay me out when you finally let me cum.

Piling ingredients into the basket without much thought, my mind fogs over. The polished steel bell tinkles out, drawing stares. It’s hard to walk. I think I might give myself away. I know you would like that, knowing others notice how desperately horny I am. Could you imagine if I let a stranger take me in the bathroom, or worse, with the fish? I suppose the fish would mask some of my musk better than that overpowering artificial daisy-scented perfume they put in the toilets.

Recycled cunt circulates under my mask as I enter the snack aisle.

Biting my lower lip, a man brushes up against me, hand cupping my ass. It could be an accident, or maybe I just smell like a whore and he knows it. He passes by without incident, but I’m so turned on, even that brush over the fabric almost made my knees buckle. You know I would never let anyone touch me normally, but today is not normal. I’m on edge. Very on edge.

With no one around, my hand nonchalantly works its way down. The outside of my slit sears painfully through the tight woolen stockings, juices oozing through the knitted fabric, the smell overpowering. I can't tell if it's my needy pussy filling my nostrils or all the cunt smeared under my mask like some sort of depraved perfume. I try to look normal, facing shelves lined with a colorful assortment of cookies and chocolates.

Heat builds in my cheeks like slow-burning charcoal, growing in intensity while running my finger up and down under my skirt, slimy musk sticking to me. Hearing footsteps, I tense, quickly wiping my finger off on the hem. The bell rings out as I swivel my neck around to see if they see how much of a fucking cum slut I am. I need to look normal, but I don't think I can wait to pay at the cashier.

Swiping a combination of brightly packaged junk food at random into the basket, I rush to the counter. You said I needed to spend ten minutes shopping, but with my clit pressing against my bound panties, I don't know if I can wait much longer. The bell jingles while I run, almost bumping into other shoppers. Rubber-soled tennis shoes squeak on the floor, face burning up with humiliation, trying desperately not to get caught.

At the check-out, I dart my eyes around. Everyone keeps their distance. Is it because of the neon orange tape marking where to queue, or do I reek of cunt? I avert my gaze when I see the cashier's nostrils flare. Handing over a wad of cash with my sticky fingers, his eyes trace the black leather band of my collar. I think he knows.

Leather cuts through my neck while I stumble into the grocery store bathroom. Everything feels hazy, my senses heightened. Entering the first empty stall, I secure the shopping bags on a hook before locking the door. I can't help myself. I'm so close to cumming, but I know you won't let me. I know you like to torture your toys first, and that's all I am to you... your fucktoy to do with as you please. I hope this pleases you, Miss.

Fuck. My hands already grasp the elastic of my wooly stockings, peeling them halfway down my legs. A large strand of cunt juice connects to the inside of my panties. Running my fingers over my puffy labia, it takes all my self-control not to press them over my swollen clit. Arousal drips down in slow motion, drops forming over the glistening strands like translucent pearls. The toilet stall smells of piss, but it doesn't stop me. My mind already crossed the threshold of normal long ago. Now only the darkest desires remain. I feel my need, but I know I can inch even closer to the edge, feet already dangling off the cliff to sweet release.  My body chooses to shuffle ever nearer to the great fall.

From the pocket of my skirt, I pull out my phone. The timer shows I only have two more minutes of hell before you open your pearly gates to me. Fuck. I need the rush, the thrill. Unlocking the screen, ignoring your messages, I open the camera. Already tingling with excitement, I switch the viewfinder to selfie mode and angle it under my cunt to capture my insatiable need for you.


The camera shutter sends a jolt down my spine. I love the risk of getting caught, even loving the risk of you breaking my trust and distributing my private photos, my gifts to you as your little cum slut.

I take another and another. Each one making my clit throb more intensely, my need on display in the public bathroom stall. Placing one foot over the toilet seat, I try to capture the perfect angle, but the need overpowers me. Selecting photos to send with one hand, my other slides its way between my dripping folds, squelching as I slip two fingers inside. Losing myself, I move my fingers in and out while I press send, collar tinkling with every thrust. Now everyone will know I'm a raging whore. 

Eyes close. Tunnel vision sets in while I float away on clouds of pleasure. I find myself reaching the cusp, breaking your rules. The bathroom door swings open. A woman gasps in shock. I can't see, and I don't want to get caught so I stop. She must have heard my sopping cunt getting filled and the ringing from behind the stall. The bathroom door opens and closes again, then silence.

Fuck. I stand still— waiting, listening. The door opens again. Security? Footsteps approach. Looking under the stall, I see a pair of grey suede boots march my way with purpose. Chunky two-inch heels clack on the bathroom tile. Fuck.

Hand still jammed halfway up my cunt, I watch unmoving at the boots pacing back and forth in front of me. Unoccupied stalls sit empty and available, but these boots are here for me. I know it. My phone buzzes. Glancing at the screen with my available hand, a slew of messages pop up.

You filthy fucking cum slut. Couldn't even wait to get home to fuck yourself.

I know you're in there, camwhore. Did you cum when you heard the shutter click? I can smell you from here.

Open up and on your knees. Don't make me wait. It's time to teach my little fucktoy a lesson in restraint.

The boots plant themselves firmly, coming to a halt in front of the stall, the hard sole of the right foot tap tap tapping impatiently.

Fingers still inside, I shuffle onto my knees, legs hobbled by the tight elastic, and reluctantly slide open the latch. I figured you followed me. Ten-minute walk to the store, ten minutes to edge without touching myself reeking of cunt— the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. It was never a one-player game. You would never deny yourself the pleasure.

Looking up from my position, my gaze travels up your body. Suede boots stop halfway up your calves, form-fitting blue jeans tucked into them. Further up, your fuzzy pink sweater accentuates your bright green eyes, glinting with untold cruelty. Like me, you wear a mask, but I can tell you’re smirking underneath. You won the game and you know it. Your dark shoulder-length hair frames your face in contrast to my own which is pleated, braid draped over my shoulder.

You look like a fit soccer mom. No one would guess who you really are, or what you do to me. Even though we’re the same height, from my position on the ground and with the added lift from your heels, I feel dwarfed by your presence.

Relocking the cramped stall, you run your eyes up and down my body, raising your eyebrows at my fingers still jammed up my dripping cunt. The cold porcelain toilet presses against my back as you inch your boots closer.

“You’re such a fucking cum slut. Look at yourself, frigging off in the grocery store.” Your strong voice drips over me like molten honey. I’m completely entranced, but I wish I wasn’t. You being here spells out only bad news.

I start to slide my fingers out.

“Keep them there. That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it, you fucking camwhore? I enjoyed your pictures by the way, but they do mean you lose the game. Do you know what happens to little fucktoys who break the rules?”

My face flushes. Heat steams up the backside of my mask like a sauna, but I obey without question. Looking up, I spot you rummaging through your purse. It sounds heavy. That’s never a good sign. You toss it on the counter space behind the toilet. I suppose most customers use it to set their groceries down while taking a shit, but not you. You pull out a spray bottle and spritz it over the toilet seat. Even with my mask, the alcohol stings my nose.

“You’re fucking disgusting trying to cum in a public toilet.” Your harsh words rake my ears, but I sense your smile from underneath your mask— a smile telling me you know exactly what you plan to do with your little toy. My heart races, each thump threatening to burst through my chest.

“Now let’s see what you bought.” Grabbing one plastic shopping bag off the metal hook, it crinkles while you rummage around. “Chicken wings and frozen salmon? Really?” You scoff, “Is this the best you could do? What in the world did you plan to make with this?”

Gazing into your eyes, I answer sheepishly, voice muffled behind my mask, “Pot-au-feu?”

“Where’s the beef?  Where’s the carrots? The onions? You’re pathetic when you’re all edged-out. All you can think about is cumming. Maybe I should deny that too.”

“No, Miss, please, I need to cum. It’s been days. I can’t think clearly. I’m desperate.”

“How desperate?”

The bathroom door opens again. Footsteps oblivious to my predicament pass by.

I whisper, “Bad enough to masturbate in a public toilet.”

Your smooth hand runs over my face, yanking my mask down. The looped string painfully tugs against the back of my ears, making me wince.

“I think you’re going to need it more than that. Tell me again, cum slut, how badly do you need to cum?” It was a statement, not a question. My cheeks sear in embarrassment, wondering if other customers can hear our exchange.

“Bad enough to do anything.” I pause, gauging your reaction, “Anything to cum.”

“That’s better. Now let’s see the rest of the goodies you bought me.” One boot steps over my thigh while your weight presses into me, heel digging into the top of my stockings just above my kneecaps. The weight pins me further into the floor with my hand still up my cunt.

“Junk food? Are you getting your period soon, or did you swipe these while you touched yourself in a pathetic attempt to cum?”

“You said to buy snacks, Miss.”

“Hah, well I guess I did.” Your eyes twinkle, “Let’s see, three packs of the same milk-vanilla cream wafers, five chocolate caramel bars, and...” An airy laugh escapes your mask, “... that’s it. I can see you’re not in the right state of mind for simple decision making so I’ll forgive the indiscretion.”

“Thank you, Miss.” My juices continue trickling down my hand. Not giving into desire and finger fucking myself in front of you takes all of my self-control.

“Do you want to cum, edge-slut?”

“Yes, please. Oh god, please. I’m so close.”

“Naughty little cum sluts don’t get to choose where or how they cum.” Your heel continues driving into my leg. The thin fabric starts to tear under its unrelenting edge.

“No, you can’t do this to me. I need this. I’m desperate.”

“Where’s your manners, cum slut?” Your voice snaps against me like a whip while you line up the wafers and chocolate bars on the counter behind the toilet one by one. Gazing intently at you, I follow your hands as they open up one of the wafer packages, removing a rectangular cookie, eying it.

“Miss, please. I said I’d do anything.”

“Later. Give me your hand, the one up your cunt.”

Never breaking eye contact, I reluctantly slide my fingers out. They glisten with my arousal. You grab my hand roughly around the wrist.

Rubbing the cookie over my hand, my juices smear into the crispy wafer until crumbs stick to my palm, smothering it. Gloopy strands stick to the top. My lips part expectantly, but your intentions are cruel.

Snapping the wafer in half, letting crumbs sprinkle over my face, you place it on the edge of the toilet seat. You remove your heel from my leg. I keep my mouth open, but my eyes widen and my breath quickens, realizing what’s expected.

I hesitate. No amount of alcohol spray will get rid of the rancid piss smell emanating from inside the toilet bowl. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you want me to do.

Grabbing me by the collar, you force me to turn around, still on my knees, thrusting my face over the rim. The jangling from the bell echos off the porcelain. Thankfully, it’s mostly clean.

“Taste your need, fucktoy.”

My face dangles precariously over the bowl, lips brushing over the cum-coated cookie on the toilet seat. Eyes shut tight. I try not to think how disgustingly depraved this is. If this is how you want to use me, if this is what I need to do to cum, then I’ll do it. I’ll do anything.

Blood rushes to my cheeks as I relent, opening my mouth and grabbing the wafer halves from the porcelain rim with my teeth. Time stands still while I struggle to eat it all hands-free. Cautiously, I turn to look at you, emerald eyes cutting through me.

“You missed some, cum slut.”

This humiliation can only go on so long, but I’m so fucking horny, I would even lick the toilet seat. Fuck, I actually run my tongue over it, picking up any spare cum-crusted crumbs. Does this please you, Miss? Does it please you enough to finally let me cum?

Without saying a word, the toe of your boot works its way between my legs, rubbing back and forth over my sopping slit. The friction from the suede mashes my clit. Bell tinkling softly, breath rasping, I grab the outer ledge of the toilet bowl, feeling you take me there. Reaching the cusp once more, you pull your foot away leaving me devoid of your touch, yet again hanging precariously over the edge.

“You’re going to need to work harder than that.”

A slimy patch glistens over the top of your boot.

“Clean it up, toilet-slut. Then I’ll consider fucking you like the three-hole whore you are.”

“Yes, Miss.”

Shifting my position on my knees to bend over, kissing the cum-covered suede, I eagerly lick and suck off every gooey strand. I can’t stop. I’m completely depraved, and the more you deny me, the further I’m willing to go.

My bare ass sticks out from under my skirt. You make me so uncontrollably wet. If someone barged in now, I would be completely available for them to fuck senseless. Tugging my braid,  you guide my face up to meet your eyes. With one hand you unbutton your jeans, teasing me with a tuff of dark brown curls that match the drapes.

God, you are so fucking gorgeous. I'm so edged-out I don't even care that we're cramped together in a toilet stall. Who knows how many people are passing by while you humiliate me.

"Pleasure me, fucktoy. Make me cum and I'll give you that reward... maybe.” A smirk shines playfully across your eyes. You’re the worst teasing bitch in the history of bitches, but I don’t care. I’ll take you there.

I inch closer, letting my face nuzzle your mound before gently sliding your jeans and panties down. Arousal coats the bottom of the black cotton. The addictive smell of musk fills my nose. Before I can take time to appreciate it, my face is stuffed deep into your velvety folds, my braid suddenly a reign for you to pull me closer.

To think I don’t even know your name, but I let you use me as your masturbatory aid, let you fuck my face hard with your cunt— marking me like a wild animal pissing all over its territory. You take and take, using me until I can’t be used anymore. Relinquishing it all so I can let go, relax and recharge. For all I know, you have a family, a career, a separate life.

I am your secret, and you are mine.

Juices ooze over my face, a wet spot forming over the cotton mask yanked down over my chin. Mouth open, tongue out, I graze and suck on your clit. Your face contorts with pleasure while my eyes gaze up at you. A difficult task seeing that your drenched cunt smothers me to the point of suffocation, filling me with your scent. Your hand paws at your small breasts over your sweater. Knowing your reddish nipples are pointy and hard underneath only makes me cream myself more.

God, I love how wet I make you— almost as wet as me. Sensing you reach the edge, I don’t hesitate to allow you to jump off the cliff into pure bliss. Your pleasure is mine, and I drink every last drop from your spasming cunt as you orgasm.

Leaving my lips clasped over your slit while you ride out the waves, my heartbeat crashes against my chest. Finally, this should be enough. Now you will pleasure me, Miss. At least... I hope you will.

The grip on my braid relaxes, your ragged breathing slowly subsides. Pulling my face away, strands of your arousal connect me to your dripping sex. I look into your eyes waiting like an eager puppy, hoping you throw me a bone.

“You’re such a good little fucktoy. Don’t worry, I’ll give you your treat.” You rebutton your jeans while gently stroking my hair.

Toilets flush. Footsteps pass by. Sinks splash water over the acrylic countertops, but we are in our own little world. None of the risk matters anymore. All that matters is cumming.

Obediently on my knees, I watch while you slide your mask over your chin. You’re crimson lips tease me with a wry smile. My eyebrows raise when you grab one of the chocolate bars off the counter, unwrapping the foil and taking a bite. Soft caramel trails out from where you bit down.

“Do you like chocolate?” you ask smugly, dragging out each bite, slowly chewing, tempting me with its rich, alluring aroma.

“Yes, Miss.”

“Hmm... Maybe I can share, or maybe I won’t. I know how desperate you are to cum. Maybe I should make you wait until I finish my snack.”

This isn’t how I expected this to go. You’re cruel in the worst way. Frustration balls up in my stomach, but all I can do is beg for release. By this point, I'm whimpering.

“No, please. I did everything. I need to cum.”

“Didn’t I already tell you? Nasty little cum sluts don’t get to choose where or how they cum. I do.”

Fuck. I’m completely at your mercy.

The unfinished chocolate bar dangles from your mouth while you grab another one, peeling off the wrapper. Taking the half-eaten one out from between your lips, you make sure to give it a lick up and down its cylindrical form. Saliva pools in my mouth, the sweet smell irresistible.

“Show me how you use your fuck-lips, then I’ll fuck your fuck-hole.”

The melty chocolate bar covered in a trail of spit, caramel dripping down its shaft, now sits directly in front of my drooling mouth. Of course, my mouth isn’t the only place that’s drooling, wet and a complete mess.

Greedily, I take the chocolate bar between my lush lips, caramel and all. It tastes a little like you. I can’t help but moan while sucking up and down the sugary shaft. Scents of desire flood over my eager tongue. Melting chocolate seeps out the creases of my mouth, mixing with your dried up cum from earlier. You continue unwrapping the remaining chocolate bars one by one with your available hand all the while gazing lovingly (or should I say lustfully) at your desperately edged-out fucktoy.

“Good girl.” You let go of the now partially dissolved chocolate bar, leaving it rammed in my mouth. “I’m going to make you cum, but you’re such a noisy little cum slut. I think we should keep the chocolate bar where it is. You look good with your mouth stuffed.”

Easier said than done. My body heat slowly tempers the chocolate, mixing with drool that trickles down my chin, over my mask and onto my sweater. Soon, only the caramel core will remain. The sugar parches my throat, but it also makes me salivate. I do my best not to swallow the chocolate bar whole.

“Sit on the toilet, but keep the stockings on. I don’t want my little fucktoy running away when I’m finally about to play with her.”

I try to let out a ‘Yes, Miss,’ but only muffled gargles and a constant stream of liquid chocolate and spittle dribbles down my face. Without pulling my stockings up, I lift my plaid skirt and sit bare-bottomed over the toilet, legs still firmly bound together with the elastic of my stockings. You look a little too happy about my predicament.

Grinning, you take the remaining four bars of chocolate, grasping them in your right hand. To be honest, I’m a little worried and a little scared. Even with the makeshift chocolate gag, there’s no way I’ll be able to keep quiet when you decide to ravage me like the fucking whore I am. Even if by some miracle I manage to not let out even the smallest gasp when you finally touch me, the bell on my collar and the squelching that will inevitably leave my needy, achy cunt will draw attention... if it hasn’t already.

“I don’t think you deserve me touching you. That would be too good for a filthy toilet-slut so desperate she will do anything to cum in a public bathroom. No...” You pause, the edges of your lips curl up. I can only imagine what depraved thoughts are running through your head, and to think I agreed to this. You’re the reason parents warn their children about talking to strangers. I should have never talked to you at the bar, never accepted your invitation into your cold black heart and (most importantly) never let you work your way into my needy cunt. Now I’m addicted, and I can’t stop.

“... No. I think these snacks you bought for me will suffice. I bet your pussy will eat them up like it ate up my fist last Sunday. Now lift your legs, fucktoy. Show me that needy fuck-hole."

Reluctantly, I raise my legs. Underneath my wool sweater, my swollen nipples rub against the itchy fabric while I shift my position. By this point, the melted chocolate and gooey caramel glues my mouth firmly shut.

With your left hand, you push my hobbled legs further up, pressing my knees against my chest. My upper body drives further back into the counter.

“Hold your legs up. Show me how much of a filthy cum slut you are,” you command. Your voice low enough to only be heard by me, but each word travels through my edged-out mind, making my clit throb painfully. I wrap my arms under my thighs, giving you easy access to the only parts that matter, my holes that are yours to use however you please.

You appraise me again, watching my need drip into the toilet bowl in long viscous strands. Rubbing one of the chocolate bars over my slit, I feel jolts of electricity pace through my clit. My body flinches on contact, making my bell tinkle. I swear I hear someone stop outside to listen.

You don’t mess around. Sliding the first bar into my needy cunt, you thrust it back and forth. Before I can sink into euphoria, you pull it out, leaving me empty. Streaks of melted chocolate stick to the outside of my mons.

My eyes plead with you from my chocolate caramel-covered face not to stop. After all you put me through, I think I deserve release.

“My needy little cum slut wants more?” You mock. “Maybe she will get it after we use all her holes— a three-hole fucktoy for her Miss.”

Humiliation burns through my face like an open flame, my breath choppy as I inhale the combined smells of cunt and chocolate through my nose.

You reposition the slightly melted, cum-covered chocolate bar at the entrance of my puckered star. I instinctively clench, but the combination of cum and the high cocoa butter content of the chocolate confection lubes up my tight asshole. A guttural moan escapes my throat as you shove it in inch by inch, leaving only enough of a nub sticking out to angle it around the inside of my rectum. You know I don’t cum from anal. By this point, the tease is tortuous.

My arms and legs ache from their uncomfortable position. You don’t need rope to truss me up. Your powerful demeanor is enough to hold me captive. I love being your fucktoy, especially when you torture and degrade me like this.

“Does my greedy little cum slut need to cum?”

I nod my head vigorously. The twinkle in your eyes lets me know that as cruel as you are, you want to please me too.

“Let’s see how greedy your pussy really is.”

I do my best to lift my legs higher, offering up my cunt to be used. The chocolate up my ass melts into a gooey mess. Only the sticky caramel keeps it all inside. God, I’m such a filthy, disgusting orgasm-deprived whore.

Smiling triumphantly, you slide one bar up my cunt, letting it gather my juices. The outer shell begins perspiring from my internal body heat. Then you grab the second bar while twisting the first one around, stretching my squelchy fuck-hole. You make room for number two. It’s a tight fit. From my caramel-sealed lips, a muffled scream struggles to escape as you force my velvety walls to stretch to accept its new occupant.

“You’re such a glut. You should see yourself right now with all your fuck-holes covered in chocolate and cum. I think it suits my greedy rule-breaking fucktoy well that she’s taking her punishment on a toilet that reeks of piss and pussy.”

Your insults scrape down my body like nails, leaving bright red marks on my flushed face, but a rush of arousal pumps through the rest of my body with each harsh word. I love how you degrade me. It makes me so fucking hot. I don’t even care to think how I’m going to clean up after this.

Teasing me with the final chocolate bar, you rub its tip over my aching clit, making me twitch. You use your other hand to jam the other two sugary shafts further up my cunt. My head jerks back and my collar jangles loudly as I try not to rip off the caramel and chocolate sealing my lips and scream at the top of my lungs.

Without the reward of your soft skin against mine, I’m reduced to getting fucked by the very snacks I bought in my edged-out, fogged-out mental state. I should have thought out my purchases better. If I knew this is what you had planned for your little plaything, then I would have bought cucumbers instead.

The two bars up my cunt twist and meld together while you screw them inside me, rubbing against the gloopy remains of the caramelly chocolate you shoved up my ass earlier. You stop rubbing my clit, teasing my already full pussy with the third bar. I don’t think it will fit, but I also said the same thing about your fist last Sunday. I might be a size queen.

Breathing sharply through my nostrils, I can only watch as you slowly force the third bar up my used-up cunt, stretching it grotesquely. Fuck. Moaning, no longer caring about being heard, I feel the candy press against nerve endings that I didn’t even know existed.

“Such a greedy, filthy cum slut.” I can sense you getting worked up over my humiliation. Your dilated pupils can barely hide your unrestrained lust, your breath panting like an eager dog.

Thrusting in and out, using me, forcing me to hold my stockinged-hobbled legs up as high as I can, you take me there. You take me to the cusp. Chocolate and cum drip out of my holes like a depraved fondue fountain of perversion as you finally push me over the edge in an orgasmic free-fall.

Convulsing, my bell rings out to the world that I’m cumming harder than I’ve ever cum before. After days of edging, after days of being in a constant state of arousal, I crack, melting into the toilet seat like the chocolate melting out my raw cunt.

“You’re such a fucking cum slut.” This time your words comfort me like a soft downy blanket while you remove the gooey confections from my cunt and ass, or at least what’s left of them.

Tossing them away in the small trashcan usually reserved for pads and tampons in the far corner of the stall, you cover the evidence of our tryst with balled-up toilet paper. You help me drop my legs down gently over the toilet seat. Still coming down from the high, I feel like I might collapse on the tile floor. You are better than drugs, more addicting than heroin. I know I’ll be back for another hit of Miss sooner than later.

Grinning at me from ear to ear, you stroke my hair gently, brushing your fingertips delicately over my earlobe. You grab another wafer cookie from the open package and slide it into my chocolatey mouth.

“Hold still for me.” Giggling, you rummage through your purse, pulling out a 35mm rangefinder camera. Old school, I think, but there’s something special about the black and silver surrounding the lens— sleek and suave. Holding up the viewfinder to your eye, my reflection greets me in the glass. Sticky caramel, chocolate, cum and drool streak my abused face, the rectangular wafer sticking out of my coated lips like a cigar.


You capture my essence on film for your ever-growing private collection. I smile, knowing you will masturbate while reliving our play when you develop it.

“You are the perfect fucktoy.”

I eat the wafer before replying, “And you are the perfect Miss.”

“See you next Sunday?”

My messy grin smiles up at you. “Let’s make it a date.”

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The Publisher And The Author Part 2

 "Ding.""Dong."Opening the door, Nikki is standing there wearing a coat that reaches just above the knee. The buttons are undone down to the waist. I notice that Nikki is not wearing anything other than the coat. Upon entering, she lifts the coat part way up and I see her bare ass. I close the door and turn to face her. Before I could speak, Nikki grabs me by my shirt. Placing her finger on my lips, she says, "Carl, you will not speak or make a sound tonight. If you do there will be...

Office Sex
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Female for a day

  I have always been obsessed with boobs. I like them all but especially big ones. I stare at them in the grocery store and of course have an extensive collection of pics from the internet. Lately, I have even been thinking about what it would be like to have a big set myself. I'm a guy don't get me wrong, but I am fascinated by what it would feel like to have a large set of breasts. The internet is a great source of information as we all know. I found sites for cross dressers easily. I figured...

2 years ago
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My Ladies

Just thought I’d properly introduce what I call ‘my Ladies’. Linda is my wife and Sophie is our lover, friend and makes up our family unit.I met Linda several years ago and we had a ‘connection’ from the off. Our second kiss was French, deep tongues, I also held her tight and when I put one hand around her throat, her knees went a little. Stopping to see if she was ok, it turned out she was more than ok and would I do it again. Linda, it turned out, is a submissive and loves to be loved and...

1 year ago
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What a Slut

I was in between marriages and was pretty kinky about what I did. I was fortunate enough to start dating Julie who was open to just about anything.Very early in our relationship Julie asked me if there were any fantasies that I had. While I will share some of those in other stories, this is one that I pulled off after it was clear she was willing to satisfy my desires. Julie was about 3 years older than me (I was 27, she was 30) and was the mother of a couple of k**s. She was a 5'6 slender...

1 year ago
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An End With A Beginning

As our plane gathered speed and lifted off the runway, I could see out through the window the green beauty of Kenya sweeping by underneath, and I reached over and gave my wife's hand a squeeze; and she squeezed mine back in silent reply. We both were thinking the same thing---that in the two weeks she and I had been there, her womb was now carrying an African baby! This was so because she'd begun to have some of the earliest symptoms of being pregnant.I continued to look out the window as the...

3 years ago
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My life was short. It was only half entertaining. I truly disobeyed my one goal to live long and prosper. My name is Tanya and I am dead.It had not been my fault that I had died, but when is the one who passes away, the one who is guilty? I shall here, recount the story of my death, and my afterlife to this day as best as I can:My deathday was my 20th birthday. A sad thought, but yet death, was possibly the best birthday gift I could have gotten.You see ever since I had been 15 I had been a...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Gambit Part 1 An Evening With Suzi

Author note: This story has been revised just slightly in preparation for the second (and concluding part). Thanks to all who read the first version and gave such positive feedback. I have tried to take up some of the suggestions made in that feedback in part two. Sorry it has taken so long. Love Cleo Xxx Girlfriend's Gambit, Part 1: I. Sian. Suzi opened the door with a smile. She was dressed casually in tight jeans cut low across her waist and a pretty black crop-top,...

1 year ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 7

"There's a crate for you Captain Todd," called the Storeman. "Just in on the freighter from Sol 3." "Yeah, what?" I called out. "Paint, anyway that's what it says on the manifest," he shouted across the storeroom. Good, the matt black paint I had ordered had arrived and now, with the help of the Starbase's space dock, we can spray number 299 all over black. "It really does work you know, Candy," said Lila who was supervising the re-spray. "You can hardly see it." "Well, I...

1 year ago
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Mere Biwi Ke Chudai Mere 4 Doston Ne Ki

Hi mere naam Maanveer hain or mere biwi ka Shilpa..Hum Mumbai se hain..Mere lund ki lambai 5-6 inch ki hain or par woh mere biwi ko chudate waqt dekh se khada nahi hota jisne mere biwi bahot chirthi thi… Mere biwi ka naam Shilpa hain.. Uske chuchi ka size 38 hain or gand ve around 38 ki hogi..Main ve ane lund ki wajah se pareshan rehne laga tha or gay sex ke taraf attract hone laga tha . Es baat ke feeling maine Shilpa se ve ki or bataya maine apne do doston Sunil or Rehan ke sath college ke...

2 years ago
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Murat was one of my first loves. We met online in college. He was the photo I slept with for a year. He was the guy in Turkey that wrote me love letters and sent me music and jewelry and post cards of couples kissing. He was the first person who ever awakened my sexuality. I spent hours thinking about him when I was 21. I never got to see him, the emails stopped. I could not remember if his parents had told him to stay away from me or if he had just tired of me. I went on to marry someone else...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Padosi Ki Beti Ki Chudaai 8211 Part II

Maine Pallavi se poochha ki phir kab milogi. Tomorrow,” Pallavi said, as she opened the van door. “Don’t you remember. You and Neetu invited us over. Main chadhhi nahin pahan ke aaungi, taiyyar rehna.” Pallavi and Nisha left without another word. I went back to work, unable to think of anything except Pallavi for the rest of the day. Shikha, Sooraj and Pallavi all came over the next day about two o’clock. Pallavi wore a crop top and a mini dress. The top seemed to hang far in front of her...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Best Friends Dad

It was August this summer, and I had recently turned 18. I was tanning in my best friend, Keirsten’s backyard. I was wearing a tiny white bikini, the bottoms a thong style. Let me describe myself: I am tall at 5’10”, with long legs and naturally tan skin. I have brown hair with natural golden highlights from the sun that goes down to the middle of my back. I have C cup tits that are round and firm, yet still bouncy. I have a toned stomach and neatly shaved pussy. My ass is a perky bubble...

3 years ago
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Sammy Tammy and Me

From my seat at the computer, I could move my head a little to the left and see the middle of the back yard. That’s where the lounge chair was laid out flat, and that’s where Samantha was laid out flat on top of it. But there was nothing flat about Sam. I took a quick peek, and noted the little bumps in the skimpy bra, where her dainty nipples were standing up gradually straighter as a capricious breeze played over them. I yelled out, ‘Hey Sam, watch out you don’t get dehydrated.’ She was...

1 year ago
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The Retirees Club 21 end

Frank spoke first. "Bill and I were talking, and we're thinking it might be ok to meet with the girls sometimes, but not regularly." "I was going to ask you guys what you thought. I was non-committal after we were done last night." Bill said, "It was lots of fun, but I'm running into issues at home. Molly and I agreed to be open, and I told her yesterday what the plan was. If you didn't know her you'd have thought she was cool with it, but I could tell it bothered her a...

2 years ago
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The author shares his girlfriend with another guy in Puerto Vallarta

Several years ago my then girlfriend, Karen, and I lived in Puerto Vallarta and one of our favorite places to go was Bogart’s at the Krystal Hotel and then next door to the disco, Christine’s. At the time, Karen was in her late 30’s, blond, blue- eyed, 5’1″ and weighing all of 104 pounds with a spectacular body and incredible legs. I might add that she was also a very beautiful woman who was also very uninhibited, seldom wearing a bra, and I don’t believe she...

3 years ago
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My First Virgin

I realize that lots of people have really wild sexual histories, scores of partners, men, women, both, threesomes. foursomes, orgies, non-stop fucking of one kind or another. Well, me, I’ve fucked two women, my first wife and my second wife. Boring, huh? I was a virgin when I met my first wife, Laura, and it took us about six months before we had sex. Then, after twelve years of marriage, she died of cancer and three years later I married Coleen, who, sadly, died two years ago, also of cancer....

2 years ago
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A Very Messy Birthday Present 2

"You remember it's my birthday in three weeks, don't you?" Ayumi my Japanese girlfriend asked over dinner. It was my turn to cook so we were eating lasagne. "Of course," I replied between mouthfuls. How could I forget when I'd spent the last month planning a surprise trip to Paris for her over that bank holiday weekend and keeping it a secret? I had to make her birthday extra special this year after the treat she had given me four months previously on mine. Girlfriends are...

3 years ago
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Joy in the Joy

ronniefletcher When I was younger I got into a spot of bother and found myself up in court in front of a very bad tempered judge with the result that I ended up been sentenced to six months.This was the summer of 92 and I was doubled up (two of us in one cell)with a guy from Kildare. We got on really well, we shared a lot in common, when you're banged up at night time you get to know the in's and out's of the person that you are sharing the cell...

3 years ago
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How did I get here? What do I do now? I can’t believe I allowed them to talk me into doing this. When did I decide I wanted to become an object for men to leer at? Do women actually like being objectified and degraded by men for fun?The music began to play in the common room of the sorority house. Around me stood these Barbie doll looking girls who thought their body was more important than their brain. The way the guys out there sounded made me wonder if they could be right.I usually despised...

First Time
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EdenChapter 14

Even before the Gardener reached orbit, it was evident that there had been changes in the century since the Argo's visit. Dramatic changes. The rest of the planet—the landscape, the elevations and prominences, the distribution of life, on which most of the ship's scanning equipment was trained—was roughly identical to what the Argo had seen. Even such changes as were detected were more or less to be expected: slightly altered shorelines, minor expansions or contractions of arid desert...

1 year ago
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Daddys Little Girl Part 7

The last day of school seemed to be dragging on forever as Lindsey sat in Math class. She just wanted to go to Ellie's hotel room and relax. Summer was going to be so great. She rubbed her abdomen. Jordan was sitting next to her. “So,” Jordan said, “I heard that Alex knocked you up.” “So it would seem,” Lindsey said with a smile. “I think it's sweet. You two are perfect together.” “Yeah. I just wish that my life wasn't so screwed up.” Jordan nodded. “Have you heard anything about...

2 years ago
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NobleChapter 30

One of the young braves was in critical condition and might not survive. Two others were in the ICU but were stable. Several of them had a run in with the Russian hit squad and unfortunately all of them were killed including the agent. It seems the Russians got a little too personal with some of the local Indian girls and jealousy arose. Taking what information we could from the bodies and what the contact had passed on to Mr. Black we began to develop a plan of action. That is how we came...

3 years ago
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How i Won Back My Wife Chapter Seven

We walked into the restaurant at eight. I had worn my usual black suit. Bella had worn a black dress that ended right above her knee, revealing her smooth legs. We looked like a young couple who were celebrating their anniversary together over a romantic dinner.We put in a word to the receptionist about our arrival and she led us to our dining table. I pulled out the chair for Bella and glanced around to notice Derry and Cathy on the other side of the room. After taking a seat, I picked up the...

4 years ago
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Some of Samones life story

Not long after her mother’s death, her father began drinking. A lot. He came home most nights quite drunk, and he had started to be abusive to the sisters. The girls became closer as they began to be afraid of their father. They began to sleep in the same bedroom to share each others fears. One night the father came home and went into the girl’s bedroom. He watched them laying there in bed huddled close together with the look of fear on their faces. He stepped forward and grabbed the blanket...

2 years ago
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Killer Tuna Redux Chapter 4

Killer Tuna Redux – Chapter 4: Caddie Seattle, WA Bushwell Plaza, Apartment 8D Saturday, January 18, 2014 7:43pm It had been months since Freddie Benson had seen his best friends, Carly Shay and Sam Puckett. With Carly, it was kinda understood why he never saw hide or hair of her, she was on the other side of the world practically in Italy with her dad. He’d get a phone call every so often, but the timing was never right and she could never get the time zones right. And not long after Carly...

1 year ago
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Tales of an Amateur Pornographer Part 3

Chapter Three "Almost busted" This series is fiction… or is it? To recap if you haven’t read chapter one or two. I was an independent filmmaker, with the dreams of becoming the next great writer director, when I gave it all up to run my own company. I placed little ads in my local paper explaining that if you wanted to have your own private porno made, just like the pros, they were to contact me only through e-mail. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- My...

3 years ago
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Mixing Business and Pleasure

I was standing at the dispatcher's desk, when she approached me. "Captain McHale, I'm Diane Williams. I will be your co-pilot tonight. Are you ready for the crew meeting?" With a smile, I said, "yes." It was a brief meeting. "If you observe anything that you think might effect the comfort of the passengers or the safety of our flight, please notify me immediately, no matter how trivial you think that it is." The flight attendants all nodded. As a junior captain, I bid the 11:45 PM...

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My sister and I were just sitting around and talking as we often did. I had come to visit for the weekend. It was a hot sticky day and she was wearing a tight tank top that was cut off a bit above the waist. That kind of thing can make small boobs look big. It made her big ones look huge. I couldn't help staring and when I told her she looked great today she laughed and said, "Do you mean 'they' look great today"?I said, "Both."Darla was never what you would call 'conservative' in the way she...

2 years ago
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Policewomen 6 Cindy Goes Black

Two years ago. -1- Cindy was dripping sweat onto Bea’s back. Her large strap-on was furiously pumping in and out of her friend and lover. Bea arched her back, crying out in Cindy’s bedroom. “Shhh,” Cindy reminded her. “Sorry,” Bea fell to her tummy, heaving and panting after another orgasm coursed through her. “Don’t want Collin to hear.” “Yes,” Bea rolled over, the strap-on sliding out of her. “Not sure what he’d think if he walked in on his mother fucking a...

1 year ago
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Out in The Barn

There was a neighboring farmer that I’d work for on occasion. His k**s were older and the son was away at school so, I didn’t see much of him. The father had no problem ‘trapping’ me in the barn to get what he wanted on occasion. He obviously had no conversations with his son or the following wouldn’t have happened.This was another time that the person ‘m*****ing’ me had less sexual experience than I did…that alone makes it kind of humorous. The son was tall and pretty good looking which made...

3 years ago
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InLaw LoveChapter 3

To say I was a bit shocked is to make a great understatement. My cock went soft and I wondered if I would ever get a hard on again. Ruth greeted her sister and husband as if nothing was wrong. I stood there a moment wondering if I was the one seeing things then suddenly it all became clear. This whole weekend was a setup, Peggy had been the one who insisted I visit her sister. I grabbed my wife and began to strip her as my cock began to get hard again. I pulled off her blouse and practically...

4 years ago
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Peilisalin kronikat 1216

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 12, Akti. "Pane mua jo peppuun, pliis" bimbo aneli, h?iriten ajatusteni lentoa. Kummastelin kadonneen erektion enigmaa, mahdollista motiivia miettien. Samapa tuo, totesin olkap?it?ni kohauttaen. Olipa blondilla itsell??n penis tai ei, kovasti h?n halusi minua kairaamaan onkaloaan. Sapelini syk?hti odottavasti muistaessani toisenlaisen kuuman ja m?r?n onkalon, sen tiukan puristavan imun. T?n??n pantaisiin viimeinkin kakkoseen, naisen toiveen mukaisesti, pitk??n h?nt? piinattuani j...

1 year ago
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Pleasures of being first

All my stories are taken from true events of my life. I was e******n at the time I was dating a s*****n year old blond haired babe, I had just signed into the Army and was due to ship out after high school graduation. Heidi and I had been dating for about 6 months and the only sexual contact we had was a few short sessions of touchy feeley, she let me caress her breasts under her shirt and bra and feel her pussy only through her panties, she in turn rubbed my cock and balls through my...

3 years ago
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Vampire LifeChapter 2

When I woke up, it was dark outside. Both figurative and literally. I was lying on something hard and cold. I rolled over slowly, finding that to be very difficult. I slowly realized that I was inside a huge concrete drainage tube. “Hey, are you OK? You’ve been out for a while.” The soft voice asked. I looked over my shoulder to see the blond woman staring at me intently. “Uhm, I think so? Where are we?” I asked. “There’s a storm drain under the hill. I’ve, uhm, been here for a little...

1 year ago
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Circles In The City Part 2 of 2

Circles in the City By Jennifer Richardson (part 2) Towards the early evening I began to pack a small hold-all. My own lingerie, white satin, and also a set of black lace lingerie I'd bought before in the early afternoon. Much too large for me, and not to be worn by me. I hunted out the bag of balloons that had been with me for so long and smiled to myself when I put them into the bag. I added Mandy's shoulder length auburn wig as an after though and a pair of black fish net...

3 years ago
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Or Die AloneChapter 10 Undercover

The shuttle drifted on the outskirts of the solar system, its engines offline to lower its telltale heat signature. While Boyd had been assured that nobody would have the means to reach them if they were detected, there was no harm in going quiet, it would save energy too in the case that they were unable to find a ride and had to return to Hades. He relaxed in one of the crash couches, Lorza sitting cross-legged on the deck opposite him, at head height due to their difference in stature....

2 years ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 2

Without a second thought, I ran my cum-drenched body out the door… My heart was pounding as I skidded out the door, my socked feet losing grip. My nipples were hard in the chilly air as my perky breasts bounced with every stride. I could feel the fresh cum leaking its way down my cleavage. The coach’s cum oozed out my pussy, mixing with my own juices as it slid down my leg. The only thing burning harder than my muscles was my pussy, which was recently filled with a hard cock. I flew past...

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Initiation at Sixteen

I was 16 and extremely shy. I had been told that I was cute, but that never gave me confidence with girls. Like all kids my age I fantasised about kissing them but was too shy to even discuss sex with my friends.We had a beauty called Anne as our house maid. She was in her mid twenties and had a voluptuous figure. She had a beautiful dirty blonde hair which reached her shoulders and made you drag your eyes from her chest, to look at her head again.We lived in the West of Ireland in a small...

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Jessica Chapter 3

By Jax_Teller From Chapter One: I went over and sat in my chair and Jessica said that was hot. I said yeah amazing things can happen with an open mind. Some totally unexpected, wonderfully kinky things. Jessica confessed she wished she was Dana getting fucked in front of every one like that. The freedom to say what ever came to mind not afraid of what everyone would think, just spontaneous raw fucking. She coyly shrank a little with a naughty grin as she said raw...

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Transformative Sex

The story below is a complete work of fiction and in particular an erotic piece of fiction. Therefore, if you are not of legal adult age from where you are currently located then it is best that you move along and come back at a more appropriate time. Transformative Sex by Pink Hair Girl "That's it..right there.... oh baby just like that mmmmmmmm...." My name is Luke and right now I really love my life. I may not have much going for me but one thing that I can do is give...

3 years ago
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Hot meet

Hi guys So if you all have read my last few stories then you will know am turning into a little cock slut. I have been fucking my girlfriends Dad and he has been amazing but I need some new cock so I signed up to Grindr and decided to be dicreet about it as I don't want the missus to find out lol.So I started chanting to this guy he was from a place called Ayr in Scotland he was a 6 foot black gentleman and looked in great shape. He was so dirty talking over the messaging and told me he was...

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My not sister and me

I was 18yo and just out of boot camp. One of my 25yo not sisters, Barb, came to visit me for a weekend. We shared a room at a nice resort motel. The day started off innocent enough with sight seeing and spending the end of the day at the resort hotel pool. I had a few beers and Barb had several cocktails. She was wearing a revealing provocative bikini and asked me to apply suntan lotion to her back. As I applied the lotion, I massaged her shoulders and back. She moaned with pleasure which...

1 year ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 9

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 9 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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In Another World with Unfair Power

Honestly, life has never been exciting for you. Most of the time it has been either boring or bother. You spend most of your youth playing game, you graduate from high school and went straight to college, you spend your exciting college day either goofing off or playing video game, and now you are working you ass off paying those damned Student Loan. Well, at least thanks to a proper selection of College major and career choice, you'll probably paid off your loan in 5 years. Then you can save...

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my slave

I was checking out the local adds when I saw something that really got me thinking. It was an add for a women that said she needed help to pay for her collage. She was willing to do cleaning and stuff for some help. It got me thinking and I decided to send her and e-mail and check out what she was willing to do. I sent out the e-mail and quickly she answered me and said she was happy to come over and talk to me about it so I sent her my address and told her to come on over. I was sitting around...

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Family Ties

After wiping up the last couple of puddles, I wanted to throw the mop into the bucket, but I couldn't summon the energy. My arms ached, and my temper was foul as I cast a murderous glance at the washing machine. It sat there, bright red lights glaring at me like small beady eyes, as if to say, "Serves you right," while the round glass door matched the expression of someone who had pissed their pants. How I wanted to kick that thing, but that would have left me with a broken toe and a washer...

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teachers playmate

Ms.Smith:Katrina can you stay after class for a while Katrina:Sure Ms Smith:Have you been studing for your finals? Katrina:Yes,but i still need a little help Ms Smith:Well, would you like me to help u as a tutor? Katrina:yes that would be great Ms Smith:Ok well,come to my house after school today around 6pm Katrina:ok,see you later ~Later 6 p.m.~ The doorbell rings Ms.Smith:JUST A MINUTE(opens the door)Hello Katrina Katrina:Hi Ms Smith:Well come on in Katrina:you have i nice...

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The Stalker

When I entered my teen years I started to work out alot along with masterbating. My bedroom was large enough that I able to put a work out bench in there. I wanted to get buff, you know, in the hopes that I would attract lots of women wanting sex. As I worked out I would get the feeling of being watched. Sometimes I would catch a glimpse of a shadow in the upper window of the next door house. I assumed that Mr. Foster might be spying on me and that he might have some kind of fetish for me. ...

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Jans quest

The night was young. Jan left the cubicle after a long hot shower, beads of water dripped from her skin to the floor, wetting the towel mat and the cool tiles. She took a towel from the rail but did not wipe her glistening skin with it, but draped it over her shoulders. She opened the bathroom door, looked left and right down the corridor, then boldly walked slowly down to her bedroom. It was early evening and she could have run into a member of her family. Jan half-wanted that to happen but...

1 year ago
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Weekend affair with my mature boss

Hi I'm Kyle 19 m uk ............I had just recently completed my diploma at college and was looking for a decent job , I looked for a good few weeks but had no luck atall .My mu.m asked about at work if they had any openings but unfortunately I couldn't find anything .My aunti.e was a solicitor and I asked her if she knew anybody willing to take me on , she didn't , but after a couple of days she gave me a phone call and said one of her friends she has knew for years was happy to give me a job...

2 years ago
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Professional Confessional

Part 1 Who I am is unimportant. What I am is a doctor of psychology and a counselor to people in trouble. Unlike a psychiatrist, I listen to people and help them heal themselves. A psychiatrist dispenses drugs, the quicker the better, so that he can afford that big house on the hill with two Mercedes. There is a reason that psychiatrists have such a high suicide rate and their patients have an even higher one. Over the years, I have heard many stories: some shocking, some mundane, some...

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The Christmas Visitor

I have always found it hard to get into the Christmas Spirit. I could never understand why people would put themselves in debt, for gifts that in a week or two, would be placed in a pile of unused items. Besides, people become all cheerful on Christmas, but as soon as January rolls around, they are back with the same old sour puss attitudes. Just because I do not get into the Christmas Spirit, doesn't mean I am a scrooge. I had much rather give than to receive. I have always help out at the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Robbie MacraeChapter 11 Goodbye mum and dad

Robbie put his key in the lock of his parent's apartment in the North side of Glasgow and opened the door. He entered, closing the door behind him, and, dropping his bag, slowly walked round each of the rooms. All too familiar yet now changed forever. The loss of his parents hit him hard as he realised he would never see them here again. No more family discussions, no shared time with dad watching their favourite football team on the huge plasma screen TV. No more mum putting her fine...

3 years ago
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Ride For The Sun Ch 01

Constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Please let me know if you like or even dislike this tale of the Old West. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my story. I hope you enjoy it. ******************** Rafe Cassidy rode passed a pile of bleach white bones that had once been a steer. ‘If I don’t find a water hole pretty soon I’m gonna end up as a pile of bones myself,’ he said aloud. Lifting his one canteen that still had some water in it he took a...

2 years ago
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A New Moon Turns to Gold

Late Sunday afternoon... After Julie and her girls spend a wonderful Sunday with Craig, he is reluctantly driving them back to their tiny apartment. "So, tell me more about why your landlord, Mr. Canfield is raising your rent," Craig said, to Julie sitting next to him. "Well..." Julie said. "He somehow got caught in one of those adjustable rate mortgages. They have now raised his interest rate, so he's having problems meeting his payment on his apartment house loan." "Craig, He's...

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Bad Girl AmberChapter 12 Amber Arranges Things

I tell Cynthia to take a break from my pedicure but stay right where she is and not move an inch while I pop along and check on Roger in his room. I like to do this now and again so he stays aware of how sexy and pretty I am. You know, keep him thinking about me. Giggle. To get to his room, I leave the main office and go a short distance along the corridor. I open his door without knocking and stroll in. "Hi Rog," I say, amused to see him buried in typing. He's another one who much...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Misty Stone Daya Knight Sonny Mckinley You Used To BABYSIT Her

Misty Stone is tidying up her living room when she hears a knock at the front door. Who could it be? She certainly wasn’t expecting anyone… Misty opens the door to reveal Sonny McKinley, who used to babysit Misty’s stepdaughter, Daya Knight, ages ago. It turns out that Daya and Sonny have set up a play date together. Now that Daya is all grown up, Sonny figured Misty wouldn’t mind. Misty seems totally okay with it, and allows Sonny inside, pointing her up to Daya’s...

3 years ago
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Would she dare

Lois had long kept quiet about a desire to participate in a threesome with a man and another woman. She was no lesbian not even really bisexual. But she did like looking at pretty young woman and she thought the sight of another naked woman making love to the same man as her would be highly erotic. And if she were honest with herself she found the idea of a few accidental brushes of soft silky female flesh tantalizing. She was an attractive woman of 42, about 5'7" with short...

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