A Terrible Thing To Have To Do free porn video

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{This one isn’t erotic, but it is horror, I guess? So the closest fit is non-erotic.)


When Conrad’s daughter Samantha picked spring break to come home for a visit it was a bit of a surprise.

But he was tickled pink that she was coming.

Samantha was a ray of light in any room she ever walked into, just like her Mother, Mary Ann. When they were home with one or both of the kids around, even now that they were sort of grown up, everything was right in the world.

He finished early sighting in the .22-250 bolt action rifle he had been working on for weeks for a customer that morning, cutting the session short when the target came back and he had put the entire magazine into a one inch circle.

He loved working on the interesting combination weapons for customers, it not only was a very fun part time hobby but a lot of people around knew how good he was at building and repairing them, so he was earning some pretty good money with the sideline business.

He had made the stock himself, special length to fit his customer, then carefully modified and polished the bolt action so that it was smooth as silk. It was a very good varmint and target tool as rifles go, with a muzzle velocity of a shade over 3600 feet per second one could describe the weapon as fairly hot.

Lots of other rifles had more velocity, or even more energy at range but Conrad knew the rifle he held in his hands would be excellent at the target competition.

He loved those competitions, without fail it came down to Henry Morgan that worked as a County Sheriff and Conrad at the end. Firing at 100, then 200 yards they were fairly even, finally it was 600 yards at a 6′ target and so far Conrad had came up second every single time.

Still, not bad, not bad at all. Very few shooters could hit a six inch circle at 600 yards at all. Add in a bit of side breeze and most couldn’t hit the back board. The Deputy and he had mutual respect, in fact, he was the man Conrad was making the rifle for.

Conrad had asked him what he wanted the tool for once, Henry just laughed and told him, ‘Duck hunting.’ That was funny, very likely the round was close to molten by the time it was 100 yards out of the barrel, it wasn’t a Deer rifle or hunting rifle really, it was mostly a target gun for fun.

The job had gone as smoothly, now he hurried home, to be there for Samantha when she arrived.


His daughter Samantha always called him Sonny for short, everyone did. That started when Samantha was very little, she would sit in the rays of sunshine pouring in the window and chime out with ‘sunny, sunny, sunny’ over and over. For some reason everything that made her happy she would then call ‘sunny’ and Conrad was gentle and kind to her.

Samantha took to calling him that, and it just stuck the day his wife Mary Ann called him that one day without thinking. Of course Samantha wasn’t really his biological daughter but that never crossed his mind, she was his and that was all there was to it.

Normally young women her age took advantage of the opportunity to head for a beach somewhere and go crazy during Spring Break, if any of the videos he had seen were an indication.

His mind flashed back to Spring Break during his own college years, it had been a wild and on the drunken side few days.

Spring was a nice relief from his machinist classes, he had that overwhelming interest in firearms and target shooting, he was learning how they were made so he could design and build them. Finding out how to make the parts from Carbide and other alloys instead of the cheaper and easier to work Aluminum and steel was interesting.

But even nursing an insanely painful hangover that day on the beach, he had spotted his future wife Mary Ann. She was on top of a big water filled plastic barrel, dancing in a bikini that probably didn’t completely fit the description of a bathing suit.

A better description might have been a show off suit, it would have fit right in at any strip joint on Earth.

She was quite simply the most beautiful thing on the planet to him. She was also very drunk but she could still move her body in a way that struck a note in him. All he could do was stand there and stare.

Conrad shouldn’t have been horny at all, less than 30 minutes earlier he had found himself on top of some woman out in the bushes, in fact the was the second one that same evening. He could not for the life of him remember her name, or the other one either for that matter. In fact, he wasn’t really sure that he would recognize her if he saw her again.

It had been mindless, drunken sex, he had been walking up the path to find a place to privately throw up. She had been squatted down taking a leak, so he stopped and watched.

The woman had finished up, giggling. Then she walked over to Conrad and ran her hand down his bare chest. Five minutes later they were going at it on a blanket. From the sounds nearby in the darkness they weren’t alone doing that.

Conrad even forgot about being sick for a short while.

Spring Break was one crazy time. He was walking back to the beach party when he saw Mary Ann dancing on top of the barrel.

Conrad stood and stared as she used just her toes to bounce herself up and down, causing her breasts to jiggle, move precariously. The suit top was sliding on her body, coming dangerously close to giving up it’s position, the upper edge hung barely from her nipples.

Mary Ann knew that, of course. Her eyes drifted over the people standing around, then they settled on Conrad and she smiled. One eyebrow lifted slightly, her lips pursed before looking away.

Conrad fell totally and completely in love at that exact moment.

Even feeling like crap, Conrad made the attempt to chat her up later and got nowhere at all. It probably didn’t help that he looked like shit and smelled the same way.

It also didn’t help that he was painfully shy, it’s hard to come up with smooth lines with a tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth. The only reason he had even ended up having sex that night is that both times he was available and more or less got grabbed. That second woman had simply walked over to him and ran her fingers down his chest.

She didn’t stop when she got to the top of his bathing suit, she just reached inside and grabbed his cock. Conrad had no real need to try and talk to her, seduce her.

He also forgot about needing to puke, although he did manage that a bit later.

That was the day he quit drinking completely, having seen the one woman that he knew he wanted more than anything else in the entire world and having blown the first impression completely stuck in his mind.

It took Conrad two full weeks to find out her name, he must have asked a hundred people at the beach party, no one knew. He saw her a couple more times that trip, both times with a big guy that had the beginnings of a beer belly on him.

The last time he saw her that trip, she was climbing into the tiny back seat of a late model sporty looking car with two other girls, that same guy and another taller and thinner guy up front.

She had on tiny little shorts and a halter top that time, she was having a struggle getting into the vehicle. The big guy with the beer belly reached out and put his hand right on her ass and gave her a push, to much laughing and giggling from everyone.

Conrad memorized the license number, it had an Idaho tag on it. A call to a friend that had ways of finding anyone, anywhere, no matter how hard they tried to hide and he had a name and address of the car owner. It was easy from there, it turned out to be her vehicle.

By the next Fall, Conrad was going to college in Boise. That by itself was insane, a complete transformation, switching schools and curriculum, moving more than 600 miles, all to be closer to a woman that had no idea he existed.

He had no way to stop
himself, he wanted to see her again, be with her.

It took him three more long months before Mary Ann actually spoke to him. He made it a point to present himself as often and as well as he could, which really wasn’t very good. Without fail he would become tongue tied or say something lame like ‘Nice day today, huh?’

She never appeared to really even notice him or even answer, other than to nod.

Mary Ann was studying to be a nurse. Conrad had never dreamed of taking any medical classes at all, now he found himself interested. The interest became a fascination, he realized that helping people when they were in some kind of medical trouble offered great rewards. The studies changed from classes he had to put up with to that same fascination he had when he was building a rifle or handgun.

There are just two kinds of human bodies, yet every single one is completely different. Conrad knew that is was unlikely he would ever be bored.


How is it possible to be completely and totally head over heels in love with someone that he had spoken to perhaps less than a half dozen times?

Conrad had no idea.

Plus she had that boyfriend, the same guy with the pot belly so Mary Ann was untouchable. The closest he ever got was one day she was sitting outside alone at a sidewalk cafe and he got his own sandwich and asked her if he could join her.

She looked around quickly, then smiled and nodded.

‘You are in some of my classes, aren’t you?’ She asked, her mouth half full of her sandwich.

‘Yes, I am Conrad.’ He told her.

That was just a short chat, then a ‘bye now’ but it was a high point in his life.

Conrad was devastated when he found out that Mary Ann had agreed to marry her boyfriend right after graduation. Miserable, he just embedded himself in his schoolwork.

Some things are just not meant to be no matter how hard a person wants it.


Conrad graduated with a degree in nursing, jobs were easy to get. He found that he enjoyed going to work each and every day.

He even dated a few times but the women he met somehow became close friends. By then it was easier to talk to them, and for some reason several of them would call him for advice, relating with tears the flaws in their own situations.

He held and comforted more than one of them. The vast majority wanted only that.

For some reason Conrad didn’t quite understand, women acted like he was the big fuzzy Teddy bear on their pillow, and no real threat or concern to them. They all seemed to go for the big bad boys, Conrad was the complete opposite of that.

The truth is that he was no real threat to any of their virtues, in his mind was Mary Ann. The rare incidents of sexual activity were little more than friends passing by.


After he took a job, he rented a condo and shared that with a young woman named Sara Combs. She was single and dated a lot. She also paid little if any attention to Conrad other than being friends. It was not unusual at all for her to run around the apartment wearing nothing but a pair of panties, sometimes not even those. Conrad actually got used to it and paid no attention himself.

Once he was in the shower and she had a hot date and was running late. He was floored when she got impatient and climbed right in there with him, grabbing the soap bar right out of his hands.

To Sara Combs, Conrad was just part of the furniture, someone to share costs with so that life was easier. But that day was the first time she had seen Conrad completely naked, she looked down at him and grinned.

‘Damn!’ She exclaimed.

Then she rinsed off and got dressed for her date. Conrad just shook his head at that one.

But Sara Combs was the one he found out what regular sex was like with. She came home one night depressed, her latest thing just had not gone well.

The very few attempts Conrad had made prior to that with other women had all been that day at Spring Break, or the very few quick and simple one night stands after. A few times some woman he knew would be over, usually blubbering about how her boyfriend did this or that. A couple of times their mood would change, he never was real sure of the why of that.

Without fail though, every one of those situations were just passing by in the evening type things. He had finally become bored with that and avoided those situations

From the time Sara moved in, for nearly three long months, Conrad had been totally celibate. Every woman he met fell short, so he devolved into solo sexuality, the vision of Mary Ann up on that barrel in his mind.

Then Sara came home one night, she was a bit under the weather. Another of her frequent dates hadn’t panned out for some reason or another.

Conrad noticed her looking at him with a smile, then somehow she was on top of him in the chair.

It was morning before she was finally done with him, it was also the one and only time he was ever late for work.

Sex became a nightly event, he actually did like her and she had a great figure.

Things also didn’t go very well after that, for some reason Sara seemed to think that meant she no longer had to pay her share of the rent and expenses.

Three months later he finally got her out of there, even though he made good money there was no way he wanted to carry all the costs of keeping up the condo by himself.

Not even for regular sex.

It was quite a fuss, he made up his mind that this would never happen again.

Another of life’s lessons learned.


Conrad’s next room mate was a woman named Beth Benton, much older and on the matronly side. She worked at the clinic, one of the Nurse Practitioners.

She quickly became relaxed about him being there, she thought nothing at all about nudity.

But she was chubby, with big heavy breasts that gravity was winning the battle with, so that worked a lot better. They lived together until one day he spotted a house for sale and bought it. By that time he could easily handle the costs, he lived there in the four bedroom place by himself, using one of the spare rooms for his firearms hobby.


It was about a year later when he noticed his right foot was hurting. He also noticed he was taking streaks of breaking a cold sweat for no real reason, and there was sometimes a burning sensation on the top of his feet. It was uncomfortable, it felt like he was being burned, then they would tingle.

Working as a nurse required a lot of walking, and it was becoming a problem. When the red spot formed on his right foot and he realized it was turning outward slightly, he knew.

Being a nurse, for some time he had known what the problem likely was, but he went directly into denial about it.

After all, he wasn’t even 30 years old yet.

The Doctors tested and came up with what he knew by now, he was stricken with Onset Diabetes.

That is something that changes a person’s life completely.

Very quickly his diet changed which controlled things for awhile, and he had to test his blood daily.

He never did quite get used to the constant needles. Even at that, his foot got worse and worse in a far more rapid progression than is normal.

Knowing the inevitability and finding himself unable to deal with the continual pain, he asked the Doctors to do what they must.

They argued with him about that for a while, wanting to keep him on the IV drip. Finally they agreed. Probably after he told them that he would get some pain killer, and cut the damned thing off himself.

By that time, he probably wouldn’t have even needed the pain killer, he couldn’t really feel his foot or leg, even though he had constant pain it was like if came from somewhere else.

The surgery went well, for several months Conrad managed to get by with the little scooter as his leg healed. Then they fitted him with a new le
g, told him he was scheduled with a Physical Therapist that would teach him how to walk on it before they would give it to him full time.

They did give him the leg, though. At first there was some serious resistance, they wanted him to see the therapist first to teach him to walk on it but he got so crabby they gave up.

‘Here then, let’s see what happens!’ The nurse handed him the thing when he began to get a bit on the loud side.

His exact words were, ‘Give me my god damned leg!’

He strapped on the thing, shoving the little threaded portion embedded in his stump down into it securely.

Then he stood up and walked out, pushing the little scooter ahead of him as the Doctor and his nurse stood there surprised. Outside, he loaded the scooter, got into his van and drove home.

He was glad they weren’t there when he managed to fall down trying to get out of the van at his house, though. It did take a few days to get used to basically walking with one stilt.

Conrad was happy, for the first time in well over two years he was mostly pain free. He had already taught himself to walk quite well using the new leg, and he had used the tools he worked with fixing guns to hand fit the upper portion of the leg.

That was an advantage, there normally wasn’t a single sore spot.

But the therapy sessions continued, his Doctor had insisted. The first few sessions were at the hospital, then they assigned him to an out patient clinic.

He was sitting in the waiting room reading a boring magazine a week or so later, when Mary Ann walked out!

‘Conrad?’ She called out, looking around to see who would respond. His heart skipped a beat. She looked at him oddly for a moment, then took him in the back room.

‘Don’t I know you?’ She asked.

‘Yes, we went to college together.’

‘Oh! Sure, I remember. Nice to see you. Well, let’s get to work.’


Three months later they were married. Her marriage had broken up, her first husband had a problem with beer and one thing led to another and it all became too much.

For a while Conrad worried about it perhaps being a rebound, but it became obvious quickly that Mary Ann had fallen completely and deeply in love with him.

The jigsaw puzzle that had been his life slid together and was complete.

The family was ready made, Samantha was barely 6 months old. The second child, Skip, arrived just a year and a half or so later. By then everyone was calling him Sonny. He even began to sign his name that way.

With the two of them working in the medical field his ongoing ailment was well managed. Life had been very good, as close to perfect as it was possible to be.

Of course there were side effects, but the times when Sonny had problems with performance were not an issue, Mary Ann welcomed his other efforts and was always happy to respond in kind. When his stump of a leg hurt badly, she used her soft hands and some lotion to rub it for him. For some reason that was erotic as hell, that often ended up with them making wonderful love.

Mary Ann did that a lot once she figured that part out.


Now Samantha was coming home for Spring Break. Sonny loved that idea, she was the Apple of his eye, and a spitting image of her mother. Skip was off on a week long mountain biking trip with some friends, so it would be a fun time to catch up with his daughter.

Mary Ann was at the office, it was her last shift before she would be off for two weeks herself, Sonny was already off.

He got up several times to look out the window, knowing she was about to arrive. Down by the end of the driveway he noticed a dirty white van, he saw a man with long hair get out and go around to the back.

Sonny didn’t think too much of that, it was a public street down there. The man went back up to the front of the van, then a skinny dark haired woman got out of the back and they stood there talking. Sonny was paying more attention to his Plum trees, now in full bloom and beautiful.

Just then Samantha turned the corner in her little red Honda and he forgot all about them, but noticed they both watched as she drove by. She pulled up and got out, Sonny met her on the doorstep and they hugged.

‘Hi, Daddy!’ She said, holding him tightly.

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Choose to Misbehave As I strut downtown embracing the lunch My fuchsia panties start to bunch I step wider to try to avoid The pinkish lace that rubs on my rhoid The itch is there, damn! And I can't scratch Can't rub my finger-tips on my snatch The bag is bulky, needs both my hands I curse myself for buying mail-order brands I wiggle my buns, rotate my hips Hoping the itch will ease just a bit But instead the durn itch grows just like the digit That caused these rhoids, that's...

1 year ago
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Hentai Haven

HentaiHaven! Do you ever wish that you lived in a Hentai Haven? Be careful what you wish for. It is a freaky animated world full of horny tentacled creatures and busty demons that turn into peanut butter after you finish fucking them. It’s all fair game in this haven; do you dare visit?Well, if you want to cream your pants to unique hentai content, I say take that fucking dare! And if you think that you can handle sexy as fuck hentai content that will drain your balls, you have come to the...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Playthings first day

PrefaceI am an owned Pig/Piglet in a Dom/sub relationship with Bear/Master/Sir, (the terms are interchangeable). In this little fantasy of ours we live together with a plaything, something that I would like very much for Master, in order to fulfil all of his needs and desires. This is being written very late at night, so please do excuse any silly grammatical errors. Thanks and happy reading! ---It was her first night in our house. Of course, me a Bear have lived here for a few months now, and...

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My Little SisterChapter 5 Sunbathing and other things

We jogged easily back across the warm golden sand towards our corner of the beach and a slightly anxious Mum... Halfway back, after we'd rounded the first couple of outcrops of rocks, we came upon her, still in her bikini, but now having dried off and gleaming with sun cream on her skin. "Oh there you are! Where have you two been? I was beginning to get a bit worried about you", she said. Then as we got closer, her eyes took in our dishevelled flushed appearance and still prominent nips...

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I have existed for as long as I can remember. That is a very long time. As a being that lives outside the physical realm, time has very little meaning to me. I exist in what you would describe as an energy state, but it is necessary for me to be a part of a physical life most of the time, I could survive a few days without occupying a physical body at most. The beings I inhabit are unaware of me, I can control them 100%, or leave them in complete control. I can let them remember everything...

2 years ago
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First Time For Everything2

Disclaimer: I Don't Either of these people, they own themselves. This is a work of fiction, I am not implying anything ever happened between these two people. I am not making any kind of a profit of this story. Daffney grinned and applied her lip gloss, tonight ...

1 year ago
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Ill Do Anyhthing to Protect You

BTW its Extremely Long She hears the phone ringing, looking up at the clock .. cusses softly its 11pm who in the hell is calling, a quick glimpse at the caller ID shows her best friends name. Knowing it cant be good picks up anyways, we are like sisters and i would do anything for her, * hey girl whats up? .. oh sure not a problem .. just like old times .. ok .. later.* Groaning softly ok i can do this, driving a car and playing guard while she escort a client around, nothing to it, sides a...

3 years ago
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Lustful Thinga

‘Have you met with my new driver?’ Mia Jensen asked looking up her young assistants’ short skirt, thinking back to her glory days in Hollywood and being the most sought after actress, but now she was lucky to get a dog food commercial. Carly turned to reply and was shocked that Miss Jensen was looking up her skirt. ‘He should be here by now. I told him that his room would be ready today and that he was to report at eight this morning.’ Carly said standing up as fast as she could, wondering why...

3 years ago
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Ill Do Anyhthing to Protect You

Introduction: A Lesson Dont read this if you think you have a right to judge some one. BTW its Extremely Long She hears the phone ringing, looking up at the clock .. cusses softly its 11pm who in the hell is calling, a quick glimpse at the caller ID shows her best friends name. Knowing it cant be good picks up anyways, we are like sisters and i would do anything for her, * hey girl whats up? .. oh sure not a problem .. just like old times .. ok .. later.* Groaning softly ok i can do this,...

2 years ago
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Anthing is possible for a Possible

Introduction The Show: Was there ever a program so designed for adult fanfiction? Cheerleaders in short skirts and midriff baring tops. Mud wrestling women. Story lines that feature multiple mind and mood control devices. And then there is the spunky heroine whose motto is she can do anything, and spends a part of most episodes in bondage. She is so competitive she has to take any challenge, ‟Hey, Kim,” Bonnie sneered, ‟I can give more guys anal in an hour than you can.” Kim responded, ‟No you...

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First Time For Everything

I have been crossdressing since my mid-teens, from sneaking a pair of my sister's knickers to sneaking into the gardens of my parents' neighbors and pinching underwear from washing lines. In my late teens, when I found girls and sex, I purged any clothing that I had and managed to put the ’urge’ behind me. I settled down and got married.Unfortunately for me (or not?), my wife liked to wear very sexy underwear, stockings, and very revealing outfits. This meant there were a lot of these ‘things’...

1 year ago
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Sam Cat SomethingNew

Sam was out on a run for free cheeseburgers from Inside Out, and the k*ds they were going to babysit later on in the day hadn't arrived yet, so Cat was bouncing on her bed playing with one of her yoyos. She had a red lollipop, to match her hair, in one hand and the green yoyo, to not match the lollipop, in the other. With her hair tied up in two ponytails, one on either side of her head, she could have passed for a twelve year old if it wasn’t for the noticeable lumps on her chest. She swung...

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Fairy Things will be great when were Downtown

Things will be great when we're downtown... When it comes down to it, skid row is a state of mind rather than an actual place. It is where people go to be away from all society, and even there you can't escape it. Where the needle or the smoke or the bottle is your only friend, and everyone else is a blur. Weather is rain falling on you, snow gently covering and freezing you. The sun baking you and night having it's own terrors. During the winter they flock to mental institutions, and...

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One evening as you were relaxing at home after work, you hear the doorbell.I am at the door. I tell you that I am there on business having to do with the house. (I have found out that the house that you rent is going to be sold). I tell you that I have to do a quick inspection and then I will be able to refund your housekeeping deposit.You ask for ID, which I supply and then ask me in. We sit down in the living room and I ask you about ten questions about the house.I ask you if you could take...

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Fortysomething By Melissa Tawn It was Alice Carter's birthday: fortysomething. She sat in her favorite easy chair, a drink in hand, and thought back on her life. Birthdays are the time one takes stock. She had been born Alan, a boy, though inside she knew, that she was really a girl. At one point she tried to explain this to her parents, tried to get them to understand, but they were unable to do so. This was in the days before the internet and the local library was...

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Wayne the Twentysomething Warlock

Episode 1: Wayne's Tale, Part I Wayne strolled across campus, bundled up in a warm winter coat. The wind whipped at his face and he pulled his shoulders up to try to block it. The scarf he wore helped some, but only the parts of his face which it covered. Snow crunched under his feet and he glanced up. The little suburban street was covered in snow, but occasionally a car would try and get through anyways making a few sets of gouges in the inches of fresh powder. Everything looked...

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attendant to my mamin evrything

I am shwetha, an undergraduate working in Bangalore. I was working in five star hotels as house keeper and getting 3000. Rs. Marketing manager mam sema was looking so gorgeous I never saw or imagined a lazy like herseema ready is young studied in US and very good in giving business to hotel. As she was good friend of housekeeping manager she often visiting our section and when we met once she asked me to come to working her homes her previous servant left. She promised me 8000. And she told I...

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Silent VigilChapter 5 Sleuthing

“Did you find what you were looking for in that locked room?” Spencer asked as Ethan handed the heavy key ring back to him. The old man doddered into the office behind the main desk, returning the keys to their place on the wooden board, Ethan following after him. “I satisfied my curiosity,” he replied, a lie of omission. He wasn’t sure if anyone would understand what he had been through in that suite, it was better to keep his mouth shut for the time being. It was quite a leap to go from...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 31 Thingstead

I had one spear left. Two of the Rock sharks floated belly up to the surface, the Slayer harpoon meant for Tyrannos was good enough to kill these triangle snouts. Even now fighting for my life I wondered why I called them that way. My last spear missed! Not that it mattered much, four sharks were now busy with the carcass of the ones I killed, fighting each other for the meat, there were three more now aiming for me, also that immense presence beneath me came closer. This was the largest...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 32 Thingstead

We arrived in Halstaad Fjord and were greeted by a group of elders accompanied by twenty beefy looking men, all were dressed in the traditional Neo Viking way with leather vests and trousers and shirts. They all wore identical helmets and swords and all were dressed in the same dark brown color. Egill was also with them. As we stepped ashore he said to me, I know what happened, Eric and I will take it from here. You may have noticed the men; these are the first members of the Nilfeheim...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E15 Leanne OrsquoDonnell 40 from Worthing with Dennis

We begin this week’s show with a tracking shot along a rocky, narrow beach. The sky is cloudless, but a blueish, dim colour that instantly tells us it’s winter at the seaside. To our left, the sea rolling in to carpet the sand with a high tide flow, then withdrawing slowly. To our right, a deserted playground, and beyond that a seafront road and then 3 and 4 story beachfront apartment buildings. More functional than fancy. A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “WORTHING,...

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40 Something Mag! What makes a MILF? Beauty is obviously part of the equation. Everybody loves an older woman who’s taken care of herself, aging like a fine wine instead of getting all old and haggard. I think attitude is a major component of a truly fuckable MILF. The broads at 40SomethingMag, for example, all have this eager enthusiasm for dirty sex that gets my blood pumping as soon as I hit the landing page.40SomethingMag.com has been around for a good long time, pumping out cougar-fuck...

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I offer tea and you want something

“Please,” I begged again, “make me yours.” We retraced our steps down the High Street, stopping to look in the shop windows and steal a kiss in the darker doorways. Despite taking over two hours to eat a bowl of delicious pasta, drink a bottle of wine and a cup of excellent coffee it was still only 9:30 when we returned to his flat. We agreed it was probably too early to go to bed so cuddled up on the sofa and he told me about Naples, the Venus with the Perfect Bum sculpture in the art gallery...

4 years ago
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The Haven

-1- Denise and Henry, mom and son, crashed through their bedroom kissing like crazed honeymooners. They attempted to spend a couple hours at the beach, playing in the ocean, but their lust for one another was too powerful. Denise wanted to have sex at the beach; Henry preferred somewhere less public. Denise rolled her eyes at her son, grabbed his hand and led him to their home a few hundred yards away. Her bikini top fell off, her bottoms torn off, Henry’s swim trunk removed, all...

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Altered Fates The Birthing

Altered Fates: The Birthing By Ellie Dauber (c) 2007 Here's a very short gargoyle while I take a break from "Eerie Saloon." * * * * * "Tansie," Alyson Palmer yelled. "Get Her Majesty some more spiced wine." "Yes'm." Tansie Nutter ran over to pour the wine. She was outwardly obedient to the midwife, but her thoughts were far different. 'Her Majesty... the king's slut'd be more like it. It ain't fair that she's having such an easy time of it, when the queen wore herself out...

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Birthing Class

Happy Birthday Francine! I got a special surprise for you tonight. Go to my apartment I got a special outfit for you and further instructions. I won't get there until 6:00 but you should give yourself a little time. Don't forget your baby bump!...Tom How nice I think to myself. He remembered. We haven't gotten together in awhile. I wonder what the surprise is. I wonder what the outfit is! I can only imagine. I give myself a nice bubble bath make...

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The hollow autumn moon lingered low on the murky midnight horizon as a brisk, winter kissed wind relentlessly rolled along the harbor, effortlessly gathering up acrid ocean aromas that easily carried far inland. The stringent, salty stench added a bitter bite to the chilly, late November night, giving most just cause to keep locked indoors, safely sheltered away from the unpleasantly seasonal elements. In the hours since the sun had faded far, into the distant west, the temperature, had...

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Wood Haven

It was about nine o’clock in the morning when I met my escort, Marsha, and we headed for Wood Haven. Marsha was in her late forties and obviously wasn’t wearing a bra. I could see her delicious nipples straining at the front of her T-shirt. The school had sent a limousine and we sat in the back, ostensibly so we could talk about what I was going to see that day. She obviously wasn’t interested in school talk since the first thing she did was to unzip my fly and start sucking my cock. As she did...

2 years ago
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Everythings Just Beachy 8

Everything's Just Beachy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Eight After Hunter had Kara's head spinning, they spent some time frolicking in the surf and then she decided they should walk through the resort, window shopping and browsing through the store. They talked outfits, jewelry and fashion as they wandered in their cover ups until finally their shopping voyage took a detour to Hunter's room and then it got serious. Back and forth between her room and his they went...

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Terrible Horrible Brilliant Boy

We’d kissed a couple times, but he hadn’t touched me the last few days since he came home. He’s probably already back with her, just waiting to formally break up with me tomorrow, maybe tonight, maybe during the week he’ll do it over the phone–I shouldn’t even ask my brother to borrow his car. Shouldn’t even think of him as a friend anymore, there’s no going back. He loves me, not like I love him, but enough to ruin everything. They’ll be married before I graduate, maybe he’ll text me during...

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Terrible Taste in Tees

I was lucky enough to own my own business, not too bad for someone who was an art major in college. It wasn't glamorous, it wouldn't land me in the Fortune Five Hundred, but it satisfied me and I made a pretty decent living. Enough, in fact, that my wife didn't have to work if she didn't want to. That was exactly what she did for the first five years, but when I started talking about biological clocks, she decided she needed to do something outside the home, something to fill the empty...

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Terrible Two MChapter 3 The World Intrudes

Bill Pierce cursed traffic as he turned onto Dempster. Driving all the way to the Loop and back meant a traffic snarl on the best of days, and November 2 was far from the best of days. On the other hand, he didn’t have to stand on an EL platform while this cold rain beat down. Mostly, though, the curses were because he could. When the boys were around, he censored himself. If his present situation was dreadful, stuck in a car, rain coming down like Niagara and the road slick, surrounded by...

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Terrible Two FChapter 2 Established

Carolyn Pierce felt a constant tension between her duties as a mother, as a teacher, and as a scholar. She’d be able to put teaching on hold when the university was closed for the summer. In May of ‘78, though, it took up most of her time, and would expand to take all of her waking time if she let it. That was another demand, sleep, and Bill thought she had responsibilities as a wife, too. She sort of agreed, but couldn’t these responsibilities be put on hold until grades were in? Sex...

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